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Articles by Mark Wilson

Summary Judgment Denied in California Jail Excessive Force Death; $8.3 Million Settlement Plus Injunctive Relief

Summary Judgment Denied in California Jail Excessive Force Death; $8.3 Million Settlement Plus Injunctive Relief

by Mark Wilson

In April 2014, a California federal district court denied summary judgment to jail guards and medical staff in a case involving the death of a detainee caused by Tasing and severe beating ...

Cell phones are “Dangerous Contraband” for New York Felony Contraband Possession

Cell phones are “Dangerous Contraband” for New York Felony Contraband Possession

by Mark Wilson

On May 8, 2014, a New York Supreme Court Appellate Division held that cell phones constitute “dangerous contraband” under the state’s felony contraband possession statute.

Pursuant to New York law, a prisoner’s possession of non-dangerous contraband ...

Ninth Circuit: 27-Month Segregation Implicates Due Process Liberty Interest

Ninth Circuit: 27-Month Segregation Implicates Due Process Liberty Interest

by Mark Wilson

On May 4, 2014, in a corrected decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that lengthy segregation without periodic, meaningful reviews may give rise to a protected liberty interest.

In addition to general population housing, the Oregon ...

Ninth Circuit: No Summary Judgment on Male Guard Supervision of Female Prisoners Ban

Ninth Circuit: No Summary Judgment on Male Guard Supervision of Female Prisoners Ban

by Mark Wilson

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held on July 2, 2014 that a claim that a jail policy banning male guards from supervising female prisoners violates Title VII’s prohibition against sex discrimination could not ...

Oregon Probation Extended for Inability to Pay Financial Obligations

Oregon Probation Extended for Inability to Pay Financial Obligations

by Mark Wilson

In a July 9, 2014 ruling, the Oregon Court of Appeals upheld a trial court’s extension of probation for failure to pay financial obligations due to poverty. The Court of Appeals concluded that Bearden v. Georgia, 461 ...

Third Circuit Affirms Nominal Damages, Reverses PLRA Fee Cap Order

Third Circuit Affirms Nominal Damages, Reverses PLRA Fee Cap Order

by Mark Wilson

On March 28, 2014, a New Jersey federal district court refused to reduce a prisoner’s attorney fee award to $1.50 (i.e., 150% of his $1.00 nominal damages award) pursuant to the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), in ...

Ninth Circuit: Abstention Inapplicable in First Amendment Cases

Ninth Circuit: Abstention Inapplicable in First Amendment Cases

by Mark Wilson

On April 7, 2014, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a district court had improperly abstained from hearing a claim that a state court violated the First Amendment by denying prompt access to newly-filed complaints.

Courthouse News ...

Eighth Circuit: Atheist Prisoner States Coerced Religious-Based Treatment Claim

Eighth Circuit: Atheist Prisoner States Coerced Religious-Based Treatment Claim

by Mark Wilson

On March 28, 2014, the EighthCircuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court’s sua sponte dismissal of a prisoner’s coerced religious-based treatment claim.

Missouri prisoner Randall Jackson is an atheist who was required to attend the Offenders Under ...

Eighth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Prisoner’s ADA/RA Claims

Eighth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Prisoner’s ADA/RA Claims

by Mark Wilson

The Eighth Circuit has reversed in part the dismissal of a Missouri prisoner’s claims related to accommodation of his disabilities.

In 2004, Missouri Department of Corrections (MDOC) prisoner Robert Dinkins began suffering blackouts, weakness and difficulty walking. The prison ...

Ninth Circuit: Indefinite Stay and Denial of Guardian was Abuse of Discretion

Ninth Circuit: Indefinite Stay and Denial of Guardian was Abuse of Discretion

by Mark Wilson

On March 24, 2014, the Ninth Circuit held that a district court had abused its discretion in refusing to appoint a guardian ad litem for a pro se prisoner who was legally incompetent.

California state ...