Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part1
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AltM Ell fUR( ·K"; INSTrrl rn: I IF 1''\"1"I It 11.1 IC; \' o m~" "r Ih" AI"tIl"d ~'"r~,·~ ~ ""lint r;:~a",i Iltr 1~1.~ 1C,','..w dtlU"I..IIlJl'_ IU~ R,,,,k \";11,' .•\11 ) ~lIliSIl I-KOH-').I·I- 7'j 11 ,\Il"l'()l'S" EXA~HX.-\Tl(l.'i lU:I'Oln "\"~'I"Y 1'1".; ~1~)(6) ;.I:II1It·: CI·h'",'~ ..", ,\I'i,1 SS,\;.I; :\"..\ D"I""flli"lo: 1"·17 MU' 1'1l.!ib)i6) I~:>,,~: (b)(6) l'I:oc,' "r I k,u", ,\II,':li"" 1''''1 1'1:,,',' "f . \lIl'~'S.'·' 111,\1' ~I"<ll"",", _ [)at,.rn"", "I' I kath:Kb)(6)JI~I,~ D:II"- filllt' "I' '\'""PO;.'": ~ I " .... ~INII 11.,~IoJ:ul. h'''1 (:ir"I1I1"lnnc". "r Ik'i h: fhi_ 1""1; ~J16) _,li ..1whilc III I .•S. cusl'.,j,·, rIlt· tk'l"il.s .<utf'",,,,di,,~ Ih..· Ci"'UUlSI'""...·.<:>1 Ill<' linl<: "t' ,1c"11, :11" d;~<.sj!kJ. ltlt"lilll'tUiun: Vis",,1 hy .1'· DNA ""',,iIlC,l '\n"".....1t:a'~,I.y l{cl';II"'IlI.I~I.'1I11,'nclI,IiIl~'11"illl ;",,1 MEDCOM 0001 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1 , AUTOPSY REPORTl(b)(6) MowlOib. Abld MG fiNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Hitlory of lIllOlheril\i md ehcll and abelominl! oolllFUeuiOll II. BJUllI Jbtce u.uma A. Coatuai_and abr'IIjontOrlhe akin.oo ItlIn liaueofthe.ehat md ItxIornm with pallemed CClIltllaionl l. FrKtuJa orlcn ribl3-1 B. Exllllllive 00Ilt\lSi0ns and Ibrada,.. oHhe QlnImitilCl ..ilh plncrned contIIIio.. C. Minor eonlllllon oflhe.lIClIlp III. Canliomyvpatby(6SOgrllmlJ A. Left verltnelcb)Jk4bophy (1.7c:ml I. M1O"'yte bypCl1Jtlphy..d intaslitili n librolill a pa;v-e:ular Mild~.ofl""llll1a C. Pulmogyedanl(cambined weight- 1350 prna) tv. Slalvs plIII c.hoICC)'IIedomy A. Perihepatic Illd pcricolonic: lld~ VL HllplttD B poIitive: (DNA) VII. P1llUr1lllld plllll'lOnlf)' ....eaoM VIll. Pemplcnie 8dhai_ lX. Nodulu PR*lIc X. £arty dceompolltion Xl. No dilpl-=d lhIdatrcI or lIIdiopaqlle projet.tlICi on nldioll'1Phs XIL Toxic:olollY neptive MEDCOM 0002 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 2 , A.UTOnv UPORT(b)(~) Mon..... A.bId MG ImRlf6L IXAMINADQN The bod)' it that of. wdl-dev~wdl~ appcarina. obcaa, 11 1/2. inch Ial~ 250 povndl minllNlm (atlllll.led) ..... whaM "PP'ftl\Ca II conaatcal with tba repoNd .,e ofS6 ~ Uviclit)' ill postaior IIIld. pwrplc. Tbcfe i.l"adal ..ffilIion andoona-don oftba conjllndival vaacJl btll no pctcdllac of the C)'ta, race. Ol'" oral 111--' Rip ill not apparenl. Thera ill_I)' d fIIp....ltloa inaoh,_w.marblinl ortbc ...crior d.." 1"blI_lp iI cowzed "lith . .,...browft hair _rilll I Y. indl ill Ionllb UId In .l\onnaI dtltriblltloa. ThIR ill • broom bean! and IIlIIIlacIla. TIl. lrida ... brown and alilhtly obacurod b)' comcal c1oudlll" lb. l:aI1 IIld alom.1 .\lditcwy CUlal. are IlIIremartlblc. Tbc rtII'Q are patelll and thlIliPl_ ahumItIc. Tho_ and maxllllo . . palpabl)' .lable. The teeth app-.r 'n.II:11'11 and. ad-rwe In repair. Th...u,. no lnjllrica of Ill. oral cavily. Tho QDC\( ilIl1railhl. and 1M tnchcIl. midlillc and mobile. TMdIaIlsl)'lftlftCUic:. n. abdomOll II JlfOIliborani. The pnitali..... tbaae of a norma! adIl.Il mala. Th. taIIoa .... dt:aeendcd and he of Puble hair II ~I In a nonnal dillributlon. Tho bultockIlIld anua _ d_\opInenlally lII'lrCllIIItable, 111.-. The lIJlPG' and kIwer utremitiCi -1)'IIllIICIrK wi wlthoul clubblnl or edOlllL FIeJlic:ulT vrriIt Iica anclrde ach ....r1,1 INl. Ilia'll _1lO usoclaMd abraai_ or colltuaiofll. .....-Ilrin&.,.... IdcIllil)olnl mub and ac. . inc'~ anobllq.... ~ Inch ac. and 21dj1lCClll obtiqllO y, incll_1I OlIo lbe riJhluppar qlladtalll of the (c.holec)'alcctomy). On Iha akin ofthD riJhI patou. II. 1 Y.lnc:h linear KWutd on lllo akin ofthc len iI. I Y.lnch Il_acar. 0II1hc poaterior riabt Ibollktcraad arm .,1 Illdl ICU, • 1 Y, II l Y, Indl_•• 1.,.. incllll_ _•• ) \10 incllllna'lIcar, and.lll ~lndl_. 1ft." .wo- ,..eU. EneirclillJ the rilht wriIt Is • while p1altic IdcntlfiClallon bllld wllll (b)(6) .- CLOTHING Nfl) PIBSONAL ImCTS The lbllowina clothinl itol'fll and pctIOMl efTlICtI ac:cornpaIl.y ltttI body lit the limo of • !..oDI bIadr: alIirt • • While uncIerIbl.n Tan holler Ityle IU\dcrplnIl MEDCOM 0003 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 3 • AUTOPSY RZPORT(b)(6j Mow...... AbfdMG 8ADIOCBAPBS A comp~ . . or poItmMem ~iotI",1I""".Ined Ind ~ tIIo foIlowina: • No c1iwp! : 1 tr.::lvra • No"'~1 fOftli&n objecll{bul"" «mr.pnol) MORICI OfIMlRX Thaonilrin, oflhe IOllowilll injurill b rordllcripti.. plIlpOIII only.1IIld 11 IlOl inlaldcd 10 imply ordIr or ill1lk1lon or Nlllivc onlril)'. AU WOllnd pa!h_)'I _ relotivo to IIlaDdard ~ pooltioo. p_ DISCIUmon Qr ILIlNI rpRCI INJURIA; Hpd JDd Hsr'j On IhI riIN pWieto-occipillllCl!p ill I Ii..l I Yo ifteh pulp" contwlon witholll h::tln orllM: undatyin,lkull n- II; Iii. I % 1ndI_ ofdilcolon«ion ofthlnpc:rio< belly ofllM: ri"l omohyald mll#ll wilhou! irIwJ 01 tho f'IUllhdn,lIllericw rtnp m\IIC1a. DlJlectlon ofthl J*lerior neck and lpiDal cotd it tree of hli"'J'. Chili IIld Abslgmm; On tile IlltIrior ripl aide oftht dial"""" to U. ZIlppltl ill S. I Yo indl ~tK pwpll contuIon and on Ibt 11ft lido ortht IIlleriofebolt il12 V.x I V. inehpwplo contIIIlOll. On tho mldlinoortho ant.lor abdominal Wln",1 S x) Ii Incb plllJlle conllllioJl, • tril.qll1lr S Yr. .. linch JIIII1IIt1 contlll!on. Ind lililllllllor 6 ~ • 1; Inch purpk conlll:lion. On llIoloft lower qllldrant ortho.wollMll\ II • .4 x ) V. Inch purpk conNIion. Adjacenllo snd admixed with tho IbovccontualONl"'llIImoroIIl elrc:1I111' 10 ovoid rwdpurple oonlllliCll\l raqin, hm Yo to \oS inc:h. On the micllineortho upper back II.) Yox 2 ineb purple conlUJion. On the left eoIIOYertebral enaJe l. . ll1a x ) inch pllJ'PII contIIsion. On the poslero-Iatcral left rib ~ II • !'Iblt 6 x ) Yo lneh pulpll COllblllolt. On the rl,h! COI!oymdnl aalle and 1 _ back we I .. Ioh linch plItplo tontulioa IIId • 1 ¥. It I Yo inch Jlll'Plo contusion. ll\illrill wilbin \hoi chIIt inc:lllCll non-dUp1aoed hc!tIr'llI orthe IZlteriCW -.poet oltho S·. .,.. riba on the loft lide .ul )"~ libl on tho pGIIa'O-lelerall.ft tldo. DiI:Iectlon ortbe peridal pleura!i'om the lib cap nMI1I bomotr!llp1lll'l"OUlldJ1II 111_ hdww. n-e ~ no i'llllria ofllte Ittnp or~in. 0I'JIIlI oCthe eboItw abdominal ca"'tIeI. DiIsecl:JOlI orllle Iklll ofth. hick I'llveaIIlCIltaed V. - '" inch ptIlplo conlull_ orthe IOftl~ P.b;. and Bynz\'; On the ripl butlodr: Ind 11leIldin, ofto \be .unor riJht hlp i. an IlT'IJIIlarly IbIpe4 1) ~ x & Inch dIltt ptIlple conlllaion willi hei.M.!lll&' orthlllllClorlyln'lUbcll~ Ii-. but w1\bo111 contlllloa or hc:ttn orthe 1Inlkrf1In, Dl\IICIIlotkelellll)'llem. Adj_1o thia conllllion !III Jl'Iternod eonIlItion c:onslatlttl ortwo ,.nI1e1 obllqlll pttrpIe ~meuwill&)¥.x I \ndland.4.l1 % IlKh willi I ~ lnell _ord_1lI MEDeOM 0004 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 4 , AlI1'OPSY UPORT'{bl(6) .. Maw'. Abld MG betwll8ll 0 - ~nluioat. 0. tlle left b'llllOdland extend!", onto the JK*crior thi&h _ an 1'"J111arly Ihaped 7 Yo II " :r. lndl pIllJIll cont\Rion and two oblique pllI'aIloJ plI!1Ile contuIioIIIIm 'ina 5 Va india"" 6 Yo illdxs. !.pm Ilxtrem1tja: On the antmor riabC Ihl.h ill an oblique 9 J. 6lndr..w-puiple con1\.tdon. On the mid anlc:rior rlabt tIIlp an two panllel pIIIJIle «lIlllLllonlooeup)'in. an ana 6 II 3 lnc:hct with • JJl.If2 inch are orc:entm claria.. AltiKCllllIO Ihae contIIIiona 1ft: mulllpk pinpoint nld ab~onI. On the .in overlyillllhe rip: pateUa b;. 2: Yo II I Yo inch purple contlllion. On tbe. riaht Ulterior 'hill i' .... linch purple IlOnlllSiol\, On the skiD overlytna the ris/lt l.l~ mall-"IUI in 5 Yo II 2: % indl pwplecQnlaqion mil on thelkln overlyilla lhe riaM medial malleollll Ui 1m I Yo l " indl purple conlll8ion. On the pllnlar lUdacc o(!he riahl rooc i•• 2: II I Y. inc:b purple eontusion.ln!he right popliteal (0111 it:. <1.4 Yo Inch pwple conllilion. On the 11ft inauinal _ i•• I Yo II 2: % inclI purple conIusion. On thlI uterior ldllhiah are 2: pwple contlllloni m.surina4 Vox) Yo ildlcll and Yo II Y, Inell, nlIpllCllvol)'. On the anlaior mcllaln kft IhiIh il • p'llcmcd eontution OXJnUtina: of ltne P*"lld obHlIIlC' purple c:oMIlIiolla occupyirIJ an _ 6... indlclI wil/l Yo l~h . . . ofciOlrin8 bctw_ contulionl. On the *In overlyin, the Idl: patella mil anterior Itlin b • pIltcmed conlUtion conailti... oftwo . . .1111, bolizo.llill pulpl, oonllaliOlll occupyllll" _ 6 ... iDeIlea witb Yo inch ana of clarins beI"'bA, contusions. On the Ulterior Itft Jbin Is • pallClrned eonlluion occup}'ina In _ 6 1I .. Y.lnc:l1a and COIIIiIIiq orllll irrqvllrly shaped conl1llion within wllldl_ IWO parallel purplol contulona with • 3/16 indi ara or elarin;. On tile medial len ahIn il • ¥.1rdI purplo comllllon. On tlIo a1lin oYeri)'inllhe loft modial malleohll ill J:II 2 inch purpleCOlltlllicn On Ib8 poaIorior Id\ tlIlah ia. j lI' I'. Inch pw-plo collNlion. On tho 111ft ealfil iIll obliqllO 10 1I 2 ¥.lno;h pllfplll c:onluaillll with • Yo inell &relI of IlCIIllral dearilt&Upper 2xlJW!lhj,,; On Ihe lIlIerior and poalerior IeftllTll. elbow, m4 forann II. Il 1'.. II \4 inch_ of difflue pwple conlulion withoul an 'PPwent ptlUem. Thon il no injlll)' oflho 1IIldorI)'in, bOllO$. On tho IIIIerior len 'holIldot' ia • 2 Vo • I \10 Ino;h purple contlllion. On tbo 1II10ri0r rithl &hoIIIdor II ,J Y, 1I Volnch purple colllu&ion. On tho poaIerior ript 1ITII1s. 2 Yo 1I 2 inclt pwple eontllSion. On 1M podorior riJbl dlow iI. lOll II inch purple colltl/l!on withoul injwy oflho UlllSorlylos borIeI. Thn is IlO liplictnl injUf)' of either htnd llI' ." •. ..... INTlRNAL IXAMlNA.TION The plea.l and aubplelllllR tiasuetoflhe aJp ha'IIllhe Illltecl minor contutlon. 1110 calvwium iI inllct, u ill the dun 1IUI1Cl" it. Clear uoebl:a-plnaI RuIclIUn'l:Jllnlb the 1250 am brUt, which Iw IlIlAIJIIIbbIe I)'ri and aulci. Coronal sectlOIIII demonsttal;o MEDCOM 0005 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 5 , AUTOPSY REPORT!,'",,)(,-,,_ _ MowhoP, AWd Me I!IIrp demarclllion between whi~ Illd 1"')'1III1la', without h ~ areontusive iqjlll')'. The ventriclelan ,rllOmlf,l size. ne buaJ pna1i.. lninsu'm, CCIRbeIlum, mel utcriLll)'ltanlllR be ofinJllI')'orOlher iboonDllities. 1'bele IIl'1: no lkull ~ The 1l1no-occipilll join! i.lIlIble. =, The anlerior.ap mlllCl• •rltle neek anllomoJ_ and ftId...brown, wilhol.ll hlmorrtIqc. There iI • Rx:1I . . of dilcolontioll .fthe tuperior belly or the richl omoh)')id mlllCk:. The th)'l'Oid eattillop Illd h)'Oid an: inud. Tho Iuynx iJllined by lnllel white muCOla. The Ihyroid iUiliAlIBlljc.rld ra!·brown, wilholll c)'ltieor nodul. <:hangs. 1\0 i, fiea ,(bite 1llII'b, hemorthqc, or other ifliuric:a. aonaue tnc:lIlon and dj'''';on o(the poIItcrior neck demDllllrales DO deep p ~ mllll:Ul. iJljuty UJd DO cervlcallpinc hdwwor UJIlMIIl qllf)'. Sa:tions oCIhI cervicallpinal coni Ire unremarkable. B9QY CAymES: 'Ibml1ll'1: the noled rib hetwa. No en. . nllid i. In the plcunl, perieanlifl, or pc:ri\ollQ1 Qlvitlm. The otpnI occupy their ...-lllIaIomic pomti_ with 1UIBic.1 ablalceoCthe pllbladdcr Mil perillepltic.shaiona. Therean bilNnJ IIbrou1 plew, perbpl.uc, and pericoloal<: 1dbeMoI. RP$rnv.mJQ'SYSTEM: Tho riab! and lett IulIp weI&h 650 nl700 I'll, rapec:lively. The e:xtemalllllfacet I n d~ red-PlQ'P,,1lld hive the noled db 'em n.pulmoncy p8rellChyma iJldlm.cly oonaated and oden\llolll. No m-.lesiolll or aaa ofeontOIidalion are prefOlll CAlU!IOVMaJL\R. SYSTEM: T1I<l650 p l ' - t Is contained in III intId pal k:ai di.l.-:. Tho epic.RdlIlllllfKe III lmOOlb, wilh exlellli"" fat In...rment. The 00lWIIl')' Irteria m: ~Iln I nomlLl diltributioa, with • right-domiMllI,.uem. en.. IeClklnI oCIlw _1& _how no lIpl!tIcant alllerotcleroal•. The 1ll)'VQI'CIlwn is homopmolll, red-brown, Uld finn. The vII", l..nClllIlllIhin Uld mobiJ.. n.....1I ortbc left IIlld riabt ¥eIlb'k1es 1lll1.71lld a.kIn thick, rupec:tlvely. The eIldlKll'dilllll i.lmooth md alill-i"a The 10111 Jives rilll1cl1.hR:o inlIet Illd pltcnt IICIl ve.ell The renalllld -..enteric _111ft: ..........'" yvp, I. BU 1m SYSTEM: The 1900 am llWlf gill. iIltIct Clpllllellld I mup IllteOorborder. Thcp~ il Ian·brown tnd CGni I'",. with tIllIllIU'llobu.lItdlilectuJe. No mullulou orolher Ibnormalitles _ aeen. The pllbJadder illlll'akllly IblcnL SPLEEN: The 275 p\ spleen hu the noted perisplenic: Idl\e$IoCIL The pamlCh)'lllll II 1II1n1Cl111lld ClICIjeIkd. with d.islinct Malp11bi1ll COlpIlICIa. MEDCOM 0006 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 6 - AtrrOPSY RlPORT (b){6) M.",.... Abld Me 7 PANCREAS: 1"be p~ It tlnn Mel yellow-WI. willi the ...."... lobular ardliled_ No 1ft_1eIlanI or other .bnomu.llll..... - . ADBgNAU: The ripl rnd loft IIdrenJl sI-Ia ..... ')"'lCIJic bal &1o/ylIed. No IlcmoITl\llI" _ldmtiftod.. _01'_ of QENJTQIlBlNABY SySTEM: The riahlllld left Iddne)'l 110 lPll ad\. Tho m:tc:rlW -.rfacet _1nlM:l1ftd .mooth. Tho CllI.ud.ccI ..... f'Ild.l&q &lld flDIlCUIad. with wrilimnly lhid:: cortlca IIld .11arp ~lcomedalluy jwx:liOllJ. 111& pelves .... IInnnwklble lind lila lIl'lIC1'1 _ _ lin COIII'SO and caliber. Whlleb1addcr InI.lCOD oYCflIa WI InlaCl bllo:ldcr ......L " . bltoddcr I. eIIlfIIy. Tho prostate isn:mnalln.lleo ...-illl Iobul.., )'Ol1ow-laQ ~yrna Inll noduw. T'MI-mBIJ vaKleI_ unreIIIlltbblo. The I,*a . . "" of_1erions, wei'" c:onIIISi-. or olber abnonmlitH:a. QAmQ!NIl!SlJNAL TMCT: 'MllI1I:IOptlqUI it iDtac:t and lined by IIlII)OIh, py-white IllI1C01&. 11Io.aom.dl eolllainI III'fl"Wmately 30 ml o(brvwn liquid. ThcJUlrie Will i.lntKl. The, 100,. of ...-II bcnoIeI. Mel cokln .... ~ .. The.ppouodb is pnAlll'" unremlfkable. APDm0rw, PRQCJjI)UR'S -.7 • DocumenwyoboCOii. . . . . tat..,byTSOTl(b)(6) • Speci-l Apnl(b){6) • • • .' ''d the 1 DC Amy Crimiullnwllipt!YlI Dlvitlon (em) Sp • lIalI n=tainecll'al' loIticolDsic leIIins UlllIor DNA idenllncation uc: blood, sph:en, liver. lwta. kidney, bniin,l'Ilrie. and pmu The m..drl 0fpnI_ forwuOed willi body PenonaI.rrlCll; .... ",I.ted lCllha",proprielc mortllN)' opt:rIlloni 'cpi laI!MivCl MlC8OSCOnc WM'NmON DIllS: Scc:tiona ahow mild - fJlCl J do m)'OC)'le Ilypavopby, ,.;v.seulw n intentitial fibrotit, and r.tty inftltnllion of Ill. lipa YaIltieI&. 1'oItmort= OYl,:I'JI'llwth .fbld. . wil!lolllllllnfbl!lnWory 'UF01lle it 1llOtCd. 1.IlIlD: S=tlolD .how lntta-.Molar'" I'hrid, poriYMUClar aDlhncoIla, conaation. and poflmortem oYWiio"t11 orbKteril w11haut IIIlnfl-..nlllory.hji pol.,juble fordpa mIlerill b idIiIliAed, • No KIdnIx: SectlolilhoWJ y*ullr con.,.aion IIld 11IIol)'IiL No pot.iZlble roc.ipallllMrial iii IdentIA.... LWr: ~li_lhow ~l .. ~ pl'CllorillMnlly .....oyc:aieu.Lu 11"''01;., l'IIild ,... ..... ta1 and no a1p1nc.nt lnftlmmalioll.. MEDCOM 0007 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 7 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6>"J Mo"'lIotb, "bid MG ( .ll!:ii.n: Section Ihow. no lignifocanl pathologic .bnonnalily. Right omohyoid myscle; S«1ion all0W3 no aillliliunt pathologic abnomuJil)'. Contusion oUM nlbl Iwttq;k: sections shows Cll,lIlvasalion of crytlu«~cs withoul • •isnlllcanllnnllTUllllory fe_poTtle and no sipilkllllll1ernwidcrin deposition by H and E slain. SEROLOGY Poslmoncm serologic lest;nll (or antibodies ro hlllMll immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and htpllitis C virus wen: llOn-tUct;vc (ncplivc). Spleen wu pGlil;vc for llcplItitil8 DNA by PeR. TOXICOLOGY Toxi«Jlogic anaIysi. of blood and liver ..... nCglIl;vc (<<carbon monoxide, c~idc. dhanol (.k:OOol). and illicillubllllllCC:li (drugl). OPINION Th~ S6 )'ClU·old Iraqi delainec:died ofaspbyx" due 10 ImOlhcrina and dlesl «Jmpreaion. SiJllificanl findings orllle IUIOJlS)' included rib l'raelUrcs and numerold colltwlionJ (bruisd). some of which _e paUemed due to wilh. blunl o\ljeo;l{l). Anothl!r finding oflha Ililopsy "'.II an mlarscd Ilcart. lhI! etiolol}' ofwhic.h is II_in. 0Ihc:r findinp: included. fillly liver, which can be JeC/1 mOilt commonly willi obesily or aloohol abuse. The I]lleell was poaitive focbepalittl B DNA bypolym~ ~lWn n:ac:,ion (PeRl. TIleR we~ sean in the dlesI Clvily mosllikely due 10 an old infec:tioll. San were noled IIIIlIe abdDmillaJ GaVily d\lll: 10 prior aura:i<:al removil of the gallbladder. Althougll an enlarged bean rna)' resutL in sudden ckaI.b, llle bistory "'fTOundilll the dcalb lions with pallcmcd ~lusiOI\l.ndbroken ribilauppol1 a tr:aumatie u"" ofdNtb and tbeRfore tbe mutlIer of d<:alh ia bell Glassified Ill; homicide. (b}(6) {b}(6C]MedieotJ E"aminGr MEDCOM oooa ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 8 _.- --_.._-...-....--- -_._.- elllnnc:An 06 ....... fOWMl.UiI _0"01_ ..._ _ _.._ _ _ _ ~ -- 8T8 McwrIhoIh. Abld -"'-~ "0 • o.lIlinM in Iqq ---_.--Ii'I '''' 0 ... --• '.----_. _-- -- -- ._". -- ....'...--_ _...-... _.- __ -...... .----_. _ . _----_ ..-_.._- .0""._0_. • _. -'._---.0- --",,-_----. __.. -......-.............. _...... ---_._ -_.... __ ... _------- _..... _. -"'- ......1\11 ....- -~ ~ ... 0 _ .. _ _. - -.. " """ ••• • ~~- UO'- ... _ _OIlGOQ' .... - . . .• . . -... _ -~ .. _ .... _ _ ... ""'I -'-"'''' and chI'It camprassion ...' _'0_ -" _ ... O..... _lCoWf~· .... '" -- -- ... --; . .--. ~,_. • •, • --... _'" . __........-.-_._-_. ._. __ _---_.- __..... _----~~-~..",~ ._ ...._. _. .... ,_.--_ . _ .... _..... ..-._.... -..-.... _.-...._................ _----_........__...___.._-_........-_........._ ... _... • (b)(6) -,:;-:- •• ~.. _ . _ - ~ aam.1raq"" (b)16~ ~""'= -'';:'. ,...___..._ .•__"'..... •....'...--....0_.__-.... ".1'10_ ,._... IJ'f\.O_"" _ _ .. _ _ OI_""aII (b)(61 'Medli::al ED",",*" 1..' .........- - · "'.. _ ;-- (b)(6) , • DD.~.2064 . """' -..._, MEDCOM 0009 ~ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 9 ..,· . ; '. ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Otnee orthe A.-.ecI romt Medltll Enmlacr \413 Research Blvd., BidS. 102 Rockville. MD 20150 1·800-944-7912 nNAL AUTOPSY REPORT N.",,,: Al-Jamadl, Manadcl SSAN: H/A thole of Birth: Unk DlIleFouDd:'(!l)(§}_ 2003 Ible of .4.11101)1)': 09 NOV 200) Date of Report: 09 JAN 2004 Clrnlllltlbta orDeatll: This lnqi Nl1iooa.l male wu eaptured by Navy SealI(b){2) and died while detained at Abu Ohmib PrilOn in Iraq. ,... AUlboriadoD for ".101")': Office orthe Armed Fon:es Medical Examiner, fA W 10 USC 141\ , Idcoilftcatlon: Visualldentificalion as per Invesligllina Agency CAUSE OF DEATH: Blunt Force Injuries Complicated by Compromised Respiration MANNEROFDEA11I: Homicide MEDCOM 0010 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 10 ] .. ... [,6),,} AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6")-- , AI-Jamadi, Manadel (' FINAL AtTJ'OPSY DIAGNOSES: I. stDDt Forea IlIj_rla: A. Hnd: L Ripl periorbital coatuJoa alld lubjuac:rtva' belUonhap IL CoaN.lolla of the rf&bl.lclc: oCrile: raee IUld DaM ill P.rietallallplal ••d lempol'lllu • .,cl" roatukllU tv. Lowc:r lip aQd baceol mu~ COamilOIl' B. Tol"lO: L Multiple: mma_ _ .....lou _ abrulasl. U. Aateriar aad pcnkrtor ebesl will etIlihuloa. liL Sieroll e..hliloa Iv. Fl'lchlra ofriabt oacerior rill. Y6 aad ieR ••telrior rib• ... v. Left hlDC coahlriD. C. E:ltrtlllitia: L Multiple ntooN'" .bl'll.loQl aad cODiDloD' IL Llpt\lre _rlu O(lbe wriIU ud lIIIda III. Rc:.aole Gu....ot Wouad ofTona (projectHe ftlnoved (nllll .pleu) IV. No dplfkllol .'''1'111 dlleua IdftllUkd. w1ll1la 1.It.tiODI of en.i.atlon V. To:dcolov: Depth'c: MEDCOM 0011 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 11 ·. (b)(6) AUfOPSY REPORT'(b)(6) - AI·Jamadi, Manadel ) EmBlW. EXAMINATION The body is thal ofa well-cl~eloped,well·nourished Sf't lG-incb tall, 16S-poWld (estimated) CIIucasian male. Uvidit)' is rllted on the posterioraspel::1 oflbc body. Rigor it present and symmetric on all elCtremities. The templmlture is cold, that oftbe n:frisention wit. The scalp is covcrul with brown hairwith temporal graying and f'rontal baJdilli. Facial hair eonsists of. dose trimmed brown and grey beard and mustaehe. The irides are brown md the pupils are round and equal in diameter. PetechiaJ bemo"hagcs oftbe !lClera are not present. 'The: externalluditory e&nIIJs are free of sccm.iClrl!l and blood. The: ears are unremarkable. The nares are pIlCnt. lJtiurics 10 the !ace will be described below in the "evidence o(irUury section", The nose and maxillllC are ptJpably stable. The are nlluRI. Peteehiae oCtile buccal mueosa ~ IXII plUefIt. teeth The ned: it straia,ht. and the trachea is midline and mobile. The chest is syrntDetrle. The Ibdomeo it nat. There is. well-healed 2 x ~inch oblique lIC8l' on the left lower quacln.nlilfthe abdomen. There i,.j1ued llJeSUlar well·belled 6 x horimnlll scar extending fiom the lower left qlladnnt of the abdomen ItroS\I the anterior lateral aspect ortiz left thigh. The genilalla are me.: oft nonnaI adult male. The tmes are dcIccnded and fR:o of muses. Pubic hl1r is ~t ill. normal db1ribution. Ano-genital tmuna is not present and the buttoeks and ~us we othecwige unrmwkablc 2·m r - On the posterior Iorm thef'll is. _U-bcaJcd vertical 3 II Y.-inc:h scar in the midline over !he Ihor&cic spine. There I,,) x 2-ineh vertica.I_ in the midline of!he lumbar spine. A well·healed )·x l"-Inch irresularly shaped lIClII" is on the Idl.loW'el' baek, A vertiCIII 'I. If V.-inch SCIJ Is on tha upper upeet of the right buttoek. A I 'It y.. intb 'Vertical scar is praent on the leR buttodc. There u an obliqllC) x 14-lneh aear on the lower aspect of the leR buttock. Injuries 10 the lOrSO will bedesaibed below in the "evidence ofiqjuries" $Cdion. The tJppeI" and 10W'el' exlrelllities are syrnmelrie without clubbilli or edema, lnjuricslO the palms of the hands IIlCI soles of the f= are not noted. Theft Is. venical6 x V..inch_ on the medial aspoctofthc distal left thigh, which extends to the upper left leg. On !he dorsum of the ripl foot is. Ix ~inch self, On the dorslII apecl of tbe leR fool Is • Ix ~ioch ICII'. lnjurles 10 the exlrelllities will be described below In the "evldenee of injury section", CLOTHfNG AND PERSONAL EflECTS The decrn:-d inllllClId end penollll1 effects are no! presenl with body al!be lime of autopsy. MEDCOM 0012 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 12 (b)(6) AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AI.Jamadi, M&nIdeI r • MEDICAL J!'