Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000022
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This text is machine-read, and may contain errors. Check the original document to verify accuracy. J.ustic,e I.n~pe~J:or General 'Questionnaire Regar.din9. [)eta'ine~s D.OJ.-:DIG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ItI;VIEW AND USE tiNLY BYINDIVlr>UAL FBI ItESPON[)ENTS .. . [)p. NOT FORWARD OR D~.~EMI~ATE ~UESTIONNAIREID:tes~00000022 .~s·of ~IJ.~ l;:Ist time this qu~troon;:lire.W;:l~. Sa\(~d" some require.d fieldS' havJ=r n~~ !leen cQ~ple~ed. ~I~s~,r.e'yiewyoUr resp()nses.. . r!r~~~=·········· Please pfovidethe following information: 1. name' i. Midgle !nltial: 3: Last name: 4. E,riteted on Duty'DCite (EOO'): ,5: Current otVisiQn/Field Offi~e: 6 &,7(; FER A~REEJ¥I~N.T '6 &'·'1C P.ER AGREEMENT 6 & .le PER AGREEMENT 6, &, 7C :t; ~ 7C '6;. Curr~l)t job ti.t1e: ' $pecilp.l. Ag.ert 6 &, 1c. PER. AGREEMENT fi &::7(; PER,AGREEMENT '6 *IC PER AGREEM~!'IT 7/; Dirett dial bffice"telephone number: 8, FBI i:~I'r phQne'nurnb,¢r: :.~., fB,I p~~enJUtnher~ to'. Best cQntact nur:nber for'you~, B'a Ba'ckground 6 & 1C PERA'GREEMENT. of S'pecifte D,epl.oynie·nts or 'Assig'nments 11. At any time a·ftEi't1Sep,tember H t 'ZO,01{ ctid 'yciu se'rvea'$ a memtier bnne u.s, Military, or as an ·employ~e.or contractor of the. FBI:or any other .government agency, ,at Guantanamo Ba'[(. Ci.lbai Iraqi : Afg11i; g!1;'or ii} pr~q$ cantroll~ ,~y,t:he 1):5. MJlj~ry or-a Y"S. jnteUig~.n!=~s~r)lj~e in 'CQn(1~,c;:ti0n.'Wit~ 'the' .9I,pbal,~~ron !~rroi1 : ·@·Yes 0' No 12. Enter the humber ,oftimes you were.deployedof'8ssig ned to-,each of the, f6l1owin{1, (G,uant~namo BaYt 'd~(ba~, ,~@q; ,,~fgl:t~rii!?tan; int~lIig:enCe seryice) ':2 .F~r'e~c~ deRI()Ymen.~ 6r Lo~ation .. I Ct .'\' .. ~se e~ _0!l!'!J ri' 'qr In.-any c;lreas 9?f1troJled py !h~' u,s. fo~ations M.i1r~rv <?r.a U:~:L, ~ol)1pl'et~;th~ following ~ec~lon,." Deploymertt:or',asslgnment begiln on:or DeploymelJ1:or~asslgnmentendedon· itb9J1~ or lIb~ut: asslgl1rt:lent OS/2002 .07/Z002 .... ........... ....... :f2a~ Wllat \%.S .the ·9.elle(~H hature ana purpo~e' of YO'ur:assiQn,ment. and :actiVities? _.,.....:e-.~.A.~ ~ ~.)O .' IntervIewer , l2:Q., PI~ase p.rPvi,de':t,he"nam~s ofthe ~pe~jfic,calT1P$, b,9-s'es/or'faGilit.i~swh~r~ ypu wQrke~i. .t g'mp D~IP3, f2G. Note: If infOl1TIatibn. about a specific,camp:, baseit orfucility' is,dassified ci'bbve SECRET, 'please"r:hed<. here. Dr. your :ansYlief ih~t 'you ha:ye ',ia:dditi6.iiaj 'irif6rma~ion '01~ssfried aboVe '~E~R~/" and, if y.ou krow! id~ntlfy tQ~ da!?$if!cat'ion, level" ticket, 'coJl)p_artrp~nt, Jlrogram,:or'ot,her ~esi911!3tlotnha~ applies t<;:qheJlJfprmation, ,Do l10t incl4de the'add ition_a',! ¢~s~lfjefi inform?ltlo!1, In your ttuestionnaire. r~spon$es. mB p-ers6iihel·with the, neceSsary :c1eara'nce will c;00.tgC1: yo.u'to receive it; OIGQ-005435 1-' ~. ' a'- ;i~~,)]~a~ Ic[~~~fy:~y ~~~'~~"ii~ 2Qsltlo~)Jj~~ ~~~T=~,f~f~~~njl~I~=~tib:!t! Y~U=~i~eS~)Y £~2rt~~: 0:Ui ~~~QtrTI~n} 21 ;isl@Pi~ni.,; ;~~ rlri9:'i Name Position b6 l_________________________~~i;~;:~~~~ I _ 'b7C ~ ,:12e, Did you jointly interVieW or interrogate any detainee with non-FBI persotmel? '0 Yes '0 N.o =- W~h' 'Wh~t- Ki~tis-'q{nb';;~FI3~ p~;~hnel:d id Yb~ ;;Q~k ~intIY?' - - - - : 0' €ITf' ' ,: 0' ;Other'U.S~ Military' . : D. Us. intellig'ence agencY !it For~ign:m.Hitary ~ ; D Qther ....- _... Rr ~J1telligen:G~:~g~.ncy __ __ --- - .-\-- -- --- - - - -- -' - - - ---- _.... - -- ,... ,..- - - - - ~ - - - - - - - .• - - - - - - - - - - - - _. , ...... ,-. -. - ........ - - --- ........ 12.[ DJt(YP'U-jdlntIY pla~:-~rty d~tai;ee,i;t~(~iew~ or~inteirQg~ti9rt :st~£eg :FBI p~r~~mnen ® - ......... - ... '" -. -- ,-"- .. - ....... _.- > -;., ". _ ...... - -. -- - - - - - - --.~ -. -- - ,... ...... "- - - .... - - -- ,0 No y~S - _..... - - -- - - .... v:;bj~iv~'Qt.tiJi~; w~h ~Qn:--,~ - .... -.. - ..... - ': Y'(Jth wl)al kir:t.d,~ Qf ngn,.F8~ per~tJnf21 did YQl,l wor~join~ly? .... - -,~ ~'- - - -. .. , , . . . -~, "'" ""' ,... ....... - ... - ... - ~ - - - ...... ' : 0.C;ITF ,: 0, Oilier U.,S." MiIi,tary : 0 W.S·, ihteiligence agen'¢Y ,: 0 F.6tejQh mi'lita'ry or ihtelligerll:le"a9,eney ~ D ,Other ' . . :'''''_ .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - ..... - - - _... - - - - - - - -- - - - _.... --.- - -.- - - - -- - - -- - - -- .... - ... -- £~g-:W~r~y~~ ~~~r-oth~~is~ i~v.~iv~d i~d~t~i~~~;'int~~i~~; ,~~ rnt;r~g~ti;n-; -;ith-";o-n=Fir -~~s;~~e1?: - ~ ~ 'res '0 No ' ~ ·Please,describe:GTMO Task,Force,was:organized 'into teams.consistihg of an FBI agent/CITF agenti I;)H :p~J?qnnE:J,.,C? pd i3 trao!?latl?r.: , ' . . =.-"-'-.- - - -:- - - -.. - -'-'- -,- -- - ---,'--~- _._¥-..-..; - ' - --- ,Lo~~tio9 (~ICiCt,~nCl~. ~::~~Vfneii~,or ~~~igh~eritlleg~n ~Ji;or~;.~rJ:ent!Jr:asSIQriini!~ ~ndea'l?n j!3uantariall1o .Bay .... ........ ;12:l20:02 . ' ,. '" --~-... 06/209.3. l2a. Wliat was the general nature an,q P,uq?Q~e, qf y.our,as:Signrn~nt:ahcl :<lp;ivities? ~ssigtied to'interview 760 12b. 'Please,provide'the names of the specific-camps; basesT or facilities where you worked. C--amp DeltCl' ' i2G. "foJ:~: If infQrtmnLQ,n 9JiQ\J~!;l :sp~Cifj~ c;;arnp.T pase~ q:r faClIjty is das~Jft~~ :aQQv¢ '$~C;REJ', plea~'yl1e~~ her~, D 1 )nGlude. in Y9ur .a'nswer that YbU h~v:e:llaCldltf9nqlinf9rmatlC!n;G1qssifieCl aQoye 'SECRET/" and, if you knowT identifY the.c1assification level, ticket, compartment, programror;other designatiOn that applies to the, information: Do not include the,add itionardassffied information in ,you!" . . - . . , .. I ~ .: - - - - - - " - - --,;- - -'"''':'''-,-''-.- - , - - - ' - -'-""- - ' - - . - ' - ' - - - ' - - ' . b6 b7C -, OIGQ-005436 Questionn13ire re:sponse$. bIG. pers,cnnel with the, necessary clearance will cc;mtact you to rec~ive it. n ' '~~~-----~---~-----~------~-----~-----------------------------~-------. ,:1,2d. Please identify, by' name. and pdsition ?It the time~ the FBI personnel tQ' whQm you pirectly reported. '~~~~ito~!