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Nevada Pays Over $568,000 for Denying Prisoner Cataract Surgery, Ends “One Good Eye” Policy
by Jacob Barrett
On July 15, 2022, the federal court for the District of Nevada awarded $560,587.50 in fees to attorneys representing a state prisoner who earlier settled his medical neglect claim against the state Department of Corrections (DOC) for $7,500. In addition, DOC agreed to amend its policy effectively ...
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- L.A. County Jails: Leading in All the Wrong Ways, by Benjamin Tschirhart
- Predatory Probation Still Alive in Georgia, Other States, by David Reutter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Prisoner Health Update: K2, by Eike Blohm, MD
- Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest, by Edward Lyon
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Lawsuit Over Texas Detainee’s Asphyxiation by Jail Guards, by Matthew Clarke
- Detainee Allegedly “Eaten Alive” by Vermin in Overcrowded Atlanta Jail, by Jacob Barrett
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Claim That LaSalle Guards Fatally Beat Louisiana Pre-Trial Detainee, by Matthew Clarke
- Ninth Circuit: Grievance Policy May Excuse Oregon Prisoner’s Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies, by Jacob Barrett
- “Slap On the Wrist” for California Bail Agents Who Hired Bounty Hunter Who Killed Their Client, by Jayson Hawkins
- Dogged by Racist Comments, North Carolina Sheriff Resigns – Again, by Jo Ellen Nott
- MTC Accused of Parole Programming Scam at Texas Prisons, by Kevin Bliss
- Fourth Circuit Rejects Appeal of $700,000 Award to Maryland Prisoner Assaulted by Guards, by David Reutter
- Fifth Circuit Again Revives Muslim Texas Prisoner’s Suit Over Halal Meals Denied During Hurricane Evacuation, by Matthew Clarke
- Nevada Pays Over $568,000 for Denying Prisoner Cataract Surgery, Ends “One Good Eye” Policy, by Jacob Barrett
- Prisoner’s Experience in Solitary Wins PEN America Writing Award, by Jacob Barrett
- Condemned Tennessee Prisoner Wins Fight Against Autopsy, by Harold Hempstead
- Maine’s Jails and Prisons Record 39 Deaths in 34 Months, by Jo Ellen Nott
- Fifth Circuit Upholds Qualified Immunity for Texas Prison Guard Who Beat Prisoner’s Arm With Baton Until It Broke, by Matthew Clarke
- $1.3 Million Paid to Transgender Woman Held Five Months in Atlanta Jail on Bogus Charges, by Chuck Sharman
- Nebraska Pays $479,000 for Restrictive Housing Prisoner’s Murder While Double-Celled, by Mark Wilson
- Shielded From Public View, Misconduct by Corrections Staff in Illinois Prisons Received Scant Discipline, by Shannon Heffernan
- $20,000 Settlement for Ohio Prisoner’s Slip-and-Fall Injury, by Edward Lyon
- $2.4 Million Judgment Against Michigan Jail Doctor Convicted of Sexually Abusing Three Prisoners, by Mark Wilson
- ACLU Report Details Exploitation of Prisoners for Forced Labor, by Matthew Clarke
- MTV Documentary Shines Light on Art Behind Bars, by Jayson Hawkins
- Fifth Circuit Finds “Opaque” Mississippi Prison Grievance System “Incapable of Use”, by Matthew Clarke
- Overdose Rate in New York Jails and State Prisons Double U.S. Average, by Jacob Barrett
- College Education Disrupted for Washington Prisoners, by Kevin Bliss
- $32,500 Medical Malpractice Award to Ohio Prisoner for Ripped-Out Catheter, by Edward Lyon
- Oklahoma County Pays $1.1 Million After Jail Guards Fatally Beat Detainee, by Jacob Barrett
- Louisiana High Court Abandons Ab Initio Precedent in Favor of “Victim’s Rights”, by David Reutter
- California Appellate Court: State Prisoners Held in Jail and Those Held in Prisons Not Alike for Sentence Credits, by Jacob Barrett
- Telecoms Exploiting Legal Loopholes to Price Gouge Prisoners and Their Families, by Jacob Barrett
- Fifth Circuit Revives Suit by Nation of Gods and Earth Prisoner Demanding Religious Recognition by Texas Prison Officials, by Matthew Clarke
- Iowa Teen Who Killed Her Alleged Rapist Recaptured After Halfway House Escape, by Kevin Bliss
- Former Missouri Prisoners Awarded $20 Million for Sexual Abuse by “Resident Pervert” Guard, by Ashleigh Dye
- $4.25 Million Paid by King County for Two Jail Beatings By Improperly Housed Mentally Ill Detainees, by Mark Wilson
- Arizona Prisoner Condemned Again for Cellmate’s Murder, by Jayson Hawkins
- Ninth Circuit Upholds Order Vacating Conviction in Oregon Prison Director’s 1989 Murder; SCOTUS Declines Review, by Mark Wilson
- Montana Becomes 13th State to End Prison Gerrymandering, by Chuck Sharman
- Fourth Circuit: No Civil Commitment at Release for Federal Prisoner in North Carolina Without Considering Conditions, by Casey Bastian
- Montana Pays $2,500 to Settle Prisoner’s Failure-to-Protect Claim, by Mark Wilson
- Eighth Circuit Affirms Over $278,000 Awarded to Minnesota Jail Detainee Held on Bad ICE Referral Policy, by David Reutter
- Alaska Supreme Court Says Parole Challenge Must Be Sought via Post-Conviction Relief, Not Lawsuit, by Mark Wilson
- News in Brief
More from Jacob Barrett:
- $120,000 Settlement Reached With Long Island Detainee Assaulted by Jail Guards, July 15, 2023
- $17.675 Million Paid for New Yorker’s Wrongful Conviction, June 15, 2023
- Eighth Circuit Greenlights Arkansas Execution Protocol, June 15, 2023
- Second Circuit Upholds Connecticut Prison Porn Ban, Sets Up Circuit Split Over “Vagueness” Test, June 15, 2023
- Louisiana Sheriff Coughs Up $2.75 Million After Falsely Claiming Detainee Died From Accidental Fall, June 15, 2023
- Nevada Pays Over $568,000 for Denying Prisoner Cataract Surgery, Ends “One Good Eye” Policy, June 15, 2023
- Corizon Bankruptcy Threatens $6.4 Million Award to Family of Michigan Prisoner Whose Five-Day Jail Term Turned Into Death Sentence, June 1, 2023
- Detainee Allegedly “Eaten Alive” by Vermin in Overcrowded Atlanta Jail, May 1, 2023
- Ninth Circuit: Grievance Policy May Excuse Oregon Prisoner’s Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies, May 1, 2023
- Nevada Pays Over $568,000 for Denying Prisoner Cataract Surgery, Ends “One Good Eye” Policy, May 1, 2023
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