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“You Just Broke My Neck”: Ohio Detainee Sues Jail Where Guards Are Accused of Multiple Assaults
Loaded on July 1, 2024
published in Prison Legal News
July, 2024, page 16
Filed under:
Guard Brutality/Beatings.
Calling it “one of the most blatant and outrageous uses of excessive force” he’s ever seen, Cleveland attorney Nick DeCello of Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP filed suit in federal court for the Northern District of Ohio on January 25, 2024, accusing a Lorain County Jail (LCJ) guard of assaulting ...
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- Alaska’s Prison System: Dangerous, Deadly Yet Repeating Past Mistakes, by David Reutter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- For Beating Handcuffed Prisoners, Former Alabama Guard Supervisor Gets 87 Months
- North Carolina’s Largest City Elects First Ex-Prisoner to Council
- Fifth Circuit: Texas Prisoner’s Declaration Alone Sufficient to Send PLRA Exhaustion Dispute to Trial
- Four BOP Guards Sentenced for Three Federal Prisoner Assaults at Kentucky Lockup
- Seventh Kentucky Guard Sentenced for Restrained Prisoner’s Beat-down
- “Botched” and “Ill-Conceived”: BOP Slammed for Plan to Close California Lockup Known as “Rape Club”
- Idaho Stopped From Repeatedly Scheduling Executions That It Cannot Carry Out, by Douglas Ankney
- Securus Wipes Out Months of Washington Prisoners’ Writing—Again
- “You Just Broke My Neck”: Ohio Detainee Sues Jail Where Guards Are Accused of Multiple Assaults
- In New Jersey, Yet More Privileged Phone Calls Between Prisoners and Attorneys Recorded and Used by Prosecutors, by Douglas Ankney
- Federal Watchdog Slams BOP for Sham Accreditations, by Matthew Clarke
- BOP Hires Sentencing Reform Advocate
- Cleveland Jail Warden Dismissed After Asking for More Reentry Assistance for Detainees
- Exonerated Prisoner Sues New York City for 16 Years of Wrongful Incarceration
- Oregon Parole Board Ordered to Consider Sex-Offense-Free Time When Setting Sex Offender Notification Levels
- Third Circuit Denies Qualified Immunity to Pennsylvania Jail Guards and PrimeCare in Detainee’s Overdose Death, by David Reutter
- Ninth Circuit: Alleged Denial of Hepatitis C Treatment to Federal Prisoner in Washington Presents Valid Bivens Claim, by David Reutter
- Colorado Program Employs Prisoners as Professors
- Washington, Virginia Advance Bills to Make Prison Calls Free
- Decoding Recidivism: Unraveling Its Complex Metrics and Real Impact
- Georgia Sheriff Takes $160,000 Kickback from Pay Tel for Video Visitation
- Hope Against Hope, by Daryl Waters
- Tennessee DOC Faulted for High Staff Vacancy and Turnover, Inadequate Programs, PREA Violations
- “You Are Not Above the Law”: Former Indiana Sheriff Jailed for Contempt of Court
- $15,000 Net Award for Georgia Prisoner’s Delayed Hep-C Treatment, by David Reutter
- West Virginia Slammed for High Costs, Low Quality of Privatized Prison Food
- CoreCivic Sued by Former Detainee Stabbed at Shuttered Kansas Jail, by David Reutter
- $500,000 for Texas Teen Sodomized in Jail
- Seventh Circuit Finds No Problem With Surveillance of Chicago Detainees on Toilets, by David Reutter
- Warden, Eight Employees Arrested After Four Deaths at Wisconsin Prison in Eight Months
- Pell Grant Restoration Not Reaching All Prisoners
- Colorado Jail Guard Must Stand Trial for Opening Accused Sex Offender’s Cell, Subjecting Him to Assault, by David Reutter
- Wrongfully Convicted Michigan Prisoners Wait for Compensation
- Illinois Prisoner Awarded Over $822,000 For Hernia Care Denied by Wexford Health, by Douglas Ankney
- Minnesota Jailers Shrug Off Detainee’s Agony from Fatal Perforated Bowel as Withdrawal Symptoms
- Hearing-Impaired Massachusetts Prisoners Win ADA Case