~;~~i~~~~~~~~Qh~~~---~-----------~-------------------------Position N::amp. b6 b7C ,fBI Su perv.isor FBI Supervis.dr' F..BI·5lJpervisor' 'GTMOcase Agent :12e. DIe( you loi,n~ly i~t~;Yi;; ~r-ln~r~g~t~ ~n.Y,d.~fgTn~~ 0 'fes '0 - .... - - -- .. -- ... - - - - - - -' - - -- - - .- -' - - -- - - - - • With wliat kinds :of non-FBI p'ersbrinel yo,u Work joihtly? ~o ,. ~-. ..... "'" "'" .... .... ....... -. ,: d CITF ' ~ . .,. ,... . Wl1:h,-~oD:fBl p~~;~n~I?-:- ---------------: ,... ,. ...... "'" - ... - - ~~ .... - .... -- -- - _. - - - .. .... ~ .;-' -.. .... " ' .: 0 OtherU,S. Military. .: 0 U.'~" intelligence ~geflqr : 0' 'Fdrelgn mlll,tc1/}' 9r Int~\IIge-n.~e,agency :0 '. ~ - 'o.tli~ -'- - ,- - '" - - - - -: - - _.- - - - - - - ~- - .1:2f. Old. Votljolntly plan any :dclalriee ::FBI personnel? -'so h'ltervleW pr Interrogation :str;3tegy~, or' tactlG~ With non- -- - ...... - - -.- - -?-l - -- -- - - _.- - - - .... - - - . - - - _ ..... - . - "";""-, - - - - - -.,- - -- .' •. ' @ Yes , '~, a'No ( ':\~~h-Wh~t ki~d~-;(I1~h::-F6i p~r~~ieT iii~ y~U ~;b;~ j~lfjt~? : 0 GITF . --- -~ ---- --- -'.' --- - ~ ------ -- -_.-:: ''', :' : 0.:0tfierUS. Milital1' .: 0' ..u.S•. iritellig'~nce ~g.ency " " :: 0' Foreign' military-or intelligence,agency '; d .. ...- b~her- __ 4.,.. ..... ; ' - .... _ -- _ _ :-- .... _ -'-- __ .... _ ,...',,-: _ -'- ,- "':'" _ ~ _ _ . - , _ .... ",:,,''"; _ -:- ;'t.......... ,.,."""" - - -,.. - -.- -.- ~ ...., - - - ' :~~g:::;W~r:~·Y~~~~;,~in~;T.~~~ir1d~h;;i;;·~e··iD.~e~i~w~,orint~ir99~ti;~;-V1ith-~on;~B'i-person~ei'i ':"'-.- -- -.. . -- -- - - -.- -._- --- - _.- - -- - -~_Y~----~-~q.:: __ - __. II ~ --- ;1.3~ Di~ .x0u :rec:;ehi~ .~~y ~rainirJ~l~ .iristtudib£1, ;oJ 'guid~lri,C;'e :specifi~ally in pr.eparatipri ,_. , -: - =; , far' any:cif y.our overseas depl0¥ments or assignments? Dyes '@No QDo Not Recall OIGQ-005437 14. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training, !nstructlon, or guldpnce conC,emlng the .stanqards 9f condu<;~·applicable to~hetreatmel')t~ intervieWf ~r .ih.ter,rdgatfon of-detainees by' Fal persQnn~l? ·.QYes 0No ODQ riQt Re~al r 15'. II). pr.eparation 'for allY.ofy-our OVefSeqS deployments Of a;;SKIO[l1ents, did you' receive any trqinjng, In~rUC,!:lplJ, Of 'gu Idqnce qJliCernlng the .s.tan9ard s: pf conp uct <3 pp Iitabfe ~o the 'tre.atl11en~, intervieW" or,ati6,n, o(detain~es ~y li~m-fBI p'ersonliel? '0No OYes -aDo Not Recall i6'. in p.:rep,a.rationloJ arw"of yqur over~~s d~p.!oy'm~t$·.iJrassignmelJt?r,d id' you re'cejy~ 9ny 'training;- : In'~rlJeti6n, Pr"':g'uldcinre ~oiiceniin'g whaq~9~ Were $!JPp:O~d ~o 09 i.f YOl!9bSe~e(l or tJeard ;-al:i,oyt the"treatmeht,' interview" of'interrogation ·6.f d~tajnees. by FaI perSQliriel r 'whim YblI'be.lieved. to, be inappr6p'rfate.i.- unprofessional, coe'rci\leia'busive, ot'urUaWfu I?· :@No: ,~bDo Not Recall 17', tn pr.epprqt.iprl'1'Qr arW.9f ,YQur :oyersea$: depl~ynients''qr ,as$lgn'ments, t:lid yqu r:e~¢jve<'any trcllning, : in'strUctioh, :or"guidcH'ice .coriceniirjg wnat you were 5uPP'osffi 'to, do ifyou ,ob'serV,edbr heard ;a b'ouf . the'treatment,'interview~ or interrogation of detainees by non,.FBI personnel; WhiGh you beliEwecf to be. inappropriate" unprofessional, coef~ive, rclbusive, or unlawful? I lB. Tr.alning, During. Ov.erseas Deployments or' Assigtnnemts'. 1~,. Owing ;?ny 9f Y0j:!f oversei3s~eplqyrpents 9t as~ignn:tent~~c\id Y0t,J receive <;lny ~@il]ingT i,lJstr, 'Qr~uJ~J.~hC~·cQI)'C~rn·in~ the stat1di=1'rd~ qf q:md!Jet .aPPl!cable to the:tr$tme~tj:lnJetyiew" o'r in:ter[Qg'atiQn 'of detain'e~s by FBI pei:'spnli'~1? ·0ygs: ,6r 'ONa OOQ lIJotRe'Gail ,l,8c!. Wl:fo "proVided this. J;rainingf- insltu"{::tiohr ,gui.da:nc~? fB~ sup,e!Yfs:or, :q~se Agent, BAU . , !3rie,tJy describe the sub?~?!nG~C0r.thetrain,i'19', in~fu~ion; !'1lf gUid~n~e proy[ded to'yOu, WelccimeAboard, g,eheral standards" LmderStaYnding: Arabic -Culture, etc. 18,c. WC\s\arrY'onhe tiai.nin'!;j, instr'uctibri( or SJuid.afi'ce provided ili'writing? .¢Yes -ONe' (j Do !'lot ~E?~an ... II 19~ D~r:ing any ,ofYQur·pver.,~ds,deproymen(s.o r a'S$.igom~rits;pip yp,U T~~~iy~ an-y trqlning, ll)sfruction, or guidance'con<:eming thestat'Jdards pf'¢onducLappli¢able to the treatment, interView~,df ihter'regation ,Of detain'ees by non-FBI personn'el?' ' . ONo .0 Do Not Recall OIGQ-005438 i9a. who proyided thi~ training" insJruction, or gUid,ancel CITF Supervisor j.GITF Behav.ioral Scientist f Military JAG' 19b. Briefly des,oribe tliesubstanceofthe trairiing~ instructiorlr. or guidance provided to, y6u. WekQme AboarpJ g:~n¢ral ;standat.ds, l1nderstandio.g, Afabi~ CUlture, E;tC. 19G. Was, any qfth~ trainln9, lhstru¢tion i orgu(dante ptovide9 in' wri~ing? , 0Yes ONo 0' Do. Not Recall fl ... .20.!;>l.Jrioy'any C)fy~)Ur C)versea~ deployment~ or assignments, did yqu .re~eiye any'fr.:jJning; instruction" or'guidgn.cecpncenilng what YOl.! wer:~'5uPP:9g'eO to di:? if yo,u ,o,Qserv.~d or heard .about ~he treatment, Interview", 'or Interrogation 6,f:del:Qinees QY FBI perSQnnel,. Which you b-ellev~d to' be inappropriate! unpr.ofessional" coerCive" abuslve~,ot unlawful? ' Byes, 'aNo 0'00 Not Recall '20a. Who proVided this trainIng; instruction( or'Q,uidance? ,I l. ",' ' " b6 b7C " :20b., Briefly:qe5cribe the su b.sta'nce, ofth¢ ,trainIng, in$tructiQn, br' g'l1ida,nce, P.rovidel:l to: 'rou. General state,rp~,~t~~ ne meqe 19 ~rrF PersOQ~~1 ;that ~f)1p,~.a~i?ed the 'fBlinye?tigFlt~s b.ehaVibu.r to~r9s;d~,tatn'e~,s, wnich WPl.1ld 'JJe;<;onsrder~ abu$lve: .tOe. Was:,any 'ofth~ training, "instruction, 'or guidgnce provig,ed in 'writIng,? , O:y:~s ,0J\liJ .Q D~r Not Re'cali 21. Du ring any. of you r overseas, deployments or assig nments~ did you receive any, fraining,~ i'nstruction,: qr 9 u.ld.anG~:co/J<:~rnln,9 What Y9u w!3re ~lJ RPQ~ed 'tp (10 If ~6U 'qbs~rve90r r~~rda,bqu,t th,e, ':~reatment, interYlew,..or int¢rr:cg:l.afiQri'Qf~,~t~jjneesby non-FlU per.sonn~l:, Y(hi~b yp~ Q¢I1~.lI¢~ tq , be inapptopricHep unptofesslot\airc;ci,e'rcllle~.. aJjusiile! ,or unlaWfui? ' ;ONo @Yes QDo NdtRecall :2la. Who 'pr6.vid€d this training" in'stfucti6A/,;orguida'lice? CITF S,lj pervf~r ' :?l,b, '~r1~f1Y'~\=$~rlbe th~ sUbstpn~e oftlle trC!)nl!1g;-tns~r.l:l,ctlonjqr,guldanf'=,~p,rov[ded ~o YQ\l" General statements made/during scheduled meetings, . ' ~2:1c. WaS. a,ny 'oHhe.traiiiing l instruction, bt gUida,nee P't6.