!I"ERYENJ1ON ...... RAPIOGWHS Poso...",1em radiopptlt are obcIined and IUpporl the clinical dl.iJ""'C' EVlDINCI Of INJURY I. BLUNT fORCE INJURIES: A. Held IDd Neck: Externally,' dn:umfnmtill periorililll oonflIIioa SlIITOUndIthe rilll1 eye with USOI:ialcd subeor\lundival hmlorrI1-ee of the eyeMIl. A I Yo II ¥ contusion ill on the riihilide of the face,"lUII to ript eye. 'Tbeft, iJ;. Yo r. Y... inch contuJion on the left .ide of the _ , immediately IdjlCcnl to the left mcdiaI alDthlll. A Yo It Yo-inc:h round contusion i. 011 the ripllowet Up. There ill. lit ~illdu:olllusionon the buc:c.l mllOOSi ofthc lower lip. Reflection of the ItIlp rcveab bil*nlllUbplal bemonhI.aa or the parieW Kalp wilh colllU5ions of the riaht wleft te:mponIiII muxlca. lnjury to the skull is I'lOl Idalliftcd. The tnin.-d tpinII cord are witboul injury. lncbion IDd lIyerwise diacction of the anterior IDd pl)Ilerior IICd.: ckmonIlnteIJIlI injury of the Interior PCCk and deep pIraOerVlcal mlllCUllrlisluc:l and JIll oervIcal spirle fi-Ictwu. 8.Tono: 011 the upper 1ItenI &sped oflhe left side ofthc chat iI. s. 2-!neh contusion. On the upper Q\*IrMl oftbe left Iide oflhe abdomen bin obliqueS II I-inch contusion. Just inferior to IhiI coll1USioll i. In oval J • 2-inch eonll.lsion. 011 tlle poIlUior 1aefaI aspect of tile left buttodt J. I.(nc:h Ii_ oonl1ISkln. On the mid IIpCCI ofthc left buttock iJ; III oval J • 2·indl contusion. i., lnl=lally, Ibere an contusionr ofllle mllSldes of Ihe upper ri&hlft left cbcsI WIlls. Posteriorly, there are m~ contusionl of tile riihl upper bIdt. There Ire &adureI of left IIIlCrior rib! three throu&b .i. and riabllIlICrior n'hl five: mel.ix. Thcn= lire c:onbliOlll over the mid upoct of the IImlIIllL The left I... ill involved by. S. J<m oonfUJion of the Interior upect of the uppor lobe ofthc left Iw&- c.ExtremitieI: On the poIIerior IIPCC1. of the riabt rorurm ill .I~ 6. 2--inclt contusion with. J. YoiDc:h .bnsion in ilJ center. On tile donumofthe ri&hl hind i•• ). 2-Ulch contusion and SIlIIlIer oontllSions overtly the dor-.I uped of the tccOnd and third riihl dipll. On the anterior IIIpCCI of the left upper 11m II, y,. %·indl oontusion. Thit c:onfUSion it continuous with the previ_ly delcribed injllr)l on the 1,1cn.I aspect of the uppc:r left dleJL There is. 2. I-inch 00llNIi0n on the medial aspcec ofthc left elbow. On the posterior ..pcct of\hc left elbow Is. 2. 2-incb COlIIusion. There . . contutions MEDeOM 0013 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 13 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) A!.Janwdi. Manadcl (b)(6) S overl)'!na the dorsum of the left hand een~ OYer the follfth and fifth rnetItIrp&I joints. On the 4Illerior aspect of the ri&hl thlah uellace illICIt horizonlll tonlllSions. The moSl pI'Oximai eonlusion measwa) x %-inches.limmcdialely inferior 10 this is I 2 ~ II %incb COllnwon and l!le mosc inferior conlUlion. klcalOd II the mid anterior !hiah. 4 x %-inehes. A YCrtkaI611 3-ild! conNlion is 1oca1Cd on !he 4IllCn.or.lalcraI aspect o(the mid r1aht !hiih. A 4 II )-inctlIXlll~ o'o'Crlia!he an.eriOl' aspecl oflhc ri&hl knee. On the anterior mid left Ihiah is I I ~ x I·inch conlllSion. The left knee is to\'~ by.) x I·ild! va1ka1 contuaed-Ibruion. On the anterior 1Sper::1 of\he kft lea is: I 7 II 2 ~inch imaul.t)' Iblp'd conl\llian. On the posterior upc<:C of the disIIJ left !hiih, in the midline, is I 2 112·int!l oval eontuskn On the donal aspect oflhe left fOOl ue Y,·inch oval conbJlilllUoYUl)'!nl the_lid, lhin:I, fourth. aad fifth rneutlret mctaurpelphalMlI:caJ joints. II. L1QADJiE INJURIES: r The wrIsb MIt anklell aIIowevidcnee of b!ndina liprurc inj\lries. On the anlCrior aspecl ohhc riaN wrisl is I 2 II Yo·inch linear h... izOilui contusion and on the back of the riihl wrbI is 2 X v..incllli_ 1'oOliZOiltai eonNIion. 0II1ee1lons into these wounds Ihow hel,lOIT_ into !he IUpcrr~ 1'.""'''I...... t i - . On the front orthe)eft ~ on the laten.! llper::t Is I I x Y...1ncll contusion, n:lenllirc to the left thwnb. On the bedt ofthc: left Mise U I 2 Y. II ~ild! conNlion, whicll ex~ IlCtOU !he diameter of !he wrist. C\II tcdions inlO ~ wrill WOInb show hcmormaac into the superficial aspecu of !he wbcutulcous tistuc:. On the IaICrll aspect of!he anterior" riaht anklo ill ] II )·inch ~ and on the poslerior-laIcnl upceI of the riJbl.ueJe Is I 2 x I·ild! con..........on. On the Mlerior apoct ofllle left lII!tle Is) ~ x l.tnc!r. I~ conlUlion exlcndina from the lateral '" mid upcct of the )eft ankle. Incision Into these ankle WOIIllCb allow bcftlOnhqe the alpCrl1cia!luballlllClOlIS ri_. mill III. REMOTE GUNSHOT WOUND Of lHE TORSO: Dissection oflbc spIem reveals I minimall)'deliwmcd medium CIlIibcr jaeketed projcdiJc within lIle splenic puenchyma. The pI'Ojeerilc b surrounded by dense fiblolll tiJIUC. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: l'lfuria 10 !he IUbtaical M)ft u-o(the ~p have been described. The rcmaindcrof the pica! and IUbpIcaIlllft tiJAIClIarc he ofilijury. 'Thccalvarium b Inlle!, II is lbc dun maICf bcnWh il. OcarceldJlospilll1 nuid 1UITOUIlds!be 1400 em brlin, which hu ~ble IYri and suld. Cotona! tcetions dcnlonatrme aharp demarcation bet "'een while IIId JI'CY matter, wilhoul hcmorrbtp 01' eonlUlivc injury. The venlridcs we of normllaize. The basal &an&lia. brsinstem, ccrcOcllum, and ancriall)'StemJ ate I'm: of MEDCOM 00\4 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 14 ·. AIJfOPSY REPORT (b}(6) AI-J..,.[I, M&Mde1 (b)(6) 6 InJury or other ,bnomaIiliea. ThcTe are IlO Iblll flKfurq. 1bc IIl1anlo-oecipiwjoim is<. NECK: The anterior .trIp mlllC!es of !he ned are homo&cnowa aDd rcd-brown, withl>ut bell-.orrbace. The thyroid c.rtiLace ~ hyoid are 1nDtt. 'The larynx i.lined by intact while m - . 'The d1yroid 1I1ymmcrrie Illd red-brvwn, without c:)'Ilic or IIOduIar ehanJe. Thc IOI\IUC Is frec: of bite marb. hemol'l'baae. or other ilIjuries. BOOY CAVOJES: InjlRs to the ctse.t have been dea::iibtd. Thc \IUlebnI bodies _ vUl'bly and plllpably 1Dlal.1. No uce:u fluid i, in \he pkural, pcrio::wdial. Of peritoaell cavitia. The orpas OCC:Ilp)' their UJUaI UIalOmie positions. RESPIRATORY SysTEM: Injury to the left Iq hu hem OeIeribed. The riabl and left tunp wtip 650 Illld 485 JIIlJ, rcspcetiYdy. Thc uninjurtd atemal ariaca ue ImOOth aDd deep ~d-purple. The pu1JnoNry P'R'ndlyrTlol is dlma-I)' conaested and edemlItous. No _Iesions« areu ofconsoll4alion are pi......ill. CARDIOYASCULAR SYmM: The 415 JIll b-11t conl&illlld in l1li intkt pcricardiallK. The epic..tial surfIc:c it &mOOIh, whit minimal Cat inYeStmenl. The 0ClI'01IN)' arteries Ife praent in. normal diJtribution, with. riabt-domlnant pIltCrll. CloIiIediOIll oflhe v_I.1bow no slpdneant .~erosls.There is 30'% *,-is oflbc proximal left Ulterior c!eseendina COf'OII&fY artery. Otherwise, the remailllqeoronll)' anerics are widely patenL The myocardium is homoamOUl, rcd-brown, and firm. The valve Je.afleu are thin and mobile. " . wtJlt of the left Illd ri&hl venlricles are I.4Illd O.<km thick. respcetivdy. The endocardium I. amootb and alislcniq. Tbc MIrta siva fix 10 throe Intaelllld p&knI ardI _I.. The m'IIIlnd mcsenterie vessel. ltRl untemarbblc. LIVER" BIIJMY SVSTf.M: 1bc 1500 am liver II-. an bUct, IfnOOlh ~ and. aIwp anterior border. The ~yma I. Wl-brown and coqested. wilh the lllIual Jobular architecture. No mass I~ollll or other .bnormIIltles are seen. The p11b11dder contaiN 10 cc ofg:reat-black bile Ind no $101leI. The mlleOtlll sur&ee ill ~ and velvet)'. The extrahepWc bili.-y tree il palmI. SPLEHH; Recovery of. remole projtdile hu been dilCll J. The 130 I"' Iplcen has • smooth, inlAel, red.purple ClfWlc. 11Ie parcnch)'lllllllnlltOOlllnd eonaestcd. with dbtinet MIIplQhian OD'1NIC1es. MEDCOM 0015 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 15 .. AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(S) (b){6) 7 A1·Jlmldi. Manldel PANCRW: The panttalI is fUm and yellow-tln, with the usual lobular lldIitectu~ No mass lesions orotha-Ihooinlalities are IeCft. ADRENAl $, The riaM and left Idrenalalancb are lynunetriC, with )'Cllow eortiees and Jl'CY medullae. No maJIeS or areas of hemonhqtl arc idmtifitd. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The riaht and kft kidneys wei&h lIS and 120 ams. mpcc:livdy. The tlllemallUlf.-. are intItt IIld smooth. The CUlIW'f.ees arc Iai-wl and conaested. with IZIliformly lhid: c:ortic:a mil aIwp corticocned\lllary)unctions. The pdYCIIIft llIII'eDIUkabIe IIld lhe ureteR tIC normalln eoune and ealibcr. White btJdder P1_ overlie. Ul UUcI blacldet wall. The bIedder conWnI IppOXlmalely )00 cc or yellow wine.. The pmstIle is DOI'In&l in tizo. with lobular, yellow...., parend'Iyma. The tc:minal vesicles an: IIIlmIWbble.. The _cs are free of mass lesionl, eonl1lSlonl, or olber .monnalities. GASIB.OI'NJ'ESTINAL D.ACI: Tbc: ~ it inlKlllld tiDed by IJnOllIh. py-wbite m\lCOSL The I10mIdI COIIWrIJ lIpprOll.imlIle!y200c:c ofdlrk btown pIrtialIy diaated food. The a-aic wall is The duodenWll, 1009S of Pna!1 bowd, md ooIon are unmnarbroblc. The appendix is ........ • • • ADpmONAL PJlOCEDJIR'S DocumenwyplxMolflPbsuetakenby(b)(6) OAFME Attecld1na!be autopIy is Special Aaent (b)(6) ,AlmyelD. Speci_ malned for lolt~ic latina and/or DNA ldenllflcation are: vitreous, blood, Ilrine, aplcen, IiYU, IWllo lnin, bile; ~ and psoa mute:1e • Tbc: diacleled orpns tIC forwudod with body MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION SdccIcd portions of 0fI1llI arc mainod in formalin. withoul ~ of hiSloloaic ""'" TOXICOLOGY AFIP Aewsjoo ,(b)fS) d..,., 24 Noy2003 Volatiles: BJood·nep!ive forethanol CymI6e: Blood- neptiYe Dnip of 1Ibute: Blood-neptive MEDeOM 0016 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 16 ~ . . ,. AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) [OiH"Ol'-- _ Al-Junadi, MlInIdel • opINION ~)(6) 111I Iraqi National, died willle detained at tile Abu Ohraib pri!Oll wbete he was held f..... in'...-.1Itinns by eovcmmcnt l&enciCi. A<:o>rdina to an investiptiY1il report.l{b)(6) lwu capwmI byNavy Scal;{b)(2j and raided apprehensioll. ExtemaI il\iuries are comment with injuries sustained durinS apprehension. Lipture injuries are present on the wrisb and ankles. Frachlm: of the ribs and a contusion ofthc leflluns imply sirplificant bhmt force injuries of the thonut and likely raulted in impaired respiration. Aooordina to iRvcstiaatiJta agents, inter/iews taken trom individuals pracnt at the prison during the interrop!ion indicate that a hood made ofsynlhctic material wu placed over the held and ncdr; ofthc detainee. This likely l"CSIIIted in furtbercomprombc ofeffcctive respira.tlOll. Rb)(6) 'wu not under tile inlluc:lCe of drop of abuse Of' eth.Molat the time of death. 'The cause of dclth is blunt fora: ilIjurics oflhc torso complicated by compronn-i rcspinttion. 'The manner ofdcadl is IJomictdc. (b)(6) MEDCOM 0017 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 17 _ot_____.. __.. _ _ .. _.-- -_- -_.- --_.'----- _ n OI1l>f.ANIO"UU-qj IITB _~o.",,,,, ~ ~n8del -- o• Detainee in I'&q . ~ .... ""lIOO""" Ii'I 0 '-"'- ..... ................ --.--.-- _--_""_ot_ _...... _- - - --_ -,......--_._ot..."' ____,._ --_ -_ .. _-----._.._-_.._._ ... .._. _. --<>,,_ --- -_ _............._--_-............... .. _-._.-............. _.--..._----.-- --""""'-- .. -- - T- 1:-......... _...;. . --- _.- __........-_-. -_. _-_.___.-....-----__-- ---_ ...._""- ---X , ..... _TU'_ ~ ... ...... _ _ iT... ..I _ ...~ ... " '00-",_"'-10_"" _-, Blunt _~ _____ . """',- ... I~~QOmpliC...., by """""'om -~ --, . ...-- ... ;~= "- ~-. ...- _ ...... :;::r""". __ I ...,.."" ....'" • 0 _NCU • . • _00",,_ _ _... - (b)(6) .N _ • n __ D9_ 2OQ3 (b)(6r"2&i3" •_ ... -- ~.I.... • _ _ ..."'...... ... .......... _ - " " - ~_ (b)(6) ., """""-0\1'1'1 (b)(6) ""j j .... ,. -{.).eo'1' (b)(6) . , _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....' 1 0 _ "",","-' IMedal Examftw tv' ,llCln? __----_ _.....- •._- - '--"""--' '-"_."_.,,'---"--" .00 -.... ... ..... 2064 - . • - . . ~_ ··...-... --'MeiJe'!3M"OO1""·_................···-.-... .. _, ... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 18 - ,\It:\I~:lll'(mn:s l,,"STrlVn: OF PATlIOl,O{;Y Office of tile ,\ rmed Funes ~ !Nlie'" 1':~:lInill<'r I ~ JJ K''!I~''ll'illlln' .. IlIJg, 1112 K,'I(~\'ilk. '~II) 20S50 J .~t~I.').\J_ 7') 11 ,\ UTOI'SV EX,,;\IIc\.\TIOX fU,I'OIn' 1"~l1IdITIl ~"ji~~(bt)~(6~)== r"k<.l Eh:,d K"ZUlII ,\11101'''>' AI'\\' >'u...®(6) Ib,,~: 1".-\ SSt\N:NA I );,1<: of Bi"h: Ullk'''j",n _ [)"";:n,,,~ uftkath (b)(6) I'\:lcc "f 11,'", h. ,\Ill' (ill""h Pr)WII, ';:OU,\ l)"ldl"ililC "r i\111"~)': 21 Allg 200} n:lIc of It"I'''": 'I (k! 200;\ Ir~'1 1' or Allio 1's~" em'l' S:llhcr. In.,! ClI'ell IIlSr"nccs "r Death :_Thc d""'c,kllt \\':'S a I,ri,rlllcr in ,\I,,, I ihl'"ih l'f1son 111 U.S. ('I\~l",I)'. 0" PI' :,hOl'l (b}(S) J21J11~ h," "":IS ,,,,lc,11O I"" I,ul~dc.,,, "",1 "1'"c\e. C:tnJi"I'"IIIl\lnary n:stls";l:ll'ol> I..mlll". - "":I.' ,1115",,<:\,._,(ul. "fhe", "':IS II" 1''1' 'r ,'uln)'!:""1 or Illclllmc,"i"n' T~,,'nli\'(: by Am'y Crimi",1 I"n:sligntin" I)ivis"''' I('11)). denial. fing~rprinl. and DNA prufil~ 1101 avail"l>lc. "I\I~I1lQncm • MEDCOM 0019 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 19 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) 2 Tareb, Eb.d Kanm FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Mild-moderate three ve$Se) coronary anerio$Clerosis A. Ischemic cardiomyopathy ('ISO iTlJnS) B. Left venuicle hypertrophy{I.8 em) C. Pulmonary edema and eotlgestion (combined weight 1900 grwns) D. Chronic pauive congestion oflhe liver E. Congestive splenomegaly (3S0 grams) II. Hemangioml of the liVCl" Ill. Mild decomposition MEDCOM 0020 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 20 • A.UTOI'SY RE'ORT(b)(6j ) Tlleb, £bad Kuam EXTERNAL E)(AMINADON The body i.lIuil 0(1 well-dcveloped, well-nowilhed appearins. Inll5Cular 12ioch lall160 pourds (estlmlted) male wid! an alilllllied qe of 4O)'UI$. Lividity i. posterior, purpk, and fiXed. Rigor i. absent. Thef-e i, early postmortem dceomposition indkalcd by corneal c:loudingllnd early Kin .lippaae. IdentiryinJ marb include I Yo inch circular lCaron the anterior len (ore:um and I vertical J.y, lllth tear on the posterior righl band. The IUIp i. eoveml with &ray-blatt hair in I nonnal dlstnlMion. Corneal eloudins obJcula!be irides and pupib. The exlemalludilory callaLJ are unranart.ablc. The ears UlII'\!m.Irbble. The n.res _ patent and the lips I« ltrIum&li,,- The !lOR and muill.e In palpably liable. The leclll appear NltUral and ill good repair. M: The neck II atra.iah!' and lhe lfachQ. il midlille and mobile.. The chen is S)'ll1tndrie. The abdomen is n.l 1lle aenil&lia are thoR o(a normal adulllllllle. The testes I n lkscended and free o(mUlca. Pubic: hair is praml in I norm.l diltribulion. The bultocb and anus In unrcm-tabk. The upper and Iowa cxlfcmities an l)'lI'Imctric:..,o without dubbing or edema. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECTS MEDICAL ImSVENTION No '11~ mcdiCIII de¥iCQ or arti£acu orlhenpy. EVIDENCE Qf INJURY INDBNAL UAMINATION HgAD: The pIal and subpleaJ IOn lilSUCI oflhe.eatp lW (ree ofinjury. The ulvarium il intM:t, .. il the din JT\IIler beneath it Clear cerdll'Olpinall1uid IUmllUldIlhe ISOlI I1ll bnin, which has unremartlblc Iyrl Md sulci and V:llc:ular con&eslion. Coronal $CCIiOM demonstrate Iharp den\arulion betwun while and arey miller, without hemormaaeor conlUlive injury. lbe ventrieles are o(nonn,II;:e. The blSal pIIgU.. bnilUllem. MEDCOM 0021 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 21 • AITfOPS¥ REPORT l{b)(6) Taltb, Ebad Klum 4 - cerebellum. ill1d aneTil1 systems are rrecorinjury or oilier abnonnalilies. There Ire no Hull (1KIUrn, The ~1J;lIIl0-0ccipi~1joinl is su.ble. NECK' The anterior strap muscles afille nock are homogenous llIId !'Cd·brown, without hemorrllage. The thyroid carlilage and hyoid are inllct. The IlIl}'Ilx ialined by iniac! while mllCOA. The thyroid is synuTlelric and red·brown, without c)'Illc or nodular change. Tho; tongue is free of bite marks, hemorrhage, or other injuries. BODY CAvITIES: TIle ribs. sternum, and vertebral bodies Il"e visibly alMl palpably inlllCl. No e:JIee5S fluid is in Ihe pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal cavities. The organs occupy cheir lIsu.llnatom~ positions. RWiPIRAIQSY SYSTEM: The right Ind lett lungs ate edematous, congested and weigh 1000 and 900 p, resp«tively. The extem31 surfaces are smooth and deep red-purple. No TI1llQ lesions or areas of consoli dillon are present. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 450 bean is globular in shape but COllwned in an inlaCl pericardial $&C. The am epicanlillsurfaee is smoot!!, wilh minimal fat investment. The COronlry IItCl'ics are presenl in a nonnal dislribulion. with a righl-dominant panel'll. CcoQ sections ofthc vessels show mu!tifocal stel105CS orthc left anlerior descendinJ Coronlry anery. The right cotOnary anery has SO-7S% muJitfoca.l stenoses ofllle proximal and mid segments. Thc myocardium is homogenous. red-brown. and linn. The: valve leaflets are thin and mobile. The walla orltle leR and right YelIlricles are I.Slnd O.6-cm thick. respeelivcly. The septum il hypertrophied meuurina 2.0 em in lhickness. The endocardium il smoolh and glistening. Thc aorta gives rise to ~ inlacl and pllcnt &reh vcsscla. The renal and mc:scnleric vessels are lInn::markable. L(\'ER & BILIARy SySTEM: The 1900 gill liver has In inlact. smooth capsule with congested parenchyma. The:re is a I Yo x I Ii inch SUbclp:llllar hemangioma. The gallblsdder colllains a minulc amounl Dr JI"CeII-black bile and no stones. The mllCOSlllUrrau is green and vclvely. The extrahepatic biliary tree is palenl. SPLEEN: The 3So-grwn spleen hill" a smooth. inlact, rtd·purple ClIpsule. The psrcnchyma is mllODt1 and congested, with dislincl Malpighian cDTplllClcs. PANCREAS: The pancreu is firm and yellOW-tail. with the usual lobular architecture. No mass lesions or other abnormalilies are seen. MEDCOM 0022 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 22 , AUTOPSY REPORT,{b)(6) T.leb, Ebad Knam ADRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands are symmetric, with bright yellow cortices and grey medullae. No muses or 'I''eaS ofhemormagc ~rc identified. GENITOURINARY SySTEM: The right and left kidneys weigh 3S0 am, each. The "terml surfaces are intact and smooth. The cut 5IIrfacu are red-tan and congcsted, with uniformly thick cortices and sharp corticomedul1ary junctions. The pelves are unreIllllrkable and the uretel'5 are I»rmlll in cou~ and caliber. While bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder WJ.ll. The bladder is devoid of urine. The prnstate is normal in size, with lobular, yellow-tan parenchyma. The semina' vesicles are unretJlllricable. The testes arc free ofmass lesions. contusions, or other abnormalilics. GASTROINTESTJNAL TRACT: The esophagus is intact.nd lined by smooth. &rey-while mllCOSa. The Slomach contlill5 approximately 2S ml of yellow liquid. The gaslric WIIll is intact. The duodenum, loom of small bowel, and colon an: unremubble. The appendilt is present and unremarkable. ApDITIONAL PROCED.URES • • • Documentary photographs are Ilken by (b}(6) Specimens retllined for loxicologic tC$ling and/or DNA identification .re: vit~1, blood, spleen, liver. brain, &Ulric contenls.1nd p$oaI mu.K:lc The diueeled organs are fol'W'&«ied with body MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected portions oforglill are retained in fann.lin, without preparation ofhinologlc slides. TOXICOLOGIC ANALYSIS Toxicologic lUlIllysis of blood and vitTCOus ftuid were negative for ethanol (alcohol) Ind i lIici! sU~IantCI. MEDCOM 0023 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 23 AUTOPSY REPORT](b){6) Tileb, Ehd K-um 6 • OMNION This Iraqi m.l~ prisoner of war died of arlcrioselerotie eardioYQCular disease:. SigniliclIIlt lindings of the autopsy included an enlaJ&Od heart and .ignili~ant IUIJ'I"(Iwing of one of the arteries ~pplying blood to the heart. The lungs. li\'Cr,.nd spleen were (:()n~ted most likely due to inadcqUlte pU"'llingoflhe heart. An unrelated lindina was il hemllllgioma (I benign blood Yeasel tUlTlor) of the liyer that did not contribute to death. ThCR! was no intemll or tlttemal•. The mlnJttr of death i. natural. (b}(6) MEDCOM 0024 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 24 _..__ . - _.- --_..,--... .-. -- -_.--. , .-.._----_.._-- -- __.-"--"etfl1lOlCll1l 01 OlATH _11l,"1 _""==.• n .... _ _ BTB Tiled. Ehold, Kuam 0 OI~inn ... ..... '" _ ID_ II." , ..-,. lrIq ~- " "T'( " " . . . . . 111 0 '-"'~ _ ......n.- ~- ~- X C"c·_ ....'_10.,.""''"0 "" -..""- _"" __..... _"e-I ____ .-... -_. -_'_."-- -""_ ... _. -----"'QlCaI..n1l"1Hl OM ....... _---~- _"".....'...-.:.......-00_...' ... _ _ _ ......,l _ Me<i(udelotic; fllOv.IIl.... __-..--- --"".....-" ..-"'_ ...... ... '-"-. __ 00_ _c-."_. ..-._ .. ....-'-_ _........... -_.-... _..... _----""--'. • ------ _.....__. _........ -,::-_.. n_= - ._-- C""""-'" ......-- -__ ....-.-_. _-_. __ ...... _... _-_0__. _.--------'-_.. ...... _ . _--...-_--~ ._,_.. - ....._ ..._..... ...._ ... _-_._._.... _----_._ ......- ... _.- ..... _.. _... .. . . _........ _..... ...... .... ....... ,. -"" ....... • , -'''''CD~• ---~--. (b){6) _.;: •• ';;'::-£""-'''-- Abu Glnitl PriIoo. II8q ' _ _0 _ _ " " _ " , _ _ _.. _ ,.._... .......... """"'_ _ • _ _ _ ....._ _ __ '-M._ (b)(6) Mecfcal EJc_lner 1..••.....-..._ ..Oowor AfB. DE IM2._ (b){6) 1 _ _ _ .... _-~,_ ...... _ ..._ 00,'31'/,20 ...- -..._ I .. _ - - .., ....,. MEDCOM 0025 ""' ~ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 25 - ARi\lEIl FOltCJ:S INSTITl/TJ: Of 1',\TlIOLO(;l' omrr or Ihc J\ rrnrd "'urc.,~ ,\ Irdlrlll V.U mlllrr 1-11) R~nl'dllJl\'d .. Bldg..lll~ Rocl,,'ilk, ~1J) :n/)$O ]·800·')44-7') ]2 AUTOI'SY EX,\i\l1NA'no!'o' REI'ORT Numc: BTB Sp,dl, Dh;ll1l 55A!\!: NA D'ile or Birth; Unknown Onlcrrimc of Oe3Ih[(b)(6) '\lIlOllS)' No,: (bX6) AFlr No,(b}(6) Rank: N,\ J'];".:" of O<:alll: Ah" GIlDih ''rison, lr-.>q J'I2I;e of "'UIOl'~)~ Camp S;llllcr. 20Cl3 O'Il..:fl"imc or AUloJt~)': l5 ,\ Ul; llJO] O"IC or Rqnll1: 24 Ocl 2003 Clrr" lIlSlllllrn or Uralh: Thi~ Ir~<l lr:l'li rnCI1I}' prison,..,. of "'31 "'as an in",atc "f Abu Gllmib Prison, On 01' ubnul(b)(6) COI)3 (l?X~ "'liS bro"l!ht to Ihe l!