Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part4
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• • ~, ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY OfIitt of the Anntll FO~I Medlnl Eumbler 141) Rexan;h Blvd., aldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-800-774-8427 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BTB Munthir, "wad Hasan AutOPSY No.: Dale of Binh: 1.9850--, Date ofDe.ath:{~)(6) !lOOS Ollie of Autopsy: 24 AUG 2005 Date ofRepon: 26 OCT 2005 ===J ~;(b~)~{6'[) AFIP No.:f!.b)(6) Rank: Delainu Internment smal Number (b)(6) Place of Death: Abu GlIraib PrUon,lraq Place of Autopsy: Port Mortuary Dover Ma, DE OnumstlnUlI of DUIII: Th.ilI believed to be 20 ),eu old Iraqi National was found suspended by his neck (hanging) with his hands litd behind his bad: in a shower stall while bdng detained in Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq. The investigation afthc cin:umSUllll:es surrowxling die de<:edent's death indic.atcs thalshonly after being ~tcd for in the morning head count the decedent made his way 10 the eommunal shower afea. Slionly thereafter, the decedent was diSl:overro hanging by other dclain«3 who alened the guard:!. The respondinSIlUMds initiated CPR aftercuning the deadent down and removing the ligature from the decedent's neck. Despite the CPR and .escue IClempl5 in the prison medical facility, the de«dent was prollOUlK:ed deceased. Intel"\'iews oflhc fellow dctIinees indicate the decedent was depressed about his capture and was Nself_treating"liis depression by se&;regating himselffrom the other detain«s and continuously reading the Quaran. Some of the other det.mee, stated the decedent claimed to ex~ I need to be nearer to his God. &ene investigation indicates there was no evidma: of I alruggle in or nell/" the shower stall the decedent was found in. AUlhorlZlllion for Aulopsy: Oflice orille Anned FO[l:e:! Medical Examiner,lA W 10 USC 1471. Idmtil'iettion: Presumptive identification is established by the Internment Serial Number and prison recordaCAUSE OF DEATH: Asphyxia by Hanging MANNER OF DEATH: Suicide ... MEDCOM 0295 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 295 AUTOPSY REPORTt(b)(6) 8TB Munlblr, AWld Hk.o..c ,o--- PlgeZarl FINAl. AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Asphyxia by Hl1lgilli A. Injuries of the Neck I. A 30.5 em long dried brownligaMe mark (furrow) of the netk is 6 Yo inehu below the top of the head II ilJ end on the right side of the neck. 9 'I. inches below lhe: top of the head in the anlerior midline oflhe neck and 714 inches below the top oflhe head al it$ end on the left side oflhe nCl:k. The furrow width rMlgcll from 0.7 em (tapered end belUnd the right ear) to 1.5 cm (rightlide oflhe neck). AIonglhe righlside oflhe furrow is a 6.S • I.S em area of abrasion thaI <:onlains two vertical 1.5 x 0.2 em abrasions. The furrow is 0.2 cm deep on the anlmor surfKe oflhe netk. uyer by layer nc<;k examinalion oflhe nc<:k demonstratCi mild congestion of the III\terior strap muscles of lhe neck immediately superior to the futTow and no fractures of the hyoid bone or thyroid canilage. There are 00 ~Iethiae oflhe sclera, eyelids, oral mucosa, lOngue Of legl. The fi-cnula are inl"'::!. 2. A 4.5 X3.5 cm area of multiple, supcrficiallinear ablUions is in the: posterior midlinc oflhe upper back, II \I', inches below the top of the head. The abra5ions have I ncar vcr'lical orientalion. II. Other Injuries I. A 2.2 X0.5 em venica! almlsion is on lhe right flank 2. A 2.5 X 1.7 em Cf)'lhemalous area is on the arumor surf...::e ofw left lowel'" leg 3. A eechymosis ison the parietal pleuralsunfree oflhe left sixth rib llfld lel\ sevenlh intm:os1ll1 sp...::e III. Other Findings I. There arc no gmss injuries of the wrisls or injuries of the underlying musculatUre IV. Mcdicallntervention I. Endotraehc:al inrubation (in righl mainslem bronchus) 2. Sdfadhcsive elcetrol:ardiogram leads on the chest 3. Venipu.nct1U1:= silCS 011 Ute right side ofw netk (associated with underlying hemaloma). riahtllfllecubi\ll fossa, righl foreann. and ri&ht fernorallrianglc. 4. Subslemll punelun: .ile«ialcd wilh penetration of the postmor right vcrtlricle, Ilemopcrieardium (SO ml), and hemoperitoneum (appro.imately SO ml) MEDCOM 0296 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 296 • • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) ... ITS ,,",\Ialblr. A....d HUIn v. No signir1C&ll1 nallol di$USeS KkntiflUl. within limitalionsof the examination VI. ldmlif)'inl MMb I. A tattoo (b)(6) 2. A tanoo ). A tattoo (bK6) 4. Thee: 1.2 em in diameter ei~\II. II(:tr5 _ on 11K anleriOf surface oftlle leA forearm S. A 4.211 1.1 ern IQI" Won the UltmOl' aurrlCe orlhe left lower lei and has paJjMblc IOrciJll bodies immediately below !he skin (meu.llic hpnmuon x-ray) 6. Sa"cred.cus on each blcc 7. Unur scan on the chiD and cireular lUI" on the leR "beck VII. Toxieology is neplive for etbmol and Kreened drup of abu$e. ... MEDCOM 0297 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 297 REPOR';~(b~}(~6)C== AUTOPSY 8T8 Munllllr, A....d Huan .... Page" on F;XTERt~AL EXAMINATION The body is that ofa well·developed, well-nourished appearing, muscular, 65 inclliong. 119 pounds Iraqi male civilian whose oppeatllllCC is consistent willi tile reported age of20 yean. Lividily is fixed along tbe posterior surface of tke body wilb pressure bearing area pallor. Rigor is minimal and easily broken. Brown paper bags cover lbe bands. The scalp is covered wi!h black Ilair in a DOrmal dislribution. The irides are In"own and the pupils are round and equal in diameler. 'The conjunctivae and sclera are free of pele<:biae. The ealernal audilory canals are free of abnormalloOCreliollS. The e4J$ are unremarbble. The nam are paten' iU\d the lij)5 are atraumalie. The m:nula ue inlacl. The nose and maxillae are palp.bly mble. The teeth appear IlIlurlll and in fair repair. The upper righl cenlral incisor (#8) is broken and hilS decay present. A 0.7 x 0.2 em scar and a 2." x 0.2 em scar are on Ihe chin. On the left cheek is a O.S x 0.) em circular scar. The neck is straight, and the lrachea is midline and mobile. Injuries ofLhe neck are described below. The chest is symmetric. The: abdomen is flat. The: genitalia are lhose ofa normal uncircumcised adulL male. The tesles are descended and rree: of masses. Pubic Ilair is presenl in a nonnal disnibution. The buttock!! and anus are unremarkable. The upper and lower extremilies an: symmetric and without e:lubbing or edema. The hands iITld fingers are I'm: ofinjutiCll. The fingernails lITe roughly trimmed se<:ondary 10 previous evidence: collec:lion by US Army elD. There is no gross evidence ofliga!llR marks on lhe wrists. Mas ofblue discoloration on llle posterior surfaces of the left and right wrist range in size from O.S" O.S cm 10 5.1 x 0.4 cm. Threc:-1.2 cm in diameler- circular scm are on the anlerior surface of the lell forearm. Incision examination of the tllese areas ~eals the discoloration is confined 10 lhe skin. A 1.0 x 0.4 cm scar is on lhe proximal portion oflhe right knee and a 1.8 x 0.4 em scar is on the laleral aspecl oflhe righl knee. On !he left knee are scauered scan thaI range in size from 1.4" 0.) em 10 2.5 x l. 7 em. A 4.2 x 1.8 cm SCal is on the anterior aspect oflhe lelliower leg IJId overlies a palpable bony defonnitythat COltcsponds to a healed remote fracture. The leftieS is visibly shorter !han the right leg. The hands, legs and fecI are rre.e ofpeteclliac. In addition to the scm nOLed above, identifying marks (~@) Ilattoo~bH61 ::JtattOO.(b){6) (b){6) ==j incl~de a tatlOOl~(O,}r.(6ij}ioJ_ _ ] CLOTIIING AND PERSONAL HUm The decedent was received clad in a white Hhirt. MEDICAL INTERVENTION l. Endolrllcheal intubation (in righL mainslem bronchus) ... 2. Self adhesive elcetroea.rUiogram leads on the clltst ). situ on tke right sideoflhe neck (auociated with underlying hematoma), right antecubital foIsa, riglll forearm. and right femanl triangle. MEDCOM 0298 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 298 , AUTOPS\, REPORT (b){6) "&<:$0(8 BTB MUllblr. Awad Hilin 4. SlIb$tcmal pUllCllll'c site ilSsocilled wilh penct,..tion of tile poslenor right ventricle. hemopericudiwn (SO ml). and hemoperitoneum (approximately SO ml) RADIOGRAPHS A tomple1c set ofpostmortem radio~hs iii obtained and dcmonstnllc a remote, heated fi'lClurc ohlle left lib,. and fibula with slIlTOlmding debris. EVIDENCE OflNJURX The ordering of the following injuries iii for dt:scriplivc plIlpOSCS only, and is not inlended to imply order of infliction or relative severity. Injllrin crlh; Neck: A 30.S em long dried brown ligature mark (furTow)oflhc ncck is 6 'I. inches below tile lop of the head at its end OIl the right side orllle neck, 9 -Y. inche!l below tile lop of tile head in the anterior midline crlbc neck and 7 'I. inehes below the top of the head I' its end on tile left side orllle neck. TIle furrow width ranxcs from 0.7 em (tapered end behind the right cv) to I.S em (righl side arlbc neck). Along the right side ortlle furrow is a 6.5. 1.5 em area of abrasion \bat contains two vertleall.5 JIO 0.2 an abrasions. The fum:Iw is 0.2 em deep on the anterior surface of the neck.. uyer by layo:r neck. eumination orthe neck. demonstrates mild congestion of the IIIterior strap mU$Cles of tile neck. immediately superior to the furrow and no rraclures of the hyoid bone or thyroid ellf\ilage. There arc: no petechiae of the selera. eyelids, oral rnllCOSI, lOngue or legs. The frenula are iniac\. A 4.5 x 3.5 em area ofmllltiple. sllperlieial linW" ibrasions is in the posterior rttidJinc onlle uPJleT back.. I I V. inches below the top of the head. The abrasions haYe a nCiT vertieal orientation. lnjuri« of tbe. TolJO A 2.2 x 0.5 cm yenical abrasion is on the right na.nlr.. Art. ecchymosis is on the pllietal pleural surface of the left sixth rib and left seventh int=stal sp;u:e lnillries of!he ExtremjJ;es A 2.5 JIO 1.7 em erythematous i J g is on the IIIterior surface orlhe left lower leg INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: . The galeal and subgaleal soft tissues ortlle scalp arc free ofinjW)'. The calyarium is intact. u is the dura mater beneath it. Clear cerebrospinal nllid surrounds the 1350 gm brain, whieh ha.s gyri and sulci. Coronal sections demonstrate shalp demareation between white and grey mailer. witholJt hcmolThage or conillsiye injury. ~ ventricles are of rIOm1aJ 1;1(e. The basal ganglia. brainstem. cerebellllm. and arterial systems are free of MEDCOM 0299 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 299 AUTOPSY REPORTI<b)(6"'--BIB Mllnlhlr. AWld H.un injW)' or olher .boonn.lilies. The bue oflhc: brain is $Oil and minimally liquefied. There are no skull fraelures. The allanto-occipital joinl is stable. NECK; The dissection orlhe neck is dcseribcd above. The lbyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intllet white mucosa. The thyroid gland is synunetrie and redbrown, wilhout cystic or nodular change. 'The lOngue is free of bite marb, hemorrhage, or other injllries, BODY CAVITIES: The ribs, sternum. and vertebral bodies arc visibly and p~lpably iniac!. EKteSI fluid in lhe plelUai and peritoneal cavities is described above. The organs occupy lheir usuallmnomic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; The right and Icfllungs weigh 410 and 460 grn, re:spc:ctively. The eKlcmal surfaces are smOOlh and deep red-purple. The pulmonary parenchyml is diffusely eongesled and edematous, consistenl with dependenl livor. No mass Icsions or llfCU of consolidalion are present. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; Thc 270 grn hcart is conlained in an inlact pericardia! sac. The epicardial surface is smooth., wilh minimal fal investment. A punelure of the right venlricle is described above. The coronlll')' arteries arc prescnt in a nonnal diJlribuliOll, wilh I right-dominant pattern. CI'OSIi sections ortlle ve~ls show no alhcrosclClOSis. The myoc:ardillm is homollcnoUl, red· brown, and firm. The valve leafletllfC thin and mobile. The walls of the lefl and righl ventricles are 1.0 and 0.2-cm tbick, rt$peCtively. The endocardium is smooth and glislening. The aOl1a gives rise to three inlacland palenl arch vessels. The fCnal and mesenleric vessels are unrcrrlluklble. LlyER &, BILIARy SYSTEM; The ISOO gm liver has an inlact, smooth tap1ule and I skarp anterior border. The parenchyma i5 lan·brown and congesled, witb lhe usual lobular architecture. No mISs lesions or Olher abnonnalilies arc Ut'll. The gallbladder conlains I minule amount Orll1ccnblack bile and no stones. The gallbladder mucosal surfioCe is green and velvely. The extrahepalic biliary tree is palent. SPLEEN; The 210 gm spleen has a smooth. inlacl, red-purple capsule. The parencbyma is mlfOOllll'ld congested, with distinct Malpigltilll corpus<:les. PANCREAS: The pancreas is finn and yellow·lan. wilh the lISIIIllobular m:hil«IUfC. No mus lesion, or olber abnonna!il;cs lTe scen. MEDCOM 0300 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 300 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB Muatblr. AWld Hlua -- ADRENAL,,: The right and leA adrenal glands:ue s~metric. with briahl yellow eonlces ....d pey medul1«. No masses or areu ofhcmorrhage Me identified. GENlIOURJNARY SysTEM: The right and len kidneys weigh 120 and 110 gm, rupec:lively. The: cxlcmr.1 suzUen are intact and smooth. The cut surfaces are recI-tan and eongesled, with unWmnly thick eoniees and sharp corlieomedunary junctions. The pelves are unrcmubble and !he UTden an: normal in eourse and caliber. White bl-.:ldcr mucou overlies an inlact bladder wall. "The bladder conlains approximately)O 101 of cloudy urine. The prostate il nonnal in aile, with lobular. yellow·tan parenchyma. The smtinal vesicles are unremartable. The testes an: free of mllSS leslolll, eontuslons, or olber abnormalities. GASIROINIESTlNAL IRACT: 'The esophagus is inlaet aDd lined by smoodi. grey-white mu«lSa. The slomaeh comlins IJIProximately 10 101 or Illglllly red. liquid. The gastric wan is illlllCt. The duodenum. klopI of.mlll bowel, and colon are unrmtubble. TIle appendix is prcsml. • • • • • ADDIIIONALPROCEDURES Docu.mentuy photographl are Well by an OAfME pholOgrapher. Toce evidence and (ol"eigtllNlmal (sex~1 _ult kit withotJt onl swabs) is eoll«ted and Jiven to SA (b)(6) USACID. Fingernail clippings w~ taken by USACID prior to trIlllpOr1 to Dover AFB. SptiClmenl retained for toxicologic lestinS and/or DNA identific:allon are: vitreou.s, blood, urine, 5Plet:l1. lung. liver. kidney. boio. bile. gastric eon1enl$. adipose tissllC Ind psou muscle The dissected OIJlllI an: (-.rdeli wilh body Personal elfe<:U are releueli 10 tile appropriate mortllU')' operations representatives MICROSCOPIC EXAMINAtiON Selected ponlona ororpnl are retained in fonn.aIin. wilhout preparation o(hbtologic slides. MEOCOM 0301 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 301 , AUTOPSY REPORT i<b)(6) BTB MUDlblr, Awad Hasan OPINION This believed to be 20 year iraqi male civilian detainee died from mcehani<:cil asphyxia caused by hanging. Investigation infonnalion 10 dale indicatcs the decedent wu a young delaince lhat wu depressed about his clplivity and being separated from his new wife. He was a detainee for approximately) months prior to his death. An interview of an [l1qi associate grille decedent by USACIO indicates the deccdclIl was ooll$idered a "Jone," and did not usocialc with other detainees. The decedent repor1edly read the Quaran and desired to be closer to his Sod. The responding MPs did not repon any history OfSll'\lgglc or vio1cntc It tile SUM:. Autopsy examinllIion revealed only injuries rclaled 10 the hanging. The decedent's hands were loosely lied behind his back when discovered.. Il is possible for the decedent 10 have lied his own hands behind his back to p~o:nt o:scape from the neck rope. Based on the IUtol1SY and investigation, the mlUUlf:f of deilth is best classified as suicide. If additional information becomes available, lhisu5e can be re.elWllined and me cause and maMer ordeattt changed if appropriate to do so. (b)(6) (1))(6)-- Medical Examiner ... MEDCOM 0302 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 302 OEPARTM£NT Of WIENIE ........m fORCU INSlTTVTI: Of ~... tHcl.OQY WAIIllHllTOtl.DC 201M 1000 PAD1NI IDENIIFlCATION MIP A~la.. No.bor :!!<au..... (b)(6) - -~ ornCf. 0' THE ARMI:D fORas MEDICAL EXAMINER ARMED I'ORCES IJ'ISTlnrfE OF PATHOLOGY WASHINGTON. DC 2llJOUOOQ .,- MlJNTHIR. AWAD KASAN SSAN: To.l<:olol1 A o.t. hport ee "'gla~: f(b){6) : ~6) ~ tC'll: Scptonlba 1.2005 CONSULIdTlON gPORT ON CONTRlBVTOR MATERIAL "FIP DI"GNOSt5 REPORT OF TOXICOLOGICAL EXAMIJ'IATlON Condition of Spa:lmeDJ: GOOD Dlle Df InddtDl{b)(6) 2005 DIU Rtctlved: 812912005 VOLATILES: The BLOOD AND URINE werc examined for lbc presence ofethaDOl at. altotronO mWdL. No ethanol WlI! dClected. - DRUGS: The URINE was screened for amphetamine, antidepressants, IUlti/lisumines, -, barbitwates, bcn2odillt.Cpine.t, CIIlIlllbinoidl, chloroquine, cocaine, dcxtromcthorphan, lidocaine, II&/'COtic anaIgcsics, opiltes, pbcncydidinc, pbcnothiaz.ines, sympathomimetic amincs and vClapM\il by gllS Chromalogflpby, color lest or immunoassay. The followioa drugs wen. None were found. (b)(6) MEDCOM 0303 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 303 _., - _.- _. __._-_.-.. -- - ----_.-- -- _ - --- - - - ----- -.- - - -- --- -. __._ _ . _---.._"'._IT_ _.----, -.__ -.. -,-__ .. -.. . . . . , " ' ' ; ' __---... -. --._ - -- .. .... _... --_ ._/OWR$EASI CfllllFlCATl! Of OEATll .. BTB MlMlthir, Aw&cI. H8a8n (b}(6) ClYlllan _".. ...TI ... . . " , ''''' ... .,.,." • I1J 0 ~~ 0__ Co",c..,..., • eT_'_ ~ ............ ""'OIl '081"""". -~- ", lIIIIlC.fol. fT.., , - ..... """'""...... """'''' • _OA_~ ... ,...,..... _TH .......' "...»lo b'/'*9"l1 _<XoCI'I'_._....-'" "--",,-_ ."..... ,e_"""",, -""~.-.-. .-_ , ............,..,a'••'''_ • _.._. ---- -- - - ... _'" iii "" 0 "" "'_"''''''''''lXI_...... ...__ .... _- ..... - -~ cI 0Hl!I: "'*'<lIng ---_.-__ - ,., _.__....._..._-... _ ..-__........... __-_.....-_.._.--0, ,U' ._-_ ...... ... _.... .. _. . -'"0:"-::-::-':': --"-";::::':"-"=:.,.. ..... ........... _ , (b)(6) l(b)(6) ~ .....Of_'" _ .... .........-:t;: ...... .,._TO r:::;:"1IS1 2005 I ~. • !ile-- (b){6) 1........_120'" _ _ .,. _ _ _ _"'=-O..' ... _OOCA/UI _ _ _ ,..... ....T.rn>_ _ ~ bir6i-""""""-""""o ~(b)(6) 1 -, ......'-""Dover MS. OlMIt DE IMedicaI e;;m/r\8( (b)(6) I... ' D~.~-:--;~-;; -- . ---~~~ _~ ~ ~M~E~D:C~D:M~O:304: _ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 304 I ClM'OiJIltM OF AaWN8 ~ - ..... INSl M.LATIO" OR AllOIl£5S M'" NoAIoIE Ol' CalETERV OR CRQlATQAV lOCATION Of' CEt.lETERY OR CRE/olATORV MTliOF~ lVPEOf llIiPOSTlOl" RSOI8TRATlOM Of..".ALSTAT18TICS REGISTRY Ir_ _ ~ Oo\TE REClISTE/lW FI.£HUlAER &lAT! H.\MEOF FUNERAl OIRECTOIl .""" .X".... SlGNA.TUl'lE OF AUTHORIZ£O_DUAl. USAPA V'.OO DO FORM 2064, APR 1'17 (BACK) MEDCOMI~03:0:5 _ _. - --~_. ------ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 305 ·, - .. ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office of the Ann~ Fo"," Mnliul Euminn 1413 Rneareh Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-800-944-7912 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name:: Alawl·AI Alward. Ahmed ls!llllil ISN:'(b){6)- - - Dale ofBirth.:'{b)(61 1 ill75 Date orOclll~)(~2005 Dale of Autopsy: 04 August 2005 Dale of Report: 24 (kloNr 2005 Autopsy No.:J(b}(6) ~ ------=:i AFIP No.:Jb}(6l Rank: elv PJllI:e of Death: l~ PJlIoCl: of Autopsy: Port Mortuary Dover AFB. DE Clrtumstlocn of Onolb: This 30 year old male civilian dctaill« was reportedly admined to the: Camp BUl:ca S«wity Hospiw for tompliutiollJ ofmalariL .. Authorization for AulOpsy: Office ortlle Armed Fon:cs Medical Examiner, lit.W 10 USC 1471. ldentifiullan: Idenlification is established by idcnlifiall;on lags pn:~nl on the body. CAUSE OF DEATH: P..rltonirb due /0 501all )X'rfondon. MANNER OF DEATII: Natll,..l. fiNAL AUTOPSY DlACNOSES - I. Gastroinle'tinal ,~,(em: A. Small bowel po:rfOflllion. I. Adjacent pseudocysl fonnlllion with rupture. 2. Ascites (4000 mt offecutent tan fluid). J. Peritoniti,. B. Neoplastic mesenteric masses (2) adjacent to pseudoc:~$l. C. Moderate 10 sevell' hepatic stealoli,. 11. Respiratory s~stem: A. Bilateral pulmonll1)' congestion (righl 800 wn.left 750 gm). I. Billteral pleW1l1 effusions (right 200 mi. left 100 ml). Ill. No evidence oflrauma. IV. TOllicology: LidocaillC:. mcfloquine. chlolOQuine. metoclopramide. loruepam. oll)'codone and ox)'morphone arc: present. MEDCOM 0306 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 306 .. • - 20rs AUTOPS'V REPORT!<b)(6) ATAW!, Ahmed 1"...11 EXTE.RNAL: r;:XAMINADQN The: body is that of .. well-developed male thai wei8~ 177 pounds, is 68 inches in length and appcan compalable with the repol1cd age of30 years. Lividity is fi~rd on the postcTior surface of the body except in areas exposed 10 preSSln. Rigor has passed. The scalp hair is black. Facial hair eonsi$U of. black musta<:hc &Ill! whisker slUbblc. The iride$ llI'e dark. The ComeK arc cloudy. The c(mjunctivlle an: unremarkable. The sc.lcrae arc white. llle extema! auditory canals, external nares IUld oral cavity an: free of foreign material and abnonnalsccretions. The teeth an: natural and in good 0:0001110n. A Y. inch SCat is present on the right side Dfthe chin. The neck is straight, and the traChea is midline and mobile. The chest is ~marltabk. 