ACLU v DOD, DOJ Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001020
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Department·of J~s,tic.~ In~p~ct.or· Gener·al 'Qu~stionnaire Re~,ar.din·!.' Detain~e~ DOJ,-:OlG INVES.TlGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR: R:EV.IEWAND USE dNLY' BYl~DIVIDUAL FBI ItESPONDENTS .' - .... '00. NOT FPRWARDcPR DI~EMI~ATE . QUESTIONNAIRE 10.: test-OQOO,10'2'O .As of i:h~ I~snimfi! th;s·:qu~Jionn.aire. W~~. ~CI\(~~, some require.d 'nelds: hClV~ r.a9~ ~een COl11pl~1;ed. PJ¢<is~>revieW'your resp:onses. A. P¢r$Qn~1 Inf"prmat;ion Please jJrovide'the following ir"lformation: '1. Fkst iiCjm¢' 6 &~ 7(; PER A(?REEMEN.T . Ii &'1C,PERAGREEMENT '2.. Midqle Inill?J: 3~ Last name: 4. EriterJ:cj' oil .DUty' Date' (EOD): .5;. Current DMslQn/Fietd Office: 6;, Current 10b title: Y: Direct diCilI office.. telephone number: 8. FBI.cell phone' humher: 9. F'B,i [lumber: 1(j~ Best contact l1ur.nber foryo!J~ 6 & 1.C PER AGREEMENT g & 10 ~ ~ 10 SS~ 6 &,1CPERAGREEMENT ~ &,.70 PER..AGREEMENT 6 & 70. PER AGREEMENT 0& 7.C PERAi3REEMENT B. BackgYoLi'nd of S'peCifi'c De'ploy'Il'lEi'nts or Assignm'ents ----------~ J:1. At any time afterSeptemb'er n~ ZOOl, ctid Y0u-,s¢'rve a's. a merfiber'ofthe U.S, Military, or as 8'0_ employee ,or contractor or the FBI or any other government agency, ·at Guantanamo Bay.. Cuba; Iraqi .Afg hanlstan';or:in areaS c;:ontroll.ed py t~e .~.Et. MilitCiry or a, U. S. intell iqen~e servj~e in:'qmnedjon'witp the ~l~Qal Vi1?\r on ,teITor? ·@·yes 0 No 12. ~nter the number :6{ tim,e:s·yCiU. Wer.e.d~pjoy~d on~ssi.g ned to each of the· failowing 19caU.olis:· (Guantimatno Bay, C1.Jba~lraq;.Afghanistan; .or in·:ariy areas controlled by the u.s. lYIj1ifarY.' ora U.S, jJ1t~lHgence ser'Vi<:,e)tl, . '. , For each deployment or .assignmentcomplefe the foJJowi~g.seCtion., Location (select one' De~loyn1~.~cir it~sipnmeri't'~egim afrO!' [jep!p.Yr:"eii(or .a.55,gm;neRt~ndel!on. '.' . aboqt 'j, lir~~ or about. 03/Q7ho.04 12a. Wbat was .the :gen;e~al nat~ re. ~N! p'LIrp:6s~ 05/14/:2.0.04 q{ YQur.ass,ig rirnelit arid ·apivitJes? lnyestigativ~ f2b. Please provide,the' n~mes of the.,specific.camps, basesj' or facilities where you 'Worked. , "., . 12c. N9te: If iflfprmaj:ipri' a.p,out a 'Spe.cific·canip~, base, or f1;!cjlity'is c1a;ssifje.d ;aQo.v,~ S~~.RET, please'.ch:etk. her~' ,"include in your 'ansWer that yotr haV:.e n'additJ9!1al'informatidh tlas~ifie;d :a.boYe 'S ECRU:'!' and, if you know., id.entify the:c1assification lev.el, ticket, :eompait'ment1 pro~tram, ,or,other des'lgngt[0n that-applles tJ:!e:·lnformati.on. po n9t Include the ,ad9itlonal e1C!ssified inf9rmatfon if) y~>ur .c~n:tp .fre~p.m. in MOs!-!l, Iraq; D.-R~QrAJrfi.elp in ~O?j:Jll trpq. .. ° '9 OIGQ-004734 q u~stionni:lire' responses. bIG perSdnnel with the, necessary clearance will c9ntact you to. rec~ive it. Name Position 1,....,.,. ----"1- :12~. Did, y.9ujoint!'{ in,ter.ilj~w I, _ _ 1.0"'" .... - - - _ - -' _ - ~~;~~n~~~K~~~:~~~~~~~d-eE . __ , .... - or !nt~rrqga.teBny _._ - <:) _ ._ _' ..:. b6 b7C _. . . _.' : de~il]e~ ,,!,,i1th no.n~FBI persQnl)el?' Yes 0 ~ No , - __ - - _ ..... - ' _ ..... - - -. II. ,""::,,.~ {12f. Did. YQl,I jointly. plan pny :Q,etainee interview.or hiterro.QatiQn :strategy, gbjectiv~, or taq;[CS with nbn- : iFBI pe'rsoonel'? . ,• . I I 0'':' _y':'ep. t:\ l' ~. ' ':::':~b :. , ~ ,.12g. Were you ever othefW'ise involved in detaineeJinterviews,or interrogations with non-Far personnel?' .' Yes 0 No :' : ..... - ' - . - - - - - ":"" - - - .... - - _ .... _ ~. Trairiin'g prib.r t~ .... - - ' .... - - - - - .-0 ..... ""'l'" - - .....' - ..... , - . - - - - _ - -,- - - .... - ~ - - - - - - _ _. - . - : - - - - ""'1 - -. - - - - _ ...... Overs'eas D~ployment Or. A'$signmelit 13. ~ld. :YE)!J ·receive apy trai'n.ingJ'instn,lct~l), 'Qr iguidance speqif~a!ty. "T'preparatipn fGr any'of your qvers~s,'~epID¥rn~lJr~9r a,~~fgm:ne,nt~? ~Y~~ OO.q f\I~t R.E¥:aH .oNe> m '~~a. Whq prQvid~~ Jhi$ t~Jnlng, in~trugi.o,n, OJ g,Q,id_£lI1C~~ ~nd did YQU ,re,G~r'l~, F~r Per~onl'!el ''It F.BI A.