Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000834
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Department-of J,us,tic.e Inspector .Gener,al 'Questi,onnaire Re9,ar.Qln·9 D~t~··s O:OJ.-:OI(3 INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE E:=O~..R:~V+EW AN[j' USE o,N,Ly B,YIND'i,y.IDyAL F!31 ItFSPQND'ENTS DQNOT .FORWARD' OR, DI,~EMI~ATE QUESTIONNAIRE ID: teSt-O,O.OO.O$34 ,As of 1:he last timl!'thjs,q~~tfonnair~w~s ~a~~~i' $ome r~quire_dlieids:haV~)19~ peen cC?mplefed. PJeas~,re:View your' responses. :A. P~r~on~ Please I:Infprmation pr.ovide' thef611owiJi~l 1,FIr,SJ: name. '2..,MiQ9te ·Inlt.lfil: iriformation: 6 &, 7e PER A.~REEIVIENt 6 & Ie PER AGREEMENT ,. 3~ last name:, 6 &-lC PER AGREEMENT 4. Erite~d, btl nuty Date (EOD); 6 &,7e '5: CurJent Dl'1isfqnlF.ield' 6ffi~e: 6~, Cu,rrel)t 10b titl~: .7. Direct.dial office;telephone nl.iniber: 8•.FBI cell phOtie' numoer: ,9.,fBI p:ager l,1urnber~ 10., ,B~st q~ntact nUlJ1ber fOf YO!l~ .6 ~ 7e SUPerVisory. SpedC:lI.Ag:el;lt 6'& 7C,PE:RAGREEMENT 6 ~. 76 P'E~AGREElV1ENT 6~.7CPE.RJJ.GREEMENT 61& 7,C PER,A'GREEMElVt 11.· At anV time att,et--::Septeitiber HI 20,01" aid Y0U ~fve.a·~ d member ofthe u.s, Military, or' as an. 'employee or contractor of the· FB1.or 'any other-government agency/ at :Guantana'mo Bay, Cuba; Iraq i Afg'hal,1{stan'; 'or'ih ~reqs cqntrol{¢d !:!y"trye I).!:l~ rVfilitqry Qra U\5. InteIHg~nce·servi~e irrq:u:JfJe,qtjo!1,;with ~he :gl~bal V\{qr on' serroT'? ' @,Yes 0 No, of ·~,2. !=nter tHe nu.mber ~6f tim~,syoo. w.¢r.e.,depkw~,d o.F:~sstgn~d to eaCh t,he,fQiloW\rig IQtatrorj~. ,(Guahtanaina BaYi: Cuba} lra(t~:·Afghatlistan;,or in :any areas' controlled by theLU.S. 'Milit~lrY ,Of. a U.S. i,!1teIU~renc~ serVf~'¢l ;2'· , . ' For,each deployment or assi~;i1ment .complete the followrn.~ section. Location (select. one) , , Deployment or a~,signmeri1;'qeg1inoiJ,~1' Dep!p.Ym.eilto,r i1S5!!im:mlnt,e,n,ded on. . ." . . . . . ' iG,lJa'nta'ricitric{i3'a-o/, > ~ • """ .,.... ~ ':t~ ...: _" ...... _. abo,~t or. about, 07!16J2003. 09[02(2.003: l~a. v.lht;ff wa~ the :g,el):e(al natu r'~ "'riP p:l:Irp'q~e • qf YQu'rassig nhiel)~' a.h~ :ap:iviti~s] lnterview detairiees'reQa'rding terrorist financiriq' iTUitters t2b. Please provide the'names of the.specificcamps, bases!, or facilities where you worked. C~mP.'Pti!lt~ C'" • • . • , • " .' ..... ~ ", 12c. No.t~: If infu'rmi'itlon: :about ~ ;specific camp, base,. Qr'faCjlitY i~·c1a:~sjfie.d :ab:oy~ s~eRET, t)lea;:;e ch:ee;:k h¢re' Dr 'iriclud.e jnyo~n:inswer that-yollhav.erlladditional·information ctpss,illecI a.Qove 'SECRET,,'~' and, if .you know, 'id,entify 'the:c1assification level, 'tiCket, ,i::6mpaifrrient, prog ram, ,01' .other desig n;~tI0rT that-applies ,o,the InformatIon, Do !19t Include,the-add It!onar 'classified fnform'atron In 'Y0tl r , . OIGQ-005058 ql., re.sponse$. bIG personnel w'ith the nece$Sary clearance Will qmtact you to rec~jve it. Name I Position Acting' . . . . .S~peNisorv'Special .. .~ . Agent l "'I"":"'::--'=""':"":--~~-:-:-' _ - - - ~-- -,-.- --.-.:~uy~ryJ~!Y~~~.!-ale.g~nJ i1'2e.. Djq youjoint!Y' interview or !r:i~~!Tqg,a.t~ any Qe~i.nee wIth n'Qn-FBI p~rsQnl)el1 O~ I -~ -.- -- __ -.-- ~~ b6 b7C ~ I -1- -~ - - - -- '- ~- - - - - - -- - - - - - - .....- - - - '- - -"- - - - - - - - -'_ . . . ~ - - -- - _ ....... --- - - -- _ . . . :.- - .... - - - - - - -! .;12f. Did 'Iou jointly: jjlan 'any 'detainee iritervleW.or int~[(ogatioll :strategy, objectiv~~ 'pr ta~cj:(cs with ilQn- " .:FBI person:nel7. . . ~ Ye~ '0 No ~:Wjth':Wh~t' ki~d~~ ;fnQ~:F6I ~~r~d,~n;i~i& YQU W~~.kjQirii·IY?- -..... -,' ~--- ,.. - ~ .. ~ -~,' ".'-> ~ - ... P.,- - • ; D·GITF' : 0,·O.therV..s. Millta,ry ~ tI u.s, ihtelligence a,genqr .: 0 Foreig n military' or inteiligence agency ': 0 Ot~er ~ - - - ; - -:. _ - - - .... - - - --< -.- -.- - ~ ~'-' - - - '- 'I- - -- - - - ... - - ..... _ _ ._ - ·~12g;, We(e'y~r; e,Ve'r:p.therw..ise - _ - - - .. - - - _,_ - - ~ ~ - ... - - - _ _ . - __ ..... - inY<;J!vej;! in - - - - - -::-- _ - - - - _ _ .- .~~~~t:a.~·a~'<L~~.Y - - ~ - - - _;" - - ~ - - - - - - - - _ ..... _ - - - - - - . -: '":" ...... ~. _~ '. -.--0 - _ ..... , : - • -:,: ~etqir.ree int~rvie1J{~:or'jnterrpga,tions wi~1) o Yes '0 L.~;a.-ti;n~.(:.~e,~,- :.n.:'- - - -- -- - - - - i);p~~:;tit;;r:;;slirll~;;nt about J. ... NQ b;g;; no!);-FBI ~r$Onnel? .; . ;ri~o; - - Q~ploy.;~-nt:;r-;';si'g-;;;;rJ ;n~;lo~ - ~ or·about·' 10/28j20'Os 11[18/200'3' t2a. What was the geheral natu re and p'utpose of your,assignment and aCtivltie's7 Interview regC!rd.i~g terrqrrs~ financin,g !1JC)tter::s t2:p·,. Please proyi~e. th~.nam~ qf fh.e:sp¢~ifi~:9~rfiP'~, ba~e?i 9J ~iliti~$ w.l)er~ YQu vtor~e~, :Ca'rrip Delta n.t·, Note: If iriformati6nabdlit a ;sp.ecificccamp, b'as'~" or facility' is ;dassifiedabpve SECRET, pleaSe Gheck: here 0, inClude. in your !afiswer tnat .you. have. "additional in{ormation·dassifieo iabove '~ECR!=T/" andr: if yoy kl:1Qw,'lde.titify th~ c1ps~m¢aiiqJi tev~l; :ticket! 'cgrnpattrrrent, p'rogr~m, on:>ther designation 'that applies to the informatio'n. DQ not include the aAditiQnalclassified informatibn: in 'your qll~~ionnaire-:r~spoiises.;.QIG. p:erSonn~1 With the. ne<;essary ~!