'The: abdorncn is mildly prolubcl'3l1t. The fingernails an: inUlCl. The upper and lower u~milies arc symmetric. There an: multiple liC&I'S on the anterior surface of the rillht kn«. AnjdcnlifiClllioll Ill'eStnt on thcJcl\ ""'fist. beanni lhe followina inrorm.'io~(6} 1 DOE(b)(6) ]1975 The ienitalia an: those ofa normal adult maJe.l11i:re is a 4 x 4 InCh am or' discoloration with early pressure ulceration presenl on the superior aspecl of the gluteal cleft. M • EVIDENCE QF MEDiCAL THERAPY I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. An endotraeheallube. Nasogastric lube. Foley calhetcr with drainagc bai. Healing llterapeutic needle punctufe site in the left antecubital fossa.. Monitor lead pads on 1M: upper and mid chest and flanks. bilaterally. Defibrillacor pad OfIlhe left chest and the lcft bsck. EVIDENCE Of INJURy None. INTERNAL EMMINATION BQDY CAYlTJES: The sternum is visibly and pa.lpably inlllCl. No excess fluid is present in lhe perieardium. Approximately 200 ml of amber fluid is presenl in the righl chesl cavity and 100 ml in the left. The abdominal cavily con'-ill$ approximately 4000 m! orran feculenl fluid. Yellow·talI fibrinous malerial covcrs mulliple loops oflhe small bowel. omentum and portioll$ of the liver. TIle orpns occupy their usual analomic positions. - The scalp is reflecled. The calvarium of the skull is removed. The leptomeninges are thin and delicate. Coronal SC'CtiolU demonstrate shtup demllrallion betwoen while and 8fC'Y ma"er. The ventricles are of nomtal size. The brain weishs 1420 gm. The allanlo-occipilaljoinl is stable. MEDCOM 0307 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 307 ·. - AlITOfflY REPORn~(b')(6~)== 30fS ATAWI. Ahmed IIman NECK: The anlcnor strap mUSl:les of the nc<:k arc homogcllQUS and red·broWll, without hemorrhage. The thyroid eanilage and hyoid are inlllCl. The larynx is lined by intact while mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-brown. The longue is (Itt of bite marlu, hemorrhage. orotheT injuries. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The riKhI and left IImgs _igh 800 and 7~O g,m, respectively. The cXlcmal surfaces arc smooth anddeep red-purple. The pulmonary parenchyma is dil'fusely congaled and edematous. No mus lesions or ucas of consolidation arc present. CARD'OVASCULAR SYSTEM: am hean is contained in an inlact perlcardill1 SK. The epicardial surfllCc is smoolh. with minimal rat ;nvcsunenl. The cororwy lIl'tcries arise normally. follow lhe USUlI! distribution and The 290 arc widely patent without eyidence orsii/lificanlllllleros(lc,osis or thrombosis. The myoc:ardium is homogenous, red·brown. and firm. The valve lcafkts are thin and mobile. The endourdiWll is smooth and glistening. The ascending lona lives rise [0 111m inllK:l and pall:nl arch vc~Js. The I!:nal and mesenteric vessels are lln'em.arkable. liVER" BIliARy symM: The 2010 gm li~r has an intae:l capsule and a sharp anlerior border. The panochyma is lanbrown and congestcd, with the llsuallobular arcllitecture. No mus lesions or olher abnormalities an seen. The gallbladder contains approximately 10 mJ of green-black bile, The mucosal surface is green and ~1~IY. The eXlrahcpatK biJiftf)' 1m: is patent. SPLEEN: The 290 gm splecnllllS a smooth, intact, red-pwple capsule. The parenchyma is mltOOn and eongesled, with diSlinel Malpighian ~Ies. PANCREAS: The panerel5 is sof'l and yellow-tan, wilh the usual lobular arehiltc:lure. No abnonnalil;es are seen. rnIl5S lesions or olllcT ApRENAL GLANpS: The right and lef'l adreoalglands are symmelrie. witll bright yellow cortices and grey medulh"". No masses or mas ofllemonhage an identified. GENITOURfNARy SYSTEM: The right kidney weighs 180 gm and the left 150 gm. The external surfaces are inlaet and smooth. The f;ul surfaces are red·tl\n and congested. with unironnly tllick conices and sharp corticomedulllll')' junctions. The pelves ue unremarkable and the ureters are nomtaI in coune MEDCOM 0300 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 308 .. . . ~ ] AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) • "TAWI, "hmn! bmall 40rs and o;aJibcr. Tan bladder mllCO$& overlies an inta<;l bllllkkr WJ.U. The bladder isempCy. The proSllIlt: is IIOrmal in size, with lobular. ycliouHan plII'l:nchyma. The 5m1inal ~Sitlt:5 are unmnarkable. The lesles are palpably flH or mas, lesions. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The ~8W1 is lined by smooth, gtey-white mucosa. The stomach is empty. The Itastrie W2IJI is intact. l1le !lCrosal surfllCes GrIM small and larsc bowel;1K covered by tan-yellow fibrino\l$ material. A fluid and feeal filled pseudocyst ~&Surinll7 inches in gmlleSl diameter is present just inrmor and posterior (0 the stomach and adjacent to a ponion Orl~ duodenum. Reflection of the $lOmach reveals an lllU of ruptW'C on the anterior surface of llx- pSl:ucloeySl. DisilCelion and furtha Il'fle<"lion sIlow the pscl.ldocysl to be in continui!)' with I pC'Ifonllion of the adjacent dlllllfkTlum. Two solid mass lesions measuring 3 II> ~ 2 inches and 2 Y, ~ I inell an: pramllllld appear to be ari$ing from the region ortht mesenteric root. The larger lesion i' firmly adherent to lhe dl.lOdcnum;n the: region ofllle perforalion.1lIc a~ndix is unremarkable. MICROSCOPIC EXAMlNtJlQN I. Heart (slide I): No significant microscopic abnormalities. 2. Sp!ttlI (slide 2): No microscopic abnormality noted. 3. Kidneys (slide 4): Moderate arteriolosclerosis. 4. Liverjslide 2): Moderate to scvo:rc ilIealosis.. S. (slide Sj: No microscopic abnormality noted. 6. LunKS (slide 3): Pulmonary lllY«llar congestion. 1. Orne'llum: (slide 6): Acute serositis. g. Abdomifllli masKlIi (slidc:s 1-10): ConflllCnt IlmIS of ~crosis ....i'h inte.....eningllmlS composed of atypical dysllcsive cells with coanc nuclear chromatin and frequent plasmacytoid feaMes. OccllSional mitoses ate present 9. Region of perforation of the psrll(locyst (slides 11,12): FilJroadiposc tissllC with fibrin deposition. acute inflammatory infilll'lltion and granulation 'issllC formation. ADplTlONAL PROCEDVRf$'BEMA8KS • • • • • - Documentaty photographs 1m Illken by the OAFME stafTphotognp~. Specimens n:tained for toxicollJttic testing andfor DNA identificalion are: blood, vitreous.. bile, 8lI1llriC contents. kidney. lung. spleen, livu.lIdipoK and psou muscle. Full body radioifaphs arc obtained. The dissected organs an: forwarded with the body. Personal effects arc released to the attending investigative agency and appropriate mortllU)' op<'ralions repruenlaliVCJ!. OPINION This reported 30 ycar.old male civilian detainee died ofpcfitonitis due: to small bowel pcrfol3tion. According to reports. the decedent was admincd to the hospital with a diagnosis of hepatic failure. Further workup showed an advanad stage ofmalnri.. llis clinical course was flh\lF.c;omplicated by multi-systCTn organ faHun: and he ultimately succumbed to septic shuck on his ~ hospital day. MEDCOM 0309 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 309 - - AVTOPS\, REPORT'I(b~){~6~'_ _ "TAWI, Ahmed bmall SofS AU10p$), cxamintltion showed 4 liters orrccu\cnt asc:iles and mesenteric mus lesions witli JdjkCnl SmlIJi bawd pcrforf.tion. II lIppcars lkat initially Ihe an:a of pa-foralion was walled ofT fonning a "psc:udocystic" structure lhal ultimately rupturN. Initial microscopic cllamillillion of tile mesenteric mlWt;s showed l~m to be neoplastic. ho~Yer their UK! ~Iiology is pending spe<:iaJly consullalion. An addendum ",port will be issucd upon its wmplClion. Postmortem IOllicolollic lll8.Iysis n:vuled the presence of the thcTllpe\llic agents lidol:ainc. mcnoquine, cliloroquinc. me1ocloprarnide, oltycodolle and oxymorphone in ,Ile wine. Lorll.lllJ'lllll was present in the blood at. lh"..peulic 1eVl:1 (O.26 mgfL). The rnlllUlcr ofc1eath is natural. (b)(6) - I_b_'''_'_JMcdic-' Examiner MEDCOM 0310 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 310 _01,,"_ _. __ . - --... C€llnFltAft ou:c..."" j'OIoE ' 0 I} ~~ -........_.- 1,-""""""-..._,...-- e"'.,," ----"" _m_- ._-• -• -----,- _.......-- - - - - .,_.- _.A/Wa~ 000 ~ . _ BTB Atawt, AI, _'" "I -~- Ahmed (b)(6) _'" ~ III 0 • .....1 ~ ......... ITo.... , "'"'c·...... • ~- --~ _ . _ _ lo _ _ ",..,..,0< ... -----__ ......_ 1 0 ........... atrOl """"' ......... _ _.1...._ - 01 , ............... c....... _'"_ _ _ .... --~- __- .......--_.. --_ . . _--.- ------. -------_ ...... ~ ....= ... , _TO_'~ , , ~_, ,.....,i/IIlduolO ....... , _ -,.,. ....-. ~~ _l*f<nIIon .~ _OCIOU_"_."-TO . - _ ,..... ~ --~ e-_"',. __ .• ...-.., , WI• """'"",-'" • -- _. ~ -~ woo _ •• • ...."''''''' '0""'""_ CAuH. • • -- , j;£:'_.-• ...... ...''''' ... _. __....-.._----"""""' __-........ ...... _---. __-_._ ..... _--(b)(6) (b)(6) ..."'",-,.. ..-;ioI-:.t:: (b)'16)200s-· ...·• ' ,...- ... •• 2005 I-fr.- "'-OIf""'" , _ _ _ _ ... , . . . . . . . . . _ _"'00:;,. - .. - ... n ... - --.._--- ,.... , , "., ~1"''''00"''' ...."'" _.........-... -.. (b)(6) Dover AFB., DE _.- , ; Medical &.vnir*' i~d\ ,_ _ ..._. . _____w ____ ._w_...._ ._.... ...._ .•___._..__....._.._.. . , _. _'. ,_" '" • 2064 '" OO,·ill. '- (b)(6) ~ _ MEDCOM 0311 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 311 (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COJ.fPI.ETlNG THIS SlOE) 0W"0SfT'C»I OF RBWN8 "".~". om," 1"- INS'..... LATIO". OR ADoru:SS .". ~ lOCATION OF CEMETERY OR CREJ,IATQRY 01' CEMETERY OR CIUAlATORY SIGNATURE DIITE Of OISPOSfiON TYI'E OF DlSPOSllQN REGl8TRATlOH OF VITAl. STAn8TlC8 REGISTRY (TolM> _ Coumtr) aMIt REGISTERED FILE: NLltdBER STAlE N.M1E OF FUNERAl. DIRECTOR OTIER ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF ....lJTtIOftIZEa INIl\IIIOUAl. DD FORM 2064, APR 1,n (BACK) USAPA V1.00 MEDCOM 0312 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 312 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE or PATIIOLOCY om" ortb~ Arlllt1l FOrffl Medical Eumlntr 141.J Restareb Blvd•• Didio 102 Rockville. MD 20850 301-319-0000 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BTB e.,damll, Kareem Ma!l.1OO( SSAN: l(b)(6) I Dale o(Dirtb: (!!)~1959 Dale o(Dral1{(!l:)J6) ~2005 Oalt o( AUlop,)': 5 AUG 2005 Dalto(Report: 125EP2oo5 AlIlops)' NO':i.(b~)~('~)_ _~ AriP No. (b)(6) Rank: Iraqi Iktainrr Plue o( Onlb: Iraq Place o( AUIOpsy: Pan Monuary. Doom- AfB. DE Clrcumllanca o( Deat": TlUs 46-yur-01d mal~ was an Iraqi detainer in U.S. cUSlody woo was found unresponsiw in his prUon cell Oil (b}(6) '2005. The man had bern a>mplainillil o(abdominal diseomfon and refUsed 10 aot on the !by he died. AUlborballoo (ur AUIOpsy: Atmed ForteS Medital ElWIIincr. per 10 U.S. Codoc 1471 ldelllificlitao: Cirtwnstantial idrnlificalioa is by actompanylna pllptrWork and an id~lifltllion brxcici on lhe rishl wriSl thIl displa)', a p/lolO of tile drceased III well III demographic information. A $4lllple of ONA is ~ as I maner of IUord. CAUSE or OEATII: AlIOmalou. Rllb1 COrolll". Al1ery Complicated by Albtrosd.r04ir C.,.dlo",scullr Dbrax .. MEDCOM 0313 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 313 , AUIOPIY (b){6) __ BTU Ad.m •• KuftlD MIMloof FlNALAUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: II. Alllrroiduodr C.rdlo"larul.r Oknar, willi up 10 10·h lumilllJ nl,",.. hll of Ihr Irft Inlrn'" daundinl"oron.ry .rtrry.1S.JO% lumln.lnuro_lall ofllir Irn rirtu toron.ry Irtrry, up 10 60% lumJlIIlllIlTOwlnll of IIIr npl toro •• ry .rtrry, aDd mild Inllm.1 Illirkrllin, of IlIr len mal. roron.ry .rtrry Ill. C.rdlo"''C'1y (H,.rt ..-rlll:"I.uo.,nftll); dll.lllloa of 1M ricbl a"lum .Itd nlhl vrnlntl.. of IhI' II,.rt IV. AII,."lon of Ihr mfilial riehl_rill. COnlUlion of Ib.. pollrrior Irft band .nd Irn .nhL No olllrr rllrm.1 or Inlrm.l rvldrntr of sic"iflnnl rft'I'lll Injury V. ["klrntr of. fr.du~ of Ibr npl fr.ur. tonlblrnl _1l11 Ih.. hlilory of injun,. Ill, molor "rhidr , .... b In 1983 VI. [.rly d«ompo.llioll dllnlln.. Intllldlnl "'Mulu m.rblinll.nd crern dlJrolorallon of 111ft linu. VII. Tollrolclcy ia nrpllvr for rtbanol.nd Hrftnfil drup of .bIlK. Blood urbolybrlllOll:lobi" ."d I)'.nldr 10""'III,.llonl ar. nOI rlrv'ltd. Blood .nd bllr IIavr Jm.U •• ounto of .ffton. and l·prop.ool prrHnI. MEDCOM 0314 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 314 • AUlops,,(b){6) J BTB Adama, KU«ITI M.kloof EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The remains are received clad in while wxIenhorts llIId. pIIl1iaJly CUI away while overgarment. They consist of. wdl-dc\'cloped, well-nourished, male. Early to moderate decomposition chllllges arc pn:senl. in<:luding green discoloration of soil: tissue and mubling 'If the vll5l:ulature. livor is pcmcrior and fixed. excepl in Ift&!I cllpoSoed to pre55Ule. Rigor is pl'e$Cnl but passing. The body Il:mpnalurc is thai orchc reliigcnlion LU1it. Tk sc.alp is covered with lTKdiwn length.. blKk hili. in I nonnll distribution. The eomcae are cloudy and tile eyes have IOSI considerable Hugor. The sclerae are lI~marklblc. The irides are brown ancIlhe pupils an: round and equal in diameter. The teeth are naural and in fair condition. Flll:ial hair consists of. black beard ancI muslKhc. ~ is marked sul'lWion of 1M soft tissue orllle (ace and neck. A 118-iMh pigtMnl<:d nevis i. on the posterior neck. The Ilttk i. mobile and 1M U'aChea is midline. The chest is symmdric and unmnarbblc. The abdomen is protuberant bUI free of evidence of injury. A lIB-inch nevis is on the right upper back. The external genitalia are lhose of a normal adull, circumcised, male. The IC$lCS afe descended and flee ofml55Cs. Pubic hair i, pteilCllt in a normal di,trilllilion. The bunocks and anus are mnarkable only for a V,-inc:h ,kin tag on the superior-medial right bUllOCk. The upper and lower extremities are ,ymmetric and withoul clubbing oredema. The fingernail, are inlal:l. A 16 x l·inc:h·inch 5CI1 i, on the lateral ri&hlthigh. There is 15(;11 on the lalen.l. proximallefl arm that is eOll$iMent wilh a remole vaccination. ~n 'denlilk.u.ion..haD<loll..ll>e.righl wrist Iw a piclure of lhe decedent and l(b){6) (b){6) INo tattool or otbcT identifying body mub ue noled. MEDICAL INTERVENTION Evilkoce of medical inlervention include3 an cndotn.<:heal lube thaI enters thc: righl mainstem broochlli vii the mouth, a Foley catheter in the uretlua, and vl$(:ular access cut-down attempts on the mediall$JlCCt of both wles RADIOGRAPHS A complete sct ofpostmonent radiographs is obtained and demonslJalC5 an absclKC of acute skeletalltluma and melallic foreign bodid. There is evidence ora remote fra<:1Ufl: ofllle righl fernUl" that is now heated [VIDENCE Of INJURY On the posterior aspect of the rigllt hand and ri&ht wriSI;S. I Y, x l·inc:h area of ecchymosis. A. \f, x Y.-inch abrasion is on the mcdialaspect of the rigttl wriM. There is no other evidenc:e of sill'lificant kUle injury. MEDCOM 0315 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 315 ... • Aulopsy (bJ(6) BTB Adami, Karffll> Makloof INTERNAL t:XAMINATIQN HEAP: 1lle .$alp, sk.ull, and brain have no evidence of Kule injury. ~ Is some soften;"a of the brain I'R'senl, due to decomposition. The bnin wciJhs I )SO'~J and s«tionina l'l':Yeals no parenchymal injuries and no nidmcc ofsignirlUlll MIn d i _ procc:ue:s. NECK: The strap muscles ofthc anterior nedr. ' " homoac:nous and red-blOWlI., wilhoul hemorrhage. The thyroid eanilage and hyoid bone '" wilhoul injllf)'. The 1000iUC;s unmnark.bll:. The larynx is lined by intaet while mllCO$L The thyroid aland is symmetric and ~d·brown. without cyslK: or nodulll' change. BODY C,WIIIES: The ribs, slernwn. and venebrllJ bodies are visibly and palpably illlKl. 80th pJanI cavities contain 20·rnilliJitcfS ofdecompo$ilion fluid. Then: is no excess ao::umul..ion of fluid in !he peritoncal "viI)'. There are IO-millililn$ of decompo$ilion nuid in !he perle-rd;al sa<:. The orpns O(:cupy I/w:ir l.I$Ull ana!Omic positiOfU. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and leR lungs _igll 100 and 67o-~ r6ptttively, and are muluedly congested. The exlml&l swfacf:ll are red-purple. with moderate anthncOlic pisment deposition. The pullTlOlllll'y p&R:ndl)'1Jlll is difTuxly COI\icsted. without lesions Of areas or COIItOlidllion. Tb: pulmonary aneries ate lIllmIlan.ab~. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 480-JIWIl hnrt is oon&ained in an inlaCl periurdiar sae. 11 formal Cardiovascular PalbolOiY oonsulUllion is .vailab~ &I a xpatlle <Iocumenl. In summary. the consulWlI cktnOlUltIlcd an anomalous rilht coronary anti)' witb a hiJb takeoffand a COI,U'Se!hat I'\IU between tbe aortic and JlIllmonic IOOlS. The COI1lIW)' circulation is right domilW1l and tIlen is modaate luminal nanowina by IIhcros;lerosis. with the mostxverely afTected ves$tl heina the ldl: Ulto:riordescmdina coronary uteTy per the consultant's report. Deeomposilion changes UId myoc)1t hype,oophy are described 011 tl\IIllination orllillologic Jc'Cliom of myocardium II pnfonncd by lhe COI1IullanL The aorta gives riK 10 three intae:1 and patent aR:h VUlCIs. 1M renal and mesenteric vessclsare ~""'. LIVER'" BILIASYSYSIEM: The 147().p1lm liver has an inUICI capsule and aslr.arp litlerio!' border. The parenchyma is .... ·brown and conaesta! No mill lesioN or otller abnonnaJilicJ an IlOted. The gallbladder contain, 2S-milliliterl of&r«n-bblck bile and no stones. TIle mllOOSlI surfa¢e is areen and velvety. The ulrahepatil: biliary lrft is palenl. ... SPLEEN; Thc 4O-gram spleen has a smooth. Intact. red-purple eapsule. The pannchyma is maroon. soft, conaeskd. and el\hibilJ early decomposition ehangcs. A l<entimcter lK'CtsSOf)' spleen is noted. MEDCOM 0316 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 316 , AUlopsyl(b)(6) ] BTB Adlml, Kn~m Mlkloor PANClttt\5: The pano;reas is soft 8IId exhibil5 changes of decomposition. The uSLlallobular &R:hiteelure is p~senl. No mass lesions or ot....r abnormalities ~ seen. ADRENAL GLANDS: The right and left ad~naJ glands are symmelriC. willi yellow conices and 8I'y medullae. Del:omposilion cl1an~s are prominent. No masses or areas ofhernorrhage are identified. CENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The ri&lIt and left kidneys wciglllOO and 13G-&r.\rtIs. Tespel:tivcly. The external sUlfates are inlllCt and smooth. The cut surfaces are Ted-lUI and congested. with uniformly thick cortices and distinct cortic:omedulillry junctions. The: pelves Ire and the; are nonnal in Wllr$C and cali"". White bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder WIlli. The urin.ary bJaddc:T is empty. The prostale gland is nonna! in size. with loblliar. yellow-tan parenchyma. The seminal vesicles are llnrernarkabJe. The lestes are free of milSS lesions. contusions. or ot....r abnorTTlillhies. ~ CASTKO'NTESTINAL IRACI: The: csopha&U5 is intact and lined by smoolh. g..y.white mucosa. The: ga5tri(: wall is intact and lined by un~markable mUCOSl. The: slomach conlains 2G-millili1e<'ll of brown fluid. The duodenum. loops ofsmall bo_l. and colon are unremarkable. The appendix is present. MUSCULQSKELETAL: No non-traumatic abnonnalities ofmusc:le or bone are identified. MICROSWPIC EXAM'NAT'ON Select portions of major organs are ~llIined in formalin. with preparation of microscopic slides only fOllfle cxamirllllion of the heart (soc Cardiovascular Pathology consultalion). MEDCOM 0317 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 317 • ADDITIONAL PROCt:PURESlREMr\RKS • • Documentary phol0il'3Ph~ uc Iaken by OAFME stalTphofograp/lers Specimens ~lail'led fot lox;eologie t(Stina and/or DNA idcnlifiealion are: heart • blood, bile, brain. lung. kidney. liver. spleen, adipose tissue, and psoas muscle TM dissected orgll1lS are forwarded wilh ~ body OPINION This male Iraqi dC1ai~ died as a resull oran anomalous right coronary anery complicatrd by atherosclerotic c:ardiovu:ular disease. l1Ic abnonnaJ anatomic course of \he right eoronaIY artel')' would be sufJieienllo account for due 10. ralll cvdiac armythmia. TIle atherosclerosis noted atlUlapsy &5 _11 as 1M presence aran enlarged hean would make an armylhmia even more Iibl)'. The only evidern::e of injury noted at alllopllY wu small .blUions and conlUilions!ha1 are consistent with the application of wrist l'CStnUnts. TIle volatiles prescnl on toxicologic studies are consistent with poSlmonem production due to ~mposilion. Tnt for expo,sun: 10 cyanide and etsbon mooollide were negative u _ . drug SC~. The manner of death is natural. (b)(6) .... r.(.blffi(6"'---,"M'",;;jj;lci'f:E~..C.m~IO"C.,c-------' MEDCOM 0318 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 318 PATIENT IDENTIFICAnON I 1(')(6' - . BTB ADAMA. Kareem Mlduoof j(b)(6) 1(b)(61 September 2. 2005 141) ~h Blvd. Bid,. 102 Roc:kYm~. MD 208SO FINAL DIAGNOSIS DlAGNOSIS: (b)(6) I 1. A.IIo.. IIJo,...... t coru.."" am". "'111111"'" tlIbotr.bove comlD1u~rebecW'ecl left .ad .....' corell8'" nillt I.lId ,rollaaJ betwftD pu1llloaic rootl 2. Madtrlte roroauy .tIIel'Oldeftlllt HiJ1Ol')': 46 year old Male lBqi deWnee foutld ~ve i.D.jail cell: = 1 c.ompla1llts of .bdominaI discomfort Hearl: 480 grImS. per .mopsy protocol; owy pIIIJlle-p1y dltcOloratiOll of epicardial.urf.-. predominantly right atrium lIDd right ventricle; clollOd fol'l.lnell ovale; l1OI'I1W left ventrkuJar chamber dimmJions: left vmtricuJar cavity diunekr 35 mm,left vmlric:ulat he wall thic:Iuless 9 mm, venlric:ulw septum thlC:Me$I II nun; dilalilion of ripl .lrium md right ventricle: right ventricle lhiekneH) mm; l.IIllmI.ubIe valva and etIdoeM;Ilwn; illdunuion and ~ claJll pwple lllicolOl'Blion ofriJbI atrium and riiht ventricle; hisIolosic sectiom show early postmortem cb:omposltion, mild Iel\ ventricular myoc:)1e hypabophy with pilCh)' subendoeatdial intnStitiai fibrosis and fa! dq:osition; section:II of rilht ventricle show iotrw;dJu!IJ annular broWIl piamem consiaem with formalin pipnenl, but DO myocardial llecfO!is i s _ eor-.ry arteries: Ripl dominant ein:uJ_lion; lllOmIlous riahl. COf'OIW}' anery with ostium located IS mm above commi_ between lell: and n&ht coronary CUll,", ostial ridlle and pro.. ima!l:O\I$ IlOnk and pulmonic roots; Left main coronary Irtny: Mild lntimll thIckmin& Left l\l1terior dexendina Irtc:ry (LAD): 40% luminal narrowina of proximal LAD by neoinlimal thickening: 70% lWfOWiJI& ofmid LAD by heUed plaque eT05ion with Jn100th mUltIe riclI oeointiJnal thickening and focal intimal orpnWna fibrin deposition l..d\ cimunflu Il1cry (LCA): 2S to 30% IIlln'OWina of proximal and mid leA by "-~ Rip CIDI'l;lIIary arteI)' (RCA): SO% nanowina ofprox.imal RCA by healed erosion with orpniud and recanali~ lhtomlNs; 60% IWI'OWlna of mid RCA by fibroltberomlo .... Commenl: The eauxof death iJ altribuled tn lIM: anomalous rip coronary artery in conjWletion with moderate atherosclerosis. The mechaDism of de.ltb is likely arrb)1h:nic. MEDCOM 0319 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 319 rr , !(b)(6) Anomalous right COTOIllIry ancry (b){6) ~CiiijiovasculatPalhologl.'~-" .ado: II (10 boar\, • COI'lIIIa)' arteries) ...., 26(11 HAE, I M<ntll) MEDCOM 0320 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 320 _......... ,.........., - -_ - ~nTFICAll oF OEATH IOW'IUASj -- _ "".,<lAM. ... . ~-BTB Mama. KilllHlm. Maklool ,, -... . .. ----'''' ._. -- - --- --_.