\iided ih-W[i~iI;l9,? , '6y~ '~NO' :0 oq.l\1ot Recall; '~I "", Ie. Adequacy dfTr,ainirig , , ,-_. ---' 2-2.'In your opinion, ,d id you reeeive -adequate training r itlstructionr or gUittance relating' to .standards, 'of conduct by FBI afld non-F~I :personnel relating to, treatmentj 'interview/. or ihterro,gation of ;c;l,e~a,inees prior to YO,ur.depl(;)yrn~nt:qr<!sSj9nrne'Qf1 ,,/, , ·~i~'.- ~I~as~ 'd~~ib~'th; ;@Y-$-tr. whiG~'Yd~ .• ' ~ inatlequClte: .... - ....... '':;'''''' .......~ 7 ~ ~w- ~ ~ -." -~,.- .,. A _ _~~';,._.', byes, 0 No ~~ii~y.~ th~ ~r~!ning; ins~-r~c1kJ~:o~ g~ld,~ri';e'w~'~ -- ~ ... _.. _ '.,~ _. ~.~.. , ' ._ • _'. '" ...... -. -0 ... ..... ""_'"'; ~<;..-:o~ ""_w'" ",," ". '" ""' .........A_~ OIGQ-005439 __ ~_W~ ~~._~ __ ~_. ~ ~ __ M __ ~_~.~_~ ~_W~~_~ __ ~~~~~._~._~ __ ._~.~. _ I~~re _~as~~o~ ~!h~~ !~a!T:wh_a! ~~s p~ov!d~~ .~~~ol;J~ h ~o.f!Tl~! ,!~I!l!n.9 _a!1~ ~~p'~r~e,':l~~" ... _ . j. . 23'.,1n ypuropinlbn, dId you r;ecelve adequate training, itrstrudlon, or-guidance relating to standards 'of conduct by FBI and nQn-FB-I personnel relating to treatment j 'inferviewr or interrogation of detainees during yoW deploymen.t or ,?sslgnrnent? eyes d. No 24. In .your opJrii'on, did YQU receive apequate ~rcli,hil1g, instruction, pr guida'nee concerning what yOU were $U pposed' to :d6 if "you, 6b~erv¢d b'r' heara, abo.ut theJ:reatriiei:Jt(, inte,I".Yiew, Qr interrogatiQn bf :d'etainees r by FBI or. non-FBI ,perSonriell'that you believed was inappropriate/: unprofessional, ,coercive, 'abusive" ef unlawful?' @'Yes ~?,:(opt,on,al) In,whc(t ~ays ~ssjg nments? 0 No €C!11 tt:J~ f'r31 ilTJpg>Ve",traf':llng, Olrthls $lJbjeg:t 'f9r fut1.!re l;i,~ploy,lTJ~nts 9r At, the ie:a~l. - Prior' ti;fdeplpv.I,il~r c~nil?let~ <i ~~If paced ~o·re;qltric.uium·:<1ht.iCl~ materl<;l'1 whl~11' c<N:ers,; ,Counterterrorism' Matters Ie. 'Middle, E~rs.tern history /Islam /Kbran:j. Arab-Israeli Issues / basici'Arnbic: langtlage f etG. ID. 'Oomments' 4'§. 'P I¢gsj~ Po «Wjd,e 'a ny ;~~ d'itiqria.1 :i r)fdrr'n~tiQ n' cor:ic;~rni,iig tr:a,in'j rig fdr'. 6'Ve:r:s~~:s d,ep.loym,en1$.;,pr ,issig,n'r'n¢fitS of FBI petspnneJ you baliev.e is, rel¢vant. ' r had to,:stated to;sev,e@1 peOple in ,genernl;dis'c,u~sjtm. fr9'm all ag'~nci~'thaf'P'n,ce the :dust settlcll in early 2002 - >'OU'!' (Coo nterterrerism .university) shou Id have been- DU i1t ,as.a joiht ag ency proi'ect - Prior: 'tQ"conducj:i,ng, any, il)tervieW5 911 p'er$9.nnel ~bbulq ha-ve I:!a.<;f"refr,esner"'~railling' as weli qS b~en , , ' :schoqled in poli<;y fqr an C!pprbxirrtaJ¢ t'iVo \fJeek: peri~d.: ( still beli~y:e th(s would be aViabJe epur,s,eof a~tfon if(TIt'1Q;survi\fe~! , ~~,::_}~®;~~.' I) 0 ~, D IC' ! '~:~;n:';, " : : ' • , . :Inlroduction to .Part: III: In:.thls,s·e,ctlpn'" We 'ate :seeking, inf,OlTl)atlon reg ·a Wiele, r.ange bf' 'ihtervieW,or' interrogation teehniqu,es and other; ,types, of de'talriee: treatment' allegei:f' to, naye :0CCU rred. You should notassume, justbecausewe.are:asking about a particular techniq.ue..or practice, that we hav.e qmcluq ed ~ha,t it- in. '@c,t 'Qq::lJ~r~d. We ,reGog nize thi;lt::$Om~ of these tecbni~l,Ie'?' Qr PJC!g:Jc;:~?' mi;lY' at ~ime~ ti~ n-e¢e?$r:Y. f~f :$f~t:y i3h9 s~uritY Ih a '<!~~eh~IQn ~etting·. ~t1 atl9lti9Pf V')I€ re~pg:n-IZ~ ll\~t;S9m~ ,qf these techdittues'Qr'pfadide5, may haVe been a-othorized 'for use oy m,i1itiir'y or othet',goy,ern'meilt'persb.nnel. IJYitp TE!~p~!=t to, eac~ .id~'1tif!ed t~chn i~I:I.le,p.r..ap:ic~1' -or tYF~ 'of p;md uc~:d e,sc;ribed,bel0o/ ~~ 'an~ seeki.IJg I; 'infqrin'atiQn:~l:'-Q'l,Jt it$ p,~\;ljrreri~~ s:f~rinJI :or in cQrine~tio'n th~jJ~t¢ryi~)iV or i.nt_erl:o~~ti9n'gf!i d~taltu:f~,ord.!.Ir~fj"g. the cJ¢~~f\J'Q.ri (jf a !J,~tain:ee p:~,yond w(tat I,s ng~¢q ,fqr '~.aff;!,ty a'nd $¢~uriJy: In tnat ;cbnt~t! we will ask' ¥ou to tell us .wnethef 'Qhe or tnbfe of the followi n9, ;statements :ate true: OIGQ-005440 1. 1 personally observed this conduct. ..2. r.ol?serye(l:detaln~(Q) In .a ,~.or)<;Iltiqn th9! led m~ ~9 Qelleve. :thaphis: t;:onduC):' had 9~cyrred, 3. D.et9ir.i~e(s) Jold me th~t this ccin-ducfhcsd pcciJrr..eil. . 4,. p~hers. who: ops~rV¢d ,thiS: ~Qnct(j?::~- de;scrlbe,q J~ to m$. 5". I have relevanf information· classified above' liS ECRET" .' :6; I nevecoQserv:echhis co.nduct nOI; he~rd a'bout jt 'from'~Qrnepne,Whodid. 2.7. D,eprivihg.a detaine.e Qff09d :6.t water a'. b,; D 0 I perSonally observed this,condud. ['observed'detainee(s) in'a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred. c. [j Detainee(s) told me that this- conduct had :occurred. d.. D q~hers' who observed this con:d uct described It to me, e. o II hq~e relevant il')fofma~10t:1 c1assf(ied qb0Ve II·SECRET·... f. 0' I 0bs..erv~·g t!l\!?'czondu9t Dar: l'!~rd ab.ou~ it from sqmeQne. wh.o did. ;28. O:eprlvlng :a',detalnee: of.'c1o.ihlng' a~ ~, c:- 0 I' personafly' ooserved this conduct. 0 Lo!;lserved' ~et~lnee{s) in.a 'cond itioD t,h<;!t led me'tQ' ben!?ve -ttJal::~his condm:t. had ·Qccurr~d. o 'Detahlee(s) told me Jhahhls: conduct had ·occurred. d.f D Others' W~9 ob~er.v.ed this C9nd.uct,de?criQ~~ it to··m.