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Archive: 2024
Centurion’s $8 Million Track Record of Abuse and Neglect as New Mexico’s Correctional Medical Provider
by Sam Rutherford
(p 1)
From the Editor
(p 18)
HRDC Wins Massive New Mexico Records Trove from Centurion
(p 19)
Ninth Circuit Reverses Federal Prisoner’s Conviction for Assaulting Guards at California Prison
(p 20)
California Supreme Court: Jail Detainees Not Entitled to Minimum Wage, or Any Wages
(p 22)
In Failure-to-Treat Claims, Wellpath Denied Dismissal in Virginia, Settles in Pennsylvania
by David Reutter
(p 24)
Watchdog Finds “Serious Safety and Security Issues” at Oregon BOP Lockup
(p 26)
Jury Awards $352,300 to Prisoners Tortured at Notorious Utah Jail
(p 27)
Alabama Shrouds Executioners in Secrecy
(p 29)
Minnesota Judge Spanked For Ignoring Law Restoring Felon Voting Rights
(p 29)
Kentucky’s Failure to Timely Release Prisoners Costs Taxpayers $30 Million (So Far)
by Douglas Ankney
(p 31)
Trends Show Mortality Risks Increase with Higher Jail Turnover Rates
by David Reutter
(p 32)
$38 Million Jury Award for Physical, Sexual Abuse at New Hampshire Juvenile Lockup
(p 33)
GEO Group Just Wants to Be a Landlord for Oklahoma DOC
(p 34)
San Quentin Brings in Hollywood, Moves Out California Death Row Prisoners
(p 35)
Former Warden at Troubled Illinois Lockup Promoted to Run BOP Training Academy
(p 35)
Sprawling Indictment Targets Two Smuggling Networks Run by Georgia Prisoners
(p 36)
Suicidal Texas Prisoners Held in Phone-Booth-Size “Containment Cages”
(p 36)
Book Review: Public Records Act Manual for the State of Washington
by Sam Rutherford
(p 37)
Georgia Deputy Warden and Guard Fired for Prisoner Sex Assaults, Second Guard Sentenced to 25 Years
by David Reutter
(p 38)
Illinois Shutters Decrepit Prison
(p 38)
Washington State Patrol Accused of Confusing Driver’s Brain Bleed for DUI
by Douglas Ankney
(p 39)
Fourth Circuit Grants Rare Bivens Extension to Federal Prisoner Allegedly Abused by Guards at Virginia Lockup
(p 40)
Trump Outpolled Harris in Pre-Election Survey Behind Bars
(p 41)
The Crisis in Prison Healthcare: Understanding Your Rights and Fighting for Change
by Alex Dietz
(p 43)
New York Court of Appeals (Lightly) Slaps State Prison Officials for Holding Sex Offenders Past Release
(p 44)
Former Kentucky Warden, Deputy Warden Accused of Overtime Fraud
(p 45)
Two Michigan Jails Face Class-Action Suits for Banning In-Person Visits
(p 46)
$46 Million Paid to Exonerated Missouri Prisoner Wrongfully Incarcerated for 10 Years
(p 48)
$22,000 Jury Award for Unsanitary Conditions at Virginia Jail
(p 48)
Fifth Circuit Judges Battle in Louisiana Over-Detention Cases
(p 50)
Seventh Circuit Lets BOP Restrict Access to Federal Register from Prison in Illinois
(p 51)
California Prisoner Wins Round Before Magistrate in Lawsuit Over Marriage Application Delayed Two Years
(p 52)
Washington Appellate Court: “Some Evidence” Standard for Prison Discipline “Is Not Illusory”
(p 53)
Incompetent Louisiana Sex Offender’s Challenge to Registration Requirements Proceeds
(p 54)
Allegheny County Settles Suit, Lifts Media Gag Policy for Pittsburgh Jail Employees
by Matthew Clarke
(p 55)
Tennessee Attorney Sues Federal Court Over Gag Order in CoreCivic Suit
(p 56)
$25 Million Contempt Fine Prompts Release of Pretrial Detainees from Philadelphia Lockups
(p 56)
Former Indiana Guards Sentenced for Stealing Prisoners’ Identities to Launder Cash From Online Romance Scam
(p 57)
Plea Deal Falls Apart for Accused 9/11 Masterminds
(p 58)
Last Charges Dropped in Suffocation Death of Virginia Jail Detainee
(p 59)
MTC Shuts Down Texas Jail
(p 59)
Israel Faces Scrutiny Over “Systematic” Abuse of Palestinian Prisoners
(p 60)
BOP Guard Indicted, Sued for Assaulting Handcuffed Prisoner at Kentucky Lockup
(p 61)
Corruption Charges Dropped Against Maryland Sheriff, Former Virginia Sheriff Headed to Trial
(p 61)
Georgia Jail Sued by Local Bookstore Banned from Sending Detainees Reading Materials
(p 62)
News in Brief
(p 62)
Washington Court of Appeals: No Reimbursement for Community Service Performed for Vacated Conviction
BOP Settles Muslim Prisoner’s Religious Discrimination and Medical Denial Claims at Colorado Supermax
by David Reutter
Spit Hoods, Modern Legacy of Torture
by Anthony Accurso
(p 1)
From the Editor
(p 8)
NYC Rehires Former Head of Rikers Island Lockup Where Guard Assault Left Detainee Quadriplegic
(p 9)
“Like Being Back in Jail”: Wisconsin Returns Released Sex Offenders to Lifetime GPS Monitoring
(p 10)
Alabama Guard, Prisoners Among 13 Sentenced in Phone Scam and Drug-Smuggling Ring
(p 11)
Identities Stolen From Virginia Jail Detainees For $341,205 COVID-19 Fraud
(p 11)
Facing Bankruptcy, Securus Promotes Prison Tablets
(p 12)
Fired Missouri Guards Charged with Murder in Prisoner’s Suffocation Death
(p 13)
California Resentences 15 Condemned Prisoners to Life Without Parole
(p 13)
Former Virginia Prisoners Win Back Denied Sentence Credits, Sue Over Delayed Release
(p 14)
California Prisons Ban High-Tech Lie Detector
(p 15)
Florida DOC Failed to Investigate Background of Guard Convicted in Mass Shooting
(p 16)
Eighth Circuit Asked to Block New FCC Rules Capping Prison Phone Rates and Eliminating Ancillary Fees and Kickbacks
(p 16)
$4.77 Million Settlement for Three Alaska Prisoners Exonerated of Murder After 18 Years
by David Reutter
(p 17)
Kentucky Prisoners Take Advantage of Securus Software Glitch for $1 Million
(p 18)
Alabama Jail Accused of Granting Detainee’s Medical Bond Just Before Death to Avoid Costly Medical Care
by David Reutter
(p 18)
$28.75 Million Settlement Paid by New York City in Suit Alleging Rikers Guards Stood by and Watched Detainee Hang Himself
by Douglas Ankney
(p 19)
Fifth Circuit Revives Texas Prisoner’s Suit Alleging Interference With His Muslim Religious Practice
by David Reutter
(p 20)
Colorado Becomes First State to Require Polling Stations in Jails
(p 21)
Two More West Virginia Jailers Plead Guilty in Detainee’s Homicide
(p 21)
Ninth Circuit: No Qualified Immunity for California Jail Nurse Who Cleared Detainee for Release Just Before His Suicide
by Douglas Ankney
(p 22)
San Bernardino Jail Partially Released from Court Monitoring After Paying Another $150,000 in Settlements for Detainee Deaths
(p 24)
Building Carcerality
by Lisa Haber-Thomson, Dana McKinney White
(p 26)
California Throws Prisoners Under the Bus to Adopt New Heat Rules
(p 29)
Corizon Health Bankruptcy Settlement Grows, But Only by $21 Million
(p 29)
PPI Releases 10th Anniversary Report on Mass Incarceration in the U.S.