~d~r:r:ay. 13b. D,eseribe 'the subJ.ect on,which'yoil received .thls·training,. instruction or gUid,ahee. ~eheral de:scrlptlon of rnlssJoh',.a rea ,pt operation r mel:! I~al/health: cbnc'er'nsr equ lpmertt, safetyj'tad:ical, dead [y' foice po'liey.. .' - QNo 15. In preparation for any''of your 'ovefseas tlep Id)lmerlts .or assi.t,jnmerits, ',d id you' receiVe.:aM- tfafni rig, , instruction, or g,uidan<::e concerning the standardsofconduct applicable to·the.treatment} intervi~~, or irJterrog,a.tion of qefaioees by ,noJl~FBI personn~1'? Oy , ,,~. 16. In preparation for anY"of your overseas d~plQyil:lents .or. . . assig'nrnents"did you r:ec;eive.ariy, tFaining, . instructionror·g.uidance concerning what you were suppOsed to' do if you ubser:v.ed,or heard 'about the t~9tment intervif;1iY~' 9r int~rr{)ga!ion:o.fdet<;!ine~s by FBI persr;an'n'~r Whi~tl'yqu believ~d tq tre in'appropriate, unprofessiOnal, ¢oe'rCiye, a~."isl\(e~ or.unlawful? 17: In .pr.eparatiol1 Tor .!3ny '9f ·your over?~as: ~ep.lqym.el)ts or as~ignrJ:lerJtsJ~Hd Y0.U ,receil(eaflY trpining", or .guld~nce con~emlng what yo!.! were;supposed to do If you obsE!rve~ or he!arQ 'a~qut . the treatm¢ht;intervieWJ or itlternj,gation,p.f d.etairiees !w "oii-FB.~ persoluiel, Which yoo beli~ved, OIGQ-004735 to be, inappropriCjte; l,mprofessional, meJdve(apu~ive; or u,nl,awful? .¢Yes ',0 No OOq Not Recall lB. Training D'uririg, O,verseas Deployments or AsSignments 18', Owin:g ,qny',of YOW9Verseps deplovments of as~Jgl}lTlents,did YOI,I receive any trcrlningj lo.strlJcti9n, 9T gUIdance 'Co!1c~rnlng '!hErstand,ar.~s of cpnd~et ~PPUc?bl~ t9 tbe treatm~nt'i,l!i~erv,e",!~ or interr6g~tiQn b,y FBI p¢rspntiel? ' 000, Not RecaH eNo HJ. Qqri!'J9 al)¥ 9F yC)pr 0\ierseas d~pI9Yr[le~~~ qr 'a$slg nment~, ~llq you receive any'traJlling, ln~flJ,cti91l; Or ~UiQaf'iCe con~ernfhg the'~~tal1c;l,ards r;>f c'bn.du<;t i'<J.ppliccible t9~he V~tm,ent., :Hitel"':tl~ r or ' interrQ9'atioh .of detaihee:s by riQn-FBI p,etSoiiriel? 0'00 Not Recall '2~. I:ilJJiingany:of YOur 0.ver~ea~,'q~plqymeTits. Qr a~sig,nmeh~s;. did YQu re~eiye, any'trqrl1ingj in,sti;uction" <;)r'guidqn:C~ concern1ng what'y0Y w~~'sup'p~ea t9' d,Q if ~o,u 'Qb~rve.d Qr hear~ ~Q:oO,~ th~' treatment, interview~, oJ' interr.ogation .of detainees by FBI personnel, wliich yoU believed to be inappropriate, unprofessior:lal, coerciv.e,. abusivel , or nlawfu I?- u boo 'Not Recall 'OYes 21. Dufiht! any :OF'ydP r' over,seas ~~p'16yniEfhtt M q$sJg nnieflts, 'did, YOIl' r~celve any tra'iriing I i il~rLicti9ri" or gUidance'coftcerriin.g 'what you were sO p,posea 'to d0,'if you .0bserVed .or,beard ,ciboufthe treatment" interviewt or interr~gation of detainees by non-FBI personneli' which .you Believed to 98 il')C!PProPFiate; un p.rq'fe!?!?I(m?!I~, 'COef,chJ~;abus!V~, qr 'unli:lINfJ] 17; ':OYes ,22. In .your ,o·p.ihion,.cli.d' you re,c~ive :aae'quate: t.rainin-g, instruetion,: or ,gujiia:nce reja~il)g :to~s.tahdards, ,of eanduct by FBI 'and norl'-fBIpersohnel relating' to treatment, :interView~ 'or interrogation of 'd~tainees prior to.'your,d~pjoYm~nh)r~ssignmef!t,~ " , 0'yes Q No 2$.:tn your'oplnio'p, ~did you r~elv~,act~guate tr~,ln.ln.g, ~fl~r:U~iotJi 'or gJ.J1dan~e.rel~tlng'to;st9,ndarqs,' 'of conduct by FBLatid llori-fBI persQnnel r:etatlng t(j:.treatrherit~ interitie.w, Or' interrog ation of clefafrie,es :durin~:r your deployment. or,asslg r i m e n t ? ' . 24.In 'your opinion,,;dia you reCeiv.e'adequate training, instruction, -or:guidaiite conce'rni'rig what you were supposed tQ do if you oQseryed.or h~~rd -ab6~t the ,heatment" interview, or Inte'rrogatiqn !=if OIGQ-004736 ,detaineeis, by FBI or non-FBI p.ers6l'fnel} that yO,lI believed was inappropriate" anprbfessfO'hai, .coercive, abusive;, (:)r unlaWful? -0 Yf$ 0 No 25. (Optional) In what ways- ean the FBI improv.e training on· this subject forfuture depfoyment:mr :9s~lg nments7 10.. Comments . :any 2§. piease proVidE; ~'d(nti.onal illf6rrilation;conGS!rning tr,aining foJ:' :ov~r$'~a!? 'd.