~arah~e will c,ont.aet you to ree;eive it. n ' ~';'''-- -- --- -- --- --- -,--- -----'---'-,-- --~-,--~ - - - , - - - - - -,-'- - - - - - - -,_,,:,- - - - - . - , - - - - - - - - 7 . ~:n<!·_PlE:.~~ ld~!)ti.(y t.Jr{ n<!rn~ ~ nq,.r:i<!(al!.l}~ t!w§ ,:-tli~ f[31 Q~~n.:.nilL't..o;.:~tl6 nLyq,uJ1't~!I~ !:~prt§Q.: ~~~~=iojJr ~~~.Q~~~rfr=O!~·~~~n=nl~n!.~ Name.' L__ ~ __ ~ I ~ ,Position __ ~ . ~l!P~D"Js2P{~e~<Qalb9~n.L b6 :. .b7C .~.2e.. Did YOIl jointlY ilit~rvi~W 91" int~rro,gqte AJw'9~tai.nee witH n9n-F~t p~ts~nn~l? (!) '(e.s 0 No· ""; • _ ..,. " _ .. "" _ .... _ _ .... _ _ ~ _ •. ,. '. _ . ,. .. ~ "" _ ;.. _. _ ,.... ,~ ... .! ... _ ,.,. _ ... , _ _ .. _ _ ¥ _ ._ • _.... ..... w _ .... _, ., ~ _ _ ~, .... __ ~ ... _ ... . With what kinds of noh-FBI personnel did 'you Work jointly?" : [j CITF . : 0' Other.U.S. Military : 0 lp;;, int!?lI)gerrc~ ag:~I1GY. ;- 0- "":'F- e!_relg h Ii1I!it:cjry 9r Iht~lIlg~ric~.F1gE;!hcy .... - 7' - - - - - ----.•- - _ .... - - ' - - ... -- -¥-.- - - -.-- -:":""'-":"'"-- - .' • ~ I ~: - - -:- "":- -:- .... - -:-"',-':;' - - - - :-:-::- - - --,---:- - -:- -. OIGQ-005059 1~-:~~~:~~~~~~~~~~r~~~=~~~~=~~~=~~~~-~~~~7==~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~'~I 10 'Other I ,. 1 " I , 1 I , •• ~ • ., ...... ~ .- • _ • ,.. _ , .' • • __ 1 _ ~ • _ "' • __ - :- • _ _, __ .•.• • - ••• _ ••••• . - - - - _ - - •• _ • •' 1 .:12[ Did VpUjdirjtl~lp'lah .ahY'd~taifi~ intervIeW or Interrogation ~rategy" obj~JV~/, or t;actics iivith non- : :FBI personnel? . _ 0· Yes 0 No. •. =-W~h what-ki~ds ~rnoh.:fBi'p·~r~;nei:dld : 0 ,CITF> ~, IiI o.tner I).S. Miiitary· ~ 0 U.S. intelliQence agel1ciy ': q y'bu:W6;kj~riltiy? ---- --'- --- --,- - -<. -.'- ------- --,- -'i " .l: .' P-qrgig,n:m.i.litary or tflt~l1ige(lJ;e agency ,: OOlher ...- -- - -: ) ..:.. - - --- -.... - - ':" ~ -- - -,.. _. - - --.... ";" ..,. ......... -.... - - - ~ - _..... ..... :izg:.;we-t~ y7>u'~v;r-q1he~,is~ ir\\!9l\(~' i~,d~t~ih'¢,e-:int~rVi~w$, .: ' . 0' Yes - -- .... - -_............- ~ - -- - - ...... ...... - - - -.. ; dr int'it-rog~ffQ;~ Wifh-n6rt=FBtp'~r~Q~';~i, - ~: _'" ,@ No, ,m-'- --,- - - - - - - -- --- --- -,-- - - - -""--<'- - - - - - ' - - ':" .." , ' : -,<-- - , - - - ' - - - - - - , - - ' - ' - - , - - - - --...,-.- - - , - '0..:.' . A~ I~' . '. • ~ ., Trairiii)g ~ri6r -to'OverseC)$; Deployment .Qr Ass,ignmenf 13: .re<:eM~ any t(alnI09', ,llls.tructlon, 'ot :guldance .Spe-clffcali'l iii prep-aratl6n for ;:my:of yoUr ,overseas'd'epJCiy.ments o't,assignments?' . 0No ODo NotJ{ecall 14.. In' PJep'a!iltipn fQr atif~.fYQ,ur: Qv¢rseas·$sjgnni¢nts, dId 'lou r.e.ceiv,e.any t@itiin9, itlsfruetion, ,or .gUldance ,t6ncemin9 the sta'ridards,of co rlquct a,pp.licable' t6 the,tre.atm~rit, interview;.. or interrogation of:detainees by, FBI personnel? ,Q'bo 'Not Recall 15, In, preparation f.6.r any: 6f:your overseas. deployments or ,assignments,-did you r,eceive:anY training, , instn.idi6ri, 'or ;~rurd.a'n<::e roncemiiig th'e',sta' naard S' of G0nd att' app Iica ole to the 'treathient~ fnterview t or interrogation'of'detainees by non-FBI personnel? , 16', In- prej:mration for iinyof your "oVerseas deployments 'or assignmerit5 r".did, you receive anY".training, itlstitiCtion, ·orguidaiice concerning what :y6u were supposed'to, db 'if yon observed of heard "aboUt t~e' (reatf)1ent; "<i'1t~rv ie\'-{, qr' !nter[oga,tion, oT ,deta..ihees I:Jy f~l ,persot'!n~ f )Nh!c,l')' Y9~ ,beli~ved 'to b,~ inappror>riateJ, u'l}lm~fe!?si6r:1al, cQ~rGiv,e; ,aQLt$i\r¢; or ,unlawfu.l? OIGQ-005060 OYes eNo .000 r:4ot rtecaH 17', In, preparation for any of your overseas; deploymentS or asslgnmehtsrd Id .you receive any tralnlhg, instruction, or guidance concerning what 'you were: supposecf'to: do if you obser:ved ,or heard about" ~~e t"1atm!-'lnt, 'i'1tervlew, or interrogC)tion~ofdetainees by n.on-FBI ~rsonne.l, Wh1c,h you pelieved. to b¢. inappropriate~ unprofessipual7 toerGive, aQusiye,. PI' unlaWful? 0N.o ODd Not Ret.all B•. Training, DiJring Overseas D'epl6ymel1ts or-AsSignments 18. Q\.! -or yoqr oyer~eas'g~plQyrn~nts0.1' assJg nment!!; I:I j~ YQ!-I: ret~iV~ any'~r:qjning~ in~nfc~iqni' QY,g!JIQ~nCe ,c.Qn~~rnin'g the s.tand~rds, qf cond'uq: pppflqable tP. the'tr$tment, l~~ervi~, (;if ihterrogatkin 'of detainees by FBI personnel? byes :00'0 Not Recall ON6 l~t Dudng any .of YQLlr Qverseas:deplpsments PI' assignment?i pid YP.u re~eive ant't@iriing, instru:ction, 6r-.guidantEr~on¢erhiogthe·.s,taIid·a(ds bn:qndllct .ap'j>Ii~able t.o. the.·trea'trilent, ii1terv'~ewi. 0:( interrogation ·of deta"inees by: non-FBI personnel? aDo NotREkall ·~.N'0 :ayes b.t assig rimentS~ :d.iil you rec!=iv~ any t!iining" i'nstr(1ctidri, wliat;you.wer:e su.pposed to do jf you6J)SetVed or'heard .aboiJt th.e. treaimentr interview,. or Interrogation 'of detainees by FBI personnelj which you belie.v.ed t8 be' inpPP'r9pri~te,·unprof~~ign~~<;oerciye" ·~.i?49iJ~i, or urilC!wfu!7 20.. Dwririg "pny .pfyour ov,ersea's, ti¢Plp.YIi1~rits ·or g'uidance concernfr'rg :21. During any 'ofyoUr 0v.erseas,deployments o'r assignments, did Vou receive a·hy,·t~amiilg, 'instruction, orguldanc.e'concemIDg \'V,hat you wers sU"p.p'osed to You :9fJServ,ed 91' hearQ '9I;Jout:the: treaf)11~nti intervrew~ QrintC?rrg:gqti'on'Qf d.~tail1ee~ 09,n+FBI,personnel, v.