-"lle by olllC:l" ,kllli ncrs IItlll "'35 tlQl~,IIO b<.·l'"lsckss atld apneic, - hlcnunClllloll: I'rcsumpth'c b)' US Ann~' Criminal 1tJ\"CS!iK-"lI;I'C Oi,'is.ion (ClO/. Anlclllol'tl;1l1 fin~rprilll, deuIlll. lllttl DNA n:conls ' ' ' 1-<:'.\ is....' Ilt. CAUSE OF U.:" Til: Al'tcriosclcn:nic canliOYMClllar dillC'.I5C (ASCVO) MEOCOM 0026 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 26 , .. , Atn'OPSY REPORT An,(b)C6) 8T8Sp.~.D"'... FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. ) v_I moden,le 10 ~R coronary arlery IlCberoxlm)lic ,,- A. behemiceardiomyopaihy(525 JI'IIlS) B. Left venlricullI hypertrophy (1.8 em) C. Focal bridgillJ oflbe left anIel'iordeso:endini eoron.y artery (LAD) D. Pu.1monary conaUlion (1600 anms) 11. Mild decornpotition A. Postmof1ent hczc lI1iraet 9. PoItmortcm bile lO.ieo!olY c:onsistcnl with decompoa:ition Ill. Fibrous pleural .thesiool MEDeOM 0027 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 27 ·. AUTOPSY REPORT AnPf(b)(6) BTB Spa.b. Dbam ] EXDWL EXAMINATION The body i,that of. weJl-6tYdopai, thin, musc:ular, 70 inellltU, ISO pounds (estimated) mile ",hose ~ e i. e:onsislcnl with an esIinla1ed age or~ )'aD. Uvldily it~. purple, arid fixed. Ri.... it: inddefminale ICCOnduy 10 poslmorlern treedn... Thd-e;1 mild decomposition consiltingofcloudin& oflhe comeu, early sldn ,lippage, lnlI.liplllJ'ClC'f\ dilCOlort1ion orllle rigbt IowerqUMlranl orllle abdomen. ldenlit'ying mlltb include I y, It Yo inch llCaJ"on the alcin overlying lhe rialll palCllL The tealp i. covered wilh atnlghl bllltk hair in I nonnaJ di5lribulion. ComeaI clouding oblC\Il'CS!he irides and !he pupib. 'The extcrMlaudilOl'y can.l. are unremarkable. The eI/'J arelUll'alllrbble. The IWt:I an pIItcnlll'd lhe lipt ani alnlllllllic. The nose md flWlillae '"' p.lpably Itable. The leelh IIppCU "atllral and Idequate. The noct j, Ittaiatu, and the u.chQ i. midline and mobile. abdomen i. The tl\e$I is symmetric.. The nat. The geniwil are thole of. norm.l..:lull male. The leila Ilre dclccnded and rille orll\l.UC:l. Pubic "",It i. present in lllOnnal diltribution. The bunoeb and IllIl5 Ilr1l Uf\feINI'1(able. 'The upper IIld lower extmniliCi are .ymmctric and witlloul dubbing orellema. CLOTHING AND rEBSONM lunCI1 None. MEpICAL INTERYENllON None. EViDENCE QF INJURY None. INTIMAL EXAMINATION HgAD: The p1u1 and IUbpleaJ 10ft liJlUCI oflhe IelIlp Ire free ofil\iury. The calvarium is inlaC1, as is the dura IJllIler benath it. Clear cerebrol;pinll fluid lurrounds the plltially ftozen 14S0 am brain, which has unmnarbble gyri lnd lulei. Coronll sectionl demorutrat~dIarp demll'Cfllion bcllween "'Nle and pey miner, withoul hemolThage OJ contusive 11\i!A'Y. Th~ VClllrieb are o(IlOl'Tl\II,iu. The bual ganglia, brainstem, eerebellurn.llKllrtcrilllystems are he ofll\iury (lfOlhe:r -"normllilia. "There lite no lkull fractum. The IllUl\(H)OCipilal joint i, ItlIbJe. MEOCOM 0028 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 28 AlTTOPSY REPORT AI'1P(b)(6) • BTB Spall, Dilam NECK: The anlcriOl' Ill'Ip muscle. of ~ neck life homoCCllO\l5 and ~. wilhoul hemontlalO. The thyroid eartilap and hyoid arc inlacL The Iar)'nx illined b)' inlact while mueoA. The thyroid il aymmelric: and red-brown, withoul c:)'IIie Of nodlll.,. ehanp. The tonl'le il froe of bite ITlIfb. hcmon'baae. Grolber injuries. BQDY Ch\fJ'TJP!i: The ribs,llemllln. and vertebl1ll bodiel arc vilibly Md paIpMIl)' inlacL No exc:eu flllid is in the plevBl, perleardial, or peritonul uvitiel. Then: arc fibl'OUl ~ON in both pleural ueitiel. 'The orpIII oecll9Y lheir ~I .",alomic: pasitiOftL RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; The ri&hl and Id\ Ilin.. wcip ISO IlIld 7SO gnl. resp«livd)'. The utenal surf-ees are Ift\OOIh and deep red-purple. The pulmonary parenc:hyma il dilfuael)' c:ongmed and ocleml~. No.".. lesions or IlU5 ofClOIlIOlidttion are pracnt. CARPIO\fASCllbAR SYS1Dt: The S2S I"' hart is contained in In inllc:1 peric:atdialllC. The epic:lnlial surlKe is 1n1OOtft. with minimll fit invellmenl. The COfOIIa/Y Irterie. arc pralftl in a normal diJlriblltion. wilh a ript-dominant pallem. Cross sectioN of~ YeSSCIs show .so-15% mlihifotalll_ of~ proximal portion ofthe left anterior deseeodint cofODll)' lItery with foeal bridaina. a foea! pJ'OJIimll9O% lIenosil with ealc:ifieation and 7S-9O% mullifoc:al stenoKloflhe mid portion of\he right c:oronary artery. Then ilia foc:a11S% lIenosilofthe proll:tm.1 left <:ireumnu coronary artery. No ac:llte c:hangea (plaq\IC: hemonhagc. I'IIpture. or thrombosis) arc noted. The m)'OCMdium is homoaenous. re:lbrown. and firm.. The valve IC:llndl an: thin IIld mobile. The wall oftJ1c left I/CIllric:le il h)'JJCl'ltOphiecl measuring U em in thic:knca. The cndoc:anIium il smllOlh IIld &:Iillenlng. The aortI gives rise 10 three inta<:t IIld patent areh v_II. The renal and mesentcnc: v_ls life unremarkable. LIVER &. PlUMY SYSTEM: The 1400 I"' liver hall an inlact. smooth ClplUle and a sharp anterior border. The parenchyma is laJl.brown and congested, with the usual lobular an::hitecIU~. No mau lesiOlll or other abnormalities life seen. The p11blldderCOlllains. minute amounlof arccn-b1aek bile IIld nOltones. 1lIc mllC:Ollll surface i, green and velvet)'. The eJtlrahcpatJe biliary tree i' Pltcnt. $PLEgN: The ISO gm spleen hall. smooth. inlact. ~·purple caplllie. The parenchyma iI maroon and eongClted, with distincl Mllpigltian colplllClcs. Thc:n: i' an adjacent 10 gram 1C<:aIOT}I,plocn near the hilum. PANCREAS: PlllC~lIil fimt IlrlIi )'l:llow-tan, with the llI11lllobular architecture. No m... lesions orothcr lbnonnalltiCi ~ seen. The MEDCOM 0029 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 29 . . , AlTfOPSY REPORT AFI!(b)(6) BTBSp.... Dblm AQRfiNAI $: The right and len adren.l1a1ands are 1)'ITIITICtric, with bright yellow conic:ea and grey meclulhlc. No masses or areas orhcmonl.agc are identified. GENITOURJNARy SYSTEM: The rialll and left kidneys weiJh 200 am each. The external aunaees are intact and smooth. The cut surfaces are red-tall and congested, with uniformly thick: eonices and sharp corticomedullary junctions. The pelves are unrmwkable and the urelen are nonnal in eotne and e.liber. White bladder mucosa overlies an in~1 bladder wall. The bllddcr is empty. The prostate is normal in size, with lobu/.ar, yellow·lan parenchyma. The seminal vesicles are unranarklblc. The testes are free ofmU51esioM, conl\lsions, or ocher abnOl'Tllalilies. GASlRQINTESTINAL TMCI: The esophap Is intact and lined by 1mOOlh. grey-white mllCOSL The stomaeh contains approximately 10 ml of green liquid. The gastric wall i. [n!act. The duodenum, loops of small bowel, and colon are unmnarbble. The appendix is present and unmnarlt.lble. ADDITIONAL PRQO:QWU:,S I • DocumenllU)' photographs are lDkal bYI(b)(6} • SpecilTlClls R:\.Iincd for toxic:ologjc testing llIdfor DNA identifICation are: blood, vilnloU5, liver, kidney, brain, bite, and psoai muscle The dissected organs are (orwarded wilh the body Peno",,1 effects are releued 10 \he appropri.te mortuary opetatioru representatives o( the S4- Qulrtcmlutcr CompVIy. • • MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected por1iOlll o( orgllll& are retained in (annalin, without preparuion o(hiS(ologic slides. TOXICOLOGY Toxicologic analysis ofbile revealed 1lI ethanol concenlrltion 0(47 mgldL. aee1a1dehyde 8 IJl8fdL, llId traec: amounlS of21'fl)pllIlOl and I-propanol all o(which are consislent witll decomposilion. No iIlic;llubstaneea Wett detected. °PlNlON This Iraqi m.le pnSOnefo(w.r died ofl1leriotclcrol;c coronary l1Iery disease. SignifiCll1t findings of the ,ulopsy included ICVCre lllITOWing o(1he blood vessels supplying blood 10 the he8l1 and en1araemenl o(lhc heart. No cxlem.l or inlemallfllul1Ul was noted. The manner of death is natural. MEDCOM 0030 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 30 .. , ... - AtTrOPSY REPORT AFIP1(b}(6) BTB Spala, D)am.. ' .. ~ -----.L'---_ 6 ~(b)(6fIMediCllI Examiner MEDCOM 0031 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 31 _...'-----_. - - - -....._._ .. _.---. _ ... -,--• -------,-.. _.._-- - - ....--_ .. _--' _ __....._-_ . _ ..- .._--"' _ ."_ ---_ _------""_.._-_._"'-"" __._0_. ..... -..--- -"'--'''-"""""'.... --'0_. . ---"'-'-. ....... _ _.-"' ...... _.-------, .u.nn:,o,lI Of .....' " _'''''1 _ O i _ ~ """""'- _",,,,,,,,,• • a-o. _ _ eTa $p8h. Dl..m • "" '" """-""-- OeUoi'IH In IrMl ~- Ii'I 0 '- ''-' ~- "',c'_ .~ ... -"' ..... "' ......... ,.m "'" -.,. ........... :1 c.llllov_ _ -oiMi'". . _ ......J ..-- ,,- ....-_""""'~. ... .......... _0"' ... _ _ --- - _no.. - --- .--t....... , ~- .. _. _... -1;-......·· ......__ .... _"' ....._-_ - ........... ... __ .............. ....------_.- _ _..w • .-.-. (b)(6) <bKgr""i&'i3··-·-- __ ~~ --""--,,, - 1"'~" - "'" Abu Ghtdl. Iraq ... -,.:,c:- ..,.,. ......... ~ , 10 _ _ _ _ .... _ . _ _ • _ _ _ • _ _ ..... _ _ _ _ _ no_~_ .~ 1-;-·..........""-- _ ..-I '-_.. .-. _-_ . _ '_ ... _ ..... _ ... -.--.._._ ... _ ... _..... ...._.. .. __ .....-. -.._.-... .. _----_._....- ..._.- (b){6) I~:cel Ex.mlner Dcwet Me. (bItS) "';'~ 00.." "2064 oe 19l1O2 (b){6) • . . . -. . _ _ . . . . . . _ ... _ _ _ _ ..........I<CIo . . . _ ...... MEOCOM 0032 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 32 ~ _ -,-""",... .... . ......... "_.'.~ .. • ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Oll'kt 01 11M A....-l , , _ Mtdlell Eulllllltl' 141J ~ BMl., Bids. \02 Roc1<\'lUe,MD20UO 1·100 944 7911 FINAL AtITOPSY REPORT Name: bcfieved_to_Qe AbccLMobaDKd..N.ltIII .J SSAN:I(b)(6) Dale of Birth: Unkno~~tObcS()tr DmofDeathKb)(6["J2003;{b)(6) - Autopsy No;J~(bR)(6~)---1 AFIP No.: ~b)(6) Rank: nI. " Place of Death: Abu Obu~ Prison, Iraq Place of Autopsy: S,,· QM Co. Baghdad Inti Airport, Iraq Dille or Autopsy: 24 August20QJ DalC of repo": 29 Seplember 2003 ClrculllataD", of Delt": Olber prisoncn brouaht the decedent forward to the prison pic complainini of chest paln. He repot1cdly panicipalcd in. fast thai day. Medics responded within 5 minutes and bepn CPR because u.err, was no pulse or blood pressure. A physician arrived 30 min\llcs Ifter patient presentation and he bcpn inttlvenoll$1l111CIlIon and DS{) solution bee'nsc of. history of diabetes (taking oral GlibeneK) IS l'CpOf1od bllb)(6} I. prisoner in the camp. By this lime pupils were fixed and dillted. and the decedent r=T\&11lcd pul.seless throuahoul resuscitation Iltempu. No body tem~ was reoorded in the m:ords available for review. The remains were riluaUy WIShed by prisond{b)(6) lprior 10 transpoIt to the mortuary. Autlloritatkln for AIUOpay: Offiu of the Anned Forces Medical Examin<:r, lAW 10 US Code 1471 Positive identification not established because antemot1em exemplm ~ unavaibbJe. Poslmot1ern denial exam and Xol1l)'5, DNA specimen and finaerprinlli oblainal fOf" possible future n:ference. Idellilflutloll: CAUSE OF DUrn: AtIIerosclerotic cardiovuculardiKase complicated by dilbetes MANNER OF DEATH: Natural FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Atherosclerolic clrdiovucular disease • • 10% .stenosis of the pJ'Ollimalleft Mlmor descerw;lins coronary artery Atheromatous llOJ1a II. Diabetes 111. IV. Model'IIte decomposition No evidenu ofll1luma Toxieolosieal ex.aminallon (in msldL) V. A'IlIldchydt 6 s!bmIlI 36 39 IIiSllIlIll Traee Tmee t-nrTlP'MI • • Cavity blood Bile Trace Trace • CllVity blood posilive for lidocain<: (drug used in resu5Citalion anemplJ.) MEDCOM 0033 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 33 .. Mttb"'I1'""-believed to be Abed Mohamed N-.JenI EXTERNAL £XAM]NADON The body is that of B well-deveJoped. well·nourished Bppearin8 68 inch tall, 200 pounds (estimaled), Middle Eastern male whose appearance is an estimaled 50 plus yurs; daJe of binh is unknown. Decomposition is modenue, consistin8 of skin slippllgc, marblil18. bloatinJ, bloody purge. foul odor and geen discolotal:iOll of tbe tonG. Uvidity is inaPP'J'CllI. Rigor Is passed, and tbe temperature is cold. The 5Calp is cove~ with blllCk strai8lt1 hir in a nonnaI distribution. and the (lICe ha$ a full beard and muslache. The Iris color is ditrlCUltto ueeruiu brC'uy of cornea.! cJoudin8. bul appeared to be bnlwn, and !he PJpits arc round and equal In diameter. The extemal illJdilory ClDaIs are fR:e of blood or abnonnal secretions. The em are unrel'lloBltahJe. The nues are patent and the lips an: Blraumalle. The nose and mnllla are palpably sable. Tbe teeth appear natural and in poor repair. The Iledt is SU'lliallt. aDd !he tlKlIea is midllne and mobile. The chest is symmetric. The abdomen is prolubenlllt. but decompresses followin, the initial incision. TIle cenilatia are those of a oonnaJ adult male. The leSIes are des<:ended and free of masses. Pubic I1air is pm;ent in a normal distribution. The bullocks and anus are unremarkable. The upper and'Cmities are symmetric and without clubbing oredema. CLOtHING AND PERSONAL EtTECI'S The following c:Iothlna hems and personal effeclS are praent on !he body atlbe time of autopsy: • None. tbe body is undlld. • None. MEDICAL INIERyENIJON RADIOGRAPHS X-fB)'S are unBvailable Bl tltis location. EVIpENCE OF INJURy No injuries are seen followlna' complete postmonem examination. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The entire brain was too decomposed for ~uale examilllliOll, beinl in a semi-liquid stale. There Ilte no sll:ull frac:lute$. The a1lanlo-occipitaJ joint is W1bk. NECK: Plgc20U MEDCOM 0034 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 34 (b)(6) ME·(b)(6) belicYCd to be Abed Mohamed NtJem The arKerior 5mp JIlllSCles or tile llCCk are homogenous and red·brown, WiUlOU! hemot1'fll&e. The thyroid cdJap lllld hyoid are intBc'l. The Wyru is lined by inllCl while lRlIl:OI&. The thyroid is symmeuic IlIId ~n. Wilhout cystic or DOdular chanp. The lonp is 0' bile marb, ~ or otber injuries. 'There i.I; Ill) 100I or the larynx or the ll'IChea. 'm:: Incision and dissection of the posterior neck demonsttlleS no deep paracervieal muscular injury IlDd no cervicAJ spine rra:tures. BODY CAVOJEs: The ribs, sternum, and VCltebnl bodies an: visibly and palpably InucL No eJlc:eN fluid is illlh8 pericardiaJ or peritoneal CIlyities. ~ II 100 rnL 0' decomposllion fluid In ellCh hemilhoru. The orpnl occupy !heir usual aIllItomic posllions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The righllllld left lunas weigh 320 JlIl and 2.50 am. telpoc1lvely. The eJlternallurftcel are II'IlOOIh and deep m;!.putpJc. The pulmanal)' ~lIChym .. ll difl\lscly CIlIIaeste4 and edema.lOUl. No ma.u lesions Of _ coosoIidalion lIR' presenl. 0' CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; The 2.SO grn ~ il contained in an In!aCt pcricanllalaac. The epiea.Rliai ",!face II 1IllOOlh, wllh minimal fat investment. The coronary arteries are pnseol in I nonna! diltributiOll, with. riabldomltllllll pauem. Cross sections or the yessell show ~ IIeJlOlII or lhe prodmai left AlIleriOl' descendine coronary artery. The myocardium il homogcllOU5, nld-bmwn, and soft. The Yalyt IClIflcu are thin and mobile. The wailthickncss 0'1hc left and righl ventriclel are not rneasum;! due to decompositiooaJ changcs. The endocanlium il slTlOOlh and &llilenine. 'The 101'II aJves rise to lhree lnlll:l lIIlIi patent Il'C'h ves.sell lIIlIi lias 1IIIlll'lcant Involyemenl wilh IIhctomlloul throughout ill length, sillliflCll111y worse in tile dillai IlbOominal aorta. The l'Cftallllld mcsemerie ves.selsille unremlltable. LIVER &. au JARy S)'SIEM: The 1240 gm liver hal an inlllCl, Jmooth capsule and I sharp Inlerior bordet. TIlIl p&r1:nch}'ll'll il ta.n-brown with Aslight yellow disrolOlllllon, with the usual lobular Il'C'hl!cCIuA:. No mass lesions Tbe gallbladder 0001I111I I minute amount of glttn·black bile and IlO stOllCS. The IYlIICQII1 surface il green and ydYely. The Cl:lI'Ibepallc biliary tree II pllen!. or OIlier abnormalities are SCCII. Si>lEf:N: The 90 &m Ipleen has • lmOIlIh, in!aCt, nld-purple capsule. The p&l"Cnchyma is maroon and diffillClll, witboul dilcemlblc Maipighian corpuscles. PANCREAS: The ~ is auto! and yellow-tao, with Ihe llsua.I lobular lIclr.itec:nm. No other abnormaJitlC$ anl seen. mill Iulons or ADBENALS; The right and left adrenal glands are Iymmetric. with bri&hl yellow c:ortica IDd IUlolyud IRY medullae. No tnISICS or Ileal or helrllll'rM,gc are loentifted. hp3of~ MEDGOM 0035 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 35 M!:{b)(6) ~ belicved 10 be Abed Molwntd Nljem GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left kidneys _igh 70 gm and 90 gm, ~pcctively. Thc cxtcrnal 5lUfaces are intacl UK! pular, with a pigskin IcxMe. 1bere are multiple small cysl$ in each kidney. 'The cut surfaces arc red.Jan and congested, with uniformly thick cOlticcs and stlarp corticomcdullary Junctions. 1lIc pelves arc urmmarkablc and !he W'CteIS are nonna! in cOlIne and caliber. While bllldder mLJal$l overlies an intacl bladder wall. The bladder contains no urine. The pmslate is normal in size, with nodular, yellow-18n ~nclJyma. The seminal YClIiicle!i Il1ll unremarkable. The le5Ie$ are free of mll!.$ lesioll$, conlU5iOl\$, or other abnormalities. GASTROwrnsTINAL TRACT: The esoph88W1 is intact and lined by s1TlOOlh. py-wbite mucosa. 'The slOfllaCb conlains only scant, pasty. grey IJI8lerial. 'The gaslrlc wall is intact. The duodaHJm. loops of small bo_l, and colon are unrernukable. The appendix is present and there are cecalllllllesions. APDmQN';'L PROCEDURE,<; • • • • Doeumentaty phoIOgrapbs Il1ll taken byOAFME phocographer(b){6) No ttllCc evidence is collected. Specimens relained for IOX.icologic Ie$ling an¢Ior DNA identiflCltion are; ClIvity blood. liver. spleen, semiliquid bnlin, bile, and J'$OIIS muscles. The dissected organs are forwarded with body. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINAnON Selecled portions of organs are retained In formalin, without prepal1llion ofhislOlogic slides. OPINION This Middle Eastern male, believed 10 be[<b){6) h,,<ti.JiO b. (b){6) .....tln"..... ,l....<ti........... "'..1 .....""" ----,~ed as I result of atherosclerotic n.e manner ofaeltlh is MIUra!. Armed Forces Medical Examiner System 1'lI",4o£4 MEDCOM 0036 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 36 l{b)(6) _._ _.,--.._--- -_.__. -. _. _. - -.,- -----_. ......._JV1lvo.-, CUTR::~"01' _0,1ItCUIlIl .... _ _ _ .. _ - , , _ 'ITS Abed. Mohamed. Najem ~_o_ _ -- _ .-_.._-...,-_.- ,,,.,, ~- Iil 0 ........ ,- ......... ... e>o< """" - ..... -.._-_ ---- _ •• .,~ ~ •• __,-'OOI.,...D . . . . .,0' ... ., _- ""'OO'.... ~_I",.. e-o .. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.__..._' _U'e-I _ _ _ _ _ ....... ..lOIC......AT........ c...- .......... _ _ _ _ _ ... _00_'... .. . .......... .... ~ ~ C"""QC1 .......... ....... --~ ,, Dela;nee in Iraq x DUTH (CWFlfS£1ISI A/h"","clltr01Ic cardiCl'lascular disuse complicated by ,..",...~10_ ...' dtabel... --""""-. _..........__...-. --..--- .----,",,__.., ==.....:,:9"1 --".- ...................... -._ ....... ~to_".... _ _ '"0 . . ._ "',,- _.----• ................. ....OI'S'O _ _ _ _ _ "" ....OI'S'O . c x .. ~ ....... '" """"""", (b){6) _..-•• -- • - ."""'-.................... - - .......... _---..... _ ........ ...'.. . ."""00_ I~"'_TI{ -- -~-- 2. Aug 2003 1-.. _ Abu Ghurayt> Pricon, Iraq ,..... _ _ _ ... _OKf.OIfO_ _ _ _ OOCO'..... n o ~ D . ' .. 0 .n "",.. (b)(6}""1OO:i"--'--- _---_.- """"-'_ _ ....... OUI'O ........... C'OO'-I _.-.,. . . . . ." " _ _ . - _ ~ ,-_...... I _ _ "_-"._~-_._"-'--"~"----- -'___.. ,or_ "" (b){6) 0'... (b)(6) I "'j J;m,4i tr-l - ~ AF~. DE 19902 (b}(6) ,--_.----_ . __._-._.... _.. _-.----_._ ....- _., _ . _... _ ... _ . . . . . . 0 _ ... _ •• ..... _ _ _ . _... _ _ . . " , _ . ._ , , . 00,""2064 ........,...._"' ..... ,... " .................................-=M ...-..... MEDCOM 0037 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 37 • ARMlm rONeES INS'TITUTEOF PATIIOI.OGY Htfku(tIN A.--.f fo..... Modlnl E""...... 141] ~h8M1" Bid&- 102 1tock";lJc. MD WI$CI 1-tl)D.9U·79l2 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT NllRlI!: believnllo be IIl1mu II...... Twfeook N~m 8,..17 AI·ZUbydy SSAN: "'a. Enemy pwCb)(6j Date of Blnh: Unknown. -Ppt'an middle.1ed Dace of Ocalh:(b)(6j 2003 (bl(B) Date of Autopsy: 24 August 2003 D.1le ofll:por1: 29 Seplember 200] AUlopsy No:(b)(6)'--_--j AFIP No.,(b){6) Rank: nil, P1aa: of Death: o;.... nl•• baq Pla:e of Alilopsy: 54· QM Co, Baghdad lnll. AilpOf1.1raq Clrwm~lInreli of ( The deadent was an enemy pri.loOller of war detainee at the Biap prison who was bein,lt1Uuporled in a bus when he be<:ame shan ofbrulh, hypolensive and lal:hycardic. A medic with .he 115'" MP Battalion admlniSleled an TV bolus, which briefly improved his sympcoms and sip. bul he StlOl'I anulcd. When e,umined IlIU:. in the day by • ptlysician. rigor and lividity _rc established. but no visible mlrlingJ. woun< dcfonnity" were scc:n. No body temperalllll: WlI$ m:ordel1 in.he m:ord~ available for review. M - Authonl.lllion for Autopsy: Office ofllle Armed Foroes Medical EJ;.miner, lAw 10 US Code 1471 Identlflutlon: Poshive IlknlirlCaliol! is nIX established because of a loIek of anlemortem ~·r~ys, DNA specimen and fin8"rprinl$ are oblained for IXl"sible fUlure reference. Uemphlrl. PosllI1Of1t=m denlml exam Ilnd CAUSE 0.' DEATH: Undetermined mlf1lumalic CDUW: MANNt;R OF UEATtI: NaMaI t'lNAI. AUTOPSY D1AGNOSK'l: I, II. Ill. No e"Idc:nce: of significanll\illUrlIl diseaw:. willlin lhe limitalions of lllis aUlopsy. Noevidenccoflf'lluma To.o;icological ex.minllion • Blood and urine were negalive for cllllll\Ol • Blood was negalive for prescripcion and illicit drugs t;XTEBNAI. EMI\UNAnON - The body is lllal of a well-dc:"elopcd. well-nourished appearing 12 in<:11 l;tll. 210 pounds (eslimaled), middle eastern male woo IIppcm midllie .ged. (Dale or binI! is unknown.). Uvidily is inllppan::nl due to postmonem changn. Rip is passed, and lhe lempcratull: is cold. MEDCOM 0038 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 38 (b)(6) MI<i{b)(6) !>c:1;eva! to be l"'mID H,,"";lId Twfftk NaJm Byllty A 1-7.u hydy • .. . , ~ ~a1p i~ covered with black. slraight. long hair in a oormal dimibulion:llld there is a full beard and mustaclle. The irides life dimcu!! 