Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part8
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ARMED FORCES lNSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office ortbe Armed Forces Medical Eumlnu 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 301-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT No.:L(~b)~{6~)=== Name: J(hazi. Hamid.Muhsin ID#:I(b)(6j Autopsy AfIP No.~b}(6} Date of Birth: Mnkno""~ DateorDeath (b)(6) 2001 Dateffime of Autopsy: 12 DEC 2001@0900 Dale of Report: 01 JAN 2008 Rank: Detainee Place of Death: Iraq Place of Autopsy: Port Mortuary Dover AFB. Dover, DE Circumstaacn or Death: This detainee was reportedly mortally wounded by small arms fire after attacking a United States Army Soldier \Ioith a wooden board and attempting 10 grab the soldier's piStol. Autbonu.tion for AUlopsy: Armed Forces Medical Ellaminer, per \0 U.S. Code 1411 Idenlification: Presumptive identification is established by ellamining accompanying paper work.. CAUSE OF DEATH: Multiple guushot wounds MANNER OF DEATH: Homicide MEDCOM 0697 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 697 2 AUTOPSY REPOR11(b)(6) KHAZI,Hamid MOOsin EXTERt'lAL EXAMINATION The body is that of 8 well-developc:d. well-nourished male. The body weighs 201 pounds, is 70 inches in length and appears to be 30 to 40 years ofage:. The body is cold. Rigor is prescnt to an equal degree in all extremities. Lividity is present and fixed on the postenor surface oflhe body, except in areas exposed to pressure. The head is normocephalic, and the scalp hair is black and short. Facial hair consists of a black mustache:. The irides are brown. The comeae are cloudy. The conjunctivae: are pale. The sclerae are white. The external auditory canals, external nares and oral cavity are free of foreign material and abnormal ~retions. The nasal skeleton and ma.,illa ~ palpably intact. The lips are without evident injury. The teeth are natural and in good condition. Examination of the neck reveals no evidence of injury. Injuries of the tol'S(! are described below. No evidence of injury oftne ribs or the sternum is evident externally. The external genitalia are those of a circwm:ised adult male. Gauze encircles the tip of tile penis 8IId there is a 3/4 inch sutured wound of the dorsal surface of the shaft of the penis adjacent to the glans. The posterior torso and anus are without note. Injuries ofthe-extremities_Uf described below. Encircling the l right wrist is a hospitallD band inscribed with ( b ) ( 6 ) I A ga\1l£ bandage encircles the proximal right thigh. Underlying this gauze is a 2-3(4 J( 1-112 inch healing and debrided wound of the posterior right thigh and a 1·112 inch sutured healing wound of the proximal medial right thigh. l Sclll1i are noted on the posterior left arm (4 inches), right buttock (3/4 inch), right knee (l-112 inches and 1/4 inch), posterior left thigh (1 inch). and right popliteal fossa (I inch). The fingernails are intact. CLQTmNG AND PERSONAL EFFECfS Worn: • Tan socks • • • Blue running suit with gray stripes Yellow boxers White tank top t-shirt (There are multiple defects lIQted on the clothing. Many of these defects correspond to injuries that are described below. No soot or gunpowder was identified upon unaided Yisual examination of the clothing.) MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • EKG lead on the anterior torso Gauze bandages (penis and right lhigh) 'MeditaJ records indicate thal the decu$o:d ...... being IJealcd for alW'shOl wollZld oflhe ri&hlibi&h and penis. MEDCOM 0698 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 698 AUTOPSY REPORTI(b){6} ] J KHAZI,Harnid Muhsin RADIOGRAPHS A compiele set of postmortem radiographs is ohlaif'led. Injuries seen on radiographs are incorporated into the evidence of injury section. EVIDENCE OF INJURY The ordering of the following injuries is for descriptive purposes only, and is not intended to imply order of infliction or relative 5e\'enty. All wound pathways are given relative to standard anatomic position. GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE CHEST: Entrance: On the right side of the chest is a 1/4 inch circular entrllnCC gunshot wound with a 1/8 inch concentric marginal abrasion. The wound is located 21-112 inches below the top of the head and 5 inches 10 the right of the anterior midline. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surrounding skin. Injured: The skin. subcutaneous lissue, muscles of the right side ofthe chest, muscles of the ninth anterior intercostal space, right hemidiapbragm (I inch defect), right lobe of the liver (2·112 x 2-114 inch def«t), right kidney (I inch def«t through the hilwn). renal artery (uans«ted), renal vein (ll"lU1S«ted), muscle and skin are injured. Exit: On the right side of the back is a 112 x 114 inch laa:raled exit wound. The wound is located 23·112 inches below the top of the head and 112 inch to the right of the posterior midline. Recovered: Nothing is ra:overed. Trajectory: The bullet trajectory is front 10 back, right 10 left and downwards. Associated Injuries: There is 350 ml of blood identified in the peritoneal space. GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE LEFT SIDE OF THE CHEST (SUPERIOR): Entrana:: On the left side oflne chest (below the left nipple) is a 1/4 inch circular entnmee wound with a 1/8 inch cona:ntric marginal abrasion. The wnund is located 19-1/2 inches below the top of the head and 5-3/4 inches to the left of the anterior midline. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified 011 the surrounding skin. Injured: The skin, subcutaneous tissue, lateral aspect of the left fifth rib, upper lobe of the left lung (1/2 inch defect), posterior ninth intercostal muscles, muscles of lhe back and skin are injw-ed. MEDCOM 0699 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 699 AUTOPSY REPORTI(b}(6) 4 KHAZI,Hamid Muhsin Exit: The projectile exits the center ofthe upper back through a 112 x 1/4 inch exit wound that has an e<:centric marginal abrasion measuring up In 112 inch nn die twelve to six o'clock border. The wound is locll1ed 16 inches below the lOP oftbe head and 1-1/4 inches to the left of the posterior midline. Re<:overed: Seven coppcr and gray colored bullet fragmCllts are recovered from the surface of the body and clothing. Trajcctory: The bulletlrajcctory is front to back, left to right and upward. Associated Injuries: There is 1200 ml of blood identified in the left chest cavity. GUNSHOT WOUND TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE CHEST (MEDIAL): Entrance: On the medial left side of the chest is a 1/4 inch circular gunsbot .....ound ....ith a 1116 illCh concentric marginal abrasion. The wound is located 23-112 incbes below lIIe top ofllle head and 2-[12 inches In the left of the anterior midline. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surrounding skin. Injured: The skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles of the left side ofllle chest, peritoneum, left lobe oftke liver (2 It 1 inck defect), muscles oflhe back and skin are injured. Exit: There is a 114 x 118 inch paniaJ exit wound on the righl side ofllle back with an e<:centric 3/4 inch marginal ahrasion on the t.....elve to three o'clock boJtler. The wound is located 19-112 inches below the lOP of the head and 4-3/4 inches to the ri&ht of the posterior midline. Recovered: One intact copper colored jacketed projectile (willi a base that measures 9 nun in gfCatesl dimension) is recovered from the musculature ofllle right side ofthe back adjacent to the exit wound. Trajeclory: The bullet uajeclnry is fronllO back, left 10 righl and upward. Associated Injuries: There is 350 ml of blood identified in the perilnneal cavity. GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE lEfT SIDE OF THE CHEST (lATERAL): Entrance: On the laleralaspeet ofthc left side ofllle ehest is a 1/4 inch circular enlrance gunshot woWld with an eccentric marginal abrasion measuring up to 118 inch on the six In nine o'clock border. lbe wound is located 24_[/4 inches below the top of the head and 4-1n. inches to the left ofthe anterior midline. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surrounding skin. Injured: The skin. subculallooUS tissue, muscles of the left side of the chest, anterior aspect of the left ninth rib, peritoneum, left hemidiaphragrn (1 inch defecl), stomach (2 inch and 1- MEDCOM 0700 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 700 AUTOPSY REPORn lb}(6) KHAZI,Hamid Muhsin 5 3/4 inch defects), upper pole of the left kidney (3/4 inch defect), tenth intercostal muscles, muscles of the back and skin are injured. Exit: On the center of the upper back is a 3/4 x 112 il"lCh exit wound with an eccentric marginal abrasion that measures up to 1/8 ioch on the nine to six o'clock border. The exit wound is located 18-1f4 inches below the top of the head and is on the posterior midline. Recovered: One defonned copper coloredjacketed bullet is recovered from the muscles of the right side of the upper back adjacent to the right scapula (the defonned base measures 10 mIn in grealest dimension) Trajectory: The trajectory of the bullet is left to right. front to back. and upward. Associated Injuries: Three hundred and fifty milliliters of blood is identified io the peritoneal cavity. PERFORATING GUNSHOT WOUND OF 1liE LEFT FOREARM (pROXIMAL): Entrarlce: On Ihe proximallell. forearm is a 1/4 inch circular entrance gunshot wound with a 1116 inch concentric marginal abrasion. The wound is located 4 inches below tbe elbow and 1·112 incbes 10 the rightoflhe anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surroundingskin. Injured: The skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and skin are injured. Exit: On the proximal left foreann is a 1/4 x 114 inch lacerated exit wound located 4 inches below Ihe elbow and 1/4 inches to Ihe left of me anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position. Recovered: Nothing is recovered. Trajectol)': The bullet trajectory is right to left. slightly back to front with no significant updown deviation. Associated Injuries: There is bleeding along the wound tract. PERFORATING GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE LEFT FOREARM (DISTAL): Entrarlce; 00 the left forearm is a 1/4 inch circular enlrMce gunshot wound with a concentric 1/16 inch marginal abrasion. The wound is located 7·112 inches below the elbow and 2 inches to the right of the anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position. No soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surrounding skin. Injured: The skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle. and skin are injured. MEDCOM 0701 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 701 A!.ITOPSY REPORT (b)(6) KHAZI,Hamid Muhsin ] 6 Exit: On the left foreann is a 1/4 x 1f4 inch lacerated exit wound located 7-112 inches below the elbow and in the anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position. ReCQvcred: Nothing is recovered. Trajectory: The trajectory oflhc bullet is right ro left, slightly back to front with no significantup-down deviation. Associated lnjuries: Associated with this wound is bleeding along the wound tract. OTHER INJURIES: By medical repon there is a perforating gunshOT wollrld oftne right thigh. This injllty is in the process of healing and has been treated medically (please see the External Examination section above). The skin, SUbcUtaneollS tissues and muscle are injll1od. The trajectory is indetenninare. By medical repon there is a gunshot WOlITld of the penis. The injllty is in the Pl'O(:e$ of lIealing and has been medically treated (please see tl1e Extemal Examination section above). The skin and subcutaneollS tissues are injured. The trajectory is indetenninare. INTERNAL EXMIINATlON BODY CAVIIIES; The body is opened by the usualthoraco-abdominal incision and the ctlest plate is removed. The s\emum, and venebral bodies are visibly and palpably intact. No adhesions in any oftl1e body cavities. Blood is identified in lhc right chest cavity (150 ml), left chts1 cavity (1200 ml), and peritoneum (350 ml). All body organs are present in normal anatomical position. The subcutaneous fat layer oflhe abdominal wall is 3/4 inches thick. HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The scalp is renected. The galea! and subgaleai soft tissues of the scalp are free ofinjllty. There ate no skull fractures. The calvarium of the skull is removed. The dura mater and falx cerebri are intac!. There is no epidural or subdUl'll1 hemorrllage present. The leptomeninges are thin and deliCll1e. The cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical. The structures at the base oflhe brain, including cranial nervts and blood vessels are intact. Cleu <::erebrospinal fluid sUIT(lunds the 1530 gram brain, which has unremarkable gyri and sulci. CQronal sections through the cerebral hemispheres reveal no lesions. Transverse se<::tions through the brain stem and cerebellum are unremarkable. The arlantooo:x:ipitaljoint is stable. The spinal cord is unremarkable. NECK: The anterior strap muscles of the neck are homogenous and red-bro'''m, without hemorrhage by layer-wise dissection. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined oy intact white muCQsa. The tongue is free of bite marks, hemorrlla!\e, or other injuries. Incision and MEDCOM 0702 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 702 AUTOPSY REPORTI{b}(6} KJ-IAZI,f1amid Muhsin 7 dissection of the posterior neck demonstrates 110 deep paracervical muscular injury and no cervical spine fractures. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 4)0 gram heart is contained in an intact pericardial sac. The epicardial surface is smooth, with minimal fat invesUllenL The coronary arteries are present ill a nonna! disuibution. with a leftdominant pattern. Cross sections of the vessels show wide patency. The myocardium is homogenous, red-brown, and finn. The valve leaflets are thin and mobile. The walls of the left ventricle, interventricular sep1UlTl, and right ventricle are 1.2, 1.2, and O.)o(:m thick, respectively. The endocardium is smooth and glistening. The aona gives rise 10 three intact and patent arch vessels. The renal and mesenteric vessels are unremarkable. RESPIRATORy SYSTEM: Please sec Evidence oflnjury. The upper airway is clear of debris and foreign material; the mucosal surfaces are smooth, yellow-tan and unremarkable. The plewa! surfaces are smooth, glistening and unremarkable bilaterally. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous, eKuding slight 10 moderate amounts of blood and frothy fluid; no focal Mn-traumatic lesions are nOied. The pulmonary arteries are nonnally developed, patent and withoullhrombus or embolus. The righllung weighs 720 grams; the left 380 gJamS. HEPAIOBIUARY SYSTEM: Please see Evidence of Injury. The 1950 gram liver. wheTe uninjlU"td, has a SDloolh capsule covering dark red-bro....T1, moderately congested tan-brown parenchyma with no focal non-uaumalic lesions noted. The gallbladder contains 5 mJ of green-brown, mucoid bile; the mucosa is velvety and unremarkable. The elluahepalic biliary tree is patent, without evidence of calculi. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: Please sec Evidence of Injury. The esophagus is lined by gIlly-while, smooth mucosa. The g!lS1ric mucosa is arranged in the usual rugal folds and the lumen contains scant mucoid bro.....n fluid. The small and large bowels are unremarkable. The pancreas has a nonnal pink-tan lobulated appearance and lhe duelS are clell1. 11le appendix is present. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: Please see Evidence of Injury. The injured right kidney weighs 150 grams; lhe injlU"td left kidney weighs 150 grams. The renal capsules are smooth and thin, semi-transparent and strip with ease from lhe Wlderlying smooth, red-brown cortical surface. The conex is sharply delineated from lhe medullary pyramids, .....hich are red-purple to tan and unremarkable. The calyces, pelves and ureters are unremarkable. White bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder wall. The bladder contains approKimalely 50 ml of clell1 yellow urine. The testes, prostate l?,land and seminal vesicles are without IIOte. MEDCOM 0703 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 703 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) KHAZI,Hamid Muhsin • ~ LYMPHQRETICULAR SYSTEM: 1be 120 gram spleen has a smoo1l1, intact capsule covering red-purple, moderately finn parenchyma; the: lymphoid follicles are llllI"C1llatkable. Lymph nodes in 1l1e bilar, periaonic and iliac regions arc: not enlarged. ENDOCRlNE SYSTEM: The pituitary gland is examined in situ and is unremarkable. The 1l1yroid gland is symmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodular change. The right and left adrenal glands are symmetric, with bright yellow cortices and red-brown medullae. No masses or areas ofhemoIThage are identified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: No non-traumaIic abnormalities of muscle or bone are identified. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Documenlary pbotograph$ are taken by!(b)(6) :OAFME staffpbotographer. 2. Personal effects arc: released to the appropriate: mortuary operations representalives. J. Specimens retained for toxicology testing and/or DNA identification are: blood, vitreollS tluid, bile, urioe, gastric conteots, brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, bruin, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. 4. Tlu: dissecled organs are forwarded wi1l1 body. S. The recovered evidence is lUmed released 10 Special Agenl (b)(6) leID. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATiON Selected portions of organs arc: retained in formalin, withoul prepllJlll.ion of histology slides. MEDCOM 0704 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 704 AlITOPSY REPORliti(b~){~6~) _ 9 KHAZI.Hamid Muhsin FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I Gunshot wound of the right side of the chest A Entrance: On the right side of the chest is • 114 inch circulu entrance gunsbot wound with a 118 inch concentric marginal ablll5ion; located 21-112 inches below the top of the bead and 5 inchn to the rigbt of the antcrior midline; no soot or gunpowder stippling is identified on the surrounding skin. D Injured: The skin, subcutanwus lbsue, muscles of tbe right side oftbe chest, muscles oftbe ninth anterior mterCll5talspacc, right hemidiaphragm (J inch defed), right lobe of the liver (2-1/2 x2·tl4lnch lacerated wound), right kidney (linch defect through the hilum). ~nal artery (transected), renal vein (trall5ected), muscle and skin ue injured C £:lit: On the right side of the back is a 1/2 x 114 incb lacerated uit wound; the wound is located 23-1/2 inches below the top oflhe bead and 1/2 inch to the right of tbe posterior midline D Recovered: Notbing recovered at autopsy E Trajectory: Front to back, right to left and downwud r Associated Injuries: Hemoperitoneum (350 ml) IJ Gunsbot wound of the left side orthe chest (superior): A Entnnce: On the left side of the cbest (below tbe left nipple) is a 1f4 incb Circular entnnce wound witb a 118 Inch concentric marginalabnsion; located 19-112 incbes below tbe top oftbe head and SOY4 incbes to Ibe left of lbe anterior midline; no SOOI or gunpowder stippling is identified 00 Ihe sUlToullding skin B Injured: The skin, SI,beutanwus tissue, latenl up«t of the left ("dth rib, upper lobe of the left lung (112 inch defect), poslerior ninth Intercostal muscles, muscles of the hack and skin are injured C EJ.iI: Tbe projectile exits tbe center ohbe upper back Ihrough a 112 I 1/4 inch eIit wound Ihal has an «centric ourginalabrasion which measures up to 112 inch on the twelve 10 sis o'clock border; the wound is located 16 inches below the top of the head and l-1f4 inches to the left otthe posterior midline D Recovered: Seven copper and gray colored bullet fragments a~ ~coven:d from the surfare or tbe body and clothing E Traj«tory: Front to back, left to right and upward r Associated Injuries: Left hemothorax (1200 ml) rn Gunshot wound of the left side of the chest (medial): A Entrance: On the medial left side of the chest Is a 1/4 inch circular gunsbot wound with a 1116 incb concentric marg!nalabl'lL'liion; located 23-112 inches below tbe top or the head and 2-1/2 inches to the left of the anterior midline; no 5001 or gunpowder stippling is identified on the sUl'TOunding skin B Injured: The skin, subcutanwus tissue, muscle of the left side of the cbest, peritoneum, left lobc of tbe liver (2 I 1 inch defect), muscles of the back and skin are injured C Elit: There is a 1f4 l 1/8 inch partial uil wound on the right side of the back wltb an eccentric 3/4 incb marginalabrlllion on the twelve to three o'clock border; located 19112 inches below Ihe top of the head and 4-3/4 incbes to the rigbt of the posterior midline MEDCOM 0705 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 705 AUTOPSY REPORTr(b}(6} KHAZI,Hamid Muhsin _ 10 R~cov~nd: One intact copper colored jack~ted projectile (wilh a base tbat measures 9 mm io greatest dimensioo) is r«overed from th~ musculature of the right side of the back adjlcent to the nit wound E Trajectory: Front to hiCk, left to right and upward. F Associlted Injuriell: Hemop~ritoneum (350 ml) D IV Gunshot wound of the left side of the chellt (literal): A Entrance: On the literal aspect orthe left side of the chellt is 11f4 inch circular entnnce gunshot wound with lUI «centric muginalabnuion measuring up to 1/8 inch on tbe sill: to nine n'c1ock