Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000276
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Department·QfJ"s,ti~.e Inspector Gen:eral ·Ques,ti.onnaire Re~ar.din·g Deta'in,e~5 D.01.-0IG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR.REVIEW.AND USE d'NLY BYINDIVIDVAL FBI RESPONDENTS " ., DO NOT FORWARD' OR DIs.sEMI~ATE- . QUESTIONNAIRE IP: test-O.O.OO.027.6; ,Asofihia l;:Ist time ;this' qlJes~i~nn~ir~ wa~ saV~dT $ome rl:!quire.d 'fields: havfa' nC?~ ~e~n ~Q.mple~ed. Pleas"~:r,eviewyour' resp.0hses. ''''''''.'' :".' .:.. :':-'" ~: ," , , ' . P¢r~o~;31 Information A.. Please provide' the folloWjn~ iriformation: '6 &.7C PER AGREEJV1E~iT 1. FirSt nani¢ i. Mi~Ale In!!.!?I: .~ &.7.(; PER A'GREEMENT 3i Last name~· 4.. Enter;ecf, b.fI Duty Date (EOD): 5: C)Jr'rent 'DlvlslqnlFi'eld Qffi~e: 6 & 7CPERAGREElfIJENT 6. & 7C :6 ~ ,7e Speelal A~J.ent 6.. ,Current Job title; ,1; Direct'dial office.telephone number: 6& 7C.PERAGREEJrlJENT ~ &..76. PER,AGREEMENT 8...FBI <;ell phone' num'oer: 9,: fBI pagen.lUmber~ 6. ~,:7C PERAGREEMENT io.. Be?t cQotact nUI)1~er for you~ 6 & lC PER AGREEMENt B. Background of Specific Deployments'or Assignments 11. At any tiitH~' after:Sep"tetiilier 11, 20,01:, did you s~rVe, a's a member of the U.S. Mmta'ry, or' as ah ,e:mploy~,or contractor of the FBI or any other government agency,. at Guantanamo BaYi CUba; Iraq; Afgh<;lni?; 'or in afeCls,~~:mtro".e9 J:nr·tt}e l..!.:s-. Militc!ry qr a U•.S. inteUig~.nce servjce it:r~QllfJ~9lon",,!ith t~e .91.\)bal w~r on J~rrqr? @,Yes 0 No 1,2.·. !=nter the number ,of times you, w.~r:~,d~pIQye.d or·assig ned to each pfthe,ioJl6wing [ctGa~i.ons. .(Guahtanaino Bay, Cuba;.lrciq.; Afghanistan;;or rn any areas controlled by:the.U..$'. Military ,Of a U.s., inteIlJg.enc:::~ serviC.e) :1, . For'each deployment or assignment .complefe the' following section•.", (sel~~ one) f· , ~G:uantan1:lriio .B'ciy. • . Dep,loyrmint; 'lir i1l!signrrierit'Jjeglln' ,~-il ~r: ilbollt . Deplo.Yri:i~nj: 9r i!.SSiQOI:l1Ilnt en,deil on. 03/27/2[503 06/12/2003 Or:ilbout, . . ~'I _ '.. ~ •••' • • • 12a. :W~at Was the '9 en:er:a I Ji~tu.r~ ~.n~ [?:l,l tp'd~e qf you r 'ass,ig tirn~Jjt. ahc! a!:tiVit i~s.? Conduct IntervieWs j 12b. Please provide the,names of the. specific.camps, basesr or facilities where you worked. fBI Offices and' Camp Deita ' ,i2t. NQi~: If infprm~:tiorr abolit a specific camp', ba$e, or'fc!dllty i$ da:ssifje~ :ab'b,Y~ SE:¢RET, please ch·etk.her~ Dr in YQl!f'anSWer yo!.! hav.e '(atl9i~io!1alinformation da!is,if1¢d 'above 'SECREf/\" and,. if you kridw, id,entifY'the.classificat'ion lev.el, tieketr ;compartment, program/.or,other design,ation that·?lPplies. ·to' the ·Informatlon. Do n~t in.elude- the :add (t)onal, clc)ssffied £nforf'!!.atron In :Y9ur ,that OIGQ-004898 i. questionnaire re·sponses.. OIG. personnel with the neces.sary dearance Will contact you to reteive Name Position it. b6 b7C I~~_--,..---,L---- -~'-'-- ~- --'~ --- ------ ~~~~ :"'_'-'-- -.---'--- -.,.'- --.- -- ---- -- ----. ~.12~. Old: Y-Q.U jointly' iOt1=r\(i¢vv pt iQ~¢tr9gate any with \loo-FaX p¢rS9nl}el? .: . "\.00, ....... __ -_~ _ _- _ : Witlnvhat . ' ..... _ _ ..... _ . _ _ .... _ _ ....... _ '_' _ _ .... _ _ .... 0.' Yes " - __ • ... _ 0 .. ,~ No. ~ ' -. '_ .... . - ... - . . . . . . _ ..... _. .... .... _ .... _ ..... _ kJnc!;; of t)on:-FBI personnel dj!J you w.orkjoint!y1· : 0 CITF " ;: 0' 'Other u.s. Mmtary :. Dl)~s. intelhgen:c~ t1g.eticy :; '0' F,orelg'nmiiltary or int~lIJgenc.e,a'gencY : 0 O.ther ' ., '.. '. '. ---------------~-----~-----------_._._----------------~_._----~-------) .:iif DTi'y~ujoi'ntly'pian -any. d~~ln-ee Irit~rview~orlnterr~gati0nStl-'ategv; ~F!3I personnel?' .It' -.-" '_...u ... ", _ _ ._.,.-,_'_ _ ':l-"_ ~ _ . _ _-_""",,,,,, _ .. o Yes ; ._ _• _ _ ........ _ '0 {-Jq - _ _ ...... ~. '\000 _'M _._~"" OblectiVe;;,·or'tactlcs""'wlttl non:--:· :; -_)ool.lOo"' _ _ ~ •• - ......_ _ 'l' )oo'_~: ,. With what kinds of non-FBI personnel did you .W,orkjoiritly? .: ,: 0 CITF .: ' ': 0' ':other U.S. f-ililitary ,: 0 U.S, lnt~l!igelJ(:'e agency ~ 0 'For:elg.n mJlltary qr i.nt~lligenC!= agenw: :: 0 O,the.r . ~ -. ::. : :. : : .: : : :: : :.: : :.: ::.:.::..: :~:.:: ::-: :.: : =: :: : ,: ::. ::.: : ::::-: .: :.:':::':::..: :: : :.: : :: :: : ~::!. ',129, Wer~Yoa ever6~h~rwl$e Invnlved In detalne.e .0 Int~~le.w? 0 orlnterrotJ,atlons with lion-FBI personngl)l :. ~. Yes Nd . -~--~~-----_._----------~------~-~~-------_._--------------------------- "lI' 1•.~'1'" m",,:;, ~l'aiN'~ .".'.'