Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part11
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ARMED FORCES INST11UI'E OFPATIIOLOGY OrTlct of the Armed Forcel Medical Euminer 1413 Research Blvd•• Bid.. 102 Rockville, MO 20850 301-319.0000 Atn'OPSY EXAMINATION REPORT NItM: (BTB) HASHIM. La'y Llftl Autopsy Nn.d.~(6) ISN: (b)(6) DIlte of Binh: (BTBl~)(6) 1983 0111 of Der.lh: (b)(6) 2008 AFIP No.: (b)(6) Rink: Civlli." Delai_ Place of Death: hq DltelTime of Autopsy: 22 DEC 2008 • 0930 PllIceof Autopsy: PM MortIlary. Dover AFB. DE Om of Report: 19 FEB 2008 Clrcumstanots of Oath: This (BTB) 24-year.<JId male Iraqi Civilian Detainee w~ noIed by his fellow delainees to "-ve diffICulty b1uthinl and then became uriilsponsiv~ CPR w.. initiated immedimly, and was escalated 10 full ACLS pruocoI upon arrivl1to the CSH. Reauscitative efforts were 10 no IVlil. Aulhoriulrion for Auloply: Armed Forca Medit;a1 Euminet. per U.S. Code 10. Seaion 1,(71. Identl.l1calion: Presumplive ~entirlCation is eslI.blished by an iderlliHeuion bind OIIlhe left ... risc. Posilive idenliflCl.tion Is established by eomparilon of poslmOltem DNA eumlRllion and anIemortern DNA reconIs acc:ordinllo ISN. CAUSE OF DEATII: ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODAL ARTERY DYSPLASIA MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 0999 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 999 .....UTOPSY REPOR~(b)(6) HASHIM. Lo'y Laftl hgeZof 10 EXTERN.....L EMMIN.....UON The body b that of a ....ell-oeveloped, ....ell-nourished Ca\ltUOid .".le re«ived uncilld. The body ....eigh! l84-pounds, is 69 'h-inches in length and appelll'll compalible with lhe repoI1ed aae of 24yean. The body Is cold. RiSor is passlnsand presenlto an equal deJ,lft in III exU'elTliliea. ViolKeOUS lividity is presenl and fixed CltI the posleriorsurfllee of the body. except in ~ exposed to pressure. Green discoloration of the skin of the lower right abdomen Is noud. The body is unembafmed. The head Is nonnoceph.llie.and the sealp halt is dark and Jpproximately 2-inches in length. FlI<:ial hair oonsists of dut beard srubble and a soul patch. The iridea are bro.... n, \he pupib are round and equal!n size. the cornelle are cloudy, the coojunctivae are slightly injected, and the sclerae Ire white. The extemalaudilOry canals, extenallUlteS and oral C*vity are free of foteign material and abnol'TlUlllleCl"dions. The earlobes are not pierced. The rtaSlIl skeleton and maxilla are palpably intKt. The lips and oral mucous membranes are evident injury. The teeth are nltunl and in good condition. Euminltion of the neck reveals no evidence of injury; the trachea Is palpably in the midline of the neck. The c:ltest ilsymmetric wllb /IOmU.lJy formed male breIs1II thai are free of ma.ues. No evidence of Injury of the ribs or the sternum is: evident exlernally. The abdomen is flal without recem lrauma. Healed suraical SC2o" are not noted on the I0I3O. The ex.tentalaenital!a are those of. normal adull circumcised male. The posterior 10130 and anUII are without note. The ex.lm'nlties are Iymmetric and normally formed withoul evidence of slsnificant recenllrauml. The nn~ails ~ eyaootie and are trimmed and inta<:t. The toenails are unremarbble. (b)(6) ~b5(6)- 'ta1tOOl (b)(6) -There ill an identification bncelet around the lefl wrist. CLOTHING AND PERSONt.L EffECTS The follow!na Items KeoIIlpany the body: • White undershirt (cut) • While underpants • White plltt5 • Yellow jacket • Yellow shoru: • While towel • Two pnlyer n1g5 MEDICAl JNTEBVENTION • • • • E!'IdotBcheaJ tube~)' located) CardiK pacini pldll on the anterior torso (properly localed) EleclrocardJopm eleetlOdes 01\ !he anterior 10l'50 Intravenous linea Inserted In boIh antecubital fossae MEDCOM 1000 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1000 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) HASHIM, 1.o'y Lift. • • • hp J of 10 E1utIc medical bancilgea IfOUnd both wrists Pulse-C:lldrnelly sensot on the n&ht r' diail (fonlfinaerl Urirwy bladder cathtler (popelly located) with attached reservoir b.g contalning SO-mlllllters of clear Yl'llow urine llAPlOOWHS A axnpIete set of pIlIStmOrIern ndiognlpl\s and CT images are obt.lned and demorutBteslhe following: • • • Mediul thenpy u described abo~e No metallic fonlign bodies No fractutes .re noted EVIDENCE OF INJURy Tbere i. no C'lidenu of recent lignirlCUll injury. INTERNAL EXAMINATiON BODY CAyTTIfS' The body iaopell8d by the usua1lhonc:o-abdomi.,.1 incision and the ~ plate II removed. The ribl.llemum, and wertebnl bodies are wilibly Md i*pably inlKl. No adhesiona ate pre$Cl1lln any orlhe body cavilies. All body OfJanlare praenI in normal ~omical posilion. 1lIere is clellr, SIl'Iw-coJored serous nu>d In boIh p1nn1 cavllies (ri&hL 2lX)..millililerl: left. JOO-mlllililer$} &5 well &5 the pa-iloneal cawily (2lX)..miUillletS). HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The iWp is renected. The peal and lubaaJea110ft tiIsues of Ihe .alp are free of Injury. There ate no skull rraetulef.. The ulvU'ium of the skull II ~ved. lhe din Il'IIt« and f.b eetebri .... IlIIICl. 1lIere ls no epidurlll, subdural or ..,baRchnoid hemolTtIqe praenI. The l~omeninaa It'll thin and delicate. 1'hecetebr.1 hemispheres are 'ymmelrica1 wilh an UlIlCl'll.rbb\e panem of &Yri and SUlci. The blood vessell Illhe base of the brllin are lntKl and Iyrnrnetrical without IIherosclero.sls. Thecrani.1 nerves lie likewise lymmctrieaI and inlKl. The brain weighs 1,44O-JrIrnI and it filled prior 10 flll1h« examination and aubmlDion fOf opert consultation. CororIIIllC<:llotI$ throu&h the cerebnll hemispheres fe\lal no focal 1al0000In lhe c:onu. white miller or deep nucletlr .ltuelura. T1Iere.lI no midli.wshlft. The ventricles of the brllin ate of normal.iu and contlln clear cerebrosplnl.l nuld.. Transverae MCIions through lhe brain.tem and cerebelillm are unrem.rhble. See Addendwn A for complete•• MEDCOM 1001 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1001 AUTOPSY REPORT"'(b"')(~6)'--~ HASHIM, La'y L,rl, Page 4 of 10 The upper spinal cord as viewed throvgh the foramen magnum is vnremarkable. 'The tll.ntooccipilal joilll is slable. NECK: The anterior slnp mvsde.s of the neck lII'e homogenous and red-brown, withotJl hemontuIge by layer.wise dissection. The lhyroid CIf1itage Illd hyoid boot lII'e Inllel. The larynll is lined by inu~ pil'lk-wtIite mvCOSll. The 10llBve is free of bile marb. hemorrliage. or olher inJvries. CARDiOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 44O-gram. heart is CQl\lIined in an intlCl pericardill SIC. The epicardill svrfllCe is smooth. with minimal fat investment. The Ol)fOI\ary anerics arise l'lOfmIlly and are pl't:SCnt ;nl normal dluribulion. with I right-dominant p.lIem. CIOS5 sections of the majof"eol'Otlll")' aneries demonslrate no luminal nantlwing. Trabecvlae lII'e tlOIed lnllie lpex or the right ventricle. The hean is filled prior co futlher elllmination and submisslOtl (Of expert consuilltion. The foramen ovate is clo*. The clrdiac chamber dimensions lII'e 1'lOI1Tlal. The myocatdium is homogenous and firm without focal softening. dlscoloration or fibrosis. The valve leaflets Ire thin and mobile. The walls of the left ventricle. inter-venlricular seplUm. and right ventricle ...e lA, 104. ltd O.:H:enlimeters thick. respeclively. The endotatdivm is smooth and gliuening. See Addendum B ror complele dellils. The IOftI has minlmalatherosclerosi5 and gives rise 10 lhree inllCl and patentlll'Ch vessel!. The renal and mesenleric ve55el! ate ul'Il'erllarkable. RESPIRATORY Sysn;M: The upper Ilrwly Is clear o( delHis and roreign material: lhe mUOOSlI.urlaces lII'e smooth. pink:l'" and unremlrbble. The parietal pleul"lll surfaces lII'e smoolh. g1i5lening and unremarlcable bil'ICl"lll!y. The righlluog weighs 860.grarN; the left no-grams. The pulmonary patenchym. is diffvsely coogesled and fdemllOVS. elluding slight 10 mo6etaIe ImOUnlS ofblood .nd frothy fluid: no f()Ql luJ0n5 are noted. The visceral pleural svrfac:cs Ire smooth, glistening and unremarklble bilaterally. The puJmORlll)' arteries lII'e normilly dt\leloped, palent and wllhovlthrombus orembolvs. HEPAIOBII1ARY SYSTEM: The 2,22O-gram liver has In intact smooth Clj»v!e covering congesled tan-blown plll'endlyma with no focal lesions tlOIed. The gallbladder contains 7-mlllilitCf3 of green-brown, mucoid bile: the mucosa is velvety and ulV'ellWil.lble. The elllrahepalic: biliary tree is patent, without evidence of calcul i. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM; The esophap is lined by vay-white. smooth mucosa. The gasllic mUC05l is Imnged in lhe lISUll rugal folds and the lumen contlins 4G-milliliters of brown nvld. MEDCOM 1002 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1002 AtrrOPSY REPORTt(b){6) HASHIM, La'y ....fta PageSoflD Thesmalland large bowels are unremartable. The pancreas 1111I1 nom,.1 pink-tan lobulated appearance. The appendix is presertl. GENITOURINARy SYSTEM: The right kidney weighs 160-granu: the lell 160-gruns. The tertiI ClpMlles are smoolh and thin. semi·transplret'll and slrip with ease from Ike underlying smooch, red-brown conical surfaces. The cortices are s!wlJoly delineated fl'Ofl\ the medullary pyramids, which ate red-putple 10 tan and ullm1'lll\l;able. Tile calyces. pelves and ureters are urvemubble. White b11dder mueosa overlies an inlact bladder Win. The bladder Is emply or urine. The IWes, prostate gland and seminal vesicles are withoul note. LYMPHORET!CULAR sySTEM: The thymus lssmln. futy and otherwise unremarkable. The 340-gram spleen has I smooth. intaet capsule covering congested. ~urple. moderately firm parenchyml; the lymphoid follicles are unrenwbble. Lymph nodes in the hitar, periaortic and iliac regions are not enlarged. Marked anll\raeo$ls Is noted in the hUar lymph 1'lOdes. f.NOOCR1N£ SYSTEM; The pilUiwy gtUlllis eumined (n situ and is grossly thyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown. withoul cystic or nodular ehJnge. The panlthyrold glMds are 1101 identined. The right and left Idrenal glands are symmetric. wllh bright yellow eortic:es and red-brown medullae; no masses or areas of hemorrft.lge are identified. MUSCULOSI\E' flAb SYSTEM; Superficial posterior skin irlCisioru are negalive for Il'IIlmalic injuries. No non-lI1Iumatic abncmnalilies 01 muscle orllone are idenlirted. MICROscoPIC EXAMINATION AND SLIDE KEY Selected ponioN of organs are retained in formalin. and selecled hislology slides are prepared•. I. Thyroid (X2); 2. Lymph Node (Xl): 3. Lung DO): 4. bung (Xl): 5. Adterlll (X2); 6. Kidney (0): 7.. Spleett; Th. Pancreas; g. Uvef" Gall Bladder: No pathologic diagnosis. BeIIisn u1ciflCltion lid lU1Ihraootic pigmenl. Vastul.,. congestion. focal pulmonary edema and anthracosis. VlIICular congestion, local pulmonary edema and anl~is. Medullary aulolysis, othet'wise ~markable. Autolysis of tubule «lis. otherwise unremarkable. No pathologic dil8J'lOSis. AUlOlysis. VlISC\Ilar congestion and bile stllis of the liver. AUIOlysis of the gall bladder is noted. MEDCOM 1003 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1003 AUTOPSY REPOR~(b)(6) HASHIM, Lo'y LtfLI Page 6 of 10 TOXICOLOGY VOLATILES: The blood and urine ~ examined for the presence of volltlle eompounds indudinl e11w1ol all cutoff of 2O-milligrwns per deciliter. No ethlnol is daecteel. DRUGS: The urine is SClUlleel for medicltlons and dill&' of Ibuse including llOeW'IIi~, amphet.amine, lI'IIidepresslnlS, Intihistamines, blrbitul'Ites, benlDdiuepines, cannabinoids, chloroquine, oocaine. dutromethorphan. lidocline, nllCOlic all.Itges1c.s. opiltes. phencycl idine. phel'lOUlluines. salicylltes••ympltho!nimetic amines IIlli verapamil by g15 chromltogrtlpby, color lest or immullOlS5lly. The following dllllS ~ detected: Ppslljyc ! kksljDf;: Lidocaine was detected in the uril'le by &IS chrornllogrlptly and confirmed by &&1 chtomllOgraphy/ntaSl spectrometry. Positive Anljhlnlmine: Diphenhydl'lJTline WIS detected in the urine by 1&1 chromatography and confinned by gas chromllOgrtlphylmus spectromeIry. No dlphenhydnmine W&l detected in the blood .. I limit of quamiwion of O.05-milllgrwns per Iitel'" lI.$ing &IS chromllognphylmus ....""""" . CARBON MONOXIDE: The cNboJlOyhemoglobin saturation in the blood was less tlwll9& as detennined by spectn)phOl:ome!ry with I limit of quamiwlon of 1%. CYANIDE: Thete was no cYlnide detec:ted in the blood. The lim;t of qllllltilltion for O.25-miUigrwns per liee.-. APDD]ON&LPROCEQVRPS I. Documerll.lry photographs life !l.ken by.{~{§l ;l. Autopsy usis\.lnce is provided b:;;(b)(6) 3. PenonaI effeeu Ire released 10 the Ippoplue mortuary opentiollll representatives. 4. Specimens t«lIined for to.icology !eating llIdIor DNA identification Ire: vitreous fluid. blood. urine, bile, lIStric contents, spleen, live.", lung. kidney, brain. myoeardiurn, Idipose tissve IIlli skeletll muscle. S. The brain and hurt It1l fi.eeI Irld retained for upen consultation (see Addmdums A Ind B, respectively. below). 6. 'The dissected organs are forwarded with the unembllmed body. 7. No Ir¥e evidence llIdIor foreign mluerill life collected by OAFME.. J fiNAL AVIOPSY P1AGNOSES I. AlIlop5)' Flndlnp A. Genenl I. SeI'OUll fluid in body (.avitia (2OD-rnilliliters rliht pleutlll, JOO-millililers left pleil..l, 200-milllliters peritoneal) 2. VlSClllar congeslion of liver. splco:nlnd both lungs 3. 'I'here is no evidence of physical .tluse MEDCOM 1004 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1004 AUTOPSY REPOR1'lb)(6} HASHIM, 1.o'y Laftl PlIge 7 of 10 B. Cll'dio~ascuJ&r System L Mild cardiomegaly (440-gram hean.. 368-grams expected fot body weight) 2. No coronary uteriosclerosis noted grossly 3. Tn.becuille noted in right ventricular apex. 4. Focal dysplasia of the atrio~enlriClirarnodal artery 11. No other a1gnfncanl natl.IraI diA'lts Of' pre-exlllini condJtion.r are Idmtlned, lVIthln lbe nmltations or this examination. m. EYideac:e of MedkaI Thenpy A. Endocncheallube (pcopelly Iocaled) B. Catdiac ~ing pads on !he IliJerior IOI'SO (properly located) C. ElectrOCafdiogram electrodes on the anlerlor 101'30 D. lnllllvenous lines inserted in both antecubital fossae E. Urinary bladder calheter IV, P_·MoMeIll Cbarlses A. Rigor Is passinll and equal in ..l1 extremities B. Uvidity ia posterior and filted eltcepl in I.lUS exposed to pressure C. The body temper1lu~ is cold D. The~ is green discoloration of the right lower Ibdomen v. VI, There Is 110 evide_ of ph,.Jcal VII. Toxicology A. No ethanol is dete<:ted in the blood and urine. B. No drugs of are detected in the urine. C. No cyanide is praent in the blood. llbuM;. D. Carboltyhemoglobin wuntiort in the blood is lellS than 1'1&. E. The following medicatiOn:! are detected in lhe urine but not the blood: l. Udocaine 2. Diphenhydramine MEDCOM 1005 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1005 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) _ Pqe80f 10 H....SHIM, 1.o'y Lafll OPINION died of. Qf(jiac mtlythmia d~ This (BTB) 2A-yut-old Iraqi civilian deiaineerfb)(6) to fOCI! d}'loplasia of the atrioventricular nodallll1ery. Thb! cardiac abnormal it)' cannot be detected by screening Ie5lS or by physical eumination. and has been Implicated u the cause of IUdden death. OIhet dilp»es considered as !he <:IJJ$e of death are coronary vasospasm or ion ~l di$Ol'der. neitller of which can be proven microscopically. All other findinp II ...