Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001022
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Department-of J,~stic.e In~pectpr·al 'Que,stipnnaire' R~gar.dln·g D~tain,ee'S ~ .. .0 DOJ.-OI:G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FORREV1EW .A~D USE ONLY BYINDIVIDUAL FBI ItESPbND'ENTS , '" , ~p. NOT FO~WAiiD OR Di:S:SEMI~ATE . QUESTIONNAIRE 10: test-O.0001~022 ,Asa( ~h,e last time this qu~,tj'Qnnarre.w~~ saV~dl ~ome require,d (iel~s~ hc}V~ n9~ ~een"c9mpleted. Pleas'eTeView'your responses. . :~ ~ . ",.: .. " . ,~ ':. .. "" .. , "...- '!, ; ,:... " ,~,'; (': "~,' .~.; Please provide'the fo1l6wih~' information: '1. .FI~st Hame. i., Mi~'~le Inltf?l: '3; Last name:, 4. E·nter.ed, btl DlIty Date (EOD) : .5:. Cun:ent D1VIslqn!Field bffice: 6. ~urrel)t job title: Y. Direet dial office telephone number; 8, FBI (;~Il phone ,number: ,9, f\3J p~ger 10., !3es~ cQotact number for you.: ... ' " . ". / ".' . '9 &.7C PERA,?REEMEf,n: '6 &. '1C PERAGREEfilIENT 6&,7,CPERAGREEMENT 6, &',7C (; 8. ,7e ~pe<ii'pi Agent ,6 & 7CPER,AGREEME.NT Ii &: 7¢ PER.J.H:~REEN1ENT Ii fJ.;7CPERAGREEMENT 6 & rc PER AGREEMENT. 11., At any time cifter:Sep.tember 1l,'20,01, did 'yo,u, serve, as ,a 'member onne u.s. Military, 'or: as aYl employee or contractor of the FBI,or any otheqjovernment agency,. at Guantanamo Bay:; Cuba; Iraqi Afgh<;lt:l!?tCl!l; 'or "I) art;:qs'~ntroll~ py'l:l1e ~:S~ M'ilit9ry Qra V.,S. illtellig~,n!:e fien/i~e ill 'CQl'm.e.<;:tion:witp the '910l;>al Wi'll on !error? (!), Yes 0 No 12. EliteI' the 'nlimber ,of times you were deployed 'oF/assigned to'each of the-follo,wing IDeations (Gl1?n1:qnalT)Q' B9.YI9:UP<;1~ J:raqrAfg~a,nlst,Eln; 'qr 'D:'any: ~reas c;ont~~lIed py the l)~'S. M.ii~ti'lry 01':9 U~S, int~lIigel1<:~ service)';2 For'ea-ch depl9ymelJ~ or assignm~~t cO'lt'!plet~1:hefollowi!'J'g sectio~./ LOGation Cselg~ op~)' :~u~nfuj~~nl~]~ 12a~ What ..,:m's the fleneral Deployment:'Of'asslgnment:. began on~or Deploymen1; or, assIgnment: ended on a.boJlt or-a'liout: 03(2004 :05/Z004 hature and purpose: 6ryo'ur~assignment Upgrading ELSUlt capabilities andint.erviewing 'detainees; and :actiyities-,?- ~2:b. Please PfOvipe',the,llql1lles ofthEf!:ipec,ific C9mpSj baS'E;!s; or'~ci!iti~? wh~re .Yc;lu ~Qrk~d. 'C~mp D~lta~ , . , . . . . .' 1;2c: Note: If informatTOIi about a specific tamp" base,. 6rfacility' is.c1assifiedabove SECRET, 'please l=he:ck: here, D, iricilJd~ in 'yQuransyitei' tfiat ,ypu, haVe "additi6na.l'information '¢Iassiffe~ ',-a trove 'SEt:RET/" arJd.; iJ you koow, jdef1tifythe,classifica#~n levef, ticket, 'compartment" program, 'or''Ot,her $:Iesjgn~tion ~h~~.appll~'~o the,lnformation, Do not W:ll,lde'tbe'ad,dition,al clC!sslfied inform~tipn in your qu~,stionnalre,re,spoilSeS. QIG persol'fliel .with the. necesSa'ry clearan<:e will cOD,tact ,yo,u ro r~d~ive' it, OIGQ-005041 ·.-. ~1~~.)=~a~Id~D~ij :~y ~i~'~'~~~ QQsltlo]r=aJJ~~ ~0~J=t}l~.f~i ~~~n=Ii~I~ =~~~Q~ y~u=~i[~ly i~pit~~: .~~rlQ9= ~9~i~~~12Y~~rlt 2r~i~1~n~e:n!i;, . . . ... " ,: "' Nain~ I b6 b7C Positi(jn L q~~~~n~~~o~_~a~~~~------------ _ ·:1~e. D!C! Y9u j9intJy il1t~ryiew 9f int~rrogat~ al)Y d~t~ii)ee with nO.l):-f~I p~rsonnel? 0 Yes : :0 'I No I .J,... - - - - - ' - - - . - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - --'.-'-'- - - - - - - - - - - - -,- -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -'- -., ;i2f; Did you Jolntly plan'any det.altl~ rnt~M~W Qr" interrogatiQli ,s:trategy,. objectjv~ .FBI p~rsonne.l7 . ortac;:tlt~ Wit~ : , ': ' 0 Yes .@ No'· '. ~ ~0 ", ':i2i;~W&eyo5~vi(6tb,;M_i5e·lhv.6i\iediridcl~iiie~:intJrvie;~,6r,rnfirto~~ti;h-;-.;ith-hoj,~FBI p~;s;iin~7-: , d Yes@ ·n-'-----------------------------------~---------------.