bord~r; located 24-1f4 incbes below tb~ top nftbe b~ad and 4112 incbes to th~ left ofth~ Int~rior midlln~; no soot or gunpowd~r stippling is Identified on tbe surrounding skin B Injured: Tbe skin, subcutaneous tiS5ue, muscles ofth~ left side ofth~ cbest, anterior aspecl of (h~ I~ft ninth rib, peritoneum, Ielt b~midiapbragm (I incb delect), stomlch (2 Incb and 1-314 inch defects), upper pole of the left kidn~)' (314 incb defect), tentb Intercostal muscles, mUKles oftbe back and skin Ire injured. C Edt: On tbe center of the upper back is 13/4 x 112 Inch ~xit wound with an eccentric marginllabrasion that m~asures up to 118 incb on tbe nine to six o'clock border; 10Cited 18-114 inches be:low the top of the head Ind is on !he posterior midline D Recovered: On~ d~formed copper colored jlcktted bullet is recovered frOID tbe muscles of the right sid~ of th~ upper blck adjacent to tbe right Itapula E Trajectory: uft to right. front to back, and upward. F Assoelated Injuries: Three hundred and fifty mllliliten of blood is identified in tbe peritoneal cavity V Perforating gunshot wound of tbe left foruna (proximal): A Entrance: On the proximillelt forearm ill 114 inch circulu entrance wound with I 1116 inch concentric marginllabrasion; 10Cited 4 Inches below the elbow and 1-112 inchu to the right of the anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position; no soot or gunpowder stippling is identified B Injured: The skin, ,ubeutaneous tissue, muscle and skin are injured C Exit: On the proximal left forearm is a 114 x 1/4 Inch lacerated nit wound; 10Cited four incbes below tb~ elbow and 114 Inch to the left of the anterior midline of the forearm in the anatomic position o Reeovtred: NothiDg r«over~d E Trajeetory: Right to left, slightly back to front with no significant up-down deviation F Associated Injury: Bleeding along tbe wound tract VI Perforating gunshot wound of th~ lell fouarm (distal): A Entrance: On tbe left forearm is a 1/4 incb circular entrance gunsbot wound witb a 1116 inch mlrglnalabraslon; located 7-112lncbes below the elbow and:Z inches to th~ rigbt ant~rior midline of the foreana in th~ anatomic position; no soot or gunpowder stippling identified: B Injured: The skiD, subf:utancous tissue, muS(l~ and skin art iDjured C EJ:it: On the left foreann is a 114 x 114 inch lacerated nit wound; locat~d 7-112 inches below the ~Ibow and in the anterior midlin~ of th~ forearm in the anatomic position MEDCOM 0706 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 706 AUTOPSY REPORT'(b){6) II KHAZI,Hamid Muh$in D RecOYHed: Nothing recovered E Trajectory: Right to left :lnd slightly b:lck to front with no significant up-down devi:ltion F AJSoc:iated Injuria: Bleeding along the wound tr:IC:t VII OCher Injuries: Healing :lnd medicaily treated gunshot wounds of the penis and right thigh VIII Natural Disease: No signifICant natural disease is identified within the limits oflhe elimination IX Medical Therapy :lnd Remote Injuria: As described :lhove X Postmortem Changu: As dacribed :lbove Xl Identifying M.rks: As described :loo,'e XlI A B C D ToJ:icology (Anp): VOLATILES: No eth:lnol is detected in the blood and vitreous nuid DRUGS: Ket:lmine (:In :lnestbetic) :lnd ephedrine (a symp:ltbomimetic amine commonly used to tre" hypotention :lSsociated with regioO:lI:lnesthesi:l) are detected in the urine CARBON MONOXIDE: The carooIYhemoglobin level in the blood is 1% CY ANlDE: Nn cyanide is detected in tbe blood MEDCOM 0707 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 707 AI:JTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) KHAZI,Hamid Muhsln 12 OPINION died of multiple gunshot ....,ounds. There Yo'e!'e This 30 to 40-year-old male (b)(6) four gunshol wounds of the torso and lwO gunshol wounds of the left forearm. No evidence of dose range discharge of. firearm was idenlifled. on the elolhing or skin SUITOunding any oftbc entran~ ....,ounds. It is my opinion thal three oftbe four exit wounds on the back oftbe tofSO appear to be shored. The recovered evidence was tumed over to Special.(b)(6l elD. The loxk:olol)' SCRen is POSilive for kewnlne and ephedrine. Ketamlne and ephedrine are commonly used medications and their deleClion is unrelated 10 the ClIISC and manner ofdealh. 1be manner of death is homicide. (b)(6) (b)(6) .-MEDICAL EXAMINER MEDCOM 0708 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 708 _..__ . ------ ...- _ I i bCA1IOII'_tM fIl'" _ .. _ , 1II'D0l -I _ .. _-----_."""" -- •• , , (b){6) -... _......... ... --- - -- -- - ---_ . - - -_.---"'._ .. --_ . _--------,-",.,..' ---"'---_ .. -_.-.-" -_ ....__.. 1T81OlC. HMlIcI, lo\Ihukl , -~ , 1iI- . 0- ~- • _"F _ _ -~ ,. ___ I - • _ . _......./;!f::::-.. ... --- _.--- -"'-'- ..-II _ (b)(6) , • 0-- 1Zo.c.mbw2007 ~ 1.1/1:w2007 , , Qr\Iw AFa. • ... ":dlolf bllftl*' DoIow_DI! (b)(6) _. I~_~.. .. L. _ _ _ _ _ ~ D O'" 2064 ... . -.:='=... ,. (b)(6) ~- ! (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(S) . , -_ . =-_.-.--_ -- ----. __.. _.------- - , • ..._-_ -_. ----..___.- ....... , •• =f _-~- • , "l:lII _p - MEDCOM 0709 .. . •.._ - - ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 709 ..... -_. = .- . '~_W"rrM _ _ (bX6) . ---_.- . . - .,_n: D - --- • • • IW ~ - -- . • • • .. MEOCOM 0710 • ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 710 ARMED FORCES INsnnrrEOF PATHOLOGl' omce orlhe Anned Foms MedkaI ExamIner 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 301-319-OOXl AUTOPSl' EXAMINATION REPORT f\lo.:~b)(6) Name: DlAB. Yahlyr Dlasli AUlopsy SSAN:J~}(6} AFIP No.l(b}(6} Rank: eel:ainee 1 Date of Birth: Esllmate 19SOs Dale of Dcath!l~f(6) ZOO7 Place of Death: 31" Combat Suppon Hospital. c.mpCropper. Iraq Ollie and Time of Autopsy: 07 DEC 2007. 1100 Place of Autopsy: Port Mortull1)'. Dover AFB, DE Dille of Report: 03 MAR 2008 CIrc:lImstances or Daltb: This estilTlilled SO-year-old male, Iraqi detainee was pronounocd dead a1l~i..,,,n.i""_"'.r;e unit ortlle 31" Combat Support Hospiw (CSHl aI Camp Cropper. Iraq od(b)(6} 12007. The de<:edent was admitted totlle Jl'" CSH on 25 Noyember 2007 with eomplaillll of vomiting blood and JlllSSing ttlIT)' stool for approximately three da)'$. He was transferre;llo the 332 Expeditionary Medical Group in Salad for manqemenl of his condition. While It Balad, he hOld an upperendo5eopy proeedu~ with the finding of esophageal varic:es and underwent banding of tile lesion. He was ttansferred back 10 the 31 M CSH Dl Camp Cropper on 21 November 2007 for conlinuing inpatient hospilalization. He was pronounced dead wilh seve~ variceal bleeding, liver fallure.and severe sepsis. Alilhoriutiolli ror Autopsy: Anned Forces Medical Examiner, lAW 10 USC 1471 ldenllftcatlon: Presumplive idenlirlCation by incllTCCflIIion lIeriai number CAUSE OF DEATH: Gulroinle:allnal banontI. . MANNER OF DEATH: Nalural MEDCOM 0711 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 711 Aln'OPSY REPORT(b~(6) p.,e20r9 DIAB, YalUyr D. On 07 ~mlter 2;OO'tat 1100, lcomplete JlO'lmMem uamination I. performed on lhe. bod)' or(b){6) who wu presumpli¥ct)' tdr:ntifled b)' his incuantion IItriII number in thtala. EXDBNAL EXAMINATION The body Is f'leeived nude with uklenoe ofmedieallnlel'¥ention as noccd below. The bod)' Illhal or I well-de¥cloped, well·lIOIJrishcd, adult maJe aM. eold from ~rrigerldOlt. He is 69 inchellonl, wcillts 272 p;llIncIs, and appurlconslsl~nt with.,. estimaled aac or 5().ycan.. Rip mortis is dissipated. Postmortem lividit)' il fiKed on lhe. posterior surface of lbc: body with suffusion of the head ancI neck. The head is eoy~red with lhort black ancI IR)' hair in I normal distriblJtion. The irides ~ brown, COt'TItaS ~ clear, ....d the ICI~,. II1lllptl)' yellow. The puplll are IUlInd and equal in diamcler. NoeontlCl l~~ anllft$l:nt ancI noconjunetl.... peteclUae ace~. The IlO5e is unremlfbble. No forelan It'IJIerillls ptUCtltln the rKllItrill or the oral Clyil)'. The lips ....d rraltlll ace 11I1IUlTIallc. Natural teeth are present with lipi of tooth deca)' and CUm disclllC. The utcrNIl audlLory anlls ace rree of blood. The can ~ unrematbblc and not pi~rced. The face has I full beard ancI mustache. The ne<:k has no masses or deformltles. The chest is Iymmetrlc with no IlICreue In the ....let"OpOlterior dllmeter. 'The Ibdomen is 1'10I diltended. The ulel"l\.ll genitalil ace thosc ora circumcised adult male. The testes ~ descended Ind free of mUloCli. There il mode.... l~ edcma or llle penll ....d lCrt:lCum. Pubic hair is present in I norrnaI distribution. The back ....d bulloctts are unremarkable. The upper ancIlowerextremitles ace Iymmwic whh eyidcnte ofpedll edema. The roilowlllJlClIn aM presenl on lhe legs: • A % It %-Inch scarorthe posterior aspect of tile len thlsh • A % It %·Inch scar oflhe .... terlor aspect ortlle right les • A I '" It ~illCh scar of the anterior a$JlCCt orthe IcA 1~1 CLOIWNG AND PERSONAL Ef'fEcr N_ MEDICAL I!'f[ERYENJlON • PunctUI!: WOll/ld.s (d) eovcred with ,IUU, Iapa:I in plac~ ovcr the left subcllyl.... ~ • • • • IntraYenous Clthetcr and arterill e:athacr lnsmed and coyen:d whit SIUU, llped in place ovcrthc rllht femoral area J.otra¥cnous clllhctcr iniCnedllld eovend with 1Iu.u. tlped in place oYer the donum of the len hand Pitches or shaved body hair onlle rllhl IDd left chest surfaces Ptlnc:tUR with hcma10ml or the d~ ri,hI arm MEDCOM 07'2 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 712 --j AUTOPSY REPORT -'0""''') DlAB, YaIlI)'T D. POSTMORTEM ARDFACIS """ RADIOGRAPHS A wrnplele sel orlOlal body poslmortem radioll1lplu; i5obl.lined -nd 5how1 no evidence of rl1lCtura or forei... maleriall. EVIDENCE Of INJURY There 15 no evidence or blunt or sharp ron:e injuries. JrrfQ;RNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAymES; The body 15 opened with a slalldard y-~ incllion.The abdominal p;uIIlkulul b 4cm thick 81 the umbilicus. The muJCIc:I dthe chest and Ibdomlnlll Wills are normal. The rib cage. 5Iemum.and cllvlclel are inlat1. The mediasllnum i5 unremarUble. The vil«rll and parietal pleural rurfac:es are smoolhand ,1i5lenlna: however, l1Iere an: pleural "!lesIoIlS or lhe IltenJ wall and apex or lhe righl1uns. and posterior wall lhe leA lung. There i51pproximalely 100 ml of ClellltnW<01cJI'ed nuld III the pericltdiaJ SK. The right and leA pleul1l1 clvities conl.lin 300 ml and 1'0 ml or clear51raw-colortd nuid, lupectively. The peritoneal clvlty tIll5 1.50 ml of clear 5Iraw-eoloml nuid. 'The 0fI&II5 occupy their u5U1.IIUIlIIOmic posllions wllhln the pleurallllld peritoneal (lvltles. 1bere Is no evidence orperlcarditls or peritOfliti5. The omenlum and relftlperltoneum are unremarkable. or NECK; The larynx and tnlChea are in the midline. There Is no hemotrhage in the skin, rat or 51emocleidomlltoid musde5 of lhe antaior neck. The 5Il1Ip muscle5 and lilac vessc:15 have no abnormaJlties. The thyroid cllltl1qe and hyoid bone are inlact. The ltuynl Iw smooth plnk_llUl mLJoCOll without roell IeIlonl. No roreiSll malerial il present. The 1000SUC is rrec or bile masks. llcl'llOl'l1laae. or OIlier injuries. The lOA tillUC5 of tile neck an:: rrec of hemonhaae. No rl1llClUreS or dislocations or the cervical venebrae: an: detecled. CARplOyASCUyR SYSlEM; 1lM: 480 1m !lean Is conlailXd in an IntlC! pericrial SK. The epicardial surface il IlIIOOlh, with minimal ratinve5lmcnl. Tllcre lie no cpieardial petcchiae. 1lM: coronary aner!es lie present In I normal di5lributJon with I ri&1lt dominant pIItem and are unremarkable on muhlple ct'O$llCClionl orl1le vessels. The myocardium is I!omo&c:nous. dllt: m1-brown.llIld SOn with no 1'0'1 myoclldLal nbrosh noccd. No dcreets in l1Ie atrial or vc:nlricul.,. septa are present 'The valve leaflets lie lhln tnd ITlObUe. The cin:umrerences orllle eatdiw:: v.IYCIIit wllhln nomW limil for IJe and heart Jlu.1lle len ventricle mtllJlllU 1.8 cm. riJhl venlricle 0-' cm. and Inte:rvc:nlrit:tdar septum 1.8 em in lhickness. The endocardium 15111lOOlh and ,Uste:nina. MEDCOM 07\3 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 713 Al1rOPSV REPORT (b)(6) "'40f9 DIU Vahl)'1' D. The aort. lives rise 10 three JIlI.:I Uld palenl U'Ch vessels. 11lm: _.~ pl*lUCS oflhe intlmll oflhe lbdomilUll 'Ol1a. No evidence of aneurysm. eoaretalioll, dissection, or l-=ervion of!hc '011' Is noted. The reral and rnescnlcrk vcucls Itt unremarbble. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The rilhl UId left lunas _ish 1090 Uld 970 am, respectively. The UKhca ISCOlTlplcle, wilhoul ....lfonn.olion, fl"Olfllhe luynK 10 the carina. 'Theft is no aspllWlled pslrie materi.1 oraspl",ied blood In the UKhe •• The pkul"lwrf_ are smooth Vld &lilleninl. The lUIlJI and hilar nodes are rnodc"'lCly "lt~ic: and lhcre Is no II'OIS emphystTNlous ctlange. On CUI sec1K1n, lhere is no .splralCd blood 'PP'rtnt in alveoli. The pullllOlWy ~nch)' .... is diffllKI)' cdcnwous. No mau lesions or area ofc:olUOlidMion &rc pre$<CRl. There 1$ no pulmonuy c:ontusioll. Pulman...,. tJuombocmboli arc IIOl pre$<C11I. HfPATOBIUARY SYSTEM: The 1030 am liver luis • lumpy c:.psule: wilh.)..em ~-likc SlNCture oflhe _riorsuperior-late"" aspect of the rigllilobe. The P'"nc:hynu. is yellow-tan Vld hu. \obulw archilec:lure. No mau IesIonJ, or 0I1ler .tInotTrWltles &rc wen. The laJlbl.&k:r is protnl and conlalns IWfOlimalt:ly 10 ml ofblad: bile: sludse. There is no SlOIIC in the pJlbladdcr. The muc:osal surface Is lreen and velvet)'. The utnlhcplllic biliary lJ'Ce is palenl. HEMOLYMPHADC SYSTEM: The 750 IfI1 inlacl sp1cen lib a itddi5h lhickened capsule. Thc plRnc:h)'lTlll II deep red, with Indi$linet Malplahian COl'p\lIClcs. AUlol}'lls is IlOl sllnificant. Lymplt nodes arc IlOl prominent in the cervical TCllon. thoncic or peritoneal ca"ities. UROCjENITAI,SySJEM: The rilhl "ld left kidneys wellh 140 and 190 am. TClpeCllvely. The renal capsules Slrip wilh ease from the un6crlylnl smoolh cortic:allUrf-. TIle cUllUrfllllCS ani itd-tWi. with uniforml)' thick cortlas and stwpconic:omedulluy junctions. The pcl\I'CsanI unremarbble lIIld lhe ureters arc normal in course: MIl caliber. 'There Il'C no Jloncsor lwnOl'1ln the kidneys, pelves, Urclerl, or bladder. The bllddct willi islnl.:t and coycred with while mucosa, ucept for a focal &rca of hernonhaac oflhe pomrior" wall. The bladder contains approKimalely IS ml of pinki~ed urine. The pl'Olilale is normal in size. wllh lobular. yellow-lIlr\ parcndlyma. 'The 5CmlnaI vesicles arc unremllbbJc. The lestes arc fm: of mass lesions. conlusioM. or odlct abr.olmalit~. OASmQINTESllNAL JRACI: The esophqus is intaet and lined by IIl'lOOIh.grc)'-whi\C 1JllICOSI,. There is uidence: of bandlna of tile distal esophageal mucosa althe reSion otlbc IUlroesophaaeal Junction. The llomach contaiM lIfIproKinwcly SOO mI olblood and blood clots. The aulric wall is intae:l. 'The small and. large intestines arc tnt-=! and full of liquid blood. 'The appendill is presenL There il blood ooz.inlllllhe "llll. MEOCOM 071. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 714 AlTI'OPSY REPORT (b}(6) Pqc.5 on DlAB., YIIhI)'T D. On l'vrthcr eumilUltion.ftet form.lia nntloft orthe pnllIimal $lomKh and dbUJ esophq:LII, ~ is an ovoid 2 II O.5-cm enllign.llkc, venially oricrned, ksloft of the distal esophq:ca1 _ . The lower cdac or thb lesion ill cncl'OM:hlnl on !be psuoesoptwp julldion. ApprollilMlcly 0..5 em di5tll from the lower edge of this le5ion is. 1..5 II O.1-cm ClO5ion of the ~ jUlldion Il'MICO$I wilhln which. O.5-cm clulic banded stump ill presenl. EN[)QCSINE SYSTEM: The th)'fOid gland is nonnaI ia size and synvnetrit Wilh dark red·brown parenthyma. No mat.5C$ an: present. The ri&ht and left adrenal llands ~ s}'n\fllCtOc, wilh bOPl yellow c:ortJees and lrey medullae. No ITII:SSeS or areas of an: IdentirlCCl. Autol)'Sis is /lOI sllllifiant. PANCREAS: 1lle pancreas is finn and yellow·llII. with lhe USll.11obu1ar an:hitocture. No mass lesions Of other .bnonnaIilies are _no AUlol)'Sis is I'lOI sil'llrlUlll. MUSQJl..QSKELETAL SYS1EM: The ~ncbm column and pelvis an: visibly and palpably Inllet.1lle mtlscullllll'l: Is nonnally 6e~lopcd IIId of the usual color and consislency. The bal:k and po5iCriOf aspecl of the lower extremities are Incised with two contlnLlOllslnclslons flOl1'lllle shoulder to lhe ankles and shows no evl6ence of injuries. HEAP AND CENTRAl. NERVOUS SXSDiM: The cranial cavily is opened with. coronal incision of tile sealp and removal of tile calvarium. The pIeaJ IIId sublaleal soft ti5SlleS of the seaJp arc free or Injury. The calvarium is Inlact, as is the dura mater beneath II. There is no evidence of epidural, subdural, or AlbarKhnoid hcrnorrllage. The braln _llhs 1480 1m. The Iept(llJlCnlnges arc transparent and strip with ease. The gyraI pattem and sulci are unremar1table. 'The major vessels lithe base of the brain h.~ the usuaIarwomk: distribution and no sil"irK:an1 .thenw:lell)$ls is found. 'The cM.1 nerves are Iymmc:lric:alllld intll:l. No evidence of hernl.tlon is praent. Coronal SoeClions Ihroulh the cerebral hemispheres reveal no 1esIon~ 1be vcnlrlclcs are ofnormal si2:e and contain clcarcelt'bmspinal nuid. Transverse sections throulh the: brain stem and cerebellum arc unlt'markable. Thelt' are no skull rnK:Iures. The: 1l1111\OoOCl(;Ipilal Jolnlls stable. The: spinal cord i. /lOI «amine<! in its entirety. OTHER P8QCEDUBM I. PtJotovaphic evidence is obtained by OAFME ptIoIographel'$. 2. Specimens fortollicoloay. blood, bile, vlueotlS, urine,llvcrtwue. kidney tiHUe. IUllJ tiuue, spleen tissue, bnin tissue. heart lissue. and adipose lissue. 3. Specimen coIlf1l:tcd forONA analysis: P'OIS muscle. 4. Repraenlllive lissue samples arc mainedln formaJln, wilh JRparWlon of histoJOIic slides. S. D1stCCled orptI$ arc rOfWIlrded with the body. MEOCOM 07t5 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 715 \ I TllI'~Y H t:I'<1lI'r(b)(6) III \fl. y"hl~r II. :'\ IIC '1IIISC ·c 11'te EX,\ .\11 :"i,\ TIO,,, I.Ulli" I,li,k.. , -~ I: diffo.,<: l'uhl~~lar)' .~J.:I11~ " ,Ih "mllhy"",mm"u, dJ:ln~.· :nul no ,.• i"",,,..• ,,( ;''''n,,~-e illnl"''''~'''NJ .\,11, i"lillmh". 1'hcre :In: .C;IIl.·,,,-~1 foci I,f lIIio:l\""'~''''' ,,~lcir"'~lj, Nl ",jlhln II", l>arc'll.·h) lila :Uld cJirr""", alll"r:...."1 i" ,kl_,·,t""l ;.. "Inc~, I .Iod... l'l •• l"hul..,. ~,", 'I) ". "tlh .. ~11.. ,,·.1 ••·.·11 III II,,' lll,..duib. ~k ,,,...,,,h••-k..,,,,. ,\ {,_:~I tib",,,, ;• .~pl.',·n (,Ii,i.- II _ 111: ,'(ln~'C.IM"'" Ilh i"... re.'..... Ii""""i. of toc rcU fM"I' ""''''. While pilip i~ 1...•.... "1 "lih umello:u1..,N.· l"'·ri.tncri"C;u I~ ",,,Io~li.: 'healh. 1."-'I'h;'~c,,1 ,k'fe,'1 ,.Ii...• I ~ J 4 ,; ...·I1I1,,,,d ....1";"'........' qlilh..-l""" ",Ih ",.,~.. I~1 n'': 'k'n," ".•·h.I1l~'" lind e~,I~' r"lll"''''''''''ll 1i",..".i,.11"'1"\: :'Il.' "tUller"u' .Iil~l''d '., ...."1.,, 'I""'C' in 11M' .,,1"""",.. ,,1 11__.,,· " ,Ih ......11... "r .1...· '" ..... 'r~Ulin~ ""11) "r~"";/"'P thmmhi. TI"'I\' .. "" '" itk·r....., .. ,f IM:III.· "'I"ure nf II,,· hkk,,) "h'-C'J, '" lin, ."\';, \ ·('I1'l,I!.III"1I l.,wr; llqJ:llllf..... I1~1 J\:lerosl< rhe,e ;S cu"~j,J,,rllhi.- par""ch}1ltill alrnllhy. ""us"'~ lh" "U5Cull1r 51ruclU"..s tpu,ulux.\s .m.l <"""trill ""in~) to he tlo~ 101l"lh,,' lIuJ ",rinnull "f Ih" GIbson's ups"l" jro J«lilll1 7. rhe,c '<'10 ",rrhusis, hUI Ih",,, is;. ll,,,,al .leal of "nrtallihrosis ";Ih JlOn~l·ponal hnJIl;ng. Hql,lie ~n~'1)' hr,,,ch,,,..,,, 1'1"SCIII iUlh<- p",n"lll"1Icl•. hUI n1:1n~' 'mall pon,,' 1r.t<:'5 ha'·,· ""l~' small po,t,,1 ,·"i" IlIlInch" '" I,d pon:,1 "dll' .~ll irdy. Scn,.l 1::111;;" IM"I:1' ",.cas haw "dns lh,,' "Il.' """ 'c.lI\" Ih'<""'"",l Ill' mllrnnl 1"0'1&1'''''''''' .'r",,,m,,bl,. ,liU:,,",I~.~· 1<> Ih" pllllcnl's !'O,l;,1 hYI""I;'I>"'''. 1\ r"" "UI no", ,·dlll "''' ,,1110 Il!ic!:clll,.'<l. I"hc rC"'11r,'ll "re 11\0.<" or 11ll' ""cum",,," ,h,u"I~, l'M1"''' ":Irl"hl)':ls "hcp,I0I"'",1 $(lems,.... ""Ir"p:ll1"e porl,,1 hnl1:11""~111"'" or "'."",,,irrl"'l it l'"n,,1 (Ihru~is". 'I"hc Ul'~" and ~lhol;"n''''ls arc lIl",en"",. hUI flall""I. ",,,/I II'" d,~""S<' CUll dercloll sc'·cre ponal hYJl.:n~"TIsi""l11 Ih... ahsence.,f drrl"lllS s...., ""llch.>tl ";""",5. MEOCOM 0716 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 716 ,\ l TOI'S \' Iml'! I ~T (b)(6) DlAlI. y,dlirr II. l~j<~_ ~"ao Ponti V"'" . " ..0_ .I>ow 0<101...1vel" w.lI. "' Ree......I'od L• .,.. Port.1 Vol" Portal & BridgIng Flbrosl. References: I. Ailc.B' BK, et .1: The p11lhology or noncirrnolic pan;1 fibrosis. HUITlIll Pltho11979: IO:40~.418 2. OMa K. et al: L.iver p1lholon or idiopalhic port31 hypet1emion. Comparison wil.h non-cirrholic pon.1 rlbroJis of Indil. Liver 1982: 2: 176-192. J. BioYhw:-Sage 1', elll: Hep.loportal sc:lerolis. Scm liver Dil 1995: 15:)29·))9. 4. NalrilllUffi. Y••, .1: I'llhology ilnd p.lhogenesis or idiopllhie potII.l hypctlenlion with an cmph~il on !he liver. I'lihol Res I'llIcl 200 I: 197:65·76. 5. Fiel MI, d II: Liver r.i1ure lIrld nm! for transplant.lion in palients with .dvanecd heplloporll1 selerosis. Am J SUIl: 1'111101 2007: J I:601-614. 1IS.ltJ:\EllJl '(b)(G) MEDCOM 0717 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 717 AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) DIAB, Yahlyr D. Pa&c8or9 FINAL AllTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Gutrolfttet1aal hItnorrtaap: A. HePMoportaI sclerosis 8. StatUI post bandin, rorcsoptllpl vllriccs C. ApproJIilTllldy 'Oll ml or blood ItIld blood doc collecled In the 1l0000000h D. InlUlillallumen II filled wilh blood wilh discharge ofblood Vl.lhe anus IL 0Uttr ..cui'll dlll.1II ~ A.. CO/lC'Cntric leO vcnlrlallu lI)1lM1'Ophy B. MiaoIeopk findin, of difTuse eallf'led ponallibfVsil dIlle livcr C. Spknomeply (7.50 ,m) O. Asymmetric.llUdne)'l (ri,,,, -140 ,m.left·290 gm) Eo hricardi.l. plcund.1lXI per1!OllU1 etrll5ions F. PedaJ and sc1l)!I! edemro _. W. Medlc:.1 tMr.p)' A. iJlll'IVCIlOlll Catheler iNetted ItIld QOvcred willi ,.uu of the left IUbdavian B. Arterial Q.thelef" IlId inll'lVCI'lllUl CIlhc:icr insened IIld QOvcrai Wilh JIIlB or !be ri&hl femcnluu C. Inl"~1IOUI cllhelcr illKrted and covered willi ,.uze orlhe left hand D. PullClure wound wilh hell13lO1lU1 oI'lhe ",hi arm IV. IdtaUlylDt IIW'ka A. Sc:u of the polIICrior aspeel ol"lhe ri,hI 1II1,h B. Sc:1lI'1i or the anlC:rior IIpcc:!S or both Icp V. Toxkolop'rt:lUliI A. No eIhaool detecled in lhc blood and vilRlOllI nuid B. OnJ, screen .. Udoc:llnc detcc:led In the ~nc b. Morp/line detected in Ihe urine. 