Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part3
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ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Offift or the Anne<! For~et M~dicwl EUll1inu 1413 Resurch Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 2085(1 1-8011·9H-1912 FINAL AUTOrSY REVORT Name: Ibrahim, Naser J. SSAN: NtA Dale orBlnh:!(b}(6U941 Dale or Dellth{b)(6)_.2004 Dille or Aulop5Y: II JAN 2004 Datc of Repon: 18 FEB 2004 Autopsy No.: Jjb}J?) J MIl' No,:LlE.}(6}------.J Rank: SIaIUS Unknown PIl,cc or DUlh: Abu Ghraib. Iraq Plllcc or AUlopJy: BIAP Mortuary. flaghdad, Iraq CirCUIUSlanftS of Death: Iraqi delainee died while in U.S. f;'ustotly. AUlhoriution ror Aulopsy: Office of the Anncd Fon:es Me<!ical Examiner. IA W 10 USC 1471 Idenllfi(1l11on: Identification by acc:ornpanying papo;rwork and wriSlband, both of which include a photograph and i<kntifiution numbei{bH6)-- CAUSE OF DEATH: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Di5ease Resulting in CardiiIC Tamponade MANNER OF DEATH: Natural MEDCOM 0199 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 199 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) lbrmhlm. NlJd J . .... FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Athfl'Osduotie Cardiovasculu Dinase A. lIfmopnltudlllm (650-mlllllilers) B. Ruptllre of thf anterior will of thf left veulrlcle C. Aeulf myocardlallnf.rction O. Albfroseluosls oflbe coronal)' artfriU. rocally U'"crf E. Anerlonephrosduosis F. Mild alherosduosls of Ihe aorta II. Plrural and Pulmonary AdhesloR5 IV. To~leolocy Is negative for elhanol. cyanide. ~lId d rugs of abuse .... .. MEDCOM 0200 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 200 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) Ibrahim, Nasef J. • ~ 3 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The remains are received clad in a long brown ouler gannenl, 3 blue vesl, a while undershirt, khaki colort:d pants (ouler). a while, pajama 1)'pC panlS. An idenlifiealion brolCelet lhat i'lCludes the docedellt's lIame, phot<:lllrnph. and delainee nl,mber is on the left wrist. The body is lhal <:If II well-developed. well·nouri shed appearing. 6'_inches. t80-p<:lunds (eslimatOll) male. whose appearance is consistenl Wilh lhe reported liKe of6J-ycars. Lividity is poslerior and fixed, excepl in areas e:'tpo5ecl 1<:1 pressure.. Marked facial congestion is present. Rigor is passing. TI><: body lemper~lure is ,hal Dflhe ~frigeralion unit. The scalp is covered with gray-black hair Wilh male pallem balding. TIt", ",omeae are moderately opaque. The irides a~ hazel and the pupils ure round and equal in diameter. The external auditory canals are free of aboormal sec~tions and foreign malerial. The earlobes are creased. The nose and maxillae arc palpably swble. The leelh are natural lUId in poor condition. with several teelll partially or tOlally missing. Facial hair consislS of a gray beard and mustxhe. The nock is mobile and the trachea is midline. The chest is symmetric. TIle abdomen is protuberant. The genitalia a~ those of a nomu.1 &dull. circumcise<!, male. The lestes arc descended and flu ofmasscs. Pubic hair is present in a nonml distribution. The bUllOCks lind anus arc unremarkable. The upper and lower extremities are symmetric and withoul c1uhhing or edema. Severe dry dermalitis involves both feel. 11M: fingernails are intact. A Y,·inch ucrochordon is on lhe p<:lsterior right thigh. A I y,-inch scar is on the posterior right forearm. No lattOOS or other significant identifyinll marks are present MEDICAL INTERVENTION There is no evidence of medical inlervention on the body atlhe lime oflhe aUlopsy. EVIDENCE Of INJURV There is no evidence of significant recent injury- noted al the autopsy. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: The brain weigh~ 14S0-grams. There is no epidural, subdural. or subar~hnoid hemorrllage. Coronal seelions demonstrate sharp deman:ation between white and gray malter, without mil$S or conlUSlve injury-. The venlricles arc or normal si2;e. The basal ganglia, brainstem, cerebellum, and arterial systems are free of abnormalities. TIlerc are no skull fraeture:s. No evidern;e of non-traumatic disease processes is noted. ... MEDCOM 0201 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 201 • AUTOPSY Rt:rORT (b)(6) Ibrahim. ... • 4 Nn,~r J. NECK: The thyroid can;l~ge und hyoid bone art: intact. The laryn~ is lined by ;nulel while mUC0$3. The thyroid gl~l1d is slightly enlarged, symmetric. and raJ·bmwll, without cystic or nodular change. The longue is free of bile marks. hemorrlmge. Of other injuries. BOoY c.WITWS: The ribs. Sianum, and venchl'll bodies arc visibly and palpably inlacl. There;s no abnonnill acCUInUIDlioll of nll;« in the pll:Ul'IIl or ~riloneal cilvily. Scallcteu adhesions involve both lungs and l~ chest wall. The organs occupy tlleir uSllal 31l;110mic positions. The thickness of the subcutancous adipose tissue oyer lhe ;>bOomen is I V.·ioches. RESP'RATORy sysn;J\1: The right and leA lungs weigh ISO and 62Q-grams. respocljvcly. The external surfaces are deep red-purple w;lh maded anlhr'aco[;c monling. The pulmonary parenchyma is .Ii rrusely ~Olllleslcd and edem:uous, withoul signi fieant emphysematous changes, No mass lesions or ureas of consolidalion are: pn::sen!. The pUlmOll<lry arteries are unremarkable. -.... CARDIOV"SCUL"R SYSTEM: The 41Q-gram heart is conlained in an inlact puiurdilll sac, There: arc 6S0-miltilit«1 of dOlled blood in lhe pericardial sac, The epicMdial surface is s'nooth. with minimal fal investment A l-cenlimcler in lenglh, slit-like, irregular defect goes through Ihe enlire: lhickness of lhe anterior wall of the len ventricle. ncar lhe inlervCl11ri~ular septum. "rim ofhemorrh:llle surrounds lhis defect. The coronaJ)' arteries are: prCSCnl in a normal distribution. with a rillhl-dominant pallem. Cross sections of Hie vessels show ne:u cOmplele occlusion ofthe mid portion ofme lell anlerior descendinll coronary artery by Itherosclerosis. The otlter ~oronary arteries have only mild alherosclerotic narrowing, up 1020%. The fllyocMdium h;\S patchy fibrosis. Thc valve leanets arc lhin and mobile. The walls oftlle len and right ventricles are I.J and O.4-eentimelers lhiek. respeclively. The intervenlricular scptunt is 1.4-cenlimetm lhick. Tile endocatdil1111 is sl\1ooth. The lorta gives risc 10 lhree intact and patent arm vessels and has mild alhcltlsc~rosis. The re:nal and mesenleric vessels are: unremarkable. LIVER & IHLlARY SYSTEM: The 1640-gram liver has an inlOCI, smooth capsule and a sharp anlerior bord~r. The patenchyma is tan-brown and congested. with the I1suallobular an::hil«ture. No mass lesions or other abnomlalities are seen. The gallbladder ~ontains 12·milliliters of gTl:C:n· black bile and no slones. The mucosal SurfiICC is green and velvcly. The e~trahcpalie biliary tree: is palen!. SPLEEN: The J2O-gram spleen h;JS 1I smooth, inlact, red-purple capsule. TIte parenchyma is slightly soil, maroon and congested. MEDCOM 0202 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 202 , AUTOPSY REPORT"'lb"""''''--Ibrahim. Nud J. ... PANCRF..;s: The pancreas is itnd ~lIow·titn. wilh the USUit.llobul:lI" ~rchitecturc;alM! autolysil. No muslesions orother abnormalities are seen. ch~nKCII or earl)' ADRENAl. GI-ANDS: The right and left adrenal glands lire Synun~lriC. wilh yellow cortices. IP'U), medullae. and autolytic changes. No masses or area, orhemorrltllge are idcntirIC.... GENITOUR INARY SYSTEM; Th~ risht and left kidn~ys weigh 190 and 17S·graf11l. respectivel)'. The external surraces are intactwilh numerous pits. sears. and Ihe ehan-ctcrillic "flc:a·billen·· ap~flUICe associated with poorly controlled hypertension. A 4-e~ntimclcr limple c}'ll il within the cortCJl or the right kidney. The cUllur(accs are red.till 1IId congCSlal. with blunled cortieomedulliUjl junctions. The pelves are unremar1cable and the uret~I"$:l.I'e nol1'llaJ in coum and e~libcr. While bladder mll(:osa overl ics an intact bladder WilL The uriniUjl bladder containlSQ.mil1ilitel"$ ordarte yellow urine. The promte gland il moderatel)' cnlargctl, with lobular. )' pareneh)'lT1l. The seminal velicles are unremarkable. The tesles are rroc or mall lesions. contusions, or olher abnonnalities. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagus i, intactl.lld lined by Imooth.grey-white mUC013. The 110mach eonlainl approximately 4O-millili~ of darIc Ian ftuid and parlially d'ge'lecl rood. The gaslriC wall il inloct. The duodenum, loop' or.mall bowel. an'" colon are unrerll:u"kable. The apptndill. is present. MUSCliLOSKF,LEIAL: No non·lraumatic abnormalities of muscle or bone are illenli fie.... ADDITIONAL PROCEDURf:S [ • Docurllentll)' photogr:lphs are tuen by QAFME pholOfV<lplter (b){6) • Specimens retained for tOllicologic tesling andlor DNA idenlifiution are; vitreous fluid, cavil y blood. bile. spleen, liver. lung, bl1lin. kidney. urine. pnric eonlenl., and p!lOas muscle The di1$CClCd organs are forwarded wilh body Per$Onal e!Tee" ami dOlhin&: are relcucd to lhe mortuary personnel • • ] USN MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selccled portion. of orsans til' retained in romla.Jin, witoout preparation of hi.tologie .Iides. MEDeOM 0203 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 203 , AUTOPSY Rt:I'ORT lb)(6) Ibrahim. Nud J. OPINION "" This 63·year·old male(b)(6) died as a ruuh ofDlllcmsclerolic cardiovascular disease resultina In CArdiae tamponade. l1lc aUlopsy rcve;,lcoJ hemoreric;mlillm. with a I1lf'llun: of lhe free wall of tile lert ventricle llIId focally scv.:re alhcmsc:lc<osis of lhe comn:ary urter;CL Toxicolollic studies were nClalive foret~ullOl. cy.mide. and drugs of libuse. The m:lnncrofdcalh illllltur:ll. (b)(6) (b~6) Medlnl F.'tImllltr '(b)16) MEDCOM 0204 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 204 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ..RMEO FO~cES IIISTIlVI'E OF ....THOI..OGl' WASIOGTOH, DC _ _ ., .... '" .,,,,,,m,"'" ''<b){6) rA!l&NT lllfNTlt'IC,:Ir,JION AFIP A.-.l"... NUIDI... .~.quu .... [(b){6) TO: NlnI~ OFFICE OF Till: AMMO) FOMCES ~IEIlICAL lBRAIlI"', NASH J E:U~IINr.N SSA~: AR~I[D FORcr.s INSTITUTE or PATllOLoe,' WASIlINr.Tfll'l. IIC ~llJIl6-6OOO PIN.'~ULT 1TION ".'11' I)lAG:>IOSlS A"'O... ~,I(b)@ To,i.ol"C.)' A<.. "lo~ "llPK6) Il~po" D..., Ai'MIl. fl, 20Q..1 ) H.:"ORI ON CO:'l'TKIIJ\lIOH i\Mn:ltIAI. A:\IF.NIlEIl REPORT Mr.I'ORTor TOXICOLOGiCAL Contlifl.lJn "rS[l«ln,~ns: Gool) I)"i~ "r I ntltl~nt~b)(6 ilOO4 r.xA~llNATIO," llal~ Kecclntl: III sn~ VOLATIl ••:S: The CAVITY lIU)(lO AND VIIRF.OIIS Fl.tJlIl were examined rnt lhe prl:Sl:ncc ufc'h~nol 01 a CiltO[f nr20 mgltlL. No elhanol was oJcll:cl~'Il. (:¥ AN IIn:: There was no cyanitle t1c",clw in the blootl. Thc li'l1il or quanlilolion ror cyanide is 0.25 mglL. Nonnal blooti cyanide ooncenuoliolls arc less lila" 0.1 5 mglL l.elhal ooncenlr.uions ofcyiUlide are grealer lhan ) mgIL. IlHII(;S: The ULOOO W".IS ilCrttne:d for amphelaminc. antidepressants. ;onlihislamines. barbilur.:otes, bel1zodiu~pine.s. eanl\3binoids. cocaine:. dexlrcmelhorphan, I idocilillC. narcolic analgesin. npiol.S. phencyclidine. phenothiazines. sympaloomimelic lHllincs i1nt1 vcrnpamil by "IS ehrOnlatogr~phy, color tesl or immunoassay. The roltowing drullS were delccted: None Were roumJ. (b}(6) 1")(6' MEDCOM 0205 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 205 • .~. ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY <>met of the Armed Forces MedJc:aI E~uliDtr 1413 Research Blvd., BklS- 102 Rockville, MD 2OSSO 1·301·319-00)0 FINAL AtrrOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Namr:.: aTB RAKAD. Husan Hadan ISN:r.b 6 DIlle ofBi.nh; ~TB (b){6) 1931 200S Date ofDe-Ih:5 b)(6j Daklfiroe of Autopsy: :n DEC 2005 (it 1200 Dale afReport: 20 JUL '2006 N~~~(b~)(i66[)==~ AlItOpSy AFlP No.: ~)(6) Rank: Iraqi c~,,,,,;;i·,,.. ;;;-,,,,,,,,,,,,,",·rPlace ofDeatb: Abu Ghraib.1raq Place of Autopsy: Port Mortuary. Dover AFB. DE Clr'ewIutaaCliS of Dta1b: This 74-yeu-01d In.qi civilian fllIle detainee was bospitalized for. non-reducible right inguinal hemia on 18 NOV 2005. Sursery wu performed. and .Iona hoIpital COI.lI'X ensued with numerous complications WI required ventilator support and blood lnIlSfusiON. The palienllw I remote ltislOfY of mitral valve Tep[llQeQ\enl with an artificial valve. In \he fLnll tWQ days ofltis hospital eourse..lbe patient had. number of cardiac ~ where Advmced Cardiac Life Support protocols were performed. Hecllpired on l (l&(6) a005 u Ht20. Authorization for Autopsy: Office of the Amied Forces Medical Euminer,lAW 10 USC 1411. Idealincdoa: P'resU1l1plive idc:IltiflCltion is established baled on idem.ifiCltion bnceleu and ISN. FmgelJlriou IDd DNA were Ilkcn to oornpare to uemplars when available. CAVSEOFDEATH: SEPSISDUETOBlLATERALLOBAltPNEUMONlA DUE TO RECENT INGUINAL HERNIA SURGERY MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 0206 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 206 FlNAL AlTI'OPSY REPORT:r{b)(6) RAKAD. ~ Hado ~ J Page]: or9 FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. COfIIpllcaUOIU of JUgbllnluiPaj H~",1a Repair A. Bil.tenllobar pneumonia I. Right lung weiptl,l90-grams .. Complete consoli~iorI b. Multiple abscesses in the WeriOr lower 10bc oflhc right lung 2. Left tung weight 1,27().gralTlS. completely consolidated 3. Sec attaebed PullllOlW)' Pathology COllSulwion addendum {lJ fot complete details B. Multiple PUOCl8.IC abscesses of both kidneys. ranging in size from 0.1centimeters to O.4.centimeten; C. Anasarca D. Cerebral Wcml (brain weight l,46().grams) wilhout evidence ofhemlation U. Otbn-Natural~ A. Cardiovascular disease I. Cardiomegaly (hun wcight6l(1.gmTIs) willi intetSlillaiand patdly B. C. D. E. F. m. ~ptacemenl fibrosis 2. ReJ1'IOIc lIistoty ofmitnl valve replacement (28·milllmeter Medttoni<:·Hall prosthesis) and wocillecl diffuse pulmonary dendriform ossifiealion J. Focal modmllC coronary aL!Jerosc'erosb with cak:ifJClltion 4. See au.chcd Cardiovascular PathololY CORSultetion Iddcndum (2) for c:omple1C delails Left adrenal Bdcnoma (brighl yellow. 5.3. 3.9-ccntimetm) Riaht rcnaI conical cyst (1.5. 1.2-ccnll~lCrs) Coarsely granular l:'DltU ofbodl kk\ney5 ModeTMe aonic atherosclerosis with focal uleention in the abdominal aorta OIolt:.lithiasis ( 1.3-a:ntimeteT black cak:uli) EYidellc:e 01 M~k:al1beMiPY A. Endotrache.1 rube (.pproprialely pllCed) B. Left IIISOpsu1C tube (lpploptilte~ pllCed) C. Right IlId left chest lubes in the) [nlefOOStllsp-. mid-uilllt)' Jlne D. Urilwy bidder Clthetel'" E. Triple-lumen inttavenous line in the right subcl.vill1 region F. Rceent right inguillli surgicll incisiOll (slapled closed. 11.0:1: O.6-cenlirnetets) G. ElectroCardiognm electrodes on the llUeriortOlSo H. Mulliple e«h)'1tlO5CS wilh tcrIll'aI needle-stick milks on the IbdoI1lCR I. FrlChlre of the sternum lithe level of the Il1leriOt')'" ribs (reSUli<:ilation· reI_ted) J. Frw:tutes of the 4110 through 6"" lIlIterior rigllt ribs lIlId the 2"' lhrouglt -,u. lIlIterior left ribs (resuscilliion-related) K. Righi mil.l uteri.l line MEDCOM 0207 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 207 FINAL Atn'OPSY REPORT: {b)(6) RAXAD. Hasan Ibdan IV. Pap J 019 ToDcoIOf1 A. The blood and vllleOUS nuid ate IC$Led for el/lallol Uld none: is fOl.lfld.. B. The blood is ~ for medications and drup oflbuse, and the foltowiq; medicMiona ate found: 1. The blood COlIlailll 0.43 milli8J*ml per lilerof Diphen/lydramine 2. The blood ODIIlains 1.3 milligrams per Iitel' of Ephedrine EXD.RNAL EXAMINATION The body is thai of I well-devt:Iopc:cI. ~ll-nouri5hed Ippearing, 6J.ineh, and 174-pound mile whose Ippearaoce is consisteol with !be reponed I p of 74 yean.. Uvidity is filled and posterior. Rigor is equal in all extremities and !he lemperMure is thll of the n:frisentiort unil. The sealp is covered with py-black ""ir in I nonnal disUibutiolt- The irides an: bmwn and the pupils ate round and equa1 in diarneu:r. Tbe U.lanaI MIolIitory canals In: free of fIbnonn&I sec;n:lions and debris. 'The ean; ate unremIrbble.. 1be n&n:$ lite P-lenl Illd the lips an: IttlW1\ltic;. The nose Illd muill..: are palpably stable. The teeth IPPQl" IIIItlIn1 and In fllr oondillon. The ned is snip, Il\d the u.chea .. midline and 1llObi1e. The dlest is symmetric: with I ~lllelIled. 10 I+indt. linell" midline: stmIOIOIIIy indsion. The lower bK.k is n:mlt'uble for I Z YJ x Z ~intlt dccubitls ulcer with I dn::uin&- The abdomen is fill and ItnIUmlIIit:. Multiple eedt)ml J s with ocntnJ needle-Jlic:k marts ate present on the Ilbcbmen. Then: is I Jec:ent ri&btlnCUinll surpatl in<:ision. 11.0 x Q.6-ccntimctcrs, whidt Is stapled dosed Illd without. sip of d.rIiMge or Wec:tiOll. 1lIc: ga'litalil an: tho$e of I IlOITI'IIl adult male. The testeS an: dC$CCllded and free of IIIIIS5CS. A Z X \4-indllJ'el of ulocnllOlI is present on the poslerior 1UOIum. PubJt: IWr is praent in I oomtIl distribulion. The burtod.t: and IIltIS are ~Ie. The upper Illd Iowef utremilie:s we symmetric: and wilboul dubbin&- AnaWQl is present. Then: an: three - . of ecch)'lllOJis on the J'O'taior left lower u.tremily IhII range in site from 2: xl-indt to 4 YJ x 2.indles.. 1lta'e Is IZ·indt linelr searon the medial right Ie, and I I-inch pudccml scar on the p;lSlerior lower left leI- CLOTHING AND PEBSONALEFfECTS The followinl dodtinJ items Illd perJOI\IJ dfedJ In: plUCltt on the body at the time of alIDpI)': • Hos.pital,own only MEDICAL 1NtF.R\'ElVV0N • • Endouwt:Mal wbc (11'PfOPl'We1y pllCCCl) Lelt nuopstric; tube (lIPpropriltdy pl&eed) MEDCOM 0208 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 208 flNAL Al1JOPSY REPORT: (bH6) I'qe 4 0'" RAKAD. Hnnaa Had. • Risht and left chest tube:I in lbe 3'", mid-uillary line • • Urinary bl.&:ler eathder Triple-lumen inlnl_lillC in !he ri&ht subclavian region • Ri&ht tMIial arterial line Recertl rip inguinal SUflic.J incision (5tl.pled closec!.ll.O J, 0.6- • centimeters) • • • • E1ectroe&rdiopm e\ecUodes on the anterior tone Multiple ttehyn'lOllCS wilh centnl needlo-sticl:: mad:; on the abdomen Fnu:turc of the a.temum at !he level of the anteriof 3" n"bs (l!:SU$Citationrelated) Fractures of the ... throuah 6" I.ItteOor ri&lll rillt and the 2"' lIu'oulh ~ anterior left ribs <resuscitalion-reillal) A complete set of poslmortem rw:Iiocnpha is obtained and demonstra~ the followina: • • • • • • • No long bone fractures are noted No meuJlic: foteign bodies I.te noted (except medical devlc:es) Anterior rib Ind stema! fr&etuteS (resusc:itation-reIMed) Sternal wires (remote atemotomy) Ga.llltone Pnc:umoperitonc:tJm (secondary to reoent surcery) J>n:/$lhetic: mill1ll valve (remote repair) EVIDENCE OF INJURY There is no evidenc:e of signiflallt recenL injury. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The pleal and subgalul soft tiuuu of the scalp are fRill of injury. The calvarium is illlaCl. as is !he dun l1lI.ter beneath it. Clear cereblmpiMJ nuld wrroundl the 1,460-1rJ1ffi brain, which has Jli&htl)' wMlcned I)'Ji and nl.fl'Owed wlc:i, witIlout evidence of LIlICI.i or tonsillu notching. Coronal Jec:tions denmnstrate sharp ckmut:atlon between while and &re), lNuer, without hemorrlla~ or OOIItusive injury. The ventriclQ I.te of nonnl.! lite. The buaI pnglla. bralnstem. oermellwn, and arterial J)'ItemI are free of injury or odIef abnonnallties. T1Iere an no skull frM:rures. The joint is 5tl.bIe. NECK: The l.Illerior IU1lp mlllCles of lhe nedr; I.te hoaoogellDUl and red·brown, withoul tlm'IOii,bage. The thymid canil. . and hyoid bone are inll.CL The IaI')'nx illlned by inl.act white 1DlK:OS&. The lhyn;rid gland Is Iytnrnelric: and red-brown. without cyatic or lIDduJu c::banIe. The tonp is free of bite marts, hemDn'ttqe. or other iIIjuric:s. MEOCOM 0209 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 209 FINAL AlITOPSY REPORT: [(b){6) RAKAD. IbaaD Redan - PqeSor9 BODy CAVITIES: The ~ertebflll bodies are yisibly and palpably intact. The sternum is ffDCtured at the leyci of the 3"' ribs, and has. reltlO(e midline Sternotomy, with wires in place. The 4" through 6'" Interior right ri~ and the 1011 through 1'" anlerior left ribs are ftactured. No excess nuk! is in the pleurll, pericardial, or pcriloneal cayities. The 0l'11nS OlXUpy their usual an&lomic positions:. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lungs wcish 1,190 and 1,11()'gmns, respectiYCly. The CJ;ttmll wrfaees are rough and deep red·purple. The pulmonary parenchyma is congc5ted and edem.tous willi diffuse caleiflCMions. The righllung is coll5Olidated, and mulliple absce5$eS are ooled in the inferior poI1ion of the lower lobe. The left lung i. oompletely consolid.ted. Repre$elll.tiYC microsalpic secliolUi are submilled for Pulmonary Pathology consultation (sec Addendum I fO/complete details). CARpJOV6SC11LAR SYSTEM: The bean and pericardi.1 sac weish 610·Srams and I e entirely submitted for Cardioyucular Palhology consullalioo (II« Addendum 2 fOl' complete details). The aorta has moderate atherosclerosis with focal ulceration and giyC$ rise to three intaa and patent tlclI ¥elK1s.. The rtlllIl and maentencveasell are unremarlc.ble. WEE" BILIARY SYSTEM: The I,660-gram liyer 111$ all intael. smooth capsule and. sha.rp anterior bonler. The parenchyma is tan-brown and congcslCd, willi the usual lobular aI'l;:lti~. No mass lesiolUi 01 other .bnormalities are seen. The gallbladder contains • minute a/l'lOl,lnt of green·black bile and a single 13-millimeter blaclt·JIftfI gallstone. The rnl.lCOSll swface is green and yelyely. The extrahepatic biliary tree is patent. SPLEEN: The 420-p.m spleen lias .smoolll. intact, red-pwple capsule. The parencbyma is ITIIlOOl1 and congemd. with diSlinct Malpighian corpwcles. PANCREAS: The pancn:as is finn and yellow-WI, with the usual lobular architecture. No mass lesloos or other .bnormalities are seen. ADRENAl S: The ri<t lldn:na.l gland is .utolyzed, with bright yellow cortices and grey medullae.. No masses 01 areas ofhemorrttage are identified. The left adrenal gland contains a 5.3 J: 3.9centimeta-. ~11-c:imlmscribed. bright yellow mlS$. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: r The rigllt and left kidneys weigh 180 and n().grams. respec!iyely. 1lle txtemlll wrfaces are illlaet and coarsely pitted bilaleta1ly. Thue are multiple. sofi, yellow, pun<;tate abscesses on the cortic.1 surfaces of both kidneys which range in siu from 0.1· MEDCOM 0210 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 210 FINAL "urOPSY REPORT: (bl{6) RAKAD, Ha-.o. HadaD c:cntirneter$ to O.4-«:nlimeten. The CUi WrfllCCl Ille rcd-Illn IlIld conlested. with lIIlifonnly!hid:: conices and sharp conicomedullary jUOCliOll$. Tbr. riabllr.idneyeonu.inI I I.S I t.2-ecntirneter, .mooth-.... lled simplee)'ll- The peJvea are unremarbble 1M the umers arc normal in course lllld caliber. Pink·grey bladder mI.ICO$I overlies M ma.ct blMlder ... &11. The bladder conllil\l no urine. The pro5l1le 11 normal in.i2&, ...ith lobular. yello"'-Iln pan:nchyma. 'The seminal vesieks arc IWetnarbble. The IcSIa arc free of 11\1$$ lesions, contusions. 01" other abllOl'Tllllitics. GASJJ«)IJqESTINAL JRACI: 1lu: C50p!tlgus 11 intact and lined by 5IIlOOIh, grey-white Itl\ICOI5I. The UOll'IId1 contIins no nuid; the pstric wall i5 inhcI. The duodenwn.loops of IIl'II.1l bowd and colon 1ft unmnarUble. The .ppcndi.l is prcseDl. MUSCULDSKELTAI SYSTEM: no non-trl.Ull\llic bone 01" joim abnonnalili<:s. S.kelcul muscle developmcm is Thc~ arc ~I. MICROSCOPIC EXAMlNmQN Portions of OfJUIS we ret.llned in fonnalin. with prepamion of IICIcacd histolog.ical llides. LUNGS: See the lIadlcd Pulmonary Patholou consullltitm Addc:ndllm (I) for complete details HEART: """•. See Ihc IU8Ched CardiovMa!lar PaIboloJy COIlIlIllltion ....ddcndIlm (2) for complete SPL£Eli: No patholOJic dillJlO'is. UYER: Pasaive conacstion is: prnenl. without IlcpltOC)1c llCCIOSil. SPERMATIC CORD: Fibl"olis: and cdcma are IIOl:cd. The VII defcmu is IIOITIIII. SCROTAL SKJN~ Skin with .,anulllion liuuc is: ptqall; no .bKeslls noted. , m ADREN....L GlAND: A uniform popuillion or benip-appcarinl celli Is prcaml, c:on5istenl ... ith iWIrenai """""". MEOCOM 0211 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 211 I FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (b)(6) RAKAD, Hassan H.du r'Ic7 oft ADDITIONAL PROC[PURf$!REMARKS • • • • • Documcnwy photopphs an: laken by AFMES staffphotoJP'llphcn Specimens rellintd for toxicologic testm, and/or DNA idcntifltation art: peripheral blood, vitrtOllS fluid, gastric content.s, bile, splan, livcr, luna. kidney, jmin.ldiposc: tissue, and p$08S muscle The body is sutured closed without embalming, and the dissecled organs If'C forwarded with the body No penOlllI effecl5 an: praenl The foUowins identil'yins body rrwks are present; Midline sternotomy SCIII" (well-healed, I0 ~lnches), SCIII" on the posterior left lea (pllCkertd, t-inch), scar on the anlerior right leg (well-haled, 2-inche!) OPINION This 74-year-old male, (8TB) (b)(6) died ofsepsis due 10 bibltCfllllobar pneumonia dill!: 10 recenl inguinal hc:mia surgery. There was signiftelnt pre-exiSling cardiovascular diKuc 10 include a prior mil/'lll valve rcpllll;en1enl, modenue coronary lItleJy disease and left vtntricuhu hyPeflrophy due to hypertension. There was.1so preexisting diffuse pulmonarydendrifonn ossirleation of both lungs, which was dill!: to the prosthetic: mil/'lll valve. These pre-eJcisting oondilillflS likely cotlll'ibuled 10 the decedent's delIth. ToxicoloSicaltesting was neplive £orethanol and drugs ofablls.e. Ephedrine (. sympatbdic stimulant) and Diphenhydramine (an antilJisu.mine) were present in the blood at therapeutic levels. The manner of dauh is natural. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b}(6) Medier.l Enminer MEDCOM 0212 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 212 - I'Ii\'AL Aln'OPSY KEI'ORT: (bH6) KAK,\D. lIaMlln tbdon Pw8of9 AIlf)I!NDU;o.1 I ........" ••• _n_ ~IS ••• ~C:~l:~~l:.~ M.- _ ,s~, '~~(:MMD' ~'~~12~;;;;~I.c=:::j '''," _ ,,<to, ..•_._._ ................ , "., , (b)(6) , 0«<5..... . . - . , ...,. r_ , 1:tO "". UI •••• , - ... --..-"".- '''''0 DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 213 ACLU Detainee Pa~9nl9 nNAL AUI'OPSY REPORT:[b)(6} RAKAD. H 1 n H8clan APDENDUMl; CardjovOSQJlar PAthology Consultation: , ...nEl'lT lDEHTlflCAnON - CAPf(b){6) BTBI@(6)MErJb){6) [(b)(6) May 1,2006 (b)(6) 141) Rcswch Blvd. Bldll. 102 RocJcvillc. MD 20850 FINAL DIAGNOSIS ::JAnrt, DIAGNOSIS: (b)(S) post moneJII namln_tlon: I. Cardiomegaly (610 &ta.I) wltb blttntltilll lid patcby rtpluelDtat flbrosb, Itft vtlltridt 2. FOClI modtrate co"",,,y athuoiu:ltnlIiI wltb ",k1flQtloll 3. StalUl post 18 mil Mtdtronk-H_II mill'lll ....lvt proubtsil Hi51ory: 74'yeIl"oOld Iraqi civilian male detainee hospillli~ for anon-reducible inlluinal hernia, salus pOSI surgical repair with protracted hospital course and numerous complicationslinc1udin& pnewnonia; remote history of mitral valve replacement; subject expired seoondary to KpSil(b}(6) 2005. HCI11: 610 pms: dense epicardial adhtsions; closed foramen ovaJ.e, with adjacenl sutures; owrsewn riglll atrialappmdage; concentric left 't'CIItricul..- hyperuophy: left ventricular cavity diametCl" 35 mm, left vawricular free wall thicw$.l 17 nun, ventricular septum thickness 16 mm, riiht 't'CI\tricle thickncs.s 5 mm; 28 iMI diameter Medtronic-HalJ tiltina disc meclwtical prostlu:tic valve in mitral position. SUturf:l inlld, disc: II\O'I'CS freely, no vegetations, leaks or othet grossly evidellt Slr\lctural defcc\l: llIhcr vaJ't'Cl and endocardium llfOUIy· wtJernartable; no myocardialllCcrosi.s; poslerior wall left ventricle shows focal scar; histolopc sedions show myocyte hypertrophy with subendocardial and perivuculu intmilitial fibrosis and PllChy replKement fibrosis, latem md poSlerior walls ofleft ventricle CorollU)" aneries: Normal ostia: doruiDance: modeme coronary athel'05CJerosls with calciflCltion Left anIeriordescendins artery (LAD): 6OYo nlllTOwil18 of mid LAD by librocalcific plaque Rillhl coronary anery (RCA): 4OY.lllUl'Owing ofproltimal RCA by fibrocalcilic plaque (b){6) Staff patbOfogist r Blocb 1IIIdo: , U bt:&n, 1 oon>aar)' aru:r\c$) Slilla 1IIIIde: 9 (mtE, 2 M_) MEDCOM 0214 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 214 CElt1IF1CJ,f'llll' Df,OTM I'lJ\oI!,U&oIIIj ...... _ (D'O,",,1101 -- _ _- -- --- -___- ._.- _.. .... -_......_----_ .. _ .. _--- _ ... -. _.__-,._ -__. --"'.......-- ...... ... ""' ..- ..,.. "1 """OI'or.<'" _ ...... "........... ........ -~ ... s.,o;._ .. , _I\Illtt~_ .~-"--='-"''''';''' -~-'""'"' _«.",,,.00.._.'-'" ...... <--"....._ .. ...........- _ ..""'l ............... _ . , . ",.,,-.~ , __ -- ....... 0..-....... ......__ ..._ .. ""~.,' tic --- .. -- - (b)(IS) (b)(IS) _.- ,._",-_ ~.~- (bj(6\ MM#_._M_ {~ .... - _ ' .............011. D<wer I ,1$'" eo- DE I(b)(6) ._~ .__._...__..........·..·r·· DO'.I:lI'J, 2064 _ '-" -OKI-.,.; .... (b)(IS) ~n : ~ •22 Dealmber 2.005 "'O;"""'R' ....-.-...... ... _... - =.. . , 2OUo ' - ...- ..,.:... ...__.. ... ~-~~·;:]5::·:e::·;·=~-~·:~~·:~~~:·~-:::--1 -- ....- - ....... _'"......... _. . ...- -..- ..... -..... , .. , _.• . ,l,."""t. "'a.'""'''''-'''-'''-----------j ..... _........,"... !Oi;.ji;' MEOCOM 02.15 ......... _... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 215 (REf<Ol;E. IEII!"ItU AND ~TCAR9aNS 9EJ"CM ~ THIS _gol&.X.ll,;loUI t ..~'\ ..... 1Y"ti , .... ~ . !lIG'I',;VfI:!: or O"OOS-!Cll D.\ To ~1'lON O~ .......... Of I __ ,,~ n.:..~ ..... ~,;10l o_ ~ ~0It~~ aldllflY ()It rJllI_'OI" '1~~"'¥ I ., 0l9P0Stf0N OF AiMoVd r 1'!S;A:.I.AllCH Q'I 4\C='I.U(i - 6lCfJ .".n~ VITAL. STA1l6T106 l:.\.n; 1l'lJl' B"C~ ~ . 'n.a~B!ft st"tt: """'" S''''''rA; 00- N.!m:lR lEJ) ~ ~ 00 FORM 2064. APR 19" (SACK) MEDCOM 0216 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 216 AK,m:o mRCES INSTITUTE OIII'A'l'1I0LOGV Olfl« <11'11".. Arll1~'d FUr«!< Mcdkul EXUlUin~r l.ll) Kesc~rch Blvd.• BloJg. 102 Roc~vilk. MO 2011'iO 1-30 I·) I9-0(0) t'lNAI. AlTl'OI'SV EXAMINATION KEI-'ORT Nln~.:. j 1I1'ltl.AJ....].llRAYOL Muhammed l liulIlzu Autopsy No.,,"'"bcllc'cl AFII' No.l(b)(6) OalCof Binh: ~RTn)(b}(§} 193M Ran~: CiviliJn 0.:(01"1« [hte Dr De.1Ih; ~®-.: 2005 Place: of Dcalh: Abu Ghm;t>. lmll Du(c/Timc of Aumpay: 09 DEC 2005 @ 1200 Plxe ur AUl0l"'Y: Pon Murtumy DaleofReprn1: DIUN:?lIOl'i Dover AFB. DE ISN: Cb)(6) I Circultl.'llInl-':S "I' I)uth: Tilis b1'rear~kllra'li eivililll delainee WM lOdmillcd (tl (he htlSpilUI on 20 NOV_2!P5~th chc.\l piliu and in n:spirulory diSlll:SS. He wa, l>y rl:[IOf1 in he;m failnn::. alld ""(b)(6) 2005 'urrcml a C3rdioc~. Advtl/lced Cardiac Lire SUl'port was provi<lct/ 10 no a'-all. AUlh"ril.llti"n rot" AIllUIlS)': om,.... ur the Anncd Fon:c~ Medi.:al iUlumillCr. Ii\. W 10 USC I·m. Idenlinulinn: Pn,:.<111111Ilive idenl irocltinn i< eo<I3bli<h,:d h1 Cl>ntlMri.on of anlen10llem re."rd.< 1lI'" itlell1lficatKm b:uKh. A complete po>un<mem fingcrprint e~amination wa~ conducted and can be llsed 10 cst3blish posilive idcntificUI;'''l should exemplar:< beolmc ;lv:IH"hle. CAUSI, OF HEATH: HYI'EII:TI'..NSI VE A TII..;KSCI.Y.ROTI (; CAIUlIQVASCULAR OISHASE MANNER ()lIl)HATH: NATUIlAI. MEDCOM 0211 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 217 J.1NAL A(;'TOI'SY REI"ORT: (b)(8) (BTl') AL-ZUIJA YIlI. Muhummtd ll","zn 1 ).'IN"I. AVrOI'SY IllAC;NOSES I. H)'prrtCASlvt: Alhtr~lfrutlc C:ardlovQ.'ic:ular l)im-m,c A. C:lf1liuollI:lOIly (hcan ~iJhI S(1).gf1lms: 338-gmrM to 4Jll-gnuns C~ peeted for a hody ~i,hl of 199.poundsl with bil'cntncular dilatcd hypcnrophy B. RcnllllC ~"II'\ll1ary anery b)'tI.1.'" .<llflery wilh p:llcnt mammary altery graflln mid left antcrior ~ndi", (tlfOnary IInery C. $c\'t:n: annie alhenlliClerusi:< w,lh fo.:ally heavy calcificalion :l.lld lllcerJtion D. $evcre OOIUlllU)' allt,:mliclero1ll< with calcification. three "cs.<e1 disc:lsc E. l-lc:llc:d tmn"murJI illf,....,tion. posterinr arid septalldt venlricle F. Tri~'Il5pid rCllllrgitatin" G. Renal pining and pclccbillC wilh IIncrinlt«IClThis hilalemlly II. Olhcr Nahmd Uiseasoe A. C""beslio" of ,he ILln!;" bilaterally \right lung weighl IQ.l.O.gral1ls. left IUlll: wcight 6OO'gr:uns) B. B,laler.l1 pJCU1ll1 adlte.<t"'", C. Bilalt:r.ll pleurJI effusions lrighl 4O(}.millililcrs. kfl 325·mil1ilitCfl;) D. Mict"OSC<.lllic c\'idt:11<:e of pulmonary ltypcnC115ion. including thid,cned pulmonlll"y vMCllllllun::md inlCl'$lilial fibrosis E. Dirruse alveolar damage F. Enlarged pm<t:ltc gl;lJId with ltSWcialt:(l nluscular hypc:nrophy of Ihe bladdcr G. Incidclliainepllmge:uic lUI H. I'nssi"e ce:l1Iml conge't;Ol1 of tIIc li,'tf "'ilh ;lSSOCiated olild punal ;nn~",I11~lion I. RighI adrenal mye:lolipoma J. Smooth mn"l:lc lumur or unccnain malign3111 po!enlial of the SlOl1lXh 1\1. Olhn findln\;-~: A. No imcnwl or ex[emal e:vitlc:nee of 1l:l.'Cllllt'lllllna to head. trunk or eXlremilirs identified by COtnp1c:lc aUlopsy Hnd tOlal body x-roy uudies Il r-'o lnjllrie~ uf Ill<: l1ec~ tdentified (iny<:r·oy lnycr dl'UCClio" of the neck (>CIfonne:d) IV. Early UlIlll~S ofJ)~nmposlljon v. IV. E~idcnce of Medical Thcnlp)' A. l'ropcrly IllClllod e:ndUirnchcalrullc: B. LeI! na.<og;L<tric tLlhc is in pll>l.'C C. Trip(e·hllllcn ball"nn·tip calt""u;r i~ in Ihe ie:ft jugullll' vein D. ft;gln r1uHal arteriallinc E. Ncalle:-slkk mnrlt.< arc in lhe: :l.11lC(:lIbilal (osS!: hilnlCt'lllly and inlhe right ""d' F. Defibrillalor ubr:"'on i~ Otl Ihc lIl11e:rior I'i~t torso Toxicology A. The: blood :llId Vilrc<>IIS fluid an: lested for ctlllln<l1 mid none is rOLind MEDCOM 0218 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 218 t1NAI. AUTOl'S\' Rt:POItT: (b)(6) (KTU) AI ..ZUBA \'1>1. Muhammed nunn:1 I'age J of 8 O. The blood i~ te~tC(1 fOf elmol\ lIlonoxi(le all(l th~ level l~ )es~ 'han 1'" c.. 11Ic blood is tCS'CiI for cyanidc UII(/ nOlle is foulld D. The blood is S<.'rccllCd for elmg.< uf ~hll~ ~nd Ilone an: Jo:X'rJ<RNAI. t;XAMINA'I'ION Thc hody is that of n wcll-clc,'clopcd, well'I'lJlu'i~hed appe:II'ing. 69 Yl-inct>a:. 199·pouod obe.'iC white male whose ;,ppcarallce i~ ~~'llsi.teOI wi,h the t\.'fIOned age of 67 yean;. Li\·idi,y is posterior and fixed. Rigor is eqU:lJ in all eXlremilie.<. Md the ,cmperlllure of the hody is Ihnl of the refrigeration uni,. The scnl fI is covered with .\holt groy hair. ill a male·p:ucem baldness dil<trihutiull. 11Ic irid~s art: h,, llll(lthe pupils arc round ~ml equal in diameter. There are nu conjunc,ival pctcchiac. The cstcmal audilOry l:allOl.• an: patem an<! clear. TIle cars are ullrcmllrhhle. The nn"", an: l);llenl .1n(l the: lips Me llIrJumatic. The I'IO$C 111111 mu:o.ilhle n'" palpahly stable. Tilc tccth aPJlCu nalllf1l1. nil: occ1: is slf1l;ght. '"Id lhe In,,:he.o i. midi ine and n\tmile. TIle ches. is syl1lmetril:. Therc i" II 7 Yl·illCh Illltli ine JICnlOlon,y.K':U". TI,e :lbdu1llC1l l< nal. There is a IJ·ino::l1 sOTgicall'l:ar in.he JerI inGuinal regioo. The gClliulia are .huse of a l10fmal udult circulllci!Cd nlale. TIl<: tClites are descC11lIcd and rra.: of I1I""SCS. Pubic hair is present in a r.unlHll cli..trihul ion. '110<: hUlloc1o; alld .1111ll' ~~ \ln~mart.nbk. '1111: upper ~Ild lower e~lo:milic$ arc ~ynu11oC1ric lnd withOlll clubbing. Genef1l1izcd edema alld fQ<:llI ccchynlOllCS Ihallll'C ll!ISUCi.1letl wilh medical thempy .111: present. Early ch~~ of docompn<itiun are present and evidenced by skin slippage 00 ItlC lower back. poslerior right llI'Ol and the :u;.lp on the b;,ck oflhe hc:ld. qOTHINC AN!) .'EKSONr\I, U·n~(.TS The hotly IS l'CCeivcd nude. and 00 ll\:fl;OIl eITa.u aC\.' the rem3ins, G. H. I. J. K. L. There iS:l properly IOCateU c!\tlulr.lChcallube A ldl nllM>g:ll'lric tube is in Illat:c A Iriple-lumen balloon·tip ~11lht,cr j~ in the ler. JUGular vein 11~ is DriGht ratlial nncrial lille Ne.:dle-s,id tnnrk~ arc in tile Bl1IccnbitBI ros-e hill1lcrully and in Ih.: riGht neck A defibrillator abrasion is Oll che anterior riGht 10l'SO Rr\1lI0<:Rr\PHS A ~'omrlo:1e set or po:<ltl\tlr1cm mdingl1lrtls is ub,uilletlwld tlemonst rale.<. 'he following: • No skcletDltrauma is idcntir;~'l,\ MEDCOM 0219 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 219 =::J FINAL AUTOPSY REI'OH.T: (b)(6) (lJT8) At·ZUllA 'YUI. Muhllmm~d HamzlI • No melallic fnreign I>odi~s I'age <I of 8 arc idenlified ~;VIIII·:NO; OF INJURY INTEKNAL ":XAMINAT[ON ~: Th~ galeal and $uhgaleal ~ofllissucs of lhe scalp are free or injury. The calvl\fium is inlllCt. a~ is Ihe dura ll1~ter ocne;uh il. Clear cerebrospinal nuid surrounds the 1,340·gronl I>",in, "'hieh h:>s unrenmrkllhle gyri 'illd sulci. CorOl'al sec! iOiIS demonSirule sharp t1CIl,arcliliun bel wcen while and grey maller, Wilhoul helllon1,age or ~'(lnlusive injury. TI,e ventricles are of normal si1£. 111e hasul ganglia. h",inSlem. cerebelluUl, and arterial syslems arc fru of injury or olher ahnonnalilies. TIlere are no ~kull fr::adure>.. The allanlo·()(.'Cipilal joim i~ slahle. tlf&K: 'Ille allleri"r Slr~p muscle.. "f Ihe neck un:: homogenous lInJ ..",.I·brown, without h"nK>n1'age, as dcmonSlrnled by layer·wise: dissection. The lhyroid canilage and hyoid hone arc iniaC!. 11,e laryn~ is lilleJ hy iniaC! while I\'UCQSD. TI,e thyroid gland is symUlelrie ul"t red·bmwn, wilhoUI ~yslic (lr nodular ehmtSe. 11'e Illllgue is free of bile marks. hemom,age, or olher injuriC>'. ROO)" CAVmES: The ribs, sternum. and vend'ral bodies llll: visibly and pall'nlll y int<lc!. No exces.~ nuid is in lile pericardial or periloneal c'lvil ies. The righl 1,Ieurai ~nvity conlains 400·mlllililef5 of scr(>$anguinou.~nuid ood the len [JleUnt! ClIvily coilloins 525·millililers of SCnlSllllguinous nuid. There arc pleural adhesiOllS hilolernlly. Tile peric:lfdium is imacl "nd is lighlly adhered 10 lhe heon. The urgans occupy Iheir usu~l unalomi" [lQl'iliom. RF.sPIRATORY SYSTEM: The righl Dnd lell lungs weigh 1.040 and 600-gmm., respo.....' ivcly. The e~lernol surfaces ,Ire roughened and deep red·purple. The puhnonury pn/1lllCh )'n,n is diITllsely congested and edematous. The I"be oflhe left lung is consolidmed. No muss lesiOnS ~re u.lcmified in either lung, CARDJOV ASCULAK SYSTEM: lhc 130·gram hean is ~"Q"lained in ao im;lCl perieardial"ne. 111el'c is evidence of remote cardiac surgery. and IIIe heaf! is sllbmil1ed for Cllfdiovascular Pathology consuhUlioli (Addendum I), The OOl1a Siv~ rise to three.- inlllC! nud pUlcni arch Ycs.'lCls. Seven: alherosclerosis wiU, hcavy calcificalion and uIcernti"" is prescm alone the entire Icuglll of lhe aonn. Alherosclerosis is also presc11l in Ihe renal nnd 11Iescl1leric vessels. MEDCOM 0220 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 220 t b r1:'\AL ,\ l'T(WSY RF:I'ORT: }(6} (I:ITII) ,\L.Zl"lIAYDI. :\ll1hamm,~II[~m"C,-I.lVUt.t H[l.!AR Y sn, rEM: nl<' J.~5U·gr.1I11 livcr ha~ '1Il illl' ...·I. _Ill'"" h ~llpSII[C ;lIld II sh~." ","~ri"f ",",n[,'r, n", 1~1I'~lId,~ ,"a is lan·h....' " II II",J ~"n~c,;I,·~. "ith the usual [ohulilr ,m:hi"-':lUr~. 0'1" m"ss I~.,i",,< "I' mba ahl\om",liti~., arc sc~". 111<: I!allbl"d<l...r c"m"i"s a '" in",~ ""1,,'''11 "f ~r"",,·hlnck hil" a",J u,-, ""'leoS. '1 h" m""",.,1 "ur fa~" is IP=n anti "cl wlY. 11k: cXlr.ohcpmk bilihry ,rc~ is IXlI""l. Sl'l.EEN: 11,,, 2 I O-~r,lI11 splc,'" h:..' " """",,h, illl""'!. r.'l.I-I'"rpl .....-"psuk. Th~ [l"rcnchynlU is man ",0 "nd "ons,'s'<:t.I, with disl;lI~t )., 1"lri~hi"" ~orpl,sclcs. j'(\N('I~I'AS: II", [X,,>crcll" is IIr'" ",\0.1 ~ dl,,"'·IIIII. '" ",["" "hnom'alitits a,." """n. \I i'h ,h" lIs",,1 lohlliar archil,,'ci ""'. 0'1" m"" I..."i"", I\lll{F.N/\I.S: II". left "<I,,,'al 1ll1l'Kl hilS II hrighl \'dhm' ~,)l1kcs and llrc~ ",cd"II,,~. 'Ill<: right ,,<11'''''''1 gl:lIId is "nla'¥l'l.l (2.0 x 2,O·cc"lilllctcrsl. aJlll is ycllow 1111<1 llaJ ycll"", ... U1 " ... faccs "",, ar~"s "fh<:",orrh~l"c an: iU<:n1i Ii~d, (in..:) l'OURjNARY SYSTEM; rhc rij,!hl a"d kft kiu,,~y~ ""i~1I ~~1I "",I nli'l"rum.s. "'~pc<:lh·<:\y. 'Ill<: ~.~Icmal SlIrl"ccS a"" i"la"1 ~n,j (lin,-d willi so.:allcrc.ll"'"-.:hi"" I1illllcr:,lty. 'Ihc ~"t Sl,rti,~,·s ar.., rc<l ... ,,,, ,,,,d e""l"csl,...I, "i' II ,,,,i fonnl)" Illin ~urn,',s and ._hmp conic"IIl,,,l,,lIar> jUllel i"I1' I'hc pdws ~I''' ",,"'markahlc and 11K'" "r~l"'"" "r... non",,1 in Cuurse "".I c"I;1>"r. Whil" hh!,kr m"cns;, Ih:u is f, ocally hcmorr!,al"ie ,>I crl i.." ai' il'lIK:1 bla<l<l<:r '\ "II. 1l1I.· bla<l\kr ~,'m";lls "r 1''',.~i ma lei!' In·miHi It i c"" "r ) ell""" uri n~. Til<: (ll'(l ,lat" i~ <:"1'''l''cd i" ,izc. "i1h 1I,.,j"t". ~'c 110\\'·1,,,, par<:ncl,)" '". II ". ,"""""al ,·...sicles aT<: un""n""kllhlc. I'h,' J.".IC. "'... mass ksiol'S, cl,\lllosi\",S. "r '<lll"r "h""nllalili<:, 1'""" or (iDS mOINl"ESTINAI. "l"1(,\CI"' I'hc ,·",'ph"l!JI., is iOla~'1 ",,<I 1io...d h) sm{~'lh, l>rcl',whilc m'I<:O"" 'Ill<: ""I1,,,,,h c""l"i", "f'llltl,imaldy IO.mi II il ilcrs "fl'1I\ Iluirl. The l!-a.<lric "'all i" i"t'"I, a",]" I.n.x J.O, I.U· c,·nlinwlcr IImss arisc.s ti"II" Ih~ ,1"",a.;h ,,,,II. rill' <I"OO"""Ill, 1""1" ,,[' """II ill"wl lI"d ,'"I"" :"', ""r"mfirkuhlc. 'j h,' "pf":"di" is "hscm, ;\11("lU IS(:t 11'1 (. 1o::\:,\:\1):'l,\Tl m~' t'lIrdll'vaSl\ular S\,SI... m: Sc,· Lhc {'urdio\'as""!,,r 1'1I1hol0l"Y ~O"Sllll"li,," (l\<ld",\\I"n' 11 1<,1' "'''''I,lele' 'klails. J~I,iral0" S,'stem: S"r,i"ns ,'Ilh... hili!; ,1c1ll"nstr~I'" ~\"i.tenc.: "f f'ulmunm>' h."p,,"O"";" "'. indodi"l" lhiclc",..d pnl",""",> "",;cUllllUn.' (Illi 1<1 10 o",dcr:tt,~1 "'c,lial h.'llCl1"'l'h)·) ~,,<I il,lclsliliallih11l.,is.."-IlI!!,."""li" pil>lllcnl a"d hCl1los;l1"rm nrc pr""'1lI i" MEDCOM 0221 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 221 FlNAI. AUTOI'SY RIo:PORT: (b){6) OITU, AI.·ZUllA YOI, Muh:mlOll~d Hmnlll penjlOyriQ;lry Sysu:m: There;s m"""cd al1eriolollclemsi~ with in buth kjdlll:~. An iClCideuml nephrogenic re.~1 is nuu:d. Page 6 of II fllCall:lolTll:nllos.elct(lJli~ t1C1xllOOjrina SYSlem: 1"lS$ivc; ~nltal wllgcsrion or rhe li"cr IIlId associated mild ponlll innamlTUll;on il pre.~nt. Ersl!!rone Systcm: My.-lolipom.1 or thc rigltl adrenal. Ga~l!vime.'I;nql Snit'll: Smooth muscle tumor of unccn:lin malignalll potential or rhe stomao.;h. Snlrcu: Parenchymal cOIlie-_,ion. "lherwi>oe 1Illremllfkahlc. MEOCOM 0222 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 222 nNAL A\.;"OI'SV REPORT: (bH.6) Page 7 "f II (IITB) AI"ZUUA VUI, Muhllnltlltd Af)f)ITIONAI, I'ijOCm>URESlREI\IA MK.