10 delennine due 10 cloudy COflle;l. bUI appear brown. alld tile pupils are rouml ood equal in diametcr. 1lIc: eJltemal alHlitOfy canals are free of blood and unusual secretions. The ellrs are unremarkable. The llilres arc piltenl and thc lip5 "re atrllumillic. l1lc nose "ml maxillae are palpably .~table. The teeth appeu nlllumi ood in fair repair. The: rlC(:k is 5lraighl. and the lnlChea is midlioc and mobile. The chesl is symmetric. The abdomen i.~ 0:11. The genitlllia ltre those of II normal :>dull mate. The tCStell are descended and free of ~. Pubic h;,ir is present in a norl1lal distribution. The bullocks and linus an: unrcllllll'kable. The upper and lowcr utrcmitics are symmetric and!lout clubbing Of edema.. CWIIIING AND PERSONA), t:mCTS The foltowint c104hing itcms and pel1lOnal effccts III'C presenl on the body at the time of autop.<y: • Green Iulce-leng'lh shin • Buffcolorctllloxershorts ,\IWICAL INTERVENTION • A SOO mL bag of lactatcd Rinter's ~IUlioo connected to an IV cannula th.tappan:ntly feU out of the righl antccubital fossa RADIOGRAPIIS '"" Radiotraptls are unavailable at this loc;ll;oo. t:YIDENCE Ot' INJURY There is no e"idencc of injury following a CDmfllete postmonem uaminalion. Dccon1posit;Dllal cllanges (Xll1S;51. of .kin slippage. marbling. foul odor aoo a green color to the antcrior thorn lmd ;d)domen. INn:KNAI. EXAMINATiON HEAP: The galcal and subgaluJ IiDftlissues of the scalp.-re free Dr injury. The calvarium is intllCt. a.<;s the dUfil mater benealh il. CleM cercbrospinlll nuid surrounds the 1400 &Ill brain, Which has unremmkabJe gyri nnd sutei. Coronal l'CCtiOll$ demonstrate ~hlUJl detnar.:ution between white and grey maner. without hemorrhagc Of COIltusive injury. The V(lntriclcs arc of normal size. TIle basal gantli". bra;nsl~m. cerebellum. and arterial 5ystems are free of injury or other abnormalitics. There we no skull ffilCtures. The atlanto-occipital joint is 5table. """', The anterior 5l.rap muscles of the neck are homogenou~ i1IKJ red-brown. wilhout hemorrhage. The lhyroid cartilage ;,nd hyoid are intact. The larynx i~ lined by intllCl white mucosa. The lhyroid is 5ymmclric and red·brown. without cysti(: or noduli'r Change. The: longue is free of bile marb, hemorrllagc. or other injuries. 1llcre i~ no SODI staining of the laryM Of the trachea. Pol" 2 or 4 MEDCOM 0039 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 39 l(b)(6) o\n:(b)(6) Ixlicved to be " • ll~mu 1I11,.,;ud Twfrdr. Najm Oyllty AI.Zubydy Inci!lion and lliSl'C(1ion or the posterior neck clcmonstrates no dc:cp pllr.ICervical mu~ul:lr injury:and no cervical spine rl'1l("turc_. Bopr CA VUlES; The ribs. Slemum. and vencbral bodic!l are visibly 3IId palpably inlal;f. No ClIce!L~ nuid 15 in the nlbt plwral. pericatdial. or peritoneal cavilies. lIllhoulb thelt' is scanl clccomp05ilion fluid. The Drl;ml OCC\lpy lhcir uwailinillomic pcl'iilions. RESPlBATQRY SYSTEM: The riJhtlllld leO lunp wcilb 950 1m and 1050 1m. respectively. The c,,;tcmalsurrllCC:S arc smooth lind deep red·purple. The pulmonary p;m:nch}'lTlil is dirru!OCly rongntcd ilnd cdcm:llous. No mass Ie~ionl or Ill'alI of conMlIiIlntion all: prt:llCnt. CARPIOVAscULAR SVSTEM: The 270 &'" hul1 is contained in :ItI intae:t pcricanlilll sac. The cpicardial surface is smooth. with minimal rill Invcsunenl. The coron<lry allCl"ics are presenl in il norm.1l diMribulioo. with a rightdomirunt pOlite",. ClOSS M'CIions or the vessels show no sil'lirlClllIt i1thcrosclcrotic criov~h.r diJeuc.. The myoc:<lnliun. is Ilomogenoos. Rld·brown. and finn. The valve 1c:r.l1ets are thin lind mobile. The cllllo::lCMdil.lm is SlTlOOIh &lid JJiSlcninl- The aonl gives rise to tb~ inlactalld pIIlent arch veS$C.Is. The renal and mesenteric: vessels arc unlt'fTIllrkablc. " LIVER&: BILIARy SrSTEM: The 1250 gm liver has an intlet. smoDlh ~ule;and g shilrp anterior borclcr. The pilKncbymll is tlln-brown and coolCSted. with the usual lobulw :uthltOClu",. No maM Ic.oions or other abnormalities;arc 5Ct:l1. The p1lbladdcr contalns 15 mL or sm:n-black bile and no stones. The mucosal sul'f;o;:c: is g~ and velvety. Thc ClIll1lhepatic biliary tree is I*cnl. SPLEEN; The 260 gm splcen bas a smootb. intae:t. rcd-pulplc cap!luic. The P"'"'nchyma is muoon and diffluent. wi,h indistinct Mglpighian COl"pUIoCIes.. PANCREAS: The pancrell.!l is linn and yellow·lan. with the usual lobulllr architco::turc. No '""" lesions Of other abnormalities arc secn. ApRENAL.$: The right and lell adrcnallll'lIId.~ an: symlllCtric. with bricht yellow conitts and &rcY lnedullK. No milliscs or Melli of bcmorrh.u~ l1te lclcntir1Cd. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: 'The riaht and left kidneys weigh 75 1m III1d 7.5 1m. respectively. The utcmal surr:ac:cs an: intact ;and smooth. The cut SUrrllCC:S Me It'd·tan IIlld cOfllcsted. with I.Il1irOllnly thick cortices and stIarp conic:omcdullwy jUrlCiions. The pelves Ill'e unrem~rkllblc lUld the ureters arc nannal in course:ltld caliber. White bllllklet m\lCOSil overtiCli an intilc:t bladder wall. 'The bladdu contail\~ IIpproximately 170 mL or hazy. pink urine:. The prosilite i$ normal in size. with nodular. yellow·tan parcnch)'Jllll. l'qe)oI"4 MEDCOM 0040 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 40 (b)(6) M,,;(b)(6) IlC'HrYfll 10 bo: Ilunl~.U Ifnsad Twfrl'k NQjm lI,ul, AI·7.ullyd, • ~I The ~minaJ ,,"iclc~ utr unrcm.3lkabk. The abllOflNlilirs. trSle~ arr free of ma.u lesiQfl~. conlusions. or othrr GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The: ~gw i~ intacl and lined by 51T1()(l1h. ,rc)'_whitr mucO$a. Thr _ h eonl.liM appfOlIimatdy 100 ml of &reY. put)'. P'"~UY dilCSUd. unn:co&niuble food. The pMrlc w~1 is intact Thr duodenum. loops of ~mall howel. and o;olon arc unrcmarltabk. The: appell<li. is prnc:nl. AIlUITIQNAI. PKOC":pUKt:S • • • • Docummt;u"y photOVap"s are lakrn by OAFME phol01l1lpher (b)(6) No trw:c evidena: is colkclW. Specimens n:lainrd IOf to.ic:ololie IrSlinl and!« DNA kJentirlCaiion spleen, linn.:. pirie conteniS. ""'In. bile.lUId p50Q mlr.<C1a. The diSS«lC:d 011- are forwarded willi the body. llrl': ea",I)' blood. li""r. MIs:R0SCOPlC t:XAMINATION $elet:ted ponion5 of orlans an: rcl .. ined in fonnDlln, withoul preparation of lIi~tololieslick~. OPINION This Middle EaslC:m malr, believed 10 be (b){6) .. _J' nf ... lI..k""..... __,''''''",,'''_.'''' llOfIlo.ic eOlUK. (b)(6) dkd u Thc: manner of de;:ll" i, Mtum. "'ht~ MEDCOM 0041 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 41 _- _..-_ - (b)(6) _ ..'_.- - -_.- ----..... -- _.--_. -'" -_.--'- --.- - ------ _ .. ---"" .... "'- _.. _-..... ""-_.... ... . ....... "'-"'---... _.. _--- ... _ ... -__ .. _- _... _00_. . . . _... _ .. ... ...... _.-- --'-. -. ..---. 10_- _._ .............. ........ . ...... -.... _- ...--_. -'--"'-< ----- - _... .......... _.-. -- _.CUTJ'OCA'. 0' ou.'" ~~UAIJ -"'''""- ....... . 3TBHa.rna H.5ad. Twleek Nairn, Bl'l'1y Al-211b)Vy _ _ A<............... 0 _J ....."'_M ....-'lq Ii'I 0 ,,-. ,- _ ~ ... J1...... X c"'c·_ ~ •• ......_10...,...., ....n _ _ . _ " ..._ ..."11_ _-~- _ZIO _ _ ""- _ _ ~' --~,,, -~- ....... ""1 iiOO_cn• ..-1O...'''' UndeII<mindeclllrl\lfllllic:: can;e ~ _coo_~_. -_.~ __10_ ,,- ---~,...' "' ......... ~ " -.. ~0 X -.,.... -..-. .- ibi(6)~ (b)(6) ~':"-'" DiwI..... 1'11<1 "':~ '''_.'' - •• 2.1Wg 2003 .~ ~ •_ _ __ _ "'_ . ._ " . ..._ ..,_ . . ._ . . ,_ .._ ·,_ ..... ._ . - ...... _ COUIU .......... _ h _M _ .... _ _ •_ .. , _ .. _ _... _• _ _ ~ 1_- _ " '_ _ - . c o L _ ... _ _ ..... _ _ (b)(6) I:"'U"_..AImed FOf~1 MIo(Ibl fumi"... I=AFa~9l102-"- (b)(6) "."..._~-----(b)(6) ._ _ _----_ _-_ ""'" .. _ ."""""__...._. _,_"_ ...._. .. .....- ..... _... _..-.... _--.'---"--' ,_ _ 00.-=2064 ' .. -I _--~_ MEDCOM 0042 ~-..... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 42 • .' ARMED FORO:S INSTITUTF: OF PATHOI.OGV Om~e of rhe Armed Forers "'r!llral Examiner (41) Re$CMCh Blvd.. Bldg. 102 Ro<:kvillc. MD 2H8S0 1-800-944-7912 AUTOPSY f.XAMINATION RF:PORT Autopsy No.,,(b}(6~ AFlr No.!(b)(6) Name: Daballa. Dilar J SSAN: nI~ Dale of Birth: unknown DalcofDealh:l(b)(6) 12003 Dale of Alltopsy: 17 June 2003 Rank: Civilian.lmqi natiOJlllI Place ofDe:uh: Iraq Place of Autopsy: Baghdad 1Illcmal;onal Ai'llOn. Baghdad. Iraq Dale ofRep<:ln: II May 2004 ClrCllmsla nets of Death: This ilpproximately 45 y<:ar..,;,ld ciyilian Iraq malc detainee died in U.S. custody Ipproximaldy 12 hours afier a reponed escape allclnpl by llle decedent. Physical ro~e wu r'Cljuircd to subdue the lklaince. and duringillc tesll7lining process, his forehead hillhc ground. Allihorh:atloll fot AU101»Y: The Atmtd Forces Medical Enmlnn.I" \\' 10 lISe 1471. ~ntl Identification: Visual; Finge'llrinls DNA sanlplcs oblained CAUSE OF DEi\.Til; Closed lind InJIII')' with Subdlluillernlltomll ~ Corlical Brn!n Conlnslon lind MANNER OF DEATH: lIomltlde MEDCOM 0043 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 43 . - ] A.UTOPSY REPORT ME(b){6) DABABA, Ollar ' 2 fiNAl. AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: L Closed Head Injury ~. Sub~radmoid hemon-fta&e over roin b. COr1ic;ll brain contusion, righl oceipilal I1:gion. 4 x" x J ~In i. Inlracortical hemOlThagc witb frtill erythrocytes. fibrin, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes II. Ncg:n;vc for fibroblasts. lIlacruphages. c:l1,illary proliferation, IKmosiderin or iron e. Right subdural hematoma. 20 ml i. Fresll erythrocytes. fibrin. ami polymorphonuclur leukocytes ii. Ncg:llivc for fibroblascs. matrophagcs, capillary prolifmllion, hemosiderin or iron d. No skull fractures c. Left fronlal subg:lleal hemolThage wi\h scalp laceralion i. Sl:Itus POSI suturing of laceration ll. Addilionallnjuries a. Fracture righllateral gill rib wilh soft tissue hemorrhage b, MUltiple contusions, abra:sions. and minor lacerations of head. torso, and utremitics c. Abrasions and cQnlUsions llI'OUnd wristS and ankles. consisleJ1l with restraint d. Hemorrhage of right srernocleidomastoid muscle of neck i. Hyoid bone intact withrnll hemorrhage or fruclure Ill. No evidence of nalll",1 diKaSC withi n r~ limitations ohhe examination IV. Toxicology: AFIP 3. Volatiles: 8100d and urine negative for e1hanol b. Drugs: Urine ~ilive rOI lidocaine: negative fot all other screened medications and drugs ofabusc MEDCOM 0044 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 44 .'• l ....UTOPSY REPORT I\U(b)(6) DABA8A. Ollar ExtERNAl. f_Mi\I'NAJION The bOOy il HI:lI of a well devctO(lCd. wclluouriJlJCd \IIIC:I:llllldulIUIo,Ic. rccciveoJ hi a hl:lC:k booJy b3g labeled 1'0';111 a \.38 "BTB; (b)(6) The body wci~ approximately ISO Ibs, ;.66" in height and appc;lf1W1'1'1p;1litlle Wilh lhe rqKIned a~ of ;approximately 4S years. The booJy temper.nure is Ihal ofthc re(ri~lIiOI1 unit. Rigor il preseniiO an equal ikgrec in:lll exlremi,in. Lividity i, praenl and flxed on I~ posterior IIJr{:':C of lhe hod)'. except in arul5 expoKd to praIllrc. The $Calp is covcm:l wim black h;a;r averaginl2 em in ICIl£lh. ThtR i. ~ block must:l(:hc and blxk rXio1ls1Ubblc. The irides brown. and 1M come;! are clear. The ilCleroe and = conjuncliv;oc In: pale:md l'rtto{pctec:biz. The nrloba arc 1101 pierced. ~ ulem:l1 auditor)' Qlllll and exlcnul nateJ an freeorforeian m:uerial ~ :lhnolTllal SC(re1ions. The nasal skeleton is p;llpably inlaCl. The lips are without evident injury. ThCTe Is bloody fluid wittUn lhe mamb. bill 110 inj unes lJre identified wilhin the 0flI1 caY;ly. The ICCllllll'C ~lural :mel in good condition, Below the ehin is~ I.S em well healed linCOll' K.1r. The nea is stmi8hl;U1d ~l( trac:hea is midline llrld mobile. l11e ehest is S)'lTlJTlCIric: and well developed. The abdomen is nal iUId soil The extrmlities an: well developed wiih oom,al ran~ of m04ion. 'The fin8m1~ils intllCl. No lIllIOOS lIll: evilknl. 'The elltemal 8enil~lil are those ofa nonnallkllllt circumdsed male. The le!lles are lIe5cended ,md f~ ofmU5qi. Pubie hair is pte!ielll in a roannal dislribution. The bullocks and allUS are IImemmable. = 'I,OIIIING AND PERSONAl, EI/fF.(,TS No elothin8 ilems or [l(l'1onal e",eels an: presenl on the botly al the lime of aUlops)'. EVIDF.NCF. Qt· TIlEBAPY Theu is an endOU'aehealtube IIjlplllprialel)' piKed. There is while l;lf'( wilh 8aUlC in both l1f\1«ubilal fOSSilC. overlying needle puJJdure marks Nld alllocialed ecchymoses. There ~ needle pUliclure mms with associlled ecc:hymoses on lhe upper lIIlter10r foremn. Tbefe Ire l!tree EKG adhesive pads. two on !he upper ehest aIld Olle on lhe mid ahdorncn. ~ llle three slilehes plaoxd in I lxer:nion of the len forehud. In lhe len inlluinal region, there is a I em inc:iscd wound, eonsistent wilh I VCfIO\lIlC:C'CSlIlllmlp!. F.VIOF.Net: 0t" INJUBI The ordering oflhe followinl injuriq is fOl descriplive purposes only ,11100.1 is not inlelKlcd 10 imply order of infliction or relalive severity. Head am! Neck; \.. On lhe IIpper midline of the forehead. jusl below lhe hairline i. II hor;U1nl~ll)' oriented 4 1f 1 cm abr.lS;Oll. On Ihll upper len llSpCCt Oflhe forehead. lhere is a I.S em previously sutured incision with I surroundinl) 1f 2 em :lbrasion. On the uPJlCl' righl asroeloftlle MEDCOM 0045 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 45 - AUTOPSY RE:PORT Mfl(b){6) OABABA, D1lu 4 forehead. there is a ) x 2 tm abfuiOfl. Al Ihe ri~hl lalcfal <;<lie of the right eye. cXlcooing lip \0 the ~bfO"" L,lcr.lIy along the orbital rillie. tllere is:l (, l( 5 em red contusion .,ll! witll r«.labrasion Ilonll tile bony prominence. On the right che<:k. there ill central horizonlally oriented J x I em red conlu,ion. On the upper Ilter,1 :lSpCCl orllle len check. Ihere i•• horizontally oriented) x I.S em abrasion. On the lower Illedialll!p«l orille ,iPil che<:k. ,here :lfe two 0,3 em abrasions. Above.he left ear. IIIbe crease between the pinna and the scalp. Ihere i. a I em lxeratiOfl. Behind ,t~ left COlI". there i. a ) x 2 till purple contusion. On the len I.lenl ll$p«l arthe neck, exlending froln behilld llie Ie ft e:lt anteriorly along lhe edge of the mandible. there i. a I S I I) em red contusion. Behind the car. lllerc i. diffuse "gil, erythema orllle posterior aspect ortlle pinn:. and a 4 x 3 em dark contusiol'. On the right later.ll aspect of tile neck. exteneJinll from bebind tile right ear ~meriorly along the edge of the mandible. lheu is. 14 x 10 em area with multiple sflUllI eurvillneur abrasions ~nd contusions. up to O.S em in length. On tile left anterior aspect ofthc net:k. there is:. diasonal lJ x I.S em lir.earabrasion. ACl'OU lIIe back ohhe nec:k.lhere iSi 25)( 10 em area of diffiJ$C erythema. Within this area. on the rightlateraJ:aspect of the ned. there ale three horizontally oriented linear abruiom: I 2 )( 2 an superior abrasion. a mid 3 )( 2 em abrasion. and a 3 )( I em lower abrasion. Upon reflection ofllle scalp. 1heR: ia a 3)( 2 em ,,",a of aubpI cal hc:monfuille of tile left front:.1 f1:lIion. surroundinglhe l;lll;Cr,ltion. Upon remoVllI of the calvarium. thele il approximately 20 ml ofcloUed but and non-adherllllt aubdural hemorrltap Over the right side of tile brain. There is dilTuse subarxhnoid hmIorTtIqe over lhe brain. Senal sectioning oftltc brain reveaL, a 4 x 4)( 3 em ~ ofintrxortieal bllli" hemorrhage in the right oceipit:ll bfllin. son On internal examination of the neck. there ia diffuse hemortlla,e ohhe right S!emocleidomlllioid muscle. However. there il no hemorrltage ohlle afllenor Itrop muscles orthe neck, and the hyoid bone ia inlact:and free of hemorrhage. Chest and Abdomen; On the antenor and lateral aspect ortlle right shoulder, then:;s a 10)( 13 em ilTCgular of abrasion. Over the right clavicle. there an: two diagoml7)( 0.3 em line:.r IbrasioN.Just below the len clavicle. there is. 4)( 2 em il1"ClUlar abruion. On the anterior len shoulder. lhere is I 3 )( 3 enl red contusion. artiI Over the mid eheS!. there is. 30)( 20 em area of moll led erythemland red contusion. Wilhin this IrCII. over the sternum, there is a 7)( S em red IbrlIsion with rocllliOCllrit)'. On the lower left ;aspcct ofthe chest, there is I diagonal? )( 0.2 em linear abrasion. MEDCOM 0046 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 46 AUTOPSY REPORT ME{b)(6) DABABA, Dliu =-oJ , On ltV: mid abdomen, jusl above the umbilicus. thcre is a huling 5 l 0.1 em :lbruion. On the lower :lbdomen. jusl 10 thc ri¥ht of midlilll:. lherl: is a 1.5 l I cm abrasion. On lhe lower lell abdOlTlcn. Ihere is a 1.5 l I em abrasion. On illiemal l:lamination of Ihe ehesl. lhere ;s a Ir...:lurl: nfthe l:lleral aspect of Ihe righl 811I rib with 8S.'l(lC;atOO son tissUl: hemorrhag<:. Across thl: upper back. there is a horiwntaI45!( 5 em lincar red eOlltusion. Al III<: len lalero' ed,!:e oCthis band. thcrl: is a 4 l 2ero abr.JSion on till: postcrior aspecl orlhe shoulder. On the ldl'ater:ll asp«t ofthc upper back. (here arl: two linear :lbrosions. 2 :t 0.2 Clll each. Unner E:ttremitjcs; On the lower anterior aspect orlhe righl upper arm. there arc IWO linear abrasions. 2 :t 0.2 em elch. On Ihe back orlhe righl elbow. there is a 9 l 4 em red contusion. Around the right wrist. there ;s a eomple:t nearl)' circum rerential :lbrasion. On the ...idi:ll aspect {bas<: ofthe.thumbl oCthc wrist. there is a 4 l 8 em abrasiOll. On the ulnar aspect (below the 511I linger) oflhe wrist. there is 8 5 l 1.5 em abmion. Connecting these two abrasions and l:xtending around Ihe palmar aspect of the wrist Ule Iwo linear bands of contusion willi focal abrasion. 0.5 em in widlh each. On the back orlhe righl hand. below the 4'- and 5'" fingers. there is a dia¥onal) 11 0.2 em ;.IlOlSioll a,lI! a) 11 0.1 em abrasion. On Ihe lower anterior aspect of the Idl upper ann. there is a I l I em abra.lion. On lhe back ofllle len elbow, there is an 8 11 7 em red purple eOl1tusiOll. On the anterior mid len fOfC:lrm, tllere is a I 11 I em abr.lSiot1. Around the len wrist. there is IlCOIl"ly circumferential contusion. 011 the radial aspect (bas<: of the thumb) of the wrist. Ihere is :l) l 4 em :lbru;OII. On lhe ulnar aspect (below Ihe S· linger) of the wriSl, there is a 4 X4 em al:nsion. Connecting these IWO abrasions. extending around the dora;l1 aspecl of the wrist arc two linC:lr bands of contusion wilh focal abrasion. 0.3 em in widlh cacho lower Ememitjcs: On lhe anterior medial ;>spect of tile mid right thigh. lhl:re is a) x ) em triangular shaped abrasion. On the antmor aspect oflbc lower right Ihigh,just allove the knc<:. there is a I X1 cm abrasion and a medial 7 x 5 em red contusion. On lhe medial aspect of til<: knee there is a I x I em abrasion. Just below Ihe right knc<:. Ihere is a 2 11 2 em abrosiOll. Over III<: right popliteal rossa (back ortlle knec).lhcre is u 15 x 10 cm red eonlusion. MEDCOM 0047 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 47 - , AUTOPSY REPORT ME{bj(6) DAnA8A. Ollar ' Extending down the i1ntenor aspect orlhe righllowcr leg. there is ~ vcrlicilily oriented 20 x S em red ,""nlusion. Around 11M: right wle is a circumferell111l1 nbrasion. ranging in width from I to I.S em. Just above the left knee. there is II S ~ 4 em red contusion. On Ille blcr.r.1 aspect of the left knee. there lIrc three 1 em abrasions. and on lhoc: lower mid aspect of the knee. there is a 3 ~ 2 em abrasion. Just below Ihe klJee, there is a 2 x I em abrasion. Over the left popliteal fossa ibiICk of the knee). then: is II I S x S em red contusion Wilh II ) XJ em libra. ion III the lower edge. Extending down lhe anterior aspect or tile left lower leg. tllere is II vertically oriented 17 x 5 em red contusion. Arol.lnd lhe len ankle, ,here arc tIVO circumfl:rentiailibrasions. I em in width ellch. lind I em apan. On the mcdillillsp<..'t:t of lhe left llnkle.lhere is a I x I.S em abr3Sion. INTF.R.'iAL EXAMINATION BQnV CAVITIES: The body is opc:ned by lhe uSllalthoraco-abdominal incision and the e~t plate is removed. No IIdhesions or abnormal eollec1ions of fluid arc present in any of lhe body ~vities. All body org:ms are present in lhe normal3llalomical position. The verlebral bodies:lre visihly and palp"bly intact 11K: subcutaneous fat layer oflhe :lbdomiml "':,11 is 3 CUt thick. There is no internal evidcn<:e of blunt force or flCnCtr;r;tiu! injury to the thor:lco-abdominal reiPon. HEAll; (CENTRAL NERVOUS SVSTEM) The head has !he jlf'Cviously described injuries. TIle scalp is reflccted. and there are no skull fi':lctures found. TIJ.c calv-..num of tile skull is removed. The dura mater and flllx ccrebri an: intiIC!. There is no epidul'1IJ hemorrhage prT:5Cl11. The leptomeninges an: thin "nd delie:lle. The cerebral hemispheres are synunctrical. The structures at the base of the brain. including cranial nerves and blood vessels. an: intact Coronal sections throut9l the cerebral hemispheres rcveal no evidence of infection or tumor. The ventricles :Ire of normill size. Transverse sections throttgh the brain slem and cen:bc:llum are unremarkable. The dura is stripped from the basilar skull. and no fractures arc found. TIle atlanto-occipital joint is stable. The brain weighs t400 grams. (sec ''Neurof'llhology Report"). NEC!): The neck 11:" the previously dcscribeIJ hemorrhage of the r,gIIt stemocleidom:lSloid muscle. Examination of the other son tissllCS of the neck. including strap muscles. thyroid gland and large vessels. reveals no abllOm1alitics. All Oilier :ultcnor strap muscles of the neck are homogeneous and ml-brown. without hemorrhage. The thyroid ear1ilage and hyoid hone are int:K:1. The larynx is lined by intact white mucos.1 and is Unob$lfUClcd. The lhyroid gland is symmctric and red·hrown, without cystic 01 nodlilar ehaogr. There is no evidrncc or inroction or rumor. and the airway is paten!. [!\Cision and disseclion of the posterior neck MEDCOM 004B ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 48 AUTOPSY REPORT DAISABA, DII~r I\It~(b"')(~"'- 7 demonS1r'Jtes 110 deep par:ICervical nlllSCular illju ry. he'lIOntwge. Or fmctures of the doml spinousproce,ues. CARDIOVASCULAK SYSTF.I\I: The pericardial su,f:lCC:s are smooth, gliS\Cfling and unrl:lllarkable: the peric,,,,tlial sac '5 frel= "f silt"ificanl Huill and adhesioru. A moder.lle amount epicardial fat is present The coronary :U1cncs arise nonnally. follow a right domill:lI11 ll,striblilion alkl an: widely pmenl, willloUI evide!