~y were nonspec.ifi~ To~icCllo8iealleslln8 for ethllllOl, scnlerlCd dl1lg5 of abuu. carbon monoxide and cyanide were negalive. Lidocaine (a mediClltion used in resuscilluion efforts) and diptlen!lydrarnine (an over·lhe-e:ovnler anlihislamlne) wele present in the urine only. The manner of death il nlllll'lli. (b){6) (bl(6) Medical Examiner MEDCOM 1006 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1006 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) HASHIM, Lo', hCe 90flO Latta ADDENDUM Ai NSlU't'IP"holoty CoP!'lttdOR Rsport AitMEb fUltCE$ INS, •• Oil! OF PAtllOUXiY NEVROPATHOLOOY UPOItT CASEWUM!D;(b)(6) 'ATlENTN.uf:E DATE or EXAMDl'AnON: 01lOlo'09 !.,.. ...uu.flhelniDof.MluIl dlIn,dtlleolo.'. 1 ... T1lollaolWloI>o.poIcIItao... ... Tho,,' n..I,' .-...:Ib ....':' 11 ....... Tho lftiD 10 rU ODd D06cnlaIy, <li"'-',IWOII.. br.q wIdmod D"i. -..po .... aid o"ld pMlolly otr-d,.;.llor, peri II 'k 1Dd ......lonocdullllr)'c~TIle DTiba.... ochorwI. _ictJI,-"'"' ~ n.-IoDO IIpof,,", IMioe..-mIdlloMMllt. T - W . - . . _~Iolblo .. cilho< -.... 111< ...... -nt hi alIl!1llJ' IWOIIoo COIIIIpnlioe. 1lM ulmlOllllpOCUoI* "'. , IDdCOl'ttldI ..-bblo.,....-\a .... "-oItlltlnbotollow • ........ d!Jcrituloo. tr. of 0I!l<00K1oooob. .. "" diloclllliou..- .... 01 _Iudo& 111<1' III tl!o, ~ rtllt CCftbnD ,....OOJ • roc.oJ _ _ In tllt _ , wIII.. _ o r de<p ond_ If .. ..wIlD< rIIllL SeclbM.r1lle IIlldtnln, pool, ..wun.1lfId oaclld""" ~ DO dirru. .. fo<:aI obw:InnaIlIl. .. 1lM 1Ubolonli. III.,. 0IId 1ocuI-..loIu ore MIl PC I no '4.. 'v "'I....... ofSylvi...... po-. wlII>ollCO'lllll''-OIOd ~ Tho cMl'Old pic If ...-.rbblo IlfId lbo oplllIIYII\AI aarfooa .... omoclll 0IId _w,""" no- c1........ PHOTOOIlAPHS: _ MICROSCOPIC EXAMrNATKlN: "*' .........., rr-: (II rii/lllolOnJ n-.t 10k (11 ~ CIIl.....- ...,...... ~limborl-...J , (0) ldI........,~ _1cIW1IUbownio ~ U"'b orllle lnlomoI , ('I ritbllllolonNW "" ........ /poolalot U",b of lho -....J copooI<, (Q o\Pl hi,•• (7) ri&/II c.oI__ ~piIal ""'" Y4IIritJc, (I) na!U _ R (p) ",1d.lnIo, (10) _ ..... (lll-.!lllio. Black> oIlioaoo ror "FI' ........Ioa ........... 17rif.......... 0DfJIIM c.oIlooon, (lllllid .r,__ '."p_. ->-- Sc<ticu rbIocl: Mined widl HAS. B~ IDd VB \oc:lvIiq_ ..... ......' - , ; Ix Il-1Ioid pI'OC_ PI-'" (J-AJi'P), Illal allrill"l' ..Iclk (OFAI') COMMENT: T1Io nl!c,: pL choqco ........ d1fl'1Mo ....... lo ... """ of JlOrl_1oI _uoIiDIioc> or Iho,....."Uond wloi.. _whidlll .... ~I00_ OI'iIlIlbo.,;Jd . . . ., ·t,d--. n..... io 01_ tlioaio 10 1M r or ~ •...0;... Q,edoI11-...:l blood _10. n_ .,...".. """ tpel:llk. 1 .Id DlAGN.OSlS:. '(&)\6) NEUIOPATl«>LOGlST MEDCOM \007 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1007 AlTJ'OPSY REPORT:<b){6) HASHIM, to'y Lab Pige 10 of 10 ADDENDUM Pi CtnU!tYMCV1V PI_logy CoDlllllltIM Report ~fCCBSIOHNO. SEDUENJClil& J-.y 21, 2009 DlAGNOSllI!(b)(6) J...~ N. cldklcM tlU'IlIa< ..... .r••1. IdtDll/lod Foal., I' 'h .r:rfoo'.trkOoreod.ol.rr..,. H~24 _old ~ ditric<lIty bo lMI.. bci&l>Iln <m, weIPa] q;cMl"~btpa.h&W,1 tbla 0Ild CIlOlkI "'" be """"';\aOOd Ibn:.uo a (JlOt ~ ~ -....J ...... ]24 10 1IpJIeI' liaIIl UII (or 176 <011 . . .);<Iooodf..-onk;",,",,",cardi.. ' - - " I ·lcfI-.i<ulor~l)' _ l O ...... k11 ,..... lml.rr.-U""'. 14 ,Ier..,.....'bjd 14 ....... ,.;po. ~ &om ...... -I\< III >qlQn lO posI<rior ripI.....ncI< wall tbk' 4 -: If'OUl1.........ub1o; 1IOfIIIII .......d10a0; "" It"'" IDroc-diol -.lDt or .1Ibn>oi.; N -.;.... ""...""...... l D l I _ -.tq.. oeeroti. =. nodol.,..,. ... Cd . .,....., n,. ~ DOclo and ..........t.oll Tho «IIIIJ*I 1IIrioYudrioulo(AV) ............ penolI'&Ilqbur>dle i i i (..... fnpIaIwb>wilIoo\.O Inn. .Ij"", i - . i (ot. or prouroal~ The pro:UlMIld\ boIDdlo \Irm> io \II\fCIMIbbIo ODd ... ripe io ""' ..... Thoro ... "" .u....milll. " " - _ bol-.lllo AV """" 0IId Iho ~...- 1bcI'O ia lIIiId AV o<>dol ....." ~ wi"lIMdiIJ """ lDtlIDol rlIi<toalDc ODd f..... IIIOdoenoo <l}",' 'j' of"" AV IICI4IlI/lOf)' III.a willi ~ lbi<kcniq. 1 CoroPo<y _ _: NonIIoII ostia; ricbl ~: "" eroa laosi. Sal! ~4iaoDo (AV o<>dollllorydyspluil} ioIl11lo ..... lIu_ ImplkMocI IlIIllddm datth, ollbouab <IOlSollty ill .. iIlo5Yiduol_ be dlMcu/l1ll IIo:aIain. W• ....,. adudo CO<OOIII)' ~ .. 1 _ of ~ ~ boo 110 IIisIoIot;Io Imprilll, or .. !cliopU'" ~ Idllod III .... ~ dltordor. e-.: l 0...,._ of Cordlo.......1r hI!Iolov MEDCOM 1000 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1008 l(b)(6) US( INK OIl IlIlLL_P(l'NT PO< (lNLY '1t.1\lmlDl1 [(b){6) CONSULTATIONS TN'S IS A PERH.IN(h'1 PART o, •"" c c'oCu'.'" 'M'~ ... u.~ .~o~. 'e '~' (If" J THt RECOID AN:! 'S N'JT 10 Be 'HC 'e'L"'i~C O"'C'" .<... ~'". o",<cco ---9 ... (b)(6) (e . . , ) : :0: l'Artl NEU ROI'A 'l"J IOI.on Y_RH!OIIT CASE NIJMI3ER!(b)(6) ~ PATIE"T NAME: HASHIM. 1.0' Yl.. l),\TE 01: EX,\,\JlN,\TION: Ul/011l09 GROSS DESCRIPTION: TIlL' s",,'Cim~n ~OI1SiSIS ,II" Ihc' brain "f:ll' adult Toc lcP\ll"le"inge~ ar" Ihi". delical" amI tran,parent Th" Inmlall"bI: pole, h,,,'" h..'en remo\'ed f"r 1":<:ic,,l~y snxli"s, 'Ille brain i~ pak and lllodenllel)', ..Ii n'w'ely ,,,x.llen h'I"ing "'idc'ned gyri. compresseJ suki umJ paniullr eO:tced pcrisd13r, pcri'lleSt'nccphalic ,md ect..,bdJilm"dullal)' cistcrns. Tlte ~)'ri ha"e an Olherwise an:uomical1y nonnal conligumtioll. Th,,"" is no si);" or hcmilJlioll or midline shift, Tc'"orinl gTINl\'CS arc 11<>( ,'isibJc on eill1<;r uncus. The cerebellar 10llsils han: D slightly s\\'ollcn cfll1fiI!Urnti,,". Thc' e,slemal aspc'<:l~ of IllI: hrail1ilCm and ccrchdhul\ arc n"t rcll111r~:lhlc. Th" ancrics <II th" rose ufth" bmin follow u oorl1l31 Jislribution and (Ire fTee of alhcroscler"sis. There are '10 :m"lll')'smal o.Iilalations ur siles of ""elusion. Th... idcllliJi"bl.., cr:mi'l! 1I,'rl'c' ro<M :lr,; 001 r.:l11:1rkabl~. Coronal Sl.'Ctiulls of Ilic e<'rchrul11 rc''eal n" f"",11 lesi"ns in Ihc cnni.".s. "'hi Ie m,11lcr or deep nuclc1lr strllelurcs. Then' is no l1lidli"", shift, ~Iioll~ of lite "",lbr:lin. pons. mc,h,lIa and cerebellum shu'" 110 c.JilTuSIl or focal "bnnm~1 ilics. The S1lh.~lamia lIil!l1I end luclIS cocrulclL< lIn;:, "ell pil:mcl\tc.l. Th" \'cntrieubr SplClll and a<.JllL..l"cl MSyll'ills arc' p.1tent "'ilh a noon;11 si7.C ,,,,..I c"nlillutmi"n. The chumi" plc.~I'" is UIln:Ul:lr~at>1c :mJ the eflClloJ)"n,:01 ~ur!;", ... ~ "n, ,l11<lOlh and slislcninll· J'IIOTOCRAI'IIS: rc., ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1009 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: Blocks of tissue for mitrosropic elUUTlination an= removed from: (I) tighllaltl"ll! frontal lobe, (2) cingu1ate gyriIanterior corpus callosum. (1) mid righl cilliulate gyrvslcorpus callosum/caudate nllCleuslanlerior limb of internal alpsule. (4) kft thalamus/subthalamic nucleus/substantia nignljXlSterior limb of the internal capsule. (S) right thalamus! red nucleus Ipo.sterior limb of the internal capsule. (6) right hippocampus, (7) right calcarine conexloccipital born oflateral ventricle. (8) right eerebeUwn, (9) midbrain. (10) pons and (11) medulla. Sections from each block an= stained with H&.E. Bielschowslty and LFB lechniqlle!l and imm\lllQSwJXd (or ~amyloid precurslf pn)Ieill (P-APp), ilial fibrillllt)' acidic protein (GFAP) and p...amyloid. COMMENT: The miCTD5C0pic changes show mild, diffuse edema in the (ann ofperivucular vacuolization o( !he newopil and while matter which is consistent with the mild arossly described chanp. There is also mild acute gliosis in the fonn ofastroeytic swellina. ~ially I10Il00 blood vessels. These chanses are aional and not specific. r=DlAGNOSIS: l(b)(6) I-----::=:-::-:-:c:-~_NEUROPATHOLOGIST MEDCOM 1010 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1010 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ARMED FDIlC£S INSTITUTE OF PArf.lOLOGY WASl1INGTDN. DC moa.&QOQ r '"r .........).L. ,. , I' ;." :'<1:/1 .\ rJ I' I nIHd~p~rl""'nI31 <':on,u hUlion --=l I~epnrl J\FII'_ACCESSI01:'>...NO........s.EQl.i.I~'{C~O, l(b){6) lI~Slll;-'1. W'Y L (b)(6) (b){6) (b)(6) AFJPI(b)(6) I ~ 13 R~scllrchllh'" B1d~. ~==J 101 H<ld,yill~. Nil) ~0850 Ill... l)IAG:'iOSIS:(b}(6) ~rl. 3UIOPSY: :-0 ddinilin fa rtlia~ C3 US" ur de:!l h idcnlifi~d Fucal dr'plasiu. ulrin"cnlriculur nodal Urlcl)' Ilislo~: ~~ j"'ar "Id lnoqi I\l:llc: h<:i~l\l 177 el11. \,ci~hl 8._ kl!: "il'ilian dcmin~,<:: O<!&iln II:l\'inl; Jillieuhy hrcll!hing nnd co"IJ nm he rcs"sciWlcd lle:ln: -l-lO G(fl'\'rconlrihutor) /prcdicl"lJ nomml \'nl...: 32-1 g. upper limil -I~8!l ror 17(, em male): doscd i'>r.In,enl,lV:lle: nurTtlul cardi"c ch:\mt><.:r din...,l\sions: kfi \'''lllricular cal'ily di:lJ11"I"r 30 mill. len I'cnlrieular fr"C \\'nll thickness 1-1 111m. ,'cmric"l:lr ",plun, thicknc:;;; 1-1 nUll. ri\;hl I'cmricuillf fR,m 'lII:lllC angle to ~plurn ]0 Illm. I"lSlerior riglll ""nlricle "'liB Ihiekll\.'Ss -I mm: \"alws ~l\lSsl)' unrcm:trkabk IlQmlal cndoc:tnliwn: no gross myocardi:ll scllrring or lihmsis: hislOlllgie S<."CI ions Ik:nlOnS1~le IlO inllanllll~liOIl. sc~rrin~ or necrosis C"ndue1inn s> :\Iem: Thc sinOililial nude anlJ nod:l\ unery nf<,' unrcm:tr~oble. The coml"lCl alri'l\'Cnlrkular (A V) no,Je Olll.] penClr:lIing hundk dcmonSlr::II" f"c~1 fr:lt:llI"nl~1 illn II illln"l inl1nmm~tion. iner""",d r:1I. or proleol(l)'c:"'s. Thc pn,~inmlleft bunlJlc h,..~neh is unrem:lrbhk :",11 the rillhl is ""I s..,<:n. Thl:re:lre nO ,1iscemibk b)'J~'\SS Imet5 belween ,he AV mldc and lhc \ cnlricular 5<:p1l1l1\. There is mild AV <lo<Ial ;lrler) d~,pl~si~ wilh medial :lnd intimal lhickcnilll( :tnJ ii.lCnl mo<leml~' dysplasi:t of:1ll AV noo:ll ;Irtery hrnnch wilh m~'tl;al thickcninl(. C"mmem' Small I cs.....,l ,Jisea,;.,: IAV nodal ~ncry lJ~ spla,;i:. I as :<cell in Ihis (asc has b<.'t,:n implieulc,J in sudden JC:llh. ~hhml!:h cl,uSIllil)' in ~11 individual C;,';": elll1 h,' difficult 10 'l.>C"nain. WC can""l ,,,,c1uJe C<>I'''IIIII)' ,['"sm l~i a cnuse of J'::III1. whkh has no hi.lulogi( imprinl. or lUI idinpalhic :lrrh.llhmial\:laled I" ion eh:lnod lJisurdcr. /1<11''''''''''''' 1'/('""/;",...,~"",, '''''~'''''IlJ' M1J ''''~ SI.. ,\'.11', 811ft. 54. II_I 1n~.'l, 11'• ../1/"....,..... /J(' 1/))116-6000 [16\(61 I'~~~ I or I J MEDCOM 1011 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1011 ..AI-IUCcr..5SI0ll:.r-;O_'\EOliE."-CE ~O. (b)(6) IIASIIJ!-I..I.O·Y L_(b}{6) (b)(6) llluo:~, ",>ok: I! C5 M)<>ar<Jl...... 1 cu.Jooo..~;"" Sl........ _ I!ll! l~lL J ~loo.1oIl .~_. (b)(6) Ixp.vtnk-nl "I' Cardio,."scular Plllhololl~ 611$ I "b·~6 t {l'1"'t1"'~'" "/Ca.dlal"...ala, '''''/to/ulIY 11'-- 6ltlP....Je.t....... ti'I1'NI.JI-'illll"~",,,_{lC2flJM)6IJ/J(/ 1':1.".. : "n ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1012 MEOCOM 1012 _... _..__ . ,---_... -- - .----- -'- - _ ._-.-. _ .. --- -_.._-- -- -- . . ._«>_. _ __- .... .... -- _.-.... _ ----' _ .. -_ . _- «> "_.--, .... __ .. -. -,,--._-._ - ----.. _--._.- - --..._-..-_. -_. ---- -....._,----__I." -- _- _..--.... .C:lImP'le.OoTllll' DlAl>l fOWllStA'J . _ o"'£c£'_ iL"'t'_ _ .....,. '" W!YICI. CO'" BTB Hashim, Lo'y, • (b)(6) Civilian ""''" "" ....., .... ~ U,..... 0 ......... • , Co<OC'_ I!J ~~ "0'10''''' , • ,~ ... -"' "'- ....... """ ... . . . - ... IIA.. • • , _11"-' ... ........... ........ ... -. ........ e -..""_ _ _ _ .. _ ... <:<:MIOTOO 1lflECI\' "'"""'" _ .~ • or. ... , to.I'Io ••_ _ May DyspIMlo • _ " " " " "...," " " . ' _ TO <..... ..........""" ........ 0 . . - _ , . . . . _ _ •• ,• • '.r".."'.......... 1000£ ......... iii "' ~ D~ • _ ...... 10 _ _ _ • , ~ ..... "' ....... (bX6)- (b}(6) "1(b)(6) 1~"'''''''''''''''-' Camp CropPer 20080602 . 0 _ .... - _.... _ ,1.................... "'-"""""'-"',..... (b}(6) ... .. _ ..... ._~ ..... _ ...' ......_ (b)(6) ..... - - . ...... _ . _ _ " , . . . . . . .A . . . , _ ... _ . _ _ •• ..... _ _ _ _ • ... _ 1 1 Dover AFB, Dover DE l(b){6) • 00·:11'Io 2064 I~~ Iil-- Medic:al EJ<arnlner _ . ..--_ ... _..... _.. _-_.._.....__......-,._ ..n", •• 22 DeolImbef 2008 -_._..-.-..... _. _,... _ _n ... _ _ ' _ " _ ........ _ I I .......... ' ~ " " " " . _ ~ MEDCOM 1013 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1013 ARMED FORCES INSTfTUTI: OF PATHOLOGY OfrJu o'the Anltd Foras MrdicaJ Eutalntr 1411 ~h Blvd., Blda. 102 Roe.ltviUe, MO 10SSO 301-319-0000 AlITOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BIB ABO. Fu'ad Ali ISN (b)(6) DaleofBmI(b)(6) 19S5 DaleofDeaI(b)(6) 108 DalcfTime of Autopsy: 31 MAY 08@1130hrs Dale of Report: 11 AUG 2008 AUlopsy No.!(bj(6) j AFIP No.:(b)(6) Rank: Civililll In.qi ()t;lainec PIlCe of Death: '!WI Place of Aliiapi)': Pon MOfflIIry, Dover AFB. DE Cirellmstaoces of Death: Thit S2-ycar-01d Iraqi detainee wflo Illfferecll c.on:bnl vucular loCCilknl one monl~ Iller ~n8 dilposal W~~. lOl)'OQrdill illfi/<:liM. He _lrMIfcmd 10 1M ICU Illd WIU clee'hed non-opclllble by the neutOSU'Ie.:Y IUlll. He _ pIKed on do nOl ~lIsdtlle (DNR) onlcl'llfter .. ethic committee meelin8 decision. He WIS ~ dead shortly thaafter. AlIlhorizllkln for Alllo,.,.: Armed FOreef Medicll Examiner. per U.S. Code 10. Section 1411 Identfl'leltloo: ldcllliried by llllnspomlion doc:lIme11U. PosllllOnem finae'llrinlllld dentll X.I'IY1 obllined prior 10 !he IlllOpS)'. we,.. CAUSE OF DEATH: SPONTANEOUS INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE DUE TO ATHROSCLEROnCCARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE MANNER OF DEATO: NATURAL MECCOM 1014 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1014 AlJTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Pllie 2 of7 BTU ADB, Fu'lld Ali EXTERNAL EXAMINATION _.. The body is tIlIt of I well«veloped IIIIde .... Ie. The body _ia/l:S 142 pounds. is 67 indlcs in Icn&l~ ItIId Ippears COIllpitible with 1M tqlOrIedlP o(2)U1S. Thc body is cold. Rip is IfttmltO In cqulIl del'" in IU exlrmlitic:s. Lividity is present Indllud on tM pow. Iol .rface of the body. Geep! in II'alI n:poRd 10 The had is normocephllic:.1Ild tM .:lIp hlir I, b11dVsr-Y. Faclll hllr consists of I mUSllChc IIld Ilhlvm beard. Thc irides IR brown. Thc COfWK wecloudy. The corUuncllvM InclselQlol: we \IIImruorbble. The uwm.l w;liloly Clllais. cxlCl'MI nlm Incl onl ClIVii)' In fRC oHorei.... n\lll:rialllld abnormallKrtIlons. The naal akdct"" Ind nwdlla _ plll*lly inlICI. Thc lips IN without evidenl i'liury. The tttlh In: IIIlWllI and in poor condition. Examination 0( lllt MCk rew:11s no evidtllCt of !rtiUl)". Thc challl ,,"remarkablt.. No evidence ofll'\llll)' of rht ribs or lilt Ilcmum is nkltnl uttJIIIlly. Thc Ibdorncn is ulll'tnllrklblc. Thon is I 2 Y, X2 % inch """II healed suraical scar on the ."tcrior lell upper Ihlgh. TIle elllel1llll genitalia.,., those oh circumcised OIdulL Thc poIlcrior to.... Ind IIlIIS Ire urlfal\llbble. There in 2 x I indl contllSion of the clorAhw(1CC o(!he righl 1Iancl. Theft III I x Y, inch COfIh'sion of III I "1111 pin, There In IWO contusion, of the IIllcrior left upper lhlJl1 _urilllllp 'I. illCh In maximum dimension. ThIrc is I 2 x % inch ~onI",ion w~h ." UIlckrlyinl 7 x 4 cmlimcccr lrel ofhclrlOfl'tllac. Theft ;s I J x % inch _lIIsion "" the ."wm medlll 1l1hl utkle.' 1111 CXlftmllln show no eridtncCI OffrlCllil'n or 'IICCntiona. The finlC"'l~I"" in.let. T.nOOl~b}(6) ~LQIHING AND P[RSQNAL fjffEW None identified. MEDICAL INTERYENTJOtj • • • • Six n«dle pullClUfI marIll on 1M ril!lllllll-clObitll rOtA Two needle puncture mIrlcI on lhIlcft lII1c<ubilal fOSSIl OM needle puncture II'I&li< sUmllinclod by. I x Y, Inch contusion on 1M lell rCrTlOf1l1 "'tt)'fwln .... Two blncl-aids on the lcll palm .nd kft IIlttrior upper thigh RADIOGRAPHS Acompletc set of posllllCll'lem radioFt'Phl is obuIined Ind damonst'nIlc inin-parencll)'lllli bnln ~tmonblle Incl multiple remote bo.lliAic .....aments in IlIt kft upper IIllab ....1lkh .... Ii_cd uncItr MlntenLIl Eurnil1llion.~ , ConlUli..... n Ilkllyl rIIlI11 oI_rncy medlelllllOeo .tlKI"" MEDCOM \015 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1015 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Page J of7 STB ADS, Fu'lld Ali EVJD~NCE OF INJURy None. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODy CAyITlES: The ribs, 5temum,.,m Yendnl bodies an: visibly and p.llplbly inlad. No .dhesions or abnormal colled:ians ofnuid are IftSC'II in any of1M body "Vilia All body orpns an: ~I in normallll.lOmital po$ition. The SUbcUlaMOUl fal "~oftlle abdomi/llll .....11 is I illCh thick. HEAD (CENTRAL NERyOUS SYSTEMIANQ NECK: The !Main .... ighs ]370 vams .nd appcan edematous. The pleal and subpleal soft tissues of the free ofinjury. no skull fracturts. The dura mateJ.nd fal~ ccrebri are ilItael. ~ it no epidlnl or nbdul1' hemonha&e praent. AJ. lhe buo oft"" IIllerior righllemponllobe is • 1 ~ ".5 eefll;meter defect lC\'ealing an I ~ S ~ l.S into the venfricu1u I)'Stl!lll (righl laIeral venlricle, centimeter inll'aCrlllial clol with exlension of third, and foonh "elIlricles). Subarllchnoid hemonhage surrounds tIli, to:mporallobe defecl extending to the righl occipill.llobe and the base of the bilallll"li fi-onllilobes and cc~I"r hemjspllc~ The arIcries of tile cirele of Willi, an: in the usual ...."""ic _figuntion and an: I*C'It. No aneursyms an: ldenlir~. The eClebelium is ICI'illlly Ilcetioncd alonglhe "linIl plane, revealing an unn:marbblc cut sutfaee. The !Mainlcem is billcetCd S&&itlally to I'C\'CII dont hert'lCln11a&es. Tbere is a 2.S x 0.1 x. 0." centimeter ri&ht tempond lobe IKenliion .IonS IIIe cdII' of the ria/ltlenlorium cerebclli. ClIl'OIIIlsec:tion,nl of the ecn:bnlt hemispheres revealalCpll1lte focllS ofinteI'ClaJliat herroOlrtlllle II lhe gray-whilC jUllClion in the ri&ht pariCIII lobe measuring 1.0 ~ 0.1 XO.S CCfllimet.m. The Itlanto-occipillJ joInl it !ltIble. hernorrh.., The Interior strap mllKlcs of I!lc neck Ii'll ~ and reO-brown, without Itemorr.... ge by la)'lCf-wise diuec.lion. The lh)'lOid and h)'Oid boM an: inwet. The larynx is 'ined by intlld. whill: mllCOSlO. The 1000gllC '" flft ofbile nwts. heJnonh.qc. or Other mjuries. lneisiollll!d disseetion of tile posterior neck demonstrates no deep paracerviClll mU1lCul.. injlll)' and 110 Clll"ViCIll spine: fraclum. CUl" .... CARPIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The hePl weighs )10 grtlllll Ind it conllined in an inllCt periCltdi.1 sac. The epicanlill JIltflCC is s_h. with minimal fa in"CSlmcnl- The COfOIIIII)' anerietI ~ P"sen! in I notmIt distribution. wilh. righldomilllllt pattern. Cross sections oftlle vessels show _ere (vater than 15%) Itherosclerolic lumi/llli ~lCllO$is of the left anterior dc~inl anery Mel rigllt <:OI'llnII)' IItCl}' measurina 5.0 IlJId 6.0 eentimelen I'mm the left IIld rigllt coronary orifICe, respectively. Mlll:h of1he In,,",ior left ve"trioul.......11 is uymmctricllty thin (005 ecntlmctcl on .""ra~l with tanlpay discoloralion compared 10 the posterior left ventricul.. WIll (1.0 caIlimcter on I __,e) w~h normll IPpearinl homogenous, rM-bnlwn myocardial tilJue. The valve IClneIJ are thin and motIile. The Wills of I!lc left Yenlfiele. inlervcrtric:ul.. scptum.1IId ri&ht ventricle . . O.S. 1.2, Ind 0.2 centimeters Ihick, leSpe<:tmly. The mdoclrdill IIItface is dullllld sli&htly fOUgbened. The...,. display l,hen:>s<:leroIie elwtges and aivtl rise to three lnlle! and patencll'Cft YeSSCIs. The I'CIIII and mesenteric YelSCIs an: unn:marbble. MEDCOM 1016 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1016 AUTOPSY REPORT\(b)(6) BTB AOB, Fu'lld Ali RESPIRATORY SYSTEM' 1lIe IIf'P"f airway is clear of clcbris and fOl'Cign IlI.Ilcri.ol: the II\lICllAIIIII'fKn _ -iL, ycllow-lan WI 1lIl1'ClN1bbIii. n. pleunJ S<Irfxa IRIITIOOl!t, sliSlCllins and IIflmMrbbIc billlttally. The Pl'11nlIlYIY pucndlyma is diffUIClyconSCS'Cd WI cdcft\lltOllJ cAlida blood Md frolIIy fluid wilb no foul lesions 1lOled. on. pulmorwy ~ '"' 1IOfII-..11)' developed, plltcnt uuI withoul thrombus or elllboliK, The"",t tuna weish. I 100 sr-'!I and llle left tUIII wciBhl ISO &IWnlI. HEPATOOllIARY SYSTEM: The liver wei"'. lSI Gv-m has .......ClIft'OOlh CoIflIUIe coverin& IllOlkrllel)' ean8C1tcd \M-brgwn pllf'CIKhyml with no fouJ le.ionIlIOIIal. n.c pllb'odd cr eonlai,," 4Q rnilillilCn of lI1ftll-brown, Ill_Ill bile; the rrweoI.I is ~Ivety Ind unmnullible. Thc t:l(lnl\epllic bililty 11>:11 is 1'1_, without cvide_ or Wailt GAST8QlNTUTINAL SYSTEM: The csophaps is lined by lI'Iy-white, smo«h mucoM. The p$lric rnllCOSll is amnpd in tlII ,,_ll\Ipl folds and lhc lumcncontains lSO lIlillililcn oflan nuid. The smalJ and Iat;e bowcb _lINCtIIIfbble. The pll/llftIJ 1111 ........1 pink~n lobulllcd IppelnllU IIId lhe duets _clear. Thc appcftdilt is pmenI. GENITOU8!NAU SySTEM: The risM kiclncy weJ&hIloo puns; the left wciaJIs 90 pm!. The rcrII.l capsules aN WlXllh .... thi.. semi~ Md slrip....;cb Ctit fi-anl1hc undnf)'ina I/lIOOlh, Rd-Orown cOIlicll suNcc. The roniccslt'Ciftpply ltclincdal f_the maluillryp)'ramids, wlIlch arc red-puI1lle to !an and unrcmubblc. ThcCll,,"", pcl_ ...cl_m _ unmnarUlllc. The Ian bllllckr rtllICOII overlies In inllet blIldcIer Will. Thc b1lddcr contltns no urillC. The lC1le1, proswe Ilind Md Rminll vesicles: an: unmnsrbblc. LYMPHORETICULAR SySTEM: The splllCll wciahs 100 and has I smooth. inlIcl ClplUlc - " " I ml-pwplc, IIlOcIcraldy firm psn:tIChyma;!hI IympI>oid follicles . . unmMrUblc. Lympll nodes In tile hi1ar, pcriaoIlic sncIl1lK rcgioM an:_el~ ENOOCRlNE SYSTEM: The piluiury aJslId is left but/1II1ld is u.....llIIrbblc. The thyroid Ilmd isl)'llllllCtric sncI rcd••~':':~:~""~ withotJ. c)'Jlic or nodIutc c!llnp. The riIht and lcflldrcno.lalands an: symmetric, wilh bripl ~How _i: If Ind I"td·brown mccIullie. No muses or ..... orloemo"~an: idcntiftCd. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM; No """..lIl1umltic .bnorrnIlilies of mlllClc «bone _ identified. Multiple nimllle metillic fnlpnenll in tIK: left lhi", loR .rllifled. MEOCQM 1011 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1017 AUTOPSY REPORT!("b',,'6,,' BTB ADO. Fu'ad Ali _ PlI&e S of? MICROSCOPIC EXAMJNATlON Se1«ted portions of otg/lllS are ~ined in fonnalin with prepuation ofhiMology slides liRed below: Adrellll aIallds (slide I); No patholo&iClI dillplOSis Prostale (.Iide 2): No palhokJ;IClI diagnosis Liver. SJ*cn.lefl kiclllC)' (slide J); No palholoail:.1 dillgnosis Ri&ht kidney.nd Iefllunll (slide 4); No patldoaiclll dilgnosis Ri&ht lung (slille S): TWO .... I the three lobes oflhe riGht luna displ.)' .heels of IIl:Utc innllMlllOl)' cells admixed with maerop/lageund red bloocl cell£ COlUistenl Wilh Kule pneumonia. t.tfl.ntcriot descendina _I)' (slides 6) IlId ript coronuy Iltery (slide 7); Sections oftbe eoronmylltcrieo display intimal hypel1)ll:li. &lid IIhero$I;lerolie pllqYCS Cllmpcmd of librln and choleslcrol pllques. Left ycntride of lbe kilt (slide 8): S«tion oflhe hcIlt diaplay blood vesse's _ist£n1 with. ~_ YISt I1U of fibrotic stI'OINl willi congested myoClrdi.l infudion. ADDOJONALPRQCEDUR[S ~"",nwy p/IoIograplls Ire tlkolI by OAFME. Penonol efTeeli Ire releucd to the approprille monllll)' operMions ~presenlitiYe:s. J. SpeeimeM retained for lo~;ClllollY teslina lll4Ior DNA iclentiflCltion are; Y;lmMII nuid. blood, bile. pslrie _1""1S, 5P!een, liver, lung, kidlley, adipose \i_1nd skelml mlUCle. 4. The dissecled orpnSIl1! forwarded with body. I. 2. MEDCOM lOla ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1018 AlJTOPSY REPORTl b}(6) 8TB ADS, fll'ad Ali FINAL AUTOPSY plAGNOSIS I. Spalllueoalluwnlilli "_Omleel I. 7" ~.5 cenlimc,er .fOl:l Illhe _ of I"'" IIllCrior rI&h' Iemponllobe rewa]1 an • " 5 " l.5 cenllmcltf intnoc:ranill clOl with ulmslon ofhernorrillp ;nlO the wentric:llllr I)'SICm (riSlulllmIJ velllric", d1irll, and rOllrlh vcnlriclos) H. Sllblr8chnoid hemonba,e ord~ riBhllemponl. ri&.hl occipiU.I, bilalmll frunc.1 Jobes and borh c_~11u hemispllera. Iii. Dum hemOlThages of lhe tninslcm Iy. 2.5" 0.' I. o.~ centimcler rithl -.ponJ lobe Iaocnlion lion. lhe ectae orilla ri..... tenlOl'ilim ccrrilclli. y, Sel*lled 1.0" 0.'" 0.5 cmtimcter intm:.... ial ~M tbc ri.llI..,;cw Iobc I"lY'wllite jullClion II. C.rdioo_.lar ~ I. Severr (greal« Ihan 75'K OQ:JPSiool) ItJlm)scIcrotic homiMl --as of the leA Inlerior 6acetdinl and riatu - . r y anaics. il. Extenlive old myoc:ardioltl illr.clioft, ancerior w,," ol .. ft ''aline''. IV. P,..ddl.. CoDllillol: R_e blllislic injwylO dIe .. ft upperlhi&h V. £ylN_ of Medlc:ll TlocrlP7' As dc:Iaibcd abow: VI. ,".-I-Marte- O""'pl: AI desaibed .......e VII. Idntlr)'i"C Bod)" ,.......: As oieKribed &bow \1111. ToUcoIol)' (AJ'lPl l. CARBON MONOXIDE; ~;ll SllUrlliollln t/Ic blood ii. VOLATtLESl No ethanol_ detected in 1M bloocl and yi~1 fluid iii. CY ANlDE: Ncayall;<k <ktccIal In the bload Iv. SCREENED MEDiCATIONS: Lidocaine wuddecled in the blood .... SCREENED DRUOSOF ABUSE: No dnlp ddecIed ill the blood MEDCOM 1019 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1019 \1'1 OI'SY RI;I'l IR I (bH6) B Iii ,\1)11. 1(l"ll'! .... Ii Ol'l="iln~ II", S:·1,·a, .• ~~ ,na\': ,k'am.....• (b)(6) ,.. :...,;o.,nl' ~""'I'Ii.._..l ~ ~~, .."""'1 "",,1:1. ,""'."nc~ ,~~,..I a' ~''''''l''~ .,int r""" ~ 'P''''''"l«>'''' inh:io:""li~l t...'1l~wrll3~'" IW."~ :II' ,okI ,"~.,,::., inl:"':l;"'. \lk:an ;>1l.:lo;k I. r.,....·<>l"G.' <tONIt .,(1.iJu(:"",," ~ I\...... ..:~ali,,~ """h,,~'~"'. /,:" ';s"jf",,,,,, .il" 0", n,~n,....,.,r d~;lIh i. n.... lral. "r'"".m. mIt...: ",,~~ \\"'" (b)(6) (b)(6) (bH6) MEDCOM 1020 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1020 ---- - - _.f__ ----. -..-- -- - - --- ---,--- -_.._-- -- -- ---- --_. __- . ...... -_ ...._ _-- --""_ .. _- .._.-_. _. --_"""".------. --'.--_ --- -- _._-- '.... _._.--,._"'""_._' .. __....- -_._ . _. ..__ ... _---. . . . . _ 00_. . _.._-_ _ _._-._.- _..._ _ _ ... _.. -_._"--."'-"-'" ......-.........-.._tt_........_ ...._'...... _..__ . - _00' c CVI~T'l 01' DUo Ttl (01IEII!tASJ It... -..:.>000' ......,. BTB AtId. FII"'. Ali 00 . (b)(6) Civilian ... .... IJ-~"""'" """'co ...... $ {bf;·119~ 00 ~ 0 • ...... 0_. -~- , OT.... _ ""OlD ....' ~ • 1_ ...... "'_T"' ... ..... T.-..a -,,-, --.,..~ <AIM ... _ , ............. ....... .... .... ..... ..,..-"' .......... "" ' - ' '" 01 I , e - .. _ _ _ _ ... _ _ .. coo,.... OIOlCfl........... fC ....'" • , Sp)o'lIO ................. ' . ' .. 'I. . _1O .1I........... ~ d i M _ • ........,,,,,.,.......... _ , ......... to --.""--'" ........."'"'CAUIO.• _ . .......,_ _ _ fO,. __." 'O"-"-<:AUII ...... • """"'" '" [iJ ...................0 • 0 ~ __ .._ ""' """"'" , ""'''''''TO.tonn- • ~ (bl(6) ... • ................ (b){6) ' ..... _ ....... T. . _ ... _ o v ~ I I;, May 2008 . • .._ _ ...._ _ 00-· . 'NOICO.TUl_ ,..,.. _ """...... .,.IUI ........ • Medical Ellilminer oo-..r AFB. Dover DE "'''''''' ...• .... ........... .... OO,lIl"n 2064 0. 0'LI0CI '" .... '" (b)(6) (b)(6) I DIU • _oa<:un. MEDCOM 1021 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1021 ARMED fORCES INSTITUTE Of PATHOLOGY Office orthe Armed Fl,tn:a Mrdiul Enmlner 141l Researth Blvd.• Bldg, 102 Rockville. MD 20850 '.:!O 1-3 19.QOOO (FAX 1-301-319-0(35) FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT Name: QURUNFIR AI-Araki. HUSilyn KlUim ISN~b)(6) Dale ofBinh: Unknown DalCofDealhL(b)(6) 2008 Dale of Autops>': 25 MAY 2008. IllO hours Dale ofRepon: 06 JUN 2008 --=oJ I AUlopsy NO!(bbl';";';;; AFIP No,[<b)(~ Rank: Civilian. Iraqi Delainee Place of Death: Camp Cropper. Iraq Place of AUIOPSY: Do~r Pon Monual)' Dover AFB. Dover. DE Circumstances of Death: "~"),",,,)-Preliminary invdtigation ren:a1ed tlulll\~ an Iraqi delai~, W:lI admlUed 10 tile Delaillee Medical Cenler. Camp Remembrance II, Thealer Inlernmenl Facility. Camp cropper, IZ. on'(b)(6) 12008. willi apparenl injuries and WIU pronounced dead by the lrealing physician. Authol'iution for Autopsy: Office of the Armed Fon:es Medical Examiner. IA W 10 USC 1471 I deollfiealion: Detainee (bl(6) lis identified by transportalion doeumenls llI1d the arccomp;1llied CID InvC:Sligalion Repon. Fingerprinls. denIal radiographs and a $aII1plc for DNA identificalion are oblained on 25 MAY 2008. CAUSE OF DEATH: Blunl Foree Injuries and Neck Compression MANNER OF DEATH: Homicide MEDCOM 1022 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1022 AlTT'OPSV REPORT (b)(6) QURUNFIR AL-ARAKI, HOllyn kul:m 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is tIwlt of llIIunclad welJ.Ocovclopcd. well-nourished C.uc.sian male, on a gray. black blanket in a plude body poudI. Elr.lmsivc bruising oflhe neck. t(lfS()and cxlm'!litin are noted: _ ~E~or Injury~. The body weighs 124 pounds and is approximalely 63~ in Ienp. The IIgC oflhe: deccdenlcan not be definilely delennined bul appears 10 be of • mi4dle IlI.'cd man. The Jalp ""ir is blKk 8l1li short. A black mUSl.Khc and beard lie noted. The eyclicb an: unrmwbbk with no IIpperenl lrauma. The eye globes are ulltemarltable with no appPm1t lnwnL The irides are PBIc:: and lItyish.. The I:Ol1ICK are wtlitish and sH;.htly eloudy. The sclerae are while wilh a small _ of hell.ollbllge on the right side. The Ulema) audilOf)' QUIIII$, ulCrnallllll'eS and oral cavity arc fM or forcign malcrial. Thc OflIll;lIvity ~e.l pieKnc:c of mucosal lnUfTlll on both sides:. see ~Evidcnce of Injury~. The: IIltllIJ skeleton Is plIlPBbly inlilCt. The: longue n::..:als a eontusion on the left lTlII'l:in with no \lSSlXiated bile maOO. The: lips lII'C lIIIICmarbble with no.~ i"'ury. The lCCIh arc nalUnaI and an: urwemarbblc. ~ls presence ofcontusions IIlteriofly and on both sides; sec MEvidcnce of lnjur)r. No ligat~ marks are pn:sera.. The neck The: anterior IOr5O reveals extensive: lnuisi"R oflhc: chest and abdomen. Contusions are dusky n:d•• nd more proootlnc:ed on the abdomen. The po$lcrior lorJD also reveals contl.lSiOll5. more pn:JnO\lnced on the flarb. No pcnclnlinS \YO\mds or shatp fO!Ce injuries are noted. No contusions or lnLllTll. is noted ofdlC supnpubic II/'CI and the cx~l gcnil.alia. The e.~lcrnal lIl'C those ofan adull cin:umc:ixd male and are arosstY W1rcmlllt,bk:, The uppc1 Clllremitics reveal ronlll$ions of the len IIml and right elbow rq;.ion. The lower eltlmllitics 1'C\"aI1 pn::scoce of contusions on the upper lhighs. Icp and feet: see "Evidcnl:c o(JnjuryM. No IIIIDOS. major surglCllI or chanlc:teristie acllfS or otIIl'r k1cnliryina matks are noted. EVIDENCE OF INJURy Mulliple injuries an:: I'IOIed ofthc neck. torso lIlld ntn::milics and lII'e described below. No cvitlrnc:c of sharp forc.e or PClll'll1Itina injuries is noted. Injarln or Ihe Hud: Elr.arninalion of the heod reveals no ~ross evidence ofll'1lum.. Enminalioo of the Ol"lIJ uvity ~rs bil.leflll mucos,1 conlusioos COlTCspondiolllO IIIl' l.tcr.ll«th on both sides: sec -opinioo-. A. MEOCOM 1023 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1023 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) QURUNflR A ....ARAKI. Hlilly' kazlrn J Reneclion oftllt scalp ~yeals no slJb<eal hemonhage or eviden« of skull fractures. The cnlni.1 CIlyily ilun~marb.b1e Willi no evidtnec ofulIIIm. or inltKrani.1 hcmolrilagc. B. Injuri" orthe Nffk: Examinalion orille: neo:k reveals presence OfUn-pII11Cmed conlusions on 1M llnlcrior and Illtcra!lurfxn of 1M neo:k. Rdl«tion oflhc sIIin reveals bilaterallM:morrhogcs OflM IITlp muscles. more pronounced on the left side. The: hyoid is inllcl, bUI.n _a of hemorrllalle is noled on hI len side. Thc lhyroid clllliialle is intae:L Loc.lised Mmonhage is noted on the rillht side of lhi: upper pIIrl of 1M csophalllll Wilh no evidCllCC of httc....lion or perforalion. Posterior dll$«lion of lhe nco:k reveals localiled hemorrh'lle of tM posterior rillhl ncdt mU$Cles; !ICC "Opinion". No gross evidence of cervical spinal rl1lctures or abnonn.l mobility is noted. C. lajuries or Ihe Tono: Ulemal examination of the tol'5O rc, e~lellsiY<: COI\llllions on the anterior chcsl lII'Id abdomo:n. connC'Clina: lhe rlC'Ck contllSions superiorl)' and sparinl only lt1c sllpra-pubic area inferiorly. ReflC(:lion of 1M anterior chcstand abdominol hcmorrhaa:e ofthc $Iemum.nd anlerior ehCSl cage. No rib fractures arc seen. Examinalion Oflhc back reyeals extensive subcutaneous and Intl'llmllJCular hemorrhage Ofltlc bIlck m\l$l;ln. mOtC pronounced in bolh nanks. No spinal froclures are noted. Remoyal of lM: chest plote reyeals hcmOlThallc of ils pMtCTior surface.