~. e.: [l' r bave relevant InfQrma~lorrtia~slftetl Clhpv~: I!SEC~"·. t 0' L il~Ver oQS,¢r\(ed' ftils·amdLJd: Ji()(hear:d ·abQui it from SOlT1¢Qt1~:wh\:t did. ~29. Depriving a detainee ofsleep" or interrupting 'sleep by fre9liehtcell relocations ,or .other methods (]' il p~rson·ally·o,b.~erve,~ ~hi.s 'Cpndu!=t. bi- D ir-()b~er-vec!'deti=llnee.(s) in :''l'C9h.d itiqn'tbcjt Jed. to ~E?ney~ th~t this C;;:Qn~u~t !1?~ ·o'G,curred., !=:' o 1D~~~inee'(s)-to!~ ,m~ that :t/:1l~ C;:bn9.lJc.:J: had ncc;u.rr:~f .. d .. D !6tMm iNliQ p!:5seryed .t~is CQt\duct d'escnbcil 'tt ~q me. e, D Ii hj.;lv¢·r'~I~yant infprmatiptn:;';;fs·sifie.d.~bove lI:SECRET"', f: I~, neVer 0 Ds¢rv:ed this ;cj)ndU~t nor 'h~ rd ,3 bout It from .someone.Who. did. a'.. me o .30. Beating a detainee OIGQ-005441 .. .. ., b. D D c. o !Detainee(s) told me frat this conc(lJd ~ac! 'Qccuf,red., a', d. e., I personally observed thls..conduct. II.observed detainee(s) in cl'{';ondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. 0 tJther,s. who ob$er:ved this COhduddE;s<::,ribeq It to me: have relevant information classified al;)Ove "SECRET". D I-----_ . _------ ----_. _... - ,...- -'- '.- 10 r never obse~ed this tgndl!d nor heard a~o~t. it from SQmeone~ho did. f. ,31. ,Using water'to prevent br.eathlng byadetalriee,or to create the "Sensation; of droWnln.g 'i!l. bi 0 0 I, p~rspnally' ops!=l"f~d tbis:cqndu(::t. ~;. p De~aine'e(s) tQld rn~ 'thqt'thi~ l:::onclu~t had 'Qccurr.ed. H)I;l's~,rved det,~inee{s) In :a:cqndltlorp;h~t I~ 1l1~ ~o' b.elleye· thqt this c<?nduc,t had 'ocrcurrec,L <1:, D Others, WhQ Qb~ry~ this; GQ[),<llJ~t-,d,es'~dl;le9 it tp:me. e'. 0 I have 'relevant lnformatlon'tlasslfled .ab·ove "SECRET''', "" '" ,,' " . ' , ' ~ , f. ._0,1(.._...,6pse!"l.ed someorte,whq dIet. --# thiscontlu~.tfJpt·hea'td .. . _.. _._-- ...._._..ab,out: - from _.. .. :--._-----'- - _~_.---._.~~_.- ~--------_ ----~.- ~ __• ¥h ... ~ __ • __ ._-_.~ 32. Using hands, rope, or anythil')g else to choke or strang.Je a 'detainee a. 0 I p,er~nQny·opsetvea thi~ ~ondud. I); 0 I 9b~~rv~d d'eti3inee(s) in.:a.:cpnd it1ol) that I¢P m~ tfn)~lJeve c: D pe:ta1n¢e'('i) mid me that ~hl~ t'(> hat! occurr.~. t,hanhi.!! q'onc!!Jl;t o~(Fo¢c,urr~#,.: d. o fOther's: Who oQserved this con:dutt,deS:cribed it tq. me. ~. 0 I' hp,ve T~lev.a:nt i1'lformatiori' tlas,sified 'aboVe II S.EC REf" . f. 10 I ob'se:rv~d: this conc:iut,t liQrhear~ GibOUllt .frOm.sOMeone. who did. -33, Threate,nillg other actjon to 'cause' physical pain" injury,.d fsfigu,rement" or d:eatlT •;:r. 0 I' p~e(.sqfl~lIy'obse-l'\Igd. ~hls:condut::.t . b. D. r: olJ.setved detalrte.e(s) In :.a ~cond itioll that ied me. to belleYe'that this cqlid.Uct haao:ccurr:e~. c. D ,Detaine$(5) told m:e tHat (iii?, crondl-{ct' ht:\d ot¢'orreo. D Others' W.h.D observe'd thiS't:oritl,uct.destribea It to me: e. 0' r havexele.varit il'1formatiotJ classified a50Ve '$ECREr". .d. t 10 I never o.bseived this, conCl uCtnpr heard a bout. it froni, sorrieeile who did. OIGQ-005442 34. Othe'rtreatn:i~nt ot adion causing significant death, p~ysical pain Of injury, ort;a'using disfigur:ern.¢nt or a. D I per9Ql1aIlY'qb?erved thl$ con<;iuc,t. q. D I pb;;e:rved detainee(s)' jn ,a ttmditipn thi?t led me to belie~e that:thi~,cohdutt had occurred. c. D oeta'inee(s) tol9 me that this conduct !lad ;o¢curred. (1. D IOth¢.rS: WhQ pbser)leo tl'ii!? conduct ~eschbed It.tQ me. .. e. D l' ha-qe relel,iant ir'\formatiotl c1a$'sifiecl above, "SECRET". f. 0 [ never ob:;eliied this :cQn~uct nor hea ref 'a bou,t; it from -someone wtio dieL ~3'5. Placlhg a detalnee:on a hot surface or burning a detaInee a', D I per.~nciliy QDserveti ~lils cpnpu¢t. b, D Injb~s-elV~d gexaine¢(s), in' :a:~oiid jtio(ithatl~ me tb' b-eli~v(;Hhat tlii$" !=oi\'tluj:;!: ,hap qcc;t,lrr¢tl. c: D Inetainee(s) tOld TfI~ that thi$, conduct hc(d ,occurred. 'd', e. D Othe'rS' wh'Q ,6b$erV~ D f. 0 T. haVe this p,dndu'Gt des¢Hb.ed it to me. relevant infon'riatibii Glassified above '~SEc.RETJI.\tet observed this,cQndu~t nor,hea(d about it.f(om.someoriewho did. a,. D L petsdni,dly' (jbse,ni~d' this i=6fidu(:~. b, D- r ,obsetve'd aetain~e(~) in:a c9r1ditiOri that le,d nie: to beii~Ye that thi.s e<:YnduGt had .occu:rr;~d. c. D petaine~(s) told Tn'e that this cOliduct ha'd ,occurred. ! - ~d. D Others~ who ooseJited 'this conduct d.escribeo it to me. e: D II have relevant 'information cJ:assified abov.e !!S,ECRET''\ f: 0bserved this'C0nduct nor heard ab0ut It 'from ,someone, who. did. ~j, ReqUirh.ig:,a.get4in~:to m<;ilnb;lin, or re?trciinin11 <;i'detainee in, a 'slress.fu.J Qr painful po~ifi(m b. 0' !1 personal!y' observed, this ,conduct. 0. II' obserVed ,detalnee(s} in a.condition that led me to, Eieliev.ethat:1.his conduct had ,occurred. c. [j !Defainee(s) tala me that this cond'uct fiad :OcQ.lrred. a. OIGQ-005443 - ,. IS e. D I have relevant Information classIfied above '(SECRET". f. [j r never observed this;conduct nor heard about it from someone, who did, ,g'. Pl~a?e pJQyidetlie apprQxilTF~te tirne'frar.n,e dOJlng which t,his c<?nduct"occurred, From Q~fZ002 to Q,5!2002 Dno NbtReccili h. Th~ det?linee(.§) tre.ate9 in this way were loc~~ed at the time in: i Ji::rGl!antan!=lmo 2 D ,I!C;!q ;3 D Afghanistan II D Other LOCatiQn 5 D Do Not Recall . i. PlffiseJdeotify'the [ can not recall' ' ' by name and 'j. Ple51se, i<;l~ntif'i th~ 'P.~r!?9,n (~j, Whq lr.~~te~l n~m!=Cs), anA 9:9Y~rnrtrentagen.cyo.e·s): Qne of eadt o'manizatiofl. ' ,.. number;' , th'e, qe,taln~e{$) in t,h is; rtl~l)ner i' incl,ll(fitig their , .~. PI~ase'ldehllty,a'i1y.r,mJ~r F~i lJer~nn'ell:?r nQn-FBI .p~rSQI:lI:leIWli~' O!;l5€rved 'd,et91ne.e(~) m~at.ed 'iii this: manner,- including their name(s) and 'a9'ency(ies): I do ,not remember Qut 't'his, was- a ,pig issu~ ~Qd ,hlg Illig ht~d ,~,urilig ,the next dgys' meeting.. 