- --_. _ft. -_. -.... -"-1 _._,-"'--- - -"'-_......'_. ---_---...- _ ...--_.. - -_.. ---""--'. --.- -_ .. .... _ .. --_.-. .",. -_. _or. -.... _- ...--.'.. •.------.,._.. __ ....- - .__. __ _---- -~aq; ...,"'" '. o.toinoe Clvlllal'! ... ~"" .....,.. "or.. ~ • -...0<"" ...... c"",'''''' 1(bim--...- ..........-.· " I!l ., 0 ~ -'u._ ~ • ~ "" ..... ~ ....._,."'-Cll.M:• ",,- _IC.- _ _ c'''"" ",....... .,... ..."""AL ..A _ Nc' , ........ . .-_...._ ... _ e-...""_....,..._ _""~CIO'OOCT ... ~,~Ii'"'" .. ...-TO_" ..• "'.. , _ . Right ....'" tIJ Cooona<y~~"" ........._'lMlc c.<tIloo_ 0;0_ -. _CCOCIf'_,_.,,-T. ..............COUOl.._.__ '.-""'*, "",",,_CAM""""""'" • iii .. ~ ....'" _ TO~"",,",,' eo... • ......"" ...""""""'T ~~~:lD (b)(6) .. AU<lusl 200S I n.._ fi'looo- r;;:;~-"~--"'" '........._T.........""'..""___T..OCC....." .. T_.-.n._.__..............l 1......... ... . .. (~~;:~';:::'.~~ ~ -- .. -biffii~ '~ -_ _-_ - - --- ..- -...·..- - ~, r..... . 5'P. ... _ --- -' ..... ... nnu__ .t.I'AJ\two>._ nl'; (b){6) • IMedical examiner , ;). .. 0 . _ . _ ...- DD'~'" .... _.::,'!.:. , 2064 MEDCOM 0321 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 321 (REMOVE REVERSE AH() Rf INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SIDE) ,- -, ~ONOF REMAINS ;0 1<I:1IMJNlO I UI.'VIn_IIE"NtU::;'A'~ -""', IN5TolUATlOH Oft .lDDRE55 .,.." NME Of CEM!TER'I' ORCAEMAlOln' loc;;ATIOH Of C6lETE1tY OR CR!.UATORY "'" ~ """"""" ClATE OF DtSPOSTlON RfOISlRo'T1OH OF VITAL, STATISTICS IU:Gl5TRY (T_ _ ~ DAni. REGI5T1iNlO FU/'IU!«R STA1£ /oIAME Of FUN£AAl. D1RECTOft ~TUM I OntlER """''' Of AIJ'fMCNtlZED INOI"IlOUAL DD FORM 2064, APR 1177 (BACK) USAJ'A MEDCOM 0322 vr.oo ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 322 ,, , • ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Oftka of tIM Anaed ,.~ Medical £ ....1.... 141l 11::1 : lid! 8tvd., BkIJ. 102 Rottville, MD 20&SO 1-30G-944-7911 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION RU'ORT NImC: UnkIlown SSAN: Noc Applicable Au&opsy No.:(b)tS) AfIP No.: (b)(6) DIlle olBirth: Ilnlmnwll o.tcorDaitb: (b)(6) 200' of AI.IOpsy: 09 JUL 2005 Dale of IUport: J I AUG 200S Rank: Not ApplX:able p,-: ofDeath: lUqlaDiyah, u.q Pl-=e of A~: Pan Mortuary, Dova' Air Force Bac, Dova-, DE Onl.: nqi Armed f_.oo United States Maine. dr:tained this \IIlknown individual for suspicious .clivity. He Irtempted 10 flee and, after YeIbaI colll/TllllCll: 10 IUlp wen lenored, he was cnprcd with dQd]y foree. AutHriur6a (or A..-.plI)': omce orthe: Ar1Ded Forea MecficaI Examiner,lAW 10 USC 1471 ,- . L CAUSE OF DEATH: Muldplc .......otwHaft MANNER OF DUTH: MEOCOM 0323 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 323 ,, , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) lIfli'KNOWN PINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Multiple gunshot WOIIlIlb A. Ounshot wounc! to the t.:k. (III) I. Enttanee on the center of the bade 2. No 1001 or stippllni pR:5mt J, Injury 10 the skin; subcullneoUs tWue; muscle; posterior aspect oftbe left 9th intersplor:; left lung; and anlero-Jilleral aspects of the left ltd, 4th. aod Sib. ribs 4. EJtil on the left aide oflhe cbest S. No bulkt Of ilqlnenu reeovered 6. Directloo: bllCk to I'ronl, riab! to left, and upward 7. Associated injuries: peueblting injury of tile left luna, ftacture of tile left Jrd, 4th, and Sib rib! B. Ounshol wound to the t.clt ('2) I. Enumee on the left aide of tile b6ck 2. No soot 1M" stipplina preaenl J. Injury to the skin, IU~ tissue. mUJCle, pomnor·laIetaI upect of the left 9th rib. left tWig. heart. the anterior uped of the left IA intenpllce, and the lclt cl'vide 4. Exitlbovc the left clavicle S. No bulle! or ftaJments IKOvemi 6. Di~on: back to front, left 10 riSlll, and upward 7. AIsoeiatcd injurielll: ~ of the left 9th rib, .,.m~~,••'ting Injury of the left [WI&. pulpifaetion oflbr: heart, and fracture ohlle left ela.viclc II. No naruraI d i _ identified wilhin the limitations of tile examlMtion Ill. No evidenc:e of medJeaI bUlmenl IV, Modcntc Oec::ompo»ition V. Toxicology A. Alcohol I. Kidney: lr8l:e aeetaldehyde, 91 maldl ethanol. 6 maldl I-propanol 2. Uver: S mWdl..:etaldchydc. 56 maldl ethanol, Il'fICC l·prnpenol B. ~ drup or.tluse lllld medleatOis: none MEDCOM 0324 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 324 • AUTOPSY Rf.fORT (b){6) J UNKNOWN' EXTERNAL IXAMll'ftJION The body if; that o(.welklcveloped. wdl-llOlllUbed ~ mllKlilar, 67 inc:h taI~ 13\ po"nds CaucuokI male. Lividity is falnlon the _It Uld rip it Qem. Decomposition ebanaes consist ordiffute K.IrI.lippqe, marbJinj: oflhe upper Mel 10_ exlmnities, dlffulc pulRf.aion, and mWlllllif\calion of the lInpl"1 and loa. The scalp Ui _red with Ibon, IlRlJtd brown hW in. oonnaI dimibution. Facial '-ir consists of. he Uld beard. Jut KeWTlulaUon of insect ellS is praentllO\llld \he left eye. The Irides are bro'WII and !be pupi\J are roWId and eqllll in diameter. The external -.di1Ory caMlI are dar, Thc an ... 1llllenWbb1e. The I\IIU are ~l and the Hps are &lmUnl.Uc. The ncne and IrWllU.. ue ptlpably IUbIc. The Ieeth appeIr natunJ and in pxI condition. _I".. The _It iI; straight, met the tnehca is mldUne and mobile. The chell il JYIIUl\drie; iqjllrics oftba c:hnt are described below. The ~, it lrUurietoflhe _It Il'll nat. described below. The pla/ia 1ft lhose of.llOrmllldult male. The lelia ue descended and free o r - . Pubic halr b pmcnl in. normal distribution. The blltloCkJ and mlllS are uaremarkablc. CLOTHING AND PER5QNAL Et7ICTS \.. The foUowina c1othi"8ltems and pcnonal cffedl lie previously removed and IUbmined in. red plastic bq at !he time ofautopty: • rwo pay socks • brown leather belt - green brie6 - while Jona underwear P'fltJ - b1l1Ck slacks - wlIanit top • plaid shirt Defects of !he tank lOP and .shirt are COlIlIiJlenl with the underlyinl woWllb. MEDICAL !1tJ'E8YENTI0N There is no evidence of mcdieal [nlaVenbon. RADlOCRAPHS A complete ~ of poMIOrtem radi~ is obtained and demonstnlct the followtna;: • fi1K:lun: or the left clavielc • frII:t\aa oCtile lel\ ritll3 to 5 MEDCOM 0325 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 325 • • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 4 UNKNOWN E)'IDENCE OF lNJURY The Of'l!ering of \he followi08 injuries is for descriptive pIIIl)t es only. and is not lntellllcd to imply orderofinfllaion or relative All wound palhways ate given relfllivc: to sunlIard _tomic position. sevency. I. Multiple gunshot wounds A. Gunshot WOUIld 10 the back (/1.1) A gunshot ellttal\Cc WOWld is on !be eet\1et ofw bet, totaled 11" below the top oflhe head and 112" left oCthe posterior midline. The cireu1ar wound meaJUfe$ lit" ill diameter.,..;th. " ... IlCCentric marsinal abrasion on the 3 o'clock border. Sool and stlpplin& ate not present on \he *-In s\IfI'Oundilli the wound.. l'he wound path Injures the skin, SUbcUtaneclllS Illuscle, the po$terior IISpect ohhc: left 9th illlCnpW:e. the lower and upper lobes ofw Iefl. lung, and the anterior aspects oCtile left 3rt!, 4th, and Sth ribs. The bIIlld exits via. 3" 112" inqulll"WOWld, loc:Itod D-Ur ~low the lop ohne bead and )"left of the anterior midline. No lnillet or mcmmtsare m:overed &om the wound ti_. pith. The wound pMh iJ diRCtcd back to front, righl to left, and upward. Associ.ted injuries indude. penetrating injlll)' of the leflllUlR and liactuMofthe left lid, 4th, and 5th ribs. l. B. Gwtshot WOWld 10 tbe blck (12) A sumba! cntr1lllCe wound is on !he left sideofthe back, located. 20.112" belowthe lOP of the head and S-In"left ofw po:$Ieriorrnidline. The d~ular wolllld measures III" in diameteTwith. 1/4" eceenuic marainaJ abrNion on \he S to 6 o'clock border. Soot and S1ipplil\i are not prescnt on the skin sumrundill8lhe wound. The wound pBtb inj1,R5 skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle. the po5terior-l4tcrallSp«l ofthc: left 9th db, the lower lobe of the: lung, the: heart, the: ..,!erior upec1 of the right'. intmpMX,"'c\ the left ell-mle.. The build exits via a )/4" x 112" irrqpIIu wound.loeated 7-112" below the lop of the helld and 4-112' left of tbe .merior midline. No bullel or fragments an: reeove:red from the woutIcI path. The woWld pith is direeted baek to front, left to rigill, and upward. A530ciated il\iuries inelude frlenw oftbe left 9th rib, penetntina injuryoflht: left luna. plilpifletion of the heast. mel frwetuR, of the left e1avlele INTERNAL EXAM'NATION HEAP: The p1ea1me1 subjaleaJ soft tissues of the scalp aR ftee ofil\iury. The ealvarium i. inlKl, as is the dun mater beneath The bl'"Iin weiahs 1130 IP'O- The surf_ of the brain has mild to moderalll puue&etive eharJies, however the I)'l'i and sulei aR otIlefwiJe unremarkable. Corone..! seetions demolutrate sharp ~lion betweca white and pay matter, without hetnol'l'hage or eontusive injury. The vc:ntrU:les aR of nonnaI size. The baa! sanalia, bninstcm, cettbellurn, and ~a1 systetns are free of injury or other abnonnalities. There are no skull &aetures. The: atlanto-occipital joint is stable. n. MEDCOM 0326 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 326 • AUTOPSY RUORT:(b)(6"J-~ , UN~OWN =, The: anterior stn.p muselet of the no:k lie homoemous tDd rcd..bfQwn, wltbout IIcmolrhqe. The tlIyroid and hyoid are inIad. The Larynx is lined by InllCl while m\lQOSI. Tho thyroid is S)'IfllMrie and rcd-brown. without eyttie or nodulu ehanie. The IOnpe is free of bile marks, hcmorrbIae. or olber iDjuries. BODY GAyrnfS; lnjuriesorlbo ribs have been de,cribed. The lIlI.injured ribs, stemwn. and vtilelllli bodies are visibly IIlld palplbly Intact. No cxcessflllid ill in the plelllll1. pericardia!, or peritolll:al cavities.. The orpns ~y tbcir II!UaI &nBIOmie positions. R r::SPlRAIORY SYSTEM: lnjIaies of!he left hma have been described. The right and left lunp weigh 2S0 and 170 gm., ~vely. The inlIII:t extemallUri'leet at RlIOOth wilb mild \0 II'IOdenle plIftr.ction. Putrefactive dwIp are..Iso present on !he eIII ~ of the tunp. ~ l. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: InjUly of the heart has been dclcribed. The heart weigha 180 sm. The epicardiWll II SlI\OOth with minimII fit lnve!lmml The m)'OC8flilum bas severe putrefactive chmps 8Ild it ..ft. lnjurief of !he heart prevent !I.Irther cvalu.tlon of lhc COI'OIlII')' U'teries, heart valves, and chamber wall5. The unirUlII'elI en1oca"llilllD has putrefactive ehaqes. The llllIU lives rUe to ~ and ~t uo:h vessell. The renllI and maenterie vessdl are unremarkable. LIVER A BlyARX SYSTEM: The no IPtt liver bas an inlaCt, smooth cap;!IIIe and • $harp anterior border. The parenehynta is tan-brown and ~ with the IISUa1lobular mdUteetun=. No maa lesiOltS Of ocher lIbnonnalities are teen. The pllb1lddcr contains no bilo lind no JIllneS. The mllCOllll surface i. green and velvety. The e:xbbepalie biliary tree is patent. srr FFN~ The 110 gm spleen bas • smooth, illlaCl, red-pwple c:.psuIc. The pumc:hyma is marooD and '=Iga.led. with distinct Malpijhian 00lpII3Cles. PANCREAS: The pancrea$ i. soft and yellow-tLll. with the II$\lI.IIobuIar arebiteeture. No II\US luiOllS Of other abnorroalities arc IICCll. APRENAlS: The right lllld left lIdrmal glanda an 1}'tIIIlIetric, wilh pale yellow conlee. and 80ft ReI medu./l.e. No lIWSeS Of _ ofhcrnorrhl&c an identified. GENITOURINARY SymM: The ri&hl IWIlcft lOOney. wc:iab 10 and 60 am. rcspcdi~y. The: wemal $\lIflll:eSarc intJiCt and smooch. The cut swfaces an Rd-tall and ~. wilh unifonnly thiek cortices uxI $Iulrp corticomedullaty jUDCtioaL The pelva an lIIIIaIWbble"" the MEDCOM 0327 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 327 • AUTOPSY REPORTICb)(o) UNKNOWN umen He IIllIIlUII in course and caliber. While bl.dder mucosa overlies III in*1 bL.dder wall. The bladder COl'lWIU no urine. The proswe is normtl in size, with Iobullll', yellowWi ~hrrn-. The seminal vesicles ~ unrerrwUble. The IeSIeS He free of mass lesions, contusiollS, or otheT aboonnalitles. GASIROINTESTlNAL TRACT: The esophasus is intact and lined by smooth, grey-while mucosa. The stomach contains approximately 100 ml of mbed solids Ifld fluids. The guttie wall is intlel. The duodenwn, loops ofsmall bowel, WId colon life 1lll.l'ell'IaJk1lble. The appendix is present. APpmONAL PBOCEPUBf.S I. Ooe\anenW)' pbotopphs lie taken by OANE staff. 2. Personal effects He releue<l 10 the ~opliale mortuary OpomiOIll feplesenwives. J. Speeimetll retained for toxicologic testirJatndlor DNA identifieation ale: pstric contents, brain,liver, psou.luna, spleen,ltJdney, and .dipose 1is3ue. 4. Thedi~ted orpns He forwarded with body. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected porlions of 0rJaN are retained in fonmuin, withoul plqlIrfIUon of histolQSic slides. MEDCOM 0328 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 328 · . AlfrOPSYR£PORT(b)(6) 1 VNXNOWN OPINION This IIIlkDlroIIn individIW died of multiple ~ wtlUDl1J. ~ wounds to tbe left 1lll11l uxI heart were lu".jnrd &om two gunshot WllIlllds 10 the back. No evidence of dose rml&C fin: wu wollllcllM two WOIIDda &lid no bullets or hgmenla were R<lOVtred from eitllel" woUDd path. ToldoolosY lcsls for alc:ollollllgat decomposition chanaes: Ie!U foT Icreclled drugs of lIbuIe and medications are III:ptive. The IIlllIlller of death is baaUcide. SlDce positive identif\Qtion is pendln&, IhillqlOrt may be amended shouki !his infonna1ion become available. p,-. (b)(6) (b){6) (b){6) MEDCOM 0329 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 329 _. - - . -. (b)(B) - - . ~ t>f<.lASOU .--..,-,.. -- - ... C~R""""~Of - CU'" f<WI" ...........b ~-.I ... (lrOul.. ·...) -"""""""'-. """""'''''''OlYU - -""--'(b)(B) --- - - -, ..... .. _. ......-, ---_ .. .- • --._ ...... ...".- _...... _... ......... -'_1 "".,.,. _............ --_. ............ ..... ,,---_..."""" _"".w ,_. -........ _.._.._-_.. "'" Civilian . • "",.'" ", ,,,., .~ [] , 0 ' .....'....A'... ~ ""', ' "",,,.....: ~ 0''''_' -'-'-' .......... "0 • -,-'1 011". _ " " --.-." ....A'_·m ............" "' ., , """'" '...... "._, _-~- _ ... e - ......... -~_ , " e-.."' ......... c_ .. _ _ _ _ _ ... _ ........ <.. ~'''''_,''''''.,--,n"",,,'" • G.....hol -.nd< _.-.- -- .. .... _... to"'" hac• ~- ...-0",,,....,,_•.... _'n ..,,"''''.' ,<t .. "'-""'""" e - _......... c...... -. . ~- _.~ .. """", """"""" ~-.~ro_v"",,",, "--_ , -_. ---..--.--... .'"..... ,......... _ ",- """,",,,,,,,,, , ~,,,,,,,, .. -- --... ---....... -..._.--I '.............".."'-_"','"Dfa-iS...,. ,._ .. __ .....- - . _-_.-n" ..... _--_ . _.._-_.... _......_.......... .................._- ..._.._.. -_._ _........__......_ . "._. ..... • ........ , • ...""'." '0"'" -'~ (b}(B) ~. • •• (b}(B) ..,2005 ......... '-, bii6~"'" b 6 .... - .. _~- I 9 July 2005 Iraq . ,,,""''''''' Medical,--Examiner ntw... AFR ,",v"r f)F (b)(B) ~._--- DO , rnl't, 2064 "_ ~-:?-...:: "" . '"""'" n... _",:._ """_00' '...r_.....,,_._,.. a.uou .....,"" ...... .."..."''''00_,, of I -"""""OF ....'" .._- (~ ' 0 .~ I ~-.:';t--- "'04'-/7<--1 , COOCI.M>,-..a _ " ' _ '0"",_ """"". D~ ~ ...., """, --...=k.-.- .-.~ (b){B) iii --"-'" ~""""" . --~--- ,.... ,..... " ,- ,~ .... .... MEDCOM 0330 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 330 ARrtn:D FORC....~ li'l~.,.ln 'flo: OF 1'r\TIIOLO(;V Office "fIIH' Annetl F"rel'S Mediul t~~n,inu I" 1J Itc"""""h nl> II . 1)1<111. 1112 Rockville. M II :!OJC~U 1·81iO-'/.I.j...7'1l2 AlfrOl'SV EXAMINATI{),~ ItEI'ORT Namc:.-'iWl:iilil.LAdnanlvl u.khl.: f S.....' dan tSN: j{b)(6) Oat""rBinh: Un~no....n Dal" "fl>':,nh; (b){6) 2t.ltJ:'i (b)(6) '\"lnI"S)' No.: _ Mil' No.: (b)(6) R",,~: Nol AI'I"icahlc 1"1.-.:,. "rll.:alh: I'h.:al.:r 1'Il~rr\ll1enll·1I1.:ml)" t 'a'\'1" lJlIC",a. Ira,,! p"" 1)11l~ "f A\I!lll'-~r: 22 MA Y 2005 nate of ReflOrl: 14 JUL 211115 1'1.,..... "I Atll"Il.<Y: MurlU;,rr. l)"w. I\i. I "re.: lJ~sc. Dowr. DE Clnmm.lanu.,. or Ilcwlll: 1 hi. 1'.oIli deu"rn..... I'r':>l:III,-<1 \\ ilh ,lilli.:uh)· hrealhi'l¥ (, alkr II sub-lOlal lhyn,idcdtltny. A ulh"rrl.alioll ror A,uupsy: USC 1471 ,,"cc~s omc.: ,,1' lhe A "","1.1 h'n:cs t..-l,-<lic,,1 Fx:,mincr. 1/\W ! 0 1dcnlific~ lion: ldeoliticlllio" mad.· lhruullh lhe """ "I' hi. 1I"i~"ed J"lemown! Sed:,1 Numhc•• CA USE 0 t· ilEA Til: COllllllical ions "r 'l"h.\'I"u!II Surl(clJ MANNI'R Ol'11EATlI: Acelll.·"1 MEOCOM 0331 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 331 l AUTOI'SY IU':I'OH1{(b)(6) SWRIDAN. Aunnn 1\'1.5. I1INAL AUTOI'SV OIAGNOS~:S: I. Complicalions "f lh)'roid ~II rgcr~' A. SI"hIS postlcft hClIlltll)'roiticellllll.'· 11. I~ctaincd fnrei~u hody willlin lhe ~"rl:;eal site C. reuelraliol1 of the lr'lcllclI D. Ocehlsion of the Inlcbe:1 from purri"" "f rWrincd fOl'ci~n hod)' 11. E.'illcnee of medleal ilJlcrvcntill1l pre!i"'Il. il1c1udil1~ need Ie IlI1Ilcinre Illarks ill hoth allt~ubilal f05~lle. gnll7.e linnria!:c :rrollllll lire left nntl~cllhit'll fussa.'"ld II 'I,,' incision on the :lnluior midline uf the Ileek. III. Mild 11<lst,llortelll c1mn~~ IlreSenl IV. TOll";CUlllgy tests f"r 'llcohol mill screenc,l ltl"llg5 of 'I bUSt" nd Dlcd icllliollS arc negati .... MEDCOM 0332 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 332 , 1 AUTOPSY IU.;l'ORTh:{bi)~(6~)_ _ SWI',IOAN, Adll3n M.S, The body is Ihal of a well·developed. wdl'I1(l"n"h~~1 appeari"ll. muscular, (,8 in<;h tall, 14 I \1O\lmI5 ,Ial'k·skinncd, C3ueasoidlllale whusc "l'~lmliICl: is ('OUSlslcut with Ihe rCJlorted age "lOge 000 10 40 years. Lividily is I'0:scm 1l11d I;~cd dlllhc posterior a~I"''''ls of lhe body, Rigor is 1101 prcsc\ll. The "",Iy Is <,,,hI. The 51:;\11' is co\'en.'d ",ilh hrowll, ~Ir:li gill hair Ill' mc.liul11 lenglh ;11 a ""rml,l diSlrilllltioll. The irillcs me llrown. lhe comc"e "0: h,,~y, Ih,' so;lcr.K: white, UI111 the I'llpiis lIl\; ""1I1d llml equal III dialllclcr. The eXlem,,1 l\lUlil"l~ c:IlIals <Ire de'''t. The ean< are lUlrcmm\(ab1c. Bloll·d is J'rcsent in Ille e~ lerl1,,1 nares mu! ":wity, The lips lire ulraumali,. The n"sc lind maxillac arc l'alpal,ly slahle. The leelh "1'\.....", I\OlluI';11 allll;u gou" c011l1ilioll. ,,'-c "",I The \Ice\( is slrni~1\ an,l the trache:. is mi,llin,· 111I" nlUhlle::111 amerior mi,;Jlinc 1/4" ineisioll exudes pus whell manipulaled :Intl ;11I ~llIeriur 111 i,lI inc 2·1!~" Il"alcd sem' ,~ helow Ihis incision. Tbe dles! is symmelric. Th,' abdomen iSl'nlwllcran1. 11,e IICnillllill ;II-C lhose of 11 nonnal llilullllllllc, The (~ICS ;II'C d",.;c('nded lind free or mass,',;, Pullie Il;lir is pn.'SCnl 11\ 1I nonmlldislrib"lilln, 11«: I",uocks lind '11111, lITe IInTClllurkalllc. 'Ille upJlCr "n,1 lower eXlrel\lni"s 'lfo s),nmclrie 1111<\ w;lholl' c!ubhi'lll or edema. (;1.0'1'"11'1(; ANn P~:ltS(IN"I. ~:H'f:(TS The following c!olh;ng items and I'erso"al ('rfCCISOlfC presenl On lite ho<ly <II Ihe lillie lIf ;\\\\\\psy: • Green llild bloo<I,~o;lke<l tllwel Wl:.lI'PCoJ around Iho wais\ ~ 1Ellie" I. I N'I'lm VI·:NT Ill:" • G,lll/.e balldago WI':>\)1......1lUlI"n" th.' \ef\ lim' • NC<."lIc 1>lllielUre mllrks in III" riShl ;11><1 ldl llllle·cuhillillooSlIC - 114" incision uftl><; allierior midl;ne orlhe IIc<'1> R.' 010(; ItA I'll S A complete SCI or posimoncill r<llhogr,I1'hs is nlnllin.'\! mkl dCIl\OnSlm!C~ no sisnifiC<lnl injuries, MEDCOM 0333 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 333 , ,\trrorsY Rt:I'ORT (b)i6) SWEII)AN, Adnau M.S. INn:RNAI, F.SA~IIN"TION H!!AO: n,~ I',h:al Ill.... fUb.llalc:1lllOfl tissues uf the S<::llp """ frw M inj ury. The c:lI"urium i~ illl:lCl. lIS.s lho: dUB nlaler bcllC'"~,h il ('lcar ccrrllWSllin:l1 fluid sUn'(lunds lh" 11>40 l!m brain. which has IInn:markDhlc ~ antl suk' (um""I ....1;lIl11IS d"",mUlrale sh:orp dc"l:It'ClIli(m hetw.. ",hile :lIItl.ll"') n,"ller. ",'1")111 he",on1la~c Ilr cOlllusive inj IIry. Tb,; "c",rides afe of IlOnnal lite. 1110: h:'l".l Sall;:li:'. ecrch.:llum. and OIncri:11 Iyslems Drl; fr~"\: o( UlJury or Olher oonomIDII.ics. TIk.TC are 11(1 simi I rra.:llIres. The allan1o-oo,;",p,lal join. i, s\llble. = =, The anterior sinap muscles o( 1l1e neck are h,"IIO~'fIOO$ :II........"t1-brown. "ItII mild C(/(:mll or lhe IlrlIll nltlSC1~'5 "~f Ihe Jefl side. The 'ell 1,Jh,,: lI( the thyroid '5 abSCIl! II bloutl.oll~~..1s\,r:.:;e,,1 go'"ZC is IIf"eSClll m lhe an~~ pre. l"ll$ly oceul>i~"t1 hy 11K: IlIyro,d 101>1; The ga1l7.!; llend,,"es ;nln tile lum,~1 fir lhe Iracllca IhO\Hlgll a ',5 1"11 ill .hameler 'isluln involving lhe left lDler:11 a:<p.."C1 or Il,c el1C111l1 eal1lb$. TlIl; gallte occlu,lcs Ihe ail'" DY. The rillhl lhyroid lobe.s I'resenl :",d unremarl.:lble. n", Ihyroid earl,h1lte alld hyoid arc inloe\. The IlU'ym. is 11ll~~1 by inl:ocl while m,oo>s;,. 'Tho: 101l,L;lIe i~ f....' " nrbilc ll1"rk~. hell111rrlmge. nr olher injuries. ",II! POPY CAVITmS: TIle ribs, S!emlllll. :lIul \'enebral'S arc, isil>ly a,k1 p"J.""'ly mlaCl. No e)(c~'5S llllitl is in the plellrul, l)crieardi~1. Dr l:>eriloncal c:lvi"..-s. TIM: Of"!;"'1S occupy Ihdr UI""] :lnatOllllt: l'osiuuns. RESPIRATORY SYSTI,M: Ttle righl and len Iuoys weigh (, 10 "lid .WU ~n'. IeSj><."ClIl·cl y 111<: e~km ..1Sllrr~ urt: smoolh and deel' red-I'lIll>lc. Th.:: pulmonary 1'1IO"~lO:hYl1\a is <Ii rf:lSl;'ly cunlle't",1 :,nd cdeOl"IOI\S. No nl"SS lesi",,< or "r"",~ of consoli,lmill" at\' I>rL~1l1. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: TI,e J50 Il'" hC"Jrl is elllll"i ,,~'11 in DIl mUICI 1"'l'IearLii;,1 !\:Ie. 1'he e"iearni"l surface i~ smoolh, wilh milllllmi rUI illl cstmem. The elln>llary ""erita lore 1>f\'SC1l1 '" a IM'rllla' Liistrih"tiu\1. willi a righl-doll1inmll 1':1(1""1. ('''''SS lII.'CliOM or lhe \·~'II.·ls show 110 signifiemll alherosckrosil. The 11lyQwn!i"111 i.I",,\10.llenO'I,';, ......1.1""'w,,. alld linn, The ~ll.VC te.. ncl< arc Ihi,\ and lIIulii Ie. The WILli, "I' Ihe len and I1ghl V,~ll nelcs arc 1.1 ll,ld U.4·cm thick. rcspeclivcl y The clld''''lInli''lI1 i~ <n",nlh ,,,HI Ilh~le"i"!l. Tt", oorta gives ri:\C I" Ihl"« ;11lDCI ""d 1l1l1CI1( Drch \'~'ss~ls, The ''1:,,,,1 ""Oll)1L"Scnle, ie vl:);SI:ls uc un ....