2023 PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory
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PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory Dear Community, June 2023 Welcome to the June 2023 edition of PARC’s National Prisoner Resource Directory. We are happy to share this valuable set of resources with you. We have added many new organizations, so many that for the first time in our history, we have expanded to a 28 page directory! it is great to see new energy in the space of supporting those inside. There continue to be changes to the contact information and offerings of many of the groups listed here, so be sure to check for updated information before writing. Here are some tips for how to communicate with the organizations in this issue: • Expect delays. Be patient and give organizations time to reply. Many of the groups listed here are all-volunteer, grassroots organizations that do this work as they are able. • Write clearly and include your full return address on both the envelope and any letters you write. • Keep a log of who you reach out to and dates when you reached out. Keep copies of all money orders or checks. • If you don’t hear back from an organization in over 3 months, try writing again, and let them know it is your second or third contact. Each year, as we track the progress of the movement to transform the criminal punishment system, we see steps forward and backward. Across this country, there are over 1.2 million people incarcerated in state or federal prisons; the majority of whom are incarcerated under oppressive and unjust sentences, and in tortuous and inhumane conditions. Those who write to us share about unsafe sanitary conditions, inedible food, overcrowding, untreated mental health conditions, and failures to accommodate those with disabilities. At the same time, we see glimmers of hope in changes that might provide people some justice, such as the Racial Justice for All Act in California (AB 256), which makes certain anti-discrimination protections around sentencing retroactive. This will allow those with discriminatory and unfair convictions, which have already become final, to seek resentencing for a more just sentence under the law. We shall see if reform efforts such as these create real and meaningful change for those currently living behind bars. Our current focus is on maintaining and distributing this Directory. As an all-volunteer organization, we do our best to respond to individual letters, but cannot always answer your specific questions or requests for advocacy. We are not a law office and cannot provide any legal advice or referrals. We do not have an office with regular hours, so we are unable to provide support over the phone. We do not keep a database of people who write to us; make note if you have written to us before. We’d like to thank all of our partners across the country, including many books-to-prisoners organizations, for supporting the cost of printing this edition and for sending out the Directory from their headquarters. Please share this Directory with others, so that as many people as possible may benefit from the information. We continue to welcome information from you about which organizations have updated information or have become inactive; we especially like to hear about new organizations that provide direct services to people inside which can be considered for inclusion in our directory. This year we honor the life of our friend, the freedom fighter and California hunger strike leader Paul Redd, who was released only a short time before he passed. During his 44 years in prison - 30 of which in solitary confinement - and only 25 months on the outside, Paul inspired countless people and reminded us of the incredible wisdom and strength of so many living behind bars. He wrote, “Perseverance affords you the inner strength to outlast the past and present conditions. Perseverance affords you the ability to withstand adversity and dig deep for the inner strength to carry on forward to accomplish your goals.” Thank you for building this community with us. In solidarity toward justice, r>A~c ___________, PARC is not a law office or legal referral service. We cannot give legal advice. Please do not send original documents to us. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION TABLE OF CONTENTS Nationwide Organizations and Resources ........................................... 2 Legal Resources...................................................................................3 LGBTQI-focused Organizations and Resources .................................. 5 Women’s Organizations and Resources ..............................................7 Innocence Projects. ..............................................................................8 Health Care Resources ...................................................................... 12 Rehabilitation Programs ..................................................................... 12 Free Books Projects ........................................................................... 13 Newsletters and Magazines ...............................................................15 Vendors and Publishers ..................................................................... 16 Educational Resources....................................................................... 17 Prison Writing/Arts Programs .............................................................18 Religious/Spiritual Resources.............................................................19 Regional Advocacy Organizations by state ........................................ 20 PARC Recommended Legal and Educational Books.........................26 Excerpt of UN Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners........... 28 NATIONWIDE ORGANIZATIONS AND RESOURCES AFSC Prison Watch Project 89 Market St, 6th Floor · Newark, NJ 07102 215-241-7000 · http://afsc.org/new-yorknew-jersey-healing-justiceand-prison-watch Publishes Survivors Manual: Surviving in Solitary, by Bonnie Kerness (2012, 94 pages), free to prisoners and $3 for all others. The book is a powerful collection of voices from solitary, as people currently or formerly held in isolation vividly describe their conditions and their daily lives. The collection also includes artwork and poetry. Also available is a free 6-page brochure entitled LGBTQ+ Prisoner Resource Guide (2017). Serves people nationwide. All of Us or None 4400 Market St · Oakland, CA 94608 415-255-7036 x337 · http://www.allofusornone.org Grassroots organizing project of Legal Services for Prisoners with Children. All of Us or None fights for the full restoration of our civil and human rights of formerly-and currently-incarcerated people and families. They are fighting against the discrimination that people face every day because of arrest or conviction history. Amnesty International 311 W 43rd St 7th floor · New York, NY 10036 212-807-8400 · http://www.amnestyusa.org Compiles information regarding prison conditions such as the use of prolonged solitary confinement and other abuses in prison for advocacy purposes; also works on police accountability and ending the death penalty. May not respond to individual letters. Center for Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway 7th floor · New York, NY 10012 212-614-6464 · http://ccrjustice.org Non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change and dedicated to advancing and protecting constitutional rights. CCR recently litigated the Ashker v Governor challenge to solitary confinement in CA. Publishes Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook with National Lawyers Guild. See PARC RECOMMENDED BOOKS at the end of this Directory for more info. Last updated in 2021. To receive a paperbound copy, mail a request to the above address 2 of 28 and wait at least 2 months for return. Download chapter, or get an order form to request a Handbook at https://www.jailhouselaw.org/ Coalition for Prisoners’ Rights Newsletter PO Box 1911 · Santa Fe, NM 87504 http://realcostofprisons.org/coalition.html Publishes a monthly newsletter with news about prisoners nationwide and is free to prisoners who send an SASE. Additional prisoner resource lists available. Back issues from 2009 are online. Critical Resistance P.O. Box 22780 · Oakland, CA 94609-2301 510-444-0484 · http://www.criticalresistance.org CR seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes everyone safe. CR also publishes “The Abolitionist," once a year, printed in both English and Spanish, which is free to prisoners. Previous editions of The Abolitionist are available online at: https://criticalresistance.org/abolitionist/ Death Penalty Information Center 1701 K Street NW Suite 205 · Washington, DC 20006 202-289-2275 · http://deathpenaltyinfo.org DPIC focuses on disseminating studies and reports related to the death penalty to the news media and general public covering subjects such as race, innocence, politicization, costs of the death penalty, and more. Most of their publications are freely downloadable from their website, or available for a small fee in printed format. Request a copy of their “Resource Order Form,” and also a current list of their publications. Families Against Mandatory Minimums 1100 H Street NW, Suite 1000 · Washington, DC 20005 202-822-6700 · http://www.famm.org Nonprofit organization fighting for fair and proportionate sentencing laws that allow judicial discretion; improved prison conditions; and an increase in compassionate release. May not respond to letters. Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf (HEARD) PO Box 1160 · Washington, DC 20013 202-455-8076 (voice) 202-436-9278 (videophone) · http://www.behearddc.org All volunteer organization that provides advocacy services for deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind inmates across the nation. HEARD’s mission is to promote equal access to the justice and legal system for deaf defendants, detainees, prisoners, and returned citizens. HEARD created and maintains the only national database of deaf and deaf-blind prisoners and is the only organization that focuses on correcting and preventing wrongful conviction of deaf people. May not respond quickly to letters. Nationwide. How to Justice 11 South 12th St · Richmond, VA 23219 · 919-727-8368 How To Justice's goal is to provide easy-to-read answers to your questions about your rights in prison, including conditions, medical care, visitation, and rights to communication. Write with general questions. Does not provide legal advice. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Just Detention International 3325 Wilshire Bl, Suite 340 Ms. Cynthia Totten, Esq., Bar #199266 · Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-384-1400 · http://www.justdetention.org JDI is a health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse and exploitation in all forms of detention. It publishes a Resource Guide listing service providers in all 50 states that can help incarcerated survivors, as well as a Survivor Packet, which includes Hope for Healing, with contact information for local rape crisis centers and legal aid organizations; and a letter of hope from another prisoner rape survivor. Prisoners may communicate confidentially with JDI using legal mail at the above address. Serves people nationally. Lewisburg Prison Project PO Box 128 · Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-523-1104 · http://www.lewisburgprisonproject.org The Lewisburg Prison Project (LPP) is affiliated with the PA Institutional Law Project (PILP). Together, we provide informational materials, advice, and representation on civil rights matters related to the conditions of confinement (medical, mental health, excessive force, etc.) of those incarcerated in Pennsylvania. We cannot provide legal advice or representation to those with claims that occur outside of Pennsylvania, and we do not assist with criminal matters, habeas cases, sentencing, or parole issues. Also provides informational materials and legal bulletins about prisoners' rights to people incarcerated throughout the United States. Resources available online, or write in for order form and to submit requests. Legal advice only provided in Pennsylvania; other resources nationwide. National Center on Institutions and Alternatives 7130 Ruthland Rd. · Baltimore, MD 21244 (410) 265-1490 · http://www.ncianet.org Provides sentencing advocacy, capital case mitigation services, parole release advocacy, institutional designation and transfer, and release planning. Will research questions and provide advice regarding the Bureau of Prisons, the administrative remedy process, intensive confinement, RDAP, pre-release programming, home confinement and related issues. Serves federal prisoners nationwide. Prisoner Visitation and Support PO Box 58068 · Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-241-7117 · http://www.prisonervisitation.org Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) is a volunteer visitation program for federal and military prisoners across the U.S., with special priority given to those on death row, in solitary confinement, serving long sentences, or not receiving regular visits. PVS volunteers visit once a month, with no religious or political agenda, to provide a listening ear to those who need one. Limited visiting for Spanish speaking prisoners. Serves federal and military prisoners only. Root & Rebound 1610 Harrison St suite E-East · Oakland , CA 94612 510-279-4662 (re-entry hotline Fridays only) · http://www.rootandrebound.org/roadmap Focused on reentry services for people released or preparing for 3 of 28 release in California and South Carolina only. Offers a 1,211 page Reentry Guide for a $20 fee, and a FREE Reentry Toolkit which is a condensed version of the Reentry Guide containing general legal information about people’s rights in reentry. Also runs a free reentry hotline on Friday's 9am-3pm that accepts calls from people who are currently incarcerated. Root & Rebound often can help you prepare to and transition home, plus navigate challenges due to having a record. Supports with getting an ID, securing parole transfers, verifying parole length, and understanding parole conditions. California and South Carolina only. Solitary Watch PO Box 11374 · Washington, DC 20008 https://solitarywatch.org/ Solitary Watch works to expose and oppose the use of solitary confinement in U.S. prisons and jails. It has temporarily suspended its newsletter for incarcerated members. Solitary Watch also welcomes submissions of writing of up to 1000 words by those currently or formerly serving time in solitary. May not respond timely to letters. Serves people nationally. The Sentencing Project 1705 DeSales Street NW, 8th Floor · Washington, DC 20036 202-628-0871 · http://www.sentencingproject.org The Sentencing Project is a national policy research and advocacy organization that works for a fair and effective criminal justice system by promoting sentencing reform and alternatives to incarceration. They produce reports on prison-related topics, including prison populations nationally, state-by-state data, life sentences, voting rights, and more. May not respond to letters. Vegetarian Resource Group PO Box 1463 · Baltimore, MD 21203 410-366-8343 · http://www.vrg.org The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, environment, ethics, and world hunger. Publishes Vegan Journal magazine, as well as Veganism in a Nutshell, Vegetarianism in a Nutshell, Heart Healthy Eating, My Vegan Plate, and El Vegetarianismo en pocas palabras brochures. Serves people nationwide. LEGAL RESOURCES Abolitionist Law Center PO Box 8654 · Pittsburgh, PA 15221 http://abolitionistlawcenter.org The ALC is a public interest law firm inspired by the struggle of political and politicized prisoners, and organized for the purpose of abolishing class and race based mass incarceration in the United States. To accomplish this goal, the ALC engages in litigation on behalf of people whose human rights have been violated in prison, produces educational programs to inform the general public about the evils of mass incarceration, and works to develop a mass movement against the American penal system by building alliances and nurturing solidarity across social divisions. Only accepts very select cases, primarily in Pennsylvania The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Columbia Legal Services 101 Yesler Way, Suite 300 Institutions Project · Seattle, WA 98104 206-382-3399 · https://columbialegal.org/get-help/ The Institutions Project represents people confined in Washington's jails, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, mental health facilities, and facilities for people with developmental disabilities. This work has focused on conditions of confinement, discrimination, sentencing and placement, alternatives to institutionalization, and access to courts, as well as issues related to rehabilitation, re-entry, and reductions in recidivism. Washington state only. Disability Rights Texas 2222 West Braker Lane · Austin, TX 78758 512-454-4816 voice/TDD · http://www.drtx.org Advocacy for disabled people in Texas, including those in some correctional facilities. Write for handout: Disability Discrimination in Correctional Facilities, or Suing a Government Entity for an Injury. Only serves people in Texas. Equal Justice Initiative 122 Commerce St · Montgomery, AL 36104 334-269-1803 · http://www.eji.org/deathpenalty/innocence Provides legal representation to indigent defendants and prisoners who have been denied fair and just treatment in the legal system. They litigate on behalf of condemned prisoners, juvenile offenders, people wrongly convicted or charged with violent crimes, poor people denied effective representation, and others whose trials are marked by racial bias or prosecutorial misconduct. Mostly works with people in Southern states. Family Law Project University of Wisconsin Law School · 975 Bascom Mall Madison, WI 53706 608-262-2240 · http://www.law.wisc.edu/fjr/flp Wisconsin Law students work under an experienced family law attorney and clinical professor to represent incarcerated parents and others in their family law matters including divorce, paternity actions, child support, child placement, visitation, guardianship, etc. They also provide pro se information and forms. Serves Wisconsin only. Florida Justice Institute P.O. Box 370747 · Miami, FL 33137 786-342-6910 · http://www.floridajusticeinstitute.org The Florida Justice Institute (FJI) is a public interest law firm that conducts civil rights litigation and advocacy in the areas of prisoners’ rights, housing discrimination, disability discrimination, and other areas impacting the poor and disenfranchised. This includes cases for persons currently or formerly incarcerated in a Florida prison or jail involving mistreatment while incarcerated, or involving the conditions of the facility. Does not assist with criminal law cases or postconviction cases such as habeas corpus petitions.Only serves people in Florida. Florida Legal Services PO Box 533986 · Orlando, FL 32853 407-801-4350 · http://floridalegal.org/our-projects The Florida Institutional Legal Services Project at Florida Legal Services focuses on systemic reform litigation, community lawyering, and policy advocacy to protect the rights of adults and 4 of 28 youth who are incarcerated in prisons, jails, and juvenile justice facilities throughout Florida. The FILS Project publishes the Florida Manual for Incarcerated Parents (2008), which may be downloaded from their website or obtained by writing to the above address. The FILS Project also has reentry information packets available for download that include a list of resources for each county in FL to assist individuals who are returning to their communities from institutions. Only serves people in Florida. Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure 600 New Jersey Avenue NW Georgetown Law Office of Journal Administration - ARCP · Washington, DC 20001-2075 202-662-9457 · https://www.law.georgetown.edu/georgetown-lawjournal/subscribe/subscribe-arcp/ As a comprehensive survey of all criminal procedure in the federal courts. The ARCP is a single issue per year edition that provides readers with objective, concise and accurate overview of criminal procedure and recent case-law decisions in the United States Supreme Court and each of the 12 Federal Circuit Courts. The $25 discounted rate is only honored for orders sent directly to correctional facilities, $85 for standard retail rate. Also offers complimentary copies of older editions to those who are incarcerated that can provide proof of indigence. Ask a friend or loved one to email for the discounted order form, and have them mail it to you or write to the Office of Journal Administration-ARCP for a copy to be mailed directly to you. Please make checks and money orders payable to: Georgetown Law Journals-ARCP. VISA/Mastercard payments are accepted via fax at 845-267-3478. Refunds are not available for discount orders. Orders are shipped USPS, so please allow up to 4-6 weeks for delivery. Tax must be included if shipping to DC (5.75%), VA (5.0%), MD (6%), NY (7.0%), TN (7% state & 2.25% local). Expect delays; Do not send money order or check without an order form. Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project 6 Everett Street Harvard Law School, Ste. 5107 · Cambridge, MA 02138 · 617-495-3127 · https://clinics.law.harvard.edu/plap/ Law student clinic providing service to indigent incarcerated people, including advocacy for those charged with violating prison regulations, people appearing before Parole Board and disciplinary hearings, and legal research assistance for those who are currently incarcerated. Because this program is university-affiliated, it may not be staffed during transitional periods in the academic schedule. Collect calls accepted. Provides post-conviction administrative advocacy, not direct pre-conviction litigation. Representation in Massachusetts only; provides legal research for incarcerated folks all over the country. Legal Action Center 225 Varick St, 4th Floor · New York, NY 10014 212-243-1313 or Toll-free at 800-223-4044 · http://www.lac.org The Legal Action Center (LAC) uses legal and policy strategies to fight discrimination, build health equity, and restore opportunity for people with arrest and conviction records, substance use disorders, and HIV or AIDS. They also help people fight for their right to medication for addiction treatment (MAT) or medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) Primarily serves people in New York state, but sends resources to incarcerated people throughout the US. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION National Office of the NLG - Prison Law Project P.O. Box 1266 · New York, NY 10009 212-679-5100 · https://www.nlg.org/jailhouse-lawyers-handbook/ The National Office of the National Lawyers Guild in New York does not provide lawyers or legal assistance; they offer free membership for jailhouse lawyers, which includes the ability to vote on national resultions and to receive the quarterly publication, Guild Notes. Also publishes Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook with Center for Constitutional Rights. See PARC RECOMMENDED BOOKS at the end of this Directory for more info on how to order. If CCR does not respond to your request for the Handbook in 2+ months, then request from the National NLG. There is also an online form available at https://www.jailhouselaw.org/ to request a Handbook. Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project The Cast Iron Building 718 Arch St, Suite 304 South · Philadelphia, PA 19106 · 215-925-2966 · http://www.pailp.org PILP seeks to deliver civil legal services to the institutional population in Pennsylvania, and was created and designed to meet the needs of low income residents of PA prisons, jails, hospitals, and state centers. PILP also publishes (or provides) free copies of the a number of legal publications. Write for more info. Most resources only for prisoners in Pennsylvania. People’s Law Office 1180 N Milwaukee Ave · Chicago, IL 60642-4019 773-235-0070 · http://www.peopleslawoffice.com Fights for justice for people in Illinois who have been tortured or physically abused, wrongfully arrested or convicted, unfairly sentenced to death, or targeted as a result of their political beliefs or organizing efforts on behalf of movements struggling for justice and liberation. Serves Illinois only. Prison Law Office General Delivery · San Quentin, CA 94964 510-280-2621 · http://www.prisonlaw.com The Prison Law Office litigates and monitors California and Arizona class action lawsuits regarding medical care, mental health care, and disabled access for prisoners. Also has extensive set of legal informational handouts. Write with your specific questions and they will send you a packet if they have one that applies. Se habla Español. Serves Californians and Arizonans only. Prison Legal News PO Box 1151 · Lake Worth, FL 33460 561-360-2523 · http://www.prisonlegalnews.org Prison Legal News (PLN) is a project of the Human Rights Defense Center. It is a 72-page monthly journal covering prison related news, summaries of recent case-law decisions affecting prisoners, and analysis from across the country. A one-year subscription is $30 for prisoners, $35 for individuals and $90 for lawyers and institutions. Single copies of current or back issues are $5. PLN also sells many books related to prison issues, including The Habeas Citebook: Prosecutorial Misconduct, Prison Education Guide, The Disciplinary Self-Help Litigation Manual, The Habeas Citebook: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, and Prisoners' Self Help Litigation Manual. Write for a copy of the book list. 5 of 28 Southern Center for Human Rights 60 Walton Street NW · Atlanta, GA 30303-2122 404-688-1202 · http://www.schr.org SCHR provides legal representation to people facing the death penalty in Georgia and Alabama only, as well as in cases of unconstitutional conditions of confinement. SCHR also provides free access to a number of publications and handouts, including your free speech rights in prison and Georgia parole handbook. Serves people in Georgia and Alabama only. The MacArthur Justice Center Northwestern Pritzker School of Law 375 E Chicago Ave · Chicago, IL 60611 · 312-503-8576 http://www.law.northwestern.edu/macarthur The MacArthur Justice Center is a nonprofit law firm with locations in Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Washington D.C. It takes on cases regarding police misconduct, solitary confinement, wrongful convictions, and class actions around prison conditions and parole. Now also a law clinic at Northwestern law school. Write to Chicago address for other locations. Serves nationwide. Expect delay or form response. LGBTQI-FOCUSED ORGANIZATIONS AND RESOURCES Black and Pink 2406 Fowler Ave Suite 316 · Omaha, NE 68111 http://www.blackandpink.org Black and Pink is a national prison abolitionist organization dedicated to abolishing the criminal punishment system and liberating LGBTQIA2S+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by that system through advocacy, support, and organizing. It has 13 volunteer-led chapters, including in Albuquerque, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Missoula, New York City, and Portland OR. Pairs people with pen pals and sends newsletters; new pen pal website at https://blackandpinkpenpals.org. Write for more info and for local chapter information. Black and Pink Minneapolis 2002 23rd Ave S c/o Boneshaker Books · Minneapolis, MN 55404 https://mwtppp.wordpress.com/ This project was formed to connect Midwest-based incarcerated trans/gender non-conforming people with other trans/gender nonconforming and allied community member correspondents for friendship. This project was initially launched to reach out to transgender prisoners who are placed in lock down (administrative segregation), and now accepts requests for correspondents from LGBTQIA2S+ individuals mainly in MN, IA, ND, and SD. GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) 18 Tremont, Suite 950 · Boston, MA 02108 617-426-1350 · https://www.glad.org/ Advocacy to fight discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status and sexual orientation. As part of this work, GLAD takes very select legal representation on behalf of LGBTQ prisoners. Has a victory in Sept. 2018 achieving transfer of a trans woman to a women's prison in Maine. Also has a New England centered resource guide. Mostly serves people in New England. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Hearts on a Wire 1315 Spruce St. William Way Center · Philadelphia, PA 19107 http://heartsonawire.org Hearts on a Wire is a grassroots organization working to address the needs of incarcerated transgender people in Pennsylvania prisons. They are a group of trans and gender variant people building a movement for gender self-determination, racial and economic justice, and an end to policing and imprisoning our communities. Offers a free newsletter to incarcerated and detained people. Write to be added to their mailing list. In your letter asking to be added, please tell us something about your relationship to the trans community. Serves transgender people in Pennsylvania only. Lambda Legal 120 Wall St, 19th Floor · New York, NY 10005-3919 212-809-8585 · https://www.lambdalegal.org/ Lambda Legal carries out its legal work principally through test cases selected for the likelihood of their success in establishing positive legal precedents that will affect LGBT people and those affected by HIV. Lambda Legal recently represented a trans prisoner successfully in a lawsuit against the Texas prison system. LGBT Books to Prisoners 1202 Williamson St #1 c/o Social Justice Center Incubator · Madison, WI 53703 https://lgbtbookstoprisoners.org/ Volunteer-run organization that sends books and other educational materials, free of charge, to LGBT-identified people in prison across the US (except those in TX). Will send books in Spanish (enviar libros en Español). Sends one package of books per year. Prefers requests by topic/genre, but can occasionally fulfill specific requests. Serves all states except Texas. National Center for Transgender Equality 1032 15th St NW Suite 199 · Washington, DC 20005 (202) 642-4542 · https://transequality.org/ Advocates for change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. Its Racial and Economic Justice Initiatice includes work on reforming detention conditions for transgender people in correctional facilities and in immigration detention. In 2019, NCTE published Failing To Protect & Serve, an audit of the policies at the 25 largest police departments and a model policy to help local advicates and law enforcement. Operating remotely in January 2022 and will continue to do so for an undetermined period of time. They are still active during the pandemic but remote status may impact phone and written responses. Will send resources nationwide. Prisoner Correspondence Project QPIRG Concordia c/o Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest · Montréal, QC H3G 1M8 https://prisonercorrespondenceproject.com/ The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a solidarity project for gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, bisexual and queer prisoners in Canada and the United States, linking them with people a part of these same communities outside of prison through a direct-correspondence program Letters to PCP in Canada cost $1.15 in US postage. Has pen pals who speak/write French. Serves people nationally. 6 of 28 Queer Detainee Empowerment Project 308 W. 46th St. · New York City, NY 10036 347-645-9339 · http://www.qdep.org Part of the Center for Transformative Action. Assists folks coming out of immigration detention in New York in securing structural, health/wellness, educational, legal, and emotional support and services. New York only. Sinister Wisdom 2333 McIntosh Road · Dover, FL 33527 813- 502- 5549 · http://sinisterwisdom.org/ Publishes work by lesbians only - prose, poetry, essays, graphics, and book reviews. Will send free to women. Nationwide to women's prisons only. Sylvia Rivera Law Project 147 West 24th Street, 5th Fl · New York, NY 10011 212-337-8550 x303 · http://www.srlp.org Provides free legal services to released prisoners who are transgender, intersex, gender nonconforming people who are lowincome, and/or people of color. They specialize in providing assistance on name changes, identity documents, public benefits, immigration, shelter and more. Operating remotely in January 2022 and will continue to do so for an undetermined period of time. They are still active during the pandemic but remote status may impact phone and writen responses. New York area only. The Transformative Justice Law Project 203 N Lasalle, Suite 2100 · Chicago, IL 60601 312-558-1472 · http://www.tjlp.org TJLP is a collective of radical lawyers, social workers, activists, and community organizers who are deeply committed to prison abolition, transformative justice, and gender self-determination. They provide free, zealous, life-affirming, and gender-affirming holistic criminal legal services to low-income and street based transgender and gender non-conforming people in Illinois (only) who are targeted by the criminal legal system. Serves people in Illinois only. Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Justice Project 370 Turk St #370 · San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554-8491 · http://www.tgijp.org/ The TGI Justice Project works primarily with transgender prisoners and formerly incarcerated transgender people in California, and sends out their “Stiletto Prison Newsletter” and their very informative 72-page “Still We Rise-Prison Resource Guide” to all TGI prisoners. TGI also supports TGI prisoners being released to the San Francisco Bay Area, and are part of a broader movement fighting for racial and social justice. Some services nationwide but more services for Californians. Expect delays in response to letters. Transgender Law Center PO Box 70976 Detention Project · Oakland, CA 94612-0976 510-587-9696 collect line for inmates & detainees: 510-380-8229 · http://transgenderlawcenter.org Transgender Law Center’s Detention Project works to end the abuses transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people experience in institutional settings such as prisons and jails. Resources include state DOC and BOP policies on trans rights; guides for filing grievances and lawsuits; know-your-rights guides for The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION trans and LGBT people; medical information about transition-related health care; reentry resources; and other information. Serves people nationwide, but more specific information for Californians. Tranzmission Prison Project PO Box 1874 · Asheville, NC 28802 http://tranzmissionprisonproject.org An LGBTQ+ focused abolition and advocacy group based out of Asheville, NC. A volunteer-run, non-hierarchicial organization providing free books, zines, resources and other means of support to incarcerated queer individuals nationwide. WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS AND RESOURCES Aid to Inmate Mothers PO Box 986 · Montgomery, AL 36101-0986 334-262-2245, 800-679-0246 · http://www.inmatemoms.org Provides services to Alabama’s incarcerated women with emphasis on enhancing personal growth and strengthening the bonds between inmate mothers and their children. Serves women in Alabama only. California Coalition for Women Prisoners 4400 Market St · Oakland, CA 94608 415-255-7036, ext. 4 · http://womenprisoners.org/ CCWP is a grassroots abolitionist organization, with members inside and outside prison, that challenges the institutional violence imposed on women, transgender and non-binary people, and communities of color by the prison industrial complex (PIC). The struggle for racial and gender justice iscentral to dismantling the PIC and CCWP prioritizes the leadership of the people, families, and communities most impacted in building this movement. CCWP visits incarcerated people in CA women's prisons and produces a newsletter “The Fire Inside,” free to incarcerated people. CCWP offers a variety of advocacy programs as well. Primarily works with individuals in California but mails the newsletter to people around the country. L.A. Chapter – PO Box 291585, Los Angeles, CA 90029. CCWP Writing Warriors 4400 Market St Californa Coalition for Women Prisoners · Oakland, CA 94608 · 415-255-7036 ext. 314 http://www.womenprisoners.org Writing Warriors Advocacy through Correspondence project establishes supportive relationships between volunteers in the community and people incarcerated at the women's prisons in California. It is different from a traditional pen pal program because it is part of a collective undertaking which trains correspondents to promote advocacy for incarcerated people. Writing Warriors volunteers primarily communicate via GTL email but can also correspond thru U.S. mail via the CCWP Oakland office address. Only provides services to California prisons. Chicago Books to Women in Prison 4511 N Hermitage Ave · Chicago, IL 60640 https://chicagobwp.org/ All-volunteer, not-for-profit organization that sends paperback books (including Spanish books) free of charge to women and trans people in prisons nationwide. They send three books in a package. Please 7 of 28 provide at least six general options of genre or subject matter. Currently serves state prisons in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ohio, as well as all federal prisons. The only jail they serve is Cook County Jail. Libros en español también Twitter: twitter.com/chicagobwp/ Instagram: instagram.com/chicagobwp/ Hour Children 36-11 12th St · Long Island City, NY 11106 718-433-4724 · http://www.hourchildren.org Mission is to support incarcerated mothers and their children. Provides resources and services outside and inside New York state prisons only. Also provides services in Spanish (también ofrece servicios en español). Only provides services to New York state prisons. National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors Defense Center 540 Fairview Ave N Suite 208 · St Paul, MN 55104 215-763-1144 or 800-903-0111 ext. 3 · https://www.bwjp.org/ BWJP is the national non-profit leader at the intersection of genderbased violence and the law. BWJP is organized as a dynamic collection of national policy and practice centers which provide support, education, best practice, and innovation to advocates, systems professionals, community leaders, and policy experts. The National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors (NDCCS), formerly known as the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women, is one of BWJP’s seven National Centers. NDCCS addresses the unique needs of victims and survivors of gender-based violence who have been criminalized as a result of their experiences of being abused. NDCCS does not provide direct legal representation; it works with defense teams of survivors by providing case-specific technical assistance, resources, and support. NDCCS works nationwide. Tulane University Women's Prison Project 6329 Freret Street · New Orleans, LA 70118 https://law.tulane.edu/clinics/womens-prison-project Law student clinic focused on incarcerated individuals who are also survivors of abuse. Provides individual representation for pre-trial, post-conviction, parole, and clemency proceedings where abuse was a factor in the crime of conviction. Expect delays during the summer. Should also be able to provide services in Russian, Italian, and French. Serves survivors in Louisiana only, but will consult nationwide with defense attorneys. Women's Prison Book Project 3751 17 Ave S · Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-871-7110 · https://wpbp.org Provides women and transgender persons in prison with free reading materials covering a wide range of topics. WPBP also has a free resource guide for women and trans prisoners and a newsletter which publishes prisoner articles. Partners with Black and Pink Minneapolis' pen pal project (see LGBTQ resouce section). Ofrecen materiales de lectura en Español. Only serves women and trans prisoners. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Women's Prison Association 110 Second Ave · New York, NY 10003 646-292-7742 · http://www.wpaonline.org The Women's Prison Association (WPA) offers a range of services aimed at helping women in the New York City area. Their direct service network is organized in three broad areas; Residential and Family Services; Reentry Services; and neighborhood based services. Provides transitional planning and education in NY women's prisons, as well as HIV counseling and testing. Serves women in New York state only. INNOCENCE PROJECTS Alaska Innocence Project P.O. Box 201656 · Anchorage, AK 99520 907-279-0454 All cases for consideration by AKIP should be submitted by mail to the address above with a brief factual summary of the case and a list of the evidence which might be available to prove innocence. No other documents should be submitted for initial review. AKIP does not accept telephone or e-mail applications. Arizona Justice Project 111 E Taylor St Suite 365 · Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-496-0286 · http://www.azjusticeproject.org Accepts both DNA and non-DNA cases and represents indigent Arizona prisoners whose claims of innocence have gone unheeded. They also conduct post-conviction DNA testing in cases of forcible rape, murder, and non-negligent homicide cases, shaken baby syndrome and arson and other cases where the testing might demonstrate actual innocence. Serves Arizona only. California Innocence Project California Western School of Law 225 Cedar St · San Diego, CA 92101 · 619-525-1485 · http://californiainnocenceproject.org Accepts cases only where the conviction occurred in the following Southern California counties: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura (for all other CA counties, see the Northern California Innocence Project). In addition to DNA cases, they also review cases that may involve witness recantations, changes in science, government misconduct, or ineffective assistance of counsel – so long as there is evidence of innocence to support the claim. Serves people convicted in Southern California counties only. Center on Wrongful Convictions Northwestern Pritzker School of Law 375 E Chicago Ave · Chicago, IL 60611-3069 ·312-503-2391 http://www.law.northwestern.edu/wrongfulconvictions Accepts cases of actual innocence in the United States, both DNA and non-DNA Cases. Will consider arson and shaken baby syndrome cases. No sentence requirements. All requests must come directly from the person seeking representation. Also has Women’s Project monitoring potential cases of wrongfully convicted women across the country. Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth Northwestern Pritzker School of Law 375 E Chicago Ave · Chicago, IL 60611-3069 · 312-503-8576 8 of 28 www.law.northwestern.edu/legalclinic/wrongfulconvictionsyouth/ 50 Hurt Plaza East Suite 350 · Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 373-4433 · https://www.georgiainnocenceproject.org/ Accepts cases of actual innocence in Georgia; DNA and non-DNA cases; you must have at least five years left on your sentence to serve in prison, or you must be on the Georgia Sex Offender Registry. Serves Georgia Only. Great North Innocence Project 229 19th Avenue South, Suite 285 · Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-4779 · http://www.greatnorthinnocenceproject.org Reviews wrongful convication cases where newly discovered evidence is identified and can provide clear and convincing proof of actual innocence. Actual innocence means the defendant played no role in the commission sof the crime. Serves Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota only. Hawaii Innocence Project 2515 Dole Street, Suite 255 William S. Richardson School of Law, Attn: Jennifer Brown · Honolulu, HI 96822 808-956-6547 · https://www.hawaiiinnocenceproject.org/ Legal non-profit clinic accepts applications from anyone who has been convicted of a crime occurring in Hawai'i AND is factually innocent of that crime. Applications can be downloaded from the website or can be mailed to you. Serves Hawaii only. Expect delays in the summer and due to covid. Idaho Innocence Project 1910 University Dr c/o Biology Department, Boise State University · Boise, ID 83725-1515 208-426-4207 · https://www.boisestate.edu/innocenceproject/ Idaho prisoners with at least 5 years remaining on their sentence must write a letter directly for assistance, clearly stating his or her innocence. The project accepts only post-conviction cases from prisoners who do not currently have legal counsel. They will respond to the letter and let the prisoner know if any further information is needed before making a decision about their case. Do not send any legal documents or originals. Serves Idaho Only. Illinois Innocence Project One University Plaza University of Illinois Springfield · Springfield, IL 62703-5407 (217) 206-6569 · https://www.uis.edu/illinoisinnocenceproject/ Reviews cases where the applicant claims to be actually innocent of the crime(s) for which he or she is convicted. Must be substantial new evidence to support a claim of innocence, such as DNA evidence. Must have at least 8 years left on your sentence and not already be represented. Cannot take on all applicants. Expect delays, especially during summer. Serves Illinois only. Innocence and Justice Clinic Wake Forest University Law School: Attn: Innocence & Justice Clinic 1834 Wake Forest Road · Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336-758-5430 · http://innocence-clinic.law.wfu.edu Cases accepted: Cases of actual innocence in North Carolina; DNA and non-DNA cases; no sentence requirements. Serves North Carolina only. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Innocence Matters PO Box 1098 · Torrance, CA 90505 310-755-2518 · http://www.innocencematters.org A very small number of post-conviction cases are accepted where Innocence Matters assumes the role of the lead lawyer, but only if the following criteria are met: Inmate is currently serving time for a Los Angeles County case; is factually innocent; is indigent and is willing to take and able to pass a polygraph; or if inmate has been rejected by the California Innocence Project. Please understand that we have a long waiting list and it will be many months before you hear back from us. DO NOT SEND CASE MATERIALS! LARGE ENVELOPES WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED. Due to the incredibly high volume of requests we receive, there is no guarantee we will handle your case even if you are eligible for our services. Innocence Project (national) 40 Worth St, Suite 701 · New York, NY 10013 212-364-5340 · http://www.innocenceproject.org The Innocence Project works to exonerate the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms to the criminal justice system to prevent future injustices. They accept only cases in which DNA testing can prove innocence. Write to request intake form. Accepts applications nationwide EXCEPT from AZ, CA, IL, MI, OH, WI or Puerto Rico. Innocence Project at the UVA School of Law University of Virginia School of Law 580 Massie Rd · Charlottesville, VA 22903 · 434-924-3732 http://www.innocenceprojectuva.org/contact Evaluates cases of wrongful convictions if three criteria are met: (1) the inmate must have been convicted of a crime in Virginia, (2) the conviction must be final, and (3) the inmate is actually innocent of the crime of which he or she was convicted. Decision is based on the likelihood of being able to prove innocence, the availability of legal remedies, and capacity. To be considered, send a letter requesting their application packet. Serves Virginia only. Innocence Project New Orleans 4051 Ulloa Street · New Orleans, LA 70119 504-943-1902 · http://www.ip-no.org Accepts cases of factual innocence; must be serving a life sentence or a near-life sentence with at least 10 years left to be served; direct appeal has been denied; cannot afford an attorney; is not serving a sentence on another conviction. Serves Louisiana and South Mississippi only. Innocence Project of Florida 1100 E Park Avenue · Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-561-6767 · http://www.floridainnocence.org Accepts cases of actual innocence in Florida; DNA and Non-DNA cases. No sentence requirements. Does not accept federal cases or cases on direct appeal. Also provides transitional and aftercare services to exonerees. Serves Florida only. Innocence Project of Iowa 19 S. 7th St. · Estherville, IA 51334 http://www.iowainnocence.org Reviews and litigates cases of wrongful conviction in Iowa. It partners with the Midwest Innocence Project and the Wrongful 9 of 28 Conviction Division of the State Public Defender of Iowa in its review and litigation of cases. Most likely to take cases that include: DNA evidence; mistaken eyewitness identification; false confessions; convictions due to police, prosecutorial, or judicial neglect or misconduct; unreliable scientific methods, tests, or procedures; false witness testimony; and egregious defense counsel neglect or misconduct. Write for a questionnaire. Serves Iowa only. Innocence Project of Texas 300 Burnett St, Suite 160 · Ft. Worth, TX 76102 https://innocencetexas.org/ The Innocence Project of Texas can only review cases that meet the following tests: The prisoner is claiming actual innocence; the conviction is a felony which took place in a Texas state court; and all direct appeals have been completed. Does not accept requests for assistance via email, phone, or fax. Serves Texas state prisoners only (no federal). Kentucky Innocence Project Department of Public Advocacy 5 Mill Creek Park · Frankfort, KY 40601 502-564-8006 · https://dpa.ky.gov/home/about-dpa/offices-andbranches/kip/ Prospective clients should meet the following criteria: a Kentucky conviction & incarceration; a minimum ten-year sentence; a minimum of three years until eligible to go before the parole board or if parole has been deferred, a minimum of three years to the next appearance before the parole board; new evidence of innocence discovered since the conviction which can be investigated; and a claim of actual innocence. Serves Kentucky only. Korey Wise Innocence Project at Colorado Law University of Colorado Law School Wolf Law Building, 404 UCB · Boulder, CO 80309-0404 303-492-2640 · http://www.colorado.edu/law/academics/clinics/korey-wiseinnocence-project The Korey Wise Innocence Project (fKWIP) will not take cases in which the defendant already has a lawyer, or is entitled to a lawyer at state expense. The KWIP will take a case only where there is a genuine and provable claim of innocence. The KWIP gets involved only when the traditional methods of appealing a conviction have failed. Only Colorado cases will be accepted (state and federal). Write for a copy of evaluation criteria. Loyola Law School's Project for the Innocent Alarcón Advocacy Center 919 Albany St. Los Angeles, CA 90015 · 213-736-8141 https://www.lls.edu/academics/experientiallearning/clinics/projectfort heinnocent/ Dedicated to the exoneration of the wrongfully convicted. If a true claim of innocence is provable, clinic students will help draft a habeas petition. Must have case for factual innocence, have exhausted all their appeals, and are no longer represented by an attorney. Serves California only. Expect delays in the summer. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION McKinney Wrongful Conviction Clinic Wrongful Conviction Clinic, Indiana Univ McKinney School of Law 530 W New York St, Rm 111 · Indianapolis, IN 46202-3225 317-274-5551 · https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/practice/clinics/clinicswrongful-conviction.html Students represent indigent clients seeking relief from wrongful Indiana convictions in state post-conviction and/or federal habeas corpus proceedings. State cases are accepted in cooperation with the Office of the State Public Defender. Accepts cases of actual innocence; DNA and Non-DNA Cases; will consider arson, Shaken Baby Syndrome, and child abuse cases. Serves Indiana only. Michigan Innocence Clinic 701 S. State Street University of Michigan Law School · Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091 · 734-763-9353 http://www.law.umich.edu/clinical/innocenceclinic/ Accepts cases of actual innocence in Michigan; non-DNA cases only; no sentence requirements. The prisoner must not be currently represented by counsel and the crime and conviction must have occurred in Michigan. Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project 1413 K St. NW, Suite 1100 · Washington, DC 20005 202-888-1766 · https://exonerate.org/ Free investigative and legal assistance to innocent prisoners convicted in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia who have provable claims of innocence, either by DNA testing or by other newly discovered evidence. The prisoner must not be currently represented by another attorney in his or her criminal case, or have the right to appointed counsel in the case. Write in for questionnaire. District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia only. Midwest Innocence Project 3619 Broadway Blvd., Suite 2 · Kansas City, MO 64111 816-221-2166 · http://www.themip.org Accepts cases of actual innocence in AR, IA, KS, MO, and NE; applicants must have more than 10 years left to serve on their sentence and Iowa applicants must have more than 7 years left to serve on their sentence; cannot be currently represented by another attorney except for Iowa applicants; must have exhausted all appeals. Also reviews death penalty cases. Partners with the Iowa State Public Defender Wrongful Conviction Division, if you write to both organizations, expect only one response from the Midwest Innocence Project. Serves Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska only. Montana Innocence Project PO Box 76067 · Missoula, MT 59807 406-243-6899 · http://www.mtinnocenceproject.org Accepts DNA and non-DNA cases. Prisoners must have been convicted of a felony crime in a Montana state or federal court; must have completed trial, sentencing and direct appeals; must not currently be represented by an attorney. Priority is given to cases where convincing and corroborating evidence can establish actual innocence. Serves Montana only. 10 of 28 Accepts cases of actual innocence in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, and VT in which the prisoner has a claim of factual innocence; no time requirement DNA and non-DNA cases; will consider arson and shaken baby syndrome cases; may consider child abuse cases. Serves New England states, except New York. New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project P.O. Box 36719 · Albuquerque, NM 87176-6719 https://nmijp.org NMIJP’s primary mission is to provide assistance and referrals to people wrongfully convicted in our state. NMIJP is an independent organization, and has no affiliation with any other project in New Mexico. They will be opening to review and refer cases soon. In the meantime, please direct questions or concerns to info@nmijp.org. Serves New Mexico only. North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence PO Box 52446 · Durham, NC 27717-2446 919-489-3268 · http://www.nccai.org/ Accepts cases of actual innocence in North Carolina and South Carolina; DNA and non-DNA cases; will consider arson and shaken baby syndrome cases, and may consider child abuse cases; typically limited to those in custody or with post-conviction restrictions, but exceptions are made. Serves North Carolina and South Carolina only. North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission Administrative Office of the Courts PO Box 2448 · Raleigh, NC 27602 · 919-890-1580 · http://www.innocencecommission-nc.gov The North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission was created by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2006 and is charged with providing an independent and balanced truth-seeking forum for credible post-conviction claims of innocence in North Carolina. The Commission is separate from the appeals process. A person exonerated by the Commission process is declared innocent and cannot be re-tried again. Serves North Carolina only. Northern California Innocence Project 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara Univ School of Law · Santa Clara, CA 95053 408-554-4790 · http://ncip.org/ Accepts actual innocence cases for people convicted in a Northern or Central California county; DNA and non-DNA cases; no minimum sentence requirements. The applicant must have been convicted in state court of a serious felony. Will consider cases involving faulty forensic science, police or prosecutor misconduct, ineffective assistance of counsel, eyewitness misidentification, false testimony and false confessions. Northern and Central California only. Ohio Innocence Project University of Cincinnati College of Law PO Box 210040 · Cincinnati, OH 45221-0040 513-556-0752 · http://www.law.uc.edu/oip Accepts cases of actual innocence in Ohio; DNA and non-DNA cases; no sentence requirements. Only serves prisoners in Ohio. New England Innocence Project 1035 Cambridge St Ste 28A · Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 945-0762 · http://www.newenglandinnocence.org The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Ohio Public Defender Wrongful Conviction Project 250 East Broad St, Suite 1400 Attn: Project Director, Joe Bodenhamer · Columbus , OH 43215 800-686-1573 · https://opd.