by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
The U.S. is experiencing the most widespread COVID-19 epidemic so far. Daily new infections diagnosed are over 150,000. More than 70,000 are hospitalized on any given day. As PLN was going to press in late November, deaths exceeded 1,000 per day and more the 250,000 ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
It may be useful to know some more about the words epidemiologists use to describe disease statistics. Incidence refers to the number of new infections. Prevalence or “active cases” refers to the number currently infected. Infection Rate refers to the number of cases per unit ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
Recommendations for behaviors to reduce exposure to coronavirus and infection are changing as more knowledge is gained about the virus and the disease. Of course, implementing these behaviors in a prison setting is often impossible, but it’s worth passing on newer information so prisoners can ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
There is growing concern that communities that host jails and prisons will never be able to control the coronavirus unless the epidemic in correctional institutions is well controlled.
If staff continue to get infected and introduce the virus back into the community, there will still ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
Though the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage in the United States and around the world, numerous areas of the country have staged re-openings. They were premature and poorly conceived, so it’s no surprise that half the states have increasing numbers of cases.
Several states subsequently ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
We are entering a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Efforts to prevent infection by closing all but essential businesses, staying at home, physical distancing, wearing face masks, frequent hand washing, no face touching, and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces have begun ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
In the April issue of Prison Legal News, I discussed the nature of the disease called COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease-2019) and ways to protect yourself and your facility through personal cleanliness, social distancing and environmental cleanliness. This month I will continue those themes and also ...
by Michael D. Cohen, M.D.
The novel coronavirus is now a global pandemic and is widespread in the United States, causing a disease called COVID-19. It is likely that a majority of the population will eventually become infected with this virus. Here is some information about the coronavirus and ...
by Michael D. Cohen M.D.
This article is about high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Hypertension is a common chronic disease that arises slowly and continues for years. It generally causes few or no symptoms. Treatment is directed at controlling the blood pressure, not curing the underlying disease. Hypertension ...
by Michael D. Cohen MD
There is much concern among prisoners about skin infections caused by a well-publicized germ called MRSA. This article explains what MRSA is, what you can do to protect yourself from MRSA, and how to take care of yourself if you get a skin infection ...