·mlrkftblc. L1VliR & BILIARY SYSTEM: The 1510 8m liver h'lS an il1h«::'. ,monlh Cl'pSIII" ;111<1 ~ shurp :lI1lcrit)r hONer. Tile l>:1TCllChyma is I"n-brown ~nd eonll~le,!. Willi III..: "~",,I lohul"r "'d ,iIL'CI""'. On :scc,ioninll. lhere is a 2 enl in d"'I11~1er ~lnlklll""l,1 k'll eysl wilh Ihil\. clUUII)' fluid. MEOCOM 03304 nl<' ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 334 ~ ,\Ul'OI'Sl' I~EPORTI(b){6) SW~;II"'N.Atln" n f> I.S. I ; gallbladder comains ~ on j"lIle amllUlI1 of gn:~n·hl",·k hile and no stones. The mucos:,1 Sllrn,<;c is green and I'd vely. 111<: CXII".tI,CllaI ic I,ili:lr)' lrcc is ",Ilenl. SPLEEN, "n,c 190 gill spleen has a Sllh>Olh. intact. rct!-[,u'1,k cal"ule. The p:trl'llcll\,I1W is maroon '111<.1 COllllestc,t. with dislinct M"II,ighi:1I1 0;011'11":1.:", I'ANCKEAS: The pallcrens is linn ,mll yellow-,,,n, with lhe 11.,"'11 (<>l>lIlar mel" I~~·l"""'. No IIH''''' lesions III olhcr abnormalities arc seen. A[lRENA1.S, TI,e ril;ht Rntl len a<.lrunal glllnds me S)'IIII11CIII,·, wilh hr'!;!1! yell"w medullae. No masses Or areas of hcmOlTh,'g<,' ,,," ;dcnlllic~l. c(JI1icc~ ,,,,\I grey GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The righl am/lcll kidneys weigh 911 and 100 !1m. n.-spcclivcly. The cXlcnml ,,,r(lICes arc ;nl.:J.CI 'lIld sl1\OQlh. Thc CUI sur';'e",. ar" red·lml ""d .. un!l':"I~~1. wilh Ull' r"rmlr Ihick C<lriices Jud sharp corliconwd"lIary jUllclioll~. 111<' rei,,",,; arc \ll1re' ulI<.Ilne u'-clers "re lIonnal in COllrnc and c"lihcr. While hl:uhb II1UCOsa overlies '"' inlaCI bladdcr w~,Il. The hla<ldcr conlains nPl'fO,XII11"Ic!y I U ce "rdear Urill~·. 'Illc pro,I'llc is lI,mlla 1 ,n 5'7.C, wilh lob"l"r. yellow-wnl'urenchrl11a. 'rh,' SCnll11,,1 ,'c,;iclcs art: ullremarkuble. The les\cs ure free of "'''ss I....~ions, con(l1sions, or oIlier "h"onll:11 il ics. GASTROINTESTINAl. TRACr: Thc C'SOl'hal:llS is illt"el and linCtI by smooll1, $rcy·whilC "'"C'\S", 11,<: slon1"cll conlains approximately 2.~O m1of 1l1ix...d soli,ls "n<.l nllid., The g;,slnc w:,11 is illiact. Thc dlloocl1ul11. 1001'S of 5111,,11 Wwc! •• nd col"n.r... lll1rclllll.....u!lI.... The append,x is pn."5<:"I. ,\lllllTIONA" 1'llOCEllIJRES I. Documelltary phoIOII.r"llhs me laken by 0,\ I'M £ slaff, 2. Trnee e"itlcnce unJ ror\:i!i.n mUler;,,1 are c"I1,'<,;lt~llInd ~; V"II 10 illWSliWl1;lll; aUlhonlics. J SIlC(;lllCns rclall1'-.:I for toxicologic lestiny :l",linr DNA iJemi Ik:,tioll are: vitreous. hlood. bile. brnin. hilly, liver, spleen, k icll1cy. atlil"-"'C. I's";~~. ,""1 <;l,slric eOl'lCI1(S. ~. "nlC diss''Clcd organs lite Iinwm"tkd wilh 1,,"ly. S. J'ctsonal clTcClS :Ire rclc;lscl! 1,1 Ihe ;'l'pT"lll'ti:l(c lII"n(I;'ty "pct"l i"n~ ''!.'prescnlal;vcs. t>. Idc"l' ryinlllllarks inchlll,,: scars 1111 Ihe ametior l\1i<l line or 1I11: I1,,<:k. len shoulJcr Illadc (3 J, 'Olt1 kn ann; hYl'e."iglllenlilln\\l or Ihe len si<Jc of til" chest: ,\lId hYllVpiwne'llal;on "r (he 1,,,111, or 11le leli 11:11111. MICROSCQI'IC EXAMINATlO,'I Selected I"'nions l1rorgun.~ arc relained in rOIl1I"lin, wilhoul prcpur:llIUll urhislologic slides. MEDCOM 0335 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 335 AUTO/'SY REPORT (b)(6) SWEII)AN. Ad"~,, MS. OJ'lNIUN Til,s InK}i dcluillI:C(b)(6) di..\1 of ~0I11111K:mions rrum thyroid SlIrgery. He developed lIypet1hyro;ullm Iron, 3 goiler h*' 3 l'am31Ihyn,i,l<X:lomy r"r lrt:alnl<:m. A rcb;,!<d $UfJlCul sponl,'i: paltlral''tI ,nlll 'he hlln.:u of Ill<: 'r.lC1M::> 1)I;.,\,.mtinJ! UdCljll:'le air excl1<ln~'C and Ic;"'ing 10 2.'phy..:"" To~ i.... 'klll:>' ll:St~ r« ult:ohol a'I<1 sctl:\:ll''tI dl1ll,'S or al",sc anl! nll:dic3Iiotl$ ar.: n.:b:U"·c 'file marmet' .. rdc:ath ;s ..:(;denl. ' ' <I (b){6) (b)(6) (b)le) Medical r:XllIllU>Cf (b)(e) ~ /.I,dical fu.:nnin.:r MEDeOM 0336 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 336 - •••"._..._... - -_.._"" _..... ... ----, ..... --_---. . _.--....._- -- - _ ___ - cun'OC"'lo¥ D....TH /O\lEII~SJ ....... ID_ _'I ~_ _""-.:0;'_ .___ ... . .:......T1l;;;.S"~•.:..lcla=rlc.·••~."';;::""'="· I' ......,. -t.::,.~"" .... _ ..."""'" _'"""""_ ,---tC.§i.~":~~i:i_~''':"--i'~ _ .. _ ~ --.u,...' • ........' • ... ~ ertY ... ..-.".".,. _-~- _,Cooo_ _ _ _ ""'" ,__- . ,. ""....'...,,, ................ .... _.TA...,., ....... Cf_... _ .... _ _ ... _ e -... _ . . - . . ... _ ---....-_ .... . -.......... _--.--_. ---""--'. --..-. .., _.--.-' ---- "" -'- - =" n""'_,,"". _,""'__ I.•,..... "' _.. _""'""',,,,,'----.L.l-'::-"'--'''''='----l ...-. . ,. -, .... ...._. ___..__-.......... .. _. __ ..... _---r ..""....,...._.--""---.,.... ..-"._,...• 0 •• _...-._._...-.0 _-~ .-. 'O_ownI c • ' ... _ _ ...... ..ceo_T ~... (b)(6) ""'---- r-t"~---tf.;e<f----------"II/;'" (b)(6) (b)(6) ·2005 _'~ ~-- , . . . . . ._ ' ... _ T... - .. . .O . . . . . . . . . . _ ' I 221.1i1y2006 00 ~- ~,_,~--.._..... , _ _ O"UOU . . ,,~''''-. ~_ (bJ'i6 (b)(6) """"'''0''''''_'' Cove, MB, Dov.r DE ~~~~-;,Ib}") ._. 00'· " 2064 MEDCOM 0337 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 337 (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE·/NSERTCARBONS BEFORE COMPLEnNG THIS SlOE) D1Sf'08rroN OF RaWNS , I G~' LICENSE NUM5ER AND IilA[E IflSTALlA,110N OR ADOIlESS M" SIGNATURE NAMF. 01' CEMETERY ffiCREMATOHY LOCATION G' CEME! ERY OR CREMATORY .~, O~Ma " A !NG H~1AINS lYPE Ol' DISPOSIION O['iF. DATE OF DISPOSllON REGlS'l'RATiON OF IIlTAl STATl9TlCS REGISTRY lTo_aj)d(;..... ~'i'J DAlE REGISTERED FILENUM9ER STATE NAME OF FUNEI\III. OIRECTOR 0""' AD[)RESS 5tCtM IUIlE Of AUHIOHllEO INOl\llOUAL DD FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAPA VI.DO MEDCOM 0338 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 338 • ~. 'y' ARMED FORCES INS'ITI1JTE 01 PATHOLOGY omee oflb Anaed FolUI Medical EUII:II'-er 141J Research Blvd., Bida- 102 RoekviJIc, Me 20150 \·800-944-7912 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BTJl Hlll:him.Jbrlhim.M-----, Detainee ,(b)(s) DaleofBirtll:"RT'R 11;150 Date: of~(6) 12005 Dale I AUlOPS)' No.:I(b){6) AFlPNo.:",(b~}~(6~} -.1 Rank: CivITian Place of Death: Camp BUCCI. Iraq PI..:e of AUlOp3y; Port Mornwy. Dover MS, DE of AWO",y: nair 2005 Dale of Report: 26 May 2005 ClmnllftlllleeiJ of O_tlll: By report. this lIfIP"lximately 55 year-okl civiliaa detainee 81 Camp Bucca. &aq "MJdenly CQlI~ while ealina brellk(ast. Medkal ~_Lnnti."......---, eggs in the upper airway. which they removed durillJ resuJCitation altempts!(b){6 j I1lportecl. during • medical screening that be was diabetic but by report !heR was no medical le:JIlinl !O confirm !hi! md he had lIOt recei~ ma;liC8!kl1L He had apparmtly not eaten for Ihree days prior 10 lib coll'l*. Authoriutioll for Alllopl)': Office of the Armed Fon:es Medieal Examiner. lAW 10 USC 1471 JdeDtiftC81tlOIl: Tenwive identificaJiOll by CIO. postIrIortem fmgetprint and dental ellUDinBtions perfonncd. Sample obtaiDed for DNA anaJysis. CAUSE OF DEATIl: Afteriosclerotic c:ardiovll3eU1al dixase MANNER 0' DEATH: Natural MEDCOM 0339 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 339 AUTOPSY Rr:PORT (b)(6) 2 a.dl1JD, Ibrdlm FINAL AUI'OrsY DIAGNOSES: L SwcR COJOIIII'}' .neriose!awiI A. Left main corwary aMy with tbeIJ 75%.teDOIil B. Left anterior dell:cnding 00f0lIIl')' arttfy wilh 80.90% proximal rtenoIil, S007S% mid .temSelI, IIIId 80% Jtel\OIi. oflhe prl)xiJnal rant di....... """" C. Left cimlmflex coronIr)' utery with so% proximallteDOliJ aI. tbeIJ 75-,4 mid IteInoJiJ D. Rilht ~ "'crywith SOo8O% prox;m.! Itel1OIelI, IUld 50-75% mid and diNlltenolel B. Mild ~ ortbo cuonary ClItia F. Modcnt&-teYenl tlberotclaotie pI.que formatiozt of the dilt:ll aorta, jllJl ptOltimal to the iii..: ~ G. Mild eard.iomeply JOrwei~ (bcart-$OO granu., prMieted-olO6 pwtU) 1. Left veatricle-lS mID in thicbt... H. Pu1moncy ocIsna -.d OIl"; IN'Cl (combined wei&ht-12SO crama) n. No /'ordp bodywithi.n!be aUw.y A. Leu thaD 5 ml of IfIftUIar liquid wi!Jlia the tndlea B. Poor dmtilion m. Mild urophy of the bOO I\. BBi!l weiJbt-I260.B. Mild ...eQtriClllw CII1qemad TV. Simple cortical e)'ll or !be riaN kidlley v. Mlliti-aod;w.-Ihyroid va. PoI1erior!boracic and cenieaI diMeetion neptivc lOr trauml (bifid Ipioo.. oflbe eeMeaI wrtClbne) proe.,. MEDCOM 0340 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 340 AUTOPSY REPORTj(b)(6) ) Hadrlal, IbraJllm vm. Minor healing .bluions oflhe Interior righlleg and right cheek lX. Mild decomposition conaisting of cloud)' cornelle and etrIy iJ'eelI dbcolomion oflhe cecum X. HiskJry ofdiabdet by self repoll A. No rqlOrt ofmediClllion tdminiJl11.tion B. locomplele medic" recordl Xl Toxicolol)' ncgarivc MEDCOM 0341 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 341 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) 4 Hadllm, IbnllllD EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is tt.t of. thin, 69 inch, ISO pouDd elderly nule wbose sweannce i. consistall. with !he reported age ofSS yean.. Lividity it reG-purple. posterior, and fIXed. Rigor i. eaily broken. The sealp ill covered with Ihott. hair in s nonna! diltribution. Corneal cioudina obsc:ureI \be irides. TbeeotljWleUVK md lelen are markedly injedcd, however, there lie no pereehi.e. tbere are bilateral eelobc CreISCI (FrmIt's .ian). The extcmal .uditClt)' cmW are unremubble. Tho nara are patent and lIIe lip. are tit'llllJmtic. The IIO'e and nw:iUae are plllpably .Wlle. The leeth appear in ll'Nero di~ with ~ce of tile lMjorityo(tIle upperdmtition. Thercare no fordp bodieI wilhin the orophmynx. The neelt is IlRipl, and the bxhelI g midline IlIId mobile. The chest is symmetric. TIle Mdomen it ~t. The r;eniWlJ. are those of a notmal.:lull male. The testell are deleended aDd heofmones Pubic hair i. praent in. nonn.IlI diuribution. The buttocb and Mill are WII"erDIl'kabIe. 'The upper and \owere~ties are l)'ItulIetrie and wil/lDut clubbing oredem.. 'LOmING AND PERSONAL EPlICTS The body i. received nude at the lime ofautopsy. MEDICAL ImsyENTlON 1'bere are Ill) abebed mediea1 devices at tile time of autopsy. IW)IOGWHS A complde Kt of poatmol1em ra4iograplls it cbWncd and demonalnltes no ftxlures or radiopaqU<: fon:ign bodies. E\'II)J,NCI OF INJURY 00 the riptebcclt is allmall red "'ion and on tbe lower tipt leg near the ankle are ll'Nenl auall hu.Una red abnIIlons. Di..eetion oflhc b.c:k md buttoeb reveal no COl1tuSionI. INTERNAL EXAMIMtlQlrl HEAP: Thepleal and tubgaleal MItt tinues ofttle.ealp are free of injury. Theealvuium is intael, as is the dW'l mater baleath it. Clear ~pillllJ fluid fWTOuods !he 1260 gm brain, whicb has lII1leI'IUfbbIe gyri mel .uld. Cororu.l sections demonnrace aharp denweation belween white and grey matter, witboul ~ oreantvsive injury. The veolrieles are mildly enIupc1. The bull braillllml, cerebellum, and arurial l)'ltems are free ofinjllf}' or otha" IbaolTl'la1ilies. There are no skull fraetlLres. The a1lanlo-oedpilal join! i. stable. &'llau.s. MEDCOM 0342 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 342 , J AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) RllCblJD, [braid. """" boJDott:Doa U)'IlI'-wite dj'sectioa of the ncclr: revM tile anterior atnp mlllcles of the neck are IDd raI-brolll!l. without IIemorrhaac. The lhyroid CIl'til. and hyoid are Inlaet. 1be ~ it Iilled by IntadWhilo mllOOlL The lhyroid it nodular and red-b1OWll wilhoul c)'Ilic chIrlae- T1Ie lOngUe if he ofbire merb. hcmorrbage, or other injuriel. IDtiAoIl and dis ~tion of the posterior neck demollIlfaIes Del deep paraec:l'\'ic.aJ mlllClllar il\iur,o Illd no poIleriOl" c:c:rvieal ~ hetwu. Tbefe II no bemorrtIage or Iuity of tile 1piJla11ipmenlL The ec:rvicallpinoul procencs ~ bifid. BODY CM'IT'ES: The n'bl., IUmUln, md vertebral bodies are mibly and palpably Intact. No exeeu fluid it in !be pJearal. pericardia!, or periIoneal cayjties. The mpnI occupy tbcir ...uaJ _tomic poaitiollL B IlSPIBAIORY SYSTEM: em. Tbe rilbt ad left lungs weigh 670 md .SlO rCii)liXtiYely. The alemal AItfaca are ItDDOIb Iltld d«:p raI-purp1c. The pulmonary parenc:Il)ml if aifrlllcly conaeatod and rdnn'lous. No maD lefiOIlI 01' ~ of COllIOlidltion .... praall. The maiDllem bronchi and bnfIch_ are he of obmw:tiOlL CARPIOVASCl..!l.AR SYSTEM: The 400 IllJ1 bart (JRdictcd-306 pwuI fOf wc:i&lll) it con.-cd in 111 In\.ld perieardill Me. The c:pd;aidiallWfau illt1lOOCh. 'With minimal fl1 inv~ The COfOftMy Irtaies are praenl in • nonnaI m.ributioa. willi • ri&ht40miNa.1 pattern. Ooaa lCCtiOlll oflhe vessell sbo... mild ItJICI'OIeIOfOCil of tile COl'OIlII')' a.ti.. The \ell main coronary artc:ry baa I focal 7S% stenosis. Tbe left 1Iltai« cbcaldina ootOIW'Y etery hull! 8G90% proximal stetlOlil, S<l-7S% mid Iltnc 1'"41. Iftd an 8O'K II1enotiI of !he pl'Oltlmal portion o(the lim diaaonat braneh. 11Ie left citeumfJcrx eoronary artery hu I SO'% proximaillenoail and I focal 7S% mid 1IaloIis. The riJhl eotOIWy 1Itc:ry hu ,0-80% proximalltenolel and S<l-,,% mid IDd distalllmOM:l. Tbe myocardium if llomo,alOUa, red-brown, and fum. The valve lufIelI are thin and mobile. Tho wallt oftbc Je:ft and ri&llt ventricles are I.S and O.S-em thitlt, ''"4Ipoc:tively. Tho Iepl\Im lneUIIl'ClI I.I-cm In thiekn'"4l' l'be endocardium illlllOOlh and Ilis\ettini. The aorta siva rile to three in\.ld IUd patent Itl:Il veaacla. 'I'beR II leveR eak:i6t plll:plO rormation of!be distal aocta IliJbtly ptQXimaIlO the iliac blfutt;ation, 1be.-l1lld meseaterie _ I t are ............. UVER 4; SB.WtY SYSTEM: The 1S30 pllliverhu UI mlltt, ImOOllt ~ure and I tltarp anterior border. The pumch)1nl il wHnovm crd conpted, willi the Llltllllobular architoctute. No mass ielioal oro1hct8bnonnaliliell &nl-" The pUbl1dda- tontllins I millll\e amount of MEOCOM 03043 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 343 , AUI'OPSYUPORT(b)(6) ........ Ib...... ,.... sr--blackbiJo and I)lI ttonct. The IlIIICOaI....n.ce is JI'esI. and velvety. The I:XtrtIlcpItie biliary me is paleIll. PANCREAS: The pMelai is fiml ~ ~llow-l~ with the lIIIIal Iobul., ardUlocture. No IllIU 1oIi0llll or otbot aboorma1iti~ Il'O 1OOlI. :lJll!HNA,1 $: The rigb! IDd klt..maw &Janda an= t)'lJlllldric.....ilh millt yellow conitcllllld 8RY modul_ No m ofbrmollhqe an identified. (lI"'" OI!NITQ!.1lUNA&Y SYSTEM: The riPI CId loft kidney- wtip 190 1lIIlI22{l JIll. ~voly. Then iltlilllplo cortie.1 e)"l ofllle risbt kidney. OtberwUe.lhaaternsJ ~ aro Inuet and IltIOOIh. The cut wtf.eel an= rod-tan IIId eooaated..nlh unifonnly 1lIic:k cortic:es and Ibup eortieomecl.uIllr)' jWJetiOT\l, The pdYa an= llIlIemarbble IDd Ihe urden are IIOfInI.I in eoIftC and ealiber. While blldder mlltOll oyerli~ an Intaet blldder wall. n.. b*,dcr eonl.I.ins approximately 10 ml of eloudy yellow 1lIine. The proIIble is IIllImI.1 iIl.ju, with lobular. yellow-tall parmcbyma. The lICIIlinal yuicl~ are unranarbble. The lest~ till £roe of m... lakmt, eonlUlio... orothw f.bnonntliUot. GASTRQItITESTINAL IRACT: The esophqut i. inllcl and lined by tlllOOlh. py· lIJle m _ The IIOTllllC!l eonl&irul approximately 30 Il\l ofbroWIIliquid. The ptlrie sJllt intact. The duoclenunl, ioopI of tmtIl bowel, and eolOll an lIlIIC:tDu1lable. The apPfllllix is pretml and 1lII!eIllIlbbIe. MumoW'RQCEDup!§ • • DocummllJ}' pbotoJI'IP1w n taken by AFMES pho\olRPberI Specimens retained. for toxicologic leItini tndIor DNA identification ate: vilreolls, blood, uriDe, 1p1e1:n, 1i.... I\lIl.. kidney, brain, bile. patrie., ldipoK IDd • Thcdj• ........" • """ ora- are fOl'Wl.l'decl widt!he body PelWOnl.! etrocu are relet8ed 10 Ibe '4'\iNPl ille morn-y operaUOIllI ~tatiVel MEDCOM Ol4<1 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 344 AtrrOPSY REPORT (b)(6) r-- 1 Hadllm, Ibm'" M1cBOSconc EXAMINADON Conmary Irt«ia: Sections Ibow Itberomalout tb 1M sa QOhClpOndinJ with the aross imprMlioo. M)'OCInfium: $cc:bonllbow • mild iDerc lie in paivueular IDd il1ler1titill tibnJ.a. No IeIIIe ilChcmle dlaDps _ noted miubSiCOjii.cs.lly. Lunp: Soc:IioDJ &bow vueu1ar eooaatioa Illd 'lr:leetIsil. Uver: Sectioa Ibows mild ineluse in periportal fibroeb IDd IbcaI pcriportaI dIrooiIC inf\.nmsliOll Kidney: Nodulsr Kimmjlstie\.Wi\son Iaions sre not noted. There is no infI,mm,tory iDfittnte. ToxieoloJie ansiysb orblood _ druse or lIb__ TOXICOLOGY neptiYe for CIJbon monoxide. eysnide, dbIDol, JDd muovs OlllC(lle wu reported u Ices tUl10 mWdL MEDCOM O~5 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 345 • AUfOPSY REPORT(b){6) Hadllm, Ibl'llblm OPINION This elderly male tivilicl det·inee died of leVeR artaiofl;lerotK: (:Oll)flV)' artery disease (bardeningand blotlcqe;oftbe blood vQIeIs IlUpplying blood to the heart). MimlftOPic Iel:tiOni of the heart sbowed the blockqcs oflhc anerics and evidence of chronic m)'OCltdial iJcbemia. Toxkology was neptive for dhanol and dnlp of lbuse. Cllbon monoxide and eyanide were not detetted. VilreOlIS g1lICOIC WIt reported II leas tban 10 mgfdL, COIUmenl with Ilona interval £rom deatIt 10 time oflelJlina. Delailod examiIlalian of the inte:mal organa ... well ... dillS«liOJl o£lhe baek, IIllaior neck. and poaterioI' neck did not reveal OCl:lIU tnWma. Sudden <:ollapse due 10 aneriOltlerori<: eofOlIIlY artcl')' disease iJ common and is fioquently the initial JlRSeIltition ofuOOcrlying heart disease. Thc finding offood within lhc mouth II the timeoftbec:ollllpSC il fell to be secondary to the c:olJapse Mel not causal. Thc:re were no food particle&: impacted within the Iil'Wly It the time ofautopsy. Severe COlOIW)' artery dileue and cbronic lKhanic changes ofthe heart wen: noled by viSlJ&l and miCl'OlCOpic: cxamill&tion. lhe mlllflCl" of dcalh is nlItun1. (b)(6) 1 (b){6) leal ElIIJniner MEDCOM 0346 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 346 , DeJ'Aiti 731' Of DtFEHii .-I'CII:at..-rTl\m; III' ""'TIlOLOOY "'1" ,UM,OC 1111 ~{b'"H"")'---' - AID' .. ......... l'b (WPJt1I OJ'THI ' • NII_.' H" · t. l K.\CHIM, lIIAAHIW ~(b){6) AIlMID fOItCa MIDICA.L AltMID roacu IN8TrI't1n or PATHOLOGY WASlIINGTOfrl, DC . ,.. ' . SSAft: J .l~ T·" ' U'" ..... [(b){6)_~--- DlUlIlpMtC_111M: ~ 12,2005 , CONSIlLLmONBlMllTPNOONTIIWUTOBMA'(EIlW. UPOtlT orroXlCOLOCICAl. nAMlr'U.T1ON C.dlli•• ofSfled-_' GOOD Dahi otlMtdnlt; o.c. R ,h"', SlIOI'lOO$ CARBON MONOXIDE: 1'be eerboxybemoliobiD lIlUntioa in the blood _lela tt.a. 1% uddl=rmiDed by speelJoP:io/ometrJ witb 'lJmiI ofqulldiClltion oft"- ~ b i D AIInliomI oC0-3% are oxpx:ted for-..mobrJ IDd 3-10% for smokers. smntlOIl& IIbow 10%.., "<JDIidered e1entcd. arid are confirmed by au cbmm'""'IJ:ilIpb.y. VOLATILI:S: The BLOOD AND URINJ, - 0 .... Mninrod fortbo prl,nleO oCerb.....l •• eaotrof20 1D&'dL. Noetbmol_"""ec'-d iii' DRUGS: The BLOODwu ... ewICd for brt'mine, &lltidc:pt fl,'ntlhlf!Sminet, bcblttntet, ben" d1aup/nA. ""...hinolda. chIoroquIDlJ, ......... IM, ~ Ijdoab, nctotic ...1....... opIaIa. pbalcydidine, pbcnotftiezi-. 1)"'P'rMmjmt'fjc IlI'l!Mt md wrll*Jlil by ps~. coIoI"lcIt or lmm'moenay. 1blI tollowiDg drup_ cIclIecbed: (b){G) (b){6) MEDCOM 0347 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 347 1 _",,_0- -_..__ - _. - - -_.- --. ,,-- _.- .... -- COllll''''''~or_lIO~ . _",- _ _'b_ _ BTO ~I~ Ibr8IP. ~ . C"""" - ...,- (b)(6) -_...... -.....- ,.,-_. ..."-._ .• _. "'-_. ....- - _ . __ -. _ .....-...... _ .. _.....q ......, . 0 (b)(6) )1950 '" 0 ,"'"."'" ~- X , ~ co.".,.., _ .....,Ot"" .- - . . _..... '0 _ """ .... _ _ .,.,. _ , . , . , - _1"- _ _ _ - _ ....TUIOO' --,- c.o..-OO'_... _ _ _ _ "'.... e - ... _ _ _ _ _ .. _ ----_.... _. -_ _................ _-......._, ........... <OM>t _ _·cm..-rn",...' -_. _--..-. -'-~ Arleriosclerolic Cardiova"",lar 0;........ (ASCVD) M"",las _' _C<IOOl"',__. _'><L>OM' ~",-.-- ..-- -_. _.......... _ . __ .--.. _.-_ ............ .... _..... __.-- • -_no........-. . __ ---,... - _.... _, -'- '" ..-_ --..--,_.--..'--_ ',__.. - ......._........._.,...----_._-_._ _----_. _.. ..... . - I ...-... _ .... t < I _ "'''._'I:NA" <010""'" _Of"'''' ~'"""' ~- ~_.- • 0"""''"'"'0 ~_ ~ ,(b)(6) l(b){6) ~ . biffi"l-""""-- """"Of'"no ~- "'" ,...."'_'.. u _ ..__ _ ... '......"""""""'_....... o-,,__._..._.__ '.."""""""____"""",10&".,,,,__ _____ b6 .~. . ~ _ . _ ~.,_ .... n __ OJ M"l' :!OO!i (b)(6) &aminer """''''''''''''-'' nn-, ."" N:....,<IOn'> (b).l~ :,. :::'I<L '---"---~ -. ..- 00'''''2064 ..--=- (b}(6) _--~---~~ _~._ ...........•.... _ _ " . . " ...... _ ........_ ....... ....,. . . . - . n L MEDCOM 034B ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 348 • ... ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGV omu of Ibe Anned ForftJ Medlul Eumlnu l.. lJ ReHlrtb Bh·o.. Bid.. 101 Rl)l:kvlllr, M'D 20850 1-300-94"'7911 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BTU Kadr, Mohammed M. Ddalatt Numbu: (b)(6) Da,uf8irtbl(bl(§.l 1976 Oa,r of DU1bllb}(60200$ 1 Ni•1•.~'_~lb~)(~~==_1. AulOpty AFI' No.:~)(6) Rulu CiviliantDel.lintt ,Iut of Dealb: Iraq Oalr of AulOpsy: 3 MAY 200$ Dale of Report: 24 MAY 200$ Place of Aul0P'Y: Port Mortuary. Dovcr AFB, DE Ci n:lIms,anUI of Death: This 29-year-old Iraqi male was killed. during 8Jl .hcr<:.lion 8\ ~ Camp Bucca, Iraq deW_ facilit)'. Accardins to the investigative informalion IVlIiif,b1e. a fight had broken out between TWO groups of Inmale!. AUlbonutloo for AUlop.)': Anncd Fo«es Medical Examiner. per 10 U.S. Code 1471 '" Idenlificalloa: I'fe!umpt;vc identification is ar.:complished villlCCOlTlpanying paperwork IUld 1M detain« identiCiClllion number provided. A postmortem drolll C1t&lll;I\.I';OI1 and fingerprintinlJ is performed and a DNA sample is talc.en durinlJ \he autopsy. bul antemortem specimens are not available for compari!lOrt. CAUSE OF DEATH; Blunt Fon:e Injurln ortM Held and Sbrp Force lnjunr. or Ihe N«k MANNER OF DEATH: Homlelde ... MEDCOM 0349 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 349 , AUIOI"YIQ?}(~ BT8 Kldr, MobammC'd M. FINAL AUTOPSV DIAGNOSES: I. 81uo.I force Injuries A. Injulin oflhe Hud I. Oftpslellllelnu.llonoflhe,ulp.wllb undutylnll; cOlDlDinulC'd fradure oftbe calv.rlum 1. Two nnear Ilceniions oflbe scllp Ihll ellend to Ibe skull 3. Multiple llcenllo<r.s or Ibe rice 4. ColIll,,'nulC'd rnchlres oftbe h,llir skull...lib lauralloos ortbe Inferior ..Ilftl ortbe brain Ind lublrachnoid hemorrblee 5. Lauratlon over lbe left eye. us.ncl.tfll ..ilb rr.Ullr" ortbe left orbitlnd lefl znomltic bone 6. CommlnUled rracillre orlbe ldl mums; 'Iuralion' oflbe Ilveolar liuue .blve t«lb 9 .nd 10 7. frachlre orlhe IIIlndlblc••U«llied ..Itb up.ratlon bclWeea leelb 24 Ind 25 8. Lace...llonl....bion of 1M bel"; Ind lobe orthe left ear .... B. lajuric' orthe Tono I. Llr&f. horizonl.llbradell-conlusionl across Ihe lower cbal Ind upper Ibdomen 2. Multiple lUle conlullonllnd Ibraded-coahlllon' or the rich! upper cheol, back, rlpl n.nk, Ind ripl bunnell. l. Mulliple SIDIU conlu,lon" Ibnslon" Ind cODlused·lbrasloos or lbe 10no C. Injurl" orthe l:lInmltifl I. Mulliple Ibrasionl' conluslo05, .nd conlused-.braslon. of Ibe upper ellnmilles, bftomllli connuenl In some 10CllIions 2. Muiliple Ibraslon,. conluslon•• Ind coalu.ed·.b....lons oflbe utnmilla, becoming connuenlln lOlDe locations II. Sh.rp Fom Injuri" A. Pend...ting ..ound (.llb ..ound) or Ibe upper, IIIUII, len side of Ihe neck Ibrougb skin, sllbcutaacoullLosue, Ind mllscle (stllliled 7 'I.