---------------1-" Peplo:yment~r assignment 'began on.9r loca.ti9ri' (select olte) about' D,eploymen1:(Jr assignment,ended o.n or:about ' ;ji-ag: OS/2003 0:7/2003· 12a. What 'was the gen'ei'al I natlire'alid , pU'r'pos'e of'YOU'r"a'ssignrrIEmt;.and activities? I . ~ Of t,h~,specifi.c;.'C~(ljP~i. P.a:s~sr or t;rcilitie& w~eJe YOl,J b6 12q. P!ease'I1r.Q'V'ide th~:npmes wotk~d. , In,ternati9r.ral Al'rpqrt 12c: Not'e,: If information 'abbt.i't a ', baser' 6 r latH it~( is''.tlassifjed SECRET,¢ckhe,re, 0, .inClude ill your answ~r ttiat you have "additiohai info.rmation,c,lassified 'above '~EGR.EJ:'r.''' if YQ4: kl)9w, i{h~iitity th~·dg~~jfic~tio.n'I~vel, tjck~t, '(:<nl1PCl,rtmen,t, p,rograw, or ot/.1~,r ~eslgnatlon .that'apP.lle~ to-th~flnf9rmatI91J" Do not In<<;:lu'9e: tIre ;2~dl~.I9n<;)I,c1qs.s'lfjed Inf.Qrmatl9n In v,Qur qu'estip'nnaire re.sp6hses" OIG. 'perSonnel witH the nete.ssary clearance will'confact you to receive it., .....-.. . .... :~-:."'.- _ _ ._ --.-:- -_ - __ - . . - - -- - - - - ..... _"';"'"_'_'_~;'_ -0 "";" _ _ -7':- - ~.;;; - - - - -,.- -- - . - -' ,- - ' - - _ -'-;- - ::~gC!, YJ~a~~,ld~D!!fJ~ ~t !1~~~ ~!1<! .~8:s1tl0.!J",a.! .!~~l!f.!:I.~i-_·t.D~..f~f.~~2qn_n~l :;d,u6D"g-yo-ufo deplQyrii~nt -ora~s1gnJnent . ~ *------~--------------~---- I Name" :12e.'Pi~ :: ' L ' ,_ ~ ...... - ' - - - - - -~ I tE...:~I!.o!'!. yql.!.. C!i[es!~'t !~p.Et~9.· Position ~~uY~~ls.9[>:' ~~E;.Gl~18Q~"L you-jointJY i~t~i:vi~W or!nte.rrogate<ClflY,d~tai.nef;:'with [lon.:.FBI p~fSOnl1el?' 0 Yes :0 No ~i2f Dlce io"UJ(ifntlY piah:~ny' ~'etaln~ lm:ervrew~Qr:lnter.r~y,a:tfon''7st~teg :FBI personhel? ' 'b 7 C ~., .. " '~,b7C -;, y,- ~biectlv~ -;,r: iicilCSWith ndn--~: ' " .. " ; I 0 Yes 0 No ' • :t2'g. Were:'y,0u ever otherwise involved in detainee:interviews"or interrogations with mm.:FBI personnel?' : " 0' Yes '0 Ncr -~ ,1 ' _ _ .... - " . ______________ b 6 ,. " : ' ' " _ ' _ _, , : , _ ..: ,..;. _ _ ~ _ . _ ~ _ . _ _ , _•• r:;-- -'-"- - ' - - - ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - -,..... - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - _ .._ - ---'- - - - .. :u" . . . ~. ... 't~':'',; .:."'.-.,...~ : .. A. Tralnin,g Prior 'to:Overseas' Deployment o't Assignment 13', t>id~you ree.eive any'training r instrudioll,or'guidance spedfk:ally In prep,aratkmfor any"qfyour OIGQ-005042 , ,eyes ONQ QDo Not Recall i.3j' Whp prov.ld,ed tbij ~Rlinirag, instr'u,ctlQn, Qr g,uid?ltrceJ and where die! YQu rec~ive, it? b6 b7C 14b. D.estribe the sub 'ect on· which 'ou received this trail1irr instruction or "'tiidance. 14. In· preparation fat' any'ory.our .overseas deployments,.er assignments;.d id you recei.v.e.any training; !n"5~ruGtl~n, or,gy id9n~ :c;Qn~e,lT,Iln.g lh~ :s.tan~.ard s of~on~~~t ~ ppllc~bl~ to tlJe tr,e?ltm~nt, int~ryiew" pro irjt¢r.r.ogaU~1i of:detairiees by FBI pers.Q'nnel? '00.0 Not Hecali 0No is. In pte paratilm for any' of you r overseas deployments :or assignmentsj" dId you ~eceive any traini ng, .<;tiq~/;Or~guigari!=e cpn!:er:nin.~ .~l1eA~tan.~Q.rd.~ Q(cPJi~uct ap·p.licab"le to ~h¢ tteatm¢rit" jntervlew, Qr jnten:d~atIQn'QLd¢taln'e~s by non-FBI . per,s~mnell ·~.N,o Hi; Irr p(eparation.ror ~nY'ofYQur'overseas peplqymen~:Qr assfgnmeots, dtct yo~ r~q~I'l~:~QY ~191n!ng'F ' i~structIQn"'ce <iol'i~ernlng what yO!J were's.up~o$ed .to, <;1.0 if you 'ob!?~rve~ or h'ea:rd·:a~.Q,ut the treatlTleht, ji1te""i~lA,i,. or iriterrqgation of detainees. bY FBI p¢rsot:loel, :wnich yoo b~lie.ved leI" b.e lnappr.opriate~ llll,prof,essional, coercive, abusive, or unlaWful? :bYes. -. .0 Do 'N"ot"Recall i'1., In pr¢l:iarptipn fo,r. j::lI1y;of y.oljr 9v~rs~dp !:lepl6yments or 'p~sig/.ln'l.~nts/:j:lld you ·r~Celv.e a.ny· ~rainin9.1 ' ibs'trudj6ri,.o'r,guida,nce .cbnc¢hiing wfjcit you were,sLippbS~d to, do -if'you. ;obseNed .or heatd 'abGlu:t . ~he·treatmenf, 'i,ntervJewr <?~ inter~6.9~tlon 'of detainees by non-FS~ personnel/ wllieh' you believed to Q~ 1I"!approprlat~r-I,l,npl'of~~,~19J:1al; 'co~rc[ve, .:aPJ1,slv~f. tjr !J,nlaWfu.