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Mentally Ill Alabama Prisoner Dies in 101-Degree Cell
by Ed Lyon
Hardly a summer passes that prisoners do not die from heat illnesses of one variety or another. This is especially true in the southern part of the country where retributive attitudes prevail along with an enslavement mentality that continues to linger from the antebellum era. This manifests ...
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More from this issue:
- The 10 Worst Sheriffs in America, by Nicole Audrey Spector
- Auditor Slams California ICE Facility That Released Detainees With COVID-19, by Edward Lyon
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Kentucky Consolidated Local Government Entitled to Sovereign Immunity, by David Reutter
- Sen. Warren Investigation Exposes Broken Prison Accreditation System, by Jayson Hawkins
- 25 Years of the AEDPA: Where do We Stand?, by Dale Chappell
- Prisoners Released Without COVID Tests Face Difficult Reentry, by Jayson Hawkins
- Pandemic Medical Update, by Michael D. Cohen, MD
- Former Georgia Sheriff Deputies Denied Immunity in Criminal Case for Taser Death of Unarmed Man, by David Reutter
- Law Passes Requiring Parents in New York Prisons to be Housed Close to Their Children, by Kevin Bliss
- Mentally Ill Alabama Prisoner Dies in 101-Degree Cell, by Edward Lyon
- Trump Pardons Highlight System’s Flaws, by Jayson Hawkins
- Prioritizing Incarcerated People for Vaccine Quickly Reduced COVID in IL Prisons, by Brian Dolinar
- Class Action Lawsuit Over COVID at Chesapeake, MD Jail Reaches Settlement, by David Reutter
- Massachusetts Medical Parole Cases and COVID-19 Prisoner Deaths, by Edward Lyon
- DOJ: Florida Women’s Prison Subjects Prisoners to Unconstitutional Risk of Sexual Abuse, by David Reutter, Kevin Bliss
- New Hampshire Prisoner Sues to Enforce Conditions of Consent Decree, by David Reutter
- Connecticut Supermax Closing After Lawsuit Filed Seeking to Reduce Use of Solitary, by Anthony Accurso
- Court Orders In-Person Inspection of Michigan Facility to Determine COVID-19 Policy Compliance, by David Reutter
- Inspection Reports Reveal Filthy Conditions In Arizona Prison Kitchens, by Jimmy Jenkins
- NY Prisoner Entitled to Release Upon Reaching Conditional Release Date, by David Reutter
- Prison Overcrowding Continues During COVID-19 Pandemic, by Edward Lyon
- Prisoners Find Their Voice in Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop, by Edward Lyon
- Kentucky Leases Closed Private Prison to Use as State Facility, by Edward Lyon
- Texas Republican Representative Proposes Renaming Prisons With Names Honoring Enslavers, Oppressors and Convict Leasers, by Matthew Clarke
- Draconian Use of Solitary Confinement in North Carolina, by Keith Sanders
- Inspector General Calls California Prison Reform Efforts a $10 Million Failure, by Matthew Clarke
- New Jersey Man Dies Soon After Exonerated of Sex Offense, by Edward Lyon
- Sixth Circuit Refuses to Extend Bivens to BOP Prisoner’s First Amendment Claims, by Mark Wilson
- Activism and Art Team Up to Abolish Mass Incarceration, by Keith Sanders
- Connecticut Prisoner Population Lowest in Over Three Decades Due to Coronavirus, by Douglas Ankney
- DWN Report Shows ICE Facilities Were Community Superspreaders of COVID-19, by Matthew Clarke
- State Prison System Takes Over County Jail, by Edward Lyon
- PA Lawsuit Claims Allegheny County Jail Sergeant Brutalized Disabled Women, by David Reutter
- GEO Group Puts Money, Lobbyist into Defeating Bill to Prohibit Private Prisons in Virginia, by David Reutter
- Six Howard County, Indiana Jail Guards Fired Over Sexual Assaults and Harassment of Prisoners, by Michael Fortino, Ph.D
- Guard Commits Suicide Amidst Allegations in Federal Prison, by Jayson Hawkins
- Federal Agencies Rack Up Nearly One Thousand Arrest-Related or In-Custody Deaths in Two Years, DOJ Report Finds, by David Reutter
- Fourth Circuit Holds Immigrant Children’s Mental Health Care Should Be Up to Professional Standards, by David Reutter
