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Articles by Mark Wilson

Tenth Circuit: Prisoner Forfeited ADA Abrogation of Sovereign Immunity Argument

by Mark Wilson

The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held that a former Colorado prisoner waived his argument that Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) abrogates sovereign immunity. The court also held that he could not prevail on his Rehabilitation Act claim because ...

Washington Officials Violated First Amendment by Removing Prisoner’s Art from Exhibit Due to Criticism

by Mark Wilson

A Washington federal court denied state officials’ summary judgment on a claim that they violated a Native American prisoner’s First Amendment rights by prematurely removing his paintings from an art exhibit due to public criticism. The court also denied defendants’ qualified immunity.

Leonard Peltier has served more ...

Oregon Prison Industry Program Nets Record $28.5 Million as Prisoners Earn $1.25/Hour

by Mark Wilson

“I’m not going to get paid what I got paid on the street. But that’s part of acceptance of my life now,” Oregon prisoner James Sheppard said of his job with Oregon Correctional Enterprises (OCE), the state’s prison industry program. “Would I do this job if they ...

Arkansas DOC Director’s Sole Discretion to Determine Competency for Execution Violates Due Process

by Mark Wilson

The Arkansas Supreme Court held that a state law granting the corrections director sole discretion to determine if a prisoner is competent to be executed violates state and federal due process protections.

Only the governor, the Department of Correction’s director and the clerk of the state Supreme ...

Tenth Circuit: Qualified Immunity Defeats 22-Year Solitary Confinement Claims

by Mark Wilson

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held on August 29, 2018 that prison officials were entitled to qualified immunity in a lawsuit challenging a prisoner’s 22 years in solitary confinement. 

Kansas prisoner Richard Grissom was placed in solitary on August 4, 1996, due ...

Alaska Disciplinary Order Vacated for Violating Wolff’s Statement of Reasons Requirement

by Mark Wilson

In an August 31, 2018 ruling, the Alaska Supreme Court held that a prison disciplinary order stating only that the prisoner was “guilty” violated his due process rights. 

In 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court held that due process requires prison disciplinary factfinders to produce “a ‘written ...

No Summary Judgment for Jail’s Denial of Mental Health Treatment; $150,000 Settlement

by Mark Wilson

On June 8, 2018, an Oregon fed-eral district court denied a summary judgment motion filed by jail officials, concluding that a reasonable jury could find a psychotic detainee’s 16-day confinement without treatment constituted deliberate indifference to his serious medical condition. 

The Lane County Sheriff’s ...

Maine Constitution Mandates “Prisoner Mailbox Rule”

by Mark Wilson

On July 24, 2018, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court held the state’s constitution requires adoption of a modified version of the “prisoner mailbox rule” when filing petitions for judicial review of prison disciplinary orders.

Maine prisoner Charles M. Martin was found guilty of a disciplinary infraction on ...

Montana Involuntary Committed Individuals May Be Restrained During Transport

The Montana Supreme Court held that Montana law does not preclude handcuffing involuntarily committed mentally ill people during transport to a state hospital. Accordingly, the district court did not abuse its discretion when it denied an involuntarily committed man’s request to not be handcuffed during transport.

J.J., a 30-year-old bipolar, ...

Prosecutor Deciding Disparate Sentencing for Drug Convictions

by Mark Wilson

The Massachusetts Supreme Court held that the prosecutor, not the judge, determines the applicable sentence under drug laws that authorize two different sentences for the same conduct.

Massachusetts General Law, chapter 94C, section 32A criminalizes the distribution of controlled substances. Subsections (a) and (c) criminalize first-time distribution ...