\?' , .QYes ' l lB. Training, Duril1g Overseas Deploym'ents or Assign'ments 1?" Qurlog any. 'of your 0v:erseas ~epIQym.e'1t~ or aS~lgn~ents, did yol,! re~elye ~!1~(~r.aJnlrgt 'In!?tructl~n, ,~t~guJ(Janse ~one~r.n[llg th~;stand,?lrd~:of cQrl,dll.c;t Cll:1plic'abf~ tD the'tr~tm~nt, inteNiew, OJ . I.nte'rrag'a"tlon ·of"Oetal.n'r;.e~ ,b'f FBI ~.r~t>nn~1? $¥.es. ONO· la-a, WtiQ 'Pt6Vjd'gd this- tra5og" iffs~r'uq:iPht 6r 9uid.ance? b6 19b: .BrleflY ,d.esGrlbe th~ s~ ~!:it~n.~eof the :train.ll\g, Irrstruetlon, or g~ld.qnf:e provl9'ed to' YOl!o The gUidance,gerierally Gonsisted of a reminder that all interv'ieWs'condutted bY: FBr. per~~>nr(e\ ,shoul~ pe:in ~~.elling·witht~~ p're~,~xJsti.lJg. FBl ~t.amjarq5'f9r i.!1.~eryre~s b7C OIGQ-005043 cpndLjcted on subjects in c;us,to.dy. lac. Was,C!!1¥ ()f the training·, ~in~truc~ion, or ,gLiJdance proyiQe9 In'writtng? :OVes ~O Do Not RecaIJ 0Nb LI Hr. Ouring any:of your overseas"deployments or assignments, did you receive any'trainihg~ i'nStruction!~ qr:guldance'conterning the ~tand,an:ls qfcqnduct '?lPplic.a~(e~o tile treat!Tl~nti:il}t~rv.!~, qr interrogation of detaiJiee$ by: nO,ti-'F61 personnel? ,2p'., During anY:0f your 0:v:~rseas'deploYQl~ntsof (lssig nmen~s, dtd you receiv~ any tKljningJ'il1struction, org uiQ,anq~:c9nt:el'n!ng yvt)<;lt you, Wer~ ~J?p:qse<! t9 9.P if ,yol,l ob~ervs=fI qr heard ,at19yt the trea~m¢nt, interv(~w, qr int~rr9.QatiQii 6n:letairi~e~~ by FBI pe'rsb,nn~IJ which you b~He,~~ tp be Iriapproprlate.,urjprbf5slorial,toerciv'€r abUsive" Qr-unlawful? , ' . ' Qbo NotR:ecall :@Yes, O'No ',ZOa, WhO: provided 'this training,. instructi.on, or gUidance? '''' I L .', ' :2qb, Bril;~fly"d~trib~ ine' 5iu,bs~nce;9f:ttfetr'qinint:l, in.~mrqign, or gUipC!nte::pro'\(t~~~O'yqu. . , rlJ~'gl!j,dal)ce pr9v~eQ, ~<;lS ~q,!ml'"[ledi~t~!Y; report, tp- SS~ p~rtai.n!!1g 1o"~e.t~]n~,a,Qusl?; Wheth~r o!?,?erved 9r: l,m<.>t>.~e,r.v.eU" b6 b7C !gflY il)foJTIlC!~ion :2:0'0. Was-,any:of the training! instruction, or :guidance pf0vided in writihg,1 aVes ,eNq ;0 Do, Not Re~1I .21. During,any;af your,overseas 'deplbyriJ~nts 'o'r assigi'lmeiitS, did you 'red~iYe ally training, iilstruction, or gujclance cOJ)cernil)g what you we(6'supp()qe~ ',to' 90 if YOl,l,gpq~,lVed or hear:9 9P0ufth~~ , 1re~tm~nt(' 1,nt;erVleWi: ~r )nterrgg~tipn, ot",det~!n~~s by non:-FB'I,p~tSol:ln,el,whlcl1 Y0!J qef!~ved J9 b,e irla:p'prpprja,te, unprQ'fes5idnal, coerdve! 'abU,siveJ or unt?iwt'uI? Ie. Adequacy of Training '21'. :i:ri,you~,.oplriibn) :did' you recelv.e adequate trainIng.,. Instructionror:gurdance relating' to sta'ridard's. " :9.f l:':9J1Quct by. F~J al1q non-}~I p~rwnne! re!aUIlU :to, tre~tJTIent, 'jhtervi~V{f' <;>r interr.Qg?\tion''Df d~t<;liJJ¢~S prit?r tOYQur ~eployment :23. In YQlJn:ipjl1idn, did Qr;asslghmeh17 yo,u ret~iye :adequa;te, training, instructiOh, 'or-guidan'ce relating to '~andard's" ~6f Cqritlu~t IJy ,FBIaiiCl nQh-'f,BI p:ersori,nel'relating to treatrii~ntlintel'vfew" 'or, fnterr.0.9atio~n:6f detainees,during Y0ur deploymenr.or:assignment? ~ ¥es 0 No OIGQ-005044 , i2.4•.In Y9\.lr OPi~iOl'Jr'"did 'you receive"adequ~te training, instruction; orgJ./ida,nce conCerning wh,ai'You.· Were SlJPposeP to.dQ:1fy'o~ Qqs¢Ned:qr heard ~bout the ~re?tmentJ [nt~rvlew, dr interrog~tidn ,of ',detain.ees, D)f FBI 'or. noh-FBI personhel! that YOU 'believed was im,\,Pptopri,iter unprofessidhalr.coercive/. abusiV.e" Qr unlaWful? eyes 0 No 25'. (6ptional) In what ways- Gan the F'BI improve training on this subject (or future deployments:or 'l:!$$ig nm~nt-$? . ' 10, Commen~s 2'6. P"'ease provide,any additional information'.conc::erning."training fOf'overseas deplo:y-ments or assig IJrn~nts ~f F~I R~rsQnn~1 you 9Ellieye i~ re,l~v~,t:it. D~l';~: .. ~-~@1,~:~~,,~.,. 'QIlJi~~~~'@F~jj§.'