~ I)OI:umenwry pholUgr~phs:lre lakclI by AFMfS phoJlllgrap/1rnl Spo.'(.'imens ~13ioed for lo.\iroIoSic:llle$ling and/or DNA idenl ification ore: "ill\.'OW' nuid, hc;wl blood, "rlllC.1/U'11'ic Ouid. bile, .\pleeol, li"er. hroill.lung. kidney,lOlIil'0se li~MIC and psoa< n'ul,de • 111<: disscc:ted lJl"gons arc: forwarded "'ilh lhe body and Itle body is SUtul'Cd elo!ied Wilhoul ernh.tJmin& • 11M: foll""'in; itlef1tifyin~ body llIarla :in: preStul: Midli,lC McnKllCllll)' inci~ion (wdl·healed, 1 Yo,inches), kfllalenll ~btIomcl\l'llroin itlcisiol1 (well·hcaled. lJ· itK:hcsl • • 0t'INION 1M, n7'yc~r·old while male, (BTBj(b)(6) died as a l"ClIuh uf hypertcnsive athc'1Jll(:lcnJlic cardia"IL"elllor di.-ease. ClU'tlilll1Wl8i'Jy, ~vere three·vC'$$C1 coronary llr1ery discllS<.', :I hisluty of b)'P-1~S'grofling ~"rgery. IIOnic ~ll>c:rmclerol;is and a heMlctllnulstnllralm)'lX'llfdial 'l1fara toll arc all componcllt> of Ihis diagnosis. "'I!lO. Illicro.'OOpic &CcliollS of Ihe kidnc~ .\llQW artt'l'ioloso.:krosis til tile kidncyt Ihal is a hislllh'lliCllln\lmtfe;lat ion or ~ytlcmi<: h)'J'CnCllSion. PulmQnary imerSlllial fibrosis and lhe micl'lW:<)jlie evidence of pulmonary hypcnensiOll arc directly relaled. IncidelU:l1 find;ll~ 01 lMOPS)' of Ihe nghllUJrcn:ll myelolipoma and smooth muscle tlltnor or die ~IOlllao;h did 001 ~otllrjbule 10 lhe I:allSC or de~lh. To~ i<:olo;'c.l1 lCSl;l1; ror ctllanul. drugs "r l,[,oISe. cnrbcm tnotltl.lidc and cyauide was lIegative. The manner or death is natural. (b)(S) [""6' (b)(6) )Mooical F.xaminer L MEOCOM 0223 rMedical Examiner (b)(6) II A/_'I> ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 223 FL"iAL Al)TOVSV RF.I'OIl'r: (b){6) IKTIJ) AI...ZUJJAVDI,l\luhllmmW Ibll'1.:l I'nge 8 uI' 8 AlllmNIlUM I Cllrdlo....'CCul:1r Palhl>IOi)' Con~hAllnn IJIA(;NOS'S: (b)(6) v......,. I. Sen•., rom".". .Ihnl/;(Ie~ ..'il. ukiflealinn. Ihrec dl.«:~ l. rllnt .. amm • ." amT}' ~... (Ila mkll~fl anl~riol. desctndin~ a,.le.y J. Unlcd I....m...... i.. ra",l;"n, poswri<>. ud HI'",llefl venlrid~ -6. Cardlo",ccal)" wil. bin.,rie.. la•• YI~r1 ...phy 5, TrkOl5pid rt~arJ:llalio. lliJ,i'lY 67 yea. old nllle I...., de,a"..., """,i'''''' 10 "",",,;101 <In '11201ll5 ... itll d~1 ""in o"d "'.p;rlIl<>r) disw ... suhj<:cl dcvc. . . . 1Itan raillirt IIId ..,ffc.ed • cardi"" am:.t on (b)(6 05 and eoukl not be "''''''''Ialed llcln: 560 i"',"S Iller m1l\>\otllOr adI",n.'OlI ""~.,di",,, lIoJ Incd'Io5I,,,"llIOn "$SlOes: d,ffuse: li"'",,~ pc,,,,~n1,al adl ic>n.; n,'C'''''''''' ri~, ;ot,"I.ppcnd:a~e,cillsed ftno...... ,,,,,,It; dilal.'<l rillhl alnurn IIId "Will "tu"... lt~ let! '·tn" "l., h)'pcnrophy: leA ~enlrio;"lI. CIvil)' d",mner lS 'nm. left '~I"ril:..lo, free \\'alltll",knc.~ 16 ,ur", wm"elll.,. "'pI",n 'hiekiless IBm"" riW'1 .·crllrid. tllickndS I> mm: trie... pi<! '.S"Illi"'lio". Ihio:~c'lCd '"ld red"nd.lllltricu'P'" val't leaflets, wi'h dilatal "!!hI.llium and ril:11l vC1l1riele, .",1 elMloc.udill d,ickcni"B ~I le.fle1 of , 1",,; n,ild lhie~... in, o( m"r:rl ,'.1\1' le.fkI~ alon~ "nt.~ of do"..",: (JIlin ''Ih·tJ """,,,~,n..hl~; <1Kiocardi.I,"ic~ illll i" kn w:"u;';,,1u "'PI"'" 0.·.. healed tr...,"'....1inr."'l_ ..... ' ulCn<h \Cl .. ,,,enor antl poslerior willi. IOwan;! llIe apex; h''>lol.>gk ...:lK>n$ $how bi~~nlric"la. myocyte ~nrophy "'itll sul>e"doumial a,1Il peri.."","l. inlt:Nili:ollibrosis "Ill p"1dI~ rtpbcem.:n' is: u.."m",ol "'~llCC,,,,,nl lihwsi•. P"'!tri.... IM seplal left ,·~"'rio.:le: Iruopl"lio; d"lIC~k.""lio" o( lI'Y......)1CS ""lie, '>'''', 1iI,,,.. C''''''IO'Y onc,;"': Nom,~1 _,a: riglll dulni,...,.;.,: ..,"tR' ... ~ir", e_....,.. athtfOloC"""";l: 1..:11 ",a,n <00"';111' ariel')" ;0% luminal """,,,,'m, with I""'ulaf ~aldfi.atio" LeO anleoiul" lk"""n<lin~ iUlCT}' lLAD): 5lr.~ """'_'nl "r prox'''1II1 LAD a,Id ~'. 01''''''' i"l of ",i,11 AD ~ t1broc:alcilic plaque: ",am,m..)' arI"")' graft 10 mid I.AD,I"""'~ ana..""""" \\111, m,1d 'nllnllilhieloni"...ld)l/'.I, I"",i""l u3IT1)wing ,n "'".... IT ,..,s...l: lIO% nafN\' inS 0( rmll tliallOMl ancry 11)' tibmeak:if'" phIq"" Ldl c,n:"",Ou "ncry (I£Al: bO% ",rr(I\\-,nlofpn.1~lI ... 1 LCA \\'1111 ood.. I. . .k:iflCllioo and roo,. .. om,winll Qf mid I.eA hy (,I>rocakilit pl"'lUC kill"' oon.",,.,. artery (RCAl: ,,,,,fl,IW'''~ of pruxi,~l ""d d'J1IlkCA, """ lS% nam,,"',,'C of ",id RCJ\ bl' fibm<altir", pl1(I"~ (b)(6) '0% lllu<k> "Olde: II (~bun, I J ."ron"')' .. k·,,.,.l SI;,s". ",,-..Ie; J I 'II Iiolt, IJ MEOCOM 0224 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 224 _.._----"-- CUTlFl(:AT1! f# _""01_ au TH (OWIISUS,I . -""'."" ....... -~- ~- .... 818 N-Zuba~di. Muhammed. ... tlON,,~ OF -""........, JII-·"""""'~ CMllan __ .""""(b}(6) '"'' (b}(6i..,......-~ "" - I1l 0 -,,- _ . ---,-, ---_ .. _...... -... ... _.. _-- - -"...,-- _.-- ~ ............. .... ~ ~"T"'" < e.."'·... 0'.... _ • "~ -~ -"" "" • .....' ....... 'ODlC&AllD c.,.,. 011 '''''''' 011 ..." _..._- . _.-_ . _ ... ----__... _--.......- - _lC.- _ _ -~- _ITA"-' ...... "" ......... "" .............. "".' -' " -'--"- .... e:-o.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ... ",,- ..- ... ""';'"• , _CCtCWR:lOI._ .... ..- 11y.... lW< . . . At-.,_ _ Cerdioouc:lIIet -....-.". ,,~ "'- 'II ,..... _ _ _ CAUII, _ _ _ _ .- --.. ...... _- -- _to'_ .... n ... - ............_.... -_ ... -""_ ... --, _.--....... ---~ -I ...-"".... --""........ -, -.. ... __ ......... ...... _--__ ..'.. . _08_. _ . _ -_......_-_._ .. . -.-....._. _... -,_. .... ....--_....--_._---_ _ ..... _ ... -.'- '0_...... --~,. OTlClO _ C < M W i O d ' • ""' ~ ~_ ~m _ 1iI- .... _ ro"'_~ 0 _,- (b)(6) m """ ~ December 2005 "" J'i)c. _ '" CIOCIAKO_...."'OCO_., _TItCI_._"'"......... O&n._-' _ ..._ _......_ _ n . . ..... l(bic6i-~'200;-r- ' ...... - . . , ........... QI "'" ,.. ..- r.... _ ( Y ............ (Y .. (b)(6) ~ ~---'- ~hc:lic3l Examiner ['M;".. (b)(6) ~ [)oyer AFB. Dover DE " , -. .- ' _ . ' - " ' - " 0 : " - " ' - " •• MEDCOM 0225 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 225 (REMOVE REVERSE ANO RE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPtETING THIS SlOE' DISPOSlTOH OF RaIAIoCS " • IHSTAUATlOH ORAOOR.ESS ""'" ~Me lOCATIOH OF ceM~Y OR CRew,TORY OF CEMETERY OR CREIAATORY TYPE OF D1SPOSflOH ~ • SIGN.\TURE IN\TE OF D1SPOSTlON REGlSTP.ATION OF VITAL ST,\T1ST1CS REGISTRY rr_ _ I;Ount/)'J FILENUM6ER l». TE REGISTERED STAre NAME OF" FUNERAl. DIRECTOR 0'"" AOORESS SIGH"'T1JRE OF "UlHQRllEO oHDlVlOU-'l USAPA VUlO DD FORM 2054, APR 1977 (SACK) MEDCOM 0226 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 226 AIU.IV.U FORCES INSTITU'I'E OIil'A1'HOLOGY Ollie.. of lh~ Arm~d 1"oN:n I\'lediewl Examiner 14lJ Rescm:h Bl~d .• BidS. 102 Rod:vill.l. MD 208S0 1·)0 I·) 19..{XK)(l )'INAL ,\lffOl'S\' EXAMINATION REPORT N~nlt~AIJ.!BAYDJ.Lwiq S" Abdul Jus..ain ISN' (b}(6) D:Il~ofAi"h:'(b)(6) 1940 D~tc ofDc~lh (b)(6) 200S D~tctl"imc: of AlIIopsy: 12 NOV lOO5 liP 1100 I)~le of Repora: JO MAR 200S No,J(b')):(6~)~~ll Autopsy AFII' No.:l(b)(6~ l Rank: Ir~q; Civilian Del~inee Ploce of Death: Bucea. InlG Place of Autopsy: Pon Monu~,)' Dover AFB. DE Cir'Cllnl~lalICd of I)ellth: Thi~ 65-rcar-old Iraqi male C()mpl~intd of chcst pain alld Sh<lf1'l¢i' or b",~lh. He w:as Ir:ul~ponll'tll<' the Special AmlY Security Hospil~1 Emergency Room when: he s"rfcn:tl cardiopulmonary arrest. A fUll Ad"D'lCCd CanliOfll,llllOllary life Suppon protoc;ol WJS condllCltd 10 no Dv~i\. A review of medicnl rQ..'()n1.< reveals a myocardial i"farctioo :lI'pnu imalcly J yCllI'5 allO atld a hi.~lOry I)f a.'ltmm. A"lh(H"iwlion ror Autopsy: orrM,r of the Anncd USC 1471. f'~ Medical E.'o;amincr, lAW \0 IdentilTt".ltiun: Idem ifi!:alion ba,w,ls ('l;tabH~h prc:sull1ptive idcntifiClllion. A filII SCI of fillgcrpriuts ;~ lllell if CJlcmpllll'll bc:conlC available fur oomparison. <':Al.lS~ UI' nEATH: H\'I'i::lln:NSI\'~ATIf£ROSCLEROTIC CARUIOVASCULAR D1SEAS"; COMrLlCATEO B\' A<':lTfE ",,",,1\IA WITH MUCOUS PLUGGING MEDCDM 0227 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 227 Jo'INAI, "'UTOI'SY ItJo:I'ORT: (11)(6) ",L.UIIAYIlI, TOlrijt S:ldijt Abdul .I US,'lll11l ['age 2 on "'NAI, AUTOIOS" U1,\(;NCISJo.:S: I. Hn~rlell_'li,'" A. II. C D, E.. Alher'I!I<:Jerotk C.rdio~ascular J)is...~se CardlollJ<.'g:1I y "'illl bi.'cmricular dll~!~lloll (bcan wcillJll 500 sr:mu;j Lefl \'cIMricular hypcrtrupll)' (Ief! eemricular free ..... ull 1.6 ~~'\limcl<:T5) Coroolary artery dl~Il.~e- 1I'llll focal euldfiC:l1ioll (lun,III.:l1 OIlSI"'Clioll of :Ill IIIrcc lII:1jor alflNluy .nerit!. 75~ by ulhem"l."!crOlic phll!""') Mu\lcr~lc cuh;irl(: luht:msclt:ro:ns of lhe abdomin;lJ aona e"itkllt:c u( he-an {allure by hcrTlOSiderin·I'ltk1l maerophases in lung 11'<'~UC sa. II. Ac"l~' Aslhn", 1\. I'ani.:ll o/:>.'I",aio" /'Iflhc rilllu:md Ief, main Slcm brooJ<.ill by secrellons II. l.ullllulIl nb:Ill·U~.'jn" lloF ~llluJler broochi by seaetiOM :md en<illophil ic i"fi!tmli"n inlu I>mll"hI31 w~lk J II. N'NJular IIrtl!itOllic hypl'rtrophy wilh llSSOciatfli hyperlrophy and 1.....lloe(uIlU;ou ..... tht bladder wall IV. E.'lden"" nl" Ml'dic,,1 Therapy A. Au cnllOlr.\\;hcalmbc: is in llle proper position 8. An inlr;wenous line is In the righl ulliccubilaJ fl\l<.'IC C. Nc..-.:i1e Slick marks :Ire in lhe Iefl antecubilal rosse V. Nt> nidenee 01' llh)'sklllnbuse or fl.'Cent lraunlll is present VI. T"dcolllllY A. 'Ille 1>100<1 ilJul "'In:uuS nuid:lf~ t~lcd (or ethanol and lIOOC iJ rllund. IJ. nle urine Is ,;cr"em:d for d",BS of abuse: and n(lfl( are roulld. C. '111~ h\ood is lc."cd for carl>o~}t.crnoglobln and ..-yanidc:uK! IIOlIe an: found. MEOCOM 0228 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 228 f1NAL AUI'O\'SY Itgl'ORT: (b)(6) Al.URA YOI. T~fll; S;.dlll Abdul JU_'lS~!n ..:XTI-:ItNAI. EXAMINATION The bod)' is tiM or ~ .... cU·dcvclnllCtI 'cll,,~,," ished ~ppc:~rillg. 71-in.:h t,U. 150-pou'1l1 malo:- whO!'C "f'I"';tr~n<:1: i~ ~'lllsi.<,cnt ·itll 'he rcpurted "le of 6S·yellf5. Uvidity is l>ostertOf. re\I mid liscd, [( i~ur is I:(IU:,I in all e~lrel1litiC$. and the tcmperature i~ Ih"t of the n:rrigention uui!. 11k: """"II' Is sll,,'·cn. tout the hUlf uppcu~ to h:I\'c a nonn"l d'$tributiott. 1lle irKJes Ill\: hmwll, and Ill" pUllils arC mum) and equal i" di.ln~tcl. The e~lernDJ auditory eanal> "nd ea", :Ire tlllrcmark"ble. The narcs an: 1'"lenl "nd thc II~ an:: atraumal ic. 1lle Itll!\C lind ",nil!:'1: arc p:,lpably stuhle. 11,c 'c\''lh appear n.lIuraland ill poor condition. slrai~ll. and the lrod,ea i, midi inc and mobile.. 11K: chest i~ 5y1l1ll1ot:triC. The 1Ih<j"mcn is nat. The gcui,,,lia an: Ih~ of t uonnallldull mak. The tesles are d~flIled al1ll rrce "r mas"",'. l>Ubic lmir is flre,enl ill a uo<ll1:l1 dislnbUliOIl. The butloch "nd mlllS are IIl1rcuulrk"hle. 11,e neck is 11,e ul'llCr and low",. cllrcmitie.< :Ire ,Yll1mClric and wuhom clubbing or cdema. C1.0THING A/'I;lll'Jo:R$ONAL EfIo'ECTS '1Ic ruJluwing dO/hing i.elll.< ;,nd .......... ~I~J eITects ~re pn:scm on the body ;IIlhe lime or aUl"fn\Y: y cllow p'~n'-< Yell"w shill Whilc .u>dcflllll,l$ Black alMJ whilc".;arf Ih'tl ~llIt gtCCn hlankCl M "meA k I 1\iJl-:RVENTION An e,w,"rJCht:aJ lUbe I~ IIIlhe "fnpcr I'''.<il;on. An iml'3wnou< linc i< 1I1 d~ righl ~nlccuhilDt fOl<.<e. NCl;tIte Slid m~rk~ an:: in me ten antcct.lbilal fosse. RAIlIOGRAPHS A oon'l'lcie set 'IF poslmllnen> radiugr~p/l~ i5 obtained and dclHOn5tratC$ lite follo,,'ing: N" "telc,,,llru,,,,," is "knlili~'tl. No "><.'lall ic ford;" "udie._ arc idenli li~'t1 t:VIIlI':NCt: Of lNJUlO' 1llcre ,~ 110 evidence or rccelll iRJllry. MEDCOM 0229 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 229 FINAL AUTOI'S¥ Rl<:I'ORT: (b)(6) ALURA )'1)1, Tarig Sadig Abdul JLlSSOlin Page 4 of 7 INTERNAL EXAMINATION IiF..AD: The galeal ~nu ~\lbg.,leal .<un I iSl;llCS of lhe se~lp ~n: licc of ilUury. The cah'arimn is Illluct ;1.< is lhe o.Iuru maier beneath it Clear cerebrospi,,~1 fluid surrou"d< the 1.2~o-gr~1l1 brain. which has lInrcmarkallle gyri alit! sulci. Coronal sectiolll t1emollStntte sharp de"I~I"(:atiull bet ween wh ile :lml grey "WlIer, Wilhoul hemonilage or i"jury. The vClltricies ~rc of nOrlllal siz.:. ·l1Ie 00&011 ganglia. hruill,<lem, cerebcllulu. 1I11t! ~nerial systems arc free of injury or other :l11"on\\al itics.. n\<:rc arc 11I1 skull frnel\ll'Cl'. The allamo·o<:cipiiai joint is ,,~Ille. =, 111c anlerior .map 1lI11.,e1es of lhe neck are hOlllogellous alld red·brown, wilhout hell1OlTlwge. The thyroid l'an iblge lI"d hyoid ure inll\O. Thc larynx is liued by intael wh ile IlIu~"'.,;a. ·111e Ihyroid i.s SYllllllCI';C and rcd.hrowll, WilhoUl cystic or Ilodular ehallgc. 111c to"guc i.< free of hite l1larks, hemorrhage, lit other injuries. Incisioll ~nd UiS~celion of II Ie puslcrior neek tlcnIUII.'IWIc.< no deep para~"Cr\'i<::I1 I11I1SClJlar injury and "0 ce"'ieal spillC rriK'lurc.<. BODy CII V!T!ES: The ribs, sternum. and vertc\lr;ll .....>dics are visibly and paillabi y iIiIOCI. No cxccs.~ flu id i~ in Ihc pleural, pericardial. or periluncal cavities. nle orl1ans occupy their "sual analomic flOsiliolis. RESPIRAmRY SYSTEM: The righl andld\ 11Ing~ weigh \.llX) :md 67()..grmns. respet:lively. The extenlal_.",fw~es un:: slllooth :lIld deep red·purple. '111.: pulmonary parcochymo is diffusely ~~ll1gcsled and e<lcm"llI"s. No ma.<.~ lesions or arc"s nf collsolidal iUll are preselli. Copious "IllOl/IILS of mucoid secretions are preseol in lhe muinJllem bronchi and Oil thc L'lll surfaces of tile slllllller hl1l1lchi. CARDIOVASCULAR SYST[;M: n,e 50ll. gram hear! is ~"(JnlailK:d in nn imacl perieRl"(lbl SaC. The epicardial surface is smool h. wil h minimal fal inVCSII\ICIll, TIle coronmy ;U'1erics are presenl in a nUnlllll lIi~lribllllll'" wilh 11 left·dominam p-;lllem. Cross Sl.'CIiolls of lhc VCSl<Cls .<how 50·75% hnnilUll n"mJwil\g nnt! focal calcifical ions. nle 11Il"",arui"m is red-bmwn ;lIId fir", wilh areas nf 1I1l"",is nOIet! on the left venlrieular free ...all, The valve leanets arc thin allt! mobile. The WIllis of the left aud riShl venlricles Me 1.6 and O.5-CCnlilllclers thick. re.~l'ecti\"<:1 y. RIvelllricllbr dilalm ion i.< present. The clidocurdilllll is Mlluulh anti gl!SICIlillg, The aOlta sives rise 10 lhree intuct ulldl'U!CIIl "ro::b vCSlelS. "lid moderale calcitic ulherosclerosis is pre"'lU. 11><: renal:old mcsemcrie vcs~ls an: unn::martable. MEDCOM 0230 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 230 FINAl. AlJTOI'S" II.EPOKT: (b)(6) ALunA"01, THig Sadlg Al>dul Jllnain l'lI~~ 5 or 7 LIVER & BfUARY SysTEM: TIIc 1.7<Xl·graln liver hn 811 1lllOCl. smooch C'~p!lII!e aod a sharp alllerior borde.. 111e 1"'l"I:ochyl1lo 's lall·browlI MllIll'OlI&",led. with lhe m:ual lobular arthill"Cturc. No R1~ b~lll~ or Ollie. ;,Imnnnaliciec< an.: SOl:I1. The: j;:lllhll>ddcr comain~ a minule 11111\)\1111 or I!......:n·hlock bile and 110 SIOl1ollS. '11le IIlllCOsal surracc is green and vel~ly. The: c~lr:lhl.·Plllic biliul'}' lree i5 palClIl. SPl.EEN: 11..., 140·gl'llm splren hIlS II snlooch. 'iliaCI. red-purple capsule. The parenchyll1D i; 1l1:ID101I and Cllnll~lllt1. wilh ll,stincl MulpisJ1ian l'Ol"J1'Uscles. PANCREAS: ·n.... p,:mcn:as is rinn and yellow·lall. ,,'nh the usualll>bulur an:hiu:clUrc, Nu 111:1"" les;ocl~ fl1 mher abnunnalll 'c.~ nrc seen. ARRENALS: Thc righl and lefludrCllal I!lnnd., un: sYllllllclric. \vilh brighc yellow con ices lI11d grc:y mcdullae. No nlassc_~ or arca.~ or hel11oo11a~eare idelllified. GENITOURINARY SYSIliM: 1110 riyll nnd left kidllcys weil;h ISO nnd 130·grml\~, rC1ipecllvely. The CJIlerllal surrace~ arc illiaci mW.';Il111Olh. nlC cui SUrrll<:C!I arc re,I·I"'1 nnd C<l1l1lC.';led, wilh unirurmly Ihick ronice..; and sharp l"tlnico·medllilary jlln<:liollS, 'n'e pelves nrc unrellmrlr:able alld Ihe un:lcl"!I are 1101'1"111 in l'OOIR and caliller. While hladder 11l1.ICUS:' overlies an hll~1 hladder wall lhnl is rl:l11arkahle ror n ll'llheeulaled pauem. 1111.' bladder cuncai", approAimalcly 6()·mi lIililelll or )"'Ilow urine. The p~lale is <;llla~ed. Wilh lublllBr. yellOW-Inn parenchyma in" nlKlulur p.ll11ern. n,e ,eminal vesides \Ire ullrcmarlr:nhle. The 'C~les nrc free nr mo.., le,ioll'. cOl1lusions. 01 ulher abnlJrlnnl ilics. GASTlWJNTESTlNAI. TRACT n~ \'.l;ophailis 's ,"'net nnd \;IIcll by smoolh.llley-while mUCO!la. Tnt: ~lomach eumains n('l,rn. imnlely :;00-111 illil ilen; nr lillI-yellow nuid Wilh rood panicks. The gaslric wall ;~ il1l:lcl. The dUlIdcoum. loops or small bowel. nod 001011 are unrelllarkable. Thc aprendill; IS prescm. M USCl!I.OS KEI ,ETA l. sySTEM: Mmclc devel0l'lllclll is nonnal. lllCl'C are no ~keklal nb'lOmlalilies Il(lled, MICROSCOPIC p.:"MINhTION Kjdney: Seeliolls de'IKH'slrule 'nodc",'cly d,fr... sc ancriolo~lerusisnnd foc:nl SC&l11Clllal well a, glohnllllnOICI1JIM<;loros;•. lIS ~: Sections or Ihe OIYOClll'dilllll delllonSIr:ne 1':I1l'l'y fthl1J~i, wilh llrcas 01' cOllllllcn<:e .nd cnlarged 1Il}'OCy(es. A ~iOI1 or one or (he lefl pllpllJ\lfY Hlu...... lc. denl11ll<lrnlc.• ."Caning. MEDCOM 0231 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 231 1'811f Ii or 7 "'''',\1. AUTOI'SV REI'OKT: (b)(&) AI,UIlA \'UI, Tllrig SIIdi!: Abdul JU~I\ C!lro!lj!cy AncrKs: Mulliplc """"lions or Ihe OJCQIl;l[y lII'lcrirs !\how luminal narrowin! nUlJin~ (rom 40 75'Jo wilh (oe:al Q1lcirJClllion~. 1..Iul&: Mulliple S«'Iiollll 0( lung pw'tndlyma mow pnlmonary conJ:Olion and he,"o..iderin-I:KIcu 11I.'ICropl1;lJ""" ill nlUCOUll plUlllinl the bronchi with ,uhmllL"<ll\iIl pl~ll:l cell nnd eosinophil infillr:llion. • • • • • n,ere or ~,lnlCnl8(Y phnlO;l;ropll.< an: l:ll.:ell lIy OAFM E >Il11T pluJlngr:ll'hen; Slll.·..dmcn~ rtla;llCd rnr 'OJ ,~"I)lolic 'csling andlor DNA idcmific.ltion ale: hC3I1 11.,,00. vi\1'WU$ nuill. g;a.<tric C:OfllCfll~. llrine. ~l'l~n. ';v<:r. !1I1\&. bile. k.idney. bt:l;ll. adipose lissue. Pill! pe;cllU muscle lllc Ilody i5 5ulumll'l~-d wilho"l cmb.:Ilming lUlll lhc d,SSCdcd orallnS are r"cwarded willi ,he hody Pc'''''llal d(ect> .n: ",1<:a><:<lloJ dOl: IlIll"WU-y arra,", .ep~maliVC>o IllCln;(y;ng body m"rks rue 1101 presenJ MEDCOM 0232 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 232 IIINA!, AUTOPSY REPORT: l(b){6) 1\I.UI~A YOI. 'farig SlIdi.: Abdl""CJC"C,Cs:",;C"-~ OJ'INION Idied O~ ~ resull or hYIJCI1CI"i"e alhero~clel'Olic cardiova~(:ulol' d iSC:L'>C L"Om]11 iC:lled by OCUle "-"lhma wil.h II1ucou.~ plugging. The nlcdicol hi,wry and circumslances support the-_e diagrllL'\Cl<. as well u the gross und micmsL'Opic CXamini'lion.\:l1 uUlopsy. ToxiL"O]Ogy is negative ror Ok-oII01, tlmg-_ 01" abuse. eart>oxyhc.muglohin ,md cyonitle. 11,en: i~ no evidence or recenl '111is 6:;·yCllr·1lId lI1ale!(b}(6} illJlII')'· 111C U"'''''C' or deOlh ;s 1I0lurol. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b){6) [Medicol Examiner MEDCOM 0233 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 233 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ARM~O fORCES lHSnTUTI,' Of' PATHOLOOY DC: 1 U " _ WA$I\I~GTOI<l, ..,.,.,. '0 '",,"""'''' ] rqlENT IDEt\TlflCAT]ON AFll' AooO$,lo .. Numb.. S""utA<o (b)(6) TO, ==1 Namo ALuaAVDl, TARIQ SADlQ "'SOUL OFFICE Of TIlE AR.\1EO mRCES Mf.OICAL ~XAMINER ARMID FORCES INSTITUTE OF I'ATIlOLOGV W",SIlINC1'ON, DC 11U"'-'OOO CONSULTATION RF.PORT ON CONTJUllUTOR MATERIAL AnI' DIAGNOSIS II EPORT OF TOXICOLOGICAL £XMUNATION Condition ofSpeciOlCO!: GOOD Dalc of Incidcnl:(b)(6»)OO5 llall: Receiycd: ] ]f] 5f2005 CARllOfl; MONOXIDE: 'f1lc carbo~yhcmog\obin saturation in the blood was Icss lhan I % as delemlinro by Spectropholomclry wilh II limil Of~wullilation of 1°,1,. Carboxyhemoglobin 5;lll.lflitiol1s of 0-3% an:: expecled for non-smokers lind 3-10% for smokers, Salunuions above 10% are considered cJcvoled and arc confimlcd by gas chromntography. CYANIDE: There was no cyanide dCle<:ICd in lbe blood. The Jimil of quantilalion for c}'wlide is 0.25 mWI.. Normal blood cyanide coneentrationslIIl: less chan 0.1 5 mglL, leiba! concentrations of cyanide RTe grealer Ihan 3 miifL, VOLATILES: The "LOOI) AND VITREOUS ~'LUID were examined for lhe prescnee of elhanola! a cutolT of20 mgldt. No ethanol was deteeted, DRUGS: The URINE w~s scrt'ened for acetaminophen, amphetamine, antidepressants, ,111lihistamines, barbilunll~s, benwdiazcpines, c:lnnabinoids, chloroquine, cocaine, JC~lfomelhurplmn, lidocaine, narcotic analgesics. opiale$. phencyclidine, phenolhiazitICS, salieylates, !ympathomimetic anliliCS wld vefflpilmil by &as chromatography, colw tesl or immlUloassa)'. The follnwing dnll:S wc.e detecled: None were fouud. [b}(6) Office ofllle Armed F(l'ees Medie,lllxami,..". MEDCOM 0234 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 234 ... __ - _ __.. - .... . 1""'·_ ~ - -,~ .....- ........ """...., .... , . '" - - -----.11,0... ......, ... """"'...." ........ _.,,_ ..-.- .. ......... <l<.." ... ~ ~.~• ••~~~_=.~~.=.,.-.,_=_~=_===='.------·I 0 __ -.-- - _ ..-. .. .~~""wr ,_,~_ ~"'<:"'~.,~ , --- ~-- --- -----+--- -.. _1 --- _ ....... ...... --_ -- --_. I"" -+.,-=.,'~-=;·-'~='·':'."~·=-='·'·'n-=~ .•-',.',-.',·,',',',·--1 'I""'"'c;;;';p 'iv'ZCA '~=~_~'.