(p 31)
Florida Prisoners Exposed to Cancer-Causing Chemicals
(p 32)
Two Hurricanes in Two Weeks Threaten Prisoners and Jail Detainees in Six States
(p 32)
Public Defender Files Habeas Petitions for Detainees at “Horrific” Baltimore Lockup
(p 33)
$23,138 Plus Out-Of-State Transfer for Virginia Prisoner Who Accused Guards of Excessive Force and Altering Video
(p 35)
Another South Carolina Prisoner Convicted of “Sextortion” of U.S. Military Personnel
(p 35)
Wellpath Sanctioned for Destroying Evidence in Two Oregon Jail Death Suits
by David Reutter
(p 36)
Eighth Circuit Upholds Denial of Qualified Immunity to Minnesota Guard Accused of Assaulting Restrained and Compliant Prisoner
by Matthew Clarke
(p 37)
In Oregon Case, Ninth Circuit Limits Pretrial Detention Without Counsel to Seven Days
(p 38)
Two Former Georgia Sheriffs Sentenced for Misconduct, Related $5 Million Settlement Approved
by David Reutter
(p 39)
Washington Appellate Court Reverses Parole Revocation Based on Hearsay
(p 41)
BOP Ends “Blast” Messages on TRULINCS
(p 43)
Illinois Prisoners Stage Hunger Strikes Over DOC Failure to Implement New Sentence Reduction Law
(p 43)
Another Payout Brings Arizona Prisoner’s Total to $92,850
(p 44)
Maryland and Wexford Health Pay $200,000 to Prisoner Denied Care and Partially Blinded
by Douglas Ankney
(p 44)
After $750,000 Settlement, Georgia Guard Sued Second Time For Letting One Prisoner Murder Another
by Douglas Ankney
(p 45)
50 Years After Starting “Scared Straight,” Former N.J. Prison Warden “Would Do It Again”
(p 48)
SCOTUS Stays Texas Execution With 20 Minutes to Spare
by Matthew Clarke
(p 48)
Armor Health Liquidates Assets—to Firm’s Founder
(p 51)
Court Strikes Washington Statute to Regulate GEO Group’s Notorious ICE Lockup
(p 52)
Milwaukee County Pays $1.05 Million Judgment for Bankrupt Armor Correctional Health to Former Jail Detainee
(p 53)
$1.2 Million Settlement Reached in HRDC Censorship Suit Against North Carolina Prison System
(p 54)
California Changes Prisoner Property Policy After Suit Filed Alleging Gender Discrimination Against Men
by Douglas Ankney
(p 54)
Fifth Circuit Reinstates Former Federal Prisoner’s Suit Over Assault By Guards at Louisiana Lockup
by Matthew Clarke
(p 56)
$1.5 Million Settlement Approved in Chicago Jail Suicide Case
(p 57)
$500 Jury Verdict for Pennsylvania Prisoner After Federal Court Clarifies DOC Grievance Procedures
(p 58)
California Pays $4.45 Million to Prisoners Allegedly Raped by Guards
by Anthony Accurso
(p 60)
Third Circuit Affirms Qualified Immunity for Pennsylvania Guards Who Pepper-Sprayed Asthmatic Prisoner
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
FCC Slashes Prison and Jail Phone Rates, Caps Video Call Cost, Eliminates “Site Commission” Kickbacks
(p 1)
From the Editor
(p 10)
Three BOP Prisoners Sentenced for Murder of “Whitey” Bulger at West Virginia Lockup
(p 11)
Missouri Prisoner Executed After Making—and Losing—New Plea Deal
(p 11)
At Oklahoma Lockup: Deputy Warden Fired and Arrested in Smuggling Scheme, Guards Charged in Prisoner’s Assault
(p 12)
Alabama Prisoner Disciplined for Lying When Guard Cleared of Sexual Assault Allegation
(p 13)
DOJ Opens Investigation Into Sex Abuse at Two California Women’s Prisons
(p 14)
Three Former Rikers Island Guards Among Five Ex-Employees Charged in Massive Smuggling Scheme
(p 14)
Crucial Surveillance Video Missing in Nevada Prisoner’s Homicide Caused by Guards
(p 15)
Advanced Correctional Healthcare Ends Two Suits Over Deaths at Ohio Jail
(p 15)
Texas Holds 1 in 41 Prisoners in Solitary Confinement
(p 16)
Maine State Prison Warden Replaced As Misconduct Allegations Investigated
(p 16)
Second Circuit: New York Prisoner’s Religious Discrimination Need Not Show a “Substantial” Burden of Beliefs
by Douglas Ankney
(p 17)
Missouri Prisoners Losing Reentry Money to “Incarceration Reimbursement”
(p 18)
Mistrial for Vermont Sheriff Who Kicked Shackled Detainee
(p 18)
Georgia Guard Gets 15 Years for Using One Prisoner to Assault Another
(p 19)
$1.8 Million Jury Award for San Diego Jail Overdose Death
by Matthew Clarke
(p 20)
More Alabama Prisoners Murdered in Overcrowded Lockups
(p 21)
Paternity Questions Dog Miami Jail Birth
(p 21)
Federal Watchdog, SCOTUS Fail to Limit Solitary Confinement Abuses
by Anthony Accurso, Douglas Ankney
(p 22)
America’s Prison Profiteers from Colonial Times Until Now
by Douglas Ankney
(p 24)
Unequal Before the Law
by Stephanie Woodard
(p 26)
South Carolina Prison Guard Supervisor Charged With Taking Over $219,000 in Bribes to Smuggle Cellphones
(p 31)
North Carolina Expands Supervision for Mentally Ill Probationers
by Anthony Accurso
(p 31)
New TV Show Dramatizes Prisoner’s Re-entry
(p 32)
Alaska Supreme Court: DOC Can’t Unilaterally Redefine ‘Parole Release Date’
by Douglas Ankney
(p 32)
Sixth Circuit Sets Up Circuit Split with Ruling on Michigan Prisoner’s PLRA Exhaustion Dispute
(p 33)
Mentally Ill Detainee Allegedly “Stomped” In the Head By South Carolina Jailer
by Anthony Accurso
(p 34)
Watchdog Calls for Hawaii Prisons, Jails to Stop Using Restraint Chairs
(p 34)
Parole Denied for Indigenous Activist Leonard Peltier
(p 35)
Seventh Circuit Avoids Deciding Whether Wisconsin Statute of Limitations Tolls from Prisoner’s Incident or Grievances
by David Reutter
(p 35)
Florida Reentry “Success” Story: Convicted Embezzler Promoted to Oversee Miami-Dade County Contracts
(p 36)
Ohio Pays $725,000 to Survivors of Two Prisoners Beaten to Death by Lying Guards
(p 37)
Rural Washington County Shutters Its Jail
(p 38)
Two Wrongful Tennessee Convictions Result in Payouts Over $1 Million
(p 39)
Massachusetts Appeals Court Revives Prisoners’ Challenge to DOC Trust Account Policy Change
by Douglas Ankney
(p 40)
Houston Detainees Shipped to Private Jails in Mississippi and Louisiana
by Anthony Accurso
(p 41)
Rural Areas Increasingly Reliant on Imprisoned Emergency Responders
(p 41)
California Bar Accuses L.A. Lawyer of Deceiving Prisoners Seeking Resentencing
(p 43)
Alabama Warden and Wife Busted for Making “Magic” Mushrooms
(p 43)
Illinois Pays $3 Million for Subjecting Prisoners to Degrading Mass Strip Search
by Anthony Accurso
(p 44)
Transgender BOP Prisoner in Arizona Wins $10,243 for Guard’s Negligence
(p 46)
Former California Jail Guards Plead Guilty to Fatal Beating of Mentally Ill Detainee
(p 47)
Minnesota’s $100 Million-Per-Year Civil Commitment Program Has No “Discernible Impact” on Sex Crimes
(p 48)
Federal Prisoner Will Appear on Alaska Congressional Ballot
(p 50)
$7.25 Million Paid for Psychotic Detainee’s Suicide After 20 Days in Solitary at Indiana Jail
(p 50)
Impoverished Ohio County Gets New Jail Space After Settling Suit for Bloody Detainee Assault
(p 51)
Iowa Qualified Immunity Law Lets County Off the Hook for Guard’s Sex Abuse of Jail Detainee
(p 51)
Indiana Sheriff Pleads Guilty to Corruption, County Pays $328,000 to Jail Detainees for “Night of Terror”
by Douglas Ankney
(p 52)
Third Circuit Finds Relation-Back Rule Misapplied to Philadelphia Prisoner’s “Crappy” Ordeal Lawsuit
by David Reutter
(p 53)
Florida Court of Appeals Reinstates Voter Fraud Charges Against Ex-Felons
(p 54)
Colorado Prisoner Forces Correctional Health Partners to Treat His Colon Disease
by Douglas Ankney
(p 54)
Ninth Circuit Provides Cover to Oregon Governor for Prioritizing Guards Over Prisoners for COVID-19 Vaccine
by Douglas Ankney
(p 56)
Suspended South Carolina Sheriff Acquitted of Using Excessive Force on Jail Detainee
(p 57)
Nailing Down “Top Cop” Kamala Harris on Criminal Justice Reform
(p 58)
Prisoners Reportedly Locked in Showers in Oklahoma, Florida
by David Reutter
(p 59)
CDCR Slammed for Reclassifying Staff Misconduct Allegations as Routine Grievances
by Anthony Accurso
(p 60)
Maryland Extends Contract with YesCare Despite Bankruptcy of Predecessor Corizon Health
(p 60)
After Positive Drug Test, Kentucky Prisoners Allegedly Forced to Choose Between Tasing or Drinking Urine
by David Reutter
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
Turn Key Health Clinics: Another Private Jail Medical Provider Leaving a Trail of Death and Misery
by David Reutter
(p 1)
Bruce Johnson 1950–2024
by Paul Wright
(p 9)
Washington Prison Trade Training Program Boosts Employment Income Upon Release
(p 10)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 10)
Fifth Circuit Calls Denial of Texas Prisoner’s In Forma Pauperis Request “Arbitrary or Erroneous”
(p 11)
Florida Prisoner Whose Case Ended LWOP for Juveniles Released
(p 12)
Missouri DOC Chief Held in Contempt of Court for Keeping Exonerated Prisoner Locked Up
(p 13)
Texas Appeals Court Tosses Former Prisoner’s Illegal Voting Conviction
(p 13)
Environmental Impact Statement Released for Controversial Proposed BOP Lockup in Kentucky
(p 13)
Former Ohio Deputy Prison Warden Gets Probation for Overtime Fraud
(p 14)
TDCJ Denied Summary Judgment In Suit by Prisoner Who Missed Grievance Deadline Because Guard’s Assault Left Him In a Coma
(p 15)
DOJ Sues Utah DOC, Alleging Discrimination Against Transgender Prisoner
(p 16)
First Circuit Affirms Qualified Immunity for Massachusetts Officials Who Held Prisoner in Solitary for Two Years Without Hearing
by Douglas Ankney
(p 17)
German High Court Finds Low Prisoner Wages Unconstitutional
(p 18)
Georgia Prison Education Program Shuttered
(p 18)
“We Killed Him”: Alabama Jailers Cut Plea Deals After Detainee Freezes to Death
(p 19)
Former Warden Added to Suit Over Brutal Killing of Disabled Virginia Prisoner
by Douglas Ankney
(p 19)
New York City Mayor Blocks Solitary Confinement Ban After Council Overrides His Veto
(p 21)
Former Detainee Sues “Disgusting” Atlanta Jail Where He Was Stabbed 13 Times
(p 21)
Solitary Confinement Prompts Lawsuit in Massachusetts, Hunger Strike in Maine
(p 22)
NaphCare Settles One Suit At Oregon Jail, Loses Motion to Dismiss Second
(p 24)
Remedying Wrongs
by Kenneth Alyass
(p 26)
Ohio Guard Drives Over Prisoner
(p 27)
Competency Evaluation Ordered for Condemned Utah Prisoner
by David Reutter
(p 28)
Former Prisoners Can Become President, But Other Job Options Are Limited