'I. "(tiis conduct oecurred in 't;:,9nneq:ion w.i1:t1~ i0 0IJe,d~~C1fnee 2 Q ~$,ey.e(al cie~aine¢s' (2-4) !3 ,0 M~l'nyQ~ta.ihe-e5 (mbr~ th;:ln'lg.l 4 d Do Not Recall . m. (-bptipnal) describe, tlte' r~leyant dt:curnstances: in 'mote d~tail: , ,Ade~c;llnee w9's.$' in Arabic In:or~er to,cQmmuni,cateto pther.~et9"nee's nQ,i t9 cq~perqt~, iii 'one,of the intervIew r~om,s. ~dm¢6tle de~i,de.d t6 rerhQ'Ve: h[s ,ph.air and h,ave 'him stand hunched over. I ,was, observing' the ,adjbihiii~r interView 'room frori1,theobsehiatlbn rooin and saW the 'd~ta'inee lay .down on ~he fl!"Dr ,and tlJe guards f1)ad~ him stan,d: ' 3~ .. furd\lg a deta'inee' to-perfo!,Tn:dernaudfng pl)Yslcal'exercise ,a. b. D II p"~rsOnaliy o,pserve:d this Condl1ct. o II cibserVeddetafrtee(s) in fa condition that led me, to betleve ~hat this- con'du!=lha'd dtcurrep. t. D fDetalnee(s} told me thC\t this- cond uct had 'oc,curr.ee1. !o~hers; wh~ obse)'Ved this Gbflci uc,t d~~c;:tibed it to. me. e. D hav,e:relevEint l!'lf6tmatibi:i Classified above "SECRET". .d. d II f. IiI' II never o'bserved this.conduet nor heard about it froni someone 'whb did; OIGQ-005444 '39. -Using electrical shock'en a detainee <;1. b'. 0 t personally op~n(ep this cQnduct. 0 I' ob:Serv~d ~etal,liee(sJ in';;:1 cond ition that I~ me. to belieY~ thanhis conquct had dccurreJ:f. c. J;!~tai ne~($~ tQlq me that this t:oncllJ!:t hi3'd occu rred. c-- d. o pth.ers: Wh'o observ~d this conduct de.s~rlbed It to me. e. 0 f. I have relevant iMQn:ilation .classified abov.e '!SECREf"'. It1 iI never observed this;coh'duct not heard ,a bciut it from s0meone\vho did. 40;'. 'Threat~nipg to use 'e,lect[ical shock:gn a detainee a. D' I pe:r.sPnaliy ol:l,servep this,conduct. b', o Ir,.O~se'rv,:e:d,MtaineeXS) In ,a:cotid,lti<:m'that 1M me' to c. 0 0 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct hao O€Cll'rred. ,d. e. bgUeVe t,haUhls, c,on:duct had ,oc,tuned. Others who ,observed thiS condUct describe-a it t6 hie. ~'have rejevant lliformatlon classified aboVe '~SECREf\ .....------"._ .. '" f. ~ l' never Observed thiS :,condliGt nor'heartl,abblit it ftGlni,someone'who did. 41. IntentiotlC)l!y delaying ,qr~enyfng detainee med"<."al :cc)(e 0 I personally' observed this conduct. b. 0 I ,observed 'detairiee{s) Iii ,alcond ition that.le<I me to believe that ttitS conduct had ,0ccuti:eCl. c. 0' ID'etalnee(s-) told me that thls eoilduct had 'occurr.ed. ,a. d. o lathers who ,obserVed 'this conduct descr]lJed it to me. ,e.jO I have relevant inrormation classified a'bov.e ~!SttREf". f, 0 t 42'. So,,o,bserveq thl? 'Co'lldy~t f1~r hEX!rd -about: it from sQmeO!1~ "Yho, did. 'Hoo:dihg,or blindfolding :a'd.etaine,e~other ~han :during tr:ansp:o:rtatkm 0 b. el I perSonally obse'rved this conduct. I observed detaineets) in a c::ond ition'that led me to believe that this conduct had ;occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) tC?ld me that this condt:let had :occurred. d., 0 Others who observed 'this COhductd~cribed ft, to m~ OIGQ-005445 e. 0 · I have relevant Information classified above- '!SECRET", f. It! I never observed this:conduct nor'heard about It from someone who did. 43.. SUbj~il'rg :a.detaln~-ro .~tr,eh1eIY cold d~ hOt room .temperatures-for extehtled p'eriQds. a. 0 I personallY observed this·eoOOud. b. 0 [·observed detainee(s) In 'Cl condition that led me to believe that this. conduct had 'occurred. c. 0' Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. d. 0 Others who .observed this rondu.ot·described it to me. 0 t hav.e relevpri~ [t:lfqrrnp~h;m di3?~jfi;ed :Clb9V~ "SI;CRET"· t. 0 ~. n!:?-ver·observ~'d ~hl,s"eQn~l,l~ '!lgr .h~r.d "q,bgut: I~ :frpm ·sqrneon~who did. ~. -g. P'~~·se. P.J('jv\(j¢..~h~ ~pp'rQxim:ate time. frame'~l,lrlng.WhlaJllh.i$: co'(f~tlf9t {:!p;:.Lirred. From .04l2QP:3. to (A/20(n 000 Not, Recall h. The~etqln~(§'l tr~t¢Q :In .tI}rs way were' IQ~ai:~.atJt):§! ~ime 1!1.: 1 [i;:J ·Gu~ntanamQ. ';i 0 IraQ 3,O,Afqh"anis.tan :4 0 'Ofher location sO Do Not Recall. I. "Please'ldefltlty"the;detalr1ee('s) by hame and. humber; 76'0 j, PI!'!ase". fdetttify the person(.sYwho .treated .the detaine.e(s) hi' .thls· ma.nnelif fncludlng their name(s),·anCl ,goy.emmerit ag'eocy{ies)~ Unknown . k, PlesSe. iil,entitY any' otner. FBI. p'ersQnt\el of n6n~F.BI personn'el WhO:observ.ed detalnee{sr tre"a"tetl , I in ·thiS mj~j,..IIiCJUding their nam~(s);and.agendY(iesJ~ b6 b7C i. Thjs.:.cfji'il:ll!¢t .ocG.llrt¢d in tQnneq:i.pfl wtth': :I,..C!) .(jn·e. d:e~ain~ 2 0 .Sev.eral d.e.t"airi~ (;2-4) 3'0 Man'y.:tletairie:es {nioreth"an 41" :4-.0 Do Not Recall rtl. (DptIO.ri:::lI)·PI~se: deScrtbe. the. relevant clrcumstan'ces In more"detall: Aft~'injti,lIIy refUsing .to taJ'k in the ~~inl);ing (01/2003) of .allr pr0ect '.?6.0:.a;gf'ee:d tot<iIK 'and OIGQ-005446 appeared toa'ctually enjoy our meetings. Then one day he refused to talk, hot one word and he looked very.upse~ land I spent"a 16ng time with him "explorIng why he behaved so my,sterlously.. Sqrprlslr19l.y ~tTe n~xt day ~e beh¥lved as nothing had happene~. When askeg why he,satd Ilis Qa<;:k bp~her:eg him Q~use he had ,been I~ft in' 'a tot~ rOPm prior to OC,lr meeting. :44. Supjecting. 'a de~aJnee _. to loud. f.TlJ.lslt __ __ a....- D 1i p¢rs6naily this conduc.t. ........ ....-... - obs~rved .. - _ .......... ._ .. ... -.- .. ..-- _." ,-"- - _.. .--- _.. _...... -_ .... "_. --' ......... '--D I obser:v~d .detainee(s) ih ,a cbnd ition ~hat led me to be;lie.v.e that this' cbhdu,ct- had occurred. 0 'D$,tainee(s·) told m~ .that this. condutt ha,d ,dccurred. 0 IOthers.' who nbse.hred tms conduct described it to Ilie. D I have relevant information c1assifieda'bolle "SECRET'!. 0 I never' Q,bserved this"conduGt nor' h5:lr(f about. iUroni.someone Who did. ,. b, C;:. d. e. f. b6 . b7C ~._ -..- ~- ~. ~.- ~._,- ' 45,.s~pjectil1g, a detainee to bright flashing lights qr d~rkness a'. 0" l' P:erS9n~liy:6~S~rv.