~.'.',,'.~<,,'_=',,'.o.',!.~~='~==".='.'.'.','~='.'.",'.'.= ....--.. - .. . ...I.JmL"L"_,. __ ... _- ...__..'.=.'.'.',~==,',=,---, ... ~ ~ ~-- "" , .~ • • ... "-<.. -~~ ".......,"'-..... "....._ ... n'"' (b)(6) ~-,-~_ ~1fe)"'c.:.u.n'~ _.. M ~.~ ~ ~_. _ - - . . . . . - (b)(6'" "--'====1-:rr~k;;.?·-[~tft.7~-· I ()~ . ~ ....... _-..~ .J ..... ,-.----~ .'-'-...._ ....-... , __ L .". --------,-------------------1 (b}(6) -_._--~"'?' _ _ . _ •• _ _". . _.........Io.oU DO FORM 20£,4, ....I'R ISH r_.. ~_ ~ ""-" (b)(6) -----------1 . _. -..-_..._ .. ..._ . _ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 235 " " ' _ .. _ .... ....c>< _ _ ••• ..""""."",.,...-.. , _ ,."..., ..._ ". .IT........,,, .................. CERTifiCATE Of DEAnl c---""-'"-'.,-,~,-,.,.",.,-,~"",-",~,-,-,.,0""',',-"','""',"',-'" mij;". TO: .~TI"' ..", I .... ~ ... <"' •• ',.~ I~ onuI<: mL-- --_i"'O\<'" ""0. ",... _~ "~'f_ «m,,,.•• "tu;""" to' ........ 00<f<i_Jo- ",._ _ ..-'...." •• "'T.."""_ ~- oodo.' • ~""" /10.'" 'I .'.W £ I.V nil" SPACE I"",. __ . '''''W'''~D wl« ~, ~" (b){6) .. n, ".",.. - •.,.,."." '. If<'o'''' '-", ]0.:'; " ................,....."""'-y •• r...i\1 ,(lL~ • OJI'\\~ (b)(G) """'. ''''''-'-" <""'''''''- "'..,.~ _. _Nf••1S """.,"" .DON. . "'""~,- DA FORM 2669·R. MAY~:< "'''\11'' Of , M . . " OOSOUfl. MEDCOM 0236 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 236 ~ . _- -"-,,.....-...'-".........._ .....""'........... --- -- HDSPtT II RE"II~T Of DEI 1K ..... . " ...... --,.". ,. ,. .....~_... ~~;::;~~;;;:;:;;:;::::::;;:;;::;;:::~ ·.... •..._--,_"-...._1' _"".._ .........." ' _ .. _ _< 1 - .l'N' ......... " , ••'••,(l1.!O'-......_ ..."'_.. _-..._il..- 1:,IIloI.CII"'Milrnllll· .nO_llIIl'U ."'U"'i 4uI (',4 'I,Dr ,Ii', e,G, (b)(6) ~rJ~ 0'> ~- j(b)(6) _ _,._ _... __ _ -._-_._--- 1_l>_ • I . • (b)(6) l _.~ O· O· WI OIUI""'U~ WI .... 1IIU11l_C11 w.nw .11....... PlI~., "Ill'" ,,"'-_ ..... ........_ ... ........ ._~_ . ~ .....,..- ....." ...... .,.. -~-~"'" , ." ' M l.f OGlt14:JlrtL 10 <> I I/UPlhl..C-TJON " " '....... • ",_... [(b Il 61 ,(b)(6) ,I _. - , ~ - " hilt/v 1CS "'- • ifCItllll.· A(IlIIIJIJT.. nu tl '.,-.... $0 .~- _~" bX6} ..m _OUI. M!....... _ . , . _.,,, , ..... II.llAi.lll'llllUll lIOIl " ......._ " _-- •'" ......•. .__ .... _. .... .... _._ ....-.._....... r _...... ..... _ ..._._--.. . ..................... _".......................... ... ...... "--'-"-·...._ ""', ..... .. ,-._- ,-"..,- _ 00j11Cll'lIU1. - _.._.'... I " ,..,.. .... ....,...,,,_. ~ • . --- · "" .. " " . ..n,.c ,_...- " ...... .C~.II"","' --_........ ... , DA IDIIM lU., DC'll MEDCOM 0237 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 237 ,\"'J\I~:I) ~'()RCF'}; 1!\;~"'I1'Ul'Jo: ()~'I'ATIIOLOG\I Orner orlh ... ,\rm...d f'or«s l\Iedlul t:;<.aminu J.t 13 Rl:$C:lI'ch BI\'I1~ Blllll. 1412 Rochillc, MD 2UllSO I-ROO·774·11427 AUTOI'S\' ~:XAMINA'I'10N t{£I'ORT :'Il.nnc:.-BTB.Saruah. ,,""ulhut Sassar ISN: (b)(6) I)<ll~ ur Binh: Ii ru (b)(6) 11))2 Oale of I)CDlh {b)(6) ':WO~ Oalctrimc nr AUlOPS~: .' I Ocl :!O05 '<t' I :WO hrs Dalc orRepon: IJ,l Jml 211()(l AUlOpsy Nco.: ~b){6) M'1I' NO':J(b)(6) RanI:.: Ci\'rliiiil I'luce ul'l.>culh: ] 11'111{ Plllcc ur 1\"Il'pS)': j'ol'1 MorlUury. IJo.w I\l'll,1l1' Circu rodanc.... or Ilc"lh: This clued}' eivili:m lklairl\'\: W:IS. as reponed. admitted lu 11K' SASII IC\\' on I() Ocl 2005 dch) Ilralion, pn~uUluniu arid I\.OSpirulOry dis!rcs.~. ()n [(b)(6) ] SUI'flOrl. [fb)(6l:!IJOS he weill into e;mlillC alTl.OS! allil dkd despite Alh'UI1ecd Cllrdiac \,,1' urI.' AUlhorl:.eltlon ror ,\ ul"PS.'·: ()Ilke usc 1471 "r the Anllcd Fr>rc~'.. M...ticul I:..amiocf. 11\ \V 10 ltknlmeali"n: I'rc~llln)llivc idcnlil1curinn b)' ac~"m)l'Jl1)'inll ro;>pcf'work and ...,i._l hanJ 1'1',l«'l:ruphic idcnl,nCali"n (',\USE OF' DEATIl: AlhcfUsdcrulic t:uronuf')' V"M111ur UiStll~e and ,Vlclaslalic L~I~C Cell Carcinoma or Iht Lunlol MEDCOM 0238 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 238 =-- 2 ,\lJTOI'SY REI'OR'I'i(b)(6j IJTIl Slirdah, MUlhor Na~sar nNAL AUTUPSY l. I)\AGNOSI~S: Pulmuo....,· S)'slcm: A. '~il:ht I"uug: 1. I'oorlr diIT~rt'nliHI..-d R<lcllllcllrc;nnma, mi~"'" sublype (StlljtC IV) 2. IlTcgubr whlr"'!:flll' lumnr nelll lower I""l( luhe lhn' m:t.~•• c~lcnds 9 .~ 6 ~ 6-cculimclcr, In rhe ;nlo Ihe hilum (If the ri::hl lllllg J. l'cribru"chiulnt, lwrihit"r "",I mctliltSllnull)'mph nvilel He ;"vuln-" II. l.dt LUIII:: Mclll.<l"tie I",,,rl)' di(fcrclIlialed "dcnIlClIrci"olllll, miscd su bl)'l'" ("Unlc .... us Ill> CO I-e,'otln,.'"r ir""l:u1ar h,n IU"'''' nodule" C. RCSI,i ...~lo..,' bronchiulilh D. r...'ph.nclIlli E. FocalllClllt bronchllpllfU"HIII;ll F. ",lImnnar)' fOng",,';"" Clung ...cighb: ldl 910-gr.lm.~: ril:h''JSO-grul.') (;. Hi~llC....1scrou, pleural crfus;oll.' (211(l ",lllillllcnll,.1 II. l)i~phr:ll:m: Fibr..,,_, pleurul fll~IIH'" II. Relieuh"'mJulhcliul S~·."ellt: Spleen, fib.... lls fllllqu~"" (nunH...... llllmlill (Ill' In 2mm) ,,-h i'" pbl/Ilc.• lin lhe eafl5llle "f lhe sfll«n I Ill. Cntli"'·lIseuh.. S)·.h·m: A. Athcrtlltlcrolle CU"lInll')' VA.lculur lJise:l~'" I. 611% Iltnmls ..f the lef! nnltrior d~"'temllnc.t"rulI~I")' IIrle'1' b.,' "thel'oSdtrt,lic pl:lll"e 2. Hll"/. Ilc""sis "r Iht Idl rircu",ncl COl'II11Ilf')' Arlc,')' by ~lhc .....sdc"lIlic pluqut J. Sll·/• .~l,·n(l_,is .. r rhe righr u"',,nlll")' llrlel')' b)' nrhCrOidcrotic fl'uII"e II. ClnEi"mcg.. I)·, Hellrl ...eillht 390·I:..lInl (pretlictetl "urlllal hellrt ",eillltl fllr:l male wlrh:l budy ,nighlof I HI.pounds is 2 76-l:rllll..... il It .. Illwer 95"'" cnn fit.lcnec limit of 2090grams 'IIItl lin u Pile.' 'JS";' eonfit.lcnec limi! of 3M-It""m.) C. ('"nCl'nrrlc h)"lIcrlr0l'hy IIf Ihc Ecft "clliricle or the hurt l.<Cl'tu III 2.2""cllrinl\'fer~, left ,'enlride frtc .....11 I.'Jcenl;meleMl) n. 1\·I"tlc....',· Arhc,"to.•dcrllli. or Ihe A"rlll IV. IIrll~trJbillhll)' Splcm: A. Co"It.",Il.'lJ li,·tr (U..... ,,'cij(ht 121l0·gt"llm.j MEDCOM 0239 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 239 AUTOPSY Rt:I'ORT 1(bH6) BTU S",rd;o". Mlllllor i\i.s~u V. VII. J Skin; A. erusion, 2 \!'i-Inch. "'llh IlSso",i~I\'lJ l·ind'l'rn.surr c""lu<l"ns nn Iht I..fl .nlJ ri::hl bUllorb lJ. 1'~dlln"'lllltcd ,,"'.·..s 0" lloe .kin or 1111," ldl ullin C. t:rtIsion on Ill", ri~lol db"..·• In·in~'' O. F.ryllormalou.'l'ul",h nn rh", rlghl forurm E,·jtlrn~", or Inju'1'; A. ,\hr.sion on Ih~ rilthl hlp. IIII·lnch II. Cunlusion VII Iht· Jdl ror",.rm. 31~.inrh r;, ,\ Imulon on Ib...... I1I~r Ilr Ihr u(lprr h...k. lIS· in.... n. CfIlltusion on Ihlll,·rl r"rr~rm. IIll-inrh VIII. x. I'Il.• r-nlOrltm rhwnl:"s; A. I.h·itlil)' is fis"lJ "n IIIr fIOllerio!' ~Ilrfwee of Ihe CJfI"... d 10 pre.••"r", II. l~ilt,,, hu pw.s",tl <;. Mild d«ilmplISir;lIn of Illr in r"rnwl lIrl:U II.' hod~' "~""'pl in .rru ToxicoJolQ' (AFlI": ,\. C,\ RBON J\I0,"OX 11>": The C.rh,nrhelllOlt'''hln IUt II rllliuu In Ih" hl<lod is I~s~ Ihull 1% II. (;YANllJE: TII",r", i.. nil r)·wnid .. deleCII'd In Ihe blood C. VOLA TILEs; fI,'Il 1'lllwn,,1 to dCIl'<:I~lt in Ill", bloud lind "itrwuI "uid I). URUGS: 1'11..,,· ~r.. no IICr",rn",tl druJ:." nf wbll'''' ur m",dk",Ii'lIIs d"'t....lrtlln Ih.. li....· r MEDCOM 0240 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 240 AII"I'OI'lSY N.:I'OIrl' (b)(6) IJTEI Sa.d.... l'\1ulho. """,,,•• II..: buJy;s Ih"lura lhin ().l·incho.'1 ull, II().plMlIlds eldl.·rly I'll:lle. Lividity is fi~~-d on lho,: fI<lSl~r;", SUfrOC~ or1M ltigar has p:ls.'ICd. I Ill: SClIlp il ",...C~ Wilh shu" Ilrtl> hIlir in I nor1l1..1diMribul;un. The irilh.'1 an: hncl. 1I1kllho: pupils:ln: lUlI1kl and C\luaI in di<lnlClc,,"ho,: elllcm:ll ~udilory cllnals lInd ....o In "'" unl\:ln:lrkllbk. Tho.: nare$.lln: f'o'l":rlI and Ill<: lif'S "'" :lInllI1n;1li<:. The ~ ~nol mll~ill8c ~ l"llpllbly 'lahl.:. The d\.·..:.:l\SI,.'tlha' "'" Ul'f"." I""'h. n,,, k,wer k'l:\h:lf" nmuml. The~ is.n "<Uliiul, un the fl(lIllle. l'he lII.'l:l is ..,mi;hI.lInd lhe lra:hc:l is midline lind roobik. the dl(Sl. is S~'n,mcITic, 1llc ahdum"n;,l1lll, 10., gcnilllli:l:ln: lOose at 1I nom",' adult m:t1." The 1l:St~'1 lin: dc",,~nJe" lOud r~ or n1l1llS\.'li I'"bl" 1101i. is ~nl in Dno,mal disl,ibutiun. 11Ic hun",;;ks aod a,,"~ :1Il: unrcmarkah"'. In..'ll: i'l1 soc",1 .,ro.,ion, 2 I'l'"indl(~ with a.'I5u"ial~-d I-inch rn,,,,",,,,, "untusi\llu un the len :.nJ righl !>un""",I;,. I V.. ino:h p:dunc"tlll~'llIlC' Ul1 01' the skin o( lhe Id'l ""ilia. II '1" lIl..:h ~'roliioo on lhe righl cll,n" a.nJ lin cl) II..:mlllOw; PlIlo:h un ,be rit:hl (""'linn. CLOTIllNG ANIl r~:HSONAL nn:qs rh..· ,;,11",," inll "Iolhin~ ilan~ lind p:Mon.J dr~...1S arc prI.'5<.,n on the body lit lho: time or uUIUf"'ly: • BII..: ..hurt... • Oml:'L'ltnc IU~ I rtOflCrJy ptae..'d) • EnJulllM:h"al rube t prupctl~' plneed) t 1 liKG "'ads 011 "'" 11l"",,1hollldel'$llIld lukic, AUlomatic ddil>rillllu>r jIIlJs 0fI lhe righl silk or Ih..: d,es! (wilh lllkl,..1'lyinW -I ); sllrerlici~l h..m) and "" lhe lell side of lhe "hl.'sl 'ftipl., ":lIlhc.~ .., ill 111..- riS1l1 ~1lIM:lav;an Vi.'in Inl'Il\"(:I1"''''' a..'l:c.'li~ in IOC lell anl~-..: ..hill\l r,,1'SII unc.I On Ihe ri¥ohl 1tm.~Im' NI.-..:llk PUrI(U1n: silc~ "i,h surnllu><lillllllCUl:lltH'>:lli un 11M: ril:ht ann. ri\lJll hand and Ictl itnrl M ~:j)I<':" L I:"lTt:ltVI;;NTION • • • • • MUlO<;KAI'IiS A c.~llnpJclc ,<>:1 "r pllsunnrlcm r:tdint:rnph~ i.• ohtailled IIml <knll""'lralc.~ Ih<: rollnwin~: • No bluill ror<:c l)r "",,,,Iraliuto skd.., ..l mjuries • No ""'lllilic f(lrcillil ol>j<.... llo Ill\: ,,Jelllj(;c.'d MEocmA 024 \ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 241 , AI-TOI'S" KEI'ORT (b}(6) IITt) Su,M" ,\11111101' Nh~~r EV!!>t:"''Ct: OIlI:'\J lfIH' , I orderin!: uf L~ lollo"inl: injurk~ i.~ for d.,oscripliw 1'"'J'l'S<--S onl). and is 1101 IIn 1llbl to inlply onkr uf Illiliclion or n'1:>,;\,c se"erily. • abl'D¥«n1 on 11111 r;~ln bip. III-Inch • ~'Ulnu~illn tho.: left 1;:'n:lIIm•.\I~.ioc" • nhmsi,m on the tl:1ll...r of tho: "lIfIio'r b3t~. llll-iocb • ('ontlL<ion on lit\: Idl (Urc-. .Oll. IIll-iocll "I' wn:I!NAL p,t\MINATION uta.:lli: 1'1.. ~:lIc-..1 nnJ ~t1h~,I"al liOn li~s""s "flh.: Sl'nlJl an: rl\."" ofinjury. The eoharium is 'nlUl:1. as I~ the dllm mat". """,'ulh il_ ('I...:,r .-cn:bruspinal nu,d iUm,unds the •J1U. lo:""n~ ,,",in. wilieh hn unr'Ctllllrhblel:)'n u,ld sulti. 1,.'00>11:01 sox/ions lkm0l15lnol" .h:ltp lk,llarClllioll h.'IW.....>fl wllill.' ,md j;I'Oy Itllllle'. ";IOOuI hcm,Hl"IulI:" u onlu~i\'l: Injury. rho:: l'~'lllri ... le~ UI<' ,,( nomlnl sire. '1 h<: I\;ulIlltl"nlllia.llI":,inslenl. ce t>cllum. alld nneTial S)'SI"'I\l~ at\' 1'.." " uf i,U"!)" or "Ih.--r lIb1lOnn,,1ilil~. 1'},,:rc Dn: 110 skull ..r.....'u...... Th<: UIIWlt<l-o"dl"ll,1 j<>lnt ;1 Sluhk. ~. ·I'h..' IllIt...ri"r stl':lJl mu~dl:'ll nf lhc ,"-ck nn: h"nlOl:...nolls mut n:d-broll'tl. wil hOlll ....·I]II'rl'h"Il.... The thyMid eanili,lo'''' wid 1I)'lIi<l an: inlal:L. fbi: lurynx is linc<.J by ;nmet "hil,· m\ll."llSll, TIll< th) mill i~ .)·nunclri... nnd n....-bmwll. wilhout c)'sLic or nodular ctlJIlI:C. Th,: lQI1I:tK: ;~ fl\.'C (lr hiLl.' Illnrl.:~. Ill·lllnrrhnj;e. IIr nlocr injur;c~. IIOIlY CoY llll;'s: I'lll< r;~. ~'enllll1L. ulld \...·nc·f1.r~1 \lodies llt\: l'i~;l>ll 31\J ['('Ipabll" illiacl, nOlh ellc:st c'al Ilks ...onlllin 2flO·millilit... ,s "I' ""mu' IIl1id. HIe (IrJ;lIn~ OC"Ull)' their ",unl 31131"mi... fl"sililln~. RI'SI'JRAlO!tY SyS"WM: fhe: ri.llhl In"" kn Iullll!lwdl:h 'JHO and 'J lU·l:l'lIms. rcsl""Cti \·e:l~. The ...xl... rnnl 5urfn.:...s :Ire smoolh nml ,kep " ..1·1''''1'1.... I he: pulnll"""'y pa ""h) rna is <.JilTuscl)' e''''I:"stL'lIlll1d ,:<.Jel1lalou~. n\l;n: i~;, 'I x f'l x h-i'lCh ;r""I:l\lllr "'hil l:n'y a''ll blUl:k 11':.1.>;>1 ;lIlh... lowtr lui .... \lr IllI< .il:hl I"II~ tbllt e~L ... r,d. inL" Lh" hi hllu. Muhiplc im:~ulllt 11IlI (ullIor nodules lip I" 1'1.'''111 ;nleLc'''' in 1lrt'3IC.~1 <.Ji,o..."siol1 m\' in bolh lubes "r IIlI: len lung. 'n't lucdi"-<Iinnl I) 'llph n<Xt,'s nn:' enlarlle<.J (up hJ l-ill<:h) and Ihe;. "" s,,,(a...e.< nrc" hlle"ru)'. MIn. ",I<! heler\l~CIIOll~, l'olllrJlotcrl') 'll,...thUL'nlll lind hila. lymph 'l<><.Ie.~ are illwll'cd. BoLh hemi,1iI,phlllJ;'I'S lire in"QI\'ed hy 1-CCIll;mel,'r while pl",!u.". ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 242 AUTOI'SY Kf.rQRl'(b)(6) IITIl Sard.h. Mu Ihor Nll"-",,r (, ('I\RI}IOVI\SCUIAK SYSTEM: Ill<: J90-l:fllm he,," is eOlll3iocd in an imocL p.,ric3r<Ji:l1 S;"'. rhe cpicor<Jiul surlll<..... is "mouth. "nb minimal lin inW~Lme01. The coronll')' Ilrleric5 arc presenl in ~ ""rmlll disLribuLi"lI. Crosll seo:tinns of IOC vcssds shol' 60% slcno"t. ur Ihe lefluilleri,l( dL'SCc,ll!;ng. 80% slclI<.>Si~ orlh<: I"fl drcumflc.x am! Slrlio sl"nu5is ur die ri~hl e,wollll'~ ~flCl)' by llLhcrusck..Ulie pla'lu", ·n\" myocardium is 11OIll"&cnous. n.-d·hlll\' n. mid IiOll, , !>I: "live I""lkls nn: lhin nnd Illl'lhik_ ·11k,,,, is rdillil'dy eOllecnlrk h)'flCltroph)' or the 10:1\ WIILncle ",1\.1 Lhe "ails or Ill\: lcn IUld ri~ll '·cn!Tides :Illl1 "q>lum an.' L'I, (U 2.2"emime'c,s Ihid,. """pe"li""I), file clld(ll,:mdilllll is sllnll'lh lUll! ~lislcninll. The ",'M iliyes ri...: 10 Lim:", inlucl und p;llCnL arelt 'C5$ds. Thc.... is mode,,,,e "lheros.:!e">!'i" of lhe lltlrlu. 11>c ",,,ulund Ilwscnleric "c"""l. 'Ill." \I11rcm"rJ,;3.hle, ",Id l.I¥I'R& Bll.!ARy sysrEM: Tit..' 128n'1lr:l0ll Ii,"", hilS nil illIlJC1. 5I11OO\1t capsule lind a ~rp am~,;Of border. 'n", p;lI\:llehYll11L is IUI1-h'l.m" ,.,>d l'1J"b'C.ll'1. .....1I1t Ihe usual lobular arcltiLeq'lN. 1'0 lnasll le.<ions or olhe, lIl>nonnnIiLi.:-s ,I,e ll<."Il. Tho.' 1l'l11bladdo.... Ctln'"i". II mi"ule ,unoulll ur 1:n.'Cn-blllc~ bil<: '1\1\111" SI(J"e~. ·I1>c llluc"l...1!,uof""e is 1:n.'CD and wh'C1y. The ~)mllltep;llic bililU)' 1tt.";5 palen\. SI'l.!iEl\': Till.' I ~O-lInllll spk..-.. ha~ a red-purple ellpsule ....·illt numcrullS (up 10 :!-miltimck:r) "hile pl:MllIC>i. 'me parcnebyma i~ mllru"n 3.00 COlll:esInJ. ,,-illl diillil1Cl Malpi¥hian eurpuscks. PAj\'CRliAS: The panc",u is fi..... antI )'cl1,,,, ,11111. ",illl lhe usu:>l lobular m"h;L''ClLlrc. No m3l;$ lesions or othc.'r llht>nm131illl':S lire s.,,,". AI)Rli~t\I,,"': 1"" righL und lell adrenal IlIw1ds arc synlll>clrie, w;llt I!rij;ht yellow cortices and ~'lIY mcdullill.", Nu nUlSSo..'S or an.'a:< or ItCll>urrllal:C a", idcnlilicd. GENITOURINt\KY sy:n liM: Th.· ril;hl and len kidneys e:.ell ,..,e;ilh I Jo--I;OIms, '11", c<I...,,:1I sllI·faws nrc ;nlllel ond snl,,<>Ih. I"bo: Cui , ..,loce.• u'" n.od_Inll u"d eOnllc$Lw. wilh ""I r"rnlly Ihic~ cortices 'ilK! s!l;"l' ,",onicon",dull",y J,mclions. n .... 1""h'~'11 ~,c lIn.-cm:uknblc nnd lhc u.-cle" u'" nom..ll in cu"rse lIlld caliber. WhiLc bl:Wdcr muco!lU o,",,<lks:1Il inLllCl bl:>ddcr wall. The hl:ldtkr ,",,,nwins lIppn.xil1latel)' SU-milliliICl'll or da'" }·cllow ",inc. Th., prusllIlc is num..,1 in ,i~..-. wilh lul:>o.llur. yellow_tun fll,r•.melt)·llm. ·111e S"minol vcsicles arc lI"remarlable. The leSICS n", rtt.'C "r ""l~< Icsion~, ''\In'"si,,,,s. or ...her phno"n"Jili....... Gi\STROIN·I·ESTINAI, TRACT: ,....., "suphalluS is inl;,el :lII" line<l I>y sm,,,"lt. llll.') _" Iti Ie nlO1."";:I, The Slul11xh cooL:lirl. ~rrros imaltl)" :!.l)-m il\ililcrs Orb",Wll fluid. T1lc 1:8SlJiC ,,-all is imocl. 1110, duotk:nUll1. loo!" ur SInai I bu,,"c!. a,w ~olol\ all.' u\1",mnrlublc. ·nM:: aJ'flC,.. lil( i.'l pt<..'lICIlI. MEDCOM 0243 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 243 , J ,tUTOrS\' ItEI>Olnl(b){6) 8TH Sanlah, Muthur Nas~lIr Al>lHTIONAI, I'ROC.:IHII~":S l. ]>I>cumcn".ry phvlogrJphs al\' wkell b) Ihe OAFME. ., Speci l11ell' I\:lained for loxic"]u!.:i.;: ICSlin!! andlor DN i\ idcl1li r,cmij\M me; Lunt!' blood, >1,lcen. psmls musclc, bik. urio.:. \'iln'Ous. hr.lill, kidnc),lh·cr. adipus"noo l:l'wic Iluid 3. The disSCcleo.lllrll.>nS an' Ill,w,mk'd Wilh n.,K1)', 4. h.lcnlib·;n~ IHurks include: Sc"r un Ihc rilllll shu\lltkr 1II"'1(b)(6) 18UOOI{b){6) (b)(6) ~ MICIWSC()J'IC .:XAM'/\'AT10I'\ IIE,\RT; )Ylyoclm.liul\1 (Sli.ks-Il. I. J 1- il1cl'\"'>co.l imcr·myoc) Ie lhm>is Len ,\Illcrior n"·Sl.·cnding l:ornnilry An"'I)' (Slidc·K)- 60% slcnusis by eulcifi ..oJ mhcwsclcl\'lic pJ,Uluc RiGbl Cvmnm)' Art..' T)' (SIidc-Nl - 51,r,~ slenosis by caki tk" alhcrosdcrolic plaque Left ('ircumn ..·s Cnronal')' MI"'r)" (SI idcs·~l. l. \ - calei li~-d alherosclerotie pla,!uc :.IU)]ASTINAJ.I.YMPII NOI>ES: ,Slide·C) I.ymph nudc wilh "'iJcslu\:ad 'II'<:;,S or nccrosis lind maJil:':nanl epi lheli,,1 cclls Ihal ;,u,·... la'I;..• pkm""rphi<: n\lck·i. nwmillcnl lIude",li "lid "hund,tnl eosinllphilic e~top(as'" LUNGS; Ri~hl L,,"~ - tSlidc.-Il, G) TIImU" ma,s consi>lin., or mlllij:llllnl cpilhelial lumur cells lhal hOI'c Jar.,,, pkulllorphie nucl"i. I",,,,,i ""nl rwclenli u",JlIludernle IV ohun<lmll eosinophilic c)'lOplaslll. th" I"..,.-all "aHem i.~ a larl;" ("II (l<\enllC'In: illome wilh .'lOme I>r,1""hoal,·.....,I"r li,,,lures. ·Il,,,,\.' is muili·toc;ll n"~ru>is and innummation I.eft l.ulI~ - (Slide.·ll. E) Tuillur II111R'II.'S consislinG llf nmlil;n".,! "nilheliaJ hnl1<lr cclls lhal hove lal)!" pkomurphie lIudei. prominelll IILlckoli "nil 1lI\><.lerule 10 ahUIIIl"nl eosilwphilic e>'lupl'blll UIAI'IIRAG:-·!; (Slide·n ll<:nSl.' librusis ond seanllllc,",'lhciial lIucleoli alld Illuderale eosinophilic cYI",plnslll c~lIs lh"l h"w lar~e nuclci. I""",inen! MEDCOM 0244 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 244 , AlJTOI"SY Itt;POfH (b)(6) UTI) S~r1bh.l'IIulb\lr NIIs-'''' SpLEEN; ISIMk·1\ )Ikn>.c lihms" 1Il1l11i<."lltll 'lIcsOlhd~,1 ~'\:Il, lh,w hlll'C I'lcnn."qlho.: Sl,illllbl nlldcl. cousl'icoolls 'lLIClcoh m",1 "lO<ler:~c cos",ol'hilic c)'l(lflla."ll rUI •.\I0NARV I'I\TIIOI,O(;Y <:ONSUI,T.\1'ION IAI'II'): The 1'llln""..'1")' I'lllhtl!oto' lkll<'<lmcnl of IIl1; AFII' Suh"'lIle-.J Ill1.' fi>lluwillJ rcpon ufk. rcncw'"l:! the suhmllh:d mah:rc,!. -Poorl)' "inm"li.;ned ude"l)l;lIrcir>olm, misC\! ..... blypc ·ACUle bronchopncumonia -Rc-"pinIlUl'}' b.-omhiolll is ~nd c'111pll)'5<:nla -Fihrous I'kur;JlplaqlU; Sec1''''1' of IUllg ;.IIOWItlI! a 1'011.1)' ..llre..... lllllll~...111lk:11oOI.1lr\:il""'l:' wllh k.l'idle. ,"'flill:ll")', ~hd m",l :1C;,... r I:!r"",'h ,",HeI1lS. rlcuml u,Id c1Ip;I~ ..), 1~'nlpl"llie i"mSJ'''' n", P=l1'1, I>k'llS131ic IUlnor " '''enlili<:'l! In ,IIC leA tung. J""f,b....llcl\lolarl""..hil... a,ld n...-.JiW<lin,,1 I)'mph nt>tks. Eml'hysc:nl:' u,ld "'''l''nIllll)' hror>chiolius 1111: J,ISt' rf\."SCnl. RII is eh.,mc,erizcd by bnmchiol<lCcnlric "'lI':c',,"<lol:l' :II,.. ..-umll~" ;"". or "l;lCn'r!l.'l:\c. cllmaimnJ; dUJuy ycllo",.hru"-n piv-mclli. a lil1<.li"l: I)'ril::llly ll>succtl~..l ",ilh l'ijtareUt snlOke. h>eill OI;"ule h....nchOfll'<1onlllflm I' "lell"tie"'. Un tlllll1unoh'Slo.:h<:nlical SIUlli..,.. thl·llll1",,~.... I1~ i'n: ;""""","CII<:""" for ('K 7. rK21l "",I nl;-I II~.......' <1n 'he lillhl '\1io;roscOlI;'" '1\U'fllII'lo!IY .....e e~".., if)' 'hi~ '\Il1\Of lIS l>oofl~ di'Tc.enli~u:d adcl"'ll:an:"\lII1"'. mixed ,;ublype:. n>C' IllInluOOf\hetlt>4yfII:' IS compatible Wilh u hilly pnlllllry. Scctio,,~ of d!arh"'I"" lll>d splecn ~hl)w fillrllUS r'nq\lC$. We 'WI iced oc:c~sion~1 31 YI,ical c.::\l~ allllll? lhe ~urflK;e of II",' ~rICel' IIl1d III(ln~ lhe Stl":"",\: "f111..• ";urhr"~1l1 1,Iaquc lhal wc f~ ...,... ale Illc~Olhdi~1 ill "nllin 11l1e",'lhdilll hYI\C'l'hl"~I. A$ Ih"re IS ,"cl~sml Ie' tli......... ;11 Ilk: k:11 IIm¥ frllln whUI "I'p..:urs til l>.; " "1\hl IllllS I'rilll:lr}·. Ih" Sli'lte of Ihl_' lunll1l' 's AJe<-, smile IV, 01'1,-':101'1 Thi~ clderl)' Iraq, rnule died of ill he'ftllo<·lcll.lhC C"W"lI! y "·.."",u I;,r di.ellse ;oud nlCIUSl111k Iur~ cell Cl'rci''''llll:l of ll1c hllll:. The '0\ Icol..,gy ""...,..,,, '~lIe'I:"II\'O:. 111<: ~mlln lIhf1L'"m 0/, thc r;lt!'l hip i'tllllll'rcr rnlck ",1(/ ,Il<: smull COIIIII,i"n "" Ih" kll f"",~I1\1 are tIllllM ItIlO.1 llOIl<unuibnlUf)' 1(1 eilher lhc ellllSC'\( Il'-1l1ncr of ,kaill. Thc IIlllnner of dellih i~ Il<llo.... !. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Medlcill r:XlIl11iner (b)(6~;c"IIC,x:"C"C,;:,,:,,:----- MEDCOM 0245 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 245 ------------------, CflmflCAUOf OUT1l jOVUtS~ _ .. _ jDO.... fIl·'1 - CMfuo lrclq (b)(6) r::.~T~B~i~~.,~:~~',·.:~~"~·~:~·-N"!'~.!.!.'-----"-."'_"'."";_;;;';_;;;'C---f - \.1·'~.~"~_"'':'--1~~6L..;;;-------j _.-....... .. ...."_. --,. • ----.- _ -- - - - .......... -,. _--... -'" ....-_......----....---.... ..-_ ....... _.. --_ ........ -._.... -.-- ---",. __ ... _--.._.. -....-.. --_. . - ---: :-, ;:.__ _...... --_.-. ---- - ................ ~ "-"---1 _..'''''. __. __ ...... _----/._ .. -_ ..... --_ -b··'..•.. . . . . . . """"'· _..__...._ .._.-_ _ --- - _-~- -, _............. "'" ',"""""--- 1932 ~- ~ I _ _ rr ...._ , ~ 01.... _ ' ~ • -.,.--,""- -.._" ....... ~ _ . . _ _ 00- CIT""""",,,"",.,, _""""'" e-.."" ....... ,- .. _ _ , _ . _ .....t .. ,_ __ooo...-,,,,,.-et,•. - to"",;,,,, _ .......,00.._........... '" ' '0_"- Ol_.-........ _ _ a _, · """"",,,",,' ....."'...t{,,,,_"""'"' <:0 ... _ . _ ... _ -.. _ of De""" Pe<6ng ~ 01 ,..........., f-~.~. De.'" :Ponding (b)(6) ~ : 1 OClobttr 2005 .- _ · , _ ,... --...""