•nlerior mediastinum and antcrior peric.rdium. Nn ll'OSS lrauma 10 lhe Ileart or lungs is noled. Removal of the ellesl orglns reveals btlatel1l1 hcmOlThalle of the posterior.lltml interco~al museles. wilh no llross e"idcnce of associaled rib fractures. Examinalion of the abdomen revtmls multiple focil hc:mCll'l'fta&ic arelLli of lhe small intestine and a sinl:lc conlusion ofille lnmSyeI'SC colon. midline. Hcmorrlt.gc is IIOled in the adipose and son tissllC sUtTOundinB the head ofllle pllllCrtU wilh no free blood or gross p11llCmllic laccralion. Sollrce of hcmorrltalle is not identified. Bilalcnll severt perirenal-subcapluJar noted ofbolh kidneys, more pronounced on the righl aide. Peri-adrenal hemonilallcs an also noted. more Pl'Onoun«d on lhe rillhl side. Sc,..:re bilalcnol ~Irope:ritoncal he1'norrhallc is noled. Hemonilallc is also nDled al'Ot.lnd the prostalC gland and on the anterior wall of 1M urinory bladder. The bladdcr wall is intae:t bul empl), of urine. MEDCOM 1024 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1024 AUTOPSY Rf.POR"T.(b)(6) QURUNFIR Al.-ARAKI. "u...y. tnim • D. ",jurin orlh~ E.ll~.. III~J: Examillllion of lhe upper n:tr<:mities m-ea.l~ marked subcutaneous and intraml,l$Cular 1'Iemo~~ oflhe mvscl~s of the po5Ierior and 'alm11 rijtht arm. No signifitllnl injury is notlld of lhe riijlll forearm or lhe leA upper extmnity. Examination oftlle 1o\Oo~r extremities R:\,<:als no Jignirteant injuries. Multiple COf\tusion.~ DI'C IlOted on ,he: anterior thia;h lIIld anterior-medial legs. Secliomthrou.:h thnc: contusions n:~1 sube\ltallllOusllnd inuamU$tUlar hefl'lOrrltal:e. thoug.h less prominent than those of the upper ~lCln:milid. ElIamlnatioll of both feet n:\'e:lIls rontusitlns orthe anterior planlllr surfac:c:s of bolh fco.'t and lhe: dorsum of both bi.: tCC$. Sec:tiumllvou;h Ihcsc eonlusions reveal SUbcutlllCflUS and prominent intl1lmllscular hemorrhas,d. INTERNAL EXAMINATION The: injuries an: listed abovc and will nnl b<: n:pc:atcd.. BOP)' ChVIIIES: See "Evidence of lnjll"". TIw; body is opened by the II5lAllhonco-abdomillll incision and the chelt plate il removed. 9ilaterallldhesionsaR: noted in the chest ClIvitiy. more: prominent on lhe lell side. No abnomlal colleclions of lluid arc presmt noted. All body 0llans are present in their normal anatomical position. HF.AD: (CENTRAL NERVOUS SY!<oTF.:Mj The: )ClIlp is rellccteoJ. No e"idence of lrauma is noled. The cal\'arium ortlle skull is removed. The: dura mater and falx cerebri are inlaCt. Then: is no epidural or subduml hemorrhage present. The Icptomeninges an: lh1n anti delicate. The e:erebral pan:rlChyma is IlfOssly unRmaTkable with no significant abnormalilY. The brain wcil:hs 13lO £AmS. NECK: See "EvK!CllCe or InjuryE.umlnation and diucclion oflhe son ,iallCS oflhe nec:k. lay<:r-by-Ilycr, I'CY'CIlls no nnntraumatic: abnormllli,in. The lhyroid ea"ilnl>~ and hyoid hone llrtl intllCl. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: See "E\idenc:e: or Injury". The periurdlunl Is inlact. The: pericardial $lIC is rrec or Ould and adhesions. The eoronary aneril:l arise: normally. follow the lI!IlllIl diSlriblition and arc ptllcn1. without c"i~ or athc:rosclc:rosis or thrombosis. The eh.o.mbers and \'alvC:l e:shihlt the: usual MEOCOM 1025 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1025 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) QURUNFlR AL-ARAK.I, HUSI)·. knlm , 5ize-position rtlations!lip MIl ~ unremarkable. l'1'll: m~rdium is Wftmllfbhlc. 11M:: atrial and ventricular scpUi ~ inIaC!. l'1'll: IOl'UI.nd its ITIlIjor branl:hes lriX nonnilly. follow the UJUII course lind an unrtmar1r;lble without siil"inClntltlM:T05Clcrosis Ilnd olhC'r abnormality. The vente ClYIe and their major tributaries return to 11M: ho:att In the LI$llII di$lribulion.nd ~ free oflhrombi. The lM:art ...'Ci.l:M 300 vams. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper air"'ay is clear of debris and forti"n material: the mllCosal sllrfllCeun: unrcrnar1r;able. The plt'llral surfllCnln: unrcmaRable billter.lly. The pulmonary pa1C11Chyma is grty-n:d and are maRedly <:ongcslCCl. No consolidation or sillnilkanl abnormality is irossly noted. The pulmonary Ineries an: normally dcvt'lopcd. patent and without throJ!1bus or anbolllS. The right llI1d len IlInll wci;hs 61 0 ir&ms and 340 IIrams. rnpcctively. LIVER II BILIARY SWEM: The hIlpatic capsule is smoolh and inUlCl. covcrinll daR brown parenchyma with no apparenl focallcsions. The gallbladder is inlltCllnd romains dartc grttn bile and no g:all stOllCS. The extrahepatic biliary tree is without evidence of eakuli. The liver wcillhs 1000lUams. ALIMENTARY TRACT: See "Evidence oflnjury~. The tongue revea!s no non-lrilUmBlie abnonnalitics. The esophasus Is lined b}' lI1aywhile mucosa. The llDSlrie mucosa rrveals the nonnlll rugal folds. The sl_h is diSlended with lIndigeSled-partially dileSled rood: Sllmple is submil1ed for to~icotoIlY. The sman and lari\: bowel is lInrelTwbble with no noo-lraumatie Ibronnalilics. The pancreas is &l'OS$ly unn:markable with Illl non-tntunlllic lesions. 'The appendi" is ~$Cnl and unrcmarllable. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: Sec "EvidCflCc of Injury~. The renll c:apsules an: smooth antlthin. The eortlces ~re delineated from the medullary pyramids. and unremarkable. The ealyce$, pelves and u~e" are unn:maRable. The urinary bladder mucosa i$ unremarkablc and canllins no urine. The riallt and leA kidneys wdgll 100 grams c.cll. The prostale 11land lind ksln revcal no non-Intum:ttic abnormll;t)'. REtiCULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM: The spleen lias I smooth. inlllCt capsule envcrinll put)' pU'JIle parenchyml; and IlfIltily unrcmarbblc. No enla'l.oed Lynlplt I'llXies an: SC<.~I. l1Ie spleen wcLaIls 120 ,",ms. MEDCOM 1026 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1026 AUTOPSV REPORT5b)(6~ ] QURUNFJR AL-ARAKI. "us.rllluo~hll 6 ENDOCRINE SySTEM: See "Evidence onnjury~. The pl1uilary ond thyroid glands are grossly ulIwmarkablc. The: adrenal glands rc~al no IlOIl-ll'lIumatK: abnormalitia. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Set: ~Evidenee orlnjul}·~. MUSl:te development is nonnal. No non-lmumalie muscle. bone or joint abnormalities are nOted. EVIDENCE COLLECTION None collected during autopsy. IDENTIfYING MARKS dnrIt mustachc and beard an: pl'<:$Cnt. No tauoos. major surgical SClrll or other identifying marb are notcd. A NATURAL DISEASES No evidence of natul'lll diseases is identified durinlltltc autapsy examination. MEPICAl.lNIERVENTION None nOled durinl: aUlopsy. POSTMORTEM CHANGES The body ill cold duc to refrillcl'lllion. livor is consistenl with supine position. Rigor is present equally in all extremities. No sisnificant decomposition ehanges are IlOlcO. TOXICOLOGY A. Volatiles (Blood and Vitreous fluid): No ctlulnol Wll5 detected. B. Screened dru1:S ofabu~ and mcdicatiOllli (lJlootl): None were found. MEDCOM 1027 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1027 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) QURUNFIR AL-ARAKI, HUlIlYII kuhn 7 ADDITIONAl. PROCEDURf§ - [)oc;ummllU)' pholOj,:l1lphs arc taketl by Dn OAFME pholo"rDpher, • FuJI body radioaJ1lPM and tomputerized body scans arc obtained. • Spttimens mail'lCd for lOllieologial and/or DNA identiflCalion are: Blood. vitreous nuid. bile. OllSlric oontCTlls. and tiullc SlImples from liver. lung. kidney. spleen. brain. psou and mu.sclcs. 'lid Idiposc tissue. • Reprl:tCnllltivc seelions oforgans are mained in f()l'lnlliin ";thout ~plrltion of hiSioloSical slides. he," fiNAL AUT.Q.PSY D.16GNOSIS I. BlulIl Fol'« InJuries; I. Illjurlnoflhc HCld: • Billtenll conlllsiotls of the intrl-OI'II mucoSll. - SciUllI hcrnorrlutgc. righl side. b. I"juri" of IIIIt N~k: . - ExtC1lSivc contusions of lhe I1«k. - FOCllllrCllll of hemonltagc in the mUlClcs of the neck. bilalcr.llltId posteriorly. • HcmorrliDllc on the \cft side of the hyoid. No fl'lCtUI'CI noted. Co InJurki of the Tono: Extensive oontUS;Orll on the anlerior.nd posterior torso with subcul.IItOlJS and inll'lmu5Cular hemorrh.gc. Hemorrh0llc of intCTOOStlllplctl of the chest uvity. bilaler.l. RctroperitDflcal hcmonhallc. bilalcl'Il. • BilDtCIllI peri·reMI and pcri·adf'CfIal and peri-pancreatic hcmOlTlu!llC'. • Foc.1 hcmolThagcs of the esophagus. small lind large intestines. urinary bllddcr and pll)StllC Sllnd. d. 81unl For« TrlI_ma 10 Ihe Edfrlllilln: • EXlCMivc subcutaneous and Inlnllllll$Cul.r hcmolThagc of thc right Inn. • Multiplc contusions with SUbcUlal\OOuS and inllUluscular hcmorrhallC of Ihc low"r utremities. II. NffkCompl't'SSion: - Sec Injuries oflhe Ned; .bove III. TOllkolo&)': No etlutool. sc=ntd medications or dl'\lllS of 'busc WCf'C detccted. MEDCOM 1028 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1028 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1029 6i:'m VIO::xJ3r4 ~""!\I,nx] I~.'!['-'l\ (91(,,) (g)(q) - ---::<'. .• 'I !"'!lInlll;;-<1 'Itr.'f' 'I" J~nll:l\ "71I1J·'11h'lUS f'lm 11,>1>'.'\1,I II,,',' ,.,,,'\1 I"'" """",-" ·":'Jt!II1'''I'I.I'' \I"!"""'!""~' r IU'OIl r·'!r .r" .\Ii' I,,' "I (9HqliJt'uw," "I·l" J" ,;;,1)1' 1"'" '1"~IIl·'!r:'I" I'," ~"\I"'S '1Ill""I'" .1'1.1 :I.,!I";\...., .'\1" 1'!1111 ""~'!J'!' I'"n I>;' '1'1 ",. "-.! I'II'~ I,",!it.'I' ~""" I "I'O:.'f' '!'! I\"'tJ"'~"'1 "",ll,!!<,I""" !'uo; .,;I\·u"'1' "!IU,! po"''''''' """1 '''''' "! ~ '1l'Isc ~UOII"""JI 'lU!'" l .'1]' .l:"I~I!' "I 1J>".'II" 1"1"'''''1 ~" :\U!""'I"""> 'p'" Il...."!~ll'" 'O:".'''1ll Ir.." ·...1' "'". 'I ~""I ·...1' u....'",.'l '."".,." ,. ~IIF'J'~ "·..."1' 'I''''! "I "'''''."J :!"! 'l'kl" 'II!" 111.'1'"''''.''' 1','1"" '! "~"""''I'';''l""'!~"IU'" 1'.....' 'tIll' I"-', 'I:lllll I'''','I''I!1l "'n" '.'1. "l r!" '" ." I' "In, 'II:J I .'I ,,;i'l'"I.' I·'I' " hi "", ;;'·tiJ'".' ·"11 I""."" ....''''1......11'.''1 J.- .'1' ;"11"" •" '1;i,,,.. ~· "'" ""-"~ po'!IJ,Ir. .'1] 1 ". '1lr.111·~1I'·115 1I."......!Jll ' 1I.'...., 1"'''10"'11 'I"" l"""!"",,.l.! "''1 ","u 10'...., ·"1' .I" ...'fr'IJJ'''''·'l1 '''11.1'' II' '!l"'l!Jl"I' " 'Itt" ",,111' J"'''''I,I -.VIIU," ,U,'I<!S""" M" I ....' ) 'I" "I I" >... '''1' 1''''' '<"! I!111.'\1I"" ·'....."1 ... '!J"I"'~' ,~It, ,,~., IIll! 'u"! II "l!JI" I' I"'" ~"! ltI!1l!.I" "!.'!Id! 'I" til '''It '''Illllr..ll .'I'LW. 'I'!." ""'I~!""'" II'.: "~': .....",. ·...1' I" ~~'!"! '''l , . ' ..I",m, IIi 1 !"u.".'1' ',.' "I!"!"',' .... 11.~"'C3 "~ll Ill.,,~" ''''!I....'...''..' ,r'rJr......'Ull....'· u..!,.... ,,'J ur_..., 1' lJ<) Sl '.U~ ''''''1 ":'ll 'Pl'l" ,~UI1t"" 1"!I"'··'!'...., I"": 1'~IJ·"· ..... 11 ~! .""r. ",."IJr. '''''''1' ''''''Is USl\ .'!;'i':lI"'''u· 1·'N!·',' 'I ....... ", r til ['-'lin",••' ""! 1""" ''''1 1....'1'1 ;':II!'ln,.'J "'1' I'ur "111""-" ....u,,! lunN ".,,,It, ."1' J" ilL"\.' ....I' ","""1 'll;J1 1").'\1-"'.1" ''''''''1'' '.' .'u ~r" ·,,·"11 '1;;11"'11 ·,·,:u.~llJ'It'L'" 3ltr..'Ult,:J·!,-,J I"'" ""o.>JI'O:'!l.l.:I l'ill.'I·,pJ ," II·>" ," ,~:I"'J.'."'W·"l 1':,'1" 'l!",-",,'UIN rue 'CIU;>s"""",,II' ",....'UO·'Il;>o.jIl' ;;> "",1.',,,.' I"",', Ill' (g)(q) ""'!'-...," "" pu" U,,!....""''''••' , , "l'ltlt '''1'' \,"',0: "N!".. ~I '!'I"I ".'UII!"! • '...!Illtlll'l I"'!P I1,,~'t. !1->t:JI,m """.I 1''''' "-'''''''''\'l''.' p"r ' .....', ig)(q) \:OI,\)hIO , "'I"" "'r."'11 '1'1'1 }I,"'I\ m.'" HIll) (9Hq)~1.1't1.l:HI \SdtH l' _..__.- _00,*1'_ -- -- ~n!O'llUo",/O~.UEA'J -~- ~-- -_.- ......,..00........,. -"" BTB OUl\ltllil' AJ..At1lkI. HUI8)'t1 KlWm, Qp - . _- - ""no........ • • co''''''.... ~~ 0'-'_ -"'-,"' ... 000- tlrYOITCMIOI"'" " ~ ""'..,fL>.....-. to """;lH _ _• _ ._.l.......,tO ......... Do CCIO''''' .-- ---".,-_.. --. _,_, • ..... _".1YoU" _.,,-- .... IlIUIlortlI'" ___'.....'"1"" . 0 - .'" ._ _____ .,....... """lH , -- -_..__ -0- .............'0.....-0 _'T4~ I&l 0 ~ ~ " ~ _ ... ' - ---... -__-- -- - -................ _._...-- - _.. _-_.- ..--,"",_." _. -~ -.- (b)(6) Ciyjlian "'''IQOO ... - - _ _......""""""" ,---...... -._ClloOlH =:"" ....->'H(lco_. _. _ _ to ......... ~ O1'1'U ......" .... ,cocmc>NI • • _.- _.-., -- - - -• .. _---_ .......... -.. I •-"",,.,- --_,1",";--'-,-.,",,,,---,,,, ... -.........._""" "" ,.... -........... _......-. __...._---_ . __ .. _.............. &"""" ,_.__.__ . __ ....- ._.. -_._. _,- .... _.. _, ... ""'''"'' O!OOOI! '" "'" lH [ii .0 ~ D~ ....",OUIT<lO_GOUIU -~. ~, (b)(6) • l(b)(6) I n_ ... 1iJoo- 25May 2008 ""."',,",,'" "" ....... (b)(6) (b)(6) '"","0_ •• _00., '..'... """"",,0_._""..............,..,-. 0 IMedical EKamlnllr """ 1(':i(6) • OOYlIrAFB,OO¥erDE -~. l(b)(6) , - - _. . . _ oo·:l:'l, 011.'" 2064 ..... _ . . . ~ .. _ - - j __..._-.'_,,_.._._.._.......,.._OatOUft. MEDCOM 1030 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1030 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Otr"ft, of I., Armed Forcu Medial ElIIml.u 14]) Researeh Blyd" Bldg. 102 RockYille, MD 208S0 301·319.()(l1)() AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BtB Mosleh. Mohammed Mazeon ISN:'(b){6) Dlle ofBinh:.Unlmown Date ofDellh (b)(6) J2oo8 DaleITime of).utopsy: JI MAY 2008@0930hn Dale ofRepon: 27 AUG 2001 Autopsy ~oJ~(biji)('6i6),==~ AUFIP No!(b){6) ~ Rank: CiVi1i"~~,"""o;;ri jj_"',."~ PlaceofDellh: II8Q Place of Autopsy: Pon Momwy. Doyer AFB, DE CirC\IINllnca ofDatb: This deteinee was found unresponsive on his sleeping mil when. as reponed, his fellow detainees notified the 8\Wds and the chief of the compound. Medical personnel were SCIlI, but they detected no signs orlife. The de«denl WIlS pronounced dead $/Ionly thereafter. Autboriurioa for Autopsy: Anncd Forces Medical Examiner, per U.S. Code 10, Section 1471. Idtntifleltioll: The deceased is idenlified by tnlIISportltion records. POSbnOnem fingerprinl5, postmortem dentalll-TlIYS, and DNA sample life obtained. CAUSE OF DEATH: BIVENTRJCULAR DILATION (DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY) MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 1031 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1031 AUTOPSY REPOR~(b)(6) Palle 2 on Maslen, Mohammed Mucon I:.XTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that ora wdl-dcvclopcd, well-nourished male. The body weiahs 166 pounds. is 69 Y, inches in length. The body is cold. Rigor is present to an equal degree in all extmnitie:s. Lividity is pteSeflt and filed on \he posterior surface of tile body, except in areas exposed to pressure. The head Is nonnoeephalic, and the scalp llair is blllCk. Facial hair consists: ora beard and mustaehe. The irides are huetl~n. The comeae are elear. The COlljllllClivae and sclerae are unremarkable. The extema!auditory canals are free of foreign material. The extemalllll'eS contain blood. The oral t:llvity displays white/yellow !bam. The nasal skeldon and maxilla are palpably intaCt. The lips are without evidenf iqjury. The teeth are natural and in good condition. Examination o(tIle neck reveals no evidence ofinjul)'. The torso is unremarkable. Nn evidenee orinjury of the ribs or the stemwn is evident externally. The righllower quadrant of the abdomen displays an area of green discolornlion. 