-1ncbes belo.. the lop oflhe hud .nd 6-lnche.len or Ibe .nlerior mldUne; lrngulu 5116-lneh plInClure ..ound) - U. Penelnllnll ..nund (sllb ..ou nd) of lhe Ioonr, .nlerio....l.fenl, len.ide of Ibe neck Ihroueb .kin, .ubc:ullneous tiIIue, .nd lIlusde, ..lib IranUdlon of Ihe nternlljllflllir nln (lllllllCil lQ..incbn belo.. tbe top of Ihe bud lad I 'I.-inchn left ortbe Inlerior midline; Yo-Inch plInclure ..ound) MEDCOM 0350 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 350 , A;utoPI~.~(b"}"(6,} -,------:0: .... BTH I(ldr, Mohlmmed M• C. Pendntiag ....ound (stlb wound) of lhe ehln, thoug" skin, subeutaDeIlUI tluue aDd mll"ele (,llllaled 9 %.lnch... below tbe top of the hud and I 'I.. inches "'It of the anttrior midliJle; ISlI61 Y...incb curvilinear uulilan of lkin Ind soft tlnue) II. Atheroscltrotlc cardlonscular dilClle. focally modtnle IV. TOIlicoloC' il nesative for ICl'ftlled dnlJ$ of abun. cibanol. aod CYln'de. The carbosyhemolJobln Inell14 pereenl. MEDCOM 0351 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 351 ... AUIOPSYI(b}(6) BTD Kadr. Mobammed M. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The mnaill5 are Il:Ceived clad ollly ill blue shorllI. A lllIli ClIp a<:cornpllllies the body. The body is lhat of a wel1-devel()Jltd, ....ell-nourished appearillg, 66-ioches, l70-pounds male. whose: appcillllJlCC is cOllsislellt with the reponed Bie of 29 yelll1l. lividity is fixed on the posterior swfaee of the body, cxccpt in areM exposed to pressure. Rillor' is present but passillg and th~ are signs of early cIecomposiliOll changes. illCludillg palchy blue-glftll discoloration of soft tissue and mlll'blillll. The body tempcrauue is that of the refrigc.nllion unit. The JICll.!p is covered by 101111 (averases 7-inehes), blBl:k lIair. The eomeae are cloudy. The SC!eTBC are wvemarkBble, withoul petechial hemorrhages. The iritlcs are brown and lhe pupils are round and equal in dillJllCter. The head and flll:e are remBrbble for injuries IlIat will be: described. The teem IlK Mlural IlIld ill fair conditioll, with injuries thai will be described. Facial hair consists ofa black mustBdle and !lew stubble. The ocek is mobile and the tracllea is midline. The e!\est is symmetric. lbc; abdomen is scaphoid. lbc; exleTRal gellitalia are \h.osc of a I\Onnal adult, circwm:i5Cd, maJe. The lestes arc: descended and me of mllSscs. Pubic ltair is JIl'escnt in a nonnaI distribution. The blltlocks and anus arc: remarkable only for injuries that will be de$Clibed. .... The upper and lower extmnities are symmetric and withoUI clubbinll or edema. The fingernails ate inlBct. Identifying body marks include two circular ucas ofatrophie skin, ClIeh averaging I Y... inches in diameter. on the: ~1crior len leg and on tnc rillhUower--, back/Ow.l(b)(6) [(~(6) j talloo(b}(6} I -.I M£DICAL INTEJM:NDON There is no evidcoce ofmedical interwllliolt on the: body at the time of the autopsy. RADIOGRAPHS Total body postmortem radiographs are obtaifted and demonstrate the injwin as describlod and 1\0 recovelllble metallic foreigll objects. EVlpt:NCEOf INJURy I. MlIlllple Slunl Forte IlIllI'," A. InJllrin orlbe lind and Neck There is a I Yo-inch laceration on the left side of the forehead. above me left cye.lhal extends to Wldcrlyiog skull. A IS-inch 11ICeT'lIItion is over the rillbt eye IlIld inferior to the eyebrow. There is marked periorbital ecchymosis. A I x IS-ioch abrasion is 00 the low<=r left side of the face with a small, irt'Cgtllar lacC11ltion of the IdjllCtnl upper lip and an Idditional Yo-illCh laceration lalefll! to the abrasion. The skin above the upper lip is abraded. Three lacera,ions are on the occiput and top of the held. The lal'llest is a 4 \I. x 2 IS-inch stellate WDuncl. The other wounds are IWO linear I_rulions, J·inches lItId I ~inches in length. A I Yo·inch jagged lacmtion hu multed in avulsive loss ofpart of tile helix of the left ear. There is a I \I.·inch laceration involving the lower left car thai eXlends throullb the earlobe. fractures or * .... MEDCOM 0352 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 352 .... , A.'ops} (b)(6) BT8 "'adr. Mohammed M• llle left orbil and left lYlOmalic bone are noleli. Comminuted fractlll'eS of the left m.ur.illll are lSIOCiltecl wilh lacerations of alveolar tiuuc: lbove IeIt1h 9 &lid 10. T'hcre is I displaced t'racttln oflhe mandiblc associlte(! with separation between tmh 24 and 2S. Rf,nection ofw scllp reveals 12K It 2-ir.:h .uofsubpkal htmon'ht&c over the riallllcmponl1 &reB and subpleal hemorfhaa:e eovcrinl the entire left tempoB!· parieuJ area. ~ is I Yo-inch J-=erlltion of tho: bucetJ upet:t of tho: lower lip. Comminuled fracIures involve both Imerior fossae: ofthc builar skull.peirtieularl, on the left. There are fractlll'eS in\'olvinillw: riabtsphmoid wina and the Icft pctrOUS ridle alonl with disNplion of tIM: selll 1lA:a. B. InJurlaoflbeTono Thcre is II It I ~·inch Pf-llem rontusion on the rilhl upper che$!. A \'I·inch Ibrasion is on the mid upper ehestllowct neck. There is I) It 11I·lnch Ibrasion on the left side of tile cheSI. Inferior to thll i, I larSC area eonsisl;nl of multiple punttale, superflcill penclratinl wounds and small abrasions. Three horizontally oriented, pallem contuscd-Ilnsioll5, each fix I Yo·inches, are on lower Chesl and Ibdomen. A 6 It)· inch eontused-abrasion is on the left upper back. There is I I Yo x lIB-inch Ilnsion on the posterior riabt shoulder. A I % x l·inch abrasion i, on the nabt upper 'Nell.. There is I 4 Yo x4-inch contusion on the mid _k,left of the posterior midline. 11.7 Yo x S-inc.h purple-red contusion is on the ri&ht mid back. There i, I 6 x 4-lnch conlusion on the right lower back. A) Yo x 2-inch Ibraded<ontusion i, on the lower back. len of the po'teriOf midline. Three contusions, up to) x Yo·lnches in greatest dimcll5ions,arc on lhe ript butlOCk. A 2 x I-inch contusion is on the Illcralleft hip. C. Injuries oflbe E.lrcml,re" There is I ) Yo x 2·inch IRI or purple ca::h)'lllOlis O\Tl" the anlerior right wriSI. Multiple linear Ibradecl<oniusions. up to 2 'I. x Y..inches in l/Utesl dimension" arc on lhe poStcmor-lllerai right ann. 11.4 Y, x 2-lnch Ibtaded<onlusion covers the posterior aspecl of the rilht elbow. Two I-inch eonNsiOl\J are on the posterior upcct or\hc rialll forearm. There is I 2 x 2 Y.-inch contwiion on the docvJ riabt hind. Nearl, the enure tnleriOf-111cnl1 Upecl of the left upper elttremil, is cov~ by ecch,mosis. A S It )·inch contusion i. on lbe proximal. lateral left ann. Multiple small alnuioru, up 10 Y,-inch in llJUlest dimension, arc on the posterior riiht upper extremity. Two abrl.'lions, 1 Y, x Yo·inches and Yo x y..inch. an: on the posterior upect of tile riallt r01Ufl1l. Two Ibnsioru and one Ilnded-contusion, up 10) x )-inches in &relicS! dimensions. arc on the anterior aspecl of\he rialltlowerextmnll)'. bcllirvtinajustlbove the knee. A S x 2-inch IteI of ca::hymosis is on the Illend riabt thiall. There is I) II 2-inch conlusion on the mcdiallSpcCl of the Icft knee. Scallercd amlll Ibrasions are on the anterior left lei. T1Icre is I S It I Y,·inch tOOIltused-Ibrasion on lhat covcrs tbe left medial mlnco/ua and adjaccnllll'ell orthe left fool. A) II Y,·inch Inion i, on the poslcnor·lllctllleft knee. There is I 2 x Y,.inch Ibrasion on tbe proximal, posterior· Iltenllcftlel- MEOCOM 0353 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 353 , II. Shrp Force Injuria A. Slab Wound or tbe Upper,uferal WI Side ortbe Neck ~ is an irregular stab wound 10 the upper, 1.ICfllI. lcl'l side Ofl~ neo::i., situated 7 y.. inches br:!ow!he top orlh. head and 6-inches lel\ of the anterior midline. The 5fl6inch puncture wound goes Ihroullh skin, subl:utanl:o\1s \;$5ue, and muscle to. deplh of approximately 'I.-inch, without. dislin<:t sharp or dull nu.rain. The wound pillA is directed lell: 10 right and slightly fronl to bact:. B. Stab Wouad of Ibe Lower. Anterior-Latenl, Left Side ortb. Neck There is lIIl irregular stab wound lo the lower, anterior-lateral, left side of tile neck, situated IO-irn:hes below the lOp afthe head and I Y.-;lIChes left of the anterior midline. The Y.-inch PWlCture wound l0e5 tlvouj:h skin, subcutaneous tissue. and muscle to a depth of approximately l·indt, willi ttansection of!he exlemaljugularvein. The«: is associated MmQrrh-aC inlo the adjlll:efll strap muselcs of the left side of the neck. No sharp or dull margin can be apprecimd. ~ wound path is directed left 10 righl and ,Iiahtly !Tom 10 back. C. Slab Wound oflhe Chin, There is an irregular uab wound 10 the: dun, Silullled 9 Y.rinches below the top ofthc: head and I l1-in<:hes left oflht; anterior midline. The wound is a 15/16)( %-iro::h curvilinear avulsion of skin and subo:uWleOus tissw only. D. ClItllnl: WOllnd oflbe Ripl Hand The~ is a superficial cutting wound on the palm of the rislll hand thaI is I·inch in lensth and IDeS though skin and superficial subcuWleous liulle only INT£RNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: The $C3lp, skull and brain !lave the previously desl;ribed injuries. The brain weillhs 1340grams. No non-traumalic abnDmlalilies are noted. The atlanto-oecipitaljoint is stable. NECK: The: strap muscles of the iUllerior neck are !lomogenous and red-brown, with the previously described area ofhemorr!lalle. The: thyroid cartilage atId hyoid bone are intact. The: larynx is lined by inlact while mucosa. The thyroid Iland is symmetric: and m1-brown. without cyslic or noduJarchange. The lonluc has no contusions or other InJunes. .... BODY CAVITIES: The sternum, and venebral bodies arc visibly and palpably inUltt. The rib injuries hive been previously described. There it no eXCG5 accumulation of fluid in the left pleural or pericardial cavities. The organs occupy their usual analomic posilionJ. MEDCOM 0354 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 354 • ... Autopsy fCbX6) ] 8TB Ktodr. Mohammed M• 7 RESPIRATORy SYSTEM: The riWIt and left IWlgS ~igh 570 and 410-iJ'Mls, respc<:tively, and are diffusely congesled. lllc external surfaces arc deep red·purple. with moderate llnlhneolie mouling. Sectioning reveals no mass lesions or ICe&!I ofconsolidation present. The pulmonary arteries are unmnarkable. Ct\BDIOV,\SCULAR sySTEM: The: 340-gram heart is contained in an intact pericardial sac. The epicardial surface has minimal rat investment. The rororwy arteries are preKnl in a normal distribution. wilh. right-dominant pattern. There is SW.luminal nllm:lwing or!he proximal left anterior descending coronary artery and 40% luminal narrowing of the left cill:umnex coronary lIItery. The right coronary artery is free ofsignifieanl athCJl)S(lerosis. The thkknesses of tk left vcntride, Kplum, and right ventricle are 1.1, 1.1, and O.4·ccnlimders., ~spectively. Seclioning ofthc: hear! ~veals normal appearing myocardium, chambcn, and heal1 valves. The aona gives riK to ~ intact and patent arch vessc:ls. The ~na1 and mcsenlen<: vessels are UJII'e1TIlIrltable. LIVER & BILIARy sySTEM: The 2S10-gn.m liver is intact. The parenchyma is yellOW-lin, greasy, and congested with the usual lobular archileCture. No ma.s.s lesions or other non-tnIumalic abnonnllliues are noted. The gallbladder contains 2-milliliterl oflreetl-bJack bile and no stones. The mucosal surface is &fUn and velvety. The e~lrIhepitie bilillt)' tree is patent. SPLEEN: The 9O-gram spleen is uninjumi The parenchyma is maroon, firm, and slighlly congested. PANCREAS: The pancreas is finn and yellow-tan, with the usu.allobullU" architeclU~. No IT\&S$lesions or other abnormalities are seen. ADRENAL GLANDS: ad~nal glands are symmeuic, with bright yellowCO!1ices and Il"Iy medullae. There are no areas ofhemorrllage CIT maues identified. The right and left GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The niht and left kidneys weiab 120 and 13o-ifIfllS. respectively. The eltlmlal surfaces are intact and smooth. The cut surfa~s are red-tan and slightly congested. with unifonnly thick cortices and distinct eorticomedullary junctions. The pelves are unremarkable and the umm are nonnal in course IlId caliber. White bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder wall. The urinary bllldder contains SO-milliliters oflight yellow urine. 1lle prmltate gland is normal in size, with lobular, yellow-tan parenchyma. The seminal vesicles are unre:marll.ebJe. The testes are ~ of mass lesions. contusions, or other abnonnalitks. MEDCOM 0355 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 355 A.. top~~'(b~}(~6h}-;::~~ 8 BTB Kadr, Mob.lII~ed M. CASIBOINT£STINALTRACI: The esophagus is intacl and lioed by smooth. gray·while m\lCOSl. The g.~ilric wall is intact. The stomKh lumen contains S50-millilitersofpartiaJly digesled food. The duodenum,loops of small bowel, and colon are unremarkable. The appendix is present. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No non·lnlumalic: aooonnaJities of mll5l:le or bone are idenlilied. • • • • • • ADDITIONAL PROCEDIlB!}5I&MMKS Doc:umenlMy photographs are Iaken by DAFME staff photographers Specimens retained for loxicologic lesling and/or DNA idenlifiu.tion are: heart blood, spleen. liver, brain,ll,IIlg, bile. kidney, urine, adipose ti.5sue, gastric: oolllenu, and psoas musc:le FilII body ~iograplls are obtained and demonSlnlle!he injuries as described Selected poltions of 0lllaIU are retained in fonnaJill, withoul preparalion of histologic slides lbc dis5CC1ed organs are forwarded witlllhc body Personal effeel5 are lelCilsed 10 Ihc mOTt\llr)' affairs representlltive opiNION "This Iraqi male detaillee died 15 a result ofblwl! force injuries of the head and sharp force illjuries of lhe neck sustained in a fighl witll otbcr detainees al Camp Bucu.. In addilion 10 !he lelhal injuries, lie sustained mulliple blWlt force injuries of the torso and utremities. Toxicology was negalive for ~ dnigs of.buse, e!lIanol, and cyanide. Carboxyhemoglobin level, were not elevated. The manner of dnth i, homicide. [(6)'(6) (b)(6) 'Medical EUllliner'(b)(6) MEDCOM 0356 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 356 DEJ'ARTIIIIBfT OF DEFENSE .u-o HlItCU lIIIlTlVrI ~ ~"'1'HOLOOY ..,......HINOTON.IlC "1 I IGOa AftPJ(b}(6} ,mINT IDErD'IVc.mDN .urIPAI; I ha,NII_lwr ~_ ,(b){6) ,,- .......... omo: Or1H! ARMED FORClS MEDICAL KADR, MOHAMMED,(b){6) ARMED FORCES tNSTITtI'n or PATHOLOGY WASHINCTON, DC 103Gf fOOl SSAl'I: r;; A~IOpoy:l"'lb"'''16IT'-;::=~ TOllcololr A«UI1oa .w:,{b1(6) 0.100 Raporl enc..I"', \' I May 12, 200S CONSI.ILIAUQN BEPORION CONWBUIOR MADBlAL AFJP DlACNOSIS JU:PORT or TOXICOLOGICAL EXAMINATlON Coadltioa orspeelmc»: 0000 Date or (addeat:(b){6) ~OOS , Date ReceiYed: S/10I200s CARBON MONOXIDE; The; cvbo~yhcmoglobin S&\Urltion in \be blood was 4% as detmnined by spubopbolOmetry with. limit ofqUllltilltioll of 1%. Carboxyhemoglobin saturalions of 0-3% are expected for non-.lInOken and 3-10% for smoken. Saturations above 10% are considerm elevated and are confirmed by gas cbnlmalOliJ8.phy. _ CYANlDE; ~ was DO cyanide detected In \be blood. The: limit of qUIDlilltiOll for cyanide Is O.2S mgfL. Nonnal blood cyanick COllC«ltratiOlll are less thaD O.lS mgIL. LcthaI eoncentnltions of cyanide are ;reatc:r than 3 m&ll... It • VOLATILES; The BLOOD AND URINE ClllOff0(20 mgldL. No C\baool was detoc:ted. weft; examined for the presence ofet!wlol DRUGS; 1be URINE was xremed for IIllphctamine, antidepreuants, antihiswui.nes, barbitunlte5, benzodiaupines, c:annabinoidJ, c:hloroqlliDc:,, dcxtromcthorpban, lidocaine, IlIl'COtic anaIpic:s, opiates, phencyclidine, phenodliazincs, $)'lIIpathomimctic amines and verapamil by gas ehromatopphy, color IeSl or immllllOUSlly. The foltowinS drop were dctecte<l; Nooe were fOWld. (b)(6) l(b}(6} J I MEDCOM 0357 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 357 _. _---- __-,,-- -.,;--_ .'-. .. .-,_. _ . --_. -_. -, ----, --_. -- --__ - ._-. _-'--"-'-'- ...._n._ _-_._...- ---'_0_ _...._-_ .... -.. ........... _. "'......_-.._ _ ........ ...--- __......._---._.,;..__-. - .- . . ...... _ --_. _...-_. -__ ._ -_ ._.... rbi:;-~·~"· ,. .,. ". , . . . . ."'".,...-...,- -...,""""_.-'.. =_...,....-_ __ _-_._ ...._.- ...... .. _-_ _ . __ ., <,...... -J ._._----, ._._...._..-..... ---.~IIOPOUTM{O'o9UA1I woj ... _"_II>OW -- 6fBKAdr.~ ........ -~~ " ~ ... "." • c·c'_ ........... ~.--.. ""II". ...... (~~ 19711 G1l -.., 0 ~~ '-"'''''' ~ .... ".~ •• ""","'- ....... -"""'"""'"'_ .--.l(b)(6) CMlI... ...."_TO -co.." ......... .....""..__.."" _"000.1 ..._ .......__ ..,-.-_""............... PB', ....... "" 0 - .. _ _ _ . . . . _ .. _ ~.- Il~'" _~lnP'_oI_""" oNfpb'ot lnjuMaot _"''"''''.r... ~''. _''''_'''' _' .....:f,." _"... , ~""_ ____ T O _ _"""'Co'LM~...., . ........... ... ~ _._=-oy-' -_-'I~"_"'" ... ......-_ _ _.""'''' ..... 'n • ~~-...., ~_. .. _~r. (b)(6) (b)(6) ..-"' ....... ............ ........ ...... 'I~" -~ o,~ I.Itoj ,._~~-"'". .. l~&- ~~6) ,.~~, ... y'.;l:OO~ ....... '~~"<c»U> I'," .... ~ ......... ~ • . ,... , l!"""'_, MoodIcIoI _ E.o....___ :--~ ""''''''-'''-''' --.._~i ............1'Il- n<' <<>an,_ j(b}(6) ...... .-..:-:) .... '-~,_ .... ~..., OOI.iII't 064 .............,.-,..... ,.."'_•. ~- ...._-""'..... ,.,-.._-"~ MEDCOM 0358 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 358 (fi.EMOVE. REYfIfSE ANO;iE ~'1SERTV._"<lSO,'JS a"'FORE CCMPt.ETlt,.:c; THIS SIDE) OISPO!tITION OF REMAINS H'.... Of'L:Mlll:."'l' "ltV'>IIlMG Fl£'\ ~~ ~M'I<;;lal:Fl!ol:lJS,,,n; 1~''''''''''TIDN ;:lA1:; ~~- oR:.,:,Il';U.s \Oriflifl 5J3r.!005 tWl or (:0ACl'fr.T 00 CRE'V"rQ;W ,nr-....,1'lH ('" r.£l.lVf.l'N 0l'I. alEW'TO;N 'VoT" G" lYrfOrM"MCItr.#l CI~"JIlI"'W'l'l; REGfSTRA 'f1Ot,I OF VIT At STAnsw:S -If.GI9'i''l' (1.......... r.-..,.l :to. tr ""ASTfflf:j ~!"""o,:eal "'"r~ OF r'",*IItAI..-."lEI:IQ'I lotr.... """'" S>Qo<.'UECfA..nlf::'llC:~ 00 FORM ~. APR 1017 (!IAC,IQ USAPAVI.llll MEDCOM 0359 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 359 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Ornec of the Armed Forces Medical Elamlncr 1413 Resurch Blvd" Blda. 102 Rockville, MD 20SSO I-Soo-n4-8427 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BTB Ahmed, Read Hikmel . Date of Blnh: Unlr""...., Dale ofDeath[(b)(6} ~2005 Date of Autopsy: 26 MAR 2005 Dale ofReporl: 24 OCT 2005 Captu«: Tag No.llb}(6) -- NWI(j(b~'~"~I==~1 AUlOPSY AFIP No.: (b}J~ i Rank: Detainee Place ofDcal/l: Camp Charlie, Iraq Placc of Autopsy: POrl Mortuuy Dovcr AFB, DE Clreumualle6 of neath: This male Iraqi civilian was reponedly detained by Iraqi Poli" after coming to the police to reporl he and anotltcr detainee had been kidnapped and bealen up by a rival clan. The surviving detainee staled !he Iraqi police physically assaulted thc pair. The decedent and his associale were taken by US forces 10 Camp Charlie, which is conlJOlied by Polish forces. The decedcnl was under Polish medicaL--.., c~ receiving treatment fot his injuries wilen he was prDlIOWlCcd deceased ori{b)(6) I 2005. The treatment for the injuries reportedly incillticd inlravenous fluids and antibiotics. The eircumsllnccs immediately preccdinglhe decedent's death arc still uncenoin bUI may have iocluded the: removal of tile intl1lvenous calltetC'r$ by the decedent. Polislt autltoritics arc not providina any additional information to US investigators. Authorizallon for Autops)': Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner,lA W 10 USC 1471. Identification: Identifiulion is presumptive based on capture 18g number. CAUSE OF DEATH: UndetermillCd MANNER OF DEATII: Undetermined MEDCOM 0360 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 360 AUTOPSY REPORT!~(b~)(~61 BTB Ahmed, Raad Hikmd _ FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: l. Blunt Force Injuries A. Injuries ofille Head 1. A 1.3 l 0.4 em lacention on the vertn oflbe ItiIlp. 2. A 6.0 l 2.3 cm subgalCiI ecchymosis of the midline ofllle superior posterior pmetal scalp 3. Patchy l:ICChymoscs of the frontal scalp 4. Bilaleral eceh)'ltlO5C5 of Ihe anterior snp muscles of the neck to the depth of lhe thyroid gland 5. Superfieial ecchymo&is oflhe thymus B. Injuries of the Torso J. A 4.5 II 3.5 cm ecchymosis over lhe anlerior surface oftbe right acromion 2. Contusions of !he leA fiM and sixth inlen:05lal spaces 3. A g.O x 7.0 em conlusion oflhe 1efllowerquadranl oflhe abdomen lhal overlies a 10.0 l 8.0 em contusion of the oblique mll5Clcs of tile left lower quadr.utt of the abdomen 4. A 11.5 x 1.0 em contusion of the rightlowerquadrutt onhe abdomen wilhin an aruofskin slipplge 5. A 7.0 x 6.0 em superficial eon IUS ion ofw anlerior surface of lhe upper lobe ofthc left lung 6. A 5.0 x 4.0 em conlusion of the Illeralsurface of tile lower lobe of the right lung with yellow eentral portion. 