- Virginia Legislature Tables “Second-Look” Bills
- Federal Sentencing Guidelines Place Heavy Burden on Incarcerated Victims of Sexual Assaults, by David Reutter
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Slows the Hand That State DOC Sticks Into Prisoners’ Pockets, by David Reutter
- Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Retaliation Claim By Federal Prisoner Against Guard in Illinois Lockup Who Saw Grievance Against Him, by Matthew Clarke
- $8.9 Million Settlement Reached for N.Y. Prisoner’s Death Following Guards’ Baton Beating, by David Reutter
- Mentally Ill Detainee Allegedly Tasered and Starved to Death At South Carolina Jail
- Maryland County Wins Fight to Let Bureaucrats Make Pretrial Release Decisions, by David Reutter
- Eighth Circuit Largely Restores Qualified Immunity to Minnesota Jail Guards in Use of Force on Bipolar Prisoner, by David Reutter
- Maryland Prisoner Prevails in Challenge to Denial of Public Records Requests
- $2 Million Settlement in Death of Mentally Disabled Detainee Stripped of Anti-Seizure Device at Colorado Jail, by David Reutter
- Two Who Escaped from Arkansas Jail Recaptured
- Despite Unemployment Spike, Alabama Refuses Prisoners Work-Release Paroles
- Ohio Supreme Court Says Prisoner’s ‘Kite’ Is Public Record, But Denies Damages for Withholding It, by Matthew Clarke
- $56.7 Million Awarded to “Harlem Park Three,” Exonerated of Baltimore Murder After 36 Years in Prison, by David Reutter
- Missouri Muslim Prisoners Advance Suit Against Guards For Assault During Prayer, by Douglas Ankney
- Sixth Circuit Revives Ohio Prisoner’s Retaliation Claim That Guards Got Him Kicked Out of Religious Group, by David Reutter
- $4 Million Settlement in Class Action Challenging Unconstitutional Conditions at West Virginia Jail, by David Reutter
- Transgender Maryland Prisoner’s Suit Accuses Guard of Shower Rape
- Two Prisoners Removed from Texas Death Row Due to Intellectual Disability, by David Reutter
- News in Brief
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- Mayhem, Murder and Staff Misconduct at Brooklyn BOP Lockup, March 1, 2025. Cell Searches, Drug Testing, Prison/Jail Murders, Guard Brutality/Beatings, Cell Phone Access, Searches - Cellphones/Computers/Internet.
- $1.5 Million Settlement For In-Custody Injury by New York Police, March 1, 2025. Guard Brutality/Beatings, Settlements, Police/Govt Misconduct, Prison Brutality.
- Fourth Circuit Revives Claims Against Virginia Jailers by Detainee They Allegedly Manhandled While Handcuffed, Feb. 15, 2025. Videotaping, Guard Brutality/Beatings, Restraints, Summary Judgment, Physical Injury/Restraint.
- Charges Dismissed Against Connecticut Guards Who Assaulted Prisoner, Feb. 15, 2025. Escapes, Guard Brutality/Beatings, Dismissal, Social Media, Acquitted Conduct/Uncharged Crimes/Dismissed Counts.
- USDC (D. Oregon), Case No. 6:22-cv-00451, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Prison Gangs, Failure to Protect (General), Guard Brutality/Beatings, Settlements.
- Former South Carolina Jailer Spared Prison After Testimony Fails to Convict Former Sheriff, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Brutality/Beatings, U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, Sentences - Adjustments and Departures, Offense of Conviction.
- Historic $7 Million Settlement in Lawsuit Over Michigan Jail Prisoner’s Fatal Beating, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Brutality/Beatings, Settlements.
- Lawsuit Over Death or Severe Injury of 29 Houston Jail Detainees Survives Motion to Dismiss, Jan. 15, 2025. Guard Brutality/Beatings, Wrongful Death, Excessive Force (Police).
- Pennsylvania Jail Guards Accused of Ripping Surgical Pin from Detainee’s Shoulder, Jan. 15, 2025. Malpractice, Guard Brutality/Beatings.