~:, , • " - • • t· " ' . . " '. '. '. > • • - ":,':," • •: ' ". ",' • " ~nlroducl:i~n to Part.Xn: In this s~ction[ we~are seeking inro/1Jla.ti<:m reg,arfJi'ng a wide- ran,ge., oT il'!ter.vie~ Of 'irtt,errqg?!J(l:lI) t~c~niqy~ 8t')9 9ther -types- qf'~etainee-tr~atiT)~n.! p'U~g~d tq, hav~ ·9c;;cu,rred. -'(olJ '!?hpl1ld n1:>.p3$$Ume, jy~t. ,Q~§u"se we:-ar.~"asking, ~b,bl!t a pat.tic~li:lI· Je:c;hniq~~'~or plC.lctic;:e, thpt\ye, ttcw.e cohdud.ei:I tbat Jt 11'1 fatt occur-ted. We r'eoo~:fniz'e'1fiatsbme 01' these technlcfues or 'p'rattices- may-.,at tl.meS 'be necessal)" for safety, and- security' in a'd~tel')tiQn setting., In addition;, we recognize,that.some oHhese tecl)nif/ue?:or: pri?atlc~ may h,ave been author!zed f9r'u,se by mlllt~ry Qr"oth~t g'overnme.nt p~r.sonnel. With (esp:-e¢t to "~~c;:h ipe.n'tined t~<;:hrijqu,~, pr~:ctir;:e, o.r tYpe .bf.coJig~tt,d~~ribeq b131ov.l" w~ 'are ~,~~kil)g' 'ih'fomiation ·abaut.its occurrence during or-inconnecfion with 'the interView o'r interrogation of a det~jn~,~i;pr duri.l;1,g the, ~et:ention 'of a 'de'tai,'1ee p~YQn~ .w-~~t Js~eede~ Jor safety cU:id'security; In ~h9~ :<;c;>rite~t, we wiil ask yo!:' tp tell J.l.§ JNh,eth'~r 'on~ Qr m9r~ bf th~ (onaWing :5t~tf?rne]1ts ,are tr.l,l~" 1. r pet.son~ilr.'qbse'r.vep 'tbl.s con~_uGt_ 2. I.opserv¢d ,d¢tain¢e(s) ifLa '¢Qnd ition t~t1eO m,e to b.elieye Wj:ltlhiS' cond u!Zt had ¢ccurr..ed. 3', Detainee(s) told me that this,conduethad occurred. 4" Qther;5°who o.bserved,tbiscondlfctdescribed 'it to me.· .$, ~ hilY~ tele\(ant 'i.lifprm-atI9r1 cJ~~$if[~d- ~i5q~~' ":SE¢ReTu:. ~6-.. I.b~ve.r qb'~e'rVed thi~ con~:iJJe:t nor h~ard abol,l.t ,it" 'from :sqrrleone Wi)o qld. . . -. .. . I 27" Deprlving-a detainee: of f,0c;>:d or water a. 0 r p.ersdnally Qb~e~ed' this;,cqnduc.t. r :a .Cphditioi:'l :that !~ ,ni¢ to beifey~,th:qt ~hi~, cqriquct ha'd occutrecl. j,', 0 r".qbSe(Ved, ~~tali-\~~ts In c: tJ rJetaih~,e(s) tpid m'~ tnat tHis: ¢:Oi"jd Lic,t had .o.tclJrrM. d. 0 e. 0 --' ... --~ jOt hers: who observed thl~ t;bnduct r;tescribed ittp,me.. I have relevant il)formation. clas,sifiea above ".-- --- ... .. .. ... - . - _. --. - .. --_., '~SECRET". ... _. ---- ". _._- -- .~. , .. ._-- . -- .. ... OIGQ-005045 '[!j itrlr never'observed this conduct nor heard aboutlt from someone who did. a', 0 r. personally:.obser\i.ed. this ,conduct, b. o c. d. 'e, ~. [.observed·detainee(s) in .a . conditio'n that led me t6 believe that this eonduct had occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this: cond uct· had :occu rred. 0 Others, whoobse rued this cond uct described It to. me. 0 I hav.e relevant in formatic;m classified above I\SE'oRI;TJI... 0 r, neveropseryeCi "29. Deprivin'g ,a detalne~ a. 1;). of sle,~p~ or Inte'rrupting ~Ie~p, by reI69ati6ns.:oJ;otl1~r rtlefhdds 0 r personally obseIVed this'.conduct 0 r 'observed detainee(s) in a <::and ition that led me to that this Gonduct had .occurred. <:ii. D.lbetainee(sj,totd.,me ~hpt this. cQnc! uct had o~curr~., d. 0 ~~, f. Others whQ{ this G0'nduct descrihed ~t to f(le. o !r h~v~ Televant It;!form,atlon plassJfi.eq ~bovl;. ·!:S!=CR$'''. 0" !I never o.bserved this,c9nda.ct Iior heard aOp.I.!t it ftpm s.omeone·who 'did.• '3,0. BeatiAif a .detainee a; ~. c. 9,; ~r 0 I. p'er~nally>'o:bse ry~d this cqndu,ct. o ~I ogseIvecj d~tain.~e.(s} In '9:cQnd ificm t~~t !e,d m,e tp' t?~l!eve that: t~i~ c.or:rPw::t hap ,<;mqmed,. o 'pe.\:9inee(s) '~ol.~ me ~h9t thi~'cond(Jct ha,d occurred, 0 'Others: who ob'servecl·thi~ c'pn~tuGt.desciibed it h:J me. -------------:------1 0 r have re:l~Y~n.t i,n'r,orm<J}ioIJ <;:i~S5,ifled aboV~ ·\SI:CRET". f: 0 I tl~~.t:!r Qb;;~rv~~f 3:1. Using water fo a. prevent breathing" by a ,detaihee~or to create tHe sensation of .drowning o II per$Onally'obse b, D I Qb~.tved ~I.