1. Bihueral hemol1lom <right 600 ml and left 50 ml) 8. An IIjIproximately 9.0 II 6.0 em contusion oflhe righl scapular arel at !he poslerior surface of tile ribs and a 7.0 II 6.0 cm lII'ea ofcontusion on lhc left scapular area It the poslerior surface of lhe ribs 9. A 2.1 II 1.0 em cnlsled aru on the left nank ... C. U. Injuries of trn: Extremities J. A 5.0 II 2.5 em area ofabrasions on lhe laleral surface of the left forearm 2. A 3.8 II 0.4 an cru51ed Ibrasion on the Iefl.lmee Other Injuries I. A 23.7 II 19.8 em arel ofdiscolored denuded skin with erythematous bue and crust formalion on the right scapula. consistenl with helling blln\s of varying scverity 2. A 22.1 l 9.6 cm area of discolored denuded skin with erythemalous base and erust formation on the lellscapula.. consislenl with healing buntll of varying $CVerily J. A 15.1 II 1.5 em linear area ofdcnuded skin on the leA scapula MEDCOM 0361 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 361 1 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) BTB Ahmed, Rud Hikmet immediately inferior and latml the above area, consi,tenl wilh a pallcmcd bum ..t. A I S:I S em Ira of$Ultcrcd erusled abruiOlll 011 the ecnl/lll miO bllC:k S. ClUSlcd abRsiOll$ 01\ the matilllnd Illmllwfacu of tile left wri.l 6. Crusled abnsioru of the mcdill, lalcnl and poslerior .wfICCli ofthe "1111 ....,.;.1 1. SuperfICial pauefI'ICICI abrasion of !he medi.l right ankle 8. Two- 0.2:1 0.2 em round abruiolll wilh erythemalOUS bIsc lllal an 1.9 em lpan on the riabt palm, possible patterned injury 9. EcehyntOlCS of the posterior surface of the riihl upper arm, lhe righllower leg, lhe left lower lelllld lhe nihl ankJc are II'CU of purple discoloraliOll Uuil range in site from 2.S l I.S em to 1.0l).Ocm. Ill. Medici' lall!ncntion (pollSible rclllICitalion artifacts) I. A 2).4l 11, I em area ofred/purple discoloBlioni with multiple auperimposcd m:tlngullr Ibruion. on lhe lef\ ches!. 2. A 9.S l 8.S em recWlgular IbruiOll on lhe npl ebcsl ). Sepan.lion oflhc righl )"·S" ribs from the co,I,1 eartilagc, no luociated ecch~ 4. Sqwalion of1hc Jef\)M and 4'" ribs from !he cenlll ca.rlillge, no UIOCi,led CItlChymoK5 S. Fracture of the anterior upecl oflhe niht and lef\ .econd ribs. immedialely laleral 10 the lnaenlon inlo the centll eartillge 6. Pun,u~ marks in the antecubilll fOUie ('wo in riabl, one in left) IV. IdentifYinll marks I. (b}(6) ,.2. t)(') 4. (bl!6l 'l.llaos (b){6) (b)(6) llloll00•.".,V\l,.,,--------1 ,. (b)(') (b){6) 6. A horitontal.ClI' on the right knee V. No .ignificlIlt n,lural diseases identified, wilhin limilllioRJ of the naminalion VI. Mild decomposition MEDCOM 0362 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 362 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) ... BTB Ahmed, R&Id Hikrnet VIL CardiovUCLIlar patboloKY lXlrI$ullllion MDiacnosis:{b)(6) ; Heart: Foc:al submdoclldiall:ontnJction band neerosis and myoe)'lc nec;rosis wilh associaled mixed chronic inflammatory infilfJJlC eonlIi"ing of maaophases and l)11Iphoe)'les" vm. Neuropatbology eonsulUitioll ~Di.a:nosi.: (b)(6) Brain, postmortem: Patchy acute neuronal injwy. Autolysis with foul baelctbl overgrowth M IX. Tolticology is ncgllive for ethanol and Kreened drugs ofabu5e. X. Vitreo\ll eleelrol)1es ~ consilient wilh decompo$ition. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body iawl of. well-developed well-nourished appcwing 70 ~ inch long, 208 pound Iraqi male civilian. Hi. Ige IppCIlS to be 30-40 years. U...idity is fixed posteriorly with JlfCUlI1e bearing arc. pallor. Rigor IS "'aninI IJId easily brolr::en in the n:tmnitic$. The is mild decomposition changes orltlc remains thai include discolorllion oftbc skin oflhe flCe, chest and back, rnarblillJ of the llITII5 and m:u orlkin slippage on the neck, righl shoulder, tipl abdomirull wall and left thigb.. ... The scalp is covered with dark brown to black hair in I normal disuiblilion. The iridell are blOW" IlIId the pupil. are round and equal in diamder. The eonjUtlClivae are e<lngested but free of any peteeltiae. The external auditory clIIUIls are free of ablKlrmal secretions. The e1l'5 are wvcmlltuble. The nares are patent and the lips are atnwnatic. The nose and mLllillM: are palpably stable. Thc frenula of the lips ate intact. The tcelll appear n.tural and in The facial hair consists ofa black bcW and mustache. An 'pprollim.tely 2. II 11 cm area .lippage and vesicle fonn.lioa is on the right side of the neek and • 16 II 8 cm aJeI ofskin slippage and vesicle fonnalion is on the left and anterior .utface of the neck. A 21 II 16 cm area of skin and vesicle formation i, on the upper right chest. Eal:h of these arcaa lrC eonai5lcnt willi decomposition. The neek is straight, and the tl1lchca is midline and mobile. The chest is symmelric. The abdomen is flit. The geni"lia are those of. nonn.1 eirtumcised adult male. The testes arc dellCended and flU of masses. Pubic hair is present in • nonnal distribution. l1Ie ri&ht buttock has. 14116 cm &n:.ofsm.lI-etttered SCIQ and the left bunock has a 10 x 10 em &eU of small-eratered scan. A pilonidal cyst i. It the proxim.ltip ofthc natal cleR. Thc anus is unremlrit.ble. The upper and lowel' eXln:mitles 8fC symmetric and without clubbing or edema. ... Identifying mlll'U illCludcrcb){6) (b){6) lanoo (b){6) MEOCOM 0363 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 363 AUTOPSY REPORT[(lij{6) BTB Ahmed, Raad Hikmct (b}(6} (b)(6) - - ' I""~"~;;;;s](b)(6) 'taUoo'(b)(6) A hori:rontal KI1 is on the righl knee. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECTS The body is received Willi a pair ofnavy blue shorts with lIle labc:l'"G-AMMA" on lIle right ITont pocket. The righl bUllOCk oflhe sham is mud eovemi. I. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. MEDICAL INTERVENTION A 23.4 x 17.1 em ~a ofmllpurple discolorations with mulliple supc1"imposed reclangular abrasions on the left chest A 9.S x 8.S em reetangulu abrasion on the right chest Separation oflhe right 3"'through Sill ribs fTom the costal canilage, no lIS$OCialed ecchymoses Separation of the left 3n1 and 4'1 ribs from the costal cartilage, no associated ecchymoses Fr~ of the anterior aspect ofille righl and left second ribs. immediately lateral 10 the insenion into the costal cartilage Punture ml1ks in the antecubital fossae (t'.vo in righl. onc in left) The above described injuries are consiSlent with attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation including electrical defibrillalion. RADIOGRAPHS A eomplete"t ofpostmonem radiogr~hs is oblained and demons,",tes neither lona bone fTactures nor any foreign bodies. f;VIDENCEOf INJURy The ordering of the following injuries is for descriptive PU/)105CS only. and is not inlended 10 imply order of infliclion or relalive severity. AU wound pathways are given relative to standard analomic posilion. Injuries oCme HAd: On the vencx (lop) ofllle head;s I 1.3 ~ 0.4 cm lilI«T1Ilion. A 6.0 II 2.3 cm 5ubgaleal ecchymosis is in the midline of the superior posterior parietal scalp and there an: scatlered ecchymoses oCllle Cronlal scalp. Anlerior neck dissection reveals bilalCfllI ecclI)'l1\OSe5 of lhe anterior strap m\ISCles that penetrale down to !he level oftlle thyroid gland. l'1lere are superficial ecch)'lllOKS of tile lhymus gland. Posterior neck disseclion reveals congestion oCtile muscles consistent willl livor monis;w:l no ecchymoses. Injuries ofille Iono: On the leflabdominal watt ;s an Ix 7 an red·green contusion thaI overlies a 10 x 8 cm eonlusion of the oblique muscles oCtbe left lower quadranl oCtile abdomen. In the right Iowerqulldtant oCtbe abdomen is an 11,S ~ 7.0 cm conlU$ion that is witbin a 2) II 17 cm MEDCOM 0364 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 364 P1lc6ofll AUTOPSY REPORT!(b","_ _ 8T8 Ahmed, Raad Hildiiet orson slippage. On the medial aspect ofthiscon\\Ision asId olllside \he skin slippage is I 12 x 1 em geo~lric sh.aped blue-bla<:k area. ~ 11.23.7 l( 19.8 em lIlU of discolo~ denuded skin with crythemato\lll base and crust fOf1J1llioD is on the righl scapular area lll'Id 122.1 l 9.6 em area of discolored denlKled skin wilh erytbematous base and crust formation is on lhe left scapular area. Within lilt left Kapular area is I 3.8 x I.S em crusted patterned injury (rcclanglc). Immediately inferior and lateral to Ihe arca on the left scapula ill IS.I x 1.5 em linear area of denuded skin. These injuries are consistent with bWT15 of varying severity in various stages of healing. A 1S x S em area of crusted abrasions is on the eentnJ back and a 2.1 area of abrasion is on lhe left nank. ... It 1.0 em cnJste<! Internal examination reveals a 4.5 x 3.S em ecchymosis over the anterior surface orthe acromion and contusions oflhe left lifth and sixth ribs. A 7.0 x 6.0 em supcriicial conlU$ion is on the upper lobe of the left lung and a resolving j.O x 4.0 cm contusion is on the 'aleTIl surface of the lower lobe of the righllung. There is a 600 ml hemolhorax on the righl side and 50 ml on tile leI\. Latml to the lil"gc skin bums of the scapular &rea! ace a 9.0:116.0 cm conlU$ion of the right side that extends 10 the POSlerior surf;w:es oflhe ribs and a 7.0:11 6.0 cm contusion on Ihe left side IMI also extends to po$lcriorsurfaces of the ribs. Injuriq oftM Extremities A 5.0 x 2.j em area of brush abrasiON is on the latCTllI surface orthe left forearm. Muhiple crusled linear abrasions are on the medial and laleral surfaces of lhe left wrist and the me4i.1l, lateral and posterior surfaces of the right wrist. On the right palm are two 0.211 0.2 em round abrasiOll5that have ef}thematous bases and are 1.9 em apan, representing a possible pallemed injury. A 3.g x 0.4 em erusted abrasion is on Ihe left knee and there is a superficial pallemed abtuion on the medial right ankle. INIERNAL EXAMINAtiON HEAD: The galeal and subgaleal soR tissues orthc scalp are free of injury. The calvarium is intact, as is the dUfa mater beneath it. ClarCClcblospinal fluid sUlTOunds the 1550 gm brain, which has unremarkablc gyri and sulci. The brain is submitted for Neuropathology consultalion (see report below). There are no skullli'actures. The atlanto-occipital joint is 5Iable. NECK: .... The anterior atrap muscles of the neck are homogenous and red-brown. The posterior neck muscles ace congested and there are no cervical spine fractures. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intacl. The IIl)'llJl is lined by inbct white mucosa. The Ihyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown. without c)'Stic or nodular change. The tongue is free of bite mm, hemorrhage, or other injuries. MEDCOM 0365 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 365 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 'lIt 7 of II eTB Aluncd. Rud Hikmet ~ BOpY CAYIJJFS; Excepl whCfC notallboye, lhe ribs, sternum, IIld YCfldnl bodia Il1: vilibly aIlli pllplbly intlCt No exec:" fluid il in !he pericardill or perito~11 clvitiQ. lbe Ofpnl oceupy !heir usuallllalomic pot.itionl. RfSPlRATQRY SysTEM: The riglltllld left lungl weigll720 and 690 JIll. rapecliYllly. Excepl w~ notal aboYe'. the C1.tcmallurfaces are ImOOIh and dtql n:d-purple. The pulmonary pannchyml il cOIl£esled aIlli edemltous. No IT\U$ ~liOnl Of arc" ofeonsolidlliOll are presenl. CARDIOYASCULAR SYSTfM: The 420 gm ball is contained in 11\ inlad. periCllllillsK. The epicardill surface i. lIlTIooIh. wilb miniTTIII fll innlllnClll. The coronary aneric. are pl'CNfIl in I normal distribution, willi I right-dominant pUtcm. Cros.lClCtionso(lhe _ I s show 110 Ithetl)$Clctolil. The myocstdium il homo8ff'Ous, red-brown. and firm. lbe hcarl i. lubmilled for CanlioYuo;:ular 'sthology consuliition (_ repal1 below). The IOnI giyes rise to thn!c inl.:! and palent ardt YClieIL Thc rC1l11 and mesenteric ycssel, arc unremarkable. UVEa & PlUMY SYSTEM; TIle 2160 am liyer hu 111 int.:!, smoolll capSlllc IIld I slIarp Intcrior bordu. Thc parenchyma is soft, llll-brown and congesled, wilh thc lIIulllobular arcltitec:turc. No masslesionl or other abnormllities an: 1«f1. Thc pllbladder contlinll mlnutc smount of grun-black bilc and no stones. Thc pllbladdermucolIl,urfsc:c i. il"C'cn and yclyety. Thc cxtnhepalic bilill'}' tree il palent. SPLEEN: Thc 3S0 ill! spleen hu I.moolll, intact, red·purple c&pIule. The parenchyml il maroon and congested. with distinct MllpiBhian corpuscles. PANCREAS: The plllCrul is soft and yellow_Ian, with tlte usual lobular If(:hitectute. No mualcsionl or other Ibnonnllitia Ite seen. ADRENAl S: The right and left adrenll glands arc lutolyzed. No muses or areas ofhcntorrhlSC Il'C idc:nlificd. . GENITOURINARy SVSTfM; The rigllL and Icft kidneys wcW! 250 IIld 280 pn, rclpeCtiycly. The ClItemaJ lurf'lca arc intact and smooth. The cutl\llf.locl; an: red-Ian and cdcmliOUl, wilh uniformly tltlck cortices and s./tarp corticomcdullll)' jijnctions. The pclva are u~marlablc and tile limen an: nOfTll11 in caulK and cllibcr. Whilc bladder mllCOll OY'Cl"licslll intact bladder Will. The bladder eantlins IC&Ilt utll\C. The proatlle il normal in liu. with lobular• MEDCOM 0366 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 366 "trrOPSY REroRT[(b)(6) BTB Ahmed, Raad Hikmet Pacc 8 of 11 yellow-tan paren<:hymL The s.eminal VQielc:s an: unrcmarka.ble. The lesles an: free of mass lesions, contusions, or olher abllOmJillities. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagwl ii IntllGl and lined by smooth, grey_while mucos.. The slomacll contains approximalely 30 ml of brown liquid. The gastric wall is intact. The dllOdcnwn, loops of small bowcl, and colon an: llllI'eIJIarUble. The appenda is presen!. • • • • • ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES Docwnenwy photograplls an: taken by an OAFME pholographeT. Trace evidence and foreiWl malerial Is not collected Sp«imens rClained for 10J.icologic Icsllng and/or DNA identificalion an:: vitreous, blood (eardiac), kidr>ey, spleen, lung, livcr. bilc, pirie contents, adipose lissue and psoas muscle The dissected orpni are forwarded with body Personal effects an: released lO lIle appropriate mortuary operations rcprescntativca CudloyascullI Pathology CQnou!latlop (Oc.partmenl ofCardlovucular PltholOC, "np, WashlnClon DC): =~~ "D1AGNOSIS:(b)(6) Hurt: Foeal subendocardial eoolractloD band DKrw\ll and myocylC nKrosls wllh associated mlnd chronic Innammalory Infiltrale cOllslsliog of maerOphaC" a..d l)omphocyles. Clinical History. This male lraql civilian, age eslimaled al 25-40 yean.. was taken inlo US cuslodyat Camp Charlie, Iraq on J/191OS; he wu pronounced deceased orlJ~1 OS; the eireumslar1Ces of his dealll are under investigalion. ~ Han: 397 gramS; normal epieardial fat; closed foramen ovale; left ventricular cavity diameter 2.8 cm, lel\ ventricular &ee wal1lhickness 1.6 cm; venll"icular septum thickness I.S em; right ventricle lhickness 0.4 em. without gross scan or abrlOm'la1 fal infiltrales; groasly UIlfematkable valves and endocardium; no gross myocardial fibrosis or necrosis; hi$lologie $CClions show focal conb'action band necrosis and myocyle necrosis with associaled and lymphoeylic infillrall:S, predominantly in the s\lbendocardillm and Inlerstitium. Coronary arteriC$; nonnal ostia; right dominance; no grOS$ ooron81)' atherosclerosis - COmmenl: The cause and circumslanCes of the palienl's inilial collapse an: uoclear. The submitted elinieal history indicates lhal the decedent may have received antemortem applicalion of electrical current. We elMOll\lle oul the possibilily lhal electrical injury may lIavc: led 10 a ventricular arrhythmia i{the clinical histOly is Subslantialed. There is no coronary disease 10 suggesl an ischemic evenl. The subendocardial conlm:tion band necrosis and mixed chronic inflammalorycell infiltrales a:e suggCSlive of calecholamineIndU«d injury that may be sccn in lhe setling ofresuscilalion". MEDCOM 0367 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 367 AUTOPSV REPORT (b)(6) ... BTB Ahmed, Rud Hikmcl Signed bi!b){6) _ I Cardio","ul... Pathologist on May 4, 200S (oricinal signatllrc on filc)Neuropatholosy Consultation (Department of Neuropathology and Ophthalmic Pathology. AFII'. Washington DC): (b)@) lOrain, poSlmOnem: Patchy atIItc nClIJOnal injlll')'. Al,llOlysis with focal bacterial overgrowth. We cumincd lhe IS3S'gnIm formalin fixed bBin lIIbmiued in refcn:ncc 10 tbis case. A small pie« prlbe falx eerebri is incll.ldcd wilh the brain. This dura is without hematoma, Ihrombus or neoplasm. Then: is lOme opacification ofltK: basal leptomeninge$. No leptomeningeal hemOl'Thage is noted. The gyral pattern is nannal; me gyri aTe swollen and compressed. No hemormagc or tonlu.sion is identified. 'The crall;,1 nerve slumps identified are unremarlcablc. The circle of Willis shows a normal configuration, with no l.I\eurysm or malfonnatlon seen. No uncal, tonsillar, or s\lbf.lcinc hemialion is identified. The ccn:bc:llum, brainslcm and u.ppcm1OS1 o;crvical spinal cord are modenlely swollen bUI nonnal in shape. CoronaJ sections of the cerebrum show no abnormalilies ofthc cortex, while maner or deep gray mailer nuclei. No focalle.sions and no hemorrhages are identified. The ventricles an: compressed and Wilhoul hemorrllage. The. substanlia nigra and locu,,; are nonnally pigmenled for plIlient age. CUI surfaces Oflhc eerebellum, midbrain. pons, medulla and uppc:nnost cervical spinal cord show no focal lesioRS and no hemorrhage. The aqueduct and IVlh venlricle an: patenl and wilhout hcmorrhage. Gross phologt'llplls are laken (CD enclosed). Summary oflissue sections: I. RighI superior/middle fronlal gyrwiI. 2. Right inferior parietal lobe. 3. RighI superior/middle temporal gyrus. 4. Right cingulaleg)'nls. S. RighI hippocampus. 6. RighI c.lldateiputamen. 1. Left po.ltamcnlpallidum. 8. Righi. !hafamuslhypo!halamus al the mlllfliitary bodies. 9. Subslanlia nignlmidbBin. 10. Pons. II. Medu HI.. 12. RighI cerebellum/dentate., 13. Uppc:rntOSI cervical spinal cord. Tissue was processed in paraffin for histology; slides were stained wilh H&E. The malm;1l Wi\$ reviewed in conference by staffofthe. 0ep1. ofNeumpatholosy and Ophthalmic Palholosy· Stallered neurons Ihroughoullhe ccrt:brum show pale eosinophilic di5(olotltion consislenl with acule neuronal injury. There. are aulolytic chan&es wilh scattered foci of bacterial overgrowth, a.ssoc:ialed mostly wilh small blood. vessels. Fealures diagnostic for infC:Clion or neoplasm Ire not observed. No pathological hemofThase is idenlified". Signed b)(b}(6} IstafTPatholosisl, Dqll. ofNeuropalhology and Ophlhalmic Pa!hol08yon April 22, 20QS (orginal signalUre. on file). MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Skin of Back- Consislent Wilh bums. firSl tIuoogh third degree. AbrupllrlUlsilion from normal skin 10 an area wilh absence oCthe e.pidennis., subepidermal $plinina, eXlensive coagulalive nCO;:l'I)Sis ofllle papillary and rdicular MEDCOM 0368 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 368 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB Ahmed, Raad Hilanet ... -_. dmnis, ul~nsiv~ nucl~ar debris and tea11~~ inflammalOry response, focal subepidermal abc:~ssCi destruction of some oftIK ckrmal appenda&es associated ...ith mild vlCuoliwion of the appendagc Jlands. Bacterial colonization without innammatory J.w!g- Consislent wilh resolving contusion An l1'I'a of necrotic luna ~nr;hyma wi!h!he prneroce ofhe~iderin laden macrop~1 oollincd by border of dilated bloclIHlIIed vessels with occuional microthrombi. Bacterial eoloniwion witllout innarronltory respanIC. ~lected poclionsof other orpns ~ retained in formalin, without preparlliion of histologic slides.. °MNION This Iraqi eivilian mile died while being treated for blunt force trauma injuries and bums of tile back while detained in Polish custody. The eVCllIl immediltely precedinlthe death ofille decedcnla!!: not provided and a lpecilic meclwlism of death was not determined from lutopsy examlru.tion. Thc current availlblc infOfmation suggestlthe decedent WI! physically injun:d by I rival clan of Iraqis (decedent's .ceount) Of by Iraqi Police (decedcnt', lSIOCilte'l account), AUlopsy c~umin.tion indic.teathe preserKC ofconluslons(bruiscs), abruions and internal injuries, as well" bums oftIK back !hll ~ ofvaryinl severity. 11lc featu~s of the injuries are cOJUistenl with the: injuries oc:cwring prior to Ihe decedenl's dca!h, Sp«ilic injuri~s furthcr Indicate the possible manner in which lhe decedent obt.Ined these injuries. The: ecchymoses of the neck muscles i"uIllestlve ofthe: decedent belnll TCSlnIincd by the neck. AbrlSIons oflllc wrist and ankles Ire conslstem wi!h the: decedent's hands and feet being previously restrained wilh unspecified inllrumenls, The minimll infonnllion IVlilable reproinl the decedent's medical trestment in Polish custody suggcsllth~ decedent WII in Itable condition and receiving inlllvcnous nuids and antibiotics. Tl\r; decedent's death was sudden and appllClltly unexpected because there Is nidence 1M Polisb mec!iCl.!lcam tried vilorollslyto resu5Cilale lhe decedent. Expert consult.tion uuninations orthe heart and bnin reveal no contributing flCtorsto the death and only changcslhat can be anributed 10 reuscllalion effor1., It is po"ible the decedent died orcomplicllions ofbi. injurie. 1M thus homicide would be lhe manner ordealh, but without a complete history orthe nen" Immediltely prccedina his desth, the Ippllent ".tsble" eondition ortM decedent prior to death snd no specific meclwlism detmnined bylulOpsyeumination, an intervening mechanism or death cannot be nJled 0111. Thcrefore, the CSIl$C and manner or ckSlh II usiancd IS Undetermined. MEDCOM 0369 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 369 _.................- _..__.- _.-..-.._.....--- -. _. _.,-- -'- -_.-'''' _ ........... .... --.-• --- -- ---._- .-..__ - ...... ,.. _.. _-COTlflCl,R {W IlEATM~. aTe Ahmed. RNd Hil"TMtI -~- _'·'00 0' """' Iraqi OelalMe Detaon" in Irllq (Camp Cha,.) ~- 611 0 ""' , CA''C._ -~- (bK6) -~- ~- -" .......-.-"'---..-' "_ .... 11'I'I(rf-' _ . _ 0"''''' ................ . .. . , .. "ll(>1ENT -- _ _<'- _0:- _ _ --- . - . . CIO"' _ _ _ _ . . _ _..._- _cooo,_..... _.. _.-..-- -_ ._.......... e -... _ _ _ .. _ _ ... _ ~_""CQlCII_.,...".y...- • TO""'''' ~-' ' - T _ _'" "'-'""- . - .... ending inYesllgallon • ..-T<I_....... ..._H' --.·~I·_.~-- _ _ '0_ lOG.....-C&<a. ........ ...., -_.-__ _..-,,_ 0'...... - " . . . , ----.-- """" . . Dl.O II< t_OO_ , -jIG"" ....... ... _ . - " " ...T _ ~ " * " - .._ ~ ~ .... ' _ - ..,,-_ --- ~._~_"'llUf.TO .... •Mode ot Deelll: Pending ..T-.C&uIU ~, - -~ {bi(e; "'"01_''''''' , J'b<O .. - ' I :bil6i--·;-'''-'b 6 2005 K.-......-·_r .. _.- .. - "' (b)(6) • '_~":".a:uHT !26 Mill 2005 c.... _ ~ __....__. .._.-.. -"< I..,____. . ,---_ ... _ _..... _-._..__..-_......._--_._ _.._-_._. __._....__,._.. _ _......___ ... ... _.-. ...... . . IlI".." ~ Camp Cha~le. Iraq _.. - "'_100_ _ ..... _ ..__ ..___.,_._..... _ ..,_ " " "_ ' " " "_ ""''''''' ' ............... _ _ Of' T.. lltClAItO_ou.Th ""0 • .,.T .... TM: """",TID .... ' - _ ;~6~ ..-.""","" l(b}(6} .1".... "" _ _ ~edlcel ............"""""_ ~ T...... _ Eumlne' AFB. DE 19902 (b)(6) ~ >:u.~ <<""t,... _ _ _ ..__.._ _.. _ _ _ ....., ... ~- """ ...................."' O<M .",,-..,... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 370 00,'3,"1.2064 .............. _ ..... ...... ".'uO. ~, (REMOVE REVEnSE AND RE·/NSERT C/IRBONS BEFORE COMPLETING .,HlS SIDE) DISPOSITION OF REMAINS "lAM!:; ~ MOATICIAN I'REPAAlHG IlEWolNS a..