..." ...... u.c.u ... ·,..,... _ , ..... . . . . - _ _ ""OCllt.....>IO _ _ 'bH61 ..,.....,....""-.. 1DovIW AFS, Oovef DE (b){6) r. r_ _ ..-..._--_ ......uo _-_. _ ...... ..... _. ... ·. ._.. .. Medical Euminef -(b)(6) 2· I , A!iJlI , '-~-"~- - 00'='1, 2064 ......... ""'~_ _ -,...._.. ".... .- ' ,-~,-~.~~~-~-~,.~-~-~-~-;.;-~~.~~-_--------------J - _...................... - MEDCOM 0246 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 246 {REMOVE REVERSE liND RE INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPL£rlNG THIS SIDE} OISPOSfTON <IF REMA1H8 o,~= LI 'I:O"';~ NU"",l:.~ N<U ~ ,"'," INS f 1\I.LATIQN OR AOQRESS O"'TE SIGNATURE l'l.... M£ OF Cl:MI;lERY Oil CREtM10RY LOCAllON Of' t;EMElEflY OR CRE.......TORV ,~ ~ AA,N... K""'.......'" IVI'E Of' OISPQSTlOH ","". DATE OF OISPOSTION REGIS'TAA~ OF VITAL STATIST1CS Rl:G!STRV rTa_ _ C......,.,., DIllE REGISTEREO FllENVI46ER STATE NM!E Of FUNERAL OIRECTOR ADORESS I OTHER SIGNl\ruRE Of AUrnoRlZED lHOMOUAL USAPA VI,DO DD FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) MEDCOM 0247 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 247 ARMED FORCFS INSTITIrrE OF PATHOLOGY omc~ of Ihe Armed Fortes Medical EJlRmlner 141) Re~arch Blvd_. Bldg. 102 Rockville. MD 20850 301-319.QOOO "AMENDED" AUTOPSY EXAMINA nON REPORT Namei-;;BTB Moharned·Ali. Monbnd. Ganim AutOpsy tto.:(b)(6) ARP No.:,(b)(6) IFN.: L(b}(6} Rank: elv Date of Dale of Death: (b)(6) 2005 Place of Death: Iraq Datc of AutOpsy; 19 October 2005 PllICe of AUlopsy: Pori Mortuary Dover AFB. DE Datc of Report: 20 October 2006 airt'~h''''''TE",{b){6)71987 Cln:umstances of Death: According to reports. tbis 18 yell(oOld civilian detainee WIlS caplured by US Force~ on 15 Sep 2005. During his delenlion he wa diagn~ed with an inner ear infection. Despite trealment the infe<:tion prog~$scd 10 mastoiditis and brain a~ss. It was delcnnined Ihat thcre was 110 chancc of meaningful functional recovery and life support di~nlinued aficrcthics commiltcc review. AUlhoMllilion for Autopsy: Officc of the Armed Fon:e.~ Medical Exwniner. lAW 10 USC 1471 Idelltiliclillon: Presumptive. blLo;cd on 3llltched mortuary lag. CAUSE OF DI';ATH: IntrllwmiaJ Abscf:SS MANNER OF DEATH: Natul'lIl ZO October 2006 This amended repan \$ submilled 10 rcneel lhe results oflbe Neuropathology Consultation. The opinion is amended lICC(lrdingly. lbe remairnleroftbe report remains ulICluinged. (b){6) (b)(6) Mcdical Euminer [{b}(6} L - _ ]MCdlCaJ fuamincr MEDCOM 024B ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 248 AUTOPSY REPORT:(b)(6) 2 BTB Mohamed·AIl, Monbnd, Ganim nNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES I. C~nlnlJ A. NervOt!) System: Righl-)ided m~toidilis wilh adj1lCtni lemporal lobe abscess and focili sobdufill ~mpy~ma B. C. I. Meningitis Celebrol edema Neoropathology I:onsoilluion pending II. Pulmonary Sy~tem: A. Bilalera) pulmonary C(lng~Slion and O(\C"", (Righi 800-gr.un.•; Lelll)4o-grams) Ill. G8lilroinltSliml! System: A. HemolThagic Gastritis IV. SlUn: A. B. C. Superfkial healing uh:cr~tiOfllllld fisl'llrcs oftlle mouth Superficial :<lIcrol decubitus ulc~r (* inch) Red macul~r-papular rash on the upper chest V. Evidence of Minor Injury: A. Scat1~red abrasions and COlllosiOfis of the lowcr lorso and lower extremities VI. Toxicology (AFlP): A. CARBON MONOXIDE: The carboxyh!:moglobin 5>lIUralion in lilt bloOO is I\'..~ than 1%. B. CYANIDE: There is DOl:ylll1ide d~tecled in the blood. C. VOLATILES: No ~thanol i. detect~ in tile bil~ and "ilreou~ fluid. D. DRUGS: No IICI'I:~n~d drugs of abus~ or medical ions are detecled in the liver. MEDCOM 0249 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 249 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB Mohamed·All, Monhnd, Canlm ) t:XTERN,q, t:XAMINADON 1k body is that of a ",·tll-dul:loped. ~Il-nourishtd appl:aring. musculllf, 6()..inr;1\ lIIll, 129· pound maft, witosl! aPJll:a= is consiSll:fll wilh lhI: ~ported age of Ig yl:m. Uvidily is pnlotnl and fuc:d on the poslerior SUffllCeS Oflhc body uct'JIl in areas upoco;ed 10 ~s.,u~. Rigor Ita.~ p;tSSl:d. The body is cool 10 lhe louch. The snip is cove~d whh medium length brown cl,Irly hair lh.u has been shaved on lite fighl side.. The iride.~ are brown. and the pupils ale round and equal in diameter. The e.ttemulludilory canals ~ free of any sccll'lions. The Uf$ ""' Ilrtll'''lllrkabl<:. 11>e na~ art' palenl and doc lips lU'!: red and IIave superficialulCl:n1liol! and fissures. The nmc and muilh>c are palpilbly slablc:. The naMa) leeth appear in good l'Ondilion. The neck' is straighl. and lhe lf3Chca is midline and mobile. The cheSl is synvTllmic. There is I red maculopapular rash Of! lhe cenler of lhe chest. The llbdomc:n is flil. The: genitalia aJt tllo5e of a normal adult rrWe. The lesles;ore dc.:icended and free of rrtllS.'\CS. Pubic hair is pl'tSCnl in a normal dhtribution. The: bUllOCks and anllS are lIrtn:m ....kuble. There is a 3J4-ineh superfICial ulcer on lhe skin O"ellying lhe $llCrum. The upper and Jowere:lUremitic.s lire symmc:uic and without clubbing Of OOemli. A ho.pitaltag is present On lhe lefl ankle. Then: is a I-inch caJlu.~ Oft lhe skin cOvt'ringthe left lalerall\lall~lus. nOTHING AND PERSONAl, EFt'}::CTS The body i.• received undad draped in I while sheel. MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • • • • • • InU1lvcnous puncture sile In ttu:: righl wriSf Inl",venous punclure in the righl anlecubilal fossa Wilh SUrtO\Jndinl $Ubclilaneou.\ hemorrhage Inlr.lvenous puoclUre Jile below lhe letl clavicle I 'A-inch slapled inciJion 011 r.he right temporal scllp ""il~ underlyinl burT hole I \-iHnch $lapled incision on lhe righl parietal scalp Wilh underlying bUrT hole lIS-inch ~ulu",d sllrgiul incision on It>e righl parlelal scllp Sclllp hair shned on the righl side oftl>c /teIod BAplOGRAPUS A complete sel of poslmonem r.ldIOgDphs shoW$ IlO evilklltt of skeletll injury. EVIDENCE OF INJURy 11>e ordering of the following minor injuries i5 for dc:so:ripdve purposes only. and Is nCll intended to implyorder- of infliclion or relative severily. MEOCOM 0250 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 250 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) RTB Mohlmrd·Ali, Monhnd, Glnlm Held and neck: • AblllSion of the rilht side of the rwal bridle, 'Ai x IIS·inch. Too;o: • Contusion over the left ilillC c~Sl, l YI-inclle5 • Contu.llion over the: right iliac c~Sl. 2·inche~ • Abnlsion on the Interior Jcn shoulder. JlS-inch Ext~mitieli: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Abnisiun un the di.lalllllierior rilhtthigh. Y>-loch Abf'asion on the ~nterior right knee, IIS·incl! Ab<1l.,Kln on the proxirnallinlerior right leg. YJ.-inch Ah",,~ion nn the anlC'rioof dist.l ri&htJe&. I-inch An.ion on the lIJllerior rilht ankle. 'Ai·incl! Abrasion on the pauerior distal riglllleg. J x 'A·inch Abrasion on the posterior distal "Ihtleg. "'\.inch Abra,ion on the postenor right ankle. '" x "'-inch Contu\ion on the disclll anlerior len Ihigh.l4·inch Abrasion on the len luKe. 'A-inch Abrasion on the IUIterior kn ankle. I x ~-inch Abrllsion on the distal posterior len leg. lIS-inch Abr~.iOl1 on lhe dil.lal posterior kn 1C'g. y, x JlS-inch Abrasion on the po!ilC'rior Idi ankle. \i x \4-inch INTERNAl. EXAMINATION HEAD: (See above "'MedicaJ Jntervention", ""'" gaJeal and sub&~le~1 soft tisslle' of the l£Dlp are free of injury. T1le dUnl mater beneath the skull is inllOCt exccpl in the IUC'IS associated wilh lherapeLitic intervention. "The ce~brospinal nuid is vi$COUs and yellow. "The IS4o-gn,m brain i. edenullou~ wilh diffu~ wideninglllld nanening of gyri Dnd narrowing of the ~L1lci. There i~ II soft ftucluant maSli in the righl lemponll lobe lhal on lieCIioning is identified as a I \Io.inch cavily filled with. P\lru!en\ fluid. A thick COIl of JlLlrulent exudlle covers the b;ue of the brain. "There llI'C no traumatic skull fractures. The inner ear is unroofed IlIld the cut surfKe is ~nn. Pllle and friable (histologic ~ions aR: prepared). "The athUlto-occipiud joinl is stable, The bnoin is submiued for nellropathology cunslllUfion after fonnalin fiution. "KK TlIe anterior neck is enmined utilizing a sepal'll!e anterior neck dil-'\CClion. The anterior SU1lp mllS(le~ Oflhe neck life hOfllOicnous:lfld red·brown, without hemorrhage. TlIe thyroid canilage itnd hyoid Ire intle!. The larynx i.~ lined by intilCl white mUC(l5ll. "The lhyroid Is symmetric and MEDCOM 0251 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 251 AUTOPSY REPORy!(bj{6) 5 BTU Mohamed·Ali, Monhnd, Ganim red-brown. without 9'slic or nodular change. Then: is p<llchy ero:sion of the laterJI left edge of the 10nguC. BODy CA V!T!ES; The ribs. sternum. and ~enebral bodies Ili'C ~isjbly and palpably intllCt Then: is 5O-miUi!iters of SCIlJl.lS fluid in the pleural cavitie~, Then: is 2()()..rnillililcrs of scrous fluid in the pcrilOncum. The pericardial sa<: conlllins an 85·milliter serous eff~ion.11Ie internal organs occupy meir usual anatomic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Thc: right and IcFl lungs weigh 8Ol).grarns and 64Q.grams. respeclivety. The e~!Cmal surface.• an: smoolh und deep rcd·purple. The pulmonary p<ln:nchyma i~ diffusely congeSled and edematou.•. No mass lesiOlls or areas of consolidation an: present. CAIWIOVASCULAR SySTEM: The 39Q.gmm heart is «lnlll;ned in IIi1 intar:t pericardial~. 1ne epicardial sUTfacc is .•moolh. wilh minimal fal inveSlment The coronary anenes an: pn:sent in a normal distribution. TIle coronary lI1leries are widely patelll. The myocardium is homogt-nous. red-brown. and firm. The \'al\'e leaflcls an: tllin and mobilc. The walls of the left and rigll! ventricles are unremar1l:able. The endocardium is smoolh and glistening. The 80na give._ risc to 1I111:C intact and patent arcll .'esscl~. Tile renal and me>;Cnteri", \'e.,--o;els are unrelllllrkable. LIVER & BILIARy SYSTEM: The 22()()'8JlIm livcr h$ an intact Ml'lOOlh capsule IUld a sharp anterior border. The pan:ncllytna is tan-brown and congested. with llle usual lobular =hitet:lure. No lI\IlSb lesions or ether abnomJaJitiCJi are «'Cn. The gallbladder colllain~ a minute amount of green-black bile and no stones. TIle mucn"'ll surface is gm':n and vclvely. The e~trahcp<ltic biliary tree i_ paten~ SPLEEN: The 260-grdm spleen ha.s a smooth. intllCt. red-purple capsule. The parellchyma is maroon aod congested. ",ith distin"" Malpighian corpulldn. PANCREAS: 11le pBTlCreas is firm IUld ye[low·tan. w,th tbe usual lobular architcctun:. No ma~~ Ie.tions or Olher abnormalities an: s«n. ADRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands an: symmetric. with brighl ycllow conices and grey medullae. No masses or arcas of bemorrhage are identifIed. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM; The right IllId left k.idlley~ ....'Cigb 200·grnms lind 19().gralll~. respccli\'Cly. The C)ltemal surface.. arc imacl and smooth, The cut SllrfllCes an: red-tan and ~vngested. wilh unifonnly thick cunices and sharp conicomedullary junctions. "The pelves an: unremarkable alld tbe un:len; are normal in course and caliber. White bladder ffillCOsa ovcrlles an inltlCt bladder wall. 11le bladder contains approximalely 6O·millililers of dear yellow urine. 1lle prostate i~ normal in size. with lobular. MEDCOM 0252 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 252 ---=:J AUTOPSY REPORT!lb)(6) BTB Mohame-d-All. Monhnd. Gllnlm 6 ydlow·lan p;rn:nchyma. The seminal vesicles lesions. contusions. or other abnormalities. a~ unrcmar\(abJe, TIle leSles are free of mILlS GASTROINTESTINAL TRACr: The esophagus i~ inlact and lined by $nlO()Ih. grey_while nlm-osa. The 510l11llCh conlains appro~inlaldy 20 l'C of brown l1uid. The gaSlriC walt is inlacl. The duodenum. loops of small bo....el, and colon are unremarkable. The appendj~ is presenl. MUSCULOSKELETAL SmMj Mu..<ele developmenl is normal. The skull is de.-cribed under "Medical InlCrvenlion: above. No bone nr joinl abnnrmalilies ~ nOled. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATIQN Middle Ear· De"itali~ed bot>e and bone mwrow; lICute WId chronically inflamed low cuboidal epithelium comparible Wilh the lympllnic cII,·ity. NEUROPATHOLOGY CONSULIATIQN In surnnt~ry. rhis brain denlOnslral~ .ubacure lobe ah.o;cess. diffuse sub<1cUle purulent meningo-<:ercbro·venlricuJilis. a choroid pleJIiti~. subocute hemorrhugic Infan:rs in lhe right superior fronral and cingul31ed gyri, and an acute hemorrhagic righr occipital lobe infarct. (6s~ of tile compJeLe Neuropathology ConSUllarion, which was prepared bY",:,:"c.'C',,-_-O rCb)(6) _ _ Armed Forces IllSlilule or PadlCllogy. Departmenl of Neuropalhology and Oplhalmic PIIlhogy. is mainrained in rhe ClL'C file maintained by rhe Office Ofllle Arm«! Forces Medical Examiner) J ADDJ1lQNAL PROCEDURF,s I, OO<.:untentary pholOgmphs an: laken by OAFME phOingraphcrs. 2. No lrace evidence was collected. 3. Specimens relltined for loxicologic lesting and/or DNA idenlificarion lU'e: blood. urine. vitreous. bile. CSF. gastric conlents, lung. liver. spleen. kidney. muscle and llodipo.<;e. 4. TIle diii5Ccled organs lU'e forwarded with lho: body, 5. Personal effecrs are rt:leased 10 the awropriare mortuary operllrion.l n:prt:senlllrives. 6. ldemifying marks consisr of .-;cars on rhe poslerior dislJll righl forearm lUld anterior lefl wri'l. MEDCOM 02~3 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 253 r AUfOPS\' REPORT (b){6) ) 7 BTB Mohamfd·AIl, Monhne!, Ganim OPJNION This III ~ear-old male civilian detainee died of an inttaCratliMI ( abscess Misin, (rom. pre&umed inner ear infection ""ilh mastoiditis. AUlop!i~ uam;natiOl'l showed ab~~ formation in the rigbl temporal lobe of tbe brain, deposition of purulenl RUlerial on the inferior surfaces of tile bn1ln lind pun,dent appearing CSF. Further. lhere Wli. diffl,l~ ~ub«ute purulent menlngo· ccrebro-vemriculitis. a cboroid ple~iti~, wbal:ute hc:ll'lOl'Tbagie inflJClS in the ri<t 'uperior frontal and cingulated gyri, and IlJl acute hemorthagic rigllt oo;:cipi'-llobe infarct. The inner ear is unroofed and the CUI surface is soft. pale and friable. 1bere ""as no evidence ofsi",irotanl injury identified. 1be toxicology screen ""as negalive. The manner of death is n.1lUl'1II. (b)(6) (b)(6) In(b~)(~6)''M'ediClll Examiner MEOCOM 0254 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 254 _. __ - _0'............ _.--- C(III~~ -~- BTB MOI\aITled-Ail. Monl'lnd. 0.0.." -~ _.--- ---' - 01' ou,T>t /OWJQfASJ lO"llo*o ..OIl co (b)(6) --- Civilian ...TOCW ... _ _ 00..... _ ~ '''' ~ [I _n."" - - -_. - --- - - -• .• --- -_.._-- - -- _ -- ..........- -_ - ... 0 ~ C,,!('_ ~- ~ _ ..... -_ -- ... ...... '" oc:tTOI' _ _---... , """' 00 n- 00 ..... -... • _0'_'" e -... _ _ _ _ .. _ ....... _._. , - _-~ -~- -_ -- -- __ -""--" ------ _.-.... ,._-...........- ........_ -.--- -_ ... -_ .. -----• --- _....... ---_._.... --. . . . . . . . . .""..-'. _.. __.. 5. ''''t.. . . . -.-· .... _ ---... _.. _ ...._ ........ - _.... -_.. _.. _ _._ .. ._ _...... __ - _..... _' , =r" ....................,,,, -"'"""""'" ................... ~ --~, -.~ -_.-..~ ... , _ _ cocw..... __ a , -"''''''... ,- • 0- Ii)- ~ (b)(6) _oc.- _ _ ...... _......... .... ........... "'D_....... .... ...... co ... """"""', "' ....... I ;9 0dDbef 2005 """"'" ....'" [(b)(ij-;;oo;-'- ~. r, _.- .......'o'€MIl--0,_ou..... . . " . . . . . , _ ._ ........ ,uIT._-T- -_"............ ro_ ... _ _....__ _ .._ ... _ . _ ___ _ (b)(6) Medical &arrWl... ...T",,-,"""'OO _ I I (b)(6) DoverAFB.DoverDE . --.~-- ._--~ DO ,111'1. 2064 ": . .... --. _~--- -.._n . ......... . .... ....", MEDCOM 0255 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 255 . (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SIDE) DISPOSITON Of ~NS ~.<V> , "<-,., v,.<. v~< INSTAlLATION O,Q ADDRESS "'" NAME OF CEMETERY O,Q CREMATORY LOCATION OF CEMETERY DR CREWITORY TYPE OF DISPOSTION SIGNATURE DATE OF DISPOSTIQH REGiSTRAnON OF mAl. STA."sncs REGISTRY (TOWIl.rtdCQUfIlf)') o,o,TE REGISTERED FILE NUMBER STATE NAME OF FUNERAl DIRECTOR 0_' ADDRESS SIGNATl,lRE OF AUnKlRIZED INDIVIDU...... DD FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAPA Vl.OO MEDCOM 0256 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 256 ARMED rORCES INSTITUTE or PATIIOLOCV ell,. Otric:1f or Arllllfd Foru. M.dlul EnallIMr 1<41) Research Blvd.. Blda. 102 Rockville, MD 20SS0 1-100-114-1421 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Autopsy No..: (b)(6) AFIP No.: (b)(6) Rank: Not Applicable Place of Ouch: Camp Bucca, Il'JlQ PIKe of Autopsy: Pon Mortuary, Dover Air Force Base, Dover. DE Name: BTB AI Zobaie, Elawy D. ISN: (b){6) Date ofBirth,(b)(6)_1962 Date of Dud (b)(6) 200' Date of Autopsy: ., OCT 200' Date of Report: 19 DEC 200S of (Hath: Accordillg to willic!#S chis dctllllCe was rcadina when he fell over and SlOpped brcaLhing. Dctpite Jife savina mcas~1 he dIed about)O mirtUtelal\er being brought to medicalauenlion. A.. lboN_lioo for AUIOpIY: OffICe ofllle Armed Forces Medical Examiner, lAW 10 USC 1471 IdlfnlincatiOIl: f'1l:llImptive i6cnlification is esUlblllhcd by internment service number. Posilive idQ'lli ficalion II pending adequate eltempJan. CAUSE or DEATH: MANNER OF DEATH: Nalural MEDCOM 0257 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 257 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB At. roBAII:, [IIW)' o. fiNAL AUTOPSV D1ACNOSF:S; II. No evid.nce of Ira11mI III. Evidence ofmtdlea! IDI'n'.nlloo IDdlideol na_lulric: IIIM,a Clil .ndolncheallllbt, cardiac monllor kad, on Ih. chell Ilid balla InIU, a ..d I" Inl,..".nOIlI cllhdcr illih. lcl'1 hind IV. Pollllllort.1ZI chlnla consul of mllcl d«OllIpos!llolI v. TodcolOl)' A. Yolaliles (heart blood Ind "IIROWI fhlkl): no dllallol ddrc:ltd B. Mrftntd dntp ofabMl' aDd mediclllollS (laurt blood): nona ddtcltd MEDCOM 0258 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 258 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 259 S;lO riO::103ri ... R~fU! w!Jo IWl~IU! JO ':ll\II!1 U~ 'fVi~I~'P oN • :'UiM01loJ ~l Ulal\roOUl~p pll'I ~!V1ll0 Ii I1tc!lullolplU ~oUltsOd JO I:;IS :q~ldl/.lo~ .... SHdV'dooIOW pu1!11 lUUlI 'lIDq U~I ~I Puw ~1I;1 ;lo\{IJo ~P!t U! J~~l~ lIIOU~"BlIU! 1l'I. uo spGI J01!UOW ~!~. U~l ~l :xjltlIlQIIJVJ10P~ 1I1~' :xj"l ~!Jlsdorru - :Jo 11SlillO.l UOll~IU! (V;I!p;lwJo 7.lU~!"3 NOililt\9'llN11YjldlW PlJUWlq;HIl'! ~Iltd . q;105 '1~lq· (~!d~) l!Mdumf ..... on~.( 111;1· !i\l0lp ..... O!J:AA. :.<sdomll JO :lUl!l ~ ll.(poq ~l uo luaRKI:lJlI Il.»JJ~ JIUOS.lild pull IUgI! !U!'lIOI' !u!"'OJloJ ~ SJ:j'UAl 'lVNOSlIld ONY 5NlHlo,j ... "J~!U\I ~\Il!I:>I(l 01 !U!pIQIX~ ptml U~I ~)O lpeq ~ uo Ii JlX .1 .... ~ugp;I JO lIu!qqnp mOliliM pll'I '!-lI~W.(I ~ZI U!I!W~X~ ~ol PIl'l.cddn'1Il "'lqIVlW:l.JUn ;)JI mll'l pll'l IlI:xrunq ~ "UO!lnq!-l!S!P JWIWOU II U! Ilm~.Id I! J!11! ,!qnd '~l/.lJo ~ pu1I ~;IOS~P;IJI $;III,I;I\/.L ";lIWl llnJl'l ('IUUOU I JO nOliI ;lJl1I![lItlu,lI;11[l "leu I! ~I ~II..L ";llJPWWM; '! 1~;I ~ "'I!qow pili ~![P!W 5! RIl:JIUI:>l(l pll'l '1q1!!allS I! lI:lOlU ~ ·U0!l!Pllo.:l pool! U! plZIll.lnllrU .II)(Idlllp~I'1I..L '~lqllil .(IQlBdlvd;IJI ~mnw pull ~;Il{l ';I!llumVlI;anr M!I ~l Pll'IllPlvd ani UZllI;tIll "~lqlll\lll~ ;anr UU;lo\{l pull n:lI;I~' I~ AJoI!pIll jIrW~lll;l ~ 'l~I;IIUIIIP U! fIInb;l pUi punD.l;anr I[!dnd:>l(l pull ~1!'l"'::1./'1 :lIIJ;Ij::J5:>1(l 'ghti.uow;Mj P!ll:lOlI;l(f JW~UI3S ~"1rlI XA!I:ll1nfuo;l lpOq '.(nlj:m ~~M:>I(l 'lw.DJq:lJ1l $;IP!J!:XU ";Mj3lllSfl0Ul pull pnr~. JO S11!IllO;I l!1rlI I'!;I':I 'UO!JIlll!-,II!P llr\ll.loo, II! J!I'Il l.>O!/S '1ql!!'I.lli 'u..... <Uq ljl!'" ~;I,,(Y.I I! d[WS ~ '1I~1I I! lOS", plZI ~pnl1 JO!",!5Od:>i(lllO p;lll\l JXIlIIU:;IS~Jd I! oC1!PI"n "VIM £t)O;l1e p;l~I;l1p1p!M IU~\S!SllOO I! ~:MIJI;dd1 ~1V" ~('Iw spunod 89\ '1111 'l:lll! 99 'J1Ilnnnw 'lIu!ZI;K!dll ~!lll0U-II~"'" 'too0l~"~l1~"'" 11)0 Il1ljl 5! .cpoq ~ NolIVWlwm lYIIJlI3IXl '0 """'1113 '31VROZ lV 1f.LII ( (9)(ql!Ul0d311 ASdOJ.rl'l .... --=== REPORT~I(b~I~16:' AUTOPSV BTB AI. ZOBArE, Ela...,. P. 4 EVIDENCE OF INJURy There;s 110 evidence of injury. Dissection into both wrists WMlt~ back reveal no soft lissue evidence of trauma. INTERNAL EXAMINATION !lEAP; The galeal and subpleallOft tissues of the scalp lite free of injury. The calvarium is intact.1I!i is t~ dura matcr br~ath il. Clear cerebm5pinal fluid surrounds the 1)40 gm brain. which has Wlll:markablc gyri and sulci. Coronal sections demonsU1lle sharp demarcation berYcen while and gtIly maller, without hemorrhage otcontusive injury. The w:ntricles an of normal siu:. 1lIe basal glllgiia. brainstcm, cell:Ml1urn, and arterial systems arc free of injury or other aboomtalities. "T'lleIl: an no skull fractures. The atlanto-occipital joinl is stl.blc. ~; 1llc anlenor strap muscles of the neck arc homogenous and red·brown, without hemorrhage. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid arc intact. The larynx is lined by inllet white mucoSL The thyroid is symmetric and red·brown, without c~tic or nodular change. "The tongue is free of bite marits. MITIO•• I"'llc, or other injuries. BOoY CAVITIES; The ribs. sternum. and yencbral bodies are visibly and palpably inlacl. No C'llCCSS fluid Is in the plewa!. pericardia!, orpcriloneal cavities. The 0'llIllS occupy their usual anatomic poSilions. SESPIWORY SYSTEM; 1llc right and left lungs weigh 700 and 640 sm, respectively. "The Cllternal surfaces an smooth and deep red·purple. 