~~ t.tiis!:cdndu~~. , h. D. I:Qb:setv.ed· d¢taln~~e(s): in:a ·cp'nd·iti6n.'that I¢d 'm~ to oelie'l¢ ~ha,t this cgn'd,uCt had :occurred. c. 0 petainee(sj told rtJe ~Mt this- had ,oc!=urreq,. d, o lothers' who observed t.his ceDtruct d,¢s'crlbe(i It to me'. 'e. 0' r have relevant information Classified aBove, '~ECR6T". f. 0 never-observed this colicfucf:nor'heard 'aboi:Jt.itftoffi' someone'\,vh6- did. ' 46., Isolatl~g' ?lge~ainee f9.r an ~~endec;l perl0r:t a. D r p~r..s9haliy,.ob~rve:tr this.c6ridQ~t. .. . , b., d hi,bserveti det.aine~(s.} In.;:1 conp ltlon'that, led me, to belle,v~ ttidt.~hl$' <;:ondlJl:t naL! 'qd:ur~e#: t: 0' iDetainee{s), toid me ,that this c,ond uC,t had 'o.ccu'rr:ed. ,I observed 'this tqndLict d,e~cfib,ed it,to.m·e. d. D e:ID O:therS: wbo f. Itf r. riev,er observed. this"cohduct nor heard about it from,someo'rie'who did. 1 have 'relevant Information classified ~boYe ':SECRE[". 47. Using, duct t-ape to' restrain,,!l§.g.jor ~:.:.;n:.:.;:is;.:.;h;..;·8::...d:;..e::.;t.;;;a;.:;in:.:;e.::,e _ OIGQ-005447 , 0 I personally observed thls,conduct. b. 0 I observed detainee(s} In a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduCt had 'Occurred. c. 0 D~~ajnee{s) told me that tpis condl,Jet ~ad 'occutTec;I .. d. 0 Other? who 'ob'$erv~ 'thls cpndiJd !;I.~qibed It to me; rerevant information classified ab'ove "SECP.EfJI.. --------------- -------e.f. 00 rI hav.e n~v~r 9.bserved this t(jn9~d nor heard abp4l it from '~me~>.ne'who dip. C3~ : - - - : - - . _ - - - _ •• _-_.~-- • > ---_. 48'. Using, rapid respbn,~e teams -and/or forced tell·extr.actlbhs Itf r. personally observed this cond.uct. b. 0 [obser:ve(j-detalnee(s) In'a'condition that led me to belle:vethat·this c0nouct. had occurred: e,_ 0 Det-ainee(s) tol~ me that this. ~ondUl;:t h?d occqrred. ~: 0 OtJ~e~.? w:h9'?Rsery~d this ~.c;)I':)ql,g:t c!~~9ribe~ j~ tq n:Je.: e., 0 I h,?v,~ Jel~va~nt IlJf~rmatlq.n. ~1~~s.lfl~ C! b9V~ "$'ECItET'! .. f, O' ~ n~Ve.r o~perv~,q this 1<;Qnd u¢t n9r h~r~ ;-abOllt· it from: sOI)1~~n~·1.Yno did. a. . £1.. Please' provide the ~p·pr.o~itnat~time 'fr'im~.. during~h!c'h this Gonduct:qcGUrr.ed, . ~(qm .c.M!QtrYYY format or MfYYYY) to (M/D./'fffY·; i6~mat 'or M/YYYY) in 'this wP¥ were I6cateP a.t the tirii'¢ ji1:. '1 0 Gllanta'i'lamd 2.0 I~q 0D'o Not Recall b. 'rh~ ·d.etaitl!=~(s) tr:eated 3D.Afghanlstan .4: 0 ·Other Location .50 09 ~ot R~lI i., PJease,identify,the..'d" by name and numbe(:' Ldo not· reca II " . " ', .... pr~ase id¢ntifY th~' per~6ri( 5) 'WhO' .treated the d.e~ainel;{~} iii t.his rtyanber;., jr'iGiuding ~h:eit ':Iame(S):aild 9o,VernmerJt cl9'ency(lesJ: . 0;5. Army 1 National ,Guard. personnel 1. ~. Please identify ari.Y' O'ther' fBI pe'rsom'1el or non-FBI personnel Wh-o observed detainee(~). treated in 'thlS'"manner~ indud'ing their name(s) and 'agencyXies)~ I. T~is-c(;mguc~ occllrredjlJ corrnep:io!" with: 1 0 ·One detainee 2 ~ ·Severp.l de1pinees (2-4 j :3 Q Man'y 'detalnees'(more t~an 4) OIGQ-005448 4.0 09 Not Recall fl:l. (Optional) Please d,escri~e'the Tel~ant c;:ircumstances In mOJe detail:- I .onIV' remember the ERr team deploying sev:eral times but can not remember w.itnessing them interact wittr a qe:taio~ 49. lJsing a military. working dog on or near a detainee'other than during detainee transportatio"n,-__ a. Ii'! I pe~naIlY'obs:erved this tOnduc.t. b. D tdb~rv.ed·detalne~fs) it) :a·cpnqitiont.hat. Jed me t6 belleye ~ftat this: conttup:. h!=l~ ·ocQJrr~d. c. D E!.etain~(s)tbld me tha.t thl~ t(;:lt)'dutt I]aet :6CCl,!rr~_ iL D Oth.erS whO bbser'Vea :this' conduct described it tb me a. D I' have relevant InformatiQn' tlas,Slfled 'above ~S.ECRET". f. D I. neve'r ,obser'vea this ,coMuct not hea"td alXilit It .from,sOmeone·who did. :g_ Please provide .the a'pproximate tiine"fraine.dunng "whiGh this l":OOdI.kt:.Ol":Cu'tred. Frqrn Q~/LQO~ to b7l200.2· Lto.o Nat; ~,ec.a1J h. The d.etainee.t"S) treated 'in:ttifs way .werJi located at the time'ln. ,1 Rf'Gllantanarrio 2 D'iraq :3 0 Afg~111~tan 4 0 ·O.tlier location B6 Not Retali 'sO I; .,rl~se(i.qenilfy ~he: detC!ln~(~) b,y.·n~m.e al1~( n!,lmber,: ,All 'tletainees ~urin9 iiiitial-arrilial irrcom"p.ourid. oj, Please Identify' the perwn(s') who Jreated the'detainee(s;) In ·this" manner:1 im;:luding their n~~~(~)·~n"q gq:r~rnrn~ta"gel]tya~~t Natlo'na'i Guard ~ PI~.~ ~dentifn'll1Y:dthel" FBI R~rsQnll~! !'Jr' nQn-FBf personne.1 'whp-'Qb~rv~t;f d,etalne~{s) tr~t~ 10 1h!S niatinet-I IncJut;fi('!'g ~helr na;rn¢'(~) arJtl,ag~h'd{(IeS); Most·' .. . I, This 'conduct 'occurred In .connectien with: 1·0 One deti'linee 2 ¢ $everal t;fe"t<;lin~ lZ-41 3:0 Many t1etainees .(rn(jn;~ than' 4t 4 ,0 Oq}~ot ~II . OIGQ-005449 Upon in'itfal'aiTiva.l dete'lineeS- .were placed ~utside the yarQ working dOgs b,eing so. Threate,nlng t<;> pres~nt. awaiting pr.oc~~ing 'anct r rememb:er use mUitary wo(klng dog$ 'on' .01' near- a (Ida!nee 0 I perSonallY obserVed this ,conduct. b. q r .0bserved detalnee(S) In :a.eond Itlon that led me. to. believe that this conduct had occurred" Co, 0, Ioetaihee(s) told me that this eo'nduct hi3d occurred. d. 0 O,thers who observed this conduct described it to. me. e. 0' I have reJev.alit Information' c1asslfiedabov.e 'lSECRET"·. a. f~ ~~ a. II, l,1::v~robsery~_ thfs ·£o~rl~c:.tn9rh~ rp ;a bb~~~t!~~_~m~on!