. ~ . _ , '. '" \ ~ ,. ,,'.;. " t' ,., A. Trainin.g Prior tQ,Ov~,r~ei;ls D~ployment or Ass.ignm~nt U. Did you receive any training/. in'stt,i1ctiQo( ot,guidahce overseas .d·eplbYnients o'j- assignments?' sp~ifically in:pteparation f.or atiy:6f your odo Not Recall OYes 14. In pr~palCltidri for a'ny' of your 6\/ers.eas dep!oym'eIits orassighment~,.,did you receive a'ny training, instrllCtion"or ,guidance ,cOhcernirig the standa'ras. of-cohduct ~'f)plicabJe to·'{he treatment, interv.iewr; or interrog..a tion ol"detainees by FBI personnel? . ~No 000 J\Jot·Rec~H OIGQ-004899 15. In preparction for any of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training, instructi.on, or gu rdan~ ,coO,ce,mlng the.,standar,d s 9f q)O~!Jc~ applrcabJe to !he treatmeJ1t, fhtervieW', or ilite[«:l~atjpn of detainees by: non'-FBI p'ers.onn¢i? OYes. ,ODQ NQt Recall 0No 1&, In. preparatiQ\lfor allY'of your oVerse?l~~ep.lQyments or ·C!s~jgnD1ents, (rid YOU' f:eceive any tralninQr instruetlDn~ ~r gUldc'in'C€ cOIl~emlng what you were'~,Uppp~d to cfq if you obstaryed orhearp a~Qut thetre.atrti¢rit, 'interVieW" Qr In.t¢rro-gatipn ,of deta( by FBI persoiln¢l, whi~h yQ:u b'eJi¢yeQ .to b-e rnappr6Jlr:iater il'nprofias'sionalr coercive{ ,abi.JsiVe t or: unlaWful? One> Not, Recall 17. In IJn,iparptip)1 for fll'iy'Qf ,yol:lr qV~lsea~ ~,~ployrt(el1ts or'ft~,~IQ yOl! receiVe ,any tl'ditiih'g, , instruction,. or ,gUidance concerning What "Iou Vier.e supposed to do ifybu obset\ieQ or:- heard -about the treafment; interview" or interrogatioi:t.of detaHl~es by non-F~I. personnel,.'which you 'beme-ved to be inappropriate, unprofE¥s~on~l, :coercixte, abu?iye~, Of ulJlaw,ful?' Dyes B. Trafriin9 During Over's,eas Deploym'ents or'Assi91'1'men}:s 18. During any of your,Dverseas,deployments or assignments, did you receive any·trcining; instruction; o.r gJJipance:coIlC~rn!n.9 the ,:jt~l)(;Lard5 .of,conOu.ct ,-applic~qle to tb~ tr~tm~ntj int¢rvIe\I\1" 'or (nterrollation Q.f d'etpiri~,~$ ,by: FBI I*rsonl1!!1? '~'Yes ONo PDp (\Jot R~call i8~, \iv.h~ prOV!9ed thTS: ttain)ng" il1;St'ructl,on"Qf;:lncei , ~u.perv!sory pers'Qnl1elas$,ig,ll~g'to,the',F~I/M,lIl\ary (0$1, NcrS) Int~rview t~m~ 18b. Briefly describe the substance of the trainif1gi instructions, or guidance provided to:yQu. r don't recall the 'specific Instrudio'iis; but We were, t6 'use normal interview techhiques that are legal under the' US- COnstitution. ' 't8t. WasariY of the training, instru.ctibh,·or gUjdante pRiVided in writing? OYi;lS '6J'~'9: .~ 09; Ngt f:(~~qll , 19~ :any ofY611r·ov~rseas·dep[6Yijients OJ as,signmeiits" did Yb.u I'eteiv.e any training, iiisUu,ctioni of conduct applicable to the treatment, iilterviewf..or interrq'g9tion 'of d~~ine'~? by non,.FBl p~r~or!nel? DUJjn~ 'Or ,guidance~concernin9the'standard's '~No ,20. During an'Y-:of your oyerseas,:depJoymel'ifs or assignments',.aid you hkeive ariy,trarnin~h'instru.ction, o:r:g,tild~nc~ conGern~ng Wh?ltyou we~e'suppo.~ed !o d.e'if YOl;l'c;>bserved ~r~tm~n~i int~ry'i~Wi. -orinterrpgatl9-r:l of 9~t~!ne~? or heard :?Qoyq\1~' by Fin pE~.rsonnel, whi~1) YQu Q~liev~c! to be ihap:prbp'~iate,.ul1prof~siohql,c6ercJv~,:,abl)SIv.~J 'or unl~WfUI?' OIGQ-004900 OYes .0Do !\Jot Recall ONo '21. During any .l:>fyCiur bverseas.deplovrnents or assignments, did you te¢eive 'any' r InstruCtion r or g.uiCIance'concerning what you were suppnsed to do If you 'observed or hear.d about the treatment r Intervlew,<or interrogatJo!y,of detplnees by non:-,FSI personnel, which' yol,J believed to lie inappropriate, l!liprofess.ibrial, coerch(e}"atiu.siYe, or .unJawf,-,l? . Ie. Adequacy of Trai'ning. . .. '-' 22.·1n you(oploionr'did, you receiv.e ,adequate tralnihg r Instruetionr,or,guldan<:e relating to 'standards of conduct ~y FBI and non-FBI personnel relating to'tr.eatmenti'interview! or interrogation of :detainees priqr ~<? 'your' depjoymen.t ...: "': ~ yes cp. No 23'.Iri youI:' opini()l1; .dj~ y,ou r;eceive ·C!P~.fI)Ja\e tra,iniilg" fii~rti~t'iO.O, br gl)itlap'ce relating to st~inq.ards' .of conduct 0'1 FBlahd noli;.,FBI pers.Onn~el relatirig to treatment, interviewr..'or inter.i:Og·ation.of .detalnees 'durlng your deployment oFasslgmnent? o y.~ 0 . " NQ i4.1n your opinion, did' you receive adequate trainin£!, instruction r or guidance concerning what you wer~ ~UPP~$~Q .t? 'PC! if y'OIJ obs~rye.d or h~~rg ab0,ut the ~r~.;:ltrn~ri~fint~.rvi!?\-y, q~ IntE)rrqgatjgn 'of 'd~tqineesr I;J.yFBI or n91J-FI;}I persoonel, that Yo,u believecl Wa~ ·inappropriate,· u nprofessiqhal, ,¢oerciv~,. aDusiv~1 or unia'(J.flJl? ' ' ~'Y~ 0 No 25'. (Optional) In wl'icit ways din tile FBI irhprovE'traiilin9 on·this.subJ,~d:for'Jutur.eaeploymentsor; assignments? , - r don't reea!l the '5pecl(l~s o~ tn8- brief/I'm" .butt. do kl}ow L~a,!l~ed-~Y'J~y frQrn, t!1e' briefing Wj~.tlOlJt~ny: t9Jlcerns -of what t.(;l qp sho,l!ld ~ en~Ull,t¢r arf'unexpecteP 'or cqn.cerning!.l9ti6rk I tl)'Qught the l:5.ri~fin.g . . o.n th'e first .d<;ly' heneflclal. 26, Plea5e,proyid~,any 'g9dftio:nal.infaQTlatiqn, c;onGernjrm i:,raI':lirg fqr overs~~ gepllilymenl:s q>r a~s ig nrT!~nts_ pf fBI (:lerson! P~lie.v~ i~ reJev~nt. . :(n~roductipn to Part Il~.: In this section. we'·are se~klng InformatlO'1 regar.dln,g, a If.{lde range of· iiJ,terview 'Or intetrpgi;ltidn'5 and -other or .detajn~e treg~m.ent alleg"eq to h'av~ QC~u.t(ed. Ypl,J $.hO.ul~ ,n9~"<'Is'~~'mer"jI,lst'b'eC~.use 'l.(e_~r~:Cl$king :<:!~!=il.!t a P~lrtlt:ul",r te.chnlq\le,qr prcf¢tici;Jr thflt'We h:~Ve concluded that it iii' fact occurred. We retog:nize that. some of these techiiiq'ues,or practices may, at times OIGQ-004901 'be necessqry for safety. and security In a·detention setti'ng. II) add)tio.ITr we reeo gniz.e that.solJl~ of'these :technlqlJ~ Qt: practic~may'.h~ye be~ri a:u!.horize.Q for u'~~ by IT]i1it9ry ~r o~her'g ~'{e:rnrrie.nt p~rsonnel. With respect to .eacli identified techn~q(Je" p'ractlcef.,or·fyp.e.of c::ondatt.C1escrib.ed oelQw, vie are seekil)g in'torrnation about its occurrence :during or' in .connection· with the interview or interrogation of a ·,c:le~~ineer.'or.