(hlfh YP\l Qelieyedto Q:~ in;:lpproj>rlate, unpn:l.feSSlonaJ,coerclve/ ab.\Jslve, or IJnfaWful? ol)'Jr by ':23'1' woo PrOvided 'tbr Q No, 0 ' 0 6 NQr R¢·¢aii. '0:y¢s training" instruCtion!.' ot',gU'i,dan,ce? b6 'b7C 2ib. Briefly describe the substam;:e'of'the trairiing, instruction, or Quidance. provided to: you. D'urjii!'i 1:1 weekly, m.eetingof FBI. per-sarine', we were told front that :dcite for,wa'r;d to. document in writing anything we witnessed regarding, detainees, interviews which we: qeemed be,tn a:cC;:9rdpn~e'wiJ:h FBI prqcedqres; 2:ic. Was:any 'Of the·trainin"9t instruction".or .Qui~ance provid'ed in' writing?' aYe's, 01'!Q :Q DO Not 'Re~afi lc:~ Adequacy. of Training OIGQ-OOS061 " , 22. In your opinion,.did you receive adequate training, instr'uction, or gUidance relating to' standards 'Of ionduct by FBI ang nOI1-FBI per>s:onnei relating jo treatm~,ni:,'intervie\A(ror Inteuog ation 'of .detainees pribr to your gepl9yment\:>t assig.nment? o Yes " • _ ~ ~ _ <. ~ _ .' __ .~ _ '_. ....... p • _ ... __ • __ :. _ -, ........ _ 0,No •• ~ __ -. _ ,;. _ " _'> _ ... • ...... ; ......... '4 ''- .. "" .... ,.. 1- _ ~ .. _ .. _ ~ .22a. Please describe the'ways in whiGh you believe the trainin,g; instruction ar,guidanlZe was '. , inadequate: I wOl.,flc! hav~ Iik~ to hElve more informa~1911 regC!rd ing t,he star:tdar9 of C9nQuct,of militpry ~ J~~~IJ~1!a~ip~~, ~ _, '_ ~ ' , ~ . ,_,_ ,, . ;2:$.. 1n yqur Qpinl{;m, d)d Y9U r~e)ve ,ac;!~gU~te ~r~irll)gf i;nsl:rl!¢ti9n,.-orguiqil'nce r~la~lng to:st?nd~Mi>, of ~pn'du~ by FBI ,Cind' ndn"":FB~ ,per$.{:mn-el rei 9:t'fn,g /:.q ~rea'~rnent, irit\=r:view, '()J int;E!rro\;J,~tJon of ,det'airiees-,ddring ybur deploynienbor'assl.9,m:rie'nt? 9 '- - (!{ 1':19 2~~: RI~is~d~ri~~,the-:~iij;; 'W'bich -y~o -b~iiex~ }h; 'tr~hling: j~;~~~~ion ~(:~,~i~~;c;:~ -Wq~ --- -- ~ ~ - . 1·1}a-,d~q.uate: Yes ,above Same a's.nel, ._. __...... _-.answer ._-_", _' ._'_ - """ __';.";:"_ .... ,.. -..'"_,_:., __ .... .,.. ';.~"",, , ...t-._-_ _ --_',__ .~ """._ - _,... __ .~ 2,4.10 YOlJr 6piriiQri, did: Y9.lJ l'ec:eIY¢ ·ad¢.qlJa.te, trairiifi9r i'nstructiQrlr, or.g.uldante!:Qncern,ing wh 91 V.P\1. : were sii'pPQsed to:,do ifYo,u observed of tfeard' about·the treatrileirit;. iriteEVie.W,,6r jnteitogati6n Of : detaineesi by 'FBI :or non-'FBI personneli.' that y.ou 'believed was inappropriat~; unprofessional, : 'co~rcrv~, :ctl;ll;l.~rV~{, ()f unl,axvfuI? €I'Yes () No ;2~.(Option~l),If! wh~tt ways ,qm the F~~ ;imp'rove:~raining on'thls subje¢t 'for flJt~:r.~ p~p,fQyment:s"o(' ?as~lgnrneti.t!>~ , 2.6. Please 'provide any additional'informafioh'coricerriing -training for ,ovetseas d,~pJo¥meritsor a$!iign[Tlents FBI. R~rsl?nnel Y04 ~eli~ve j.~ r~~~'1?fl!' of Introduction to Part,III: In' this'section~we'are,seeklng,i nformation regarding" -a wide range,of ,in,ter:v[eV'J pr interrqgati,on'lec::!Jniques and otlJer types of detainee t[eatm.,ent all~g~ to, have occurred, Y'qu ~l:idJJlQ n.Q~ 9~S(Jrn~, JIJ§tb~(Jse al~:a?~irig a.J:!'Ql!t q P~r11c,uli;)r .tegl:lI:dql!~,br: Rl'?lqi.t:~, tjli;l~·W~:h.crl(,e '<;o.n~"ud etI, that Jr in fa,c~ 9:c.t:Ur(e,f, W.e rec;6,gniz~ ~har ~me: !:if th~s,e 'technJqu~$.or pra'ctlt,!=S may' ell tllTles be necessary for' safety and s~ur.ity in a .detention settTng'. In -addition,: we recog,njze ,that some of these technIques 'or ,practices. may have been au'thor[zed for USB by military' or qther government personnel, we. With re~p:eo: t9' ~f;h 'id~n~in~d, tethliJqu,e, 'pr:ac:tite, ,o't·tYR.~-Rf c.Qhd.ucJ'd~ciip~d b'e1oW" we 'are seeking iJito'miation 'aobut its ,occurrence durinG oJ-'in ,connectie:m' with"the interView' or iriter,to9.'ation (jf'a OIGQ-005062 ~etaineei or.during, th~ dete'.l.tiQfI.of a ·In :tha~cpnt~xtt 1. w.~ Will q~k you tq t~I.1 detain'ee ,beyond what .is ne~de~ .for safety and sec;:urity. us wh~ther ·()n~ qr m~re ofthe. f9lfo\l'!ing $.tatelT1eht.s ;C!r~ true: I;.'p~r.S~hally .QB~r.v.M this :c;oll.du.c~, 2, !.observed :detciinee(s) ih a .condition thcitlea me to believe that ·ftiisconduct. had .occurred. 3. D~tain~(s) told rne'that thiS. conduq: had 'oc~urred. 4. Others whp' J:il:!~e:rv~cj '!his conqy!=t d~cri~e~ 1t ~ci' rn~. 5. I..have releyan~ inf6i-m'atlQn !=.I~5.sified a'Qoye·":.SE8Rcro ·, 6; I neve....bbsetved this:conduet nor heard ffo'in.someone.. WhO did. 0 l' perS;i5n:ally oA~lYed this'co.nduct. 11. 0 I ob~~ed·.detaii1ee(s)~ in. ,a :cohd'itibn that ied ,me to .a:. C~ d. e. o petairie~ts.) told .me th:at this'ccinduCt had :od::urrea. 0 beli~ve tbat this cbh~litt hati ·,occutt~tl. Others: who ob.served this cond uet d:e'scribed · me. Cr II naVe relevant information dassified i:lboVe I£SECREr' . f. ~ l' neveh:)bserved this :conduct np('heariLabtllif It from someone'who did. :2'8. a~ b,. c: d. e~ Deprivh')g a detainee, of'clothjll9 \... "- 0 'I per.soIi~:dly'dDseht~9this..cdn,dW!=t. 0 I'o.b$¢t:Y.ed.:detail)~e(sJ in..:a:c.9ridjJ:ibn that !~d ,m~ tp b~lieve that.thi~ <;6'n:dupt h~d .OJ::Clrrr.~. 0 D~tainee(-5) told me tl'iat this cohduct had ~6tcurr~. 0 Others' who obserVed lbis' tond Qct described it tb me. 0 l have relevant Information .c1assified al).oVe '!SECRET"'. f. ~ r ilevero.b5erved this-conduct hor:heard 'a be lit it ·from someone who did. . 