=; W~9~d ld. I o ~ persal)ally;.6bserv:ed tl1is.,cohdi.i~t. f Ji. 0 ~ 'bti~erved.detarnee(s) ih ~ cond1tioh that led me to beli~:ve.that this ,cQ"nduct had 6,cturred. c. 0 d. 0 Detainee(s) told me thatthis conduct had , Others who obseritea :this. conduct descrfbed it to me. e. d f. 0 I I- have releYant informatiOn classified above ',lSECRET'\ never observed thls:condud nor heard 'about It from 'someone who· did. 52... Threatenjng to l:fse'~pid~J:S, sc;orp'ionsr .snC:lke~, or 'other .anim9'ls ona (!e~inee a. 0 I' perSciriany observed this t6Jiduc:;:t. b.. o II,.observed detaine,e{s) iri :a,condjti6h that led me 'to believe .tliaUljis, conduct. had ',oGcurteCi. o hetatr'iee(s) tQld me' tliat this condu,ct had .o.ccurred. c: 'd. ef lOt herS' who oOSehled tHis celiduct.tte.Scribed e. 0, it to me., L nave relevant information classified above. !',g-EGRET". f: [~f I'neverobserved this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 53. Disrespectf\,JI ,statements, ,handling, 'Or:qetiOns' involVing the' Koran OIGQ-005450 0 a. I personally observep thl~ -<;Qndu<::t. o ir observ~d b. d~tain~e(s) ip:a .col1d)ti9-n that led '!I.e to believe that ~his ~qr:tdu9: had oC;<;l,Irred.. o tDE:!h'linee(s)-tol~ m~ that th'ls COn91J.C~ h<ld 'oc;curred. G· Q, 0' OtherS Wh9 ·observ¢.d 'thi~ !=:oJlduct des,c'rfbed it tq. me. .e. 0 i haVe tele"~nt information dassifie:d above "SEGR,ET". 0 f. ,g. this conc,tuct npr'h~rd C!b91J.tidrom'9i.d. Please provide .the approximate timerrame.durihg whicli .this, conduct.occurred. From 01{2003 to 0'6/200:3. h. To!=, ,detaine~(s) '.treatei:l· DDo ,Not Recali '.' hi this way. w.ere lotated at the time In:: l'@'GUantanarfld' 20 Iraq 3 0 Afghqflistan 4- 0 'Qther LQcation 50 Dp. N¢t Recpli t.· P'1e,ase:lden~lfY·the:eJetalnee(s) 7pO ' by. name an.<f number: j. Please identilV the per-sones)' who .treated the'detainee(s) in this manner/. induding their "name(s) and g9vernment agencY.Des}: , ." 'I<:. Please identify aiiiothei FIJi per.seinnel orno'rr-FBI:persormel 'Who..observed detainee~?) tfeated in this manner/ including their'name(s] and i:\gency(ies): I I b6 ' b7C I. Thls;~bildI.Jct ,ol;:dmed in tonnect~on .with: f ~O 'Qne.. detainee . 2 0 .,Several detalh~s (2-4)' 3 Many' detainees '(mbre than 4:) ,4; 0e;>. ~ ~t Reca II . -9 P :m. (Optional) Plea'se describe the: relevant Circumstances. in more,detail: I'seerri to remember atfis(:ussion with :Z60: in WhiGh he rela'V,ed that otber-.detainees· we'fe~Li,pset be€a.use the guardswel'e ha'ndlihg theirKorails. 54,. Bhi:lv,ing:a oe,tai,riee's facial or other hair to .l'!ilibarrass'or,hlifnUiate ii aetainee (-a:[D]L p~r~nqUy' o,bserved this t:onduct. OIGQ-005451 c. d. ~. r: 0 0 0 Detalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had ,occurred. Others who observed this conduct described it to me. r have relevi,3!lt infqrmatjon d~ssif\~ i!J?ove I\SECRp-IL. 0" I nev~r observed thIscQlJc:M:;tnor heard about' it frqm someonaWhb- ~id. .~5. PI?\Cihg q womat{s Glpthing 9.n:a .oetainee I pers6nally' obser'v.ed b. 0 0 c. q Detainee(s)·told me that this cendud: had :occurred. d. 0 Others who 'obserwed this conduct described It tQ me. 0 I, ha,ve releyal1t i'nJorro!:ltiop. c1assrff~ ~bove "'SEGRET"'. a. 'e. Lobseived detain~e(sl in a conoitior'dhat led me to believe that this,conduct had .occu'rred. f. 0" I, nev:er'o.pservec! 56:, t,~f?'~oQduft nor h~rd ab9uq~ fr()ryJ som~q!1e w~o (:119. Touching:a d.;tainee or acting 0 b. 0 a; toward a :detaili~ 'in a' se){ualli!onner . L petsbhally-ooser.ved this :C.O(idU,ct. I:ebserved detalneet~) in a:.condifion that led 'me' to, believe that.'this condud: had .occurred., o ;O.etainee(s)-told me thatlhis conduct had :QCCli"rred. c.' d. Cl Others, who observed -thiS conduct·described it to me. 0 f. 0' e. I. have relevant information classified above "S.ECREpl.. I neverQQserve~' ~his,'colJdlJct n9rh~rdab.out it frol]1'sorTJeon~who did. :?':?, ,HQl~jn9 .detaln~($.)' VJhp"'W,~Te: npt offl:c).aILY ClC~)10\AJ!~g~~ or r~ls,tere<;l ~rs s,uch by t.h~'<mency '9¢taih'iilg, ~h¢. pe(sol'l'. . 'a'. 0 I personallyn,bserved this coridud_ b. o ![observed detafnee(s) in -a 'eond itionthat led me to l1elieve that this lZonduct had 'occurred. c. 0 De~aiflee(s) tq!d ,m_~ t~i?t tNs ~0.nd.uct had qC~l,JrreQ..~ c0rrduct" de~c;:ribed It to, rne. (L 0 Ot~ers' who -obsery!¥.l t~i,s 0 'f: 0 .. I have ,r~l~vant. ip(ormati<?n .classifiec\ .C!b9ve 1~'SECRET'f. Ie;· I neVer:o.bsel'\l~.cI, thfs'conp~ct n()r heqrd apolit ..w•.... w. v • • 0 .... .. ...... . ... _ ~ I •• w it from.sQl11eon~who di~. ., .... ...... _ .. , "0" .. . ... . ~ .. •.• _n._ .... OIGQ-005452 .58. Sending.a detainee to another Country' for 'niare;agg ressive int¢rr'ogati6.ri a', b. c. "9. e. f. 0 I per~f1ally ob~rved this conduct. 0 ~·Qbser~·~d. de~qfn'ee(s) jn a-cohdifiQn that 1et1 me to belieye th1=lt this cor:rducJ had;occurred. 0' Oetainee(sj tol9 me that this conduct hap occurred .. 0 Others' who obsery~ thl~ ~on911ct desc;:rlbed it ~o' {TIe.. 0 I hcNe relevant lriformatioll" :da's'siffed aboV.e, "SE.CRET". 0 I: n'e\?er obS.¢rveg tlii$.. c6nduG.t nprh~rdab9ltt:it frQm~rne~:>n¢ Who dJd. 59. Th.reaJ:eiiing to .send a detainee la~ 0 b.. c,. £I" ~. f, t. p.e~~nC!IJY·9pserved· to another .country, for t1etention or'moreagg ressiife interrogation ,h~s:cQnd(J~t. t9 Q~ne'(Te.lhgt" ~hi~ cc;mdu~t .~ad ·qGcwreq..· 0 0 !Detajl1~(s) ~9.I~ me thqt tbis. t:o.ncj"!J.cJ hq.d 'Oc;:cur[~, 0 OtherS> Whp Qb$ery~d thi~..GRnQ uc:~ .d.¢~"crihed i~ tl): m~:, D. l' 11:;J~e rele'iant iD.formcttion tlassified aboYe: ''$:.EC,R!:J"'. 0 I tiev.~r·QPSer)[~d this:cQildu:tt il,pr heard ~ab(tu~ it frQI'nSOr'iJeone;whQ djd. ~~9Pserv~q det.ainee(~} in .q :c:pnd it.iontha~ led me '00. Thre:atening to take,<ilnsta C1.etalnee'S·fa'mlly 0 bi 0 c. 0 Q. 0 g~ . e'. f. I p~rsonany O'pserved this :cqnduct. r'obs~rved det9'll1ee{S) II1.arCOJ1dlt~l;)[fthqt red lJl~to' benev~ th~~ t~is condu,ct nad 'oGcqrre'd,' Q~t~jnee(s)'WJ~ m!';; thElt tois conduct ~a-o :oq:urr:ed, Qtners. w.ho 'O~s~ry~.d tl:!is. ~~:H:rdl1ct d:~$,criQ~ i! t~)' m~ CI [thave relevant Ir:iformat.ion l;:1,:i,ssifleCf 'abtj\l~' "\$:ECRE:f'~. 0' i n~v€r q.bJ5~r\(ed' this t(j~d uct nor h$ ~d abbuj ft frOm SQm:ebni:!- whp: plp. 81. bradiOri tclus,in9, severe:erb6.ti6nal or J)sy~h'(;)logjtal traumata a 'detainee, ~r per.sonally observed this ·conduct. OIGQ-005453 , " .. b. 0 L observed detalnee(s) In acond Itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred. 0 Oetainee(s) told me that this: conduct had ;occurred. d. 0 Q~hers' whC? observed thi$ cond u~t dE;scri~ed it to m~. :e. 0 r hav~ reJ~vant inf,ormaticm classified, Abov~, "SEc;RET". f~ 0 ~ never'observe,d this '(;pnquGt nQr heard 'about it from someone Who did. c. 