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Articles by Matthew Clarke

Arizona DOC Publishes, Then Rescinds, Prison Tour Policy that Excluded Public Officials and Media

by Matt Clarke

The Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) generated a media storm when, on July 22, 2019, it published a draft of a new department order that excluded elected officials and the news media from a list of people eligible for tours of state prisons.

The draft order was ...

Denver Tries to End Private Prison Companies’ Halfway House Contracts

by Matt Clarke

In August 2019, thanks to the efforts of newly elected Denver, Colorado councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, the city council declined to renew contracts worth a total of $10.6 million with GEO Group and Core­Civic (formerly Corrections Corporation of America) to operate six halfway houses. With a total of ...

Investigations into Texas Jail Deaths Find Thousands of Guards Untrained, on Temporary Licenses

by Matt Clarke

An investigation by the Dallas Morning News into the Christmas Eve 2016 death of prisoner Andy Debusk at the Parker County jail revealed that not only did the guards at the privately-operated facility contribute to Debusk’s death, but several were untrained and employed under temporary licenses. The ...

Former DOC Employee Awarded $300,000 in Workplace Sexual Harassment Case

by Matt Clarke

In May 2019, a federal district court issued an amended judgment awarding $300,000 to a former employee of the Idaho Department of Correction (DOC) in a lawsuit over sexual harassment and a hostile work environment for women.

Cynthia Fuller worked for the DOC for eight years. Hired ...

As Climate Changes, High Temperatures Plague Prisons and Jails

by Matt Clarke

At a September 2019 hearing, a U.S. District Court judge threatened to throw officials with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) into the same excessively hot prison cells that the agency had failed to air condition.

Despite agreeing in 2018 to install cooling at the Wallace ...

The Sentencing Project Issues Report on Reducing Excessive Punishment for Violent Crimes

by Matt Clarke

Cutting the U.S. prisoner population by half is the goal of the #cut50 and End Mass Incarceration movements, and of the criminal justice reform group JustLeadershipUSA, but that will not be possible for at least 75 years unless the issue of long sentences for violent offenses is ...

Court Grants Remittitur in Former Prison Teacher’s Sexual Harassment Case – Total Award of $6.4 Million Plus Fees, Costs, Interest

by Matt Clarke

New York federal jury awarded a former state prison teacher $9.19 million after she proved that a guard had sexually harassed and stalked her – both at work and at home – and that high-ranking prison officials who were informed of the problem retaliated against her and ...

Arizona Prisoner Receives $175,000 after Guards Read His Legal Mail, Shared it with FBI and Prosecutors

by Matt Clarke

On May 7, 2019, Maricopa County, Arizona agreed to pay a prisoner $175,000 to settle claims related to jail guards reading his legal mail, sharing it with the Attorney General and FBI, and failing to deliver his letters to his attorney.

Thomas Orville Bastian, who represented himself ...

Congressional Black Caucus Institute Accepts Donations from Private Prison Companies

by Matt Clarke

Although the website of the Congressional Black Caucus states that banning private prisons is part of its agenda during the current congressional session, the legally separate but affiliated Congressional Black Caucus Institute (CBCI) has accepted donations from CoreCivic, formerly Corrections Corporation of America, and the Institute’s 21st ...

Federal Court Sanctions New Mexico Corrections Department Over Out-of-State Legal Mail

by Matt Clarke

On April 18, 2019, a federal district court sanctioned the New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) for failing to comply with a prior order and judgment requiring prison officials to provide a state prisoner incarcerated in Virginia with envelopes and postage so he could send legal requests and ...