~uring th~'de~e!1ti.on:of·a~~taine.eb~v~nd wh~t is;ne~ded f qr si:lfety ,an9's¢c;.urity. In' ,that :tPJit~T we. will ~!1.~ Y9lJ t,q te.lJ !J5 wh~ther a,lie. 'Qr' m:Qr¢, bfth.e fblldWin~ c;5! Clr~ .true: 1. I personally obser\fM L,. 1.. r obsented detainee(s) in a condition that led' me to believe that :this. con duct had ·occurred. IDetain~(~) tqlq TT}~ th~~ thl~'q?n9!!cr h~d ocp,Jrre~. Others wQ.P .Qb'$.erve·d. ,this G.O'f.lcllJ~t .de!icrif?ed it .to m.e. 5, I.haye releva'n~: iritp.rm~.ti.Qn c1assifiE;<;I cibbve,"SECRET", 6. I never observed this conduct nor heard ab6ut:it from ·someone'who·did. 4: :2:J,. Depriving.? (1~t~ine~, l;>ffqqtl .Pi- wat~r a, 0 I per.san·af!Y·i:ibs~rVeCi this tonduet. 0 r 6b~rv'ed,detalnee(s).I1i 'a.condlt10n tHat led 'mEHo belJe'le thanhis co nducr. had ,oG.CUrred .. c. 0 'D'e:tairllie(s) told me thatthis coriQutt had occurred. d. 0 Others' Who observed this conduCt described it to 'me. b. e. o II. hav.e relevant' information classified abov.e !'SECREf'I., f: 0' II never observed this . conduct nor heard aboubt from someone'wh@ did '~~_- t U_" '2~. D~priving.<3 d~talnee' ~:ifclothing " .a. D I per.sonany bbservecf this cotH:lutt. t p. 0 r observed de.tainee(s). in ,a '.~bliditH:m that led me: to b~\i~veJhat thi~ co, o. o iD.7talnee(s) told me that t~l1dtict hadiOcC(frred. ..4......... __ d. 0 Others who bbseniea this conduetdescriD.ed it to' me. e. f. tI I have relevant it1fomiation G1i:issified abov.e \'SECREf". o II. never observed' thls:cQnduct nor heard 'about it from someone who. dId .2-9;. Depriving'p tiefainee of-sleep, PI' interrupting 'sleep: by fr~u'enf..t:ellrelotatl ·: a, 0 I persdnally db.$erved t.fiis $:onOu.c.t. b,. 0 r obseryetl d¢taine~.cs} i1l;a condlti9rl that I~ me, to believe tha,nhis Co ndw;:t hQ,d o,tcurr~d. .. .. ,. OIGQ-004902 . 'Detalnee(s) told me that this-conduct had o,ccurred. ,. c. o d. 0 e. 0 , Others, who observed this cond uct described it to me; r have relevt;\,nt, informCltion <:I~s?ifi~ Cll?ove "'SE¢R!=T'J,. 'to ~ I nev~r ob?!3rvep this .eol)~M~t"norhea.rd 'about it frQITl sQlJ1eQne'whp. c!ld. 3Q. B~ating q ~etaJn~ 0 I perSOnal~y 6bserv,ed this eondtt Ct. b. 0 I,observed detalne.e(s) in a ¢;6.ndltion that led me to believe that this' conduct had i:lcdlrred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 Others who obseJ1led this mndl:lct describeiJ It to me. 'e. 0 I: hcw~ releyal1t rnform~~i<?D 'clas~r~i~<;I above II·SEGRET"~. f. 0" t n~y'~ro.l>s~rved thr~tcondu~~ t10r' h~.rd ·abpu~, it fn;>1')1 s<qrrr~~me w~o ~i~. a. ,a. o !I, per.sonally.obs~rvE!d lb~ 0 i 'observed c. ·d. thls'~,oJidUct. oetainee(s) in chCOnd itioh that led me'to. befieve thaUhis conduct had occ'iirred. o iOetainee.(s)-fold me that'this cendilct had .occurred. o 'others who observed this conduct-describea it tome. relevant information classified -abo,ve '!SECRET"·. -e.f. -0IiI' II have never o,bseryed thfs"canduct nor h!=ard "about it from sqm,eone. Who did. 31~ Using hand?~ YQpe, dr';:)nythlng else tp c.noke .qr strang,le a ge.tainee' a. lb" It; 0 0 I personally obserVed thi's =cofii:l'uct. I.bbserved detairiee('s): In a,condition that led me to belieVe that this co'nduct haCl occurred. o ,Detainee(s) told metha't this conduct hadoccufred. d', otherS: who observed 'this conati~t des(;:ribetl if to e. I have relevant information classified abov.e !!SECREr". 0 0 t IiI me. I, I)ev,er'obsefl.!eq thfs:colJd.u~t 'nor hecl~d ab0l!t it from:somepn~wh9 did. OIGQ-004903 33. Threatenihgother action to ,cause e.b.Y.sical pa'in, injury', disfi9urenie'nt,.brdeath a. D I personally observed tliis:eonduct. b. 0 , Lobserved detainee{s} in ,a,condJtioh. that led me to believe that"this condu'ct had occurred. c- D IDetainee(s)'told me that this. conduct had ,occurred. d. e., D 0 Others Wh0 observ.ed this conduGtdescribed it to me. r: l1ave relevant information dasslf~~ ~~ov~: "S:ECREP'\ f, 1tJ r neverobserved thIs conduct nor heard 'about it from , .' _~.' , - '> ' •• '. _ T ' > • .' ~ someone who did. " • "'" ' '. 34, Otber treq~ment or action ~usjhg :Slgnlfi,caot p:hysiqll pa'in or !njl.!r{r:or causjngdi5fj1lur~mentor ,d¢';1tn' , a. 0 L personally observed this 'conduct. b; G. d. ..:... '~., D 0 I'observ.ed det~lnee.cs) In acond'itiotl that-led lJl~ to believe that this conduct nac! '9ccurre.d. Detainee.(s} told me that this concl,uet h~~ ;Qccurred,. o,.i~thers ~h9 ol;l!~~f.V!=~ ,~l)<d~~L~~ i~ .~q ITl~· o !I hav,~ ' !nforl1latlon I;:la'!?s.lfi,ep C!~:rove: !·SEc;RE"rJ·. f. 0' II never observed ... this canduct nbr heard it from sQrneone:WhQ did •. 