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Articles by Daniel Burton-Rose

Prisons and Aids: A Public Health Challenge

Prisons and AIDS: A Public Health Challenge

by Ronald Braithwaite, Theodore Hammett and Robert Mayberry

Prisons and AIDS is a well-informed, highly statistical overview of the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS in prisons and jails. The book focuses on education programs and the means to implement prevention of HIV infection in prisons ...

Descent Into Madness: An Inmate's Experience in the New Mexico State Prison Riot

by Mike Rolland, 1997

If the 1971 rebellion at Attica typified the internal cohesion, strength, and political awareness of the U.S. prison movement in the late 60s and early 70s, the 1980 riot at the Penitentiary of New Mexico State (PNM) in Sante Fe epitomized the choked, unfocused rage a ...

Work Strike Suppressed and Sabotaged in Ohio

The October 16th, 1997, issue of the Cleveland black community newspaper The Call and Post printed a letter announcing a statewide work strike by Ohio prisoners on November 1st. The letter was signed by Prisoners United For Equal Justice.

The purpose of the protest was to demand an end to ...

Puerto Rican POW 'Graduated' from ADX Florence to USP Marion

On November 8, 1996, Puerto Rican prisoner of war Oscar Lopez Rivera was transferred from ADX Florence to USP Marion after completing the 36-month "step program" at ADX in just 23 months. He received no disciplinary infractions while at ADX and was among the control unit's first "graduates." Lopez Rivera ...

In Defense of Mumia

Review by Daniel Burton-Rose

This work, edited by S.E. Anderson and Tony Medina, is a powerful compilation of graphic art, prose, and poetry inspired by political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal's struggle for freedom from PA's death row, the 1985 bombing of the radical MOVE organization by the city of Philadelphia, and ...

Prisoners of Colonialism: The Struggle for Justice in Puerto Rico

Review by Daniel Burton-Rose

This work by Ronald Fernandez provides a history of Puerto Rico's efforts to free itself from the imperial rule of the United States, from the time it was "won" from the Spanish in 1898 to the present state of affairs. It concentrates on the four generations ...

Third Annual NCSCUP Conference

The National Campaign to Stop Control Unit Prisons (NCSCUP) held its third annual conference on the weekend of November 8-10 (1996) at the Puerto Rican Cultural Center in Chicago. More than fifty members of NCSCUP attended. The purpose of the conference was to strategize and brainstorm about what measures should ...

Criminal Injustice: Confronting the Prison Crisis

Review by Daniel Burton Rose

This collection is an excellent primer on many of the issues and struggles currently being waged by prisoners and their supporters. Previously distributed in prison activist circles as With the Power of Justice in our Eyes, edited by Eli Rosenblatt of the Prison Activist Resource ...