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Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest
by Ed Lyon
A state prison warden was arrested on August 30, 2022, on suspicion of driving under the influence in Cullman, Alabama. Jeffrey Baldwin was then placed on mandatory leave from his post at Elmore Correctional Facility (CF) by the state Department of Corrections (DOC). Thwarting any effort to ...
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More from this issue:
- L.A. County Jails: Leading in All the Wrong Ways, by Benjamin Tschirhart
- Predatory Probation Still Alive in Georgia, Other States, by David Reutter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Prisoner Health Update: K2, by Eike Blohm, MD
- Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest, by Edward Lyon
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Lawsuit Over Texas Detainee’s Asphyxiation by Jail Guards, by Matthew Clarke
- Detainee Allegedly “Eaten Alive” by Vermin in Overcrowded Atlanta Jail, by Jacob Barrett
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Claim That LaSalle Guards Fatally Beat Louisiana Pre-Trial Detainee, by Matthew Clarke
- Ninth Circuit: Grievance Policy May Excuse Oregon Prisoner’s Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies, by Jacob Barrett
- “Slap On the Wrist” for California Bail Agents Who Hired Bounty Hunter Who Killed Their Client, by Jayson Hawkins
- Dogged by Racist Comments, North Carolina Sheriff Resigns – Again, by Jo Ellen Nott
- MTC Accused of Parole Programming Scam at Texas Prisons, by Kevin Bliss
- Fourth Circuit Rejects Appeal of $700,000 Award to Maryland Prisoner Assaulted by Guards, by David Reutter
- Fifth Circuit Again Revives Muslim Texas Prisoner’s Suit Over Halal Meals Denied During Hurricane Evacuation, by Matthew Clarke
- Nevada Pays Over $568,000 for Denying Prisoner Cataract Surgery, Ends “One Good Eye” Policy, by Jacob Barrett
- Prisoner’s Experience in Solitary Wins PEN America Writing Award, by Jacob Barrett
- Condemned Tennessee Prisoner Wins Fight Against Autopsy, by Harold Hempstead
- Maine’s Jails and Prisons Record 39 Deaths in 34 Months, by Jo Ellen Nott
- Fifth Circuit Upholds Qualified Immunity for Texas Prison Guard Who Beat Prisoner’s Arm With Baton Until It Broke, by Matthew Clarke
- $1.3 Million Paid to Transgender Woman Held Five Months in Atlanta Jail on Bogus Charges, by Chuck Sharman
- Nebraska Pays $479,000 for Restrictive Housing Prisoner’s Murder While Double-Celled, by Mark Wilson
- Shielded From Public View, Misconduct by Corrections Staff in Illinois Prisons Received Scant Discipline, by Shannon Heffernan
- $20,000 Settlement for Ohio Prisoner’s Slip-and-Fall Injury, by Edward Lyon
- $2.4 Million Judgment Against Michigan Jail Doctor Convicted of Sexually Abusing Three Prisoners, by Mark Wilson
- ACLU Report Details Exploitation of Prisoners for Forced Labor, by Matthew Clarke
- MTV Documentary Shines Light on Art Behind Bars, by Jayson Hawkins
- Fifth Circuit Finds “Opaque” Mississippi Prison Grievance System “Incapable of Use”, by Matthew Clarke
- Overdose Rate in New York Jails and State Prisons Double U.S. Average, by Jacob Barrett
- College Education Disrupted for Washington Prisoners, by Kevin Bliss
- $32,500 Medical Malpractice Award to Ohio Prisoner for Ripped-Out Catheter, by Edward Lyon
- Oklahoma County Pays $1.1 Million After Jail Guards Fatally Beat Detainee, by Jacob Barrett
- Louisiana High Court Abandons Ab Initio Precedent in Favor of “Victim’s Rights”, by David Reutter
- California Appellate Court: State Prisoners Held in Jail and Those Held in Prisons Not Alike for Sentence Credits, by Jacob Barrett
- Telecoms Exploiting Legal Loopholes to Price Gouge Prisoners and Their Families, by Jacob Barrett
- Fifth Circuit Revives Suit by Nation of Gods and Earth Prisoner Demanding Religious Recognition by Texas Prison Officials, by Matthew Clarke