35. pi~iciilg'a detainee"pn (j ,not surface. or b:llrfling '(j detainee D I personally observed this. conduct. h, 0 I 'observed detainee(s) In a:condition that lect me to believe thatthis conduct 1;: 0 Detajnee(s) tQld 'm~ tnat this: conquc~ h,ad :osl;:ur.reQ: d: D ptbers who obsery~ t~is cO,nd1!ct rte~CJib~ i~ t,o J11e. a~ ,e. o ~r. have relevant inrormatio,n ~las$lfie,d a,l;>'9v~ .i$,ECR'ET". f. 1tJ I n~ver observed thiS .cPlJPuet nor he,an;l :aRQut it from'~qrn~on~'w,hQ'did. had OCGurred., - 36. lJ$lrlg .shaCkles or a.ther restraii)~~;,jri a' p,rolol'{ged matm¢r' ~0 II persOnally observed this ~Gonduct. OIGQ-004904 .~. 0 r observed detaI~ee(s} In a c~'nd Itl;n that led me to believe that this. conduct had :occ~~ 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conguct had ·occurred. d. 0 Others whl? observed this cQnductdescribed !t to m~; e. 0 I have relevant Infdrmatlon t1a~sifl.ed ~bove. !·SECRET"., f. Itf I.·ob~rVed this<cj:Jn.duct.nor h~r.9 'about it fraIT) sOn1eone:w~p c. did. a. 0 I bi q Lobserved detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to' believe that this conduct had :occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurr.ed. personally observed thiscohduet. t;!. 0 b~bers' who obseryed ~nis eonduct de~~riQed it to Il).~; I.l1qv.~ r~l~va.nt. information c!a's~ifJ~g :a P.9Y~ "S:~C~''''' 8! 0 r: o ,I nevlar <?~s.erv.ed thj's:c<?l'!~f~,cJ nqr .hea~d :~p'ouJ It.'from;~meonewho ald.' 'a. 0, 'f persbnally· observed this..cQnduCt. 0 tobserVed defainee'(s} in '~I",c6ndition b. that led me'to believe that thiS cOhduct had .0ectlrreti. d. o IDetainee{s) told me that thiS' condud had :occurred. o :o.thers who obsel1fed this conduct described it to me~ e. o 11 havereleYiilnt inform~tion c1assifted ClbQve: "SECREP\ c, t I o II nev.~r o~bserve-q thiS ~onO}:lct nor h~rd :ab.0l!t it from, ~meonewtlO did. 39, Using e:lel:trical' sho~k on a l1etainee a. .b. c; .d. 0 I per.sonally oDserv.ed this conduct. 0 I observed detainee(s). in a'condition that led me to. belieVe tha~ this cbndiJct had ,occurred. o !oetaihee(s}tola me that this conduct had ,occurred. o lOthers who observed .thIs conduct d'es,crlbed It to me: 0 I, h~.v,e rele~ant fnJ:orfTIati~n, dassifi~g CJPoIJe '!SECRET''', f. 0 I lJev~robs~r\led thiS t:9nduct nor ~eq~d 'abou~. i~ fram.sorT)eo,ne who d!q. '~I - OIGQ-004905 4.0. Thr.e.atening to use electi"icaJ sfio.ck4n a detajne~ 0 I personally observed this 'conduct. 0 rob~IV~d ·d.~tgirr~~ts) jn 'a'c::~nd jtiQn thqt, Ie<! ,me to' be!1~ye that ~hi.s c:;ond.\lQ: bad o'c<;urred. c. 0 Detaine-e(s) tol9 me that this conquct hap occurreq. a.. b; d. 0 Others who observed t.hl$ C:dn~~c;t described It to' m~, ~ 0 I' ha\l,e relevant fnformatioh' j:las'siffed above. "SECRET"', f. 1£:1 r Ii¢~er ob~rv~d·this,conduct n9r'h~r(H3b9ljJ itfr6m,sofne3mewh9: d.i'd,·delaYin'g ,01' denying medical Garoe ·a. b;· 0 r p~rsonalJY 9b~rved 'tll1.s ·conduct. 0 I ,oQSl=t:Ved peJ~ine€(s) in cl'C::phd ition' ~b~t led m~ to b~lieve thc;ltthis con.duct had 'oc<;:urrer:L c" D. De~.a.inee(s) toJ~.rn~ that this c:onduc;t h9,Q loc;curr~. Q.I o JOthers whp. '9bsery~d this, GPndLlCt·d'¢.scrib¢d it t(), rn~. ~. 0 f f. h~ve reJevant j'nfbr!1JCJ,tion' J:;lassified c1Q'c5V€ I~SECJ~:ET"'. o iI 6:Qser\fe'd this:;c6nduc.t i'iQr h¢ard ,abput,!t from sQrTreoneWho., did.. 4,2. 'Hooding or bllri'dfolding a ,detainee' other ,than during transpOrtation, 0 'r personally'observed'this:conduct. , , b', 0 l observed, det(;llhee(s) In a'cond'ltiQ n' thElt: led !ile' to' bel!ev~ th~t thIs cond,uct' h13d occurred. ,c- O '(j~~~in~I=-(~) told rpe that .thiS' conduct ~ad oc~urreq" g, 0 ,C)thers. who ob$erve,d ,t\1is con9u:ct d.~~~riQeQ ittg m~. eO, 0 r ha"e relevant lDfbrmatlpri <;:Iassitletl ~~pVe ":SECRET'!', f. Ii:! r- o,psen(erl' this conp!Jc,t nor h~r.d ~bQut it frOTTi, sqmeon¢ whc)' ~l,d. \a. .. ' , -43:. SU,bjecting a ,detain...E$ toelrtteriielY c,old ,or ~t room te,mperatures for extentled pe:ribds fiTQJr personally observed this:conduct. OIGQ-004906 ------------------.---~-,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _1 .. .. .. b. IiI' I observed detalnee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ·occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. .d. 0 Qther?- wh0 observed this conduct desc;:riqed .it to me; e:. 0 I h~v~ relevant Information classified ~ibov~. "SECRET". t- O I o6serve~ thi~ 'cQnduGt .norhearp 'abqut it froIT) sQm~olle:who dJd. g. Pi~a~e. p'"r~Yide the ~pp.r~kimate time fr~me 'durfrlg wM:h this C:onll,l;l~J dcGl:frr$:!. From .0,3127/2003, to Op(lY2003' ODo Not Recall h. The detaioee(~) tre~ted io 'Ws way w.ere Jp,l;:qtep at ,th,e .tIm'e i,n: 1 0' 2 P .Ira,q: 3D,Afgha'nistah 't!- 0 other Location ? q 00 ~ot ~eq31l i: PleaseJdentify the detainee(s) by name and, number:: Lhave DO idea. iVly OS1 'p'artn~r V{alkeg into"an pbserv9tion roqrn t<;rgeta chaif,an~ C(~I!ed me '!'1~Q . th~' rpQrn", He PQli1tE;9 put .th?lt:the()l;r~¢lYa.tio:n<wJn9QW hap c:ongel)satkm Qn ILcln'9 the' Wirtdpw felt Warm. IdQ n:ot know what the ,temj:ierature Wa~, Jt1 th~ r9Qm :ari'p if it W?lS hqt, ,but ,the a'P.P:e~.raJi~e .a'ntl ,touCh ,of thewindbw lrjditated the thermostat may have been·abov.e nortrialforthe t:ddrii. An unkno.wn'detainee was sitting, on ,a chair in the room"secured to, the' f1Qor and possiblY the, ha nds ~itt') p, b,ellY chain, I qp pqt know ~he de:t~~flee~ i$~ n\.IJJlber Of nan:ie: ' j .Plea·s.e identify' the' per$oli(s) w,hP treated' the dlataineg{~) In t.his: rti~mner, irl'~ll.rd fng th.eir riame(.s) .and '}: , Wrtkr)o.'t'Jn. The glla.rd.