(p 29)
Baton Rouge Cops Indicted for Violent In-Custody Strip-Search
(p 30)
D.C. Jail Watchdog Uncovers Alarming Solitary Confinement Practices
(p 31)
Multiple Abuse Allegations Against Texas Prison Guard Deemed “Unsubstantiated” by TDCJ
(p 32)
Missouri Prisoner’s Excessive Force Claim Proceeds Against Guards After Court Excuses Missed Deadlines Under “Unavailable” Grievance Procedure
by David Reutter
(p 32)
$1.1 Million Settlement for Colorado Prisoner Stabbed by Gang Members For Testifying About Prison Murder
by David Reutter
(p 33)
Pennsylvania Prisoner Smuggles Cellphones, Federal Prosecutor Breaches Plea Bargain
(p 33)
BOP Cuts Ties With American Correctional Association
(p 35)
Second Circuit: New York Prisoner’s Prior Cases Not PLRA Strikes
by David Reutter
(p 35)
Washington Parole Board Failed to Meaningfully Apply Presumption of Release for Prisoner Sentenced to LWOP as Juvenile
(p 36)
Telecom Firms Shift Revenue Streams in Response to Prison Phone Reforms
(p 37)
$700,000 Settlement in BOP Prisoner’s Death After Court Refuses to Extend Bivens
by David Reutter
(p 37)
Watchdog Faults BOP for Averaging 43 Prisoner Deaths a Year—More Than 23 by Suicide
by David Reutter
(p 39)
Mom of Murdered California Prisoner Defeats Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit by Guard Who Posted Pics of Corpse Online
by David Reutter
(p 40)
Georgia Prison Warden Fired, Seven Guards Arrested in Prisoner’s Massive Drug Operation
(p 41)
Tenth Circuit Affirms Former Oklahoma Jail Captain’s 46-Month Sentence For Brutalizing Detainees
by David Reutter
(p 41)
Trial Rescheduled for Ohio Prisoner Accused of Murdering Fellow Prisoner
(p 41)
Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals Grants Credit to Prisoner’s LWOP Sentence
by Douglas Ankney
(p 41)
Washington Court of Appeals: PLRA Dismissal of Prisoner’s Federal Suit Is Not Res Judicata Barring State Tort Claims
(p 43)
Montana Prison Warden Fired for Creating Hostile Workplace
(p 43)
Texas Prisoner’s Lawsuit Seeks Relief from Heat in Un-Air-Conditioned Prisons
by David Reutter
(p 46)
Oklahoma Lawmakers Sue for Pardon and Parole Board Texts After Condemned Prisoner Denied Clemency
(p 47)
Georgia Jail Detainee Released After 10-Year Wait for Trial
(p 48)
Chicago Jailers Publicly Call Detainee Death a Medical Emergency, Privately Admit Guard Brutality
(p 49)
DOJ Declares Conditions at Three More Mississippi Prisons Unconstitutional
by David Reutter
(p 50)
Regional Jail in Kentucky Settles DOJ Complaint, Agrees to Provide Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
by Douglas Ankney
(p 50)
Second Former BOP Guard Sentenced in Smuggling Scheme at Brooklyn Lockup
(p 51)
California Supreme Court Refuses Challenge to LWOP Sentence Imposed for Crime Committed After Age 18
(p 52)
Missouri Sheriff Removed from Office for Using Detainee Labor on His Own Properties
by David Reutter
(p 52)
CoreCivic’s Successful Campaign for Mass Incarceration Continues in Tennessee
(p 53)
Nevada Supreme Court Holds That Violating Jail Phone Policy Does Not Waive Attorney-Client Privilege
by Douglas Ankney
(p 54)
Former D.C. Guard Gets 42-Month Sentence for Assaulting Handcuffed Prisoner
by Douglas Ankney
(p 55)
Hometown Prison Examines Its Texas Neighbors
(p 55)
$60,000 Settlement for Kansas Prisoner’s Excessive Force Claim, $578,000 for His Attorneys
by David Reutter
(p 56)
California Prisoner Wins Challenge to Overbroad CDCR Records Request Made Prior to Resentencing
(p 57)
Virginia Governor’s Veto Exposes Prisoners Who Took Plea Bargains to Civil Rights Violations
by Matthew Clarke
(p 58)
$3.4 Million Settlement for Nevada Prisoner After ‘Wait and See’ Medical Care Became ‘Deny and Delay’
by David Reutter
(p 58)
Aryan Warriors Leader Among Three Killed in Nevada Prison Riot
(p 58)
Montana Supreme Court Requires Sentence Credit for Time Served in Tribal Jail
(p 60)
$2,000 Statutory Award Boosts Ohio Prisoner’s Total Over $9,000 for Denied Public Records
by David Reutter
(p 60)
One of Eight Prisoners Now Released is a Woman
by David Reutter
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 61)
After Spike in Jail Deaths, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Under California Department of Justice Investigation
by Matthew Clarke
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 8)
California Prisoner’s Generosity for Gaza Rewarded With Over $100,000
(p 8)
$7.5 Million Settlement in Suit Over California Jail Death
by Matthew Clarke
(p 9)
Arizona DOC Agrees to Pay $2,650,000 in Legal Fees and Costs in Long-Running PLN Censorship Suit
(p 10)
Unintended Consequence of Texas Prisoner Tablets: Retaliation from Fellow Prisoners
(p 11)
Virginia Takes Back One Prison from GEO Group, Closes Four More
(p 12)
Pilot Jail Diversion Program Opens for Mentally Ill Arrestees in Austin
(p 12)
Oregon Transgender Prisoner Claims Abusive Violation of Injunction, but Court Declines Sanctions
by Matthew Clarke
(p 13)
Contractor Fined $300,000 for Illegal Asbestos Dumping at Wisconsin Federal Prison
(p 14)
“Too brutal, too disgusting”: Prison Guards Flee as Working Conditions Worsen
(p 14)
Kentucky Parole Officer Gets Three Years for Sexually Assaulting Probationers
by Matthew Clarke
(p 15)
46 New York Prisoners Accuse Guards of Beatings—Even Waterboarding
by Douglas Ankney
(p 16)
Tennessee DOC Rewards CoreCivic with Pay Increase Despite Critical Watchdog Audit
(p 17)
Illinois Parole Board Member Resigns After Violator Turns Deadly
(p 18)
New York Revises 2,772 Prisoner Disciplinary Records After Inspector General Finds Defects in Another Contraband Drug Test
by Douglas Ankney
(p 18)
Dead Rikers Island Detainees Had Missed Dozens of Mental Health Appointments
(p 18)
Inspectors Catch L.A. Jailers Watching Porn
(p 19)
Eighth Circuit: Perfect Adherence to Burdened Beliefs Not Required to Demonstrate Sincerity under RLUIPA
by Douglas Ankney
(p 20)
Warden and Deputy Out at Kentucky Prison As DOC Investigates Guard Misconduct
(p 21)
Florida Jail Chief’s Firing Upheld, Retaliation Lawsuit Headed to Trial
(p 21)
Eleventh Circuit Denies Qualified Immunity to Georgia Jailers Who Housed White Detainee With Black Cellmate Held for Racially Motivated Attack
(p 22)
Riot at California GEO Group Lockup Sends Message to U.S. Marshals
(p 23)
Cheap Food Enriching Profiteers, Making Prisoners Sick
(p 23)
Prisoner Admissions Soar at Massachusetts Psychiatric Lockup Plagued by Overcrowding and Violence
(p 24)
Federal Judge Calls BOP Brooklyn Lockup Too Deplorable to House Defendant
(p 24)
$275,000 Settlement for Wisconsin Jail Detainee’s Death from Untreated Heart Infection
(p 26)
BOP is Holding 12,000 Prisoners in Solitary Confinement
by David Reutter
(p 28)
1,200 Washington Prisoners Lose Laptops After One Shows Up on eBay
(p 28)
Massachusetts Prison Closure Reflects Success of Criminal Justice Reforms
(p 29)
Fifth Savannah Jail Employee Arrested for Smuggling in Just Over a Year
(p 29)
Tennessee Sheriff Indicted for Massive Prisoner Work-Release Fraud
(p 31)
Report Finds Exploitative Disciplinary Fines in One-Third of U.S. Prison Systems
(p 31)
Fourth Circuit Revives Claim Over North Carolina Jail Suicide
by Douglas Ankney
(p 32)
Arrested for Stealing Snacks, Baltimore Diabetic Dies in Jail
(p 32)
Georgia Guard Fired, Charged With Setting Up Assault that Left Prisoner Dead
(p 33)
Arizona Agrees to $40,000 Settlement in Suit Over Mentally Ill Prisoner’s Suicide
by Douglas Ankney
(p 34)
Illinois Prisoner Succumbs to Heat Wave
(p 34)
Fourth Circuit Chides Virginia Magistrate for Assuming Prisoners Proceed IFP
by Douglas Ankney
(p 35)
New Mexico Jail Sued Again After Paying $787,500 In-Custody Death Settlement
(p 36)
First Circuit Tolls Claim for Maine Jail Death from Date of Detainee’s Injury, Rather Than When He Died
by Douglas Ankney
(p 37)
Psychiatrist Settles Virginia Jail Suicide Suit for $1.75 Million
(p 38)
Florida Court Strikes $10 Million of $16 Million Judgment Against Armor Correctional Health in Jail Death
by David Reutter
(p 39)
Criminalizing Poverty Drives Mass Incarceration in Kentucky, Washington
by Douglas Ankney
(p 40)
Settlements Total $3.85 Million for Nevada Prisoners Hit with Birdshot
by David Reutter
(p 41)
Indiana Supreme Court Says “Summary Judgment Is Not Summary Trial,” Remanding State Prisoner’s Malpractice Claim to a Jury
(p 42)
Missouri Warden, Four Guards Out After Prisoner’s Fatal Beating
(p 43)
Texas Prosecutor Gets Fine, Probated Bar Suspension After Jailing Woman for Abortion
(p 43)
Fourth Circuit Grants Qualified Immunity to Guards Who Left North Carolina Prisoner to Eat with Feces-Soiled Hands
(p 44)
Alaska Supreme Court Revives Prisoner’s Claim for 11-Month Solitary Confinement That DOC Admitted Was Improper
by Douglas Ankney
(p 46)
Washington Prisoner’s Sentence Vacated After Attorney Calls and Visits Were Recorded
by Douglas Ankney
(p 47)
$11 Million Settlement for Exonerated Michigan Prisoner
by David Reutter
(p 48)
3,500 Body-Worn Cameras Recalled from Rikers Island Guards After One Catches Fire
(p 48)
No Dismissal for San Diego Jail Medical Contractor from Suit Filed Over Detainee’s Withdrawal Death
(p 50)
Nevada DOC Under Fire for Hiring Unlicensed Medical Director
(p 51)
Ending Prison Slavery on the Ballot in California, Nevada
(p 51)
Addicted to Punishment: Jails and Prisons Punish Drug Use Far More Than They Treat It
by Emily Widra
(p 52)
Mississippi Prison Warden Suspended After Security Chief Caught Smuggling
(p 57)
Intellectually Disabled Georgia Prisoner Executed After SCOTUS Denies Appeal
(p 57)
Alabama Denies Parole to Dead Prisoner
(p 58)
Maryland Pardons 175,000 Marijuana Misdemeanor Convictions
(p 58)
Condemned Alabama Prisoner Challenges Execution by Nitrogen Hypoxia
by David Reutter
(p 59)
South Carolina Supreme Court Grants Prisoner Credit for Time Served Awaiting Revocation of Supervised Release
(p 60)
Colorado Lawmakers Take a Pass on Cash Assistance for Released Prisoners
by Douglas Ankney
(p 60)
Bar Complaint Revives 10-Year-Old Question: Why No Charges Filed Against Florida Guards Who Killed Prisoner?
