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Articles by Matthew Clarke

Newest Texas Criminal Justice Lobbyist is Powerful Texas Business Group

By Matt Clarke

The most powerful business group in Texas, the Texas Association of Businesses (TAB) has announced its intention to influence the future course of criminal justice reform in Texas. TAB president Bill Hammond said TAB will be lobbying to increase successful rehabilitation and community-based corrections programs and modify ...

Irregularities Undermine Legitimacy of Second Version of 9/11 Trials

by Matt Clarke

When the American government first determined that it would proceed with trials by military tribunal against the prisoners it held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the decision was met with skepticism by human rights advocates. The Supreme Court declared the first version of military tribunals to try 9/11 defendants ...

Sixth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Jail Medical Indifference Suit

by Matt Clarke

On November 4, 2010, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals partially reversed the summary judgment granted to Michigan jail and medical personnel based on fatal deliberate indifference to a prisoner's serious medical needs.

Deceased former Muskegon County Jail prisoner Vernard A. Jones, Jr., was incarcerated in segregation ...

Minnesota Study Shows Prisoners Receiving Visits Have Lower Recidivism Rates

by Matt Clarke

A report describing a study by the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) shows that prisoners who receive regular visits while in prison are 13% less likely to commit new felonies and 25% less likely to be technical violators of their release conditions. The study involved 16,400 DOC ...

Tenth Circuit Vacates Denial of Prisoner's Rule 60(b) Motion

by Matt Clarke

On November 29, 2011, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a district court's order denying the Rule 60(b) motion of a prisoner who had suffered serious medical complications and not timely received a court order to amend his complaint.

Douglas Burns, a Colorado state prisoner, filed ...

Department of Justice Releases Report on Prison and Jail Deaths 2000-2009

by Matt Clarke

The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice has released a report detailing the deaths of prisoner in U.S. jails and prisons covering the years from 2000 through 2009. The rate of prisoner deaths in jails declined from 151 per 100,0000 prisoners in 2000 ...

Tenth Circuit: No Clearly-Established Right to Oklahoma Trust Fund Money

by Matt Clarke

On November 22, 2010, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals held that Oklahoma state prisoners had no clearly-established right to the funds in their trust fund accounts in 2007.

Herman T. Clark, an Oklahoma state prisoner, was sued by a woman he had been convicted of shooting. ...

Failure to Record Disciplinary Hearing, Allow Adverse Witnesses in Alaskan Prison Disciplinary Hearing Violates Due Process

by Matt Clarke

On September 2, 2011, the Supreme Court of Alaska held that due process was violated when prison officials failed to record a prisoner's disciplinary hearing or allow him to call his accusers as witnesses.

Joseph James, an Alaskan state prisoner, was interviewed by grievance officer Carl Richey ...

Amid Improvements, Maricopa County Jail Medical Services Still Deficient

by Matt Clarke

Recent reports filed in a long-standing federal lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio over deficiencies in the medical and mental health care of prisoners in the Maricopa County jail system have cited both improvements and persistent deficiencies. Meanwhile, a little-known section in the new federal health care laws ...

Third Circuit: Non-Sex-Offender Prisoners Entitled to Due Process Before Prison Requires Sex Offender Treatment

by Matt Clarke

On October 4, 2010, the Third Circuit held that a prisoner who has not been charged with or convicted of a sex offense may not be compelled to participate in sex offender treatment unless the prison first provides due process.

Charles S. Renchenski was convicted of murdering ...