Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part6
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ARMED FORCES INSTlTtrn: OF PATHOLOGY Offktofthe Anncd Fo~ M~~I El. .leer 1413 Rc:search BIYd., BId&- 102 Roekvil1e, MD 20SS0 301·319-0000 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: BT8 Hwnaldi, Al Jughayfi Haskim HwnoudAutopsy No.:(b)(6) SSAN:(b)(6) OIle OfBirth~(b)(6flf970 OIte of Death (b)(6) J 2006 Dale Uld time of Auto~: or OCT 2006 0930 DfIle of Report: 07 MAR 2007 : AFIP No.1blt61 Rank: elY Place of Death: Haliithah, I~ P\af;c of Autopsy: Pori Mortuary Dover AFB, Dover D£ Cln:llmalaDnl of Dealb: Apprehelilled by I~i polioc on (b)(6) 2006. Once Ibm: he wu inlmoplec1 throuihollt lhc nighl. The victim was lalel" flllllld ek.d in hiscell. Allllaoriutioo for A'lopt)': Office oflhc Armed Forces Medical Elwniner, lAW \0 USC 1471 CAUSE OF DEATH: Multiple blunt f~ injuries. MANNER OF DEATH: Homidde. FINAL AUTOPSy DIACNOSES I. injuries of the head and neek: A. Dt:p.. 15ec1 skull fioKtuR of ri&hl P'ricW tanponl rqion of the calvarium. B. GaleIJ and ~ bemorl'fw&e in the fl'Ollw and nihl parietal rqiom. C. Muhiple flCia! eofttu3l0111, 'bruions ..tllCmllions. II. Injuries oflhc tono: A. DiJcol'ltinUOUl and pMlCmed contusions ofltlc entire posterior 10110 involvinlltlc poslCrior IIC'Ck. blck Ind butlOl:kt. I. New conI1ucnt subelUneOus and IntnlmUSl;\I1u hcmorrhaae of the above llrClS. III. Injmicsofthcextrmlities: A. Conlu$ions, abrasions and subelltlrlCOUS hanonhaae of the oolJll surflCel: ofltlc hMds and uppa- wms, bil,kRlly. B. Multiple I_rations ...:I contusions of the Interior surfaces of both lower lep. IV. Additiorlli findll!i': A. Bila1eral pulll1Ol\lry congestion (right SIO pms. left 600 grvns). MEDCOM 0494 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 494 AlTfOPSY RlPORT (b}(6) BTl HtlMAlDlo AI J_payft Huklm HUDI"d V. No tilJlifjQnt MlunlI db- VL ToxicolocY: Neptive. 2 • identified, withllllimitations oftbe examiN.tioll. • • • MEDCOM G495 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 495 J AUTOPSY REPORT[lb)(6) BTB HUMAIDI, AJ J.p.yft RuldlD HUlDOudi 3 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that of. nude mJle _ighin& IU pounds, meuurin& 71 inches in length Md appearing compatible with the reported age ofJ6 years.. The body ternpc:ratun: is coolattcr rdriaeration. Rigor il PUSilli. InJwy oflbc posterior suJ'fa<:cs (to be fUl1hcr described below) preeludcs an accurate IIISC$$DICf1t of lividily. The scalp hair is blaeK. FaeiJl hair consUtlI oft black mustache and beard. The irides are darIt. The comeac ~ cloudy. The xlcnIC ~ ~markable. The cx!Cmlllauditory canals. external nares and Otal cavity are tree of fOieign material and abnormal scc:rctions. The nasal skeleton is paI~b1y intact. The teeth appear llIt.... lllld in fair condition. The neck is $Uaight, and the tnlChea il midline and mobile. The chest is symmetric. No evidcnec of injlU)' ofthc ribs or the sternum is evident cxlernally. The abdomen is fl.t. The eltlremities show evidence of injury to be described below. Scars arc present on the posterior surfeccs of both elbows (ri&ht I 118 Inch, left I inch). PIMlic bags cover both hands. The finacmails arc intaet. The eKtcmal genitalia an: those of.1'IOTmlI.l adult male. The buttocks show evidence of injury to be described below. The anus is IIJItemarkabic. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL Em:CfS The body is received WIClotbcd. The following items IOXlITIpIl'Iy the body: 1. 2. J. 4. A pairofbrovmsandaJs. A pair ofwtlite boxer shotts. A aray tunic. A U.S. flaa kerchief. EVIDENCE Of INnJRy tka d lIJIl! nes;k: A I \oi x Y, inch contusion is Pft'SCI\t on the right frontal scalp. A paltem<:d abl1lllion C(lIUi,tina of lWO parallel linear abl1lllions is ~nt on lite right cheek measuring 1 1/8 inch (superior) and 2 incllcs (inferior) and separated b~ JI8 inclt. A Y. inch laecration is present on the nual bridae. There is a ~ inch IllDCratlOll at the lateral marain of the left eyebrow. A \4 x Y. inch tonUl$ion is prumt 011 the mucosal surrltlC ofthc right upper lip. There is a 2 x I \oi inch contusion on the right lateral SlD'f_ of the neck. Intemal cxunination shows pICli and lubpleal hcmonhaie in the frontal (I Yo x I inches) and rightl*icta.l temporal (superior I 3/8 It \4 inches, inferior 2 x 2 inches) rqions. TbcIe is I dcpreslCd fracture (I 'I. It Y. inches) in the right temporal resion of the calvarium. Inttatnuscular hcmorTbage is present focally In lhe right stcmoeleidomastoid muscle and the deep muscla of the ript side orthe na:k. MEDCOM 0496 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 496 AUTOPSY REPORT~b)(6) I 4 BTB HUMAIDI, AI JaplI)'ft IIatklal HDIItOIld Imo; A i/16x V. inch superficial penetrating injury U: present in the mid clavicular reaion of tile left shoulder. 'There ilia 4 x 114 inch contusion of the ri&ht mid ehnt There are multipleQOnflucnt and discontinuolI$ ~ ofeochymosis invohing tile entire baek, posterior surfaocs of tile neck, shouldcn., flanks and buttocks, bOaterJ,lly. ComminaJcd with the areas ofc>CChymosis lire numcrowl patterned QOntuslons consining of parallel linear contusions ranging in length from I inch It> S inches, _uting 1116 inch It> 14 inch in width and separated by a distance ranging fton'llll incll to 3111 inch.. A pIIttcmcd. contusion (as described above) mcaswing 6 x % inch is pramt on the left latcral chest wall. Internal examination revealed intercostal muscle ilemonhage of the posterior ehcst wall (risht S inteTcosta.l space, left f!' to 9'" intercostal spaces). Incision and reflection of the Ikin of the back shows con11ucnt and discontinuous intramuscular hclllOn hage of the back and buttocks, bihdellllly. Extrgnjtigi There is an 8 x3 inch contusion of the Lateral surfllCeOfthc right upper arm. Within this ilia are two pattmled contusions consisting of two parallel linear contusions measuring I ~ (superior) and 2 Y. inehcs (Inferior), with an avenae width of 118 inch and separated by % inch. A 9 % x 3 inch contusion is present on the dorsal sUff_ of tile right foreann, wrist and Mnd. A % x Y. inclllllCCnltion it present on the posterior surface of the right elbow. Located lateral to thU is a lIS inch $Upcrfieial pcncttating inj~. There is a disoontinuollS contusion involving the latcrallll'ld dorsal SUlface of the mtire left upper extremity. ~ are $Ubungual ttem.t0lTW of the left index and middle tingen:. There is discontinuous contusion of the anterior surf_ of the right lower thigll, knee aad lower leg meuuring approximately 12 x 4 inches. Multiple lacerations ranging in lmath from 118 to 14 Inch are present ortthc anterior surfaoe of the rightlowcr leg. Multiple QOntuJloos are present on the posterior sarfaus of the right lower thigh. knee and upper lea covering an area measuring 7 x 3 inches. Multiple contusiOlU (ilia 16 x S inches) are present on the latcnl and anterior swfaces oftHc left thigh, knee and lov-w leg. An irregular % x l{, indlltocenlion is present on the anterior sllrfJoc oflhe left knee. There is. ~ttemed contusion QOosisting of parallel linear eontusiont on the latenI1 swfllCC of the left thigh measuring 12 inches in Ic:nsth. .vcrqing 1/8 inch in width and separated by • disanee of 't. inch. A pmcmcd contusion consisting of two parallel linear contusions 1,2 V. x 118 inches) scparared by lIB inch is praent on the posterior surface of tile len knee. Incision of the extremities reveIIs intramuscular hemorr!lage in the posterior aspects of the sbouJdcn, forurms and hands, bilaten.lly. There is also hcmOlThage in the laleralupect of the right ankle lIIId the posterior surface of the left Iowcr leg. INTERNAL EMMINATION BODY CAyITlESj (See lIbove MEvidcnt:e of Inj~J The body is opened by the usua1 thoraco-abdominal incision and the chest pille is removed. Scattered pleu.ral adhuions are ppcnt in the left chest Clvity. All body otglIIIS Ire present in normalll/lltomical position. The iUbcutlllleous lilt layer of the abdominal wall is Y, inch thick. MEDCOM 0497 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 497 .4.UTOPSY UI'ORT (b){6) BT8 HUM.4.IDI,.4.1 Juplyfl Huk.l. f1UIIIlHld , HEAD (CENJRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM>: (See above "Evidence or InJury,,) The -'p is refleeted. The Cllvuiwn orlbe skull is mnoved. The dun mala" 8nd r.tx Ire inl8d. Thae is no epidlltll 01" subdural hemolThqe present. The kptomminaes 1m IhIn and dellelle. The om:btIl hemispheres aN S)'nunetrieal. The SlnICllIR:S at the buc or the bllin, includina CIIIIiaI nerva a blood vessels lie intKt. CoronailleCliOni through the cen:tnl hcmlspheres reYea! no lesions. T _ w;tiollII throu&h the braifllltcm and cen:bellum lie unremarkable. The brlin _iat- ISIO em. NECK: (See Ibgw, "Evidence or Injury") IAycrwiJe dissection or the uninjured anlCrior strap muselcs of the neck IIhow them 10 be hoIDoaeeoos and rcd.brown. The thyroid evtiLJse and hyoid are in*!. The llUfllll. illined by intllCl willIe mueosI. The thyn)id is S)'DIIDdric and rcd-brown, witheM cystk or nodul., cllanp. The tonPc is flee of biu marks. bemIlrrbage, or otheI" i'liurics. RESPIRATORY sYSTEM; The riaMa left lunp weigh 510 &Ill and 600 am. rcspoetivdy. The extcmal surfIca 1m smooth and deep rcd·pwple. The pu!Jnor.-ry pIlmChyma is re6-putple. exudiq sliahllo rnocIa-Itely amounts of blood and frothy fluid. No m.ss1C5i_ or _ of oolllOlid.ation Ire praenL CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; The 370 am heM is conllined in 11\ inW:! perielnliaI.-:. The epicardial Sl/lfiIoe is lIlIooth, with minimal fll inveslmeDl. The coruwy IlJ1crics uix IlOl'ma1Jy, follow the IISUa1 discributioo and ue widely palent., withoul evidence ofsipirlCUll atherotclnosis or thrombolis. The: m)'OC:lWium is homogenous, rcd·brown, and firm; the a1riII and vmtrieulu ItplIIm inlKl. The.ooa aiva rUe 10 ~ inllel and plfenl arcll vesxls. The vena CIVIl and its lIlIIjor tributlrics return III the heM in !he usUli distribution. The IUIa1 and mesenteric vemls are lIIItCl1Ittbbte. UyER A BIUAIlY SYSTEM: The 1220 &Ill liver hIS an intael, Smooth capsule and I sllarp anterior border. The plR'nChyma is lID-brown and c:onaated. with !be usuaIlobuLararehitcctvre. No II'\.I$S lesions or other lbnonna1itics we seen. The p11bladOer oonllins -woximate1y 51 ml of bile. The mlICOSII ..r.ce is pm lind velvety. The Cll.~ic biliary !tee is paunt. SPURN; The 120 IIIIIpken has I smooth. intact. mt-purple capsule. The pcalch)'llll is maroon and COlIscs\l:d, with dillinct Malpithian OOIpUlCIa.. MEDCOM ()(98 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 498 AUTOPSY UPOR't(b){6) 8TB HUMAlDI, AI Jap.ayfl Huklm Hu.oud 6 PANCREAS: The pancreas is finn and yellow-tan. with !he usual lobular arehiteel1Jre. No mass lesions or other abnonnalities an seen. ADBENALS GLANDS: The riiht and lo:R adrenal i1and.1 &to: .)'mmo:m<:. with brighl yellow c:ortiocs and &1"')' medull8e. No masses or areas of ho:lI'IlXThase are identified. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left k.idne)'s weigh 110 am IlIlI 120 gm. respeelivel)'. The exlernal surf.:es are intact and smooth. The eut swfsc:cs an: red-tan and oongested, wilil unifonnly thick. cortico:s and slwp oortiromedullary jWlClions. The pelYe5 are unrenwbble and !he umers are normal in OOIIIX and <:alibel'. Tan bl-sder mucosa overlies an intact bl-'<ler wall. The bl.clder<:onllins less than S ml of <:1000)' )'ellow urine. The prostate is normal in siz:e. with Iobul.... )"I'llow-tan ~nchym .. The semirul! vaides are llIII'efTW'kabie. The testes are free of mass lesions, contusiOll5, or other abnormalilies. GASTROiNTESTINAL TRACT: The esophasus is inlal:1 and lined by smooth. grey-white mll<:O$l. The stOl"lUlCh oonllins approximately 100 ml oflilluid material. The saslric wall is intact. The duodenwn.loops of small bowel and ooton IIJe unrematkable. The appendix is IllU'Cmarbble. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM; (See above "Evidence of Injury") Muscle 6evelopment is nonN.!. No eYidc:noeofnon-lfaooWic bone or ,joint abnorrn&lilies is noled. RADIOLOGIC EXAMINATION No evidence o(metalli<: foreign bodies is i6mtWcd. ADDITIONAL PROCEDUAt;&MMARKS • • • • • Doamentary photographs are wen by the OAFME staffphotOifWphm. Specimens l'eUIined for loxic:otogic lcst;n~ and/or DNA identification are: blood, gasui<: contents, vitmlUS, bile, lung, liver. brain.k.idney. spleen, adipose tiS5lle and psoas muscle. Selected portions of 0fl8nS are ret.ained in formalin. withoul preplJlliOl'l ofhilllologi<: slides. The di$$CCted organs are fOl'WlfOcd with the bod)'. Penonal effee15 are released to the appropriate nlOl'tUII'y operations ";pi: lerllltive:s. MEDCOM 0499 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 499 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) '-, 7 BTB HllMAlDI. AI J ... ':i':.yf\:';;o,HC.C..=lm HII.Dlld QrrNlQN This 36 ye.old male civilian died as the ~t of multiple billftl force injuria. Aa:ordill& 10 reports, the deudeill was subjected 10 ~ lntmoption before bei~ found lIIIlaPGNi«. Alllopsy examNion muled. deptesso:I Sklllll"nctlR Ind exlensive subaltanewl hc:UIOIThage o( the ptdw ior body surfaco. Tho: -.nner of dc:Itb Is homicide. (b)(6) (b)(6) Mellic:al Examinerc-J''''''''''.6'.--'"--- MEOCOM 0500 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 500 ............ ,-_._..__._._---...-- -----........... - -" _.--,,_. ........ . . c._- --",--, _. --- -_.._-- - -- --- ..--- .. ...,_.. _.-----_ _.----_ ....... _..-- ---......--.... _.._-_ .. ._-_ .. .... _.. -_. -_ -.-.- -_ .. .... _ .. -"'-------' ......... _.... -.. _---"'--CEltTWOC:.lI 01' bLUM jOWJlS-..., __o.oom_ BTB """'-1dI. H ..... HasklmH. C,yman ... • '''' I!I 0 "~ • • ~ _ ... CI/I ...... ...._ I O .. ~ _-~- - 0 0 - _ _1 ....."" _OIl .... ..." e-.. _ _ _ _ .. _ -~.- • .........=--_C'l.•..-"'..... • ~- _GbO,..... _,.., =r'" ........., • ..,.,. • -- - __............. --.. ... • "' .... "'...--- ~ (b)(6) - --_._'___ -_ _...M_"_' __ _._ .. _.- , .... _._. ,--_.-_ .... _--...-............_ ... _ .. _-_._ . _'--_ _. .... _--...__ ._,,_. __ ........ __ _.- 1- Jj};,. • ................... ......._'" _-...r ' .__...._ .......___'.O«>_..._______ .........._ "'" ... ... ._ ... • ........ •._--_.- , ~ ~- ~ (b}(6) bic'6i- 1~2Oll6 Hadill\8ll Iraq ~ ,~_ -"'._~ ....... (b)(6) (b)(6) Medieal Exemlnar Clover AFa. OO....r DE (b)(6) , Of tJ.,t-u' .- • 2064 DO'=", -. -.... MEOCOM 0501 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 501 ARM.ED FORCES TNSTITUTEOF PATHOLOGY Orr~e of Ihe Armed Forca Medlnl Eumlner 1413 Resean:h Blvd.• Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-30 I-J 19-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Narne:_BIB.MussalMuhammed. Arner (b){6) 1_ _, ISN: (b}(6}Dale ofBj~)(6) 1969 Dale ofDealHb)(6) 2006 Daterrime of Autopsy: 28 JUL 2006 @ 1200 hI'S Date of Repon.: 15 AUG 2006 Autopsy Nn J(b){!!t---------1 AFlP No::1(b)(6) J Rllnk: Civilian De\.ainee Place of Death: Iraq Place of AUIOPSY: Pon. Mortuary, Dover AFB. DE Circumstances of DUlh: This 37 year-old civilian was a detainee al the The81er Internment Facilily, Camp Bueea, Iraq when, as repol1ed, he was found by Olher detainees Iyinll on his back, uruesponsi\'e, in an emply detainee bamcks building. The delainee WItS bleeding from his nose. mouth and eye oreas. A string was sc<:ured tighlly around his neck. Emergency medical service per90nal arrived and found no pulse or respirations. The detainee was transported to the Theater Imernmenl Faeilily hospital, AnemplS to revive Ihe detainee....ere made. Despile those a\1empts the detainee died aud was pronounced dead by the Chief of Emergency Medicine at the ~Iospital. AUlhom.alion lur Autop5Y: Otlke of the Armcd Forees Medical Examiner. lAW 10 USC 1471 Identificalion' I'rC5umpti"e identificalion is made by examinalion of accompanying paperwork and lJ) tags CAUSE OF DEATH: LJgllure S'nngulation MANNER OF DEATU, Homicide MEDCOM 0502 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 502 AUTOPSY REPORTfb )(6) ] 2 6T6 MussaIMuhammed, Amer Ibnhem PRELI~f[NARY I. II. Ill. IV. V. VI. AUTOPSY DIAGNOSIS Ligalure Suangulalion: Cireumferenlialligal= fUlT(lw with only slighl upward deviation A. B. Fo<;a1 hemorrhage of both thyrohyoid mU5'les Focal Hemorrhage into lite soft tissues surrounding lite left sUplrior hom C. of the thyroid cartilage D. FraClure of the left superior hom of Ihe Ihyroid cartilage E. Petechial hemotThagcs oflhe conjunctiva of the right lower eyelid Other Injuries: A. Conlusion of~ left side of lite longuC. Yo-inch B. Contusion of tile right side of the fa~e. medial to llte right eye. I x Yo·inch. with associated swelling of the soft tissues surrounding tlte right eye C. Subscleral hemotThage of the right e)"<: D. Ye!low-orange abrasion oflbe right ankle. V,-inch E. Remote ltealing fraclme of the distal ten ulna MediC>lI Intervention: A. Combitube (properly placed) B. Intravenous acccss: Righi groin C. Urethral cathl1cr Post-monem changes: A. Lividity is fixed on llte posterior surface ofttlc body lXcept in areas exposed 10 pressure B. Rigor is passing C. Faint green discoloration of~ right lower quadranl oftlte abdomen D. Sltin slippage on the face and neck No nalural disease is identified within the limits of the examination Toxicol"lO" (AI'IP): A. VOLATILES: No elbl\llol is detected in the blood and urine B. DRUGS: Minuapine is detected in lite urine and blood (0.08 mg/L). No other screened medications or drugs of abuse are detected in Ihe urinc C. CARDON MONOXIDE: The carboxyhemoglobin satunuion in tit<: blood is 1% D. CYANIDE: No cyanide is deteeled in Ibe blood MEDCOM 0503 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 503 AlfTOPSY RErORT (b){6) l 8T8 Mu"a/Muhammw, Amtr Ibnhtm EXTER"'~AL EXAMINATION Tbe body is HUll of a well-devdopni, wel1-nourishod appearini- muscular, 72-inch 1111, 186-pounds male wllose;e is consistent with the n:ported age of37-years. Lividity is fixed on the posterior surface of the body except in areas expo$Cld to pressWl'. Rigor is passing, and lhe skin is cold 10 touch. The scalp is covered with shon black, hair In a llQmIal distribution. Then: are N,o ~inch scan on the venex Oflhc scalp and a Y..ioch area. of thick rough skin on the «Tltcr of the f~head. Then: is a black moustache. The iridct are brOWl!. and the pupil. arc 'OUM and equal in diametCT. Then: are scanen:d petechial hemorrhages of the conjune1iva of the righllo_r eyelid. The cxtemalaooitOf)' canals are tutremarkable. The cars are unremarl:able. 1'he nan:!! are patent and the lips are atraumatic. The nose and rnaxillK are palpably Slable. The teeth appear nalural and in good condition. A mild .mount of skin slippage is noted on the neck and nose. The r>c("k is described under"Evidence of Injury". The chest is symmetric. Thc abdomen is nat. The genitali. arc those uf a normal adult male. The lestes an: de$Cended and frcc ofmuscs. Pubic hair is present in a normal distribulion. The bullOCks and anus an: wuemllrl:able. 'The upper and lower extremiti~'5l1re S)',nmelric and wilhout clubbinl! or edem•. There is. J·ineh oblique scar of the right side of the upper abdomen and lower chest. Then: is. faint green discoloration oftlle left lo_r abdominal skin. There are scars thaI measure I " Y.-inch on both shins. Then: is a 1 " Y,·inch scar on the posterior-medial aspect of the left lhigh. The heals ofhoth feet are: dry llrtd cracked. CLOTHING ANI) PERSONAL uncrs The followinll clothing items and personal elTects are present on the body It the time of aU10psy: The body is received undad. Accompanying lht body is. pair o( while underwear. • • • MEDICAL JrlTF.RVENTIQN Combitube (properly pllW.:ed) rnlnl~tnOus aeceu: RighI groin Umhral calhtter BAPIOCRAPUS A compltte sct ofpostmontm llIdiograplts is obt.llned and demonSlnlle$ the (ollowing: • A healin&frllCtu~o(the left ulna • Trauma 10 the right orbil with 50ft lissue s",~l1inH and displacement of the lens or the globe • Fluid in the tfllCheaand main bronchi MEDCOM 0504 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 504 AUTOPSY REPORT Il b )(6) 4 BTB Mlluan.1ubmllled, Amer Ibnhem EVIDENCE Of INJURY Liiatllfe Slrangulalion: There iJ a 16-jrw:h circumferential, tan.-broWll, continllOllS li&l~ furrow on lhe Jkin of !he neck tllllt is dire<:ted in a prcdomil\lf\t hori1,onlll dire<:tion with only sliillt upward deviation. On the anterior ~peCt of tile: neck thc:re are two furrows tlul converge and co-minsJe inlo OTIC furrow on llIe posterior n«k. On lile: Inlcrior neck the: lipturc furrows cro$! below the thyroid canilage II-illChu below lhe top of the head and 1I0ng !he superior third of lile: lhyroid canUage 1G-illChes below the lOp of!he he:ad. Both of !he furrows on lhe: Interior nctk extend sllghtly sllperiorJy on both sides of the neck, passinil 3 'h-il'lChe!: below the righl car, and 3 Y,-irw:he$ below the left ear. The highest point oflhe furrow is on the J'O'tcrior n«k.IOCiled g 'h-inehe!; below the lOP of!he head, and on the po$lerior midHrw:, The widlh of the furrow ranllu from 1116 to II8-inch. The Interior neck diucc:tion shows foul bemorrhage into both thyrohyoid musclu and Into the 50ft tlhun surrounding the left superior hom of the thyroid canilage. The left superior hom of the thyroid CIf1ilaile Is f~tllred. The hyoid bone is intact. There are lISSOCialed petechial hemorrh:lgu of the conjunctiva of tile righl lo\\'e1 eyclid. Olher lnjurin: There is a 'I.-ill(:h eomusion on Ihe lell )ide Oflhe longue, Medial 10 the righl eye is a I x 'I.-inch contusion "ith asso<:ialed swclling oflhe soft tissues surroundin!: the right e)'e and displacement oflhc: lens oflhe globe orlhe rillhl eye. There is subscleral hemorrhage of the riahl eye. On the righl ankle is a V,..ineh yellow-orange abrasion. There iJ a remutc hcllinll fracture oflhc distal left ulna. INTF:RNAL r.XAMINATION """', The galeal and subg.oJeal .soft tiSllues of the scalp un;: fflee of illjury, The calvarium is im.llCL as is lhe dura nUitCr benealh It, Clear cerebrospinal nuid surrounds the I690·grtUn brain, which has unrcm.arkabJe gyri and sulcI. Coronal sections demonstrate sharp demarcation bel ween white and llrey matter, .....ithout hemorrlllge or eonlusive injury. The venrndes Irl: of normal ,i...e, The basalllanillia, brainslem, <:erebellum, and arterial ~~slems arc free of Injury or other abnormalities. The~ arc no skull f~tu.res. The allanto-occipital joinl is slable. '"""', Soc "Evidence oflnj\lry", The 111)'nx is lined by inw:t .....hile m\lCosa, The thyroid is symmetric and red·bro.....n, wilOOut eySlie or nod\llar dumge, BODY CAVITIES: The ribs, Slernum, and vcnebral bodies are visibly and palpllbly IntlCt. No exceSJ ftuid is in tl\.c pleural, perieardill, or peritoneal e,,'ilies, Thc orlllllS occupy tl\.cjr l,I$ual anatomic positions. MEDCOM 0505 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 505 AUTOPSY REPORT @1(b~I~(6II=c;:-,- , BTB MunalMuhlmmw, Am~r Ibrahem RESPIWORY SYSTEM: The right8nd left lungs wdgll 1000 lll1d S60-g1111n5, respectively. The extern81 SUrf8O:CS an: smooth 8nd deep red-purple. The pulmon8ry parenchyma is diffusely congested lind edemalOus. No mass lesions or areas of consolidation are present. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 4$O-sram hean is contained in lll1 inlact pericardia! sac. The epicardial surface is smooth. with minimal fal inveslment. The coronary 8nerieS an: present in 8 nonn81 dimibution. Wilh a righI-dominant p;llt<"11t. The coronary ,,"cries are patent The myocardium is homogenous. red-brown, lll1d finn. The valve le8flelS are thin and mobile. The walls of the left and right venTricles are 1.0 and O.J-cemimeters thick, respectively. The endocardium is smoolh and glislening. The anna gives rise to three intacl and patent areh \"esseb. The renal and mesenteric vessels arc unrcmarkablc. LIVER & BILIARy SYSTEM: The 21 QO..grarn liver has Ill1 intaCt. smooth capsule lll1d a sharp anlerior border. The parenchyma is tan-hrown and eongesled, with lhe U5uallobular architecture. No mass lesions or other abnormalilies are seen. The gallbladder eontains a minule amount of green-hlack bile and no >l1ones. The mucosal surface is green and velvely. The eXlrahepatic biliary ~ is pateDI. SPLEEN: The 170'lIm spleen has a smooth. inlact, red-pwplc C3p:iuJe. The parenchyma is maroon and congested, "ith diSlinet Malpighian eOfJlUSCles. PANCREAS: The pan<:reas is firm lll1d ydlow-tan. with the usultllobular archileclure. No mass lesions Dr o1lter abnormalities are seen. ADRENALS: The rigbt and left adrenalilland:i IlI'C symmetric. wilh bright yellow eortices and grey medullae. No masses or areas ofhemonilage are idenlified. GENITOURINAR Y SYSTEM: The righl and left kidneys weigh 160 and 17G-grams. respectively. The external surraces llI'C intact and smoolh. The cuI surfaces an: red·lan and congested, with uniformly lhick comel's and sharp conicomedullary junctions. Thl' peh'es are unremarkable and lhe ureters are normal in eourse and calirer. White bladder mUCOSll overlies an intact bladdcr wall. Thc bladder eontains seant yellow unnl'. The prostllte is tlonnal in si~, with lobular. yellow·tan parench}ma. The seminal ~~ic1C5 an: unremarkabk. The teslCS an: free ofmass lesions. eontusions, Dr o!her abnonnalitie$. GASTRO!NTESTINAL TRACT: 11>1: esophagus is inlact and lined hy smooth. grey-white mucosa. The slomach contains ltpproximilldy 1DO·milliliters of partially digested food. The gastric wall is intact The duodenum, loops of small howel, and colon are unremarbble. The appendix is present MEDCOM 0506 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 506 AUTOPSY REPORT'(bi{6")-- 6 BTB M"iI!Ia/M", Amu Ibr.h~m 1. 2. J. 4. s. 7. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES DocIlJT1CTl1llr)' photographs art: 18k~n by OAFME staff photographers. Full body radiographs are obtained aIId demoTlStnlte the injuries lIS described as well lIS n!lid in the trachea lIIld main bronchi IIDd central consolidation of both lungs. Speclm~ retained for toxicology teluing and/or DNA idemJfication are: blood, vi1re()us nuid, bile, urine, liver, lung, spleCTl, brain. kidney, adipose. muscle aoo gastric contems The dissected organs are forwarded with the body. Selected portions of organs are rcuUned in fonnalin, without prq>arstion of his1010gieal sl ides. IdentifYing marks include; Two SC<ln on the scalp. a callus on the center ofthc forehead, one scar on the len side of the abdomen aod one: scaron each leg. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selccted portions of orllllllS arr: rctained in fonnaHn. without prcpanuion of histologic slides. MEDCOM 0507 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 507 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(S) 7 BTB MuualMuhamm~d, Amu Ib... hun OPI~ION This 37 year-old male died of ligature strangulation. As reported he was found by Other detainees unresponsive in an empty detainee barracks building ....i th a string secured tightly aroUIld his neck. A predominalely horizomalligalure furt'Ow with underlying fracture of the thyroid cartilage and hemorrhage into both Ihyrohyoid mus<:les was evidet11 at autopsy. Furtllcr, therc wcre blunt force injuries of the right side of thc face. The 1011icology selttn was negative fore)'llllide, drugs of abuse and ethanol. The carbollyhemoglobin saturation is 1%. Mirtazapinc is detected in the urine and blood. The manner of death is homicide. (b}(S) (b)(S) Medical Ellaminer I rb)(SJ MEDCOM 0500 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 508 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE or PATHOLOGY Otrlec of tile A~ FORa Maika! £U-.i_ 1413 Research Blvd., Bid... 102 RDdMUc, MD 2OSSO 1·30 I·) 19-«KlO FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT N&IIlCI: IRTA) RWAOAO. Wi.d>l... ISN: (b)(6) o.teofBinh: (BTBfb)(6) '1966 o.te ofDelth: (b)(6) 2006 AlilOply No.: (~(!i' AFlP No.: (b)(6) Rank: IBqiCivili-nDetainee PI-=e orDulh: Abu Ghraib, IBq OMcITime of AIItOpfy. 17 JUL2006@09OPllOI:orAUlOpSy; Port Mortull')', Do~r o.leof1lcpon; JONOV 2006 AFB. DE Clna-.a_ .fDeat"': This <to-yar~ lBqi male sustained guJIIhol wounds on 01 JUN 2006ll1ldct IIIIknown cireurnswK:a. l-k wall initially tinted in mlnqi hospilal wilJl Cbesllllbcs IIld nllid rmlIdUltion. Whlk beinaltlUlSpOt'led by. civilian unbu1onl:e. he wu detaincdllld nlllSpOoUd 10 10"" CSH foruatment, Whik Ihefe. he Wlderwentllqery.1IXI it wu diJllow:red thai he wummli·lroqi fiahter. Hewu llI/lJrerTed 10 the llllenlive care wtil orllle 21- CSH (BCCF) where he mnlincd until his deIlh &om oomplieotions of bit wollllds, inclllllina Jeplis Ind mll1li-orpn system failwe. AIlIll.rblltil»l f.r Alltopsy: Offiee orllle ArtnecI Forca Mcdiell Exuniner, lAW 10 USC 1471. IdntUkot$n: Praumptl~ idmtificcion is bI3Cd on hospilal r=cords IIId iOenlification bMds. A postmol1elll finaefllrinl eltlmilllUon is conducIcd for complri_ 10 e:xemplan IbouId!hey become avlilJible. CAUSE OF DEATII: COMPUCATIONS OF GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE TORSO MANNER OF D'£ATH: HOMICIDE MEDCOM 0509 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 509 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (bl(6) (8TB) SHADAD. HIt~ nNAL AUTOPSY DIACNOSES I. C••llo1 W•••d oftlleT_ A.. Emr.ncz Wound: On the left chest, 2G-ine:hes below the lOp ofthr; he:Ild Illld 6 J4.ine:hc:s left of tile anterior midline: of the lono in tile UJalOmic position II. I %. Yo-ine:h WOWJd with 1'OWllIed.lOft annuIllina edaes. Maralnal abnsion. toOl or .tipple are nol ~iaecI B. WolllJll Path: SIdn and aubculaneout liuucofthe left chesl, mllXle, the inferior upect of!he Ialcnl left sM' rib (hcturd). {by repon)!he 1o_lobe oftbe left luna. the left hc:midiaphrqm,!be S1OlT1Kh,1bc ~verJt colon, the liver and !he riihl 6" and" c:osta1 cartil. . (fraclured) (no exit WOWld) C. Recovered: No bullet or bullet fragrnenu an: reco'lCmi D. Dim;tlon: Left to rilhl and downward (by repol't) E. Aaocilled Injuries: Abdominal orpn lrtiuries (cannot be Iwssed due 10 prolon&ed hospitaliutlon) II. Compllcatlo•• ofCa.. W...., "'tllt Tono A. Pulmonary conaestion. o:IernI and focal COl'lJOlidilion, bilatcnl (Riah! lLl/lI l,SlG-arams. Left luna I,190-1fIJlIS) B. Pkunl effusion, bil.tmlI (IOO-milliliters ofaerosanguinous fluid In botll pkunJ cavWelI) C. Pericardial effusion (50-millititers of te1'05I./lillloous fluid) D. PeritoneaJ effu,ion (SIMI·milliliters of Ief'OSll'lgulnous fluid) E. Peripheral edema F. Heut r.nure witll UlIOClated biventriculv dil.ution G. Dense ldheRolII of the iarBe and I11III11 bowel H. T~"e lItin ukerltion, II. III-inch I. De<:ublll, ulcer, mid lower*k. I Yo x %-inch J. SerolaI ulcer, I 'h. 1·lnch K. er.m.neaalive JePSi, (by review ofmedie.l re-eorda) TIl. r ..t-Mor1nD a._aca III., A. Lividity i' polterior and fixed B. Rip i. passing IIld equal In all extremities C. Foe-I areu ofepidem.1 b1il&ering and ain .liPJllill IV. 1:Y1dN« o(Medkll Tllef'lp)' A. Recent tnehcostomy inferior to tile cricoid eartH_it B. Ria/lt -1fISIrH: lUbe c. Ript and left chest rubc:l {by rqlOI'I) D. Rip IlIbclavian Inb1lvenous!iDe E. Riahl tldiallfteriallinc F. Urinary bladder catheter G. Open abdominal incillon, I) Ii x 9-1nchel. covered by _ medical dresJilli H. Medical dralinll over JKraI_ I. Medical dreslinll on left (001 MEOCOM 0510 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 510 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (b)(6) (BTB) SHADAD, Hill.. hee l •r , J. Elecbocardiocram ela:l1odu Ol\ -nlerior ~ and anle:riorthiata K.. Multiple drain shes on &he anterior IOlSO V. nen ••• ftldu« .rpla)'Jlaollblise VI. TuieelDl)' A. The blood and vilmJull fluid are te5Ied for etlwlol and none is f0un4. 8. The blood is leStCd for cr-nide &nd __ is found. e. The cuboxYhcmoaIobin A1uruion in the blood Is leu Ulan Ii%. D. The blood is screened for medieMioN &nd drvpof.tluse &nd the followilli medk:lilions were Oc1ected: I. The blood conWlIJ 0.13 milligrwns per Jitefofmiduollm (. benmdiazepine tnnquiliur) 2. The blood conJ&ins 0,)3 milligrams per liler of l-hydroxymi4uolllJl (. metabolite of miduolam) 3. The blood contains O.OS milll~ pcr liler of diphenhydramine (an antihiswnine) 4. The blood conlains 3.2 miUigranu per liler ofmetoclopramlde (1/1 lIIliemetic) S. The blood contains 0.039 milliPN per liler orrmllnyl (1llIROlic analgesic) EXUBHAL EXAMINATION The body is that of. well-developed, well·lIOIIIished IpPCarina. 69 ~ilJ(;h, and 221· pound male whose Ippearanoe is consis1ent with the I'qlOned lae of 4~yeaD. LIvidity is posterior and, rigor il passing and equal in all extremities, and the body tcmpcnllUR is cold to touch. Thm: is aenerali~ body and extremity edema. The sealp is covered with shott bladt IWr In. normal distribution. The iridcJ are brown, the eomcae are cloudy and the pupils are round and equal In diameter. The extemll euditory c:anals are patentllld free or rorelan nUlIlerial. The ell'l are Wll'CllWklbIe. The nares ere ~Icnt and the lips are atrIumaIic. The note and maxillllC are palpa.bly Sllble. The teeth appear nann! and In fair condition. The neck is SUlight, and the nehce u midline lind mobile with evidence ofmedle.1 tbenpy. The chest is symmetric; Injuries to the eheJt _ desaibed below (tee ~Evidenee of Injwyj. Multiple swgicaI dnin JiteJ are ICIltered over the literal rishl and Jell Ibdomen and rMJe in si7.e £rom 311 11 III-indt to 1 Y.lI ~ineh.. The abdominal midline ~ an open IUfJical Inelsioll meuurilll 13 II. 11 9·inc:hes with pwlUlltinl edaa and vUible Ioopsoranall and 1a.rJe bowel. Thtl Jo-. abdomeIlll.. hu.1lIlII\'Cne, 1111 III-inch skill ulcer. The JIOSleriorlono is mnu1clble for skill slippqe Vld. I Y, 11 %. inch deeubitiJ ulcer on \he mid IoWCI"baek. The aenilllia are !bole or I normaIldull male. lbe JCI'Olum ha. . 1 II. x I·inch ulcer with I herrGrrhap: base. The lestes are descended lind free ormlSJCl. Pubic hair Is present in I normal diJlrlbuUon. The homoc:b and anUSIR ~bIe. MEDCOM 0511 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 511 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:[Cb)(6j (BTB) SHADAD, Hllb. Pale 4 ora The upper and lower elllnm'lities IJe symmetrie and without elubbins. There in % x 110- inch healing abnsion In the riiht popliteal fossa.. ~ is a 3 ~ x 2 !/..inch bulla on lhe left ankle. ~ is senmJir.ed edema and foest skin slippage is noted on both upper and lower eJClJemities. ~erior CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS The body Is received nude wilhout clothing or personal effects. MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • • • • • • • • • • Recent traeheostolny lnl'erior 10 the cricoid c:artiLsae Right lII50pStJic tube Righi and left. c~ tubes (by report) Riahl subclavian intravenous line Righi rtldial arterial line UriJWy bladder catheter Open abdominal incision, J3 ~ x 9-inches, with granulating edges. covered by a meditlll dressing Medical dressing over sac:ral1IrelI Medical dressing on left fool EIettro<:ardlogram electrodes on ~erior lOno and anterior thighs Multiple sites on lheanteriortono Rt\J)JQGRAPHS A complete sec of postmormn radiographs iJ obtaiMd and demOMtrltes !he followinl: • • • • • • Righi 6'" rib fiaeture Left. S'" rib fradure Multiple Rlfgieal Sl.Iplcs ill the abdomen No mctaIlic maments (other Ihsn medical devle:es) IJe idenlifkd No long bone t'raetures are idcnlirfed No skull fTacturesarc Identified MEDCOM 0512 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 512 nNAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (b}(6) hp50fl (BTB) SHADAD, Hisl:Ilm EVIDENCE or INJURY Thcorderina of the following injuries is for descriptive purposes only, and is not intended to imply Older of infliction or relative 1eVeri1y. All wolll'ld pathways are given relalive III SWId.ud analOmic position. Qgubol Wo"d ofdltTono On the left chest, 2O-inclies below the lOp of the head and 6 Y.·inches left of the anterior midline oftbc lono in the anatomic position is. I Y. x Yrinch en~ woWld with rounded, !10ft granulatil\i ed&es- Mqinalabruion, I0OI or stipple are 1101 appreciated due III prolonged lio!lpitalization. The bullet iqjlGd skin and subcutaneous tissue oftbe left. chest, muscle, the inferior aspeI:I oflhe 1almJ \eft. 5" rib (fractured), the lower lobe of the left lima (by ~), the left.ltcmidiaphmgm (surgically rcpai~), the stomach (!lqically repaired), the II'alISVCI'Se colon (suraic:ally repai~), tbe liver (by repon) and lite right 6" and .,. CDS1Il carliJaae (f!actund). There ilno exil wound IIId no bullet or bullet fragments.e recovmd. The WIlUIIII path is di~ blc:k 10 &ont, left 10 right and doWllward. Associaud with the gunshot wound of the IOI'SO are sepsis and multi-orpn system faihe during his prolonged hospitalization. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The galea! and subgaleal!lOft t i _ of the !CaIp are free of injury. The e.lvanwn is inlal:l, as is the dtn maier beneath it Clear cerebrospinal nuid sunounds the I,BO-gram bnlin, which appea:s slightly edemalous with widened gyri and n1mowed sulci. Coronal sections ~nsD'Ile sharp demarcation between white a,nd grey maner, without hemonblge orcontusive injury. The ventricles are ofnonnal siu. The basal gan&li&, bnlinstem, cerebellum, and arterial systems are free of injury or other .bnonnalities. There are no skull tfaclures. The at1anto-occipital join! is stable. =, Layer-wjx dissection of the &lItcrior strap mll5Cles of the neek reveall homogmous and red-brown muscle. without ItclDOfrhage exoept In the _ of the lracheostomy. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are tntac1. The IIl)'IIX is lined by intael white mucosa except in the area of the trIICItcostomy. The thyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown, without cysdc or nodulu dwI&c. The lOn&\lC II &ce of bite marts, helllOlrbqe, orolhel" injuries. SOnY CAVlDES: The lItemwn tnd vertebral bodies an: visibly and palpably intact. Injuries to the ribs: are noted above ($COl "Evidence oflnjury"). The righl and left plewa! e.vities contain 100- MEDCOM 0513 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 513 FINAL AUTOPSY RUORT: (b)(6) (BTB) SHADAD, Hia&im milliliters or ~inousfluid c.dI. lIIe perieardialllC comaiDs SD-millitcn or llif'OSlIlaui_ fluid lind the peritoneel cavity oontlins 500-mlllilitenorsefOSIlIJUinous fluid. The orpns oocupy thrir usual_1Ornk: posiriorlll except when: t1iahlly diJtorted by aqicII intctvcntion. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The riihl and left Iwlp IOTigh 1,530 and 1,3!/O-ararns. lespedively. The e:mm.I ~ are rollgh 8lld deep red-pllfple ~}'IIlI. is diffilltly congested UId with \oose IldheslollS. The pulmonary focally COIIJOlidlted. No mas lesions are ick:ntillcd.. CARDIOVASCULAR symM: The )S() Man b contained in an Inlact perieanlilillC. The epieanllal surf," is smooth, wilh miDimal rat Investment The coronary arteriQ; are present in a normal distribution, with. righl.f1omlnanl panem. ero. sections orlhe vessels show no luminal IIlfl'Owinll- The myoeudiwn lJ homosenous. red·brown,lllCI firm. The valYil &e.fiets are thin and mobile. The walls of the left and ri&ht ventrielq are 0.9 and O.<kmtlmctm thick. rqpectively; biYt:lltrieulll' dila",tion is present. The endocardium i, smooth and aJistcnlnll- The aorta aiVq rise to three Intacl and patent an:h vet3els. The renaJ and mesenteric _Is are IInrctrlll'bblo. UYEB.£BII.!ARY SYSTEM: The 2,77().gnm liver has an Inw:t, smooth capsule ll'Id a slW'p lDtcrior bonier. The patenehymals tan-brown and co~, with the I.lSIIlIlobu'- an:hitedwe. No mass lesions MOtha' abnormalities are seen. The pllbladdcr contains a mlnule &mo\llll of areen-black bile and no $!Ones. The mucosallurface is areen ll1d velvety. The extnllcplllc biliary tJee is paletll. SPlljfN: The 42o..gram spleen has. IIIlOOth. inlKt, red'pIIrlIle eapsule. The parenchyma is tot\, Il\lI'OOn and conaeslcd, with indistinct Malplahian COllJlI'Cles. PANCREAS: The pancreas has .utolytic changes, with the uSUIIlobular .chitecture. No mass Icsiona or othec .l>nonna1ities are seen. ADRENALS: The risM and left ~ aJlJlds are symmetric, with t1Itolytic clwliles. No II\UICIlR identified. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The ri&hl and Ieft.kidncys weip 160 and 17O-arams. respectively. The ellc:mal surfaces are intlicl and smoolh. The cut tudaees lI'C red-tan lI'ld convstcd, witl\ uniformly Ibidt cortices and s/llrp cortico-medullary Junctions. The IXIYes lI'C llIIl'CnIlrkable and dle uteIen lI'C nonnaI in counc and caliber. Gray-pinlr. bladder m\lCOSl over1iea lJl intact bladder WIll. The bladder contains no urine. The ~tec iJ nonna! in wtth lobulII', sac. MEDeOM 05\4 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 514 FINAL AlTTOPSY REPORT:'(b)(6) (BTB) SHADAD. Hltblm ~1I0_ pumc;h)'IJII. Il1.I$S TIle xminal vesicles are IlIImTWItIble. The testes are free: of lesionJ, oontll$ions, or other abnormalitiCl. QASJRQfNIESIINAL JMCI: The esopI\a&ul Cs intlCt and lined by ItnOOIh, ITI)'-white mucosa. 1'be stolMCh il densely ~ to multiple loops orlarae and..,wl bowel and oontains applOllimllely 60milliliters of brown nuid. The pstrie wall i5 intICI with. suraiuI rq.1r. TIle duodealllJ\, loops or IIMII bowel Mel oolon are rmwbble for cknJe .sbesions ."""~.~=, the loops orsm-ll bowel and the Jarae bo_l; multiple 'urai<ally.rcd enlerOlomles are identified. butlbc denx adhesions llIlIy f'O'oIible perforations and/or obstrIIetions. 1'be appcndb: is prcscnL MUSCULOSKEL£TAL SYSTEM: 'There is 110 1l000-u..umlIlic bone or jointabnolmlliities. Skektal mUlCle development i. ~l. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected portions of otpnI are retained in fonnalin, wilhout preparation oflliSlOloakal slides. APDmONAL P80C£DUBf$lBEMABK$ • Documentary phOlO(papM are taken by AFMES .WTpholOanplters Spcl:imens retained (or toxieoloaie Icstlnsllndfor DNA identifteation arc: hean blood, Yill'eOlIlI nuld. pstric oontCllIl. spleen, liver. 11IIIlI, bile.1ddney. brain, adipose lilSUC, and psou muxle • The diucc!Cd orpn.s are rorwarded wiLh Ibc body • The body i.lIllwcd closed without embllmlna • The fol!owinS identil'yins body mart. are Jft'ftII: Tattoos(b)(6) (b)(6) 1_ • ~ • MEDCOM 05\5 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 515 FINAL AlTI'OPSY REPORT: ~b)(6) Pqc80fS (BTB) SHADAD, Hiablm OPINION This 4()..yeu-old Iraqi male eivilian detainee, (BTBltb)(6) died 115 I result ofa gunshot wowKI of the torso he SUSIIino:d IIJIder WJeeI'Iain eircUl11Slan«:s. He expired after a )G-day hospital course Ihat was compliCllCcl by sepsis and multi-orpn SY5tem failure. The wound pathway is reeoMlnIctcd from the autopsy flrKIings and hospital records and passe!I through the Iaterallcft ehest, the lower klbe of the left lung, the lel'l hemidiaphragm, the stomac:h, the IIfF bo~l, the liver, and the right upper abdominal wall. The bullet did not exitlhe body, 1\0 bullet or bullet frqmenl5 were tctOVe:l"ed during the IlItOpsy. oor were any bullet or,bullet fragments reponcdJy recovered during surgclic:s.. Toxieologie.l teslina found therapeutic levels ora benzodiaupine, an antihistamine. an antiemetic and a nan:otie ltlligesle in l/w: blood. The: manner ofdeath is hornk:ide. r(b)(6) (b)(6) "(b")"(6')---, ElIaminer (b)(6) Medical Examiner (b)(6) I l- - - MEDCOM 0516 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 516 _._._._-----"--"_ ... ----- - -'''' - - -_."' - -- - ---- -_.._-- -- -- . . .--.... _"'TKC"._ -_.. __ ._- _._.-«:-.-... ---- _ ... -_. _--_ _ ..... ..... _ _ ---_ --""'*'''-.-__ - -.---. ...."."..._.__... _- ---_.'------- - .. _. _.-_.--s._."'-,._'-,---. __. . __ -.... ___."_ _---_. __ _._.-.. -...'-_-... _ ,_.__.... _..._ _-___ _"_-.._-,..__ ----"-,-""'_"-.COlYlCATl! 01f OUTH , f'OYEMtJU;! lD"O. PI _",,,",,,'.0 aTe S~, H'-him, ... OF "",.. "' ...'" (b)(6) ....... c. P'C'. . . . (b)(6) Civilian ,,.. ~ I!J 0 ~~ _IUT_ ~ ~ ~~ • • -"' ..... "' ... ............. 00. ...... -.... .... " --~ _lIlA'" ....... <-..- - - -... ~"' , '" Cu',_ , _ 0 0 . trNl'I''''' - ' : 1 l ' ' ' - '" ""'T~ • , "-.......... '" ~ '0 ..._ G<WT lioo. at ~Wooma 10 me Toroo ......... ... ..... ... ...... O-O~T"'-'_ • _ '" OIAT" l(b)(6) • , ...."' ..... 10.".._ ... ...... """ """. .~- • 17 JLlI 1 """""'" 2006 ~ """""01' ....'" <)o'.... "'OIAT.. (b){6) 0 ~ 2006 , ...... _ _ ........ '" _ ... "0 "'OCC\.OUIUI., _ . ... ........ OK....... _ _ TM . . - '" ""'""'" ""<'Ul (b){6) ... • _TIll'''' . ,"""'_ CALJlUo.IT...o_ , Medical EJClImlner ...T......_ c o r - . o (bJ(6) ._--~ ~r MB, Dover DE ... ........... ...... . .... . DD •Iil'h 2064 .............. ...... _,, MEOCOM 0517 -~ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 517 1"""'1I51!AS/ .c.... _ or DU'~ 00'0_......, 'E~'..-.c.Te -. - .. - ---..... .. ,=0',,= '.'~' ~ BTB Hamed, Satan, Salak . .-- .. , -;; ;..''''' .,'0" ~,.; •• ~ ".:<""" ._. ... . , <.--'""..... .... -. --_... .~:;O<, • ,. , . . ... . '. '..<", , ._."" ._.'A .. • ·'....4. ,. • •• ... . • -..- ",,-,,, "I'-'."".... "'~- ..,. _..'.-..- ..... _... ,,0:......''-' ._"'00'"'''''' • ....... "..... .".' .,.. -" ,,............ "" ..... .. ·.. 0' . .." . , ~ ..... _'A,," a .................., •• ~ ~ .~"... _-"" ......... . ........"'- , , ,,,,,,<0,-,-,, , ... _.- -."0'" "..,., O"oK''','''''· ,-~,- ....... '.-r.-.. ·-. , .. ".'" C,-,'....._ .. -.. " .. - - ' 0 ' , ........... CO.'-" ,.,...,., ',. "~'''' ., . . .0.-•• • • .. ....,,..; • '''. ..- _. _<t'•• "-"' ,~,. ' ., , .~' .~.. <. ...•• O. ",., ".' , •••..l...~.... ."._"~'" ".>0' .. , ..,.~ ..., .......... • · ~,~, (b)(6) I- .:, ..•••."... _- ' '. _....GJ• ."." . -"......... • _ ._ ..- .........,., _ . 'l(b)(6) •. <.,. _~..,.r .... ."1 ... [(b)(6) t;;006'0 '" - .. , ..- ... ....... ............. ;__",t."-._' • " .. ··~t -.....,.' ~,- "'.~ .... ... ""~ .... • ,,..,·...V .... " .. "4o",,,~_·,, ••. -,-,.. ",,' '. ".~ '.: ." _,,- ~.~, ~- ' :-,'w• ~ ~ ,~ .. , ,,",~.~ MedLc:91 E>am,"'l' ", (b)(6) -~ Dove< AFBLDover DE Oy O<.ord~ . ..• .. '{b)(6f ... I ..::l ...... "'- .... ,.-._.... -'--." ~.:::-~- ~~-:'.~ . . , , - . - , - _. . . . _ OM . _ . _ • • " ~.""" 'n~'''0. '''r.i:-''.' X"" Ju~ ~OO6 .:,.;, =- c>i .., ~.~ ~-"''''''- ......" " .. ... ,..... :."......... , • ._.' .",., , ....'h'.,.. . .. ... ................................. ....... .• .. , ...... " -... ,,,... ,lifts" • .. ,. .... ., . .' "" .. " .. , = .................. ' v· ~-, O9"llOg ~- <.-0••" .~ ~' C""""""'",,," <II g_",>: Yo""": ol •.,.",....... 0<1 ; . ''''"' '<:'. " " .... <i.e',; 0 ,~ co_ .. _ " ............ ,_, • ..- . ~ ..." .... .....,. •.... c..,," ........ ..""'.c.........' ~- -:.".. ~ '04""'" • ,. , . ' ' ' ' . O' , - . " :.0.-•• •• ""w •.,,. ......,.•= ".~ ... (b}(6) l(~i6~'iI69 c ....·,__ ,,··c' ~. ''-~""""",,, C'Y1r..,n ..,~, """ ., _.. ","'......._. _. .. .. '" "'0'."::' '" _.,~ " 2064 00..