by David Reutter
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
Pro-Navalny Hackers Breach Russian Prison Computers, Lower Commissary Prices
(p 62)
Alaska’s Prison System: Dangerous, Deadly Yet Repeating Past Mistakes
by David Reutter
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 9)
North Carolina’s Largest City Elects First Ex-Prisoner to Council
(p 10)
For Beating Handcuffed Prisoners, Former Alabama Guard Supervisor Gets 87 Months
(p 10)
Fifth Circuit: Texas Prisoner’s Declaration Alone Sufficient to Send PLRA Exhaustion Dispute to Trial
(p 11)
Four BOP Guards Sentenced for Three Federal Prisoner Assaults at Kentucky Lockup
(p 12)
Seventh Kentucky Guard Sentenced for Restrained Prisoner’s Beat-down
(p 12)
“Botched” and “Ill-Conceived”: BOP Slammed for Plan to Close California Lockup Known as “Rape Club”
(p 13)
Idaho Stopped From Repeatedly Scheduling Executions That It Cannot Carry Out
by Douglas Ankney
(p 14)
Securus Wipes Out Months of Washington Prisoners’ Writing—Again
(p 15)
“You Just Broke My Neck”: Ohio Detainee Sues Jail Where Guards Are Accused of Multiple Assaults
(p 16)
In New Jersey, Yet More Privileged Phone Calls Between Prisoners and Attorneys Recorded and Used by Prosecutors
by Douglas Ankney
(p 17)
BOP Hires Sentencing Reform Advocate
(p 18)
Federal Watchdog Slams BOP for Sham Accreditations
by Matthew Clarke
(p 18)
Cleveland Jail Warden Dismissed After Asking for More Reentry Assistance for Detainees
(p 19)
Exonerated Prisoner Sues New York City for 16 Years of Wrongful Incarceration
(p 19)
Oregon Parole Board Ordered to Consider Sex-Offense-Free Time When Setting Sex Offender Notification Levels
(p 20)
Third Circuit Denies Qualified Immunity to Pennsylvania Jail Guards and PrimeCare in Detainee’s Overdose Death
by David Reutter
(p 21)
Ninth Circuit: Alleged Denial of Hepatitis C Treatment to Federal Prisoner in Washington Presents Valid Bivens Claim
by David Reutter
(p 22)
Colorado Program Employs Prisoners as Professors
(p 23)
Washington, Virginia Advance Bills to Make Prison Calls Free
(p 23)
Decoding Recidivism: Unraveling Its Complex Metrics and Real Impact
(p 24)
Georgia Sheriff Takes $160,000 Kickback from Pay Tel for Video Visitation
(p 24)
Hope Against Hope
by Daryl Waters
(p 26)
Tennessee DOC Faulted for High Staff Vacancy and Turnover, Inadequate Programs, PREA Violations
(p 28)
“You Are Not Above the Law”: Former Indiana Sheriff Jailed for Contempt of Court
(p 31)
$15,000 Net Award for Georgia Prisoner’s Delayed Hep-C Treatment
by David Reutter
(p 32)
West Virginia Slammed for High Costs, Low Quality of Privatized Prison Food
(p 33)
CoreCivic Sued by Former Detainee Stabbed at Shuttered Kansas Jail
by David Reutter
(p 34)
Seventh Circuit Finds No Problem With Surveillance of Chicago Detainees on Toilets
by David Reutter
(p 35)
$500,000 for Texas Teen Sodomized in Jail
(p 35)
Warden, Eight Employees Arrested After Four Deaths at Wisconsin Prison in Eight Months
(p 36)
Pell Grant Restoration Not Reaching All Prisoners
(p 37)
Colorado Jail Guard Must Stand Trial for Opening Accused Sex Offender’s Cell, Subjecting Him to Assault
by David Reutter
(p 38)
Wrongfully Convicted Michigan Prisoners Wait for Compensation
(p 39)
Illinois Prisoner Awarded Over $822,000 For Hernia Care Denied by Wexford Health
by Douglas Ankney
(p 40)
Minnesota Jailers Shrug Off Detainee’s Agony from Fatal Perforated Bowel as Withdrawal Symptoms
(p 41)
Hearing-Impaired Massachusetts Prisoners Win ADA Case
(p 42)
Virginia Legislature Tables “Second-Look” Bills
(p 43)
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Place Heavy Burden on Incarcerated Victims of Sexual Assaults
by David Reutter
(p 44)
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Slows the Hand That State DOC Sticks Into Prisoners’ Pockets
by David Reutter
(p 46)
Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Retaliation Claim By Federal Prisoner Against Guard in Illinois Lockup Who Saw Grievance Against Him
by Matthew Clarke
(p 47)
$8.9 Million Settlement Reached for N.Y. Prisoner’s Death Following Guards’ Baton Beating
by David Reutter
(p 48)
Mentally Ill Detainee Allegedly Tasered and Starved to Death At South Carolina Jail
(p 48)
Maryland County Wins Fight to Let Bureaucrats Make Pretrial Release Decisions
by David Reutter
(p 50)
Eighth Circuit Largely Restores Qualified Immunity to Minnesota Jail Guards in Use of Force on Bipolar Prisoner
by David Reutter
(p 51)
Maryland Prisoner Prevails in Challenge to Denial of Public Records Requests
(p 52)
$2 Million Settlement in Death of Mentally Disabled Detainee Stripped of Anti-Seizure Device at Colorado Jail
by David Reutter
(p 53)
Two Who Escaped from Arkansas Jail Recaptured
(p 54)
Despite Unemployment Spike, Alabama Refuses Prisoners Work-Release Paroles
(p 54)
Ohio Supreme Court Says Prisoner’s ‘Kite’ Is Public Record, But Denies Damages for Withholding It
by Matthew Clarke
(p 55)
$56.7 Million Awarded to “Harlem Park Three,” Exonerated of Baltimore Murder After 36 Years in Prison
by David Reutter
(p 56)
Missouri Muslim Prisoners Advance Suit Against Guards For Assault During Prayer
by Douglas Ankney
(p 57)
Sixth Circuit Revives Ohio Prisoner’s Retaliation Claim That Guards Got Him Kicked Out of Religious Group
by David Reutter
(p 58)
$4 Million Settlement in Class Action Challenging Unconstitutional Conditions at West Virginia Jail
by David Reutter
(p 59)
Transgender Maryland Prisoner’s Suit Accuses Guard of Shower Rape
(p 60)
Two Prisoners Removed from Texas Death Row Due to Intellectual Disability
by David Reutter
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
Contemporary Slavery: The Not-So-Secret Practice of Forced Labor Inside U.S. Prisons
by Douglas Ankney
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 9)
Far-Right Claremont Institute Awards Extremist California Sheriff
(p 10)
Dramatic Prisoner Escape in France Leaves Two Guards Dead
(p 10)
Georgia Prisoner’s Challenge to “Deplorable” Conditions Survives Motion to Dismiss
(p 11)
Missouri DOC Models Re-entry Program on Norwegian Prisons
(p 12)
After Takeover from CoreCivic, Oklahoma Prison Even More Short-Staffed
(p 12)
New York Court of Appeals Lets DOCCS Skate from Liability for Doctor’s Malpractice on State Prisoner
by Douglas Ankney
(p 13)
Texas Bankruptcy Court Rejects Proposed Settlement of Prisoner Claims Against Corizon Health
(p 14)
Trans Detainee Sues Over Housing With Men on Rikers Island
(p 14)
Private Prison Transport Guards Sentenced to Prison for Raping Detainees
by Douglas Ankney
(p 16)
Vermont Court Orders Centurion to Cough Up Records in HRDC Suit
by Matthew Clarke
(p 17)
BOP Has a Halfway House Problem
(p 18)
Michigan Makes Voting Rights Restoration Automatic for Prisoner’s at Release
(p 18)
Los Angeles County Makes Jail Phone Calls Free
(p 19)