1No healed surgieal SCIJS are noted. The external genitalia are those o(a circumcised adult. 'The upper baclr; displays acne. The IlflUS is unremarkable. For injuries pertaining to the lower extrelllities. see "Evidence oflnjury~ below. Then: is. scabof the lateral len ankle measuring Y. inch in lI'\JXimum dimension. The remainder upper and lower extremities are twmIIl"kable with no signs o(in~venous ptlnefllre marks. BoIh fed display ealluses on the dorsal and plantar surfl'lCCS. The fingernails are intact. No tattoos are noted on \he body. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL IlFfECTS ltem.s on the body: • White t-shirt • White boxers MEDICAL INTEIl.Vt:NTIQN No~ RADIOGRAPHS A complete set ofposlmOrtem radiogmphs is obtained and demonstrates no skeletal abnonnalities. EVIDENCE OF INJURY ~ is. 3116 x Sll6 inch abrasion o(!he right chuk. The~ is a 1 Y, x I inch contusion of the righlUpper shin. There is. 3116 x lIB inch SlI~rficial1acera.tion OR the dorsal su.rf&ee o(!be leA foot.' I. 1. c c _ ,,;u, doew.. dllooo. "iflI ......Inol /WI iol)Ilria MEDCOM 1032 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1032 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) Paae 3 orl Moslch, Mollarnmed Macon 1NTi:RNALEMMINATION 80Qy CAyITlES; The ribs, ml'flllm. and YfltdmlI bodies ~ visibly and palpably int.l:l. No adhesions or abnormll collections offtLrid are present in any ofthc body ~vities.. All body or~ ~ praent in IIOt'TQI anatomical position. The $I,IbcUWleOUS fat llyer of the IbdominaJ wall is Ininch thick. HEAD (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSJEMl AND NECK; The plcaI and subgIleal soft tissues of the scllp IUe free orilljury. There ... e no skllll frlcl\lnS. 'The dun mata" and fll!x Ceftbri are illlaCl. There Is no epidural or subdura1 hemGl'fhlie fITUerll. The leptomeninges Ire thill and delicate. The ceretnl bemisphem are symmetri~l. The S1NCflRS at the ba$e ofthe brain, includinG CW\ill nerveJW blood vessels ~ inllel. The brain weiibs 1420 grams, which has unremllbble BYri and $I,Iki. Coronrol sedions throuih the cerebral hemlspllc:res reveal no lesions. Transverx sections 11Lrou;h the brain stem and cerebellllRllrC unremarbble. The lIJanto-ocdpital joillt is stable. The anterior strap muscles of the neck IUe homosenous and ro:t-bl'QI'r'TI, withoot hemorm.~e by layu-wise dissection. The thyroid cartillse and hyoid bone Ite inUiet. The larynx is lined by illtlet whitc mucosa. The longue is free of bite nwb,lIemorrbasc, or ot!ler injuriell. Incision and ~lcll muscullt injury and no cervical spine flllclurcs. dissection of the posterior neck demonstrates no deep CARDIOyASCULAR SYSTEM; "CPCR.~PJeasc see "'CardioVlSCul... Pathology ConsulUltion ReportM below. 'The heart weighs 400 BJWTlS and is contained in an inIaC! perlclJdi.1 sac. The pericll'dilluc contains 30 millilitm of yellow fluid. The epic.ardill surf_ is smooth, with minimll fll investment. The coronary arteries are present in a normal distribution, with I right..dominant plllem. Cross leCIiolll of the _Is show no IItherosclerotic luminal Slenosis. The.aru. lives rise 10 ~ inlKl and pa:entll'Ch vessels. The rmaI and mesenteric: veuels are urwmltbble. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM· The upper airway displlys while/yellow fOIlll. The mucosal Surf-=elIlUe smooth, yellow-tan and IlI'IA'marklble. The pleunol surfroces IUe 5mOOth, s1l5\elllns and unremarkable billlCBlly. The pullTl(llllt)' parmchynw is diffusely congested, cxuding blood IIld fnAAy fluid; no foeal nonIniIItWk Ic:sions art: 1IOIec1. The pulmonwy arteries IUe normally developed, patent and wllhout thrombus or anbolus. The right lung weighs 750 sr-ns: the left 1IrICi&1Is 600 pwns. MECCOM 1033 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1033 AUTOPSY REPORT[fb){6) ~ P8.iC 4 of8 MO$leh, Mohammed Mazeon HEPATQBIl.lARY SYSTEM: The liver weisM 1530 grams and Iw an in\.llet smooth capsule covering modc:l1ltely congested linbrown parenchyma with no focal lesions noted. Thr; gallbladder contains 1 milliliters of green. brown, muc:oid bi~; tile ml.lC05ll is velvety Illld I,lI\remarkable. The extrahcptl1ie biliary tree is patent, witholll evidenee of eakuli. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The esopllagus is lined by g",y-white, smooth muc:ou. The gastric mllCosa is arranged in the llSuai rugal folds and lhe lumen contains 200 of tan fluid and ri<;e. The small and IlIJie bowels an: urII'ml.aI'kable. The pancreas hu a normal pink-tan lobullted appearance and the dllCtS an clear. The appen4iK is present. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left kidneys weighs 140 llrams CIICh. The renal capsules are smooth and thin, 5CmiIrIIISpal'I:nt and strip with ease from the underlying smooth, red-brown eortieal surface. The cortiec:s are slwply delineated from the medullary pyramids, wtlieh an: red-purple to tan and unmnlll'kable. The ealyces. pelves and ureters an: wtmTIUb.ble. The tan blllkler mllCOSloverlies an intllCl bladder WIll. The bladder contains approKimately)OO milliliters ofyeJlow urine. The testes, prostate ghmd and scmiTlltI vesicles an: UlllCmukable. LyMPHOREnCULARSySTEM: The 200 gram spleen has a smooth, In\.llet capsule covenn& red-pwple, modc:l1Itely finn parellChyma; tlte lymphoid follicles an: I,lI\remukible. Lymph nodes in the hill1, periaortie and Hiae regions an: not enlarged. ENOOCRINE symM: The pituiwy gland is k:fl: ill sllu and is ulll'Cltllricable. The: lhyroid gland is symmeuie and redbrown, withClUl e)'S'K: or oodull1changc. The right and left adrenal glands an: symmetric, with bright yellow cOf1ices and n:d·brown medullae:. The thymus weighs 20 glllJl\S and is Illlrmul1bble. No masses or areI!I ofhemorrhlge IIl"e identified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM; The lOBO, back, anterior/posterior upper and 10werexU'mlities displly no evidence of blunt force injury. No TIOll-tntuTTWlt;e .b"OtJfUllities of muscle or bone: l1e identified. MEDCOM 1034 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1034 AUTOPSY REPORT:(b){6} Mosleh, Mohammed M~n Page SofS MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected portions ororgans are relBined in ronnalin with preparalion ofhislOIogy slides listed below: Spleen, liver, adipose issue (slide I): No pllhologicai diagnosis Left lOOney and left lobes orlM luna (slide 2): No palhologieal dia&"OSis. kidney wilh mild aUlolytic change, and lung se<:liOf\$ display V8SCulvconge5\ion Righi kidney and pancreu (slide 3): No plIlhological diagnosis, kidney wilh mild IlllOlytic change, and pan=:as with diffuse lUIolytic chtnge Righi lobes or the luna (slide 4): No PJlhological diqtlO5is Adrenal glands (slide S): No pllholQlPcal diaiflO5is. mild aUlolytic change Prostale sJand (slides 6 A. 7): No palhological diagnosis Thyroid gland (slide S): No pathol~ical diagnosis ADDITIONAL PROCEDUREs l. Documenlaly photognp/ll are taken by OAFME. 2. Personal effects are released 10 the: apptoprialc monuary operations representatives. 3. Specimens retained for toxicology testinaandlor DNA identification are: vitreous fluid, blood, urinc:. bile, aastric contenlS, spleen, liver. lung, kidney, adipose: tissue: and skeletal musck. 4. The dissected oraans are forwarded with body. MEDCOM 1035 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1035 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Pqe 6 ora M05leh, Mohammed Mazeon CARDIOVASCULAR rADIoLOGY CONSULTATION REPORT I'INAI.I>IACNOSIS DIACNOSIS: (b'' ;C'CI__IBlnnlrlflliar dlla'I'ion (dUI'fd fllnlioIllYOpllll)'1 Hwory: IIPflroximlll.;ly)U)'I.'" ok! d,utlll:\: I'ound \lI~iw In hili ~'CII, "'" C'o'ilII.'IIfC of lllul play. lOlIic:olo;y ncp';"" Han:.2O;rwns; milllly in<.:n:Ual ~l'i~llRll.l fll: Illll\:ll' fOl1lll"ll.'fI "V'~Ic:; bi,,<:nIri~'\lllr 1Il1lll1illn: len vOllriallar Ql\i'y dillm\.~~" ~5 min, le1\ \"I.'fIlrieul~r (II:C ",~lllllie~II"'SlI 11 mm, vcnrriallar ~um !hic:\ulcs5l' mm. "1l11 ,...,lItielc Ih;~'kneH ~ mm, "'ilho.... lllfOU IKaP lit Ibnonnll r.l ;nf,lIl'lU''': mild l:nClnconli~llh;ckcnlnllin lell ven'neullll' ",nnow trnct: lIII'"ly u'lf,marklblc ,,~IV(S: nil ' " ' " myoe.anli.1 IibnloiJ ", 1k.'Cl'Oliil: hi,;l"k'!lie RelK-II' IIhow mild leR VClllriallu nlYOC)'l' hyp.:nlllpily ...!lb pIllclly liUbendoo:atdi.1 inlcrYlil;ul Ohms;,. OI"'-""iliC ullR,."mable CnndUdiun JYIIem: Tho: liillOllrilll node "'Ml 1m.. '11111;1' anef)""" unrem.rltllbk:, T1'k: compK\ 8lrioWlllrkulu (A V) nOOc shoo",. mild rlllll'"cntn'K'n wilhin lh., c\''fIt,,1 libl'O\l5 blldy. hul ill uIluwile unrcmnr\;abl... Then: il 00 uyspbsin or tbe AV lIod:ll :ltIcry. Focu' llIliposc: liSliUll and increul.'" vlI$CU1:uiW~"' in III\: perI(Irnlinll hundle.lI\1l1h~~ i, lin inn"'lmllion, Tho: lett prodmal bundle branch i. inlXl.1rId llIe ril,lht bundlc bill"..'" I~ 11m ......." in lI'e ...... Thell: ...e no dise..'fIliblc K(CWlf)' «IlIdue\ion ('IIl1,WIlyli be!wa.,.lhc AV nndc """ vcnlr;euh"liCplllm. pr_'" ,kJ,,,. Comml.1ll: There: i5 biwnori,'\ll.... dillltUk'In, CIllu.i1il~'11 ",'11 I ...",·ili<:h,:mlc Qnlilllnyopalhy. Ilowcvl;f, ... ~ d.~,'tminc ",ho.1I1,:1' lhere is !l\i;nilkanlly incn.~ ht'an ,,-eill/!l ",thoul knowi.., Ihe bod)' wilia!,1 orth< d«caKoJ. A 420 gnun heal1 \\'o\lld ~. p,,:tlk1oo NWTIl.l wddll rOt an llIull ItIll.Ic lI't'ipin, lIppr'l>J:imnlely 25$ I'" ..Id is III t110l '15% UfIPe\' conl\d~I1'oe lim;l ror KlmeQne ..eiihinalppnnimllfly 148 1111. The ~1io1oay of dil:ucd l:IInliom)'Of"llhy ;, unk,,,,,.'n.-!il \l~ III 50% or elKS. (InnIlI (b)(6) 1-kdieal O;""eIO' ,,\ods ......." 'I tJ ......... _ . ~ ,--...... " l _ l 51... _ .llli .Utlt~ ~~""l MEDCOM 1036 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1036 ,\I rol'S," Il.EI'OIrr(b)(6) ,\1,~<kh. Mnh.l11\I1I<:U l'all~ 7 ,,( 7 ,\ la/~"01i FI ....,\ I. ,\ IJTOl'SY IlI,\G SOSf:S II. VI. .:I';lt~ncc Dr 1nJury' :\. ,\I"ra<'"n o(lhe rillhl "hed II. Cnnn's;ull (>( Ihe nllill upp.:r shin C. Sllp.:rlkial IlJC"r~lilln "n Ih" dorsal >llrfa,.. ~ (lrlh~' I.-li fi....1 "I'ulicolcol:..l'(AFlI') ,\. CAlmON ,"IONQXID1:: Sal"noliOIl in II", "1,,,)<.1 "'IS I~ss Ih:", ". B, (T,\I'oiml:: 1'1,) q allid~ dcl."t:I.~' in lllc "10<<11 l". VOl.,\ '1'1 LES: N" ~'lh'JIllll d"I~CI~1l in Ilk: bh~,,1 Olio.! ~ill'\.~"'S 11I1i<.1 D, DIHIGS Ill' ,\HI 'SI::: Nnn~ ..\~r~ li'"nd;n lh" llrin~ l.Ji~'<l rl"\'!11 ~"11I1'1 kal i,'II." or biwnrrkulur diJalalioll T/ois ,j"laiu'-':,(b)(6) (lli1al"d canliOlll)·"palh) I1"111 Ilk..:!y n:sllh~'ll in:1 "mdi,1C arrh)lhmia ("nrnlllclinn al'lnunomlil)'). ' T"s;colnll) scn;,"11 was ll"Jlftlin·. Th" 1ll:IIlIl"r d"alh is nlllll..~l. "r (b}(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) ; ~1~'ll;cJI ESftllll""r 1 (b}(6) ~~:II. I. lo. "( ......... , ..... 'OO'~·""'I"i.:_ ill ,u" lI<"," J'LoI_.,j 0:-,. J""".""",h)·: ""_k ~ ...,'''''n;,.r,... 1Ol<l."to)lh,,,"' ~Dt''''''1,,,,nr,·~.· lo::!!II" (;anI~" t~ I~.I~.· ~~"-6-l. MEDCOM \037 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1037 _0- ...-- .-- CVtTll'oc.o.u 01 OEATlt IO~IUE"Jj (0"0wI,.... "'! _ " ' ' ' ' ' .........0 ... --~-, BTB M05leh, Moh~mme<l. - ~,~ Maleon _.-"""0.-_. _.- (b)(6) Civilian "'T.,. ,.•..-._ ~ . _: ....... ._o«:uom - OJ •• I . -- _._. ......-- .. - -- .. -,-_.,-, -_.....-- - ..- -. -". -_. - • . _. 0 """" ~ , "" ,~ ~ -~ """""...., ~ 0 ..... ' _ ' .~ 00- 0'.... _' ,..,.. "'..., '""" ....." ...... ... _..-- --- """OIl'''''''''''''''' - · 1....1 _ .... ,Utnlf'" "'T. _.",-- ...- CMJO< '"_ _ ...... _ e-.. ....... _-~- '.,......TO""~O ...'.- """""""''''~''''- , .,....,_ '" ............."'U. ... _ _icuIar 0iIatJ0n (0110lO<I C.rdIom~) "";" _.""". .....-._..... 't'.Jifr" -_. ... ... .....,........."""".......... .. -~--_ ._- -_ __ --- -, .. _.-...... _._.-- - _.. -.. ---- ---.. ... e·-"_ "_._' ' .. ___....__ -.-....__.._. __........ .-_--.. --__. .... _......__....__. __... ,_._ _~ .... _ _ 10 ~"".l ~_ ro _ _ , """",.", , o............ oc...,,""""'''.... , 'U''''''' .. _ ""'" "". out. =_..- Gl" ~ D~ • ~- "' l(b){6) \ I" I.., ..... ... 'b\ffi~~"""" WCO" •• i(b)(6) 812212008 ' .... , • "".~O.,_,,,,,~ " . .DoV9' .,.....,.,.""_ Dover DE J May 2008 IOn. "'" ~"' ~- ...............0,........... DO .... 0le......0_ ~~_ ...... 10 • . . . - .......... 1 l{b)(6) "''''''',,",,'. (b)(6) 2008 .. "",,no "'" • OJ· • _.""'" ,... u.uot. . . .,.mJ _ _ l Medk;al Examiner AF~ (b}(6) ..... _-~= .,. _..--,.-...en ...._,.."'.... '" _ ..._ _....,._"..- ... "'-.... ..................... MEDCOM 1038 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1038 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE 0' PATHOLOGY ~ of die Anatd FOrnll Mtdkal EUllllau 1413 ~h Blvd., Bid,. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 301..)19-0000 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: Bta Marush, Muhammad F'ahdil Khamal SSAN:(b)(6) Date ofBirth(b){6} rl968 Dale ofnead(b)(6)- 2008 Date and time ofAIIlOpSy: 10 DEC 2008 9;00 AM Date of Report: 06 FEB 2009 Autopsy Nn . (b)(6) AFlP No. (b){6) Rank: CIV PI~ of Death: Salad,lraq Place of Autopsy: Port Mortuary Dover ArB, Dover DE ClrallalC.Dces o( Dalb: Iraqi detainee with history of mnole penetnlill& had injllf)' found umesponsive Aulbori:ratioD (or AutoJL')': otrlee ofttle Armed FOr«! Medical Examlner.1A W 10 USC 1471 Idelltilkdoll: Positive identification by Fin&efprint CAUSE OF DEATH: Complications ofpenetraling head injllf)' MANNER OF DEATH: Unde!ennined MEDCOM 1039 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1039 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) ] 8TH MARUSH, Mvll.••• act ,.lI.dll Kll•••1 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that ofa weJl-developed. weJl-llOurished male thaI weigllllJ9 poWldt, it 69 indies in 1enath lIIlCI.ppears compatible ....ith the reported age of oW yean. The body is cold .ller reliigemion. Rigor is present to an equal degree in III e>;tn:n!itic:s. Uvidity is pracnl 8lld futed on the posterior wrface of the body, exeept in IlJ'CIS expoxd to prt:UUJe. The head tho..... evidc:nce of medical therlpy to be furtherdeseribed below. The tcalp hair is b*k and .hlved. F-=iIJ hair consi!ltl ora bl.,k mlllltaehe and beard. The irides an: bl'own. The cornt:M are de.. The: eonjunctiv8C are unremarlulble. The selellle an: whiu:. The external auditDryeanab, externallW'Q and oral cavity are free of foreign material and abnormal seen:tioN. The nasal skeleton and muilll In: palpably intact. The lips an: without evidenl injUJ)'. There are multiple remoIdy miuina lTIIIXiliary and mandibular teeth. The rem.aining teeIb an: I\IIIIfaI and in fair condition. Examination of the neck revCl15 1IO evidence ofirtiury. The chest is unrenwbble. No evidenoe of UUUl'J oflhe ribs or the 5temum is evident extemalJr. The abdomen is flat. A healed 7 inch Jell" is preent on the medial nufa<:e of the left upper lIrm and 2 14 inch SCIr is presenI on the l.terIl turflce. The e>;lemaI lIenitalia are tho5e ofa norma> adult circumcised male. The posteriormno and anus are without note. n... ....,..".,ir;r.s sho~ evid~ oLilIiurv3l)JI.e~Oescribe('-b.eJ~ 6nllctnaiJaJfl;.e intact. (b}(6) lunoo(b)(6) Kb){6) - f..tiOO'(b)(6)_ l(b)16) i CLOTIIING AND PERSONAL EfFECTS • The body is nlCeived nude for euminatiotr. MEDICAL INIERVENlJON • • • • • • • A gluu bandage is presmt over the hcad An 11 "" inch SUpIed incision extends teroSS the biparietal and frontal rqions of the saJp A 2 "" inch stapled incision elltencls posteriorly from the biparietal incisiOllIO the right parietal region A 2 inch staPled incision clllJCnds posteriorly from the biparielll incision 10 the left parietal region Three mini e>;il the scalp in the oa::ipilal vatu region Internal examination Ihows • bilateral cnnieetorny with removal of the rnljorily of the biparietal n:aions of the calvarium Sulurl:d therapeutic ncodlc puncture sites an: preslCnt in the rillht subelavian reaion and lhe rillhl inguinal reaion RADIOGRAPHS A compkte set ofpostrnortern rwlioppbs is obtained II'ld, in addition 10 the above demonstrates multiple metallic f"rqrnerrls In !he left frontal ~aion. These an: not recovered. MEOCOM 1040 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1040 I AUTOPSY REPOR1{b)(6) UTB MARUSH. MublUllmad Fabdll Kkamal ) EVIDENCE OF INJURY The ordering of the following injuries is fordescriptive purposes only, and is nol intended to imply order of infliction or relative severity. Injurig ofttK bead and nesk: There is an 8 lI.:y, inch clllSter ofpunclate abl1lSions on the forehead. A Yo present on the Jeft side ofthe forehead. 