•'J.·" ... ...-~ ~'.~ ~.,.-.~_~ - .,,-' I "'w_ .. , ......".,.,""'" " " . ' _ " ...... 'CO............. " . . . " •. . . . : . _ 00.....," MEDCOM 0518 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 518 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office of/be Armed Forces Medical Enmlner 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-)01-) 19·0000 FINAL AlITOPSY REPORT ;;:;;;:=-.J Name: Allahrani._ Y~;}"~T~, Detainee Nwnber:l(b}(6} Date of Birth~bl(6\-- 11984 DaleofDcath{b)(6) 2006 Dale of AUl(lp5y: 10 June: 2006@ 18)0 Date ofRcpon: 02 Augll5t 2006 Autopsy No.~,'T.'~'''~'_ AfIP No.: l(b)(6) Rank: Detainee Place of Death: Detainee Facility. Guantanarno Bay, Cuba PlllCC of Autopsy: Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay. Cuba CircullluancK orDealb: Tbis 21 year-old detainee. by report, was foUIld IWllting in his secllR: eell at the delllinee confinement facility at approximately 0020 OllI(b}~OO6. Medical resuscilation was Wl$uccessfUI and he was declared dead at 0150. in tile medical record it Slates he was unresponsive, pulse-less, apneic. ",~th fixed and dilated pupils. and in rigor mOl1is when he arrived at the detention clinic at 0048 . • AUlborhalion ror AUloply: Office of tile Armed FOICeS Medieal Examiner, lAW 10 USC 1471 Identification: Detention records. Fin8erprints and DNA sample obtained. Personnel present for Ibe aUIOps)': l. S~ial Ag"'"t[c(b~)::"=)==:1 2. 1l!il(6) 3.~b)(6) 4J(b)(6) 5.r(b)(6) 'Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) f"Autopsy Assislal\1 'Medical Photographer -,Medical Examiner Investigator f\1'edieal Examincrl(b){6) J CAUSE OF DEATH: Hanging MANNER OF DEATH: Suicide MEDCOM 0519 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 519 AlITOPSY REPORTjC b){6) AL ZAHRANI. Yasir T. 2 Final AnAtomic Dbposes I. Hanging A. Circumferenlial dried abrallion collar aroWld the neck B. Diffuse hemorrhage inlo the muso;Jes oftbe neck C. Hyoid bone intact D. Tardieu spots on the dorsum oftbe feet 11. Hands and feet bound by canon-like material l11. Soft tissue hemorrhage lateralleR wrist Ill. No significant natwa.! disease processes identified IV. Status Post anempted resuscitation with intubation and cricoid pttssure. IV. Toxicology -Negative MEDCOM 0520 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 520 AlITOPSY REPORTj(b)(6) AL ZAHRANI, Yasir T. 1 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body, received wrapped in a wllite sheet, is that ofa weJl-developed, ~lJ·nourislled appearing. museular, 67 inches in length, lSI pound (per medical I'l:'OOro ali of21 May 2(06), while male whose &ppeara!lC4! is consislent with tile reported age of 21 years. Lividity is posterior and f[)led, rigor is equal and fixed in all extremities, and the temperature is tIIat of tile refiigeratiorl unit (34·39 degrees Fallrenheil). The llcad and ne<:k are wrapped witll a blue plllSlie pad secured with lape. The scalp is covemi witll black hair in a distributiorl. The irides are brown. The sclerae: and conjWlCtivaeare f;Ongested and m ofpetoclliae.11le extemalauditory eanaJs are lUI1eman::able. The ears are unremarkable. The nares are patenl and tile lips are auaumatic. The nose and nw:illae are palpably stable. The t«t11 appear in good condition. Facial hair consiSlS of a fuJi beard and mustache. The neck is 5ITaight, and the lracllea is midline and mobile. The ehes! is symmetric. The abdomen is Oat. The genitalia are those ofa normal adult circumcised male. The testes are descended and free of masses. Pubic llair is presenl in a norma.! distribution. The buttocks and anus are wuemarbble. The upper and lower extmnities are symmetric and witllout clubbing or ed~ Strips of bed·shoct·like materia/tied into knots loosely bind the hands and feet. SAfCb)(6IJhas Iaken tIIese bindings into custody. There l\I'C two rowxI scars, I inch and V.·inCb~in * diameter on tile back of the right leg. There is another V. x inch scar proxirnalto the round scars OIl tile leg. There is a V. inch sear OIl the back of the left thigh. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS The following clothing items and personal effoclll are present on tile body at the time of autopsy: N.~ MEQlCAL IlITEBYENDQN Evidence: of medical intervention includes: • NlISal Airwily • Oral-gastric tube. appropriately located • Orally placed endOtnlClleallUbe. appropriately located • Intravenous ca1heteT witll anached IUbing bag of intravenous solution. left aJ1te<:ubiial fossa • Urinary bladder catheter and attlIClIed bag • Multiple eloctroeardiogram pads on the cbc:s' • Pw"lCiure mark$, left foreann and left and right antecubital fossae MEDCOM 0521 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 521 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AL ZAHRANI. Yuir T. RADIQGlW'IIS A wmplete set of postmortem radiographs is obtalned IIlld llI'e eonsistent with the Iin<\inp ducribed below. EVIDENCE Of INJURy The ordering of Ihe following injwic:s is for descriptive plJlPO'CS only, and i$ IlO( inlenckd to imply order of infliction or relath-e lleverity. All wound ~thways llI'e giv<:n relJlive 10 standard llI\Ilomie position. EvidellCf of HNllljng There is a circumferential dried abrasion furrow around the neck. The furrow is irnsular with the width varying from IIll 10 I inch, Within the furrow the skin is imprinled with a very fine weave type: pattern. The furrow i.located II 'h inches below the lop of the head at the IlOtmor midline, 10 inches below the top of the head JI the level of the left auditory mCll1Ul, and 10 inches below the lOP of the head at the level of the right auditory meatus. The IlOterior porlion of the furrow i.1ocatcd below the thyroid canilagc. The furrow becomes less well defined and forms an inverted "v" on the back of the head, 5 % inches below the lOp ohhe head and I inch to the left of the po5lmor midline. On the left side of the anlerior neck there are addilional well-defined and superficial abrasions adjacent to the main furrow, \18 10 \ v. inches in length. Enci«:ling the neck are IWO segmenlJ of eonon-like material consistent with a T-shirt. The material lias been CUt or tom and tied with knots. Distal 10 the knOI5 thcTc an: strips of material that have been cut leaving four loose ends per pie« of material_ SA Lb)l~ hu taken tile material into cmtody. Additional items arc submitted by NelS that were recovered from the cell of the decedent. Jlltluded an; thru segmenl5 of braided white t-shin like mile rial. One has a knot alone cnd and the other end is cut. The material is cut thtoullh two segments of the braiding near the knoned end. There is $lT\a1ler loop of the same material lied with a ktlot and looped around the flnt Iegment. The third ponion of braided materia.l hu one end cut and the other end is a loop thaI is secured by similar malerial wrapped aroWld the two braided segments. Also submitted is another portioll of white I-shirt lilte material thaI has been eut Or tom into an elongated segmelli. The material is tied with a knol lea.viog two loose ends. Intemally, there arc multiple hemorrhages throughout the anterior neclt soft tissue: 1_ 2. 3. 4. 5_ 6_ 7. Medial right stemocleidomastOid muscle, I 1 '/. ioch Deep right stemocleidontastoid muscle, Y. 1 'I. inch Antmor letl stcrnocleidomlllitoid mll5Cle, (2) each Y, ineh ill diamcter Deep left s~rnocleidomastoid musc:1c, Y, 1 V. in<:h Left sternothyroid mUIICJe, Y. 1 y, inch Left th)TOhyoid mem~. Y, 1 3/8 inches Left longus cspilUS mll5Cle, 'I. 1 V. illch MEDCOM OS22 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 522 REPORT~!(b~)(~6lC= AUTOPSY AL ZAHRANI, YlISir T. 5 The posterior neck is free of hemorrhage into the $Oft tissue. ~ are fainl lardieu spolS on the lIIl)des and dorsal surface of the feel. Add'tjonallnjuries Then: is a I ~ II liz ineli are. of soft tissue hemorrhage in the subeutaneous lissue oflhe latend lISpect of the left wrist (in the llI1atomie position). INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The gWelI! and 5IIbgaleaJ soft limICsofthe sealp lin: free ofinjwy. The ealvariwn is inlaet, lIS is the dura mater beneath il. Cleareerebrospinal nuid swroWlds the 1300 gm brain, wrueh hIlS wuenwkable gyri and suki. Coronal se<:tions demonstrale sharp demarcation between while and gn:y lIUIl\er, without hemorrhage or conluSive injury. The ventricles are ofnormalsi~. The basal ganglia, bfainslern, cerehellwn, and arterial systems lin: free of injury or other abnonnalities. There an: no skull fmctures. The atlanto-occipilal joint is stable. =, Injuries of the anterior s!Jap muscles have been described. The thyroid cart.iJage and hyoid are inlaCt. The larynx is lined by intact while mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-bro~. without eystie or nodular change. The tongue is free of bite marks. hemQJrMge, or other injuries. BODY CAVITJES: The ribs, sternum, and vertebra! bodies are visibly and palpably intact. No excess nuid is in the plewa!, perieardial, or peritoneal eavities. The organs occupy their usualllllatomie positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left IWlgs weigh 600 and 700 gms. respectively. The eXlemal surfa.eesan: smooth and deep red·purple. The pulmonary pan:nehyma is diffusely congested and edematous. No mass lesions or an:lIS of consolidation an: pn:SCT11. CARDIQV ASCUL.M SYSTEM: The 230 gm heart is coMained in lIIl inlaCt perieardial sac. The epicardial surface is smooth, with minimal flit investment. The 05tiwn for the left anlerior descending coronary artery and circumflex artery arise sepualely from the left coronary cusp; then: is l'IO left main coronary artery. The righl coronary .Il1ery arises l'IOnnally and is the dominant artery 10 the posleriOr myocardiwn. Cross seclions of tile vc!>5Cls sllow IlQ signifieantalherosclerosis. The myoearrliwn is homogel'lOus, n:d-brown. and finn. TlIe valve leanets arc thin and mobile. The walls of the left and righl ventricles lin: 1.2 and 0.3 em lhick. rt:spectivcly. The endocardium is smooth and glislening. The aorta gives MEDCOM 0523 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 523 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AL ZAHRANI, Yasir T. rise 10 ~ inucl and palenl arch vessels. The rcnaJ and mesenteric vessels an: ~markable. LlyER.% BILIARy SYSTEM: The 1300 am liver Iw UI intael, smoolh c:apsulc and I slwp U1lmOr border. The J*enellyml is WI-brown and conie~ed, witb!he usuallobullllllrClliteclure. No IlIUIi lesions or other Ibnonn-J ities Ite seen. The pllblldder conwns ) ml of grem-bJ1C1r. bile and no stones. The muc:osal surf.Ioe is green and velvety. The extnhepalie bilillly lrot: is pIlenl. sri Ern: The 21.5 am spleen Iw I slTIOOth. inllet, raJ·purple c:apsulc. The parcnehymll is mIrOOn lilt! tOJ!iUled. wilh indistinct M-Jpighillll c.ofJlUKles. PANCi!.£AS: Thc pancreas is soft and yellow-Ian, \0,;01 the usuallobul... uclIitecture. No lIIISS lesions Of other Ibnol1llalitiu Ire seen.. ADRENAl S: The riglll and leftldmllJ gllllds ue s)'DUlldric:, witl! blipl yellow cortiecs and ~y medulile. No mISSeS or Il"US ortlemorrhlge an: identified.. GENITOURINARy SYSIEM: The riglulIld weiah 12111ld 120 gms, mpel;tively. The external $I.ri"_ Ire inl.ll:lll"Id smooth. The CUi $Uriitces Ire m1-llIII and congested, wilh unifonnly thiek c:onices and sharp conieomedul1lJy jWlCtions. The pelves Ire WIl'elrIIl"kIble and !he llreIers Il"e llOl'Tl1&I in COIll"se and c:aJiber. While blldder lnllOO$l overlies III in\ICI blldder wall. The blldder is empey. Twenl)'·five I'IIl oflliDe is recoveml &om the urirwy c:atheterJbl&. The prwtl1e is nomW in size, willt Iobuill", yellow-lall puenehyma. The M:rlIiMl vesieles ll1e WlJenwbble. The leslell Il"e free of mass lesions, conlWiions, or other lbaormllities. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophlfrW' is in!llCt and linotf by smooth, ~y.while mUC05L The $lomlCh eorJlIlins IpprOximllely 1.50 QC of bTOWIl, pani-Jly digested food panieles. The gllSlric: wall is intael. The duodmum.loops of small bowel and colon an: IlIUm'IIlbble. The Ippendix is present MUSCtlLQSKE! ETAL SySJEM MU$elc: deve10pment Ii normal. No non·traurIIItie bone or joint .bnonn.litie$ 1ft: ntKed.. MEDCOM 0524 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 524 AUTOPSY REPORT l(b)(6) 7 AL ZAHRANJ. Yuir T. • ADDITIONAL PROCEDURfS • • • • Documenlal')' photographs are lllken by l(b)(6) Evidence collccted is seized by NelS a~nl"'('b")("6')- - - - Specimens retained for loxicologic testing and/or DNA identification are: vilmlus, central blood, peripheral blood, urine, spleen, kidney, lung, liver, brain, bile, gastric conlenls. adipose. and JlSOll!l muscle The dissected orllllllS are forv.'81ded with body MICRQSCOPIC EXAMINATION I. Skin, dorsum of left foot: In the area corresponding to one of the grossly described tardieu spols, there is hen1orrha~ swrounding the Sllperficial blood vessels with.out infllll1llTlllrion. 2. Kidney - Reviewed ill conSlllwion wi\h The Department ofRcnai Pathology. There is aUllllysis of \he proximal tubules with relative Jnservation of the glomeruli and disUll collecting system. Adjal:C11t to several glomeruli are ool1ectioll5 of micro calcifications in the tubular Iwnens of uncertain etiology. There is also tubular simplificalioo of \he glomeruli wi\h mild increase in the mesangiaJ matrix. There is no significant inflammation or other abnormalities. 3. Hearl: Section of left \'entriele is lII1I'mW.... ble. 4. Splcen: Autolysis, otherwise unmnarkable. S. Lung: No pathologic deseriptiQfl. 6. Liver: Focal eentrilobular stealllsis. No significant portal or parench.ymal ;nflammatiQfl. 7. Brain, cen:bral conex: No pathologic description. 9. Adrenal: No pathologic description. Majority oftiuuc: is unremarkable cortex wi\h a single focll!l of medulla. 10. Testis: No pathologic description. MEDCOM 0525 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 525 A1JTOPSY RIpO.rr(b~6) AL ZAHR.ANI, Yasir T. • TOXICOLOGY I. e.tbon Monoxide: The blood carboxyberMglobin ....1lS less lIIan 1% (normal 0.)%). 2. Ethanol: The blood Ilrld vi~ ....we ""pli\/!: forethanoillt. tutoff 0(20 mgfdL. 3. Cyanide: There was no eYllrlide detected in the blood. 4. The wine wu nepli~ for 5<:m:ned rnedi<:ations and drug, of abuse. • MEDCOM 0526 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 526 AUTOPSY REPORTI(b){6) At ZAHRANI, Yasil T. 9 OPINION This 21 ~ar-old dctail'lee died orhanging. The de<:edent was discovered hanging from a braided ligatun: tied through the steel ITKsh "''llil near the \:Citing or his cell. According to reports, he was found with his hands and feet loosely bound by bed-sheetlike material. A suicide note was found in his pocket. Hemorrhage in !be left wrist may be the result of the.standard operating procedure to shackle prisoners anytime they leave their cells. Hemorrhage into the ne<:k muscles may be the result of the hanging or an artifact of cricoid pressure applied in the effon to intubate the decedent during the re5U5Citation attempt. Calcifications seen in kidneys are of uncertain etiology but did fIOt contribute to tile cause or mumer of death. Toxicology studies were negative. After an extensive investigation there is no evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved in this death.. Based on the infonnation svailable. the manner of death is Sllicide. (b){6) (b)(6) (b)(6) j Medical Examiner I MEDCOM 0527 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 527 DEPARTVEHT OF OfFENSE ARMED 'OlICI!'lHITTTVTl! 0# ~... ntDI.OQV W.... ~ON.De 2 0 _ AFIP.ib)(6) PATIENT IDEN'IllJCADQN Am ...... .. H_.h., ~ (b)(6) ro N._ omCE OF THE ARMED FORCES MEDICAL EXAMINItR .... RMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOCY WASKlNCTON. DC lll306-6OOe AUAHRANl VASIR TALA SSAN: ......,.: (b){6) T.d<olou _10. If: Ib}f6} "''''--~ D•• & a."o" G-tnl&4: , . . 19. 2006 CONSULTATION BEPORT ON CONTRlBUTOR MATERIAL AYIP DlACNOSIS Colldltloll orSpeclm~lII: REPORT Of TOXICOLOGICAL UAMlNAnON GOOD D.I~ orlndd~..1 (b)(6) 2006 D.I~ Becrived: 611212006 CARBON MONOXIDE: TheQrt/o1t)'hcmoglobin saturatiOli in lbe blood was leu l!wl 1% as cletennincd by spcclrophololnclry wilb .Iimil of quanliwioo of 1%. CarboxyllemoglobiD PlUI'aUon.s of 0-3% are ~)l.pecled. for 1lOn-1II'DOkel's and 3-10% for smoken. Sanntlons above 10% are col'lSidered ~lev'led and are eonfirmed by ps chromatopphy. VOLATILES: The BLOOD AND VITREOUS FLUID ~~umined forlbe of e1h.aAoI .1 • cutoff of20 miVd.l.. No nhanol was detccled. preJcDOC CYANIDE: There was no cyanide ddeCled. in !he blood. The limi. of qlllllllilalion for cyanide is 0.25 mgIL. Normal blood cyanide c.<lIICellItUions are less !han 0.15 mgIL. LeIhaI concenuatiom of cyanide are grctter !baD 3 mgfL DRUGS: The UJUNl, was JCtcened. for llCCtaminopben, amphetamine. antidepressants. antihislamincs.llarbitllr1;lCS, bmzodiazcpines, CIIlIlabiooid.s. chloroquine, cocaine, c!ell.tromclborphan.lidocline, IIateOtie tlIa1gesics, opiateS, phc:ncydidine, phcnothiazinea, salicylltcs, sympathomimetic &mines and ~punil by 115 chromaloEBphy, color test or immIJOOUAy. The followina were ddeCled: None WCJC round. (b)(6) (b){6) - - Offi<:eoflhe Armed Force. Modical Examiner MEDCOM 0528 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 528 _....---_.___._----............ -""""" _....._-.--- ... .... - ,,.. - -- - - --- ----- -._-_ __ _ ......... ...._.......- _ _--._- _.- _..,.- --- ---c::DIiWiWlnP:f/# DU.'" ~ lDG. _ ... ..~ (b)(6) 8ta AI.ZAJolFlANI. VAStA TALo\L "8CAlI ~>:@L [J 0- -~~ <"c'_ ~ .~ • ~- ... .. • .- M an .............'" -----....... _ -- , ........ ...-..-...... . --... _ _ _ _ .. _ e -~ _ ... ......... _...._-_.---'.... __ .. -_ . --........ -._-.. -_ .. ,,-_ -.- .--... ---' _........ - - - --_.Ji" - _ _-- ....--._•_.ce.- ..".............. --.--. .-. _.. ...... .. _.. __ .....- - ._-_.- . . _----".=_ _ .... ..- --I _. --.. ._._ _ _--:._.. .. -_._ .. _.- _..- ... ..= _-.: . - • • --",.- . - ... ~ -" '_:0 ' •, • , ............. ...-COO*I ... ~:"""""'-' b)' I (b)(6) "' 11./;.1.,.2Q05 I "",~= -. 200ll G<.III~ B8Y ~ F.,;it;ty c. '_..___..___..."'O<"'_•• ____......... ,~r--"''''' _ ...__...._ - '~'(b)(6) ..b 6 Uedal Examiner {b)(6) ,~""""' ~ .- (b)(6) Aodl.,*.MO ~k (b)(6) .- - _....... ... ---'''_..c::.-- DO ..... 2064 MEDCOM 0529 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 529 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY om" oftbe Al"lJled Forul Medkal EumlMr 1413 Resean:h Blvd., Bids. 102 Rockville, MD 208S0 1-301·319-0000 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT NO.,:«b~)~(6")=~~ Name: Ahmed, AI~bd!lllab Detainec Number: (l;») 6 Da.te:ofBinh J (b){6) 1969 Date ofne.tN(b}(6} 2006 AUlopsy AFlP No.: (~(6) Rank: Detainee Place or nealh: Dete:nlion fa<:ility, Guanllnamo Bay, Cubli Place of AUlopsy: Naval Hospital GuanW1amO Bay, Cub& Date: of AUlop$y: 11 Juno: 2006@0730 Dale ofRepon: 01 August 2006 C1rcumltuctll o(l)nlb: This 37 year-old detainee, by report, WlI$ found hangillg in his secure cell at the delainee c:onfinemc:llt facilily al approximate:ly 0020 on,(b)(6) 2006. A suicide nOle was recovered from his shirt poekl:L He was (ound with his feet and hands loosely boulld and his face covered with a white: cloth mask. Medical resvseitllion was Ullsuccessful and M; WlI$ declared dead II 0115. In the medieal ~QOrd il SUItes he: was IlllTnpOOsive, pulse-kss. apneic, with (uted and dUlled pupils, and In Tisor mortis when he anived at the delention dlnic at OOSS. The medical report also states lhal. lhe decedent had I piece ofconon-like material ill his mouth and upper plwynx \hoI was removed by medical personnel and seized by Naval Criminallnvestiilltive Service. AutbonullDn (or Autopsy: OlTlte of the Armed Forces Medical ExamIner. lAW 10 USC 1471 Identinc.flon: Delention =ords. Fingefllrinls and DNA sample obtoined. Penolllld presn.t (or Ihc autopsy: l. Spc:eial Ascnt(b)(6) 'j(b)(6) 3. (1;)116) 4. (bJl6J S. (b)(6) Naval CrimilllllnvestiSltive Service ]Autopsy Assistant MediClll Photo&raPhc:r ~ Medical Examiner Investigator Medical Examine\(b)(6) CAUSE OF DEATH: Hlllaing MANNER OF DEATH: Suicide: MEDCOM O~30 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 530 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 2 AHMED, Ali Abdullah r '1..lllhIOPSY DIICIIOHS I. Hanaing A. Dried abn\slon coJl~ Ilnterior/lltel'lll neck B. Scattered hemorrhage into the muscles orllle neck C. Tardieu-likc spots on !he legs II. Other Injuries A. Contusion, dorsum of left fooL B. Healing abrasions (2). anterior left leg III. Feel bollild by cotton-like matcri-' IV. Ligature encircling the abdomen V. NalUl1lI disc:_ proeesseslfindinas A. Scalp dermlllilis B. Accessory spleen lithe tip orlile appendix C. Varicocele of the righllntis O. Mild, focal chronic thyroiditis VI. Artifact: Hyoid bone fracture, left side. during removal, no associated hemorrllage VI. Toxicolo&>, - negative MEDCOM 0531 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 531 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) l AHMED, Ali Abdullah EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body, reeeived wrapped in a while sllnt, is that of. _ll«velopcd. _1I·nourished appearing, mU$Cular, 68 inches in length, 165 pDW1ds (per medical record as of 06 June 20(6), while male whose appearance is consislent with tbe reported age of37 yean. Lividity;s posterior and fixed, rigor is beginning 10 pass equally in all Clttmnities. and Ihe temperature is lh.t oflhe refrigeration unit (34-39 de~ Fahrenheit). The head tII1d neck arc Wl1Ipped with a blue plastic pad sc<:urcd with tape. The SClllp is covered wilh black hair in a normal distribution. The irides arc: bfown. The .sclerae and conjunctivae arc conaested but fm: ofpetcchillC. The eXlcmalauditory canals are unretTl&lkablc. The ears arc The I\Il1CS are patent and lhe lips arc &(rI.wntllie. The nose and maxillae are palpably stable. 