1be blood conlained 0.11 mgIL c. Aotllminophen detcac:d in the urine. 1be blood contained S mgIL d. MldawllMTlOeteeted in the urine. 1be blood contained 0.34 m&fL e. I·H)'dorx)'lniduolam dcleded in the urine. The blood contained 0.025 - MEOCOM 0718 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 718 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) DIAB, Yahlyr D, OMNION This e:slimated 5O-)'CII"-old male died .. I result d KIlte bemorthlge from esoph.l.auJ vlril:ul bleeding. up~r IlISlI'Oinlesllnal The bandinl oflhe eJOPhqel! varices WIS in pllCe. The lesion oflhe dillal esopNolUS was ~5Ient with that ofl healinS etOJlon IboYe the bMded esophqu! vlrice. Althouzh we did not find the sourec of the bleedinl, n::.tJleeding iSI known complicltlon with high monl!ity oftbe esophqel! vulce&. EJophqaI vlritts develop In 9O'lo of cinhotic patients and..e mosI often usoc:iIted wilh alcoholic clrrholis. Worldwide, hepatic lChiSlosomiuis is the second mosI COOlman cause of variceal bleedinl. The decedent's liver showed charw:terislicof an uncommon disorder known IS hepIIoportl! sclerosis IS indicated from the AFIPconsutwion.1u such. patlenu with this disorder were known 10 develop $Cvere portal hypertetlslon, and u1tlmltely JUlI'OeIOphI.aeII ....... The postmortem to"icoJoay analysis showed lhe present of lltlocaine, morphine. lCelaminophen, rrtidazollJTl, and l·hydl'OJoyrrtidazollJT1 (I byproduct of mida1ollJTl) consistent with mediell therlpCUlic modalities. We IIad requested the complete medicI! recotd for lhe lime of his hospitl!iwion from n November 2007 10 the time of his death on{b)(6) 2007; ~ver. received only the docUmentllion for lhe .e;lrnission. brief Itlrsical note of lhe esophlge.ll banding. inti the brief note of duth notlflcMion. The jIfO&I'eSs notes for hi" hospililiution ~ Ibsent forour n::view.1berefon:. we arc cenifylns the CIUse lIIId manner or delth bued on the Ivlillble medicI! record,IUtopsy, and 10"jco10lY flndings.lfthere IsltklitJonl! mltcril! becomes Ivailable. we will review lhe else and Issue: our flndlnl if WlITII\ted. The manner or death is nllurll. (b)(6) k"",,<. "~lM' (b)(6) (b)(6) MEDCOM 0719 MedicI! Eum\ner ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 719 , ......... til· " .. ~ "(b}'(6)----_ ..---~.....--..,; "-;:'~-------l ""'-, ,.~·~.!!!.-----t::".H . .......-.... --- _ ..- _ . - . --- _. __... _._--... _.-....._- - - -.,-_. _ .. _. - - ...... --. _ .. -------_.._-_...• .... • -~- ....... . ----,-",,,,,,,,' i _ _ _1M If .....,,_ -._. ---""--'. -=--.....- .. ..... _._. _.-- -=::::::. ---'CZ!Li - ,'-:i'W,:-"-·_- _ _ 'I ,_ _""_1>< ~ • - (b)(G) [,e......~'" (b){6) -l (b)(6) ""-=00b (b){6) __ w.l .- 6 -- .-- (b)(6) 1- •• -_...._- -_-...0-- I ~D ,,""2007 -MIiW1I5O I0-, . . ,.. 0cJIW Of! .. " ; ... If t'5;:•..iI!.- !.!.!-~~~:~=======l ~'.'b) .m"'. ......._"""""".....ii..:::====::j ~ . MEDCOM 0720 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 720 • -=,.......- I I (b){6) I _ T D I .. ""'.....A........ ,- 00 If.-"'MII -""._-...... _......._- 00 FOMIIftf, _ - 1m /1MClQ "'11 ~.~. """" V1•• MEDCOM 0721 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 721 ARMED H)RC£S INSTtTlJ1TO~' PATHOLOGY Office of the A~mnl Forces Mcuieal Eumlntt 1413 Rt$f:lll'Ch Blvd.. Bid",. 102 Rochille, MD 20850 1-301·319-ססOO AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT (M!!') ~ Name: BTB Ahmad. Marwan Talta ,\UIOPSY 1"'"9;; ISN: (b}(6) AFlP No.: l(b){6) Rank: OcI8lllee .-J_ Dal~ ofBinh~(b}(60I-%O. as rCll"ncd 2007 Dale ofDcal~(b){6) Datc{[1me of AULOPi)': 28 NOV 200711220 1)81" of Rcpon: 23 JAN 2008 ---.J Place of Death: Camp Cruppt:~. Iraq Place of Autops)': Pun M0I1uary D.wer AFB. Dover. DE of Dca''': Thi. approx;matd>· 40- SO )'~·ar old atlull delain«. believed 10 be (BTB) (b)(6) at Camp.CroDll<:r II Iraq was noticed to be missing from 11 malldal\lr~' muster. Upon invcsli~alio l(b}(6} W3S found withoul signs of life. Aucmplll al n.:suscilati\lll were un.uccc~~fui. Cireumslanccs surroundinlllhc incident31"l: c"mnlly under il1'·e~1i(:aliol1. Ci~um,tan"". Allthoril.a,jnn for Autopsy: Ann~'ll fon:es Medical Examiner. ~r 10 U.S. Cod" 147 I Idcnliliution: f'resumpliw idemi Iicalion by ~compan>'illll rcport-~. identification lags and documenlal;on. A po~tmonel1l denllli examination. postmllnem fingerprint examination. and a JXlSullonem DNA sample are laken for prolile purposes should ",xemplars b«ome available for JlO:>;ti,·c identification. CAliSE OF ilEA TH: Multiple blunt fo...,~ injuril"l MEDCOM 07'22 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 722 AUTOPSV REPORT~(bl(6) AHMAD. Mant'.n Tah. ~ 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION Injuries will be described in dClail in a separate seclion. and will only be brieny alluded to in the remainder of the report. for purposes of orientation and <:omplclcm:ss. '!lw: body is lhal of a wdl·developed. ""l:II-nQutished appear;n!:. &duh male. whose appearance is consistent wilh the n:-ported appm~imalc age of 40 (0 50-years, The body is received clad in a ",hile lank lOp styk undershirt pulled aoovc lhe nipples. a yellow bunon dO"l1 Inllil sleew<l shin. and a single while sock Wilh an alligator logo on lhe righl fool. The hands arc covered wilh paper bltlls secured allhe ..Tisls. The remains are n·inches in length. and weigh 204-poumls. Li\ idil}" is presenl und fixed on lhe posterior surface of lhe body except in areas cXPOSl.-d (0 pres.<ure. Marbling is present on lhe amerior shuuldcrs and uppcr arms. Rigor is prcSCllllO an equal dcgret: i011l c"tremilies. The ICm~alUre Oflhc body is lhal of Ihe refrigera1ion unil. The head is nanooccphalic. and the scalp is C{)\,er(-.:! Wilh slnliglll black hnir with scallcrcd strands of grey. in I Inalt" plll1t"m baldness dislrihulion. Facial hair cansists af gTCy·black slubble. The irides an: brown. The cornelle an: hazy. The eonj unelivlIC arc eongestcU. The pupils ore round and equal in diamelcr. The sdelaC are while and without pclechilll hemorrhage The e"lemal audilory canals, t".•lemal nares. Inti oral cavity are fn:;e of foreign mau:rilllllnd abnonnaJ secn:tions. The ears au unremarkable. The nnrc.• are pmI'm Md the lips ar" atmumatie. fhe maxillae arc palpai;lly inlaet. The rcclh appcar nlllurallUXl in pour contlilion. The neck is straighl, and the lrachea is midline and mnbik. The che:;t is S}1nmelrie. TIl<: abdomen is m;ldly pmlubcrnm. The genitalia an: those of a nonna! Idul! circumci.'lI.'<I male. 11k: lutes an: de:;ccndcd and Jrec of m;lSS<:S. J'ubit hair is pn:senl in n normal mule distribUlion. 'rne bUllocks and anus are unremarkab1c. The upper and lower e.•u"Crnilies an: symmetric and without dubbing or edema. TIIC fingernails arc inIac\. trin'mc<l, and tile naillll.'ds C)'anotie. ld~"llifying marks inelodc n (in... 2·inth linear SCar on lhe dorsum oflht lefl hand. CLOTHING AND P[RSONAL EffECTS The following clothing items WId personal eff~'Ctl; are pl'C:i<'nt on lhe body allhc lime of autopsy: • While tlll1k lOp Style undershirt • Yellow bUllon do....',lonij sleen'<l shirt • Single wh;t", ,ock wilh an alligator logo On tile rillhl foot MEDICAlINTERVEmIO:"i Medical intervention consislS of a n8Sl11trumpet io the ri~l1 naris. MEDCOM 0723 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 723 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) AHMAD, Muwao Taha ) RAIlIOCRAPIlS A complete SCt of postmortem rndiosraphs is obtained and dcmonSlr8tcs the following: • Fractures of the nasal boncs • Mulliple rib fractures • t'mcture of the sternum F.VII)F.NCEOF INJURY The ordering onll.:: folio" inl! injuri"" is for descriptivc purposes only. and is nol intended 10 imply order ofin l1i.lion or relali,~ severi1y. Then; i~ a V. x Vo-in.h !iupcrficial dbrltl;ion of thc Illabclla. A I-inch subgalcal hemmrh;,ge is idenlificll on lhe righl frontal scalp .... ilhout undcrJyinl! skull fracture. I'rnetures <:If the nasal bonc~ are palpable. La>'erwise disseClion of th... structures of the alllerinr neck indicate hemorrhage in\O the supcrticial a'nerior slrap mu!iC1cs (leli ~r...aler Ihml right) "ith an illtnct h)'oid oone and intact thyroid cartilage. Incision anll disSL'1:tiilO of the posterior neel. demonstratcs no dl.-.:p paf1locf\'ical muscular injw)' and no eef\'kal spinc fr"clurc5. Thcn; are multiple eUlanL'OUS injuries oflhc lmw. Therc is a fain! l·illCh eontusiun on the anterior righl ,houldcr. Belo\\ lhe rigln nipple is a Ilori7.omally orientt:l! 5 >I. 2 'h-ineh conlll5iun. 0" the mid-upfl<'r ch"Sl. <"Xlending O"CT the lert upper chest is a 6 x 4-inch contusion with a 'I, x Yo-inch ahrasIon ftlttle inferior medial margin. Then; are mul1il'1c contusions on the lnwer right ches!. I 10 2·inehe~ In grealest dimensions. On the right inti.:nor latcral chest ....all is a 6 Y, x I V,-ineh con\\lsion. On the upper ~bdomen aoo"e the umbilicus is a 5 'h x 7 ',,-inch obliquely oriented (along lhc 4 [() 10 o'clock axis) cunlusion with a 7 .~ lI,·inch linear area uf sparinll ftlong Ihe long a.~is ofllle C(lnlUs;on. I rn.TC Is a 7 x )-inch elusler of conlusiOlls 011 the inferior len lateral CheSI wall. measuring up to Y:-inehes in greatest dimensions. Contused nbrn.,Ions arc nOlL-d ahun Ihe ri~ht ~nd left iliac crests measuring 4 x 2·inchcs and) x I-inch. respecli\ely. On the right lo,,"er hack is a 7 1< 2 Y>-ineh dUSler of fine l"ertkally oriented patallel abrasions. Similarly on Ihe lelilowcr back;~ a 1) x 2 \-).inch dUSler of fine vertically ori.:nted parallel abrs.'Ynns. There arc bilslcml h<'monhoraces (righl - 200-millililtrs, left ~ 100milliliters), Non-quanti liable hemorrhage is outed on lit<: intact anlerior pericardial $llC, There is a IOO-mill ililer retroperitoneal helllorrhag<'. There ar... multiple rib fraclures (rigtll anterior #2-7. leli lateral 114·6. left anlerior 111_3 and 11$). There is a displaectl fracture pfth" stemUJ1] localL'<I at tile lOll intercostal space. A 2 , I 'I.t x Yo-inch laceration pf the inferiur leftlot>c of the Ii "cr i~ nOled adjacenl 10 an intacl llallbladdcr. Focal hcmnrrhage is nOled on the cortical surfac.. oflhe righl kidne)' and the mcsentcr)' of lit<: small oowel. Layerv.·isc diss.-clirm of the back demonStrales focal subcutanCOtlS hClIlorrhalll' underlying Ihe j 'tiuries dcscrib.:tl "bo."e. Layerv.'isc dissecrkm of lhe e;>:U"cmilics and bUllOCks demonstrales no e"idence of 'nu!iCulQ!;kclelsl injwie~. MEDCOM 0724 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 724 AUTOPS\' REPORT[(b)(6) AHM.<\O, Man... n Tahl! 4 !NTERNAL EXAMINATION flODY CAVITIES: (See abo"'e "Evid~nce of Injury") The body is opened by lhe usual thoraco-abdomillal irx:i~lon and Ihc ehesc plate is remow<1. The \'el1ebral bodies 8rt visibly and palp3bl)' intaci. No adhesions are present in the pleural. pericanlial. Or pcriLom-lIl cavities. No abnormal collccrion ofnuid is noted willl;n the pcricardil!1 sac. All body orgaM an: presenL in lhcir nomlul W1aLomic positions. There i~ 110 lmemal evidcncc ofpcnclra!ing illiul)" l<'llhe lho''lloo-abdo'ninal region. The sulx:ulllne<>us rat layer of lhe abdom i"al "all is I If2-inchl.'s thick. ImAl) AND CENTRAl. NIOR VQUS SYSTEM: (Scc obove "Evidence uf Injury") nl" scalp is rctlcctotl, There arc no skull f"'<lewre•. The calvarium is inlnCL, as is Lhe dum maler belwath it. There an.' 110 epidural or subdural hemordw\!es present. The IcplomL~lingcsan: Lhin and delicutc. C!car cerebro~pil\al fluid surrounds lhe 15()(}..l!rarn brain. The cerebral hemispheres ,tre symmetrical wilh unremHTkable gyri and suki. The Slmetllrcs at lhe bllsc 01' Ihe brain, including cranial ne....·es lind blood \'esstl~, arc inlXl and unremarkable. CoroMI s<-'Ctions denl<>IISUaLe sharp dcmllrcll;on 1>..'1 ",,~n white and S~)' maner, w;tlwut hemorr!l<'lle or comusi\"<: injul). '1llc \"enlriel~s u~ of normal si~~. The basal B-"nglia. brainstem, e",..,bellum, and IIrlerial sy~cms "'" free of injury or nther abnormalities, The mlllnlo-o«ipiial join! is slable. NECK: (Sce aoove "Evidence of Injury'") The :Illll:r;or Slrap muscles of lhe neck .rc h(>m(>g~nous amj rcd·broml .....illllb..: previously d,·scrib<.-d supcrf,cilll h~morrhaE"'" The thyroid ","n ila~ and hy(>id oon~ arc inUleL '1l1e IMyn:< is lined by inlacl "lIite mucosa. Thc lonl\ue is ftee of bite marks. lIem<lrrllagc, or other i njuri<'S, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Tile upper lIirway is clear of cli:briJ and foreign material; lh", mucosal surfaces are smooth. rei 10" -11111 and unremtubble. The pleural surfac.:s lire smooth. glislenin\! and unrcmark"bl", bilaterally. The pulmnnllry pareneh)'ma is salmon pink. difTusely eongcs!c-d IIlId edellwlous. c.xudin\! slighlLO l1looentle amounL~ ofhl00d and fmth)' nuid. 1\:0 mass lesions or areas of consolidation arc present. Tile rigltl and left lungs "..eigll.jOO lind 390· ..roms, rc~pccljwly, MEDCOM 0725 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 725 1 AUTOPSY REI'OKTl(bf<61 AIlMAD, i\1arwllll TMha , CARPIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: (S~~ lIhov~ "E"idcn~~ of Injury") The pericardial surfaces arc smooth. &lis\cning and unrcmaIKabh:. The 420-gram !lean is ~Olllaint:d in a.n inlact pericardial SOIC frct: of signi lic8Jl1 fluid or adhesions. The epiclIrdinJ sur!a.:" is 5moolh, "ilh minin,al fal investment. nlC wmnary arkrie;o; arise normally, follow tile u~uaJ distribution in a right dominant panem. are widely patent and wilhuUI e\"iden~ of ltlrombo~s. AlhcrosclcrOlic luminal narrowin~ of less then 20"/0 in"ol "es the Iell main. left alllerior descendint:. 8Jld right curonary ancrics. The rn)"ocardium is hOlno~enous. rcd-bm.,.,,,. liml and ullrcmarkable: the atrial and wnlricular seplllC arc inl;l<:1. The walls of t~ lell ventricle. right wutricle, and inter\"Cntricular $Cplum arc 1.5. O..!. nnd I .5...::cmimetcrs tlli~k. n:spect;\"c\y, The "al,·" leaflets an: Ibin nnd mobile, The uona and it' majur bnmel"'s W"ISC nomlaUy. rollo", the usual ~oul'S!O and ha"e mild focal 'Ihe",sclermi~ stn:nkin~. Th.' I'enae eal'ae Md ilS major Irihutnries relum lO II", heart in lhe usual distribution and are fn'" ofthromhi. The ...-nal and m~'Senleric vesseh are unrcmarkahk. IIEP,\JOAlI,JAR Y SYSTEM: (Sec above ~E\'id"nee of Injury") Til.: hepatic capsule." here uninj~d. is 'mouth and glisleninl1. covclinJ', dark red·brown. modeml.,])' eonl;lest<"IJ pan:nchJ,tnu. No 1JlllS!; Icsion~ or olher non·lr;lumulk abl\onllulilies arc note<!. 1"h.: gallbladder conlain' IO-millilite~ of 1; ......,n·brown mucoid bil", Inc mu~osa is vel""')' and unremarkable. The extrahepatic biliar)" lret: is patent lIIld "ithoul evidca~"C of calculi. (he liver weighs 18SO-~rams. (iASTRQ/t\i"TESTINAl TRACT: (S<.-c ahove ··Evidence of injut)''') -J1lc esollhallUS is inlacl ami lined by ~mooth. \:rcy-whilc mucosa. The ga;;tric wall is inmet and the lumen ofthe slomach is empt)'. The gastric mueosa is arr~nl:cd in lhc usoal rugal folds. Th" duodenum. loops of slllali bowel and colon are unremarkable. The appendix is presenl. GIiNtrOUKINARY SysTEM: (See ahove "Evidence of Injury") '11lol rigln and leI\. kidneys weigh 1.10 and SO-grams, rcsp(:cth'c1y. The renal cupsuks are smooth and thin, semi-transparent and strip wilh ca.'C rrom the underl) in~ smoolh. red· brown conieai surracc. ·l1le cut s"rfaces are red'lan und congesled. with uni family Ihi"k ~oniccs and sharp ctmi"omedulhuy junctions. The pelves and ca1y"es all: unremarkable. The orelefS arc normal in C\lutS<: und ealiber. While bladder mucosa o,·crlies an intael bladder 11'1111. The bladlkr cOlnains approximalely JO-ntiJlililt:TS or clel\( )'el1ow urine. The prostate is nomlal in size. Wilh lobular. yellOW-Ian purenehyma, The seminal "csicks lire unremarkable. The testes are free vf ma'lS lesion~. eonlusions. or othcr ~hnormalilies MEDCOM 0726 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 726 1 AUTOPSY REYORT[<6ff6j 6 AHMAD, Mannn Tabo L.YMI'HORETICULAlt SYSTEM: moderar~ly finn parenCh}'U1a; Ihe lymphoid follicles are unremarkable. L)'mph nodes in rhe hilill'. pcri3(>nic. and iliac regions are nOl enlarged, TI..-160-1,:11lfll splcen bas a smootb, inracr capsule cowring ma,oon. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: TIle piwitary glanl.! is unremarkilble. ~ Ih)'roid is symmctric and 1\.-.:I·bl'OI'l1, II ithour cysric nr nodular chanGe. T~ pancrell.'l is finn and yellow.tan, with the uSUliI lobular archirccrure. No mass lesions or orher almonnnlitie. lUI: unred, The righr and lefllldrenal I,:larlds an: S)11lme1rie. with bri~hr yellow cortices and gr.::y medullae No masses (It areas ofht~norrhage are identified, MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM; MUSI'Ie dcvdnpmem appclll'S nonnal. No non·traumatic bone or joint abnomlalities are no1ed. AI)I)JTIONAI.I'ROCF.OUR£S I. 2. .1. 4. S. 6. Dncum<-~118r)' phurugraphs arc rah"ll b)' OA FM'E staff ph<.>roKrdphc~. Spteimens retained lor to,~ioolog)' restil\!! and/or DNA idenrification un:: Blood. vitremrs nuid. urine. bile. heart. Sfll~. liver.luni!. kidney. brdin. adipose tiss"",. and 5~cletal nlllliCle Full bod)' radiographs are nhtained and d<-'11lonstr:lre the abo> c firnlinlls. Seleered portions of organs are retained in fOAnalin, The dissecred OT~an~ ~rc forwlIrdcd with thl: body. PCr$Onal effccts are released to the n10nuary alTairs represcntati\'l.'ll. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Sck'C\ed portiorul of orj;ans slides. ~ ~lIined in formalin. without preparation of his1olu~jc MEOCOM 0727 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 727 ""'- AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AHMAD, MHrwMn Taba 7 FINAL AUTOPSY OIt\C;NOSF-S: l. Mulliplc blunt fore~ injuries A. Blunt toree injmics of the llead and neck l. Superficial abrasion of the face 2. SubgaJeal hemorrhage of Ihe ri~lll fronlal s~aJp 3. Fraclun;:s oflhe nasal bones -I, No evidence of Ilt'l:k injuI)" or frac.lufC!l of the cal,"anum R. Bluon fore.., injuries of the IO~ 1. Muhiple patterned contusions and lIhrasions nfthe IOrso ~. Multiple frdCtLln:s of lhe ribs and Slemum wilh as5OC;aIN hcmnrrhag<' jill<! the amerior mcdiililinum 3. Hilaleml hcmOlhornc~'S{right - 2()O.millililcrs. Idl- IOQ·millil ;len) 4. RClropc:rilOl1cal hemorrhage ( I00-",;11 ili1ers) S. Laccrlnion of the livcr 6. Focalllcmorrha~c of the right kidney and mcscmcrr ofllle small 00""'" II. Natural di5C3SC diagnose.< A. AIhcrosclerotic narrowing of Ill.:' coronary a'1<:ries (lcft main. left alllcrior descending. lind right) of less. tkn 200", ~therosderotie slrepking oflhe 80np B. F<Xal III. Medical intervention consiSl~ of 8 n~llrurnpei in tIK: right nunS IV. ?OSI-monem ehun~,·s 1\. r.i\"idit}" is fixed on tm: posterior surface of Ihe booJyexeept in areas exposed to pll:Ssure Ii. M:u-blinll oflhc skin is present on the right allleri"r shoulder C. Rillor is prescnl 10 an equal dcSrcc in all cXlrerniti~ V. To.~icology l'l:'Sults A. Volatiles: The blond and ,'itl\.'Ous l1uid were examined for the pr,-scncc of ~1hanol III II cUloff of20 mg/dl. No ethanol "'lIS dC\«1(.'(1. B. Drugs: The urine "'as screcn,'tl for amphetamine. antidepressall1s. anlihisuunines. barbi!unllc'. benlodiazcp;ncs. cllllnahinoids. chloroquine. cocaine. dextromcthorphan.l;docaine, nmcal;c analgesics., opiates, pheocyclidine. phcllOthilllincs. S)'mp.alnomirnelic amincs and I"erapami I by gas ehromaloWdphj', «,lor teSI or immunoassa)', none deu:cted. C. Carbon Monoxide: The c"llrboxyhcmolllob;n samralion ;n Ihe blood WIl!l less Ihan 1% a~ dclermined by speetropholOlnelry with a Iimil of qUllnlillll jon of I"., Carboxyhemoglobin saluration_~ of 0-3% are tx~ted fur non·smok,·rs and 3· , 0% for smoker.:;. &llurdtions above 10% are eo"si<kn:d elcuted and an: """forme<! b~ I:as ~hromalOilrnphy. D. Cyanide: No cyanide was detectcl! in the blood. "The limil of qUlll1litalion for cyanide is 0,25 mglL. Nomllli blood c)'anide conc<:ntrations an: Jess th:ll1 0, 15rnJ>ll. Lelhal e"ncell1r1lt;ons of cyanide are ~reater than 3 mg/1.. MEDCOM 0728 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 728 AlJ"TOPSV REPOln~)(6) 8 AHMAI>. Marwan Tlha OPINION This 40-50 year old civilian detailll:e at Camp Cropper Iraq. BTB~b){6) died as the result ofmuhiple blwlt fo= injuries. Autopsy C':<tamination revealed blunt fc:m;e injurie'S. predornin:udy of tnc torso. resulting in a flail chest. livC1" lacertuion. and injury to the atla<:hments of the srTUlll OO":e1. ] Postmortem anoJysis of the body nuids was ne~ati\'e for the presence of ethanol. scrct:ne<l medications and screened drugs or ab~, There "''Us no e,'ide'1Ce of signifiewn nalural disease praces","s th:lt "'"Quid have ~ontrib\llcd to the eause or man~ of d"'ath noled al the lime or autopsy. The manner of deolh is homicide_ (b)(6) (b){6) Medical UIIffi;ncr MEDCOM 0729 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 729 -----_ ........... - -- - - - -.-._-- -- -- --_ __ --_. _.--_ .. _ .. _ ------ .. ----.-=-_......._.. -- =--=-......_.. -.---_ .. ---' _. -- ......__.-.- - -_---.... .... - _-.~ _ _ _co -_.- " ..... - (b)(6) .. » .... , ...