>ce of significant atherosclerosis or thrombosis. Thc chamba$ and Wllycs CJ<hihit the usual size·posilion n:lationship :lnd arc unn:nmrkable. TIle lIlyocardiullI isl1:nlt red·brown. finn :md unremarkable: the a1rial :u1d ventricular "'pia an: inl'IC1. TIle left ventricle is I.S cm in tllickllCSS and the: righ! ventricle is 0.4 cm in lhickncss. The aorla and its major branches arise nomlally. l'ollow tile usual roum: and arc widely palen!. free of significant aillcroscleroliis and alher abnormality. The venae cilvae and their major tribularies relllm to lhe hearl in lhe usual dislribulion ami arc free of lhrombi. The hC3l1 weighs 37S grJITlS. or KESPIRATORY SYSn:,\lj The upper airway is clear of tJebris itnd foreign material: the mucosal SUrfiICCS are smooth. Thc plcumt surfacd arc slIIoolh. glisleu;ng and yelloW-ian aud 11lll'ClllOlrl<able. ulVenlarkable bilaterally. The pulmolW)' pllI'CI\chyma is raJ·purple. o.udill8 a mot.ler.lle ;lInoullt of bloody fluid: no focal lesions m: noted. The pulmolUl')' arteries arc normally developed, palenl and wilhO\lt lh:ombus or embolus. '1"he right lung weighsliSO l:flIlTlS: lhe left 600 grams. I.IVt:R & 8!!,IARY SYSTF:I\I: The hepalic capsule is smooth, glislening and inlacl. covering dOll'k red_hrown. moder-Itely congested parenchyma with 110 focal lesions noted. Thc galibladJer contaillS 10 11\1 of gr<:cn-brown. lIIucoitJ bile: Ihe muCQSOl is vclYe1)l and IInn:mark:lble. The CXlra1lep;Jlic biliary lree is patenl, withoul evidence of calculi. The liver weighs 2.000 grams. Al.lMENTARy TRACTj The longue is free of bile m~lks, l>emonhage. or other illjuriet. The esopllagu5 is lined by gny-whiIC. smOOlh mucosa. Thc pstric mucosa is iImlngcd ill lhe usu~1 rugal folds. and the llimen CO\\I~;1IS approximalely 20 ml of dark nuid. The slllall and targc bowel 3r'C unremarkable. The p3llCn:as Ius ~ normal pink·t<lIIlobulalcd 3ppcar;w:e and lhe dllCls ~rc dear. The appendix ;s presenl:uld is unremarkable. (;F:NITOURINARy SYSTEMi The renal capsules an: smoolh ,and lhin, SCI1\i·lr.lll5/lan:nl antJ slrip wilh ease from lhe underlying smoolh, red·brown rortical sunllCCS. The cortices arc sharply delinc:ltaJ from the metlullary p}'l':lmids. which are led.purple 10 tan ~Ild unremarkable. Thc c~l)'Ces. pelves and urelelS arc unremarkable. While bl:lddcr mllCOM overlies all inlacl hllllkicr wnll. The u~nary bladder contains SO mi. ofdallt yellow urine. The proslale gbnd is normal in size, wllh lobul:lr, yc!lOW-I<lll l>:Ircnchynl3. Thc semin~1 vesicles an: LIlltcm:u1(:Ible. The lestes m free of mass lesions. corllusions, or other abnonnalilics. The righl antJ Icft kidnC)'S each wcigh J 7S grams. MEDCOM 0049 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 49 AUTOPSY R~;POR,..(b){6) DA8ADA. Dlbr 8 RHICUI.QENPOTII &I-IAI. SySTt:Mj The spleen has a smooth. intDC:t C3p$Ult: covennll m1-p"lple. mOOerJlely liml parenchyma: 1M I)'rnpl'loitl rollicles are UlIRnlarl<ahlc. The rellinu~1 IYIlll'1l node, :ll'l>ear JlOrmal. Thc spleen wciahl JOO arams. F.r!OQCRIr!E SySU,\lj The piluiwy. lhyroid and adreualslandJ are unrcma,bble. M USCUWS K f:L F.TA L SYSTEi\1 i Muscle developmCflI il normal. No hor>e or joinl abnomlalilics an: nOlal. ~IICRQSCorIC EX,\,\IIN,\JI0r! BRAIN: Sec "Neuropathology Report" belo.... HEART: $el;tiolll of the myocardium rcVNI int;>tl 11riate..l muscle fihcR. Thml il evidencc of alropt1y. hypmrophy. or n:emt or ok! myoc:m:Hal infan:lion. ,>0 LUNGS: The alvwlar spaces and Il'nall air p:lSS;lJCll arc expandcd and conlain no sipific:lnl inflammatory componenl or cderrIa fluid. The: alveolar walls are Ihin and nol congested. The: anerial and VUlOlll v;l$C\llar SYS\CI1lS are r'IOrmal. The peribronchial Iymphalics are wlrematkable. LIVER: The hepatic an::hiletlure IS 1Illatl. The: portal aK'aI sho... no illC..-d innamm:uory eomponenl or fibrous liSSlle. The hepalic parenchym:!1 cells are ...ell· preserved wilh mild micmvesicular and macrovoiculu Sle<1IQli, and focal cholcslO11i•. There il roc:!! benign nodule fCII'TNlion.:lnd thm arc no sinusoidalabnormaliliel. SPl.EEN: The capsule:!nd while pulp arc unrenmrk:lhlc. There il nlin;,n". congo::slion of llle red pulp. KIDNEYS: The lubcapsular WllCi in unre'll:lrbblc. The glomcrul; arc mildly congested wilhout cellular prolifmt;on. mCS:lngial prominence. or scterosis. The: lubules are well PI'CICl'Ved. There ;1110 intcmitiaJ fibrosis or .i&!lilicanl infl:ontnl~lion. Then: is 110 lhickc"in~ or thc walls or lhe ,ncriolcs or SHnU :l1Icrial ch:alUl'Cls. The 'ralllilion~1 epithclium of lhe collcc1inlls)'Slem i. normal. Neuroparholnev Repon (AFIP. Department ofNeurop:llhology. Washington. D.C.) ~re subu;)(:hnoid. subdural. ~nd inll1lCOl'1ical hell1orrhage. The hemorrh1ga COllliSI of fresh erythrocytes. fibrin.;nd polymolphonuetc~r teukocytes. We do nol iclenlify fibrobl:dU. msc:ropIl:ll!lcs, capillal'y prolifcralion. or Ilemosiderin OIl 11.lE. An iron lit"i'l is also ntg3live fOf hcmosidcrin. ''The principle neuropathologic findinp MEDCOM 0050 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 50 ,, AUTOPSY at:PORT I\1E,{b)(6~ 9 DABABA.l)lr~r The histologic fe~ll,lTes in \his case indie~le a ~molTh~gc of less than 48 h01l1'$ duraliOfl. It is not rossible histologically to be more spe..:i flc. The gross description of a leO fronlal skull le$;ol1 cOlllhinetl wilh a righl occipital conical lesion is consistent wilh a conlr«oup «I11I115;On; the inll1lOOnical hemorrhages arc also indic";yc of a cOlllusion. We illeRl; fy no Olher signilic'lnt neuropathologicnl changes." ADDITION" .. PROCt:llUBE:S DoclllllCntary photographs arc laken by OAFME pl1oOlogr~phcrs Specimens rcuined for loxitologic lesting lllldlor DNA idcmificalion arc: I'itreous fluid. hean hloOO, "rine, bile, '11I<1 psoas ""'St;'~ The dissected organs arc forw,mkd wilh the body OPINION This approxim,uc:ly 45 year-old male civilian lralli dCl;lincc died of a closed head illjur)' wilh a cortical brain conlusion and a subdural hcmotoilla while in U.S. cusIOll)'. These injuries reportedl)' Ql:CUrTW when ~ hil lIis rorellcad wllilc being subdued following an escape aHcmp!. and lhe right occipital cortical bnin hemonilagc is consistent with il recent contrecoup contusion. The manner of death is honlicidc. (b)(6) (b)(6) - - - - ' . 1edfcal Eum;t1er \, MEDCOM 0051 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 51 ·. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ARMED 'OflCElINStnv1l! 01' P.o.lHOI.OOY WASHIHGTIlH, Ol; 20-..000 AflP{b)(6) PATIEn lDENTlFlCATlQN Af1Pr~i<6i"'~_N""'bcr TO: Sm'Dj Nam. CASASA,OILAk OFFICI': OF TilE ARMED FORCES MEDIC.It.!. EXAMINER ARMED FORCES INSTITIITE or PATUOLOCV WASIllNCTON, DC JOJoOi.6OlIa ''''" Took(lloU A«...loa. ""IOp'y: "l(b~)~(6~):~ (b)(6)~ JUl.Y1.100l CQjIlSUI.TATIQN BEPORT QN COrqlUBUTOK MATERIAl. REPORT OFTOXICOLOCICAL EXAMINATION AFIP DIAGNOSIS Specimen. Received: BLOOD, URINE, BILE AND VITREOUS FLUID Condilion lJrSpcclmrn.: GOOD Oa,. or Incidrnl!{b)(6) 2003 I , Dalf Received: 61241'2(0) VOLATILES: The BLOOD AND URINE were clUI1Ilined for lh. at a cutoffor20 mWdL. No etllanol was detected. prese~ of ethanol DRUGS: The URlNE was 5Crttned f01 acetaminophen, amphetamine. antidepressants, antihistamines, barbiturates, bulzodiaupines, cannabinoids. cocaine, dexlroml:lhorphall, lidotainc:, nar~li<: anaIlluiQ, opiates, phencyclidine, p~nothiuines, salieylate$, sympathomimetic amines and verapamil by gas clLromalOgraphy. color tellt or immunousay. "The following d.nJg$ were detected: Positive Lidocaine: Lidocaine was detected in the urine by gu chromatography and eonfinned by ga:s ehromatography/ma.n ,pectromelty. (b)(6) (b)(6) L OfTlUoflhe Armed FOn:6 Medical Examiner OfTlU Oflhc Armed FOI'tlCs Medial"C . .C ,-~ MEDCOM 0052 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 52 (b)(6) _<>'oo<:Ut<D " - _ _ -- 8TB Oabatlil. Dia, _. __ . -<;Ii""""" _...,---.. .......-- -_....... .. _ ... -". ......... ._...... -_. _. .---_._. - --_. -- _ --_.... 00' ou.TH 1Ol'/!J1SEA II _"'tt:....., JD_...) ..- ~ "" '" _ru,..... '- •• ... _ " " OUT CO' . . "" 0 0 ...... -----,-__-._.,..,.--_."" ...,...,..~-~ , ~Delllin" ... Iraq x •• .." , - , < > .." , ... ... • ~- __---..- ""'''''''''''''_IT''' _ ........, ...___ ..."""'LllA'....... """.. """"'''erA''' ........ --_-'" "".................. fl_ _ _ _ . . _ ....... -_... _- ... ..... _. --,-y._ ................... --....- --.- --.' .... ............ -- _.'_.------_.-_...... - 1;;;;;,._.. " '. ._...-1>-_..- . _.__.._-. . . _---_ .............- -------. -" .... _ '--_.. --_ ......_ ...._--_ ,--_ ... __ .-_ _-',_._._....._ .. _..... ..._ .. _-_._. _.._----_._...._...._.-__.. _....-OIIa>o111noo -.;nT",- ,<>_",' , ~-'. '-~~- Cloud Head lnju,., wilh • COIlic<ll &aln Conlusion and Subdural Hemaloma _C<I'O'l"OI:OO." _. ~",_ _.~-- _ _ 00- , ,'.,.- o-._.,..~' ," • ~,_ _ • .....DGDllIIT 1 (b}(6) X O_""k_T<> oxn:............ .~------ ..".".,........ _ O I ' ..... CI'S" , _w .....noo""""'"'"" In J\Ift 2003 _.'-o._~ bii6ii20~r.r·-·-- • n_ -,~--~-, , ..... _ _ _ ....... _ _ . . ."'''<:0 D...... _ O>- ........._ _ .... e..-.MIT·'•• _ _<10._""",, ........._ _. . _ _ . . . . _ _ (b)(6) (b)(6) ,Mad',cal Ellaminer Dave, AF8. DE 19902 , (b)(6) J'" "". • • DD,ll'.2064 ...... ""","""" maN _ , , ......... " " " " _ ............... "'_ ... "H"" •• ~-.... MEDCOM OO~3 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 53 ,\IOIEIi F()IH"~~S INSTlTI ·Tt·: OF I' \Tt 101_llI;\' lime,' "r Ille ,\ rme<l Furce, .\It-dic:l1 ~; ullIh... r \-4\.\ Itc,",,""'h \11\\\.. tll,IH. 1\1: Itnd, 11I,-. ~'1I) ~!lN~(, l-~(" I.'l~·l· 7'11 ~ ,\UTOI'S" EXA,\lIN,\"1'IlIN ItEI'(llH t\lIl"llS~ "''',; '\I3-{b)(6) (it, ti>sil'lniJr(b)J.§) ,\1'11' ~".I(b)(6) SSAN: NA [)~Ic of Uirlh: Unl;'I""-11 IlJh:fTinK: Ilr Ikllh:(b){6~::!OO~ O~l ...rri",e "f AUlUl'.<~: 2S Alii;. 2(k'.' IlalC or llClXJtI; 23 flcloocr ::!OO:: It:",I;: NA l'l:.c,o "I" D'::llh. iI:"1 1'1",',° [.1' AUl"I"~: lOamI' S'llhcr. Ird'l Cir~u '''.<In IIr,,,u'tlh"'lh{<b)(6j'" "'''~ all CII"llIy I'ri~"nel "f "";'1' ill liS CU"hld)" who n" or :lIltHIL I(b)(6) j'\UI'U51 W;I~ m",oJ I" h· I} ;1,:; "II Ill,' 1;1":11I.1 willi ~lI;IIl,,,,· "',,,,:'ol;nl1 llllJ ,k-cr,:ased swellli,,!:. E",cr~c",~' 11",,,;,,,,1 sen k," wer,o MlIllIl\'m,·;j "nd (b)(6) I.,led 10 ha,'c 011I ;,sil1a,: Icn,per.'(IIr,· "I' Hr.! .k~"o,., :111,1 ",...·'c",,:d "~:I1"11 ~,,,urJLion. '\LlcmpIS m imrd\'en,'u.' :lcce._" 'w,e 111l""'''-'e~,flll .ll1<llluids were a,ll1l1ni;(el'<.'<I,·lally, ! It- ":IS Ir~"spol1,'{1 u, K."I."",~ II I 1II"·I.<il~ 11<'.''I'il:01 "he,,' II,· \\'IIS l"ollounccd .1...,,01 un :lrr;'·31. I",;,s , "enciliul;lI11: 1"eSlllllpl;l"c bj' '\flny Crin,i",,! Itl\·'''i(Ig.;t(;w Ili, i,;on ({'l I) I. '\I1IClnnl1,ol1l fonl:,rrrilli. dentni. l!l\(! I IN i\ "n;I\~,ilar-.1c. C\l}Sr. OF llEi\TlI: Ile:Ol nol~I,·t1 MEDCOM 0054 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 54 o=J , AUTOI'SY IlEl'Oln ,\FII'N (b)(6l Zail'. M<>lm 11m' (1IT11) fl:"A', ,\UTOI'SY I, l)lAGNOS~:S; l-ka! siroke' ,\. AIlI(lIl1lnc'1I1 .1~ln"ry kll1jlC'r:lh"" 1u2 <I"grc'Cs. elillir,,1 B. I 'lIr",·;t>;(lIlar ,.,.hllll.. ,kl1k1;,'n. dinksl C ""lmOIl'" r l"lIugrsl;Oll I I I'~(' gr.II11" I, I IYr(>~i:t. dn"..,,1 MEDCOM 0055 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 55 ., ,\UTOPSY IU:I'OIH ,\FlI'1I l~b){6) Zaid. "loh:lln~d (IITIl) The bod)' i. lhal of a ,,"cll.dewlol'cd. ""ell."",,, 'sh",1 nl'I'~:lrin!l. ",,,,,,,,b,. (,8 inch "II, 180-200 pounds (esliumlc..l) m:.le whl>$<: :l1l1>c:n;lIIf~ is e""Slsle"l WII h ~n <;slinwwd of sn::llerl!m" 40 years. l.i,'iJiry is posit·,;",. 1""l,lc'. "",I r;x,~l. Rigor is "hsel11. '1:" Then: is c"rly deeo'UII\'silion i"die'l",l by Illild "~in slipl'al."'. "on',,"\ and scle'ul dr)'i"ll. UIIlI dt"ClInlllOSiliou nuid (30 ,ud 20 mlsl iu Ih" I'klLral cavilies. The llC31p is eO"cred wjlh h1:ltk hair in " ""nn,,1 di"rihlll in". ('om",! do",li"ll ohscml:s 'he irides "lid Ihe pupils. "fhc C~le",,,1 "u'lilO'Y ,·alla!., '"'' ulln,·...a'k:lI'lc. The e,,~ all: IIn,c,,"'r~ahle. The ""res arc Ilalenl :Lmllhe lillS ,m.: ,,1r.lllln,lk. The ""Se :md "",xiII.,.: un: ]1:LI]1,I1I)' Slnbl". The teelh "lIpe", ""Iu,al ,,,,,I ,,,blualc in 'ep"ir, 11,c neck is slruil:l!ll, ,11<1 Ihc lmd,<.·" is ",idlill" ,,,,.I ",,,hile. Thc dle"!'1 is symmelrie. The abdomcu is nat. "fhc ge"ilalia Me Ihose of" 'lOnn,,1 ,,,11111 '1I"k. The l<.:.<l<.-s "re ,!cse"nd,..1 mld r,ee or masses. Puhic hnir is l'rcSl.'tll ill a """,,,,1 dislrih"ti"... TI 'c lJullocks mid :lIlU. me uliremarkalJle. CI.UTIIIN(; AN/) 1·~;ltSONAI. El'I'ECrS Nonc. i\l"IlI(",\1.INTEI~\'nnlO:"< • • • En<.!olr:M:hc,llllh<.· Rcelnl ealhcler Wrll\<''C'C~ll() "onll.1l ."Ii",· InlrJ"CIlOliS pU'lChln: marks of ''''IC\:uhil.,1 los.,;I\: ~;"I I) ~:N(''' Ol' J.....l U l~ \' The orderin~ of lhe rollo\\'in~ iltiuric'S is rur d,,,,,,ril'li,'c P"'lI(lM'" only. ~Iul ,! nOI inlended 10 imply order "r inni,·Jioll llr rcl"li\'l' "",Wnl)'. All ..."n"d 1'~lhw3YS :1fe ll;I'CII n:lal;\"c 10 sl~l\tlanl analomic l>ositioll. INJURY: On Ihe anlerior rorcmm is " cilellla' 0..1 I III "',1 :>hr:",,"n INTERNAl. EX'\~'INATI(IN I::I.fuill: The g:l1cal and sl,bg:llcal SOrllissues "flhe "'-'"II' "f\' Ir<.'\: uri,~ury. The e"hwlnnl is il11oel. as is Ihe dum 111;lle' belle:llh il. ('Ie", <"<"1<.,11"".'1'",,,1 lluiJ sum"IIIJs Ihe I;;UU 5111 MEDCOM 0056 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 56 AUTOPSY RF:rORT ,\fir. (b)(6) Z"hl. Moll~l1led (BTU) (Mkslun" (b}(6) I'1l1Iin, whkh has unrernartablc llyn ".Id sulc •. t"tlfUll~1 ,",:l.:lioIlS ,lcll,u,.~"~lc s1~'1J1 <lcm"re~lion hct"'c~'T1 while ,"..Illre)' man.:r. Willu"" hcrn""hal.'" '" cOII'usi"" iujuf)·. ,'1"" V(ttllrM;ks aN of normal size. TIl<: husal 1i"1I11ltu. br~il~'II. c'''h,Ix·lIu.... ~lId arle,;,,1 s)' an: rfl."'C of injury or o,her "bn",m.alttk,.. "I\: !'kill! rr~elun.:s. The all;mlo-<JCI:ipil,,1 joim is sUhle. II",...· .IU N· The wUl".,r Slrap ll1us.... ~'S or.he nl.ock ""' IKK''''j,'<''IOI'> a'KI "....I·hN"'•. "'ill.......' III.'llOl'rllage. The lh}TOid eartilase and h)'oid arc inl;N,;' 1llI: lar)l'_~ is 11'11...1hy "m..., "hitl' rnucosu. The ,h}'roid is S}1n"lClric lIOIll ml·bro\\'n. "UIl'HIt q"'ic (or rlOo.h,la, eh,"'b..... ·n.. . 101I1.'Ue 'S fr« of bile Ill~,h. 1.... "IIHTh~l'e. or orh~,. lItiUri~ !lOp)' fA VtIlES; 111" ribs, s,em"m, :'lIIoJ ""nel)rJIl:K>tliC$ an.: ",sibly u'KI p:.II.:tbly rnl:.....!. Th...,.-e ",e.'O 'nl mKI 20 mlorthin oil)' liquid ill the ri~hl a..J leA rlc",:,l ca, il"~ '~"''Cl''·cl)'. The Ol'};:lllS ll("el1I'Y Iheir I1st':I! allllionne POSiliMI. R!~"'rIRATORr SrSTf,M: TI>c ril:l1I:u1d ldl h'lIl;$ wcil:l' 850 alKI iq.J pn. r''l.fl'....· ';. ely. The '·""'I11:.l surfacl.'S ar... S11KKllh uoo ,k"'I' ..'ti'pI1IJJ1e. The pulmon"'Y 1'-1",,",11)111:' ,5 ,Ii IT"S'Clf cOl,;:~'S,<..1:Il,d ..... ~"TlIulOlI$. No IlIaSS le5iol1s or ClfeaS of l;<)lIwlilbll....l arc presen, CARI>lO\,t\SCU!.AR SYSTEM: 111l:)00 Kill IlCIJn is COlllained in mIl inlacl pt"ric~rtlialll;lC. Th... cp, :mllill surf:II.'<: is 0<11100111, wi,h mini'",,1 rut illv.....'nlcm. TIn: cnron",}' ;'l1e,ics :'1\.' 1" ...,nt in U'lOI1nal tli~lribI11ion. wilh a righl-domin~nlp"llcrn. Crtl$ll liI."T'1 inn~ or ,hc ",-,nt'ls show '>(1 Slc1l0li, or '1Ml.";~lcrolic eh:mllc. The m)l'C~' ,1;lIm i" IKnn,,~ellouJ<. rl~l-brown. mKl liml. The vllk... !canels arc 1hin:u>tJ ,nollM. The ""all" ofth"lcn anti dllln vcmrieks arc 1.5 ,mtl U.6 em lhiek. '~"llCCli'·cl)'. TI>..- Cllllneu"lill'" is s""K"h m1<l;:h5l..-n;l1l1. The :10113 gi"eli r;sc I" lhro: inlacl ",Id 1",lenl ltrch '·cli""I>. I'h~ "....:,1 "",1 IUl'Sl.'rlt ...ri... ' .... s.<c1~ nrc 11"rcm"r~ablc. !.IVER /I; lIll,IAKY SrSJ'EM: 'n,e 115U 1:'" live, hUI an inlaCI. SlllOOlh elll'~"1c a,uJ ~ slta,!, ,mlerivr IK,nlc,. The l'a,eneh}111n is '<111·111'0"'11 mnd eonl:ClICll. ",ilh Ih... uslt:.1 "'huhlr ~'I.·hir<'ClI1r.... N.. mllss I~"i"ns 0' u,her :,h'lOl1nalilicl :I,e 5f."T'n. TI..: ~"lthJ~d,kr cunl:,ins ~Illml.~ illl,,'... ly 20 ml of hhlCk hile nnd no SIOIIC5. The ,,"'eo$;,1 sur facc i. S,em :",,1 '·...1\·,1)' Th... eXlr:1hel'atie b,li~,)· tr~'C is 1';'1"". SI'Ll;EN. The r50 lin, splcen h"s:. Inl00111. inl~CI. m.l·ln'lJ'lc fi'l'>lIk ;tnd C0I111"'~lccl. ",i,h dislin" ,\ 1~lllillhi"n ctXjlUI,·ks. rhe !,,,..ellchy,,,,, 's !11:"':>t>n ]'ANCREAS: '!"h"'llane,...,," is Iinll IIml }'Cllow-t~lI ....i,h or "Ihe, ~h'lOmmlitie~ ;,n.: K'CIl. ~, ... lIs"allublllar :.rchill"CllllC. No ",ass l<'5io11.' MEDCOM 0057 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 57 -I AUTOI'SY REPORT A~'l PI,~~(b~)(C6,) __ (~ljs~i"I1I1:(b){6) Z"icl. Mohamed (ItT II) s ,\pRl:NALS: The riyhc '1I1<llcft adre,,~1 gb",I~ ~re s~lnlHelnc. II ;tll hnSln ycllow ,',miccs IlIc<lllll~e No masses or ilre;'" "f helllOlTha~e ;".,' ,,1.:"1'1;"<1. ~"t1 !lrc~' GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: 11\c ri !:Ill all<l Idl. kidnc~s we'igh 150 WH, e:lch. TI'" "xt,'mal ~orfaee.,. ,In: illl:!el "lid "l1""lh. The elll ~"rf:K:es :In: re,j-l~" and wng,,",ll~l, \\"lh IIlli fomlly chick carl ices ~nd "harp corlicolll<'lJullarr jUm'tilln~. The p.:II'es ;lrc unn.'llla,knlllc illlt1 lile urct..-rs nrc ooml:,1 in cours<' aud c"liller. While blnddcr lHIICUS" owrlies:m i!lWel hl;"hlcr wall. TIu' bl,,,loJer ""IIl"illS al'Pro.~il\\mc1y 1(1 IllI of relh", .hm",,, """centr:"",l ",in". The pruslate i~ nOTm~1 in size. w;lh IObolaT. )-.:110\\"1:11\ 11al'Cllellym;l, The ,""lIlillal \'e~icl~s afC IlllrCUl;lrkablc. The testes nrc fn....• of ilIa,s Icsi"ns. L~'"1" .• i,,"s. or olher ~hllnnll~lit;cs. GASmQINTESTINAI. TRACT: 'n,e c50l'h~1l1l5 is inlrn:l alllliine'tl by smoolh, J;...·y·"'llil~ IIIIU:05a, ll\~ slonmd, is cJe,'oid or cOlllenlS. Th~ ~:,stric w~11 is \lll~el. Thc cJlIo<i"\l\llIl, Inops nf small hll\\'el. and \vlon me 1Il1rClll:lrhble. The :11'I'encJix IS present nud ;s 1II11'Cm:Htallle. ,\UIlITIO''''AI. I'Ror F.lll.1l1 ~:S • [)uc"ll1cnt~ry (llll>t<lgraphs arc '"~"tl b)j(b}(6} • TIle 1!!!!.I1PjY. is C<1,,<1l1el..~1 i'l the I'J,,,,,,n.:e or SI,,-'Cbl Aycnl, (b){6) (b){2) -bDI b • • • lor lhe Specimens rclainl~1 ror lo,~kolo£k Iloslin!: "",l'or D:\',\ ulcntilicatloll arc: blood. liwr, kidn~y, hraill, hi I". ;111<1 rSO:lS Th" dj".cc!ed oryans nrc rorwar,k'\l \\,;lh h"J~ I'~rsoll:ll effl;l;lS an: rl:Ic,lscoJJ"-Jhe atltlfOnria\l:mQf1J:lI')' 0llerJliolls rcp1eSenlaliws of tllei{b)(2) l.... ICI(OSCOI·IC t:XMII1",HION Sdce'~-.J pol'tlons or <lrgm,s nrc rct~illcd in fonn~1 in, without Ilrcl'a"~1 iOIl of hish,ln!;ic sliclcs. TO:\!COI.()(;\' T,,-,(,cnlo!:;c mml)'sis or bile :111.1 Ih~r was Ill'pt;,'C lor subsl'lIl~e •. ~lh,mol (alcohol, :lIId illicit MEDCOM 0058 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 58 ,.\lrrol'SY HEI'UItT ,\fll'lf~ Z,lid, :\l<)h~IIlNI \IlTU) ] " 111'1,",,11'''' TIllS Ir~qi JlTison~r of war dl~<lofh~"l 'Iro~~. fhe ~1I1U~,,1 prescnlatlon "r ~II "~lll:Ir)' ICl\ll'crnlurc "r IU~ <I~l;l"\."""'S, ,1~hp\r"\"'II, hYJ1",sla, :1I1,lohhm<!;\\ioll. ,,1(llIll \I ilh nOl1SIJi.'Ci fie "mol's)' lilUlill~! "n<lIl,.· I:Ic~ "rsil;l,ilic:lnl ""llIr,,1 ,tiSCHSC ,". 1r:\\lOl:1 "re reponed 11) I,," Y;l'~r !Iw" 110 sl1l'ponivc of heal sl",k,'. "ell\ll<:'''I'''~.;nIll(' "I"" ,\cgl"\."Cs. No signifleal1l illle",,,I,,r ~~krn:ll "'1\11"" ",IS II(\I~<!. No ink-It "lJhsl:U1~es Or' ~lh:1I11.11 "'as delcel~,L ","f,. MEDCOM 0059 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 59 _......... _-- -*--,,- -- ---.............. ---",----'-''' ....-- _.ClllTlI'lC-O 1'1: ~ OU no fOVU HAl) - _ ..... j D - - BT8 Mohamed. Tariq, z.Kl __ 0 ~- 0eI.I.... In Iraq iii - - ----._---- .--_ .. __ ....---_.. _-- -.......,---_.__ _, --..-_ -_""_i.. ...-"'_. ' o 0' • ..... "'_ ... aov ......... . ,,-.... 0-0 . . _ ~ .. ---.'- .-.-..- ..-." _ . ... ~ _ ...... .. _ .... ... ...-1. --'-'-_ _..._--_ -. ..-"'_........ -_._ c:-. ...... ,,- _.. _.. -.....--- _ 'l/M<I ' - - - . _ ... - . . . . . . , ~~;·~;~~!~~~~-=::::n-~~·1·~']-?~]·:::':·::-::·::-::'::::~1 _.,- 00 .... ",,"_~I _ _..__....__-_. -l:l.._-_ '--_.. ....._-...__.... _..---............... (b)(6) -.......""_.. _ .. "'-_ .".. nc,............ _ 1 _ (b}(6j (b)(6) ~ . ,~~~~~----ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 60 ,, ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATIIOLOC;Y OfficI: of the Armed Forcu Medlall Euminrr 1413 Research Blvd.. Bldg. 102 Roehille, MD 208~O 1-800-944-7912 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Au!opsy No.: (b)(6) Name: Mihdy. Wathik AFIP No.:~\~(b~)(~6t)~-J Rank: NA LC.: Place of Dealh: Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq Place of Autopsy: RIAP. IrllQ Pri50ncrill: l(!:!)(~} Dateo(Bil1h: unll.nown Dale of Death: [(b)(6) 12003 Dille of Autopsy: 23 Aug 2003 Dale of Report: 19 May 2004 Circumstances of DUlh: According 10 reports. other detainees broughl this Iraqi male dclainec to the illC. He had apparently complained of chest pain during his detention. He appeared to have been dead for some lime. ALllhorizacion (or AUlopsy: Office of'he Anncd Forces Medical Examiner, lAW 10 USC 1471 IdcnllliUllon: By prisoner number. DNA sample aOO fingerprims ohtained CAUSIi: OF DEATH: Arteriosclerotic catdiovascuLar disease l\o1ANNER OF DEATH: Natural .. MEDCOM 0061 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 61 AUTOPSY REPORT ME (b)(6) Mllldy, W.cblk 2 FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. II. Ill. IV. V. AnmolClerolic cardiovuc:ullCdiseue A. Left IIltmor deICendinl eotOI\&I'Y artery I. Seamental 80% stenosis or the proltimal ~gment 2. 