- Pew Study Shows Crime Falls but Spending on Jails Soar, by David Reutter
- State Auditor Report Critical of Texas Prison Agribusiness, by Matthew Clarke
- Amending the 13th Amendment, by Edward Lyon
- Washington Gives Right to Vote to 20,000 People Previously Incarcerated, by Juliette LaMarr
- Auditor Appalled at Lack of Spending Controls in Mississippi Prison System, by David Reutter
- Pushing Back on Prison Labor, by Lilah Burke
- Fourth Circuit Holds Deaf Federal Civilly Committed Sex Offender Has First Amendment Right of Access to Point-to-Point Videocalls in BOP Prison, by Matthew Clarke
- Ninth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Lawsuit in Prisoner Overdose at San Diego Jail, by Matthew Clarke
- Microsoft Invests in Digital Incarceration, by Jayson Hawkins
- Resources for Understanding Today’s Prison System, by Kevin Bliss
- Staff Shortages in Georgia Prisons Reach Crisis Levels, by Keith Sanders
- NC Prisoner Survives Summary Judgment for Two Excessive Force Claims, by David Reutter
- Colorado Grants COVID-19-Related Clemencies, by Edward Lyon
- News in Brief
- U.S. DOJ Statistics on Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime Perpetrators, by Matthew Clarke
More from Edward Lyon:
- “There you go, Agent Orange!” Former South Carolina Sheriff Federally Indicted for Assaulting Jail Detainee, May 1, 2024
- Texas Prisons are Fire Traps, July 15, 2023
- The World’s Biggest Prison, July 15, 2023
- Civilian Police With Military Equipment, June 15, 2023
- U.S. Prisoner Numbers Slowly Declining, June 15, 2023
- California Easing Housing Hurdles for Released Prisoners, June 1, 2023
- Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest, May 1, 2023
- $20,000 Settlement for Ohio Prisoner’s Slip-and-Fall Injury, May 1, 2023
- $32,500 Medical Malpractice Award to Ohio Prisoner for Ripped-Out Catheter, May 1, 2023
- New York State’s Veterans Treatment Courts, April 15, 2023
More from these topics:
- Florida Prisoners Sue Over Deadly Heat, Feb. 15, 2025. Exposure to Heat, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death).
- $28.75 Million Settlement Paid by New York City in Suit Alleging Rikers Guards Stood by and Watched Detainee Hang Himself, Nov. 15, 2024. Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), Suicides.
- San Bernardino Jail Partially Released from Court Monitoring After Paying Another $150,000 in Settlements for Detainee Deaths, Nov. 15, 2024. Electronic Monitoring, Settlements, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death).
- After $750,000 Settlement, Georgia Guard Sued Second Time For Letting One Prisoner Murder Another, Nov. 15, 2024. Prison/Jail Murders, Failure to Protect (General), Settlements, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), Murder/Felony Murder.
- $1.5 Million Settlement Approved in Chicago Jail Suicide Case, Nov. 15, 2024. Settlements, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), Failure to Treat (Mental Illness), Suicides.
- California Throws Prisoners Under the Bus to Adopt New Heat Rules, Nov. 15, 2024. Exposure to Heat, Guard Unions, Failure to Protect (Staff).
- $1.1 Million Settlement for Colorado Prisoner Stabbed by Gang Members For Testifying About Prison Murder, Sept. 15, 2024. Prison Gangs, Settlements, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death).
- Watchdog Faults BOP for Averaging 43 Prisoner Deaths a Year—More Than 23 by Suicide, Sept. 15, 2024. Advocacy, Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), Suicides, Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
- Mom of Murdered California Prisoner Defeats Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit by Guard Who Posted Pics of Corpse Online, Sept. 15, 2024. Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), Motion To Dismiss, Social Media, Deliberate Indifference.
- Trial Rescheduled for Ohio Prisoner Accused of Murdering Fellow Prisoner, Sept. 15, 2024. Failure to Protect (Wrongful Death), New Trial/Judgment of Acquittal.