~tain eet~), lil·a t~md-fflp.hthatred m~ to Q'eli~,,~ .thatthis ¢ond !Jct, ha.d :occ.urreil. c. o Idet~ln¢e'(s) told me that this conduct hqd o¢cLJrr¢tf.. OIGQ-005046 .... tOthers who observed this conduct described It to me. " , ' , , d. D e. o II have relevant information classified Clbove "SECRET". f. .32. a~ " 0' if never observ~(i,t!lis/c(;>nqyctnor heard about it fr9m some0n~'wh<? diq. !J~ing hands, rop~, onmything els~ to.choke or' $trangle.a detainee, d b. D' I personally observed this.,conduct. L'observed detalnee(s) In a'concfltlon that led me to believe that, this. conduct had occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this cOllduct h,ad 9ccu~red. d., D O~her:s.' who obser:v~t! this cql)cj yg' described it t9 f11~; ~. D 1.. have refevpnt lorormatl0'1' cla'ssiflep at>'~>ve U$,'!=C.RET't. f: 0' I Dever'observed this 'con~uGt nor' heard ab-ou.t it from ,sorneoi1~'who did. 'c. '33. Tliteateriing':other actio!'!' tP'dllj5e~12bYsiCaI. RCiiri,. q. D D. D 'Ci D -d. 0 e. D f. injurY, disfig~u~r.e:.:.'r:n~' e;; ,;"n..:.;t:t;.f,. :;b.;:. ;r:.: .de;; ,;i3; ,;t; .;h _ I persoOCl)Jyopserved, th{s wnd4ct! r: obse,ryed ~etal,ne~(~) ina. '-cond itron that led me to believ~ th!3t fhis €ond lJ.Gt 'had 'OGe.t!rred. ·betainee( 5) tpld Jil~ ~~af :thj~ ~ond u:~t hpd :o~qJ rre9. Others who 'Q.bsefY~~ this cond!Jct des'¢ribed ,it t<1 me. 'have rereyant. rnform~tio.n. J:;1i;!~sifi~Cl al?-<.>Y'e '~$,~CREt\ 0 I ri'!=v¢r' Qbserved this ,cQ'ndu<::t il'Qr hj3arp '~bd!l~, it frQin Sdm~pne,w'hQ ,d fq. ,34.· O:ther treatment or action'causing signiffcant physieal pain or irijurYt or causing disfig,urement OT de~th ~'; ~., O. I personally Qb$~tVed thi~ GPntfu..~,t. D r' '~b:~er\[ed de,talne:e.(s). iD ~d,ctjn'dlti6tnha!:. i¢CI"rTi~ ~o' Q'eli~ve .th~t tHis i:oitd.uct hap ,otcurr~d~ t. D petainee'(s) told ri'j~ th',tt he,d :cicturr~. ,d. o e. D II have releva'nt itiformatiOli t1a'ssified ~boVe, "SECRET"'. f. 0 lOthers. who ,ob,serVed this conduct des~ribed it to, me. I never',obserued this cO'nduGt nor' heard ,(3 b8Ut Itfroin. someone who did. OIGQ-005047 a~ D II personallyob'served thls"conduct. (I, 0 II observed detainee's) in a'condition that led me to believe that thi s conduct had occurred. D Detainee(s) told IT'e that this condyct ~ad 'occur-re<;!, D bth~~ whoobser:ve.d thIs l;:pndlfCt ~'esqlbed It to me: e. r:;J f 0: n,~~r oQseryed, this tqn,d~~t nor heard 'abput it from:'sani~one'who , did. b, c. ~ have r~revant information d?~sifi~p p:1?:.~ye, I~SJ:CRET~:,_,_. ',,36. ,Using shackles or 'otherreSt'ra,lnts'ln' a prolong!..:ed;.:;-..:.m;.;.·a~n..:.;n.:.:e;.;.r _ - ---- _ 0 i: p,ersonally ·obs!,,!rv~d tljis '(:9pduct. b~ 0 I o~~rved ,d~t;9In-ee(~) In :a 'Gond Ition ~hat le.d me; ~o, beUeye thr;lt thl !? qmducj: hadoGcurrefl., ~;, 0 Detainee(s) tqld tn~ t,hqt thiscon.du.d h;:rd 'Qccurr~, \1. O· Others: wbo observed th,i$, C,Or'ldJJ,~t--d.e$'¢ribed it to; me. e-.., 0 ~ hpyereIev~nt Inf.orma~!o,n tla~sJfl~d cil;l'Ove II,SEC,RET'''. a., : diq. _...... --'--' ......... -, .....---- .... _....... , : , , 37. Requiring ·a·detainee to maintain" or restraining a :detainee i'ni a stressful or painful p0sition ,a. 0 I per$Pnal{y, observea thi~ 'conduct. , ~I 0 ,I 9~~erv~~t (fe.fi3ilie~Is)' in:a '(;011(1 idOl) th'at led m~ f9' b~(jeve t. D, be.tai n~e(s) toia rri!= .thpt ~hls,J:(m,d utt tlpq6'Cl:.U rred. d, 0 (OtlJet5; Who ob·serY.~d this' ¢:qnd utt, described it ~Q me. ~,hat '~hi ,5 ¢ohcjU,t~ I1 qd 'oc(furr~,d., , , fhave relevant informatiQh''das,sified above n,S,ECRET"', f. 0 II n$ver OlJs:erv~d thls'.c.onctuct lior neard ~..t":--It-f-rb-,m-so-m-'-'-~-on-e-:-w-ho did. ~. 0 , : '3$. fo.rdmJ a' d,etaihl=e to;,perfonn 'demanding physk:,af ,exercise' b., D. II: observ.¢d d~talrie~s» in ~ 'GPnd,itloh that i~ n'i~ to b>~iie\!,~ ~hat ~h1 $ conduct, had o:Cd(rre~l.. ~ 0 jDet~inee(5) told me tti~t ~his> conduct ha,d co¢(urr~. d. 0 Oth~rs' Whp .observe'd .thiS, cond Llct described It to'me• .e. f. D 0 1. have relevant itif6hnatio'n classified above. '~SECRET"·. [never observed this:condud nM·heard about it fiu'm sorrieohe'wh0,did . .. OIGQ-005048 3Q• .!.Ising electrical ~ho:Gk on a Qe~qjn~e 0 I personally observed this .conduct. b~ 0 ~!obse.ryed detatnee(s) in a ~<?