1lIe pulmonary pan:no:hyma is diffusely congested and cdemalOl1S. No mass lesions or &rCas of consolidation arc Pl'C'$Cnt. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 4g0 sm heart is contained in III intacl pericardial sac. Sec Consultalion RCJIOl'I from Cardiovascular Pathology, Armed forces Institute ofPatl!olosy (CVPath). Washington. D.C. below. MEDCOM 0260 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 260 , AUTOPSY RIPORT:<b){6) BTB AL ZOBAIE, Ela"" D. Consult.tion Report: -- Diagnosis::.!.b)(6} Sec oomlTltnt. ]Hean, post mortem examination: Morpholollically normal !lfllt. Hean weighl: 4g0 grams; nonnll cpi<:ll'Clial fat; probe·patenl foramen ovlle; left ventriculI/" CIvil)' dilllTlCter 4S m; left ventricular Iict: wan thickn<:ss 13 mm; venlrieull1 :seplum tlliekness 14 mm; right \lentril:le tlliekness 4 mm; rigllt \/C'luricte slightly dilated; left auiwn mildly dilated with slightly thickcn.ed mdocanliwn; valves grossly tmremarltable, mittal valve shows minimal myxoid changes; no IlfOss myocardial nttrosis or fibr05is: histologic se<:tiol'ls show focal autolytic changes. COIOlll1)' aneriu: Normal 05lia: right dominance; no gross OOIOOary atherosclerosis. Comment: While t!lf eonnibulor reporU an expected!lf8I1 weight of34O gnuns, without a body weighl we cannot make a detmnination regardinglhc: presence of cardiomegaly. As no other <:II'CIiac cause of death was idC'lltified, it would be imponantlo lIC<:urately assess cardiomegaly, &5 this may be the only pathologic findin, in some CllSC$ of sudden dealb. SianedJ{b){6) [Cardiovascular Pathologist, , December 200S LIVER tl BILIARy SYSTEM: The llSO gm liver has an intact, smooth QIjl5ule and a slll1p anterior border. Tbc parenchyma is tall-brown and congested, with lhe II5UaIlobull1 arehilecturc. No mass lesions or Othel abnormalities are:seC1l. The gallbladder oontains neither bile nor SIOnCS. The mucosal surface is green and "elvety. TIle exualtepatic biliary tift is palC'llt. SPLEEN: The 2SO gill spleen hIS a smooth, intact, red-purple capsule. The p&mlChyma is maroon and oongested, with distinct Malpighian cOlpllsctes. PANCREAS: The penCI'Cllli is finn and yellow.tan, Wilh lire usual lobular ut:hiteclure. No mass lesions 0' other abnormalities are :seen. ApRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands are symmetric. with bright yellow wniees and redbro"'n medullae. No masses Oll1elS ofbcmolThalle arc identiftcd. MEDCOM 0261 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 261 AUTOPSY REI"ORT (b)(6) BTU AL ZOBAIE, £11"" D. 6 GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The ""II and left kidMyl weiah 190 and 110 &m. ~5pec!i~ly. The nlernal surr.ce5 tiC IlIlktand 5mQOth. ~ cUI surf~ tiC red·WI and conlC51N. willi uniformly thick eorticCi and slwp col1icomcdull..,. Junctions. The ~1~1 an: ~blc and thr; W'\'lcn,.re normal III course and aliller. While blldder mUC(151 O~rlicl an illtact bJIIddcr wall. The blllklcr contains IppI'Oxillllltely 50 cc of clear The proswe ill normal in siu, ....ith lobular. yello....·WI pumcloyma. ~ scmillll vesicles Ire \,Il'IJem.nble. The IC5lcS are f~ ofmus lnions. conl\lSiolll. or other Ibnormfllitics. unM. GASTRQINTEST1NAl TRACT: Thc csophaaus is inlKl and lined by smooth, vcy·..wte mucOll. The IIOmliCil contlins Ilppf'OlI;imllc!y 250 ml of brown viscous nuld.. The pstric .....1111 inlkL The duodenum, IooplI of 11lIII1I bowel. and colon Ire unmnarkablc. The appendill; II prnenl ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES l. DocUnICnlaly photoifaPlu ~ takm by OAFME staff. 2. Penonal effCdS an: ~lcucd 10 the IppropIIiate momilr}' operalions I'f.ptcscnWivn. l. Specimens retained for tollicoloaic IC5Ilna UldIor DNA idcn1lrlalion,.re: vltreoll$, uriM. blood. psou, adipose. bnin,luna. H~r. spleen, kidney. and pstric corllentl 4. The dllSCC"lCd orpns ~ forwarded with body. 5. ldenlifyinl marks include I I" sew 00 tile t:.e.k of the left hand utendi", to !he linlc fi~l. MICRoscoPIC EXAMINATION Brain: Nosianifielll\ pIllbolO1Y HCIl"I: No IilflirlclIll palbololY Lun.,: Conaution and polymicrobiallWCIJfOwtIl: no sipficanl pIlIho!ol)' liver: Mild; no sianirlCafll patlloloC)' Pancreas: ""ulolysls: no sil1lirK:ull PIUOOIo&y Spleen: Conae-cd: no signirlCllll palholo&Y Kidney: ""ulolysis; flO lil"irlCant patholoaY Thyroid: No lignifiC&llI pMholoc MEOCOM 0262 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 262 • AUTOFSV RE'ORl\(b)(6) 7 8TB AL ZOSAIE. EI_...,. D. ... OPINION This hqi dclaincc(b)(6) died of (udiomcSlly. lIb heart weiJhed 480 grams and !he expected han weilht for hissiu (168 polUlds) is)40 vvns with. ranae 0(300 to 310 arams. He did not"'ve. t1inicaJ I'Iistory ofhypencllIion &rid no other plthology wu identified It lutopsy, howewr, ,Iarac heU! i• .., CleclritflJly unstable !lean and is $llSl:epliblc to UThytlulliu. No trs~ic injuries were: identified,. r.1aI autopsy. PClechi.llle:rnon:lIIlacl noted in 1M conjWll:livK arc likely to be peri·monnn in nahlll: and relaled 10 the dcvclopina eatdiac f.i1wc. Toxk:oloi)' lcsts for ethanol and KrttnC'd druas or.bu.K and mediations arc M811iv~ The rnaflMr of delIlh Is natural. (b)(6) (b).t(6")--~·Medic.1 EnmiM~(b){6) J MEDeOM 0263 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 263 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AIlMED fORCU IIIImIITI 01' 'A'fI«ll..Oln' w,uI!lM:1TOll. oc:: ZUlli IIII AFI~(b){6) L r.mEHT IPU!TIDCADON Am 1~;(6)'oal-"' .......r Stoaa,aCl~ OffICE OFTlIEARMED fORCES MEDICAL EXAMINER ARMED FORCES INSTITtrrE Ol'PATHOLOGY WASHINGTON. DC l8JOt 1000 l'Ia"" AL ZOBAtE, £L..\NY D. A'lOS'r,·~Y.J~(~bl~(6~' =:JJ----'I SSAN, TerkoloU' ACftSllaa" (b)(6~ Dal' ilqMIn Gnual..ct, Oetober 2" 200' CONSyLTATlON BEPORT ON C9NTB'PUIQS MATERJM AFIP DIAGNOSIS REPORTOf TOXICOLOGICAl. EXAMINATION CoadllioD orSlHclmus: OOOD Dale Dr lodd'lI': Dale Recdvcd: 100001200S .... VOLATILES: TIll: HEART BLOOD AND VITREOUS nUID were examined for the prcsenec of eiMnolal a elilofl" of20 ma/dL. No ethaool was dcle<:tcd. DRUGS: ~ HEART BLOOD was 5C:l!:ened for amphetamine, Illtidepm;sanls, anlihistamina, bubill&nlCl, bmzodi~pines, eannabinoids, ehlofOqlline, menoquine, eoc:ainc, duIromctborpbao, lidocaine, lWlXltie-.!gcsKs, opiales, pbcrqt:lidint, phenothiazind, sympathomimetic amines and verapamil by pi ebrom&tograph)'. color leSt or lnununoassa)'. The folJowinj dnJgs were dcleetcd: None were found. MEDCOM 0264 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 264 __--........... --- -......_.- -----''''' -_. - "., - -. _. .. ..... -',' - -._-, •........... ._ _----"""'...... --,--- - -, .-_. _................ _.- ... __In._ --_ ... -"" ...... - -_. -....... _,.--_ ... --. __-_..-~-~! ... - ~ . . . , . ... _ _._ --- ~1Il af1lUoTM ~ BT8A1ZobQ~ . o.teh.1 (b)(6) CMllIn ~ _~ • . · (b)(6) Iil 0 .....,,'" .,.K:IJI " ·• , . ~ . .- -,.:' • ~, ... "' "" ...... -'",", • · • '1J!ll!"" ~_ _-~~ .................... ..... ....... ... --.--.-- -- --• _ 0 " ...... •• .". .._,'"• -_.-.'-" -_ .... -_ __. -._....... _ .---___-_ -_.-. _.... , ....... .... _\llO"_ _ · M ~ • • - --..._-..... _ (b){6) (b)(6) ~/;O-""-~ ~;\-- (b){6) .. DMI>: "-r>cIi"e _..... ...- _.- ...-_"._ _.r-.....-..- _ . - 1~~200ll . .. (b){6) 2005 II.. .;- ~-_ ... _"" .... ~_ ....... _.~~........., ....... ... .... ......... . ;...ce-......'" ... oIiloioo .&:...... W(b)(6) ... ~- __ ~ ~{61 ..."' ....... ..-... ...'*U _ ..- _....- - ,--_ ......___ .-. ... _ • • " ,...-. - ...... IMIdlcII EX811"1h'lll o.-rAF8,OcMtrOE ~~f ___ (b){6) . '-:'00·:2:'1, 2064 ~.. ~ - -. • \ MEDCOM 0265 •• l_..",_.._,.. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 265 OI9POSlT<Ji OF RaIAIN5 .' :o'lf>WU ltGT"'LoOT~ ....:.·o_~ ~ ~rJF~' on' - ~,,~ FUiGfS'l'RAllON OfvrT'Al, ST"T'IGT1CS r:tGli'T'IY - rr-_Clu*lt ........... oo.T!:~ ""11 rWJE 06 """"'1AA:. OC(~ . o,~ ~~ """~~ -~ ;Wf: ... ~tlQO( -- 0.',10 OlI.ooun ...- .... ....." 1-- &lGMI<1'UIl! Cl' /lUTMClIlIZEO IICJMDU,OoI,. Os,GPA Vf.OO DO FORM 20'1, APR 19n (BACK) MEDCOM 0266 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 266 r ARMED FORCES INSTITV'J'E OF PATHOLOGY ()(Ike of lbe Armed Fol'l:lCll Medkal ' ..-Iner 1413 Res un Blvd., Bk\a. 101 Rockville. MD ~ 1-301-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT AuIopsy No.:(b)(6) AFIP No.'(b)(6j Nune" HaJned·Mashadani. Abid·Es ISN ~(b){6) OIIte of Birth: UnknoWll OlleofDealh(b)(6) RAnk: Civilian PI_ of De.1b: }44111 Field H05piw, Inq PI-=:e of AutopSy: Port MoRuary Dovec AFB, Dover, DE 121m Oale of AlIIopIy. 07 OCT 2Q()j OlIo:: of Repon: 29 MAR 2006 C1l'Q1lli1W1ca ~Deatll: The d........tent was. eivilitn deJ.jrw who was ttaDSfemld 10 the J44G Fidd HOIpltaillom I detention f.alit)' where he IL.,;I been c:ompJaiDinl of abdominal pain, dilnbero and vomhina. Upon IllTlvtl M; _noted to have. D1Mked1yelevlUd white blood cell COWlt (41..5 .. len. devatod blood IUIII (44OtnWdI) 1M elevalOd liver tilOCfiort r.csu. He was taken 10 tbcopcntina room IIrtIae til CJlploratory laparotomy and tbolec:yurdomy ..... pedonllDd £01' ~ cboIecystitis. Poat-opcnljvel)' his ogndiljon wonened and he beeame \ItlJU'PONive 10 resuscitative ItlemplS. (" Authorimtioll for Autopsy: Armed FOKa Medic:II E1.amiJlc:r. per 10 U.S. Code 1471 IdentUi~Uoa: ldentificmon b: eaabl.ithed by idetllirQlion tq.I present on tile body CAUSE OF DEATH: CompUcadou oI_te PJlI"IIou c:t.oMc:yldUi MANNER OF DEATH: N.w.... llNAL AtlIOPSY DlAGliQSQ I. Acute PD&JmolI$ dIolecystitii (per report). A. StIlUS poJt c.ltplontofy Ia~)' Wilb dloIcqsteetomy. RQpinuory system; A. Bi1alenl pWmonary eongutiM and edema (rllhl 830 B. Bi1aIenI pleun.l effusions (riJht 120 ml.left 180 mil C r" SCIIlt~red am. left 720 p) fibria micro-Ihrombi UL No eviduJte of tmom& IV. Mocteme ~ilOna.l dwI&cs conslJtina of gecn discolorlliOll or llIe abdomen aDd vaseulat martlina v, Toxicolosy. Metoelopramide b preaent in !he blood. MEOCOM 0267 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 267 AUfOPSYREPORT(b)(6) 2 HAMAD-MASHADANI, ABlI).ES EXTERNAL EXAMINtmQN The ranaiDs are received uncltd. An idcnlifiettion bnceld c:onblnina the dcocOent'l name Md dc:eairu numb« is 011 the riPlt wrist. The bod)' Is oICCOIt1pMled b)' dotbilla CQftSlltina 01. white UtKIershirt, I pair of green knit J/JortI, I pair of yellow IIICks Md I pair of blue ihower Iboa. The body is that of. weJl.developed, _II-nourUbed. appearina. male tbaI_iaba 189-poundJ. il67. Inches in length, ....boIe IppcaNICC il oonsiltml ....ith the reported lie of 60 yean. Uvldit)' il rued 011 the posterior surfaee of the body ucept in areal upCIICd to pressure. Riaor hu pl.ned. The lCtllpeuttuR or \lie body II thlt of the refriaention unit. The sealp it (:Overed with 1·114" .....v)' grey-black I\IIr with maJe pattern blldfn&. The IteItIII'Id neck are mcden.tcly (:On~ed. The face is covered ....ith I shan bl.clc-arey beard and moustldte. The eyelids are closed with 2·1/4 '" In" IurgieIIlIpe. The corncae are Iw:y. The Irides are du\ md the pupils are round md equII in diameter. The Utema.l auditor)' CIll&Is are free of IbnormII aetmions uxl roreip material. The ears are unrematkable. The ~ are ~telU JDd the lips are ItnlUmllK:. The no&e Illd muilJae are ps.lplbl)' &tlble. The teeth are In poor condition ....ith. number of teeth reDlOteI)' ........ The neck il mobile and the ll1ICBeII it midline. There. are nwltlple IItrOChordons on ihe rilht lideor the nedr;. 1116-1f8" in JIQtcst dimenlion. The cbest illymmetrit. The abdomen II plOlUbennl. The genitalia are tho5e of I nonnaI adult. dn:umr:ised, male. The testes are deleellded IlId free of Publt hair is pruent In. lKInnal di.uibution. The bullOCks antIllnUS are Evidenc:eof meditllintervention is desr:ribed below. mille,. The upper and lower e.llremilies are symmetric uxl without clubbing Of edema. There II I I-In .. 1f4" irregular, hypopigmented ICIr with. 2" venics.llincar eJ.tCllSion.1 the 12 o'cla ooshlon on the I.len! ridll kAec::. There it; I I ~ raised cs.Ilus OYU the righl llten! II'IIlleolus.l (b)(S) (b)(6)IlIUoo (b)(S) MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • • • • • • • An endoUKheaI tube appropti'lel)' plar:ed An intnIvlSCularalhelu in the riFt antecubital fosll,lClCUI"lld with. dear occlusive dressing..... iih "900 It2O" written above the devk:e A 2" _ or ecchymosis OIl the diJllJ, volar 1IIlf_ of the riabt wrist with 3 venipuncture marU A 1_1/4" area of ecdlyrnoail on thedorsum or the riglll hmd A 1. r ,lUte dresswa in the left antecubilal fOlll Secum:I wIth su_ are .lriple lumen e:athcter In the left poln and In InanvllCl.ll.,. cllh... u in the riJllt JI'OIn A 4:1t 4~ pu:te r!tesswa overlyina' J.Il:ksOII·J>rau drain In the rlPlt Ibdorninll ws.ll with 26~ of 114" diaJneter tublna UlAdted to. reaervoll" .......l.lnln. 4G-mlllillten of blood A 12 .. 4~ pll:te COverilla' midline abdomlnallncl.ion MEDCOM 0268 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 268 , AurOPSY REPORT (b)(6) HAMAD-MASJlAI)ANI, ABJD.F3 • A vertically oriented 10 K1-lDCbion, 111" ill dcplh Ifld pICked willi PlU.e. ovul)'in.a .utwaI abdominal incisiolllhat utendi from tile KiphoMi pI'O ~ , to 2 below and 10 lbe left of !be wnbiHcus M &ADIQGBAPHS A c:omplde seI of posunorteII1 radiosJapbJ .it oblai:ocd.lDd dc:moDstntcIlbe prevklutly described medical iDlctvcntions. There Is no evidenoeofrecau tnumI. EymENCI Of &t\I11B.X i1Vury noced ulhc time of autopSy. Thete is 110 evideocc oflianifktlnt recenl INTERNAL EXAMINATION BOOy CAVrrres: The Itemwn i. visibly IItd palp.tlly illta(l. Noueess fluid II PfCSC"t ill !be pericardium. 'There ate bil~ serous. plelll'&l effusions (rigbt· !20-millililerS, left - l80-milliliun). Seattered MfIlesIons involve the left luoi and thcehest wall.1bere I. 3OQ.milliliten ofb1ood IlId clOi ill tbc: ri&ht upper qllldrant oftbc: abdominal Clvity. The p1lblackler Is suraiea1ly ablenL The mna1llin& orpnJ occupy their lISlIAI arwomic: positions. HEAP: The aalcal and wbplca1lOft. tl.S\ICS of the scslp are free of Injury. The c:alvarillll'l Is intact. as II the dlll'1l maier beneath iL Markings on the lntemal table ofthc ealvariwn for the riJhl middle menlnp artery are more pronounced on the rilln lide. ClearecrebrosplnaJ fluid the !310 am bt'a1fl, wllich hu wlfematklble ayri and wlel. COl'l:WII.1 sectiON dcmol\Itraie Ihatp dcnI.arnlJon baween wllite and grey matter. without hemontIaae or contuslvc Injury. The ventlielcs are ofnonna1.ilC. The basal poglia, brainstem. cerebellum. and arterlll1.ystc:ms ate free of Iqjw:y or other abnotmaJitles. Thete ate no skull ft-acntres. The atlanto-occIpital joint is stable. .u.rround, NECK: The lllterior Itn;p mllS(:les of the ne<:1c are tlomogcnous and red-brown. without hcmon'tIaee. The thyroid eartilaae and hyoid ate inllCl. The IcynK IIUned by Intact white mllOl)lL The thyroid i• •ymmetric IDd red-brown. without cystic or nodullt ehanie. The tongue is free ofbite mub. hemoJJha&e. or othec injuries. RESPJRAIQRY SYSTEM: The rigblllld left IlIllgs weiill830 and 720 puIS. respclXivcly. The U.te:mallUdllCCS ate.moOIh and deep red·purple. The puhnonuy parendlyma is dilfusdy conaested IlIld edematous. No mID lesions Of IIUS of c:onsoliduion ate pR:Sent. CA&DJOYASCJ.JL\R SYSTEM: The 390-pun ne.rt Is contained In an inlael: perieatdJal laC. The epicatdial surface II SlIlOOIh. with minimal f. invesunau. 1hec:oronary ancrics lie present in a norma1 distribution. with a riaht· dominant pMem. 'l'heJe is mild atllcroJelcrotic 1UCIkin& _!be ostI. for the n,bt COfOIW)' IIU:ry IDd the left antt:ri<x' desceodlnC ancry. Cross sections of the vessell show no evidence of sipUf"1CIllt MECCOM 0269 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 269 • AurOPSY REPORT(b)(6) HAMA.J>.MA.SHA.DA.N1, ABII).ES (' lIlbmlscle:rosis IX' thrombosis. The myocm'diurn is homoaenous. ted·brown, Illd finn. The vllve Ieafleu _lhin Pi mobile. The wills oftbe Jel'lllld right ventric:1es &re I. lind O.2.........ilTlf:Jen tIlic:t, ~veJ.y. The endoc:&nIiurn is smooch IIId &Iillell.inrc. The IOfU P'lf:$ rise 10 thn:e IntICt IIld palenl an::h W$Stb. The renal and mesenteric: vessels arelllll'elJWbble. LIYF.R& en IMy SYSTEM: The IB80-iJIDIliver hIlS an intae:l., smoodI c:apsule and a dwp an~border.There is a 5-cenlime~ lac:eration or the latem rigbtlobe or !be liver, wilhout viral re&dioft. illlhe rqion or !he p1lbladder fossa is I 9 J. 6-«ntimaer friable, hc:rnorrl1lJk: &rei wilh an imc:t SUlJicaI drain. The p1lbladdcr bid been pRVtou5ly sen! for surtic:al palholop lXIllSU1talion followina the patient's c:boIec:ysw:«lIl'IY. A dllplsls of ac:ule pn~nous c:holeeystitis is made by the c:omultina pa!bolo&is&. TIle retnainirla. __ slIlJic:aI parenc:b)'lllllis lIIl-browlI and ecnped, witb the usual. lobular arcbiteaure. No mISJ b_ or other abnormaillies are 5Oen. The elttnlhep&tic: biliary !lee is patent. Sf! fE:N: The 1l1O-pm spleen has I smooth, intae:t, ted·pwplecapsu}e. The parenc:h)'lllll is nwoon and ecnrcested, with dislinc:t Maipilhian corpuscles. PANCREAS: The panc:reas is fum and yellow-tan, with the usuaI.lobul. architeaure. Fauy inf't11r1te is noted lbrourc,hout the pIDCfCIS. No mass lesions or other f1b"ouualilies life seen. t'"" ADRENAl S: The ri&hl and left tKIrenai maud JIands are s)1l'\lllC'Oic:, witlt bri&bl yellow cortices and py medullae.. No are klentllied. QF,NITOIJBINABY SYS1EM: The riJllt and Jeft kklneys e«h ..... eiJll 8O-1f'Il'RI. The utemal.urf_ are intae:l and smooth. Then: is I O.4-centimaer, bcnian COf'ljcaJ C:)'IC on thesupcrior poIc of the left. kidDey. The ctd swf_ are red· UiII and conpstctl. with unifonnly thic:lt: COltic:u and sharp conicomeduUuy jW1e:tlons. the pelves life wve:rnarllable and the Ill'den are nonnaI in oounc &nd c:a/ibec. While bladder InUCO$I overlies III inlaa. blaclda" ......... The bllddcrecntains no urine. The pl'OSIIle is nomllIlln siu. with lobular, yellow.un J*UlCftyma. The seml.ll&l vesicles are lInmI'Wbble. Tbe testes are free or lI\US bloN, contllJlons, or other .lOI'IIwilief. GNjllWINIESTlNAL TRACT: 'The esopb.IcuJ is inuct and lined by smooth, pey-wblle lIJlICOU, The Ilomac:h conl&ins Ipprox!ll1IICJy »millililcrs of dart bro'Nll, nocc:ulanlliquid. 'The pslric: will is intac:t. 1lte duodenum,loopl or small bowel, IIld mIon are UIV'ClIIIrkIble. The IpPelldiJ. Is p-T hot APDmONAL PBOCJWllBit$ I. Dcx:umcollry pbotopphs are liken by !he OMMa wffphotoppber. 2. Spedtnens retained rill" toxic:oJollc: testlna and/or DNA i(lentlfic:ation ~ vitroous, blood, psukCO/llelllS, spleen. liver, lunl. tidney, adlpole lillllC and p$OII. 3. PenooaI effeeu are rdeasctllo the iP\7loprilte ITIOrtUII'y opcralionl represenliliva. MEOCOM 0270 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 270 . . , AUI'OPSY REPORT(b)(6) r HAMAD-MASHADANI, ABII).ES MIClWSCOPIC UAMWADON I. Clrdiovucular (Slides: 6, 9, 11,12,13): No sigliflC&lll. microscopic abnormalities 2. Lunp. righl and left (51Mb: I_S): Fo<:aI pu1rnorIary edema and vasc:ullr oonpUon with .Joe811c:rcd fibrin m~i 3. Endocrine (Slides: 2~. 10): No silllirlCalll microscopic abDOnTla1ilies are noted in the pancJe65. Ihyroid &lMld and .trenaI &lands 4. Gasuoinleslinal (Slides: 2, 6-8): Uva- with mild to modenle stealosi. wilb dlolestasis 5. GcniIOurinar:Y (SJidel: J. 6-8): lGdney with IIlOdenlc: &lomerulonephroscterosis IIIId bCInouMp Wo the raW lUbu1e:J. Bladder and pro5We aft; unrmwbblf; 6. Bnin (Slide.: No sipirx:anl miaolcopil: .ooormaIilie& I): QPJNION r This ~ 60 year-old maIe.Qvilillll detainee died or complieltionll of acute aanpllOIA cholecystitis. Accord.ina to reporu and medical reu;Jicb. thede· ..... nt was admitted to the hospllll followina. few droys of .bdcJmillal pain, dimbcI and vomitit\i.l.abon1QI'}' 5tudies upon 8dmiuloo inc:IudDd an elevated white blood cell c::ouQ., elevated blooclal\X:O$C and cle¥.lted liver fu.netlon tC:SU. He underwau .. Uplonlory laparotomy and c:bolcqsteetomy for ICIIte pnpenous eholecyltltls. He remained unsable post-operaLiwly and despite agresaiw rauscitaliw tfJc.u!he ~enl ILICCWIlbecl 10 his illDeas. AuJopsy euminItion sbowed • friable, bemontIa&k IlllJieal site with ~J;imMely 300 mI of adjacent blood and eIol HiIlologic .. um;NlIon showed findings fUgCltive of disseminated IlltnvllSallar ooapl1llion (DIe) iD the Iu:op. ole il. polCmially Ufclhteaaenln& lbtombohcmontIallc disordtt tIw can be seen In auociItion wRh alll.lmba' of Ieriou5lnCdieal and SUlJ,i<:aI diuase pmees...... Postmonem IOKicoIoaic analysis ~ only Ibc prescnte of !be thenpculic; IIcnt metoclopnmidc In the blood (0.3 In&IL). '* Complicated cboI«:yslilis (ea- po~) bas. reponed monaIity oC25".lfpenontion oecws. die l'DOfUIity I"le inaeIUes to 6O'lo. 1llc: _ of deatb is Ml1llV. (b){6) r,(b~)"(") --"Medical Enminer (b)(6) (b}(6) MEDCOM 0271 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 271 _..__ . -iLoo<'' _ -........... -- -_.-..... _.,---- --'''' ,- - - - --- _.