$ a~vi~ed h'~ ha.d, been, i,n, the rqQllJ yJh~n ~hey '~arT1e Oil shift b,ut'I don!t ~now' when they .~tGlrte<!., The'tirng:wO'uld b<~ve peen ~etw~n 7'::90 a.m. a,nd 7::4~ a.m. k., p'lease'i.dentlfy ?lnyother FBl p,erS9nl1~1 or n~n-FBI per~onn,el.wh0'Q\:>~rved ~~taine~(s).t~eqt~tf 6'~;t manner+ Inf'~<;IJ[1g th~lr nC!m~(s) and :ager'lc.y(les): ' b6 b7C I., This .conClucl: o~curred' in connedion.with: '1 0 :Ohe detain~ 2 d'Several detainees (2-41 ~:O Many del:?1ine~s '{rT)or~' than '41 40 Dp Npt m. ~~c;all (Optional) Ple.;l§€. describe theTelevant drc.umstances in more detail:, ' 44. Sl)l;>jecting: 1:1 p~tairiee to loud EI 0 II' music personally o'bserved thls.cotldLict. OIGQ-004907 ... , ,. , " , D I observed detainee(s) In a ,cond Itlon that led me to. bellev.e that this conduct had ·occurred. c. D Detainee(s}told me that this conduct had :occurred. d., D !others' who observed t~i? eond uct described it to m~ ~. D ( have reJ~yaDt information dassifled cfbov~ "SECRET". f. 0 I·obs.ervt;9 this'conduct nqr h~r.~·abQutitJrom sqrrleol1e:who d,id. b. ·4S. SU Qjecting a detainee, to 'bri9 ht flp~hln.9..J!9.,;.;.ht.;;.;;s;...b;;.;;r-,Q:;.;;a",,-.r~~n..;;.;'J=;;.;;'s..;;;.s _ D II persOnally observed this conduct. b. D I observed .detainee(s) in a'cond ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ~occurred. ,c. 0, Detainee(s) told me thatthis conduct had occurred. QI D O~~ers whQ :obser.v~d t~is c0n~ucr~e~cribe9 it t<;> lTJ.e ~: D 1.hi?:y.~ re~evant rnformation c!as~rfJe.c;t 9,I?OY~ 1!5.t;CR:E['\ 't: 0' I never ,ob~erv.e:d. tht~ u,ct 1191:' hea r:.d ;a ~Ql!.t It frpm ~meon~ who ~lI.d,. a. 46. ISblatiiig a' detciiliee for ,a n ex;t.end,~d rJerio:d, D, i perSonally, observed. this condue;t. b. D !robserved deh:iinee(s} in :a·cdnd ition that led me to believe thanhis eonduct had :b,cc'urred. c, 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct- had :occurred. d. \i1' 'nthers who observed this cond uct described it to me~ 'e. 0 I have relevant i'nformation dassrfi~d above "-SECRET'''. f: D I never o.bserveq thiS ,conduct n()r h~rd ,abQut i~ f.rom sor:T)eonewho ~·id. a. 'g.. PI~ase: p,rov/de lh~ appro~iniat~ time frgrhe 9urtng wfikh thf~' c.OridQet pC!:::.l1'rr,ed. F(om .0.3127../2003 to 06/11/2003 . 00:0 Not Retail , h. The detainee{!?1 tr:eat,e,~ in 'thi.s. way w~r~ Iqtated at the time in: 1 '0 Guantanamo 20Jraq gO Afghabistan -4 D. Other Locatibn ~ 0 QO'Not Recall i. Pleas~,:idelitify thMlefaihee(s) bynarhe arid number: , OIGQ-004908 Unknown j. Please. Identify the. person(s) who treated the detalnee(s:) In this manner,.lndudlng their namets) am( governm'~nt-,a'genpy(ies):' ' , UnknoWn k;, PleaS¢ identify a:IJY other FBI p,~rsonn~' pr o~m-FBI personnel who Qbserv.e~, detain~e(s) tJ:~ted it14hlstnanner irlcllldiOl their name'(s) and :a~eriG'l(ies):' S FBI ,I.: This con!Juct -occurred in ,conn~ctf(:m with:, i ,0 One detainee 2 Q 'Severa'J detain.e~s (2-4) 3 0 Mi;lnY :c;letainees (ITJ~r~ than' 4) 4 Q D.o Not ReCCll1 b6 b7C '~A1 lad.visee! 'a de~.ainee: ht= was In,tefvlewing :whc;r ma:de JIi~ l:I¢cisiQn ~o, plate t.!iis (1~!ain'e~ in ispl.~tipn'. -47. UsJng duet tape. to, r,e,st,raln, gag', or puni$h? a. b, fe. ~d, e. f. a. b', t. was p~f it:) lsQIQ~ioo. t 99 nQt!<nQw. d~talrjee o I ~r,i30nally, observed this conduct. o !L:observed ,detai~¢e(s) II" acbnditlon that led me to bel.leVe thatthls condUct had occurr:etl. 0' Detainee(s:) fold me that this conduct had ;ocClirred. 0 Otlie'rs who obserited this eanduct'oeSGfibed if to me., 0 r have releVant lrifohiiatl6rr ·classified abov,e "SECRET'!. lil I neverobser:ved this,conduct nor heard abQut i't from'someone-who did. o II pers6n~11y'obs~rVed thi~Lcbi1duc.i. o Ir OIiSEfrYed,detain¢e(s} in a ~.¢o·liditi6h that i¢d 'me to b~fieve that tbis corlduct hM 'oc~u:rrea. o IDetalnee(s) told me tnat this, conduCt had -occurred" d. 0lothei"s' who ob.served this Goriduct described it to me, !I have ''relevant information Classified Do~ie "SECREt!'. ,e', f. o a [] II neVer observed, thls.c0Muct nor' heard 'ab' from,someone who d'id. OIGQ-004909 g. Please provkl.;:: t.he approxi'Tlate time frame c;!uring. which t,his' conduct·ocrurred. Dna Not R~li Frdm0;3/27j2003. to 06/ft/2003 h. The detafnee(s) treated jn this way were located at the time In: 10 .. '" . , .. " . Gu<;m~~n~~~ 2: 0 Iraq ~ D.Afghanistan 4- 0 other Location 50 DEt Not. ReCall . I.· PI~s¢'fde:ntlfythe JI~taln~(s) I:JY ·name ah<f nllrnb~.: Unknown - . j. Pleas~ i~entify th.e.m;q;on(s) who. tJ.-eate~ th~detaineet{i) in 'th~fI:l~nnerT fndljdJlJg t~eir nam(:{s),~ntl g9vetnmeli.t·~!:l~r(cy(ie$I: US.AnnY' g u a r d s ' lq. Please: ideh~ifv.artY'6t.her· FBl p~rsonnel ar nonpF.BI 'per'Siorn',1;!! Wh.Q In,_ iritludlng th@r oa(f.l~fs) antl-~9eriCy{~-s): observed . d¢.taioee(s) treat~d .. I. T.hiS':CcinoUd Occurted in Connection Witli~ t () One detainee '1..0 ;Several detainees (2-4) ~ '0 M~ny ~~Inees (mor~ttlC!!14l '40 qp NQtRe~1I m. {,Optional} Please desGribe the relevant cirGumstances in moredetail: ~'ERf'" teamS', whlclrwere men in padded, protected ~i~s C}!1d p~ded: shields t9,physi¥,I!Y: r~lJlo\'~ uncQoperat.iye;d~t~il)e~ ~hen they r.e:ftJ9ed to' It is: my understanding the-US-Army used I~'ile their' tell. for .seqrches or other legitimi;lte meanS!., I was ::nlv.i5ed these inCfdents-were' video f6f~ and' C\bU~:did N,OTOcclir;.' . . , " " , :. '" 'Ulpe-d "to ddc;u_m_eAt.that.