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/opd/lawlibrary/innocence/innocence Cases accepted for review: Cases of actual innocence in Ohio; nonDNA cases only; arson cases; Shaken Baby Syndrome cases; child sex abuse cases; all other claims of actual innocence. Ohio only. Oklahoma Innocence Project Oklahoma City University School of Law 800 N Harvey Ave · Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-208-6161 · http://www.okinnocence.com/ 233 Broadway, Suite 2370 · New York, NY 10279 212-965-9335 · http://exonerationinitiative.org Accepts cases of actual innocence in New York; DNA and non-DNA cases (specializes in non-DNA); no sentence requirements. The Exoneration Project 311 North Aberdeen St Third Floor Suite E · Chicago, IL 60607 http://www.exonerationproject.org Legal clinic reviewing cases of innocence for people who have gone to trial and were found guilty of crimes they did not commit. They consider post-conviction cases from across the nation for individuals wrongfully convicted of different types of crimes and with different sentence lengths, including cases where a defendant has served their complete sentence or pled guilty. They do not consider cases of self-defense. In order to apply for representation, the defendant must be innocent of the crime and the trial must be completed and have resulted in a conviction. Expect delays in the summer. Will consider cases nationwide. The Last Resort Exoneration Project One Newark Center Seton Hall University School of Law · Newark, NJ 07102 · 973-642-8500 https://law.shu.edu/exoneration-project/index.cfm Free investigative and legal services to the convicted innocent of New Jersey who have substantial claims of factual innocence and are willing to cooperate with requests aimed at discovering the truth. Serves New Jersey only. Thurgood Marshall School of Law Innocence Project Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy, Texas Southern University 3100 Cleburne St · Houston, TX 77004 713-313-1139 http://www.tsulaw.edu/centers/ECI/centers/criminal_justice Handles claims of actual innocence typically involving DNA evidence testing, mistaken identification, or that a crime never actually occurred. Thurgood Marshall law students work directly on the project and screen cases, obtain and review case histories, investigate facts, interview involved persons, write case timelines and summaries, perform case analyses, and prepare written case evaluations and pleadings. Serves Texas only. University of Baltimore Innocence Project Clinic 1420 N Charles St · Baltimore, MD 21201 410-837-6543 · http://law.ubalt.edu/clinics/innocenceproject.cfm The University of Baltimore Innocence Project Clinic seeks to identify individuals who have been convicted in Maryland state 11 of 28 courts of crimes they did not commit and to provide them with assistance in the investigation of their claims. In appropriate cases, representation will be provided in post-trial litigation efforts to secure exonerations. Accepts cases of actual innocence in Maryland; DNA and non-DNA cases. Serves Maryland only. University of Miami Law Innocence Clinic 1311 Miller Drive · Coral Gables, FL 33146 305-284-2339 http://law.miami.edu/academics/clinics/innocence-clinic The clinic handles cases involving innocent individuals incarcerated for a minimum of 10 years who have new evidence ranging from recanting witnesses to new witnesses discovered by students to prosecutorial misconduct and ineffective assistance of counsel. The clinic also accepts cases involving DNA evidence. Florida only. Washington Innocence Project PO Box 85869 · Seattle, WA 98145 206-636-9479 · https://wainnocenceproject.org/ In order to qualify for representation, a prisoner must: Be wrongly convicted of crimes in Washington; be unable to afford counsel; no longer have the right to appointed counsel; have completed the direct appeals process; have at least three years of prison time remaining to be served; have a claim of actual innocence that can be proven through DNA testing or other newly discovered evidence; and have no involvement in the crime whatsoever. Must have been convicted in Washington state to qualify. West Virginia Innocence Project West Virginia University College of Law PO Box 6130 · Morgantown, WV 26506 304-293-7249 · https://wvinnocenceproject.law.wvu.edu/ Accepts cases of actual innocence in West Virginia; DNA and nonDNA cases; three or more years left to serve; will consider arson and shaken baby syndrome cases. Serves West Virginia only. Wisconsin Innocence Project University of Wisconsin Madison Law School 975 Bascom Mall · Madison, WI 53706-1399 608-262-1002 · https://law.wisc.edu/fjr/clinicals/ip/ The Wisconsin Innocence Project (WIP) is a clinic at the University of Wisconsin Law School. WIP reviews cases of actual innocence. Must be incarcerated in Wisconsin, have at least seven years left of your sentence, and have a significant chance that substantial new evidence may be found to support a claim of innocence. This newly discovered evidence (NDE) could be physical evidence that was not previously subjected to forensic examination, such as DNA testing. NDE may also include non-physical evidence, such as from an eyewitness who was previously unknown or a recantation from a victim, if such a recantation is supported by other new evidence. Serves Wisconsin only. WMU-Cooley Law School Innocence Project 300 South Capitol Ave WMU-Cooley Law School · Lansing, MI 48933 ·517-371-5140 www.cooley.edu/academics/experiential-learning/innocence-project Accepts cases of actual innocence in Michigan; DNA cases only; must be in custody; no time requirement. Students assist assigned attorneys with reviewing case files, screening applications, The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION investigating facts, conducting interviews, and analyzing cases. Serves Michigan only. HEALTH CARE RESOURCES AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania 1211 Chestnut St, Suite 600 · Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-587-9377 · http://www.aidslawpa.org Nonprofit public-interest law firm providing free legal assistance to people living with HIV and AIDS, including PA prisoners. Also has an office in New Jersey at 709 Haddonfield-Berlin Rd., Voorhees Township, NJ, 08043. English and Spanish spoken. Serves Pennsylvania and New Jersey only. 12 of 28 REHABILITATION PROGRAMS Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) P.O. Box 2310 · Washington, DC 20013-2310 202-789-2126 · http://www.curenational.org CURE organizes prisoners, their families and other concerned citizens to achieve reforms in the criminal-justice system, and has a presence in 24 states. Write for complete listing or addresses of state chapters. Serves people nationally. Health Library (Stanford Health Care) 211 Quarry Road, ste 201 Hoover Pavilion · Palo Alto, CA 94303 800-295-5177 · http://healthlibrary.stanford.edu Our medical librarians are here to help you find answers to your health-related questions and connect you to support resources. We provide scientifically based information to help you make informed decisions about your health and health care. This is a free service open to all. Examples of requests include a general overview of a new diagnosis, treatment options and meditation and mindfulness resources. Please note we cannot take a list of symptoms and offer a diagnosis, nor do we offer advice or recommendations. Compassion Prison Project 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite D #4201 · Los Angeles, CA 90045 https://compassionprisonproject.org Compassion Prison Project (CPP) creates trauma-informed prisons and communities. We do this through trauma-awareness education and programming. CPP’s Trauma-to-Transformation day-long workshop kicks off a powerful 16-week compassion-based curriculum entitled Trauma Talks. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are addressed and tools are given to support the healing process. Both outside volunteer and in-prison peer-to-peer facilitation reinforce our work. Write for information if you want to receive an ACE information packet, support getting a program into your facility or if you’d simply like to get on a waiting list for a nonromantic correspondent who can provide support and encouragement. We believe in you. National Hepatitis Corrections Network 1621 South Jackson Street, Suite 201 · Seattle, WA 98144 206-732-0311 · http://www.hcvinprison.org The NHCN serves as a hub of resources and information about hepatitis C in prisons and jails, including publishing resources about Hep C treatment in prison and producing educational materials for incarcerated people about hepatitis. The NHCN is a program of the Hepatitis Education Project (HEP), a nonprofit organization based in Seattle, WA. Serves people nationally. CURE-SORT PO Box 1022 · Norman, OK 73070-1022 405-639-7262 · http://www.cure-sort.org CURE-SORT (Sex Offenders Restored through Treatment) has information, resources, contacts, and support to individuals, families, treatment providers, and professionals who work with issues of sexual abuse and its prevention. CURE-SORT is an issue chapter of Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE). Provides info nationally. Prison Health News 4722 Baltimore Avenue · Philadelphia, PA 19143 215-326-9431 · https://prisonhealthnews.wordpress.com/ Publishes a newsletter four times a year for people in prison about health issues like COVID-19, hepatitis C, HIV, diabetes, asthma, depression, PTSD, exercise, nutrition and more. Prison Health News strives to lift up the voices and expertise of currently and formerly incarcerated people. On their website, articles on many health topics are available for download. Write to them for a free subscription. Serves people nationally. Narcotics Anonymous PO Box 9999 · Van Nuys, CA 91409 818-773-9999 · http://www.na.org NA publishes a wide variety of materials concerning drug addiction and recovery, some of which are expressly produced for persons currently incarcerated, including Behind the Walls. Offers services in many different languages. También ofrece literatura en español, incluyendo Entre Rejas. Has many pamphlets and booklets available for free download from the internet. Ask friends or family to print and send to you directly. If you are looking for meeting locations for parole plans, ask a friend or family member to look on website for listings: http://www.na.org. Provides information nationally. Expect delays due to covid. TPAN 5537 N. Broadway · Chicago, IL 60640 773-989-9400 · https://www.tpan.com/ The Test Positive Aware Network. Publishes Positively Aware, a bimonthly magazine covering HIV/AIDS treatment, research, policy and lifestyle. Also offers articles on many HIV-related topics, including HIV and aging, prevention, and treatments. Offers free subscriptions to prisoners. SYDA Foundation Prison Project PO Box 99140 · Emeryville, CA 94662 323-219-5362 · http://www.siddhayoga.org/syda-foundation/prisonproject Dedicated to disseminating the Siddha Yoga meditation teachings and practices to incarcerated individuals. Sends its free monthly In Search of the Self meditation course with a companion newsletter to interested seekers. Write or call to get signed up. Serves people nationally. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION 13 of 28 The Insight Prison Project PO Box 29 · San Quentin, CA 94964 415-459-9800 · http://www.insightprisonproject.org IPP offers transformational restorative justice based programs for incarcerated people, which are supported by crime survivors and community volunteers. IPP currently conducts 13 weekly classes at San Quentin State Prison, involving some 175 prisoners. IPP’s Victim Offender Education Group (VOEG) is a nationally recognized restorative justice program. IPP also offers our VOEG program in 15 other prisons. IPP provides in-prison services in California, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Colorado. IPP does NOT currently offer correspondence courses, books, pen pals, or legal services. Athens Books to Prisoners PO Box 45 · Rutland, OH 45775 http://athensbookstoprisoners.weebly.com Athens Books to Prisoners is a volunteer-run organization that sends free books to prisoners in Ohio only. The Osborne Association 809 Westchester Avenue · Bronx, NY 10455 718-707-2600 · http://www.osborneny.org Osborne offers a wide range of direct services to justice systeminvolved people and their children and families. Our programs and services are evidence- and experience-based and designed to reduce crime and reliance on incarceration, heal the damage and trauma of crime and incarceration, and enhance opportunity for those affected by crime and incarceration. Offers services to incarcerated parents as well. Write for list of programs and services. The Osborne Association has three locations: in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Newburgh. Only Servces People in New York. Books Behind Bars - New Jersey PO Box 2611 · Wildwood, NJ 08260 http://www.booksbehindbarsnj.com/ A grassroots, volunteer-run prison abolition project that provides free books upon request to people incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. Please include your name, ID number, facility name, address, and the kind of books you want. Since all of our books are donated, we can't guarantee exact titles (though we do our best). New Jersey only. FREE BOOKS PROGRAMS Alabama Books to Prisons Project 4413 5th Avenue South · Birmingham, AL 35222 https://www.burdockbookcollective.com/books-to-prisons Run through the Burdock Book Collective, this program fulfills book requests and manages a penpal program for people incarcerated in Alabama prisons. LGBTQA friendly: "As queers and allies ourselves, we aim to provide a space for personal expression and communication free from homophobia and transphobia." Appalachian Prison Book Project PO Box 601 · Morgantown, WV 26507 https://appalachianprisonbookproject.org/ The Appalachian Prison Book Project (APBP) sends free books and provides educational opportunities to people incarcerated in the Appalachian region. We serve six states: Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. You can request by topic area or title, and we will do our best to find a good book for you. Asheville Prison Books 67 N. Lexington c/o Downtown Books & News · Asheville, NC 28801 · http://avlpb.org Sends free reading material to folks incarcerated in North Carolina and South Carolina, including county jails, detention centers, state prisons, and federal facilities. They do not have a catalogue, but try to match requests to books as best they can. Serves people in North Carolina and South Carolina only. Big House Books PO Box 55586 · Jackson, MS 39296 https://bighousebooksms.org/ A volunteer-run nonprofit sending books to inmates in Mississippi correctional facilities since 2015. Big House Books doesn’t judge a book by its cover. We believe in literacy for all – including those in our correctional facilities. Mississippi only. Books Behind Bars - Virginia Friends of the Jerrson-Madison Library 1500 Gordon Ave · Charlottesville, VA 22903 http://booksbehindbars.info Serves people incarcerated in Virginia only. Write with requests for up to three books per month. They will do their best to fulfill all requests, but cannot guarantee specific title availability. Books Through Bars 4722 Baltimore Ave · Philadelphia, PA 19143 215-727-8170 · http://www.booksthroughbars.org Free books across the Eastern Seaboard. Prisoners may request by topic (not exact title or author), and provide several areas of interest if possible. Sends to DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA & VA only. Books to Prisoners (Seattle) c/o Left Bank Books 92 Pike St, Box A · Seattle, WA 98101 206-527-3339 · http://www.bookstoprisoners.net Volunteer run, donation-based organization providing free reading materials to incarcerated individuals. Request by subject or genre. Does not ship to prisons that require all books sent be new. Write directly to request (no requests by email or phone). Supported by partners Portland Books to Prisoners, Boots to Prisoners Olympia, and Books to Prisoners Spokane. Serves people nationwide. Long turnaround time; cannot serve people in short-term facilities. Connecticut Prison Book Connection PO Box 946 · Rocky Hill, CT 06067-0946 CT Prison Book Connection is an all-volunteer run organization that sends free books to prisoners in CT, MA, RI, NH, VT, ME, as well as TX, CA, and any Federal facilities. All books are donated from various sources. Individuals may request books by subject/genre. Please request multiple topics of interest in order to get something desired. Books in different languages are provided but are on a first come first serve basis and are very limited in number. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION DC Books to Prisoners PO Box 34190 · Washington, DC 20043 http://dcbookstoprisoners.org Request reading material by mail. lease request by prioritized subject and not specific book title (we rely on donations), and list prison restrictions if known. DC Books to Prisons responds to state and federal prisoners in AK, AL, AR, CA, CO, DE, GA, HI, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NM, NV, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WV, and WY as well as federal prisoners (only) in AZ and requests from DC residents in federal prisons in all states. Please wait 5 months between requests. Great Falls Books Through Bars PO Box 391 · Greenfield, MA 01302 https://www.greatfallsbooksthroughbars.org All volunteer group that distributes books to contribute to the education, entertainment and support of incarcerated people. Will read requests and find the closest matches they can among their book collection. Inside Books Project PO Box 301029 · Austin, TX 78703 512-655-3121 · http://www.insidebooksproject.com Sends free books and literature to prisoners in Texas only. Also sends a very informative prisoner resource guide free to prisoners in all states. Free or with donation of 2 loose first class stamps. Please no SASE. Serves people in Texas prisons only. Liberation Library 2040 N Milwaukee Ave c/o In These Times · Chicago, IL 60647 http://www.liberationlib.com The only organization that provides books of their choosing to youth in Illinois prisons. Volunteer-run. Write for a catalog of options. Liberation Lit PO Box 45071 · Kansas City, MO 64171 816-377-8682 · http://liberationlit.org Abolitionist group of volunteers sending books to individuals incarcerated in Missouri and Kansas only. Also runs a small pen pal program. Lopez Books PO Box 327 · Lopez Island, WA 98261 https://www.lopezbookshop.com Books to prisoners program serving Washington and Alaska only. Send with general requests by genre and/or topic. Louisiana Books 2 Prisoners 3157 Gentilly Blvd. #141 · New Orleans, LA 70122 504-272-7323 · http://www.lab2p.org Sends books to people who are locked up in jails, prisons, and ICE facilities in Louisiana, Alabama, and Arkansas. Write in your book requests by topic or genre, or have a friend print the optional order form from our website and mail to you. Spanish resources available. No law books. Midwest Books to Prisoners 1321 N Milwaukee Ave, PMB #460 · Chicago, IL 60622 https://www.midwestbookstoprisoners.org/ 14 of 28 All-volunteer collective that sends books, zines, and other reading materials to incarcerated people free of charge. Also available are printed legal resources and customized internet newsletter subscriptions: tell us what you're looking for. We focus on midwestern states but we answer all requests. We also send materials in Spanish / también enviamos materiales en español. Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project PO Box 1324 · Bloomington, IN 47402 812-727-0155 · http://www.pagestoprisoners.org Midwest Pages to Prisoners provides free books and zines to prisoners in these ten Midwest states only: AR, IA, IN, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, OK, & SD. In your letter, please tell us what type of reading material you are interested in—sharing subjects and genres of interest is most helpful. Missouri Prison Books Program 6271 Delmar Books c/o Subterranean Books · St. Louis, MO 63130 http://missouriprisonbooks.org All volunteer organization that sends free books on request to incarcerated people in Missouri. NYC Books Through Bars c/o Bluestockings Bookstore 116 Suffolk Street · New York, NY 10002 · http://www.booksthroughbarsnyc.org Has a large assortment of fiction and non-fiction, including political and history books, and other educational books. Does not send religious texts. Fills requests from all states except AL, FL, LA, MA, MI, MS, NC, PA, OH & WI. Priority for New York prisoners. Open Books & the Prison Book Project c/o Open Books Bookstore 1040 N Guillemard St · Pensacola, FL 32501 850-453-6774 · http://www.openbookspcola.org The Prison Book Project sends free books to indigent prisoners in Florida prisons. Write with categories of books you would like. Serves people in Florida only. Pittsburgh Prison Book Project PO Box 71357 · Pittsburgh, PA 15213 https://pghprisonbookproject.org/ All-volunteer non-profit organization that sends free educational books and quality reading material to people incarcerated in Pennsyvlania. pFormerly Book 'Em. Request books by subject/genre (they usually can't fill specific book requests by title). Pennsylvania only. Prison Book Program c/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore 1306 Hancock St, Suite 100 · Quincy, MA 02169 · 617-423-3298 · http://www.prisonbookprogram.org Free books and print resources to people in prisons and jails in all 50 states. Offers a free National Prisoner Resource List and a free legal primer (We The People). Three book shipments per person per year. Requests typically take 60-90 days to fill. Serves people nationally, except facilities and state systems which do not permit free books or only permit books from Amazon, Hamilton, etc. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Prison Books Collective Publishing and Distribution PO Box 625 · Carrboro, NC 27510 919-443-9238 · https://prisonbooks.info The Prison Books Collective Publishing and Distribution is a booksto-prisoners nonprofit based in Durham, NC, that sends books to prisoners in Alabama and North Carolina and maintains an extensive zine catalog available across the US. PBC sends books to incarcerated men in NC and incarcerated people of all genders in AL, sending literature into federal, state, and county facilities. (Women in NC should mail the NC Women's Prison Book Project.) PBC sends zines across the nation; our catalog, available online or by mail, includes radical essays, guides, games, and Words of Fire, our literary magazine of art and writing by incarcerated people, which is always accepting submissions. Prison Library Project 915-C W. Foothill Blvd PMB 128 · Claremont, CA 91711 909-626-3066 http://www.claremontforum.org/prison-library-project/ Our volunteer-led mission is to provide incarcerated individuals across the country with free reading resources, emphasizing educational and self-improvement literature. Prisoners Literature Project c/o Bound Together Books 1369 Haight St · San Francisco, CA 94117 · 510-749-4160 · http://www.prisonlit.org All-volunteer grassroots organization that sends free books to prisoners across the U.S. Please request types of books, not specific titles. They do not carry Christian books or legal texts. Please limit requests to once per year, and be patient while they try to find books to match your requests. Inform them of any book restrictions at your prison. PLP is one of PARC's partners - ask them for your next copy of the PARC directory! Serves people nationally except Texas (check out Inside Books Project instead!). Read Between the Bars PO Box 44014 c/o Daily Planet Publishing · Tucson, AZ 85733 http://www.readbetweenthebars.com Grassroots collective in Tucson sending free books since 2007. Serves people in Arizona federal detention centers only. RedBird Books-to-Prisoners PO Box 10599 · Columbus, OH 43201 Dedicated to providing Ohio prisoners with free books and reading materials. Send requests by subject with priority to individuals incarcerated in Ohio. Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners PO Box 515 · Urbana, IL 61803 708-782-4608 (voicemail only) · http://www.books2prisoners.org UC Books to Prisoners is an Urbana, Illinois based project providing books at no cost by mail to inmates in state and federal prisons, as well as in two county jail libraries in Illinois. Serves people in Illinois only. 15 of 28 Wisconsin Books to Prisoners is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that sends books free of charge to state and federal prisoners in Wisconsin. Does not respond to email inquiries. Please request by genre or subject category. Sends to Wisconsin only. NEWSLETTERS AND MAGAZINES Anarchist Black Cross Los Angeles P.O. Box 11223 · Whittier, CA 90603 https://www.abcf.net/ The Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) is on the frontline in supporting those imprisoned for struggling for freedom and liberty with a focus on the overall support and defense of political prisoners and prisoners of war. Write for information on political prisoners and for addresses of other chapters in Bakersfield CA, Inland Empire CA, Orange County, Lancaster PA, Philadelphia PA, and New York City. The Angolite Louisiana State Penitentiary, 17544 Tunica Trace c/o Cashiers Office · Angola, LA 70712 https://files.deathpenaltyinfo.org/legacy/documents/AngoliteSubscrip tionForm.pdf The Angolite is published and edited by prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, LA. Write for order form with costs for subscription. Grant Publications PO Box 28812 · Greenfield, WI 53228-0812 (414) 543-5616 Magazine subscription services with years of experience servicing inmates. Send SASE for more information. Order any five (5) magazine subscriptions and get one (1) year magazine subscription for free from specially marked list with (*). Serves people nationwide. The Militant 306 W. 37th Street, 13th floor · New York, NY 10018 http://www.themilitant.com The Militant is a socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people in English as well as several pages in Spanish every week. The Militant covers key questions in u.S. and international politics and the struggles of working people. Subscriptions for people in prison are discounted at $6 for six months or $12 for the year. Free subscriptions may be provided based on need. Write for an order form. News & Letters P.O. Box 3345 · Oakland, CA 94608 312-431-8242 · http://www.newsandletters.org News & Letters is a Marxist-Humanist newspaper published by the News and Letters Committees, an organization of MarxistHumanists who stand for the abolition of capitalism, whether in its private property or state property form. It is published bi-monthly, and features articles by prisoners and others on the prison struggle. Free to prisoners. Serves people nationally. Wisconsin Books to Prisoners Project The Social Justice Center 1202 Williamson Street #1 Madison, WI 53703 · 608-257-6050 https://wisconsinbookstoprisoners.org/ The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Prisoner Express PO Box #6556 CTA / Durland Alternatives Library Ithaca, NY 14851 · 607-255-6486 · http://www.prisonerexpress.org Prisoner Express News is published every six months and sent free of charge to incarcerated individuals throughout the United States. They are also available for download online. PE also sends books and educational packets as available. Prisoner Express has ongoing programs in creative writing, chess, meditation, journaling and art. Sends to people nationally. San Quentin News Main Street · San Quentin, CA 94964 http://sanquentinnews.com San Quentin News is a 20-page monthly newsletter written, edited, and produced by prisoners incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison. The SQ News encourages prisoners, staff, or others outside the institution to submit articles, poems, artwork and letters to the editor for possible inclusion. To receive a mailed copy of the SQ News, send $1.61 in postage. This process should be repeated every month for each new edition. Slingshot Magazine PO Box 3051 · Berkeley, 94703 510-540-0751 ext. 3 (voicemail only) · https://slingshotcollective.org/ Slingshot is a quarterly, independent, radical newspaper published in the East Bay since 1988 by the Slingshot Collective. Subscriptions are free to USA prisoners. Accepts submissions of articles, artwork, calendar items, spots to add to the radical contact list, suggestions for distribution, and thoughts about what they should be doing next. Serves people nationally. Turning the Tide: Journal of Inter-communal Solidarity PO Box 1055 · Culver City, CA 90232 http://www.antiracist.org Published by Anti-Racist Action - Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) since 1988. Issues released at least quarterly; 5-6 issues some years. Free to prisoners; subscriptions for non-prisoners are $12 for low income; $20 regular; $30 international/institutional; $50 sustainer. Payable to "Anti-Racist Action" at above address. Back issues may be available. VENDORS AND PUBLISHERS Edward R. Hamilton Books PO Box 15 · Falls Village, CT 06031-0015 http://www.hamiltonbook.com Vendor of overstock and bargain books, some hardbound and others paperbound (type of binding listed in catalogs). Sends out FREE book catalogs, organized by the following subject areas: Arts & Education; Fiction; Healthy Living; History; Home & Garden; Biography; Cookbooks; Military History; Craft/Needlecrafts; Science & Nature; New Arrivals; and Bargain Books. Serves people nationally. East Bay Prisoner Support PO Box 22449 · Oakland, CA 94609 http://www.eastbayprisonersupport.wordpress.com Formed in 2007 as a prison abolitionist, anti-authoritarian collective. Write to receive a catalog of anarchist, decolonial, queer liberation, 16 of 28 anti-capitalist, black, brown and indigenous-oriented literature (zines), sent free to prisoners in any state. También enviamos literatura gratuita en español. Forbidden Books Library, LLC PO Box 534 RE: ORDER FORM · Schererville, IN 46375 Publishes and distributes "The Texas Write Writer's Survival Guides" including THE TEXAS CITEBOOK which contains 1,400+ Texas caselaws on 100 legal topics and has a foreword by the National Lawyers Guild. To receive an order form and more info send SASE. Freebird Publishers 221 Pearl St. Ste. 541 · North Dighton, MA 02764 774-406-8682 · http://www.FreebirdPublishers.com Offers prisoner titles such as Cell Chef Cookbook, Life With A Record, Start Thinking Outside Prison, Post-Conviction Relief series, Habeas Corpus Manual, and many books, guides, photos, and a wide variety of gifts, all made in the USA. Send a preaddressed stamped envelope for their packet of color brochures. To see more best to order their 88-page color catalog send $5 and add $5 more for shipping with tracking. Produces Inmate Shopper (current issues always available), which is America's largest book of resources for inmate services plus many other sections of reading and entertainment. PARC recommends the Inmate Shopper because it reviews and rates many businesses that service inmates. Order online, by phone, by text, email or mail by sending a payment for $26.99 (including shipping & tracking) to the address listed. Accepts all facility checks, money orders, credit/debit cards, Venmo at @freebirdpublishers, Cash App at $freebirdpublishers, PayPal.me/freebirdpublishers Haymarket Books PO Box 180165 · Chicago, IL 60618 773-583-7884 · http://www.haymarketbooks.org Haymarket Books is a nonprofit, radical book distributor and publisher based in Chicago. They believe that activists need to take ideas, history, and politics into the many struggles for social justice today. The books they offer reflect their values and are mostly nonfiction. Write to request free books on themes around Black liberation, radical history, women’s liberation, and poetry. Serves people nationally. Pathfinder Press PO Box 162767 · Atlanta, GA 30321-2767 404-669-0600 (voice mail only) · http://www.pathfinderpress.com Pathfinder Press is a publisher whic carries books on the works of revolutionary and working class leaders, in many different languages. Prisoners receive a 50% discount off the cover price, with a flat rate of $2.75 for shipping and handling per order (one or more titles). Write for a free catalog. Serves people internationally. PM Press PO Box 23912 · Oakland, CA 94623 http://www.pmpress.org PM Press carries counter-culture, anti-prison, and similar titles including The Prison-Industrial Complex and the Global Economy, Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners, and more. Prisoners receive a 50% The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION discount. No longer offers printed catalog; must view website (asking for outside help if needed) for listings of books. Check your selection against the prison's contraband list as many political books are banned. Serves nationally. The Paperback Shop 4817 FM 646 B · Dickinson, TX 77539 281-534-3370 · http://www.imailtoprison.com A family operated used bookstore that has specialized in mailing books to inmates for 25 years. Send an S.A.S.E for our information and one page info/order form. This is a bookseller, not a free books program. Please, read the information and instructions on the form before sending a list of books wanted. They carry new and used paperbacks, magazine subscriptions, calendars, and puzzles. They do not have a catalog, but will work with you to send the books that you want. Families & Friends can also order online. Nationwide service, but depends on state regulations for receiving books in your state. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Adams State University Prison College Program Prison College Program Office 208 Edgemont Bl, Suite 3000 · Alamosa, CO 81101 719-587-7671 or 1-800-548-6679 · https://www.adams.edu/academics/print-based/ Take courses and earn a degree through print-based correspondence! ASU-PEP offers Associates's, Bachelor's, and Masters's degrees. Courses through ASU-PEP are $264 per credit hour and the MBA degree is $350 per credit hour. Print-based courses offered as part of the Paralegal I & II, and advanced Paralegal certificate programs have a tuition rate of $948 and are offered in collaboration with the Center of Legal Studies (CLS). Other courses offered through CLS follow the undergraduate tuition rates. Please note tuition rates do not include the cost of books. Write for course catalog and application information. Serves people nationally. Ashland University Correctional Education 26 W. Main St · Ashland, OH 44805 419-207-6922 · https://www.ashland.edu/founders/programs/correctional-education Ashland University serves over 1,000 incarcerated students annually with college curriculum. The programs are offered to adult prisoners in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, and juvenile prisoners in the Ohio Department of Youth Services. A recent emphasis has been placed on the development and delivery of online courses for the correctional programs which do not require live internet access. Serves Ohio only. Bard Prison Initiative PO Box 5000 · Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000 845-758-7308 · http://bpi.bard.edu The Bard Prison Initiative (BPI) creates the opportunity for incarcerated men and women at Bayview, Eastern, Elmira, Green Haven, and Woodbourne Correctional Facilities to earn a Bard College degree while serving their sentences. BPI enrolls nearly 300 incarcerated men and women across a full spectrum of academic disciplines, and offers over 60 courses each semester. To apply, 17 of 28 one must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Admission to BPI is highly competitive — typically there are ten applications for each available spot. Many gain admission after more than one application. The admissions process involves both a written exam and a personal interview. Only serves individuals in select New York State prisons. Blackstone Career Institute PO Box 3717 · Allentown, PA 18106-0717 800-826-9228 · https://blackstone.edu Blackstone’s accredited Paralegal Certificate Program enables students to learn about the law and the paralegal field by studying at their own pace and at their facility. It can be completed in less than a year and provides information that can be put into practice while incarcerated and once released. No computers, proctors, or facility instructors are required. Soft-covered books and materials are used for ease of entry into most institutions. Their Paralegal certificate program includes the 900 clock hours of coursework needed to sit for the Accredited Legal Professional (ALP) exam and/or the Professional Paralegal (PP) certification, or the Certified Legal Assistant/Certified Paralegal (CLA/CP) exam. Write for enrollment information. Currently serves all states. College Guild PO Box 696 · Brunswick, ME 04011 207-729-0043 · http://www.collegeguild.org/ Grassroots education nonprofit providing free correspondence courses to incarcerated people covering subjects in science, writing, history, art, and culture. send name, ID number, and mailing address with a request to be put on the waiting list. Cornell Prison Education Program 300 Kennedy Hall c/o Cornell University · Ithaca, NY 14853 607-255-9091 · http://cpep.cornell.edu The Cornell Prison Education Program brings together Cornell faculty and graduate students to teach a free college-level liberal arts curriculum to a select group incarcerated at several correctional facilities near Cornell University. New York State only. Education Justice Project University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1001 S. Wright St. · Champaign, IL 61820 217-300-5150 · http://www.educationjustice.net The Education Justice Project (EJP) is a comprehensive college-inprison program at Danville Correctional Center in central Illinois. Students earn transferable University of Illinois credit. EJP publishes two reentry guides, Mapping Your Future: A Guide to Successful Reentry in Illinois and A New Path: A Guide to the Challenges and Opportunities After Deportation. Mapping Your Future focuses on Illinois resources, but much of the information it contains is useful to people in other states. Hard copies are available for free from EJP and it is available for download. A New Path is a guide for people getting deported to Mexico and Central America. It is also available for free and online. Both are published in Engligh and Spanish. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison PO Box 862 · Ossining, NY 10562 914-941-0794 · http://www.hudsonlink.org Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison provides college educations, life skills and re-entry support to incarcerated men and women incarcerated in NY state correctional facilities. Hudson Link also provides wraparound alumni services. Through Hudson Link, degree-granting college programs are offered to prisoners at Fishkill, Sing Sing, Greene, Shawangunk and Sullivan Correctional Facilities for Men and Taconic Correctional Facility for Women, with the following degrees offered: Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees in Behavioral Science, and Bachelor Degree in Organizational Management. Serves New York state only. Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program 1938 Liacouras Walk, MB 299-06, Suite 301 Temple University · Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-204-5163 · http://www.insideoutcenter.org Organization supporting education model that brings together campus-based college students with incarcerated students for a class held inside jail or prison. this is a training center for Inside-Out education programs all across the country. it does not directly teach students. Write to find out if there is an inside-out program in your state. Level 411 W Monroe St · Austin, TX 78704 http://learnlevel.org Level provides free printed educational, job training and personal development guides for people in prison anywhere in the US. Send a letter to request content. Mount Tamalpais College PO Box 492 · San Quentin, CA 94964 415-455-8088 · http://www.mttamcollege.edu Mount Tamalpais College is an independently accredited liberal arts college inside San Quentin State Prison. We offer a 61-unit Associate of Arts degree in liberal arts as well as a college preparatory program in math and writing. We offer 20 college courses each semester, allowing students to complete the coursework necessary for transfer to any California State University or University of California campus. The sole requirement for participation is a high school diploma or GED. No student is excluded based on age, length of sentence, commitment offense, or time left to serve. We charge no fees or tuition and provide all the necessary textbooks, course readers, and school supplies. We only provide education to people based in San Quentin State Prison in California. Ohio University Correctional Education Grosvenor 018 1 Ohio University · Athens , OH 45701 800-444-2420 · https://www.ohio.edu/ecampus/print/correctional/ Ohio University offers print-based courses to earn degree or simply take courses. Offers Associates, Bachelors, and Legal Studies Certificate courses. Write for a student inquiry packet and application, or get family/friends to download from the internet and mail directly to you. Offers courses nationally. 