~plbyrneht§ Qr assignments ef FBI pers0nnel you believe is r.elevant. I ·'1'; j B f ~ ~ , @ J ~ ~ @ l t i _ : 0' '~~~@;~~".':",,:' Introduction to Part.III: Iii this sectio.n', we,are's.eeking infoni:Jatibn fegar:d)ng ,a wide range o( intervfew,61' int:errogatiolY iecllliiqLies and .other lV,pes of,detainee:tfeatmeh't alleged, to nave 'O,CcLi ited. Y94 s!louJd notas~ume, jl,l?t P~lJse -vye; are 'askil.lg a!>ou~, a particular techp!que"9r p'ractl~ef. ~9at VIle, !lave, c;:ondu.d e9 in 'fC1et 9GCU rr~'d. We ~~'Qg nJz~ ,th?lt·'~,Qllle. pf th1=.~~ techl:J i(;H)~? or 'p~P~!~~ IT!ay CIt tirn~ b.~ n¢,c;;esSc:lry for.~;;lfety ,~iJ'1~ ~:ec.\Jri.ty In 'p ',~et€!htIQ.!1 ;seltl'ng'. If) @~ditlQhJ -w.~ r¢c¢.gn'I7~J:h~.t;sQm~:Qf the,~ techh iques ;br practices'may, have IJeeii a'uth'orizea 'for use"by military- or ,otner· 'g:ovef'fitnefit personnel. With r.e~Peq: t9 eachi~,e,htif(e~ technig!le; pri=lt::tic~,.Qr WP~ of· conduct ~esc;ri.bed !?~19V'{,- we.?lre.~eking info.nncition ·.a~,oJ i~s o.t~wr~'n~e d4ring dr in conh~~tion wi,tt:t l.h¢ 'in~en;ie,Wpr iriJerr.og~tion9f a de~ajne.e,. 'or pur,ing. the,detentlon Qf 'c) 'qetainee' beyonD :wl1at IS' need~ (Of safe~y ~nd security: In :that ,context, we will as\<' yo.u·toJell Us ;whether,one:or hi~re df the:follow.irig ,statements are tttie:: 1. ~ personally '9P'served this-co nq uct., 2, rohseryep det~il1ee(si (n 9cpn~ltiQn that, leq r:ne~tQ,'ey~ that ,this cPI.l'g].J'(;t ha~t 'Q,cturr./;:'c;I. 3' B.etainee.(s} told iil.~. that this, conduct had occurred,. 4, Others whool)served, this. condutt>described It ,to me. 5;, i have relevant information classified above: 'ISECRET" :6, r never'6bs¢rved t~js concfl,lct Iior h~'§lrd 'abQu~ it"{r91TJ sOlTJeoneWhQ .did. . . .. 2:7, Depnvi'ng'a detainee oJ fO,dd or water 'a: 0 I personally-obser.ved this conduct. I ---------------1 =----------------1 ---,.-------------1 I n~\(.er'9'1~$~rY~~ th~s ¢91J~~tt neir Ife,ard '~Qbl,l.t it from SQ!Tl~Qne: Whg- d'id 0 I 'observed det~i,n~~(s} in :a:condi,tion that led roe· tq belie.v:~ that this conduct had 'occurred. c. 0 jOe~ain~e(s) told me ~rqt this c0nduc~, had ·OCCIJI:Te:J,. (,1 .. 0 'Others Who 'ob~ryed th:r~ lZ(mduGt'-(,1,~tribe~ It to, me e. 0 i fia~e releyant informa.tloli· classified aQove "SEC~jl' b. f. 0 i OIGQ-004737 2.8. DepriVing adetain~e ofclQthTng a. 0 I personaHy observed' tnls:condtid. b, 0 I,.observed detaineetsJ In" a,condItion that led, me to believe that thIs conduct had occUrred. c. [j Detainee(s) 'told me that'this cond uct had ·occurred. d. D Otners who observed tllis conduct described It to me. D r ~~v,¢ releY~nt' fnf<!rmatlpn g!~ssjfi¢~ ~t~o¥e: 1SEC'RIT\ f· 0 r, nev,ero;bserved thJs COQ9,lJ<:;t !1~r,h5'ln~ ,ab0l.f.t it from somepfje: wt]9 did. e, 1 ~29. "Deprivirtg ,~detain~: of's~epr Qr interru pting :si~E!p' by freq.l,Ien,t t'ell relocafiQns or 'Qth~r meth()ds 'a. D b'. 0 e; 0 d. 0 'e., 0 f. 0 '-30. I per.sonaJ!'l oDserv.ed this.conduct. I-.0bser'i,ed detafnee(s) in "a·eoftCl1tion'that led me to believe that this conduct had ,accu'rred, [Jetai'nee(s)'told me ,that this conduCt had <6ccur~e(r. Others who observed this condwd described It to me. I have relevari~ lnformqtjon elq~sifie~ :c!.~ove 1I·$EG~Er'·.,.bs~rved thl?'cona.u<::t nor h~r~ qbo~t It fromsolJle~!1ewho did, Beating, a ,'detainee b. 0 r personally observed this 'COilduct. D I obserV¢d d¢tairiee(s) in a;cond iti~h', that led c. o 'Detalhee(s) told me that this cond'ud had ,oc::Ctii'red. d. 0 others, who 'observed <thIs c0nd uct described ·ft to. me, 0 I. have rele.vant information classified a'boye !ISECRET'I,. 10 l;'levEwo·b.5~.rv~d thjs 'c<;lnC!.uct npr h~rd '€),bol,Jt. it 'frem someof1,e'Wh0 did, a. e, f~ hu~' to belie've that this, c<iri.duct. bad 0(t,cllr'red. r 31. U,sing water tQ 'pr~vt;!nt oreClthing q,v,a detalnee,ortp, r;:re~t~ ,the s~nsatl9n of drowni,ng 'a. 0 I persenally 6b'serV$!a this 'c'oliClul;:t. b. 0 r 'observed detainee(5) ill 'a,cond itio'ti ttlat led me, to believe that this conduCt haa ,6ri:tufred. OIGQ-004738 . - -.. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct; had'occurred. 0 e. 0 'f: 0 d. o.thers; who observed this cond uct described it to me. rhave relev~nt i,nform~ti9n ~1~sslfi~ '~~ove' "$ ECRET']', ~ nev~r observed t!iis,con~ud ,nor tiea.rd 'a~qllt it frorr! sqmeone"Who did, 0 r pets6nal~y ,observed this ,conduct. b'. 0' Lobserved ,detaine,e(s) in a co.ndltion:that led a. me to believe that this conduct had .occurred. 'c" 0 D'etainee(s) to'id me that this conduct had :occurred. d, 0 others who observed this c:onduct'd'escrlbea It to me. 0 f. 0 'e. I, ~av,e relevant inlo'rrn?ltio'n, c'psSlfi~ apov~ "6EG~ET"·. (!1~y"ero,J:>5~rve~ thl$ ,<;ol}d,l,Jct nor h~rQ .abgut it 'frorp SQf.[TE?:0!1~wf}o ~ip. ',ga., 'ThreateninQ other a;etion:to:cause physfca" pa'in, ihjury,f:lisJlgl,.ltement, pr deat~ b', 0 I, pe:rSbnalty obsetved th'ls ,c,o,tidu,ct. 0 r observed ,,:ietaloeets) in a:.conditioh that led c. o a. IO:etainee(s) told me. to, believe thaethi's GondiJd:. had occurred. I me that this conduct ha'd occurrecL 0 ,Others who observed this condblct,descrfbeCl it to me. e. 0 I. have re'levant information classified above "SECRET'!.. f. 0' ir never Qbserveq thIs 'GqlJd !let nqr 'h~ rp ab,Qut it from ,someon:e wlla ~id. d. '34. QIher tr~.atmen1 or act'I.Q11 q,quslhg signJfi~n~'l;;;ll p-PIIJ or injuryr:Qf cau.srn'~ ~,istig urement or ~~' a. D , ;r perSo'nal~Y'0.bserved tliis.conduct. b. o lI"observed 'detainee(s) in 'a cond ition that led me to belie~e that this conduct had occurred. Ie,. o !Oet~i.rlee(sJ ~,C?ld ,me t/lat thi? c;zo,ndu(:t, had 'oqc~rre~L , f: ~ -~-.- .- jI never oJ:)~rve;d.~his 'con~~<;t n9'f h~r~ 'apolit it from ,~,qmebD~' whp C! id, - - ._- - ' ... • • ••w •• , . v_ ••• . ~" 0 Othel? who oq~rv~ this Gonductdes.~rlbed It tome., 0 t h9V~ r~l~vant i,nTqrmaiiQo dasslfi~d <'jbov~ '\$:ECRET"', ~ d. w.v _ _ _ • • __ .¥. _w. , .. .. , , ....... .. .... 0- .... .. OIGQ-004739 35', PlaCing 0 b. 0 c. 0 a, 4. a a h,ot sutfac~ OJ burnil)g 'a 'detainee I personafly o'bserveq ~his :cqnd'uct, Lobse(Ved. d,etgin'~'ets) in a 'cohd jti()n tn~.t O~talne1=(s) tol~ m~ ieet .me to- belieye th~t thi.s c;:ondy<;,t n1;ld ,o~currep., that this, concl!.Jf:t ha9 .oC;qJrr~. o lqthers' who bbsery!=d ,t.hi~, \:pn9u:ct d'esc;:rlbed it t9 m¢., e: 0 r' hav.e releyant information' das'Sified 'ab.ove "SECRETil , f. IEf t n:ever bb~rV~rJ tliis, c6ndu¢.t npr'h!=$r~ ,abr;:l1,i,tit .froin ,som~pn~,Whq' ~Jcl, , ,3,6. .using shackles or ,otlier restf.ajntsjri,a prolonged mannet'O ,8, 0, I!IIy' o;bserved thls:co·m;h,!c;:t. b: 0 c" q I.o!;>'s~r;ve{rrjet<;lin~-e(s) in ,a~c,9nd itiQ:IHhat·led lJ1~ tp b.efjeve, th gtthls ql[1duq: ~~ 'qcrc;:u,rr:e~J, DetaineeJs) tQl~ me'thqt this conq:u.c.t hQP :occurr:~(j, g, 0 Qthers wh'~ 9bslaryed this cpnduc;t ~~s't;:rib~d ie', 0 l' h~\(e ,it ~Q' [(l~: rele'ilant inf.ormation plassified 'gbove I~SEC.RET" . f. ~ I ri~ver oh"ser'li,ed. this,:co.n'd ue,t n.or h!=a td :~ bput It frcirri ,sqrTre6ne Whq dId.. 37. R~qJJlrlnga"detalnee. to 'maintain, a., !". or restraln.!n9. a' (Ietalhee,in, a ',stressful or 'p'aillful o '}I personally' observed this '<;onduct. ·po~l~ti~on;..;..... _ _ - o II obs~rve:d detqlne-e(s). In ,a,:'cond1tl,oothC!t led me to' bellev~ that thi~ cood,u,tt h'pdoccqrred. k o :OetC!ilJ~(sJt9.l~ JTl~ th?lt ~b'jS' C9n(l"uc~ ~ad oq:urrecL 1(1 .. 0 !Qthe~ whp opser.veP ,tl)is, c.Qnquct- d,es~r:!Q~ [1:: to' me: 0 i1' h,W~ relevan.t Ibfbrfl)atior.r dcfssifJed 'a~PVe "·$'EC8.ET". -;1 f.1 [i:J ii: , n~"er b,b~erved' this cqnduct nbr h!33r.d ,abqutlt from sQmeorl~whO' did. 38...ForCing ~l D a d,e~ainee to perform demanding pnysij:al eX¢r.cise II personally observed this conduct. OIGQ-004740 0 c. 0 d. 0 .e. 0 f. 0 I observed detalnee(s) In a .cond Itlonthat led me to believe that. this conduct had occurred. a. 0 I personally observed this condlict b. b, Detainee(s)·told me that this conduct had :occurred. Others. who observed this COl!