'g'. Plec;l~e. provide th'e. Mpr~~im9te time Tr~'me 'during whi!=h this conU,u~t oCGutred. 000 Not Recall ,From (M/D/YYYY format or MjYYYY) to (MfDfYYYY format or Mf{YYY) h. The getafnee($) treqted in this way were. Jo.C'Cltefi at the time in; 1 0 Guantang'mb 20'lra;q 3.D :Afghan'ls,tan 4 0 Other Location ~ ,0 00, ~Qt R,~J! I: :Ple.ase,identlfYthe,derainee(s) by nam~ arid: niJmber:: M9st <IE?t~ine~s j, Plea$~ identify .the, p~r:sQri(s) Wlt0 tr¢at~'d'Jh'e.q~tain~~(s) in ~h'j~ m:anh~r~ InGludjng their 'riar.ile(s):~i1id,govemment'agelie;yCleS}, ' All . , . ' k, Please id.ehtlfy' ariY othe'r FBI p'erson'tiel or non"FBI ,p~ts6nnel Wtioobserv.ed detalnee{~). treateCl in this:manner, rncluding their name(s) and agency(ies) ~ : I~ TI1,is"coQdue:t 'Qccurr.ed in c<?nnectio]1 \A(itn:· 10 cOne detainee :2 :0 ·.$~v,~ri;ll,detaifl~f;.s'(2-4J 30 fVlany detainees. {more, than 4) ·40 Db NOt Recall m. PleaSe destribeth'e'natlife and ti.rtumsta·nte~ of the treatmeht Qr:a:ctiori, ~n my op'i,n(on,:a maj9r1W' of .th~ pet9 ine~? /1a'X~:experi~nced~ver~ ~9tfona' "91'" psy~holog i~ I traurn,a ·Qqe lQ their inq3rt;~P:ltidn n'9~ unllk~ other inmates excep.1: dlJ.e:~~ the ~ul~u~l.pifferen~s aJid Jack of but,~iQ¢ ¢ntaet this, t(auma is proba.blY more SE;vere, o iI perS0naJly observed. thfs.conduct. II >.observed·detaihe.e(s) ina ,cond ition that led me to believe that this' conduct had ~ccurred<. -b.Co o o 10etainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. ... a. -. .. " OIGQ-005454 .. o IOthers who observed this conduct described It to me. d. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SECRET". f. 0 r never obsE1rv~d thi.s 'cooduc! nor heard about it from ·sam eone wh9 qic\. e. Other treatment of.a: tlei:dinee that in yq!Jf qpinipn' wa~:qJnprQn cOercive/ abusive, or unlawful '63. 0 r: personally observed this ;conduct. b'. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In a .cond jfion that led ra~ me to believe that this conduct 'had occurred. o IDetajnee(s) tOI.d me that t~isCOl1ducthaddq;:urrec!.• C;:. (t 0 Ot~ers who ;0~seryeq ~~is Gqn.ductdescri~ed !t to m€:, e. 0 I haVe r~l~vcmt i.nforrn.a~iQn !;I<;l~slfied .above "$:EC'REf" i t .0 I never"o.bsJ~rv~,d. this;GOndu~t.nor heqrd apout it frpm'··Mm ebne Whp- Qid·. _-rtiti.'~~@@ _ 0 • .I. . • l] ,64" bid. YQu '9!J~rve any imper.s~nation of FBI personnel QY pnY9ne.dudng:~n interview or int~rrog,atio'n of 'a"detainee?' . . 0No .0 Yes· he or she had wi 'per'soh:nel iii connection with:a..detcHnee.·jntefV(ew or' jriterr.6:gatioh? ,65.. .old. any ·detairie:e: Q(QtherpersQn ,t¢1I 'You tbat· o No· o Yes '0'No ~66.. Ar~ Y9u aware of:anYC"sIH'lm" or Us~aged·.detaj.n~e:l!1t~rviews of'th~ LJ.;S,; CQ('Igr~s.s 0.)" their staff? . . 67--•. To Y01,Jr kqo1Nledg~~.did <:loy milit<:lry pr J'1te!.Iige.J;l.ce. persot\Qel.eyer d~n.y p~ d.el~y 'FB.I '?lC:c~ss ~o<a ~et;qlrtee ~he FBI wan1:\=d. to q!Je'stloh becau$e tl1e detainee had ,5\.1'$talned Inj!J rle'$ :after' he wa'? !=a'WJred? OY~s. .. . . ~ ~ .- ... .... ... .- ~N9 .. ~Wi;~:~t~l.i@_~h' ··o'~ ~~~~"l I] 1. :~~ <: ....••... .. ::', . :..... :'...;-:'. 6lf. Did you .ev.erend your participation in or observation of ad etainee interview:or interrogation • .beq~I,l~~.qf t~e inf~rvfew c;>r ihterrQggtiQIJ m~thod$ pefng u ~Jl?' OIGQ-005455 .0 Yes ~ No 69, Were. y.oo ever lqlg that'f1m~th~r Ff~I :empl<;>v;ee ended hi~ ~:>r p2i'rtk;lpatibri in dr' obs~rva.tibl1 o.f, a .detainee interyiew'or inj:erro.gatiol) pe~use'Qf the. interview 01" interr.ogation .n'i¢tl)o.QS beirig us.~d.?' O~ 0~' '>",. - 70'. Qu~jng any, 9fY9ur:oy~r$eps ·c!epIQyrne·nt? qr as.sig,nl1lent~. die! YO\J -r~portan.Y'.co.nce(ns r.egprding any _detaJn~¢'In,ervlew 41" Int~rr~9'qtIPI1 p-f9:.C!lces, .01" pther tYR~ {:>f <;Iet;:finee. treqtm~t, tp' ~n FB.! $up:~l.Vis9Y( o Yes. 0· No. 71. During "any:of your ov:~rseas'qepl()Yrnentsor ~ss[gnmentsrdid Y9u repor1; al)y,.con~er.l'!sregar.d~ng . c;l.ny·~·e~ajn~ interview .or interro.ggtJo(l prpq:ice'J) or Q~her tYP!3' ofd~tC!in~:tr~a.tJT!en~ Y9U Qb$.~rv..e9 i:?.f h~td a:bQut, tQ.~ ~uR.~ryi~Qr pr gJh~r riqn-FB·I p.el'sp.npt=1( . Q Ye~' 0 N.o 7Z. Have y.~u . been ordered or.directed not to report,or'discouraged Tn ,!nx-way from reporting,. o.bservations or allegations related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogatiQn actions 'or practic;~~f' .." . ,. . . . . . . . . . '. '. '. o Yfts' '0· No' 7~. Haye 'yon .experiehcea 'a hy 'actlJ~1. or thfeateh¢d :r~t~ii'~:tIOil: for reporting ~bse-rV~(idi1s\ of.detaineelreatment or intel¥iewor in'terrClgationactions or pracfices1 0.1e51 . .0 No tP' 74~ (Qp.tlonal} P.f~9:se prov!de ~nY' ~d.dlt19lJal ~omrnent~ regarding t~e reporting 'of q;)ll<';ern,s. [e!at~' i!Jt.~rv·iew 9.1' Iht.errl:i 99 t jql) t¢~J1nietL.Je~i· ~H~j:gn~ql) Pf:!il'C~rg~s,: Qf 9t.t'Jer :q~tajn~~ ~t.r;$?t.m~m,t;: There were many.dISCUSsI0·nS..eton'ci~rliln9, aI>pro'aches and roles of organlzatlons.dlirihg botn ~9\:1r~ at GTMi:;l, - mx FBI 'impersonation :.. I neard discussion that :7:60 .was fed to believe. he was dealing with my ~1·HJ~r\fisQr,g nw (Jep51.rt!Jre:. ~~ ... ~.~.~ . ',-'~ $". ~ ,7:5. Were'vqll de~i;!ef6:d r 9t.her·~h?!1 the ~a~signn'f~ht.cS) stemd~rQ de~rl~f in FD-i.12j: conc~rnlng you r qver§§tas or,pep!pyme,n1;(s)' .i=lfter you completed, .the ,depIQyment(s.) Qi' a·ss,ignment(s).?· o Yes' .. < .~ " ~ ' NO:. 76'.1l.dtlitional. Coniments·aifd RelidmmendatiQns,: I was- a 150. involved in'a pro.g ram whiCh· is- classified' bYl the'orig inating agency, (not FBI), a~ TS, -and 'is :~rth~r;GolTlpa'1mente4tc? .!e~el·that tan I1Qt be disclq~d. in thi~;f9[f)1~t: a OIGQ-005456