Other Jails Study Miami Diversion Program to Keep Mentally Ill from Repeated Incarceration
(p 19)
Louisiana Fights Federal Court Order to Remedy “Callous and Wanton Disregard” for Angola Prisoners’ Healthcare
by David Reutter
(p 20)
Dixie Prison Growth Drives Number of Incarcerated Americans Above 2 Million Once Again
(p 21)
HRDC Files Suit for Exonerated Florida Prisoner Wrongfully Incarcerated Over 44 Years
(p 22)
Virginia Sheriff Sued After “Catfishing” Deputy Kills Family of California Teen Victim
(p 23)
Two Sentenced in Detainee’s Fentanyl Death at North Florida Jail
(p 23)
Two Ohio Prisoners and Two Guards Tried for Assaults
(p 24)
Seventh Circuit: Heck Bars Civil Rights Challenges to Civil Commitment
by Matthew Clarke
(p 24)
The Mind-Breakers: the Case of Ramzi Bin al-Shibh
by St Clair, Jeffrey
(p 26)
Bankruptcy Threatens $500,000 Settlement in Suit Alleging Housing Discrimination Against Former Prisoners in New York City
(p 31)
“Are You Freaking Kidding Me?” Former BOP Warden Accuses Guards of Recruiting Prisoners for Assaults at Troubled Lockup in Illinois
by David Reutter
(p 32)
Contaminated Water a Longstanding Problem at Nebraska Women’s Prison
(p 33)
Lawsuit Alleges Black ICE Detainee Subjected to Racial Slurs, Choked in Restraint Chair at Pennsylvania Jail
by Matthew Clarke
(p 34)
His Appeal Lost for 28 Years, Texas Prisoner Finally Off Death Row
(p 35)
Arkansas Sheriff Grilled Over Hit Netflix Show Filmed at Jail
(p 35)
Botched Idaho Execution Halted
by Douglas Ankney
(p 36)
BOP Lifts Maximum Age for New Guards to 40
(p 37)
Colorado Law Creates “Rebuttable Presumption” Against Incarcerating Pregnant Women
(p 38)
Executions Rise in 2023, Number on Death Row Falls
(p 39)
CDCR Loses Suit Over Release of Employee Misconduct Records
(p 40)
Idaho Continues To Cell “Dangerously Mentally Ill” Without Charges
(p 41)
More Alabama Prisoners’ Families Say Their Corpses Were Returned Without Organs
(p 42)
$20.5 Million Settlement for Two Kentucky Prisoners Exonerated and Freed After 22 Years
by David Reutter
(p 43)
$7 Million Settlement for Mentally Ill Detainee’s Death in California’s Santa Rita Jail
by Matthew Clarke
(p 44)
How Parole and Probation “No-Association” Conditions Hamper Successful Reentry
(p 46)
Harris County Shipping Detainees from Overcrowded Jail to Mississippi CoreCivic Prison
(p 47)
Florida County Pays $300,000 to Settle Jail Suicide Suit
by Matthew Clarke
(p 47)
Memphis Jail Accused of Routine Over-Detention in Suit Over Detainee’s Murder
(p 48)
Atheist Chaplain Attends Atheist Oklahoma Prisoner During Execution
(p 48)
Florida Prisons Playing “Whack-a-Mole” With Jailbroken Tablets
(p 50)
Tuberculosis Outbreak Exposed Weak Washington DOC Response
(p 50)
Eleven Years After Consent Decree Entered, New Orleans Jail Still Not Compliant
(p 51)
$5 Million Settlement in Death of Georgia Prisoner Left by Guards in Cell on Fire
by David Reutter
(p 52)
$500,000 Jury Award Cut to $250,000 for Pennsylvania Prisoner Brutally Beaten by Guards
by Douglas Ankney
(p 53)
Watchdog Finds “Alarming Conditions” at BOP Women’s Lockup in Florida
by David Reutter
(p 54)
Texas Detainee Raped in Jail Sues Macy’s for False Facial-ID Match That Led to Arrest
(p 54)
Report Finds Current Path of Florida Prison System “Unsustainable”
by David Reutter
(p 55)
Settlement Obligates Washington DOC to Provide Gender-Affirming Care to Trans Prisoners
(p 56)
Over $71,000 Awarded to Michigan Prisoner for Sexual Abuse by Guard
by Matthew Clarke
(p 57)
Elderly Ohio Prisoner Beaten by Cellmate Despite Warning Guards, Who Cheered Attack
(p 58)
Conflicting Reports from New Hampshire Prison Officials Before Guard Charged in Psychiatric Detainee’s Death
(p 58)
Georgia Prisoner Stabs Warden
(p 59)
U.N. Panel Finds Rampant Racism in U.S. Criminal Justice System
(p 59)
$700,000 Jury Verdict for Wisconsin Prisoner Denied Due Process in Disciplinary Hearing
by David Reutter
(p 60)
Lawsuit Over Mailroom Abuses by Washington DOC Leads to Policy Changes
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
Aramark: Prison Food for Thought
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 10)
Southern California Jail Guard Arrested With 104 Pounds of Fentanyl
(p 10)
Families of New Jersey Jail Suicide Victims Still Waiting for Settlement Payouts
(p 11)
$500,000 Settlement for Colorado Prisoner Forced to Defecate in Bucket for 12 Days
by David Reutter
(p 11)
These Men Fought White Supremacists and Got Sentenced to Over 200 Years
by Victoria Law
(p 12)
Six Deaths in Just Over Six Months at Alabama Jail
(p 15)
Federal Watchdog Slams BOP for Lapses in Epstein Death, Pushes Back Against Rumors It Wasn’t Suicide
by Douglas Ankney
(p 16)
Alabama Woman Jailed for “Fetal Endangerment” Sues After She Was Forced to Give Birth Alone in Jail Shower
(p 17)
Over 5,000 Prisoners Federally Sentenced Every Month
by Douglas Ankney
(p 17)
Former Illinois Prisoner Pursuing PhD After 27 Years of Incarceration
(p 18)
$32,000 Settlement for Failure to Provide Insulin to Diabetic Wisconsin Prisoner
(p 18)
$7,500 Settlement Reached After Georgia Prisoner’s Retaliation Claim Survives Summary Judgment
(p 19)
Autistic Detainee’s Death in Pittsburgh Jail Blamed on “Culture” That Left Him “Punished Instead of Treated”
(p 20)
$6,500 Paid to Illinois Prisoner After Denied Records Request
(p 21)
HIV and Incarcerated People: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
by Douglas Ankney
(p 21)
Two West Virginia Jail Guards Plead Guilty in Detainee Death, Six More Charged
(p 22)
Escaped Idaho Prisoner Recaptured, Three Accomplices Charged
(p 23)
$125,000 Settlement for Wisconsin Prisoner’s Claim That Guards Set Him Up For Stabbing
by David Reutter
(p 23)
Prisoner-on-Prisoner Violence at California Prison Leaves One Dead, Another Stabbed
(p 24)
Class-Action Challenge to Medical Care at Tennessee Jail Results in $3.8 Million Settlement
(p 24)
Eighth Circuit Says Lower Court “Tilted the Scales Too Far” for Jailers in Missouri Detainee’s Fatal Overdose
by David Reutter
(p 26)
Arizona Sheriff Accused of Misusing Detainee Funds to Buy Guns, Ammo
(p 27)
Three Texas Prison Guards Among 13 Charged in Sprawling Smuggling Scheme
(p 27)
Fourth Circuit Moves North Carolina Prisons Closer to Recognizing Nation of Gods and Earths
by Matthew Clarke
(p 28)
Washington Superior Court Says Jail Cannot Bill Poor Detainees for Medical Care
(p 29)
Alabama Denied Summary Judgment in Prisoner’s Suit Over Knifepoint Rape
by Matthew Clarke
(p 31)
Fourth Circuit Reinstates HRDC’s RICO Claim Against Securus and ViaPath
(p 32)
Ninth Circuit Refunds Filing Fee to “Struck-Out” California Prisoner Denied Indigent Status Under PLRA
by Matthew Clarke
(p 34)
Pennsylvania Jail Warden Fired, Deputy Warden Resigns After Guard Assaults Detainee
(p 35)
Was There a Plot to Discredit Former Missouri Sheriff Investigating Corruption?