--- ... _ . _ _..l&O:IOOt.. _ . ----';'.j;._:;; :=.: ij -. .. --I-----------------+-----...j .#-r"·-,-- ...,. ...... •- ~) If".":;' ".-~ 111ZW2OO7 I~=DIi (b)(6) __.~F ;;.,.;~:;;,"---====l __- - - - , ~--.J MEDCOM 0730 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 730 = ~ _ ~ _ d D I _ _ _ _to AI'" C I l ' _ (b}(6) .... _- ~1""rgoCll''''''''''''_ • -"'-_.... -_.. _- - .,' .. '... _. - MEDeOM 0131 " .0 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 731 ARMED FORCES INSTI11rrE OF PATHOLOGY Office o(the Arllled Forces Medical Eumltler 1411 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rodr.ville, MD 20850 301·319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: Khalaf AI FMadawi, Layilh Husayn ISN: Jb){6) ] Dale of Bir1h1(!l)l6J_l 980 DaleOfDea1hf(b)(6} 12001 Datetrirne of Autopsy: 11 NOV 2001@ 1100 Dale of Report: 29 NOV 2007 NO.:~m{b~)~{'[)=_~ Autopsy AFlP No.!M(~} Rank: Ddii~~~----' PlaceofOealh: Iraq Place of Autopsy: Pon Mortuary. Dover Air Force Base. Dover. DE :=J Clrcullu1aaca of Death: Initial reports .state that this detainci(b){6)_ l~b)(6)lwas brought by fellow dellinees 10 security forces wilh faint siJ:115 of life. AUlborlutloft tor Aulopsy: Armed Forces Medical Euminer. per 10 U.S. Code 1411 Ideatillcatioa: Accompanying doeumenlltion esllblishe:s pre5umptive identifieation. CAUSE OF DEATH: AJpbyaia by SlIIothering MANNER OF DEATH: Homklde MEDCOM 0732 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 732 AUTOPSY REPORT l(b)(6) n ...' AI F....d.wl, t.-yllb HllUyD 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is IlW Dr. well-developed, wcll·naurished CroUCQOid male. The body-maN 144 pounds and measures 67·112 inches in lenglh. Lividi!)' i. fixed on !he posterior surflll:e!l oflhe body. Rigor is ~ini- The body tempnalurt iscold 10 1OUI:tr.. Deeomposition dwlgcs consUl ormild skin slippaac on !he ehesl. bKk, rilillt foot, III'Id left wit. Ie. Injuries ortlle he.d an: deseribed below. The saJp is covered with sb'Iiahl brown hair of medium in I norma] distribution.. The: irides an: brown, !he comeae IR ~Y. lhe eonjunctivl!: IR pele, and the: sc:lerae an: white, The cxtemalluditOl'}' elMls an: dear of debris. The ears are unrem.arkable. The _arc: elear ofdebri.. The t\O$I! and ntallilllle an: palpably slIble. The lectIl an: nalunl and in aoad condilion. The lle(:k It stniiht, andlhe Ilathea is midline and mobile. Injuries of tile torso are deseribed below. The ehest Is symmetric.. The abdomen is nat. The genitalil an: lIloseof I normal adult eircumclsed male. The testes are desunded. Pubie hair is pR:SCm1 in I normal distribulion. The batk is syrrunetrie. The II\US Is unremarkable. Injuries oflhe cxltC'mit1es are deseribed below. The upper and lower cxtmllilies an: symmetrie. The fin~mails are Inllet and dipped for evidence. Idenlifyins matk.s are not ""''' CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECJS No elothina items or person.1 effects Ire pmcnt on lhe body lithe lime of.uloply. MEDICAL INTERVENTION Mcdiell inlefvention presenl on the body lithe: time of lutopsy illtlude.: - Defibrilhul)I" pads on ~ riahl eheJt and left flank - Cardillt:: morular kads on the anletior lOr5O - Triple Iwnem I:lIlhder. lell: subellvian rq;ion • Oral er.!Olrllthea! intubation • Inll'lvQtular catheter. kft anle..eubital rossa RADIOGRAPHS A eomplete set of postmortem rwIiOJrllphs is obuincd and dernomtnotcs!he roUowina: • No hotly fi-Icrures - No metallie roreign bodies MECCOM 0733 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 733 AUTOPSY REPORT(bj(6) Kila'" AI ,.a.dawl, t.-yltb HIIUl)'ll ) EYIDENCt:OfINJURY The ordtrin, of the followina injllries is fordell:riplive purposes only. and is noc intended 10 imply order ofintliction or rel~ive severity. AII-m pIIthwtl)'S are pVC!! relative 10 SIInlWd _tomic posilion. I. EvQcllOe ofuphyxia by sroolbcrin, On the ri&hl comer of the uppa-lip lsa 112"1[ I"" -tlrasion. A I" .. 119".bnsion is onlhc left comer oflhe upper lip. AIon, the lower lip is. I" x I"" abrasion. II. Blunt fora: injuries ..... HC*I nI ned: A l""abnlsion is on the left Iide: of tile fOl'tflead and. 1/4"1[ I"" Inion on the ffonl of tile MCk.. B. Tono A S" x ).114" contusion i, on tile upper left chesl. II" below the lOp of the head. A Ilr x,,," Ibnslon l.on \he riabl iJOin..... 12" x 2" conlusion is on the uppct''-ck 9" 10 II" below the lop of the head..... c111Sla ofabruions, 1116" to 1·1/4" in ,reatcst dimension. covers III area of2.112" x r on the upper eerltral back. A 10-112"1[ 4-112" contusion Is on \he riaN lide oflhc '-cit. 11"10 2r below the lOp of!he head. On \he left .ide oflhc bad: is III ." x 6" conlllSion IS" to 20" below the lop oflhc head. A 10" x S" cOl'uusion i. on tile left bunock. 21.112" 10 )5-112" below !he lOp of!he head. Incislons into !he tonlusion, reveal ~e confined to !he W\dcrlyina subcutaneous tlSNCl; Ih_ i. no skcletal musde necrosIs. C. Exll'cmitici .... 9" I[ S" contusion is 011 !he posterior ri,llllmI. 6-112" to 13·112" below the lOp of!he shoulder. .... CI\llICl' of tonlulions, 1/4" 10 2·112" in ,realeSt dimtllSion, eovtl'l an area ofS" x 2·112" on the POlterior Icft arm, 6" to II" below Ihc lop of the shouldct'..... 112" x 114" abl'uion is on l/Ie posterior left Yn'illll'ld I Ill" abrBllion il on lhe dorsum of the Icft hall'::!. A 1/4" contlllion (hemlloml) Is 011 the palm oflhe Itft hand and I 112" conn.Ilion (hclllltom') is on the palmar aspect of lhe left index linger. A. CIU:Sltr of .brasioils. 118"10 112" in ,reatesl dimtflSion, COveflllll'l area ofr x I" on the lIl'ItcriOI ri&ht Ihi&h. Enci~linllhc ri&ht tlIiQh and cxtendin, up the riSh! buttock il a 22" x 17" contusion. 21" to 37" .bove the bottom of the !leel..... Cluster of abrasions, 1116" to liS" in ptCSl dimension, eaven IIlIlft of ," x 114" on Ihc anterior thigh. A. I" x 112" abrPion is on the ri~t kna:..... c1ustcr ofcontusions. 112" to'" in arcatcst dimtnSion, covers an ue.or9" x S" on the antcnor rishllea. "·112" 10 14-112" abovc!he bottom of the heel. Two abrulOl\l, 112" and '" in arcate$l dilTltnsion, is on the lIl'Iterior riabl leg. A cireumreTential contusion, 2\-112" x II", Is on lhe left Ihish, 10" 10 29" above the bonom oflhe heel. A. clllSttl' of contusions, 2" to S·II2" ill &f'CItesl dimension, eavtn In area or 10" I [ ] " on the anterior left lea. S" 10 14-112" above the bonom oflhc heel. A cluster or IbruiollS. III" 10 1·114" in arealest dimension. covers lIl'Ill'Ca of 1·112" x 1·114" on the lIl'Iterior left lea. Incisions into !he contusions reveal hcmormaac confined to !he undcrly1na subcutaneous li.ssuu; there is no skeletal m\ISClc MEOCOM 07304 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 734 , ] AurOPSY REPORTi(b){6) Khal.r AI F.h.dawl. Layllb RUUlyn INTERNAL EXAMINAUO~ HEAD AND CENTRAl, NERVOUS SYSTEM: The and $IlbgaleaJ soft tissues of tile scalp are free of injury. ~ are no skull fractw'eS. The dura mater is inlact wilh no evidence ofhemorrllage. The leplomeningcs are thin and delicate. CICIII" cerebrospinal fluid $IIfI'Ounds lite 1340 am linin, .....hich has unremarkable arri and sulci. The cerebral hemispheres ~ symmetrical and tke SlI\ltlUres at the base oflhe brain, includin& tile cranial nerves and blood vessels are inlact. Coronal sections demonstnlle sharp deman:atiOll between wbite and gray maner, without hemonhage or conrusive i'lillf)'. The ~Iricles are not enlal1led. The basa1 ganglia, brail'lSlem, and cerebellum are free of injury or other abnol1'llalilies. The aUanlo- occipilaljoint is steble. The spinal cord is urn-emartable. ~; Layer·wisedisseclion of the neck reveals lhat the anterior strap mllSCles are homogenous and red-brown, wilhOUl hemorrbale. The Ihyroid canUaae and hyoid are inlacL The larynx is lil'led by intaet while mucosa. The th)'TOid gland is symmetric and red-brown, without cySlic Dr nodular chanle. The pamhyrDid glands are IlDI idenlified. The major vessels of the neck are inlacL The tQflgue is free of bite marks, hernorriIage, or other injuries. locision and dissee:tion of the posterior neck demonstnllcs no deep par1Icervica.l muscular injury and no cervical spine fractures. BODY CAVITIES: The ribs, sternum, lII\d venebraJ bodies are visibly and palpably inlact. No ell.ces5 fluid is in the p1eun.1, pericardia!, or peritoneal cavities. The orpns Ol:cupy their usuallll\ltomic positions. MUSCULOSKELETAL; (Set: Evidence of Injury) No non-Inumatic abnonnalities orllle mllSCles or bones oflhe appendicular and axial skeletons are identified. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The airways are clear of debris and foreign material and the mllCO$ll surfaces are smOOlb, yellow·1lII\, and unremarkable. The right and left lunp ~igb arn:I420 gm, respee:tiV<:ly. The external surfllCes are smooth ftlld deep red-purple. The pulmOOlll)' parenckyma i, diffusely c:DllfIested and edemlllOlIS. No IT\I.SS lesions or areas of sao consolidation are present. The pulmonary arteries are normally developed and plllent. 11K: diaphragm is inlae:t. MEDCOM 0735 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 735 AUTOPSV REPORT (b)(6) KIlI.. f AI Faltadlwl, Layilh Ihul)'D , CARDIOYASCULAR SYSTEM: The 364) gm heart is contained in an intac:l perican1iBI $&C. The epicardial surface is smooth, wilh minimal fal Investment. The coronary atteries an: unremarkable in diSlribulion. with a ri~t-dominanl pattern. Cross sections of the vessels show no luminal nanowing. The myO<:lfdium is homogenous, red·brown, tllld firm. The valve leanell are thin and mobile. The walls oflhe left ventride, interventricullll" seplwn, tnd right ventricle an: 1.4, I.S. aIld O.+an thick. ~pec1ively. The endocardium lilmoolh and glisteninG- The aorta !lives rise 10 three inllet and patent arch ves#ls. The renal, IJ"Il::Iellteric, and iJill(: vessels as well as the venae caVlc: are lIlIremarkable. HEPAT08!1.IARY SYSTEM: The IISO gm liver hIlS an inlaCt, $IDOOlh capsule and a sharp anteriM border. The p&mlChyma is lan-brown and congested, with IlIll'emarlr.Bble lobular archilecture. No mau lesion:l: orolher non-tr'IWl\.Btic abnonnalities an: seen. The gallbladder comalns a minl.l1e IlmOUllt of ween-black bile and noSlOneI. The mlJlC05ll surface is green and velvety. L\'MPHORruCW,AR SYSTEM: The 21 0 gm spleen has a smOOlh, i/lUlCl, red-purple capsule. The: parencltyma is maroon and congested, with distinCI Malpi;bian corpuscles. Lymph nodes: in the rolar, periaonic, and iliac regions are \lllrernarbble. Resid~1 thymll5 is presc:nt in lhe anterior medillSlinum. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Thc pituitary gland is unrernarbble. The thyroid gland till been described (sec NECK, above). The right and left adrenal aJands are symmetric, with bright yellow cortices and red-brown medullae. No masses or areas ofllcmorrillge lie identified. GENITOURINARY SySTEM: The right and left kidneys weigh 90 and 100 iJTI, respe<:lively. The exlernal surfaces are inlaCl and slnl:lOth. "The CUI surfllCe$ are red-tan and congested. with \llliformly thick conices and sharp corticomeduilA/)' jUllClions. The pelves and urelers an: l1/Il'eIlWicable. White bladder mUCOSll overlies an inIaC! bladder WIlli. The bladder is empey. Thc prostate has lobular, yellow-tan parenchyma and is nOI enlarged. The seminal vesicles an: unl'tmarkable. The tesles an: free of mass lesions. CDnhuions. orother abnormalilies. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esopllagus is inlllel and lined by smooth, pay-white mucosa. The stomach conlains approximately ISO ml ormlxed solids and fluids. The gaslric w.n is intael.. The duoOc:num. diSlllloops ofintesline. and colon are IIlU'emIrkable. The is firm and yellow-tan, with lobular archilCClure. No mass lesions or other abnorma.lities Ire seen. The appendix Is presenl. MEDCOM 0736 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 736 AUTOPSY REPORT '(b)(6) 6 Kh.laf AI F.II.d....... 1A)'1I1I HIUI)" ADWTIQb'AL fROCEPURg I. Documenwy pholOgnphs are taken by OAfME staff. 2. Pmolllll released to the appropriMe mortIIar)' opa1Itioos ,eptc:Kilwives. J. Specimens retained for toxitololY te$linlllllldJor ON.... identification are blood, vi~ nuid, bilc, pstrlc coott:nl$. bl'aill, tdiposc tissue,lung, heart mllSl;!e, spft:en, kidne)', IiO'er, and P'OIS ftlllJCle. 4. The diuccltd 0l11tlS are flllWaldcd with bod)'. S. TIKe evidcnec 1IlldI0l foreian ITUItcri.1 are c:ollected and rctIined by Army Criminal JnvestiPUoD Division Special Aacnt(b){6) j MICRQS:COPIC EXAMlNATIO~ Selected portions oforpns arc retained in formalin. Kidney: Mild IUIOlysiJ and scncrally intad lubuks with urtn:mIrublc aJomcl\lU, imerRilial, and vuwll1un: MEOCOM 0737 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 737 AUTOPSY REPORT '(b)(ll) KUlaf AI FIUdl"'l, Ll)'ltb HIlSl)'1 7 nNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Evidence ofuphyxil by smothc:rinJ • Multiple (3) lbrasions oflhe lips II. Blunt (eme injuria A. Had and neck I. Abrasion,len forehead 2. Abrasions. ~k 8. Tona I. Conlusion, upper left chest Abruioa, right aroin J. Multiple (3) contusions, ll8l:k 4. C1usltrofabmions,l»ck S. ContUSMln.left butlOCk Extremilies l. Riahl upper exlmniry - Contusion. posterior arm 2. Left upPer eltlR:mity .. Cluster ofconlusions, posterior arm 2. C. b. c. d. 3. Abfasion, posterior wrist Alnsion. dorwn oflhe hand ContusiOll (b:mlI\OmI.), palm c. Contusion. (hmJa&ornI,). index finger Right lower extremily ClllSler ohbruiOlll, anterior thigh CircumfereniW contusion, thigh and buttock l:. Cluster ofllnsiont, anlerior thigh d. Abrasion, kner; e. Cluster of conluslons. anterior Icg f. Muhiplc (2) .bruions. anterior ICi Left lower cltlmnity a. Circumferertll.t conlusion.thigh b. Cluster of COIllusions, anterior Ica l:. Cluslcr of .brlsiOllS, Inltrior leg .. 11.. 4. Ill. N.tunl d i _ and pre-c.ltistina llOllditions: of the cumil\lltion IV. Medic.l lntCTWntion A. Defibrin.lOr plds on the right chest and left nank B. CardiK monitor leads OIllhe Interior 1orSO C. Triple lumen ulhc~r.lcft sulx:1.viIn Il!JIon D. Eo IIOI'le identified wilhin the limitations On! endotracheal intubation IAlnvucuiar ut.heter. Icft anlc-(:ubltlll folSl MEDCOM 0138 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 738 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Rbolo' AI Foudowl, L-yilb HII'-rD V. • POSt·monelJl changes Mild decomposition B. Passing rigor C. Fixed po$lcrior Iivor A. VI. Identifying marb: none VII. Toxicology resull$ A. Volllliles (blood and vi~ nuid): no etb&nol c.\d«Jod B. Sm:ened drugs of abuse and medicDtioM (blood): l. Positive Ilropine 2. No O\ber screened drup ofabuse llf medications dt\edcd C. Carbon monoxide (blood): less thDn 1% D. C)'Drlide (blood); none delCCled MEDCOM 0739 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 739 AUTOPSY REPORT{b)(6) Kbalar Al Fabadawl, Layltb·Hc~~.,=.- • QPINI2t! Thisdetai!>CC(b}(6) died orasphyxia from smotberina. Abrasions around the mouth SlIgge!t (orcc:ruI covering orthe airways to prevent adequak! rnpilllt;oM. He did sustain multiple blunt (om: injuries.llowevtr, these were not ~ enougb to cause death. ToxicoiDi)' tests rorethanol and $CTtened drugs orabuse were I'Iegttive. 1'lle manner of death is homicide. (b)(6) (b}(6) ical EXaminer MEDCOM 0740 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 740 -. __..- CERTIFICATE Of DUont jOVERfEASj ''''an,,,,,'''''' -..- -- ""'"'" I.... _""lIICf.U<1> Aebo eM - . . (D'O<Ilro-MwI ... _ _ BTB Khalaf AI FilhadiIWi. Layilh Huuyne. -_.. -..e>o"'........,. - CNilian . .."""lO •. _ _ 11<ICW. ..C<.IItT'< ....... ',,-"""""'(b)(6) "" "'.,.'" J.b){6) "" _ .----_. -= _.--... _...... _- - - - --_. __..... ... ~. • ~~ -.- "'.,'... "'ruo .~ -., ~ 0"*·'_1 ..... -_-- ......r........ fCOOcv.OI'D -_...- ............._." 01'.,_....... ... """'"""".,...'" .......... , _...._-_....-_.", ............... --.... _- ... --- -_ -"" CO<c>nO< .-en" ,,"'" • -""-,"" ' """" _ 0 ........ ..._1~ .... ...""", to ~'" """'-""""""".• _ . ,""""", to m __ ....auo.'I'IOOG .......... _ . _ . ' " ~. ~ _1CNfI CCINlfl'lOOI • _ _ ...;t -I'b)(" .=~_'-'"""',,"',,"',,--'-',,.='-='---',,=-='-----1 . _."'_... __ -- --_._..-.._..... _-----l . . . . .. .,.""..,.". .. l ,_._....___- _ ....... ... _.. -_._ .. -.- ..... _.. -... (b)(6) 117 November 2007 I 0..1 '" Iilwo- "" "" .,...'" ,<;::=.~ , 2007,(b)(6) 31 5t Combat Support Hospital I.... ......""...-0_.........'" _ ""0....0__ OCCU!'O'''' .. _,..,.. .-....0""'._'... 0Lk0: ",,<:bn. ....... (b)(6) I>< ',."',,"""""-\l!.!""" '~b InURl (b)(6} _ __ _- Dover AFB, Dover OE ""'-'IU~I"""'''''' ... Medical Examiner _ ~-----r~_,---IJ(b)(6) 1112912007 '---::.:....~ -~-.::...'~5~!lf!j!?i?::i~~:;;;~--'~~n;,_-------------J ' 2064 .........,..""..-_.'_ll_""......_ ... DO MEDCOM 0741 ~i:"',., ..,,~..,._.--.n. ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 741 ..., = OU,tMCIf_ (b)(6) _ ............ DI'l«"'" _naNCIf\IITH..,.A_ ..TI ......lVIU -- ..... --- _ ......""_r.,' • <lS¥A 00 FORM -'1J'fl1,71 (&!lClO MEDCOM 0742 v..... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 742 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Omce of the Armed Forus Medial 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville. MD 208SO 301-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: Habib AI-Samly, Salim Abo Alta ~bR6) {)ale ofBjrth:~b}(6) Dale ofDeath!(b}(6) 968 2007 Autopsy ~,~.@~(b~)(;')=::;=:J AFlP No:·(b)(6) Rank: CivilianfDetainee PlllCe of Death: Iraq o.l£fI'ime of Autopsy: 14 NOV 2007@ 1230 hn Place of Autopsy: Port Monwuy, Dover AFB, Dover, DE Date ofRq!ort: 12 February 2008 C~ullllt ..ea ofInalb: This 38-year-old Operation iraqi F~om detainee, as reported, complained ofmalai5e and was found 10 IIave a low blood pnssure and high heart Tllle. He was IBnSpotled 10 the ICU where he wenl into shoclr..IU1lL'YlS lteated with life nving measwes which were unsu=sfuJ. He was prl)nOunced dead Of\ (b}(6) 2007. Alliborizatloll for AUIOPSY: Armed Forces Medical Examiner, per U.S. Code 10, Section 1471 IdCIIllfkation: Presumptive identification perC1D inve.stiBJIion. CAUSE OF DEATH: ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE MANNER OF DEATH: NATURAL MEDCOM 0743 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 743 AUTOPSY REPORTl(b)(6) Page 2 ofB HABIB Al.-SARRA Y, Salim Abo Alia EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The: bod)' is thai ofa well-developed, well-nourished male. The bod)' weighs 246 pounds, is 70 inches in lengdi and appears oompatlble with the reporled age of38 yean. The bod)' is cold. Riior is presenllO an equal dcliU in all exlremitie$. Lividity is present and fixed on lhe poJIerior surface of the body, exeept in llJUS exposed 10 pressure. The head is nonnocephalic, and the scalp hair is black and 8J'tI)'. A well bellIed SCI!" is on the lateral surface oflhe righl forehead. The Facial hair consists ofa black beard. The irides are brown. The COme&e are cloud)'. The vessels oflhe rillht conjUlldiva and sclera are engorged, but the left is UlU'emarbble. The extcmal audilory ClllIals, c:lllemal nares and 0nI1 cavity are free offoreign material and abnormal5C'CR:tions. The null skcleton and lTIltlCilla are palpabl)' intal:l The leah are l'IIlura! and in good a:lIldilion. The upper and lower frenulUlle are IIIIR:markable. E.:wninalion of the neck reveals no evidence of injury. The abdomen is prot...beranl. The c:lltetl\ll eenilliia are those ofa nonnaladult circumcised mate. Then: is. 4 inch well he.led sear on the left lower abdominal qu.adranl. On the latcral surface of the righl bullock are four superficial circular bcaled ulcen measuring up 10 'I. inches in maximum dimension. ~ is. % X Vox lIB inch anal skin Ill; on the twelve o'clock $IIl"flllCe of the aflll5. The cxtmnitics show no cvidence offtaclUl'e5, lac:crations or dcfolTnitics. The fingernails are inllct There are (b)(6) }allOO5(b}(6} ] CLOTHING ANp PERSONAL EFfECTS None idenlilicd. MEplCAL INTERVENTION • Endo-lnlcheal tube pre$Cnt in the mouth. resulting in alel'\upper lip eonlll5ed lacCl1otion (mcllSlll'ing % x V. inches) and. eootusion of the left inner lower IiP(measurin1l2 x 0.5 centimeten:) • • • • • • Ld\sulx:lavianIV.1ine\ and right ant~bitll fOSSl/V-lines with S11lTOlmding contusions measuring up 10 3 inches in muilllwu dimension. folc)' eatheteJ Dorsal surfllCe IV·line on the left hind wilhsurrounding contusion measuring up to 2 inches in muilll\llTl dimension. Thcre is _linear amy of the minute ""nctllfe marks, .bo... t 25, Jocatcd on lhe right upper chest below lhe tight clavicle measuring 4 x I inches in area. CMdio-Pulmonary R.tlIuscilltion (CPR) relatcd injuries: o Riaht antcrior 2....5'" o'\anterior3 td-6" o 'Tbn'e is _ 5 x 5 inch contll5ion on the stemal StlrflllCe of the chest. MEDCOM 0744 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 744 AlJTOPSY REPORTf b)(6) P-ae 1 0(8 HABIB AL-SARRAY. Salim Abo Alii RADIOGRAPHS A eom.plele let of pG5Ullortem rldiogl'lpM is obtained and dc:monsmle1 the following chlnats li~od below. EVIDENce OF INJURX The orderina orlhe following illiurie. is forde$criplive purpGiICS only, and i. not intmekd to imply order ofinlliclion or ~lIli~ se~rily. All WOIlnd pathwaY1lIft: liven relati~ 10 ltIndard InItOmlc pos.ilion. T'here i. a I x 1 inch contusion near lhe riibl clbow. There i. I dry. bloodlcsslllli 11Cet1lion measurina 'I. x 'I. of an intI! al the: six o'cloclt position loc:alc:d 'I. of an intI! from the: IIlII VCtic. Thmil i.1n Ira ofsoft tissue hemorrhage: measurina l.S oetIlimClCl'S in maximwn dimcllIlon located alona the: tIo,..I.W'fac:c orille righl wrist. INT£RNAL EXAMINATJON BODY CAvrnES; There I. SO millili~ ofserou-nguinc:ou. fluid In the pericardial SIIc:. All body orpns are presenl in nonnallnltomic:al position. Thc:rc: are two subcutaneous lipomas ncar the umbilic\IlI and al the upper (midline ~lPon) abdominal quadranl mc:asurina SitS x 2 centhneters Ind 1 x 4 x J CCIIllmctCfS, ~vcly. Remote rib fraclIRS arc: i<lc:ntified aIona the rightilltral (I· ... III and 6") righl posterior (41l1 1/ld 6"') ribs. Remote rib fracturtlarc identified Ilona the: left lateral Ot<l, 4 111, and 9'") ribs. The subcutanCOU$ fal layer of lhe abdOlTlinal wall is 2 Yo inches thiele. HEAD AND NECK; The plcna and subIra soft lissues orille: scalp are free ofinjwy. Thc:~ arc no skull hcturu. The dUfll maier and falx cc:rc:bri arc inllc:l. There is no epidUfllI or .ubduralllen1ontlagc pratnl. The Ic:ptomeninac:s arc tIlin and dc:IicllC. The: cel"Cbnl hcmisphcrc:s arc symmc:lric:al. The SINl:IurU at the buc ofthc brain. illCludlnll cranial nerves and blood vessell arc inlKt. The brain wc:ilhs IJSO 8JtI'd and has LJlII'eInIrl:;ablC' I)Ti and .ulcl. Coronal seelianl l/wQuib the cerebral hc:misphc:ra revcal no lesionJ. Transvcnc sections lhroIlih the brain Rem and ccretlc:llum arc: unmnarkable. The: II1anto-oQCipil.ll joinl. il u.ble. MEDCOM 0145 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 745 . . . 