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Articles by David Reutter

Health Professionals Join the Fight Against Jail Construction in Los Angeles

by David M. Reutter


Los Angeles has historically been a trail blazer in the expansion of policing and incarceration. Its 2020 abandonment of jail expansion plans revealed a new group of advocates against expansion of incarceration: medical and public health practitioners.

With over 19,000 people held in its county ...

Inmate Magazine Service Advertising Results in FTC Complaint

IMS and ...

$6.2 Million Judgment for California Deputies Negligence Causing Arrestee Injuries Affirmed

The court’s February 2, 2021, opinion was issued in an appeal by the defendants after a jury found for ...

U.S. Supreme Court Reverses Dismissal of Texas Prisoner’s Feces Covered Cell Lawsuit

Federal Court Orders Release of Documents for Connecticut Prison Cancer Death

The lawsuit was filed by the ...

Second Circuit Holds Connecticut Can’t Indemnify Guard in Assault Case Then Seek Cost of Incarceration; $650,000 Awarded in Failure to Protect Case

Georgia Sheriffs Entitled to Eleventh Amendment Immunity When Setting Jail Policies That Lead to Prisoners Being Sexually Abused

by David M. Reutter

The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a civil rights complaint against a Georgia Sheriff. The Court held the Sheriff was entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity.

The Court's May 7, 2021, opinion was issued in an appeal brought by Oqueshia Andrews. Her civil ...

$54,000 Award of Attorney Fees to Enforce Settlement Agreement on Behalf of Deaf Prisoners

by David M. Reutter

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a district court’s order granting attorney’s fees after it found the Illinois Department of Correction (IDOC) was in “substantial noncompliance” with a consent decree in a class action lawsuit filed by deaf and hard of hearing prisoners. It reversed ...

Sixth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Retaliation Suit by Pro Se Michigan Prisoner

The court’s June ...

En Banc Eleventh Circuit Holds Prisoners Can Seek Punitive Damages Without Physical Injury

The court’s en banc ruling was issued on April 9, 2021 in an appeal brought by ...