(1djt\on th?it I~ rl)e to' be!ieye that ~his cO'n.du~ ~ad 'occ.u,rred., c, 0 Detainee(s) told me that t!liscondlJct had '9c~urred. <l. D /Others who 'ob~rv~ 'tl)is con~l,JctdesqJbe9 i,t to l)1~. e. 0- r hav.e reJevant information' dassjfi~d ab'ove ",SECRET'\ f. 10 1: n~ver Qbs~rve9. ttil~ C:QlJdUQt nor heard · from,someon~whp'~Id. a: '40.. Threatening 'to use.electrical shodeon a .detainee, 0 ~ p~r:~nalJy·o.bS?rv.~cj this :co'nQu~t . tr., D t obs~(veg 'Q~laln~e(s) in;a :qmp itlon thqt-Ied .m~ t9' believe 'tl1c;1tJ,his cond.uct, bad ·Qec!Jrr~d. c. 0 D~~aine!=l{s) tql~. ,me tl;lat -t~ls ~Qnquct, n<;t:d oGGurre/:1. ~.~ .d. o klth'~ts' rJ:h9 pb'sery~d :this Gqnq4~t d.esWib~ it t9 m.e; e: 0 t: have relevant ,'nrorhiation classified .abOVe i'SECRET'''. f. 0 i i!~v~r QQserv.ed' this 'cqJidu~t nQf:hi:E.r~·~bPL!t it frqrn.·som'ept1¢'. \'Jhq. ,diQ. 41. rntentionally,delaying or.denying detainee:medical care a. o II. per?QnallY opsexv~Q ~lil~ ,<;Q·n~uet. o II' ops~rved detaine\=(s} In.a cond itlQ" that ledrne to belie'l(~ that.this ~Qnd,uct had occurred. b. c: o d. o e: d iQetai nee(s), tqld mfi that this' cpr!d u~t hi:i:d ,oc:C!.J.rr~. lo.tli,erS who ,obsetve~d 't.hi~tO'ndJ.ictd.e?crlbedit to, rn.!=l.. II' have re:l~vant Informatlpn' cla$slfi~d -abov.e '~SE.cREf"·. f: l~qI never ooseriied this ,conduct h6rhear:d.abbut it ,ftom:sorfre'one wlio. did. 9-2 . Hooding or blindfol~if!g'a detainee ether ~han durfng (r(3nSp,-0~rt,-.a_f.:...lo.:...n .a. "~. c, d. e. _ o II' 6b~e'i'V,ed·thls.,conduc.t . o J:robserv:edqetaine~(sj jn ~.¢bnd1tion that led m~ to pel)eve thGit;tnis tonduct had .occurred. i:J tDetqine¢{s.) t9id :me tnat this: t;:;ondtiq- hi3dQ,¢cQrrci:!. 0'pthers' . who ·obserVed this eonduct des'criIJed it to me. o II have 'relevant ir:if6rrtlatioiJ clas.sified .above: ".SECRET". - .. _. OIGQ-005049 ~llif 43. a. II never observed this conduct nor heard aboutlt from someone who did. So.bjecting 0 a detainee to ,eXtremely, cold or' hot room temperatur~sfo.rextended periods 1. persdnally·obser'v,ed. this,conl:lutt. ,c. o ~.observeddetaihee(s) in a",condition that led me to believe that this conduCt had occurred. o IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0: e. 0 I have relevant information c1assiffed above' "SEGREP". 0' II n~\ler ().bse"'ted thi9 conpllct n~rhfi3rc) aboyt it from $01T].~?l]e'wtlo qid. b. f. .4,4. Others. wtJo ·obsel1/.ed this c(:mduct described It to. me. SU,bj~ing a ·.de~cHnee, to lC!lfd music 0 I personally observed this:conduct. I b. 0 I:'observed detainee(s) In a condition·that led me to that .this conduct had :accurred. ¢; D De~ainee(sJ t()l(:I me that thi~ conduct hpq oq:urred. <L 0 Q~~ers w.hp ~bsery.ed t~rs conduct descrilJ.ed (t to me; '~. 0 I have relevant !nfprn;Jptlon !=Iass,lfied ;3bov~ "?E<:;RET" .. ' a. f; 0' I tJ~er·~rv.ed this condo,et nor heard 'abaqt it from someone' who'd id; ·45:' :S'ubjecting a d.etainee to bf-ig'ht a. 0 II per~naIlY'o;b?erv~d f1ashili·g.J!9~h~ts:..:p;;;;;'.r::..;,d;;.;;a:.:.r.:;:k;.;.ne:;.;'s;,;:'s~ this con~uct. Q. o.II observeg d~t<;lin~e.(s) in 9~cQnd ~!(;m-t~~t .c. d. €li· f: o 0 led me to '.12 e.I(eve ~hi;lt;tt;Ji~,c.on~1:Jct .Qa,d99Q!Jneg., !D~~ainee(s) ·tql,d me that tqi~'c,ond.uc~ Qa:q 'Q'<:i::urred . , -.... .. iOtbers whc.:> obser.ved thiS; co.n(j!1Gt desctib~d It'~o me. \. o if have relevari,t ilJforl1)aJion ¢Ia~sjfled above "·SE¢RET". o tr n1=w~r <?b~~rv.~d ~lJis:cqn~ot..t n~or h~(d 'ab"Qi;rt It from: sdrrj~~newhb' O.l~, '46'.lsolatihg a detainee for a'fr extended period a. o II per-?Qnally'Qb?er.vec;! thi~·9?nj:li.JGt. b'~ G ,f Qbse:rVed',t\etalnee{$)' in :a-c~>nd.iti.Qn thcit I~d me tCi QeJjeY~ o petainee(s) tolo me that this con~l.u'ct had o"Cc;ur~ed. d. _ tbat:tbis' con~Lid - .1 hi:1.d Dccurrea; r - - ,I OIGQ-005050 .. 