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Third Circuit Affirms Refusal to Appoint Successive Counsel in Prisoner’s Civil Rights Case
Loaded on Oct. 7, 2019
by David M. Reutter
published in Prison Legal News
October, 2019, page 56
Filed under:
Appointment of Counsel,
Medical Neglect/Malpractice.
United States of America.
by David M. Reutter
In a precedential ruling, on June 19, 2019, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals held that a district court did not abuse its discretion when it declined to appoint successive counsel in a prisoner’s civil rights action after initialcounsel withdrew from the case.
In 2010, Pennsylvania ...
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- California Court of Appeal Reverses Convictions for Possession of Marijuana in Prison, by Dale Chappell
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- Former Hawaii Prisoner’s Sexual Assault Lawsuit Settles for Paltry $10,000, by Edward Lyon
- The Sentencing Project Issues Report on Reducing Excessive Punishment for Violent Crimes, by Matthew Clarke
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- North Carolina Prisoners Sue Over Gang Violence, Obtain $62,500 Settlement
- Hepatitis C Treatment Ordered in North Carolina Prisons, by David M. Reutter
- $157,000 Settlement in Michigan DOC Employee Discrimination Case, by David M. Reutter
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- Exploiting Prisoners on Prime Time, by Edward Lyon
- Three Louisiana Prisoners Cleared in 1994 Rape of Another Prisoner, by David M. Reutter
- Veteran Oregon Jail Guard Indicted and Jailed, by Mark Wilson
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- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Mentally Ill Prisoners’ Suit Against GEO Group Survives Motion to Dismiss, by Douglas Ankney
- California Tried to Fix Its Prisons. Now County Jails Are More Deadly, by Ryan Gabrielson, Jason Pohl
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