~uct'des~riQ~ it to me. I hav~ rel~vant Information classified ~bOVE; ",~EtR~". I ()b~erved this,cQnduGt.nqr he<?rd ·al?o.ut i~ frpm ,sorneolle.who did. q r. observed detainee(s) In a 'cond ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ·.occurred. .c. 0 Detalnee(s:)'told me thatthls C0nduct had o:ccurred . g', 0 Others' w~o o~serVt;tl this Gonduttde~cr.ibed It to me; 0 f: IfJ e: (~ay.~ Jel~v.aJ1t rntorpl,at!on c;la!? .a!?9V~ ·~S.J;GR:!=t". ~. n~vero,b.~rve:d thJ~·C9nd.u,Gt nC?r hear~ ,~!?C?u~ It from;5.Qrm~on~who' did.. 40. Thr¢at~ning to us:e.e.leqrical shock·on ~ ,detaln~e' 0 b. 0 c, 0 a. d, .e.. ,..- b', G;-: t.obser'led 'detainee(s) in a',condition that' led me to: b'elieve thaUhis eonduCt had :occurred, Detainee(s) told me that this. conduct had :occurred. o p.thers. who observed this CGnductdescribed it to me, o ir. hav.e relev~nt, inrorm<;ltio!1 <:Iassifi~q abQve "·SECRET"·. f· 0 a. I p.ersonally·obseiv.ed. tftis;c6i1duct. 0 0 I L never o.bservE1'g thiS 'Cond.uct nqr heard 'Gl ~,0l;1t it from som.eon~·VVho ~ id. I per.sorially observ.ed this ~ I:observed deta'inee(s} ili.a cona itioh that lea me to belieVe thafthis conduct had .occu'rred', o IDetaihee(s) t61d me that this cond'Oct had ocd:Jrred', 0 Others· who obsefVed ,this conduct described it to me. e: 0 I have relevant fnf,ormation c1?issiff~ :abov~ "SE;GRETJ" • t. 0 t· !)ev~ro..Qserved t.hi,s 'eonduc~ nor heqrd -al?OlJ~' it fromS9me0j1e who d!q~ d. OIGQ-004741 42. HoOding or blinafblding a 'detalnee.other than during tr'anspottatiori a, 0 L perso~arly ob~rv~d this 'cq~duct b, 0 c, 0 ~, e, f, I:ob?e(,-:,ed de!C!inee(s) .i(l:a-conQ!tJon. that led me to b~ieye thafthts gmduQ: tJ9d O'c<;urre.d., [}~taln~(sJ to~ mf:'! that thi.s. cQnquct hap .oc;dJrreP. 0 Others who obseryed t.hl$ cpnd1,l.<;t d.e·sQ"lbeil It ~q rne: 0 f h~e releVa"rit lriforhiatloil' tlas1iifi'ed ab6V.e "SECRET". 0 I' I)~ei" o.b$r'v.e:d· .tlil~ ;C9ndu.ct il9r'h~rt!. -abrilj,t it "frdm ,S9m.epne:. YJhg did. " .1). Please approximate til'T're ftame..dunng. whld'i thls)CondulZt:ocr:ufred. 0i:Jo Not Recall From ·(M/D.ftYYY format or 'MjYYYY) to (f1ID(YYYY'format"Or M[YY·('{). h. The ,detaln'ee!s) treated In thi.s way were. k,ca,ted at the time in: . 10 'Gltant-aliar'no 2E1Iraq 3 o ,Afghanistan :4 d!er Locatl9n .5.D Do No.t geq:ill !~ P.I5':!~e:lc!~n~ifY the :l;Ie~i:jIln~(~) ~y ni;lrne ~nd. nJ,lm.ber: !In:!<nQWIl 'j. Piease'ldentlfy.the. peI'Sl:ltl(sywh6.tteated the detalnee(s) In thIS· manner, Including their name(s) and government agency(!eS)': . O$1\nny:peI;entipll pers.9nn~1 k, .Plea'se identify.,any'other FBI perSl?nnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detalnee(s) treated in ,this manner, including their name($:) 'and ~gency(ie"s): ~~ II·" .', b6 b7C I. -rtits,cpnduet oi:;q.Jrre,d, In' tQnn¢l9:n' with: 'One detairtee 2 ~ Severai de.tcHri.ees (2-4) tvlariy detair:Ees· tmor.e than 4} ~ 0 Do Not Recall i.o 39 m. (OptloJitd) Please the relevant c::lftLinistcinces: iii 'more 'det'ail, This aC.ti6ri Wa's, taketrto pre~flttile, d~tajriee$: from ,cibseiitJng the·lnterpre.ter:s who Were -assis,tilJO -with detainee. Inte~leWs ~nd pto~lng. OIGQ-004742 4.3. '~upjecting a detainee to 'ei<tremely cold 'or h6~ room tempercstures fQr extended periods c. ,..- o ~I. pets011alIY obserVeCl this ~6nau'ct. o ILbbserved detalnee(s') In a.condition that led me to belJeve thanbls conduct had occlfrred. o iDetaiiJee(s) told me fhat lhis coni! uct had .6cctirred. ~ e. o iI have relevant I'nformatlon classIfied abov.e, '!$ECRET'\ f; 01r never obsenred a. b. d. Erbthers who 6bservedt'h'i'~~0nd~ct des~~ibed itt~;~---'----------- . this. con!iuct nqrheard '~bp~f it fromsomeone,VI!'h,o cjid. '·44. Subjecting a d~ti;liheet0 lq.ud rnusic ·a. D I personally obser'V,ed this ,co.ndu.ct. Ii. €: ,d, 0 D I:oDser'ved 'detainee(s} In :a.,c.6nd ition that led' me to, Delieve thatlhfs GOndlfct nad .occur-tea. !DetalheeC-s) ·told me that this cdndtlct ti-ad ,ocdmec:t. o latber'S who observed this conduct described it to me. e. [j I have relev.ant information c1assiffed abov.e ;SECRET"-. f. lit I ne\!er observe,!" thls'conduct nor'heard 'about it 'from someone who did. cl,. b, - - .' '. or !I per,sdliaJ(y obs~iVed this ·~6npqct. o kobser'ved detaii'le~(~) in a·cbhd1ti6t1 that led me to' b~lieve that this co h.d iJtt had occoi'ted. e. 0 petaine~*) told hie that this conauct had ,occurred. O Others who observed this conduct described it to toe.. 0 I have relevant information classified ab.ov,e I'SECRET" . f. 0'!L never observed this"conduct nor 'heard ,about it from someone who did. c.l !d- !