by Douglas Ankney
(p 35)
The Graying of American Prisons
(p 36)
Regarding Death Penalty, Biden’s Actions Don’t Align with His Mouth
by Douglas Ankney
(p 37)
$10 Million Reimbursed for Vacated Washington Drug Possession Convictions
by David Reutter
(p 37)
“Third Time Is Not the Charm” For Texas Jailers Barred by PLRA from Enforcing Prior Settlement Agreement Against Prisoner in New Suit
by Matthew Clarke
(p 38)
Migrants at New Mexico CoreCivic ICE Detention Center Forced to Clean Up Sewage with Bare Hands
by Douglas Ankney
(p 39)
Wyoming Supreme Court Grants Immunity to DOC in Prison COVID-19 Vaccine Mix-Up
by David Reutter
(p 40)
Three-Year Sentence for One of Four BOP Employees Charged With Ignoring Fatally Ill Federal Prisoner in Virginia
(p 41)
FTC Orders GTL/ViaPath to Help 650,000 Customers Whose Info Was Stolen, Posted on Dark Web
by Douglas Ankney
(p 41)
“There you go, Agent Orange!” Former South Carolina Sheriff Federally Indicted for Assaulting Jail Detainee
by Edward Lyon
(p 43)
Dismissal Affirmed of Florida Prisoner’s Claim for Exposure to Human Waste
by David Reutter
(p 44)
Qualified Immunity Denied to Former New Mexico Warden in Prisoner’s Sexual Abuse Claim
(p 46)
HRDC Wins Summary Judgment in North Carolina Prison Censorship Case
(p 47)
Pennsylvania Detainee Found Four Months After Jail Escape, Five Guards Fired
(p 47)
BOP Guards Plead Guilty in Smuggling Ring at Closed Manhattan Lockup
(p 48)
San Diego Jury Deadlocks on Charges Against Jail Doctor in Detainee’s Death, Nurse Acquitted
(p 48)
Legal Noose Tightens Around Necks of CDCR Officials Whose Botched Transfer Sparked San Quentin COVID-19 Outbreak
by Douglas Ankney
(p 49)
Virginia Supreme Court Denies New Sentence Credits to State Prisoner Serving “Mixed” Sentence
by Douglas Ankney
(p 50)
Massachusetts Makes Calls Free From Prisons and Jails
(p 51)
Ohio Supreme Court Orders Records Produced for State Prisoner
by David Reutter
(p 51)
$25.2 Million Settlement for Two Connecticut Prisoners Exonerated After 35 Years
by David Reutter
(p 52)
Seventh Circuit Lets Illinois Prisoner Proceed In Forma Pauperis, Despite Trust Account Balance Exceeding Filing Fee
by Douglas Ankney
(p 53)
BOP Rolls Out Veterans-Only Housing at Federal Prison in Texas
(p 54)
Eighth Circuit Upholds Key Parts of Missouri Parole Reform
(p 54)
Second Circuit Grants New York Officials Qualified Immunity for Prisoner’s Stolen Sentence Credits
by David Reutter
(p 55)
$15,000 to Virginia Prisoner Mauled by DOC K-9
by Matthew Clarke
(p 56)
BOP Shrugs Off Month-Long Leavenworth Lockdown
(p 56)
California Law Extends Involuntary Commitment and Detention to Substance Abusers
(p 57)
“Sugar Daddy” Pennsylvania Constable Accused of Recruiting “Sugar Babies” at Jail
(p 58)
West Virginia Supreme Court Orders Prison Officials to Develop Good-Time Credit Policy
by David Reutter
(p 58)
Sentencing Project Proposes Remedies for Racial Disparities Behind Bars
(p 59)
North Carolinian Left in Jail Awaiting Trial for 11 Years
(p 59)
Ninth Circuit Affirms Class Action Consent Decree at California’s Alameda County Jail
by David Reutter
(p 60)
News in Brief
(p 61)
Fired Alabama Guard Reinstated Despite Excessive Force Used on Prisoner Who Died
by David Reutter
(p 61)
“Sisters-In-Law” of Brazilian Prisoners Going Viral on TikTok
by Jo Ellen Nott
Lawsuit By California Youth Alliance Prompts County Probation Chiefs to Dissolve Secretive Nonprofit
by Jo Ellen Nott
As ICE Data Errors Persist, GEO Group Cashes In
by Chuck Sharman
Unable to Post Bail, Detainee Starves to Death in Arkansas Jail
by David Reutter
$155 Million Settlement for 10,000 California Prison Guard Supervisors in Wage Lawsuit
by David Reutter
After Stripping Crucial Jail Services, NYC Splurges on $90,000 in Submachine Guns for Rikers Island Guards
by Jordan Arizmendi
Young Hong Kong Protestors Held in “Deradicalization” Camps
by Gregory Teixeira
BOP Guard, Nurse in Virginia Indicted in Prisoner’s Death
by Chuck Sharman
Florida Supreme Court Bans ‘Vexatious’ Prisoner From Filing Further Pro Se Petitions
by David Reutter
Fourth Circuit: South Carolina Prisoner’s Bivens Claim Must Detail Unconstitutional Acts of Each Defendant
by Benjamin Tschirhart
Fourth Circuit Finds No Defamation for Inaccurate Media Reporting of Criminal Record of Former Federal Prisoner in West Virginia
Eighth Circuit: Arkansas Detainee Suffering Fatal Seizure Might Have Been Faking or Might Have Gotten Better
by David Reutter
Indiana Prisoner Sues Prison Abolition Group, Wins $1,097 Default Judgment
by Mark Wilson
Seventh Circuit Grants Qualified Immunity to Illinois Jail Guards Who Relied on Nurse’s Opinion that Detainee Was “Faking” Symptoms Before He Died
by David Reutter
$175,000 Awarded to Former California Detainee Whose Suit Prompted DOJ Investigation and Settlement Requiring Structural Changes at Jail
by Douglas Ankney
$1.4 Million Verdict for Florida Jail Guard Injured in Transport Van Crash
by David Reutter
Suit Proceeds Against CoreCivic by Guard Strip-Searched at Georgia Prison
by David Reutter
Colorado Becomes Seventh State to Prohibit Jailing Immigrants for ICE
by Jordan Arizmendi
Shocking Video Footage Reveals Rampant Violence and Neglect in Los Angeles County Jails
by Chuck Sharman
Eleventh Circuit: “More than Gross Negligence” Required to Prove Deliberate Indifference
by David Reutter
NaphCare: More Proof That Privatized Healthcare Deals Death and Misery to the Incarcerated to Enhance Profits
by David Reutter
(p 1)
Woman Denied Cardiac Care in Federal Prison in Texas—Despite Personal Assurance of BOP Medical Director
(p 9)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 9)
Drunken “Karen” Jail Guard in Michigan Invades Former Home, Demands to Speak to Prosecutor When Cops Arrive
(p 10)
With Push to Empty North Carolina’s Death Row Comes Another to End Life Without Parole
(p 10)
Months-Long Wisconsin Prison Lockdown Prompts Lawsuits
(p 11)
Alaska Prisons Report Three Deaths in Three Days
(p 11)
Florida County Makes Free Jail Phone Calls Available
(p 12)
Colorado Prisoners Disciplined for Not Working Despite Ban on Prison Slavery
(p 13)
From Prison Cook to Praised Pizza Chef
(p 13)
Louisville Jail Records 15 Detainee Deaths, 16 Employees Fired
(p 14)
428 Georgia Prison Employees Criminally Charged in Five Years
(p 15)
California Prisons Locked Down After Massive Riot Hospitalizes Prisoner, Eight Guards
(p 15)
One Detainee Dying Every Week in L.A. County Jails
(p 16)
Sentencing Project Finds “Important Inroads” Against Mass Incarceration, Racial Inequality Behind Bars
(p 17)
Condemned Texas Prisoner Ruled Too Mentally Ill to Execute
by Matthew Clarke
(p 18)
HRDC Awarded Over $130,000 in Legal Costs and Fees for Defendant’s “Bad Faith” in Maine Records Lawsuit
by David Reutter
(p 18)
Oregon Prisoner’s Parole Deferral Based on “Dangerous Offender” Statute Reversed
(p 19)
Maryland Compensates Exonerated Prisoner Over $340,000
(p 20)
Seventh Circuit Again Rejects Challenge to Three-Book Limit at Cook County Jail by Now-Dead Detainee
by David Reutter
(p 21)
$33 Million Awarded to Family of Oklahoma Jail Detainee Mocked By Nurse and Guards As He Died Begging for Help
by Douglas Ankney
(p 22)
$9,000 Settlement in Wisconsin Prisoner’s Heat-Related Illness Suit
by Matthew Clarke
(p 23)
Lights, Camera, Action! “Dead Man Walking” Comes to Sing Sing
(p 24)
Sixth Circuit Refuses Michigan Prisoner’s Excessive Force Claim Despite Guard’s Conviction for Battery
by David Reutter
(p 24)
Parole and Probation Accused of Driving Prison Growth
by David Reutter
(p 26)
Louisiana Supreme Court Springs Prisoner From Death Row
(p 27)
$1.75 Million Settlement Reached in Washington Jail Suicide
by David Reutter
(p 27)
Grand Jury Slams Sacramento County for Delaying Jail Improvements Mandated in Consent Decree
by Douglas Ankney
(p 28)
Kansas DOC Claims Discrimination Against Wiccans Was “Inadvertent”
by Douglas Ankney
(p 29)
California Adds Statewide Detention Monitors Overseeing Local Jails
(p 29)
Massachusetts High Court Calls Denial of Prisoner’s Medical Parole without Risk Assessment Arbitrary and Capricious
by Douglas Ankney
(p 31)
Third Circuit Revives Disabled New Jersey Prisoner’s Claim for Deprivation of Walking Cane
by Douglas Ankney
(p 32)
Nine Employees Arrested at Troubled South Carolina Jail
(p 34)
Missouri Moms Jailed After Kids Miss Too Much School
(p 35)
Two Kansas Prison Guards Fired, Six Disciplined for Mocking Injured Prisoner and Refusing Her Help
(p 35)
Exceptional Punishments
by Kate Weisburd
(p 36)
N.J. Prison Guard Sacked Over Mock George Floyd Killing
(p 37)
Third Circuit Unhappy with Federal Detainee’s Denied Marriage Request at Pennsylvania GEO Group Lockup
(p 38)
Russian Opposition Leader Dies in Prison
(p 39)
Oklahoma Jail Withholds Death Records, Fails to Report Five Since 2018
by Matthew Clarke
(p 40)
$8.5 Million Settlement After Pretrial Detainee Suffocated by Guards and Medical Staff at Virginia Psychiatric Hospital
by David Reutter
(p 41)
$11.6 Million Settlement Reached in HRDC Debit Release Card Case in Washington; California Victory Remanded
(p 42)
Georgia Sheriff Resigns After Groping TV Judge’s Breast
(p 43)
North Carolina Court of Appeals Reinstates Parolee’s Parental Rights, Says Parole Conditions Barred Him from Visiting Minor Daughter
by Matthew Clarke
(p 44)
Finding Indiana Grievance Process “Unavailable,” Federal Judge Grants Summary Judgment to 22 Prisoners on Same Day
(p 46)
Massachusetts Prisoners Again Stage Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement
(p 47)
Alabama Denies Parole to Former Sheriff Convicted of Corruption
(p 47)
Eleventh Circuit Calls Georgia Prisoner’s Dismissed Suit Outside PLRA “Strike Zone”
(p 48)
$19.3 Million Awarded to Former Illinois Prisoner Repeatedly Sexually Assaulted by Prison Counselor
(p 50)
Missouri Expands Prison Mail Ban to Include Books Sent by Family, Friends
(p 51)
Federal Prisoners Released Under First Step Act Show 37% Reduction in Recidivism
by Matthew Clarke
(p 51)
Arizona Supreme Court Reverses Summary Judgment for Corizon Health in State Prisoner’s Death from Untreated Diabetes
by Matthew Clarke
(p 52)
Washington DOC Outfits Guards with Narcan
(p 52)
Class-Action Lawsuit Challenges Use of Presumptive Drug Tests by Washington DOC
(p 54)
Fifth Circuit Finds Louisiana Prisoner’s Solitary Confinement Not Sufficiently “Atypical” to Violate the Constitution
by David Reutter
(p 55)
Connecticut DOC Held Liable for Failure to Treat Transgender Prisoner’s Gender Dysphoria
by Douglas Ankney
(p 56)
Eighth Circuit Affirms Qualified Immunity for Missouri Prison Chief in Sexual Abuse Claims Against Former Guard
by David Reutter
(p 57)
Ninth Circuit Says Federal Prisoner in California May Have Bivens Claim for Delays in Medical Care Allegedly to Cover Up Assault by BOP Guard
(p 58)
$2,000 Paid to Former Arkansas Jail Detainees Given Horse Dewormer for COVID-19
by Douglas Ankney
(p 59)
At BOP California “Rape Club” Prison: Historic Ruling, FBI Raid, Warden Removed
(p 60)
News in Brief
(p 61)
Overcrowded and Understaffed, Oklahoma County Jail Remains “Deplorable”
by David Reutter
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 7)
No Jail Time for Former Arizona Prisons Director After Armed Standoff With Cops
(p 8)
Lawsuit Claims Seattle’s King County Jail Shows Little Improvement in Quarter Century Since “Hammer Agreement”
(p 8)
Pennsylvania County Found Skimming Prisoner-Designated Funds from ViaPath Kickbacks
(p 9)
Colorado Sheriff Resigns After Deputies Fatally Shoot Motorist
(p 10)
With Guard Arrests at Georgia Jail, Sheriff Asks, “What Are We Doing Wrong?”