1llc teeth appear in &nod condition wilh a frac!Ure oflhc lo_r lell anteriOf' incisor. facial hairconsislS of. full beard and mustache. On the bflc:k oflhc held Ihere arc: multiple round 10 irregular skin lesions with red-brown marains and l:CIItral dearing. The neck is straight, and the trachea is midline and mobile. The chest is synunc:trie. The abdomen is nat. There is a rope·like ligature around lhe abdomen. II consists ofwbite, cotton·like mIIterial, consistent wilh a T-shirt. The materia! illS been 10m into a snip and rolled into severallaycrs. The materia! iS1CCured witlt. knotlhat. when received, is over Ihc left side oflhe anlerior abdomen. DislllllO Ihc knot lhe malenal arc lWO lOO5C ends that appear 10 have been cuI. The genitalia arc those of. normal adull eirwmeised male. The te:5lCS are descended and fne of masses. The pubic hair is shaved, The b\Juocu and anus are unl'enllU'ubic. The upper and lower extremities are symmetric and wilhout dubbing or edema. The feet are bound by thin.l>1tile cotton-like malerial eonsistenl with. T·shirt tied with knots. SA ~(6) ]tw taken these bindings into custody. The hands arc bowxl with sUl1ical to.....,ls ~ured with string. CLaDilNG AND PERSONAL EffECTS The following clothing ilems and personal effects are present on Ute body lit the time of autopsy; • Khaki colored sllortslceve pullover shirt • WhileT·sltirt • Khaki coloml panls • Khaki colomlshorts over the pants MEplCAI, INTERVENTiON Evidcnce ofmedicaI intervention incillda; • Nasal Airway MEDCOM O~32 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 532 AUTOPSY REPORT"C:<b:"JI",6' J 4 AHMED, Ali Abdullah • • • • • Intravenous cathe1er with anached tubing bq ofintnilVenous solution, right antecubital fOS5l1 Defibrillator pad on the upper right chest. A second plId is on the shin. Multiplc electrocardiogram pads on the chest, abdomen, and Icl'llml Puncture mark on the dorsum of the righl hand ldcntificlltion tags tied to the right wristw right ittIIl toe RADIOGRAPHS A complete set o( po»tJnonem l'IIdiogr1lphs b obYIined lind Ilre cOll5islCf1t the findinliS described below. EVIDENCE OF INJURy The ordering oftlle following injuries is fordc$Criptive purposes only, lind is not intended to imply order ofinniCiion or relative severity. All wound plIthways are givm rel.tive 10 standlll'd .....tomie position. Evidence of Haning There is dried lIb:uion f\l!TVW on tile neck. The furrow is regular with the width llar')'ing from 1{4 10 ~ inch. Within the fumlW the uin is imprinted with. very fine weave type PIInetD. The furrow is 10000tcd II inches below the lop oftne head and below lhe thyroid cartilage 111 the lUlterior midline, a inches below the top of tile head at the level of the Iell llooilOry meatus, and a inches below the lOp of\he head lit the level ofthe right auditory /IlC1IIU$. Behind the ears the furrow wntinucs 10 COUl'$C posteriorly and superiorly where it becomes k:ss wdl defined and terminalC5 I inch posterior to the righl ear lind 2 ~ inches posterior 10 the left tllr. Naval Ctiminallnvestiptive Service (NelS) Agents presenl (our piece" ofmatcrial that were recovered from the noor of the cell of the decedent. Three I\1C braided wbite OOItonlike material. One ofihcse has II knot lit one end lind the other end is cut. Encircllna the knotted end is II knoued shan loop orllle same maletilli. The second segment of this materilll has a loop lit one end and the other end is eut. The third piece of material is a white conon-Iike materilll with tom Of cut dcreclS. The evidence i, minimally hlUldlcd, photographed lind rrtwned 10 NelS. On boUt legs, taroic:u-like spots encircle the leiS. These spolJ commence 4 inches below the knees lind extend distil for six inches tcrmiB,uina above the ankles. Similll1 spots are on the po$Icrior thighs. Internally, there are scattered hemorrhages throughout the lUlteriOr neck mlllCles: I. Mediallc1l stcmoelcidolIlUloid muscle, Yo x 3/8 inches 2. Right thyrohyoid musele 'I. x \oS MEDCOM O~33 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 533 AUTOPSY REPORT (bH6) 5 AHMED, Ali Abdullah ...... The mnlIindcr or the NIlerior and posterior neck is rRe or hemorrtII,e into the soft Addjtional Injuries There is. Yi inch round cc;mlusion 011 the donW1l orthe left rooL TlICft ue two, less thin III ioth in diamdcr OI'Ithc.lOtcrior left lea. ArtirilC! There is. hctlll'C orthc Icflsidc or\hc hyoid bonc, anterior to the IC$$Cr hom, Wt occurred durinSltlc remo....l ohhe nttk orpns. The sunoundlna soft tisslle is rree of hcmolTllaa c• INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAp: The plcallOd SWlllcl1 son tissues of the JcIlp.rc fTce orilliUl}'. The cal... arium is intact, as is the din "UIlC, beneath il. Clell ~rcbrospinlll nuid IIlIlTOUnds the 1450 am nin, which IllS ooremartablc ayri and sulci. Coronal settions dcrnorulnltc sharp demll'eltiOll bctwecTl while and are)' mancr, without hcmorrltalfC or conwsivc illiUl}'. The vcnltielcs ue ornonnal.iu. The basal poglia. bninslem, ccrcbellW1l, and arterial systems are fi'ec or illiUl}' or other .bnormaIities. There are no Kull fracturel. The lilanto-oeelpitrol joint is SUoblc. NECK; The IOterior Il1Ip mUll:lc. or the I\CCk are llomoacnollS and rcd-brown, without additional abnormal hies. Thc thyroid urlilage i.lntact.. The huyOJl Is lined by lntroel wIlile mucosa. The thyroid i. symmetric and red-bl'llwn, without cystic or nodular change. The tonlue is free orbile mark$, hmIolThaje, OT other injuries. BODy CAVITIES; The ribs, 1Icmum, and ... ertebra! bodies are visibly and p11lpably In\a(1. No C>tCCSS nuld Is in the ri&ht pleural, pericanlial, OT peritoneal ca... itie•. The orpllll occupy lheir usual lJIIl.omic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The riiht and left lungs -iill 500 and 450 p , respecli... ely. Thc external swf~ Ire smooth and deep red-purple. The pulmonll)' parenchyma is dil'fuselyconVC5lcd and cdcmIlGUS. No mlSlllcsions or IUeII orconlOlidation are present. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; The 250 am hc.rt if conc..ined in 11\ inlkt pericardia! Me. The cpicardial.1II"f"ke is smooth, with minimal Investmenl. Thc COfOOIl)' arteries an preserttin a normal dbaibulioll, with I rilhl-dominlnl pIIltem. Cross.wions ortlle vessels show no rat MEDCOM 0534 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 534 • "VfOPSV REPORT (bH6) 6 AHMED, Ali Abdullah Jianifleatll alhetoKlausis. The myocardium is homo&mous. red·bfown.1IIld firm. The valve IeItleu are thin and mobile. The wallsoflhc left and ri&hi vmtricks are I.S and 0.4 em thick, rnpec:tiYely. The mdotaJdium is smooth and ,Hllmin&- The.ana pws rise 10 three InUlCl and p-tenllrcll vaxls. The rmaI and me5f:l\1cric: vessels are IIlImnIrbbJc. uyER" Bll.IARY SYSTEM; The 14S0 sm livn hu an intaet. smOOlll eapsule and. shatpanterior border. The parenchyma is Wl-OroYl'll and "'IWeslai. with the usual lobular all;hilmun:. No mass lesions or odler IlbnomIIlilks.e seen. The pllblaOckrconlains 3 ml orlJftn-bIKk bile MIl no stones. The mucosal SllI' 11 IIectlW ve~I)'. The exl~tic bitiatY tree ts po""'. SPLEEN: The 130 am spken hu • smootll, inlld, raf.purple capsule.. The J*cnc:byma is maroon and diffiuenl. PAt!CREA$; The pIIlCras i. soft IIIld yello_an, wilh the USUIJ lobular architeelllR'. No mass lesions or other abnormalities arc I«n. AQRENAI's: The ripl and Iell adrenal,IMId. an: symmdrie, with brilht yello.... conices and irey medullae. No muses Ot areas orlJernolmB&e arc Identified. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The n&ht and Id\ lddneyl we1ih 148 and 14S lP"s.. I1!Speclively. The cxlcmal surf.ces are UlUd and ..,ooth. The CUI surfaces are red·..." and congested. with lIIliformly thick cortices and sharp eortitomedullary jllllClions. The pelves an: unremarklbleand the limen arc nomaal in coone and caliber. White bladder mUCOSll overl~ an intact bladder wall. The bl-.dder eonUiins 2$ ml of bloody urine. The prosUiIe is rlOTmai in siu, wit/l lobular, yello......tan parenchylTll. The semi",1 vesicles are uM;maruble. The lestes are rn:c: ormlW Inions oreonlUSions. The~ is a nuid filled SIC around !he right testis. QASTROINTESDNAL TRACT: The c:tOphaSU' is inlaellnd lined by smoot/l, &rey-wllite mltCOSl. The stomach ~tI!ns approximately ISO ee orbrown, pani_IIy discstcd rood panicles. The pstric wall is Intact. The duodcnum,loopll of lmall bo_I, and colon IR! un~mllbblc. The appendix is pratnl. Then]s a 0.$ em in diamcler If' ClIO')' Ipleen on tile lip ofllle appendix. Museu t,OSKELETAL SYSTEM Muxte dcwlop ..cnt illlOm\ll1. No additional bollll Of' joint .bnonn&liticl .... nQkd. There is no soil 11_ hcl.lOtThIac or iljju')' orllle chc5t. bIiclr., IIbclomcn «ex1mni,icI. MEOCOM 0535 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 535 7 AUTOPSY REPORTC,(b-,-"-,-"_ AHMED, Ali Abdullah ADDDnQNALPRQC£DURES r • [)o(ummllry pllotoJrllphs aJt taken by(b){6) • • Evidma: collected is seized by NelS agem'(b)(6) Spec:imeos ~tained for IDxicoJoaic leslinalllldlor DNAKlentincation are: vitreous, cenU'al blood, peripheral blood, uri~. spleen. kidney. tuna. liver. brain, bile, &astric conlmls, adipox, and p50U muscle The dissected organs ue forwarded with bQdy • MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION 1. Hcel1: Seelion of left ventricle is IIlll'emarkablc. 2. Spleen: AUlolysis, otherwise unrcnwkabrc, l. Kidney: Autolysis of 11M: proximal tubuJao with relative preservation of the and distal callceling system. Multi·foxal clacifications of \hr; distal tubules. 4. Brain: Section ofhippocampus b unremarkable. S. Lungs: CongCSlion with intralveolar nuid and posttnoncm llIIClerial colonization. 6. Liver. No plthologic deseriplion. 7. Adrenal: No patlwloaic description. 8. Testis: No pathologic description. 9. Thyroid: T~ foei ofchronic inf1amn'lalion. otherwise unremarl:.blc. 10. Scalp: This specimen was reviewed in col\llull.luon with the lkpanmenl of DermalOpalhology. Mi<:l"Oscopic seclions and gros.s photollraphs were examined. The clinical images Ire $Uiiestive of possible linea capiti$ V$. oLller type$ of GelTTllltitis Sl.lC'h as seborrl1cic dmnaliti$ and psoriui$. While tinea is favored, lhe only fungal clemenlS identified Ire ocasionlll pilyrosporum. TOXICOLOGY I. Carbon Monolt;de: The carboltyhemoalobin was less than 1% (normal 0-3%). 2. Ethanol: The blood.nd vilreou$ fluid were negative for ethanol at • CUloff of20 mgldL. J. Cyanide: The blood was negative for cyanide.l. cl1tofTofO.2$mgft 4. The blood was Mplive for sc~ medicalions and drullsofabuse. MEDCOM O~36 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 536 • • AUTOPSY REPORT(bK6) AHMED. Ali Abdullah OPINION This)7 yur-old <kwnce died ofhanaine- He was found twlailli in hillClC1ll'e cell. TOllicok)lY SlUCIiea are nepli~. Bued on !he investigative infonl'lllion as ofthisdlle, there is no evidence of anyorte cIte beinl involved with this lkalh. Unusual wdie\i-Hke 5POU on the lest and lhiahs may rqwatnl posl-mol1etn utifaet. The rnedietJ rceonI from the time of rauxhation documents tIuol • IOOIb broke durina an intubation IUCmpl. A[~ based on the medical ~llII\Cntalion of Ihe mnaint durina the 11tempecd r=ascilmion. the decedent bad been dud for It \easllcoupk ofhoun prior \0 the dix:ovcry orhis body. BuecI 011 eut'l'mlly available infam.tion, the manner of dath ilsuicide. (b)(6) (bl(S) -MediCIII E.!l.mner (b)(6) MEOCOM 0537 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 537 • PADW IDWlnCATION AnPAe Ill'" ~_ ['b)(6' J orner. 0'111£ ARMEO FORCI.S MEDICAL Nlm. AHMED. AU ABDULl..AH EXAMlNER ARMED FORCES lNSTl1VT1 0' PATHOLOGY WASHlNGTOM. DC UJOt tOOll SSAN: .h_J<!!}{§) Tadcolocr A_loll II: (b){6) Du.ItqMwl;Gncl'lIlM, """16,2006 CONSULTATION REPORT ON C9NIR1BUTOR Mt\DRJAL Am DlACNOSlS REPORT 0' TOXICOLOGICAL IXAMINAnoM CoDdltlo.orSpeeba.clUl: GOOD Date OUllcldellt(b){6) !2006 Date Recdved: 6112flOO6 CARBON MONOXIDE: The carboxyhemoglobin satumdon in !he blood wu less than 1% u detemtincd by spectrophotometry with • Limit ofquantitalion of I%. Carboxybcrnoalobin salunltionJ of ()..3% are expected for llOfHIDokerl and )-1 O'A. for smokers. SatuntionJ above 10% are ~ elevated and are eooflrme1:l by gas dlromatoil'lPhy. VOLATILES: The: PERIPHERAL BLOOD AND VITREOUS FLUID were examined (Of lhe presence of ethanol ar • eucoffof 20 maldL. No edwlol wu detected. CYANIDE: There was no e)'lllide dele<:ted in the blood. lbe limitofquanlilatiOll. (or cyanide is 0.25 1lI&fL. Normal blood eyWdc eoncmtrations are leu than O. Jj maIL. Lethal concentratlons of cyanide are grate' thaD 3 rngIL. DRUes: The BLOOD was seroened. for aoetaminophen, amphe(amine, antidepresanu. arllihistaminc.t,, benzodiazeplncs, unn,binoid5, chloroquine, meDoquine, CO(.jne, dcxtn:JmcthorpMn, lidocaine, narcotic analsc:sies, opiates, phencyclidine, pbenothiazincs, salieyllUes. ~lmetie arWoes Uld verapunil by gas ehromatoil'8phy, eo'or lest or imm~y. The foJlowingdoJp were dete<:ted: None were found. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) ~ 1MedIcal ExamIner MEDCOM (b)(6) O~3B ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 538 -- - _. __ .. ---- CERTlflCAT£ 01' DUlH (O'o'£1l'EASJ "ao<tt_ _.~ -- - """"'. '" - BTB AHMED, All ABDULLAH, .. ......."... n.". ---"" -- .- l(b)(6) -- .-_. -- -_n. - _. _-- - - -._-..-~ ..- ............. l(b){6) "'"g....T>< Yemen ~- CO''<''''''' - ,,,OOCIA<.~UIIIf'r"""'" CMlian ....n<»< ... _ _ OoP _"". I!J D -,----___.....• .~ 0hCI01_1 """"'fJf_ ~ ~- ~ 0 """"""g ... ~ --_--......- ,_ -.... .""" '"""""'" .,. ...........-TO - · 1....' em' _(e- _ _ _ ""To-"" n ... ftUIICAL ITATUIUIt """"",_1>< ...._ .. _, , eouoo ... _ _ _ , ----._. --_ . - ... - -----,. ..... _... .--- ooTUY'" _ ....'" .,....,.....,_1>< .... ' y.....-. ,g _ ,'" l>KoH """""""'" """''' "- _.""..,; ,...... """"" """""""'- .. _ . , _ TO ~_. ....,....""" ""UN, .. _ . """""_ TO""""""C"<m , ---.. -. "",,,..._- -_..... _-.. -""•.----(bX6r •-:0;:--"r;i::"" _.....,-C,'" -... __"". ........... _--_. __............. ..... _..-_n _,_w_____.._ _w__.. ,_._... ..._.. . _w'._..:: \__._.. _,_.. . _._,.. , -~- ...,.,. (11_1>< 1iJ~ • p • mcw",.',- _ ... - ."" x _ .....,.<IF_I>< Guantanamo Bay Detention Feclilly I"''''' _ _ ......... OF "'" '*''-''_ .,.. 'H ""'" _ 0 ., THO '''''' ""'"'" 'm _ -r.._ ..._ _........ ....-.<......., ..... (b)(6) (b)(6) ...rli;i;O__eoo--...---.......... _ ""' •..,.. 'HO """. . . "" fJfA ,m __ lMe<lical Examiner Rockville, MD l(b'il6i -~ , _ _ _ .... _ ""-- 11 June 2006 T>< l(b'i1'6j- 200C""-'_ _T><"" 'O(X1'UlW.""'£s I ~ ""Tl (11 _ ~ "" 0 "" . . . ._ ..... .... _ 4 4 ___ ........,......_-.'_n............ _ ......._'..__ -...TIL MEDCOM O~39 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 539 1 r ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office uflbe Armed Forces MediCIIl Elamilier 14J) IWean:h Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MO 20850 1-301-319..0000 nNAL AUTOPSY REPORT Name: Alulaybi, (VI",,; S,lulman.....TlII'ti. ~ainee Numbe.!:;.l(b}(6) D.teofBlrlh: (b}(6) '1976 Date of Oeatlt(b)(6} ~006 , Autopsy NoJ(b)(6) r('~b')~{6~)~==j Rank: Detai~ AFIP No.: PIt« of Death: Detention FltCility, Guantllnln'lG Bay. Cuba Da1cofAulopsy; II Junc2006@II00 Place of Autopsy: Naval Hospitlll Guanlanamo Dale ofReplln: 311111)' 2006 Bay. Cuba Clreumslu.fft orOt.I.: This 30 year-old dWIinee was found hanRinllJn his 5eCUl'ed cell al the detainee confinement facility at approximately 0020 on(b){6) ]2006. A suicide note was found in his poeket. By report. he was found with hb lep and hands loosely bound, and. mask like material co~rilli his faI:e. Medical !'eSU$CilaljOl\ was unsuteessfuJ and he was declared dead at 0115. In the mediClil record it staleS he was unresponsive. pulse-less., apneic, with fixed and dilated pupils,and in rigor monis when he arrived at the detention clinic at 0053. The medical hhtory b remarklble ror. "donlr;ey·klck" to lhe c:hest several yean before he was plac:ed into detenlioo. l'ltU injury resulted several broken ribs. Autboriulloa for Autopsy: Office or the Anned Foltell Mediul Examinc:r, lAW 10 USC 1471 IdeDtlnC1ltloa' Detention records. Fingerprints and DNA sample obtained. Pel'lGaael praeat for tbe autop,y: I. 2. 3. 4. Aae--m!!3'~~)~{6~)==';:'N.v.l CriminallnvC$ligative Service Special (b)(?)- O! (b)(6) 1l!»(6) S. [lb}(6) jAutopsy Assistanl Medica! Pholographer ,Medical Examiner ln~esti&llor Medical Examiner{b)(6) CAUSE OF DEATH: HlIDging MANNER OF DEATH: Suicide MEDCOM 0540 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 540 AUTOPSY REPORlb'""bN )(",,--ALlITAYBI, MllI\I Shaman T. 2 FIa.1 Aaropty DgplUCl I. H8IlfJn8 A. Circum(erenlilll dried abruio/l collar aroulld the neck B. Soft tissue of !he neck free o(llemorrhqe II. Additional Injuries - Abnlsion, left elbow II. NatuBJ disuse proec:sse:slfindinp - None Ill. TOlUCOIogy - Ne~ive MEDCOM 0541 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 541 AUTOPSY REPOR~{bl(6) l ALUTA YBI, MilII. SIwnan T. r EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body. ra:eived wrapped in sheel, is that ora _U-developed. well·nourished appearina, rnustular, 67 !.1 inehes in Icnlllh, 119 pounds (pet medical m:ord U or06 June 2006). while male whose appearance is consistent with the reported lit 0(30 years. Lividity is posterior and lixed. rillor is no 101\&et' present,.oo the tempeTlNre is thai the ~friseration unit (34·39 degrees Fahrenh~t). The bead and neck are wrapped with. blue pJulie pad secured with lIpc. The SCllp is coveiU with bllldi: hair in I normal distribution. The irides arc brown. The sclCflle and conjunCliv8C arc congested and free ofpetedliae. The extemal auditory canlls are WlR'lnarkable. The ears arc liJU"eIJlarbblc. The nares are palcnllnd the lips are .traumMic. The nose and maxillae are pall'J'bly SIBbIe. The teeth appear in good condition. FllCialllair consists of. full beard and muslaChe. The ned is straight. Ind the trachea is midline and mobile. The chest is symmClric and nal10 concave. The abdomen is tlaL "The genitalia are lho5e ofa normal .oull circumc:i$ed male. The testes are descended and free of masses. The pubic hair is shaved. The buttocks and anus Il1C unremarkable. The upper and lower exuemilics are symmeuic and withoul dubbing or edema. On the dorsum of the right hand 1$ a !-i x up to Yo inch scar. l1Iere three healing eschars on the posterior-lall:ral side of the lower ~A leg. There are I V. x I inch scan on the anterior left and rigbtle&!!. On the right kme is 8 % inch sear. The IwMls and feet are bound with sUl'JIical towels a.nd K<:W"ed with string. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFfECfS The following clOlhing items and personal efl'ecu are presenl 01\ the body at the time of autopsy: • KhUi eolored soon sleeve pull over shin • Khaki colored panu MEDICAL rmmrnON Evklcrlce of medical inlCl'VCTltion includes: • Intravenous cathelCf with attached lubing bag of in\J'llVCflOus solution, Inserted into the left antecubital foS$ll • Dcfibrillll!Of pads on the upper righl and lower Icft chesl. • Multiple dcetrocardloBl'lIm peds on !he chest and abdomen • Identification tags tied. to the right wrist and right grec loe RADIOGRAPHS r - A complCie 5CI ofpostmol1em radiographs is obtained and ue consisten1 the findinp dcsc:ribcd below. MEDCOM 0542 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 542 r AUTOPSY REPORl1(b)(6) ALlJfAYBI, Mana Shaman T. 4 EVIDENCE OF INJURY The orderinll of the following injuries is for descriptive JIUllIOSeI only, and is not intended to imply onkrofinnietion or relillive severity. All woWld pathways are liven relative to standard anatomie position. Eyjdence of Hansing There is a dried abrasion furrow around the: neck. The fimow is regulu with the: width varyinll from 1/4 to V. Inch. Within the furrow the skin is imprinted with a very fine weave type pattern. The: furrow is located II V. inches below the top of the head and over the lower margin of the thyroid eartilage at the anterior midline; 9 inches below the top of the head at the level of the left auditory meatus: and 9 inche:s below the lOp of the: head It the level of the right auditory lI1c:_tus. The furrow anales upward on the b8ck of thc neck and fonns an inverted "v~ with the IpClI. 6 Yo inches from the top ofllie held. On the left side of the front of tile ned:. the furrow becomes faint and round with I I inch diameter. On the front of the neck. 114 inch inferior to the: abnLsion furrow is _ 2·inch Itorizomal, linc:ar area ofhypopigrt1CTllltion. Along the superior border ofthc furrow, over the thyroid eanil_ae. there are two, 118 inch in dilfnCler, superficial sltin defccu that represent skin ,uts duringlhe shaving of the neck for documentation of tile furrow. Naval Crimillllinvestigative Serviee (NelS) Agents presentlCveral pieces of millenal that WCl'l: recovered from the noorofll1c ,ell of the Occedent. Three are braided white cotton-like material. One of~ has a loop at one end and the other is CIII. The second has tWO cut ends. A third has a loop at one end and a knot at the other end.. There.,., also two whitc CO(ton·likc matmal ponKlIIS consistent with. T-shin. Both hive been cut or tom and ea,h has two knots. AdditiOllllly submitted an: several strips of white cononlike lMleriai consistent with a bedsheet lhat have knots and have been tied together. The evidence is minimally handled, pltotograplled and returned to NCIS. By llyer dis:se<:tion, the:re is no hemorrhage into lhe soft tis.sue of the anterior or posterior ~,. Mdjljonallniwig "There is I V. inch Ibrasion on the left elbow. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: The: aaleal and subilaleal sotl tluucs orille scllp are free ofinjury. The calvarium i. Intact. IS is the dw. mater beneath it. Clear cerebrospillli nuid surrounds lhc I500 gm brmn. which has unremarkabtll gyri and sulci. Coronal sections dllmonstratll sharp demarcation be!V>ftn white and ~y lMllcr, without hemOrrhaglil orcontllSive Injury. The ventricles are ofnonnal siu. The basal ganglia, lxainslcm, eerebellum, and anerial systems are free of injury or other abnorma!lties. There are no s1tull fl'lCtUrCS. The aelanloo«clpital joine is stable. MEDCOM 0543 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 543 REPORll-'{~b)~"~';::= r AUTOPSY ALUTAYBI, MIlIUI s~an T. , =, The anterior strap muscles ofw neck are homogtllDUS and red-brown, without abnonnalities. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid are inlact. There is dark colored area., % x !to inch., involvill& the: right side of the thyroid cartilai!c thaI eJlLends \hroueh tlte C*l1i". The IN)'fIJl is lined by while mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-btllwn, without cystic or nodular change. The lOngue is free of bite nwks, Itemorrtla&e. or other injuries. BODY CAV!TIES: The ribs. sternum, and vertebral bodies ~ visibly and p111pably intact. No excess fluid is in !he righl pleural, pericardia!, Of peritoocal cavities. The orpns o«upy their usual IllIatomic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The riabl and Id lunp each weiSh 6~O. The c>tlcmal surfaces are smooth and deep redpurple. The pulmonary parmchyma is diffusely collicsted and edematous, No miW lesioM or areu of consolidation are prexnl. CARQlOVASCllbAR SYSTEM: The 250 Ilcart is contained in an inl8Ct pericardia! Me. The epicardial surface is smooth, with minimal rll investment The ool'llftaJ)' anmes are present in a normal am distribution, with a riahl-dominanl pattern. CfO$S $eCliollS oCtile vessels show no significant a1hcrosclerosis. The: myocardium i. homogenous, f6d...br0wn, and firm. The wive leaflets an: thin and mobik:. The: walls or Lbc left and right ventricles an: I. r and 0.3 em thick, respectively. The endoeardium is smooth and glistening. The aorta gins rise 10 three intaet and palent arclt vessels. 11lC renal and mesenteric vessels an: UIII'l:rnarkable. LlyER .. BILIARy SYSTEM: The 11 SO gm liver has an iotaet, IlIlOOth cllpIUle and a sharp anterior border. The pareoehyma is tan-brown and a)ngcsted, with the \l$uallobular arehikClute. No mass lesions or other abnormalities arc 1CelI. 11lC pllbllldder is empt)'. The mueosal surl'acc is areen and velvety. The extrahepatie biliary Uft is patent. SPLEEN: 1bc 14S am splem has a llTlooth, intact, red·purple capsule. The pllmlChyma is maroon and diffluent. PANCREAS: The paneTU$ is 501\ and yellow-tan, with the U$.... llobular archikClUre. No mA$$lesiona or olber abnonnalitics arc seen. r- - ADRENALS: 1bc right and left adrenalalands arc symmetric, with briaht yellow cortices and &reY medullae. No maucs or areas orhcmoIThage arc identified. MEDCOM 0544 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 544 J AUTOPSY REP'ORT(b){6) _ _ Al.UTAVBl, Mana Shaman T. r 6 GENITOURINARy SYSTEM: The right arnIlcft kidneys _igh 130 and 150 gms, respectively. The external surfac:n lIr'e int&ct and smooth. The cui surf~s lIr'e red-tan and congested, wilh unifonnly thick cortices U1d sharp col1ieomedullary j\lllC:lions. The pelves are unre!ll4fkable and tile uR=lcn Ire noma' in course and c:aliber. While bladder mucOSll overlies an intatt bIldder wall. The bllllldcr eonla;JU 50 ml of clear yellow urine:. The prostate is nonnal in size, with lobular, yt'llow.1an plII'enchyma. The seminal vesicles art; lIfII' The: testell are free ofmus lesions, contusions, orotm abnormalities. GASTROiNTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagus is intact and lined by smooth, gJCy-white mucoSli. The SlOmlch contains approximately 500 cc of brown. pIIltiaily digcsted food particles inc1udinl while and green "(gelable material. The gastric wall is inl8Cl The duodenum. loops of small bowel, and colon are unrcmarlcablc. The appendix. is ~nl. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM MlIIClc:dewlopment is normal. No bone (If joint abnomullities ~ noted. tissue hemui,llil&c or injury of I!le chest. t.:1t, Ilbdomm or extmnitia. The~ is no $011 APnnnQN&LPROCEPURE$ • Documentary photographs are taken by (b){6) I l • Evidence col1e<:,ed is seized by NelS aimll(b}(6'J,}=~~ • Specimens retained for loxicologic tming and/or DNA identification are: vitnous, central blood, peripheral blood, urine, spleen, kidney,IWli, liver, brain, gastric COIIten,,, adipose. and psoas muscle The dissected oraans are fo...."..n;led with body • MICRQS<.VPIC EXAMINATION t. Thyroid canilall,e - Reviewed in eonlull8lion wilh the department of He.:I and Neck Pathology. A set:tion of lhe thyroid carliJallll from the area that srossly appe8lCd discolored is histologically normal. There is no hemorrhage on !.he surface or in thc cartilage.. Head and Neck pathology opines WI tile gross im~ion does not relate 10 8IIyabnonnaJily. 2. L.iver: No pathologic description 3. Hean: No pathologic descriplion 4. Kidney: Autolysis of the proximal tubules with relative preservative oflhe glomeruli and distal collecting syslem. Otherwise. no palhologic description. S. L.W1g: Airspace edema fluId, bac1eriaJ overgrowth and focal fibrosis 6. Testis: No pathologic description MEDCOM 0545 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 545 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) _ _ 7 ALUTAYBI, Mana Shaman T. 7. Spleen: No p&lhologic description 8. Adrcnal: No patholoaic description 9. Brain (Conex): No pathologic description 10. Thyroid: No pathologic description TOXICOLOGY I. The blood carboxyhemoglobin I~I was Ie$s lhan 1% (normal 0-3%) 2. The blood and vilreOUS fluid were neaative for ethanol al a cutoff of20 mgldL 3. The blood wall neptive for c:yani<Ie at a clltoffofO.25 mgIL 4. The urine was negative screened medicatiortS and drugs of abuse OPINION Thit 30 year-old detainee died ofhan,ging. By report, he wall di!llXlvercd in his!IeCUI'C cell suspended by the neck by braided 5egmenlS ofmateriaJ. The descriplion of Ole bod)' during the attcrnpted l"C:$U$CitaUon indicates lbat lbe dealb occlllnd at least a couple of hows before he IYlI3 discovered. The toxicology screen was negative. BIISed on the information available at this time, the manner of dCllth is Suicide. (b}(6) (b)(6) Medical Ellamincr MEDCOM 0546 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 546 DEPARTMENT Of OEFENeE . . . - '0flC!I lIIIlTnIn 01' , ...lHOLOGY W· • • I~roN,lIC 1111 AflP,(bj(6j PA'DR!'I IDWIrx;,mON ..- Am ... (b)(6) T<>. OFnC'& 0' ntI AIlMID FORCES MEDICAL IXAM.... ARMG poaca IHSTrn,rn 0' PATHOLOGY WASHINC1'Ol'l', DC 10)04 'GOt ' H. . . s._ ALUTAYB" MAN! SHAMAloll $$AN, Tn' 110 A DIU Ilopon C A,IDpOy:Jb)(6) . . II: (b)(6) ted: ,... 19. 200Il CONSULTATION APORt ON CONTRIBVfQR MADRW.. AfTPOIAGN08IS Co.dJtIo. of SP.'d-n&l: OOOD 0.1. ofl.ddu.l(b)(6) 2006 0.. Rccdved: 611212006 -sa CARBON MONOXIDE: The ~ alUfUiop in the blood than I'" as Gccctrnincd by tpeetropbotometry with • limit of q\lAII1iIa!ion. or I%. ~ unntloN of~3" ate cxpce10d for IlOIHlIIOb:n IIlld 3·10% fOf smoken. Saturuionsabovc 10% III'e eonsidemi elev.ted Md are oonfinned by pi c:bromatoppby. VOLA'I1LES: The BLOOD AND VITREOUS rLUID _ ""'miM! for Ibc pi Ie lteofetbloolat.eulOft'of20ma/dL. Noedwlol_deter;tcd CYANIDE: l'bcre _ QO eylDide ddMcd In !be blood. Tbe limit o( ll,uanlitlliOl1 for cyanide Is 0.25 mgIL. NomtaJ blood C)'IlI'Ildc emomtrlllonl_ Ie:sI than 0.15 maIL. LetIIaI ~o(eymide are ~ tbaIl] maJL. DRUGS: The URINE ......... eawd Ccw_ilDopbm. amphetamine, II'ItidepresSlllts, Ildibillnminn, bartrinntcs, li'IlIh.lI"tplnes, CUllIIbinoidJ, cbloroq,uine, cocaine. de:Xtrometborpbm, lldocline, 1lBl'lllltic: _gesic:t, oplata, pbenc:yc:Udine, pbenoIhiuinc::s SI1ieylalc:s, sympMhornimetic: amiJlea I.IId Vt'fII*lIiI by au c:hrornatopaphY. oolor tesI or iDw'""",ssey. The (oIlowint: drup wete 4etec:Ul4: None were foond.. (b)(6) 1 (b)(6) ---MiilkarEu",[IlO"'~- f,(b"}(~6) MEDCOM 0547 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 547 ------_... __.- _ eunAeAti w 0l0\1'>1 /O~I"~J) W<>_ .... OIC.·... BTB AlUTAYBI. MANI SHAMAN, TURKl .......... J _ _ 0, -~- ".""""'" (b}(6) CivIIi,n ...Tt""_ ~b)(6) SMIArilbia _...... -_.- _.,-....- ._........ ~ 1976 I!J 0 ~ - - - - - ---- ....--- _- -- -- ---- -_. __..... _......... _.-_ ...... -.......- ... _ ....-...... .- _-,- ..·"CO .... ~ ,... ~~ ~ ...., ~ ~,~ • ~ • _ ....... ". lOT". "'" • .............. ro""~ Cf"'''' fO\OOO ...... Tt .CIICAL ...... . - . ~ -~- _,e-_ _ Ok' _ _ _IN e-o ... _ _ _ _ ... _ ~ ""*""-'" , -_ .. .... - .. --........ -_ .. ....-.__ ... -- _ ' " ' .....,.... ~........... ro_... , ... --- . _ .- _ - . . . . . . . . _........... ro , ro _ _ , -...-- .."."...._. _--.- -- - ---"'- - --......_-...-_-r;:' _.-- _._,...., _._.-.,._ ,.. ' _ . . . . , . . . _"._.O:-.__ ... .....- -.... __.. _.- ......_---_............ ...-- _.,-_ _... _. _., ..-.. _.....,.., 00t0Tl0N0 wooo"._... 1iI- ... DOlO lI&O",_ro _ _ _ • ~ • ... b:~"""""'-' ~ , ~ ""TO'" _ ... 110......._'_1 " " " 0" "'"'" GUWltlllliltnO Bay Detention FIlCiIity (b}{6) "' ... Iilooo_ 11 June 200ll . -._ Co" "'OCQ_ •• ~I'OCA.TtC_ _ _ ............. ...... TtC_ -l -.---_ ... _._-... _ .. _._...- ..._._.........__ -_._...---....---_ . - .. .... ..... ,,_... __ (b)(6) .......... (bleB) Me<IbI ~ner (b)(6) _ . _ _ _ _ .... _ . _ _ M _ _ .. . ....-.""_ , MEDCOM 0548 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 548 ARMED FORCES INSTnuT£ OF PATHOLOGY Omce of the Armetl Forees Mt'dleal £l[Im~er 1413 Rc:seardl Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rocltville, MD 20850 301·319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name:: 8TB Awad, Hashim lbnlhim SSAN: Not Applieable Date oreil1h: Unknown (BTB 52 yews) DateorDeath:,(b)(6) Dlte of Autopsy: Og JUN 2006@ 1300 !nte ofRepon: 06 JUL 2006 JOO6 Autopsy No.:.(b)(6) L AF1PNo.: [lb)(6} RIJIk: Civilian Place of Death: Hamdani,lraq Place of Autopsy: Pon Mortuary. Dover Air Force Base, Dover, DE. Clrellnutloea of De,...: Investigation reports thai United SWes Military PtfSOI'Inel detained this IllIqi civilian, bound him with nexible cuffs, and shot him multiple limes II different ranges of fire. AulhorlzalJoIi for Aulopsy: OITICC oftlle Armed Forces Medie.l Euminer, lAW 10 USC 1471 Ideotlfklltloo: Presumptive identirlallillll is established by w:ompan)'ing documenllltion and photograplls. CAUSE OF DEATH: Multiple Gunshot Wounds MANNER OF DEATH: Ho...ldlh MEDCOM 0549 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 549 ] AUTOPSY REPORlr(b)(6) 8TH AWAD, HlShl~ Ibnhlm 2 FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Multiple gunshOI wounds A. Gunshot wound of the forehClld I. Combined entrance and e)CiL on the right side of the f/:fthead I. Dimensions: 112")C 1/4" b. LocaIion: 2-112" below the lop ofthc head and 2" right of the Ulterior midline c. No soot or definite Slippling i6entified around the wound 2. Injuries: Keyhole·type defcet of\he fron~1 bone of the skull No bullet or hgments reeovcted from the wound 3. 4. Direction: left Lo right e, C. GLIlUhot 'NOUnli5 of the head L Entrances (2) on the rigIIt side orlhe face a. Dimensions: I. Gunshot wound ~e": 1/4")C 118" Ii. Gunshot wound "Co: 3/8")C 114" b. Locations: i. aunshDl wound "8": 4_112~ below the top of the head ancI2-1f4" right of the anlerior midline ii. Gunshotwotmd"C": S-1/4"belowthetopofl1lc head aJ1d 2-3/4" right of the aJ1lerior midline No soot ordefini~ stippling idcntll'ied around the cntranoc e. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. -,,, lnjuricslo the IT\&l(ilIae. base: of the skull, Ind calvarium (comminuted fractures) EJi:its on lIIe righllM pD5lcrior &SpCClS of the head I. Dimensions: 3" x 3~ Ind S~)C 3~ b. Locations: 112" and 4" below the top ofl1lc head and 3112" right of the anterior midline Ifld 2-112" left of the posterior midline Recovered: incgul81 metal fragmcnl$ from the head and a cone· sha~d metal fragment from the soft tissues of the posterior scalp Direction: front to back Assoewed injuries: comminuted frlcrure Oflhc mandible MEDCOM 0550 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 550 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6)'~== 3 BTB AWAD, Hubllll Ibrablm r D. GWIlIhot wound of the f_ l. Entrance on the leA side of the face .. DimCflliOll5: 114" in di~ with M e«entric marginal abruion measurina up to liS" on the twelve to three o'clock border b. Location: So114" below tile top of the head and 4" left of the MteriOl" miclline c. No s.oot 01" stippling identified IIl'OIlIld the entrance wound 2. Injuries to the underlyina soft tissLM!S J. Exit left side of the fila:, in front of the ear .. b. E. Dimen:aiQltS: 112" x 1/4" Location: 5" below the lop oflhe IIead and 5" leA of the anterior midline 4. No bullets or fragments lllCOVered from the wound S. Direction: front to back, right to left, and upward Gunlhot wound ofthc neck I. WO\Inds: on the left lide of the neck .. Left side of the ncclt. below the lower jaw L Dimertlions: Jf8" x 114" with I concentric 1116" n'\Iliinalabruion ii. Locltion: S" below the top oflhe hC*d lIIld 4.}j4" left of the anterior midline b. Inferior Jell: side of tile neck 1. Dimensions: ]/4" x liS" with an eccenlrie marainal abruion tneI5IIling up 10 118" on the one o'clock 2. J. 4. """" Location: IO"belowthetopofthcheloland2·JI4" left of the lllterior midline c. No lOOt or stippling identified around the enlranee wound Injuries to the underIyina sofllissues No bullets 01' fragments recovered from the wound Direction: indelcnninate II. r MEDCOM 0551 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 551 AUTOPSY REPORT[(b)(6),o-_ 8TH AWAD, Hashim Ibrablm , F, O. OUJUhot wounds Df the chest I. EnmIIlCCl5 (2) on the Jaunl righl aspect Dfthe chest I. Dimensions: OuruhDt wDUJld "F": 1'4" x 118" i. ii. GlI~ wollJld "0": 118" in d.illl)eter h. Location: I. OlDls!lotWOWld"F": 16-1/4" below the top Df the head and 8" right Df the Interior midline if. Gl1IlshDl wound "0": 16-112" below the lDp of the helId and 9-314" right of the anterior midline c. No lOOt Df stippl;na identified llf'OUnd the entrmecs wounds 2. Injuries to the latenl aspect oftht right eighth rib and posterior aspect of the right ninth intere:05lals spaec. righl tung. petiCirdium, 101U, left Il1Ilg. the posterior uped$ ofleft ribs two through five, and left IClpllla 3. RCl:OVered: metal fragmenlS from the right 1l1llg, pericardium, right clavicle and stema1 notch. $Oft tilSlIeS ofw chest. and left .ide of the bKk (no as:sociated exil wound) 4. Direction: lTonltO back. ripllo left, and upward H. Ouns/lol wound ofthc Ibdomen and Chesl I. Entrance on the rigbt upper quadranl of the Ibdomen I. Dimensions: 3116" x 118" b. Location: 24" below lite lop ofthc head and l-1f4" right of the anUliOl'" midline c. No soot Dr stippling identified around the CDtnnl:e wound 2. Injuries to the liver, 'mill intestine. diaphragm, and left lung J. Rccovcted: metal fragments from the sm.1I inlestine, soft tissue &rotIJ1d the xiphoid pl)CCU, and left lung (no associated exit _dl I. 4. Diroction: tronllo bIcIt. ri<t 10 left, lod llpward Gunshot wotmd of the righl buttock IlId pelvis EntrlltCC on the right hll1tock I. •. Dimensions: 118" in diameler b. 1.Dc:aliDll: )4" above the bottom of the heel and 4-1/4" righl of the posterior midline c. No soot or stippling idenlified around lite entrance wollJld 2. Illjuries to the right pubic bone and acetabullUll (comminuted 3. 4. """"" ) Recovered: Metal Ii'agmenU from the 10ft tiuues of the left pelvi$, left buttock. and right lICfO-ilillC joint (no ISlIOCiited exit wound) Dircaion: back to fran!, right to left MEDCOM 0552 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 552 r , AUTOPSY RU'ORT (b)(6) 8TB AWAD, Rastllm lbraJlhn 1. GwIshot wound of the anterior righl fon:lmI I. Wounds on the cenlnJ and med~1 anterior aspecu oflhe riglll foeearl" L Dimenlionl: Cenu.! WOWId: II"" 1I III" with UleccmlriC marJilllol.muion mc:uuring up to 1/16" on the lilt o'clock border n. Mcd~1 WOUIId: III" in dilmeler with an eccentric: mafainal abruion meuurirla up to III" on the five o'clock border b. Location.: I. Centnllwourwl: 8-)f""below!hetopofthec:lbow and at the anterlw midlille of the risJrt upper Clitmnity ii. Mcdial wound: 6-l/"- below the top of tile elbow and 1-112- medial orthe anlcriormidline of the righl upptt Clitmnity C. No$OOl 01' Jlippling iclentificd around either wound 2. Injuries to the underlying lOA l!slues l. No bullet 01' fnli'llcnll recovered &om the wound peth 4. Direction: indetermilll.te Gunshot wound of tile poIterior riahtthillh I. Etlttanee on the po5tcriw riihl thiih I. DiTTlCNiOlll: 1/8" in diameter with 1/16" coneentric: marainll abnsion b. Location: 28-)14- above the bottom of the heel and 2" lateral of the posterior midline of the right lowerexlR.mity c. No lOOt or Itlpplina identified ItoW'Id the entrance wound 2. Injuries to the underlying 10ft IlSlUCI l. Ellit on the medial ri&ht thigh I. K.. a. Dill'lClUiona: 9" 1I 2- Loc:ation: 24" above the bottom of the heel and 4" medill of the posterior Iltidlinc of the right lower ClitR:mlty No bullet Of" fnli'llCflll reooVCTcd from the wound ptih Oiredion: back to ITont. riahl to left b. 4. $. II. Other injuries A. Superficial penct1atina injury ofthc forehead (111- in patest dimenllion) 8. C1u~ ofabruiona of the face (pwIc:tate to 1116- in sr-lCIt dlll'lCNiOll, coverina an ara of 1/4"" III") C. lAceration (1/16") ofthechCll with rnarainalabrulon (III" on the tbtoc o'clock ~er) MEOCOM 0553 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 553 AUTOPSY REPORT l(b}(6) BTB AWAD, Hublm Ibrablm Ill. 6 NalW'lI disease nd pre-exiSlinl conditions A. Healed fradun: of the leR femur with f1.ution wires (2) present B. Changes consiSlent with decubitus ulcer of the back C. No other $ii'lifieaJltl\lltural disease idmtified within the Iimilations of the elClmination IV. No evidence of medical intervention V. Advanced decomposition VI. Toxicology A. Volatiles (liver): 110 ethanol detected B. Screened drop ofabu5e and medications (liver): none detected MEDCOM 0554 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 554 AlTI"OPSY REPORT lb )(6) BTB AWAD, Huhlm Ib....blm 1 £X]ERNAL EXAMINADON The body is that ofl 59 inches, 64 pounds. Caucasoid male. Lividity CUlJ10t be assessed due 10 de<:omposilton changes. Rigor hllS The tempeTltul'e is that of the rdnaer-tion unil Decomposition cliangel cons!st ofldipoccre predominantly involving the nih! Uppcf and lower exlJ'emities and the anterior torso and mwnmifiCl.tion predominall1ly involvina the left upper and lower exlR:milies and posterior IDnO. P'--' The lta.d il deformed ITom mlceration; injuries of the head Ind flce are described below. The scalp is eoven:d with gray-brown hlir in I normo.l distribution. The n&hl e~ is collapsed.. The left is brown, the cornea is cloudy, the conjunctivI i, pale white, and tile sclera is white. Thc right ca:r is not idcntifi~. The left extemlllluditOl)' elnll is clear; injury of the left ear i, described below. F-.:ill featureli of the IlO$e and mouth arc: deformed by maceration. Most teeth are miaing. The neck is srraightlUld the rnchea is midline. "The chest illymmetric and the Ibdomen il flll Injuries of the chest and Ibdomen arc: described below. 'The penis is and l!IIICet'Ited. The mlcerated scrotum has ItfI open defect and the testes ue nol identified. The back is I)'mmemc with I 4" It 3~ defect packed with &I~ on the lower back. Injuries of the hick arc: described below. Two blind defccu with maocrated edgC3.• " and I-In" in greatest dimellli;on, are on the laleral lISpect of the righl buttock. The anus is unmrwkable. nat "The upper exl1cmities are symmetric. There is I I" II In" blind defecl with macentled edgcs orthe po$lerior ri&ht shoulder. The ~ulR:mitics are di.. rticullt~ II the knee joints, billte:rlUy. Injurics of the extremities are described below. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EWCIS The fanowin& clothing items and penonll effects are present on the body 11 the lime of 11ilOPSY: - Soiled white sheet WBpped lJOund the body - Blick plastic bag wrapped uound the h~d - While sheet wrapped UI belt around the wai&! - Tan plllSlic bIB COV1lrin,g the skin defect afthe back MEDICAL INDRYENTION There is no evidence of medical intervention, other than the defect of the back. 811~ packing of the skin MEDCOM 0555 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 555 REPORT:~I{b~)(~61~= AUTOPSY 8TB AWAD. Huhllr! Thnhlm • RADIOGRAPHS A complete set of postmortem radiopphs il obu.ined and demon.sll'ltes the following: - Fl1Igmentatian of the calvarium, maxillae, and mandible with crushing of the skull including I right facial defect - Metallic fragmel\lS in the oa:ipital area: • Metal fragments in lhe righl parastemalline and sternal notcll • Metal fi'a&metlts anlenor to the SlCJ\IIll and a bullc1tip inferior- to tho Icft SIlCJ1)iliac joinl - Comminuted fnctures oflhe riKflt pubic bone lIIId aceu.bulwn with associated minute mctaI fragments - Bilatera.l disarticulation of the knee joints • Fracnn of the left $Capula • Multiple metal frapents posterior to the left hemithoru. • Multiple comminuled fractures ofllle posterior Icft ribs - Prior surgery on pr'Oximalleft femur with two fiutioTl wires at the kvel ofthe lesser tJOchanler with alU(:CllI dcfCl:t in the medulllI)' bone &om the greater trod1anter distally through the diaphysis EVIDENCE OF INJURY The ordering oflhe following injuries is for desaiptive purposes only, and is no! intended to imply order ofinflietion or relative severity. AU wOWJd pathWl)'S are given relative to IIlIndard anatomic position. I. Mulliple gunshot wou.nds A. Gunshot Wllund of the forehead A combined gunshot entrance and ellit wound is on the forehead localed 2-I/r below tile lop of the ~ and 2~ right oflfle anterior midline. The ovoid wound measures 112- x 1/4". No soot or definite atippling are identified around lIIe wound (5Ce 0Iher injuries, below). 1hc wound path involves the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and the Ikull,leaving a "keyhole" type defecl with inward beveling on the left side of the defoctand outwllrd beveling on the righlside OftM defect. No build or fragments Ire recovered from the wound path. The wound path is directed left to right. Decomposilion prevents l\uther evaluation of injuries of the brain. r B,C. Gunshot WOllIlds of the head A gunshot enlI1Ince wound (guNhol wound "S") is' on the right me of the face, below the eyc,l~led 4-112" below the top of\he head and 2.1/4" riant orthe anterior midline. The ovoid WOW'ld melL'lW'eS 1/4" x liS". No soot or definite stippling are identified around lIIe cntrlncc wound (see other injuries. below). A gunshot enlr&nce wound (aunllhol wound .C") is 01\ the tiant cheek, IocIted S-1/4" below the top of the head and 2-3/4" right of the anterior midline. The ovoid wound measures 318" 1I 114", Soot or S1ippling are IlOI present. The WQUnd palbs involve skin, subcutanCOWl tissue,lhe skull MEDCOM 0556 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 556 , AUTOPSY REPORTI(b)(6) BYB AWAD, Rablm Ibrllli. (comminuted n.eturo:s ofboth muilla, bue of tile skull, and calvarium), and !be min. Two exit wounds an: iOc:ntified: one wound, measurina3" x )", is on the right side of the held, located l/r below !be topofthe head and 3·1n." right of the anterior midline; anothcI" wound. meuLLrina S" x 3", is on the pl»taior ~ of the head, 4" below the top of the head and 2-1n." left of the posterior midline. Stn.lIl, irreaular yellow metal fr8amcnts an: recovered from inside the I\Qd II1d I $lIlIII, conc-shapcd, &fllY metal fBament is m:ov~ from the soft tiSSIlCS of the postelior scalp. The paths an: direacd front to blck. AssoI;iated injuries illCludc a comminuted frutW'C of the mandible. Decomposition pr-evcnl$ further cvlhlll.ion of injuries of the brain. D. 0WI5b0t wound of the fllCe A gunshot enlI'InCe wound is on the left side of the flce, 1000ted 5-1/4" below the lop of the hCld IlId 4" Jeft of the Interior midline. The circul... wO\lnd II1eISUret 1/4" in dilUnClCr with an eccentric mlrJNl abrasion TTlClllIuring up 10 1/8" on the twelve 10 lItrcc o'dock bon:tct. Soot or slipplingll'C not present. The wound path involves skin and subcutaneous tissues only. A In" J. 1/4"lIcen.tcd oil wound is on lhe letl: side of the fiK:e in front ofdle CII", 10Cltcd S" below the top oCtile hClll and S"letl: of the II1lcliOl" midline. No bullet Dr fi-lamen1ll1R: recovered from the wound path. The wound path is directed front to '*=k. right 10 left., and upwvd. r E. Gunshot wound of the neck Two glllllbot wO\lnds arc on the left side ofthc ncdc,just below the lowerilw IJld on the inferior aspect of the neck. The wound below thcjaw is loclted g" below the top ofthc head and 4-3/4" left oflhc anterior midline. The ovoid wO\lnd measuI'eI 3/8" J. 114" with I concentric 1/16" marainllabrasion. The wound on the infenOl" aspect of the neek is located 10" below the lOp of tile head and 2·3/4" left of the Il'lterior midline. The ovoid wound measures 1/4" x III" with Il'l eccentric marginilibrasion measuring up 10 1/8" on tbc one o'clock bonler. Soot or stipplina arc not P'C'5'=nt around either wound.. The wounds arc connected by I patIt lnvolvina the: sltin IIId subcutaneous tiSSI.ICS. No bullet or fragments arc recovered from !he wound path. The direction orlhl: wound pith is indeterminate. F, G. Gunshot wounds oftbc chest A gunshot entrance woWMI (GWilhot wound "F") is on the lateral right side oftbc dIc:st, localed 16-1/4" below the top of the head IIId g" right of the llIltcl"ior midline. The ovoid wound measure l/4" J. 1/8". Soot orstippling Ire not present. A gunshot cntnlnoc wound (Gunshot wound "a") is on the literal right side of the chcst,locItcd 16-112" below the top of the head and 9-3/4" right ofthcantcrior midline. The circular wound meuuru 1/8" in diamctcl". Soot or st1pplinglJl: not presenL The wound piths involve the IItCfII upcct of the eighth right rib (fractured), the ri&hl ninth iOtcrl:o$lIls space, the lower lobe of the right 1lUIs. the pericardium. the 1lOrII, the uppeT lobe of llle left lung. the posserior ISpccts of left ribs two through five (l'raaurcd), IIld the left lICIJIuls (fractured). 1l'l'egUlar yellow metll fraamenlll arc recovered from !he right tung. 