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Articles by David Reutter

Report Finds Increase in Michigan Prison Population Attributable to Political Policy Changes, Not Crime Increase

Report Finds Increase in Michigan Prison Population Attributable to Political Policy Changes, Not Crime Increase

by David M. Reutter

A report issued by the Citizens Research Council of Michigan (CRC) concludes that “Michigan’s historical incarceration rate growth was not the product of increasing crime rates, but was most prominently influenced ...

Georgia Judges, Other Officials Indicted on Corruption and Human Trafficking Charges

by David M. Reutter

Federal authorities have been investigating Georgia state court judges and county officials for the past several years. The result thus far is numerous indictments and three guilty pleas on charges ranging from fraud and extortion to human trafficking.

The federal investigation has centered on the Alapaha ...

Report Criticizes Conditions in U.S. Immigrant Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington

Report Criticizes Conditions in U.S. Immigrant Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington

by David M. Reutter

Conditions at the federal immigration center in Tacoma, Washington, are substandard and not in compliance with national standards, “much less international human rights law.” The is the conclusion drawn by a 65-page report issued by ...

Prisoners’ Death Rate Report Indicts Prison Medical Care by Implication

Prisoners’ Death Rate Report Indicts Prison Medical Care by Implication

by David M. Reutter

A report by the US Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics has issued a report on the 12,129 state prisoners’ deaths reported between 2001 and 2004. That report examined the circumstances and causes of death ...

Cook County Jail Conditions Unconstitutional, Charges Department of Justice

Cook County Jail Conditions Unconstitutional, Charges Department of Justice

by David M. Reutter

On July 11, 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division issued a letter to officials at Illinois’ Cook County Jail (CCJ) which found that conditions at CCJ violated the constitutional rights of prisoners held at ...

Violence and Corruption at Rikers Island; Called a “Battle Camp for Kids”

Violence and Corruption at Rikers Island; Called a “Battle Camp for Kids”

by David M. Reutter

While there have been no escapes and only two suicides in the past year at New York City’s Rikers Island, the nation’s largest jail system – which houses 13,900 prisoners – is under scrutiny ...

$7 Million in Settlements in Colorado Jail Prisoner’s Death from Medical Negligence

$7 Million in Settlements in Colorado Jail Prisoner’s Death from Medical Negligence

by David M. Reutter

The Denver Health Medical Center has settled a claim of negligent care for $4 million after releasing a prisoner with internal injuries who later died. Six months later, the Denver City Council approved an ...

Georgia Sheriff Must Give Revenue from Prisoner Phone Calls to County

Georgia Sheriff Must Give Revenue from Prisoner Phone Calls to County

by David M. Reutter

The Georgia Court of Appeals has held that a sheriff must turn over to the county all revenue from a profit-sharing prisoner telephone contract. The ruling upholds an order of declaratory relief granted to Lincoln ...

Prison Population Continues Exponential Growth

by David M. Reutter

Two reports by the Department of Justice‘s Bureau of Justice Statistics examined the growth rate of America’s jails and prisons, which are burgeoning at a yearly pace of 2%. That growth resulted in an all-time record of 2.3 million people behind bars on June 30, 2007, ...

Alabama Policy Denies Work Release to HIV/AIDS Infected Prisoners

Alabama Policy Denies Work Release to HIV/AIDS Infected Prisoners

by David M. Reutter

Citing a 2004 settlement that requires proper care for prisoners infected with HIV or AIDS, the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) is denying such prisoners the opportunity to participate in work release programs.

The closest thing to ...