29. D"epriving·a detainee; ofsleel?r . . , or int;errupting Sleep' bY,. freq.uellt a. b,. c. d. e. f. cell. r~[ocations Qroth~r m~thods 0' !I p'e;r~ndHy Qhserve.d' this ¢on~lf.ct. o !rob-served tfetcii'nee(s) ih ;a'cond iUan that led me, to believe. that this conduct 1ia~ occurred. o !Defaihee(s) told me that this: c(md.lict had :ocGurred. o [Others., who bbser.ved this tonciuct,deS9rlb.ed It to: rt'1¢.. o '11 have .relevant Informatioo Classified aDolle, "SEeREf."·. 011 never-obserVed'thls conduct'nor heard 'aboUt it from soineone"who did. OIGQ-005063 '30. Beating a detiHnee a, 0 L per,senally observe(j tbis 'cqnduct. 0 c. D b; q. r'obs~{'?ed d.~tqin'eet$) D~tainee(s) tol~ in oa'CQh.d ~jQn. thqt leel me to b~ney~ thqt. this <;:orrduQ: b~d ,o'Gcurre~., me that this cQndu~t hap o'ccarred. o lothers' who bbsefY:eP this, !=:on~uctd~~crjb'ed it to' me" e. 0 l' ha\l'e relevant, ltiformatib h' tlas~ifi~ above, uS~CRET·'. f. 0' I n'ever ob~~rv,e9 tli1s:co,nduGt ripr :h~ r~ ~abol!,t it fr:.6m ~me9ne, Who did. 31. ,UsingWatet'to pjevent breathing by- a detajj'r~e>,o(to create .the sen satiQii of'tlrowning ,a. 0 I p~~~rqlly' o~bserv~d' V~IS ·conciuct. ~'; 0 I~~~erv~q detg'ilJ~e~s} it::! ,(:rC'ph~jjti(Jtnhat I~, me i9 ~~lieve th?tthis conpuc~ hac! 'C:!6I;urrep., 'Getp.inet=(s) tQJ~ '[D,e thCjt this, cph<ju,c~ had -oe;:.curr~. G·, (f. 0 OthefS' Wbp 9bse!y~d -thi!:? G.ona u<;~ dJ~s'crib~d jt t<;> rn¢. ~', D. ': h?tye relevant il).fbrm!3.ticm :classified ;;il;Joye: l~s:'Ec,R.E1n,. o ~ 0 r ii~y.¢r'QfjserYed, this:;'co.nauc.t.J'for heard ~abp.ut it fr<im 'wrrreone'Whq dJQ. 32. ,U,sln'g a,. 'ropel ,or;anythll1gelse ,to' choke or strangle a ;detalii.~e . r perS('jnal{y' observed' (his 'c<?nduc;t~ o II obse.rved, 'detqrnee(s) In·a "cond'lll<;ln' that led me to' bel!eve ~hat ',~his conduct had 'occllrred. 0 b; c 0 d. 0 e'. h~lt:'ldS'r q Eh;t~i.n~(s' tQJd ,rn~ t,h?t .tl:lis: cond ucr f:1ac) 'OCl;:4rre<;!; Qt~ers. w,ho oQ$er;veq ,tills c,onguGhd,~$~rjl,1eg tt to' m~: [haVe r~levant informatlpil ~lassifleQ' 'a.bP~e ·\S.'i:CgET"'. f. 0 i never op,served' this conduct'npr h~r:.d a bbOt: it from sQrtlepne. '33. Thr:e~t~jiin9 oth,er. a:dibri to ~ause phXSitai pain,. injUry,. d isli9ur<em~ FJoIr per.sonally observed this,condud. - OIGQ-005064 .. ·, .. .' 0 I observed detalnee(s) In acond Itlon that led me to, believe that this conduct c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. d. 0 q~her5 who observed this conduct descril~ed it to m~ ,e;. 0 I hcWt= relevant Information tlassified pbove.ll,SECREf". b, f. 0 ~ad 'occurred. I n,~v,er'o,bs~rve,d this conduct J:lor hear,d 'abQut it from sgmeol1e:whp d.ld,. 3fI.o~h'er treatm~nt l)t ,death aqibn G3Using,s,ignifiGant physical pain or ilJjury" pr ca~rsiiig disfigurement or 0 r p' observed this conduct. ,b; 0 riol;Jse.rye~ qetqil)~~(s) II) a ~lZQ,nd ition thi;lt led rt)e, to' bel ieV'~ tha.U~js ~. 0 Detain~(s') lqJd rn~ ~\1at this (;:c;)lJc!ljC,t bad Qc,c,(frr~ .. d,: 0 t;)ther$' who observeq 'this to'lJQLiCt'd~scrib.e,9 I~ to me', e; 0 r h!3~@ releyant information' !=lds~lfi€!.d ~b9ve: l~s.!:tREr'·. a: can.duet' had occurred~, t: 0' I n:ever Qbs.erved th!s:.conduct nor he?lJ:d :i;1p:oul it frQm'sQme~n~,whp, dJct. a; p [ personallY' observed this conduct. ~. 0 r;'observed 'detaine~( s) 1I:1.a..~~md ition that '~d me' to' believe thi;lt t"tJis c:;oOd4Gt /;l,ad 'oGcurrec;i. c. 0 betainee(s) told /TIe t~Cjt :this C;;ODpuc,t had 'Q,l::curr.ed. ~, 0 Other$' \!Vh'b ob~rv~c! 'this rrqnduct Q.~$.~ri.bed it to, m~: e. f. o .1 ha\!e r~le~an~ InformqFlpn"j:;I~ssifl~~ al?'o~e "~,EC~ET". 0' II' never o.bserved' ttib tbndu¢t nor heard '~bbuf ft frpln,$o.rrieone ·woo. qid. 36. Using sh~ckle's ot'6.ther·restr~lil'its ina ~r'0[o'ng",",·~_d..;.m..;.a...;"n..;.;.n.;.,.e ....j' 0 b', 0 ~. 0 d, 0 ·e.. 0 .. L personally observed this,conduct. a. _.". ~¥ _ ~ o!J~~rve<;l'd~ta' In:<,l.c9I)djtion t~at·I~~ m,e t9 believe tr~t:this' cOl1du~t· h,qd '9Q';,I,med: thatthis conduct Detalnee(s) ~~Id me , '" .' '". '" '" .... had ". ,occurred.. •Ot.hern. whp ol:>~erved :this condl1c,t;described i~ to me. " I havEi! -relevant inf<;>rm<:ltIQ'n c1assifi,ed !=lpoVe, "$ECREf'I. • " ... .... .. ... ... ."" ... , -. .. ~ '" ".v. • W~ ' •• _ •• ., .. ... ." '" ., ~" ... , . .. ....... OIGQ-005065 [I Itl' II never Ob~rv~d this conduct ~or heard abo~t It f~m '~~~eone who did. :3t. .R~tJl!iri,ng',a det~ineet9mainta:in~ or restrpining detainee in, a ,stre~?fl)1 or p,alnful P9sition <;l a. 0 I personally bbse'riletl this condu'cr. b. 0 I <>bs'¢T\t:¢d, detainee(s), in a cond ition th~t led me'to tbat this conduct' had ,oc¢urred. d. 0 0 e. 0- r haVe relevant information classified abo:ve "SECREf'l. f: Itt G. D~tai neg{s)tord m.e that this cohd uct had ,o,ccurred. Others' whb .ohsehled thiS conduct described iUo me. '. I, never observed' this ~Gond uct nor heard ab,Qut it from someone who did. :3ft Ford,ng a det9inee to'perform de,rna,nd fng physicql'ex~rcise a. 0 I' p:e:rS0nally':O:b~rved~his,:c,Qnclu~t. Q. 0 II obS¢rv.ed, tletaine.e(sJ in ~a~condition that led me: to. bel k~ve thatthi~ cd'n'duct had ,o'c,curre'cL D'etainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. <:~ 0 d. 0 OtherS' Wh:P observed tbls' tOnd'uct deSCribed It to' me. ,e. 0 r have 'releyarit inmri'natiOn c1assifiea ~60Y.e "SECREf". 