'rregulll' gray melll tngmCllts Il'C recovered from the pcriclllllium. A small, conc-shaped gny metal &agmcnl is ~vcrcd from the right clavicle snd III irreguIll' grsy meu.1 fragmenl is recDVC1'Cd from lhe s1cma1 notch. A small, conc-shlpcd yellow meIIIl fraamcnt is recovered from lhe Klft MEDCOM 0557 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 557 AUTOPSY REPORT{b~6) 8TB AWAD, HUhl," Ibrablm 10 tissues ofthedlCSt. Mllitiple iffqulu yellow and Jl"y Il'ICOII mpnmts and 'IIMII, metal fraarncnt lfC ~ from the left .ide oflhc bIck. The woWJd paths VI: diRded front to back, righl to let\, Md llpWIU'd. ~pcd yellow H. GunstIOl \Ir'OUIld of the abdomen IlI'ld chest A iW\Shot enlfVlOC woWJd is on the .bdomen, lOCI-ted 24" below the top of the hc.d llld 2-1/4" right ofll'te Mterior ,"k1line. The ovoid wound mcuurc:s )/16" It liS". Soot or stipplins vc not present. The wound pith involves skin, stlbeutaneous tiUIJC, ,"lISCle,lhe right lobe of the liver (putpiflCtion). SIl'IIll inleltine, the diap/u'lpn.lnd the lower lobe of the tel\ lung. An ilTegu.... yellow meul tngmenl is recovered &om the soft tissues uound the ltiphoid process, an iln!8\ll.,. Jl"y InCIII fngmcnl is recovered from the min intCSline, and a sm.lI, conc-sl'llpcd, yellow metal fraiment is recovered from the lower lobe of tho lel\ luni. The wound peth Is dlretlCd front to !lick, riplto left,..,d upwanl. I. Gunshol wound of the ripll butlock and pelvi. A gurJ$hot enlfVlOC wound ill on the right bllttoek, IoeItcd 34" above the botlom of tlte Ilccllllld 4-114" right oftlte posterior midline. Tbc circular wOWld mcuura 118" in dilmeter. Soot or lI.ipplini I~ not prc$CIIt. The wound path involves, subeuaneous tissue, muscle, IlI\d the right pubic bone Ind acetabulum (eomminlllCd frKWrc:s). A smlll, cone·shaped Bray metal m.gment Ind I.mall, Cone.shlpcd yellow rnctIl frIIamcnt vc m:ov~ from the left bunoek: IIIlfTellular ITIY mCill fragment i. recovered from the sol\ liss_ or the left pelvis; and III ilTCJllllr yellow metal m.pent is recovered from the righl neroiliae.loint. Thc wOWld path is direetcd back to fronlllld risht 10 lel\. J. GlD1Shot wound of the .nterior right fol'Cllnn Gunshol wounds lIrt: on the cennllnd mcdlll..,terior upeelS of the righl foreltll'l. Thc eennl wound is lOCI-ted 8-Jf4" below the 109 of the elbow and.t the Interior midline of lhe right upper CllU'emiIY. Tbc medill wound is located 6-Jf4" below the top of the elbow Ind 1-112" medlalto the Il\Icrior midline of the right llppcr cxU'emily. The OCnlnIl wound meulftl 114" x 118" with In ceeentrie marsinll abrasion meuurina up to Iflli" on the six o'clock border. The medill wound ITlClSurcs 118" in di.mc1er with III eccentric mqinlllbruJon measllring up to 118" on the five o'clock border. 5001 or Itipplina Ire not prcsentll'Olllld eilher wound. The wounds Ire eonncacd by I palh invl;llvln8 the sll:in, subc:Utlncous tluUCll, Inc! mllSClc. No build or fl'llsmenlS lfC reeovcrcd from the wound peth. The direction oflhc wound pith is indeterminate. K. Gunshot wound of the po.terior riaIU thigh A lIunshOl entrarloc wound is on the posterior right thip,lOCI-ted 28·Jf4" .bove the bottom of the heelllld 2" lalel'll of the posterior midline of the riaht lower cxU'emily. The cin;:ulu WCKlnd mclllll'n 118" in diameter with I concentric: 1116" mIi'Ihwllbrulon. The wound path involves the Uin,lIlbeutaneolls tillllf:, Ind mllKle. A 9" x 2" exit WCKlnd is on the medial right !hip, loelted 24" .bove the bottom ofthc heel and 4' medill oflhe posterior midline oflhe right krNcr extremity. No bullet or lI-IgmcnlS Ire rceovcred &om the wound path. The wound pith II directed back to front and rilhtlO •• MEDCOM OSS8 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 558 AUTOPSY REPORT~!{b,-)(,-61~_~ 8TH AWAD, Huhlm Ibl'llhlm II. II O1her injuri« A lIS" blackened, abnded superfICial penell1ting injury is on the forehead 118" medial to gunshot wound "A", A e1uslerofpunctlle to 1116" blackened abruioll$ Ilre on the fa« inferior to gunshot wound "B", covering area oflf4" x 118". On the ehcst, 18- below the lOp oflhc head and 1/4" right of the anterior midline is. 1f16"laeeration with. 1/8" abrasion on the three o'clock border. This laceration hl5 no connection to any ofille lunshot WOllnd palhs. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAP: Injuries orltle head and brain have hem di5CUSSoCd (see Evidence of Injury. above). The brIlin weighs 80 pams. Decomposition pRVCTlIs fi.wther eva!1.LItion ortlle brain. The allantQoOCcipital joint ia atable. NECK: Injuries oflhe neck have been described (see Evidence of'njury, above). The anterior sltlp muscles oflhe neck are If'Iy-brown and 101\, without Ilernonhage. The thyroid cani!aie and hyoid arc intat'l. The internal ~flCe of the larynx is unremadable. The thyroid is 10ft and shriveled. The tongue is free orbite marks, hemorrhaie, or other injuries. BODY CAVII!ES: Injuries of the n'bs and diaphragm have been described. No excess lluid is in tile plcul1l, pericardia!, or periloneal cavities. "The organs occupythcir llSUlIl anatomic positions. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Injuries o(the lungs have been described (sec Evidence orlnjury, above). The right and left lungs weigh 140 lIul 100 gm, respectively. The external surfaces are smooth and pay-black. "The pulmonary parenchyma is soft and gray blact. No l\On-tmumatic lesions arc identified. CARl»QVASCULAKSYSTEM; Injuries of the pericardium and aorta have been described (see Evidence of Injury, above). The hc:art weighs ISO 1'". The epicardial surface is dull &",y. "The cororwy ancrles arc present in a normal distribution, however the circumllex artery is not definitively identified. SctIionina reveals patCTlt v_Is. The myocanlium is t1n-brown and soft. The valvn arc tne oflcsiom. n.c ~ium is dull and I"'y. Tllc uninjur«llOrta gives rise to threc= intact and patelll arch vessels. The n=1\I1 and IllCSClIteric VC5SClsare unremarbble. MEDCOM 0559 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 559 =- AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) 12 BTB AWAD, Rablm Ibrahim r LlyER" BILIARY SYSTEM: Injury oflhc liver hu been described (see Evidence arlnjUf)'. above). The liver weighs 270 gm. The uninjlftd liver pamtCllyma is softand dark brown. No non-Irlumatie lesions are identified. The gallbladder is empty, but otherwise unremarkable. SPLEEN: The 40 lin spleen has. smooIb, intact, purple-gray <:apsuJe. The liquefied parenchyma is gray-black. PANCREAS: The pancrns is soR and yellow-gray. No mass lesions or other abnormalities Ill: seen. AORENALS: The right and left adrmalglands are symmetric, wilh dark yellow 00ltices and graybroloVl\ medullae. No m8S$e$ or llte&S ofhem~ are identified. GENITOURINARY symM: The righl and left kidneys both weigh 10 gm. The clttem.1 swfaees are gnoy-bIKk and soft. The cut surfaces Ill: gray-olack, wilh poorly defined corticomedullary junctions. The pelves are unremarkable and the ureters are IIOnnal in COline and ClI1iber. Gray bllldder mllCOIlI overlies an inl&Cl blad6er WIlli. The bladdeTcontains no urine. The prostate is gray and soft. The seminal vesicles are not identified. The ICste. arc not identified. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Injury oftbe smllI intestine has been described. (see Evidence aflnjlll)', .bove). The esopha.gus is n<M identified. The 5tOl1Ulch is thin. gray-blilck.1Id mlPty. The colon is gray-black, but othclWise unremllrkable. The appen<!ix is not identified. MUSCULOSKELETAL: A eallous.OO two fiXJtion wires surround. hclIled frJdUI!: ofthc left femur. Dissection of the skin and soft tis:sucs oftbc .nk1cs and wrists revells no hcmorrllagc or other injlll')'. MEDCOM 0560 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 560 AUTOPSY REPORTl{b)(6) BTB AWAD, Huhlm Ibrallim J Il ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES AND CQMMENTS I. Documentary photognplls ~ taken by AFMES mfr. 2. Per10flal errecu ~ released to the appropriate mortuary operations represenlltives. 3. S~imens retained for tOllicoloJic testing lI1dIor ON.... identifiClllion are: spleen, IU1l8,1iver,1InII kidney. 4. The diJ.SCCted orpns Ire fOfWlrOed wilh body. 5. Trace evidence and foreign materill are collected and submilled to Cllherirle Winslow, Spec,,1 Aaerot, NIVII Criminallnvesligativc Service. 6.11b)(6l 'Medicil Examiner.,"(b~)(~6)'cc== (b){6) !served u an independent observer and assisted in the performance of this lUtopsy. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Skin sections ofll'eU around the gunshot wounds oflhe fore~ and riiht ~hcek demonstnlC denuded epidennis. coll1llen breakdown, and multiple foci of microbial overgrowth. There is no evidenee o(earbona<:eous deposition iMitative of~lose rlnge firing. MEDCOM 0561 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 561 l(b}(6} AUTOPSY REPORT BTBAWAD. HullIm Ibra"lm r r 14 OPINION This ll'llqi Civilian;.(b)(6) died of multiple gunshot woWlds. A gunshot WOIInd of the forehead (gunshot wound' A~) produced a "keyhole~ type Ocfecl of the skull directed from left 10 right with no bullet or ihIgmcnts recovered from the wound; however a keyhole defect sui&cst5 that atlCl5l a &a.gment of the bulle!. entered thcskull, but this fragment IDly have exited or been associated with the woUl'llb of the head (gunshot wounds "8~ and "C"). Gunshot WOIlnds of the head (gunshot wounds "8" and "CO) entered the right siOc of the face Ul injure the skull and brain with an auoeiated fracture of the mandible (lower jaw bone): metal fraamefllS were recovued from tbc head and liCI.Ip; the WOIInd paths were direcled fronllo back. A aunshot wound oflhc f_ (gunshot wound "D") entered the left side oflhc face and CJ(ited just anterior to the ear, injuring the underlying soft tissues; no bullcta or hgmmts were m:overed from the WOIInd path, whieh was directed front to baek. right to left. and upward. A Slll\5hot wou.nd of the neck (gunshot wound "E") had wounds just below thejaw and on the inferior upect of the neck, injUling the undcrlyins soft lissues; no bullets or fragments were recovered from the wOWld path, the direction ofwhieh could not be determined. Oumhot wounda of tile chest (gunshot wounds "F" and ~O") cnteredthe latm.1 right side of the ehest to injure ribs, both lungs, the perieanlium (sac surrounding the heart), the IIOTII (main artery oflhc body), and the left scapula (shoulder blade); mcllllTagmcnts wen: recoVCf'Cd from the right lung. pericardium, right clavicle (eollar bone) and lIernal notch (space above the breast bone), the soft tissues of the chest. and thc left side oflhc back; the direction of the wound paths weredirected front 10 blick, right to left. and upward. A gunsllot wound ofthc abdomen and chest (gunshot wound OW) enten:d the upper abdomen to injure the liver, intestine, diaphragm, and left JooS; metlllTagmcnlS were recovered from the intestine. the soft tissues around the xiphoid proocu (lower aspect of the breastbone), and the lefllung; the wound path was direeted front to b«:k, right to len., and upward. A gunshot wound of the right buttock and pclvis (aunsllot wound ~l") enleftd the right buttock to injure the right side of the pclvie girdle (pubie bone and aecllbulum); metal fTagmenlS were recovered lTom the softlissues of the left. side of the pclvis,left bullOCk, and right aero-iliac joint; the wound path was directed back 10 front and right to left.. A gunshot wound of the anterior right forum (gunshot wound "J") had wounds on the eentral and medial upee:ts of the anterior for-eann with involvement of the underlyinll soft. ti5$lleS; no bullea or &a.gmcnlS wen: recovered from the wound path, the direttion of which eould IIOl be determined. A gunshot wound of the posterior ri&litthigh (gunshot wound "K") entered the posterior aspect of the right thigh, injuted the underlying 10ft. tissues, and CJ(iled the medial right thigh; no bullets or ITIgments were recovered from the wound patll, wilich was directed back to front and right to let\. None of the gunshot wounds had definitive. evidence of c<l1\lact, close, or inlermediate 1Wl&c fire, however lesions of the face were awpicioUi for stipplinl. evidence: of close to intermediale range offJJe or an inlermediate W'get. A superficial pcIleblling injwy ncar the forehead gunshot wound (gunshot wound "A") and I cluster of a!lruions ncar one oftlle gull$/lot wounds oflhe right side of the face (gunshot wound "8~) have no definitive SOOlor stipplinS (evidence of contact, close, or intermediate IVIge gunfire) either by grD5S examination oron histology. These injuries are likely the mull ofintermediary wgets. Finally, a lacCI1uion ofthc ehest was not associated with any of MEDCOM 0562 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 562 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) " BTH AWAD, Hub_lbnobllll \he sunshot WOUIlds of 1M loRO. Disstction iDto the skin and IOn tiUlleI of thc wrists and ankltl R'Vea1cd no hcmontllae or other injury.llttlieh mipt be expected Irthe indlvldll.ll WlI5 bound. However, considtrilllthe reponed 11K of ntlliblt eutr$ and the degree or d«ontp05ition, thc Ibstn<:t of sudI. findinl m.y IIOt be lpecific cnouih 10 tlIclude thal\he individual was bound. A dcftct in !he back packed with plllC' is COI\$islent with. dtcubiWl UIc:CT and the left (tn\Ur had .lttlllcd fracture with f1urion wires. Thc5c lwo findings IUJ,itSI the individual had lOIlIe cksree ofditrlCUlty with ambul.lion. ToxieolosY It5ts rorcthanol and ICicclled dNJI or.buIc and mediClltioN 1ft negatiw. lht manner of death il homidde. (b)(6) ~M"QI"~"~---- MEOCOM 0563 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 563 DEPARntl!NT OF DEI'I!Nll!. .......m ,0M:EI1NITlTVl"l t71'''ntOl.OOY W~OC .lC'tOGO "1'1~{b)(6) rAT!liiNI IRr.N'I!nC6T!ON 6FT.. A« ~b)(6) OFFICE OFnIE ARMED FORCES MEDICAL Io.. H...... ••• "WAD, HASHIM s.q.._ := EXAMINER ARMED FORCES IHSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGV WASHINGTON, DC: 1~ CONSULTATION REPORT ON CONTRIBUTOR MATERIAL AFT" DIACHOSIS REPOll.TOrTOXICOLOClCAL EXAMIN6TIOI't Colldltloll of Sped_I: MARKED PUTREFACTION D,te of laddeal: DIIte Reeeived: 6111f200l5 VOLATILES: The LIVER was examined (or the presmee o(ethanol at, culoff 0(20 mgfdL. No I:thanol WI.! detected. DRUGS; The LIVER was screened for amphewnine, antidepressants, antihiswnines, barbilW3les, benzodiuepineJ, CllDlMhinoids, chloroquine, mefloquine. coWne, dextrometborphan,lidoaine, rwc:otic llNlaesia, Opiltes, phtnc)'clidine, phenolhiazines, sympllhDmimetic amines and venpamil by gas chromllOgnphy, color test or immunOlSSt.Y. The following dnlgs ~re detected: None were (ound. (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Ilb)(6} MEDCOM 0564 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 564 ----- - __.-. ... _~,,"Cl'W' /D_~ ....... IO<W. Of""""" .......~ Civilian '""""" . ~ ~ _.t____ -"'_.. ..."" -- -.... -- ~-- eTB AWad, Hastllm, ~-~ ......., eD\TlfleoO,Tl! 0/' Du.Tl1 .,. ' .,.- _. .-_.-- -,-. • --_. _. -• ---- ---...___..-,- _. _-- - --.._ ....... _...--...... _ ... -___ .-.-- . --..._........ __... _ ----..... . _.- -..-_.... __ ...-_.----_.. • _._.--. _ ..':::='=... __ ..... - - ..... _ ... _. __ ..... __.... _-----_&.__.-- --,,---_ ..... _,,-_ . _-, .-_-_ .... _ .... _ .... _,,--_._... _....- ....._.... .. -_. _..-.- _..-.... 0 0 ~ .....".....,.T\lI """'SOIO ~ .............. rcDfCf.O.Sf~ _OI'~~"" ... ~ _(e- _ _ OTlIEE'T_SS -'(Ilo01 CfT'I 00 ",... 00 IT'TO ........,..1DOII'fT -~- Nd '" OHXT _0£0,," CAUO( 01' ....."" <- ... -~-- ... _ I ... " ' - . . 00 COC/fT'OIOOIIOK'" , _ r c .....l>< tt .... _ , ""'~ gu...... 01 woo"". ....... C<OOT>t>H. .. _ . '""""'" '" -,.... -~ e . - _ , ... , .... _ _, "'""""........ c.wu.." ,. .. "".....~ ~_ , • <mD ...... ""'" """'"""'" iii •• ~""'""",,D """" 01' ....."" ~ O~ "' ~-- O£o"'_TO_OAUOU =- .. _ • _Of.n~ ~u (b){6) ~ 8 June 2005 ""',,"OO<Co,," ""'OOOU"" (b)(6) I • "'.~ G 2006 ,..... .......u>_ ........ 01' "'" OEl;.....,"""O£ol><oe<:t.-w., _ - . - """"'TUI _ _ _ _ """"". . . . . . m>~ .~ ......... m1 .... ~ . . . - . . u . . ". . . . . {b}(6} Medical Examiner .........." " " 0 0 - (bf(6) Dover AFB, Dover DE . ..-. DD'~n 2064 ...''''''_-''' ..... n_""....._ ...... ........"...-_-.-... MEDCOM 0565 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 565 "RoMEO FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGV Omee of the Anne'll FOlTa Med~1 Enmiller 141J Rcx1Irdl Bh..t.., Bleil:. '02 Roebllk. MD 208SO ]0I-)1~ FINAL "UTOPSY REPORT :"I...lel 8TH ISMI\IL.lbrahim _J SSAN(~(9} O,le of Dirlhl'{P)(6)---.l!967 08 yelQ) Olt'OrDcllt{b){6) 0006 DIIC or AUlopty: 10 JUN W06. 1100 houn I AUloPSY No.l/~}(6) AflP No.: (~){6) 1 RIllIe Civilian, 1ft'li I.lellinet I'l.act orOulb: Abu Ghraib.11'Iq Pilee of AliI.,·: Bl"a MonUlll}' Bt~d.lrllll Oal, OrRCporll 16 I\UG 2006 Clreunutallea of OClllhl(b}(6} Is I" Iraqi dellinte, who WlS shol in the IhIklmm llppro~mlltly lllm: ,¥lICks prior 10 hisdemise. The tirc:wnsWlecS sulTOllllding 1M shoollll{l an: unknown Ili/lis lime:. ~ r1f'Sl enlf)' in his ,v,H,ble medie.1 rccnnb. 2S May 06. did IIll1 tddrus his initial tdmission Of lrCIlmcnI priur 10 .elmissi"" 10 Abu Ghraib HospillJ. He dl:vclorx:d Sepsis syndn>mc: (AcinelobGclct, E-coli, F~'lc:ro*ler Ind Candida 'lbie&nl), AnteJ~csqinloryDiJI~5 Synclromt lARDS) and muUi-orpn l)'SlCm r.ilure. and died 011 (b)(6) 106. "ulhoriz'lloll for ""lop5)': Office of the I\rmcd Forces Medie'l Examiner, ,.... W 10 lJSC 1471 Idenlftk'llolll ldenlified by lransport doeumenlJ. CAUSE 0'" DEATIt, CompliQlion:l ofGurql'lo! WDUnd (I) In the 'bdnmen MANNER 011 PE....TII, Homicide MEDCOM 0566 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 566 r , AUTOPSY REPORT [b)(6) ISMAll., Ib....l... nNAL AUTOPSV DIA(lNOS£S: I. Cunlbot WOUIIG tl) 10 lbe Torso: .. No medicol n:cord. 01 ;nY~$1jplion tqIOrts art •..-llable 11 this lime. II. EvldeDttof Medlcliialtrvcniloll: Medial_ortis $Ia/1inl2S Mo)'06 unlil cxpirod{W16JJ06. with cYid~orHrpcll iru....cnlion.nd prolllll~ hospital c=. ... Tncheolomy lube b. Mulliplc liles ofchcSltllbes Co Colostomy d. IV lin= Co Midline .bdominlJ 11IIlPc.1 defecL III. Ideatlf)'l-e: Mlrksilb}(6} ~b)(6) IV, N.tunl Dlnuet: Muki-<llJ.lll AROS. consi'lmt with "","plicatiol\ll of I GSW oflhe: .bdDmen. No DlN:r "-11.,,,1 disu~ i<k::nlil'ied willlln 1,,", lim;l.IJ.iollll anile aulopty cltlm;lIMion. V. F.vldrme: None colleded w.;nJ ....u:>psy. VI. Toxkolol)': No teslinll requested. Palient WIS,al for Ipproximllcly 111m: weeks prior 10 hil dem;R. (b}(6) Ilme 200fi. B)':C,(b~){~6~1 ",;o;;","""",""",;;;;=;;;:;;- . .... IEuminlllion !llarted 111000 hOUrs Ind conc:llldcd III l:roo hours. On 10 VII. 1 .. ,tuKv: !'crfanned in Iraq EXTEBl'jA.L EXAMIN6TION The ~nclld body I, lhal oh wcU·d.c¥l:1opcd, well·nourillh<d m,le wllosc .ppPnlllCC il ronsistent wilh an ellimated '"8" of J&)'C<1'" Uviclit~ il presenl and find o~ Ihe poltcrior ",.face 0(1/,., body Cllecpt in IIJcaI nposed 10 prellU'c. Rigor utd lcmpcralure ofLhc body an: dccmcd of no roomsic lil:/lmclIlI:c. Thc held end net;\< rnc.oJ r>O cvilknce Ofl~uma. The ICillp."d must.ehc h.i, is blKk. The irtdcl ere brownilh•• nd Ihe pupillll'C round and «lllli in diameter. n,C e~lcmal auditory c.nal, an: unrcm.kahl~. The nll'U an: palent. The lips and mouth alC IUlmnllt.fIblc 00 ClItcmal examination. Thlle£lh an: in f.i. condilion. -rile nock il unrcl1\I.IUble except for ••rKMotomy lube inscncd in the midli ..... and prope.l~ potilion<d. The chC$l rcvull Multiple bilaleral incilionl (2 on each side), eOl\sistcnl Wilh the site of chest IlIbcJ. The .bcIomcn i. Ilig/llly prolubcnnI (mild obesily)....ith I Ilr,e .,lcriOf MEDCOM 0567 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 567 AUTOPSY JUtPORlll b )(6} l ISMAIL,lbnblm defeo;,. atmdinsli'om lhi: uphold proccu 10 !he pubic area, eontillen, with a nan.healed aplomory IapIlf'OlOllly JUllicaJ ;1IC;t;Ol'L The abdominal deft'Cl n:vt:lIl. IlCverely adhetcd ;ntemalabdomwl orpns. "co!ottomy opming and eolotlomy tJ.ll are noted oflh~ ri&hl lower abdominal q-mnl. "4 I 3 Yt~ dcf«l. orunllnown cliology. il naced of the leA mid ab<lornen. exposina ulldert)'inll inlemal orpntlintctl;ncs. The extemal £Cll1,a!;aaTe tllote ofa noonll elll;llmciKd adult male. The ":aiel arc d~ and free ofm-. Puble lI:lir II p~1 in . _ 1 dituiblllion. TIlcbuttoc:k. lnd _ . an: unremarbble. Tile hack revCall skin Ilippage and lWO IK'¥C dc<:ubhul ulars (bed sores). no el/idcnce ortraum.. The upper IIIIIlowcr c:xtmniliet arc lymmelric and TCYC81 modcnlle edema. No cvidcnu of trauma il noll:d. T...o lacge Kart an: noted or,1le anlcrior lufface ofbo,h thillhl, c'ttcnd;nll from !hc inauinalllt:l down to the knees. No tlllOOf" ocbcr major "'art or idcn'ifyinj Inarltl are noted. CLOIIIINC AND Pf.RSONM. fiFfJiCfS None received. MEPlCAL INT£RVtiNTION The doceased spcnlalmoltthrce Wackl under care. The body /l:vCilII cvidmee or cltl:nlive medicalln:armcnt. There arc: NUOSJIIrlc tube. lrtehcotomy 'ube. mUlliplc tiles of chest tubes•• 11lll1-llcalcd Ilbdomilllli exploratOf)' lap~tomy incision. colOltomy big. and • urtn.:lry c.athtlcr. RADIOGKAPHS Full·body I1ldiogaphl arc obIainai ror doeumen,ation. Na .kelclll f""tun.'> or cvldc:llCe ufp<OjCdi\c$lfomJrl bodi"" IU"e nOlcd EVIDflNC£ OF INJVRlES The deo:elllcd had. hiJIory or a_hoi wound, 110' 01hcrlrtiJe spa:illcd. hillory orh•• ini'iallidmisiion and 'ho early lUt¥ical pllXoduret Ill'(: rcqlSCS1od. bill IIOl rocci¥od I I of the dale of thl. reporI. MEDCOM 0568 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 568 • Al;TOPSV REPORT (b)(6) ISMAlL, Ibn..11II IbDB.'lAL IiMMINmOl'l !lEAD: The $ClIp and subs~bl son lluuu ~ulno evidellCe of IrlUlIIl. The Ikull ilopened leuel!inl illlXt Wi'll mIIlCl". No inlnO:mll.! hemorrl\:lse Of I~ ilnored. Cle. o:a'Cbl'OlPiml fluid a11lf01lndllhc l' ll).pm linin, whkh hal unrem.rbbk: .)'ri and lulei, bill for mild ccrcbr'Il ocIcma. COl'Ol\lllOi:lionl dcmonIll11l: IIIIrp demarcllion b d _ wtlitc: IIIld grey miller. wilholn lw:mom..lII or collllllivc: illiury. 11Ic vc:nuic:lc:1 U't: ofnDlmllllra:. The INsI1 pIllli., bnillSlCln, c=bc:lhlln,.1Id lrlefi.ll)'1tems .... fmc of injUf}' or oltlcr abnonn:Ilitia. The sk_1I is IlfnftWhblc wilh no cranill or bull frac:lura. The 111'l1IlHlCCipilil joiN is $lllblc:. 0itI< I~ homtliCflOUI and red-hmwn, with flO lao:c1'lliom Of hauomUlse. The thyroid elrtil~.e .nd hyoid bnnc: In: intlll! and ulll'ellWltablc:. The phlrynx il unrarlllbble In<! illined by InllCt mliCOIL The thyroid 11Ind is Iymmetric: and rcd-hrown, wil!lolll eyslic (If nodultr cllanac. The lonlluc il unremllhble. The cervicallplne.nd If'inal cord are IntKt. The: .ntmorllnp m\lJCll", oflhc ncck BODy CAVITIES: The plcurlll and pc:riclrdill Clyilia a~ unrcm&", ""th.., culdenl:e ofttlluInI or ~c~lue Auilt The IbdOmllllll cavity "",e.h IICYCII' .dhc:lions ,",IIl"" r.1 nccl'Olil pI'ClCludina definitive cY.lultion. Thc IIIIln and IllSe bowell'~ encucd in I linn mau nf fIt neerosix II1d libft;lul IIlhc1iOfll. The m.jor .bdominll orpns O«lIpy lho;lr ulull lnalomic p(liitioru. RtjSPlRAT0R)' SySTEM: Thc riatll and lell lungt wci8h 178().JrVIII ond l.'ll-jvIml. fcs.pc:ctively. The !:lIlemll IUrf_we Imooll'l.nI! fm= orad~orI$, with no lIpparenl evidence of Ii,",," InJllIia. BoIh lunas In: CllIl'l:mely he.1')' and flllll. Serill sccrianll'l:Ytlls tlClensiYCl ClXllOlidilion of IU lobes wilh diITuse OOxinl of ye:IlO""ish pI",l,nt rnatctlll flOm lhe tUl IUrfacca, consillent wirh pneumonl. and AaDS. CARDIOYAscUiAR SYSTIM: The paie.dlll SIC II inlll:t. The !lei" II illllC:\ and a1larged. e.rdiomcply. Ind -.velaJtl 49Q.pns. Thr: heatl i. olhetwi.. o:ue:l'Ilill1r unrenaf1table. The cplunlilllW"facc is IIIIOOlh, wilh minim'" f3t inuCiInlen1. The! COIVnII)' _nerielllll praent in I nomIIIl diluiblilion. CIOIII .aionl orlho no lumlnall\llTOWinl or IlhnormaJhy. Seri.l_lionille orlltc myocardium rnClis (oall)' mouled cUIIlll"fIocI. 