+"6.1sorptiQg a petajnee for an ei<tended pe~lod 0 11 p~rsonat'ly' obserVed this :coildQtt. ..0 0 I oDserY.ed detainee(s} in a colid ition that led me. to b'eilieve' that this conduct c. 0 Detainee(s) told me tHat this, !2onduct had .occurred. q.• nad ~otcurred. OIGQ-004743 .. d. 0 Others who observed this conduct descrlbed It to me, e. d I have relevant information classified above' "SECRET",. f. 0 r never",~'ps~rv~cf thl.s 'c90quct nor heard ~bout It fr<;>m s9m~on~'w!1Q '4..7. Using ,du,ct tape to r~stl'C!jndJag, ~.r :a. 0 I perS0r'lally.·6bserveCl qld. punish a 'detainee this~cotiauct. 0 I,bbserved detalriee(s) in 'a tond itlon"that ·Ied me to belieVe that tl115 tonduct had ,octtur-r:etl. c. 0 D:etainee(s-)-told me.thcit this cohduct had ,occurred. .d. 0 others wno observed this conduct described It to me. ,e, 0 I have relevant InformatIon classified above \'·§ECRET'!,. b. f. It]' I f1,ever ob1iervc;:d thiS 'cond,uGt n<;>r' hegrd '~bql!t, it from 'Sorne~>ne wl10 did, . a. 0 I persPr'lally ,6bserv.ed this ,conduct. b.. c;:; 0 0 Fobserved ,detalnee(s) In acond Itlcn that led me' to believe 'that this coriduct had o,cturr.etl. Detai'nee(s)'told me that this GOFld'utt had ,occurred. d. o ~0thefs who ,obserVed 'this conduCt describ.ed it 'to me. ,e. D 1 have releX'ant Information classified ,above I~SEGRET". f. [0 I never obser:ved this,:cond uct nor 'hea rd 'about it from-'someone w.ho' did. 4~, Using ;:rmi!ita,ry. y.lbrJ('ing 909 9Tl or ne;:l'f ~ ~etain~ o~~er tl1an quring 'qlftai,nee ~ran~port;aJJon D II persOnally obserVed this .cbnduc.t. b: o ,I btlserved d~talnee(sJ in a cona itl6n tJiat let! me' 10 beli~ve a, c; o d. tl:i~nhls d:Ynduct ha,C:I 0GCurr.eo. iOetalnee(s) told me th.atthls, c<)lld'uCt had .occurred. o !others who 0bsenied this conduct described it to me. ,e', 0 ~. ha';;e 'relevant informatio.n' C1as'sified ;:iB6,v.e "SE'CRE"P~: f, 0 r never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someeoewho did. OIGQ-004744 50'~ ThreatenIng tq usE! military work.lng dpgs'on qr' near a detalne~ b. 0 I, persOnally obseNed this :eonClu'c::t. 0 I.observed detcilliee(S') In 'a,cond ition that I~ C. o jDetainee(:) told me that_this conduct had .occ.urred. a. me to. b.elleve ttiat'tbls: conduct h'ad otclfrred. -------,-..----~___1 rl. o Others: who observed this ((,mduet deserfbed it to'me. e. 0 I ha>J.e relevant Ihformatlon classified above 'iSECREf'\ f< 0 I never observeq Uifs..conduct.nor hea~d 'qbQlft it fron:J .samean~. VVho did. ,51. U~ing :spid~rs, s.cp,q:1lonsc, ~n'~kes, 'Qr other animals·on pr f.\ear a.aetain¢¢ 'a', o II personally' observed this :eQr'idutt. 0 I;oBse(ved, G1etainee(s} In -a.-condition that leo me to. Di:!lieve that. this c$lid.uct hado,ecurtea. eo. o !Detal'nee.(s)told me that this tCinduet bad ,ocdfrr:ro. d. 0 Others who observea this GonduddesdiDed if D. I have reley,ant information' classified abov.e "SECRET",. L observed' this conduct nor'heard 'about it 'from someone who did. b', e. f. g to me. 52. Thr.eateoing tp u~~:$picler~,,Sq:>rpi0'n~,:~l1qk~sJ Pf qil1er anlma!S' qn '.a detainee- -------- a, 0 J p~r$OnaJiy dD~I\t~d tHis tonoL!e,t. b, o !Lobserved det~lif1ee(s) hi a,coiidition that led m.e to believe thilt 'this (;<induct had QceOlted. C. 0 d. e. f: Detaine~(s) me that this c,<mcruct haaoccurred. o lathers' who obserifed this conduct described it to me.. 0 I have relevant- infofiliation classified abov.e "SECRET". 0 L observed this,conduct nor 'heard ,about it from someone who. did. s;l Disrespectful ..a' told st~tements;.handlingr'or~ctions in'ifolvit1g the Koran I Persahaiiy' observed this :eolidUct. Ii. D 0 c. o !Detairiee(s)tbld me that this c6n'dLi,ct had occurred. I obseNed,detainee(s) in a co'fi'ditiol1 that led me to oeliey'e thatthis conduct had ,occurred. OIGQ-004745 , d. e. f. ·54. 