'f. 0 I 'i1evefo.bserved" this 'conduct nor heardatiout it ftom,some6ne wh6 did, 0 'b. 0 c'. 0 d. 0 a. Detaib~e(s) told me th~t thiS: c,ondLict had 'o,ccurted. pther's' who ;obseWel::llhis c6i1d'Li.ct,d'esCtiD~ it to'me. . Information tlasslfied 'aboye ':SECRET:'. a I ha\le relev.ant , 4(t Th.reatening to _ ........ _ _ ~ _ .............................. ~ ............................. _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ ; _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . - - , , " ~ ., . I neVer observed' this:l3Ondikt nor heard 'about it from someone:iivho did, ~ 0" -"". . ~ f. "-.-' I' observ:edd~talnee.('g)' In 'a 'CO rid itl'on that I.e'd me' to b~Uev.e that,thls ton:duct had occurred, _ ~ t p~r:sPnaliy' 6bserve:ci' ~f1is t:6r'io,uct, .... _ ..... _ " ' .... 44._ •• "' ................ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ .... __... ""' ..... "' .............. use;eJe~rical shock-Pll a detainee, OIGQ-005066 , .. - ... ,.,. " .. . , .. ,. a'. 0 I personally observed this.,conduct. b. 0 I.observed detainee(s} in a'concl ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred'. ,c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that t~i~ condl,lct ~ad '9q::urr~L d. q e. ,0 IL have reievant iOTormation dassifi~d ,apave. "SECJ~ETI/·. bthel? who 'ob$erv~d thi~ c9ndQ<;:t.«;I'~sqibed It to me: r: 10 lrn~yer ~b.served thi~ ,tqnpq~t nor heard ·ab.Qut· it from 'some~>ne whp ~id. 41, Intentlonally',delaYIn.g ,or denying detainee: medl~al care c::.. 0 0 0 e.. 0 I. h~ve;relr;va:rit 't, ~ I n!=ver Qb~.erv.e:~ this l~o.nd uGt ,n~r hea rd pbQut it from-:$'qrn~9n~'Whb did. a'. 0 ~ perSonaHy.observed tHis eotidud. b, 0 !·observed detainee(s) in a'condi[ion.that led me to believe thatthis Gonduct had'Dccurred. a; b, L personally observed thiS ·conduct. I 'observed 'detalnee(s): Ina C0nditton that led me to belle-ve that this oonduct. had :ocl::urred. 'Det~i!1ee(sj.~qld ll1e that t/1is conduct hpd :(jc~urJed) <1: o ,a\her:p wh!> opse[v~~ t,nlS c0nduqt d~~cr{ped It to JTIe:; !nf<;>.rm~tI9n ~las~Jfl~ ~bQve II,SECRET"~ e'. o petainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurr.ed. o !Others who o~serve,d tnis candu~td.esci1be.9 it to me., o II. h~ve relevant jnform?ti(~>n c1asSi!ieg above ·\S~f:q~ET". t: 0 c, d,. - I ~, neverqqs,e[v~d this 'cQnpupt 'nor .he;:lrp'c;,l,bQut. it ;frQJTlsomeqn-e w.ho dJd,. a. o II personally observed this:cotlduct. b. o iI ,obset¥ed delainee{s) in .a·.conaitior1'that led me f6, believeJhat"tlifs conduct. had ")cc.urrea. c. 0' !Detainee(s.) told me that this conduct had :occurred. do' ~. o Ib~het:5 who :obserye,d 't~is ~~I')dllc;t ge~cr.ib~ !t to m.e. o II bav~ rel,evaht IlJfQrmGltion c1assifieq a~o\i'~ '!s'/=:CRET'\ .. . OIGQ-005067 f. l~r I never observed this conduct nor heard aboutlt from 'sor:neone who did. -44. Subjecting a d~tainee;tQ loud mU5jlc Ii'l per.soifal!y ci:bsefrved this Conduct. 0 I obse:t:v.ed .deJalne.e:Ui). ib a .cooo itlbn th;;it led me: t9 that this con~uct had :occurred. 0 D¢tain~{s) told :me' that this'cohduct tia'd ·o.ccurre:l. I d. 0 otherS: who obseHted this cencI-ad describe(f It to me. e. 0 I have relevaht Information dassified aboVe "SECRET". I: 0 I. never observed thls:ronduct nor·heard aoout ft· trom someone' who did. a. D. c. . g.. P!ea~ prov.k:l,e the approximi=ltt; time ~rne:-d1,!.rrng.which 'hls:cql1d.t.Lct·OCCUH~. From 98120(13. tp DDP Not Re~ll 013/1003. h~~e·detai!1E!eIs1. ~Mte9 to thjs way:.~ere !(jca~e9 ~t.t~e. t!!TIe !!l.: llU;GiJantanamo . . Z0 Ira.q 3 0 .Af~haiJ'istah 4 0 Other LocatIOn sO Do Not Recall . i. Pleaselctentif)rthe de.~ainf:fe:(:» Ldo OO,t know.. b.Y· barhe ;:frld hlllTitigr: j. .RJ~se l«entlty· the. R~?OIJ'(s)WhQ ~~eated ~he:qe~i!1.e.~(s) In :t~Is-lJ1an~r-? Illcl:U_~ln.Q ~h~r narhe.'(s:) and .g"¢ncyne!il: . . I dQ riJt knoW. k· Please i~E!ntify any:~ther F,eJ p~r's9hn.el pr n9h~FBI pers!;lnne"l ;w.ho. o.b~l\I.ed. ·{s1lt~j:~ . Jil'ttlls rhm;lieri.lfjcrud.ih~.tli.el'r oame(s) and ~gency"(res); ~ I~· I'. Thjs'eOI)9Ud; .~urred in eoQOI;c;\:ion w.iUl: ~ '0 One de~ainee . 2:0 ~.•raJ deiainees r2'4J '3 0 4 <0 . b6 ',e·tlia"n 4]" Do Ncit. Recall . m, toph~n~l} Plea,58 desc(H?e:the·~1~vant dr;cutT'istan'ces in morede1:9 11: OIGQ-OOS068 4~. SObjt=d:ing a detalne~, to bright flashln9J!g.:.;ht.::'s;..:o::.;;r-:d:.:a:.:.;rk:.:;n.:..;e::.;;s.;;.s _ 0 1. p~rsdJ'lally obserVed this condud. b. D L.b(jserved detarrtee(S) In a,condition that led m~ to, ,believe that this eolidu,ct had occurred. c. D netainee(s) told me fhat this conduct had ,occurred. a~ d. -- ~-"""'-~--- I ._._~_.~._--- [j Others. who observed this G0nductdescribed it to me. D Lha)Je relevant Information classified abov.e !'SECRET'l, thls~condud nor 'from'someone:who did. f. D I never'observ~d . .. .heard . .'about . ,it. . -, . . e; ,;' .' ',g. Ple~se' prqvid,e th~ ~pprp}{lr:nate t'jme fr~me £luring, ~hiG,h t!li& 'c6ndu~t 'o~c~rreq. From O&f20Q3 t,o QS}20Q3 DOo Not ReGelIl 1:1, T~~, detain~e(~) tr~t~d In '~hi~ W~'if w~r~ Iqc;<;'!t~ ,?It 'the tim~ iT) i i 0' GU<;lnt;;lnamo ? D:I@~:r 3 D .P,.fgflanista'J1 ,~ 0 Otlier Location 50 Do Not Recall i. Pleas¢:identifY the,~detaiJi,ee(s) by name arid n.umb~r: , I.