4 ofl AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) HABIB AL-5ARRAY, Salim Abo AUI The anlerior strap muscles of the neck 1ft homogenous and mt-brown, witboul hen1ontIJ,ge by 1I.yer.wi$e dissection. The thyroid QIti1llie and hyoid bone 1ft inlKt. The Illr)'Tllli,lina;l by inllc1 WI mUCOSL The tongue b free of bite rrwb, ~ ocOlher injuries. Incision &lid disaeWon of the posterior netic demonstr1ltes no deep puaoervicaJ muscular injury and no ea"lieal spine """"". CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The bw1 weighs 460 pnu and i, contained in an in*, perieudi&l MC. The epkudial surface i' smooth, wi!h minimal fll investmenl. The coronary.neries III'e pre3C1Il in I normal diSlribution. wi!h Ilefl~ominant patient. Ctosl sections of the heart show the right COtorlllry artft)' wi!h IeVCR:, ~ater lhan 13% luminal Jten05b melSurina 5 centimam from !he riallt coronary lrteTy orifiee; the dllll'nallnneb of the left eororwy artery with ~Ye~, iJeIIer than 75% luminal stenosis near Iile bifuttllion with the left cotorwy artery; Illd left malNlnterior dcJoendinlll'lery with modenlte, IJ'Uler than 50% luminal lIenosi. rnelI!Iurina 4 cenlimelel1l from the openinl ofl/le left ClOl'Otwy lJ'lery. The myocardium b hon1oIenous. red-brown,lIJId Iirm. The valve Itlfiellilft thin and mobile. The Wills of the left venmde, inlervenllieuJar sepllltll, end riglll ventriele 1ft 1.3, 1.1, and OJ oentimellCl' thick. respectively. The endocardium i. smooth and a1iJlmina. The lIOrtII gives rise to tiu'ee il\lJl:l and palent ,!'til _ I•• The rentll and mesenteric vessels Ire unrerrwkable. BFSPIMIQRY SYSTEM: The upper airway is cleM of Gc:bri. and foreilJlll\ltcrial:!he mucosal sLafaces are smooth, rellowIan and UIIml\lIIbbie. The pkunll suffICeS III'e ~Ih, Ilistmina and unteJTlll'klble bllatemly. The pulmolW)' parenchyma i. diffusely cOlliC'Jled and edematous, uudinllarge arnoonu of blood arullTothy nuid; no focal lesions are noted. The: pulmonary arteries III'e normally Gc:veloped, palent and without tIIrombus or embolus. The rialtl IUIll_iiM lOBO arams: 1he left 1030 IIWJIJ. HEPATOBILlARY SYSTEM; The 2100 pam JiviCl' hal an inll(t smooth capsule coverina a yellow and fatty parenchyma with no focal lesions 1IOled. The gallbladder contains 10 milliliters ofareen-brown, mllCOid bile; the mUCO$llI. velvety and IUI1elTWbble. 'The exlnlhepatie biliuy tRC i, palent, without evMknce of u1culi. MEDCOM 0746 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 746 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) Paae:SOf. HABIB AL..-SARRAY, S.lirn Abo Alta QASUOINIESIINAL SySTEM: The: ~us is lined by Jl'ay-while, smooth mLEOSl. The pslri<: mUCO$ll it unnced in !he: usual I\Ipl foldsal'd the lumm _Iains 350 millililtfS ofse:rosanlUil\ll:OllS nuid. The small and larp bowels are unremarbble. The: panerus has. nonNI pink-Ian Iobul.led ~e: and the: ducts are clear. The appendix is.tlsenL GENITOUR(NARY SYSTEM: The nahl ~idncy weiahs 180 gramS; !he: left 200 aruna. The !'MIl capsules are smooth arid thin, se:mi-trans;arent and strip wilh use from lhe unde:rlyinll smooth. m;I-brown cortie.l JUrl'llCe. The cortices.e sharply delioe:aled from !he meclul1uy pyrwnids, m;I-purple 10 WI and unremarbble. The: aol)'l:e:t, pel"n and ure:tcn In unmnarbble. Till blMltlet mlJCQSll overlies U\ inlaCt bllldder ~L The bladder COIlWns 'PJlfO'limalcly 1S miUilitCl'S of yellow unl'le:. The: tnlet, pTOIUItc ,Iud Uld teminal 'lldicles are unmnarbb'e. A 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 ~ntimcter yellow ClIlcilied nodule il pre$tllt in the Ifttttr. of lhe: pt'O$Iate aiUld. LYMPHOR£TlCUV.R SYSTEM: The: 210 gram spleen has. smoolh, intact capsulc covering re:d-purple, moderately finn parenchym.: lhe lymphoid follicles an: llI\1eITWbble. There is In enluled lymph node ofille: ne<:k (ccrvicl1) me:uurinl 1.4 centimeters in maximum dimension. Lymph nodes In the: hilar, pe:rilOnic U\d ili/IC rqlons are not mlaraed. ENDOCRINE SySTEM: The: piNiwy aJand is left In S/Iu and is unremadlble. The lhyroJd allnd il symme:uk and redbrown, wilhout cyslic or nodular cllU\ae. The naht and left adn:fII1 Slands are: symmetric, with bright yellow conkes II1d ,"-brown medullae. No mlllSe:$ or UClU of he:motTbllie: are identified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: A l1eaIed 4'" metatanal flXlure: of the ri;ht foot is identified I1lllioloaically. No non-tnoum.tic .bnonna1itle:s of muscle Of" bone: In Identified. MEDCOM 01.(1 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 747 AUTOPSY REPORT {b)(6) HABIB AL-SARRA Y, Salim Abo AU_ MiCROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selecto:l portions of orpns life rewncd in formalin with preparation ofhillol08Y alides JiSkd b<1_. ScclioRS of Ihc right COfOIlII'Y artery (slide I) display severe l!enOli. due 10 IIhcToscJclOl.ic plaque composed of fibrin, cholesterol clefts, caJciflCltion, and _ mixed inllammatOl)' cell infilltlle. Scc:lionsoflhe dilJOnal branch oflhc left coronary artery (slide 2) display only 11\ elise ortbc: veud altlctlcd wilh fibro-adiposc timJe. No pathologiC/II di_plMis idmtificd. Sections oflile len anterior desccndina oororwy artcry (slide 3)display. tanaCOtial troU SCCl.ion or stenosis due to athcl'O$Clerotic plaque composed offibtin, cholcslerOl clefts, akifiCition, and a mixed Inllammatory cell infillt11c Scc:tions oflile wnbilic:alllJld abdominal muses (slides 4 and S, respectively) displf.y UNeIJ\IrtabIc adipoc)'ln lUmlunded by congcstecl blood vessels and _ benign fibrous capsule. Section oflhe billClCted cervical l)'llIph node (slide: 6) displl:)'S Ulln:l1IIIrkIblc tissue.. Sections oflhc len and riahlluniJ (l1idn 7 and S. rc:spcct.ivocly) display congested blood vessel. wilh bcnisn alva;J\arand hemosiderin-laden (heart fajlUR; celb) maerophlllll:1 No franlr. acu1e or c:hfonic inflammation. ncerosis,lJ'II!, viral eytopathic eff«t, emboli, or maJienancy identified. Sections of the liver (slide 9) display sevcre P1ixed II1ICl'OS1cIlOsis and microstcalOsis .....ith chronic inflarnmalofy cell. and bile dUCI prolifCl'llion lithe pottaI traids. TheA' is no evidmc:e of reaeneratcd nodules, dilCl'Cle muses, granulomas. c)'lOpalhic effect, or ti'ank inflMunatjon identified. ADDIDONALPROCEPUR£S 1. Documenwy pbotoaraPbs arc liken by OAFME. 2. !'ef'sonal effccts are relcucd 10 !be _pplOprilte rlIOftIW)' Opcollions representatives. 3. Spceimcns retained for IOllicoloaY lCSIilli and/or DNA idcntificallon arc: vill'COuJI fluid, bkJod, urine, bile, pstric cO'l1enl$, spl«n, liver, r\.WIg. kidney, brain, myocardium, adipose tiuuc and skeleul mll5Cle. 4. The cIiss«Icd orpns arc I'orwatdcd with body. MEDCOM 0748 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 748 AUTOPSY REPORTl~(b~H~6),-~~ HABIB AL-5ARRAY, Salim Abo AUa Page 1 oU fiNAL AUTQpsY pJAGNOSES I. Attlerosderotk eaniiova'~lIlardba5t: A. Right c:oronary artery. severe. ;realer than 7S,..llIminal stenosis B. Diagonal branch oflbe (()f'{KW)' aner)'. 5Cvere, ~ler than 1S% luminal 5tcnosU near the bifurcation with the left col'Ol'lllly artel')' C. L.cft anterior descendingc:ororwy artery. mocleratt, srealer than SO% Iliminal stenosis D. Pcril:ardi.1 effusion, SO miIJiJiletS ofserosanaious fluid E. Pulmonary <:Of1sestion. righll\lJlS lOBO grams, left IUllg 1030 grams Ie" U. Acklltiollal fbldblpfprenllllllllnjurles: A. Contusion of the righl elbow B. Postmortem Jac:eration of the anus C. Soft tissue bemorrllaae of the right wrist D. Subcutaneous lipomas of the wnbilil:us and at the midline: of tile upper abOOminal quadl"lll\t E. Mulliple superfkial circular healed ukcrs onhe loteral surfKe of the right bunoo:k F. RemolC1hea1ed rib fra<:wres, bilateral G. A healed 4'" metatarsal fradllfC of the righl fOOl H. F.tty liver <:hange. severe l. Caldfied nodule in pr05late J. Benign lympliadcnopathy K. 01. lV. S~~.~~~my EvidcD<:e of Medial ITtle,..p)': Dc:s<:ribed above ldelltifyilll Body MarII.I A. Multiple tatt~(b){6) _ B. Well healed scar of the left lower .bdomiNlI quadranl and right forehead v. TOlic:ol01D' (AFJP) A. VOLATILES: No ethanol detected in ll'e blood lWtd vitreous fluid B. DRUGS: No sc:reenc:d druGJ of.bu!dmedications detected in the urine: MEDCOM 0749 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 749 AUTOPSY REPORT{b)(6) .:=J Plllle 8 ofB HABIB AL-SARRAY, Salim Abo A1la OPINION This 38-year-old OpmItion ltaqi Frmlom detainee died from atherosclerotic cardiovascuJudisease with modera[e 1O!eVm: narrowing (luminal stc:nosis of the ld1 anterior descending, diil8ona1 branch ofthc left coronary artet)', and right coronary artery) of the cororwy vessels&n4 resulting in the: back upofbrood In the pulmonary vcssc:b (pulmonary eongc:stion). Additional findings at autopsy include abdoTllinallipomas, fally liver change and sllJlel'ficiai ulcers ofthc riglu buttock. The: cut (laceration) and bruise (contusion) of the: lips are likely due 10 intubation. Bl\lises oflhe chest and anterior ribs n.ctwa wen:: likely produced by CPR·n:lJ,ted chat com~ions. Bruises ofthc upper extmnities are likely due 10 IV ·line in.tCl1iollS to help lfa.t the decedent's <:tidio-pulmonary collJ,psc. The minute plIDCtll1C mub loee.tod on !he right upper chest wm: likely produocd by multiple syringe injeo::tioru of~iac medication(s) during his emergency medical intervention. ~ WCR sevml healed rib fl'flCtlll'e identified on both sides of the rib cage and right foot, tIx sisnificanc:e of t!Iesc remote injuries is IIJ\CCrt&in. Soft tissue hemorrllage to the right wrist rnay be due: [0 the vigotoU! intelVCntion bytlx e!JICIiency ~ team [0 scutely~"the detainllt while he was hand cuffed. lbc rnaMeI" of death is natural. (b)(6) (b){6) Medical Exami~==--~ MEDCOM 0750 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 750 _.- -=--b"""".........., --=---- ---- -----... -- -_- -- ----- - -- -- . _._ . --_ . -_ . _-----, ---_-..._",; ._._10 ... .._-.-=. _.---' _.0 .....,.. _.. _.'-" --'-."--...... --"",.,"""'-Ll. _. "'- --- p.,,*~ (b){6) r",~"~'"""·bO",,. u_ I (b){6) ......... _.. -'!I'.... _.. _ - _ ~ .._ ~_ a.. ....... ... .. ",' - .. ---"i'·;;·i-;;."i1i;--t------------------I------~ 'atU. ' liI-"D~- _ _10 _ _ • rYf'·"-":---I~(bli:}(6>'(b}(6) _-,-_..---...-._.:""'.."~"m". . - (b)(6) -=iF, eo- . '(b)(6) ~;:j .---... ..-_.._... MEDCOM 0751 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 751 ARMED fORCES INsnTtTn: OF PATHOLOGY om« oftM Armtcl Forna Medinl Enmioer 141) Rfsean:h Blvd., Blda. 102 Rockville, MD 208~0 301-)19-0000 AUTOPSV EXAMINATION REPORT NIIIM: 8TH IIasan. AI Jabbat N ISN: (b){6) Date of Sinh: STS(b){~ 19~7 (49)'W'S) Date orDulh: (b)(S) '2007 Oatcffimt of AulOpsy: 14 NOV 2007@1300 Date of Report: 14 DEC 2007 Autopsy No)b)(6) AFIP No.: (b)(6) Rank: CivililnlDctli.Place of Death: Iraq Ptaoc of Autopsy: Pon Mortuary Dow::r AFB. Dover. DE CircUlI\StaftffS of Dnlh, This 49_year-old Iraqi male dctai.- reportedly died in a medical Il'U1mCnl fxili.y () Ist CSt!). AI the lime of his dwh, he was bfinlllJCaled for eJld-sta&e heart f.Hurt:. Allthoriution for AUIopay: Armed Fon:es MNi<:a1 Examiner, per 10 U.S. Code 1471 Idenllfkatioo: Presumplive idcntirK:alion is established by the examination of the acoompanyiflg papet wort. and idcnrifiealion 1mocelet. Finguprints. poslmortem denIal charting, and. specimen suillble for ON.......e oblained. CAUSE 011 DEAT": AClile lIlyocardiallnfnctlon compliuted by kft ventricular mural tbrombul MANNER OF DEATII: Nalural MEDCOM 0752 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 752 AlfTOPSY REPOR'J1 tb ){6) BTB Hasan, Al Jabbar N 2 ExttBNAL EXAMINATION l'M body il lilac of an UI'Il:lad edematous male. 'The body weiaJu 214 potItlCIs. il 63 inches in length and appears COIlIpelib1e with lhe repor1e:d age of 49 years. 'The body is cold. Rigor ha5 pass6i. Lividi!)' is ~t and fixed on the IJOSttrior surface of the body, exetpl in atQS expc»c:d to Jl"S5Ute. The congested head is normocepbalie, and the scalp hai, is gray and black. FlICial hair eonsiSlS ofalll'lY and blacl: muslaehe and beard. The iride! are brown. The eomeae are doody. The oonj\UlC':livae are COJ\&CSIed. The sclerae are whitt. The UttmaJ &udilOry canals ~ free offouign material and abnormal_ions. Purged fluid is WkntiflCd in lhe mouth and nose. The nasal skeleton and maxilla are palpably intae:1, The lips are wi\holll evidmt injlll)'. The leeth are lIItural. Examination Oflhe ne<:k reveals no evldenee ofil\iwy. 'The ehe5l IslLll/'el1lutable. No evidence of i!1iW')' of the ribs or the stemvm is evidenl extemally. The abdomen is slightly protuberutl. The extemal ~nilalia are lho$C ofa nonnaI adlllt dn:umeixd male. The scrotum is edemMOUI. The po$lerior 10fl0 and anus are without note. The extmnities exltibil peripheral edema. The fLlliemail. are inlaCl. E«hymoses are identified on the lett arm and f~arm. and abdomen. A In indl.sear is identiflCd on both A 1 x I inch IC&r is seen 011 the Id forearm. Skin slipPItC is seen on the lett upper extremily. A 1/4 inell flesh eoIOftd papule is idmliflCd on the ri&hl shoulder. nOTHING AND PERSONAL EffECTS • Green hospilal shirt • A blue ehuck is presenl in the body U1lnsvene bag MEDICAL INTERVENtION • • • • Thehairontheeheslilshaved Needle puncture marks are identified on bolh amecubi\lll fossa and the left forearm Blaek ink (mO$tlikely identifying paiphenl pulses) is on the left ankle and righl fOOl: Three ERO lead imJlfCSSion marks are on the anterior IOnO RADIOGRAPHS A o;«nplete set of po5ll1'1Onenl radiographs is obtained. No blunt for« or pene1l'Iling injuries are idemifie<!. No .-dio-opaque foreign bodies are seen. EVIDENCE OF INJURy Tbm is 00 sianiflCant physiettl Injury identified II w\OpSy. MEDeOM 0753 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 753 AUTOPSY REPOR11(b}(6} J BTB Hasan. AI Jabbar N INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVITIES: ~ body is opened by the usualtoonoco-abdominal incision 8/1d the chest plate is removed. The ribs. sternum, 8/1d vertebral bodies are visibly and palpably inTact No adhesions are ~senl in any of the body cavities. Serous l1uid is identified in the left chesl cavity (250 ml). right chest ClIvity (250 ml), and the abdomen (500 ml). All body organs are present in normal analomical posiTion. The subcutaneous fallayCT of the abdominal wall is I inch thick. HFAD AJ.~D CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The scalp is reflecled. The galeal and subgalealsoft tissues ofthe scalp art: me of injury. There are no skull mClul'l:s. The calvarium of the skull is removed. The dura mater and falx ~rebri are intact. There is no epidural or subdural hemorrllage prescnt. The leplOmcninges are thin and delicale. The cerebral hemispMln are synunelrical. The sttu<::tures at llle base of the brain. including cranial nerves and blood vessels are inlaCt. Clear ~brospinal fluid s=urods the 14.40 gnun brain. which has ~marl:able gyri and sulci. Coronal.sections lhrough the cerebral hemispheres reveal no lesioll$. Transverse secTioll$ lhrough Ihe brain stem and cerebellum are unremarUble. The atllll\1<). occipilal joim is slable. The spinal cord is unremarkable. NECK: The anlerior simp muscles of the neck are homogenous and red·brown. wiThout hemOlThage by layer·wise dissection. The Thyroid carlilage and hyoid bone are illl8.ct. The Illf)'tlx islincd by intaeT while mucosa. The tongue is free of biTe matlcs, hemorrhage, or other injuries. Incision 8/1d dissection of The posterior neck demonstrates no deep para<:crvical muscular injury and no ~rvical spine ftaetures. MEDCOM 0754 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 754 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB HlISlIIl, AI Jabbar N 4 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The SSO gnun heart is contained in llI1 intllCl periClll'l!ial sac. ~ cpicllfdial surface is smooth, with minimal fll! inveslment, The coronary anerie$ are P~I in a normaJ dislribu!ion, with a righl' domilWll pallem. Cross seclions of the vessels show 80% Slenosis of the left anteriordescending coronary artery by calcified atherosclerolic plaque with an adherenl fresh occlusive thrombus, 7S% stenoSll; of the right coronary anery by calcified atherosclerotic plaque, and SOo/. stenosis of the left circumflex coronary artery by calcified alherosclel'Ol.ic plaq~. Cross sections through the hean reveal a fibrous SClIf extending from the anterior wall of the left ventricle and the inter-ventricular septum that is 3-112 inches in greatest dimension. The left ventricular free walllll1d interventricular septum are thiMed. There is a 112 x 112 x 114 inch hyperemic area ofmyocardiwn with a central area ofydlow-tan Ilttrosis in the posterior aspocl of the intraventricular septum. A mural thrombus is identified in the apex of the chamber of the len vMtricie. The valve leaflets are thin and mobile. The walls of the left ventricle, inle\'Ventricular septum, and right ventricle are 0.9. O.S, and 0.3-cm thick. respectively. The left ventricle and right ventride llI'1: dilated. The aorta gives rise to ~ intact and patent arch vessels. Calcificll!ions are seen at the aonic bifurcation. The renal and mesentcTic vessels are WIl'CItlarkable. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; The upper airway is clear of debris Ind foreign material; !he mucosal surfaces are smooth. ~lIow tan and "",remarkable. The pleural surfaces are smooth, glisrening and W1remmable bilaterally. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely CQngesled and edematous, exuding slight to moderate amounts of blood Wid frothy fluid; no focal lesions are noled. The pulmonary arteries are normally developed. patent and without thrombw; oremhoJus, The right lung weighs 6S0 grams; the left SSO -,. HEPATOBIUARY SySTEM: The 1720 gram liver has WI intact smooth capsule covering conge,ted parenchyma, No nontrauma!ic focalle,ions are noted. The: cut 5urface has a nutmeg appearance. The gallbladder contains S ml ofgKCn·brown, mucoid bile; the mucosa is velvety and unn:mlll"kable. The extrahepatic biliary tree is parent. without evidence of calculi. GASTROINTESTINAL sySTEM: The esophagus is lined by gray-wIIite, smooth mucosa. The gastric mucosa is BmlrIge<l in the usual ",gal folds aJ1d the lumen wntains 10 ml ofbroy,'1I fluid. The small and large bowels are WQ'e1tUU"kable. The paJ1crtall has a nonnal pink-tan lobulated appelll1lllce and the ducts are clear. The appendix is present MEDCOM 0755 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 755 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB Hasan, AI Jabbar N GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right kidney weighs 180 grams: the left 180 grams. The renal capsules arc smooth and thin, scmi-uansparenl and strip Wilb case from lbe underlying granular, red-broy,n cortical surface. The COrle" is slwply delineated from lbe medull8l')' pyramids, wh.ich. arc red-pwp!e 10 WI and unremarkable. The calyces, pelves and umers arc unn:cnarkable. While bladder mucosa overlies an inlaCt bladder wall. The bladder is empty. Punctate bemorrhages arc seen on the bladder mucosa. The lestes, prostale gland and seminal vesicles are Witbout note. l¥MPUOREDCULAR SYSIEM: The 200 gram spleen bas a 5.lTlOOlb, intact capsule covering red-pwple, moderately firm parenchyma; lbe lymphoid follicles are unremarkable. Lymph nodes in lbe Itilar, periaortic and iliac regions are nOI enlarged. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The lhyroid gland is symmetric and red·brown. Without cystie or nodular change. The rigbt and left adrenal glands arc symmetric. wilb bright yellow cortices and red-brown medullae. No masses or an:llS of hemorrhage are idenlified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SysTEM; No non·tlllumalic abnormalilies of muscle or bone are idenlified. ADOOOONALfROCEpURES 1. Documentary pllotographs are taken by OAFME slaffpholographers. 2. Personal efTeeu are released 10 the appropriale monuary opellltions representatives. 3. Specimens retained for toxicology lesting and/or DNA identification are: vicreoU.'i fluid, blood, spleen, liver, lung, kidney, bmin. myocanlium, bile, gasmc conlenls, adiJXlsc lissue: and psoas muscle. 4. The dissected organs are fOl'Wlll'ded with body. S. Poslerior cUl-dOy,ns an: performed. No traumatic injuries are secn. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATIQN Left Venlricle (Slide - 3) and Inter-Ventricular Septum (Slide - 4) - Areas show coagulation necrosis with loss of myocyte nuclei and Malions wilh an acule inflammalol)' infiltrate. Olber areas show disinlegration of myocytes willi phagocytosis and a chronic inflammatory infiltrate. Promi~nt granulalion lissue is present There are also areas that show early scar formalion and replocement by collagen. MEDCOM 0756 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 756 AtrrOPSY REPORT[(b){6) 6 BTB Hasan, Al JabbarN Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery (Slide· 2)· There is 80% .stenosis of the lumen by calcified athcrosclcrotic plaque with evidence of pllllJUl: ruplwe IlI1d overlying adherent thrombUll. Right Coronary Artery (Slide· 1)- There is a calcified atherosclerotic plaque. FINAL AUTOPSY I)IAGNOSES: I, II. m. rv. V. VI. Clrdio..ueular Syslem: A. Acute myocardial illflrrtion ...ith munlthromhus at the left ventricle B. Fihrous 5C1r of Ibe Idl .nlerior .... U oflbe lefl ..eolriele and the inler..elltrieul.r leptum Ih.1 il J·I12 illCbes ill grcalC5l dimenllon C. Signifkani Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis: I. 80% stellOllJ oflhe left atllerlor descending coronary anery ...llb a calcified .Iherosduolie plaque aDd .n occlullve thrombus 2. 75% siellosis oflbe right coron.ry anery hy talciflCd atbel"Osderolie pl1lque J. 5(1-1_ slenOll, of the left ci~lImncx coronary anery by caldned albero,deroli.. plaqlle D. Cardiomegaly (bean ...eighl 550 gnmt:) E. Dilaled ldland rlgblnnlricles F. Mild alberolclerolis of Ihe aona AQlIllIrn Respiratory Syllem: Pulmollary congestion and edema: lung ...eigbl: (rigbllung 650 gnms.left lung 55(1 gnma) HepalobiliarySyslem: Severe ..ongeslion (Ii"er ...elgb11720 grams) and Vo" .ppearan..e coDsislenl ...ilh cenlrolobular nKrO!ls GcnllourillaryS}'Slem: A. Gr'OI5 appeann« cOllllistenl Wilb arteriolosclerosis B. Punclale bemorrhages of Ibe bladder mucosa Toxicology (AFIP): A. VOLATILES: No ethanol II detCCled in the blood and vitreous fluid; .«Ione is dClCded in tbe blood (IO mgldl) alld vilreoul nuid (12 mgldl) B. DRUGS: No Kr«lled drugs of abuse or meditallons .re deleclcd in Ibe blood C. CARBON MONOXIDE, The carboxyhemoglobin IIllIntion in the blood is lUI Iball 1-;_ D. CYANIDE: No cyanide II delKlcd in Ihe blood MEDCOM 0757 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 757 AlITOPSY REPORT"(b~}("'6)' BTB Hasan, AI Jabbar N 7 OPINION This 49-year-old Iraqi male detaineJ(b)(6) Idied of llll aeUle myocardial infarction complicated by a mural thrombus of the left ventricle. The tOl'iwlogy is posilive for acc:tone in the blood lllld vill'Wus nuid. This finding can be el<plail\Cd by the deceased's c1iniul course prior to death. There was no e'o'idence of physical inj\ll)' discovered at auIOPSY. Based upon the information available to me Bt the time of this report, the rnauner of death is nat\lfllL (b){6) (b)(6) MEDICAL EXAMfNER MEDCOM 0758 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 758 __ -- . . . . . . . .1'IOP . . . . . /lli _.. .----",- ..... - mH-*1,NJ..... N _._.-.."""" --_.- .. • ..-0. ""'I jlb}(6) .. - ---- --- -- ".. ---_. -._ ..... _.. - I • " . "' --- - ---_..-=--=-......_.. --'.-.-=. .- "-_....-_.. _._... -.----• -",...-- ..... - ..----::;"i-;;;:;;;;;;<;.. ..... "" .. .. ~ ......,c.j , ",.""MMl DIJ'I iaIlI ' ~.:."" . Iil- • .........fIO _ _ I • • ,, _ _..... .- .ft _ - - - - - '4fr1_ _ 2007 ... MEDCOM 0759 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 759 ARMED FORCES INSTITIITE OF PATHOLOGY Office of the Armed For«:s Medical Examiner 1413 Research Blvd.. Bid,. 102 Rockville. MD 20SSO 1·301·319.ססoo (FAX 1-301-319-0635) FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT N~:_MUSJ'AE..Hu&SaVll.AbidJ ISN,(b)(6) Date of Birth~(~(?)-.!1940(66 yeall) DateofDealh(b)(~2007 ' Dale of AUIOPSY: 07 OCT 2007. IJJO houll Date of Report; 15 ocr 2007 Autopsy NO.r(~b)~(6~) ~::'i:~~~I~ J Plllc:e of Dealh: Salad, lnq Place of AUlopsy: Dover Pan Mortuafy DoYer AFB. Dovel'. DE I - I Cln:ulI1lIta.ncaofDeath: ribli6 I ClD inv~liplion revealed lhal o~( )() 2007, (b)(6) Mel IoSl his balance while reaching for a waler bollie on a redgeover lhe eoc.rance_QfJhe lauine, falling Itllton requesled baekward IlIId Slriking his head on the cemenl noor. (b)(6) medieal allel'1tion. Several detainea witne:s4ed lheJall. No del:ainees were in !he direcl :when he fell:(b)(6j was conscious and war~ing vicinity of lhel(b)(6) on his own wtlm he wenltO rhe hospital. Authorludon for Autopsy: OffJ.ce of the Al1lled Forces Medical Examlnef". lAW 10 USC 1471 c·--- ldentincarinn Detaineel (bj(6) lis identified by transportal ion documents and ~ accompanied CID Investigation Report. Fingerprints. dentall3diognphs and. sample fOl' DNA identification are obtained on 07 Ocr 2007. CAUSE OF DEATH: Closed Head Trauma MANNER OF DEATH: Accident MEDCOM 0760 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 760 AlTfOPSY REPORTr{b){6) 2 MUSTAF. Hussayn Ab"I''--EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The unc:IJd body is thai of I weJl-developed. welJ-nourished Cauc:asiM mIle with no ulernal evidence of lrauml. The body weighs 164 pounds and is llppl'Ollimalely 69- In length. The utemellppearanu is eonsistem with the lepOI1ed ageof 66 years. The head is IlOfTl~halic with no gross eIIidence of trauma. The scalp lIair Is grlY. with pmmi~ male ba~. A I"'y mustache and stubble beard ate also noled. The eyelids are unremarkable willi no Ipparent trlUma. Theeyes lite unremarkable. The Irides Ire pale and grayish. The corneae ate wllitia/l and cloudy. The Klerae are wllile with no apparmt l1emormqe or peiechiae. Theelltemal alldilOf)' canal!, eJIltel'nal ram and 01"1I cavilyare free of foRign material or apparent trawna. The I\ISII skeleton is pt.lpably [1lQCt. The tonlue is l.lI'll"elTIatle wilh 110 siiJ1iflClllllmml or evidence 0( sharp force injuries. The lips are unl"emarhble willi no llpparel'llinjury. The Ieelh are 1'II1\Il1l1. in poorcondilion and many are ~motely missing. The neck i!I uR~able wilb lIOevlOence oflr.umaor abnormality. The chest is unremarkable. No injllf)' of the riba or IlemlllTl is evident elItmllUy. The abdomen is lIfIf'l1mUbble with no evidence of lnIllrr1a or major surgical SCin. The bKk is unremarkable with no evidence of trauma or gross alNlOfTlll]ity. The external geni1.llia are !hoi<! of .., lIdult cin:umci!ed male willi lIfIfelllarkable descended testes. The elltremlties are unmnarbble willi no evidence of trauma or gross abnomIaJily. A sliglllly defotlTied left exlemal car and a deep.scar of tile left side of the face all AOIed. COf\5istenl .... ith a lliSlOf} of mnote flTelml i~lIf)'. The .scarexlenlb from the cheek bone 10 lhe utemal audliofy eMil. No tallOOl. major surgical or dlll'leterislic ICIfS or OIhef identifying marb are noled. EVIDENCE OF INJURY No evidence of Injllf)' is noted on u1mII1 eJlll'llinalion elloepl a smlllllU of posIiible ",peAIeIII contusion on tile riJ/lt side of the face wIlicl'l is of ql,le$lionable clinical ,ianirlCanCe. Catehll dissection of the utmTlilies and the back ~Yellr no evidence of recall or remote trauma or skdmJ fractures. EJlaminatiotl of the nedt wilh layer-by-Iayer dissection oIl11e slf1lJl mlJlCles reveals no eIIidence of trauma. A. Injuries of tile Head: EJIIIl'linallOll oIlhe head reveals no e:tte:m.ll evidence of trauma. A smlll COlll\l$ion of llle lefl forehead is noted. No ()(OO contusions. abrasions or gross ~videooe of trauma is AOIed. Renet:lion of lhe scalp reveals significant left plnelal subplell and te:rnporaHs muscle hemorma.lle. Reflection of the left ternporalis muscle reveals linear fractu .... of the parielal bone e:ttendinll arltenor1y and downward inlO the left Interior Cl1Inill fOUl and posteriorty to the left side oIllle occipital bone. Removil of the skull ClIp ....vells left epidural hemorrhlge of In euimlted 10-15 cc of blood. Bilaleral subdu...r hemorrhaS'" 1$ noted. more pn:lITIinertl on the left side. Removil of the lnain revells marlted bilateraJ hemorrltale urlder the fronbtllobes. more promll"lelll on me lefl side and marked necrosis of the lefl rrorull lobe. Diffuse bil.lenl sublrlCllnoid hemorTltage is noted 1$ weHIlI arotInd the cerebellum. MEDCOM 0761 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 761 AllTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) J MUSTAF. HUIoSIIyn Abld B. Remlik f1rurm l'\lul')' to lbe Ffl«; ElIIminulon o' lhe Idl 'a<:e ~vCflIs. p!OI'IIiM1l1 depra.5ed KWof the c:heek. ultndinl (rom !he c:httk bone 10 lhe left ~Jlemalludilot)' alIIl. Z ~ J .j4". IJld i$ usocwed with deformity of lhe ldtlwemal etr. Renee:tillri of 1IM!'lICe revals prqenc:c of mlr1r.ed Kuri", of the llIlderiyinSlissue tnd muscle. Two round meul 'nJ.II'CfIU (1 pclICIIII~ tOXlv~.~. submiued as evidcnee Ind ~ined by OAFME. Mulliple limU... mclallk: f... In! noIed on fldio&Jt9N bIlIIMi, ftCQvay wOllld hlw; lad 10 mutililion of lhe flCC IIId Weft IlQ( _ ~ . mnsuri". amenu INTERNAL EXAMINt\TIQN BODY CAVITIES: The bod)' ia opened b), the UIlllllhoo'lc:o-abdominal inc:1s1on lAd !he dIc$t plate b ~ved. No adhesions or IbflOl'J'lW c:ollCClions of nuid ate ~nt in In)' of !he body ",vllic$. All bod)' or,IOS Itt ~ In the nomIIl""lOmicil po$klon. 1lIcre IsIlO IllIcrnaf cviclen« of blunl 'orce Ill' penetratillJ injulJ 10 the lhcM'Ico-ab<Iomil\ll re.ion. No abnormal c:olle<1ion of blood or nuld b noted i" lhe bod)' Clviliea. HMP: (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) The snIp il renocted. Cbed had UlfJmalic: injlll"ies Ire noted above. No nonlnwnllK: abr... ",llil)' II noled. The b... ln ..eigllll 310 Ifl/l'll. NECK: EJlIlI'Ill\Ilion Ind di$WlCtion of !he 50fttiullU o' lhe neck.ll)'er-b)'-II)'Cf, /"Cvnb 1'10 1b1'lOml11 mobilil)' or evidcnc:eolt... umL Tit<! Ih)'l'Oid cll'I.ila.e and hyoid bone ate 11llK1. CABPJOyASCUURSVSTSM: The pctic:an:lium Is intact. The pericardil'sac i. 'reed fluid and ~ionI. The coronuy aneria arise nomllll)'. follow lhe usulI distnblllio!l Ind Ire palenl, wilhout evkkllCil of e.u:e:slin IlhCl'O$CICfWi.. The left mai" COI'ONIJ Inti)' reveal. 15'11; alherosclerotic ,,_winl- The chambel" IJld VI'VCiJ uhlbillhe 1IlIIMlliu-poIition ~'lIionshlp IJld we unttmarlcable. The myocatdium Is pile brown IJld revCflls marlIed poslmonem c:hange:s. The atrill and venmlw $CJlI.e are Imlel. The lON.nd lIS majot branc;hc1 wise IlOmlIU)'. follow lhe ulllll COUISC II'ld Il1t wilhout liJllificanlllhel'OlCleroalllnd othcl" Ibl1Omlldity. 1be venae cavae IJld lheir mlp lribuwics return 10 the hell1 in lhe lIlIull diJiriblltion and are rl'ft: or lhrombi. TlIc t-t weighs J«l JBI'III. RESPIRATORy SySTEM: The upper airwly is clnt of debtillJld rorti!" rnalerill: 11M: mUC01l1 surfa<:CSIR ulW'en'lar1r.lbie. The plC\l...llIlrfa<:cs are unrematbble bilalerally. The pulmonuy plmlCh)'ml is COtlICSud and edtmalOllll ted·lfe), and revulllO rocallcsions. The MEOCOM 0762 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 762 (b)(6)c--~ AUTOPSY REPORT MUSTAF. HllJM,ya Abld • pulmonary 11'ter>n Ire nomuolly c1tYdoped, plIla'llllld wilhoulillrornbus orembolus. The riih111ld lcft lunl wcigh 110 IrwN Uld iOO anolnS. RSPft:tlycly. LIVER +. BILIARy symM: The hepatic capsulc is amooth Ind inllCt, coyerina dart; brown pll'nchyml wllh no Ipparcrtt fOCllI ~siom. The .. lJblad~r Is intlCllnd conblns Jl'CC'l1 bile Ind nostOl'k'S. The eXlrahepMic blUary 1m: is wllhout evidence of calculi. The Ilwl' weig'" 1280 grams. ALIMENTARy TRACT: The tonlue uhibirs no cyldence of injury. 'The esophalus illined by gray-while rntICOA. The gUIric: mllCosa Is unremarltlblc wilt! ullmTlllttlble NIII fold •. 'The lumen contains 20 ml of brownish fluid. submiuecl fOlIOJlicolol)'. The amliland larae bowel is unremlrUble. The pancreas Is llillolysed. The llppCndix II presenlilld unremarltable. GENITOURINARY symM: 'The renll capsules Ire smooth and Ihin and strip with ease from Ille underlying renal smooth brown conical surfaces. The conlea are ddinellcd from the medullary pymnidl. and unremarkable. 'The calyces. ~IH'I and U~Cr1I~ unremlrkable. The ur/IUlI'Y bladd« mucosa is unremaril.tlle.nd conl.ins no urine. The rilhl and left kldMyl weigh 130 and IZO grams. ruptellyel)'. The eXlmtll aenill"••re lhose 0( In wuh circumcised mile wllh unremarkable telltcs. RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SysTEM: The splcen h.. 1 smooth. inllct clpsule coycrin, puty purple paretlCh)'ma: and groul)' unremark.ble. No enillrgecllymph nodes Ire 1«11. The .pl«n weighs 180 JI1Ims. ENDOCRINE SXttEM: 'The pilUilll)', thyroid and .eltelUll Ilands're arossl)'unfC1'l'll1kable. MUSCUbQSKELETALSYSTEM: MlI.Kle deyeloprnerlill nomt.l. No non-traumalic bone or joi'" .bnormalillcsll'c noled. See ~Eyidcn« of Injury~. eylDENcE COLLECTION Two gra), metallic spherea. recoytred from the len facl.1 subcuUntot.lStlt.sue, photographed for 6ocumentllion. submilted IS evi(\ence IIld ret.lned by OAFME. IDENTIFYING MARKS A deep left rae;a'lClIr cOlIIlstml with a remote f1runn Injury is noted. No 11I1001. m.Jor lurllcal SCI" or OIher Itlcnlifyln. markll/'C noied. MEOCOM 0763 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 763 Auropsy REPORT (b){6) MUSTAF. Hussayn Abld 5 N6TUSAL DISEA&ES Mild tofOnlry alherosclerosis is lKlted. No evidence of other natural diseases is Identified durinllhe .utopsy eumlnltion, MBDICAL 'NTERVENTION Multiple Int... venous.::ee:ss lines Ire noted In Inc lefl .ntecubilal fossa. right lefl Inluin.l.rea. and I urinary Cllheter are noIed. wri~.nd POSTMORTEM CHANGES RIJOl' Is eqllll In ,II ulremiliQ:. Uvor i5 consislent wilh supine posilion. Body lempersllufe iSl:O!d due 10 refrigerltion. TOXICOLOGY A. Voilliles tBlood and Vltto:Jtis Oukl): • No elhanol WI! detected. D. Screened df\lp of abuse and medications: Lidoc.ine: detecled.nd c:onfirmed. Benzodiauplne (Midazof.m): 0.104 msJL Benzodiueplne (I·Hydroltymldazolam): 0.057 mJIL ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES Doc:umen~ry ~ken by.n OAFME photoarwpher. FuJI body radioaraphs ,nd c:omputerited body scans ue obc.ined. Specimens ret.lned for and/or DNA iOenllrlCllion ,re: Blood, vitreous Ouid. bile. urine, lIStric conlents. and lissue 5ImP~ fn:xn liver, lung. kidney, spleen. !>nln, psoas.nd hell1 musc:les. and adipose tissue. • Representlotive JIldions of orpns are retained in form.lin for microscopic exambUltion If needed In the fUlure. • Evidence recove~ Is retained by OAFME. • Review of lhe medical remn:ls. I. CIO$Cd Head T",uma: Left parielll,kulJ (rlC:llII'll. Lefl epidural Bil.tenl subdural nemormale, left> right. Dirr,," bilileral subar.chnoid helTlOlltlage, left> right. M.rked neerosis 01 the lerl fronl.llobe. MEocmA 0764 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 764 AUTOPSY REPOR~l(6) MUSTAP. HlI5SlIyn Abld • II. Remote FlOd_1 Tra.u.....: - Well-healed firearm injury of lhe Icft facl!. III. ToJdcolOU: Udoc:aine and Bcnzodiaztplnt were detected and confirmed. "Ste loxicology results above). Negative for ethanol and drugs of .bust. IV. Evidence: Two melallic spheres 1X1lets art recovcrtd and rttained by OAFME. QPUiIQN The rtmains of belitved 10 be (BTB1(b}(6) Ian Iraqi detaJ.-. reveal Injuries cOl'l$Jstenl Wilh a reponed and wilne!$fXI bll. The dOled head Irauma eau:sed $kull fnIClUres. eXlel'l$ive intrac~ial hen\ofThagtli and ntCl"O:!IJs of the left fronlal lobe. No evidence of other acule lrallma is presmt. A remote (old) well healed SClIr of a firearm injllry i$ noted. Toxic:ologlc:alsLudies reVo:allhe presence of Udocaine and Bmzodiazepille!l which may be related Lo medical Il"Ciltmenl. arrd is non--contribulory 10 his death. No elhanol or drup of ahu.oe .,..~_M~ of "Accidenl~. '(b)(6) (b)(6) Medical h8l'llirkr (b)(6) MEDCOM 0765 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 765 _... __ ..- "" ~-- _.~ - . "'- I MLlstaf, HLl5$3yn, (b)(6) ~-~ -- .-- _.- UItTII'l<:A~ .... _. OF DEAlH iOl'ERlIEAIJ .-- _.~ -~- Civilian ...,..,.~..-- ~ "",.. 0<' ...... '. - (b)(6) .-._-' . -----,-- -_- ..... -,- ___ ..... - - - -.... _.._-..-.'''' •• • _~""$'IATUS , C"""SOOO (b}(6) """ ~ 0 ~- '''''' • .~ _no *~- ... ..... 01' - ' OF .... - . (....1 _.~ Iil .....~TO oECU.m """ OIl ,..... OIl $""'" .l;ICALIJ'IA........ • ... , CO<' _.~ ~""" .... _ ... _, ... nI """"" e-o ...00_ DfA n< _ __ , '"IIEAW "" ,_.... Closed_v-....... c-.......ecTLy,..-... TO ....'" , -_ . .-- -- """,,,_<Von< _ C....""" ... _.I.!AOIHO '0 _'I'"' _ _,o'T,. _ _ ... _YJOO CAu$I. .. _ , 0:-0 .... TO ........'''''''"' _ _,o'T,. _ _ ... -... _.----- O1_~C""''''''' """" 0<' ....'" • 0""""'" _ ~ --- .-.. iii ~ 0 ~ - -- £llTf...... """"". co .. __TO .... __ ... _ .... '~ 0<.1( ~ ~ • I - ....'-- I _..fIoO_...__......... -_'''' . _... --..._-" .... _---- liA II. 00 DfA'" _ • .. _ (b}(6) (b}(6) (b)(6) I 0- '" 7 OClober 2007 1'0,.., ........ ' _ """","00 ....'H ~- )20071(b)(6) 1...." ' _ .............. "" _1>tt<AfO'0""'" ""'''' ",""""",., ,HE "-""",,,,"0_'_ _bI(6;j-.....O!!!lCfilO_.-_..: - - IHSTOUA"""'''''_'' DoverAFe.~rDE ~ -.- _ """""' ... $10"0_ • Medical Examiner _ . __ .. ,--"""_. . . _ . __. . _«--,_._..._... _......_..._.. -_._.._,-..... _.._ (b}(6) •• 1(11241'2007 pb)(6) • .......,......""".....'_n_... ___..... .... _"WHICH_~ MEDCOM 0766 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 766 ,-ICHOI'_ (b)(6) -....... ~' _ _ lIOl£Cl"" ......lUIOE '" .....,..,.....,p.. DMt><.W- 00 FORfI _ APR "71 _"llOHOf''''ALIT~1JlmClI ".,~.",,- -- .. " 'u_ ••• ~v,"" MEDCOM 0767 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 767 ARMED FORCESINSTrnrTE OF PATHOLOGV omce of til, Aratd Fofttl Medial En.bler 1413 ~h Blvd., Blda. 102 RodtviUe, MD 20150 lOI·)I9-0000 AlrrOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: ABUlLA. Mohmu:rwd Khlldlyer ISH: (b)(6) DIte of Birttl";~"'~"'(6)",,1980 DalC of De.ttl (b)(tI) 2007 Autopsy No.:L(b)(;J AAP No.: (b)(6) Rank: CiviliUl Detainee Place Camp Buc:CI, II'Il[ J DIlell1me of AWDpSy: 26 SEP 2007 @ 1200 PiKe of AIItOpsy; Port MDmlIfy. Dover ArB, DE DIce ofRepon.: 29 NOV 2007 Circo...tllllla ofDea": This 27-yeIr-014 eiviliUl deIainee wu broupllo I guard shick at CImP BUCCI without I p111sc and noc breathinaAlfllKlriutio. for Autopsy; Armed ForteS Medie.l Exllltiner, per U.S. Code 10, Section 1471 Ideatlflelltioo: Posilivo: idCflliliClition i. esublished by cornpuUon of~OI1em DNA IiUI'Ipie and U1lemortem DNA recordt. Fingerprinu were taken and I poscmonem clentII eumIrIIlion WIll performed if exemplan become IVlillble. CAUSE OF DEATH: L1GATURESTRANCULATION MANNI:ROFDI:ATH: HOMICIDE MEDCOM 0768 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 768 AUTOPSY REPORy(bX 6) ABULLA. Mohammed K. Pqe2 on The body i. tIw of. _n«velopcd, _II-nourished male received unc:lad. The body weiehs 136plIUlIlh, i. 66-inc:1a in lqth WId Ippeuseompatible with the n:poned Ise or27-)'ws. The body .. cold. Rillor is IbsenL Lividily is presenlllld fixed on the posterior surface of the body, CllCepl in lml:I exposed to pRSSUre. 'ThcTe is llrectI diJcOlorItion of Ibc mIomen Md nwbling of !he skin is "",m. The bead is nonnoecphalic, lind the scalp ""ir is dlrk lIId medium 1cnatJt. FaeiallWr consistS of bwd stubble. The irides IlI'C brown, Ihe _1lI'C eloud)',1he sclCBe In: white, md the conjunctiVlleue conaCSled with scCtcnd rare petechiae.. The exlmlll.uditoty canals, extcnW 111m Md orll Clvity IlI'C &ec offoreign material md lbIlOlT11a1 secretions. The I1&SIl skeleton lind rrwtilL. are palplbty inlad. The lips ue wilhoul evident iqjury. The teeth M'C MturaI and in aood condition. Injuriesofthc ncc:k arc described bclow{$eC "Evidence oflnjuryj. The ehest is unrcnwtablc. No cv idenc<: ofinjury of thc ribs or the stemwn iJ evident externally. The lbdornen i. floll Thc extcmllacoilali.arc those of.lIOiTIl&I adult cirt1JmCixd male. The anus is without note. Healed surgical scars or wtoos are not noted on the IorSO (b)(6) is written in billdc marker pen on the abdomen. A l/l-irdl diameter pi;mented macule-is noted at the stenIII notch. There an: lhn:c round to ovoid scan on the Ilppcl' bedr; dill rutgc in si:r.c fmm III-inch in diamctcT" to Yo x I/I·inc:h. The extremities show no evidence.offractures. ltIccntiOllS or deformities. Tbc f1nRe1l' Ire intact and trimmed. Tattoos ue noted (b){6) Ilb)(6) Scars are noted on the anterior right arm (YB x %-inch) and in Ihe right popliteal foua{5II·inch diamclcr). 'WTHINQ AND PERSONAL Et1J:rn No elothina or personal effects ue received with the body. MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • • Therapeutic needle stick-milks on the IlJIPCl' rialtt and len c:hcsI Thcnpculie needle stick-ITlIIk' in both IllIloCCIlbital fouae with assoeialcd hemorrllage into the adjaccntlubcIllancOllS liuuc 1'heRpclllic needle Illck-mark in tile riabl aroin RADlOQRAPHS A complete ICl of pornnol1Cm radiOll~hs and CT imaaes are obllincd and dcmonslnlleS the followina: Metallic foreign bodies in the Ilpper left back. thc left bIlttoek. the left forurm. the left hand. and the "abl lea • C'Mn&csofdecomposillon • MEDCOM 0769 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 769 AUTOPSY REPORT(bX 6) ABULLA, Molwnmed K. EVIDENCE OF INJ\lRY The orderinJ oftbc followilll injuriu b for briptive purposes only, and it rIOl inlended 10 imply orderof innietion or relalive scvmly. All wound plthWJys arc alven relJllive 10 JlaIIdard anatomk: JlCl'illon. I, Upt.n Stnopblrloo At1easllhrcc III-inch in width, drcwnfercnli&l, tORlinuous liplurc funows arc prntnl on tbc akin of the ncc.k and Il'C direeled horizontally. The liialure fum)WlI CI'OSll the IoWCT half of the thyroid cartilJ&C, between 9 IS-inchcs to 10 IS-inchcs below the top ofthe held, betweca 2 SlB-inc!JQ IIIld ) V...;~ below the Il'SlguJ oflhe right CoW and )·inchcs and) Y.