80% focal lIenosis oflhe mid segment B. Right coronary artery I. SO% mllitifocal stenoses oflhe proximal segmenl 2. ,SO.7.s% multifocalstenOSCS ofthc distal segment C. Mild 10 modcrIle alncrosckrosi. oflhe proltimallOl'l' D. Foul 90% stenosis ofthc basilar al'lery of the brain Cholclithiuis, incidental Early doeomposition No .ipiliant trauma Toltkolol)' ncptivc for ethanol and drup of MEOCOM 0062 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 62 , AUTOPSY REPORT MEI(b){6j Mlildy, Walblk EXIERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that ofa 6S inches Iall, 180 pounds (estimated) Iraqi male wllo appeau to be older than SO years. Lividity is posterior and fixed. and rigor is absen\. The body is partially!rozen. The scalp is ~overed with gray·black hair in a nonnal distribution. There is a bafd and mustache. Corneal clouding obscures the irides and pupils. There ar<: no petechiae oftlle sclerae, conju~tival. or bueeal muW$ll. Th~ ext<:mal'uditory canals are unremarkable. The ears are unremarkable. The nares are patenl,no;! the lips are alraumati~. The nose and maxillae are palpably stable. The teeth appear natural and are in poor repair. The ne<:k is straight, and the trachea is midline and mobile. The chest is symmetric. llIe abdomen is flat. The genitalia are !hose ofa normal adult male. The testes an: descended and free of masses. Pubic hair is present in a nomul distribution. The buttocks and anus arc unremarkable. llIe upper..,d lower eXlremities are symmctri~ and without clubbing or edema. There is early decomposilion consisting ofcomeal cloudina. superfICial skin slippage on tIie buttocks and right calf. and slighl green discoloration ofllle skin. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECTS The following clOlhing items and peJ'SOnal effe<:15 are present on the body af the time of autopSy: The body is received nude at the time of'utopsy. MEPlCAL INTERVENTION There are no attached medical devices at the limc of autopsy. EVIDENCE Qf INJURY The ordering ofthe following injuries is for descriptive PUlpOSes only. and is nol intended to imply order ofinf1i~tion or rel81ivc severily. All wound patllways arc given relative 10 slandard analomi~ posilion. On the skin of tile righllrnce is a 0.4 em superficial red abrasion. On the anlerior left ankle is a 0.3 ~m CfUSted healing superficial wound. INTERNAL EXAMINAtiON .. HMD: The galealll1d subgaleal soft. tissues onlle scalp ~ free of illjilt)'. The calvarium is intact, as is the dlll'l mater beneath it Clc&rcerebrospinal nuid sUfTOundslbe 1300 gm brain, whi~h has unremarkable gyri and sulci. Coronal sections demonstrale sharp demarcalioo between while and grey matter, WilhoulllemolTlIa~ or COIltusive injury. MEDCOM 0063 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 63 AUTOPSV REPORT roU,(b)(6} Mlbdy, W.tblk .... 4 The ventricles are ofllOnnal si2e. The basal ganglil, brainstem, and cerebellum are free of injury or other abllOrmalitics. ~ IS a focal9O'Yo stenosis oflhe basilar lIl'Iery witbout plaque hemortbige, ruplure, or tbrombosis. There are no skull fraclurcs. The atlanto·occipital joint is stable. NECK: Layerwise neck dissection reveals the anterior strap muscles of the neck are homogenous and red·brown. without hemonhage. The tbyroid elll'lilaKc and hyoid are intact. The larynx is lined by intact white mucos.a. TIle thyroid is symmctric and red-brown, without cyslic or nodular-change. The tongue is rrec of bite marks. hemorthage, or other injuries. Incision and dissection of the posterior neck demonstrates no deep parlloCerviul mwcular injury and no cervical spine fracrures. BODY CAVIT!ES: The ribs, sternum, and vertebral bodic:s are visibly and palpably intact Each pleural Clvity contains approximately 10 ml of deoomposition "uid. The organs occupy their Ll$ull anatomic positions. RESPJRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lungs weigh SSO and 42S llJTI. respectively. The ntemll surfaces are smooth and deep red·purple. The pulmonary parenchyma is dif'fusely congested and edematous. No mass Ic:sions or areas ofcDnsolidation are present. CARDIQVASCULAR SYSTEM: Thc 2S0 gm hear1 is contained in In intacl pericardial sac. The epicardial surface is smooth, with minimal fat investment Tile Coronlry llfleries Ire present in a !lOnnal distribution, with 8 right·dominant pattern. Cross se<:tions of lite vessels show the lell anterior descending coronary artery has approximate 80% segmental stCllOSIS of the proJlimal segment and 80'1'. focal stenosis of tile mid segment. The right coronary anery has multi-focal SO% stenoses orthe proximal segment and SO-7S% muitirocil stenoses or the distalscgment. The myocardium is homogenous. red-purple, and soft. The valve leaflets are thin and mobile. The walls orlhe left and right ventricles Ire I.S and O.3-cm thick, respectively. The septum measures I.S cm in thickness. The endocardium is smooth and glistening. The aorta gives rise to three inlact and patent arch vessels. There is mild 10 moderate Itherosclerosis of the proximallona. The renal and mesenteric vessels are ... LIVER'" BIUARY SYSTEM: The 1300 gm liverhu an intact, smooth capsule and a sharp anlerior border. The parenchyma is tan·brown and congesled, with the uluallobular archilechlrc. No mass lesions or other abnormalities are seen. The pllbladdercontains a minUle amount of green-black bile and multi-faceted black stones. TI1e mucosal surface is green and velvety. The extrahepatic biliary tree is pillenl. MEDCOM 0064 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 64 , • AUTOPSY REPORT M£{b)(6) Mlhdy. Walhlk .... SPLEEN; The SO grn spleen has a smOOlh, inlact, red-purple capsule. The parenchyma is maroon and congested. wilh distinct Malpighian COIJIusclcs, PANCREAS: The pancreas is finn and yellow·lan, wilh the usual lobular architecture. No mass lesions or other ahoormaJilies arc seen. ADRENALS; The righl and len adrenal glands aM symmetric. wilh bright yellow cortices;md grey medullae. No masses or areas ofhemoJJhaKc aM idcnlificd. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM; The right and left kidneys weigh SO gm each and maintain fClallobuJalioo. The external surfaces iII"C inlKl and smOOlh. The CUI swfaces &R: red-Ian and congested. with unifonnly ,hick cortices and sharp conicomcdullary junctions. The pelves an: unremarkable and lhe ureters are normal in course and caliber. White bladder mucosa overlies an intact, empty bladder. The proslalc is nOn'1ul in si:tt, with lobular, yellow-Ian parenchyma. The seminal vesicles an~ unremarkable. The lestes are fr« of mass lesions. contusions, or other abnormalilies GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagus is inlact and lined by aUIOI)Zcd. ~y-white mucosa. The stomach COlltlins less lhan 10 ml ofrcd sltawo(:olorcd liquid. The gamic wall is inl:lC1. The duO<knum. loops ofsmatl bowel, and colon arc The appc:ndi~ is preSCTIt and unremarkable. • • • • ADDITIONAL PROCEDURf:S Documcnluy phol0lltaphs are laken by'(b)(6) Spc:cimer15 relained fur lo",icologie lesting andlor ONA1denlificalion arc: vilnlOus. blood, liver. kidney. and psoas The dissecled orgUlli are forwarded Wilh llle body Penonal effects are released 10 tile appropriate mortuary operalions ~senlalivc:s MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Se!«Ied portions of organs are retained in formalin. without p~aration of his10logic slides. IOXICOI.OGY TOXicologic analysis o(blood and liver was negative for ethanol and drogs of abuse:• .... MEDCOM 0065 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 65 AUTOPSY REPORT!(_b,_,._,_ , , Mlhdy. W.lblk OPINION Thislraqi male detainee dial ofaneriosclerolic cardioyascular dise3SC (ASCVD). Significant findings aftlle autopsy ilKJudcd blockages illlhe blood vesselslul'plying blood to lhe hearc and the b:lSe of the brain. The reported hislOf}' of complaining archest pain prior to death is suppol1ivc ofa cardioYa.&cular death. Then: were no significant injuries. The manner of death is natural. (b){6) (b)(6) !Mcdical Exami~r MEDCOM 0066 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 66 • DEPARTM£Hf Of DEFENSE _ 0 fOIlCU M'ITTV11! G" _.N ._- ...._TOiO.OC ~= lHOUlOY ... ArlI,l(b)(6"'-I rAl11rfI IDE!1TlrICAIIQl! Anf<~6i'"' r!'_._~50!1"'-:=J 01l1C1:0P THE ARMED FORCES MEDICAL I'I•• ~ MlDI'Y, WATHIK £XAMlNlJI oUlMID FORCE5lN$TI'JllTI: or PATHOLOGY E'WII WASHII'IGTOH. OC 201M 1000 SEl"TUUlER IU001 ~ CONSULTATION BLPORY ON COrqRIBUIOB MATERIAL R£l'OllT or TO:llICOlOC1C4L tx~IH" noN 01.1'11' DIACNOSIS SpedmeDli Rculocd: BlOOD, LIVER, KIDNEY, BRAIN. MUSCLE AND VITREOUS flUID Condllioa erSP"'IIDCIII: 0000 Dlle of IlIcllkoli{b)(6 ao<l3 Dale Rtctf...d: &12712003 VOl.AnLES: The BLOOD AND L1V£B ...-en: examined for Lhc prcSCllCC ofc!harol at • clltoff of20 m&,dL. No clhaool w" dc\el;lcd. DRUGS: The BLOOD ...... screened for autamioophen, m>phe1aminc.lnridepmsllllS. antibistaminu, barbitw1lleS, benzodi~nes. cacowbinoi<b, coc:aJne. dexltOmelhorphan, lidouinc, IIUCOtic INJgcsi/;l. opilllCl, phenc:yclidine, p/Imothiarines, S&licylafes, IYrPpllhomimetif; amine, lIlld ,,",pamil by IU cluomalOVlphy, colo. let or immunOU$&y. The following drup _rc det<:<:ted: None were found• ... MEDCOM 0067 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 67 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office of the Armed Fon:el Medlnl EnmlJler 1413 Rtscaml Blvd., BidS. 102 Rockville, MD 208SO 1.800-944-7912 FINAL AtTrOPSY RJ!:PORT Name: HUSSEIN, BASIM MOHAMMED AUlopsyNo.: AfME(b)(6) PW Number: r(b){6)1 OlleofBirth:f(b)@l 1977 OatefTime of~b)~003JJb)(6) I PI_ ofDell/l: EPW Camp, a.&hdlid lntemational Airport, Baghdad., 1r8q Dllt1Time of AulOply: 13 July 200311 300 PiKe of AII1OpSy: MOJtUaf)', BagMad Inlcmrotional Airport, Baghdld.llWl Chu_taaca ofDeatb: The dee.cdcnt WU I 26 yev-old lTfIQ detainee who wu llr/lIted upon SlUpicion ofpouession or. pipe bomb on~J(6) 2003. He wu brought 10 the detention center on the BaJbdad lnlernltiond Airpotl Compound on:(b1(6jJ2003. He IqlOJlcdly hid I long hiSlolyofpulmonary tubm:ulosis~_w... evllUlled by a US mllilary physician upon urivl1 and provided treatmenL on(b}(6} 12003 II 1ppf'D1Iimitely OSOO, he was found In the detenlion eenler with a profUse lnIOunl ofblood emefJina from the nose and moulh. Resuscillrive efforts ~ 10 no nail and dCllh wu pronounced al appl'OlImUl!ely OS I.S on l(b){6) !2003. AlI.lhorizatloa for Autapsy: Regional Amled Forca Medical Euminer IdeaUnc.UOII: PW BrKelel and Tip CLINICAL DIAGNOSES: L Hcmopl)'Sis 2. Dc:ath in CUalody PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSES: A. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: I. Hc:rnoptysls:recondazy to Pulmonary TUberc:ulosis I. Cavitary ~ion of Left l.IInS b. Multiple Caseating Oranu1omata- Left Luns c. Blood Wilbin Tracheobronchial Tree d. Focal Consolidation- BllucraJ LunSS e. Biliten! Pleunl AdhcslOII!I B. CARDIOVASCULARSYSl'EM I. Pericardil1 Effusion- 30 (c. MEDCOM oooa ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 68 AUTOPSY REPOR.T ME!(b)(6) HUSSEIN, BASIM MOHAMMED 2 C. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM I. Absent Right Testic::le D. NO EVIDENCE OF SIGNIFICANT TRAUMA CAUSE OF DEATH: MASSIVE HEMOPlYS1S DUE TO CA VTfARY PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 0069 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 69 ~ HUSSEIN, BASIM MOHAMMED AUTOPSY REPORT M.I!{b)(6) 3 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION An autopsy WQ perfonned on thebody of(b){6) 'al the Baghd.ld International aiJport compound morpe, Baghdlld Iraq, 13th-day ofJuly, 2003. The bodywu anlhe thaI ofa well-oeveloped, thin, C..'CalOid male fUlly clad in gny pIlIlS and 1 tin shin. The body wu cold. Rlgorwas prtSCnllO In equal degree in all exllm1ities. Uvidity was present and f1l1td on the posterior surf-eet of the body, except in areas exposed to preuure. llIe J<:aIp hair was ba and strai&ht. Facial hair consUtcd ofl beard. The 1ri6es were brown. The c:omcae wen: clear. Theconjunctiva.e: were unrr:makable without petechiae. The sdetu were white. The external auditory eanabl were free of foreign material and abnonnal seaetiODS. Blood emerged fi'om lIIe exlemll nares and oral cavity. Thenualskeleton wu palpably inla<:t. The Hps were wilbolll evidmt injury. The teeth were natural and in poor eondilion. Exllllin.tion of the -* revealed no evidenccofinjury. The chest wu unn:mubble. No evidence of injury of the ribs or the IU>"nlllll was evidmtClllemally. 'The abdom~ was $ctphoicl. No healtd surgieaI JCIrI W(e noted. The eJllJemilie:s showed no evidence of li'a<:tures, lacenltiODS or defumtities. The fingernails were intact. No lSl100s Of needle traW WCR observed. The eJllemal FJlltalia were !hoseofa normal Bdult male. The posterior Ioqo wu without note. No evidence of medical thenpy was 1IOlcd. EVIDENCE OF INJURY: 'Theft is no evidencoofsignificantm:ent irljury. nm:BNAL EXAMINATION BODY CA vmES: The body was opened by the U!Ual thorw;l(Hlbdominal incision and the chest plate was removed. Extensive adhesiOTUl were noted wilhin the hemithoraces bilaterally. Fluid was present within the pericanlial laC as noted below. All body orpns wert praent in the nonnal anatomical position. The flIbc:utaneoll.l t'ttlayer of the abdominal wall was IIJ i~ thielt. Theft was no intemal evidence of blunt force or ~ ... liMiD.8 injury to the IhorKO-abdominaJ region. HEAD: (Central NCl'VOUf S)'IIem) Thesealp was reflected. The calvuiwn of the skull was 1'CII'I.0YCd. The dura materllld fallt cerebri were intact. Thue was no epIdural or subdural bemorrbap: present. The leptomeninges were thin and delicate. The c:o::rebBI hemispleres wefe symmetrical. The sll'uetures It the bose oflhe brain, ineludin, cranial nerves IrId blood vessels Win mtld. Coronal sc:etions lhroIIgh the cadJilI hemispheres revealed no lesions. Tnmm:ne sectiOns through the brain stem and coebdlum were unremarkable. The bnlin weighed 1800 grwnt. ". MEDCOM 0070 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 70 AUTOPSY REPORT MEl(b)(6) HUSSEIN, BASIM MOHAMMED " NECK: A fell'Ble layerwise diue<:tion ofllle neck was perfonned. Examination of the sol\ t i _ ofllle neck, incilldina strip mU3Cles, thyroid gllllld and Iqe vessels, revealed 110 llbnonnalities. The hyoid bone and IlIl')"l\lI .... ac illlle\. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The pericardia! .UIiaees were sll'lOOCh, glillming and unranarkable; the pericardia! sac: _ t«:c: of ~ons. 30 ce of clear green fluid w.. ptaelll in lhepericardial sac. The cororwy -nerie:s uose normall)', followed the usuaJ distribution and Wenl widely plIlml, withovt evidenceofsignifieant .thefOSClerosbor Ihrombosis. Thechamben and valves exhibiled the usual size-polition relationship and were lIllteIl'Iltkable. The myoeardi\llll was dark red-brown, finn andlUll'elllarbble; the atrial and vmtrievJu septa were imaa. The heart weighed 2050 gnuns. The llOrla and its majorbnnehes arose normally. followed the llSIlal OOIltSe and were widd)' patent, Uceofsignifieant athetoselerosia and other abnonnality. The venae c:avae and its major tribvlaries retIlmed to the heart in the lI4\IaI distribvtion and were &eeofthrombi. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The vpper airw.y was clear of debris. Blood was noted within the tnIebeobronehial ne, but the mucosal surfaces ...ere olherwi$e smooth and W\1'CIIlMkable. As noted above, elltensive adhesions were present in the hemithoRoc:s bilaterally. The right lung weighed 0500 Jnl1l.I and wu red-PIUJlle. No disc:me lesions were ooIed. The left IWJg a110 weighed SOl) pMIs. The lower lobe contained a 6 em c:avity with turroIIDding white, c:aseatingnodules ranlill8 in size from 2-05 mm. lite left upper lobe eonWned a simil.,." em cavity. These cavitier had smooth walls and conlained a small amount of blood. No diseme oonnoction with any vascular nructuR: was noted, but both eavities communicated with the tnleheobronehial tree. The pulmonary pll'CSlCbymaofthe left lung was red-purple. The puhnonuyuteries WCR; nonnaIly developclll, patent and without thrombllS or embolllS. LIVER AND BIUARYSYSTEM: The: hepatie eapsule was smooth, glisterUll8 and intact. oovmng dark red-brown, m~ely OOllgesled plIl'CfIchyma. with no f'oeaIlesions noted. The liver weighed 13050 grams. The p1lbladder contained 10 cc. of green-brown, mllCOid bile; IlIe mvOOA was velvety and unremarkable.. The extrahepatic biliary tree was patent, witholll. evidenoo of calculi. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM: The lOngue embited AO evideoce of recent injllf)'. The esophagus was li11ed by pywhite, smooth mucosa. 'The gastric rn\lOOll wulll'l'lllpd in tile IlSlJaI nip folds aDd the Ivmen OOlItIincd small amount of brown mucoid material. 'The small and luse bowel were vnremarkable. The parlemlll had a oormal pink-tan lobulated .ppeamaec and Ihe ducIs were clear. The _ppendilt was not identified. MEDCOM 0071 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 71 AuroPSY REPORT ME{b)(6) ~ 5 HUSSEIN, BASIM MOHAMMED GENrrOURlNARY SYSTEM: The renal eIIPfIIles Weft smooth and thin, semi·tn.nsparent U\d stripped with ease from the underlying SIl'IOOth, red-brown eonlcal surfeee. The eortex wu sbltply delineated fJom the medullary p}'l'MlKll, whieh Weft Ad'pulple to Ian and lIJIJ'ClIW'teble. The (Z/yces. pelves U\d umers were WIl'eITI&I'bbIe. The rip kidney weighed 140 grems; the left 140 if'Il1lS. The urinary bladder contained epprollimlltdy 10 oc of de... yellow urine; the mucosa wu r;rey.1an IlId smooth. The prosute g1111d lind seminal vesicles W~ without note. The right testicle WIS not identified. The left testicle wu etrliUll'Wie. RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM: The spleen had. rmooth, llllte! etpS\Ile eovaing red-purple, modmltely finn plIlllDc:hymt; the lymphoid follicles wen= 1IllmJl&lbb1e. The spleen weighed 120 grams. The regional lymph nodes eppearcd normal. ENIX>CRINE SYSTEM: The pituitary, thyroid and tdtenal gllllda were \JlIremukable. MUSCULOSKEL£TAL SYSTEM: Muso;:le development wu nannel. No bone or jointlbnormalities were noted other noted Ibove. Incisions Weft made into the 10ft t i _ of the bade: tnd lower utremities and no evidmoe of hemorrbeSC WIS noted. OPINION; This 26-yetr-old Irtqi maledicd u the result ofmusive hemoptysis (bl-'ing into the ttUbeobronchial tree) IS e rault ofeavitary pulmonary IUbereuloJis. Then= is no evidmee ofsignificant trauma. The elI11SC ofath is MASSIVE HEMOPTYSIS DUE TO CAVrrARY PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. The manner ofdellth is NATURAL. (b)(6) MEDCOM 0072 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 72 'Ibis wu a ease that I did while J was in Bqhdlld. NelS took the fOx sample! for shipment back to the AFIP. HOWllYCr, when I called !be 'fox lab ycstcnIay, they said that thcynev«reccived the speclmcns. I do ootlhink that toJt is erucW to (be cue, but It would be helpful. Could tomeonc ch«t; with lOX one last lime to confirm that It ii, in fact, not Ibcrc? If the IIp<<imcnsncvermlOc it, then tho c:asc is reilly 10 10. MEDCOM 0073 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 73 (b)(6) _-_ __ -.._....--- --_ . '---_._. -........ , . ... a;.... OCuIOf Mu" _~"Ar! _ ........ /11_ _11..-._" ~mlllt'd.""""'" :T8 Buim. ........ _'" . -,~ ",'rlq _'0 0 0 .......... 0.., _-......-- - __-- -- -- -_.._- _...... -..... _.. _.....""--... _ ..... ----_---...----_ -.......""............_=........."'. . . " " __. _ .._,.,. ,.--..-- -_ _ .... . -. -'''-....._....-_OC-. . . . -. ........_. _ .... _ .. -..... -..... _- ...------__. ---_.x _ c"e ~- = 0...... _ -'tIT"'T ~.- 0- "..._00___ ... ... <C.<T ... _ ... ~ .-. " -"".TATbOVtT e-- ... _ _ _ _ _ _ ................. ... .....'" _.~ '-~"- Ma$EMlIMmc4A,... due 10 111bercu\ _"" ...... . .-00_...... ...• ~. I OMNO_ ...~ _ p""" ........'" '''',"._0 _ _ _"' .... x -- • ,~ """.~ _~OQo'J ... (b)(6) _ .. _ _ ._ ..;;;,r-_ ~ --- •• n Jul2003 - ....' ..... 10 .-- -~-~ .... __.- _..__ 1-...._ ..._· _ .._ .. . -- a '--_.. ......_._-_ . __ . _-,--_ . ---..,.( _---_ .... ,_,_.._ ......._ ... _..... ..._.. ..-.-......- _.... _..__._--_.__-_._ ....- ..._.~{6J2003 1;;;--'·' ~ •___.._ ... ____..._0.'_'.....-....,____......___ h l _ ... _ _ ..... _ , , _ _ .. _ .. _ ...... _ .. , .. _ _ _ _ _ -"'..... (b)(6) I """ "" ...... """- (b)(6) ~.- , I ~if1/t:J -(b)(6) ... ~ ~,~ <J ... DD,'3:".. 2 - ~ _ _ ... -..._,_._... _ .. _ ........................-..n. MEOCOM 007.. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 74 -_ . r(b){6) 01' OU'''' 10VnnA5) --,_ ......... '" ._ ... ...... ..... _. ...,......... 10-..»../ -"---""- - •••«,..........__• -- _..... 8T8 WAIHO. ABDUL ... X c...._ •• til ..." _ ....... - .-•... -_..._. .............. _... _-....... ", - '... ..... ..........__ .,." .......... -- -...........,_., <_.- "M.._ , •....0:=', X U/<IKNOWN ' ..".... .........""....., _......... _. _.0_.. .' _._. .__."._-'-'-_.''''. . .. _ ...... ":' _- ..., ...... ,..... ..... "'"' . ..... ',._,"_M ........ __..._ ot''''~ -." <....... - " - . ••- - . _ •• _, ~ 0_. ••• '. 0 . -. . . _ , ,_....._,,_..... .'~ o. ....... .......... c_ _ _ .1l ..._ ••• 0·....., ' - ...... ... --_. ... _. -' ......,. -,., --............. .._--- _ _..- ...._.. _.M'..__....... ... FGHANf!IT... N •• -"' ......... " ..,,_. _ ... w<_•• _ . ,. " _~ ". IlFGH... NIST...... CIV1U"'i'I _. _"',,_, •• MVL·rWLt.: IlLUI" I' t'()llCt.: Ir<JUllltiS COM PLICATED BY PROBABLE RIlABDOMYOLYSIS -__- '''''''''.' .. - . . -._. .._4...."'...._ ..... ...... ,.< - _ ..... - .... _. - . . ...... c....... _. _-_. __._ ..........-----_., _.-_ - ........ _" ._.. ..... _ ....... c.-"'l"" .......... e-o- ....... - -- n. ..._ _ . . ."'. . . . _ _............ 0_..... ... .... """"'~_ .......--,,-,""-...t.':'! (b){6) (b}(6) X ... 1""13 NOV 2003 ..... _.. • " ' . '. . . . . .0 .... ......... ...-.;... "'" ~ '~I~"""'no IIELMAHD PROVISCE. AFGH...NISTAi'I .- ..-- ·~i6n~n'~';; T."_.J_... .... ............ ...-_.-.-.oo __ .... ,,_._........... _.....__ .. ," .............. "" ..__ ...... .. ""_........., _ .......<><e.-•.,"'" ,... _."..._.__ ......... ...., ..,_ " ••_ ... _ ....... ___ ,n-- _ _ _ ._. _ 'H~. - ... - - . . . ____ a -." - (b}(6) (b)(6) r........._ ..._ _.. -- D~"'D •.'" ~'D ~J~' n _J .~..,u ct . . . . .- . ~ ~ ~'ii'MWFORW-REGiONoO.L "lEDICIlL EX ...MIi'lEII .. .. •.., ,,~ -------_ ...... ......... .. _- ........ .....__ ......... _ .... . .........._....-- ..... . ......... _.' . .,. (b)(6) lJ NOV -~- , ~-- .~ ......._- ~ llJ(l.) ....... ~--."'.: -~~_ ~- -- -_.~_ _.~-.--~_ _.~--,._---_ 00 FORM 206_. APR 1977 _, _.~_.~._~-- ~, "'~ ....... -., ~ ........... MEDCOM 0075 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 75 Office of the A~med Force, Rellional Medical Examiner LandJtuhl Reglonall\ledkal Center LlndJtulll, GE· APO AE 09180 nSN (314) 486-678In492 Cnmm OOt 49 (O) 6371 86 6781n492 nNAL AUTOI'Sl' I~EPORT (Addclldum) Autops)' No.: (b)(6) IhnklSVC: CIV [)elainee Org: EPW Place or llcalh: Nasirirall, Ir.uj I'raee of Autop!)': Talil./rnq !Il"utlgalh'e A~cne)': NCIS Name: Hlllnb, Nndem Sadooo SSAN: (b)(6f ] Date or ntrtll:IIN"Date or Deallltlb)(6) 103 DlIIenrAutorJY: IOJUNOJ lJat~ or Reron: 22 OCT 03 of Oealh: Dccl-uenl Is a rtpone\! 