1Uise'livc: of pouible rocenl ischemia, bUI Wilh flO elev IndiCIlOon or rcmI'lI( or 1eCen1 inflr'Cliorla. Thr: valvo: Ianetl are 1IIin UK! mobilo. 1ltc ....11.. of lhe Ic:II and riatn venlriclei an: 1.7 cm Illd 0.' cm thldt, rapcclivc:ly. The cndoc:.,lium llllllOO1h and Ilillcodn.. The IOn. pVel 10 lhn:c inlld IIld palenl .ch _Is. The IOrtlW m&;or blood UaK" ""' _.bI< me MECCOM 0569 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 569 AUTOPSY REPORTI,{"'."){',,' ISMAIL, Ibt'allim _ , - LIVER &I BILIARY SXSTEM: 1M 2260-prn liveT has In inlaCl., YI'I(lCIIII ClplUlc Illd • llu.rp anlerior bol\lcr. 'n.e puencll)'!M is mottled tan-brown wilh. nullllCJlppuranu. No masslc:sionl or OIh1:r abllOmlllillc:s ~ se<:n. The: SIUhllldder eonl.lins dull. lP'CCC'I bile and no !>lones. The mucoSiI surfltc ill green.,d velvety. The CJtlrllhepa!ic b11iary no.: i. palenl SPIrEEN: The 230-&Jl'11I splOClIl ku • Imoolh, intact, ,m'P"'l'le capa,lle. The pan:nchyma i. mlfOOtllnd l;Ol'Igc5lcd. w,.h diS/inc, Malpi&hiltl corpuldes and no significanl Ihnomulity. PANCREAS: The plllCrou i. s<:ye~l)' adhesal to the small &IIlIlarac bowel mass and could n01 h<: definitely ev~lu'Ie4. ADR£NAL GLANDS: The riglll snd kfl. adrenal &!andl'~ IUIOIym!, bUI OIhctWiscunn:mari".blc. Sec,ions Ihrough both glands rcvclll yellow coniecs and grey mcduille. No mLlSCli or areal of hemOlThagc _ idenlilled. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: Tho:: nlhl and len Ir.idne~ o:oc:h wcig/l22Q.grama. The ulcmal $Ul"fiICCSIrc. inlact and smoolh. The cUI.uriKes.n: I'tdolm and cOll~lod, with mollied Qlllu,faccs.rod mild ID&I ornonn~l conico-mcduUary dcmarulicm. The pelYCllrc unrallRlbblt and lht un:le.s ar~lIonnal in tOll~ and C:llibu. SmooIh bllcldcr mUCOA ovttlics;lll ;nlxl urinlry blarldtr Will. The Mldder wall ;s Ilillhtly hemonfIagic rrom lilt pluced «thetcr. The pl'OIlalt glm;I is nonnal;n sizt. wilh lobular. yelloW'IUI parenchyma.. The ~illll ~icll:s :arc UM:ma,hble. The lelll:l lie r_ or milS 1e$ioM, contusions, Gr Olher abnomtlllili~s. CASTRO'NTRI.-nNAL TRACT: The caophagus is inlacl Ind is liBCd by UlIOOIh g&'lIyish m\lCOA.. The Itomxh is unremarkable. Tile pslric "'all is inlattlined hy slougn;ng Iilnolysa! mUCosa. The dllOdcnum. smalllll\d Iqe howc:ls an: COl'IIplelely cncucd in a finn mOl p_luding definitive evaluilion. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINt\DON Repl'CICI\lali'I'C seclionl of III major ""Pili :arc obla;~ arid pllOOd in fo,.,.,.,.lin for $IGrlge and microscopic enmin2lion i fllOQllod in the rull1". MEDCOM 0570 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 570 r • AUTOPSY REPORT (bK6) blfll AoonnO N4L 'ROCEDUR!S I. full bo6y l'Idiop'lphs _ ".penlS. ablaincd and ~ *' tkdel.ll injuriQ: or (orci", L The diucclcd otpII5 ~ forwanlcd with the body. J. 00wmen1lly pboIogr..,m ofille body .~obl&Inc:d. 4. No bod, fMlb 0' t\$sue wnpla ore JUbntillad for IOxic:oJopeallCStinS (ibe _lwKpi\.lfu;cd 1Or1lpJlroximilely IIn'e ..'<'Cb prior 10 llis demise). cIc:c$sed OPINION (bK6) .. JI ycw~k11~civilian delaincc,dicclfiom t.OnlP'icMianI or. pdhD, _1Id(.). No .-lOc,1 ~orlhc inilial prelCtlIalion and 1Ilrt.i«l man.~ IR tvlia.bll for levicw. The .... I,1l1e ll'ICdie.l r=onIl ~ll down hill ho$pital COlIne culminllilll in hi. clctnisc., ,bR:e weeb Iller hi, injuries., from ARDS and rnuki-orpn rai"'~ To'~" tcltia. dc:a"ed ofllO ;mpoflalll:C.wI no &peCirnens ..... IUbmilled lOt .",dna. M _ ofdellll il homic:lde._ _ (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) MEDCOM 0571 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 571 ----- --__--------.. --'''' -"'" _ - ._-- -._. - - ---_. -_ .. .--_.-__-- - - _- _.---_ _ _-, -_ . ..... _ .._-- ----__ Cl!llTlflC,t,l'I! 01' lIPTH .. alB llrMlllllfllhim. a ., ~ P'O. -_.~- "'TIO'!.' __ i (b}(6) CMO~ _0- 00"""_ l(b)(6) _ ....f...... I!J 0 ........ ~- ~ '~""M • .. -"' ..... "'- • .........., ..... .. _--~ ..... <ttY ... ,,,...,,,. . . . . . ....' - . 0 -..:.<01. ....._ _ _--_..... - - ....... .... --.. .. ........ "' ....... ......... ................. ...- ... ""'\..., .. -" , ...... ... 0' eao; ·"'~.....-.t('ll<> r ... , , i.' --- --"".-.. -_ ...... .... ...- -- _ .. . .... __ ..-.-_. --._ ......... _.-1-' • --....-.. ___......- -.... _._.. _. __ ... _---. ----- I -._-_ --_._--..._..... _. __...._-_ .._-_._ . .._..--""--'. __0 ............ """'" "-,-._, ....._c...~i'"'" ,- -~ --..-' -"" ""' ~ ........... Dl'IIlOW. . . . . . Co_ ~ (bl161 (b}(6} I~:~- ___ ",'.::._1'::.., 00'""'...... (b)(6) 20Dll n..~ 10JuM2006 • ...... _ _ _ "" ... OI _ _ _.. OCC-.., _ _ ....... ?U _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ ,._ 1/~~""""'om<M _ ~ i _ (b)(6) ,tlBdlc8! ExIorNner ........ 0 0 - . . llW', .... '\"'t OJ"o'' ... ,_.-~._ DO ,lift, 2064 (b)(6) , _~~._ _-~'"_ , MEDCOM 0572 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 572 ARMED FORCES INSTITlfTE OF PATHOLOGY 0fnR af tbe AI'WWll F _ Mtdk.1 En.lan 1413 ~h Blvd.. Bide. 102 Rockvilk. MD 2OISO 301·319-0000 FINAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Nunr. BTe FaiKI, Cihui .l-Dun .....lItopl)' Nn.>.(b)(6) .....FIP No. (b)(ll) CID; (b)(6) ~~;;;",_. . . Dale of Binh:(b)(ll) 19010 D.le of Oath (bK6) 2006 DalefJime of AUIQpSy: 0' June 2006/1130 Dale of Repon: 22 '"'-Y 2007 RMk: CN Place ofDath; IIWI Place of Alltopsy; Port MOftIW} Dover AFB. Dover DE ClrnlllU...._ afo.lll: Thit 66)U1' old male dvilian detainee rqKKtedly coIl.psed while exiling the IlIlriae. A.lllork:atia. for A.Co,.,-: Office of tile Amled FoteeS Medical Examiner.lA W 10 USC 1411 Jdeatltlcallan: ~ptive, accordillllO 10 '-"d. CAUSE OF DEATH: Complications of.trial Uld ventriQ.t/ar m,.otU'diailibrosil. MANNER OF DEATH: N.IUI1II. fiNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES I. Foal Uld diffuse.trial Uld ventricular fibrosis. II. Modenite aonie .thetottICl"05is. Ill. Billlent pulmonary eorlgeslion Uld edema (ri;h1960 am. kn 790 am). IV. Evidence ofinjUIY; A. Non-displaced mclure of tile cervical veneilnte (C5J6 disk SJlIICC)' B. Contusion (2 II Yo inc:hes) of tile righl fOtchcad. C. Contusion (I ~ x I Y. inc:hcs) oflhe ri;11I infBQrbjlll1 region ofthe face. D. Lacaation (311 inch) of!he nasal bridge. E...... brasion (I Yo x '.4 ineh) orthe posICrioI' S\lrface orthe len rorcarm. V. TOJIiooIOjp': Nordiuepam present in the blood; elevated blood levels of aluminum. MEDCOM 0513 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 573 AUTOPSY REPOR-t..£t!)(6} FAlSE!... Gbad al-Durl 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is lhat of a wel1-de~loped male weighing 190 pound$, measuring 68 inehes In lC:flglh and appearing compBlible willi the: ~por1e:d age of66 years. The: body tcmpcl1lturc ill 0001 afler ~frigcmion. Rip is passing. Lividity is lixed and presenl jftdominltely on the po:sIeriof surfaces of the: body. except in areas exposed 10 pl'eSSUIl:. is male pattern blI.ldness. The Il:mainina SCIllp hair is brown i"IY. Facial M;r lXlll!l;Sts of a moslly IflIy beard and mllSUK:he. The: irides are blown. The comeae are cloudy. The conjllCtiVllC are lIIIn:markable. The ~ sclerae are ~te:d. The external auditory canals. c:xtemal_ and oral cavity are free of foreign material and abnormal !iC:l:ll:tions. The nasal skeleton is palpably inUK:1. The teeth appe:8T nalwaJ and in fair condition. The Mck is $1111ighl, and the lrachea is midline and mobile. The: chest is symmetric. No evidence of injury oflhe: ribs orthe SIC:mUnt is evident externally. The a~ is f1alJ'be:~~rnails an:: inlaCt. The C:Xtmttilics show evidence of injury to be described below. A4b)(6J-::Jtat1Q.O~~1@ (~){6) ltattoo~@) ?---l (bJ{6) 'tanoo,(b)(6) (bl(6) l,.rrnrl/bH6l (b)(6) T(b)(6) ]A-CirtUIu scar is presC:lU on !he ~i1it bUllOCk mC:llJlIflna .\4-lnch. A Yo inch scar is pttJltld on 1& medial $lII'fllCC: nf the righl lower 1 leg. A Yo inch cirtlllar scar is present on the posterior laten.! surface oflhe right lower lei- The: C:Xte:ma1 genitalia are those ofa normal adult male. A I Yo inch cystic lesion is ~l on the: righl mid back. The bullocks and Mil! ate WU'tmlllicable. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL [fFEC[S I. Apairofblackslippers. 2. While boxer style shorts. J. Red pants. EVIDENCE OF INJURY Head and neck: A 2 x Yo inch almIded contllSion is present on the right forehead. There is a 1 ~" 1 \4 inch .bnldcd contwion present in the right infnlorbital region. A JJI inch IlICC:lW.ion is present on the: nasal bridge. A I "Yo inch contusion is prexnt in the right posterior parietal region oflhe: SClIlp. Galeal he:tnormage is presenl in the riaht frontal ~n. A non-displaocd fractu~ of lIle l1l'Ittrior tervieal YC:Ttebnle with $1IlT1luooina intramuKular he:morrhlge is preSC:Tltll the: CS/6 disk space. The: adjlCenl spinal cord shows no ;ross evidence of injul)'. ExIR:milies: Then: is a I V. It Y. inch abrlsion PfeJC:nt on the: d0l'Sl.l5urface oflhe: left forearm. EVIDENCE Of MEOIOL THERAPY MEDCOM 0574 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 574 AUTOPSY REPORl1(b}(6) ) fAISEl., Gbul.J.Durl INI£RNAL EMMINATION BODY CAVIDES; Thc body is opened by the usual thol"l!lCQoabdominal incision and llle cllest plale is removed. No adhesions or abnotmal coltCl:lion:JI of fluid are presenl in any ofthc body eavilies. All body Of8IN are present in nonnal anatomieal position. The subcutaneous fal layer of the abdominal wall is I Y:i inches thick. There is no evidcnce of blunt force or penetraling injury lO the lhoraco-abdomil\81 rellian. Longiludinal illCisions of Ihc posterior surfaces oflhe lOrso. upper and lower ell.tremilics $how no evidence of n:cenl injury. HEAD (CENTRAl. NERVOUS SYSTEM); (Set- above ~Evidcnce of Injury} The sealp is reflected. The calvarium of the skull is removed. The dura maler and faill. are intact There is no epidural Of subdural hemOl'Thaae p~.1hc leplomcningcllllR! thin and delicatc. The eercbralllemisphcres arc 5)'mmcttieal. The slrUClurcs at the twc oflhc brain. includingcmliaJ nervcs and blood VCSlICls arc inlaCL Aller fiution. COronalllCctions Ihrough the cerebral hcmisp~ rcvcaJ no lcsion:JI. TnutsvCTSC seetions through lhe bI'tIinslem and ceKbclium are 1lf1Krrwb.b1c. The brain wei&hs 1)80 gm. """", (~above ~Evidence of Injury") Layer-wise cnmimnion oft1'lc anterior and poslerior 'lnIp muscles ohlle neck show lhem to be Ilonlo¥enous red·brown and withoul hemorthage. The thyroid ear1ill\ie and hyoid arc inlaCl. 1hc larynx is lined by inUlCl white mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-brown. wilhout cystic or nodular change. The tongue is free of bite marks. hcmortha~. or Other injuries. RESPIRATORY SySTEM: The right and IcA lungs weigh 960 gin and 790 PI. respectiv1:ly. The utemal surfaCC5 are smooth and deep red-purple. The pulmonary parenchyma is moderately congested and edemalous. No masslcsions or areas of consolidation are present. CARQlO¥ASCW.AR SYSTEM; The 480 gm hean is contained in an intac1 pericardial sac. The epieatdia/s..faee is smooth. with minimal fBt investment The COI'OfIl\1)' arteries arise nomtally. follolV lbc usua! distribution. and lll'e without cvidell« of significant alhcrosclel'O$is or thrombosis. The myocardium is homogenous, red·brown. and fimt; the alrial and ventricular septlllrC intatl. The aorta gives rise to three intact and patent arch vessels. There are modcrale ethcrosclemtic chan&es al the ilillC bifurcation. The vena ClIva and its major tributaries rerum to the heart in the usual distribulion. The renal and mucntmc vessels are: unremarkable. UVER & BILIARy SYSTEM; Thc 1670 gm liVCT has an intact, smooth cap$Ule and a sharp \Interior border. l1le FUCnchyme is tan-brown and con.:estcd. with the usuaIlobulararchilCl:lurc. No mass lCilions orother abnormalities arc xcn. The p1lbladdcr is cmpty. The mucosel5Ul'faec is green and velvety. The extrahepalic biliary trcc is palent. SPLEEN; The 240 irII spleen has. smooth. intaet, red-purple capsule. The parenchyma is maroon and congested, ...ith distinet Melpiihian totpuscles.. MEDCOM 0575 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 575 • AUTOPSY REI'ORT(b)(6) FAISEL, Ghad II.Ourl PA/SCREAS; The p.nereas is finn IlIId yeHnw-lafl. with 1M USUllt labut.,. U"Chitmure. No IIUISS Inioll.!l or oth<:r abnonnalilin Ire 1«1\. ADR£NALS GLANOS; Tho: ri&hl Md len .dn:NIl;lMlb 'I'<: symm<:lO<:. wilh briatn ~tlow wnic:n and ~ mOOult.<:. No massn 01 arus ofMrnon1'I&l.'C an: idenlirK:d. GENITOURIN .... RY SYSTEM: Tho: riplllnd kn kidneys -=h weiJh 110 am. Tho: alm'lal sur&«s &n' intad and smooth. lllceutsurfacn arc ~oWl and con,esr<:d.. with unilbnnl)' Ihiek ~ic:n ud lIwp<:Ol'lkonxdullary JUn<:lions. lllc po:tves arc unmnarbbk and Ihr: urel<:B an: nonn~t in c:ounc and calibl:r. TUl bJadd<:r mucosa o'wlic:$ &II inUiCI bladder wall. lllc bt&dckr il aTlpt)'. lllc pro5la1<: il notrnaI in size. wiLb lobular. ~lIow-l&n pamlChyma. ~ snninal vesic:1n arc IIIII'<:IIWbble. "The lesln Ire free of Ina$S lesions. conlUSions.. or othr:r "'1OI1ll&lilics. GASIROINruTINM. TRACT: The csophlocus is in*! and lined by smooth. ifCy-while muoosa. 'I'M S1GmKh oonlllins approximalely SO mt of liquid ""leri&l. "The &Ul0<: wall il inllcl.. Tho: duocxllIm.loops of small bowel and colon an: lIfIfCfTIaIbbIe. "The Ippendix is not MUSCULOSKEI.ET.... L SYSTEM; (Sec: lbove ~Evilknc:e of Ir\illf)'~) Muscle developmml is normal. No evidcnc:e or non-tmlll'lllic: bone or joint Ibnonn&lilin is 1IOlc:d. RA DIOLQCIC EXAMINATION Full body rwiioenpftsltn obIaillC'd and revnll metallic f~1 in lhe ridU IO'A-er k:a- M ICROSWP1C EXAM INATION I. HeM (slida I·n&hl COfl)rwy Irtay. rip ~cnlric:lc; 2.lcfl vcnlficuh., posterior "'1I1l: )-kn \'nIlricular lllmil wall; 4·kfl ventricular merior wall: S'KJlllm): mild WlOrwy lth<:rosclm:l1is (I); pllchy subC'lldOC:ll"di,t (2) and inLCl1lililil fibrosis (4). I. Conduction syllem i. Rqion of the sino-alrial (SA) node. Ilides I I.12; nwlccd. predominltcly inlCr1titilil Itrill fibrosis. mild thickenin& orlhr: SA nodIllrtCry. unrmw1clblc appe';n& S.... node. 11. Re&ion or lhe alriovenlricular (AV) node. slides Il-17: roaol replacemenl fibrosis ncar 1M c~ OrlM wntricular seplum (I)). mild Ihickcnina or AV nodIl utay. AV node wilhoutsllll'llicMI micf'OliCOpic Ibnormllity (16). 2. Srlin (slidcs 6.7): roc:&)'OVllSCular inlim.lthickcning (7). l. Spleen (Ilide B); no siltRiflClnl microscopic abnormality. 4. Liver (Ilide 8): conacsllon. S. Lunp (Ilide 9): wn&e$lion with pitchy pullTlOOlry cdcmIlIld ltelC<:lISis. 6. KKlnq's (slide 10): autolysis. MEDCOM 0576 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 576 AUTOPSY REPORT[(b){6) FAISEL, Ghulal-Durt 1 s APDITIONAL PROCEPURES • • • • [)ocumenla" photo~nlphs are lllkm by I~ OAFME Slaffphotol:fllphcn. Speocimo:ns m.-ined for IOlli~o.ogi~ tcsting andIOl' DNA idcntirK'lIlion are: blood. bilc. gamic <:onlcnls. vitreous. lung. li~r.lid~y. spleen. adipose liuue and psoas muse Ie. l1Ie 1lee11. and selccled portions of organs are rellIille'd in fonnalin. Pcrsonlll dTe~ arc: ~lcued to tile: approprillt~ mortUllf)' 01"-'1'1IlllIno ~nllltiv<:s. OPINION According to reports. this 66 yeai' old male Civilian dc:tainee ~rtedly collapsed while elliling the latrinc:. He unresponsive to ft'SII5l:ilDtiw efforts and was ullimzllely pronounced dead. Additlollil medic:al information or history was not aVllilable. "'115 Autopsy examination $hawed contusions of lhe right side of lho: fllCe and scalp lIIId lacenltion of the bridge of the: nose. Ellamilllllllon of the ne"k revealed a non-displlll:l:d fl'll<:ture witllout appan:nt "on! injury. No ev;d"nc:~ of addiliolllli silll'ili"ant injury WlIS id""tified. Radiologi" ellllminalion showed tho: prcsenc:e of a metallic fnlgmmt in the rightlow"r leg. <:onsist""t with remote injury. Mi"rosropi~ examilllltion of the hem showc:d bolh lIlrial and ventri"ular fibrosis. Routine postmon"m IOlIkologi"al e:'laminatlon sIlowed tile: jlfC5Cnc~ of nordiazepam (blood 0.029 mgll). Extended testing for heavy metals showed elC"'lted I"wls oflluminum in the blood. Levels for alRnit: and c:admium were not elevaled and uranium and lead were below det«1ion limils. Although tho: ClIoct etiology orthe my«:ardill fibrosis is uncertain. the interslit;a1 pattern Ind the dellrt'C of atrial involvement are suggestive of amyloid. Special $Ulirtll (Congo red) were equivocal. however. Whlllel'er the cause. I"thal "an:lilll: arrlt)'lhmia is a signirK'al\I c:ompli~ation llS5O\:iated wilh myOl:lllrdial fibrosis. In the "urrenl l:BSC.'. bolh the dn:umS\ lutopsy findings an: oonsistenl with collapse: followin~ I "ardiac event. The facial and nc<:k injuri"s \I'm:: most "onsistent with. t"",,inal fall. Postmol1cm toxi"olO\licaltc:sting showed low levels of I metllbolite of lhe therapeutic agent Valium. Elcvllled I"v"'s of.llIminum have been associated with ncurotollicityl.bIIt the signi fi"anc:e of this r.ndin~ in the e:tJTn:nt casc is un"ena;n. In summary. this dcc:edent most likely died of c:ompli"llIions (lethal urdiae armythmia) of"ltdia: myocllrtli~1 fibrosis. The mannc:T of dealh is IlItural. (b)(6) (b)(6) IMedit:a' EXllminc:r (b)(6) L-~ , b!tp;/IsD.wi. i!!5dia.ontIwitjlA hill! iorum MEDCOM 0577 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 577 - .. - -- -_- -_.-['0,,,,.. H'" '.' ' ' - __.- _.~ etlIlTIf'IeAl! Of llfA1'H (OVEII,UI/ -~- -~- BTU FalMl, Ghall. " "'""'" \~"""""" IICUII'T'I_ (b')(6j·'--" -"""~_I Civilian .. .... "" "'-'" ~ I!l .._.-- - -,- -- - - -._. -_ .. ---.. -__-- -- -- - ---_-_ _.-_ -_ -""-'" _-0 ._~ .....' ......A . . . , c" ..·_ • -~ ..... "" ... ... ............... ",lIEov.ootI -,~ ~ .. , """OIl """'011 ITA'" _S1.-.. ...._ ... _....... e-._ _ _ °1 ....""AI. 00. . _ _"""" .....", .... - _ _.._0:>0'_._....-'" _. ---_ .......... -._"''''_CAUl< ---_ .. ..... _... .-aTHl1l_0:>0,.... -, _011_""",,,"""'-"''''''''' , .. CoftlpIianatII of - . . ."., _ _ ""........ _ _ n,. _ _ ... ,- , -_.------- , •• • • - -"'-_.,,-.... "'-- ............---• --_.---,._ "'" ... __- ........ -_-_._ -' ' ' ... ...-. __ ...."-------._-_ _._.. ...._.- ...._.... _._-... _.. -_._..- - .... _.. _ -,---- 110OI"" .....'" ~- (b)(6) iii 0 • • \(b)(6) <l June , """"''''' .....''' "'"""""'''' Oo=:=~ [:"(6) ,............. _ _ ". ,... -.-o_....."'oco ... ..,... (b)i6) "'.,_ .. ....... _""'........ r ... I~.~- 2006 , _ _ < _ _ MIIdicIII Examiner :"'......,~ ""~ Oo¥erAFB,OoYe,DE 1-(b)(6} (b)(6) 81'11'2007 . • ~ - DO ,11I'I. 2064 ...... _M _ _ _ ~_ ............. "' _ _ l _ .. ... ...,""_.W ..... .....,..___.......... ~ MEDCOM 0576 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 578 ___.- -...-.,,-- -_.- _.----'" 1 .._. _ .......... -- -.. .-.... -_......_- - - --- ---_..__. _.- ---- ""'" ,- CVIT1PlCA11l 01 Ol!.AfH (OV!'RlUSj -"' .. .....'"' ~c1.cIt_ (b)(6) Civilian ""'"0....'" 00.- 1953 l(b)(6) ~- ~ < .. 0 -~- """"'"'"' IVlVCI[ 818 salmln, Tl\a.... .... ~ I!l 0 _,,;ar_ ~ • • - -"' "',,,..... • ......,.....WDKUIO<I """OIl'''''''' OIl "''fI. _ _--..- _..... __ .,".-NT c.............. _ '" _ _... ___ _""_fIMCll. . . .... _.._---. ._..........-- ........ -.--... .. ,. __ -.- -_ _ -- lOount , , -,"'".. • _(COfO _ _ -_-,_.,,,_. ....'" -~ Ordo."........ _<*:Ift.... _eo.-r _"""'""""'" _ . " - W ~.i:r'" o : - _... ,. _ _ n -..... ...... .... _.• ---- "" - -,-.......... o_._.,...,.~ • '"' '" • ~-- -- - _"'- ...... ,",No,"""",,"' ~ ,- ..._,-, ...-". ....'" -- (b)(6) ...,...... - -, .... _- ..- • June200e ~.- '..... .......m_ '" _Ol<:.-o_ .... ... _ . _ ro._... _......... _ ....__ -.. .._ _ "' ........... "'.><01 _ .._ _...._ _ (b)(6) ~ _.... , ~ "" '" b'ii61-; ~ ou",... ..,.,...-.u...1 - - .. CE.~""- ___.............. ........_ _ _ _ IU>_ .... "'_"'.,~"""""'m> _.- PMdical Examiner ",-",,-- Dover AF8, Oov..- DE _.- - ...... _-·--_ .... _...... _.....--_._--_. -- .- · _ .._... "._H':._"'_'" __._.. _,_..... _ ..-... -,,,-,~--DO ,lII'I. 2064 MEDCOM 0579 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 579 • • .~.~I~'··.. , ,. . ~ . ARMED FORCRS INSTITUTE OF PATIlOLQGY . . omce of the Armed Forea Medlul Eumlacr t413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20150 1·301·3 J9-0000 (FAX 1-301-319-0635) nNAL AUTOPSY REPORT NO.m'b~}(@6'C-l Name: ALI. bllllf:l Hamid AUI0Jl$Y D«te ofBirth!1bl(6J:::::l974 (32 yean) AFIPNo.dlbR6) Rank: Civilian mqi Detainet! I ISN:{b)(6) Date ofDel~(b){6) 12006 Place ofDealh: Iraq (Camp Bucca) Date of Autopsy: 04 JUN 1100 hours Date of Report: 08 rut 2006 Place of Autopsy: Dover PQrt Mol'tUllJy _ClrcamJtaoca of Death: (b)(6) Iis. 32 yeaMlld civilian Iraqi deW-: at lhc ThcatCl'" Internment Facility Ill. Camp Bucca, eoUapscd while playing volleyball. He was wvesponsivc to oral COlIlIIWllI5 and made gurgling sounds. He was not breathing and was pulseless with fixed and dilated pupils when rueived at !he nearest medical facility. Basic lIlld lIdvuccd cwiac (CPRlACLS) life Slippon measures _re Wl$UCcessful. AUlhoriuotfoa for AuIOIUY: 0fIi~ of the Anned Forces Medical Examiner, lAW 10 USC 1471 I..... n rill"" linn '--, (b){6) was identified by ddention camp wrist bracelet., toe illS and trIIlSpOlUltonaoewncnlll. A muscle sample is collected for DNA comparison ifneeded. CAUSE OF DEATH: Arrhythmogenie Rillbt Ventricular Dysplasia MANNER OF DEATH: N..... MEDCOM 0580 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 580 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) ALI, IIlDul Hamid 2 F1NAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSIS: I. A. Cardlovuealar SJllem: Can1iomeply, mild, 4SO pns. Hean iSlUbmined for ftIrt!ta" Iptcialiud eUlIlillltion ... the Armed Forces InslilUtc ofPatholoiY. • AntIythmogeoie ri&hl venlricullll'dysplui.. • Coron&r}' arteries with DO lil"ilicant pIthologieal ehanses. B. Respiratory System: - PIllmonary edema, ex_ive, righlilina 1730 pamt and leA 1un, 1270 gramI. Frotby nuid (lI11 the tnehca Ilnd major bronehi. C. Otber Body SYltelD': Pauivo eonsestion oflivcr,lpleen and kidneys. D. lajurlet A longitudinal superficial alnasiOl1 il noted on the plIfitcrior surface or the proximal right • No evidence orotber blunt or I!uope ron:e trIUIM. rOlUl'l'l'\. II: Evldeact of MedleallalervClltloa: .. Endotnehea! lube. properly poIitioned. b. Gutrie lube. Co Multiple IV IiTICII into both antieubilal do UrilW)'utheter, properly politioned. rO$l8e. ~ EKG pads. r. Automatic Defibrillator Pads (2) on the 10110. III. Evldeaee COllecdoa: none IV. I"tlne-tloa Mub: It taIlOOL(b)(S) lbHSI JtatlooaJb}(~ (bt(S) (b)(S) /It tl\lOO (b)(S) ~ ! -----l- Multiple IClJS are llOled and both dlltllthi;ha. VI. TOlleofac: Neptivc. CllboxyhcmoeJobin uturalion in the blood 112% (1).3% saluntlon il expeeted in IIOII-arnokera). Cyanide, negative. No evidence or cthaool. ~ed nxdieariont ordrup ohbllie. MEDCOM 058\ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 581 AlrrOPSY REPOR1i(b)(6) ALI, Is_I D.mSeI 1 ] EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The WlC'-I. body is that of I wcl1-developcd. well-nourished male.. The body weips l'il7 pounds, is 72~ in height ard appears compatible with the reported age of)2 years. The body is o:.old. Rigor il present to an equal dcgroe in all cxb"Cmitieli. Lividity is present and fixed on the posterior surfaee oflhe body, except in ~ cJCposcd 10 PftSSlU'C. The 5ClIlp hair is Black and hal a Black musbchc. The irides .e brown. The eomeae anl dull The eonjunetivae ~llightJy eol1gCSlcd.. TheKlmc ate unremaJkablc. Tbeextemal wdilOl)' unals. external nares .00 on.l cavity are free orromgn material and ~ secretiOl\$. The nual d:cleton;1 palpably intact. The lips are without evident iniWY, and reveal postmortem drying. The teeth are natur1l and in good eondition. Examination oflhc neck mocalcd no cvidcnec oflnjwy. The chest is ufln:rrwbblc. No injury oflhe ribs or Aemwn ,. evident CXIema1I'l. The aWomen is UIIl'eITIIlbble. No mljor liUJ'gicaJ acarsare notod. The extremities show no evidence of remote or reecnllrauma. The Jin1emJ.ils are intaet. T.