~ liceNSE NUl.In.eR AND STATe I OTHER SIGNATURE INST...... Ui TION OR AOOflESS "'" NAME Of CEl.lETEAY 00 CnEIAA TOIl'( LOCATION Of C£ME'Tt:;nv OR CIlEMATOflV DATE OF OISPOSITIQN IYrlo 01 UISl>OSI1'!OI'I REGISTRATION OF IIIT~L STATISTICS flE,>ISTRY II...." 3'''' CuI,,,,y} OATE REGISTERED FlU: r-lUM6ER STATE NAME Of FlINEFlAl OI/lECTOR SlQMWI'lI: OF ~\lTHOI1llEO [OTHER IIOOflESS INDIVtI)VAI USAPAV1.00 DO FORM 2064, APR 19n (BACK, MEDCOM 0371 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 371 ARMED FORC[S tNSTITUTEOF PATIIOLOGY Office 01 the ArQ1ed Yorcts Medlnl Eumincr 1413 Resemh Blvd.• Bldg. 102 Rockville. MD 20850 1-800-944-1912 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT No.~·~(b~"~6)'===1 Name: RTR AI K 1lUaf, Majamc:y ISNI(b){6) Date ofBinh: UnIcnown Dale ofDcath:(b)(6) 2005 Dale of AUlop!Y: 15 MAR 2005 Dale of Report: 091UN 2005 .... Autopsy AfIP No.: (b)(6) Rank: Civilian Place ofDcath: '2" CSH. TaJliI.lraq Place of Autopsy: Port Mornwy Dover AFB. DE C1rcumsl.nces of DUlb: This Iraqi male dcuinec ofthc US Forces suffered a myocanlial infarclion on 21 JanlllJy 2005 while being held II Camp Bucca, Iraq. The dea::dent reported having Chesl pain and when evalUllted al the: cUnit: al Camp BUl:u was found to have EKO changes consistent with an acute myocardial infan:tion. He was transferred to lhe 82'" Combat Support HO$pilal (CSH) in Tallil.lraq. whe~ ICcording 10 !he medical rewrds provided, the: lnflll'l:1ion was conlirmed and treatment for the infan:tion was iniliatcd. llvombolysis was nOl performed because oflnumatie aUempts al placing a foley catheter at Camp Bueca. which resulted in an IClively bleedinll sile. The d«edcnt had a cllcstJl·ny consiSlent with heart fail~ pancm, which Rqui~d intubation. During the decedent's hospilllizalion there were: multiple trials ofWCill\ing him from the ventilator bUI all were unsuccessful. The decedent's blood prcSl~ remained labile throUghoUl his hospilaliz.ation. He received a tracheostomy and gastroslomy for eJllCnOed care. On ~~t@),-_ 2005. he possibly suffered another myocardial infarc1ion and died despilc emergcnl life saving efforts. The medical records of the lUI days of his hospilalizalion are not available for review. The decedent also has a reporled hislory of poorly controlled adult onset diabeles mellitus. AUlborUllion for Aulopsy: Office ofthc: Anned Forces Medical ElIIminer.IA W 10 USC 1411. Id~nllficatioll: Presumptive identification ili C!IlIblis~ by !he ISN (Inlernmenl Serial Number). Fingerprints and a DNA sample were lal(ct'I for idenlificalioll PLIrJIOSCs shOllld an ClIemplar become available. CAUSE OF DEATH: Atherosclcrotic Canliova.5Cwar Disease MANNER OF DEATH: Natural MEDCOM 0372 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 372 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) BTB AI Jallld, MIJlmey Pile 2 oU Fll'iALAUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Atherosc'<:foti~ Cardiovuc:ular Disease A. Athero$Cleroti~ Cardiovueular Disease I. Per Canliovuc:ular Plthology COrulultltion: "1) Cardiorneglly (582 pns) with left venlri~ulll1 hypertrophy. 2) Sever>: coronlTy .thero5C~ia with eal~ification. two vessel disease; occlusive organizing thrombus, mid left antmor descending anery. J) Healing tran5mural myocardial infarction, left posterollteral WIt!. 4) Huled transrnunl myocardill infan:tion, tpe:e, left anterior ventricular wall and upturn." (See full eon~l13tion rqIOf1 below) 2. Moderate .tbcrosc:lerolfs of the aorta. 3. Modelate to lev~ atherosclerosis of the builar anery and the Cirele of Willis (cercbralll'leries). 4. Finely granular oorti~al SurflloCCS of the kidneys. II. Other Autopsy Findings I. Severe pulmonaryedcma with right pleulal effusion (1500 ml of serosanguineous nuid). 2. Cholest",is with gallbladder will thickening. :J. Bilatelal rentl conical cysts (no greater than 0.4 ~m in diameter) 4. Hemorrhagic mucosa oftbe trigone and lower urinary bladder 5. Anuan:llSSOCilted with billteral conjUJ'lCtiv.1 eclcm., pining edema of the extremities and digilll and massive scro131 dillClllion. 6. Crusted abruionson the left chest. superior ponion orlbe abdomen, left anterior CO$IaI margin, rightthigb and right sIIoulder. 7. A 8 x 7 ~m II'CI. of erythema on the inferior ccntnl abdominal .oJ, 8. A 9.2 x 7.0 ~m decubitus ulcer of the sllCl"Il area 111. . Medi~al Intervention I. Tracheostomy 2. Left ~hestlubc (6 110 inlmOStlll space) l$Socilted with dense but easily brollcn adhesions of the left parietal pleura to the left lung and thickening of the pleura :J. Prior left ~hcsltube silt (sutured skin ineisiofl and perforation of the 4" intercostal space) 4. Triple lumen catheter in left subclavian vein 5. Anmal catbcter right radial incry MEDCOM 0373 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 373 AUTOPSY REPORT~6")---:=:: DTS AI Kbal.r, MaJllIlt)' - 6. Status POSI ga.nroslOmy lube placement with stapled skin incision and associllled with euily broken adhesions afllle liver, slomach and trU\lVetSe colol17. Foley c.thelem.lion ortlle urinary bladder 8. Status POSI ~iopulmonary resuscitation uaocialed with fractures of the righlliflh rib and left fourth and fifth ribs. 9. Selfadhesive eleclroeardiogJallllcad on the left abdominal will -. 10. Needle puncture site in the left antecubital fom II. Bio-occlusivc dressing on posterior left thigh IV. Mild decomposition with areasofvcsidc formal ion and skin slippage on \he scalp, face:, leR and right upper nlrcmilies. left abdomen, upper back, left IhiJh, and biialenillower lcp V. ldenlifying tofarUu~_, 1.1(!l).@) tl 1ltoo(b)(6) 2. Hypcrpigmmled &ear on Ihe~"",:::~'m:O·",O"=",,au orlhe right hand J. HypelJligmenled anu of skin on the righllowcr abdominal qullJranl VI. Toxicology is negative for ct/wlol and drugs ofabusc. Midazol&lll (. benzodiazepine) is in the blood (0.10 mgll). MEDCOM 0374 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 374 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 8TH AI kIIa'af, MaJlmty W'ERNAL EXAMINATION The unclad body il lMt oft well-developed. well·nowUtted appearing. 69 inch long. 243 pound Iraqi nalional malt whose appeannce is consistent with III Ige range of 40-50 y~. Uvidity il flin! and filed Ilonglbe back. Rigor mortis is absent. There is mild anasan:L Early decomposilion ehinges. whith intllKlc vesitle fonnation and skin slippage. arc on the: scllp. the left .ide oflbe fllCe and neck. the: upper eltremities, the left side ofthe abdomen. the upper b..:k. the: left thiah and lower \ep. The "lIp il covered with cW"lyblllCk hair in I IIOrmll distribution. 1be irides are brown. and the pupill are round and equll in diameter. The conjunctivae are edematous and there is bilateral peri-orbital edema. The utemalaullitory CIIIIls are Ike ofabnormal acrClions. The carl are unrernarbble. The nares are patentllld !he lips are atraumatic. 'The nose and lIWliliae are palpably Itable. The decedent is edemulous. 'The facial hair consilll5 ofa black IIld gray mustache IIld beard. The neck il straiJht. and \he lI'IChu il midline and mobile. A tracheostomy Nbe is in p1.lce in the central antcrior neck. The chest iSlymmetric. A 2.4 l O.g cm tnlJited Ibrasion is on the left tllelt. A 1.2 l 0.2 em crusted abrasion il immediltely below the left costal margin. On the upper central abdomen are four trW ofabruions with early skin slippage. The areas range from 1.2 l 0.3 cm to 2.0 l 0.3cm. The abdomen is globoid and without mllSSC5. An 8 l 7 cm area of erythema is on the lkin ofthe inferior central abdomen. In the right lower quadnnt of the abdomen lie two I/'CU ofhyperpigmentcd Ikin (10 II: 3 cm and 4 l 4 cm). The genitalia are those of. normal adult cin;:umcised male. The testes arc: descended and free of museI. Pubic hair is present in I normal distribution. On the right uppt'r back is a 2.4 II. 0.7 cm C!\llted abrasion. Overlying the utrum is a 9.2 II. 7.0 cm decubiNs ulcer. The buttocks and anus are unremarkable. A bio-occlusive dressing is a!tlU:hed to Ibe posterior prollimilleft thigh. The upper and lower ellTemities are symmetric and free ofobvious deformities. On the anterior sUlfllCe ofthe right thigh are I 5.3 II: 2.5 cm are. of seaneredlbrasions and a 3.8 l 1.5 cm arCl of C!\lsted akin slippag:e. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS The following clotlUng items and per10nal errectsiccomplllied the body .tthe time of autopsy: A wlUte "ClI1ier Pans" t·slUrt.l!fCCl'I strob pllllS. "Madaen"sandals, green lIOCU, an Iraqi gannentand brown jacket. MEDICM.llfiERVElfiION I. Tracheoslomy 2. Left chest tube (6'" intCTalstal space) associated with dense bUI easily broken adhesiolU of the left parieta' pleul1l to the left lung and tlUckening ofthe pleura 3. Prior leR chest tube .ite (sutured skin incision Illd perforation ofthe 4'" intercoml space) 4. Triple lumen catheter in left whelavilll vein MEOCOM 0375 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 375 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB Al Kball', MIJlmcy Pilf 5 orl 5. Arterial catheltr ri&ht Bdial artcrj 6. S1&tUS post pstroIIomy tlIbc placement wilh stapled lkin ineiskm and auoci&lcd willi easily btokCtl adhesiolll orthc liver, ltomach &rid rnnsvene colon. 7. Foley calheterizalion oftbe uriMl)' bladder I. Sl&lW poll cardiopulmonary l'nlIICil&tion usociatcd with &acWTes of the rithl (jll:h rib and Iell: fourth and lill:h rit.. 9. Selradhesive elaclrocardiocr-m lead Oil the lell: abdominlll wall 10. Needle ~ aite in the Iell: _ecubital fossa II. BiG-OCclusive dreuina on posterior left lhi&h 8ADIOCMPHS A complete set ofpostmoncm ndiogaphl il obl&incd and demonstrates no long bone ftac1UTca or mUICI. Thefe an no foreign bodies uccpt for the medical devices deseribcd above. EVIDENCE Of U~JURX "T'bcn: are no acute injuries. ImBNAL EXAMINr\TION HEAP: '- Thc pleal and I\IbpleallOll: tiuues oCtile _Ip an tree of injury. 1bc e:alvarium il intact• .. is the dura mater beneath it. Clear ccu,brospinllll'hiid lurruWldI the 1490 pn brain, which hll I dusky appearance and ge:nersliud IOIl:CtIina of the parenc:h)'llla. The a)'ri and lule:; an lWefIIubblc. Coronal sections dl:mORllT<: lharp demarealioo betweell white alld ll"C-y maner, wilhoul hcmorrhqe or conllllivc illjUry. Tbc ventricles an oCnormai lile. "The: bIIaI pnalia, brainstcm, and cerebellum are Ifec of iojury or ocher Ibnonnl!ilicl. There il modc:nlc 10 1C\'m: IlIlcrolClcnKil of the basilar Ulery and Cifl:.le orWillil (cc~bn.1 anmes). ThcR an: no skull &xtvrcs. The allant~c:ipitaljoinl il liable. NECK: 1bc anterior ItTap muxln or,hl: neck an: homoacnous and red·brown. wilhou, h~ge:. The tlIyroid cartilaae and hyoid bone are inllCl and calcified.. A traeh_tomy i, in lhe enco.lh)'RIid mcmtnne and il lI~alcd with a IlCCnIlion ohbe i,thmus oftlle thyroid aland. The l&ryn:ll: illined by inlaCl white: 1'1I--' The thyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodular change:. The edematous toneuc is &c:c.ofbile marti, hcmoll'bage:. or othrr illjuries. BODY CAylI[fS: TM ribl (uccpt wbeR 1I0led above). sternum. and vcr1ebnl bodies Ire visibly IIId palpably illtact. No excelS fluid is ill 1I'lc periURIial tlvity. The ri&ht hemithorax contains lSOO ml of bloody ICTOIlS Ruid-. The left hcmithoru. hu dense but Cllily broken ~hClions between the left luna and lhe parietal plC\ITL The peritoneal cavity contains IppfOltiml1cly 200 1'1I1 of brown and bilious nuid. The orpns occupy their usuallr1llomic posilionl. MEDeOM 0376 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 376 AUTOPSY REPOR1'].S{b~){~6) BTB Al Kblaf, r.hJam~ _ RESPIRATORY SysTEM: The righl and lel'llungs weigh 1130 and 1060 gin, rapcclively. The eXlernal sudaees are smoolh and deep red·purple. The pulmorwy parenchyma is severely ,",,"gesled and edematous. There are no areas of li'ank purulence. No mass lesions orareu of consolidalion arc: present. CARQlOVASOJLAR SYSTEM: The 610 tpn hear1 iii soft and conlained in an inlaCt pericardial sac. The epiclt«liaJ surface is smoolh, wilh minimal fal investment. The epicardial surface oflhe left venllicle has a dark speckled appc:anrn:e. The coronary arteries arc: present in a normal disU'ibution. Cross so;:lions of ttle left coronary artcry allow severe atherosclerosis ofllH: left anlerior dcsc:ending branch oflhe left coronary anery. See full Cardiac Pathology Consultalion Report below. TIle aorta gives rise 10 lhree inlact and patent arch vessels. There is model1lle ulc:el'lltcd atheroselerosia throughout Ihe course orille aona. The renal and mesenteric vessels llI'e unremarlc:able. -... UyER & 8tL!ARY SYSTEM; The 2260 gm liver has an inlllCl, smoolh capsule and a sharp anterior border. The parenchyma is lan·brown and congesled, willlihe lISIlallobular archilecture. No mass lesions or Ol.her abROrmalities are seen. The gallbladder contains approximately 20·30 ml ofvillCous green-blllCk bile and no stones. The gallbladder wall thickened and the mucosal surface is green and vclvely. The exlrahepatic biliary llee is palent. SPLEEN: The 330 gm spleen has a smooth, inlaCt, red·purple eapsule_ The parenehyrna is soft and liquified. PANCREAS: The pancreas is firm and ~1I0W-Ian, with lIH: usuallohular archileclUIe. No ITI&SS lesions or other abROnnalilic:s are seen. ADRENAl S; The righl and left Idrenalglands are symmctTie, Wilh bright ~lIow cortices and grey aUlolyzed medullae. GENtI0tlRINMX SYSTEM: The righl and left kidlleys weigh 2]0 gm each. Thc eXlernal surfaces are inlllCl and arc finely gnwular. Each kidney haa sevel'lll small cortical cysu, nonc of wllieh ate grealer lllan 0.4 cm in diameter. The cuI SurfacCli an: red-WI and congcsted, willi unifonnly thick cortices and sharp cortieomedullary junctions. 111<: p<:lves are unr< and the uretc:rs are normal in course and caliber. While bladder mucosa overlies an inlacl bladder walilhal has a~a ofhanonttag<: surrounrlina and incll.ldinS tile lrigone. The bladlkr conlains no urin<:. Thc= plOStal<: is nol'TlUll in size, with lobular. yellow-Ian parenc:hymL TlM: .seminal MEDCOM 0377 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 377 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB Al Kbald, M_Jamty ~ v«icleJ are unremarkable. The le$les are free ofmass Icsions, contusions, or otha" abnonnalities. GASTRQMESTINAL TRAct: The esopl\lgU5 il intKt and lined by $JnOOIh, grey.white mucosa. The Itomlth eon\JlillJ Ippro:lilTlltely 120 ml of brown fluid. A gastrostomy lUbe perfotltcsthe pslrie wall. The tube il pllenl. The duodenum, loops of small bowel and colon are unremarkable. The appmdi:l is present and unremarkable. • • • • ADDITlON6L PROCEQUI!ES Doeumentary photognphs arc taken by &Il OAf ME phololUllpher. Spocirnens retained for lO:lirolope teslillllld'or DNA identilication are: vitreolll, blood. urine. spleen, llU\&. Ddney.liver, brain, bile. pltne contents, adipose til$ue and psoai musele. The di5S«led organs are forwarded with body Ilersonal elfects are released to the IIppiOpnatc: morllWy opeBtions represenlatives CONSULTATIONS Cardilt Pathology ColI$ullalion (I)epanrnent ofCardiovueular Pathology, MIP, WuhinBlon D.C.): • "Dlacnosls1(b)(6) : Hur1: I. Cardlomrgaly wllb left vutrkular byptr1roplly 1. Se~", corona". IIberosdn-OIIl1 wltll uklnUllon, two vft$d dlHlSe; oc:t1uslve orcUW1l1: t1lrombu$, ""d kft anterlo, dlKtndlncar1e". ), 81111nl: IfI,um",..1 myOC'ardltl1 htrandon.left poUerolUeralvenlriullr 4. Huled tranlmuflllll)'OCudlalldlrclkHl. Ipt:l,IeR Inlerklr VUlriClilar "'llIlnd septum Clinkal hislory: This Iraqi National male ctelaineeofthe US Force luffered I myocvdial tral\Iremd to the hospilal where he reportedl)' sutrCfCd infarction orlb:H6 '05 and anolhcl' myocardial infarclion o{(b)lOll and died de.pile emc:raent live saving efforu. 11I'' Heart: 582 grams; nomtll epielrdial fat; probe: ,.tcnl foramen ovale; left veIllrK:ularuvily diameler 5.5 cm, left vmlrlcular IKe wall thickneu 1.6 em; ventricular septum thkkness 1.7 em; ri&hl vf:l1triele thic:kneu 0.) cm, withoul gross scarl or abnormal fat infiltnles; 8J1'1I1), unrernlr'nblc valves and mdoeIrdium; scarring ohhc Icft anterior ventric:ular wall and 1epIUm; eircumferential aumnl of the apc:Il; postcrolatCtlI wall Sholli'I tan'8J1IY softened Ileal; ailllcd IOnk 1'00I; histoloJic secliOlll show transmural repllCemenl librosis ohhe len anlerior vmlrleular wall and scpI\lm and the a transmural hulinl infarction of seven! wedc.s duntion seen in the left posteroilicral wail cl\lracteriud by Qtensive IfWllllation lb5ue rOlTl'lalion with i1IlihTalion of numCTOlls mltTophases and lymphocytes Corona.., arteries; nonnal ostia: left dominance: severe eoronary alhcrosclcroli. wilh ealciliution Left main coronary (lM): 40% lu.mina! narrowing lIy libf'oatbavmllOlll plaque MEDGOM 0378 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 378 A.UTOPSY Rf.PORT (b)(6) BTB A.l lQ,a'ar, "hJamey Patt' of' Left arumordescendifll artery (LAD): Partial wnp uound LAD with up 10 1'% luminal IWJOwing by nlcified Iibroalhel"oma; occlusive orpnil.inBthrombus mid l.AO: total occlU$ion of diagonal branell by ealeilied fiblOiltherom, uft circumflu mery (LCA): 7S% luminal narrowina oflhc distal LeA by calcified Iibroatheroma Righi C()f(Wtal)' artery (flCA): )0"..4 luminal nanowinB by IibroathetomalOua plaque" Signed by Renu Vinnani. M.D. Cardiovascular PatllolOBiu (Ori,;plurc of tile in the OAfME). MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Except where noted above. selected portiON oforpna prepantion ofhillOlogic slides. ... ~ lite telained in fonnalin, without OPINION Thil; Iraqi National male detainee of the US Foreel ,uffered a myocardial infarction on (b){6) (b)(6) 200S while bcinB held.1 Cwp BlICU, Iraq. Hi.lloapilll course was complicated by continued blood pres'ure nuctuatiOlUl m:I rcspiratory difficultiea. Based on the examination of hia han there wu eXlensive damage and scarrinl from two luge infarctiona (heart IUacltl). which reaulted from $CY= Itherosc:lcrosia. The mochaniillT1 of death i. most commonly 11\ arrlt)'lhmia (inegul.llca.rt bell) ariaing in the dam.ged lreas oflhe hean. The manroer of death is nllW'll!. (b){6) ~'b~)~"~)=J""ic.l Ei"iiilincr·------ j MEDeOM 0379 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 379 _.-....... -- -_.- _ao__.. _ ClR"'ICA'E'" OEll'" (OWAUAII ....... _ ( T l ~ _""",,~ .... r ... _ 8T8 MaiDmey, AI Khalaf - '''' ~tTaqi Oelainee 31 camp 8ueea -" ~ _'00 0''""'_ . _.... ....."'_'Cf .... an"" ...... _$'AU --- .. ElIIC.OJ.ITU......, ~ ~- x _""e-J ____ _--_- .....Cf".."'_....__..._ _ _ ... _ r - ... _~ _._ """"''''''00l0CT\............ '0 """H' _ ... _ _ Muslim M ......-'0_ ........ ..,.. 0 0 ,.-. '- ._-_. --_ -. _--- .."", _,"""'" ~- X <"0<:_ -- - ""0"" ...'" ~. ._. -_. __-- - ~ Ir----1(bj(6j'-----1 iraqi del8lnee "'''''''''''-'',-,M "...,,,--'" . A/he'osde<otioc C3fd;ovas<;UIiI' disease, -"""""_.. ... ,-- ---"'-, ..........""'" """-""'0._. _ ..... .'- _.----. . -- _..'-.__.. , , -•• ....,.""'... I"""'.......... Weeks ,_.~-l. . - To N;'OC£O<'" _co"",, ~_ _.~-- ... , on.". ...... """"~' ...,..01 ".. '" ..,."..., ....,.,...,..., "'-'_"''''''OI''S' ""","-_.,_ ~ . _-- ..... --.... .-.-,"""'. _ _ ouo"' ..... To .",,-.<:AUOU ~- a X , """'" 01'. .... ''''''''''''' (b)(6) ~ • l(b)(6) .,M_,.,.-_-_ _...,~-_ -- '_;;::OGCUN' 15 t.t", 2005 j '" ~- Irnnd CSH, TanH. Iraq _.- ~ ,,,,,,-,,,,,, _Cf .... _ _ _"''''''''-''''' ,......."""""__.-..."""-" "''''ED_ " . _ " ' _ _ .... __ M _ _ .... 17"'. . . . """..._ .. _ (b)(6) -""--"'~--- (~)~ ~ _ ... _ · _ _ .... • _ _ _ _ O _ l.!!"-" _ _' ..- ,_ ... _ ~edical Examin..' I Co" ,---, ._ -.. __ . _-_ . _.. -_...... _.. _, ... ,--_ ........._ ... ....... _ ..... _ _-,_ . _ .... _ .... _ ... ,_.-.... ... _----_ . _..... _.... _. "(Z "'- Dove' MS. DE 19902 l(b)(6) , DD ..~'2064 ..,_ ....... --,~ . ,..."" ...... ",."...... ,.. _~- • . , _ '..... " ..........·M .... ' ~.. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 380 /REIoIOVE REVERSE AND RE·INSERf CAROONS BEFORE CONPLETING THIS SIDE} , D1SPOSlTlOH OF REMAINS ....A M£ Of' I.lOftTICIf<" PREPARlHG RB.\A.lNS .""', UCENSE HUMOEA lIMO STillE 'llSrA,lLA llOH 00 "I)()RESS 0'''' """""'., -- IOTIIEII 3/15/2005 HME OF' CHEf ERY OR CAfINuonr LOCA11lJ1.1 or CEMETlORY 00 Cl'U'IMTORY OATE OF llISt'OSITlON fYPE Of'DlSPOSnlOH REGlSTAAnoN OF vtfAl STATISTICS flECI$IRY /r,~" _c_1I)1 OATE AF.GlSTEn£O NAMe: l,l~ FUNEllAl OlllECT()I( I ~UtNI.tIlER STATE OTHER """"'" SIGN" fUllF. OF IIV'! HORIZEO lHOlVlOUAI. DO FORM 2D~4, USN''' VI.()l) APR 1977 (BACK) MEDCOM 0381 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 381 , ARMID FORCES INS'ITIVI'E OF PATHOLOGY omu of tbe AnaecI Fortell Medk:ai Euad.llft' 1413 Reaarclt Blvd., BidS. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-8Ol).944-7912 FINAL AUTOPSV lXAMINATION REPORT ""_ AFlPN01(b}(6) Rank: CivililUl Plate olDea1h; 1rIq Pl_ of Autopty; Army Mortuai)' Camp Vidcny.1taq ~ O",eofSirtb:(bJ(6j pmOaIeof~6)~OO5 OaIeorAu~~:SF~200S Date of Report: OS April 200S Cin:1I. .wca or Dark: Thil 21-year-old male durina I prilOn diwrbanee. ==j ~,~.~!{b~I~(6~1 Name: BlB Tlwfeedr:, Salmany ISN(b)(6l wu • civilian detainee who wu Iho! Alltitoriudo.lor "limp.,.: Offil>:e oftbeAnned Forces Modieal Eumiuer,lAW ]0 USC 1471. Ilkatiflcatio.: Identifi~o.n i. etlIblWled by meant of the au.adIed idellliflClliollIql. CAUSE OF DEATBI G.....OC wOQlf.rtlacMlldMANNER OF DEATH, HOIIIidde. fINAL AVI'OPSY DIAGNOSES I. perforatiJl8lJUll1bot wound of the be.d: A. Entry. right poaaior parietal resioa ofbead B. No evidence 0(IlOO( or ppowder Itippling i, pracnt on tile skin arO\IfId the ~ wound. C. Path: lkia ofrigln pocerior parietal ICIlp, right posterior parietal resioo of the akul~ risk, cell,b",l1 hemUpIIere of the brain, ript puietal regioo of the lkull. D. Pro;mile: yellow metal hgment reoovend. E. Exit: riahl parietal regioa of tile head. F. Direc:tion: be.dt 10 &ord &lid upwards. G. AlIQcilted injuries: 1. Multipl. Iinur hetvra of tile rig"l pariecal and vatex regions oftbe ulvarium. 2. Perf'on1in8laeeradon of the right_tibial hemilpbeR. 