0 Others who observed thls conduct l;1escrlbea It to me. 0 I have relevant information dassified above "SECRET''., 0 r never obs~rvyd this 'C<?!lduc~ n9r heard abqut it f!"9m s<?me0n~wh9 Shewing .a - " die{. ~et~ine~'s fadal or q'ther hair tq e!fTibarrqss 9r hLlm'iliqte. a detainee, , '.a. 0 I perSohaUy:6bserVea this 'coni:luct. b. 0 I observed ·defi3irtee(s} In a cbndjtion that tb beUeve toat this co'r'Jduct bad ·oGcutr:ed. e. D Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :.occurred. d. q Others wh'o observed this conduct described it to me. e. 0 I have relevant Information classified abov.e \lS.ECRET'~. t. 0. I. ~ever observed this 'cond,uct n'9r .beq~q ,ab'o\,lt it fro,m sorne~me w~o d iQ. a. 0 I persdrlal!y .6bserv.ed this .cbn~u.ct. 1.'obserV,ed, detcHnee(s) IIi a' cond Itlon that led e. f. IY1 1, never observed this GOnd uet nor' heard 'a bQutit from :someone· who,d id. (!", d, a. 0 b. 0 t. 0 d. 0 .e. 0 If. 0 ~ me, to belleye that .this cOl1d'!Jct had o.crcurred. 0 0 0 0 h, Detaihee(s) told me that this conduct had .6ccurre::d. @tners w.ho 0bserved :this conduCt d'escribed it'to me. I have relevant information classified above' '!SECRET'!, I persOnally obs~rVed this ,co·i'lduct. r-.bbSerVed detailiee(s} hi a.cQrfclltion that lea [he .to believe thafthis <;onduct fiad,eCGlfrred. Detalne,e(s} told me tliat this cofld'Utt had .o.ccor'red. Others who observed this: conduct described it to me. fnave relevant information'classified aooye "SECRET\ I never o,bserved thls.ieonduct nor heard about-it from·someonewho did. OIGQ-004746 57, ,H,o"ld Ing .a etaIoe¢:r~) Who were n.Qt b-ffl,ciqlly ~C~flbwle9g,~ 91" reg Istered a~ sU'ch by the C:\genty ' ,d~taining th¢, p.ers6n. Cl 1 personally'observed this conduct. b'., D I:obseryed detain~e(s) in a'c:::ond ilion' that led me to' believe that this eonduct had ,occurred. e. 0 Detainee{s} told me thqt this c::o[ld,UGt had :gccl.Jrrec!. 4: 0 Ourers who obsery~c1 ~.t,!ls eOl)quct"ge~cfiJ~ed·!t to me. IL e~ D 1. hcwe rele;vant in'for!llati9l1 classified above "'$,ECRET • f. 0' r neV.~r pb.sE;!rye!f this tg{l~~~t nc5r 'h~rd 'a Q.91,!~ It fro.m. ~~~p..n~' Wnp' cfi4. a: ~ 58.Sehdin'9 ,0 (fetaillee td ~notiier rollO,trY for mor~'aggte<$sive1l1te'rrQUi:ltion a'. b~ , 0 , t perro'nalty:, observed this ,conduct. 0 I 'observed detainee.(s) in·a c:::ond ition'that led c. 0 q: '0 me. to that, this G:0nduG:. had .ocG:urred. Detainee(s) told me that this:conducthad:o'Ccurred. Others who 'obsElt;Ved 'thls ... . . .'" ..' c0rrduct . described . . 'It to me. .. . " ~. ~ . i~ h!3v~ TE~(e;V,arit !~forl'D~,tl(m c1qs~lfl.eq C! ~OVE} "'$ EC,RET" .-w..... , .... ~, Itf t neyer'o,b,served thi~:~ooc,l\,l~t opt. heard ,abput it ,from-somepoe'who ~.i9. ,€!", o -,a'. 0 b. ~ ~ d, tDetainee(s) told me thatthiscond.uct had.occurred. Other:s 'f.l~O oQserv:ed t~!S G:ODduct~escribed t 0 t: never ob.!?erv~q fht~ 'C9n,duct:nQr heaJ;~ Thr~atening 0, It t,o me,: I, ~ave relevant [n'torl'tJ?tlC?n: clasSln~ ,?!pove, u,SEGI<ET". 0 a. 0 I -. , r personallY o,bse'rved this condUCt. ~': Ii', , o II observed d~talneers) In a ~c::ond Itlcn that led. me to believe that this conduct had occurred . ~ D.De 6.0. IX. __ " " ' - ....... _ qQQ~t it 'frQrrt-wmeeqe, who [lid. to take actiQn aga'ins!' a detainee'$' family' perSonal!y o'bserved this'conduct. r-obse'rVed delainee~s) ., .. . , ' in ,-a ',tOAd ition that led ,- I me fo. believe thilHhTs' t6nduet.. had ocdirred,l OIGQ-004747 ; , ." c, d. 0 'f: 0 b. c. d. . , , '" o IDetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. o IOthers, who observed this conduct described It to, me. ~. a. , 0 n 0 0 r h~v.e relev~,nt, informCjtion c1<;lss.ifi~ Cj!?ove: '!'S!=t:;R!=T'l., I never' ops!