-do n0t knoW ' ;j. PJ¢a~e'ld~ntifY th' 'WhQ Jr~ated- ~he d,et~irt~e(~) in thi~ rDcH:me(, iocllidjng their '!icIlTle(s) ~tid ~e\lemrtrentagehcY(ies):~ Cdo 1J0,t Know , 1<. P:I~ase id~iitif.Y any :9thel- Fal pe'tsonnel or nori:'FBI p¢tsonnei ~wh:O' bQ:ser-Ved detarri!i!~,'S) tr:eated in tHis: rf1~fnher." iricludift~ their name(s) and ~g~ncy~k:is)~ -b6 SAl I FBI r. Thi~;CP!1dUci pG~~me,~ In' conn,er::tip:n VV.ltl1: 1:0 bfi~:d¢t?Jil1e~ 2, '0 :S~veral a¢,t:ain:~s (,2-4;) S Q Many d,etainees ,(more thElJ1 4:1 .4 0, OQ Not ReCall b7C rh. (Qj:JtiOrial~ pieq~ destrib.~, the relevant cir.cmniStaht;es in more'detai'l; 46. lsolSltjng ~ fOf an'~xtended ,p~rlqd I, OIGQ-OOS069 .. -- o b. ~r observed detalnee(s) In a cond itlon that led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred. c. D IDetainee(s) told me 'that this condu'ct had ·occurred. Others whQ observed this co~duct descriqed it to me. 0 d. e;. D I hpv~ reJ~'iant i.nformatlon c1assifi~d a.bov~ "SE~RET·'. t 0" l o6serv¢.c1 this 'conduct :nQr hear.d 'abqu.tinrom ,~om~one'who did . lJ$i:n~ 'duct tap!=!' to r~5tralii'{ ·:g~.",-I_o_r.... pu.....n_i_sh~a-"p;,..;e;,..;ta",,"jn..;;.e_e .47. -,-- _ . D I.personally observed this condlid. b.· 0 I.:observed detainee(s} in a'condition that led -me to' believe that this conduct had :occurred. c: D. Detalnee(s:) told me thatthls C0nduct had m::curred. a. o PtherswhQ obseryed 'Ws conc!uctpescribed it t~ me;· 'ej, D I. ha.".~ ,relevant. fntormat!9 0' c1a~~ifJ~g a~9.v~ "S.l;C~"·. ¥: 0 i nrayer'Qb.~~rv.e:d t,h($:C9!1cfuqt nQr·.h~r.d ·a!?Q4J' I~ .fr9m.~meon~ e; D b. 0 ·a. who dld,. I p.erSbnally.observed this.conduCt. LobserVed aetainee(s} in .a'cond'itfon that led me to'Delieve tnat·this eonduct had ·0ecurretl. c,· o petainee(s) told me that this conduct had :o'Ccurr.ed., d. rtf ib.thers who observed this conduct·descrlbed it to me: D. II hav.e refevant jnform~tion c1 9.bQve' "S'EGR8J .... f. D l~ never ~pserv~(tthlscop~!-:l~tnpr h~rd :~~Pl:'t it {rom someoqE2 wJ'!o qid. e•. < []':. . Please prQvide the approxiniate tIme frame:durl'tig ."Yh1c;h tl1fs'~(j'ri~oct :oq:;.urrect. 08/2003:. 000 Not Retail Frbm ,08(200'3 to: h..,Tpe QetainE?e'(~) ~r:eate9 in thi,s W,ClY w~r¢. Iqtafeg at the tithe In: i 0' Gua.nt~namQ .:a 0 :3 0 -4 ~ 0 0 . lra"q Af9nanistaii Other Location Dal'!ot Recall i. Ph~as~:identify the'oetainee(s) by ,name and number·: OIGQ-005070 I do not know J. P'Iease.lqentlfy the. person(s) wh9 treated the de~lnee(s) In this ma,nner, inc!odlng their nam~ts) a,nq goYernm~ntagenGy(ies),: ,. LddhQt know k.. Please i<fe,ntify any otber FEU personnel or Gpn-fel personn~1 Who Q.bserve~ detainee(s) Vc;ated in -this, manner" ir:icludin'g their hame{s) and, ,agency (ies) ~ r~Q n<;>t rec~lr' ". ' I. This 'con~oct occurred in ,Colmectjon with: i 0 One detainee 2: :Q '$everal d~tain.ees (~-4) ~ -0 Mi;lnY :d etainees {m'pre. ~han' 4} 4 @ D,D Not Re-cail Tlrere; was: general ,knowled,ge-tt)a.t ~m Emergency Respcose forGe (tIexl-sted to'Gpotrol (fet.Cjinees' .Wh9' w~i:~ ri9ting gr 'geql@ QU~ of ~9r\trbl. po M.t: have :~flY inf<i}rhia.tIQn· ~,s ,to how pften thi~ 'team Was, used .or oriWhat detaihees. ' .r 49. uSing. a' military,:Clog 66 .oJ near: a tf¢tainee Qther tha.n :dilrihg d¢tiilnee:tr.anspor,tation a~ o r personally·.o.bserved thlscondlkt. ' lb. o J,obserVed 'detainee(s} in a,eona ition that led me'to believe thatthis cond'utt heW ,ocdfrred.1 c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this cond,,!ct had .occurred. d., 0 Others who observed this conduct described It to me, e. 0 I hC)ve,r~levpnt jnform?ltlon cJpssified above "SECRET'''. 'f: 0. I, n~ver Q~Qs~rveg, t~is c9l1qu~Lnor heard a~qlJ~ it from.$Q[T1e\>l1~wh.odid,.• ' 50. l:h(eaiel)ing to use.mllltqry· ~9.rking dpgs,o.n .q'r'Jl!=~r a. 0 b. 0 c. 0 d, 0 e'. 0, f, a l'naJly·6bsei:¥.ed this .colldiict. I observed detaihee~s} in a,conoiti0h'fhat led me te. believe that.'this conduct had occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this,conduct had 'occurred~ others. who observed .this condblct d'escri'bed it to me. r. !1av,e r~levant InforlT1at!on: c1.asslfje,c;l ~p~>v~ "SECRET"'. 8 I never observed' thi?'-C9lJouct nor heard ab.out i.t from sQm~one who- q!d. OIGQ~005071 a. 0 I personally observed. this.conduct. b. n c- O d. r.obseiVed detalnee(s} In a .cond iHon that led ine. to, believe thanhls conduct had' occurred. . D"E~tainee(s)told me that this conduct had ·O"ccur'red. o IOthers who observed this cond,uct d'escribed it to me. D r: hav.~ relevan.t Inform~tlqn, classiffeq ·a ~ove ..-SECRET'.. ,. f, ri:I. l.nevero.bserved this conduct norheard 'about it from someone who did. e., ),' ~, ." .-". '"" ", ." • .,', • <. • " ", -'., " .52._ ThteC)ten'ing ~o ~se '$, ~c,orpions/-,sl)a~es, pr other animals on:;;1 c1~taine~ 'a. 0 I personalltooseWed this:conduct. b. 0 I-:observed detainee(s) iii a'condition that led me to,belieye that this cond.tict had .occurred. c, o IDetaihee(s)'told me that this conduct h-8d ,occurred'. d. G 'e. 0 r. "'qV~ releyant. illfo.f!ll~t!on, clq~'~ifie~qbov~ "SECRET"', !