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Articles by David Reutter

Swine Flu Widespread in Prisons and Jails, but Deaths are Few

by David M. Reutter

For hundreds of years the cramped, overcrowded and often filthy confines of dungeons, prisons, jails and other places of imprisonment have served as incubators for infectious diseases, which have killed more prisoners than any other single factor. Thus, the recent outbreak of H1N1 virus, commonly known ...

Preventable Sacramento County Jail Death Costs Taxpayers $1.45 Million

by David M. Reutter

The systemic failure of medical care at California’s Sacramento County Main Jail (SCMJ) resulted in a prisoner’s avoidable death that has cost taxpayers $1.45 million. For years, SCMJ’s healthcare system has been severely deficient – yet jail officials continue to use the county’s Correctional Health Services ...

Three Years Later, CMS Still Fails to Meet Medical Standards in Delaware

by David M. Reutter

Despite federal oversight of its prison medical care, Delaware “continues to have a great deal more to achieve before it comes into substantial compliance with all provisions of the MOA” (Memorandum of Agreement) the state entered into with the U.S. Department of Justice.

That was the ...

Three Florida Guards Charged in Prisoner’s Beating

by David M. Reutter

Three Florida prison guards have been arrested and charged in the December 16, 2008 beating of a handcuffed prisoner at the Charlotte Correctional Institution (CCI). The criminal proceedings can be viewed as a fulfillment of Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) Secretary Walter McNeil’s vow to prosecute ...

Prison Supervisors Can be Liable for Guard’s Sexual Abuse

by David M. Reutter

In denying a motion to dismiss, the U.S. District Court for Massachusetts held on July 1, 2009 that prison supervisors could be held liable for the sexual abuse of a prisoner because they failed to train, supervise and investigate claims concerning repeated rumors of a guard’s ...

Hadix Litigation Winding Down

by David M. Reutter

After nearly thirty years, a class-action lawsuit challenging conditions of confinement at the State Prison of Southern Michigan-Center Complex is on the cusp of ending. The end is in sight not because prison officials have fully complied with a court-monitored consent decree, but because they closed ...

Prison Video Visitation Expands into For-Profit Market

by David M. Reutter

Businesses seeking to profit from the exponential expansion of our nation’s prison population are now turning to visitation. Florida-based JPay is implementing its “video-conference visitation” in Indiana’s prison system, while other companies, such as, are developing similar prison-based video visitation programs.

The use of technology ...

$1.95 Million Awarded to New Hampshire Guards Falsely Accused of Assaulting Prisoner

A New Hampshire jury awarded two former prison guards nearly $2 million upon finding that two of their co-workers had lied about a confrontation with a prisoner, which resulted in their firing.

After guards Shawn Stone and Todd Conner accused fellow prison guards Timothy Hallam and Joseph Laramie of participating ...

Four Pennsylvania Jail Guards Fired, Two Resign Over Prisoner Beating

by David M. Reutter

Four Pennsylvania guards have been fired for beating a prisoner at the Westmoreland County Prison (WCP). The June 8, 2009 incident revealed a cover-up orchestrated by prison guards and their union leader.

When WCP prisoner James Edwards, 27, and other prisoners in his cellblock were ordered ...

Miami Sex Offenders Still Living Under Bridge; Lawsuits Fail to Solve Problem

by David M. Reutter

PLN has reported several times on the plight of Florida sex offenders forced to live under the Julia Tuttle Causeway in Miami due to restrictive sex offender residency laws. [See: PLN, July 2009, p.36; June 2008, p.1]. Despite local and national media attention, as well as ...