- Iowa Teen Who Killed Her Alleged Rapist Recaptured After Halfway House Escape, by Kevin Bliss
- Former Missouri Prisoners Awarded $20 Million for Sexual Abuse by “Resident Pervert” Guard, by Ashleigh Dye
- $4.25 Million Paid by King County for Two Jail Beatings By Improperly Housed Mentally Ill Detainees, by Mark Wilson
- Arizona Prisoner Condemned Again for Cellmate’s Murder, by Jayson Hawkins
- Ninth Circuit Upholds Order Vacating Conviction in Oregon Prison Director’s 1989 Murder; SCOTUS Declines Review, by Mark Wilson
- Montana Becomes 13th State to End Prison Gerrymandering, by Chuck Sharman
- Fourth Circuit: No Civil Commitment at Release for Federal Prisoner in North Carolina Without Considering Conditions, by Casey Bastian
- Montana Pays $2,500 to Settle Prisoner’s Failure-to-Protect Claim, by Mark Wilson
- Eighth Circuit Affirms Over $278,000 Awarded to Minnesota Jail Detainee Held on Bad ICE Referral Policy, by David Reutter
- Alaska Supreme Court Says Parole Challenge Must Be Sought via Post-Conviction Relief, Not Lawsuit, by Mark Wilson
- News in Brief
More from Edward Lyon:
- “There you go, Agent Orange!” Former South Carolina Sheriff Federally Indicted for Assaulting Jail Detainee, May 1, 2024
- Texas Prisons are Fire Traps, July 15, 2023
- The World’s Biggest Prison, July 15, 2023
- Civilian Police With Military Equipment, June 15, 2023
- U.S. Prisoner Numbers Slowly Declining, June 15, 2023
- California Easing Housing Hurdles for Released Prisoners, June 1, 2023
- Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest, May 1, 2023
- $20,000 Settlement for Ohio Prisoner’s Slip-and-Fall Injury, May 1, 2023
- $32,500 Medical Malpractice Award to Ohio Prisoner for Ripped-Out Catheter, May 1, 2023
- New York State’s Veterans Treatment Courts, April 15, 2023
More from these topics:
- Former California Guard Convicted On 64 Counts of Sexually Abusing Prisoners, March 1, 2025. Staff-Prisoner Assault, Guard Misconduct.
- Fourth Circuit Reinstates North Carolina Prisoner’s Failure-to-Protect Claim Against Guard in Stabbing, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Failure to Protect (General), Protective Custody, Official Investigation.
- Minnesota Supreme Court Says Randy Guard Must Face Prisoner’s Sexual Harassment and Assault Claims, Feb. 15, 2025. Staff-Prisoner Assault, Staff-Prisoner Harassment, Guard Misconduct, Federal Tort Claims Act, Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).
- $150,000 Settlement But No Charges After Schizophrenic Florida Detainee Killed by Jail Guards, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Medical Neglect/Malpractice, Excessive Force (Wrongful Death), Failure to Treat (Mental Illness).
- BOP Shutters “Rape Club” in California, Director Peters Quits, Feb. 15, 2025. Staff-Prisoner Assault, Guard Misconduct, DOC/BOP misconduct, Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
- USDC (D. Oregon), Case No. 6:22-cv-00451, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Prison Gangs, Failure to Protect (General), Guard Brutality/Beatings, Settlements.
- New York Governor Orders Firing of 13 Guards, Nurse in Prisoner’s Fatal Beating, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Medical Misconduct, Excessive Force (Wrongful Death), Deliberate Indifference.
- Eighth Circuit Affirms Denial of Qualified Immunity to Missouri Guards in Transgender Prisoner’s Suit Alleging Retaliation and Unreasonable Search, Jan. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Retaliatory Searches, Qualified Immunity, Discrimination (Transgender), Immunity - Absolute and Qualified.
- Guard Pleads Guilty to Using Excessive Force at Indiana Jail Sued Nine Times in Two Years, Jan. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Guard Brutality/Beatings, Plea Agreements/Guilty Pleas.
- No Charges in Alabama Prisoner’s Torture, Rape and Murder, Jan. 15, 2025. Prisoner-Prisoner Assault, Guard Misconduct, Prison/Jail Murders, Deliberate Indifference.