-- Others who observed this conduct descrfbed it to me. r. 0: it J.1ever o·bservE?c1 tills ·condlJc~ nor ,h~~d.abo~tIt frO!TI"soD1e9rt~w~o did. 5.3: Dis.r.espectful'statements, handling, Qr:aC1:ions lnvolving th~',~o'ran Ia., b, o II'obsehled this 'con·duct. o t~obserVect, detciiriee(s} irlEl conditil!>h that led me to, believe' that this co'h:duct had ·Qc:curreO. to'etaihee(s)'told m-e that this condiJCt had ,occurrecl', c. -D Id. d e.. f, :Others who 'observed .thls'conduct'descrlbed It to me. o II. have relevant information c1asslfied' above I!SEtRET". ~ ¥' rev~r'oQs~rv~d thi~ lC9ndl.J~t n9r h~r.d Cl,bo,l,It; it 'from. S9rne<me' who,d id, ,54. $h<;iving a detaj'ne~·s. fC;lcial Qr other hqjrtq !=ITlbarrCj?S'or humiliate: a deti3,inee' ·a. b. D II. personally observ.l=o this ';CohClu¢t. o It observed detilinee(s) h'la cone! itkin that led roe to believe thafthis conauct haaoGturr.ed. - OIGQ-005072 .. c. d. .-.- , . o IDetalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had 'occurred. o lOt hers who observed this conduct described it to me; r 0 t 0 e. ~~v.e relevant infQrmCltion c1assifieg q~ove lI:~ECREP". I nev~r obs~rve:d ttlls,:COI1Qupt,nor heard?bpul it from',sqmebne:Who. did. 55. P!?li::irt9, q woman's c!pthing qn:a ,detCjinee, e, 0 0 0 D o .1 ~av,e relevant inforrn~tiQn, c1assff[~ above: "sEdRET"~. f. 0 r.f!~v.:~ro:l?~el\le<! tpfs.,<;ondl,lct nor n~rd.'about-it fF9m SGme0!1~ W~9 cji9. a. b'. co d. a. 0 b. 0 c. ,d., .e., f. I perSd'nal1y obset'v.ed this ,condiJCt. Lobserved d~ta'jne.e(s) in a eond itio.11 that led me to believe thafthis conduct had ,occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. Others who obsel1led -this conduct-described It to me.. L personally ob'served this :C'o{idu,ct. I.:obserVed cleta'i'nee(s) in -a.condition that led 'me: to, tielieve thatthis Gonducl: had .occurred. o lD'etainee(s}fold me that ,this cond'ud had ,occurred'. d others; who observed this conduct describea it to, me. o h, have rele.vant informatfon classified above "SECRET",. o ii. never,qbserved thts"co(lduct nor heqrd '~b0Ut it 'from- sorneon~:who, eltd. 5-;7, J!9lding .de~ain~(s:> Whq w~re npt (l'ffJ,c,laIlY :ac~nowlegge~t Qf r!?glstereg ~rs such by -t,he;ag,enty d¢t-alning th¢', person. ' I a. 0' !r perSonally obsehf.ed this conduct. b. 0, Lobserved detainee(s) ,in 'a condition that led me to belieye that this conduct had ,occurred. c. 0 Det~I[I,eefs) tqld me that t~is c;:ond u,ct had ~<;:C;:~,l'reg ~ 4: 0 O~~'e~' who {)trsery~ t~is cond'Uct'de$cribed e- O . 'f: 0 Ii have r~l~vatit informa1:i9'n .dassJfj~ It to,llJe. pb'<;>ve "$ECRET\ I nev~r"op'~erv:~d thf?·'conputt nqr h~rq ~bOlit, it from. ~.i:1me~n~ Whp did • ". . ~ ... _. . ._- .. ......... _ .. .. " " , " ........ . .. ... . .. . _. -- -- ..... .. , . , . .. OIGQ-005073 ,58. Seh'ding a 'detainee to another coiJntry for rTlQre:aggressive int.errog'atiQr) a', 0 :I. b. 0 c. U I:obs~~~ed d,e!~ln'eets) in a'cqndjl:ion tho~ d. e. personally ob~rvec:l this :cqnd'uq. l,eQ :me to!ia,t this conduq: had oGl:;urred. De,talne~(sj tl)lp m~ that thi.s, cPlJdu~t hap :occorr~.- o lathers' Who bbserveq 'this: conduct descrlbea It tO'me:., D- r: haVe relevartt Information' i:lassiffe:d above, "S~E,CRETI/. f. 0 r- n:ever ob~¢rVe~f ~fji~. cqnduct npr h~r'd :a bt;ili.t: it fr!)in scime!)ne: Who' dJd. 5.9. Threatening to :send. a detainee to another country' fOr detention bnnote'a,g'g ressitre intern::iga-tion D. it O,Qserveq t~is condU/;:t. b" .' 0 r~'o,l?servec!>det.<;lineet~) in ,0 'c::pnqitiqrr ~hat, led rne tr;> a~ 'c", 0, D !Detajl1~,(s.) t91~ 'me thCjt t,t'ris t,onc;lUC~~ be.1jeve thquhl? condU!;;t naq 'QG<;t,.!rrel:!. hq¢f 'o§cur~eo, o ;Others: w.hp 'Qb!;ety~q this, GQnductd.escrl,b~d it,tt:>: m~, 0, f h~,!~ rele'Vant, ii:lfor0J9Jlon ~laSsifjed :gl1ov~' I~S:E¢REro\'. f. 0 r riey~r6j)ser-\!ed thi~L'c6.nduc.t fl,Qr h!=a'fd from S<iITreone'whQ ~:Ijd.. ¢'. "60. Threatening' to take actlon,agcllnst,a d.etalnee's famHy q., b', :c. 4. e', o if personally'o,bserve,d ~his':condu~t. o lr.ob$erved__de~qrQl?e{s} In 'C::l;'co:nd'ltI9n'that led rue to bel'!eve .tha~thls co.n:d,U.Ct' h;:ld occurred. o iQeJ~i.n~(s' tqJd ,m~ trat this: col)duc.t bad oq:urred, o !()tbers who op$erye:q ,this co.n~uGt des,cril:!e9 iJ t~t r;ne. I '0 II' haVe tef~valit IlJfbrmati9n: ~I!=l,ssifl.ed 'a bj:i\ie' ":-sEC'RET". f. 0' it, n~\ier,q,b,ser\(ed' fhiS'CQ/idut,t npr h$r,d '~bb_gtit from '-SQrrie9rt~ WheY d itt. 51. Oth~r t~e·atrh.ei)t or 8'Gtron Gauslng !;evefe-emoti6ha( or p.§y~ital ~r:aur'nij to adetaihee, EI 0 II personaHy o?served this.conduct. OIGQ-005074 ·, b. 0 I'observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to bellev.e that this conduct had 'occurred. 0 0 e:. 0 . f. 0 c. d., '62. a. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. O~hers who observed this co!,!.duct descriqed it to me. I haVe reJ~yant Information !=ia~sjfied Clbov~. "SECRET" ~ I n~v,er obs~rved thi~ 'cQng~Gt .nor hearp 'C\bqut it "from ~qmeone:whp did . O.ther'r~ligjo.\.is, harC!ssment Dr hum.iliatioil gf a d~talnee 0 r. personally 0bserved this conduct. h" [) L:observed detainee(s} in a'coRd ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ;occurred: C' D. IDetainee(s.) told me that this c0nduct had occurr.ed. 0 O~hers. who "Obsery~d t~i.s c:onducq:le~crjbeQ itto m.e; eJ 0 I, n.a.y.~ .rel~vant' Ihforr.:n:a't!c>n' c1assifJe,g ~ 1?9v~, ·~S.ECllEJ'\ 'f; 0 I n~~f'·qb,~,erlJ.e<! thl,s:copduc,t nq.r hear.'