18 of 28 Upper Iowa University PO Box 1857 Self Paced Degree Program · Fayette, IA 52142 800-553-4150 · http://www.uiu.edu/online/self-paced/courses.html Upper Iowa University offers a Self-Paced Degree Program, with courses in paper format that can be completed at a distance. The Self-Paced paper format is structured around written assignments and proctored exams. Offers associate degrees in business administration, criminal justice, liberal arts, psychology, and social science. Write for tuition costs ($990 per course 2021-22 academic year) and course catalog. Write, do not call. Serves students nationwide. PRISON WRITING AND ARTS PROGRAMS PEN Prison Writing Program 588 Broadway, Suite 303 · New York, NY 10012 212-334-1660 · https://pen.org/prison-writing/ The PEN prison writing program provide hundreds of imprisoned writers across the country with free writing resources, skilled mentors, and audiences for their work. Its program supports free expression, and encourages the use of the written word as a legitimate form of power. In additional to mentoring, PEN publishes a national list of prison-based creative writing programs, sponsors an annual writing contest, publishes the free book Handbook for Writers In Prison, conducts workshops, and seeks to promote prisoners' work publicly through literary publications and readings. Serves writers nationally. Prison Creative Arts Project 701 E. University Ave. 1801 East Quadrangle, LSA Residential College · Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734.647.6771 · https://lsa.umich.edu/pcap Brings those impacted by the justice system together with the University of Michigan community for artistic collaboration, mutual learning, and growth. Its programs include weekly creative arts workshops, exhibitions, a literary journal, and a community of formerly incarcerated creators. Write to PCAP to join the newsletter mailing list and receive its calls for art and writing. Michigan only. Prisons Foundation 2512 Virginia Ave NW, #58043 · Washington, DC 20037 202-393-1511 · http://www.prisonsfoundation.org/ Prisons Foundation publishes books written by or about prisoners. Their publishing program includes posting books onto their website for download. They also exhibit art created in prison (see www.SafeStreetsArts.org). Write directly for book submission guidelines prior to sending a manuscript. The prison author retains full rights to their book, for later placement with a literary agent or commercial publisher if desired. Serves writers nationally. Safe Streets Arts Foundation 2512 Virginia Ave NW, #58043 · Washington DC 20037, https://safestreetsarts.info/ Accepts and sells/distributes prisoner art, publishes prisoner books online, and stages annual shows at the Kennedy Center inDC. All services free; write for submission guidelines; state whether you are a writer or artist (SASE ensures quick reply). The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION The Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project 1061 Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum Auburn University · Auburn, AL 36849 334-844-8946 OR 334-844-3240 · https://apaep.auburn.edu/ This program is administered by Auburn University and dedicated to bringing educational opportunities to prisoners in Alabama. The program is helping the adult prison population to gain a quality education, and also to build a relationship with learning that will continue to grow for the rest of their lives. Serves Alabama only. The American Prison Writing Archive 3400 N. Charles St. Johns Hopkins University · Baltimore, MD 21218 315-859-4221 · https://prisonwitness.org/ NEW ADDRESS. Digital archive of non-fiction essays that offers the public first-hand testimony to the living and working conditions experienced by prisoners, prison employees, and prison volunteers. All prisoners can contribute. Non-fiction essays, based on first-hand experience, should be limited to 5,000 words (15 double-spaced pages). Clearly hand-written pages are also welcome. They charge no fees and read all writing submitted. Write in for the permissionsquestionnaire, which MUST accompany all submissions. Serves writers nationally. RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS/SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Aleph Institute 9540 Collins Ave · Surfside, FL 33154-7127 305-864-5553 · http://aleph-institute.org The Aleph Institute is a non-profit Jewish organization dedicated to assisting and caring for the wellbeing of members of specific populations that are isolated from the regular community, including prisoners and people institutionalized or at risk of incarceration due to mental illness or addictions. Aleph addresses their religious, educational, and spiritual needs, advocates and lobbies for their civil and religious rights, and provides support to their families at home left to fend for themselves. Jewish prisoners may write to receive free books, regular monthly literature, holiday offerings, and family programs. American Bible Academy PO Box 1627 · Joplin, MO 64802-1627 http://www.abarc.org/ Free English and Spanish Bible correspondence courses for prisoners. All courses are 120 pages in length. Info also available from www.abarc.org Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Project 1923 Geddes Ave · Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-662-9355 x238 · http://www.anthroposophy.org Do you feel that there must be some meaning in your prison experience that is still to be discovered? Or that you can give it meaning? If so, you might be interested in Anthroposophy — the path from the spirit in man to the spirit in the universe. Anthroposophy embraces a spiritual view of the human being and cosmos, but its emphasis is on knowing, not just faith. It is a path in which the human heart, and our capacity for thinking, are essential. Write for package of literature containing a booklet titled SelfDevelopment in The Penitentiary, articles and meditation exercises. 19 of 28 Association For Research and Enlightenment c/o Prison Outreach Program · 215 67th St. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 800-333-4499 or 757-428-3588 Books about the life and work of Edgar Cayce, prayer, meditation, ancient mysteries, dreams, death and the afterlife, reincarnation and karma, the Bible, universal laws, self-transformation, and prophecy. Prisoners are limited to one book every two months. BBI Media PO Box 687 · Forest Grove, OR 97116 503-430-8817 · http://www.bbimedia.com/ Offers free subscriptions to prison chaplains and prison libraries at women's facilities. Requests must be submitted on official prison letterhead. Publishes Witches & Pagans and SageWoman. Chuang Yen Monastery 2020 Route 301 Attn. Rev. Richard Baksa, Prison Program · Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-1819 or 845-228-4288 · https://www.baus.org/en/ Our organization sends free Buddhist books to prisoners who request them, answers questions regarding Buddhist beliefs and practice that prisoners may have, and sponsors a free Buddhist Correspondence Course for prisoners. Sends nationally. Expect delays due to covid. Compassion Works For All PO Box 7708 · Little Rock, AR 72217-7708 (501) 508-4334 · http://www.compassionworksforall.org Provides monthly Dharma Friends newsletters, and also the following resource lists; Personal Health and Nutrition, 12 Step and Buddhism, Buddhist Resources, Christian Spiritual Resources, Hindu and Yoga Spiritual Resources, Other Spiritual and Psychological Healing Resources, Todd Fletcher's Buddhist Resource List, Ani Tendron's Recommended Buddhist Readings. Human Kindness Foundation Prison-Ashram Project Human Kindness Foundation PO Box 61619 · Durham, NC 27715 919-383-5160 · https://humankindness.org/ The Human Kindness Foundation's Prison-Ashram Project sends free books and newsletters to people in prisons and jails all over the U.S., including We're All Doing Time by the late Bo Lozoff. HKF encourages a way of life based upon three common principles taught by the great sages of all religions: Simple living, a dedication to service, and a commitment to personal spiritual practice. Write to request materials in English or Spanish. Limited materials also available to addresses outside the U.S. ISKCON Prison Ministry PO Box 2676 · Alachua, FL 32616 https://iskconprisonministry.org/ Sends free material about bhakti-yoga study and practice; books, prayer beads, CDs, MP3s, and incense. We need to know: 1) Which items you are allowed to have, 2) Are you allowed hardbound or only softbound books? 3) Which items can be sent to you directly and which only through the chaplain? The books cover reincarnation, karma, and how to live a simple, godly life, and find internal peace and joy no matter what your circumstances. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Islamic Society of North America 6555 S. County Road 750E · Plainfield , IN 46168 317-839-8157 · http://www.isna.net ISNA's vision is to be an exemplary and unifying Islamic organization in North America that contributes to the betterment of the Muslim community and society at large. Sends Qurans and other introductory books on Islamic study to prison libraries and inmates. Ability to send books depends on the prison’s policies. Also publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Islamic Horizons for $24/year. Serves people nationwide. Jewish Prisoner Services International PO Box 85840 · Seattle, WA 98145-1840 206-617-2367 · http://jpsi.org JPSI is a Jewish chaplaincy organization that strives to fulfill the Talmudic obligation of all Jews being responsible for each other, along with other religious mandates of their faith. JPSI strives to insure that Jewish prisoners are permitted to practice their faith by providing the advocacy and religious materials to further that goal. Write for a prisoner info form. Serves Jewish prisoners nationally; expect delay in response. Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons PO Box 40799 · San Francisco, CA 94140 http://www.prisoncensorship.info Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons, MIM(Prisons), is a revolutionary anti-imperialist group fighting criminal injustice, helping prisoners to organize and educate themselves. Sends books to prisoners, and offers prisoners a free subscription to their newspaper. Write to MIM(Prisons) for a free prisoner subscription and to get involved in revolutionary organizing and education projects. Masjid Sunnah Grand Rapids Inmate Assistance Program 2312 S. Division Ave · Grand Rapids, MI 49507 616-755-8181 · http://masjidsunnah.org/IAP Write for free Qur'an, prayer rugs, and kuffis as well as other books on Al-Islam. Conducts visits in Michigan. Nationwide services. Mother Earth Ministries P.O. Box 35906 · Tucson, AZ 85740-5906 http://motherearthministries.org Wiccan clergy are available to counsel, teach, provide information, and answer questions, by mail and sometimes in person, to incarcerated individuals. We provide assistance to inmates wishing to make Wicca their official religion. Copies of the book, Enchantment Encumbered, are available for $20 (including shipping, and we accept stamps as payment). Prison Mindfulness Institute (Prison Dharma Network ) PO Box 206 · South Deerfield, MA 01373 https://www.prisonmindfulness.org Goal is to provide prisoners, prison staff and prison volunteers, with the most effective, proven tools for rehabilitation, selftransformation, and personal & professional development through mindfulness-based interventions (MBI’s). The Prison Dharma Network works with volunteers who offer meditation inside prisons. Its Books Behind Bars program will mail mindfulness, meditation, and Buddhism to people inside prison. 20 of 28 Set Free Prison Ministries PO Box 5440 · Riverside , CA 92517 1-951-729-5499 · http://www.setfreeprisonministries.org Provides Bible study courses in English and Spanish to people free of charge. Curriculum consists of Bible courses from the Navigators in Colorado Springs, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and Emmaus Correspondence School in Iowa. Provides free postage both mailing and return. Serves people nationally. REGIONAL ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS ALABAMA Alabamians for Fair Justice https://alabamafairjustice.org/join Alabamians for Fair Justice is a coalition made up of formerly incarcerated individuals, family members of those currently or recently serving time in Alabama’s prisons, advocates, and civil justice organizations. Join the coalition and receive updates through their website. Alabama only. ARIZONA Middle Ground Prison Reform 2121 South Mill Avenue Suite 222 · Tempe, AZ 85282 480-966-8116 · http://www.middlegroundprisonreform.org Middle Ground Prison Reform has been working for Arizona's prisoners and their families since 1983. Their main areas of activity are: 1) public education about the need for criminal justice reform; 2) legislative advocacy on behalf of prisoners and their visitors; 3) litigation to protect and define the rights and responsibilities of prisoners and their supporters; 4) referral to community resources for ex-offenders. They do not publish a hard copy newsletter. Instead, they encourage friends and family of prisoners to visit their website and download and mail copies of pertinent information inside to prisoners. Serves Arizona only. CALIFORNIA California Families to Abolish Solitary Confinement 6109 S. Western Ave Suite 100 · Los Angeles, CA 90047 714-290-9077 · https://solitarywatch.org/cfasc/ CFASC is dedicated to stopping the inhumane treatment of prisoners within the California penal system, especially those held in solitary confinement. Their ultimate goal is to end the use of solitary confinement. CFASC is primarily an organization working with family members. Serves Californians only. California Prison Focus 4408 Market St. Suite A · Oakland, CA 94612 510-836-7222 · http://www.prisons.org Human and civil rights group that investigates conditions in the California SHUs (control/isolation units), organizes and advocates for prisoners' rights, and provides self-help legal materials. Their quarterly newspaper, Prison Focus, is distributed free to SHU prisoners, $8 a year to other prisoners, and $20 a year to all others. Serves California only; will send newspaper nationally. California's Parole Suitability Hearing Support 12350 Marshall Ave #133 · Chino, CA 91710 Provides individual assistance in preparing for upcoming parole suitability hearings. Can also assist the support network (family, The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION friends) with information of how to support their incarcerated loved one during the preparation time. Members will review hearing transcripts from past parole board hearings and provide suggestions on how to improve performance before the Board. Serves only individuals in California. CCWP Writing Warriors 4400 Market St California Coalition for Women Prisoners · Oakland, CA 94608 · 415-255-7036 ext. 314 http://www.womenprisoners.org Writing Warriors Advocacy through Correspondence project establishes supportive relationships between volunteers in the community and people incarcerated at the women's prisons in California. It is different from a traditional pen pal program because it is part of a collective undertaking which trains correspondents to promote advocacy for incarcerated people. Writing Warriors volunteers primarily communicate via GTL email but can also correspond thru U.S. mail via the CCWP Oakland office address. California only. Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund 3075 Adeline St, Suite 210 · Berkeley, CA 94703 510-644-2555 · http://www.dredf.org Assistance is generally limited to providing basic disability civil rights informational materials and referrals, with attention to CDCR state prisoners. DREDF does not provide assistance with individual disability benefits applications or denial of Social Security Disability benefits. California only. Friends Committee on Legislation of California 1225 8th St, Suite 220 · Sacramento, CA 95814-4809 916-443-3734 · http://www.fclca.org Quaker-founded group that advocates and lobbies for CA state laws that are just, compassionate, and respectful of the inherent worth of every person. Staff can answer questions about legislative matters by phone or letter. California only. Friends Outside P.O. Box 4085 · Stockton, CA 95204 209-955-0701 · http://www.friendsoutside.org Friends Outside provides services and support to visitors at each California State Prison, and are located outside the prison walls but on prison grounds (usually adjacent to the visitor parking lots). Visitor Centers provide childcare, transportation, information and resources, and a restful and welcoming place to stop for a moment before and after visits. Does not usually respond to letters. California only. Legal Services for Prisoners with Children 4400 Market Street · Oakland, CA 94608 415-255-7036 · http://www.prisonerswithchildren.org LSPC publishes manuals, reports, fact sheets and pamphlets for CA prisoners in the following areas: Family Matters (guardianship, visitation, pregnancy); Reentry Services; Prison Conditions (isolation and other), and Divorce Issues. They also publish a Manual on SSI/SSDI for Prisoners and Their Advocates. Services to California only. 21 of 28 Life Support Alliance PO Box 277 · Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 916-402-3750 · http://www.lifesupportalliance.org Addresses the needs and concerns of the lifer population and community, and assisting lifers in becoming suitable for parole and articulating that suitability to the Board of Parole Hearings. LSA offers a free monthly newsletter, and the quarterly California Lifer Newsletter with reviews of the latest published and unpublished state and federal cases concerning parole issues, parole board news, legislation and articles on prison, parole and correctional issues of interest to prisoners and their families. Each issue contains 50 - 70 pages. Subscription rates are: Inmates, $35 per year, $60 for 2 yrs, $90 for 3 yrs. Free individuals, $99 per year, $180 for 2 years. I would like to add that family members can become members for free and receive our monthly newsletter. Focuses on the California lifer population, but anyone can benefit from their information. Project AVARY PO Box 150088 · San Rafael, CA 94915-0088 415-457-8799 · http://www.projectavary.org Project AVARY offers long-term support and enrichment for children and youth in the San Francisco Bay Area with a parent in prison or jail. The program services include a summer camp, monthly outings, leadership training, and family support. Write for further details. Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos 1817 Soquel Ave · Santa Cruz, CA 95062 831-457-8208 · http://www.barriosunidos.net The Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos Prison Project is dedicated to providing cultural and spiritual education, support, and hope to incarcerated individuals. The Project advocates for prison policy reform and programs that reduce recidivism, support re-entry, and reunify families. Our educational materials are sent nationally in responding to mail requests. Serves Californians only. Stanford Justice Advocacy Project Stanford Law School 559 Nathan Abbott Way · Stanford, CA 943058610 650-736-7757 · https://law.stanford.edu/stanford-justice-advocacyproject/ Represents people serving unjust three strikes sentences for minor crimes, assists released prisoners successfully reentering their communities, and advocates for fairer and more effective criminal justice policies in California and across the country. Only serves Californians; expect delays; will not respond if they cannot serve you. UnCommon Law 318 Harrison Street suit 103 · Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 271-0310 · http://www.uncommonlaw.org UnCommon Law supports people navigating California's discretionary parole process through trauma-informed legal representation, mental health counseling, legislative and policy advocacy, and in-prison programming led by those who have been through the process themselves. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION COLORADO Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition 1212 Mariposa St, Suite 6 · Denver, CO 80204 303-825-0122 · http://www.ccjrc.org CCJRC publishes a free quarterly newsletter, and a 250-page reentry guide for parolees in Colorado titled Getting On After Getting Out: A Re-entry Guide for Colorado ("Go Guide"). This book provides extensive information to help people prepare for release and successfully reintegrate back into their families and communities. The cost is $10 + $3.50 S&H. Serves individuals in Colorado only. Colorado CURE 3470 S. Poplar St. #406 · Denver, CO 80224-2931 (303) 758-3390 · http://ColoradoCURE.org All volunteer nonprofit criminal justice advocacy international organization. CURE is recognized as a leading organization making efforts to reduce crime through criminal justice reform. FLORIDA Disability Rights Florida 2473 Care Drive suite 200 · Tallahassee, FL 32308 800-342-0823 · http://www.disabilityrightsflorida.org Services for individuals with disabilities in Florida only. Can only support with issues directly related to your disabilities - no other legal advice or support available. Florida only. 22 of 28 Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Justice PO Box 3654 · Honolulu , HI 96811 http://hawaiifriends.org Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Justice envisions a humanitarian justice system that provides processes for hope, healing and rehabilitation. They train and hire incarcerated peer educator tutors, offer advocacy training and providing research and education on evidence based practices that rehabilitate, heal and give hope. They also offer re-entry services. Hawaii only. IDAHO Ex-Offender Re-Entry Services Guide Ex-Offender Re-Entry Services, Idaho Department of Labor 317 West Main St · Boise, ID 83735 208-332-3570 (Boise office) · https://www.labor.idaho.gov/dnn/Portals/0/Publications/exoffender.pdf The 16-page Ex-Offender Re-Entry Services Guide (last updated 1/2020) has been designed to enhance and expand services to exoffenders in Idaho, and assist in their re-entry into the State's work force. Contains local office information for Idaho Dept. of Labor. Available for download. Idaho only. Florida Cares P.O. Box 211174 · West Palm Beach, FL 33421 (561)855-0833 · https://floridacarescharity.org Florida Cares is dedicated to improving the lives of the incarcerated through programs, advocacy, education and visitation. The organization offers education on how to effectively communicate with the Florida Department of Corrections Administration. Serves Floridians only. Idaho Justice Project 500 South 8th Street · Boise, ID https://www.idahojusticeproject.org Idaho Justice Project elevates system-involved persons in partnership with citizens, nonprofits, justice stakeholders, and government officials to improve Idaho’s justice system using organizing, public education, collaboration, and advocacy. Focused on reducing the amount of incarcerated people in Idaho and reinvesting the funds to social services that target mental health and drug addiction services. They also support rehabilitation services in prison using evidence-based programs and provide support for successful re-entry. Idaho only. GEORGIA Forever Family, Inc. PO Box 89308 · Atlanta, GA 30312 404-223-1200 · http://www.foreverfam.org Foreverfamily is a nonprofit organization committed to empowering children and families impacted by parental incarceration throughout the state of Georgia. Our programs and services focus on fostering positive parent-child relationships and meeting the unique needs of these individuals. We offer comprehensive case management, family strengthening initiatives, and provide a family visitation program to facilitate monthly visits between children and their incarcerated mothers. Serves Georgia only. ILLINOIS Illinois Prison Project 53 W. Jackson Street, Suite 452 · Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 324-4463 · https://www.illinoisprisonproject.org Through advocacy, public education, and direct representation of thousands of needlessly incarcerated people, the Illinois Prison Project brings hope to and fights in community with incarcerated people and their loved ones for a brighter, more humane, more just system for us all. They provide direct representation to people in the Illinois Department of Corrections, train and support attorneys who provide direct representation, and empower incarcerated people and their families to advocate for themselves. Illinois only. HAWAII Community Alliance on Prisons PO Box 37158 · Honolulu, HI 96837-0158 808-927-1214 · http://caphawaii.wordpress.com A coalition that focuses on alternatives to incarceration, prison reform legislative issues, community education, and effective interventions for all of Hawaii’s lawbreakers. CAP’s goal is to educate the community on best practices and proven strategies that preserve human dignity, and reform our criminal justice system. Hawaii only. Illinois Prisoner Rights Coalition 310 Main St NW · Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 386-6325 · https://illinois-prc.com Serves incarcerated people and their loved ones by offering a rapid response support system to address rights violations and injustices that occur in Illinois jails and prisons for people in immediate danger and ongoing case management. They provide support and intervention in instances of abuse, neglect, and violations of civil and human rights. Services are free to incarcerated community members and their loved ones. Illinois only. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION INDIANA Incarcerated Individuals Legal Assistance Project 211 South Indiana Avenue Indiana University Maurer School of Law Baier Hall · Bloomington, IN 47405 https://law.indiana.edu/academics/experientialeducation/projects/ilap.html The Incarcerated Individuals Legal Assistance Project (ILAP) is a student run, pro-bono organization that provides free legal research to incarcerated individuals. Under the guidance of an experienced appellate attorney, students aid incarcerated individuals on a variety of legal issues, from post-conviction relief and ineffective assistance of counsel claims to tort claims and family law. Primarily serves Indiana; may support those in neighboring states. 23 of 28 Louisiana prisons. Has litigated issues including medical care at Angola, inhumane heat, and conditions in Baton Rouge Parish prison, and juveniles serving LWOP sentences. Serves people in Louisiana only. The Law Library of Louisiana 400 Royal Street 2nd Floor Law Library of Louisiana · New Orleans, LA 70130 · (504) 310-2400 · https://lasc.libguides.com/prisoners The Law Library of Louisiana offers a robust free guide with information and resources on common legal issues faced by prisoners, former prisoners and their families. The guide covers post- conviction remedies, civil rights violations in prison, parole, family law issues, re-entry assistance and resources on the collateral consequences of conviction. Serves Louisiana only. IOWA Friends of Iowa Women Prisoners PO Box 71272 · Clive, IA 50325 Friends of Iowa Women Prisoners mission is to bring together those concerned about women in the Iowa correctional system and provide education on how to best advocate on their behalf. They support a variety of programming to incarcertated women and also award scholarships that allow women to take college credit classes while incarcerated. Iowa women only. Tulane University Law Library 6329 Freret Street · New Orleans, LA 70118 504-865-5952 · https://library.law.tulane.edu/screens/index.html Offers photocopies of case-law citations, law review articles, criminal procedures, etc. to prisoners incarcerated in Louisiana jails & parish or state prisons only. Requests should have specific case cites, docket numbers or article titles, and are limited to one per month and a maximum of 50 pages. Only serves people in LA state prisons or jails; no federal prisoner requests. Iowa Cure P.O. Box 41005 · Des Moines, IA 50311 http://iowacure.com Iowa CURE is a multi-issue, membership-based organization which brings individuals concerned about the correctional system together to work for change both inside and outside prison walls in order to promote healing or restorative justice within the community. Serves people in Iowa only. MAINE Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition PO Box 446 · Lisbon, ME 04250 http://www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org The Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC) is comprised of Maine prisoners, their friends and families, victims of crime, and others committed to ethical, positive, and humane changes in Maine's prison system. they focus on solitary confinement, inhumane conditions of confinement, and reentry services. Serves Maine only. KANSAS Legal Services for Prisoners, Inc. P.O. Box 12438 · Overland Park, KS 66282 (785) 746-7437 · https://www.legalservicesforprisoners.org Legal Services for Prisoners, Inc., (L.S.P.) is a non-profit group that provides legal services to indigent inmates in Kansas correctional facilities. The program’s goal is to ensure that prisoners’ rights to the courts are met to pursue non-frivolous claims. L.S.P. assist inmates with the unique legal problems which arise out of their incarceration and help to augment the normal Facility Counseling Services. They do not represent inmates for money damages or most other civil matters, but can provide information on who to contact to seek counsel and in some instances how to proceed pro se in such cases. Serves Kansas only. LOUSIANA Promise of Justice Initiative 1024 Elysian Fields · New Orleans, LA 70116 504-529-5955 · https://promiseofjustice.org/ Legal services nonprofit that advocates for humane, fair, and equal treatment of individuals in jails and prison. Publishes a resource guide that includes additional information on organizations to contact for legal representation and advice, as well as other resources that might be helpful. Has a prison conditions project fighting to end the death penalty and solitary confinement in MARYLAND Maryland Prisoner's Rights Coalition PO Box 386 · Thurmont, MD 21788 https://mdprisonersrights.org Maryland Prisoner's Rights Coalition works directly with incarcerated clients and their families to advocate for individual needs. These services include but are not limited to: healthcare, basic needs, disability rights, assist with guidance through the process and policies within the facility and systemically, access to visitation/phone calls/property etc. Serves Maryland only. Prisoner's Rights Information System of Maryland P.O. Box 929 · Chestertown, MD 21620 The Prisoner’s Rights Information System of Maryland (PRISM) assists current inmates of Maryland state prisons with their 8th Amendment rights, and offers representation or advice to state prisoners in civil rights matters and certain state habeas corpus or inmate grievance office cases. They also handle sentence calculation problems, lack of medical care or improper living conditions, violation of constitutional rights of religion, association, etc. PRISM will provide representation and legal assistance only in cases dealing with the status of conviction and actions under 42 U.S.C., Section 1983, to challenge conditions of confinement. This The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION includes legal services for representation in select cases at Inmate Grievance Office hearings and appeals when the grievance involves a civil rights or constitutional issue, assistance with problems concerning prison conditions or administration (e.g., disciplinary actions, medical complaints, mistreatment, etc.), problems related to parole, and problems related to sentences such as sentence computation, diminution of confinement credits, etc. PRISM does not provide representation in criminal, domestic and civil court actions. To connect with PRISM, incarcerated peopele should mail the P.O. Box address. Serves Maryland only. MASSACHUSETTS Northeastern University Prisoners' Rights Clinic 416 Huntington Ave c/o Northeastern University School of Law · Boston, MA 02116 · 617-373-3660 http://www.northeastern.edu/law/experience/clinics/prisonersrights.html This Northeastern University program represents state prisoners in Eastern Mass. through a student clinic with free legal assistance on a variety of serious criminal issues, including disciplinary charges, parole applications, parole revocation and more. Active during school year only (expect delays during the summer). Serves people in Mass only. Prisoners’ Legal Services of Massachusetts 50 Federal Street, 4th Floor · Boston, MA 02110 617-482-2773 x104 · http://www.plsma.org/ Prisoners’ Legal Services provides legal representation and administrative advocacy in civil (non-criminal) matters related to prisoners’ treatment in Massachusetts prisons and jails, and upon release on parole. Only serves indigent or poor, current or former Mass prisoners in issues including inadequate medical or mental health care, assaults or violence by staff, unsafe or inhumane conditions in Mass jails or prisons, arbitrary use of isolation, and/or unfair denial or revocation of parole. Serves people in Mass. only. MICHIGAN Humanity for Prisoners (616) 935-0075 · http://humanityforprisoners.org Humanity for Prisoners, in collaboration with strategic partners, works one-on-one with people in prison to provide personalized services which empower them to receive support and assistance. Key areas of focus include: navigating the prison system, advocating for healthcare, gaining access to public documents, preparing for parole board hearings, and reconnecting with lost family and friends. Serves Michigan only. The Michigan Lifers Association 4417 Second Avenue ste 211 · Detroit , MI 48201-1641 313-442-3629 Support for Michigan lifers led by Willis X. Harris, found innocent after serving over 23 years in the Michigan prison system. Write for information about programming and support for lifers. Note there is no online presence, but they are easily reached by phone or mail. Serves people in MI specifically but also all across the US and Canada. 24 of 28 MINNESOTA Clemency Project 229 19th Avenue South Walter F. Mondale Hall · Minneapolis, MN 55455 · https://law.umn.edu/centers-institutes/clemency-project The University of Minnesota Law School’s Clemency Project advocates for individuals serving disproportionately long prison sentences, with the primary goal of obtaining reductions in these sentences. It is an integrated program, involving individual representation, impact litigation, advocacy and research aimed at connecting law students directly to the human realities of mass incarceration. Serves Minnesota only. Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners Mitchell Hamline School of Law: Legal Practice Center 875 Summit Ave · St Paul, MN 55105 651-227-9171 · http://mitchellhamline.edu/clinics/lamp-legalassistance-to-minnesota-prisoners Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners (LAMP) provides civil representation to indigent persons incarcerated in Minnesota. Students at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law represent clients from interviews through any trial. Cases include domestic relations, imprisonment-related matters (institutional grievances, parole, and detainers), and the full range of other civil problems including debtor-creditor, wills, contracts, torts, and civil rights issues. LAMP does not handle appeals for inmates to contest their convictions. Serves people in Minnesota only. MISSISSIPPI Foundation for the Mid South (Mississippi Reentry Guide ) 134 East Amite Street c/o Foundation for the Mid South · Jackson, MS 39201 · 601-355-8167 · http://www.msreentryguide.com This 196-page Mississippi Reentry Guide is intended to provide essential information and resources about services to ex-offenders and those that support them. Their goal is to ensure that those leaving incarceration will have an easier and more successful transition back into their community. Mississippi only. Mississippi Prison Reform Coalition P.O. Box 16109 People's Advocacy Institute · Jackson, MS 39236 (601) 272-8419 · https://www.peoplesadvocacyinstitute.com/endingmass-incarceration The MPRC is a group of formerly incarcerated people, families with loved-ones in prison, advocacy organizations, and concerned residents demanding that the state of Mississippi immediately reduce the prison population, remove harmful conditions, policies and practices, and restore humanity. Serves Mississippi only. MISSOURI Missouri Cure P.O. Box 28931 · St. Louis, MO 63132 (816) 377-2873 · http://www.missouricure.org/ Missouri Cure fights to ensure that prisons are only used for those who absolutely must be incarcerated and that they are used only for the purposes of rehabilitation and education. Missouri Cure is an advcoacy group. Does not offer legal services. You can subscribe to their newsletter by writing in or emailing. Serves Missouri only. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION 25 of 28 Missouri Prison Reform P.O. Box 280 P.O. Box 280 · Duenweg, MO 64841 Missouri Prison Reform is a nonprofit organization that advocates for Missouri’s incarcerated and their families by elevating their voices, advocating for their needs, and exposing harmful policies that undermine our overall goal of harm reduction, healing, and rehabilitation. Their primary focus is on humantarian rights, health care and sentence reform. You can use their online form to let them know of issues you or your loved one has regarding a Missouri Department of Corrections facility. Serves Missouri only. Legal Aid Society Prisoner's Rights Project LawHelpNY c/o Pro Bono Net 151 West 30th St · New York, NY 10001 · 212-577-3300 https://www.lawhelpny.org/organization/legal-aid-society-prisonersrights-project/ The Prisoner’s Rights Project (PRP) protects and enforces the legal rights of New York City and New York State prisoners through litigation, advice, and assistance to individual prisoners. PRP does not deal with criminal cases or sentences or matters related to parole. Serves New York only. NEW YORK Correctional Association of New York P.O. Box 793 · Brooklyn, NY 11207 212-254-5700 · http://www.correctionalassociation.org Founded in 1844, the Correctional Association of New York (CA) is an independent non-profit organization that advocates for a more humane and effective criminal justice system and a more just and equitable society. CA has several working projects, including the Coalition for Women Prisoners, the Drop the Rock Coalition (downsizing the prison system), Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, and the Juvenile Justice Coalition. Only serves individuals in New York. Prisoners' Legal Services of New York 41 State St, Suite M112 · Albany, NY 12207 518-438-8046 · http://www.plsny.org PLSNY provides free legal services to New York State prisoners. Also publishes Pro Se newsletter six times per year for prisoners in New York State prisons, providing information and analysis on recent developments in prison law. To subscribe, send a subscription request with prisoner's name, DIN number, and facility to: Pro Se, 114 Prospect Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Past issues of Pro Se from 2002-2016 are downloadable from their website. Write for the office near you. We serve NY state prisons only; not county jails or federal prisoners. Fortune Society 29-76 Northern Bl · Long Island City, NY 11101 212-691-7554 · http://www.fortunesociety.org The Fortune Society’s vision is to create a world where all who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated can become positive, contributing members of society. They do this through a holistic, one-stop model of service provision. Their continuum of care, informed and implemented by professionals with cultural backgrounds and life experiences similar to those of their participants, helps ensure each individual’s success. The Fortune Society serves approximately 7,000 individuals annually via three primary New York City-area locations: their service center in Long Island City, and both The Fortune Academy and Castle Gardens in West Harlem. Also publishes The Fortune News twice per year, which is free to those incarcerated in NY. Serves people in New York only. NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina Prisoner Legal Services 1110 Wake Forest Rd · Raleigh, NC 27604 919-856-2200 · http://www.ncpls.org/ NCPLS provides legal assistance to prisoners in the North Carolina Department of Correction ranging from advice about prisoner’s legal rights to representation in litigation in state and federal court. Cases are accepted based on referrals from attorneys as well as direct requests from prisoners or individuals acting on behalf of prisoners incapable of requesting legal assistance. The organization is divided into three teams of attorneys and paralegals: Post-Conviction, Civil, and Support Services. Serves people in North Carolina only. Jail and Prison Services at New York Public Library Jail & Prison Services; The New York Public Library 40 West 20th Street · New York, NY 10011 212-592-7553 · http://www.nypl.org/help/communityoutreach/correctional-services The NYPL's Correctional Library Services publishes "Connections", the most exhaustive guide and directory of resources in New York City available to help people when they are leaving correctional facilities. The guidebook is free to those incarcerated in New York State prisons and local jails, with mailed copies prioritized for soonto-be-released individuals. Aquí encontrará una traducción al español disponible como un archivo PDF. Personas que están encarceladas pueden solicitar hasta 40 páginas impresas de "Conexiones" a la vez (que se enviarán por carta), escribiendo a: NYPL Correctional Services, 445 Fifth Ave, NY, NY 10016. Serves individuals in New York only. OREGON The Pathfinder Network PO Box 3257 · Gresham, OR 97030 503-892-5396 · http://www.thepathfindernetwork.org/ Formerly Pathfinders of Oregon. Has several successful programs in prisons and the community. Classes inside prison including Parenting Inside Out and the Healing Opportunities, Promoting Empowerment (HOPE) program. Outside, Pathfinders Network provides reentry support, including peer mentoring and parenting classes, at the Center for Family Success. Oregon only. PENNSYLVANIA Human Rights Coalition PO Box 34580 · Philadelphia, PA 19101 267-293-9169 · https://hrcoalition.org/ The Human Rights Coalition (HRC) advocates for abolishment of solitary confinement in Pennsylvania prisons. They also publish the HRC Legal Pamphlet Series, other pamphlets and information letters, and the “PA Prison Directory Action Guide” (2009) (too many pages for them to print & mail, but available for download on their website). Serves Penn. only. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION Pennsylvania Prison Society 230 South Broad Street, Suite 605 · Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-564-4775 · http://www.prisonsociety.org PPS offers resources to Pennsylvania prisoners in the form of an official visiting program to help people in custody with issues they may be experiencing while in confinement, a free resource program where information requested is sent via mail, and re-entry services, including mentoring and referrals. It also publishes “Graterfriends,” a newsletter published 6 times a year by and for incarcerated people with issues relevant to them ($3.00 for an annual prisoner subscription). Only serves PA state and county facilities; newsletter and resource program available to all. SOUTH DAKOTA Hope Prison Ministry South Dakota PO Box 284 · Sioux Falls, SD 57104 605-338-7526 · http://www.hopeprisonministry.com Hope Prison Ministry assists men and women leaving prisons in South Dakota with clothing, housing, transportation, and food to support them in making a new start and re-establishing themselves in society. Offers fellowship and friendship beyond the walls. Serves South Dakota only. TENNESSEE Project Return 109 Lafayette Street · Nashville, TN 37210 615-327-9654 · http://www.projectreturninc.org Project Return equips former offenders with the education, coaching, and support services necessary to gain employment and begin a new life. Project Return conducts pre-release programs in correctional facilities to prepare inmates for their release dates. Serves Tennessee only. 26 of 28 TEXAS Texas Civil Rights Project P.O. Box 17757 · Austin, TX 78760 512-474-5073 · https://txcivilrights.org/ Works on reform projects including ending solitary confinement in Texas, challenging debtor's prison practices, ending tortuous heat conditions, and improving mental health. Does not provide individual representation. Serves Texans only. UTAH Utah Prisoner Advocate Network PO Box 464 · Draper, UT 84020 http://utahprisoneradvocate.org/ Utah Prisoner Advocate Network (UPAN) offers support to incarcerated individuals as well as friends and families through providing education and information about conditions of confinement including housing and medical. UPAN does not provide legal support - do not send legal documents. It also publishes a monthly newsletter. The best way to receive the newsletter is to ask family or friends to get on the email list and then print and send you the newsletter directly. If you do not have any family or friends to support, contact UPAN directly. Serves Utah only. VERMONT Prisoners' Rights Office 6 Baldwin St, suite 4 · Montpelier, VT 05633-3301 802-828-3194 http://defgen.vermont.gov/research/prisoners-rights-office This section of the Vermont Office of the Defender General handles prisoners' rights cases. Serves Vermont only. PARC RECOMMENDED LEGAL AND EDUCATIONAL PRISON BOOKS Battling the Administration: An Inmate’s Guide to a Successful Lawsuit Wynword Press PO Box 557 · Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 208-267-0817 · http://www.wynwordpress.com/shop/battling-the-administration Battling the Administration (David J. Meister, April 2014, 566 pages, $24.95 + $5 S&H) is a self-help manual that guides readers through the complex U.S. civil court system, teaches them how to pursue a lawsuit in the face of the constraints imposed by incarceration, and enables a successful outcome for the prisoner's civil rights lawsuit. The book includes extensive case-law citations and advice on organizing, investigating and prosecuting a case. Know your civil rights and how to defend them in court. Has not been updated since 2014, so research what the lower courts have said about the Supreme Court precedents listed; the advice on preparation and writing skills are still very relevant for any prison-based litigator. Columbia Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual 435 West 116th Street Attn: JLM Order · New York, NY 10027 212-854-1601 · https://jlm.law.columbia.edu/ A Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual (12th Ed, 2020, 1520 pages, $30) is a handbook of legal rights and procedures designed to inform prisoners of their rights and how use to judicial process to secure these rights on both the federal and state level, with an emphasis on New York State law. It also has published the following supplements: 1) on Louisiana state law; 2) on Texas state law; and 3) on Immigration and consular access, containing information about the immigration law consequences of criminal convictions for people who are not U.S. Citizens. Individual chapters are also available for download. This is a student-run, volunteer organization; they cannot provide legal advice or respond to individual inquiries. Expect delays in delivery. For incarcerated persons, the 12th Edition of the main JLM is $30; supplements range from $15-25 by state. Make checks payable to "Columbia Jailhouse Lawyers' Manual." For non-prisoners, the main JLM is $140 and supplements range from $50-100. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION 27 of 28 Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook - 6th Ed., 2021 666 Broadway, 7th Floor The Center for Constitutional Rights · New York, NY 10012 http://jailhouselaw.org/ The Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook: How to Bring a Federal Lawsuit to Challenge Violations of Your Rights in Prison Published jointly by the National Lawyers Guild and the Center for Constitutional Rights, explains how a prisoner can start a lawsuit in federal court to fight against mistreatment and bad conditions in prison. This handbook is a free resource for people in prison who wish to file a federal lawsuit addressing poor conditions in prison or abuse by prison staff. It also contains limited general information about the United States legal system. Has excellent explanation of the Prison Litigation Reform Act. Essential resource for any jailhouse lawyer. Last updated in 2021. To receive a paperbound copy, mail a request to the above address and wait at least 2 months for return. Requests are bundled and sent only several times per year. If no response after 3 months, write to the National NLG Prison Law Project for a copy: P.O. Box 1266; New York, NY, 10009. The Handbook is also available downloaded from their website (http://jailhouselaw.org/) Request an outside source to print and mail it to you. List of chapter headings: (1) How to Use the JLH; (2) Overview of Types of Lawsuits and the Prison Litigation Reform Act' 3) Your Rights in Prison; (4) Who to Sue and What to Ask for; (5) How to Start Your Lawsuit; (6) What Happens After You File Your Suit; (7) The Legal System and Legal Research; and Appendices A-N. The California Prison and Parole Law Handbook General Delivery Prison Law Office · San Quentin, CA 94964 800-630-4104 · https://prisonlaw.com/resources/prison-handbook/ The California Prison and Parole Law Handbook (Heather MacKay & Prison Law Office, 5th Ed, 2019, 1170 pages) is newly updated in 2019! It is a comprehensive overview of the laws and policies affecting people in state prisons and on parole in California. Includes extensive discussion of the administrative appeals and court actions that people can use to protect their rights and to seek remedies. 19 chapters, plus resource lists, forms, and sample legal documents. It is available for download for free online at https://prisonlaw.com/resources/prison-handbook/. Paper copies for people in custody are $20 and $200 for all others. Prices include tax, shipping and handling. The Prison Law Office has a monthly drawing for free copies of The Handbook for people in custody. To be put in the pool, a person should send a copy of their trust account statement showing that they have not had more than $25 in their account in the past six months to Prison Law Office at above address. Chapters include: Administrative Appeals; Rights of People in Prison; Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Use of Excessive Force, and Protection from Physical and Sexual Abuse; Classification, Housing and Programs; Prison Rule Violations; Placement in Segregation; Medical, Mental Health, and Dental Care; Determinate Sentences, Restitution, Time Credits, and Release Dates; Life Parole Suitability, Other Board of Parole Hearings Proceedings, Commutations, and Pardons; Detainers and Extradition; Parole and Post-Release Community Supervision; MDO and SVP Commitments; Workers Compensation and Other Benefits; Immigration Issues for People in Prison; Direct Appeals of Criminal Convictions; State Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus and Writ of Mandate/Prohibition; Federal Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus; Federal Civil Rights (“Section 1983”) Lawsuits; State Tort Lawsuits; and Legal Research, Writing, and Strategies. Your Life on the List http://www.oncefallen.com "Your Life on the List," by Derek Logue, is a state by state by state survival guide for those forced to register upon release from incarceration. The latest edition is available via Amazon for $14.95. It can also be downloaded (free of charge) by going to oncefallen.com where there is a vast amount of information for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals, including housing lists, information on legal issues, and newsletters. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates. PARC National Prisoner Resource Directory – JUNE 2023 EDITION 28 of 28 Selected excerpts from the UNITED NATIONS STANDARD MINIMUM RULES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PRISONERS (the Nelson Mandela Rules) United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held at Geneva 1955, approved 1957. Revised and reapproved on May 22, 2015 as 122 individual rules, renamed the “Nelson Mandela Rules.” (Full set of all 122 Mandela Rules is 40 pages, available for download at: www.penalreform.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/MANDELA-RULES.pdf. According to letters from our readers, the UN will not send free copies.) Basic Principles • All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. No prisoner shall be subjected to, and all prisoners shall be protected from, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, for which no circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification. Books • Every prison shall have a library for the use of all categories of prisoners, adequately stocked with both recreational and instructional books, and prisoners shall be encouraged to make full use of it. Contacts with the Outside World • Prisoners shall be allowed, under necessary supervision, to communicate with their family and friends at regular intervals: By corresponding in writing and using, where available, telecommunication, electronic, digital and other means; and, By receiving visits. • Prisoners should have access to effective legal aid. • Prisoners who are foreign nationals shall be allowed reasonable facilities to communicate with the diplomatic and consular representatives of the State to which they belong. • Prisoners shall be allocated, to the extent possible, to prisons close to their homes or their places of social rehabilitation. Education and Recreation • Provision shall be made for the further education of all prisoners capable of profiting thereby. • So far as practicable, the education of prisoners shall be integrated with the educational system of the country so that after their release they may continue their education without difficulty Exercise and Sport • Every prisoner who is not employed in outdoor work shall have at least one hour of suitable exercise in the open air daily if the weather permits. • Young prisoners and others of suitable age and physique are to receive physical and recreational training during the period of exercise. Food • Every prisoner shall be provided by the prison administration at the usual hours with food of nutritional value adequate for health and strength, of wholesome quality and well prepared and served. Guiding Principles • The duty of society does not end with a prisoner’s release. There should, therefore, be governmental or private agencies capable of lending the released prisoner efficient aftercare directed towards the lessening of prejudice against him or her and towards his or her social rehabilitation. Health-Care Services • Prisoners should enjoy the same standards of health care that are available in the community, and should have access to necessary health-care services free of charge without discrimination on the grounds of their legal status. • All prisons shall ensure prompt access to medical attention in urgent cases. Prisoners who require specialized treatment or surgery shall be transferred to specialized institutions or to civil hospitals. • Clinical decisions may only be taken by the responsible health-care professionals and may not be overruled or ignored by non-medical prison staff. • In women’s prisons, there shall be special accommodation for all necessary prenatal and postnatal care and treatment. Arrangements shall be made wherever practicable for children to be born in a hospital outside the prison. Information to and Complaints by Prisoners • Every prisoner shall be allowed to make a request or complaint regarding his or her treatment, without censorship as to substance, to the central prison administration and to the judicial or other competent authorities, including those vested with reviewing or remedial power. • Every request or complaint shall be promptly dealt with and replied to without delay. • A prisoner must not be exposed to any risk of retaliation, intimidation or other negative consequences as a result of having submitted a request or complaint. • Allegations of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of prisoners shall be dealt with immediately and shall result in a prompt and impartial investigation conducted by an independent national authority. Institutional Personnel • All prison staff shall possess an adequate standard of education and shall be given the ability and means to carry out their duties in a professional manner. Instruments of Restraint • The use of chains, irons or other instruments of restraint which are inherently degrading or painful shall be prohibited. Restrictions, Discipline and Sanctions • In no circumstances may restrictions or disciplinary sanctions amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The following practices, in particular, shall be prohibited: Indefinite solitary confinement; Prolonged solitary confinement; Placement of a prisoner in a dark or constantly lit cell; Corporal punishment or the reduction of a prisoner’s diet or drinking water; Collective punishment. Searches of Prisoners and Cells • Searches shall be conducted in a manner that is respectful of the inherent human dignity and privacy of the individual being searched, as well as the principles of proportionality, legality and necessity. • Searches shall not be used to harass, intimidate or unnecessarily intrude upon a prisoner’s privacy. • Prisoners shall have access to and be allowed to keep in their possession without access by the prison administration, documents relating to their legal proceedings. The materials contained in this resource directory are presented to aid in the rehabilitation of prisoners, as per federal and state laws. This 28-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center; PO Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612. If included, please mail back the evaluation form with any updates.