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Articles by David Reutter

Prison Privatization Launders Taxpayer Dollars into Political Contributions

by David M. Reutter

If you know a company is not saving you money or performing its contractual obligations, why would you continue to use that company? The normal consumer would end the relationship quickly. When it comes to contracts for privatized prison services, the answer may lie in the ...

Minnesota Prison Industries Managers Ride High on Prison Slavery

by David M. Reutter

A report by Minnesota?s Office of The Legislative Auditor (Auditor) has found conflicts of interest, the improper disposition of surplus property, and questionable contracting practices existed at MINNCOR Industries, Minnesota?s prison industry.

That special review came after former MINNCOR sales representative Larry Williams blew the whistle ...

Delaware Forced to Clean-up Medical Care by DOJ Settlement

by David M. Reutter

After a nine-month investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a report finding prisoners in four Delaware prisons ?suffer harm or are placed at the risk of harm from constitutional deficiencies in certain aspects of the medical and mental health care services, including suicide prevention.? ...

$90,000 Awarded for Broken Hand During NY Prison Job Assignment

by David M. Reutter

While a prisoner at New York?s Bayview Correctional Facility, Jeanette Perez was required to assist moving a full garbage dumpster as part of her work detail. When trying to move that dumpster on July 2, 1999, Perez and another female prisoner, both of whom were only ...

Florida’s Broward County Jail: Abuse and Misconduct As Usual

Florida's Broward County Jail: Abuse and Misconduct As Usual

by David M. Reutter

Despite Florida's Broward County jail (BCJ) being under the supervision of a court-appointed monitor, recent incidents reveal prisoners are still at danger. BCJ has been under supervision since a 1994 consent decree that settled a conditions of ...

Private Prison Companies Bilk Florida Taxpayers Out of Millions

by David M. Reutter

From its inception, privatization of Florida prisons has been touted as a way to save taxpayers money. Yet, a 2005 audit by Florida's Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) revealed that private prison vendors bilked taxpayers for $13 million. To add insult to ...

Florida DOC Clamps Down on Prisoner Writers

by David M. Reutter

In an effort to limit prisoners' free speech rights, the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) has taken steps to prohibit prisoners from engaging in a business or profession. For some years now, the FDOC has had on its books a rule that states: "No inmate may ...

Michigan Prisons: Another CMS Failure in Privatized Prisoner Health Care

by David M. Reutter

Another state prison system that subjected itself to the experiment of privatized medical services has learned the same hard lesson suffered by other states: a trail of inadequate care that leaves prisoners dead or maimed. This time the Michigan prison system is under pressure by the ...

RLUIPA Kouplock Injunction Reversed; Deference to Prison Officials Required

By David M. Reutter

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed an Ohio federal district
court's temporary injunction that allowed a Native American Indian prisoner
to grow and maintain a kouplock. The district court, using RLUIPA as
authority, held that Ohio's prison regulations which prohibit hair
extending beyond the ...

Physical Injury Required for All Prisoner Suits Seeking Compensatory and Punitive Damages

Physical Injury Required for All Prisoner Suits Seeking Compensatory and
Punitive Damages

By David M. Reutter

In an unpublished opinion, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has held
the PLRA bars compensatory and punitive damages in all prisoner cases that
fail to demonstrate a physical injury, regardless of the constitutional ...