~t~_sive ."military working dbg on .. Qr near a detainee other Ulah "durin~ 'deta-ine:e tr::insportation 49> Using . a. o ;.! persohally--ol1serv.eO this 'conduct, b. 0 I obserVed detainee(s) in a corldition-that led me to. belieVe tnat this cwndud c. 0 Defalnee(s) tcild .me that this cond o<::t had o.ccurred. d. 0 Others who observed thiS condblct described it to me. e.. 0 I have relevant information classified -above "SECRET". f. liZ! had .oOCu'rred. r: n,ever opserved ~hfs 'O?nduct nor neqrd q:bout-I~ "trom SQmeon.~ who. did. . ,"' OIGQ-004910 50. Threateiili19 to Use militaty working, d09~s...;t);;;.;n:..;o~r...;n.;;;:e;;:;a~r..;;:a~.d;..;e~t<;,l~i;.;.rie,;;,;e::..:, _ a. d I personally observed this.conduct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In a'cood ition that led me to believe thatthls conduct had ,occurred. 0 c.. 1 Qetainee(s) 1pld me. that t~is conduct had ·occurred. o \Others whQ obsefV~tj Ws conauct describe9 it t9 m~; o II. hav~ relevant inrormatj<)n classified a!?'ove "SECRET". o t neVer obs,ervep thIs 'conduct nQr heard abollt it from sqmeone'who did. 'd. e" t a. D o b., jI perSonally observ.ed this ,condod. !I observeddetafnee(s) in 'a ,c;o.nd ition that led 'me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. [j !Detalnee(s) told me that this condud: had :occurred'. ,d. ,eo D !Other.s, who observed this cend.uct des,cribed it to' me., oil' h~v~ relevqnt-l~fqrm~~iQn c1~s;ified. abQ~e "$-EC~Er'!., - -- 1 ~ II nev~ro,b~l.:!'r~ed thlsiconduc;t.nor h~rd,Clbout ItJrorn somebne:who dip. 52. thteaten'ing tQ ,use:'sljiCfers, ,sc,orplorfs, .snakes, or 'a hi r.n;:t is. on a deta'ine,e r;- 0 II pef:S'inalfy dbseTiJed this ·coi1ducit. Ib·. j d II observed detaine,e(s) In a \condition that/ect me to: believe that this ddnduet had .occurred., , c.l 0 IDetainee(s}told me that this conduct had occurred. leI.! 0 lathers who .o.bsent~q this condl,l~t described It to ' m~. 'e. o It. ~av,e relevant lnfonJl,qtipo dassif,ie,d ~bove liS-EGREt"', f. 0' ;J.n~yer:opp.e!ye~th!~'~91}94§tfl~r hearq ,?b~ut'it.frolT! S9rt!¢Qne:whp, 53. Oisre?pec.tfu1 ~tat$rrie.nts--. handling, or'aj:tiqns fnv01ving the: Koran a. q I personally observed mls conduct. b. 0 I observed detainee(~) in a .cond irian that led 'me to believe that'this conduct had .occurred. c Ii1 iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. d Others who observed this conduct described it to: me. OIGQ-0049 11 , , 'e. 0 I have relevant InformatIon classIfIed f: 0 above ·~SECRET",. I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone, who'did. g, Pleas-e prQyide th'e ~PPfQXimat!= t.ime'frame dl.!r!ng which ~f:lis <;ondutt'occurred, F~dm'03!27/2003 t9 0.6/11/2Q0.3 OD,D Not lie,call h. Tb~ det?lineef!?l trt?3t~ in thi!:! w;;J,y were IOql~ed at thE! time in: i ,0 Guantanpmo 20 I~q ~ D Afghanistan 0 50 ,4 O~her LocatiQn Do Not Recall the detainee's) by miliie arid ri'umber~' ,Detafriee'lSN 682'(1 ~dviSed that',guards had 'drsrespe£ted the Koran by the ,way : !:p,e ~an,dled the Koran.fi82 ~Iso ~dvised. it was dfsres~ctfut. for'?,' ITon Musli,m to' fTaf1~Ie;, the , K9ra~n: ,i., Please:'identifY j, ,Please. identify:.the p,eF~ri(s) Who treated the detainee(s) In this mafll'~t;, iii¢luClihQ their b6 name(s) and government.<lgency,{iesl: dO' ri,Ot ~f,lPW if\,treategci d,etafnee'.by dr~respetting tDe.l~Q@n, 1:t9WeYefT' if it is . ,disr~spe:Gtfu I for;:l Qod Mus,lill'H6 hal1~ Ie toe ,K;o,f!3n l I;wQuld irn<:\g ine the;tt it is. possi~le a nQn-' , Mu,s.lilil ,may have pQ'ssed the Kdran~ o!Jt to ,d~ain~es, b7C r ,It PJ,eCl5e i~enJify ~ny qther Ffl~ rierson,nel or n9.n:-F,~I 'personnel :whQ ,g~.sery~~ ~~tafne,e(s) t(~ted in this: manner, iriduding lJiei'r narTie(s) and agenty'(ies):, ' I IQ~I' , , !.'1h,is conquct'oeculTed fl1 cOl1nectron with:, : ~ 0 9,~~a!lJ~e 2; Q ,s.ev.~~ar detaihee~ l~-4). ;3, 0 M~riY ,~~tafne~s, (mot~ than, 4} '4,0 Do Not Recall 54, .5:halling 'a detainee's facial or other hair-ta 'embarrass or'humiliate a detai'nee ." a. Q. o t observed·qetainee(sj in 'cr:tondltlon that, led me to QelleYe tb;:lfthis cond,utt ha,Q 'O(;;,~utrea. c. o 'Q$,t9inee,(s) toll,i me that thi~ GOn9u~t had O'¢<;WFe.d., ,~. t¢.· I OIGQ-004912 IT] 0 II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from 'someone who. did. g. please provide th~ appro?<i.m~te time fr!:lme durIng. wjli<;:.h this q>nducto<;:curred. fr9m: Q3/27J2003 Jo 06/li/i063.· . DDo Not Recall h. Tpe .detain~e{.sJ treated in Ws way were !Qcated at the tlm~ 'In: .1, 0 '<?uantanamo ' 2 t1Iraq 3, 0 Afg h9n)st9n 4 'DOther Lo.cation 5 D 00 Not Recall I. PI8aSel'dentl I5N ,682 fv the det;:lln1~~)'by name and. riumb~r.~ j. Jile~s~ ic;l:entjfy the ,person.{,s) whq :treate~ the detainee(~) in tbis mqnn~r.i inclu~Jng their b6 b7C .name(.s) and go\terrfm'elJt .agen~(ies1: Ld6 not Know ifa. uetaihee. wa's treated in tHis manner: ~. 