-inchcs below tbc tI'SIpoftbc left car. On the blCk of the nct.k, lhe liplUR: funows Cl'OI5lhe posterior midline 9-inches bcIow the top of the held. The liplute is Dot avallable foreurnination. On the riihl side ofthc nc<:k, there i5 a I II Yo-inch tbruion IhIII is DOl usocialCd with aUpnwe furrow, and on lhe left side ofthe neck, ~ is;. I Y, II 3I8-inc:b abfasion tbal is; IIOt nsoci'Med with alipturc furrow. Layer-wise, anterior ncc.k diJscaion cIcmDnstnIIes focal hcmorrila&e of the luperior ri&hl .sternocleidomastoid muscle, a ftw:turc of the riibl supcrioJ hom of the Ihyroid cartUaae. and III im.ct byoid bone. II. Evldeo" orOId Frq.ahtioe I.-Juries Durina rw;Iiopphie Itudies. mcullic fomp bodies arc identified and iocal.ed in the upper left back posterior to the left $CIpulL the left bullOCk, the left fort:ann, the left haDd, and in the righllca bel...-n the libialllld flbulL The fn&rncnu I«ated in tbc upper left back and lhe left bunoclr. arc recovcmI and Il:wncd IS evidence by the OAFME. The otbc:l" fI'SIgmcnu idenlified arc nol reeovcml. Both oftbc recovered fI'SIiJIK'RU were cneascd by fibrous tissue; wound tl'SlClS &lid CTlnnce wounds arc not Qcnllficd. III. Otbcr I.-Juna There is a III II III-inch abnsion on the.' dipl or!he riabl haDd (rina finaer) and a I II )f8.inch abrasion on the left knee.. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVIDESj The body is opc:nc4 by the usual thot'tco-Ibdominal illcision Md the plale it removed.. The ribs,.stc:murn. and vc:nebnJ bodi.... arc: visibly and palpabl)' inllel. No adhesions arc pracnt in aI)' of!he bod)' cavities. Decomposition nuM! II presenl in botll pleural Clvl1icl (riihl, Joo.milliliters; left 200-miUilitel'll). All bod)' orpns ue presenl in normaJ anatomical posillon, and dcmomtme early dllnses ordecomJlCl'illon. The,Jtlbcu!allc:ou5 fat 11)'ef" of the ab60minal wall is '/i·lnch Ihlek. Postmor incisions of the tono and both upper and lower al1elll;tles, fllllG dc:monstnle Ill)' have been SU.....d.AooIIS c:eehymoscs other lban lhal call5c:d by 1M therlptulle prooedu~ lhal MEDCOM 0770 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 770 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) ABULLA. Mohammed K. P,&e 4 of7 Oaeribed above (see "MCl!ieallnlffVenlion'1- HEAD AND CENJJW. NERyOUS SYSJEM: The seaJp ls ~flected. The ,Ileal Uld subpleal toR lissues oftbe seaJp are fRc of injury. The~ tkull tt-ctura. The ealYWiwn oft!lE skull is ranoved. The dllrll1'llt« and falx cerebri an: II'e no inl8Cl. Thm: Is no epKlllrll or subdural flctnonot.&e pft:Xn1. The 1epcorneninces are thin and of the tnin, ineludin, crlni.ll'iC1"VU and blood _ I t ue intaet. deliclte. The ec:rebrIJ hemispheres are symmetrieal. The SlI'IIclUre:S.!he _ Clear cerebrospinal fluid sWTDUnd.l the I.~grwn lnin, which hasunrmwtable I)'ri w tIIld. Col'Ollll seclions thmugh the cere.braI hemispheres revt:ll1IO le$ions. Transvene scelions throu&h the lnin stem and cerebellum are wut:markable. The .l1anlo-oc:cipitaljoinl is stlble. NECK: lrliwies of the neck are described lbove (sec "Evidt:nc:e of Irliury/- The hyokt bone is inl8Cl The larynx II lined by inl8Cl white m\lll:Oa The tongue isli'l:e of bile marts, hemonbIae. «ocher injwies. Incision and dissection of the posterior MCk dernoNtmtes no deep ~ca1 mUJallar injury and IlO eervlcaJ spil'le fracture!. CARDIOyASCULAR SYSTEM; The 2»ifWm heIl1 is eonllincd in an inlaet periCltdil1 511:. The epieanlill turface is tn'Iooth, with minilnll f... invesanenL The coronllf)' Irteries Ire presenl in llIOmIlIl distribution, with I riatudominanl pIllem. Cross seclions ofttlc: vessels show no lumlnaJlIIlTOWina. The myocardium it homogenous, red-brown,1rld firm. The vllve IeIlleIJ II'C thin IIld mobile. The willi of lhr: left venlJ'i<:le, inlC'rVentneullr septum, Irld rishl ventricle an: I.0, 1.0, IIlld 0.3· centimeters thick. respectively. The endoeIrdium it ImOOIh IJ'ld ,Usten1na. Thuoltll pves rise 10 three inl8Cl and plltentll'cll vestels. The renalllld mesenteric vesaelsan: """""""'". RESPIRATORY SymM: The upper 1il'WtI'I is clear ofdebris and foreillfl malerill: the mllCO!Il.urfaces Ire smooth., yellowlin and unremarbble. The plan! surfac:el1fC smooth.allstenina and unn:nwbble bi!lterlll'l. The pullllOllll} pll'mChyrna is diffutely c:ongated andedernl\OllS, uudinll SliabliO moderl!e III\lDWIIs ofblood aod ltotby fluid; no fOClt lesions IJ'e noIed. The pulmonllf)' utcries are t'IDmUIlly developed.. pIIenC M4 without lhrombus or embolus. The ri&hi IIlnJ _iabs 11O-pmt; the left 6OI)..arams. MEDCOM 0771 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 771 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) A.BULLA, MoIwnmed K. PqeSor7 HEPAIPB!I.!ARY SYSTEM; The: 1.I80-anrn liver has IiII inlKt smoolh c:ap$Ule covering modentely conJeSlCd Ilul-brown pwmchyma with no foeallesiOlll noted. The lIailbiaddercontains ID-millililctl ofpn-broY.'n. mucoid bile; the mutOSl is velvety and unmTlllbble. The ulJ'Shepatie biliary ~ is patent. wilhout evidence of caleuli. QASTROINTESTINAL SySTEM: The esophallus It lined by gray-white, $ITIOOlh muCO$L The pstric mllCOSlI is arnngcd in the usual nip! folds and the lumen «MIllins ISQ..m1lliitm ofmi-blact nuid. The smalllllld large bowels are unrenwbble. The pIliCUU is autolp..ed, but appewl normal. The appendix Is plUICnt. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: _'&hi The right kidney liD-grams; the left 9O-grams. The renal capsules are smooth and thin, seml-trarlsplmll and strip with ease from ttle underl,ina smooth, red-brown cortical surfal:e. The eor1e'x is; sharply delinClled from the medullary pynmids, whieh are rcd-pwpJe 10 lan and unremarbble. The calyces. pelves and umm are 1IIlmIIlfltab1e. While bladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder wall. The bl.:ldercontail1J apptOJIll'IIIlely ISSmilliliters: ofeloudy urine. The Iesles, proswe &land and seminal vesicles are without rK*. I.¥MPHOREOCUL6RSYSTEM: The !1JO.&ram spleen has a smooth. intact capsule C'Overina red-purple, moderalely firm parmchyma; the lymphoid follicles are 1lIImTIUlr.ab1e. Lymph nodes in the hillt, pcri.aonk: and i1iK rqions are noc enlaracd. ENOOCRINE SYSJEM: The pituitaty .land is left In "'1I1lIld is If'OSSIy lIlVCfIlubble. The thyroid Iland is symmetric IlIld red-brown, without cystic or nodular chan.e. The ri;hl IIId left adrenal alands are symmetric, and are autolyzed. No InIISse$Of arus ofhernonfy,lIe are idallirlCd. MUSC!I!PSKf! ETAL SYSTEM; No non-traWf\lllle abnormalities of museIe or bone _Identified. MEDCOM 0772 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 772 At.rrQPSY REPORT (b){6) Page 6 or7 ABUlLA, Mohammed K. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINADOt!: SeIC'tlcd portions of 0fIII'lI art! fellincd In fonnalin, wilhout preparllion of histology slides.. AQDIDQNALPRQCEDUIW I. Doewnentuy pholOl"lphs _ laken by AFMES stiff phoIo;nphers. 2. hnonal elfeas are feleased to the &lIP. . iate mCll1llll'y operations npmenlltives.. 3. Specimens reu.incd (or lo:w.icoiosy Ie$lina.mtor DNA identifiwion ate: vitmll.l!l fluid, blood, decomposition fluid, uri~ bile, lIStric COlItentJ" spleen, liver, luna. kidney, brain. myOc:lrdiwn, .cIipose lissue and lkeleuil mllSCle. 4. The dissected orpns _ rorwarded with body. S. Metallie roman bodies ate collectecl from !he upper left bac:k and left bunock and art I'eUIlncd by the OAFME as evidence. FINAL AlT[QPSX DIAGNOSES IV. Uphlre Slrup...lo.. A. The liptuft is not 1"lIilable for enmillllion 8. AI leu! thru cin:umf~II, eontinllOllS lipture furrows are direckd borizontally C. The liJllUn: turTows ClOSS the lower IIelforthe Ihyroid ta"lila,e O. On both $ides of the neck, thenlll'1llbrislons that are not usoc:iued willi Iliplln "'"". Eo Ankrior ned: diuection dcrnonUralcs roeal hc.montIq;c of the superior rilhl stel'lllXleiOo/na$Soid muscle. I fl'1C1llnl or tbe riabl $lIpcricw hom of !he lhyroid cartitaae, and 11\ int8l:t hyoid bone V. E"ldeaa of Old 'npieal.tWalaju.... A. Met&llic fomJPl bodl" idmtifiecl by rw:lioar-plly, kalai in the upPer left '-ek and in the left buttoek are recovered and Nncd at evidence B. Metallic foman bodies identified by rw:l)ograplly,IOClled in the left hand, in the left forcarl\'l, ~ in !he riahtlca bcrv.ecn the tibia Ind fibula are IlOll'llCOve-I VI. Otberlajuries the.· A. Abruion on diait of the: riahllwld (rilli finacr) B. Abrasion on the \en knee IV. No RplflClsf ....~ dileuea er pre-oiltiq COllditio... Ire Idestlned, "lib" die UlllillliellI oflbb cstlldatlie.. V. Tbtrc Is De evklcD« of addltio..... pbylic:allbuse VI. ["Wcace of Medical Tbcnpy A. Needle rtitk·mll'uln the upper riaht IIld left chest 8. Needle Slick-marks in both IlIIec:ubill1 r _ with llUOCi.1cd Inlo lhc Idjuenl subc:U1II'ICOUS tissue MEocmA 0773 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 773 AUTOPSY REPORT~~(biifl~6) _ _ ABULLA, Mohammed K. ] PIgc 70f7 C. Needle Slick·rnllrk in the right groin VII. PoJl-Mor1cm Chilies A. Rigor is absent 8. Lividily is posterior and fixed except in IIlU5 exposed to pressure C. The body temperature is cold 10 touch D. ~ is green discolotlliion of the abdomen E. MlI:bling is present VIII. Ideotifylq Body Marks A. Tattoo (b)(6) B. C. D. E. F. ] Tanoo,t-~~~~~_~~7~=~-'-~~~~~=~~~ Multiple: scars on the back, rIIl&inG from IIS-inch diameter 10 'I. x III.illCh Sear on the anterior right ann, SJ8 x ~inch Scaron the right popliteal fOS5&, SIS-inch diameter Pigmented macule at the sternal notch TollieolotY A. The blood and urine are tested for volatile compound!! includina ethanol ..d noneare r"",,,~ B. The urine is scl'CCl1cd for medications IlI1d dl'\lg5 ofabuse and none arc found. OPINION maI~(b)(6) Idied oflipture strangulation. l'hete were multiple, cimunfermtial lIIld conlinllOllS hOlUontally-oriented Jiplure fum;lws present on his neck. Abrasions noted on both sides oflhe neek thaI wm not assoeiated wilh alig,atUre funow mey represent ckfcnsive-1ypC injuries. Thml wu ,1$0 evide1lee orolll tragnll:nllltion injuries nOled at autopsy; five mctallk: foreign bodies were identified l1ldiographitally IIld two fnIgments ~re This 27-year-old rtC(lvertd and retained as evidence. The Kars lIOIed on lhe body lTlIIIy represml the locations of entrance wounds that are lWO(iated wilh the fnlllRJelltation injuries. Toxicologicallesting fOf" ethanol and ~reened drugs of abuse was neptive. The manner of death is homicide. (b}(6) {b}(6} Medical Examiner MEDCOM 0774 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 774 _. __..........-_.- ---.... _.-.' ' C ' _ • -• --_.......... -_. --. -....._- - - ..'--- _._ . _' " _ ... -_ -_ .. ---_ . _ .. --_ . __ ._""-.... ••"I _. _-_ ..=--=-. . , . . ---"-,---_._=--=--......_.. ... ---' _-.-- -- -. -.... ..._-"'_lI"'llIOtM/ll'IC • ., _"' __ II"G<Oo'_ _ _.. t f,"'''''''......--- -.... ,.._IW.*""; , k _ (b}(6) _ Mo_ (b){6) '811 ~k . . . . .1_ ~ _-~- • .......... . - tit ........ ~ ~ =:L,="".-,-'" _.~ _0 •• 110 x -=-==- v (b}(6) j(b}(6} (b}(6) i(b)(6) _...e:=.C;; 2OD~'~~ ,. v .. _ _ . - =,!!!i • _~~_,,,,,~,,,",_~....... r(~~_·----i.D.·;·~'~"'f,·i,.~o-c .."---·------------'--l .._._T l(b){6) ......- . MEDCOM 0775 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 775 --_... ,__ ~Ila_ w:_w_ I (b)(6) I --- o- '"":;; .... _.. _- -_.. ."', - JlfI~'-'Pff"'~ I - . . - M_ . _.. • MEOCOM 0776 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 776 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Officc of thc Armcd ForttS Medical Examincr 1413 Research Bivd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20350 301·319·ססoo AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: LatceLHau:m K '(b)(6) ISN: (b)(6) Dalc oeBirth: ~(~)CD98S Dale of Dealh,(b}(6U2007 Dalemme of AUlopsy: 27 AUG 2007@II00hrs Dalc uf Repon: 20 NOV 2007 r- Autopsy No.d(b)(6) AFIP No.~"~O}~(6~} --l Rank: Detainee Place ofDealh: Iraq Placc of AUlopsy: Pon Monuary, Dover AFB, Clover, Delawatt' CircumSlancn of Death: It is reponeu dUll lhis deuu~ was admiued to the 3lsl Combal Surgical Hospilal on 4 JUL 2007 after receiving numt:mus b.anldield ;njurie.. including shrapnel injurics, htc~lion5 of tm, livcr. kidney damage, and brain injury. He clinically suffered multiple complicalions including hemothorax. pneumothorax, bowel perforation, diabetic k.t'loacidosis, cardiac aITes! (t"'"O times), cong~ti'y~n failure, anoxic br~in injury, and peritonitis. Dt:spile 12007. lreaunent, Ihis detainee died odb)(6) Authoriution for AUlopsy: Armed Forces Medical Examiner. per 10 U.S, Code 1471 Identificalion, Presumptive identificalion is established by review of accompanying paperwork l'o~l·monem deoUlI chanin!>, fingerprints and a specimen suitable for DNA comparison are obtai~d, CAUSE OF DEATH: CompHcalions of blul and biaS! f...gmenlation injun". MANNER Of DEATH: Homicide. MEDCOM 0777 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 777 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) LATEEF, Hatem K[(b){6) ------.J---. J 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINAliON The body IS thaI ofa well..:leveloped. well.nourished male clad in a hospital go",n. The body exhibits generalized edema, weighs 156 pounds, is 69 inches in length, and appears compatible with lhl: reponed age of21 yeal'$. The body is cold. RitOr lias passed. Lividity is present and fixed on Ihe poSlerior ~urfaee of the body, except in areas exposed 10 pressure, Skin slippage is identified on lhe extremities and face. The head is l1(lnnocephalic. and the scalp hair is shC>T1 and black. The irides are brown. The cornea<: are cloudy. The C(lJ1juncli \lac are congesled. The sclerae are while. The external auditory canals, external nares ami oral cavily are free of fordg" material and abmmnaJ secretions. The nasal skeleton and maxilla are palpably intaCt The lips an: ",ilhoUI evidem injury. The teeth Ille nalural. Examination of the neck Trveals no evid(TJCe of injury. Injuries of the lorso and ~xlrelTlilies are described below. No evidence of injury ofthe ribs or the slernum is evident externally. The abdOll1lrn is protuberant Ucalctl surgical scars are note<:l on the abdomen. The eo<temal genitalia are those ofan aduh male. The llIlUS is without noll.'. The scrotum is s"·ollen. The Iing...mnils lire inlaet. Decubitus ulcers are identified on lhe lower back overlying the sacrum (6 x 2 inches). the bUllock (If'! ineh).lhe back oflhe head (I inch). the medial surface of the righl thigh (4 x <I incites). llIld the lateral surfaces of both heels (right· 2 x I inch, left· I If]. x J/4 inches). CLOTHIN(; • A~'P PERSONAL EFFECT'S None MEDICAL I/IoTERVENTION • • • • • • • • • Nasogastrie tube IV access (left subclavian; left groin) Laparotomy scar (I 0 inch vCr1ical wilh a I inch ilrCD. of &raOul alion lissue on Ihe superior. and a I 112 inch area of gnmulation tissue on the infcrior aspects) Foley calhClet and allaehed urine bag EKG leads on the torso Multiple gauze dressings SlIlUft'!l loa.ted in multiple loops of small and large bowel TracheQMomy A plastic bag is affixed to the left lower quadrant of the abdomen overlying a I inch stapled incision MEDCOM 0778 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 778 AUTOPSY REPOR-r:"(b~)(~6),- _ _.L---, LATEEF, Hatem K~b}(6} l RADIOGRAPHS A complete set of poSlInonem radiogJap/ls is obtaill<:d. EVIDENCE QF INJURY The ordering Oflbe following injuries is for descriptive purposes only. and is not inlended 10 imply order of infliction or reilltive severity. All wound pathways are given relative 10 stlllldard anatomic position. HEADINECK: On !be left side of the face. lateral to the left eye, is a 114 ineb scar. Radiographically there is a minute fragment of radiopaque foreign malerial (nOI =:overed). TORSO: There is a I )( 1 incb healing laceration on the right side oflbe cbest. a 1/4 x 114 incb healing laceration of tbe center of the chest jll:lt left of tbe midline, and two healing laceralions of the left side of the chest laleralto the left nipple (1/2 x 1/2 inch and I 1 /2 x I inch). Within tbe superior aspect of me above described laparotomy scar is II l/4)( 1/4 incb healing laceration. On the right side of the abdomen are two 118 incb healinG lacerations. On me left silk of me abdomen are two healing lacerations that measure 1/2 and 1 1/2 inches in greatest dimension. On !be riJ;htlower back is a l/4 x 1/4 incb bealing laceration. Mulliple radiopaque foreign bodies are detected in rbe torso radiograpbically. However, due to their small size and limited evidentiary value these foreillfl bodies are not recovered. One thousand two bundred. Wid fifty milliliters of serosanguineous fluid is identified in the right chesr cavit}". and 350 mL ofSCl"osanguineous fluid is identified in lhe left chcst cavity. 011<: liter of serosangllintous fluid is identified in the abdomen wilb mllCOUS and frank pllS present. There is 1I 250 mL of dotted blood identified in the left lower quadrant oflbe abdomen. Within the area of the dOlled blood. there is II sm311 wnOwtt of green stool. There is a I Inch superficial laceration of the left lobe Oflhe liver and a 1/2 inch supcrficiallace.ration of me spl«n. Both oflhese wounds appear 10 ~ healing and arc associated with old hemorrhage inlO the surrounding tissues. Then: arc multiple defects of me SIIlall -"d large bowel that arc sutured. The left scapula is fracrur<:d. Posterior eurdowns ",vealed hemorrhage into the soft tIssues of me right bUllock, MEDCOM 0779 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 779 AUTOPSY REPORT~i(b~}(~6)C=--l • LATEEF. Hatem Kf1b}(6) EXTREMITIES; Right upper extremity - There is a I ineh healing laceration of the JIOsterior right arm. A cUldO"ll of the forearm reveals hemorrhage inlllihe arllerior mll$Cle group of the fore1ltJTl$. Left upper extremity - There is a 112 inch healing laceration of the lUIlerior forearm. arid two 1f8 inch heal ing hu:eralions of lhe JIOsterior forearm. Right lower extremity - There is a 1/4 inch abrasion of the dislal ante,;or Ihigh. and 3/4 x 1/4 inch healing laceration of the proximal righl shin. There 15 a 1/4 Inch healing laceralion of the posterior righl thigh, and four (4) 1/4 inch healing lacerations of the laleral right ankle. I INTERr'liAL £XAMINATION Bony CA VITIfS: The body is opened by the usual thoraco-abdomlnal incision and the chest plate is removed. The ribs. sternum, and "enebral bodies are visi bly and palpably inltICl. Mulliple adhesions are Identified in both chesl caviti(:5 and in Ihe abdomen. All body organs are present in normal analomical posilion. The subcutaneous fat layer of the abdominal wall is 1/8 inch thick. HEAD ANp CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The seal p is reflecled. The galeal and subgaleal 001\ lissues of the scalp are free of injury. There arC no skull frnctures. The calvarium of the skull is removed. The dura matl.,. and falx cerebri are intact. There is no epiduIllI or subdural hemorrhage present. The JepLOmeningl:S are thin and delicate. The cerebl1l1 hemispheres are symmetrical. The SU!JCturt"s al !he base of lhe blllin, including cranial nerves and blood ves~ls are intacl. Clear cerebrospinal fluid sllITOunds the 1260-g.ram brain. which has unremarkable G)'ri and sulci. Coronal sections through the cerebl1l! hemispheres reveal no lesions. Transverse seclions throUGh the brnin stem and cerebellum are unremarkable. The atlantooccipital joinl is slable, The spinal cord is unremtITkable. The entiR' brain is sofl, however. this finding is mosl prominent in the bl1lins\em. NECK: The ilIIlerior slrap muscles of the neck ~ homogenous and red-brown. without hemorrhage. The thyroid canilag.e and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intacl white mucosa. The tongue is free of bile marks, hemorrhage, or other injuries, Incision and dissection of the posterior neck demonsU'3tes I,,> deep paracervical muscular injury and no ctr'lical spine fraclun:S. , Th< h<.lingloccnoon. tb...... described mon ,"pres.n, ",~c1.1 and dtep penet"uill.g bt.. t hgm.." ..ion injurie•. MEDCOM 0780 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 780 , AlJlOPSY REI'OR1(b)(6) LATEEF, H.lem K (b)(I5) CARplOVASCUlAR SySTEM; The ) ID-pm Mart is eontained in an inlaCt pericardial SIIC. The epic.ardi.l SUffllCe is smooth., ..ilh minimal f.1 inveSlmenl. The coronary I.I'1rnes ...e presenl in. oonna.! disuibution, ..ilh. right. domilllll1t plttem. Cross ~tjollll of the \~sels sho..... wide paterw::),. The myocll'dium is homollmotlf. red·brown, and firm. ~ valve leafletl: ~ thin and mobile. The .....alls oftlte len ventricle, inter.'flltl'icur... septum. and right ventricle: Ire 1.2. 1.2, and 0.) cm tlUck. respcni\'l:I)'. The endocardium is smooth and lllisteRinll. The: IOlIJ. Jives rise 10 llIr~ intllCt and patenl m:h VCSKIs. The KnailIl'ld mesenteric "essels Ire WW1:markable:. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; The upper ;Ii,.....)' is tic... of debris.nd f~ilP'l tnllrnal;!be mucoSll surfaces arc Smoolh, yellowUln and lWCrnarkable. The pleural surfaces lI1C smooth. glistening and wmm...hble billlCl1llly. The pull'TlOl'lary pa.renchyma is dil1Ustly COngcSled and edemaIOUS, exudin; slidu 10 modenue .mounts of blood lIIIIl frothy fluid; no focal lesions 11K noted. The cut surfaces an: finn and red. The pulmonary arteries arc llOrmaJly developed, patent and .....ithout thrombus or cmbolllS. The ridlt lunll "~ighs 880 grams; lhe left 690 1J'8ITIS. HEPAJQB!LIARY SYSTEM; See E\'idmce oflnjUt)'. The 12JD-g:nllllli\'C!' has. $I1IOOlh Clp$Ule. The CUI swface of the 1i\~r Iw; • nUlmeg lIflpCar:anc:c. No lOcal noml1lulT\llic lesions IlK idenlified. The gallbladd.,,-OOllWM 10 ml ofll'ttn·brown. mucoid bile: the mucosa is \~h~y and unKmlltkable. The extrahepatic biliary tm: is pltenl, withoul evidence ofCllculi. GASIROlli7ESTINAL SySTEM: S« Evidence oflrtjury. The esophaiU5 is lined by fVll)·-white. $mOOIh m_. The gastric mllCOU is arnnlled in the usual rugal folds and llle lll/llCn eonl:ains 10 ml ofbrown fluid.. The smalllllld IlIfKC bowels mrc descri~d above. The pill'lCrcas lias mnormal pink-Ian lobulmted mppanlllCe and the dllClS arc ele.... GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The riglll kidn~ ....elghs 110 il'lmS; lbc lcft 200 pms. The relll.! empsules arc smooth and thin, semi-ll1llup.tmlt:and Strip ....ith ~ from lhc Ulldertying smooth, retl-bro\In conical surface. Thc c;onc~ is dotted with numerous (lcss INn 0.1 ern) abscesses. The CIlyecs, pelves and urc:!CfS mn: unrenwbble. While blmdder mucoSll 0"1'111" an inlBet bladder ..'