52 ylo Iraqi Male, Civilian Detainee. who W:IS fOlln\! unresponsive oUlside in I50latiol1 a' Whildlllrse detainment facilily: Nasiri~·ah. Iraq. l-Ie \Vas pronounced al 1230 hours. CirtumSIBnte,~ - Authoriullon Cor Autop,y: Omce oflhe Am....,J FOfecs Medical Examiner, IA W 10 USC 1471 Identiflcalion: Visual =ogni,ion: fingerprin,s:1I1<.1 specimens for DNA oblail1ed Cause I>f Dealh: Slrangulalioo Manner oC "ellth: Homicide I r~lId, neck and lor50 injurics: I. Right hyoid bonc fracture with lISSOl;ialCd n:ee11l hemorrh'lile 2. Rib rrucl\l~s; rillhlllnlcrior 4-7, left anler;or 4-S 3, Cont\L~inns: mid abdomen, b:lek and hUllocks c~tending 10 ,hc left flank 4. Abra~ions, lalernl buttoch Extremi,y injuries: "("""<") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Contusions, back of legs and I;lIee~ 2. Abl11Sions; kllCes, left fingers and encircling left wris, J. l.~ecr:ll;ons and SUf>Crfidal euls, ri~ht 4" all\! S" fiollers Tosieulol:Y: NCIl~lj\,(' MEDCOM 0076 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 76 ·1(b)(6' Hatab, N.dtlll SadOOD OpIDlo.: Based on these lUtOpSy findinp and thI= investilWiRIDd llisIorical information Ivailable to~. this believed to be 52 ~old MUe.(b}(6} ~died as. result of asphyxia <lICk ofoxygen 10 the Inin) dllC ID strm\iulation lllI evidenc:ed by the recently frIctured hyoid bone in the neck with soft tissue bcnl()ulLlge ntcnOin& downwardllo the level of the nihl thyroid cartillae. A1lbollJh thI= riihl nopo:rior hom of tile thyroid Qrtil. _ palpably intact prior to excision, an underlyine hairline frad1lJe CIlIIlCIt be entirely ruled out Additional flndings It autopsy Include blunt force Injuriet, predom1nlntJy n!eerll contusiOllll (bfuj1lQ), on the lOttO and lower exllUiJties. The abrasions cneirclil18 the left wriSl Ire CONIisteal with the Il3t of 1Ul:r1.iDts. There is 110 evideoce of defenx Injuries or lIlIlW1II dileue. The llIc:ohoJ detected on toxicologic lUl&lysbl is most likely due to poatmortcm procIuetion. 1be IlWIIler ofclclth in my opinion is hcmicide. This is the sccood Iddendwn ~ The finl addition has bo:n made to reflect the pCSCnte or, HOOIld Forensic Patholop at autopsy who eoneun with the findiogs and opiDiom listed In !hill report. O!l the IMlCODd addendum. report, changes Ire made 10 clarify the ducriplions of the Iuynx in the Internal E:umination and Eviclence of Injury SectiOIlll. Ori&iMJ sipd. on filo l'b)(6) _ __ J AltMED F01lCU REGIONAL MEDICAL £XAMINER MEDCOM 0077 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 77 (b)(6) 'IlATAa,NADEMSADOON L POSTMORTEM EXAMlNADONi A. GENERAL: The poillll()l1e.lll QlmiDllioa iJ performed.1 Tl.!il Air e-, bq. The.woDIY i. ptdonned b)' Fornc PJlboIoabt(b)(6) (b)(6) the Armed F _ RelrbIaI MedIci.! EnmlJ>er (AFRME). Alliltinc in tbt .utoplI)' ~ i1(b)(6) FOfeIISk AuiIwlI. The .lItopI)' is witnessed by Specil.! Apt (b)(6) IN.vl.! Criminallnvestiption Saviee.. Additional witne8::s u .utopsy Include'(b)(6) Forensic Palbolotist. The autops)' Is ttarted U appl'OlIimalely 050(1 hours. B. PHQIQGBAPHYj Photogiapbs arc taken by(b)(6) aDd (b)(6) (b)(6Uand are on file inlbc Medical Pboloaraph)' SectJon, LandstuhI Regional Medical Center, LandstubJ, Cknnany. C. AUfHQRlZADONj The autopsy b autboriud by the Anned F _ MedicI.! Examincr1lllder TItle 10 U.S. Code, Scetion 1-471. with an SF 513 sipod by lhc AImed Foteet Reaiona1 MedieI.! Eum1ncr, appointed ~pl:scl'wive. D. IDENTIDCAUONj The remains arc praumptivel)' idmtiflecl viJuall)' by N.m Criminallnvestiption A,entll and IUthotlllcs U lhc Whitehonc det.inment r-:lIlt)'. Spcc:1rnens ror DNA a.nI.!ysiJ are obtained. Eo _WCAL BlCORD BE\'IEW! MedieaJ and dental l'llCords Ito not .vail.ble ror~iew. O. GROSS AtlIOPSY FINDINGS: A. QeQDflNG AND 'WON"'" Emrnj The remalnl are prennled ror Illtopsy UDcIothed with no IICCOmplll}'inlil dothina or pcl'OnIJ effcclll. B. timBN..... EXAMINATIONj The remaillll are tlIosc ora well developed, well IlOIIrisbed 'PPAI'Cllt mid4le CIIlem maJe or.venae bulld thallppcarl compallblc with the listed aac 0(52 years. 1.cnIiItit IJ approxlmald)' 691nehcs. The bod)' ahoWi JlliIJU of modmae dceompo!litlon II evldcneed b)' pcn!nlil and darkcnlnlil o(thc Jkln. bloat\Da. IIIGbIlIl& Ik1n sllppqe and SCVCl'l: vixcralllUlol.ysls. Injuries ate described below bl the Evidence of lIljury Section. RIGOR: Puxd. LIVIDITY: rUled, faintl)' vlliblc on the postetior dependent JunlCCS. TEMPERATURE: Thal orlbc nlfiiption umL MEDeOM 0018 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 78 , SKIN: Unremarkable excepl for deeompoJition changes IlI'Id evidence ofinjwy ~bed below in the Evidence of lDjury Scetion. HAIR: SlfIigbl black-gray hair, up to 'h inches in length COYef3the bead. FlCill hair a)lISiJb ora short JrIY beard. The remaining body hair. the color oftbe black head hair, ill in , normal .,;Iult male diltribution. HEADlSCALPIFACiE: The lad it normocephaJlc, and except for decomposition chanae-lnc1udlnalllppage, the IICIIp It inlW. and the fll(:ial faltures an: normally ~loped. EARS: Unremarkable. EYES: Brown irides SIlmlUlId .. mID pupils. The &Jobes IlR dried and flmened. The co_am mildly clouded 1Illd!he telen.e an: prmominanlly while. The (l)njunctiVllC an: UIUl:mIrltablc. There it no evidence ofpclCChile. NOSE: Well formed and UIIIl:I1lIllublc Cltecpl for postmortem artiraet. MOtrrHfLlPS; UlIJelDIfbblc. i".. TEETH: Dentition is in fair~. NECKICHEST/ABDOMENIBACXlANVS: Except (or injurics described below In the Evidence of Injury Section lIIld decompositillll changes, unremarkable. The abdonlCll if; bla.led &nd protuberant EXTERNAL GENITALIA: NolTllllldult ciltumelsed male with bilaterally de'cended testes. There i5 prominent serola1 blostina. ARMSIBANDSIn:NGERNAlLS: UnmnIIlbblc exeepl for injuries dacribed below in the Ev>denceoflnjury Seetion and ck«Imposition dunees. The fmaemails an: short. irregular yet intact. LEGSlFEETrrOENAlLS: UIIJCIDmbbIe, except for injuries described below in the Evidence of InjW')' Soetlon and decomposition chanaa. , MEDCOM 0079 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 79 .. {b)(6) HATAB.NADEMSADOON C. IJfI"EBNAL~AD2lt BODY CA vmu: The body h opeued by the IISIIa1 Y-thaped incision. The pleural wid pecilor-llurfaoes arc ImOOtb IIld dusky. The pericardiWTI b 1WUJlll'bb1e. Tbere arc no ftbro...,.,l[.r IIdllulOtll or IbnamW collectlClnll of fluid excep foc I modende amount of~ition fluid. The mediurinwn IOd ,etloperitoneuzn show no Cllemortem lbnonnIlitln. The aves of I!le ~ ue lnllellOd I!le orpns ue norttlIlly dilpOSCld. HEADlCENTRAL ~RVOUS SYSIl:M: Reflection of the xalp 1bowI!he IISUII ElftC:red reflection pele(.blIc:. The calvarium b intIet. Remov&I of !he calvarium sbows l!le epldtnIlS*C 10 be nlXnll1. No ooUcc!iom or.ubdwal 01' .ublnclmold blood ue evidenL The tnUI is removed in tbe . . . 1IlIilnC:f. Marked.oftenizIJ IIId dbeotoration due to decocnpo,llion ptKlodet: definilive CVllIlltiQCl. No IIbnorm1lilia arc otherwise identified. The base of!be skull b 1JIIl'emIttIbk HECK: Eum1nItlon of!he 10ft tisIues oHIle ned: WId lnlcmal .trucnrcs by I RpInIc. blooclleu llyecwi_ di'-1iOllIeva1s!be hyoid bone frlctureand ·noel·tnt 10ft ~ bemonhap delCribed below in the Evidence oflDJury Scaion. No nonln1IlllItie IbnomWitla arc io:leDtIrlCd. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Thehealt ill ofnomW 1ize1l'lddJape. The epielrdium is ill!6Ct and 1JtftCIIIIbble. The c:hImbcn demoMtnte !be IAI1 .tIIpe and confiacntfon..nth no a:rou hypeilnlllly. The 00f0IlIr)' IC'Ieries Ire IIOmIIlly disposed wid I!lere it no I1beIotc:IerosiJ. Marbd 1UI01)'llc: cbInaa prulude .rlClilive ev&luatiQil. No cvldeoce ofn-rural dUeilte or injury i, identirlClC!. ThelaOrtl folloWIII!le IISUII c:oune and exAlbill no IIlberotelerosll. The orip of the IDIjoc ~ I~I, ue oocmalIy di~ and UIlC'mlIdtIble. Tbe 1J'C'.l_1s o f _ retum ue in !be lIAII1 position UId """""""'''' R!S'IRATORY SYSTEM: The IIryrm, IndIeI, UJd bronc:h1l1bow no IIOIHmrmItie lbnormIIilia. Jlljlaies Ire dacribed below in !be EYidencc oflqjury SeettOD. The ri&bt ICld left IUDIf Ire normLIly UIIped with IlO nidence ofllltUrl1 eli_Ie on eut IDetiGal MIIbd lIutol)'tie cblnaa preclude dd'lClitive evI1ll1tioo. HE'ATOBIUARYS\'S'I'I:M: The liVCl'DOfnorml1 size and shape. IlbBll IlDOOCh, dusky tapRlie. Cut aurfacea sbow !be USIII1 anaromie landmarb with I dII\; biowu-pc:ell pIraICb)1llL MIrbd "0 H1'p"ition IDd autolytic dllnaet preclurk deftnitlweva1uation. The plIb11dda' it empty. Except for dcg)mposilion ebuaa no abnorm&liliet arc kknliflCl1 INI'ESTINAL TRACT: lbe phIryrm aDd e:Klp/lIjplJ arc urumlIrbble. The fIOlDICh lIet in the IlOC'm&1 pGlition Uld eootain:r Ippr'OximlleJy 20 1111 of dicit bra_ fluid withlNt. (ood plrtie1ca. tab)eu. eIIl'u1a or raidues. Elleepl fOC' deem:Dposiuon chanaes. the PDa11 bo_lmd lIrJe bowel are \IClI'CI!IIlbb1e. lbe appendix;" unmnubble. , MEOCOM 0080 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 80 (b}l6) I14TAB, NADEMSADOON LYMPHORETlCULAR SYSJ'EM: The Ipleen is of IlOfTD&! siz:c aDd _lam trill is unraDIIbble except for dec:ompositioo dIa/IaCS. The thymus is not idcntil\ed. Lymph ~ where viJU&lIzo:l show no nocabk pIlholo&it ~ URINARY SYSTEM: The ri&tlt aDd left ~ ue ofnonnal$ize and _ipL The ~ are anoolll and dull with lIIIrtcd decompo.itionaI dJanga prcchxlill. definitive cYIIIllIliOft of tile ..,eac:h)'lllL The pdver and ureters are 1IDr'emII'bb1e. The bllddu It empty. cortical INTElU\lAL GENITALIA: The proIlIle I. palJ111bly unremaftable. On tut Jcdions, lhe lUtes Jbow no Ilbnormal m CI or evldcnte ofmJury. ENDOCRINE SYSlT.M: Except for mIIbd 1U101)'Ii. tile pltuitary,lhyroid., .wu.ab, and pMtteU show tile ~ Ulltomit Ceatulel wi~ evIdcntc of IWlInlI diJax 01' injwy. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: FtIlelWa areduttibed below in die Evidence ofllljury lCdion. Extept for 1lJI01ysia, Jlceleta! musc:1e Oemonscnllc:s the oormaI ................ The bone and bone IIlImIW, wtIeR vilU&l.i7.ed, is IIDI'emaIb.b1e. D. mDENCE Qr MEPICAL TBf.ATMlNTi None. £. EYJDIENCE QPlNJJlR)'i Multiple b1l11Jt and sharp force illjurieJ: (I) HEAD AND NECK lJ'(JURIES: LOn inla1lal ulplio"ion tile diJW riallt portlOft of tile hyoid bone 11 palJ111bly and vbibly ~ wilh prom.inent &DOCiatcd rucnt hemotidll&eextendina do'NTlWUlh 10 tile -oft IbJua of the ri&hl thyroid earli• • !'be rilht superior hom of\he: thyroid tartilqe iJ palpably iDtatL (2) TORSO IN'JUIUES: L Extema! eumirllltion; I[ 6 ira. inqular red-purple contUIIlon is cenkred oyer the wnbiliCWI 00 the mid Iowoer abdomen. On the mid lowert.ek is. ) II: 'I. indl elonpJed red-purple contusion. A 2 II: I inth irrqular abraion bon the left Qn!be ri&ht laIenl buttoc:k, i.a 4 II: <4 illth irTepIar abnslon willi \he: ruqestion oca "brush bum" pattern. A <4 Y. 11:) indl irRplar red-purple contusIon i. on the left poItl:l'O-lalefa1 butlOtk. Qn Ihe left lower posterior-lltenl1 buttotk i.a Y. inch ifUleIt dimcnlion abrasion. An' nant. b. On Intem&1 examination the ribs are htfll«d with _iated haDorrhq;e .. CoIIOWJ: Rlaht utenor 4_7; left IlIlterior 4-'. 0) EXTREMITY INJURII:S: A 2 II: ( Inch red-blue Irreaular cont\lIion i. on the left uteriOl' armjust above the elbow. On the left Y.Ti1t, a diJconllnlIOUI fotaIly ~ Inch thltk abralon enelreleJ the writt. Small II. ineh Im:aular abruioos are on the prom.ine~ortbe diltalltft pballlll;ealjoints oCtile fiJ'1t and Iel:OfId f1naaa. • MEDCOM 0081 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 81 Jb1l6' J IlATAB, NADEM SADOON SuperfICial, predominIDtly linear euts and inegular healingleecnltions, Y, to I" &mIlest dimension, arc on the 4"'" $do fillF" oftbe riabl hand. Multiple lneauIar abruiolll in ~IatiOD with red-purple cootullions QClveJ boIb anterior knees. The bKk of lhe left knee has patchy, irTegulu blue·purple oontIlSions iOlSSOCiation wilh. 3" 8JUlesl: diJnension inqular dark blue-purple COIItlUloo. On the b-=k of the left Upptf lhi&h is. 7 lI: 1 ineh red-purple COJJtIUion with prominent mbcutIneous mxI perirnutCulat llemontlatle. On the back of the mid thigb is I 3 x I inch im:suJar red-purple lXlotusion with auociated $\lbeutaoeous he:monilqe. The ript upper !hip has I 6 inch grate:st dimension im:gular-purpJe cootuskm with .,oociated subeutaneollll hemOl'Thl&e extendina; to the perimuso:ular area. 8enealh this just ,bo;m: the back of Ihe ript knee II • 3 x 2 incll itrtgulu red-purple coDlUSion. On the of the riab! lateral ankle is • Yo indl ineiWar ll1ipl!)' ~ed abnsion. III. MICROSCOPIC EXAMlNADON: Not performed due 10 damaae resultin& from decompollitional pses ...d xwte themW artir.:t during cransport. m- !V, TOXICOLOGy: Samples ofblood, urine aod Dlllples of liver and kidneys are.wbmitkd for tOllicoloaic mWysis It the Armed F = Medical Examiner', FotelIlIic ToxieolOi)' Laboratory, Armed ForteS Institute ofPalholosy (AFJP), WuhinlJlOll. DC: JI,(bj(6)lAugust 2003. AFIP Ac:ces$ion No.: (b)(6) See au.ehed report. v. 9TIWl PRQCEDUP'S AND snclAL STUmM; None pcrfonned. VI. EVIDENCE; None coJlceled. 1 (b)(6) 15 SEP 03 L .. ~ ARMED FORCES REGIONAL MJ:DICAL EXAMINER , MEDCOM 0082 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 82 . . .ot_____ _. __ _"'_(ll_.., CIlml'ICATl! O' DUoTN"'''''U&U; ---- =:..-~ ..-- l'O){6) ~. lll- - 0-.. . - _Ito"" ..."'" -~ _ ~';... tim '"'101'~0I'''' I~""-"i{i--'-~ _.- -..--- -- I::::"' ~~ - - _.- _ .. _--...Plr JillT1\!:>, tJAE:lr\ ~ !-'·co",", -.........""-..... 0"",",,, _.. _-- -,_. .Jf\f\l)l ~-~- ....~_.- 1......""--............"'..- \...._ - - .".,. .. ou... _ 0 . - ... .._ _ ... _ ="'"-~ --- ,·......_.=.'... 00iUl,..· ..,...",. r, _._- ..",> '::--:~~~}"-~=~'~dF-~ __.~~_!lD b l(b}(6} '"'_... __........ ro~~· , r 6 "" I fU ou... _ ,.--~_ ~ . -. ~ __ ......- _.- .. -,,-"~~-~ .. _ _ .-.<rtD_,__ t . . - ... ".·...,-. MEDCOM ..0083 .~~---_.- ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 83 ARMED FORCES INS'J1TVTE OF PATHOLOGY Ollke .fdle Anaed F _ Mtd6W t.u.lMr 141) Researeh BM, Bid&- 102 Rockvilk, Me 20150 1-IOl).944-7912 fINAL AUTOPSY REPORT 10 number: (b)(6) Autopsy NO,:(b)(6) Af1J'No.:(b)(6) NImC: FaIlId, Mobus Altmwe Rcpoeted Name: {b)(6) SSAN:Dla ~ofBIrdr.: (b)(6) 1979 (pcr rocords) 12004 Daleof~b)(6) DaleofA~: 2INOwm~2~ D8tt of RcpoI1: 14 ~h 2005 R..ank: Civilian PI.:eofDwh: Inq Plaee of Autopsy; Dover MB, Dover, DE CUallUtNleet of Oat.: This 2.S yell' old flIlle civilian, preIUIl1Cd lraq national, dial while in US eustody in Inq. By report, he _admined to the ~taI,1 the 8«fihdtd Centlal Confinement Facility with seUures m;\ tsthmt on 12 Nowmber 2004, requirina aD limeI'pIlt lraCheoItomy for airway sttbiliDlion. He was plleed on 1ei7:ure prophylaxis and su.bili~ for severa.I days. Duriol prepmt.tion for transfer bWt to the camp, tie had a gencrallzed tonic clonic seizure and went illlOcardiec UTeSC. CPR was uosuc:ceuful, and he was proDllunccd dud. By report, he had been in a flllhijih hQ,pitlll for previOL1ll ~. ForcompJde cllnic&l decalls, p1_ refer 10 the medIcal reeonla. AutboriutlOD for AlltoP')': Omc:. oftb, Al"llltd USC 1471 F.~ Mtdkt.1 Esalllilltr, lAW 10 Ideatiflaltioll: Visulll, per'detention ftclllty IeCOtW; postmortcm fingerprints and DNA profile obtained. CAUSEOFDEATH: ANltMyocardltll MANNEROF DEATH: Nahlra! MEDCOM 0084 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 84 AtrrOrsY REPORT(b)(6j FAHAD.MoIl... 2 FINAL AtTrOrsY DIAGNOSES: I. Ac:ule myocarditi. (Cardiovucular PIlboloiY coJUllIWion) L M~piully, ae:ute myoc.ardltit i. focal myocyte iitiCtUiil and interatitial infllmmalOry lnll.ltntt, ri&hl veotriele b. 390 am heart i. Focal modaale COIOIlIIY a!hal:llel_il, ain&Je veud dilcac I. 60% lumina! I\IITOwina of proaimailelllUl!erior descmdinl an~ by patholOJie intimal thkkeninl U. Clinical hiJIory of"Sdzura" (Neuropatholol)' COIIIUltation) L &, 1400 P (Bas gm fixed) b. MietWCOpically, global hyPOxlc·lJdIernie injllf)' (NoIHpecific: findinp) i. &linophitie ~t.m and IWl:lear hyperchromuia II'Id pyknosis in buaI zan&Ji, bippoc:MIpII rormatiOll, bniD atcm wi c:cnbellwn, aDd in a paeudollrllinar diflribution inlhe cerebral w"'" ii. Focal pett.ehiallemormaF in bralTlltall iii. m. MeniJlaeaI conaeation Clink&1 hlstOl)' o("Aslbma" (pulmonary PatholOiY consultation) L Vuculan::onption oflunp: rigblluna630 Pi. left luna '20 am b. Mle:tOllXlpieally. mild eban&etJUqutiVCl but IlOI diaplOltic: o(ul!una (reac:live airway ditelae) i. Airway buc:meol mc:mbrIIM lhickenlna il. focal gobld edl rndIpluia and 1lIuc:ua plua&in& iii. No lipific:ud -mophIliaOf lIlI'Iooth muxle hyperplui. IV. No evidmc:e oflianific:ant injury L MinorconhiliOlll o(the riaht lhiah b. Healilll puatulca of rilbt IJ'IlI IUId left bultoek e. No intmlal ovldence oftrlllm. V. No evidenc:eoff'llllrainl VI. TOJIic:olol)' (AFIP) .. VoLatilea: Heart blood tnd bile neptive. b. Dl'up: Blood neptive (or ICftCMd medicatiOJlll &lid dnJp o( abute MEOCOM 0085 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 85 AUTOPSY REPORTI<b){6) J FARAD, Molt... The body is IhaI oCa wel~loped, well-nourished C"'Cq;'ll nWe elM in' cut yellow OM-piece jumplUit uwi a pair o(blue pepct' shotts. The body weigba; 220 poIlIlds, is 6g" in bei&hl mel appears consistent with the rqIOrted age 0(25)UtL The body is initially reee:ivecl fi'ozen and is 1bawed prior to altos-)'. Rigor baa disaiparcd. and the body is f1M:cid once thawed. Lividity is pre:aenlll'ld fixed OIl the poIlerior surface oftbe body, except in _ cxpoeed to ptamre. There is ml marbliDg oflbc: extn:milies. The scalp is oovCRd with dark brown hair averagiog 3 an in leugth. Facial hair consUlf of I dariI; mustache and dark beIrd. Tbciridelmbrvwn.and the oorneaemlUghUycloudy. The selene and oonjuncnv.e m pale and free of~bl.e The carIobe. m not pien:cd. Theexteml1 auditotyc:anall, exlems.l_ and cnl cmtymliee offorc:ign material Mel abnorlnal secmiolW. The nIA.I skctel:on Is palplbly intICt. The l.ipIIlIl'e wilhout evident inj\D)'. The leeth llI'e Mtms.I with extensive b y and caries evident. The nedt is miabl JDd the tm:hea is midline and mobile. The che5t illI)'IlUllClric and well d~1oped. No injury oftbc ribs or sternum is Mdmt atcrnaIly. The abdomen is prolUberam: and 110ft, with nlllllCrolll striae. Healed aqical tcarI of tile Ibdomc:ll arc not noted The exlmllitiea .re well dOYdoped with llOmlII range of11XI1ion. The finFnails arc inlJd. The soles oflhe feet II1l cs!1Ol1.1Cd and hypakmtotic. There isalll 0'"' em Je#Dn the left kDcc. Tau- arc DIlt noted. and needle lnl:b are IIllt obs«ved. Tho exlernal pitalia arc thole ofa nonnaI NIulI ciroJmeised male. The testes are deaccndccI and he of mases. The pubic hair is ptCICIlt in • lIO!mal cIlstribution. The buttocb Ind JIlllJ are """""""', EVIDENCE OFTRERAf)' Tbctc ila pi_ ofwhi~ tape wilh puze c:.owrina .!JKheoItorny incilion on the lower IItterior upeet oflhc lIClCk.. There is III en60IJICbeallUbc in place, protruding from !be mouth. There II'C needle ~ marb wilh .nocilll...t llCChym0JC8 of\he bilateral lllteeubilll fossae JDd on the lid oftbc leA band. Thm ill, clusterofneedlc p~ I1'IIIts in the left fnauina1 rqpon. There is JIl inttaveaous catheter in the rilhl inguins.l regilm, teelftd. with bid:: 1UlUl'e5. There are five Jdhesive EKG tJbs on the body, two on the upper right anterior ISpCCI of the. chest, one on the upper left IIltcrior ISpCCt of tile chest, 0lICl on the lower ripl anterior apect oftbe chest, md one on the lower left lllterior upect of the Jbdomen. There are IWO adhesive dcfibrillstor pads on the body. one on the anterior leA mid upect ofthechc5t JIld OIIeOllthe mid left sicleofthe bJdt. 1'hero is noolba" evMIcnccofrnedlcal intervention. EVIDENCE OF IJ9UBY The orderinl ofthc following injwies is lOr descriptive purposes only and is nol intended imply ordCl" of infliction or rel,tive severily. 10 MEDCOM 0086 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 86 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 'ARAD, Mob_ ~ iJ. 4 II: 3 ern red eC:lDtIliioDon the lower IatcBl aspect ofllle riJht thip. and Itlore is • 4 II: 3 em red confIIlIioa with ecnrnI pallor on IlIe lower medial upcet onlle riihl lhiJh. la:idon oflhe pin over tbeIe eoatudonl reveala .1mIJ1 amouDl ofllemontlq. wilhin the tubcul&nfDUI adipoK Ii~ but 110 deep injlU)'. TheR iJ • 0.3 x 0.2 em healing auJI 00 the _It of the rip upper IItlI, and lherc iJ • O.S x 0.3 em hcaJing pusrule on the net!llerllaspeet oflbe left buttock. 011 intermJ aaminltion oftbe bead, dleIt and abdomen, theR ia no evidence ofillillf)'. BODY CAYJlDSj The body is opetw;d by the \11II&I thlnco-Ibdomina indaion and tbe chat pille ill mnoved. No Idhcaiona or abnonnal eollec:tiooa of ftuid me pteIaIl in Uly of the body caviliw. All body orpIW me pruent in the IIOrmalllll1Omic.ll poaitiOll. The w:rtebnI bodiQ me viaibly and palp1b1y intICt. The 1lUbe! l'Il • of the IbdominaI wall I. 8 em llIklt. 1'bcno is no internal evidmce of blunt I"oR:e 01' paKtlItinl injury to the thofat:o-abdonUlIII region. HEAD; (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) 'The ICalp ia reneded, and then iI no IUbpleal "hc:r~rrlili"""d. .. Of akuIJ helurel found. The calvarium ofthe skull iI ~ The din. mater and falx eeftIbri me inlIct. Then= iI no epidllnll or subdural !Iernorma&e praent. 'The Iepto.ncaitlp me thin and deLiclte. 1110 caebioapinal 8uid iI elCII. The brain is dIrkIy dilCOlonld limn decolllpo.Jtionai chan,. The cerebpJ hemiapheta InI aymmetrical. nw IIlNcIula at the buo of"'e brain, lneluding erWal nerws lIIId blood 1Ic.e!&. an: inllCt. The Inin \a fixed in forrnalln prior 10 aubmisGon to NeuropatholoJ)' for aec:tioning. The dun I. Ilripped &om the hllilv mil, and DO Ii'JenlnlI; an: fouml 'The a1IIntG-acc:ipital joint ia _10. The brain weighl IAOO 8fIID&. Sec "NcutopIlbology Repon~ below. NECKi Enmm.tion of tile 10ft tiullCl of lhe reek, irw:11ldina ItrIp muaelcl, th)'lOid gland and lalJC v.