11. !t. ineh healing wo\lnd is Iniwies of the extremitjq: Incision of both wris!5 reveals subcutaneous hemorrllage of the dorsal radial surfaces measuring up 10 2 inches on Ihe right and up to I 1I. inches on the left. INTERNAL EXAMINATiON BODy CAVITIES: The body is opened by the u!l.lal thorace-abdominal incision and the chest plate is removed. The ribs. sternum, and vertebral bodies are visibly and palpably intact. No lIdbesioll5 or abnormal collections of fluid are present in any of the blldy cavities. All body organs are present in normal anatomical position. The subcutaneous fat layeroflhe abdominal wall is % inch thick. HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: (See above YEvidenee of Therapyft) The sca.1p is reflected. The galea! and subgalea! soft tissues of the scalp are free ofilliury. There au no skull fractUl'e$. The remainder of the calvarium is removed. ApJlf01l.imately 1 ml of turbid liquid material is expressed from the anterior region of the remaining central dura. The struetUl'ef at the bau of the brain, including cranial nerves and blood vessels arc: intact. The brain weighs 1700 grams. The allanto-oel:ipila1 joinl is stable. The upper spinal wid is unremarkable. (See Neuropathological Consultalion) NECK; The anterior strap muscles of the neck are homogeooLU and red-brown. without hemorrlLage by layer_wise dissection. The thyroid ClIltillllle and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intact white ffiUlCOsa. The tongue is free of bite marks. hemorrhage, or other injuries. CARDiOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 340 gram heart is contained in an intact periC8ldia! SllC. The epiC8ldiai surface is smooth, with minimal fat investment. The coronary arteries are present in a normal distribution, with. rightdominant pattem.. Cross sections ofthc vessels show widely patentlumin.a. The myocardium is homogeoollS, reel-brown, and firm. The valve leaf1rts are thin and mobile. The endocarUiwn is MEDCOM 1041 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1041 • AUTOPSY REPORy(b)(6) BTB MARVSH, MublallIlad FabelU )(bamal smooth and alislenina. The aorta lives rUe 10 three in~1 and ptlcnllll::h v_Is. The mill and mcsentmc vcsscIa are lIllf'tmatkable. BfSPlRATOBY SYSTEM: The upper IIifWI)' iJ deat ofdcbris and foreign malc:rial;!he mlJ::Ow surfaces are smooth, yellowtan and unrellllrbble. The pleunl surfaces are smooth, alistening and llI1rem.arkllblc bilatcnlly. The pulmonary parenchyma is difflascly conSCSlcd, Cltuding stightlo modenllC amounts of blood and froth)' nuKl; no focallcsions are nored. The pulmonary aneries are normally developed, patClll and withotn thrombus or embolus. The righl luna weighs 680 gnoms; tbc left SOO gJMlS. UEfAT08IL1ARY SYSIEM: The IliO pen liver has &II inlaCt smooth ~e covcrina modetalCl)' congested tan-brol'll\ plIftnChyma with no focallc5OftS noccci The pllbladdcrcontllins 12 ml of thick green·brown, mucoid bile; the lIIl1COsa is velvety and unmuarbble. The Clttrahcpatic biliary lree is patent, withotn cvidmccof fonncd cakuli, bowevet", the bile contairu numerous )'cllowish·tan particles. The gallbl-'dcr is mildl)' diSlendcd. GASTROINJESJJNAL SYSTEM: The esophagus is lined by ifll)'·wbite, sm:lOth mucosa. The pslric mllC05l is &mIlged in the usual I1.I&aI folds and the lumen c:ontairu 300 ml Orlan food material. Thc$flllJ1 and large bowel are Wll'CIIW'kablc. The pancrc:u has a nonnaJ pink.tan lobullllcd appcarwlC:C and the duets _ cleat. The appendix is present. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right kidne)' weighllo4O anms; the left 160 ifllJl1S. The renal ClIpsuleli are smooth. JCIIIi· uansparent and Slrip with cue from the lIlIdcrtyioa smooth, red·brown conical aurfKc. The eMlecs are s/:uupl)' delineated from the rnedullal)' pyrwnid.J. which are ml-purplc to tan and unremarkable. The calyces, pelves and W'Clcn arc unrema.bblc. White bboddcr mucosa overlies an lnlld bladdeT wall. The bladdcT is ernpl)'. The testes, prostate &land and lCmin-l ve:sieles are without note. LYMPHOREDCULAR SYSTEM: The 110 pwn spleen he. smooth, intld capsule ~ng red-pwplc, moderately linn parench)'ll1a; the l)'ll1pboid follicles are wm:marUbIe. L)'lIIph nodes in the hilar. periaortic and iliac rcgiolll are not enlJried. ENDOCRINE SySTEM; The thyroid gland ia symmetric and red·brown, without qaic or nodular change. The riabt and left wimlal glands aM J)'mmclric, with brighl yellow cortices and rcd-bro~ mcdullflc. No masses or trClI5 of hc:monto1ae are identified. MEDCOM 1042 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1042 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) __ ] l 8TB MARYSH, F.bdll Kb.mat MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: No non-tnIwnatic abrJormlllitics of muscle or bone are identified. t1E!,!ROP"JHOLQGICAL CONSULT"nON GROSS DESCRIPTION; Brain weight; IS28 gin The .specimen colUists ofan im=gular 6 x 4 cm fragment of dura and the Inin ofan adult The central portion oflhe dura is thickened and sclerotic. The StIbdural surface is covered by I 0.2 - 0.4 em thick gt3IluJar red-brown layer oflldhermt coagulated blood which contains fine shiny particlcs C01'\Sistcnt with metallic rngmenu. 'Jbere is. deep groove due!D eerebral craniectomy herniation over each cerebral hemisphere. On the right, the 1IU of cerebral herniation is approximately 12 x 8 em and involves the dorsalllatmtl swfllCe$ of the frontal and parielllilobe$ and the anteriorllateral occipital lobe. On the left the Ill'U of the cnlIIiotomy herniation Is 8 x 6 cm and involves the dorsa1llatmtl frontllllobe Md Ihe anterior and laton! temporal lobe. There are multifocai, small perivll!lCular subarachnoid hemorrhages lIIong the conical grooves oftlte cranie<:lOltIy herniation. The hemiated cerebral COl1ex is markedly swollen, diseoJorcd a dusky gray and focally hemorrhagic and necrotic. There is no net midline shift due to the decompres.sive effect of the craniectomics but there is severe central transtentoriaJ and transforamtrl magnum hcmiation. Deep bilateral tentorial grooves indent each uncus approximately 0.8 an florn the medial rnarsins and the herniated cortex Is ne<:rotic. The diencephalon and internal capsulcs arc marl<.cdly compressed elongated and lIemorrltagic due to central tmlstentorial herniation. The:se hemorrhages life COIltinuous with Curet hemorrltagcs in the tegmentum and base nftlle pons and the midbrain. A deep foramen magnum groove indents each cerebellar !DlUil. The leptomeninges lIJC I1'lOdernlely cloudy over the cerebral convexities. Elsewhere, they are thin, delicate and irllllSJmt:nl The pcrisel1ar. peri~ncepbalic and cerebellomedullary c1Stem!lllJC compressed and effaced due 10 brain swelling. The arteries at the base of tile brain follow a normal distribution and there arc no ancwismal dilatations or sites of oe<:lusion. Coronal .sections of the cerebrum revcalthe above noted changes. There is cavital')' necrosis of the left tTontallohe and dlslllptiOll of the frontal pole cortex. The cavity cau.scs destruction of the left frontal white malter, the striate body, the lIIIteriorcOfJlUS callosum. the sqMwn pellucidlDD and tile fornices. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: Blocks oflissuc for microscopic cxlllY\ination lIJC mnoved from: (I) left frontallobc. (2) midcorpus ealloswnlcaudatelintenullcapsule, (J) left hipPOCllllpus. (4) left thalarml$lsubthahulIusisubstantianigra, (S) right parietllllobe. (6) left occipital lobe (calcarinccol1cx). (7) cerebellum, (8) midbrain and (9) pons Sections from __ Ii block arc stained with H&E, and LFB techniques and immU1lOStained for GFAP and Ikmyloid. MEDCOM 1043 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1043 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) _ ] 6 8TH MARUSH. Muhammad FahdJI Kbamat MICROSCOPIC FrNDiNGS: Sections show genenllized lIGute bnlin edema, congestion, focal hemolTtlages and bland neet05is with no inl1ammation or granulation tissue. The hemOlTMges are related 10 the cranieetomy hemiation matiins as well as the subthalamic and rostral brainstem (Dunt hemonilages). There is no attllmulation of macrophages and there is no leptomeningeal inflammation. This suggesl$that the severe brain swelling8lld central hemiation resulted in compression of the penetrating blood ~essels with necrosis without cellular infiltrate bee""... of compression of regional blood flow. Surrounding !be damlIged areas there is widespread axonal injury (pOsitive axons) in a vas<:uJar p,'''~ COMMENT: The pattern is consistent with a process svch as cm:britis associated with metallic foreign bodies due to a penetJJ.ting injury resulting in massive brain swelling requiring bilat~ craniectomies. The antibiotic trelllment with drainage may have obscured the inflammation but the brain swelling progressed to centrallranSlentoriaJ hemiatiOll with subthalamic and rostral brainstem herni.ation ltemorrltages. APDnnONALPROCEDUAE$ l. Docwnental'y photographs are taken by the QAFME photographer. 2. Specimens retainoed for toxicology testing and/or DNA identification are: vitreous fluid, blood, spleen, liver, lung. kidney, myocardium, bile, psuic contents, adipose tissue and psoas rnL1.SCle. 3. 1lle min is retained for further cxamination. The remaining dissected organs are forwarded with the body. 4. Selccted portiOllS of organs are retained in fonnalilL MEDCOM 1044 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1044 AUTOPSY REPOR..l(b}(6} BTU MARUSH, Mubammad Fabdil Khamal 1 FINAL AUTOPSY D!AGNOSI'.:S I. Hislory of ~netrating !lead injury A. Caviwy necrosis of the left frontal lobe B. Cerebtlll edema I. Cerebral cranieclomy herni.tion with foc.! hemorrhage.nd oecrosis Central transtenlori.1 herniation wilh subthalamic and rustra! braill$lcm hernial ion hemorrhages C. Retained intracranial mmllie fragments 2. II. AdditioflB.l injuries: A. Puncllte .brasions of the forehead B. Healing wound of the left side oflhe fordIead C. Blunt force injury ofbotb wrists III. Additiol\8.l findings: A. Bilalmll JItllmorwy congestion (right 680 mg,lef!. 500 mg) IV. Toxicology: Lidocaine prescnt in the blood OPINION This 40 yea.rold m.le civilian died of complicalions arising from penetrating head injury. According to reports, the decedent presented with .lUstory of previous gunshot wound orlhe head with complaints of headache, diplopia, emesis and lIizziness. He underwent CT and bilalCral craniectomies for brain edema.. The dcoedcnt's clinicalslllUS steadily declined postoperal.ively until his demise. Autopsy examination showed extensive cerebral edem. (brain swelling), uvitary necrosis ofthc left frontal lobe and minule metallic fragments. Additio....1injwies illCluded punct.te abrasions of the forehead (consistenl with medical therapy) and evillCIICC of blunt fon:e injury to both wrists. No evidellCe of addilional signirlcllnt i!1.iury or Mlural disease was identified. Postmortem loxicological examillillion showed only the therapeulic agent lidocaine. Since the exact etiology ofthc penetrating i!1.iury and the circumsU.noes under whiclt il occurred ~ uncertain, the mannerordeath is best classified IS undetermined. (b}(6) (b}(6) Medical Examind(b}(6} I ] MEDCOM 1045 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1045 -- - --" ... ... - - _.--..... ". _ --...... .' --.---,- -"'--- - - ---- ----"--"._-- _.,..., --, _ST.. . _ ..... ....... _--_ .. -_..__... __ . -...... ,. - _ etJItTWll;,OTI! (W oun; /OIo't"1tS£.ll", ....... .....CI:'8 ............ aTa Marustl, Muhammad, Fatldil Kl\amal Ciriian """ Op L~-..-- (b')(6)'--- ~- ...'" "" oom> (b)(6) I!] 0 ............. , <.,0_ "''''' • c· • "~ ~ ...... - ... -"" ........ "" ......0-_00 ....... 0' , _ _ _ _ """1 , _"...'" -~ - coo.- "" ....'" ..- , --_ . .0_.. "...-.-.... ---... --"""' -.- -_ _~I'QOI,* ~r'" __ ,_.... Coi., , .of ....hlio"'tw... ~ ,•. . -.......... " TO e - _ " T ' _ _ '" --_v__ .. ... _' " _.-_.... _- ..------- . --- -- -- _........... --... __ .-......,,-_- -. _... _. __......_---__ -_. ---'V,,,,,., -I . '_... .. _.... . _.... _.. -_ . _..- ......... _. -.... ---."-"._."-"--, oT>U _""'" coo,... • """ iii ~ 0 ~ , ............on-..CAutf. _ofDu'lt:~ ~ (b)(6) ~- "", CN.>O<......A.... _ • I M~ieal Examln... ~ - _ _ ~ . -..-0_ "'T. """..-o.T ...... T,.. ooc.,oo_'_ T,. ~ (b)(6) OO....r AFB, Dover PE__ l(b)(6) (b)(6) "".... , ~ ~ Air Foree Theater Hospllal, Joint Bas. 8a1a<l 20082245 '"'_ '''''''~ .. 10- 10 De<:ember 2008 , ........... , _ '" ...=':=''r":J.... (b)(6) .... (b)(6) I "" ,,.,. ,_ DD'~· 2064 , ........................ _ " _ ... _ _A....... MEDCOM 1046 '~ _ _ -...... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1046 I -~- (b}(6) -_", _1lOH0I''OIT.... n"TlnlCa .......-......,,,,. ..,...,......,. """"""..... DD FOR", 2H<I, APR _. OAl . . . . .ltlIIIO -- Ifn (SAC/{) ..."" .- 'U...-. ~SN'~ Vl."" MEDCOM 1047 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1047 ~ .. ARMED FORCfS INS1lTU'I'E OF PATHOLOGY Offk:e of ArIMd Forca Medica! Examl.acr 1413 R~II Blvd.. Blda. 101 Rockville. MD 208.50 301-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT N~ BTU HUSAYN, HlIu)l'I Kazim SSAN (b}(6) Dale of Birth: (b}(S) 1972 Alllopa:y No,,{b)(6j AAP No. (b){e) j Rank: Del:.iAec Date of[)wh:{b)(6) 2008 PlllOe of Death: 11$" Combat 51lppon Hospiw, Camp BlIOelI,lrlQ Date and Time of AUlop$Y: 27 SEP 2008. 1130 Place of AUlOpsy: Pott Monu.y. Dover AFB. DE Olt.e of Report: 5 NOV 2008 Clrcumstaol;a ofDtath: This 35-yeu-old male delliAec reponedly wu .1tt1na in. holdina room when he collapsed with seizute like aaivity. First respondm Initialed clnUopuhnonary R:SUScitatiOJl. (CPR) hnmtdillcly and continued for 15 minllleS until medical pcl'$OMcl arrived on!lCe/le. Upon medic atrival. the decedent was nOlcd 10 have no vitalllilla. He WIll tuen Ie the 115· Combat Support Hospital at Clmp Bueetl where he Will prollOl.lllCed dead shortly after arrival. AuthorlUlllon for Autopsy: Anned fOfCQ Mediad Euminer, lAW 10 USC 1471 ldentiflcalion: Prelumpcivc Identification by incarouallon nwnber CAUSE OF DEATH: Unddcnntned MANNER OF DEATH: Undetmnhled MEDeOM 10<48 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1048 A.UTOPSY REPOR.T (b){6) BTB HVSA.YN, HIlSI)'Q K. Pqe2of8 On 2ISeatember 2008 lit 1130, a complete poslmortem examinlltion is performed on the body of who wu presumptively idenlified by his locan:cntion number. fCb)(6) I CII) Special Agcnt'(b)(6) attend!; the autopsy. EmRNM eXAMINATION The body ill received ~S$Cd in a wbhe tee min. yellow pill'S. and while boll:erlI. The body is that of. well-developcd, _ll-no\lri$htd, lIduit male Ibat is cold from refrigel1ltion. He is 66 inches long. weighlll23 pounlb. and appc:an COR!lstenl wilb the repo11ed Ige of35 yean. Rigor mortis is dissipated. Postmonem lividity is f10led on the polIteriot surfacc of the body wllb modmlle suffusion of the head and shoulders. The head Is covered wllb!han blllCk milI:ed with gray hair in a normal distriblllion. The irides lie brown. corneas are dull. and the sclerae are wbite. The pupils are round and equal in diameter. No contae\lertSC$ are prescnt. Saouered conjunctival petee:lliae are seen in both eyes. The nose is unn:nwbble. No foreign material i5 present in the nowils or the oral cavity. The lips and frenula are all'lIUmaIle. Nalul1lltec:th are present wllb severe denllli carries. The eJ[lernal auditory canD.