'r ... , . 0 Others who observed this conduct described It to me. .e. 0 r have relevant information classified above' "SECREf" . f. 0' ~'!1ever-O'bs~rv~dthis'con~uct nor h~rd about it from some0n.~who ~iq.. d. 47..Usin·g 'd.udt tap¢. to restraln,.ga~r, Q"r punish a d~t~inee. a: [j I p'ersonally' observed this...conduct. 0 Vobserveddetalnee(s) In a'condltlon-that led. me to belfeye that this conduct G. 0 betainee(s) told me thCjt this conduct had 'occur,red. d. 0 Othem who 0~$erv~q t.hi's qmc! [Jct-described It to m~. e.· 0 1. have.reiev~mt II)'form~tIQn cla:ssifl~ p~9ve ·~SECR.Ef'·!. l: 0' I never:observe.d this 'conq u¢t .nor heqrd ·a hout. it someqne who d i~. b. had.occurred. .. 4.8. Using r;:fpid tespQhs~ tearri's and/or forced cell exttacti.ons ,q. 0 b~. r personaf'/y ·o.bserved t,h(s 'condqct. o if-observed c:letalne~(s) In .a;<::ondition th~t I.e~ me to: belie.y'~ tD?t this (;on,dw;;t had o-q;urred, o IDetainee(s~ tQld rn~ t~qt 'thl$. q,onc! uct hpd im:q,lrf:e<;\. c;;, .:d.• 0' (Others Yirh'o QbseflL~d tuis p.onduct d~s.trib~ it ,tQ' Ole. e.. 0 t ha\!e rele\,ant. fl}f.or'm~ti.o.n:~la~sifi~d 'C1~:ove "$ECRET"', D. .r: rt~v¢rqQ$erved f: thls'-c6ndut.t nor:h~rd abQut: It fr9.lil.som~oneWhq:dl~. ~.. Pieas-:e' prQvide the a:pproximate time ftani.e darin¢. Which :thisq:mduCt.ocqurred• From ·Q4/2.00,4 t6 04/20:04 .[]Do Not B-e~al! h. The'de~alne~(s) treated In this Way- Were located ·at the time Hi: 10 Guanr~ft1am6' . , .2 o Iraq :3 0 ')1. Afghanistan 0 Other Location 5 0 09 Not Re~1I I. Plea?e fdentify the:de~~ln~(s) by name an.~t n.umber: (!'-Ion't know, in .j. Please· ide-ritify,the perron(s) Who treated the detainee(s) this mannet, including their 'name(·s) ,and g0ve~nment:agency'(iesl: . M.~mbers,()f th.e MP's v.J~ose tf.l,Ities .It, wps to 'extra<::t .re~Jci.trqrit petcHflees frorp thejr·ce)ls. OIGQ-005051 k, Please identify' any other FBI persbnnel of noh-FBI personnel who,observ.ed detainee(s) treated in this manner~ inclumng their name(s) and agency(ies): I ~pn't know. I~ This cQnduq: .o¢c.urfed in conJi~ctiQn Wit!.i: 1 .p dne de!~iilt=e 20 'Several detainees (2-4) 3"0 ManY,detaine:es(rd6re'than 4} '4,0 00' Not Recall m. (Optional) Pl.l=ase·desctib.e the,te leva nt circurristam::es in more·getciil: 0 r p.ersbhally obserVed this:co'ndlltt. b', 0 Looserved.detaihee(s} in a·c;:oridition 'that led me to Delieve t.nat this conduct hcid·ot>€ur'red. e; 0 Detalnee(s) tQld me that this eo'hduct had occurred, d. 0 Others who observed this cond uct:described It too me. 'e. 0 I have relev.ant information classified abov.e !!SECRET"·. 'a. f. 0 I neverobser-vetl thIs 'COnduct heard someone who ' . " . ', - . . ," .nor ... " ... . · :from ' . . "'. . . 'did. .' a', D D I persanal ry observed this .conduct. ,b. c. q , / ~ " Iobser.ved detainee(s) in ac~nd'ition that led me to. believe thaHhis conduct had .occurred. Detainee(s) -told me that this conduct had ;occurred. d. D Others who observed this condudtdesC'rlbed It to me: f " >., >,,' .,..-. /:,,'. ~ •• - " ~" D [have relevant Information classified above "SECRET"', f: 0 ~, ".ever 0P.?8'rv~:~f thfs ·~9ndl!ct..n9r ,hear:4 ,a~l;)U~' it',froPl s9.m.eo!1~ Wh.o did., _. D b. D c, D a. " A "I' " • '"."." ",.' I personally observed. this..(:onduet. I0bseived ,detail'lee(~} in <a.contrition that led 'me. to believ.e thanhfs Gonduct had occurred. Detainee(s) told me that thfs conduc::"t had '{)(;;CUfred. OIGQ-005052 e .. , , , ' e. 0 1 have relevant Information' classified above HSECREf". f. 0' I never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. , , , 52. Thr.