...11. The blllddc:r is rntpl}'. The prowlte glmnd and IlCminal vesicles arc withoul note. MEocmA 078\ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 781 AUTOPSY REPOR1J(b)(8) LATEEF, Hall:m K (b)(B) 6 ] LYMPHOREJICULAR SYSTEM: Ste E~idcnce of Injury. The 32Q-lUMlspleet11las a 5Illoolh, cap5ule covering red'purple, nlod(f;1t(ly linn pat'(llChyma; 1M lymphoid folJicl~ ~ IJJ1rernarkable. Lymph nodes in the hilar, ;l(riaortic. and iliac ~gioru are I\Ol enJarg«l. ENDOCRINE SySTEM: ~ lhyroid Iland is symmMc and r(d.bfoy.lI, v.,ithout c)'Slic or nodular change. The right and left lld~1lI1 &lands."" synvneuic. wilh bright ydlo\\' cortiC($ and ,«I·brown meduJlJl(. No mll55eS or areas or I!(l'JIOfTtlall<: are idenlifi«j. MUSCUI.OSKELETAL SySTEM: No rlOfHraumal;c aboonnalities of muscle or bone are idcnlifi«j. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURF-S 1. Documenta,y pIIol0Jl1aplu are laken by OAFME Il.Iffphotograpb(f$. 2 Perwnal effects aI"( rdea:sed 10 lJl( approprial( 11'lOJtI.IaI')' opcR1ions rqlR'5entali\"cs.. 3. Sp«imcns ,etained for-toxicology IcsUlIi and/or DNA idcnIifical;on are; ~n. hean.. lunll. kidrlCY. li\'e" spleen. 5keletal muscle, adipose liuuc:. blood, vitreous nuid, gulriC coments. bile. and urine (from urine bag). 4. The dissectcd organs a.... forwarded with body. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Lung (Slide 1) - Thue i, ulens;ve aulol]"sis, tongqliOll and edema. "",lar nculrophib nr IHn, wn'lslenl with an acute broncbnpneumonla. Splr.:n (Slide 1) - No ,ign ificanl plllhniogical changts. Kidney (Slide 2) - NumerntU cnrticalabeeu", uc Identified Livu (Slide 3) - Necrosis is idenlified and ronfinrd In the ~ri-centnJ hepalM'}'llt$. Thue is relative IparlDg of the peri· porta' hepaloc,·lts. Thru dlans.. a~ consislenl with cenlrolobular necrosis. BI'in (Slide oil _ There arc changes consillenl wllh anuk bl'in illj..ry and ~bemia. Hearl (SJidu 5, 6, 7) - Focal au.. of granulomalou, innammatlno ""lth calcificalions are _no There i, rocal ,ub-endocardlal myoc}"lolyli, and necrOli,. Spedalstllins (~riodic acid· Schiff, Comon methenamine silver and Zichl·Nffllcnl are nesath·c. MEDCOM 0782 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 782 REPO!\f.Ji~"-~)(6'l1===1 1 AUTOPSY LATEEF, Hatem K (b)(6) fll"AL AUTOPSY OIAG,'\/OSES: l. Blut and blasl fntgmenlatlun injuril'1 A, Multiple superficial and deep penetrating blast fragmentation injuri... B. 1\1 ulliple laceratluns of the small and large bowel C. Clnlled blnnd and stool is identified In the left lower quadrant of the abdomen D. Laeerations of the spleen E. Lacerations of the 1I1'er II. Other findings: A. Anoxic: brain injury B. Aeute bronchopneumunia C. Acute pyelonephritis wllh ahem formafion O. ChangH conslsteDt with peritunitis E. Centrolobular nefrosis uftbe linr F. Granulomuuus myocarditis G. Serosanguineous fluid is identified in both cheu cavities and the abdumen H. Mulfiple adheslnns are Identified in ooth chest caviti., and the abdomen III. Medical therapy: As described abo"e IV. Po:stmonem changes: V. Identifying marlu: \'1. Toxicology (AFIP): A. VOLATILES: No ethanol ill deteeted In the blond and vitreous Outd. Aetlone ill detected in the blood (II mgldL) and vitreous fluid (I-l mg/dL). Trace amountS of I.Propanul art deteetoo in the blood and "itreoUJ fluid. B. DRUGS: No l<:reentd drugs of ahuse or medications are defected in tbe blood. C. CARBON j\..lONOXIOE: Tbe carboxyhemoglobin saturation in tbe blood "'as less than IV... D. CYANIDE: No cyanide is defected in the blood. ~ described above 1'IODC MEDCOM 0783 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 783 --_.. ,~- UftIOI .... _ _=a..._ I I (b)(6) -.,._ ....•• ,....... __......._~- _1171 - r.... - ~- ..- .-.. • MEDCOM 0784 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 784 ARMED FORCES INSTITIrrE Ofl PATHOLOGY Offiee orille At'med floJttll Medical Ellamlnet' 1413 Research Blvd.. Bldg. 102 Rockvllle. MDZ08S0 1·301·319-0000 (FAX 1-301-319-Cl63S1 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT Name: AlASAWI. Mohammed Ajimi ISN](b)(6) Dale of Binh~.®-----.lJ.916j3Lvea,,) Dale of DeIl~(b){6) ~OO7 Om of AlIlop),: 26 AUQ 2007. 0900 hours Olle of Report: 04 SEP 2007 (b){6) ~ N~~.,~;;:=== \ AUlops)' AFIP No.U~61 Rank; Iraqi Detainee Place or Dealh; Camp Bucca. Iraq Place of AlIlOpsy; Dover Pm MortuaI)' Dover AFB. Dover. DE Cir"cumstanees of Death: Preliminary inveSlJlI.Ilion.revealed that a detainee wu murdered b)' other deu.inees. and buried in a grave inside tile detenlion facilit)' members of lhe(b)(6) compound. A subsequenl sear<:h revealed the human rem.ains SllSPCcted to be thaI of ~b)(6) f He wu allegedl)' senterw:ed to dealh b)' lhel(b)(6) - fOf" speaking againstlhe compound leadership (detainees' leadership). Authoriutlon fot' Autopsy: Office of the Anned Forces Medical Examinef. lAW 10 USC 1471 Ideadfk:aUon: is identified b)' ltInsporIation doaunenl5 and the Dt:taineel(bj{6} aewmpan;ed CIO Investigation R~. Fingerprint$. denial radioglllpN and a sample fOt' DNA idenlirlCllion are oblaioed on 26 AUi 2007. CAUSE OF OEATH: MIIJtiple Injllries MANNER OF DEATH: Homicide , MEDCOM 0785 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 785 AUTOPSY REPORTI(b){6J AL.ISAWI. Mohamm~d AJlml 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATIQN The body IS thai of I. well«vcloped. well-nourished Cauusi..... male. chid in. )'illiow shin. yello.... pants and yellow shorts. Poslmonem adipocere changes are noted. A to....d is lied aroulld 1M neck. 'The hIp ~ loosely tied by a black thin rope. 1lle: hlllds are loosely enUU'1glcd/licd ....ilhi. yellow d....... SIring rnaOc from the _ maleri.l iii the clothing. The body ....eighs 79 pounds and is approaimately 71~ in heighl. The agc of the decedenl can 110I be definitely detenninrd butllppemi to be of a middle aged man. The scllp hair is billek. The scalphlir is focally disappeared and smaJl5CIt1~ palches of hllir are noIed. due 10 postmonern chanJes. Pitches of a mustadle hllir and • bcanI are lIOIed. The eyelids a'!: urRfNrlcable with no apparent I...uma. The eye globes are prolNding and collapsed.....illl no apparentlrauma. The irides are pale and grayish. The come.. are ....hitish and cloudy. The sclerae are wllile ....illl no apparenl hernorriII&e or pecec:hiae. The eatemal audilorycanals. ~lI:tCf1llI nares lIIId 0tI1 cavily are free of foreign malerial or apparenltl'lUma. The nasal skeldOl\ is palpably inlact. 1lle tOl\guc is unremarkable Wilh no significl.nll trillUml or evidence of Wip force injuries. The lips an: unremlllbble willi no appareru Injury. The leeth are naI\1l11l llId are unremaritable. The neck is wrrouoded by I towel with I Mol on the lert side. Focallllft of skin diseolotllion (possible conlusion) is noted on the left. The dlesl is unrenwbble. No injuo} of lhe ribs or sternum is evidenl elltcmally. The abdomen is unremlfkable wilh no evidence of major surgical5Clrli or sharp f~ The poillcrior torso revealscoot\lllion$ on 1M back of lhe chest and upper a,b"""",.~m,. The extemalgenilalil. are defOl'nK'd and lVVeal extensive postmortem adipocere p-e<:luding proper extminalion. The lImO revctls no evidence of sharp forte injuric:t. The utremitie$ reveal presence of contu.!Iionli and defonnities of Inc uppel' calrtmilies II \he ....rist joints. alld fl1ldure of bolh legs. The left leg is .sqNratediampulltcd from the proaimalle,. The right Icg is partially ampulated; the distal leg is IIIKl1ed 10 lhe pmaimallcg by lhin iilripes of skin and ~1leut1/MlOU$ tissue. Noevidence of sharp force lrauma is identified. No laUoos. mlIjor SI.lI"gical or dtaractcrl5lic scars or OIher idcllIifying maIb are MEDCOM 0786 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 786 AuroPSY REPOIlT (b)(6) AL-ISAWI. Mohammed AJlml J 3 EVIDENCE OF INJURY Multiple lnjutie!l are noIed of the nec:k. tono iIfId extremities and are des<:ribed below. No evidence of lraum, to the eyes Of the tongue and no e.-ideneeof shwp foru injurie!l are _d. A. Il\Iurfes orthe Head: No evidence of blul'll or sharp force trauma to the head. No Subs,leal hernormage Is seen. No skull fractures orevidence of irtllKnlni,l injury or B. Injuries oft"" Neo:lt: I. Ugatu ... Slrangul.tlon: A wide ligature furrow is noted amund the neck with a knot impression OIl the left side of tile neck. Ex,minatlon of the subcuUlneous tissue ,nd th1 musdes of the neck ",veal no hemorrhage under the ligature furrow, Ucept foully on the left side. No thyroid "nilage or hyoid bone fractures are noted. An area of Iot:aliud hemofThage is IlOled on tile ~c:It of the neck, left of the po5terior midline (left of the $pinal processes of the Ct:fYleal vertebrae C4-C7). (See below) 2. Neck Trauma: External uamination of tile neck reveals abnomllli hypefTTlObilily. Funher dissection of the n~ reveals focal areu of hemorrhage in the mU$Cles of the neck, mainly OIllhe left side, anteriorly ,00 po5leriorly. Remonl of the ned: organs reveals underlying Ilel'l' of the Ct:fYical vertebrae C4-C7, under the anterior ligament, left of the midline. The anterior part of the lowe.- cerviCIII vertebrae is removed to document the pre:Knu ofhemon1lage. The vertebnll segment is photographed for6ocumentition, stored in formalin. and retained by OAFME. No gross evidence of fracture is ntlIed. The hemormage is consislef1t with abnormal neck manipulation by hyperf1ulon or lIyperextension. C. Blunt Force Traum. 10 Ihe Tol'$ll: External examination ofille torso reveals suspected a:mlusions on the left shoulder. upper left chest and the blCk, mOf'll prominent on the left side of lhe po$\I!riof midline. Reflection ofille sli;in and subcutaneous tissue reveals no evidence oftnum. to the left shoulder Ol"f;hest. E:umination of the badr. reveals areas of intnlmuscular henlOnflages on both sides ofw thoradc spine. more prominent on the left side. Amount of hemorrhage is c:onsiden.ble though it can lI(l{ be definitely determined dIM! to posl mottem changes. 'The hemonblge Is also IlOled in the IntCl'tOiStal space:s of the Che$1 t:lvity. No evidence of lung injury, rib fractures or aIfTIpromise of the parietal p1eunl and chest CIIvity. D. Blunt FOSl:e Tnluma 10 the Elltn:tnltir:a: Examination of the u~ u~mities reveals deformity of both wriSlS without: fracturs. No hemonflage is noted of the wristjoinlS. ExamInation of the subcutaneous tissue and MEDCOM 0787 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 787 AtfroPSY REPORT\(b)(6j AIASAWI. Mohammed ,4Jlml 4 musclell revnls an Irea of hemormage on the posleriOt left arm. No associaled fracture is noIed. E.umination of the lower extremltie.l reveals areas of ContusiOnB on the BtIIerior proximal thighs. No fem0l'1l1 fracturell are noted. Examination of the legs reveals bilateral comminuted fractures of lhe libia and fibula on both side.!!. The fractwe:s reveal no SUm')1lndina hemormage, suggestive of being lhe felult of postmortem muma. TIle left leg is completely amputated from the prollimalleg. The right leg is essentially ampu~ted. and;s only mUlChed 10 its proximal pan by a stripe of skin and SubcUtBneOl.l!I soft tisslle. INTERNAL EXAMINATION Bopr CAVITIES' TIle body is opened by Ihe usual thoraco-abdominaJ incision and the chest pllte is removed. No lIdhesions or abnormal collections of fluid Ire ~nt In any of tke body ClIvltJe:s. All body Of'gInsafe present in the normal anatomical position. The lungs and heart are roll,pscd. There is 00 intemll evidence of blunt fon:e or pertW1lting injury 10 lhe thorxo-abdominal region. No abnormal collection of blood 01'" fluid is noted In the body ClIvitles. HEAp: (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) The ICIlp is reflected, No evidenee of trauma is noted. The calvarium of the skull is removed, The dura mater Illd falx cerebri are IntlCt. There Is no epidlJral Of subdural hemO<Ttlage present. TIle leplomeningell are thin and detiute. The ee.el:Mal parenchyma reveals extensive postmortem decompollition precluding proper examination of the intracranial conlents. No trauma or hemolTtJase is nolod. The brain weighs 880 gr1lJTl$. NECK: Examination and diss«tion of Ihe soft lissllell of the neck. tayer·by·l.yer. reveal abnormal mobility and focal neo:k traumil. The lhyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intlCt. See "Evidence of lnjury~ above-, CAIWIOVASCULARSVUEM: The pericardium is intact. The pericardial SIC is free of fluid and adhesions. The coronary anmellame nonnilly. follow the \IIual distribulion and are pttent, wilhoul eviOenc:eof atherosch:rosis Of thrornbo.!lis. The chtmbers and valves exhibilthe usual size-p05il;on relationship and are unremarkable. The myocardium is pale brown and reveal marked postmortem ctw1ges. The atrial and ventricular septa ate intlCt. The aona and its major bl'll\clles arise fI(ll'tllally, follow the us1ll1 course and are unremasbble withoulsignificaontatherosclerosis and other abllOn'nalily. The venae ClIVIe and their major tr;bul.lries relum to the heart in the \IIual distribucion and are free of thrombI. The heart weighs gO grams. MEDCOM 07sa ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 788 AlITOPSY REPORT (b)(6) ALoISA WI. Mohammed Ajirl\1 5 RESPlMTQRX SYSTEM: The upper airway II dear of cIrilri. a"CIlc:welan rna..:rial;!he mucoaa! aurfaa:s aft: exup. for poallnortem CMnJl:S. The plewal aurlaca _ unremalhble bnalenlly. The p"lmonary parmd'lyma i. arey and ,.,yea"1IO rocallelionll. The p"tmonll<)' anefla arc nannally dtveloped. P'tmI n ... ilhoullhtombul or anboIus. The rip and lefl lutll"'ei.h 70 IlWTU and 60 vama. mpecdYdy. LlyeR & BII.IARY SYSTEM: The hepatk: capsule il s.mooth and Intkt. covering datil. brown parmc:hyma with 110 apparent rocalleaionl. The gaJlbla6d« i. intac1 and COlIl:,11ll1lO bile:; !he muc:osa is ... _~able. The eXlnMpatk: biliary lin is ... iltloul ~ideftt<: of Q.I~li. The liYfl ...ei,hl 390 araml. ALIMENTARY TRACT: The tonl\lOC C1thibiu lIOeyidence of injury. except a small contldlon on !he rilhl .ide. No evidence of .ianitkanl Injury or sh.-p (orce lrauma. The aop/l.gus is lined by ,ray• ...hite mucosa. The gastric mucosa is .utoI)'KId ...ilh thin ....11 and 110 nip! fold$. The lllmen tonUIilll. blaclt pasty mawrial suhmilled for IOxic:olOlY. The small and larse bowel II IInmnartable. The pancrell b 1IIlo1ysed. The .weudlx is PfamI and lIrftI1Ial1r..ble. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The ren.1 capsultl are.mooth.nd Ihin and IUip with _ frum the underlying renal .mooch brown cortical surfaces. The cortices'l'lI deHnealed (rom lhe modllUa'Y pyrvnicb•• nd unmnatbble. 'The calyoes. pelytl and Ufden.,., 'The ""';nary bladdc1' mucosa I. llrlremarltable and eonl.Ililll no lI,ine. The Ii,," a"" lefl Itldneya ...eigh ZO and.30 If'IlllUo respecti¥ely. The extemalleniuli. are.lhuM! of 1Il adult m.le. but COIlld 110I be properly C1tamincd secondary 10 lhe marited posllnonerl'l chanielThe Itlltlal'll crouly lInmtm1tlble. RETICUWENQOTHELIALSYfiEM: The spleen hu I smooth. intact c.psule co¥erinl pIIly purple parenchyma; and grtxIoSly unmfllrltable. No entatled lymph nodes'l'lI seen. The spleen ...ei&.hS 20 Jl1IllIS. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The piluhll)', thyroid.nd Idn!nat glands I,., ,rosily unrern•.t.ble uCcpl (or lhe prominenl po5tmortem changes. MUSCULOSKELETAL SysTEM: Muscle development II notl'l\Il. No non-tr.U1TlIIie bone Of joint noted. See ~Eyidcnee of Inj ..... y~. MEOCOM 0789 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 789 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AL·ISA WI. Mohammed "'1m! 6 EYIDENCECOLLECTJON TbIl deceased dothing, rope and. Mmple of I'nusde lissue a"l collected during IUlopsy Ind lubmined u evidence 10 Specill AlmI (b)(6) CID. auended lhe autopsy. IDENTIFYING MARKS Nc\1l1BAL DISWE$ _. MEDICAL ImBYENTION fOSTMoRnM CHANGES Adi~ fonnalion is noled of lhe skin and P"'1iaJly in the intemal otglRS. AlelectlSil. Ihril'lklge and post.-tem ctwlp are lIOIed of lhe Inlemal otcans. roXICOLOGy A. CIfbon Monoxide: AnalY111 nol performed. No specimen "IS suhable (Of lating. B. Cyanide: Anllylll nol pnfonned. No spec:lmcn wu 1U1lable fot lC:Jdng. C. Volatiles: Liver: Ac:cI&lddlyde. tlXe: ethanol. 3Z mgldL, acetone. noM found; Z·propanol. 9 msldl.: l-9fOPanol • .s mgldL MU$(le; Acetlldehyde. none fO\,lnd: ethll'lOl. 26 msidL ac:etone. trace; Z.propanol. II msldl.: l·propanoI. 5 mJl<lL D. Screoened d....p of IIxM and mediQtlom: apDITIONAL PROCEDURES Documenllry pl!oloarlph$ Ire Inen by a.n OAFME pholOJflptler. Full body radlogrJph$ Ind compuleriud body lU/IIare obIliMd. • Spedmenl maincd for 10xicologiCiIandlor DNA identirlCltion are: GUlrK: con_I. Ind llnue IImpla (rom !ivCf.lunl. kidney. Ipleen. bnJn. PiOU Ind IIean muscles. and adipoK tissue. • Represenlilive SOCIionl of orgal'll are recalned In formlUn fot microscopic: ellllmiNtion ir needed in lhe future. CID. • Clothing and eviderK:e are released 10 SA (b)(6) MEOCOM 0790 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 790 At.rrOPSY REPORT(b)(6) AL-ISAWI. Mohamm", Ajlml 7 fiNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSIS I. Multiple Injuries: .. Il\Illria or Ihe Head: • None. No e¥idence of blunt or ihlrp force lnUmI. 10 !he held. b. InJu ...... or the NKk: 1. LI,.lun: SI........I.II.n: • A wide lIphR rurrow II'OIInd!he nedt wiih. knoI: imprusion on the Idt side of lhe neck. - Hemonttsae under the IIptU«! lurmw.locally on lhe lefl side. - No lhyTOid clrlillae or hyoid bone frt,o:lum are noted. • t..oa.liled hemotThaae. bact 01 the neck.lell side. 2. H«k Tf'luml: • Abnormil hypeiiilObility. • Focal aren of hc:iilOlTltlJC In the muscles of lhe neck.leh side, snteriorly and poIt«iol1y. HeiilOi ,haae ,"","d (l!r\Iical wettebne: C",C7. uncIer the anterior Iipment.lefl or lhe midline. (:OfI$islent wilh abnormal ned; manipulltion by hyperlloion or hypetUlmsion. Co Blunl F'o~ Tf'lumli III tM Tono: • Conluslons on lhe posterior 10lW, _ prominent on the lett side: - HeIl'lOl I'lu,e of Intercostal spIOCI ollhe chest Q,YlIy. more len. d. BIllnl F'orn TnoUINIIO lhe Elln:mltlcs: - Deformlly of both wrim withoul f..-tures. No hemorrftllae Is noted. - Conluslon posltrior left 1rTll. with no "Iodlled f..-lUra. - Contusions on the anterior prwllNlllhlJhs. No lemonl fraoura _ noted. - Bjll~1 comminuted ff1ldure:s oflhe tibia and rlbula on both sides. posllnortern. - Amputllion oflhe Ierl Ie, Ind panlll.-nputliion of the "gil lea (postrnoncrn). 11. Toxkolov: Dttected ethanol and il& l'I'IeIIboIilCf is consistent with postmortem changes. NepllYe ror $C~,*, medlcallons and drop or lbu$e. III. E¥Idcnce: The deul5ed c:lothillJ.. rope and a wnple or mllSCle liSlUl! are collected durin,aulopsy Ind submllted as e¥ldenc:e 10 Spedal Aaerll (b){6) CID. MEocmA 079\ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 791 AUTOPSY REPOJl.T~(b,")(6")-- AL.1SAWI. Mohammled Ajiml • The remains of bcl~vcd 10 be IBTB) (b)(6) 'an Iraqi detainee !'Ievul injurillS con.silltlent wilh strangulalillll!. abnonnal neck manipulalions (H~pleflexlcnsion f h~JlIerf1ulionl. and blunl fl/rc:e Inuma 10 the back. 'There is no levidmec of sharp fOf« trauma. or lrauma 10 lhie eyes and looguc. Toxkologicalstudies for elhanol an: <»ns;51Cnl wilh po$lmancm changesianifKls. No !lCr~ncd medicalions and drugs of abuse are dlelecled. The feet were lied with rope and hie Wali buried bft~ IWO ICflts in lhe delenlion racil;l~ <:omt\Ollnd.....Ma!!!!n.oLdealh is Rl:Jomieid,~·~ (b}(6) (b}(6) -, Me<liCil Examiner MEDCOM 0792 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 792 '- -----_.-"' ..... --- eTa AI-lMWi, MoI\Ilmmad, o. -- - etJl_l"I! OF ou,T>l ........ -.. -'''' AjimI ,"'" (b)(6) _.- /O~(AS) ,.-- (;.. J,,"""'~~ _..- Civilian .~..-- ~~ """ 01 .."" I!J 0 ,-- - - -- .......- - -.-'-. - --_. _... --. ... _.-_. _-- - ---_. -, .... ----...... _...-~~ • ,. , CM'C'_ 0__ ,- ~ • ........ ~ -.._,o'¥O'.o ." ," , ,_ , ClNOO_"" ".... .....-... . . ..IPV... _ _. . """",_ ,. .,...ao_ _ _ _""_ , ........ w+"" COOGl"" ......,11........... TO....'" , e-.-." ....'" ._-""--_...,,-_.. -_ -_ . --- -_ .... __ .. -_.-.- --- --_.........-._.'<.-TO ~., """""""'" COUK.. _ , _ _ m_ _ _IC»<T , __...._.w 01>£J0 <;<:Hl<lo:;oq """"" ......'" - 1iJ- ~ 0 ~ - --_..._-.......... _1'0""'- _ , --.- --........... _..._'....."".. ....-.- _"'_. __ .......... _--,._ ~ (b){6) • (b)(8) ~ '" " " , (b)(~ _ , "'"""".-_ IIbHe"i'--...,o:q 26 AugY$\ 2007 I,:;"'-'~ -""-_ .... __. -,. -..- ._._... _.............. _....__ ... _.. ---_.. _._ .. . _... _ _. - .......... ... .. ' .....c DD'lIfI, 2064 0 __ ...... ,"' .... , _ .... C'WSO' ...... lUI _ OOC\lIIO'OAl'tC Dover "Fa, Dover DE (b)(6) I 9113f2007 1iJ~- Medical Examiner (b)(8) • _ _ ,..;..... _ 1 n...... ..... _ .... _ . _ . : . . . _ 1 "" -.' -"" MECCOM 0793 "'- ~" , ,. """'" _-....... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 793 - . "'''''''SI' IINO_ ,~ -~- (b)(6) - _1'IDNO#CIM... "" -- _",~.-c:T'" _""""'_.D ....- .,.AfII1'ICI ._. ~- 'TO" • MEDCOM 0794 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 794