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Articles by Paul Wright

Indiana Control Unit Prisoners File Suit and Strike

On May 4, 1992, the Indiana Civil Liberties Union filed a class action suit in the Marion County, Indiana, Superior Court. The action is Taifa Vs. Bayh, and challenges numerous conditions of confinement at the Westville, IN, Maximum Control Center. It is interesting to note the action is being filed ...

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of the PLN. We encourage our readers to submit articles and information about happenings in their areas so we can publish them in the paper. However, what some folks have done recently is send us bundles of documents with no background information. For ...


Editorial Comments

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of the PLN . In this edition you will find an ad for the " PLN Benefit Tape." The tape has songs contributed by several bands to help us do some fund-raising to continue publishing the newsletter. While it may not ...

People's War in Peru

By Paul Wright

In 1980 the Communist Party of Peru (PCP, also known in the media as Sendero Luminoso or Shining Path) launched a popular war of liberation in Peru. The PCP is Maoist in orientation and receives no outside support from any country. In 12 years of guerrilla war, ...

From the Editor

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of PLN. We are pleased to report that we are now registered as a tax exempt educational corporation with the IRS. What this means is that we can take advantage of cheaper postage rates to mail PLN to you each ...

Supreme Court Informers

The most recent (#39) issue of Covert Action Information Bulletin contains an interesting article by Alexander Charns titled "FBI Involvement in the Supreme Court." Mr. Charns is a lawyer who has written a book concerning the FBI and the American judiciary. In this article Charns notes that in the recent ...


USA A LOOK AT REALITY is a quarterly human rights tabloid newspaper. Previous issues have examined the racism in use of the death penalty and brutality in the American gulag. The latest issue examines events at Attica and its prison legacy today, 20 years later. It has a chronology of ...

Election Year Demagoguery

Washington State attorney general Ken Eikenberry has announced that he will be running for the governor's office on the Republican Party ticket. Eikenberry has been attorney general since 1980 and is serving up a typical Republican economic program with regards to turning the state economy around, i.e., no new taxes ...

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to the December issue of PLN . When you receive this issue the whole commercialized Christmas season will be in full swing. So in the spirit of giving, if you haven't donated to PLN yet this is a great time to do so. If you have ...

Prison Guards: Victims or Villains?

Prison Guards: Victims Or Villains?

Review By Paul Wright

This is the title of one of two articles in the latest issue [o]f "Blueprint for Social Justice." Both articles are written by female former prison guards who describe their experiences working as guards in women's prisons. One of the authors ...