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Articles by David Reutter

Agreement Between Florida DOC and DOT Steals 1,000 Freeworld Jobs

With an economic malaise still affecting the nation, millions of people are looking for work. Florida is among the states that have seen job losses over the past four years, and ex-cons are especially hard-pressed to find employment upon release. Rather than offering more jobs to people in the community, ...

Illinois Prison Wages Cannot be Attached to Satisfy Incarceration Costs

On June 16, 2011, the Illinois Supreme Court held that prison officials may not seize the wages a prisoner earns to satisfy the cost of incarceration. The Court’s unanimous ruling also vacated a judgment of more than $455,000 against an Illinois state prisoner for reimbursement of incarceration costs.

Kensley Hawkins ...

Summary Judgment for CCA Reversed in Filthy Jail Conditions Case

On April 15, 2011, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a district court’s grant of summary judgment to Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) in a civil rights action alleging Eighth Amendment violations after CCA staff left a mentally ill prisoner in his squalid segregation cell for nine months.

The ...

Settlement Reverses Virginia DOC’s Ban on Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook

A settlement agreement between the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC) and two civil rights organizations that publish the Jailhouse Lawyer’s Handbook (JLH) overturned the VDOC’s ban on JLH and requires that five copies of that publication be placed in each of the state’s prison libraries. The settlement also provides for ...

Requests for Hawaiian Prisoner Workers Soar Due to Poor Economy

by David M. Reutter

As budgets for nonprofit groups, schools, churches and state and city agencies have been squeezed, requests for Hawaii prison work crews to help with repair and maintenance projects have increased exponentially.

Prison officials said they were limited in their ability to meet the explosion in requests ...

FDOC Pen Pal Advertising Ban Passes Constitutional Scrutiny

by David M. Reutter

In January 2011, a federal district court granted summary judgment to the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) in a lawsuit challenging FDOC rule 33-210.101(9), Florida Administrative Code, which prohibits prisoners from advertising for pen pals or receiving correspondence from organizations that provide such services.

The suit ...

U.S. Supreme Court: State P&A Can Sue Another State Agency for Records

U.S. Supreme Court: State P&A Can Sue Another State Agency for Records

by David Reutter

The U.S. Supreme Court held on April 19, 2011 that sovereign immunity does not apply when one agency of a state sues another for violation of federal law. The ruling applies only to obtaining injunctive ...

Florida’s Prison Industry Criticized for Failing in Mission

Florida’s prison industry program is “making a few people very wealthy while operating ... in a manner entirely inconsistent with its mission,” according to advisors to Governor Rick Scott, in a transition report released in December 2010.

The mission of Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises (PRIDE) is to operate ...

Louisiana Sex Offender Agrees to Surgical Castration

What should be done with sex offenders who are not prison guards, cops or priests is an emotionally-charged issue. Most states have adopted some form of civil commitment, but others have adopted the more drastic option of chemical and surgical castration. An incarcerated Louisiana child molester recently volunteered for an ...

Michigan DOC Cannot Cancel Parole Discharge

By David M. Reutter

The Michigan Supreme Court has held that the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) does not have authority to cancel a parole discharge once granted, and that courts have no authority to modify a sentence in response to an MDOC letter.

In 1999, Gregory L. Holder was ...