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Kim Kardashian West Declares War on Mass Incarceration
Loaded on April 1, 2020
by Edward Lyon
published in Prison Legal News
April, 2020, page 27
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by Ed Lyon
Nationally known actress, fashionista and activist Kim Kardashian West has two new loves. One of them is the law and the other is a burning desire to help society’s lowest esteemed class, its convicted criminals.
Kardashian, the wife of rapper Kanye West, has recently completed a one-year ...
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- Artificial Intelligence for Surveillance Spreading to Prisons Around the Globe, by Jayson Hawkins
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- Ninth Circuit Reverses Suit Over Fees Charged Prepaid Debit Cards Given To Released Prisoners, by Bob Williams
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- $110,000 Settlement for Outed Wisconsin Prisoner Informant, by Edward Lyon
- $70,000 Settlement For Oregon DOC Prisoner Dying from Flu, by Edward Lyon
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- Seventh Circuit Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Against Wisconsin Prisoner’s Medical Negligence Claim, by Kevin Bliss
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- Pennsylvania Board Revokes Psychologist’s License Over Prisoner Suicides, by David Reutter
- $596,475 in Fees and Damages Awarded Against NY DOCCS For Contempt in Denying Pain Medication to Blind Prisoner, by Chad Marks
- News in Brief
- $425,000 Settlement in Arkansas Detainee’s Death from Asthma Attack, by David Reutter
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