\s are free of blood. The can lIfC IlM'ITIUIlbble and not pieKed. The [ace has II well uimmtd muslllChe and beard. The neck has no ITUl.S5CS orddonnlties. The chesl i5 covered with lIair wilb no increase in Ibe Inttn:lpol5tcrior di&lllCler. The abdomen is covered by hair and not distended. The ClI:lemal genitalill are those of a cimJmciscd llduh male. The lC$les are dcsccnded and free of OWSC$. Pubic hair is prcscru in all()llm.) distribution. The anus and bUllOCks are lIIIJ'eITWkablc. There iII'e COlIIIueP\ areas ofTardieu·like spots on \he lateral aspect of the back. Tbe upper and IOWCI" ClI:trcmitics arc symmetric and withoul clubbing or edema. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EfFECTS • While tee shin • • Yellow panll While bDole! short MEDICAL INTERVENT.I0N • • EndOU1Id1caltubc inserted appropriately lnITavcnous cathetcr insetted in Ibe righl InltC\lbltai fOUl POSTMORTEM MTIfACTS N_ MEDCOM 1049 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1049 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) P1&C) of8 BTB HUSAYN, H_,." K. RADIOGRAPHS A complete let of lOUlI bod,. po5lmortml rw:llogn.phs Is obtlined mnd shows evldeneeof medical thcrIpy. No f~ or forelan ITUolaills IR. Ken. EVIDENCE OfINJVBY 'The ehesl: has III Ippt'Ollill'lMel,. S II 2-inch eonlllSion II \be midchest section, slighlly rigllt of the aI'Ilaior nUdlinc. The slemum Is rr.etwM _ \be level of the4" rib. Then: is I fOalI hc:morrhlge of tho: utemal muscle lissue of the: riglll 4" intert'05tl11 spac:e. INTERNAL exAMINATION BODY CAV!TJFs; 'The body is opeDlld wilh I Slandard Y-shIpecI inci5ion. The Ibdominrol panniClllusls H-cm thid. _the: umbilicus. The musclai oflhe dleSllllld Ibdomina! Wills are IlOmIfoI. The rib elgo:. 51emum. IIId dlvide$ U'I: inlacl 1bc mediutinum is W\l!:marbble. The viS(:ln1 and plrieul pleuraJ wd.ees U'I: smoolh I/Id glistening ucept for scvcnl foci of pleural adhesions ofttle anIaior and apicalaspecu ofbolh IlllIp. There is no blood or nuid in the perlardiaJ SM: or the peritoneal Clvity. The rip Md left pleural avilic:s contain 20 mJ and 10 mJ of dear nuld, rc;pect;~ly. The 0I'pl\S octUPy lhc:ir~ Gl:I3lOfI\k positiollll within the pleunl and peritoneal Clvltk::s. There is no evidence ofpericarditis or peritonitis. The omentum Itld rettopcri«meum are ~marbble. HEAp ANp CElfiRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM; ThecraniaJ Clvily is opened with I coronal incision of the sa.lp and removal of the alvmum. The pleal and subplul soft ti5sues oflhc ICIIp Ire free 01 inj\lf}'. The calvarium Is iMlllCl:. as is the dura maIer belluth it. T1'I<= is no evickn<;e of epidurll. subdural. or IIllbara<::hnoid hl:lllOlThagc. The brlin weighs 1520 gm. 'The Ic:ptomo::ninces:;are tnnsparent. The IYrll paum! llIId wid U'I: wvemarb.ble. The major vessels lithe base 01 the bnin hive the usuala.natomie distribution Iftd no sianirlCanIltbcrose\aQlilIs founcL The c:nniaJ nerves U'I: symrnc:tricll and intlld. No evident'e of herniltion is jXeSCI1t. Coron&I 5Cldions throuah the cetebral bemisphcru reveal no lesions. The ve:ntrielesce ofnonnal siu Illld COIIIlin clelr c:eRbl'O$plnil fluid. TI3Il5~ sections through the brain SIem and cenlbelhun In unremarklble. There Ill: no slwJl fractu.res. The Illanlo-oa:ipital joilll is IlIble. The spinal cord Is not uamined In i~ entirely. Iiel:K' 'The lar)'llll and tnchea Ill: in the midi inc. "Then: il no hunOu.... l&e in the: lIrin, fll or stemor:leidomastoid muscles or the anteriorncdr. In situ llyer·wise dissect.ion of the nedr.'s SUlp muscles shows no Ibnorrt1lllillC$. The th)T01d eanHqe U'ld hyoid bone ue intact. 'The llf}'l'll has smooth pink-lin mueou without fOalIIe:siollll. No foreip TrDtmll is present. The <<In&Ile is frcr: or bile nwks. hemonhlge. or otht:r injuries. The soh tlssuC$ of the ned: IR. free of hernorrhqe. No fraetUll:5 or dislocltions of the cervical ~rtebrae U'I: dera:ted. MEDCOM 1050 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1050 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Page 4 of 8 BTB HUSAYN, Husa}'ll K. CARPIOVASCUL\R SYSTEM: The J40-gm !lean is contained in an intllCl pericardial SlI(:. The epicardial surface is smooch, with minimal fal invC5lmenl. There are no epicardial pelechill(:.1lIe COl'Onlu'Y aneriC5 are present in I normal distribution with a right domimllll patlem. Multiple CfOSS KClions of the vessels show focal soft atberoma in the left Inlerior descending and left citcumflu; coronary anc:ries. 1lIe left nt.tin CQI'Onary artery is patent. 1lIe leftllllterior descending coronary artery is focally (7'~) rwrowed at approximately 3 em downstream from lhe origin and '0% fac.l narrowint of tile lumen within I em distal of the more severe lesion. The circumflu l:O\'Ol1AT)' artery shows focal 1.5'1(, narrowing of il$lumen. The right coronary anery is grossly wtJemarkable.1btombosis of the coronary arteries is not prescnl. The myocardium is homogenous, dllt red·brown. and soft with no gross myocardial fibrosis noted. No defects in the atrial or ventrtcular septa ~ pfllSenl. The valve leaflets are !hln and mobile. The c;in;umferences of!he cardiac valves are within noOlUlI limit for age and !teart size. The left ventricle measurc:s 1.4 em. right ventricle 0.4 em, and intervelltrlcuillf septum 1.3 em in thic:kncss. The codocardium is SlTIOOth and tlistening. The aorta gives rise to three intact and patent arch vessels. There ore soft atheromas of the lntima throughout il$leng!h. No evidence of aneurysm. eoaret&tion. dissection, or laeer1Itioa of the ~a is noted. 1lIe and mesenteric vessels are urm:markable. RESpIRATORy SySTEM: The rigllt and left 1UJ1&S weigl! 160 and 700 till, respeai~ly.1be \flldIea is COlI1plete, without IIllI!fomlllUon, from the larynx to the canllL There is no aspirated 1lastrK: malerial or aspirated blood in the lr1Icltea. Tbc lungs and !tilar nodes are modetately anthrllCOtk. There are several small blebs of approll:imately 2 - 3 ITllIl in maximum dimcnslooll the apex o(the upPer lobe of the right 'unc. On cut &eC1ion, there is no aspirated blood apparent The pulmorwy parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous. Tha1: is no consolidation present. 11K: upper lobe of the left lung has a small focw of calcifiClltioa ncar the periphery. There is no pullTlOl\ll)' cxxltusion. Pulmooary thromboemboli ~ not present. HEPATOBILIARY SySTEM: The 1211().gm liver has a &IllOOI.h capsule and a sharp anterior border. The parcncltyma is rcOdish. brown and has a lobular archlteelure. No ITIIISS lesions or other abnonnll1itles ~ seen. The gallbladder Is present and contains gJttIl·blllCk mucoid bile and no stones. The mucosal surface is pn and velvety. The cxtnltcpatic biliary tree i$ palent. HEMOLXMPHAIIC sySTEM: 11K: SO·gm intDCt spleen has a.w. purple Cllpsule. The parenchyma is maroon, with dislind MalpithiM CCNpUSCles. Lymph nodes are oot prominent in the cervical ",gion. thonlc:ieor peritoneal cavities. UROGENITAL SYSTEM: The rith! and left kldneya weigll 120 and 140 grn, n:specti~ly. The renll1 capsules strip with ease from the undcrlyin& smood! cortical swfllCCS. Tha1: is a smull4-mm simple eyst containing clear nuid 00 the rlpl cortical surface. The. cut surfaocs are red·tan, with uniformly thiclt conices and s./1arp corticomedullary junetiOlls. The kidneys are congested. The pelves are unremarkable and the u",ten are nannal in course and calib«. 1llere are no stones or lumon in MEDCOM 1051 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1051 AUTOPSY REPORT:<b)(6) OTB HUSA ¥N. HIUl.JD K. PageSof8 the kidneys, pelves, ureteR, or bladder. White bladder m\lC()$a oyerli~ an intld bll(\der wall. Thc blldder conllins a $C&tI1 amount of urine. The ptO$lItc Is nomtal in size, with lobular, yellow-tan parcn<:llyma. The 5C:mlnal vesicles are unremarkablc. The tCStCS are free ofmus lesions. COlltusiolll, or other abnormaliticl. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT; 1bc esophagus is inllCt and lined by smooth, grey-white mucosa. The stomach a;lII\Iin$ 200 ml of dark tan-brown congealed food panieles. The 8astric: mucosa shows no foc:allcsion. Thc gastric wall is inllCt. The small and large intestines are IIl\lCmarkable. Tbc appendix Is presml. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM; The thyroid gland is normal in size and symmetric with dark red·brown plrCrlChyma. No masses are present. The right and left admtalglands are symmetric, with blisht yellow cortices and grey medullae. No masses or areas of hemonfulgc are idenlified. PANCREAS; Thc pancreas is rum IIId yellow-tan, with the usual lobular architecture. No mass luions or other abnormalities Ilrc seen. MUSCUl.OSKEl.ETAL SYSTEM; The vertebral coIUl1'U1 and pelvis are vi£ibly and palplbly intact. The musculature is nonnally developed and oftlte usual color and consistency. 9JlfER PROCEDURES I. PhotogrJlphic evidence is obtained by the OAFME pbotogr1lpbcn. 2. SpecimeN for to.\icology: blood, bile, vitteous, urine, gasttic contcnt.liver tissue, kidney tiuuc.lllngtwuc, spleen tissue. bnilin tissue, hcan tissue. and lldiposc tissue. 3. Specimen for DNA analysis: psoas muscle. 4. Rcprcscntative tlssuc samples are retained in fonnal!n. S. Dissccted OfilN arc forwarded with the body. 6. CIOlhing anicles are ~tained by ero. MlCROSCOPJC EXAMINATIQN Sljdc keYi (I) Left anterior descending coronary ancry; (2)Sinoattial (SA) nodal region; (3 _4) AtrIovcnuiculllT (A V) nodal ",gion; (') Anterior left ventricular walt; (IS) I...atcnl left ventricular wall; (7) Posterior lel\. vcnlriculu wall; (8) 1nterYcntrieularseptum: (9 -13) Lungs: (14) UVCf, spleen, pancreas: (U) Kidneys, lIdrcaai glands, thyroid; (16) Pons: (17) Medulla; (18) Upper cervical cord: (19) Cerebellum; (20) Frontal lobe: (21) Hippocampus: (22) Basal ganalia; (23) Occipltaliobc. MEDCOM 1052 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1052 AlTfOPSY REPORT:(b){6) P~ge60fg 8TB HUSA YN, Husaya K. Hearl: len IIIleriordescending coronary lUta'y shows thickening of the Inlima with foamy maaopheges and fibrosis resulting in IppfOxllM1Cly ~ luminal narrowing. See COII5Ulllltion report below for additional information. Lungs: congestion and moderate anthlllCOSis, mild empllysematoos chMges ofw periphery Liver: ponalarcos sllow no increase in innlllTllTlDtory cells infiltrale with unn:markable llIteriat and bile dua suuaures. mild congestion oflhc central vein regions Splcen: no JllIthologic changes Parll:n~s: DUlolyzed Kidnc)'$: congcslion Adlt:nlll glands: COl'1ge:nion Thyroid: no pathologic: changes Brain and spinal cord: no pathologic duulges ARMED FOReI'S INsmUIEOF PATHOLOGY CONSULTATION Cardiovascullll Pathology ~ is mild to moderate atherosclerosis of Lhe LAD with -- imimal thickening with minimal intrllpl~que IlelTlOlTbage. The conduction fibers It the level of the penetrating' brancbing bundlC5 dclTlOnStrllledl1ated vascular space (? lymphalic) and a small amount offal which is a nalunJ "arilInl. I do not identify a morphologic subslnlle for sudden duth. The few lymphocytes in the atrial tissue 011 slide 2 lU'e of no signiflCllnCC. (b}(6) CIIicl"Df CardiovasCular Pathology MEDCOM 10~3 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1053 Al1I'OPSY REPORT'(b){61 81'8 HUSAYN, Husa,.. K. Page 7 of 8 FINAL AU1'OPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Natural dlstue dlaposel A. Mild to rnoderale athel'osclel'Olie c:ardioyascullU" di~ a. Gross 50 - 7~ luminal narrowing of the left :anterior eorona.ry :LItery b. Gross 2.5<;\ luminal IUlm)wing of the circumfiex :LItei)' c. Soft atheroma of the ItOrta B. Mild emphysemJdOUll changes of the luns with .mall petlpltenll air blebs C. Simple conical C)'5t or the right kidney II. Other fiJldllll A. PIllmanill}' congestion and c:dcm4 B. Moderate pulmonary:anthracosis Uf. Medleallherapy A. Cardiop.ilrnonary rauscill.tion injuries L FraculIl: of \he Rernum b. FocaIllemormage of the eJ.tema1 muscle tissue of the rigltt4'" inten:osll.! .- c. Contusion at the midchest secllon B. EndoulIchellltlibe ilUCl1ed appropriotely C. Intravenous catheter insened in !he right antecubital fossa IV. Idmtlt"ln.marb' A,[b}(6} 8, _ J C, V. Toxlcoloar faults A. No ethanol detected in !he blood and vitreOUS fluid B. Ca.rbo:lyhemoglobin salutlltion in the blood less than I" C. No cyanide detected in the blood D. No common KTeened drugs detected in the blood. except atn:lpine MEDCOM 1054 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1054 AUTOPSY REPOR~(b)(6~J _ _~ ] Page g of 8 BTB HUSAYN, HllSIIya K. OPINION This 3S-yelll"-old male died from IIIlknown causes. The lenninaJ event of a sudden collapse: SUUe5ced aClll'diac anomaly as a possible cause of death. The autopsy revealed mild to moderate atberosdcrolic eardiovllScular disease, however, 110 definitive aJ\llIomical cause of death ODUld be i<knlir~. Toxicology analysis of the JIO$tmortcm sample WlIs negative fot volatiles, carllon monoddc. cyanide, arM! common saeened drugs. The focal injuriC5 oflhc chest wen: most ron~islcnl with cardiopulmolUlry resuscilation. Sued on Ivailable investigation and autop$y finding, the cause and manner of death ale classified as undetermined. (b)(6)r-- (b){6) [(b}(6) [Medical Ehminer MEDCOM 1055 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1055 _..__ . - _OO_1ICll CVllIfIe4T! Ol' OUIH ((WEIIS£A$) _ .. _ (ll'Q_ "., - """'"__ _ - _""_ o. ,,'''''''''''''------If-;''''''' ....""" .. . .;;;;;;.-fi~ian "'.IM "".'.U",.", ""~~"'~' .... I _'... _.. _.,-, _.._-,-_ ..--. .. -_ __.. .-- -_ooNl><,...... ..... ''''' .. _ .....__ ...... - t o _ O "-""""'""""•• _ ~~ _ .. _ _ . . . __ . ""............n< , . .C\O'Irr . . . . . . (b)(6) arvQOO'........'.... --".- ~. -.....'" ... _ e- .. _. ""tOO'foo<-":,,-, o.lADIN<l " ' _.... _ .- - ,...... _ _.- t __ -..,--- ... _ , U,""II " .. oed . . . . - to _ _ I't,. __'. =='=,..-._..... . ,.. -. _.-----".... __ .,....""" _... _---_ . __....-",ro,,·,,_...."' -_._''''' ........... _.._---......:.... ......._ ........-......._ ..... _._-._... _ ... _.. __ -_._.....__ ._ _,-, _.....___.. .. ... -~ • __ Gl ... 00 0-0- _"' .... "'..,........ c.wsa co ... _ _ ... _ (b}{6) (b)(6) ocrco ........ ""'......... _ _ til ' .. Clb~"~6)~;;; r 11110/2008 , -j~""'"'.;.;~AF,::.B, Oovef (b~6) ...-. _ . _ .... t:'ollOUOS , T . " , , _ DE .......... MEDCOM 1056 .... -. -.. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1056 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF' PATHOLOGY OffICe o{ 1'Il~ Anned FOJCft Medical EUIIIlur \413 Resun:b Blvd., Bid&- 102 Rockville, MD 2OISO 301·) 19-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT AUlopsy No_(b}(6) AflP No.l(b)(6 Rank: Ciyi\iMlDeainee Name: (BTB) HASAN, Mahmud Rashid ==_ k, ISN: (b}(6) U.oCBirtft: IATA'(b}(6) 1967 Dale oC DeaIh(b)(6) 2001 DalClTimnC AUlopIy: SAUG 2001 @ lJ I S !In Olle o( Repon: 10 OCT 2008 f'l-.:e of Death: Iraq P*,,= o( AulOply: Pon MOl1u.ary, OoYtt AFB. Dover DE CIrCUllllbllCft orhtll: This 4\·yur-okl de1aince was edmincd \0 die combat hospilallCU compllinina or weakness, 1II.UKa, ..:I headtc:ha. He was inilially dia&nOScd wilh pneumonia mid was UUled wilh -.ibioliu. His wndilion eG\'Ilinued 10 dec;1inc mid he progreucd imo I tomI.. The pre:timilllfY dilW'OSis (or his eondhiOll was Iunl CII'Im' with lnin rneWtaSis. He was pronounocd <b:l on(b)(6) 2001. AlltboriPltiOll ror AIII~pJ)': Armed F~ Medical E.uminr:r, per U.S. CocIc 10. Section 1471 CAUSE OF DEATH: METASTATIC CARCINOMA MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 1057 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1057 REPORT·~,{b"'){,."C== AUTOPSY HASAN. Mahmud Page 20f9 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that of a ~lI-dC\'clopcd. ~ll-oouri$hed nude male. The body weighs 126 pounds, measures 67 inches in length.. and a.ppears compatible with !he ~rted age of41 yean. The body is cold. Rigor il presenllO an equal deglft in all eXlrtmilics. Lividity is present and fixed on !he poslerior surface of the body. except in areas exposed LO preuure. The he$d b nol'1llOeephalic, and lhe scalp hair is blaclUllrcy. Facial hairconsiS15 ofblacklgrcy mllltao:hc and beard. The irides are brown. The comeae arc cloudy. Thc conjunctivae and sclerae arc unremarbble. The: extemalauditory canals, extemal nares and c:nI cavity arc frcc offoreian material and aboonnal.-:rctionl. The nasal skeleton and maxilla are palpably intact. The lips arc wilbout evidml injury. Thctl: are lower panial dmllJm1 and !he upper teeth arc nalural. Examination oflhe neck reveals no evidence ofinjlU)'. The chest is un=narbble. No evidence of injury orlhe ribs or the S!ernum is evidClll cxlema1ly. The abdomen is unremarkable. No healed surgical tc:aI' arc noled. The external genilalia arc those ofan adull male. The poslerior tOl$O and anus are ~mad:.ble. Callous formation is prcsml on lhe base oflhc feel. The fingernails arc inlaCl. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECTS None idemified. MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • EKG leads on left 1.Ilel'lll arm and left lower abdomil\lll quadnlnl Numerous needle pu.nclurc mark.! surTllUIlded by contusions measuring up 10 2 \It inches in maximum dimension involving the bilateral antecubilal fossae. bilatC:nlI anterior forearms, and anlerior right wrisl RADIOGRAPHS A complCle set ofpostmonem radiographs is obtained and dcrnonstl'lltcs the following abnormalities listed below. EYIDENCE OF INJURY None identified II IUlOpsy. MEDCOM lOse ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1058 AlfTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) HASAN, Mahmud ] Page 3 of9 INTERNAL EXAMINATION BOPY CAyITlES: No abnormal coll«1ions offJuid are presenl in lilY of the body cavities. All body orgllllll are presenl in normalllll1Omical position. The: subl:utlneOUS flliayer oflhe abdominal wall is 2 inches thick. HEAp <CENTRAL NERyOUS SYSTEM) AND NECK: Sec "Neuropathology Consuhation~ Report below. The lalnland subgaleal soft ti$SUe$ of the s<:lIlp are free of injury. There are IIll skull mture:;. The dllJll maIer and fab. ccrebri are inlact. The leptomeninges are thin and delicale. "The cerebral hemispheres are synunclJical. The structures at the base: of the brain, including cranial nena and blood ve$$els are intact. The bfain _ighs 14SO SralTlI and has edematous a)'ri and $IIlci. The atlanlo-occipitaljoint is slable. The anterior strap muscles of the neck an: homogenous II1d red-brown. witt.3utllemonhage by layer·wise dissection. The tllyroid cartilage and llyoid bone an: inllct. The larynx is lined by inlACl 11II mllC'OSll. The: IOngllC is free of bile marks. Ilcmorrhage, (II'" olher injuries. Incision and dissection of the posterior neck demonstmes no deep paraccrvical muscular injury and no cel"'ieaI spine fraclures. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 'l6O£.ram hcan is conllined;n an intael pericardial sac. The epieardial surf1loee is smoolh, with minimal ral investment. The coronary arteries an: present in a normal dislJibution. with a rightdominant palleTTl. Cross seclions of tile vessels show mild (less than 25%) focal atherosclerotic Iwnil1ll1 stenosis of the left I/Itcriordesccndina coronary artery and the otheB are unremarkable. The myocanliwn is homogenollS, red-brown, and finn. The .. &lve leaflets ~ thin and mobile. The walls of the left venuicle, inlCTVenuicular sep!Ulll, and rigllt ~nlricle are 1.2, O.g. and 0.2 ecntiineler thick, nlSpCClively. The endocardium is smooch and glinenina. The aorta displaY' atherosclerotic streaks and gives rise 10 three intICI and patent arch vessels. The renal and mesenrcric vessels are unn:m.atkablc. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper airway is clear of debris &rid ro~ign malcrial: the mucosal SUlfaces are smooth, yellowand unl'emarbblc. Thenl is a riahtUppeT lobe plcunl adhesion and lhe remainin!: SIIrflll::e JIiowi"i a.smooth, glistening appeara.rocc. The pulmonary parenchyma display, multiple lIlIlesions UIn measuring up 10 0.7 cenlimeters in maximwn dimension ;nvolvins the right upper. left upper, and left lower lobes oflhe lungs. The pulmonary arteries are normally developed, palent and without thrombusorembol\1$. The right luna weighs 780granu and the left luna weighs 650 grllTlS. MEDCOM 1059 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1059 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) HASAN. Malvnud hge4of9 tWATOBILlARY SySTEM: warns liver has ~ iruct $IIlOOlh captllie coyerina rnocIel'*ldy eonaesled t.Jn.brown p&rmChy/lUl with multiple tan lesions meuurin; up 10 I ccnlimcter in maximlllTl dimensiOll. The 1520 Tbc pllbladdcr contains 6 millililCrJ of areen·brown, mucoid bile; the mllCO$a is YClvety and uN'el'Ml'uble. The nltahepllic biliary tree if pa.tenl, without cvklencc of alcuJi. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: Thec:lOpht.,uslslined by ,,.)'·...lIlte. smooth mucosa. The pltric mllCO,. if ~aed in the U5Ua! rugal folds Ilnd!he lumen contains ISO millililCrJ ofarccn fluid. The anaIl and IIlIC bowels are unmnarlo:lbIc. 1bc pIl're.ea hu. nomwl pink-tan lobulated ~ lind the duclS are clear. The appendix is pracnt. GENITOURINARy SYSTEM; ,ranu. The riaht and left kidne)'ll wci&Jl$ 90 The renal qlPfIlles are srnoolh lind thin. .semitIanSpIta'IllInd ltrip widlease from the undcrlyina smooth, rm-brolO'Tl eortjqIJ 5Uffac:e. There ~ multiple tanlcsiOl'l$ in both kidneys which mcasun:: up to I ccntitneler in maximum dllT'lel\$ion. The c:ortias are shupl)' delineated from the medullary pyrmUds., which are red-purple 10 WI and ~Ie. The calyces. pelves and urcten arc ~mubblc. The WI b'-ddcr _ overlies IlIl i~ bltdder WIlli. "The bl.dder conllil\ll no ~DC. Thc \C:$lCS, plVSWe llland and .seminal vesicles arc unmnarbble. LYMPHORETICUv..R SYSTEM: The spleen wci&Jl$ SO pms has.1mOOIh, inllCl capsule cowrin, rcd-pwpIe. Illoderately firm parcnchyllll; the lymphoid follicles arc unmTlllbble. Lymph nodes in the IIlIar. periaortic-nd m. ~gicw arc not enl-ecd. ENOOCRINE SysTEM: The pituillry gland if left In .fIlII and is unmnartabIe. The th)TDid ,land Is symmetric and mIbrown, wiltlovt cystic Of nodular ellanae. Tbe left IdRnal i1and IllS a WI luion that measures 0.1 cmtimetcr in maximum dilTlClWon. The riglll.drcnal aland is W1I'CIJWkabIe. MUSCULQSKf:J ETAL SYSTEM; No non-lrIl11Nltic .bnormalities of muscle or bone ate identified. MEDCOM 1060 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1060 AUTOPSY REPORT lb )(6) HASAN, Mll.hmud PaaeSof9 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION ~lcdal ponions of orpns are relained in formalin. with prepua.liOll ofhlSlO]ogy slides: Rigllt Upper Lobe (slide I), Right Middle and l.o~ lobes ofllJni (slide 2), Uvcr (slide 3), left lo~ lobe ofJlIll1I (slide 4), len upper lobe and spleen (slide S),left kidrcy (Ilide 6), left adrenal (sUde 7). and rilh' kidney (slide B); sections oflhe ~ display areas ofmew&atie e-rtilMlfN. with pleomorphic: nuclei lIdmixed with necl'O'is.. The spleen and niht miOdlellel\ lower lobes of the: luna displl.yed on mew~llc involvement. ADplTIONAL PBOC£DURf!i l. Doc:wnenwy phOlogrJlphs are.u.etl by OAFME. 2. Personal effects are ~leased 10 the IlpptOpriate mottlIaf)' opct1ltions ,ejNtsCnlative:s. 3. Spccimenl ~Iained for toxieolo;y Iduna and/or DNA idenlirlC.ltion are: ~ nllid, b1oocl, bile, aastrie conlents, spleen, liver, 1liii&o kJdney, myocan:lium,lIdipox IiIsue and skeletal m1.lJ(1e. 4. The dioected OfiWll are flll'WlJded with body. MEDCOM 1061 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1061 AUTOPSY R£PORT (b)(6) HASAN. Mahmud 1 Page 60f9 t!:EUROPAlHQLOGY CQN:i:rn.:rAJ10t!: FINAL DIAGNOSIS CROSS DESCRIm01'l: The rpecimen colllisU oftlle inu.cranial d.... 1IIl<I brain ofan adull.. The ittrrMnniai dun It ncM I'CftIllrbblo. The VCIlllUli .mlllel ~ ~ The lnin b: markedly IWOIIen with wide, flattened I)'ri and tolnplessed sulci. The periR1Iar. periT sMcepo'1llic and basal cistmu &nl C01'llplel:ely effilocd due to _lli. . Deep tc:ntori.l IJ'OOYC:I illdent ClldIIIIleI.U 1ppI'I)1l.lmatdy I an from Il\e mcdiII mucin on IbG ript and 0.1 em. on 1he left due to downWll'lllrll\Ste:nlllrial pressu~ The cadle:lltr lOft.1t are deeply molckcl by tile (oramca mqnwn due to IIoWllWll'd tr-. fonmen lIltIJlum intneranial pRUIlle. A rccioMl nonhcmorThaaie (ancfaclllal) diJruplioa of .... It 4.S em _ of 1ho riihl t.lcrIl plrietllloba communicales with III appro1timately S I{ S ll. "'.S gn cav;ly of the naN posIaiorfanfcrior fronl&l and anterior occlpllallobe while miner. AC(ompanyilll tile bniia;' .. rlml. friable, "'.S It S x" cm pink-1In necplutic . . . contIttent with Il'lClUlalie ncop.IlI$lll., with di~ Ilccrolic, JfIIlUIJr ycIkJw·wbile eut.unaett whieh hu been lltiflldullly cxuudcd from the above nllIcd right Iionllli occipital ClCfCbrll cavil)'. The IeplomMinies Ire thin. delicate and trmu:parent. The midbnlilllnd pou are raarteclly enlarpd. The lIl1eriu lit tbe bale of the Inill follow a II01TI\lIJ distribution t.rJ:l tl'Ierc are no aneIlt)'I4\Il dill.Wlona or .ites ofocclusloll. All the identiflllble cmniaI_ l'OllU arc rlllt mnarltt.ble. Coronal ~ of the cercbnim I'CYt'I.I marUd white maner edema IIld .wdlina ofo. riala frontal1obe .-ialotl with the above noted neoplum with effacemenl of!be MEDCOM 1062 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1062 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) HASAN, Mahmllll ] Pase 7or9 lP'y/wIdle ramer mEJins UJ4 rl&ht ~tiIc11lC ~inI',l* I)'TUII hemiatloa due 10 I~ftw ..d pr-.n ICl'OII Ibo fI1x Cdbri. lb8ldjacent righllltenJ VCIlbiek: Is pctially oou.p.:llDd. tbD oppoail4ld vmtride Is CGIqed "",HJrin, pIrtlaI COI..... _1on of!be left bazlell or MIIIllO. AIOllOIld puuIar ftiablc lIl8II (l.5 1: 41: J.S em), IimiIcIO the Ibovedeaeribed IaioIl it JiIUlkd Ia . . posterior-ln!erIor ri&flIlkmtI1lobll and iDvada lite l..-J '-aI .....11.II1II !be illlt:l-hlluJ. c:ona. 11wn is mllltiJoc:al hemontJap md IICICrOU oftbe rilbl inferior IhaIIIINS aod.1be bllmnllUbepaJdymaI_ of ac:b 111111111111, A 0.3 10'0.5 em tbidt Layer of ennuJ-, tHlbIe -..Iulie tim. sImIr.rlO Ibe above ilII:iOlll en' m tbe ocdpilal homoftbe kft 1aIenI Yelltride. s....rn.. of the mldbnlla Md ponIlbow - a d IWel.lina due. 10 IqmmIaI Dum nceroIiI. The tepleIltum oflhe meduIJa 1. cdemItouL The wt.lanlil Ilip _ loalI coeNlCUI are weJI plP¥=DlOd. PHOTOGRAPHS: yes MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: Blocboftiaue for m1ClO1COpi~ n_inodon . . RIIIlIYed &om: (I) ripllallnl ftonbol lobe, (2) rilh! ttrille body, (3) rilht bwI"'lIlmol, (4) rilhl liUaaI pIrictaIlobc, (5) nc.nallUlllDr. (6) pllIlI, (7) owdJelllllll., (8) left ooc:ipltal lobl:, (9) tnedIall&, (10) d. . . (II) rilbl hIppoeImplta. Scclioal from eaeb bloek are m"w! with H.tE, BIebehoWiky .00 LFB tecllaiquea - . ifn!TJ'tnofflIlDed for ~APP. OPAP. ~oId, T_2, uldqvidD.1)'nUCIein. DIAGNOSIS: MWdfocaI (rilbt &omaI, riahl pa;eulIoc:dpila1, left ocetpil&l) melaIWic:. eaplutic:. l'ltlC:lOtlc c:azc:iI.._ wtth: I. ExlemiIlC pcrineopl.llie . . . . 2. .....talc:iJIo (leftwAi'd), 11_ 'W' 'rial and trIM !onuIlea mli,uM!\ bcmlMion 3. Dum roar.! JlOCl'~. 4, PIrtlal obsInlctiOD of left for.mcu ofMuaro (b)(6) NEVIlOPATHOLOOlST MEDCOM 1063 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1063 AUTOPSY REPORT(b){6) HASAN, Malunud FINAL Amorsy DIACNOSES I. Mrtalatlc Cardllll•• 'naN nabt A. Mullifoeal frontal, ~talloccipital.lrft occipital) lesiortl of the blain B. Cllrl:inom. with p1eomorphie nlltlelkimiKrd with /'IC(rosis C. Extrnsive pcrincoplastie edema D. Trans-f~einr (leftward). ttans-tentoti~ and uans-for&mrn mlgnurn hrmi.tion E. Dutrt hrmol'l'hlae ofmidbnin and rostaI pons telVllenlum f. Part~ obstruction oflel\ fOrmlrll ofMlll'Iro O. Tumor involvemrnl ohhr bilatrl1llllll'llJ,lrft ~1IlI1 gland,livn, and kidneys II. Pre-uisllq; N.tlIrJ1J D,",": A. Bilateral empll~matous lunas B. Atherosclerotie eardiovutular disease l. (,ell. anterior dee_ing, focal/mild 2. Aorta, atherosclerolie slmb pl'eSelIl J1J. E..!draco ofMtdkal Tbn1lp)': As described above V. Idmrifyiac Body Mnlu: None idell1ilied VI. TOJ.icolOJ)' (AFIP): A. VOLATILES: No ethanol dctr<:led in the blood and ..llreOuS fluid B. DRUGS: No screened drugs ofabllseJmedicatlons deteeted in Lhc urine C. CYANIDE: No eyanide drtr<:ted in the blood D. CARBON MONOXIDE: Carboltyhanoalobin saturation in the blood was less than ". OPINION This41-year-old deWnet(b)(6) bied ofelinleally diaanosed l\IIlg canter whieh spread (mrtastasited) 10 the brain, len .ldrenal aland, li~. and kidneys. Tile primary llullor was not identified in the lllll&!. Ho_vcr, the rnewtuited tumors were of the adenOQ/'Cinoma type whieb is eonsistrnt with occult lung tumor. AI autopsy, the body did not display e..idence of blunt or sharp fllt'te i'liwy to wuest foul pia)'. The Iolticology ICnIrn is IlCptiVC. "The manner ofdcalh is MNnl. (b)(6) (b)(6"'-- l (b)(6) (b)(6) Medical EumillCJ MEDCOM 1064 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1064 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) HASAN, MaJunud Ptae90f9 I.AEOCOM 1065 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1065 _.--....... -"--"- ~T.K:ATt Of OUoTH jO\o£IISUSJ ..- BlB -'.... Hasan, Mahmud. (b)(6) --"" ...... "'1'00"' _ _ -,~ _.-...c_-..... _._.""'.... _""",> (b)(6) ~ 1967 Iil 0 _. _ .. ..... ._, -,,.--,- -__-- -- -- --_.. .- ... ..... - -__-_ - - •• I .., ~~ c.. !C·. . . 0..... '_' ."'""'""""".. ~ _'u".., ~ ... "'~'Qf"'''''''''' __n._ _'(11001 ... _.., ........ CITY"" _ . : - . " " ----...- _.._--_............-_... ._--. -- -~ _ l l l l c .... <:IIIClIT'IIO IL. LUoI>OO> '0 """,'" • ....., """",,_.. _. ' - ' 0 . . . . -... """""'<lH """" -- ..... _...'" • eo... _ _ _ _ ... _ c.wol; "" """'" , ,~. _ _ Co'''' -- ........ - ... -.--- -_ --.. ..... ... __ ...... -----, ----_--......... ._.... 00_-_' ----- .-...__....__ -.-_ . _... _. __ ....-----.... _-- -------_ ._.. - ....._ _........._____..... _-_._-----..-.-...._..t1"i3~ <NIl1O. __ e.uoo.,. _. _ _ ro __ , < m t U l _....., _ • """""'" [;J ~ ... ~ 0 ~ """"' ..... ..,.. fl_~ ""... l (b)(6) (b)(6) ,,"" ,,",,'" (b){6) 200Il "05 ,_ "'__..- _ ~ I Du~ 5 August 200a ...- 1iI""- Camp Croppllf Iraq ... '..--....0_ ....,. -... ~., "'I'''' """",,,'W_'_ ''''<;A<M''' ...."'0""""" IoJ.eclical Examiner (b)(6) .......... -.... . - t.. (b)(6) Dover AFB, 00-- DE (b)(6) 1012412008 , DD':iI'I, 2064 ... • .... .....-...__'_n_.._.' ...,...._ ...__ -..... MEOCOM 1066 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1066 _I~"- (b)(6) I ..... ""·_ _0"'" , _ T I O N . . Y1TAl.ITIlTll1lCS _. - 'U_ ""n_lVIUl ,TAn -""""'_--...... vu.. DD FORM MlU, APR 1.n IBACK) MEDCOM 1067 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 1067