---- --.._-- -- -- -- --_. _--_.------.....,--' " _ .. _--- . --,,-, ..... ..... _..__ CfJtnncATI!{WllUlnl (OWIIUA-. -~- OOllllCI'1'IIn ...-o-I'''~ -..e»OO_. BTB ~~ .. ~nl, Abld-E" -~- (b)(6) Civilian ...... "" 0, ij] 0 _"''''lUI • ~ n..... _ C· C"'C·_ ~ ~- • 0 ..... _ ~ - . .. . . . . . " '..., . .l1li _ " " . . . . (11' .... .-n __ Qt< . . TowIIOO .T.... ~~~ _or ..... _.--_ . .-- .--- n' , -~ ... "'" , c........... of.,.,. 0119_ • _.'_awo' ._...-.., -_.-.,. __ .- _ClliC _ _' ' - ' " _ , ' ' ' =r- -~- :, .d _ _ c....... _ _ _ _ _ .. T.... _ -..... _ _ _..- _._~",,"'- • ... ... . . . . - _ _n ... ----'-- .... n C - -.. -_- ...• , toO _ " ' .... TTl _ _ """""' -_.... --_......... _._.--- --_.' _ .-...,.,.TUl_.__ "" ---_. __ . _--- -. ... . _---- . __-.. . _. _.--......_---_ .. .. _,- .... _. _, --_ ......._ .... _ _-_._ ... _ _.....--.........__--._ _ _.......... -_._ ---• • _.~ (b)(6) .......... -~- ...... ""_... 10.-"_,- (bH.6) """" ~_ 7 """"'" """ r.:>o- 2005 (b)(6) ,..."' _ _ ..._ , ,bii6i.............. ·C:UO (b)(6) ,, ... _DlCu.n _ _... ...... CNJIU . . . . .l l O _ , ......."''''''' , Medkal EKaII'lIn&r 000t'6r AFB. DoYel' OE ...... ... _._,~ DO ,\WI, 2064 ~ MEDCOM 0272 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 272 (REMOve. REVERSE AND RE-INSERTCARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SIDE) OlSPOSITON OF RBMINS "' , GRADE INSTALLATION OR AOORESS """ NAME OF CEMETERY OR CREMATORY LOCATION OF CEMETERY OR CREMATOflY TYPE OF OISPOSTION SIGNATURE DATE OF OISPOSTION REGlSTRA.T10N OF VITAl. STAnsncs REGISTRY (T11Wfl.,ld CoIIfIttY) REGISTERED FILE NUMBER ST"TE mME OF FUNEAAL DIRECTOR "n,,, "DORESS SIGNATURE OF "'I.1THORIZEO INDIVIDU"L USAPA Vl,OO DO FORM 2064, APR 1977 (SACK) MEDCOM 0273 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 273 ., .• - ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE 0' PATHOLOGY Orne. ,rille Armed FolWt Mediall 14]] R,e,earcb Blvd.., Blda. 102 Rockyille, MD 20150 1-800.944-7912 L AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT NIITIe: SSAN: 8lB~. (~'@l ~ Autopsy No.: (b)(6) Tahscen - ~ OlteofBh1h: Unknown Dale of Death: (~)16tJ200S AfIP Noc{!lt®,=~_ Rank: Iraq Detainee P1fo:e of Death: I~ . PI8ce of AulopS)': POf1 MOfluary. Date of Autopsy: II SEP 200S Dalt of~port: 11 Nov 2005 I Dover AFB, DE I ofOntb: This lr-.l male was 1 detainee in U.s. custody who_ found lII1RSpOIISive in I r~ detainee holdin& _ in If'Ilq. "'~. on the c!lIy he died the dcceucd II8d bem fadina illmtd !wi vomilfti once. Subsequmlly. he drank _ . lie _ food. and wenl to sleep. He _lalerfound ~ in the holdina l:-- - Autllorlutloo for AllloptI)': Anned Fon:cs MtdQl Ex.minc:r. peT 10 U.S. Code 1411 Idcltltlcatloo: No .c:kntirK: ickntiraliOll is8Vllilabic. Ci~tial identiflCltion is by ..:companyi"a plIpel'WOIt and. deI.Iinec number PftXnI on alabd around !be ri<t ..".,. / MEDCOM 0274 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 274 '. • AUTOPSY UPORT {b)(6) 8TB Qalkr, Tall_a 2 FINAL AIffOPSV DIAGNOSES: J. AUKrolduotk C.nllov.~lnDlRut: A.'t Ind bealed _"ocard.II.r.n:rio-. dna.fenal'" left vntr!de, aaodtlled 'Il'ttIllalra••ral nroal.,. IMft')' l~roDlboe.boU (_ full C.rdlovunln '"tllaloo toanlladoa) B. Focal leven toro....,. Itller_dc,.." KIlle IDd balled p1lqllt fro.iou ",leb o«ha,t¥e tll,..botlt ntndlll from Ille len _I, tonl"l.,. 111ft)' to.k1 kft .,I.rior ~Ddllll'".'" II. 'u(mool",S)'llaD: A. Mnkedly CODBeliled aDd n... I•• p widl _oderale ••UaraN'. (left IDDI- 75O-tn_; rIp 11lUllB. hfenatve M1lleslollllllVolvlac botIIl-.ap alKltlle elm ,..II m-sn-) 111. " I ~latb p• .,.Jt C'ODhlsed-atlruioa IIVft' tilt Id! Iliac eral ud. 1 ladl pllrpJe o:oIIluld-abrukNl oyer tile riptltl.c eral IV. No evldttl« ohlpiflcrolll rKftl b1jllry V. *" Earty dfto.poaltioo dill.... iDd.iaI: vucu......rbtiCllo V - of tile .Jdq Oftr lB•• bdo.n ud uri)' ••lolyt.. orille IDd adrealleJucb d~lo...tioD ,-. ,.1ICftU VI. TOXICOLOGY (AFIP): A. CARBON MONOXIDE: The ClrboJ.)1l~bia "1111'11110, illlH blood It lea 1% IU ~lIIed by .pedropiloComd".,mIl. ''D limit or .uDtit• • of 1"B. VOLATILES: 11M blood ...d.rlJte: Irt GII....ed for llll~ prtKlICC of d .....ol.l I nlorrono-.III.~dedlikr. No dbalol ill ddCUed C. CVANlDE: 11Mrt! b ItO q&lU6e ddlded III dte blood. ~ U.II of q1WItiatiM for CYI.we .. 1.15-.lIt.ra.llllkr D. URINE: 11M Irta~ II wncaed for .cetll.haopbm. •• pbel.....c, utilHp..-Ib, ..UbbtlalllU, barbital'lla. beNldlaupllu, ClOIIb.lIOIcb, dlloraq"lc, _IDe, dnlroMdltorpba, l6cloellac, ..Irulk' .utaeskttl,iIIta, p.tacy~lidiac, pbenol.lu1Ba, talkylila. .,.parbo-'-tk ••iul .... "enpI.II br ... d1romaIOlrapby, calor 1~1I or llIIlaUlOUIIy aDd .. OIM Irt! dcltd~d MEDCOM 0275 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 275 , AUTOPSY REPORT1(b){6j ) BTB QIIder, Tlueao L EXTERN ....L EXAMINAUON The remains an: rec:civcd with clolhinB and pmonal cffeeu IS noted below. The body is that of. well-devdoped, well·nourished appearing. 6S Ifl-ill(:hu, 131- pounds male ....rose appun,na: is consistent with III estlmatee1ll&C of lOrty to fifty yml'!. Uvidily is ptelenlllld fixed on !he posterior SUff_ of tile body excepl in arus expo$ed 10 pressure. Rip lias pascd and lhe tempertlllU arttlc body is chal ohlle refriaeration unit. The scalp is (Overed with meclium lcnl¢!. brown hair in I norma] dilltribIJ.ion. The irides an: broWl'\, and the pupils Ire round and equal in diameter. The cxtemal.uditol)' eanals free of l"oRign material and abnonnaJ secretions. Thc cars an: unmnarkablc. 1bc nares are plIlenl and lhe lips an: 11mIlTIa1ie. The nosoe and maxilllle IIJe jIlIlpllbly st.Ible. The teeth an: in fair condition. lie The 1lC<:l: is stRiaht. and the I1lIChea is midline and mobile. The chest is symmetric. The descended abdomen is n.l. The genitalia are those of. nomI.IJ Mlliit male. The: testes and ~ oflMS$e$. Pubic hlir is plUtnt in I normal distribution. The bunO<:b and l1li115 -= an: ulU'CTnlllbbk:. The upper and lower exllemilies an: symmdri<: IIIId without clubbing or edema. ~in8l!x ~b}(6} right ankie is. pie« ofgreen!ape t!Iat is inscribed with J CLOTHiNC AND PERSONAL EffECTS The following clolhing items IIId pmonal effects an: present on !he body at the tiT1M' of autopsy: • • • • • • • • • • - ~ Off-while Ions white shin White cloth_panl! Yellow t-shirt Red and blue "Nike ~ Tan burlap baS Key chain with keys M W'"'" Lighter Ciprrttcs 5000 Omu banknote MEDICAL INTERVENTION are no attached medical devices at !he liT1M' ohuloPSY. MEDCOM 0276 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 276 • • AUTOPSY REPORT (bK6) 4 BTB Qadtt, TaUftll RADIOGRAPHS It. eompiCk lid of pMllnOftCm rwIio~ is obWllfld Met ~ an abstntt of K\Ile skelctal Ul.uma and mNtlic bodies. roman EVlDENg Qf lHlUBY It. I ~jroeh pwp~ eontUKd·lbiaicM is on !he uu orlhc left iliac em!. UJd. I ~;nch purple contvsed-atnsion on the am of the rill" ilia C~ ImRNAL EXAMINATION HEAp: The ,"cain IUbpleallOflti_ oflhc xalp IlR free of injwy. Theulvarium is illlKt. lIS ilihe dun INlIer benwh ie. CIar om:brospinal fluid SUlTOUIllb Ihc IllO-jram bniin, which has unmnark.ble lJ,)'ri and sulci. Coronal ~ dmlonstntc sharp dmW'calion bet_ whilt Md ire)' maner. without hemormaae orc:onlusi~ injul}'. Thc _rides ~ nonnalsbe. The baa] pnatia. braillStetn, cerdlellum.1nd uteriaJ syslelllJ are frec of injury or other abnomWilics. Then: 1m no skull &.c:tura. The or WNllO«eipilal joinl is mbIc. ~, ..... The IIIllerior 11"'9 musc:les of the ned; are hornoacnoll.l and teel·bro.....n. wilhoul I'oemorrhegt. The thyroid canil. . and hyoid are inl8Ct.. The larynx is lined by inlKl white m - . The thyroid is symmetric and ~·brown., wilhoul cystic or nodular chinle. The lO!liue is r~ of bite marts. hemorThqe, or othu injlria. BODY CAVITIES: The riba, ~um. and vcnebral bodiC1 Me visibly ucI pUpllbly inlad. No exceu fluid is in the pleurll, pericardial, or peritoneal c.vities. The orpn.I occupy their usual antlomic positions. BE$PIMTORY SYSTEM: The riabl and left lunp _iab 75G-arams trod 790-arams. respectiYely. 1lleatmllll surfM:Q _ deep red-purple, with IIdhesiOftll invo1vina both lunp and tile chest WIlli. 'J1lr; pulmonary pareroc:hYIllll iJ markedly eGJIi,ested and firm with moc!enle lIIlthraeosiL No mass lesioM or areas ot comolidallon _ present. CARDIOYASCULAR SYSTEM; lSO-ar-m heart II contained in NI inlKI pericardia! Me. The epicardiallUlf..:c i5 IlllOOth, with minimal tat Investment. The coronary lII1e1ies are p~1 in allOrmal dillribulion. with a right-domlnanl Jlllnem. CI'05S sections ottlle vessciJ show 1~% IIIm)winlJ otthe leA main coronary utery by athel'Ollllloua plaque, 90% I\IlTOwinlJ of the leA Inlerior descendlnlJ corol1ll)' artery by ItlleromlllOUl plaque and no significant lwninal nanowina otlbe left circumfkx IltCfy and the right coronary artery. There is elfly myocatdium decomposillon with toul myocardial scar in the inferior posterior len ventricle. The valve lC11neu are thin and mobile. The walls ottlle lell. and ri&llt 'ltl\trieles Ire lo.miIJimelCl'S and S-millimc:leB lIlick, respectively. The endocardium ill 'J1lr; - MEOCOM 0277 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 277 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB Qacltr, Ta!benI 3 SITIOOdI and glistening. The IlOrta lives rise 10 tfutt in\llCt and patent arth ycacls. The Rnal and mesenteric vessels ate unmnarkablc. (Sec c.rdiovaseuJar Pa!hoioBY consulwion repon) LlyER It; BIUARY SYSTEM: The 151O-gram liver has an intact,.smooth capsule WId. slwJl anterior border. The parenchyma Is tan-brown and conped, with the usual lobular .miteenR. No mass lesions or olheT .tmonnalitics &R seen. The gallbladOercontains 15-miHilileN ofll"llblack bile and no stOReS. The mucosal SIIl' is green and velvety. The cxtrahcpBtic biliary tree is pllIenl SPLEEN: The J400gnqn SJll~ has I smooth, intact. red-pwple tapSule. The parenchyma is maroon and congested, with distinct M.lpi8hWl corpuscles. PANCREAS: The pancras is yellow-tan, with the usual lobular arclUtc<:turc and early decomposition changes. No mus lesions or other almonnaIitics ate secn. APRENAl.$: The right and lefllldrenal g1MIds an: symmetric, with bright yellow cortices, BJq rnedu!l-.e, and early decomposition changes. No masses or &rel!l$ ofhcDlonhageare identified. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left kidneY' eac:h weighed 180-grams. The external surf_ ate intael and smooth. The cuI surfaces are ml-lan and consested, with uniformly lhick conica Uld sharp cortic:omedullary junecions. The pelves are llI1Jefl\Ubble and the ureten ate normal in eoune and caliber. White bladder mllCOSloverlies an i~ urinary bladder wall. The blndder contains&pprtlXimately 4O-millilileJ1 ofdatk yellow urine. The plI)$Wc gland is roornuol in $izc, wilh lobular, yellow-tan parenchyma. The scminal vesielc$ an: WIl'C1TItrklble. The l~ are free of IJlIlS5 ICliiollll, conlusiOl\$, or other .bnomWitics. GASIROINlESTINAL TRACT; ThI: csophllgus is inl6CllIld lined by $mooth, ~y-¥lhilC mllOO$I. The: $tOmlCh conlairu IpprOXilNllCly 1000millllilcn ofpinlr. fluid. The gastric wall is inUICL The duodenum, loops ohmall bowel, and colon are UI1f'CllWkabIc. The appendix i$ prescnL MEDCOM 0278 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 278 • • , • MICROSCOPIC EMMINATWN CanlioYucu1ar System (Ali per cardiovHCular Pathology consullation): HistologK:aJ SCCUoIl!l of the myocudium show muhifocaJ Ill'eIIS of acuk myocvdial infudion of the &!lIenor, lateral and posterior left ventricle, with coagulative necrosis, tontrllClion bands and intmtitialllCUle inf1lmmalol} infiltnllcs consistina predomillllely , ofneulrophils. Multiple intramllllll p1atelet-rich thromboemboli are also present and ; lWOCialed with multiple foci of aranulalion tiuuelllld wcl1-healed stetS. 1 '; P Histologic sections of the left main coronary artery show 75% IlIm)wma by calcified flbroalileroma with healed plaque aosion showing proteogl)'UlHicll necintimal thkkening and ovmyina acute erosion with occlusiw platelet rich thrombus. I Histologi<: sections of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) show 90% l\IITOwing of the proximal LAD by heakd CW$ion with proteogIyean-rieh neoiotimallhickeninaand Dverlyinaacute erosion and occlusive platelet-ricb thrombus Histologic llKliollll of the left circumflex artery (LCA) show. pllteJet rich thlombocmbotllS in the proximal LeA. blll no significantlumilMl narrowing. • • • • • ADDITIONAL PBQCEDURF.¥BEMAIlKS Documentary photognlphs are laken by OAFME 'lafTphotographers. SpecimcJu retained for toxicology le&ting ~or DNA identificatiOll lire: hean blood, urine, vitreous fluid, spleen,liver, luna, brain, bile, plri....ontenU, kidney, ..:lipase, and ~ mlUl:le. The dissected Ofi8IL'llrI: forwarded with Ihr; body. Seleeted portions of 0l'pnS llrI: retained in formalin. Personal effeets Iln= R:leued 10 the .ppropriate mortuary operatioQ l'eplc:sentatives. • Idenlifyilli marks illl;lllde: tattoos and Sl:lIn MEDCOM 0279 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 279 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 7 BTB Qadw. Tl.Iltfta OPINION This Iraqi male detainee died ofan.ellte m)'OQldiai inCardJon. 1hc IlI1OPS1 disclosed evidence ofsevue .therotc:lerolle o::oronary Iftery diJeue. with el\angcs of Kute Mod rcmoIc infarcUllftXnl in (he heert. The coronary aneries hid focal XWI1l atherosclerosis with .... ocdusive tIuombosiI Clltcndina li'om!he left main coronall artery 10 !he mid left antmor de5cmdina utc1y. ToxicolO&)' was ncplive for ~rcmed drvp of lINK. ethanol, 8nll exposure 10 cyanide or carbon monoxicR. The manMro( ckIlh is natunl. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b){6) MEOCOM 0280 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 280 _... _A'_ ,........ .......... ~ c _-~- aTB 0-<. Tah,"". .• _... _. -..,. -_._. _ -- cun,o::... ~ 01' lIUlH (OvE/lSt"SJ - 10"Ou... ·~ - -,. --- ... , - . . .....IIYIQI .~ - Civilian .,.,. .... .."o.. (.~_-.. """ ~ t'J 0 "-' ......_. • -_ .. --_._, -_.._-- - -- - .--_.._-,,-• _w_ ----, _ .......... --_..-..-_--...--...... -,... ".,.... ~ ~ e .... """, ~- ..,.. ~ --~ ~ "-'''' c" .... , _ _ .... (b)(6) orOfJi'_"" " ......_ ' 0 _ 00 ...." , . ... n.-...._ gf't _ _ """AlO . .oot.t.l.ITAII_ _ _ _ _ .. '"'l .,....,_ ....... ~"'-,... ._~ "-"_-_"'''_'" . -_ .........._ ... "...... ""<:<I'O,,,,,.-Ct\. ,U<IOoQ "0 """;...• _u,.....~""_ -_ . -.-_ _-....... _...... .- -----."-., ~ ---~- ~ ----= ........... .... _- ... ---""'-'-_. _.-"'---- - -- _. _.-. ... _..._......... I ..- -_... -- --"-"'-'- ...... _._----- - .. , --, "'......._CIIo1 ......' _ 1iJ~ - ...,.,. <II OfA'" [ l "" , "'~ """""'" • (b)(6) (b)(6) , , .m _ _ _4 ...... <11 ....., .. I , 9 5eplember 2005 , "-"-' 2005 (b}(6) Tel Alar Iraq ,___ iiiiWii"'_lIItu.O__ (b)(6) no. " filo>_ ...""'""""O_._'....-I"'.'.'tD_ "'.....-.'~ ... ~iii46i"""""""'0700----"- __" - - ' , b 6 ..... ElI8mlner 'olo<lk:lll . .' ....A....... _ (b)(6) Dover Aft!, Dover DE (b)(6) _-----_.. . -- ............... ) ... :."' .... ~ ."'.. 2064 ~ :::-.::::::':"::::'-:'~"' DD • • ' :': . MEDCOM 0281 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 281 tREAfOVE, REVERSE AND RE INSERr CAR80NS BEFORE COMPl.EnNG THIS SIDE} OISPOSlTON OF REMAINS tI ~~~ CH,1lIH 11I,;<N1l't<H'/lUI, - ~IS 11\I.1ft1101'< Ol:t. H~.JolNNS SlGHllfUflE "''' OH /IOOIlESS 00. . t. IIUMflfcf!ANO SIATf: lOOolION Of C£I,£lERY OR CllEMhlORY li'.Mf. Of C8.IETERY OflCflEIM10ilY ' ' ' 1: Of lIISl'O..'lllON o.o.lE Of OISJ'OSllOH REGISTRATKIN OFVlTAL STAnsncs ltl'GtS'IRY (T..... , _ ~ I OAIE IlEGISlERED fIlE HuMBER SIAlE' t''''''1Ii nr· rutll:lw. Uiltl'ClOR I OIHF.R IIOORESS SIG,... IUR€ OF "'UIIl(lltllEO INOIVI()UAL DO FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAF'" v/.oo <- MEDCOM 0282 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 282 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY om« orlht AnDtd Fon:ts Mtdle.\ Eltllllintr 1413 Researclt Blvd., Bklg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1·301·) 19-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: B11I Hammed, Johar Nasir inten\ll1ellt Serial Numbe~"I(b~}(~6~} _ --J Autopsy No.~:1(~b}~(6~} AFIP No.~(b)(6) Rank: Civilian Place of Deatlt: Camp Anaconda, Iraq Place or AulOJlsy: Port Mortllal'y Dover AFB, DE DlIte of BlnlI: Unknown Dille of Deeth: ~@L. 2005 DIlle of Autopsy: 06 SEP 2005 Date of Report; 29 MAY 2006 ClrClmstllllCC$ ofnellh; This believtd to be 65 year oklll'llqi male civilian delllinee died from an acute intrlleerebral hcmolThage that OlXWTed on 29 AUG 2005,1lfter bcingdelllined by American forees. According 10 the cm investlption oflhe decedcnt'r death Ihe decedent was detained in thc early morning houn on 29 AUG 2005 and wffered lOme ablasions and eonlUsions by offering moderale resir\lll\ee during lIis apprehension. Upon arrival to the clcIcnti(IQ center at approximately 0730 hrs, the decedent W1IlI reported to be awake. alerl and orienttd. A delCntion center mcdiclll tean1 evalllllttd the decedent approximately 3 houn; after arrival &rid clctreci lIim medically. At about noon the wne day, the decedent entered a portable toilet Wlder his own power and wilhout dilTlCIIity. Upon exiting the loilet, llle decedent W1IlI witnessed 10 IlIlgger and appeareddiHlrienled with Iluning of Ills speed!. The decedentwaslm\$poned to llle local medical facility for IreIlITIenI ofasuspecled cercbrovtscular accident (rtroke). The da:ccknt Will diagnosed with an IlCUle intraCCJebraI bleed. The decedent \VIS hospitalized for trullne:IIt and died on(~(6} J)6. Althol1utioD for Autopsy; OlTlce of the Armed FOrl::cs Medical Examiner. lAW 10 USC 1471. IdeDtllkrIdon: Presumptive identification il: established by the internment serill number and aecompanying records. CAUSE OF DEATH: ACUle Cerebrovucular Accident dut to Amyloid Angiopathy MANNER OF DEATH: Natwal MEDCOM 0283 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 283 AUTOPSY REPORTI~(b~)('~)=== Pace 1oflO 8TB Hammed, Johu Nasir PINAL AUTOPSV DIAGNOSES: I. AC\lte In~erebral Hemorrhage A. Acute Intracerebral Hemontlage I. An IpprOltimately 8 x Ban area of necrotic min tissue in tI'Ic right parietal lobe of!he bnin sllll'Otll\d:s an intravenlrieulu hematoma that extendl to the inferior surfac:e of the rialll eerebrlll hemisphere and is iISSOCia.led with approximalely 30 10 40 m! ofeoll~ible subdural dolled blood and an lIdditiorW 20 10 30 ml of subdural hmlatoma WI is loosely adherent 10 the posterior dUnI mater and the super1lll" surface afthe tentorium ccrebclli. The right cingulale gyrus is prominenl and dislo!U the falx eerebri. The cerebellar tonsils llR prominent. The basilar artery has minimal athll1'OSl:lcrosis and there arc no IJ'OSS aneurysms oftiwl ce. elnal arteries. 2. Neuropathology consultation reveaJs an acute parenchymal hmlonttage of the righl inferior temponl-oceipital reaion due to amyloid angiopathy (see fiJll consultation report below) II. Blunt FOIU Injuries A. Injuries of the Head l. A 9.4 Il ].8 em abraded contusion of tile rislll check 2. A 4.0 II 1.0 an area of purple discolonllion of the Inferior aspect of the righl eye socket, probable contusion ]. A 1.4 Il 1.0 em abrasion with laecr1ll.ion oftlle lower left lip usoeiated with a 2.0 x 2.0 an ca:hyrnosis of the buecal mueosa 'I. A S.2 Il 2.3 em cont\l$ion of the Stnlp muscles ofthe left siclc of the neck, extends down to leflside of thyroid cartilage S. A 2.7 Il 2.S em eonl\lSion of the lateral aspcc:t of tile right ncek 6. An approximately S.O II 3.0 em resolving subgaleal contusion (probable) of the left parietal tealp B. lnjuries of the Torso I. Four eonlusiona llUTOund the right nipple, ranging in size from 0.3 Il 0.3 ern to 4.61l 2,5 ern 2. A 2.0 Il I.S em contusion is on the medial left c:hcst 3. A 6.0 x 2.0 em abraded contusion is 011 the right nank, overlying Ihc anterilll" iliac cn:st 4. A 6.2 Il 4.1 em contusion is on the left buttock S. A I.S x 1.0 an contusion overlhc sternum, identirted on dissection 6. A 2.2 Il 1.2 em ClXIlUSion of the rightdlcst wall, identified on disSCC\iOll MEDCOM 0284 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 284 AUTOPSY REPORT~(6) BTB H.nuned.,Johlr Nasir C. Injuries ohhe Extmnities L A 2.4 I( 1.4 em conlusion oflhc: risht shouldet 2. A 6.0 I( 4.0 em contusion oflhe left upper arm, OVcl" \hc left biceps 3. A 3.0 I( I.S em contusion ofthc: lateral left forevtl't 4. A O.S x 0.3 em abrasion of\hc poslerior left wrist S. A 2.S x 1.0 em abrasion on lite mcdialll5pcd of\hc right wrist 6. A 0.4 x 0.4 an enllted abrasion of the left fourth linaer 7. A loh 1.0emabrasiOlloftheldtknc<: 8. A 2.S I( l.S em ua. of abraded callused skin of the left kme 9. A 7.0 I( 2.0 em conlusion of\hc medial aspecl ofl!Je left ankle 10. A 10.8 I( 0.9 em abrasion of\hc alIterior asp«1 of the left ankle CJllmding to lite left fOOl 11. A 4.0 x 2.0 em area of~ skin on lhe medial aspect of tile left r~, 12. A I.S x 1.