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Articles by Derek Gilna

New Study Details Billions of Dollars Wasted In Immigration Enforcement

The National Immigration Forum, a well-respected, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C., has published its most recent study of national immigration

enforcement policies, entitled, “The Math of Immigration Detention: Runaway Cost for Immigration Detention Do Not Add Up to Sensible Policies.”

The publication highlights what the organization calls the “exorbitant ...

Daring MCC Chicago Escape Directs Unwanted Attention on BOP Operations

The mission statement on the wall of every Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facility makes clear the main priority of BOP staff, and it’s not “rehabilitation.” The BOP sees its main duty to keep prisoners locked up, at least until the clock runs out on their sentence.  That’s true in most ...

Bureau of Justice Study Statistics Show Depth of Prisoner Health Issues

by Derek Gilna

A special report issued by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in February, 2015 documents what prison rights advocates have known for years, that “half of state and federal prisons and local jail inmates have serious chronic health problems." The study concluded that prisoners are nearly twice ...

Maryland Court of Appeals: Police Must Have Warrant for "Stingray" Phone Tracking

According to criminal defense attorneys in Baltimore, Maryland, at least 200 individuals are now sitting in prison based upon illegally-obtained cell phone records obtained from the use of "stingray" tracking devices.  The suitcase-sized eavesdropping device mimics a cell-phone tower, recording information from cell phones of suspects.  The Court of Appeals ...

Cuban-American Prisoner Exchange Signals a Renewal of Diplomatic Contacts

In a development few could have foreseen, President Obama has carried out an exchange of five convicted Cuban spies languishing in federal prison in return for the release of American aid contractor Alan Gross, held captive in Cuba for years, as well as another Cuban agent imprisoned for spying for ...

DOJ and Department of Education Focus on Education of Juvenile Detainees

There’s always been plenty of money available to incarcerate juvenile offenders in the United States, but finding funds and motivation to educate those young people has often been sadly lacking.  Recently, however, Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced a refocusing of federal efforts to ...

State Indigent Legal Costs Hold Steady at $2.3 billion in Past Year

State-paid expenditures for indigent defendants’ legal fees held steady in fiscal year 2012, the last year for which statistics are available.  In 2012, according to the newest report by the Bureau of Justice (BJS) statistics, compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice, state governments spent a total of $2.3 billion ...

Meriden, Connecticut Police Officer Remains in Prison as Appeal Denied

In May, 2010, Evan Cossette, a former Meriden police officer, pushed a handcuffed and helpless prisoner Pedro Temich backwards into a concrete bench, knocking him unconscious.  That was bad enough, but what Officer Cossette did thereafter was not only bad, but adjudged criminal.  Convicted after a four-day trial and sentenced ...

Fourth Circuit Holds Private Prison Guards to be Under Supervision of DOJ

Some enterprising prison guards at the River Correctional Institution set up a profitable smuggling operation for several years, accepting bribes from prisoners to smuggle cell phones and other contraband such as tobacco products into the Winton, North Carolina prison. At least one prisoner at that institution, Kenneth Dodd, paid thousands ...

ISIS Forces Kill Iraqi Shiite Prisoners after Iraqi Guards Flee

Iraqi Shiites unfortunate enough to be confined in Badush prison, 25 kilometers from Mosul, Iraq, were summarily slaughtered by ISIS forces after their Iraqi prison guards fled the advancing insurgents.  Lieutenant Colonel Ali Mohammed, who apparently served as the warden of that institution, which contained several hundred residents of Sunni, ...