-Ia. ~~ no abnomWitiea. The anterior strip 11111II:1. . of tho neck an: homogeneoua and red-brown, without ~ The thyroid carti. and hyoid bone ve inueI. The larynx ia lined by inlat:t white mllOD&a and ia: lIlIlIbalruded. The th)'Oid gland 1I1)'M1ecric: IlJd ral-brown, without eyade 01' llllduIar chanJe. There ia no evidence of infettion. tumor, or lrltona, nI the airway i.I palenl Inciaioo. and diasection of the poaterior neck demonatntel no deep paneel'Yieal muamJar injlll')'. hcmoniulp, or rr.aurea of the dorsal lpillOlll pfO(: :.1eI CAl\DIOYA.$CVLAR nS'UMi The perieudiaI aurfIIca '"' amoolh, &lisIenina and IlllrefIWbbIe; 1be perieardial Me i. he of sjpfiellll fluid and adbefiona, A modctate IIIIOIlIlt of epieanflal filII plaCI\t. The bevt is fixed in romwin prior 10 aubmiuim 10 e-diolluc:utar PIlboJosy fQ'" Illetloning. The aoltll and ils Dl*jor brI.DebeI ariIClIIlmlaIly, follow the uAIII courte and are widely palelI1, he or aipifleanl athaoIelerolia Md othet abnolmality. The _ cavae and their ~ MEOCOM 0087 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 87 AltroPSYREPORTl b )(6) PAHAD,MobUl ,... , tribu1lriel rtftlm 10 Ibc hcIrl in lbc IlIUII diJrribution IIld "" he of thn:Jmbi. The hllIrt weigbl390 anma. See ~ PlIlI"*'iT R.c:port"beIow. "i$l"IBAIORX SysTEMi The upper aifw.y is cleaT of cIcibriJ IIld foniJII material; Ibc mllOOll1lllrfatct _ IInOOIh, )'ClIow-tan IIld 1mn:mIrbb1c. The pkutallUI'faca Ire IIDOOth, a!i*tlina and untemII'bble biltlcnlly. The pulmonuy pII'UlChyma iI mS1'UrP1c. exlldina I modmtc IIiIOUllt of bloody llWd; no focal Iaiolll II'll DOted. The po.alrnar.-y ataicIare normally devdoped, pI!elJt aDd wilhoullhrolnbus or embolus. The riBhlIun& wcip 630 pamc; !be left '20 gnms. LMR" BILIARY SXSDMi III intct.1InOClCh dIpIulo and I &harp mtenur border. The hepatic. ClplUIc i. nood!, s1~ and UUct, coveriD& dark I'fId..brown, moderItcIy (h 8 led and .Ii~l'y finn puclChyma with no roc.! k:li0IlI noted The plJblldcler cotIlIinI 10 ml of IT=\'" blotIr'n, mllCOid blIe; Ibc mtlCOll is ve!Yd)' II» IlI'Rl'lIIrbbIc. The etlnhepl.tic biliary tree iI patent, wilhoul evidence of calculi. The liYCl" weiaha 19~ pvrII. The IiWI'" hal AUMENTARX TMetj The lOngue ia &ee of bite mab, bcmurrna,c. or otber irijuriea. The tIOpI\IauI il Iinod by gny-while, sliloolb _ The pme mucoII it lilliP in Ibc IIIUI1 rop! folda and the lumen conlainl 100 mI of ICJI'IilOlid digatina food, Includina rice and vcgelIiblea. The ImIJI and \.qe boWel .., IWelnllbbIc. The ~ ... eas hat a IllImllI pink.ta:n IobuJalcd lppCIlmCc and thc ducts .., clcu. The appendix ia JIR"CIIl IlId iI unmtWbblc. gENJIOWUNABY SYSTEMi The renal Co8pl\1lIll arc IDlDOth and thin, 1CllIi-tnnlpu'cnt and Ilrip with _ from the underlyina smooth, rM-brown cortical Ml1faca. The cortica II'll &harply delineated &om lbc medullary pyramids, whic:h _1"COopurp]c 10 tal UId unrcmarIcablc. The calyca, pclYca lIId ureterI are otbcrwiIc IIID"enlUbbIc. While bltlddClr 01_ ovcrIiIlI au lnllcl bl8dder walt The urinary bladder cunlIinIa lilm of doudy Ilrinc. The pl'Ol1lle &land iI normal in size, willi kJbulll', )'Cllow·lIlI ~ The IClIlinaI yc*clea arc 1IlIfUnUbb1c. The It$IQ am he ofm.- lcIions, COIl~ OfOlM" abnorIIlaLiticl. The rialll kidney wciJhl 140 arama;!he left 160 pili. YIlCJJLOENOOIRELlAL SXSTJ:Mi The splccl'l"- a ~ im.:t capenle. COYCrina nld-purplc, modcnlcly finn parenchyma; !he Iympbold follif;11lI II'll LIllRmlJ'abIc. The reaIonaIlymph nodeI IpptII" normaL The spIem wcip. 180 pmt. END9CR.lNE SYSTEMj The pituillry.lh)'fOicI and tdrenaI iIands am unrematUlIlc. MEDGOM 0088 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 88 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) FAHAD,Mob... MICBOSCO"C EXAMINATION HEART: Sec "Cardiovueultr Patbo1ol'l Report" below. UJNOS: Scc "P\l.lmoQIry PaIboloiY Report" below. UV1!A: The bep.lic ardIiUleNre II intld. The portal ueu &how DO illQ led innnmalOfy componenl or ftbrol,\l tillue. The hepatic parenc:hymal c:elk &ro wollpraal'ed with no evidalc:o of c:hol"*,,,i,, r..a:y mewnorpholi1, (lI' linu.oi4al Ibnonn&Iitia. SPLEEN: Tho upwle and white pulp _ Ul\tellllfbble. There i. rrdnimaI eon&e&tion of !he ~pvlp. KJDNEYS: The tllbuplular _ _ 1lIltCl'I'lItbblc. The &Iomenlli &R mildly c:onptcd wilhoul c:eUIl1&r prnUfentlon, m 'lial (lI"lllDiDenc: or 1C:1emm. The tubu1eI IR well ptlllfVcd. There II no inlmtilW 6bro1i1 or .liJniflc:anl infllmmlliOft. T'ben iI no lhic:kenina o(!be walll o(!he .rleriola or mIIIl merial ehanne.... The lrMIIltional eplthelilll'l1 o( the c:olloc:lilll i)"lan I. nonnaL BIVJN: See"NeuropllboIOJ)' Repo:t" bdow. CAJY)IOVASCUW PAl'IIQLOGY REpoRt cv hth,(b)(6) .. DiaplOlU: (b)(6) l. Acute m~ti. with foc:aI m)'De)'le n« and intenUliai inflImnuollKy Ill1illnlC, ri&hl ventricle 2. FOCI! modc:nte ooronat)' atberoKlenai.. .male _ I disease lIi1to1y. Approximately 24)U1" old maIc lrIqi detainee who died In US c:\l&Iody. bil10ry of ~ prior 10 deIth. Heart:)9O penS; nonnal epic:InIiall'al.; clolcd fOr&rnell ovalS; normal eatdilC: dwnber d.imenlions: lell venlrlc:ullr ICIvily diameter 40 1IUIl, Icft veatric:1,l1Ir he walilhieu- I) mra, ventric:ular septurnlhicla*l I) mm~ rilllt venlrido thidme114 JDm. withoLlt &Jl*I IIl:&n or IbnormaI inlIlntel; III'Il'alWbbICl valves; no IVOI' m)'OlCltdiai fibfOllii or necroIis; histolope sectionllhow (ac:.! m)'Oll:)'te nocnait with intemitial infi1trale. o( lymphocyta: lind nellbophila in riaht Yallric:1e, lell vearriclCl ill LIftl'ellWbble. r. Cororwy uteriee: Nonnal 0Ili1; rish! dominInce; lOcal modefaIe Ithe:tOlCleroW: 60% lulninal narrowll1J of ptOxima1lell dCrior deIcencliq ancry by patholosic intimll thiekenina; 1IO other dsnl6cml nanuwinl- ooag ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 89 MEDCOM , AUTOPSYREPORT(b)(6) fARAD, Mobaa CorrIrneaI; AlthoaJb II i. UIleOmmllll. we IIave Ken tueI oflCUte 10 the ri&hl nIlIrick.ll bIIll1Jo been IlIJp11ed thlt thi. oould rqmsem an early phue of IIrllythmoplic rilb! wnfJic:lllar dysp!uia, .. the: etiololY of thiI entity it not fUlly undentood.... NWBO'AIHOLOGX REPORT Dq:wbDeill ofNeuropalhokv and 0pluhaImic: PalholoiY. AfIP: "We elllmilWi the tppIOxinwely JJ85-Jl'IllI fonnaliD-fixed bnin ItIbmitted in ~ferem:e 10 thi. cue. The dun! fraplem IUbmittai for evaluation c»e.llOt Uow Ii(ll\iflunt patboJosk liDdinp. The braiD illOft mel &lillie and dusky in (O\or Itld defcnmed wilh !he riabl bemilphc:re blrpthln the left. 1bc:ra Z1I I.S tm hwaanic 1IU 'Iona the lea mkldle &ontal JY"l'. The I)'fal pattern iI DOl'mlI. The bRin lIem and URbellum c.: limiltrly ctcformed mel dultyincokw. oflbc:.e lllIteosiv15 JrteICtuai ~ th15 enniaI nerve. mel bbod veuds It !he bale oflbe bnin canIlCM bI5 evtluated. 11Irft it DO evidCOl:e of lUbfak:ine bemi.Killll; tonsillv UJd unul hemialion CIMOI bI5 weued bee'l'''' of the atmsive .ni&d Serial coronaIlectiona of the cerebrum dIlI'llI overall dusky dilc:olonlion of!he corneal n'bboD with lIiaht blurrina: of lite In),-whitejundion. The ventricular')'IleIrI il diJIortcd and difficult to cvaluate. 1befe i. exlalllve diJlortion, JOftcnina: IDd bilbilily of the bual pn&.lia. hippocampal fDmUlDolll, tbr;ltmus. CJd b}'pOlballmus. The IlIbslantia nigra mil IOCIlI ecR'ICUl, mel ~ueduct CIMOI bI5 ace",'ed due to the arter.:tual chanps. The 'Pinal cotd il not submitted, bUI the uppermost eervieal cord and cervicomeciulJuy junc:don InllOft and dillOrtcd. The eere/xllum and bninstaD Ire duaIr:y izI color md mteenled i., ippC8ima Bee,"" Summuy nfmicrolcopic Ieclionl: 1. SuperitchnJddIe ftontal JYTUI> riJbL Z. Inferior parietal lobule. right J. SupcriOlimiddle tempQnl1 J)'fUI, riJbt. 4. CizlJIl1Ito JYTUI> left. ,. Hippocampal fonnalion, riJlrt. 6. OiudatelputlCllUIIpIJliduln, riaJrt. 7. Tha1lnnIsIhypolhalann,l11t mammillvy bodief, ri&bL I. Sulmanil: nipmidbrairL. 9 Pons. 10. MedullL II. Cerebellum. A1ll1«:tiona wen,w!llld with H&E. MiuOlC:Ojlic seaiOfU demonstrate atenaive newonaI chinlea in the form oflbrwlken ~inopbilic cytoplasm llId I\tIClear hypm:lIron1Ni,1DCI P}tDosi. in IeCtiana of bual pngIia, hippocampal fonnttion, brain uem IDCI cerftlejlum, and in , pseudolarninar diltribution in I«tioM of c:erebraI oortIIX. n- feal\llC!l are collllltCnl. with llobal h)llQllie-ilChanie injury. 111_1. focal petechial ~ ntoed on the ICldionI of !he bnif\llClTL MiuoIcopic lClClions of the left middlo fronullYJUl confirml the rnc:nin&UI conpion." MEOCOM 0090 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 90 • AUTOPSY REPORTI(b}(6) FAIlAD, Mob... - PULMONARY PATHOLOGY REPORT Deputment ofPu1mOIW)' Palhology, AFIP: "J..un&s, alItopsy malerial: Airway baemllllt membnDe thickening, f(Q1 goblet cell metlplasia and mtICUI ptlliSing • V.,cIJI.r eongeltion 'The sections of luna show focal mUCIII plugging uaoeiltCld with buemc:nt membrane thiekc:lling and goblet cell metaplalia (foea1). We note the hiatory ofuthmll, while \he above changes me JUggCltive of Iathmatic change&, they are not strikina and the sectiOllt lack IignitiCllll_inophilia IrId m1lJC1e hyperpluiL The lungs additionally thow vueular eongemon. There if a mild to moderate amount offibr'in in tbe a1l1llOli which lIlly be ICCOI1dary to vascular leak. Fibrinlplatelet ~ptelarelCCn in rveV'eKels in broDCbovuc:ulu bWldles as well as in !be capillary bed It i. to discern whdher these are pre or poatmOitcm." ADDITIONAL PRQCE'QURES Doeu.menwy pllotogr.phs are taken by OAFME photognphe:n Spocinterll retained Cor loxicologie te5ting and/or DNA identifieadon are: lIitreouJ fluid, ffJlDOB1 blood, heart blood, urine, bile, spleen, liver, kidney, lung, psou muse!e. gastric conlonb. and Bdipote tlssue The disJeeted orpns Ire forwarded with the body Pcnonal cffeeb are reIcacd to lbc appopliatc mortualy GpCI".lions rtprmilllltille OPINION nu. P1It msJc Inqi detainee died in US eu.stody oflCllto myoearditia, infllJtllIll!ion of the heart involvi"l the right ventricle. He had a clinical biliary of"seiZllRI", however, no etiology for !he seizu.reI wu found on elClIlIm.Don oflhe brain, uulthe episodel m&y Mile been eudillC in origin rather thllll _logic.. He aiIo had a clinieal history of asthma, and while thero were microscopic change,! IUggestive of astIuna. theIe pulmonary flJ1dings were not diagDostic fot asthma Dot Jiplficanl enough to hive contri1)ulCd to hit delIIh. Acute myoc.arditil msy be CIUSed by infcetiOlllagmll (bIclerial, vital, filnpl), coMeCtive li_ discues, Ofean be idioplthic (no teCOptiz.ed cause). {b)(6-'- MEDCOM 0091 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 91 - , ". ~ .. PATIENT IDUfTlnCADoN ANAen If aIN•• IMt 5ecI_ ---.J li'l(6) ••M F..uL\D, l.106ASS OFFICE OS THE ARMED ..oRCU MEDICAL EXAMINER ArtMlD ..oRCES lHSTrTVTE 0" PATHOLOGY WASHll'ICTOI'f. DC lOJO' 'lIOt SSAN, TO'"110 A< A.Io!ll'l: (b)(6) 10'" [lb){6) ~ Dal4lllopol1 CO-I'I'IOt<d: De.:4::ob<i I', 2Ol)6 CONSULTATION REPORT ON CQNTBIRYTOR MATERIAL REPORT 0 .. TOXICOLOGICAL £XAMIHATIO!'l' CaDditioD orSpedJaftU: GOOD Dale or lDddnl~~b)l6))2004 ~ Date R«dved: 111'JOIlOO4 VOLATILES: The HEART BLOOD AND BILE were e:umined fot tho:: presence of ethanol at a t:utoff ono msfdL. No ethanol was detected. DRUGS: The BLOOD was ila'eened for IllIphetamine, IllItideptessanlS, IllItihistamincs, bwbltulates, benzodiaupines, c:annabinolds, clIJoroquine, couine, deJctromethorphan, lidocaine, I1IJIXltic OlIII1gesics, opi&les, phencyclidine, pbenothiazincs. sympalhomimeti<: amine!llllld verapamil by psduomato(lJ1lphy, color test or immllllO&SS&y. The followina druIJ were ""''''' NODe were found. • tb:(S) j OffIce of the AImod Foro.. Medical Exami..... (b)(6) ~ OffICe of the An....,fForul McdkIJ Eumilllll' MEDCOM 0092 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 92 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Omn of Ihf Armtd Forlft Mfdiul Eumiafr 1413 Rnurdl Blvd., Bide. 102 Rockville, MD20850 1-li0fl..9,u·7912 FINAL AUTOPSY ["AMINATlON REPORT Namr: Al Zarjawi. Ahmed N. (8TB) SSAN: Detaintc Number!(b)(6)Dalr or Blr1h: Unknown Oatr of Dnlh: !<b){6)QOO4 Dalr of A,nop.y: 27 OCT 2004 Dalf of RtJlPr1: 17 FEB ZOOS J Autopsy N_o.: )(b}(6) A"IP No,J(b)(6} Rank: DellI!':1;~"=,,;,CU~.SC.Custody Pint of Inalh: Iraq Plan of AUlaps)': BlAP Momwy. Baghdad. Iraq Cin:llmllaanloflnalh: This Iraqi malt wu a drwnre in U.S. custody III Camp Bucca DetentiOll Facility in Umm Qasr. Iraq. The detainre was UnconsciOIlS when fOIl1 olhu dctaill«!l broUghl him to a common area and IIOlified lhe Suatds. He re«ived emergency medical ~ finl alilte 5CCI1C IlId then was Iakm 10 a rncdicallrralmml facility. Resuscitation efforts weTC unsuccessful. Alilhorizalion for Alllop.y: Atmrd Forces Medical Examiner. per 10 U.S. Code 1471 ldenliflcaliolll Circumslalliial idmtity is established l!Y_pa~or\ accompanying the dcwllC'C and his designation as delaillC'C nWllber (b){6) J CAUSE OF DEATH: Undtlrrmlntd MANNER OF DEATH: Natllnl ... MEDCOM 0093 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 93 - Aulopsy (b}(6) Allarjawi, Ahmed N. (BTB) 2 FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. HemoperlloneulII, J5(l.mllliliren and blood slain inl or Ibe inlnperilon ul orgus III. H n.tory or upper gUlrolnlnllall1 lIemllrrhllge (250-mllllllten per medical rKonls), ",il' diffuse gUlrlli,lloltd al aulopsy IV. No evldul« or nttrnal or lflttruallnuma V. Early pulmonal')' tmph)'"".. VI. Tbt aUloPO' IO'U • .,tndtd 1J1RbX6l-:::;;;lmtdlctl Eumlutr{b)(6) Rb)(6) laud SA~ IUSACID VII. Toxicology I, neeatln ror ctbanol, cyanldc, and drup or abulc. Atropine Is pruenll" blood. MEDCOM 0094 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 94 AUl~l(b}(6} ) Al zarjawi, Ahmed N. (BTB) '" EXTERNAL EXAMiNATION The rmWl\!I are m:eived uncilld a.nd wilhoot any lICeompanying elolhing. The length is n·inchc:s a.nd the estimated weight is 170-pounds. l.ividity is posterior and fixed, except in areas exposed to pres5W'C. Rigor is present bUl passing. The body temperature is Ihat ofthc refrigeration wULl'aocdlll2Scovu_both.baads....A.WLOR the left gml1toc I conlains tile- writin@(b){6) The scalp is coveted with ~;um length, bl-=k hair in a ROrmal distribution. The comcae ll.Je cloudy. The irides are brown and the pupils are roWld and equal in diametct. The head is alraumll.t;c. The teeth an: ntttural and in fair condition. Fat;.l hair consists of a full beard and must-=lte. The n«1t is mobile and Ihe trache. is midline. The chm is symmetric. The abdomen;s nal. The eltcmal genital;. arc those of. nonnal aduh. circumcised, male. n.c testes llJe descended and fm: ofmll.sscs. Pubic It.air b present in. normal disuibution. The bullOCu and lUIllS arc LllU'Cmarkable. The upper and lower extremities arc symmetric and without clubbing or c<lcma.. The fingernails an: in\ao;t. There is. Y,·inclt scar on tlte anterior left knee. ~KE?) (b){6) (b)(6) (bJ(6) 'tl"M] b 6 tattoo (b){6) tono b 6 -:;===- (b)(6l (E)(l!) ,..., (b)(60ta"oo '(b)(~) MEplCAL INTERVENTION Evidence of medical inte~ntion consists of venipuncture sites in both antccubital fossae, a padded cervica) collar around thc neck, and a v.gue mark on the latera/left chest that is consistent with either the prior placement ofan e'CCI1OCardiogram lead pad or lUI.nempt at defibrillation RAPiOGRAPHS A complele sct OfpostmOT1cm nodiographs is obtained and shows an absence of sl<eletal trauma and metallic foreign objeCls. EVIDENCE OF INJURY Then:;s no evidence of injury on the body at the time oflhe .lIto~y. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: The scalp and skull an: free of injlll')'. There is RO epidural, subdunll, or ,ubarachnoid hcmOfThage. The 1~80·gnun brain shows a normal pattern and appearance of gyri and MEDCOM 0095 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 95 • AulopS}' (b)i6) AllaJjlwi, Ahmed N. (BTe) sulci. Seri.. set1iOt'ling revells no e... ide~e of inj\ll')' or signlfieant nltllf'lt diwue: proecsscs. The: Itlanto-oc~ipitll joint is inll/;t. NECK: is no n'id~nce of injury 10 t!lc strap muscles oft!lc anterior ned;. The thyroid ClIl'lillse and hyoid boM are intICl. The IIt)'lIX Is lined by intlel white mlJ(OS'- The thyroid Slltld is symmetric IIId ~·broWll, without ~)'Slic or nodular chinle. 1lIc tonsuc is unmnlf'uble. Thc~ HOpy CAVITIES: The ribs, sternum,and ...ertelnl bodin are ...isibly IIId pllplbly intICl. Tnt~ Ire So. millililal or ~rosIIIluinoll.l nuid in the right pleural CI...ily Ind -40-millililCl'S or Imlllflguinous nuid in t!lc letl pleural CI... it)'. A minim.' (2Q.-milliliters) serous pcricardlll effusion is pre~nt. The pcrilOnuJ CI... il)' conlli/1l I SO· milliliters of blood, wilh 'll'"tCT .ccumulation OIl the righl side of tile abdomen. The orpns occupy tllocir lISl.I&l ..rullomi~ posiliolU. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and letllunss weiih 540 IIld "SQ.-varns. ~specli~ly. The e~lcmal surflCCS arc smooth and deep lUI·purple. The pulmonary parench),ml is modenllel)' ~OIIIestcd. No mass IcsiolU OrllUS of consolidation.", p~scnl. The pulmonll')' ll1elics II'C: unremarklble. CARDlQVASCUlAR SYSTEM; The 4S0·gram heart iSl:on\l.incd in III intact pcriclfdill SIC. The: epiclfdill surface i, smooth, with minimal fit investment. The coronary ll1erics Ife pmenl in .. normal distribution, wilh. r1i1!t-dominlllt pll1ern. Cross sections orthe vcs~ls show no sil'lificant.theroscleTOsis. Thc m)'ocardium is homogenolll, rcd-brown. and finn. The: ....Ive lcanelsll'C: thin and mobile. The WIIUS oflhe letl and nshl ~nlriclu are 1.41tld O.S-ccnlimetCTS thil:k, respectivel)'. The endoclrdium is smooth IIld Slistenil'll. The lIOI1.I Si... cs rise to Ihree lntlel Ilrld pltent IIR:h vesxls. The ren.t and mesenteric ~ssels Ire unrcmar1clble. LIVER &: BiliARY SYSTEM: The I liver Iw IlJl inlBtt. smooth capsule IIId I shiVp IIIllcrior bonkr. The parench)'rT\.l is lUI-brown, finn, and ~ongelled, with t!lc ll.Iuallobullf IIR:hilCCt\ll'C. No mass lesions or otbcr Ibnorm.litics lie seen. l1le 811lblldder conlii/lS I S·millililm or grccn· bile and no stClnl'S. The mlJ(osal lurface is ~n and velvety. The eXlrahepitil: biliary ~e il pllent. SPl.Ef:N: The 26Q.-gram splunlw '1IOOOIh. intact. ~-purple clplule. The parcnchym. is mllrOOl\ and conses!Cd., wilh promincnt M.lpiahilll OOl"pll$Cles. A l-untimelCT lC~eSlory Iplecn is presenL MEDCOM 0096 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 96 , 1 .... Autopsy (b)(6) All&Ijawi. Ahmed N. (BTB) PANCREAS: The panc:~llS is i"~lularly hernorTha&ic. with the IISUallobular ~hitcet\l.ft'. No TlWS Icsioml ~ Ken. l11cft, is a SInllJl ~a lhal is gRlSsly S\lspicioos for a hCTnOfThage from a pancrealic ve~1. APREMLGLANDS: The niht and lclt adrc1\llllands art s)'lNllettic. with briihl y~llow corticcs and !VIy medullae. No masses or IIUI ofhclDOlThqc art ilknlified. GENITOUWNAay SYSTEM: The nihl and lelt kidneys ~aeh weiih 2SQ.pam.. The cr.tcmaI surfaces art intact Md smooth. The cut surfaces art ,ed-lin and conllOlcd, wilh l.WIiformly thick cortices and sharp junclions. The pelvcs are Ullremarbbte and the lIrClc:lS art llOmIal in cOtnC and caliber. Whil~ bladder m _ ovetlin All intKl bladder wall. The lIrillll}' bladder iumpty. The prostat~ lIard Is normal in size. with IoblIlar. yellow-tan pIlmChyma. The: seminal Yesicles art Ullmna,bble. The testes art free ofmus lesions, co'llusiOllJ. or 0I1ler abnormalilies. CASTROll'ITUTINA,L TRACT: The: esophagus is intact and lined by smooth, mucosa. The stomach conlains approJlitnll~ly J(lO.milliliters of IlftII-b1ack. fibfous tood malC'riaI bul no IifOSJ blood. The pstric Wfoll is inUll:I wilh dilTuse p,stritis bul no distinct IIkCTlllion or evidcnc:c of fcx:al perforalion. The duodcnllm, loops ofsrnall bowd.llnd colon art lInrcmarkabt~. The appendi. is pn:sent. !VIy.wllit~ MUSOILOSKELETAL: No non·uaumalK: Ibnonnalilics ofmusclc or bone 11'1: ickruificd.. MICIWSCOPIC EXAMINATION 8nla·repn::'Cluat;ve xclioN are ItIslOioaietl1y ~ablc L"nl.wc:lions o(alilobes of both lungs demonslnle YUCulll'congcstlon. scamred collections of inlra-.lyeolar maaopftagcs. mo<\crslC' aniltl'lCOlic: pigmenl deposilion, focal insphSlte4 mlOCOliS. and early chal'lacs ofpulnlOlllr)' emphysema lIu" Ind Aorta- represenlllive SCC'lions an: histolOiic:llly wtrCmarbble LIye,... representlliYe SCC'lion dcmOllsbltcs pl$Sive conaCSlion and mild mK:/'OYaicular S1~osis Splctn- ,eplcsenllli~ seclions ~ hi!lOlociul1y IInremarklble KldrlC)'HCClions ofbolh kidneys show poIlmol1CTTl chanan Slomldl-lqnnenlltivc sectiont show Iliiolysisllld nagaeraled formltin pigmmt ckposilion 'Incnu'rcprcSUllllivc SCC'lions show lI'W'ked Illloly!is. focal til necrosls.1IId eJl.IIiIClSled formllin piJfllCnl deposition. A small focus of ICStCS is abo in one section. MEOCOM 0097 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 97 =~ AUlopsyl"'b",,,,,, AI Urjawi, Allmed N. (BTB) • • • • 6 ADDITIONAL PBQCEDL!REStREMARJ(S Documentary photoi\rapll$ are lAken by'{b)(6) USAF Spe<:imens relllirw:d for tOllio;ologic teSling and/or DNA identification~: heart I blood, yilleOUS fluid, spleen, HyC!", brain.llllli, bile. ilastric c:onlents. kidnc:y. and psoas muscle The dissected organs ~ forwarded with body Pef$(lnal dfei:\$ are released to the appropriale mortuary operations representative'S OPINION This Iraqi male. believed to be;(b){6) a dewllft in the eUJIlody of the U.S. miliW)' died as a n:sult ofiiMelClilljfie(l causel. A complete medic:olegal autopsy, including IOllicology and mieroscopic slide review failed 10 demonstrate a clear cause: of death. The aUlopsy findings included hemoperitonewn. but this may have been an artifact of resuscilBtiye efforts as then: was neither an intlammatory elludale nor food malerial in the periloneal cayicy and the bleedini\apPeared to !laye been recent There was no evidc:nce of trauma noted Ill. aulopsy and lhe clinical history included an upper gastrointestinal hemonhage noted durini\ n:sll5Citative atternJMs. No source of bleedini\ could be identified at autopsy, nor was lhen: evidence ofa perfOnlted viscus. The dealh may kaye been due 10 an acute eardiac eyenl; the Man was heavy fllr the size of this indiyidual, lhough then: was no eyidc:nce ofc:oronary artery disease at aUlopsy. Taking into accounl the history and investigative informalion ayaHable as well as the tllCk ofan identifiable anatomic cause of death. this dealh is besl classified as a natural death due to undetermined caUles. (b)(6) (b)(6) _ _~rf\hdlnl [umlatr MEDCOM 0098 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 98