'Please. identify a'ny~ot,h~\=f FBI. p-er'sonnel or nQn-F,BI Pet~onr'ieIWIiQ:o~¥rveq t1~ta(n~~Js). treat$i In .thls.rtianher,.Iri'dudlng their name(s) ,aridqgency'(le's')~ ,. I pSI . . " . .r. This'conduct ocqmeq in '(;onDection with:· 1 0 'ql)~ d~fainee Z ~ $eye'rCfl (24J 3. q Many detah'1ees (morejiian 4)4..0 Db, Not Recall . [)etailJ~·6:&2aSlvise.d gUqrds \'{~r¢.' shavjt;l9 half p'f some d,etainees b~ar(ts to' emb,arraS,? them., r did. not 'se~ .evldenc;;e onhis. H.Qw,everT w.hen a nE)W ·arrivalof .~tetaJne~ a.rriyed r. the, deta inee. I interviewed./I .don't n~ciall the rlumbef{name; appeared haVe a fe:c¢nt!y shaved head• to .5.5. Ria~ing'a woman's'C1Qthing on:adetaine~ !r. p.ersonally' observed this 'c;onduct. a; D b. o II'observed detainee(s} in a cOAd itioD that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. D. !D'~talnee(~) told me that tt1.lS' conduct h~q !occu~red. d. D Ibthers who .observed this condu.Gt descriQed it t9 me; e. D !I have rel~v~!1~ rl)f<\>rma~fon da$$ifi,es:t _al?Qv~' "$ECRj:T~!; <:;; f: ItT !I PPsE;rved this c~nduct nor h~rd ,abpu! it frpm $omeon~·Who..dip. OIGQ-004913 56. Touching a. b, ·c. d. e. f. a detainee or actin'g toWa'rd a d'etaiilee in'a sexual 'manner 0 I personally observeq this :cqnduct. D f:obse{yed. d.etql"n:ee(;=;) in a'CQhcjitjon thaJ le<l me to belieye tha.t this conduc;.t h<:ld ·o!ZeulTed. 0 D~taine~(s) that thistondu~t hap ,occurred. 0 Others who observed this. c'onOJ.lct deScribed It to'me:. D. !I' hp,ve relev~nt information' :clas'sifie:d aboVe IIS,ECREr'. 0 I n'ev,er o,b~rve(f this. conduct rior"h!=i3rd ·abOlJ.t it from so!'ilepne whO' ~Jd: 57. 'Hold iii,!:! defainee(s) wHo Were not offici;aUy-ackIioWleaged. or reg'istered as such B.y the ;a~,ency detaining the person. ' . ' . ' 0 I p.erson1;lflycC>.bS€ilYed. this cOijpuct. Q, 0 t 9P,?~rve.d ,dE;!~lhe~(s)'lrr.~ ¢e>.nd itipri that 1$:1 ni~, to ~e[jeV$ that ~hiS: ~Orid.u~t.hi3.d oc;:q.frred.. !=: 0 Detain,ee(s} t.old m~, ~hattbl$: cQl1clut~ ha:d 'o'cq.JrrE;:CL d" D Others: whO poserv.ed thiS' conp uct cfes'c'r'ihed it tet me, e. 0 I ha\ie r~ley~nt il;lJormatiQn' da~'sified .aboVe, IIS,ECRET". a'. f. 0 I never obserVed this ,cdn'tl uCt Tior .heaW abdut it from sonieone:wl1b did. SS., 'Sending· adetainee tei another.countfy, for more<aggressiveiriterrogatiQJ1 0 Lper.ponally' 0 !?s.erv~.~ HilS co nduct b. 0 Iobserved'.detain~~.(s) in a.cond.lfion thqt ted m~, to believ~ that.this. cond!Jd had oCGurred. c'. 0 OeJainee.( s) told ine thqt J/1js' cotiP lit!;. oi:i4 oc¢U rred. 'd, 0 Othe'rs' \Aih'd bp!;~.rved this <;:qr(d ut.ufescdbed I~ to rh~; e- O r have reiev.ant information:dassi.fied ab.'ove "SECREr". f. 0' I never ooserve:d this:conciu~t 'riQd;~r:d about it fi-om.some6n.~whodid. ;:1'. 59, Thr:eatening to send·a detainee to another'country for. defention or',more' a99 ressiv8, hiterrogation OIGQ-004914 ·. 0 b. 0 c. 0 c;I. 0 I p'ersonally' observed thls.conduct. a~ e, ... .. I·observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe tl)atthis conduct had occurred. De~ainee(s) told me that this cond!-)ct ~ac! ·QeeUI.Te9. OtheJ:?- Who 'ob'ser::v~d thiS conduct-c;les~rfbed It to me~ da'ssifiefi ab'ove "-SECRET"', 0 I hav.e relevant jOTormation .... ----- f; Itf --- die}, r nev~r ob.served thi? t~npu.d ncR l1~rd abou,t it (rom·som~.Qn~-whQ 60. Threatening to take actloh. <;lgainst c;r detainee's· family 0 I personally,observed this <.::onduct. 0 I observed detalnee(s} In 'a cond Ition that led me. to belle:ve that this Cl:onduct had .occurred. c, 0 'Det~inee(s) talc! r:n~ that this. ~ondu~t hpd 'occurred: <L 0 O~l}ef? wh9 -o!JseJY~Q t~fs (:0.ndo~t q:es9f!bed jt t~ /1le;, e:. 0 r h~ye T~I~vant 1.lJfOrrn.atJ9,n. pla~~IfIE:Q ~~9V~ ",~Ecp.Er!. f. 0 I n.~V~( ob?erv~c! thjs)<;oDd.u.~t nc;>r h~n:l ;abom it from sbm.~Q)1~whO did, a', b. a: b. c ,d. o I pelsonaIfy o.bserved ·fhis.eonduet. " o ILobserv~d detainee(s) in a ,cond iti<;m that led me to believe that this c:onduet had "occurred. o !Detainee(s)·told me that this conduct Iiad .occurred. o 'Others who obseeve.d this cond u,ct de~qip'ed it to JTle. 0 1. have relev.ant tnfofrQatlqn c1assif[~d Ebove I~S EGRET"'; f. 0 I never·observ~:Q ~lits 'c()n~hlqt 'IJqr ,hea q:I 'a ~qut. it :frolJ1 ~omeol1e: W~d e', dJd.. g. PIE?~'se P.r:dvid¢ the ;;lpproxim'at~tim~ 'frame .during Whjc::h ~his corrd~LfGj occ;;.urred. From ,03!27/2003 to' 06/11/2:003 000 Not. Recall- h. The petaloee(s) treC!t~ jlJ thiS way w,ere: k):cate9 at th~ tim~ in.: 1 It! Guantanamo 20 Iraq 3 D.Afghanistan 0 5.0 4 other Location Do. N.ot Recall OIGQ-004915 i. Ple,ase id~Jitify the'detaineefS) by name and number: ISN 682~,-- .....,j j; Please Id~ntify the per?Qn{s) Whq .trea~ed th~ detainee($} in ,thi~ manner, in-dug ing their nam,e(s) anCl ,goV~'rnr'n¢nt"ag'eotY(i~s): Unknown . b6 b7C k. Fllec'fse. idehtlfy· a,ny'other FaI persOiiriel or n'on-FBIperso.n'nel WhQoD~tY'ed d~taine~:Cs) treated iii t~is mannet. irtiUding, their name(s) ,and agel1cy(ies): _-- qSI ....... 'I. This:wnQur;:i oq:urr¢d fn t9hl'1ectjo,rrwttt): i 0. .One.d~ta!nee 2 ·0 $ev~r9r detain'ee'!?, (2-4) 3 b Many detaihe~'<m~t~thah 4): :4 b Do Not Recall . m. Please describe. the nature.and',elreumstances:ofthe treatment oraetloD:? A..p(et4J~ Qf 'a nak~ wpme.n .wq~ ,rap-eAd ~o ~h,e. !J.ClG,k' 9(:::10' intervh=w rdorrt,d'p'Qr. Th!