-u~ ~bJ(6) - - _ (b)(6 A skin t-s is nMed behind the right ear. TIle external gmillllil are those ofa nom'Ial adult~sed male. The posterior tono n without note. __J EVIDENCEOFIHERAP¥ Endotndlealtube and pslrie tube, properly positioned, multiple IV lines into both anticubital fossae, urinary eathelCl", properly plllIitioncd, EKG pads and AUlomatic Defibrillator Pads.. EVIDENCE OF INJURY No evidence of major lnIuma. reeenl or rt:mole, is idCl'1lified. AIl abnsion is noted on the back of the right forearm. Minor scan; ~ noted on the distil thigh, bilalenny. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVlTIESj 1lIc body is opened by the usual thorac:o-abdominal incision and the ehest plalc is removed. No adhesions arc noted ofthc body cavities. 200 ml ofcffusioll fluid ~ present in each of the ri&hl and kl\ pleural eevirics and in the pericardia! cavity. No CJ:CC$I fluid is seen in thc peritoneal eavity. All body orpna ~ preacnl in thc nonnal anltomieal position. 1'lIe:rl! is no internal evidencc ofblunl forccorpmctnting injury to the Ih~nal region. HEADi (CENTRAL NERVOtJS SYSTEM) The aealp is rt:flceted. The; ca1Varilllll of thc skull is removed. 'The dura mater and falx eercbri ate intaeL There is 110 epidu.ral or aubdlnl hcmon1lage pruenl The leplomc:ningcs arc thin and dctieelc. 'The brain weighs 1470 Thc cclebl'll hCl'l'lisphcrea art: symmCfrieal. Thc $UUClUrCS It the base of thc brain. including cranial ncrvtI and blood srams. v*cla, arc intal:l. Coronal scctio11ll tlwuih the ecrebnl1 hemispheres rt:vea1ed 110 lesions. MEDCOM 0582 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 582 J AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) A.lJ, hmad Hamid Trmsverx sectiOM Ihrwgh the bl2in Item and een:bcl1um are wll'Cmarbble. significant pathologies! eIW1ges are noted. 4 No NECK: Examinstion ofebe soft tissues ofebe neck, inciudinSIlrap muse1es, thyroid s'1JId and Lal}e vesJell, rtvea\$ no llbnorTl\llities. The hyoid bone &lid larynx are intlcL CABDIQVMCYLM SYSTEM: The perican1iallUl"flCel are smooth, slilleflins illld wutnWbble.; the pericardial SlIe is lite of aisnifiell1l fluid ancIlIdIIe:sions. The heart weighs 4S0 ~ The aorta lIlId its major lnanches and ebc venae cavae and their major tributaries follow the IISIl&I distribulim and art grossly unmrwbble. The be:Irt iii liJced in formalin and albmitted lOr funher studies. (Please see the Cadiovascular ConsuItstioo Report below). RFJjiPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper airway is clear of debris and foreisn malerial, but revuls prcsmce of frothy fluid; the m\l\XlSll surfaces are smooth, yellow-1M and ~ble. The pleural sllrfacell are IIIIOOd1, s'ilteninS and IURlTllJbble bilatcrally_ The pulmonN)' pemdlyma is red-pwple, exuding exl:CUive arnollllts of edemalDllS fluid; no fl:,cal lesiolll are noted. The pubnOfllll)' arteries are nonnally devdoped, pRtent and withoutlhrombus or embolus. The right llUlll weighs 1370 pns; the left 1270 grams. UVER 4F BILIARY SYSTEM; The hepatic capsWc is smooth, s'isteninll snd inlact, covering dark red-brown, markedly eongestod puencb)ml with JJO IDcaI JesionI noted The pllbladder contains dart green muooid bile; \be muc:osa is velvety and \lI1I'C:I'I1tIbblc. No stone: present. The extnhcpatic biliary IRe is pRlOIt, wilholl1 evidence of c.alo:IIli. The ijve- weighs 2060 gnms. 6' ·OONTABY TRACT; The tor\8Ue exhibits no evidenc:e of I'CICtIl1 injUl'}'. The Cliopllagus is lined by grsy-wllile, smooth TII\Il:OSI.. The gastric muc:osa is arranged in the usual rugal folds and the lumen oontains ~ fluid. The gastrie ITI\JOOSS is eongested with no ulea-arion. The smallll11d lqe bowels are uruemarbble. The pancrcaI hu. nomlaI pink-tan lobulated appcsranr.c II'1d the: duets are elear. The appendix is ptesen1 and gros.sly ~IcabJe. GENrTOURINARY SYSTEM: The rmll Clp$UIc$ are smooth and thin, semi·tnNpa='lt and $trip with esse Ii-om the underJyina smooth, I'Cd-brown cortical surf.Iees. The corti<:a lU'C sharply delincatecl from the medullary pyramids, which IlC n:dl'urplc !O lin IInll urutrnarlcable. 1'bc: calyces, pclvca aod IlI'elm an: lIIlI'C:IJWkable. The urinary bll(lcler contains no urine (urirwy cathdcr is in plac:e}; the mllCOA is gray-tan andlll1lell1albble. The right kidney weiiIU 1$0 pwn.!!:!be left 170 pama. MEDCOM 0583 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 583 , AUTOPSY UPORT (b)(6) ALI, IJIUd H••1eI NiDCVLOENDOIHEYAL SYSTEM; The lpIecn 11M almOlldl, inllCt apP,1e eovcring m1-pulJlle,llIOdentely firm pan:nchyma; the lympboid folliclelll"C unmnatbble. The ~Jionall)mph nodes appeIr nonnal The Ipleen 260 pm. wei"" ENDQtB.lNE SW'EMj The pruitti)', thyroid IlId IlIreNJ gIIlIds 1ft Ulltemlrtlblc. APDmONAL PROCEDURES I. OoeumentlJ)'pholOJfIPN; lll1lllken by In OAFME pholOJflpber. 2. Full body ndiogrlp!ll doeumcnl abIence oflir:elclal injuricl; or cvidcnceo( """".. 3. SpecimeN retained for IOllieologica1 and/or DNA flIcntifieltion are: blood, vit_ nuid, bile, urine, guttie eonlcnlS 1IlII1Wue Alnpla from liva", hmg. kidney, Iplccn, bnin, pIG. muxle IIId Jdipose tiuuc. ... Rcpre.entalivc KdiollS ofOf'j.lll& ~ ~tained In formalin (or miel"OSCOpie aarninalion If needed in the futlll'C. 5. C1othiJt&, pcnon.Il errccullld military SCII' an:: ~Icased 10 the appropriate TnOrtuIl'y openllions repraenwivc. CAllDIQVASCVJ..ARCQr!~ULJ DIAGNOSIS: Antlythmogcnic Riilll VenuiaJlu Dyspluia Hbtory: 32 ycarold mile 1rIqi dctJincc who eollapRd while pllying volleyball. Hean: 0410; normal cpicardill fll; cloJed Jorwncn ovale; normallel'l \/Clluic:ular chamber dimClllionl: left vcntriwlv eavily dilll'lclt:r 40 nun, left venuiculv ITee Win IhieknesJ 12 nun, vcnlric:u1u ICpIwn thicknc:u 14 mm.; npl vcntricuJu dilalltion with fibrofMty rep1accment, focal nJIImUl1l1le1l'ring. and eoancly trabc!c1Jlaled endocardial lUl'face"';1II focalthiekcning; mildly thickc:nod and redlUldanl mil1'l!J valve lealku; small fcncalnlion, left coronary cusp of IOrtic VIM; b'InImul1lllCm, Interior and poJIcrior ri&hl ventricle; hillOlosicll ICClioni allow l1'I!IIImu...1 librofany replaccmcnl of righl ventricle with fbcal allcnullion Ind vac:uoliZilion of myocll"dial fibcrl, and rIf1: foci of unlle cen nectOIll with inlillratcs; Wlrt:marll.lblo leA ventric:ulv myocardium. MEDCOM 0584 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 584 AUTOPSY REPORl\L(b::"::"'---_ _ 6 ALl,lIl1l.11cl Hamid r OPINION (b)(6) 132 year-old Iraqi <ktainu, who collapsed while pllying volleybaillt an inlmlrnent facility, died from cardiac urhythmia JeCOndary fO "armythmogcnic niht ExamiDation of the heart revealed fibrofatty repbcemenl, transmunJ scarring and fenestration of the right vcntrietc. There was 110 evidence of _ t OfTelTlOtc trauma. Toxicological5tudiea were negacive for ethanol, screenecl medicatiOllli and drugs ofabuR. Manner of death il ~nalUR.I". (b)(6) b)(6) MEDCOM 0585 Medical EXlminer ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 585 .~. OEP~ Of' oenNlIE 'A'lMllILCllW 11 II , _I'CMIIC.~~ -..rTOIl, oc: N... PADIHI gwmnc.rnON Am It. ,'eu (b)(6) s.._ "- AU, ISMAEL HAMID OmClOr11D~mFOR.CUMUlICAL 'XAMn<U AltMlD FORCES INST1TtITJ: or PATMOLOGY WASHINGTON, DC 2(1)" fOlD SSo-\H: '"'opI)'t r(b)(6) TO"mIIIJAu '.lI:j!!}/§.l DIIY Rqaort Geun.,: 1_ 12, 200ll j CONSULTATION REPORT ON CQNT8IRJITOB MAnBlAL IlU'OftT orTOXlCOLOCTCAL UAMlNATJON Coaditioa ofSpecl:wIus: OOOD Dale ofladdCllt(b)(6j 2006 DIIt. ReceIved: 6IliI2oo6 CARBON MONOXIDE: The carlIoxyhemoalobin utuntion in tho blood was 2% u decerrrIined by lpectrophotometry with • limit ofquantitatlon of I%. CWoxybemoaJobin WlII'lltionI of 0-3% are expected for non-smoken mel )·10% (or ~ Sanndol1l above I0% ~ CQIlIidcrod elevaIeCIlDCI are confimled by ps el1f\unatoppby. VOLA11LES: The HEART BLOOD AND URINE were examined for the poe_ of ethanol at • cutoff 0£20 No etbaool wu detected. mwdL. CYANIDE: 111m! wu DO cyanide detected in the heart blood.. The limit of quantiWloll for e)Uidc is O.2S mgIL. Normal bbld cyanide concentrations are lea tIIaa 0.1 S maIL. LetbaI coneelIlntiOl1l ofcyanide are 1lJ1lI.= lbI;n 3 ~. DRUGS: The URINE wulCJeened for aceWninopben, amphetamine, lIIludcptCSllJlll, ucihiswnillea, bubitunlles, baw "'iuepina, c:mD.IbillOids. dII0r0quloc:, "'OC'!nc, delctrometborpbaD. UdocaillP, narootic: malPc:a. opialu, pheneyclidlM, phenothi.zinn, salicylale.l, ~c aminelI and verapunil by IU chronwopphy. color test or Unm"M"lIy. The followlni drup were dcteetcd: (b}(6\ (b)(6) MEDeOM 0586 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 586 _M_ _.-- ..-- - __..... --.... ..- -- -- -- -- - -_. -.------ -- _- -- -- - --_..__.-_. _.- _"A_ - ..... --- ---__ -...... -_ .. -... • _-_ ........ ...--.'" _ _....._-_ _ .....'-....,,-__ .. --_ .... __.. -....._......-.--.. --. -- --"' _... _M_ ------ --_..-- .._. ___...... __ -- -...._._.. _.- .....----.. -._-_ ,_._.. ...-.._........__._.. _..._. -............._. _._.. __ . - C!JmPlC.,t, TI! (I' IlEAtH jlll. ~-BTB All. IU'I'IIel. H_ MIJ IDO.... 1Ioi1 ... -~- (b)(6) ","", , "'''01'_ ....,.. ~~ l(b)(6) 1'974 I!J .' .......... 0 M_ .ooc'_ -~ • ...... _01'-'01'_ • ~.- """"" • "" t! _01'_'" . -... • '" -" .... e-.. _ _ _ _ ... _ olc~Vtw;;;::-~ ....." .. -... ".".... -"""'~"-.-', _01'_'" "' • • (b}(6) (b)(6) "~ no , _ _ _ _". _ _ _ _".M" ",_ ~~"""""'"- ... I ~. 'ile-- -""""01'_ .... ..-- liiil6\. 2008 .. ~ .......- - .....- - ......- - . "I"'" al Exari!er b 6 t,L::~':"'':=_ !(b}(6) 1{b}(6} 0," . ........ I ~ Junll 2006 I ",'001'_'" ___ "-~_ _ _ • - .... _ ..- I I I DO· 2064 MEDCOM 0587 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 587 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY omee tlrlbe Anaed Forctll Medl",' EJ;1I.11ll", 1413 Resean:h Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20150 1-)01-319-0000 Al!fOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Nvne: BTB LohIl..Ybi, Monder Mthmoud AUIOpSy No.; (b)(6) ~)(6) ISN: (b)(6) AFIP No.: (b)(6) Rank: Civitmn Place or Death: I~ Place of AllIOpsy: Pon Mortuary, Dover AFB. Of [)M.r;ofOlrdl:(b)C6) 1944 Dale or DedI: (b)(6) 2006 OalcfTlme of AulOpSy: II APR 2006 @ l100hn DtlcofR.cpon: 26JUN 2006 Clrhl_IIIIllCft of De.tb: This 62 year<lld dcWnec _ found llIII'UpOIl5iw met brouahc 10 the)4411 Field Medical Hospital. Despite lratmenl the cleu.inec eJlpiml The dcceued is ~ed as hlIvi"lll JIQl medical history signifkuM for smokin& met diabctc:s melJitu5. A.ttloriDllolll for Alliopsy: Officeordle Armed Forces Medical Enminer. lAW 10 USC 1471 ldtatlftellrioll: Praumptiw idendfiealion from Ullminalton of lICCompanyinl pIIpCl'WOIt met wriSlI6enlitic:lltJon bnleeleL Post-mortem IIn,erprints, denial c.hartiIl& lind DNA oblIIincd. MANNER OF DEATH: NII",,.I MEDCOM 0588 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 588 AUTOPSY REPORT(bj(6) BTD Loblybi, MOldu Mlbmoud Abdlllkldrl"lli (b)(6) 2 PlNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSIS I. CaniiovlSClllu System: A. Clrdiomcilly. Helf1 wcight17G-1l1VIIJ (Predicled normal heII'I weiahl B. C. II. (ot I male with I body welllhl or 164·pounds is 295-llJVlIS with llowrr 9S% confidence limit or202·grams Win l.Ipper 9S% c:onfidefKe limit or 4J2-pms) AtbcrosclefOlic COTOlIIry Artery DIKlK: I. 90% stenosis or thr left Interior descmding coronuy 1I'ICl')' by Ithrrosclel'Odc plaque 2. 7S% stenosis of thr Irft cil'l:umf1ell COI'Onlr)' &Itrfy by athrrosclefOllc plaque 3. 7S% stenosis ofthr riiht coronary MeT)' by IUllrrosclerotie plaque Rt-rnote M)'OtIl'dilllnf'aretion: 2.S<entimetcr JCIr in 1hr IIIIrtior WIlli or thr left ventricle IMI extencls 10 lhe.pelt Puimonlry System: Pulmonll')' cdemlllId conarst1on (Luna wcillhts: riaht18G- pms; left nG-pams) Ill. Genitourirwy System: Benlllll Nephrosclerosis IV. Heplllobitlhary System: St.llllll post cholecystectomy V. No sillllilicant inJurieJ ldenllfled VI. Minor ll\ll.lrirs: Abrasions (4) of thr left side of the (ICe TllIIllina In artatrSl dimension from \I,-inch to I 'I.-inches VII. POSHllOl"lrrtl chanlles: A. Uvidily Is fixed on t!Ie pomriOl' surflCC or the body except In IlreU C. exPQ'Cd 10 ~ Rigor hu pISsed Moderate decomposition orthe intelNll orpns D. Skin sllpJllie on llle left ankle D. VIII. Toxicology (AFlr): A. CARBON MONOXIDE: TheCll'box~rmoll1obill hrrMlllobln saturation is I%. 8. VOLATILES: There is noethanol detected in t!Ie blood and vitteous nl.lld. C. CYANIDE: ~ is no C)'lfIide detected In the blood. D. DRUGS: No ~ed drupoflbuse Of mrdiCllions an: detected in the urine. MEDCOM 05119 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 589 1 AUTOPSY REPORT~)(6) l DTB Loll.lybl, MoDder M.bllloud AbdulklderaJ ]lb)(6) EXT£RNAL EXAMINATION The body is tIlIt of. well-de~loped.well-nourished Ippeuing. n-ineh all, 164-pourwls male whose Ippe:Il8IlCe is consistent with the ~poT1ed Ige of61-yean. Lividity is posterior SurfflCe of the body except in llteaS exposed to pl'eSSIll'e. Rigor ".".,. ... present on the The scalp is covered with soon gnr,y ItId blsck hair with mile pattern blading. The irides an: dark and the comea are OlWlCified. The extemalauditory canals and can an: unrenwbble. The: nares an: pIltent and the lips an: Itnlumatic. The is red-brnwn purge nuid in the lIIIJ"eS. The: nose llIId maxillae are palpably stlIble. The moulh is edentulOllS. There is post-mortem skin slippage on the left side of the flCe. The ned. is ItnIight, lIITd the tJXhc:a is midline lIITd mobile. The chest is symmetric. The Ibdomen is nit. The ~nialill an: those ofl normll adult male. The tesles ate descended lIITd free of masses. Pubic hair is plt:Sent in a llOmIIl distribution. The lIITUS is unretnIlbblc. There an: llIUS ofpylbrown discolOl1ltion without underlying llcmontIage on the left and right buttocks. There is green discoloration on the chest and abdomen. There is a oS-inch ~niCII SUTgiCII scar 011 the center of the upper abdomen lIITd I <I-inch oblique incision on the risht side of "'" ."""""'- Tbe upperlllTd Iowercxtrcmities ate symmetric lIITd without clubbing oredema. There is I III-inch scar on the right elbow. T'hete is postmortem skin slippage on the left ankle. Tbete is lIlT orangelyellow poll-mortem Ibrasion on the right hand. CLOWING AND PERSONAL EFfECfS The following clothing items and personal etrec1S are present on the: body &I the time: of lutopsy: • A yellow jump-suit • Two pain of white briefs • One white sock • Wrapped in I green sheet • • MEDICAL INTERVENTION EndolTlchcaJ lnlllbation InlTl_accus (righl for=nn) RADIOGRAPHS A complete set of~tmonem radiopphs is obtained and ~I'IICS the followi"8: • Calcified coronary mcriu • Calcified external ililC and femoral aneries • Intemal fixation plate (tiilrt libil) MEDCOM 0590 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 590 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) I BTB Lollaybl, MOIIde';:MahmCHId AbdulkadenJ (b){6) 4 EVIDENCE QF INJURY No sianifieant injuril:' are identified. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAD: The plea! and subgalea! soft tissues oflhe scalp ~ free of injury. The caI...arium is intact, as is tile dwa miter benealh il.. CIc:artX,cb,ospinaJ fluid sllITOWlds the ISOO-pm brain, which has unremarkable gyri and sulci. Coronal 5e(:tioM dem(lIISlnl\e sharp demarcation between white and pey malter, without hemonballe or contusive injury. The ...entricles are ofnonna! size. The basal ganglia, bninstem, cerebellum. and alleria! systems we (ree of i~ury or other abno~lities. There are no skull t'radures. The: allanlo-occipital joint is stlble. =, The anterior st:ap muscles oftlle neck are homogenous and red-brown. without Ilernonbage. The thyroid car1ilage and hyoid are intxt. The Larynx is lined by inlatt white m\lCO$L The thyroid is symmetric arid rcd-brown. without c)'$l~ or nodular change. The: tongue is me o(bite marks, hemorrhage, or other injuries. BODY chymES: The ribs, sternum. and vcnebnJ bodies are visibly and palpably intact No excess fluid is in tile pleural, pericardial, or peritonea! ca... ities. 'The organs occupy their usual anatomic positions. RESPIRATORy SYSTEM; The risht IIIld left lungs weigh 7&0 and n(l-arams. <apeclivcly. The extel1\.ll surfltX:S are smooth and deep red-purple. The pulmonary puenc:hyma is diffusely congested and edematous. No mass lesions or ~as of consolidation IJl: present. CARDIOYASCULAR SYSTEM; The nO-gram hC8l1 is contained in an intact pericardial sac. The epicardial surface is smooth. with modcnte (at invcstmC'l1t. The COl'OI'Wy arteries are present in a normal distribution, with. risht-40minant panem. Cross sections o(the ...euels show 90% stC'llOSi! o(\hc lel\ antcriordC!Cmdina coronary ancty. 7S% stenosis of\hc Iel\ cil'Cllmflex coronary artery and 7S% steroolIis of the right coronary ancry by caleified .lhcrosclerotic plaql/C:li. There is a 2.S-centimcteT tr.ns-mural tan-whitc: fibrous 5CIII" in the anterior wall o(thc left ...entricle that extends to thcapcx. The .... I...e luflcts arc thin and mobile. The walll ofthc left and rillht ventricles are 0.9 and 0.3-cmtlmcten lh~k, respectively. The endoo:::Mlium is smooth and &listening. The aorta gives rise to three intact and patent arch ...essell and exhibits mild .lhel'O!Clel'Osis. The renal and mesenteric vessels are ullfCJTl&rbble. MEDCOM 0591 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 591 AUTOPSY REPORT l(b}(S) BTB Lobaybl, MODder.~M'".h=.=,C">"Abd'lkaderal[(b}(6} , LlyER" BILIARy SYSTEM: The ISoo.gram liver has an inl8Cl, smooth capsule and • sharp anterior border. The plIR:IIdlyma is tan·brown and congested, with the usual lobular architeetlU'e. No mass lesions orolher abnormalities are sem. The pllbladder is not identified and is replaced by IIUIllel'OUS adhesions. The exlBhepatic biliary tree is patent. SPLEEN: The 24D-gram .spleen is encased with numerous adllesions. The pmen.ehyma iJ maroon and congened. witb dinLnct Malpighian c:orpllSCles. PANCREAS; The pancreas is firm and yellow-tan, with the uroaI lobu!v architecture. No mass lesions or other abnormillilic:s are seen. ADRENALS: The right and left adrenal &lands are symmetric, witb bright yellow cortices and grey medullae. No masses or areas ofhemorrbage are i4enlifiod. GENITOURINARy SYSTEM; The right and leA kIdney.s weigh 200 and lBO-grams, Iespet:tively. The eJlternal.surf8l:e.l are granular. The cut.surfa.:es are red·tan and conaested, with unifonnly Ihick cortices and sharp corticomalullary jlllle:tions. The pelves are IIJV1lmarkable and the ureter.s arc normal in COLll'Se and will«. White bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder wall. The bladder C«IWRlI approximately 3D-miIllliten of clear yellow urine. The pro.state is lIOrmilI in .size, witb lobular, yellow-tan pamlChyma. The leT'lIinal vesicles arc wuanarl;ablc. The tcIIes are free ofmass lesions, cont\l.lioRll, or other abnonnalities. GASJROINIESTINAL TRACT: The esophagWl is intact and lined by smoolh, grey-white mucosa. ThcSlomacll contaillli scant brown fluid. The gastric wall is intact. The doodenwn, loops of.small bowel, and colon arc unremarkable. The appendix is not identiflod. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Sel~ted portions of orgaN arc retained in formalin, without F:ftparation of hiSlOIOJie slides. MEDCOM 0592 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 592 J AtITOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB Lob.ybi, MoDlIn MiibatOud Abdullwtenl [(b)(6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 6 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES Documenwy photographll are tIkc:n by OAFME staff photographers. Full body radiographs are obtained. No blunt rort:e or penetraling injuries are identified. No met.l1ic ron:ign objects are identified. Specimens retNned for tOll!eology testing and/or DNA identification are: blood, vinous fluid., urine. liver, spleen, bfain, IIlI\i. kidney, muscle and adipose. The dissected organs ~ forwarded with the body. ~r1OnaJ dfecb are relased to \he appropriate mortlwy operations ~presenlatiYeS. Identifying marks include: Two surgical scatS 01\ the abdomen. QPINION This 62 year-old male died of hypertrophic and arterioscleTOlic cardiovascular disease. The: he:an weighed 77O-grams. 11Jere WIIS evidence ofa remote myocardial infnction in the anterior wall of !be left ventricle. signifiCll1t pulmonary conges1iOll and edema and benign nephrosclerosis. Closs sectioning of the eOl'01llJ)' arteries ellhibited 90'% stenosis orthe left anterior deteending coronary artery, 75% stenosisorlhe left circwnDex coronary artery IIDd 75% stCllOSis or\he right coronary arter)' by calcified atherosclerotic plaques. The abrasions orthe left side of!he rau are consistent with injuries sustained during aleoninal collapse. The IOllicology screen is negative. The mAnllCf of death Is ~""". (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Medical Ellaminer rn(b~)(~')'----U'e<licarExaminer MEDCOM 0593 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 593 _... __.. - ---- - ......... CERT\fICIlTE Of MAlH /OI£RSEA!j A<todO_ _.~ BTe Lohaybl, Monder Mahmoud, Al:ldulkao - - _M".......... - Civilian "",..",- ....JJCItO ".,, _ _ -- -'--__-- - - .__ .... '~I'\JI ... ~ _.'"TmEN'T _ ....... _ .... ""l ""'-'K"'_'" 0 - .. _ _ ....... _ ......... 1 _.._--_......,-_.. _ . -. - .. .-- -_ -_coo COOQfOM 0"EC'lf.' L . . - TO .......• • _~ =i"" - C/fY.,.. ,."...011 . .'" , e, , ~ -...,- ...... ~ f Q... CIASI'O - · ,....1 ---_. _-1'.... -_- -.- ,.~ ~ • I'J D c""'100 _ " , """'OF .... ~ ~.~ l(b)(6) 1944 ''"'l '--,- ""'," """'"""" .......... ......... (b)(6) """'" ,_I • ~ ~- -~- ..................... --".- a-..._ _... Hyplofllf)phlc ""*bIclorolie CMlio'-lloCIllw DiMI•• .• _.LU<>H>.., ~~ HlIlOIy fA DionelH Mil_ ...., IlI'lOII.lng ~ _ _ _ _ CAllSi.. _ . """""_ TO ......... """'" ,..... -.. ...... _. _.-... _... • --"'---=_. .. --rl: _ ..-- -- _.--,.,._ __ ..... _ __ ........ ,.... __ .......... _ .. ... ... __-..... _- _.- _......... ... . -I .'__-_ .... _ ..... _ .... .. .. _,- ..... __, . ._...._,.... _..-:.__._-....-_ _... -_._ ., , e""'" ...... C<Nf c",.,.,..,.. """"'", ........ , 1iJ- ~ ....",.. • ~ .... ~ D~ ~~~~ (b}(6) ." 11 April 2006 "'''Of'' ' ''" • 0.0 1'i1",,_ "'-'CE ", .... 1ft l(bir6i~~··-'-' I • ""'''' ... TO ............. ""'M. .-.- ............. .... ,............. _ . . - " , .... DiCUll'O"""e<.o'" cccu...."., .... _ .-.... e _ ' - fHiCAllOU .. '''!'O '""'" -,..-..- """' (b}(6) ... tllLl..OII_' "' 11m<6} , ""_ Medica! Examine!' DO!/er AfB, [)oyer DE ." ---'~----"''''- 00'="'" 2064 ......-cu ... _ --.. ... -., .... " ........"""" _ _........." """"'.... oo.....-.e. MEDCOM 0594 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 594