! \~b.9l!.t It f~orn;~rne'ql1~ ~. who did, :'63,. 'O,ther tr:eath'ient or Jj' deta ine¢ .tna,t fh YOllr o"p'iriiorr W(:lS, uiip.r:pfe.s~.ional, jJntluly harsh or 'a'ggr.:es:siye/ ~¢~Iy'e, ~,~Eslv:e.l <?r. ~[l,I~w.fl;lL __ ,._ .. .._. a. b. . ._ .~_ ..._.,._,." __ ,~.~__,, _.,'"_ .'_,_..., <_ _ , ' . ,_, , o !1 personally observed' this condud. , o 11 oi;>served det,a.!n~\=($) In cH:::~mdition tha~ led 11)~, to' b,el.leve,~hatthi~ eondu.~ had 'Qccurre~., ,0 !befainee(s)tqld 'foe tp:qt 'this: ~ond.uct hat;!' occurf~f. .d. '~the'r? WhD 'ob~ery~c:1 ~th(s. t:~n9uc:t d,e~~Jtbed. it to m~,. e. 0 I ha\le re(eya!'l~ Infonna~lon ~Iqssifl~~ ':ql?'o~e "S\=CRETi". f: 0' l neV,er qbseN~d thi? <; nor lij:Xln:l 'p~qut it fr'ptn..-$Qnieqnewnp giq, c~, o ,_m,::~~@)@liOOlijtl!j.M_,'::':··'f:-:' -' .. "11 '64. ,Did you, obs~·rv.e ahY. impe(sonation :of FBI personnel by'.anyone ,durjng ah interview di' .interrogation of ,a.aetainee'?, , " O'Ye~ "65. Did ~ny,detainee 0 No o'r otherp,ersbil ,teW}tou that he or she had witnessed. the Jrripe.r.sonati6b personnel :in connection with 'a detainee interview or interrogation? .0, Yes b N'o. of FBI OIGQ-OOS075 , 'a:. Please provIde the,approximate time frame during which this cond.uCt btcurre.d. From 08/2003' to ,08/20'03 0 Do Not Itecall b:. Th~ detain~e(s} treate,d In this 'Way Vl!e[e, locat~d 'at the time: iii: 1 &1 'Guantan?lnio: 2 0 Iraq . .3: 0 Afg'hi,lhrStan '10 .OJher lOGation :~. 0 0.0 Not Recall ,c; Please identify the detalneeCsl by name·and number to; the best of your reoo/lection: I dg hbt kn:qW 'd. Please identifY the. person(s) whO'tr¢,ated the:d¢$) in ,thislJ'natm~rl i((duding, if yo-u recall, their name(s)a'nd gO)lernment:age'ncYOes):: ! dO' not re<:911 . . '.e. The, names ,of. any other FBI personnel, ,and the mimes and gOvernment agency. of non-FBI p~rsOJ,me!i w/1om I b~lieye s?Jw the.<;l~tafnee(~). treated [n thls"'~~l) are.: . . . I'dp' not tecaU "t Thls,:cQnduet pccurr~d in :~(mrieetlon .Wlth: .1 0' :ohed~taInee, Z 0 :SeVeral detainees GZ-4) '3:0 Many detainees' {mor.e:than 4) '4- ~ 0.0 N.qt ~ecall ig. (dptional) 'please,describe the [elevanLdrcumstan<:;es·ih more aetalJ: Ou,d~g ,:q, Y"~~kN Ff3I me~ting'i ~Qrt!~.9n~'-sa!q th~Y' h~ar~ ~h~' rpiU~ary '~O!1t,~cWr;~ ~ere W~~J,ng J~Qya.I Robbln.s pant? an~ telling de~a Inee$ they-were With. th~: FBI. ldo: n'Qt 'h~ve, a,ny·.sp'e¢Ifl.c I9iAW.I~~fg,t;i <jf W,hq ;did' thts ,gr wt:!Q,liiig h~' Mv.e.:wi):.he~seq tnis. <>j$: ,Are;YOlJ ~W~~ pf.~y "slfarp;" l;5f'JJ~lag~Q'1 .~~ta1riee\inteniiews-9f'inten:.Qgw:~p_ifs,c'Qildu3~f~!:lf<?r 14ew1:>:ets 'of .t1:].eU~~~. Cqngre~ll 0r1helf s~: . QYes .~ No· :6.7"; W·your kn't?wledge,.dt~ i:lny lJJilitary. o~ JI')~~lI!g,eIlG~ p~r?o.nn~.1 :~ve:r ~e!1Y: 9r' del?,lY FBI a.c~es? fO"g, .. :de~ii':i'ee.the F~I w.ailt~~ t9:ql,lES,tii;>rl' Jje.c~u~e:ttie,de@ine~ had 'sus.tairied, injuri~s after he jiva~. cap;tur~l;1? Oy~~, 0Nq . •'~lI."P'-\fk.~~~~'_~~~,~·:,::',": :"'<'.:':-.: ~ ··i~t.~~~~·@lF. .. ::.~,::~,~·,/· !lg, ~',~i m~ ~<~,:" :" :,: :";'~ -: -:' .:':';:.:: ',' t~;' :\,~,: "~:'."::-:,.' :":-::"':, ::~.:" \'.:.' .:",-, :':'.' . 6:8. Did 'y:ou end your participation in or obsefVation' Ora ,detainee interviewor interrogation ~~~aJJ~~ .(?f ~he' int~rvi~w gr' t!1t~rr9'ggtiQn m~t!1gg.s b~i1l9 4~~? 0: Yes; 0 No $9.:Wer~ you ey~n(;M thaJ:a'n~oth~r Fj3I.¢mp:lbye~:ehp'e,d hi,s:Q'r I\~r p~'rtlcipati.Qn'in:on)l>~erya.~i.o'n Qf,.a detainee interView dt interrogation b'ecause of the interview or inten'og'citi6n 'methods lreing used:? OIGQ-005076 o.Yes (ijNo 70.. puringj3:ny- .ofYbll'r'" (:I~pj6Yri1e(its 9r a·s5.igm'n~nts, diO yOIJ T,::!port .any: cq~ns.regamin9. any ,oetcHliee. intervieYli.oj" interrbg.ation p.icictices, 'or otfier types.of d.etainee .treatrrieriX" to 'an FBI 'Supervisor? (rYes (V'NQ" on. any.:d.e.ta:inee Dur:ln~';3ny :Qf YQ.ur ~rY~r~s tlepJoym:ents; or C!%s'I~ntn:e.tlt~-,.J;lI.d y~u r.eAArt ~riY c:o.l1C$"ns re-gardlng i riterrpga,tiOn p or' olher of lr.eatmerit Ypu JntefYleWj~l:r ~bdu.t~ observed or heard ~ctices :ty~' .d~ta in~ to,a non-FBI supervisor' of other non-FBI'sonnel1 Oves @ No" 7'i~ H.C!ve yp}) .~er Qee,IT Qr4ere:<! or gi~~ lJ9t'tO report, 'l;l"['d isc9:l:!r~ed In. <'!(ly"v«Wfrvrt:l fepj:>r:!:IOgl 6b"" "S· II~g,. "XVgn,§..... . "'!<l'ed 10 d I I "" T" I " !If.r IIl~ "Ii'{"IE':.'Qrl W "hI""" ,,\'0 " Ct")9}}~9r -" • " ,__ ~I'YA.,.!9(l._.Qr~ re~.JTl~!1~ erfQ~. I n;a > __ • • ' ." p.taetices7. " 0. Y¢!;: "0 NO 73'. tt~e:yo~ .«:;xp'e(~&;:e.d ,cUlt actual or ~h~t~~ re~"I,iatil?1Tfor reporting. Qb~rvatior.tS:.or :aJ!~~tio~ ,p.f petain,ee U~lmen.t ~t iQt.~lVi~ .or int~'r.~Qg,atip.:n ,aqiqr1%:qr pral=tic.eSv QY~' "~"~O " 74~ (6p~J.o.~iJ Pl~?o.~ pr.<?yf~~ arw:addltlonal ~r:nln~nts (~~Fdi09'~ repJ)rtrl"!!l"f.?f 9',lJC~{ns: r~l<n~ jritl::rvieyt or fn.lerrqgatrj:1i'1 t~hl'ilgu¢S; Q¢1entiQn pr!Slt!:i~, 'or:othe;{ detaiii¢etr¢?ltment. iij#\t~~_. !9" 0 1 75, .Q.ep:rie"fcii" 9!h!:!r·!hari. tbe·~tantlatd detiriefln' FD-772,. c;:or'iGerning' y.ou r -6:v.elPe"<;ls ·as$i9."nmeflf(s) ,ot,depbymeijt.cs:). after you tbthpreted the dep:loYrtle!rtts)" b'r;ass'iQ riinerit(s.)?" 0- Yf..S: @:N6 Zf5. 'Adoitkltial Comments arid 'RerommerKIatio,ns: OIGQ-005077