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Articles by Paul Wright

From the Editor

One of the little noted facts and realities of the massive explosion of mass imprisonment, and the corresponding increase in money spent on prisons and jails, is the inherent corruption that accompanies it. This month’s cover story on the Oregon DOC’s corrupt food manager, Fred Monem, is unusual only in ...

From the Editor

Every issue of PLN is filled with news, court rulings and investigative reporting on prisons and jails around the country. Periodically we like to bring readers political analysis of how and why the current phenomenon of mass imprisonment came about. The United States stands alone in the world today with ...

From the Editor

The past several months have been even busier than usual for PLN. In addition to getting the magazine published each month we have seen an upsurge in censorship activities in prisons and jails around the country.
As noted in this issue of PLN, after 5 years of banning books ordered ...

From the Editor

This issues marks PLN?s 19th anniversary of continuous publishing and we have now published 219 consecutive issues of PLN. Few magazines even publish ten issues, much less a hundred. Moreso considering the obstacles PLN has faced since it?s inception of being published behind bars, with a $50 budget, etc.

When ...

From the Editor

Over the years, PLN has frequently reported on the efforts of legislators and prisoncrats to seize money from prisoners, the vast majority of whom are poor. This trend has sharply accelerated in recent years. The cover story of this issue of PLN is excerpted from the recent PLN anthology, Prison ...

From the Editor

This issue?s cover story reports the push to renew the use of prisoners as the test subjects for medical experiments and testing. If history repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce, we are still at the tragic stage.
The United States has a lengthy and sordid history of using ...

From the Editor

This month?s cover story on abuse in the Texas youth prisons is of notable interest for exposing the shallow hypocrisy of many politician?s ?protect the children? mantra which tends to go hand in hand with being ?tough on crime.? PLN has previously reported that when it comes to government employees ...

From the Editor

This month?s cover story examines the environmental woes, and history, of one old prison in Colorado. In many respects this is a microcosm of many prisons in the United States. The negative aspects of prisons on the environment itself, and on the prisoners housed in them, has rarely been explored ...

From the Editor

Long time readers of PLN may recall that from 1996 through 2004 John Midgley wrote our very popular Pro Se Tips and Tactics column with information on how prisoners could master civil procedure to vindicate their civil rights in court. John stopped writing the column when he was promoted to ...

From the Editor

This month's cover story is on what goes in and comes out of prisons in the way of water and sewage. While a lot of attention is paid to the more dramatic effects of prison overcrowding, such as violence, inadequate medical care, prisoners sleeping in gyms and store rooms, etc.; ...