$ em and a 2.S I( O.S em conlusion oft/w: left greall.OC 13. A 0.71( 0.7 em Iaeenolion of the medial aspect ofllte righl fOOl Ill. Injuries Suuestive ofWmt Reslralnt I. A 2.8 x 0.2 em pauemcd linear abrasion of the nshl wrist thai i5 O.S em apan from a parallel 2.0 I( 0.2 em lirocar abrasion of the right wrisl 2. A 1.1 I( O.S em pal1emed linear abrasion oflhe anterior right mt that is O.S em apal1 &om a linear 0..5 I( 0.1 em abrasion of the anterior righl wrist 3. A 1.8 I( 0.2 em abfasion ofllle medial right wrist 4. A 1.2 x 0.1 em abrasion of the medial righl wriat IV. Evidence of Probable Medicallnle1Vmtion l. A 7.0 I( 3.0 em ec:dtyrnosis of lite anterior left fotearm 2. A 7.0 I( 3.0 em ecdIymosis of\he posterior surfa« o(lIte left hand 3. A 7.0 x 2.0 em eochymosis of!he po5lerior righl forearm 4. A 0.7 x 0.7 em w:hymosis of the latenl ri&hl wrist S. Segment ofbio-occlusive dressing on the II'IlCrior left wrist V. Other Autopsy Findinp I. Cardiomegaly (480 grams) with bilaleral ventricular dilalion 2. Miklatheroselero.si5 (2S% S1enosia) oflhe ri&hl coronary artery and minimal abdominalaonic athcros<:lerosia 3. Bilateral pulmonary edema 4. Liver hemangioma (2.0 I( I.S em) S. Splenomegaly(1l20pams) 6. Renal cortical cysl (3.2 em in diameter) and granular renal cor1ical 5urr.:U 7. Moderate 10 5eVCl'C trabeculation ofthc: urinary bladder with divertieuli formatioo 8. Mllltiple prostatic c:clTllntions MEDCOM 0285 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 285 • AUTOPSY REPORT"(b""(6",---j BTB HIIDDed, Joh., N,,jr Vl IdentifYins Marb J. A 4.0 I 0.3 anllorizontal K:&r of\hc I~ft CO$l.II 2. A 2.1 I 1.0 em sebOilheid.m1OSis of the b«k Pap".' 10 ~n J. A 1.0.11 1.0 etII ClI11us of the anterior IlU'fIlCC orlhe ri&hl foot 4. Black ink writing on (b)(6) VII. Toxicology is negative (<<ethanol, cyanide and screened dnlp of abuse. TIw; blood ConWTUI 0.22 mJIL of morphine and 2% carboxyhemoglobin (1l()I'nla1 for llCIn-$IIlOk.en ().)% and smokm J.]O%) EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body it received 'Aftppedin.whiltbedsheetanditlllal of. ~Il-de-.clopcdappclrina 70 inc:h long, 161 polJ.l'W:b; lnqi NationIl male whose appcar.n« is consislent with the ~ed age o(6S yean.. Lividity is raw llonl the left side oflhc body."d posterior sllffaee. Rigor is easily broken in the extrunitiCl. The seaJp is covered wilh Il"Y with admixed bladt "'ir in I nonnal distribution with male pllIemed baldness. The medill o;onjUIKliva or~ eye is InClCIcnlUly edcllWlOll.1nd slightly yellow. The irides are brown and the pupil. are round and equal in diameter (6 mm). The uteflllllaudilOry eanal. are he ofabnormll5eCJdiom. TM; ears are lWtD\&rlcablc. The: nares an:: patel'll. The fi'enull of the lips an: In*l. The lloK and multllC are palpably stable. The l'acilll hair collll.1& of. if'.y and bJaek mUSla(:lle and • Il'IY stubble beard. 'The teeth nallnl and in repair. .ppe. The neck is stnlipt, and tile trachea is midline and mobile. The ellest is symmetric. Tho:ft; are sc:VffaI contusions of the chw described below. The abdomen is n.t and free of any gtOQ injuries. The genitali. are those ora circumcised, normal.dull male. The lc:SICI.rc descended and free ofm,ue5. Pubic il pramt in. normal distribution. The buuocb and 8n\lS _ ~'e. The upper and lower ext=nitiu are symmetric and without clubbing or edemL lnjuriell of the Clitrcmities arc described below. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECtS 'The body is rtteived for examination without c:lotltinlor pet$OIl.1 etree" MEDICAL INnRY£NIION The followiq rmdinp repn:smt pouible prior intravuevlar ec:cna silea: l. A 7.0 II: 3.0 em ecch)'rrlOlis oftbe Il'iterior left. fOf'elIlTl 2. A 7.0 x 3.0 em ecchymosis ofdle posterior sun.ce of the left. hand 3. A 7.0 x 2.0 em eochymosis oflhe poIlerior riJbt fOfU/'lTl 4. A 0.7. 0.7 em ecchynlOlis orthc Ialenl ri&ht wrist MEDGOM 0286 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 286 "mops\, REPORT(b)(6) BTB HlllUlled.,Johar NlUlr S. "SC&DJCIU ofbio-«clusive dreuina OIl t~ anlerior left wrist 'WUOGMPHS A eomplete set of postrnol'\etn l'Ildio&raPbs is obtained and demonstrates neither Kule or remote frac:tIIres DOl' any forcill" bodies. EVlpENCE OP INYRY Blunt fOlB IttWJ!,l, Injurjea Injuries of the Head; A 9.4 x 3.8 an Ibl'l(kd conluslon is on the rishl cheek, immediltely in front of the right car. A 4.0 x 1.0 ern area ofpu.rple diseolontion is Ilona the inferior aspect of Ole risht eye sockel, rcprucnling a probable contusion. There is I 1.4 x 1.0 em Ibrasion wilh I laceration oflhc lo-r left lip associlted with I 2.0 x 2.0 an ecchymo-is oflhe buceal m_. This area is most likely ucon4ary 10 bluntlBllnll, Illhoush lhe possibility oflhia injury beinguconOary to endotrtchell intubation eannot be excluded.. A S.2 x 2.3 em conlusion of the strap mUKlcs of the left side of the neck exlends down 10 left side oftll)'fOid CII1ilage. A 2.7 x 2.S em eonlUlion is on tile Iiterallllpeet ofllle risht neck. On the subplCiI membranell of the left parieW scalp is an IpproJlimately S.O x 3.0em area ofl probable reso{vinaeoRlUlion. Injuries ofthc: Torso: Four conllllionlsuT1'OUlld the rishl nipple, ranging in sizc from 0.3 x 0.3 cm 10 4.6 x 2.S em. A loS x 1.0 em contusion is over IIIe slernum and I 2.0 x 1..5 em eontulion i. on the medial left chest. A 2.2 x 1.2 em COntuliOll of the risht chest Will i. revealed on cllIlTIinalion of the intCle05tal mlllCles. A 6.0 x 2.0cm Ibraded conlUlion il on the risht flank. overlylng the anterior iliac crest and I 6.2 x 4.1 em COlIlllllion II on 1M left bUllOCk. Injuries of the ExlRmities; A 2.4 x 1.4 em contulion i. on the rishlmoulder and I 6.0 x 4.0 em conlUlion i. on the left upper llm'l, over !he left biceps muaclc. A 3.0 x loS em COllIUSlon i. on !he laleralleft fomum and thm= is I O.S x 0.3 em abrasion ofthc poaIcrior left wriat. A 0.4 x 0.4 em Cl'\lItecl abrasion is on the left fourth linger. On the medillupccl oHbe risht wrillls I 2..5 x 1.0 em abrasion. On the left Icn« Ct= I loS x 1.0 em Ibrasion of the left knee and a 2.S x I.S em Il"CI ofabBded call1lled akin ofthc left knee. The left ankle and foot have I 7.0 x 2.0 em COlItulion on the medial aspect of the left ankle, I 10.! x 0.9 em abl1llion of the anterior qpecI oftbc leftlnlde thlt eXlends the left fool, I 4.0 x 2.0 em area ofabradcd uin is on the medial aspect of the left fooc and I U x I.S em and I 2.S x O.S cm contlllion of the: left ~ lOC. A 0.7 x 0.7 em Iaccrltlon is on the medial opect of Ole riJhl foot. Injuries SuUCitive ofWri.t RCItrlinc On the pos1crior IJ\Irface of the ri&hl wriIt ill 2.8 x 0.2 em pancmed lincaJ Ibrasion that II O.S em IpII'I from a parallel 2.0 1I 0.2 em lillCllJ abruion. A 1.1 1I O.S em pauemcd " _ abtuioft of the mlcriOl' right wrist ia O.S em apart from IliDclrO.S x 0.1 em Ibralion ofthc MEDCOM 0287 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 287 R£PORT~{b"){~'~1 AUTOPSY BTB 8.lmlllfd. J""lr NIsir == Interior riglit wriSI. On thl: medial aspcd OfUlI: riglll wrist are I I.g x 0.2 1.2 x 0.2 cm abrasion. ~m abruion and I INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: The c.lvarium is intact, as is the dlll'a mater beneath il. Bloody etRbrospinal nuid surrounds the 1420 gm min. T!lI:rc are no skull frKturcs. Thc atlanto-oc~ipilal joint is nabll:. An approximately II x 8 em area of necrotic min tilsue in the right parietal lobe OfUlI: brain aumlUllds In intraventri<:ular hematOl'l\lo that elttend$ to the infrnor swf~ of the right ~erebral hemisphere and iSlWOCiatl:d wi!h approximalely 30 10 40 ml of~olloc:lible subdural ~Iotted blood and an additional 20 10 30 ml ofsubdural hematoma that is loosely adherent to !hI: posterior dura mater and !he superior suffICe of tile tentorium cerebelli. The rigllt ~ingulate lIYf'lS is prominent and distorts the falx «Tebri. The ~erebellar tonsils are prominent. "fhc; basilar an~ has minimall1hmlsclmlSis and then: are no gross anell1)'STTll oflhe ceubrai aneries. Neuropathology COIISullatiOll reveals an acute pamldIymal hemorrhage of the right inferior temporal-«cipital resiOll due 10 amyloid IlIliiopathy (~ full ~DnS1Illation report 1>I:low) NWO The !hyroid cartilage and hyoid bone: are intact. The 1arynx is lined by inlaCt wbite mucoa. The !hyroid gland is symmr:tric and red-brown, wilhoul cystic or noduluchange. The longue is free of bite marb.lKmorrltagc, or other injuries. BODy CAVITIES; The: riM, stemWll, and vertebral bodies are visibly and palpably intact. No elt<:e$l fluid is in tlte pletUlll, pericardil!, or peritoneal c.vitics. The organs oc~upy !heir ususl anatomic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lunll weigh 990 and 930 gl1l, nlspectively. The extema! swfaces are smooth and deep red-purple. The pulmoJwy plJCnchyma is moderately to seven:ly rongelted and edematous. No mass lesions 01' are.. of~onso!idationare present. CARDIOVASCULAR sySTEM: The 490 gin heart is rontaincd in an intacl pcricardialsac. Thl: epicardial surfac:e is smoolh, wi!h minilJlll fll investment. The I:oronary artmes are ptcsent in. nonnal distribution, wi!h • pattem. Cross sectiolll of the vessels show mild (2S% stenosis) atheroscJerosis ofthc right toronary artery. The left coronary anery and ill branches are me of.thcrosclet'D111i.. The myocardium is homogenous, red-brown, and soft. The left venlriclc;s grouly dilaled. The valve lc.nclIlI'C ibiD and mobile. The walls oftbc ~ft and right ventricles are 1.2 and O.1-cm !hick, respectively. The mdocerclium is 'mooth and slbtening. "The aona SivCl rise to lhrcc intact and patent arch v_Is. The renal and mesenteric vcascls are lIlll'ClIlarkable. MEDCOM 0288 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 288 AUTOPSY REPORT~,,,",,')o- _ _ 8TB HamlDtd, Jeb..r N....r 1 UVEa & BILIARY SYSIEM: The 1930 em liver is enlarged and has an intkt, smooIh capsule and a sharp anterior border. The parenchyma is lIn-bl"oWTl.nd congested, with the U!Iu..llobular architecture. A 2.0 x I.S mI arCII of the inferior portion of the rightlobc of the liver is consiSlcnt with .. hemangioma. The gallbladder contains. minute amount of gm:n-b'Kk bile and no s1onQ. The gallbladder muoou1 slllfacc is pm and velvety. 'The extrlhcpa1ic biliary tree is pttenl SPLEEN: The 1120 pi spleen is massively enlarged and has. smooth, intae:t, red-purple c:ap$ulc. The ptmIChyma is maroon.nd conaested, with distinct M.lpighiara corpuscles. There ate no masses wilhin the pucnchyma. PANCREAS: The: pancreas is firm and yellow-tan, with the usuellobular arehiteetute. No mass lesions or othctabnonnalilics are ~en. ADRENALS: The right and left fldrmalalands arc synunctril:. with bright yellow cortices and grey medullae. No masses or areas ofhcmonhagc arc idenlified. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left ki<lncys weigh 130 and 160 gm. resp«.tivcly. The external lUlface ofihc righl kidney is intact and smooth. The Iefl kidney contains. 3.2 cm d~er simple C)'Sl The C1ItlW'ftces are red-tan and congeslCd, with uniformly thick eortices and sharp corticomcdullary jUl'Idions. The: pelves arc IllIrtrTIIl/b;ble and the urelcn are IIOI'IMl in course and caliber. A white bladdct" mucosal overlies. severely lrIIbeculatcd bladder wall Wt bas several divertic:uli. The bladder c:onIailll • sellllt amount of urine. The prostate is nonnaI in site, wilh lobular. yellow-tan ptmIChyma and multiple conemions. The seminal vesicles are 1IJIl'CfIUI1bb1e. The free of ma.u lesions, contusions, or other abnormalities. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagus is intact and lined by smooth. grey-white muc:osa. The: stomach c:ontailll .pproxill"llltely 80-90 ml of cloudy white liquid. The gastric: wall is intaa. The dllOdcnum. loops ofsmall bowel, and colon are unremubble. The appendix is present. Al)DlIIONAL PBOCE,IDIRt:S • • • • DoC1Imenwy photographs arc taken by an OAFME photograp/lcf. Specimens reuined for toxicologie les1ina arKVor DNA identification an:: vitreous. blood, urine. splun, lung, kidney, liver, bile. gastric conleota, adipose and psoas mU5Cle The dis.seeted orpns arc forwarded with body Personal effects are released to the appropriate mortvary opc:l'IItiolll representatives MEDCOM 0289 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 289 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) PI~'ofIO BTl, Jotlu NlSlr CONSULTAT!9NS Nn",potb~COuvJtltlOI (Depmmtslt of Nn",pltboIOC)'. AFtP, Walttlol!DIl D.C.): Thil c.ue was reviewed In eonference on 12 Apr 06. We examined tile IJ65.grom fOlTl'll.lin·rllled brain submitted in refCfeI'ICC 10 this c:aIC. The brainstem and cerebellum hive been lIftifaclUllly dispJoeed I\Ipcriorly belween tile oeeipitIJ Iobel dwing fixation. SubdUJ1ll1lemont1qc is dclielllCly otladled 10 !he dUl'llIlCll' tile oeelPllt: however, membrone fonnotion is not noted. PII..hy IlIborxhnoid bc\twNll",,&c is idenlirled over boIh ..erebrlillemisphc:res,left 1JQICl'!han righl The lepcomeningt:l of tile inlerpedunculll' dSlern, bnlin SICm, and cerebellum ue tree ofhenlOlrlilge. A 5.5 x <t.O em, lIemonN.gic defeel is pl'e$Cnl in !he inferior SlJtf.,;:e of 1M right tempGlll-occipill1 lobelI. Ccrcbnli COl1iu.1 conluliiON are IlOI seen. The rtmllindcr of tile ccrebnl cortex bq Il'l ~ I e I)'I'llI PIlrrem. The CJIIIlill nerve SlIII1Ips identified arc WII'CllIIlbbIe. The circle of Willis is dissected from the brain and shows Il'l fldult plllcrn wnhout Il'ICUl')'SfllS lIherosclerosis, Of siles of ooc:lu.sion. There is mild displlCe1Tleflt oithe right cinaulote JYnIlI to the left., but dcflnite hemiltion is IIOt identified. There il no evidetM:e of IIIlCII 01" 10000illor herniation. The bmn stem ond cerebellum are IlOftnI,I in si~c, slLlpe, and consistency. Coronol sections of!he cerebrum confinn the presence of the temponl-oeeipital lobe hemol"llLlge, w1ticll extends up 10 3.0cm inlO the white mllter Il'Id perivcotrieular region. FOCII mlr1l.Yefluicvlar exlCDlion is noted. Otherwise, the ventriculauyltem II ofnorT'Mllize and Iltapc. No other abnomtalities arc noted in lhccerebral cortex, white mlIttCl', and deep 1II)'",*,er nuclei. 1be substantia nigra and lOCUlI ceruleu. arc normall)' pilJllCnled for Ige. The c:crebnl oquedud is ..tent and free: of blood. TtalUvel'SC se<:tions oflhe In.i.n stem and cerebellum show no abnonnalilies. The fOOM ventricle has the USUllt li~e and is &cc of blood. The spllll.l cord is ll(lIavailabJc for examilll.tion. -, SlUIIIlWY ofmiaoscop;c lCIC1ions: I. Left superior and middle lTonlllll)'ri. 2. Len inrcno.. pMelllI lobule. 1_ Left superior and middle lempcnl ,)'Ii. <t. Left cingulate gyrus. S. Left hip,.. :omp'lS. 6. Left Qudate and puwnen. 7. Left putamen ond globus pIIllidus. I. Left lhalamus. 9. Miclbnin (right iRked blKk). 10. Pons (rigltl inked bllck). II. Mc<lulla (right inked black). 12. Left cerebellum. 13. Cct'Vico-medutlary jll1lCtion (right inked bllCk). 14. Right ~ U. Righi inferior parictallobule. 16. Riaht inferior p&rictllt lobule. 17. Dura with tlemon'haac. 1..20. Right inferior parietal lobule. The lilSlIC wu processod in pII'Itrm; a fClCtion prcparat from each pantrlll block was stained with HAE. AddltionillCdlons pfql&l"lId from selected blocb were stained with UI iron stain, Halls and imrnwJObillochcmicll methocb for ~)'loitL Mlcl'OlCOpil: sections show II::IIte he:morrhaae in ML:tionI oftcfebtlll eortex and white miller with usociated neutropl:lils and occuionllll~es. White matter rver.rnon, h)'P'Cl'CO'inophilic: neunlnI, while mlItter YKIIOWion, roci or necrosis, thidtcned vessels and _ttered lXonal splteroids It'C idcDlifled odjllCClllto the hclIlOl'l'bqc. Ill\lI1IIllOhistoehemical llIining for Il--m)'loicl highlights ll'Il)'loicl deposition within _ I walls. c:omistent with MEDCOM 0290 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 290 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Palt:' of 18 BTB Ha!Bllled, Jobar Nulr amyloid anlioptthy. Aeule lubataehnold hemotlNIC is nOled In ICYCnlsectionl, confinnina lhc fmdinp daeribcd in the JI'lIU ClWlIination. Aalle A1!M;hn1 iIemolTbage without evide:nec o(e.ty orpnw.lioa (W mernbnlne (onnaliorl is idenlifled in the: Kdion of dura. The above (eaWfft ate e<mutent with an acute pamtchymal hemon1wae mort likely ICIC:Ondary 10 amyloid anliopa.thy ",ith extension inlO the 1U~1d lind subdlnllflKCl. An wodated acuU infarcl wilh M:COlIlptlllyinl edemail abopresenl.AIIhou&b the ehanJCS c:oukl be due loa bemorrllagic infarct widl incidental amyloid angiopa.thy. the above intel"pl'eUllion is favoted. Seetions ofecrctnl oonu also c1cmonlinte nulllffllUl plaques, whicb arc hisbliJ,hted with immW1Ohistochemical stainina for lHmylold. Sections ofhippoc:arnplll exhibil JClllued Hirano bodies...t a fe", newofibrill.'y Iandes. T!Icsc: fcalltRl rqJRICnl non-spcaflC ncwocXJCnentive ehaniCi. Multiple ICCtlons, inc:ludinl those Ii'om the basal pnali.. arc renwtable (or arterio!oaclerolil with _iated perivascular hemosiderin-Iadcn macropNIlC5. DiagnoleS: Brain, aUlopsy: I. Pamtdlymll hen'lOn'tlaac, acute, nlhl inferior tcmpcnloccipital rcalon, ",ith _iated acute infan:tion, aubarxhnold hernormaJC and lubdlJJal hernofrilaJC. 2. Amyloid anl!opalhy. 3. Anerioloaclerosia, 4. Non-specific IlCIlrodeaenerlillve changes Thank you for submining this use fOl'lludy. Pn I2APR SiJ7lcd b;(b)(6) "'. MICBoscoMC EXAMINATION SelcdCd porlioM o(0f'PIU. other' than the brain (nolcd above) are retained in fonnalin, ",ithout prcplr1llion of lIiltololk IlidelI. OPINION Thil BTa 6' year old Iraqi National male died u a resull ofan KUle cerebrovascular lIOC:idcnt that is due 10 amyloKlllllliopathy. Amyloid isa pnl(eilllecous mIIlcriallhel II pro;Iuccd by the body and can aocumulate In the viJccra andor the blood vessels of the body aod brain. In this pu1ieular eue, lhe IleUle ecrebl'lll hernon'haJC occurred in cootemporuy reLMiorIshlp 10 the dec:.edenl beina dCUlincd by American forcel. Review o(inYCIliptlve and medical_ell revula IMI the decedent wu awake and alert upon intake inlO the detainment facility. His blood pIUI~ was mildly elevated (l.UI 98 rnmHg). II wu docummled be t.d bllll1l force II'II.llll\IllrUuriCi c:onsislenl ",jlh bcinl forcibly detained. AI noon. approltimately two houR after bcina mcdieally CVIIluated and several houn after c:apnare.lhc dccedcrtl wu ",ilrlClKd 10 IlUrnblc 01,11 o(a porI-a-john.oo then quickly became lItIl'UpONive. 'I1lc dcccdent was dclemlincd 10 have an acute sl1Oke, which "'u eonflnncd on MEOCOM 0291 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 291 • P.~ 10 or I' AIITOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTS H. . .ect. Jotaar Nasir cr 1CaIl. Th~ decedenl IllfVived in !he mediclllll'W/Ylel'lll1K:itil)' approxi:mately (b)(6~)_ _~ before lumambinalO lhc stroke. The rnedIanisIR for the $lCOkc u presumed to be die lrat\lierIt ~ in blood Pres:lute willlin. di~ eoerebral.uriok. duriJag the process of elimination while: \be de«denl was in \he IItriJIC. There is no definilive eYidmce the blum fora: lt1lIImIIlunained during !he captIlf'e ofthedee«lenl preo:ipilllLed the stroke, ~f~ !he _Ofc!e.lh ill'IlIlural. The morphine (nan:otie and CIIboxyhemogiobin presmt in !he blood did no! contribute 10 1M dcIIlh.. .wsem) (b)(6) (b)(6) Medical Examiner MEOCOM 0292 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 292 _._...._..__ ---_ .. _--... ,..-- _.- ---'" -- - - - - --_.-- -- - - - -- C~T'I! , rw DUlH (OW1lU.U,l 10'0"" " . _O'CIlOf''$ eTe Hammed. Johar, . o• (b)(6) CMIi3tl ..., ",n","""" I!J 0 _Al",."n.- • ~~ • c.o;u. . -_ .. _-- - - ...",._. -._.---_ _ -"'_ __--_..........-_.. -_ . -_ ... .._......... .... _ .. -.- -_ --_.-"' - --... _- ----- - - ..- -- .. -- _l\III-_ - - .r'~- ...._I'OMO'._ -"' .... "' .... <om' _ 0 _ .._ _ . . . GOI """'''''IT'''' . ....-orr ... , • -~-- • _e..-_,' • _GOIt<W>.':>OO...."•.-IO....... ... • • _ r-Y,ur"" ~Q ........ ~"......_ 0:- .. """'" '"_ ....no_ _ _ ... _ ... , 11ft! .... ~ ..........,.. _,'--1'0 ""-"''''''''-.., 0 _ _ _'00 '0001 • • ""'1""_'''''_ ....... •• -"'- • -- --- • ~ ~ ... OU'... DUlTOD_~' • (b){6) ....... '" _.no_ a_ 01...... ... ... .......... .. --........_ ... _._-,--_ ,_.__.... _ -....._ .. _, .....--_..-."._".-." -_-. _ .......... ......... ""."' .. _ ~ Ib 6) 6 September 2005 """'" iI' ..... _ , _ 12005 1iJ.>- Balltd Iraq 0I0~ 0CQJIlIl"," ~ -M,. .,." _ '_ __ CAU$fO" ... . . .0 .. _ _ _ .. _ _..,..._ _ (b)(6) (b}(6) ~ ,,"",'" ,..."".........., _ ......... '" ' ... ..0_"""'... .ro...-..._ _ ........... __ .. ___._ ......"' ........M.""".. [l.. ' ""_ Medical Examltler Dover AFe, Dover DE "'_ DD .:11'Io 2064 ......0. . "' _ _•• _ ,_'" MEDCOM 0293 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 293 (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE CQMPLEnNG THIS SIDE) OlSPOSrTON OF REMAINS i ..... MCU~M<JKIR;IAN ...... ~AR\N V"," ~- .m INSTALLATION OR I\DDRESS SIQNAruRE lOCATION OF CEMETERY 0I'l CREWlTOI'lY NAME OF CEMETERY OR CREW.TORY TYPE OF DISPOSTION DATE OF OISPOsnON ReGISTRATION OF VITAl. srATlS1lC8 REGISTRY {TO¥IIn If1(JCourlityJ DATE REGISTERED FILE NUMBER STATE NAME OF FUNERAl DIRECTOR OTHER ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED INDiVIDUAL DO FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAPA V1.00 MEDCOM 0294 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 294