=rved ~hl~'cOri~M;t,nor h~rd :abqut it from'sqrneQl1e'who die!. I personallY observed this conduct. LobsefYed, detainee(s) in a c6.ridltion that led me to believe thanhis- conduct had ,occu'rred. D'etainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. Others, who obsented thiS cond l:1et described It to me. o iI, ~ave relevant ;,nfor01~tion dassifi~ Clbove '!SEGRET'\ f. 0' I. n~Y,~r' o,P?~rved,,-'co(l~(J~t no~ h~Xd abCJUt!t from S0Q.T~0!1e'who' dJd. e. a. ,0 L personally obserVed thls':CO,liduct. b. D' X'observed detaillee{s) in 'a.condition that led me' t~) believB·thi!Uhis conduct had .occurred. c. 0 D'erainee(s)·told me thanhis condue\; had ,occur-red', d. 0 ,Others who observed this conductdescribed it to' me. .e. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SECRET" . f. 0" I Q,b~erve(i thjS'C0(1du<;t nor h~rd 'abp4t it from.solT]eonew.h.o, d'id.. . '63, OJh~rtr~atmen:tqf a< d~tainee $fla~ In YOl.1,r qp~lnlprj y.I,<;3S unpn?f~?idnqJ" LtnOJ,ll,y 'ba'~sh '(jr;C\ggres:sl'V~1 coercive, ~bus,ive, Qr ulilawflll ' a. 0 I personally' observed this conduct. b. 0 I c. o!1ee(-s-) t.o.ld me tha~ this~o.nduct observed detainee(s) in 'a'(';onditionthat led me ,to b'elie),fe that this aOr}duct had ,occurred. had ~c<;:urr:e9.~ '(L D, dth'ers who. . -observed this co.nduct'described It to me. -. . . . . e; 0 I h1?ve rel~Yant infbrmati<;in dassJfi~Q ab'ove 'i'$.ECRET';:. 'f. 0 I. never,,erve.d. this ~qmPlJ~t ngr heard 'ilROl,Jt i~ frqm , • . ... ,. ...... ~ " " " ~,.. _n •• " " ',- , , " ~.. v. • , .... . ..... OIGQ-004748 mft(ls '~~@;@Wj}lH~ ,64·. Did yo.u obserVe any imparsonation pf FBI 'a detainee? petsonn~1 o Yes if by anyone durin9.:an interVieW'or inteiTO,S!ation of '0 No ,65.. Did any" detaihee or .otherpersOn tell you that he or she liad witnessed the impersoriatioA of FBI personnel in connection with a'detainee Interview, or interrogation? G. Yes 0 N~' . :i?6.. Ne vpu aWa"f~pfany ".sh"qm\·'or ~s~aged" ,Qet~in~.lnt,,or'lnt,~rT9gptiot:1s :cQ'nQucted :for M,emb~r.s of the. U.'S. Con~H:ess :ortlteir staff?' o Y~.s·0 No r~7.. To:yom J{npWleitl~e, dill :~hy. mifitary :or int¢.lIi.gente perst;>n'Ii~I,evet deny o.r·delay FBI a'ccess tp a 'delaine,e, the FBI wanted to, cjl1estiqO because the detainee lia.a sustained, J(jjtItie~ after tie ,waS" capture,!!' o.y~s (!) No . ..... •• ~. .... .... • ........ ~ • ~ • • •• M _ •• or • • ~ • J Q '(e~'<!? N9 ,,69:Wer'e ¥ou 'eyet"to.ld thcit-at1.oth"Ek FBI ~nip.loye¢ ended nls,or bel' pa,rtlelpatlofl jr'Hilr observatjori of,.:a' deta'inee interview or interrogatipn because cif the:interv.iew:or'interro,gation method's, being used?' .0: 'Yes ,(5) No: . 7p. Qurlng p)1y 9f'Y,Qur ol.[ef,?eas. cf¢ployme_ot? or a_SS.lgnmentsr ctld yO,t.!, r~p.Qrt any c9ni;;~ro? r¢gardlng any"detairi~jnter\iiewo(' fnterrogaticin practjc{~st.'or o.the'rt:Ypes .of detainee'"treatmeiit~ tQ supe~!~or1 o. Yes, 0 FB! No 91' C'ls'signinerits~.dtd YQ,l.i, r~f:jqrt any..-concern.s ri;!g,ardlrig any detainee' interview b,r' iriteYtqgatiori pr!adices 'Qr o,the.r types, Qfdefairi,ee:treaQ1ient y(iU . observed Of heard about, to'a non-FBI supervisor.or other non-FBI p.ersonnef1 71. D!Jrlng .arJypfS'9ur o).{erse:as d¢plqyni~'il.t~ an , 72.. H?\ve you 'ever b'een Qrdered <?lJ.s~rvatl6ns pI' .all~gat!ohs, practices? .0 Yes 0, No. Qr direct~d n:qt'tq,'r~p.Qrt,or dlscouraQe~ in any' way' from' j:~po.rtrr1g, tQ ae.~aln¢¢ .t$;:mne·nt or Int~rVle.w ot Interh5,gC\ltlon ·actioh's ~l" r.~f~t~d o Yes 0 No 7~. Hqve 'Yp\J ex~erjen~~ itrw 'C!ctu91. or t"m~ate(1~d ,retCflJiati911. for r~'porting 9b~rvation~"9~ all~g?l~i9n~ ~f ,~tetaiii~ tteatme,r\t or Iri!e.ruleW ,Qf Irit~rrdgatlQn~eti9t1!? or p.1'a~tJc~S.7 OIGQ-004749 .a Yes €> N'o 74. (O,ptio'nal) PI~as.e pfd'vid~ ,any a'di:lltio'n'EiI t,ommetit5 reg'af,din$l, tHe reporting, of ', r¢lated 1Q interview or intefrog,atidn techniques,' detention practices/ ol'.other'·detainee treatment. , I . ,~\YAJg '~~. ~ ' I. Were. you debriefed, other.than the standard aebrref In FD-'7n~.conlZernlhg your overseas p!?sjgnrrrE;!l)t(sJ'Qr d~p{oym~.ntts) ygu. cQmpl~t~(tt'D~. Q~ployrp~nt'Cs) pr a~srg.n.menf(~)1· 1.5'. O.Yes .¢ N(} .75. Add'itii:mal CQmtn:~hts.and 'Re.cbrhrh~.ncfC\titm$:. . OIGQ-004750