~ W~:l$ ~t Mti~d b.y.,us until :the d~t'ain¢e .observed it. We·.irtunediateiy'to6k:th~pic,tUi",13 doWn. 6;2. :Qther' relig"jpVs or .sexual'harassme,nt of hurhUla'tlon'of a .d.e.talnee a', 0 I personally observed this cond.Lict. ·b. 0 Lobserved detainee{s)" in ,aa:::olidition that led Tile to believe that'this ronduct· had occu'rred. e. 0, fDetalnee(s) told me that this cond,l:Ict had .OCCUlTed. d.. 0 Others who observed this cond uct described It to me, 0 I ~ave relevant infoff1l~~jon c1iassiri'ed a~ove '.l'$ECREP". 1 0" I n~ver o:b?~rv~~ tnis '<::9£1qud 'nQf hea~~ abQLJl it from,sqrneQI118'wh.o did. ~. ~:t '9ih~J tre~tm!=nt pf a' c!e'tal.n~e ,'Dattn -your QRiril!J.n w~s.unpr!Jf~ssional, un~uJy ha~sb or aggn;ssiv~, ~de.)'¢jV~, 'ci'b'osive, ,or unlaWf,ul . 0 1. personally' observed this 'conduct. I b,. D ~;9~s~ryed q~taln~¢(~) il1 a~cqrl(H~)9!.Y t,h~t I~ 'm~ to' believe tnFlt thi~, (;;and,L!ct held 9CGUrre.!i. G. 0 iJ'etalnee(s) told me toat this conquet had ,occurred. d .. D Qthe~ wh!=> op~eryecj .this conQl1ct'd,es\=r1bed ii: to' me. e. D t haw~ T~leY~f1t il,lformatfo,n t1a~sifi.e~ ,Clb<?v~ "S'ECRI=T'!. f: 0 I n~y.ero.j)~E;lYed this conduct nor heard:abqut it fr9m ~o!Tleone~W:ho,di~, a., .. . ~ OIGQ-004916 _@8··Rf~@;~~ '64. Did ·you observ:e:any impersonation ,of FBI 'p~rsorinel by,.anyone 'CI detainee? o Yes 0 II interVieW or'ii1terrQ~ation of No ;65. Did any ,detainee or:6ther person t~1I yoU that-he or she had witnessed the ini,perronatioii of FBI personnel in connection' with a detainee interview or interrogation? b.Yes- e N~' o ye.s 0 J~6 .. Ar'e ,y,pu aware pf'-any "sham'" 9r·s~aged" ~etaln¢e·lnt.ervlews or Il)t~iTqg;at(\)iisconducted -for Member:s of the U.S. Congress;or their staff?" No ::67. To yo~r Khdwledg.e,.d id :any· rnlli~ary. 'or int~.Iligeh¢e p,ers9n'n~1 ever"de'ny ordelay FBI access, tp a. aetainee the fBI warited ,toq l1estiGlIl because 'the .detainee had :susta ined, lriju tie$" ,after he Wa 5 cap.tured 7.' DYeS" 0No . '68:. Dj~ 'yol,l ~ver .el1d Y9vr RarU~ip'i;lti9JJ in or Qb~~~jpnohl,d~t~in~~:il,1tervi~w.qr interrogation b,er:;al)s::e.of th~ iht~l"(i~w'br intert6g·~ti()n rne~'h9d~ b-~irlg u~,d? . Q't~s :~ N9: .69. Were you 'eVertold that.:anottiet .fBI-"enipJoye¢.ended his,Of net. p~rtlcipatiQn Jri qr o.bserva~iori of,Al detainee intellfiewor interrogation because dfthe~lnterview"or interrogation methods. being used?' b. Yes' 0' No 70, > Owriilg i3J1V ofyq'LII" oV~f~.~as c!~pI6yme;rit$ OJ ::)$5Ig nm.e.ntsr .did Vim r~p.Qrt any cp:nq¢rn$ ~egarding any .detainee Jritep.f:ieW'or ioterrogatiOn is ractices" .01' 'Other-types ,of .detaineeJreatmerit~: to .FBI su'pervisor? ' . an . 0. Yes. '0 No 11. DWing ~my ,ofyour o:\(erse'l::!~ d~plciyrrl~ht$'ot' p~signfnents~. ,dis! Y.Qu, report ~ny.;cbnc.ern}; -any ~det:ailJ~e. inteivieW'o,rinterrQgation pi';:lCtid:!s'6f oth'et tyi?es (jf.deta! tr~tmeh't 'you observed or heard about,. to'a' non-FBI supervisor.or other non-FBI p.ersonnel? , GVes (V' No. ' 72.. H?lve you!ever. be~rtQtdetecf Qrdireded opt,tQ re'pQrt,,(jn:fis~9urageq Inany'woy-frorTI reporting, QQsghtations pr ~I\~ga:tibns, 'r~l~t~ t(nl.~~a'inf{~ tr~aJrti$Jit or intervieW or inti;WtO.fJc;lti0'n 'ClttiO.hs·-gr practices? OVes' '0 No 7:J. Have you exper.ienc~ :~.ny. qctl,lC;l1 or tnr~ate[1~d ret~!jat!9n. for repdrtin'g ob$~rVC!tiQns:Q~ ,<;lIl~g?l~i9I')s 9f getqiri~ tteC?tl'n¢.tit or rrit¢Kt.l~W .qr irjt~rrqga1:fgn .acti6li·~ or p.r~c1it~s:? OIGQ-004917 .0, Yes, 0' No, 74. (Optional) Please provid,e any a'di::Htlo]lal i:,Ornmf:!!rits reg:ar,ding, tlie tf:!!poH:ifig, of ~6nc.erfis, related 10. iiiterv iew, or inte rrogation technique.s, detention practfces, Of ,other:-deta ineetreatm'ent. Because ,tne above'qu,estlol"!s 6~r~7~ did ;not haye a Donlt recall opt!o.o '.l al')swer-ed no,to all, quest!o!1,s. H9~e1(err I may' hqv'e m.¢nt.iQJ).~~ 'tbe n~: 'Pllur¢:~o~ W?frtrt 10PITl il:l'Gident~ t~ 'gn ,QS1 ?(J.'petyi?pr,. rl~hl~; n91 recalle'Q, or'tp FBI ss~ Q!Jt l:d~ np.t req.all, .TI1~ Inl;ldenJ;S r~PQrt~ ·bY. Aetaln~ l.SN. 682 may h'a\t:e been .do,cume ,In Y FD-302~, but I'don't recall, We did Itot g,ive the d~~aiJiee acqulsltiens ,a lot :of €redlbillty r: as we· had not seen.or heard from other sources- that the detainee ~Iaims b6 b7C tmd 'Oi:'curretl. m~""~-- ..... ' , .:" ." t5,;,W~re you debrtef~, other lh9!1,~e,$tah~qrqQel;lri~fin ~-i'7..~, c:~nr;:ernrng'yo!Jr.Qv.en;ea'~ assignrrreot(s.)'or ,deployme.nt(s) after you cpmplet~t1 the' :deployment(s) Qf ;;is~j9,nnient(s)? Qyes 0 No 76. Adtlitidlial.Comments:aii'd Rei:ooimend.atjQi1s·~ . ,From my o'bservati0ns"of the cells,and the appearanc~·.ofth~ detainees that I obse":"-ed, I did net'See any: 1.n~ic;P'tJq,(I~th~tth~y l1a',a. !;>,~~n tre,~~ed lIn,fair!y., I'hag heqr9 frQm ~rn¢ QS' ~.rmy p.e<?ple,th~t som,e :d$ta~~e~,~?d Q,al,n~ ,we,~9khi; a'rl~ c~f!:I:.n,~.~~e,~ t,~~t :t~_~y .. ~a:~ .~~~e'~.',Ii\lI~V:Qntllt~Qti~'th~J1:.a~·.hOIT1~:, _ ..... ,..• Thank yd,u for your cPP'p~r.:at\,Qn 'In .c:ompJethlg thIs: qU"es.tronnam:!, OIGQ-004918