(p 10)
U.S. Sentencing Commission Greenlights Retroactive Sentence Reductions
(p 11)
Redemption Songs: The Forgotten History of American Prison Music
by Maurice Chammah
(p 12)
Nearly $11 Million Settlement Reached in Suit by BOP Prisoners Held Without Heat, Electricity During New York Winter Storm
by Douglas Ankney
(p 14)
Massachusetts Becomes the Fifth State to Make Prison Phone Calls Free
(p 15)
Federal Prisoner in Virginia Convicted on Fresh Kiddie Porn Charges After Drawing His Own
(p 15)
California Slowed, But Not Barred from “Dumping” Sick, Indigent Parolees on Public Hospitals
(p 16)
Illinois Eases Restrictions on Prisoners Released Under Supervision
(p 17)
Rikers Island Detainees Given Pricey Weight-Loss Surgery but Little Follow-Up Care
(p 17)
Moms Released from Massachusetts Prison Decry Dearth of Help
(p 18)
Eighth Circuit Issues Primer on Informal Due Process Procedures to Missouri Prisoner
by David Reutter
(p 19)
DOJ Finds ADA Violations in Arizona Prisons, Demands Improvements
(p 20)
Unsealed Settlement Reveals PrimeCare Medical Paid $337,500 After Pennsylvania Prisoner’s Suicide
by David Reutter
(p 21)
Sick Georgia Prisoners Forced to Choose Between Treatment and Early Release
(p 21)
Eighth Circuit Remands ADA Claims—But Not Constitutional Claims—of Paralyzed Arkansas Jail Detainee
by David Reutter
(p 22)
“Unethical At Best”: Hawaii Budget Director Charged With Financing New Prison is Former CoreCivic Lobbyist
(p 23)
Alabama Conducts First Nitrogen Hypoxia Execution
(p 24)
“More jobs than people”: Prisoners Training to Work on Ohio Infrastructure Projects after Release
(p 24)
Escape from Oregon State Hospital Results in Changes to Detainee Transports
(p 26)
HRDC Wins $14 Million Settlement for Exonerated Florida Prisoner
(p 26)
Four Dead in One Month in San Bernardino County Jails, $3,232,500 in Settlements Paid So Far
by Casey Bastian, Douglas Ankney
(p 28)
Seventh Circuit Revives Prisoner’s Challenge to Seized $10,000
by David Reutter
(p 31)
Alabama Prisons Facing Third Class-Action Lawsuit
(p 32)
Muslim Florida Prisoner Awarded Permanent Injunction to Grow Untrimmed Beard
by David Reutter
(p 34)
South Carolina Sheriff Ordered to Pay $37,500 in Fees and Costs in Jail FOIA Case
by Matthew Clarke
(p 35)
North Carolina Prison Official Pleads Guilty to COVID-19 Program Fraud
(p 35)
New York Prisoners with Chronic Pain Win Injunction to Receive Denied Medication
by Matthew Clarke
(p 36)
Guard and Four Summit Food Service Employees Arrested for Smuggling at Troubled Atlanta Jail
(p 36)
Ninth Circuit Shuts Down Settlement Agreement in Long-Running California Prisoners’ Gang Affiliation Suit
by David Reutter
(p 37)
$470,000 Settlement After Texas Jail Nurses Fabricate Vital Signs for Detainee Who Died
by Douglas Ankney
(p 38)
New Jersey Supreme Court Revives Parolee’s Challenge to Administratively Imposed Treatment Program
by Matthew Clarke
(p 39)
BOP Pays $40,000 to Prisoner Sexually Assaulted at Florida Lockup by Guard, Who Must Pay Her $1 Million
by David Reutter
(p 40)
Serial Killer Murdered by Cellmate at Texas Lockup
(p 41)
California Felony-Murder Reform Shaves 11,000 Years Off 600 Prisoner Sentences
by Douglas Ankney
(p 42)
Seventh Circuit Says Lack of Expert Testimony Dooms Illinois Prisoner’s Medical Neglect Claim
by Douglas Ankney
(p 43)
Texas Fights Fetal Rights After Forcing Prison Guard to Stay At Work Until She Delivered Stillborn Baby
(p 44)
Suit Filed After Mentally Ill Detainee Starves to Death in Miami Jail
by David Reutter
(p 47)
Senators Grill BOP Chief—Then Say They’ll Toss Her More Money
(p 47)
Nevada Prisoner Strikes Out in Access-to-Courts Claim
by David Reutter
(p 48)
New Jersey Private Prison Ban Voided
(p 50)
New Minnesota Justice Center Aims to be More ‘Humane’
(p 51)
Eighth Circuit Affirms $800,000 Award After Arkansas Jail Detainee’s Fatal Appendix Rupture
by Matthew Clarke
(p 51)
Minnesota Prison on Lockdown After Protest Over Dirty Water, Lack of Phone Use and Out-of-Cell Time
(p 52)
Wellpath Held in Contempt in Suit at California Jail
(p 52)
Seventh Circuit Reinstates Wisconsin Prisoner’s ADA Claim for Untreated Knee Injury
by Matthew Clarke
(p 54)
California Prison Fined $1.7 Million for Stormwater Discharges, Environmental Violations
(p 54)
Eleventh Circuit Revives Claim Against Florida Jail That Forced Detainee to Scan Legal Mail Into Computer with Memory Chip
by David Reutter
(p 55)
Illinois Failing to Grant Dying Prisoners Medical Releases
(p 56)
Louisiana Fugitive Recaptured After 32 Years
(p 56)
Florida Pastor Accused of Running Shoplifting Ring With DUI Diversion Program Participants
(p 57)
MTC Returns $5.125 Million to Mississippi for “Ghost Workers” at Private Prisons
(p 57)
$900,000 Settlement Reached With Ohio Jail in Detainee’s Fatal Seizure
by David Reutter
(p 58)
Tribal Courts Expand ‘Healing to Wellness’ Rehabilitation Programs
(p 59)
Four TDCJ Guards Resign, Seven Suspended for Beating Handcuffed Prisoner Into Coma
(p 60)
Michigan Reaches $1.03 Million Settlement with Exonerated Prisoner
(p 61)
Oklahoma Parole Board Resignations Threaten Prisoner Clemencies
(p 61)
News in Brief
(p 62)
After Eight Deaths in Eight Years, Virginia Jail Introduces—Pickleball?
