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Articles by Matthew Clarke

Housing Mentally Ill Violent Offender in Nursing Home Leads to Rape

by Matt Clarke

On January 16, 2009, a 21-year-old mentally ill man with a long history of violent crimes raped a 69-year-old woman housed in the same Illinois nursing home.

Christopher Shelton, 21, suffers from bipolar disorder that causes him to have an explosive temper, which led to multiple arrests ...

Cornell Wins $19.5 Million Alaska Contract; CCA Protest Denied

by Matt Clarke

In September 2009, Alaskan officials denied a protest filed by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), which was the final hurdle before awarding Cornell Corrections of Alaska (a subsidiary of Cornell Corrections) a contract worth $19,446,000 to house up to 900 Alaskan prisoners in an out-of-state private prison. ...

Iraq: Unrest at Abu Ghraib as Camp Bucca Closes

by Matt Clarke

In September 2009 the U.S. military closed Camp Bucca in Iraq, once its largest detention facility, and the prison at Abu Ghraib experienced a two-day uprising. Camp Bucca cost the U.S. $50 million to build and once held over 22,000 prisoners in separate camps. It was permanently ...

Fifth Circuit Orders Discovery in Katrina Prisoner Evacuation Case

by Matt Clarke

On July 1, 2009, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a lower court’s denial of summary judgment in a case involving the evacuation of prisoners from the Orleans Parish Prison (OPP) in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The case was remanded with instructions ...

17,698 DNA Profiles Missing from Wisconsin Database

by Matt Clarke

In September 2009, Wisconsin officials discovered that the profiles of 17,698 convicted felons were missing from the state’s DNA database.

An investigation into Milwaukee serial killer suspect Walter E. Ellis revealed that his DNA was not in Wisconsin’s 128,065-profile database, though it should have been. An audit ...

Gloucester County, New Jersey Settles Jail Strip Search Class Action for $4 Million

by Matt Clarke

On September 14, 2009, the parties in a class action lawsuit against Gloucester County, New Jersey over the county jail’s strip search policies filed a settlement agreement in federal district court agreeing to a $4 million settlement.

Sandra King Wilson was 51 years old when she was ...

Swine Flu Scare Leads to Unrest at Overcrowded Massachusetts Jail

by Matt Clarke

On July 5, 2009, prisoners at the Middlesex County Jail in Cambridge, Massachusetts staged a disturbance after 11 prisoners and 2 guards presented flu-like symptoms and the hospital discharge papers for one prisoner indicated probable H1N1 (swine flu). [See: PLN, Feb. 2010, p.1]. However, the Sheriff, jail ...

$491,668 Settlement in Class-Action Suit Against Spokane County Jail

by Matt Clarke

On September 18, 2009, a U.S. District Court in Washington state granted preliminary approval to a settlement in a class-action lawsuit that challenged booking fee procedures at the Spokane County Jail.

Shawn Huss, a former jail prisoner, filed suit against Spokane County pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § ...

Eighth Circuit: Shackling Pregnant Prisoner During Labor Unconstitutional

by Matt Clarke

On October 2, 2009, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting en banc, held that shackling a pregnant prisoner while she was in labor constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Shawanna Nelson was six months pregnant when she was sent to the ...

Texas Court of Appeals Reverses Dismissal of Prisoner’s Retaliation Suit; Second Dismissal Affirmed After Remand

by Matt Clarke

A Texas Court of Appeals reversed the dismissal of a prisoner’s lawsuit alleging that he suffered retaliation for litigation activities. However, after the case was again dismissed following remand, the appellate court affirmed the dismissal based on untimely service of process.

William Espinoza Pena, a Texas state ...