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Articles by St Clair, Jeffrey

The Mind-Breakers: the Case of Ramzi Bin al-Shibh

By Jeffrey St. Clair


This article originally appeared in Counterpunch on October 6, 2023. It is reprinted here with permission. Read the original at


On the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Pakistani ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) forces raided several houses in Karachi, hunting for suspected members of ...

Buddha of the Blues

Buddha of the Blues

by Jeffrey St. Clair, CounterPunch

In the summer of 1998, Alexander Cockburn and I spent a few days in North Richmond, California, a battered industrial city just outside of Berkeley. We had just published our book Whiteout on the CIA and drug trafficking and had been ...

Tainted Plasma Traced to Arkansas Prison: Bill Clinton's Blood Trails

by Jeffrey St. Clair

The year Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas, the Arkansas state prison board awarded a hefty contract to a Little Rock company called Health Management Associates (HMA). The company got $3 million a year to run medical services for the state's awful prison system, which had ...