(p 62)
Commissary and Food Service Privatization Strands Florida Prisoners in ‘Food Desert’
by David Reutter
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 9)
Virginia Settles Suit Over Prisoner’s Death from Untreated Hepatitis C for $700,000
by David Reutter
(p 10)
Eleventh Circuit Refuses to Reimpose Death Sentence for Intellectually Disabled Alabama Prisoner
(p 11)
Three L.A. Jail Gang Leaders Murdered
(p 12)
Deaths and Lawsuits Mount at “Disgusting” Atlanta Jail
(p 12)
Nine Guilty So Far in Sprawling California Aryan Brotherhood Case
(p 14)
$3 Million Settlement for Illinois Pretrial Detainee’s Opioid Withdrawal Death
by David Reutter
(p 15)
First Circuit Lets BOP Take Prisoner’s Entire $10,956.36 Trust Account Balance for Restitution
by Douglas Ankney
(p 16)
$2.9 Million Paid by Maryland to Exonerated Former Prisoner
(p 17)
BOP Evacuates Federal Prison in Florida After Possible Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
(p 17)
Censoring Women’s Health
by Kwaneta Harris
(p 18)
Second Circuit Says New York Prisons Must Answer for Denying Court-Ordered Rehab
by David Reutter
(p 20)
In Suit Over Connecticut Prisoner’s Death, Attorney General Will No Longer Represent Guard Convicted of Assault
(p 21)
South Carolina Pays $200,000 to Jail Detainees Exposed to Toxic Fumes
by Douglas Ankney
(p 21)
Ninth Circuit Revives Challenge by Federal Prisoner in Arizona to BOP’s 300-Minute Monthly Phone Cap
by David Reutter
(p 22)
No Data to Prove Whether $600-Million California Parole Effort Worked
(p 23)
Maine Prison Official Charged with Theft and Bribery in Decade-Long Kickback Scheme
(p 24)
Inmate Records Released from Closed Washington Psychiatric Lockup
(p 24)
Ohio Prisoner Wins $2,000 Settlement for Guard Abuse Claims, Loses Appeal to Uncover Identity of Prison Officials Who Negotiated It
by Matthew Clarke
(p 26)
First Prisoners Released Two Years After Illinois Passed Law to Revisit Excessive Sentences
(p 26)
Writing on the Prison Wall: How Prisons Suppress Prison Journalism
(p 27)
Resistance to Bail Reform Powered By Untruthful Scaremongering
by David Reutter
(p 29)
Fifth Circuit Denies Qualified Immunity to Louisiana Prison Chief for Prolonging Prisoner’s Detention with Sex Offender Misclassification
by David Reutter
(p 31)
Sixth Circuit Revives Suit by Pregnant Mentally Ill Michigan Detainee Allegedly Kicked in Her Womb by Jail Guard, Losing Baby
(p 32)
Eighth Circuit Affirms Denial of Qualified Immunity to Minnesota Jail Guard Accused of Grabbing and Squeezing Detainee’s Penis
by Mark Wilson
(p 34)
Rikers Island Guard Accidentally Records Himself Planting Shiv in Prisoner’s Cell
(p 35)
Seventh Circuit Upholds Disciplinary Sanction Revoking Over 15 Years of Indiana Prisoner’s Good Time
by Douglas Ankney
(p 36)
Record Temperatures in Southern Prisons Called Cruel and Unusual Punishment
(p 37)
Fifth Circuit Says Both Texas Prisoner’s Dismissed Suit and His Lost Appeal Count as “Strikes”
by Douglas Ankney
(p 38)
Restorative Justice Program Boosts South Carolina Prison and Public Safety
by David Reutter
(p 39)
Fifth Circuit: Texas Jail Guard’s Use of Taser on Compliant Detainee Unconstitutional
by David Reutter
(p 40)
Lawsuit Claims Kentucky Prison Officials Ignored Chaplain’s Sexual Abuse
(p 41)
Tenth Circuit: No Qualified Immunity for Oklahoma Jail Guard Who Kneed Handcuffed Prisoner’s Face
by Matthew Clarke
(p 42)
BOP Slammed for Prisoner Abuse in Now-Shuttered Segregation Unit at USP-Thomson in Illinois
by Douglas Ankney
(p 43)
DOJ Concludes BOP Pretrial Detainees Need Improvements in Access to Attorneys
by Matthew Clarke
(p 44)
Ohio Prisoner Has Now Collected $5,700 for Denied Public Records Requests
(p 47)
Virginia Sheriff Indicted for Selling Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff Credentials
by Matthew Clarke
(p 48)
Seventh Circuit Reinstates Claim of Illinois Prisoner Held 18 Months After Release for Refusing to Sign Incomplete Form
by Matthew Clarke
(p 50)
Oklahoma Prisoner’s Conviction Tossed After Judge’s Affair With Prosecutor Uncovered
by Douglas Ankney
(p 51)
San Diego County Jail Accused of Letting Mentally Ill Detainee Starve to Death
by Matthew Clarke
(p 52)
Washington Fined Over $100 Million for Delays in Competency Evaluations and Restoration
by Douglas Ankney
(p 52)
Seventh Circuit Finds Jail Guard May Be Liable for Delayed Response to Illinois Detainee’s Fatal Heart Attack
by Douglas Ankney
(p 54)
Misconduct Shades Sexual Assault Suit As Hawaii Settles With Prisoners for $2 Million
by Douglas Ankney
(p 55)
Subclass Certified and Settlement Proposed to Address ADA Violations at Long-Plagued San Diego County Jails
by Douglas Ankney
(p 56)
Former Oklahoma Undersheriff Gets 22 Months In Prison for Beating Handcuffed Jail Detainee
by Douglas Ankney
(p 57)
Third Circuit Revives Claim by Federal Prisoner in Pennsylvania that Delayed Cancer Treatment Cost Him a Testicle
by David Reutter
(p 58)
Texas Looks to Find Prison Guards in High Schools
(p 59)
Almost $950,000 Paid by Inmate Services Corp. for Hellish Prisoner Transports
by David Reutter
(p 60)
Champion of Death Row Prisoners Accused of Spoiling Oklahoman’s Clemency
(p 61)
Michigan Supreme Court: DOC Owes Attorney Fees in Public Records Case Even if Plaintiff Is Represented Pro Bono
by Matthew Clarke
(p 62)
News in Brief
(p 63)
Cash Bail Eliminated in Illinois, Reduced in Los Angeles County
(p None)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Treat No Evil: Centurion and the Curse of For-Profit Prison Healthcare
by J.D. Schmidt
(p 1)
From the Editor
by Paul Wright
(p 10)
$7.75 Million Paid by San Diego County After Jail Detainee Severely Injured in Fall from Top Bunk
(p 11)
Alabama DOC Proves Truly “Heartless”
(p 12)
Misadventures in Mail Censorship
by Robert Schaeffer
(p 14)
Private Prisons Hold Almost 100,000 Prisoners, 8% of Total U.S. Prison Population
(p 17)
Hear Us Now? Hearing Impaired Tennessee Prisoners Secure Injunction
(p 17)
Fifth BOP Employee Sentenced in California “Rape Club,” Another Lawsuit Filed
(p 18)
Another Report Verifies That Prison Deaths Soared During COVID-19 Pandemic
(p 19)
Record-Setting $7 Million Settlement Caps LaSalle’s Legacy at Texarkana Jail
by Matthew Clarke
(p 20)
153 Killed in Custody in Salvadorian Gang Crackdown
(p 23)
Washington Agencies Sanctioned for Discovery Violations Reach $3.1 Million Settlement with Disabled Woman Allegedly Abused at State Sanctioned Home
(p 24)
Former L.A. County Jail Detainees Denied Promised Sentence Credits
(p 24)
N.H.’s First Black Sheriff Charged With Embezzling $19,000
(p 26)
Former Florida Guard Gets Five Years for Fatal Assault on Mentally Ill Prisoner
(p 26)
Hurdles to Voting for Ex-Felons Rise in Tennessee and Virginia, Fall in Mississippi
(p 27)
“Brushed It Under the Rug”: Investigation Refutes Florida Sheriff’s Story About Jail Detainee’s Death
(p 28)
How “Big Capital” Learned to Love Mass Incarceration
(p 28)
Corizon Health Bankruptcy Delayed by Revelation of Attorney’s Affair With Mediator
(p 29)
Virginia Leads the Nation in K-9 Attacks on Prisoners
(p 31)
Nearly $75 Million Class-Action Settlement Reached For Delayed Releases from N.Y.C. Jails
(p 32)
Officials of Pennsylvania Guards Union Charged with Theft
(p 34)
$10,000 Verdict for Fired Guard’s Failure to Protect Louisiana Prisoner From Stabbing
by David Reutter
(p 35)
$9,000 Settlement for Florida Prisoner’s Retaliation and Excessive Force Claims Against Guards
by David Reutter
(p 36)
Wisconsin Supreme Court: Jail Time Must Be Credited When Charge Causing Jailing Read in At Sentencing
by Matthew Clarke
(p 37)
Oklahoma Prisoner Uses COVID-19 Stimulus Check to Overturn Conviction
(p 38)
The Good That Prisoner Rights Lawyers Do
(p 38)
New Head of “Constitutional Sheriffs” Calls MLK a “Thug”
(p 39)
Eleventh Circuit Addresses First Amendment, Due Process Interests in Georgia Prisoner Emails
(p 40)
Second Circuit Strips Qualified Immunity from Connecticut Officials Who Ignored Prisoner’s Scalp Lesions
by David Reutter
(p 42)
Long Waits for Montana Jail Detainees Needing Competency Restoration Services
(p 43)
West Virginia Pretrial Detainee’s Lawsuit for Sexual Abuse Survives Dismissal Stage
by David Reutter
(p 44)
Eighth Circuit Says Arkansas Prisoner’s Medical Incapacity May Excuse PLRA Exhaustion Failure
(p 47)
Deaths While Incarcerated Up 18% in Louisiana
(p 48)
Despite “Ban the Box” Laws, Most Prisoners Still Unemployed a Year After Release
(p 48)
Seventh Circuit Reinstates Illinois Prisoner’s Claim Against Kitchen Supervisor for Scalding From Spilled Hot Water
(p 50)
Former New Mexico Guard Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Prisoner, Suit Filed
(p 51)
George Floyd’s Killer Stabbed 22 Times in Federal Prison in Arizona
(p 51)
Ed Mead: Rest in Power
by Paul Wright
(p 52)
Multiple Staffers Arrested at Georgia’s Clayton County Jail
(p 54)
The “Lunacy Zone:” How Mississippi Jails 700 Mentally Ill People a Year Without Charges
(p 55)
Second Circuit Revives N.Y. Prisoner’s Suit Over Sing Sing Fire, 11 Other Prisoners Split $220,000 Settlement
(p 56)
Maine Ends Prison Gerrymandering
(p 57)
Fifth Circuit Revives Suit Against Texas Jailers Who Tasered Detainee Suffering Epileptic Seizure
by Douglas Ankney
(p 58)
West Virginia High Court Decides Medical Practice Liability Act Not Applicable to Prison System
by David Reutter
(p 59)
Nevada Prisoner Wins Injunction Requiring DOC to Provide Exercise Despite Guard Shortage
(p 60)
Seventh Circuit Slams Illinois Civil Commitment Program but Reverses Injunction
(p 61)
Florida Prisoners Not Required to File Rulemaking Petition to Satisfy PLRA Exhaustion Requirement
by David Reutter
(p 62)
News in Brief
(p 63)