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Articles by Paul Wright

From the Editor

By now all PLN subscribers should have received their annual fundraising letter. Subscription and advertising income alone does not cover the cost of producing each month’s issue. Most importantly, it does not cover the cost of the advocacy we do on behalf of prisoners and their families – for that ...

From the Editor

This month’s cover story on the San Diego County jail system illustrates that while prisons often get slightly more media attention, it is not because they are necessarily more poorly run. On any given day some 735,000 detainees are confined in local jails, and over 11 million people a year ...

From the Editor

The month of August was fairly eventful from a criminal justice perspective. New York City’s “stop and frisk” policy, under which police officers stopped and searched hundreds of thousands of predominantly black and Hispanic men, was found to be unconstitutional. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. announced that federal prosecutors ...

From the Editor

As I write this month's editorial, prisoners in California are staging the largest hunger strike and food boycott in U.S. history to protest the California prison system's policy and practice of indefinite solitary confinement for thousands of prisoners spanning years and even decades.

For the past 40 years California prison ...

From the Editor

The June and July issues of PLN are being mailed later than usual due to our move from Vermont to Florida; however, we expect to be back on schedule with the August issue. We apologize to our readers for any inconvenience, but this is a one-time event. We are excited ...

From the Editor

Please note that as of June 10, 2013, Prison Legal News and its parent organization, the Human Rights Defense Center, will have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 1151, Lake Worth, FL 33460. Our website and e-mail addresses remain the same, and our new phone number is (561) 360-2523. These ...

From the Editor

Welcome to PLN's anniversary issue. This issue marks 23 years and 277 issues since Prison Legal News first began publishing in May 1990. When PLN started, I didn’t think we would last this long or grow as much as we have; I also didn’t think the prison population would double ...

From the Editor

As we publish our second issue with PLN’s new design, the feedback we have received so far has been overwhelmingly positive, including with respect to our expanded size.
The additional pages are important as they allow us to include even more news and legal content.

I would like to remind ...

From the Editor

OBSERVANT READERS WILL NOTICE A number of changes in this issue of Prison Legal News. First, we have changed our layout design. It has been well over a decade since we last made significant changes to PLN’s layout, and it was time for a new look. Lansing Scott at Catalytic ...

From the Editor

I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the Human Rights Defense Center/Prison Legal News annual fundraiser. As of mid-January 2013 we had raised a little over $29,000 of our $60,000 goal to continue the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, and still need more support to be able ...