1. Subp1eaJ hemorrllqe in the biparieul UId occipital resiona. MEDCOM 0382 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 382 2 ore; AUTOPSY RJ:PORT(b){6) TAWREEK, Salatuy "'" U. AdditiOlIaI injuries: A Cireular abruiollS on left laIn c.... loft upper ann, riJbt foteann IIId the left thigh. m. Toxicology: Negative. MEDCOM 0383 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 383 • ,"6 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) TAWnEEK. S....·.)' EmMAL J.XAMJNADON The body I. thai of. well-developed, wdl..-riMod mtle u.t weip ~lIUIldy 112 pounds, is 61 incba In Jenatb IUld IppeUt c:ompalible with the reported .oU7 yarI. Uvidily is tIud on the posterior IUtfiecI o(the body exc.ept in IRII expoIed I(I~. Ria« is complete. The.ealp Mir II bllCk. Faa" hair eoNW or. bid be.-d IUld murtaehe. Tho irides.,. Wk. Thc...... ' we eloudy. The conjulldiYae are unrelllal'bbio. The Klme are white. The extenlII .udllOl'y cuals. CXlemaI_ and onI e&vilyare h. o(~ip llIIteriaJ IIld IbnonMllKl'etioftt,. The teeth are rIIt\nI ancI ill aood condition. The nedI: is w.igbt UId the trxhet. ~ midline aad mobile. neebat iI urnmarbble. Tbe abdomen il fl•. The upper and lower eldremitielllll symmetric. The IKUllllf1II "2" il wrineo 011 the donum of the riabl b.aad. The finacmlillllll Intact. A 2 'Ii It ~ meh blnd-like hyperter.lotie Ita it ~ on the dOl1llIW'f1ee ofbodl r.t. AD k1ellliflwion ttall pi_ill on the riaht I lOe beuilll ~BTB [lb)(6) _ The genitalia are thoR of I nomW adul1 male.. The; bIrttodla aod ImU are wvemarbble. CLOTBING AND PEMONAL IEfRCTS The followilll penonal tll'ed• .ccompany the body. I. ASOOODlllII"bIonkMl8-2. A band wilh~(b)(6) demoppllie infomwlcm EymENCE Of MlDICbL mu,;,ry 1. An .ndol:l'Uhea1 tube. 2. A nuopstrie tlIbe. 1, tntBvueul1J" Clthcterlln praent in the left llIteeublt&l folllllld ripl inauinal rqion. 4. A Illenpeulie needle punaure lile in the right IIllecubitaJ ro.... S. A Foley ealheter. 6. Defibrillator pad. on lhe right upper IUld left literal ellea. EVIDENg OF INlllBl' The orderina of the followillJ injuria ill for delcriptiY'll pIll'JlC*l only, .nd il not inleDGed 10 imply Of'der orlnfHClion or rdltiY'll Mlverily. All woulld pIIhw1ylare Jivea relldiY'llIO JlIIIdard aNlomle polition. Perf'orada.JIllldot WHlld eltlM bud: Then dill a1ypic:aJ pmllot woomd ofenlranee litUlled Inlbe riabl poJler1or parietal rqiOll of!he heM! loel.led I Y.o inchell bdow!he lOP ortho bwIlnd 2 l4 inc.hea riaN or the pGIIer10r midline. 11lo wound meuures 'I.i It I" inch. There d_tric: IIIIIJinIl abrQionloelted infero-medi.lly haviq an.venae width of l/lllll:h. No evidllllClO or MEDeOM 0384 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 384 SaI_,. . A.UTOPSY IlUORTi(b)(6)'-=== TAWFJ:EEK, 4of6 or JlIl1pO'1V11u Itippting 11 present on the *iD an:JUnd the entrarK:e wound. The Idjaeem imem• .lIy beveled akuU defect meuures ~ x 14 inch. The wound path puseI through the skin altho riaJu posterior parielal tcIlp. rigid poIlcrior paritUJ region oftbc skull, right eercblal hemisphere ofthe braiD" riahl parietal region of the skullllId the right pariel&l tca./p. A tleII.te ~ wound iI praent in we right parieul region of the head loeIted on the top bold, tentered 2 ~ indies rig!ll oftbe Ulterior midliM. The elri1 $OOl wound mcuurea <4 ~ x 2 ~ illCbeI. The trIjeelmy oftbe I\Wbot wounlI il bact 10 ltonl and upward. A I nun yellow meW hpIent iJ recovered from tile right parieta1 .... bpleaJ regiCXI.. Auoci,ted with tbe gunshot wound are ID\lltiple linear ~ oftbc right puieuland ~ regiOlU of the ealvuium, pa10Rtina IlCeRtioo of the right cetebnI bemilphere and subpleal in the biJ*ietal and occipiral rqiona. Addllloa.ll.ajury: 1b«e are muhiple circular .WOIII aver88insl4 inch in diameter di#ributed II foJIoWI: 1. Left mandibular ~n oftbe &ceo 2. Left lalcn1 surUce of the chest (2). 3. Po.eIior IUtface of the right forearm.. <t. Anterior $Ilrfice oCtile left upper tnIl.. ,. Posterior lateral surfiloe oflbe left tbip. INDBNAL EXAMINADON HEAP: (See above "Evidenc:f= of lJIj\ll'}"'). The IQIp iI rdllletcd. The calvarium oftbe skull il ~ The leptomeninaea are thin and delicate. Coroll&llectiollll del!:lonJtnIetlwp demarcation betwec:a the lI.llinjlnd white and gey m.tler. The ventricle. 11" of DOmlIl aize. The brain weighll15SO gm. The lltIamo-occipitai joint i. sttble. The anterior map IllUJeles of!he neck are homogencullllld red-brown, without bemorrll'8~, The thyroid cartill8~ and byoid Ire intut. Tbe lal)'NI is lined by intact while - . The thyroid ilsylDDletric and rcd-browII. The to!J3Ue it &ee orbile marks. IIemorrfLaae, or othet injuriel. BODY CM'11lES: The is visibly and palpably inllC:t. No exeeu fluid i. prueot in !he pericardia!, pleural or peritonoal avilies. The orpns 0CCIIJlY their U1U&I anMomi<: podliona. MEDCOM 0385 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 385 • AUTOPSY REPORT·~(b.::)(6.'-) _ 50'6 TAWFEEEK. him.,. RFSPIMIORY SYStEM: am. The riSht and left lunp weigh 385 and 291 respectively. The extemal.maee, are IIJlOOlh and deql red-purple. The pulmolWy parenchyml iJ difRuely OOfI8Wed and edematOUs. No mus IClionl or areas ofcolllOlidation are present. CAllPIOYASCULA& SYSTEM: The 324 P tte.n is contained in an intact pericardialaae. The epic:ardiaJ.1lIJface i. wooch, willi llliAimal fat investment. The eoronary lI'leriu arise normally, follow the II1UI.I dillriblitiOll and are widely pIIad without evide_ of .ignifiCUlI ~ti. or tlvOTllb<».i.. The myocardium i. bomogooous, red-brOWll, and firm. The valvo leafletl are thin and mobile. The endoeardium is IIt100Ih and &Iisteni.... The ucending aorta siva rile to three mid pllen! vth veltel•. The rellll and melenteril: veaels an IllIl'eIlWbble. LIVER" Bn dAIly SysTEM: The 1184 sm liver Iw an InUlet, Rnooth capwle llId I slwp anterior border. The ~hym. illan-brown and eonp:sted. with the usuaIloWlu udlitecrure. No TlIUI le.iOfU or 0Iber IIbllOl1IIalities are teen. The p1/bLaddet eom~l1Il_ than S mI o(green· black bile. The mueoaaJ surflce i. sroen and vdve.y. The extraIIes*k: bilil,r)' Me i• ...-. 8PJ EEN: The 61 g.m Ipleen has. smooth,, ~e elPlUle. The pUUlehyrul. maroon and eongested, with disdnel Malpighilll corpuscle.. PANCREAS: The pIllfnU i• .aft Uld yellow-tin, with tlK IISUal lobular udlileetwe. No IrIUI lesiOtlll or other abnormalities are aeea. APRENA'S: The right and left albenal glands are aymmetrie, wilh bnall! yellow cortic:a aDd 8Jey medullie. No musa or ueu ofhemorrhqe are idelllified. 0ENIT01JRINARX SYSTEM· The fiihl kidney weighs 10 JIll; tho left 10) am. The externaltur&ce. are intact and smootb. The tllIlUtfIee:s ate red·ttn and o;onaated, with uniformly thick coniees and I/wp coniconledullll'y junaiolU. The pelves are utln!lII&Ibble and the umera ate nonnaI in COUl'Ie and ~ibet. Tan bll4der mUC:OM overlies an imlCl blldder wall. The blldder iJ empty. The prosrae is normal in tilZ, with lob.ilar, yellow-tan pvt!nCbyma. The Jelllinll MEDCOM 0386 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 386 AUTOPSY Ul'ORT (bH6) TAwn~lk. 60(6 S.,. . ., vqic!a are IIrnmarbble. The tilt. ~ he or m. . laiona, eorltllliOlla, or odlcr Ibaormalilia. Q,:\STRQll:[IESTINbL 'BACT: The aophaps ia lined by IrIlOOtb, llRY-wbita ",,'COP Tbo -.-=h OOIlWIlI ",proximUdy 100 mI of'ura,ray f1occu1e:Dl material Tbe pRric WlI1I ia inw:l. The duodenum, Ioopa IIMll ~ eobt, UId ~ ~ lItIRmartable. or MICROSCOPIC IXAMINATION Selet:led ponlcKll ororpm are ret:tJned III lbmllIill., without ~ of tu.toIope Jlidea. APDWONAL PJtOCEpllB"NUMAB"S I Documewry pbotoppItJ are tIba by OAFME .uJfpboloppbel" (b1(6) (b)(6) I 5petimelll r....i....... roftoxieoJoP: ladlll andIorDN':\ idelltifiealiOD are: blood,. vitreoIII. bile., pstric: contents, JPIeen and liver. I Full body ~ are obl'ilft! and demollltrlte the illjuriet .. desaibed.. Selrtend minule metallic: hgmt:lltl are __ ndiograpbic:ally ill the ~ of the "'" - . I . • The d;.I~«I 0l'JUII'" fot'warded with the body. The _ucellllflll1lic: &qmenI il p1al:ceI ill a labeled c:ontIinet-alllI re1eIIed 10 I PU10lIIl I the alteodilll inY'Utiplive dfec:tl are nl repretUlWivq, aaema. c , . to the appropriate mort\IIfy 0fIU"Ili0aI OPINION Thil 27·)'Mr~ld mala ciyilian detainee dicel olalJllDlbol wound 10 the held. There wu no evidence of c:1o.. ranp flriq 011 the Kin Il"OlIIId the enumce wound. The IIIll1hot wound puIlIl tbrou&h the head caulina exteIlIive Injury 10 the akuU aDd braiD.':\ lingle pn>jel:tile lnImen! WIII'fICO\1nld. The 1JlI~ or deltll is Ilomic:ide. (b)(6) (b){6) MedieaJ Euminer MEDCOM 0387 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 387 _. _..... _- _. _.--..._ -- -_...... - _. ,--- -'- -'''' -- - - .-- ---- ------"'... _. _'.. _. - _. _-- - - ..... _-. _ _ .... .........."'---_....... -_""..-.-_"".woooo -_ .... _ .. _--. _...-- ---"'_._.- ...--, _........ .."......,--- -.. - --_.... _...----- _.... _. --1·....-........... 1;--........ ,. , _.I{bl(~~_..__...._....--""2.- f ..__.._..... ..... ..._ ..__ .. __ ... __ .....-. _, .. --_.__.-_ .. _-,_. __ ..._ .. _-_._. ._.-... _.._----_._.... - ..._.(b){6) _ ... _-..-J CP......T'iOl'OU'"IO_ _ -~- _-~- aTa Tawleek. SaA'nany I~Cll Oe~"" ..... "" ""'" [(b)(6l _ ",,","'" ,I9n 1<1 ~ 0 ~,- .......... lJoe-o ""'"..,- ~ ~ (b)(6) ~ x _-~- _"'~ cm<""'"",,_'"'' .."..ft _ _ . _ _N".. _-=-_ _ _ _ _ oM ... .....,OL . . . f£>O£><f e-.. _ _ "....,_ou... .._ _ _ .......' . GlIIlIIlol 'NOIII'ld at tile lind "'''''M' .._ _ _ .. ,.-J '-~~- -~._.-. < . . - l O _ ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00;•• ... "",,~-~. ........ _ .. X (b){6) '(ti){6) .... • ... _ I"._ ..- -.... (b){6i"'-"- #(Ji_p1 00,"'20 ...... _~- ~ . f n_ .. -'';;'.., ....... OOCOC'O.... _ . _ .... """""M ..."" _ _ ..·_... _· _ _..... _ - - - ~.- , IMedieal examiner 1['.......-""_ [)clw( ~a. Q!; 19902 l ;---. , I •• 05 Fab 2005 , ..... _ _ _. . _ \f b){6) • , ~ ~ 0""'_"" ~---. "'-"'- ~ c ..- (b){6) I -;:::. .., .... ..................................................,,_ ............,.._-.... - MEDCOM 0388 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 388 . fREMOVE REVERSE ANDRE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SJOE) DISPOsmON OF REMAINS tw.tE Of IoCATJCl,lH PFlEPAJIIMG AEIIWIIS """" UCElfSE NUtoIllEA MlOSTA1E INS'fAL.....llON DR ACDfIESS OA1"E .G""'"'' NAIoIIE OF CDIE1ER't DR CA£lAATDR't' lOCATIOH OF caETEIn' OR CREMATORY IOTHEIt , o-.n: Of OlSPOSmOH T'l'PE OF 0ISP0S1TI0H REGISTRATION OF VITAL STATlSncS R£GISTRf {T-.. ne-,J CAll: REG/STEREO FilE "lUIoIllEA ",.n H.w£ Of ~ OIAECTDR 1°.... """"" SlGNAf\IFlE 01' AlJ'TMClIillUD INDlV1DlJloL OD FORM 2'N4, APR ,gn (BACK' OSAPA Vl.00 MEDCOM 0389 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 389 • ... ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATROLOCV omu of Ih~ Armt'd Force! Mcdi~.l Euminer 141l ReJUtch Blvd.• Bldg. 102 Rockvillt, MD 20850 1-800-944-7912 FINAL AUTOPSY EJ(AMlNAT10N REPORT Autopsy N~~.~'bt)l~6~' Name: BTB ..\bid, hmail Hammed ISN!~(~ Date orBi"IILl~_ 6 AFtP No.~b)(6) RInk: Civilian Place o(Death: Irlq 1916 DatcofDeld(b)(6) 2005 Oate of Autopsy: S Fcbruuy 200S Date ofRepol\: 29 March 200S __j Place of "utopay: Arm)' Morruary Camp Viclory. Iraq Cin:umSllncu of DeJllb: Thil 29-yar-old mate was I civilian detainee soot during I prison distuibll'lCc. AUlhorizalion (or AUlopsy: Office of tile Armed forces Medicil Examiner. lAW to USC 147. .... ldcntifiulion: Identification il cstabti,1Ied by means of Ihe Ittached idenlification lagl. CAUSE OF DEATH: GUlllhollll'ouod arlhe [heIC. MANNER OF DEATH: Homicide. MEDCOM 0390 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 390 • AUTOPSY REPORTll b)(6} BTB ABlD,lImail Dammed 20r6 flNALAUlorsy DIAGNOSES I. Perforating gunshot wound orllle chesl: A Entry: left side orllle back. B. No evidence of lOOt or gunpowder Jlipplilll is presellt on the akin lUOund the enlTJl\Ce WO\lnd. C. Pllh: skin oflhe back, the leA ,,, rib, tel\ lung. descending &ona, righl lung. right 6" and ..,.. ribs. skin of the right chclt. D. Exit; right lateral CheSI, E. Direttion: left to right, btek to lToot and upward. F. Auoeialed injury: l. Fracture ofille po5lerior Illera' aspect orllle left S· rib. 2. Fractures ortlle l.terJl a"peCI ortlle right 6" and ..,.. rilli, l. Perforating Jlcefllion of the descending aorta. I. Bilateral hemothoraces (righl SOO m!.lcft 1000 ml). 4. Esophagealilcefition. S. Perforatinglacc:mion orllle middle and lower lobes orille righllung. 6. Perforating laceration orlhe lower lobe of the left IlIlII. II. No significant nltural dilelse5 identified. wilhin Ii mitltions of the ex.mination. Ill. Toxicology: NegaliYl:. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is tllal ofa wen·developed, well·nourished male tllal weighs approximately JII pounds, is 67 inches in lengtllalld appears compatible willilhe reponed age of29 yeatl. LiYidity is Ii~ed on the po5lerior JUrface oflhe body exeept in areas exposed III preuure. Rigor is eompltle. The sealp hair is blKk. A blaek beard alld mustaehe are abo presenl. The irides are dark. The oomeae are eloudy. The eonjunetivae are unremarkable. The selerae are white. The e~temal auditory eanals, ntemal nares and onll eavity are !Tee of foreisn material and abnonnal secretions. The teeth are nall...,a1 and in good c:ondilion. The neek is straight, and the traehea is midline and mobile. The ehm shows evidence of injUT)' 10 be fur1her described below. The abdomen is flat The fingernaillare inllel. The upper and lower elCIremities are sYmmetrie~ldenlifieation tlllue present on lhe I- loe of each foot. bearinglhe name BT8(b}(6} The genilalia are those ora normal &dull male. The buttocks Illld anUI are unremarkable. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL £ffEQS The followins elOlhing itemslnl! peTloOI1al effeas Iccompany the body: I. A 1000 DinarblllknolC. 2. An idenlifiulion eard in Arabie. MEDCOM 0391 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 391 • ... AUTOPSY REPORl1"l(b,:,){,,"-,--_ _ BTB ABID. hm.n HIIIIIDW 3. A band wilh"<b"'"<'"'~ 30{6 • ...J it pholo alld demographic information. [WENCE Of MEDICAL THERAry I. An endotracMal Nbc. EVIDENCE Of iNJURy The ordering orlhe following injurics is for descriptive pIlJ'llOKI only, and is not intended 10 imply order ofinfliClion or relative seventy. All wound pathways are given relative to standard anatomie posilion. f'cr(onting gunlhol wouod orlhe (hul: There is I gunshot wound of entrance .itulled on the left side orllle back louted 18 ~ inchcs below the lop oflhe head and 6 inches left onlle po5tcrior midline. The wound menures 118 inch. There is e«cntric marginal.bruion ranging in width from 1/16 inch to 118 inch in the ) to 12 o'clock position. A 1116 inch lacer.lion is located in the 2 o'cloek position. No evidence of$OOl or Btmpowdcr stippling;s prnenl on the skin a10und the entrance wound. The wound patlt passes tltrough tile Jkin of tile ~ck, tile left ,110 rib. leA lung, dC;S(;Cnding IlOna, riglK lung, rigtu 6110 and 1'" ribs Ind skin of tile right chest. An exit wound is prncnt on tile right ,ide oftltc chest located 16 incllcs below tile lop of Tile Ileld and 6 'h incltu rigltt of tile IIITeriot midlinc. The uit wound measurcs % x If, inch. The trajectory Ofllle gunshot woulld is left 10 right. back to {rOllland upwlJd. No projcctile or projectile frallmenls are recovered !Tom the wO\Jnd trick. AssocilJed witlt the gunshol wound arc fracture oflltcFterior Illerilupect oftltc left ,. rib, fraetures of tile lateral aspect ofllle right 6 and"" ribs, pcrfOr.tinlllac:cration of the dC;S(;Cnding IOn&.. billteral hemOThoraces (SOO ml on the rillht and 1000 ml on file left), llOmltion of the e$Ophagus, perforating lacerations of Tile middle and lower lobes of lite rillh! lung and perfOIllTins llcerltion of the IoWCf lobe of tlte left luns INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The scalp is reflceted. The calvarium ofllte skull is removed. The leptomeninges Ire thin and dclicate. Coronal sections demonstrate sharp demarcllion betwccn white Ind grty miller The ventricles arc ofnormal siu. The blllin weighs lS08 gm. The Itlwooccipitll joint is stable. Tile Interior strip muscles of the neck Ife homogCflOlls and red-brown. without Ilemorrhlge. The thyroid cmillge.Ad hyoid.~ intlet. Tile larynx is lined by intact white mucosa.. The thyroid is symmetric and red·btown. The longue is frt'C of bite m&Jks, hemorrhlge. or OIlier injuries. MEDCOM 0392 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 392 , • AUTOPSY REPOR,,(b)(6) • 0(, BTB ABID, b",.il HUIDltd BOPY CAVITIES, (Sec above "Evidence o(J"jury~) The Ilernum is visibly and palpably illlICl. No ace» fluid i. present in the perieardial 01 peritonul gvilies. Tile Oflans OCQlpy their UJUllanalomic positions. R£SPIMIQIl.Y SYSTEM: (Sec above "Evidence of Injury") ne rilh! Md left Iunss weigh 261 and 264gm. r~lively. The uninjured eJ{lemlJ $Lrlacts Itt _mooch and d«p led-purple. 1lIe uninjured pulmol\lr)' pucnchyml is difli.,sely congested and ~mIIOUJ. No mus lesions or areas of consolidation arc present. CARDIOyASCULAR SySTEM: (See above "Evidenee of Injury~) The l~ am han is conlained in an imaet perlC&fdial SlIe. The epicardial surflce is lmooth, witb minimal fit invatmmt. The corooary .netic. arise normally, follow the ulUal distribution and an: widely palenl witlloul evidcnl:c of significant IlhcrofCh:ro,i. or thrombosis. The myocardium isllofl\Ogmous. red-aoWll. and firm. The YlIlve leaflets arc ...... thin and mobile. The ~dium is smooth and glistening. The: ascellding 1011. gives rille to INee ;nllel and palall ardl W:SKls. The renal Ind mnenteri<: vessels are ......cmarbble. LIVER." Sn.IARY SYSTEM: The 1293 8m livft" Iw &II intlCl. smooIh capsule IIld a "wp anterior bord«. The pUellChyml is lan-brown and congesled, with 1he 1I_llobIIlar architectllre. No Il\IJJ lesions or other abnormalities are seen. The plibl.delCf COfUins .woltim.tely 10 Illl or 8JftlI-blad< bile. The nalcosal surface is P'ftrt Ind velvety_ TM wrahtpltic biliary lree is partllt. SpLEEN: Tile 126 am spleen has a smooth, illlaa, n:d-purple capsule. The parmchyml is maroon and COnSesled, wilh distinct Malpishiln t'OrpIlKICI. PANCREAS; The pancreu illOft and yellOW-Ian. wilh the llsuallobulu uchilectlile. No II\ISIlaiom or other abnormalities ue Ren. MEDCOM 0393 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 393 ... AUTOPSYREPORTt~=}=~~} BTB ASm, "mill H.mmed __ S of6 APRENALS: The right &lid IrA adrenal glands iUC symmetric, with. briSllt yellow cortices.1ld grey medullae. No mane, or an:IS orhcmorrha&e arc identified. GENlIOllRINARY SYSTEM: The right and lell: kidney. UtI! weigh 122 gm. The e>eternal surraces are intact ItId smooth.. The cut surfaces are red-tan and COO8e5ted, with uniformly thick cortices and s!larl' ool1ieomedulluy junctions. The Pflvts ~ unrcmll'klblc IllId the ureters arc normal in course and c.llibcr. Tan bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder .....11. The bladder com';n, approximately 10 mt of clear amber- urine. The prostate is normal in si"- with lobular, yetJow-11lll pareo<:hymL The seminal vcsiclcll1e unremarkable. The testes Ire ITec ofml" lesions. eornusions, or other abnornulitics. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: (See above "Evidence of Injury") The uninjured oophagus is lined by ,_II. grey-while mucosa. The stomacll contains approltimltely 60 ml of Ian flocCll!ent ITIIlmal, The glltric wall is intact. The duodenum, loops of sm.II bowel, colon, and appel'ldi~ au: ulU'emarkable. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Sele<:te1l portions of orglllls are retained in formalin, without preparation ofhi51ologic slidn ADDITIONAL P8OCEDllB£S!RI:MARKS • • • • • Documentary phOiograplls are taketl by the OAFME $IaffphOlographer. Specimens retained for tolticologie testing and/or DNA identification are: blood. vitreous. bile, gUrlc contents. spleen, liver and urine. Full body radiographs are obtained. No definitive projectile or lTagments are identified radiographically. The dissected orglllS are forwarded wilh the body. Pet$Ollal effects are released to the anending investigative ageney alld appropriate mortuary operations represemalives. MEDCOM 0394 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 394 o o· AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 60(6 BTB ABID, hmlil Hlmmfd OPINION This 29-yur-old male civilian detainee died oflllul\£lIot wound to the dlest. There was no evidence ofclose range firing on the sltin around the entrance wound. The gunshot woond jnued through the thoracic CIIVil)' causing hemorrhage and injury to intern,l organs. A projectile WIS 11(I1 re<:overed, T'h.e manner"o(death is homicid,.._, (b)(6) (b){6) Medic.1 E~aminet MEDCOM 0395 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 395 _.._-- -_...--- --- ~"'Ol'CIUnt~ _tJi_O _____.._ _.._ -- j(b)(6) BTB Hlmmed. Abld Ilmlil _ a. lrlQlOelu- --...1'1 . . . . . . . (b)(6) 1976 --..- _"l_ _ (b)(6) Ii'! -._r'_ --.-• -_. ""'-__ _ - - ...........'-"'-..__- .-.....--_.... _.. _-_....-_---_...._... ..... _..... _"'----...----'-"._...... _.......... ..... . -._ .. _--",.-..-- ---"'_ .. ... _.-_toO,... --. . .... _ ........ -. =-... -.. -----------_ ......--_.._.;c:--•-. 1;;-"''''''' --..... _ .... _ ........... '"'__ .......... ... _. __ . _---__ .... -.-_._ .... _._......... .. _.. •.• _ ... - ---?Ji .... O( .,_._-_.....__......_.... _ ......_ . -_._-'---_..._----_._ ,_._ . .... _.._........-_._.-.-.""...._.- . . -- .......... ~~ ~- ~ ~ C"CoMWl 0 0'.... _ ""-' "" .,." wDlCo\l"~T£M1HT ... e-.. _ _ _ _ ... _ ~ _ .-"' .. _ _ _........l ' fG'inshot WOUna '" "'"' chftl -_p_~- .-",_e- _ _ c.oo-."_. • (b)(6) (b}(6) • , """" (b)(6) ~ . .~ ~.- ........-..."'11; M-.lIcIl Examine! nFA~ (b)(6) - 00.""2 64 • ...... _OOC'O'_ _ _ ... c.oo.-lI . . .mm _ _ ,~_ -"" ,....."' '" 0 ~.05 F.rl 2lI05 _ .. _~~% ... ..o.:-..L, , ,lb)(6) _ ~,_ ~ •• _ _.... _ c UOUCD . . _ . _ ' .... n • -. ..... - . . _ _..... _ ........ _ - . . . . MEDCOM 0196 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 396 ~PO~OF~EM~S ....... " ~ ""U.......o l'IOWHS _fMUlOfOlllADDfIIESS MAAlE '" CEIoE1TIn' 011I CMMA10RY """" .", -""" UlCAnDN c:I COIETVIY 011I Cl'IfJMfDllW (M,ftOl~ TWf: 01 0iSf'0$I100' REQlSTllA f10H OF vrr AL STAnsncs N:G1S,,""_ _ ~ OlroftN:GlIITEMD "." NAo\IIIE 01 'UtlIEJW. DlMCTOIII Ion<' LCfIcU,.".,.,. AHD$fAfE - .... 1°_ ""'"'" SGtcATUW: 01' AUn4QlIIIllIltl ~ U$APA VI.oo 00 FORIrI2OU, APR "71 (BACK} MEOCOM 0397 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 397