~tenlng to u~ spiqersf'$corplons/;snake~;or other'aJlimal~ on a'detaine~ a. o 'I p~rSdnalJy obs~rVeQ this ,conduct. b. 0 I,ODseryed,detaineefs)' in ~,cohditiofi that led me .to believe thaufiis contfutt. nad 6.cdliteCi. Detainee(s) told me that this condHtt hado.ccurred. :d. D D e. q L have releyarit information classified above' ·!SECREfi '. f. 0 [never'observed thls:mnduot nor'heard'aboutit from someone.who did. c Others who observed this conduct described it to- me. ,53.. p,isresp'ectfuI ,statements; handling., ,dl,"'Clctions illvq1ving, the Koran ,a. 0 I b. c. o o personally observed this conooct. I'observed det.ainee(s) In'ac::onditi6n that led me to belJeve that this conduct had'o'(!curred., \Detainee~S} told me that thl's- e'ondlJct had ,Q,ccurred. d. 0 OtherS who ,obser\led this c:ci'iid uCt'described it to me.: ,e. oir have reley~hlt iriformatio'tl lZlassified ,ilho've '~S'ECREf'~. f. 0' I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from 'someone, who did. 54. Shav,ingct detainee's facial or other hairto em qa(raS$ -Of humiliate: a qet§..:.;.in.:.:;e:.:;:e.... " ~b. c: _ o Tr p~r.soilaily 6bserved thJs.,tondu<:t. , o IIobser:v.ed detaihee(S) ill.a 'cbnd'itibri that led me: to believe that th.iS: conduct had oC,currect. " 0 Detainee,(s) told 'me that this' cerid uct had {)ccu'ffed. d. D Others' who obsehied thls rohouet described It to me. ,e. f. 0 I have relevant inforniation classified above "SECRET" . o ,r never observed tliiscondUGt n~r'~eard ;aoout it from ,someone who did. OIGQ-005053 55. a~ b~ <;:. 4: e. 'f. Placin~ a woman's c10thihg on a detainee .- 0 I personally observed this..conduct. 0 0 0 Detai nee(s) told rl)e that this cend uct had 'occu rred. o I[observed detainee(s) in a ,condition that led me to believe that tills conduct had occurred. 0thers Vo(hQ ogseryetj t~is c~nd uct'describ~ !t to m~ [haye-relevant inTormati9n classiffep al1ov~ "SECRET"; o '1 nev~r'Ppserve9 r thls'conquet ncwheard abou't it from sqmeon~ who did. 'a. 0 I personally obsehted thls.conduct. b. 0 I,observed detafnee(s} in ·a cond ition that led me to belie\le that this eonduct had ;occurred. c. d d. 0 'Deialnee(s) told me thatthls conduct had ·occurred·. Others who observed ~his p::m:dyctdescrib,ed it_t.o. me.. - I h?,ve.relevqnt inT9rmatjQn'c1assffied. ,a9,ov~ '~$ECRET'l; 'f. 0 ~ nev~r o,b§!3rv~d t.hrs.;eond!1~t nor h!:'13r~ aboui It fror:rr SOryiebne wh.o did. e; D 5.7. Holdili.g.{$):~how~re. nQtoffld~lIya~kh.o\vl~ged :tletairiirjg a. b. ;c. <f.: the p e r s o n . ' I .or registered a.s.~w;:h byihe.agen~y . o.te per~naI!Y'observe,c;f tnis :co.ndu~t, . o :1 observeq det,%\h('le(s} in '<:1 'condltiornh~t led ru~ to beneve tpat this co.n'duct hi'ld occurred. I o rp~tai,net=.(!?) t.9J~ JJl~ th~t this cOl)duct qad occurret;l. o !~thers; w.h.o observeq t~i? c.cmduGt d:esqibeg i~ tQ mI;. e. 0 r have rel~vant il)forroatlPn: ~1!3ssiti~ .~bove •...S·ECR~u. f. 0 I n~yer o~s~n7ed this ,cQndu<:t 'nbr'heard ,ab.o.ut it fr9m:s(jmf=.o·n~~w'h<?:difl sa.. Sending a.d~tainee:to ano.ther country for rriore:agg(e.$sive interrogation a~ .b, c. 0 I personally observed this,conduct. 0 r opser-ved de.tai.lJ~e(s) in a 'cond jtjon that led (Tle to believ:e thE\t-this «:onduct had 'occurred., 0 Detalnee(s) tdld me tr,qt this conduCt had ·occurred,. .. , .. OIGQ-005054 ". d. e. f. .. " ' . 0 'Others who ohserved this conduct described It to me. 0 r have relevant Information classified above "SECRET". 0 rnev:~r o'bs~rv~d this"C9nduct nor h~rd ~bout it from someomnvh9" did. -59. Threatening t9·send a cJ:~tainee t<;>· a09thercoul)try fell' dete.nrion onn.Qre aggres~.iV~ irti;:errwatian :a. 0 I personally observed thiS :conduCt. b~ I observed detairiee(s). iii ·13 ,cond.itioh that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occu~r:ed. 0 e. 0 d. [] e. 0 netainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,o.ccur'red. bthers who observed this conduct-described it to me. I have relevant Information classified above !!§ECRET"·. f; 0. I, nev~n:>'bserved thfs 'conduct n9r heq~q ·abo.l,It it -from sarne()n~w~'o a. diq, I o !I personal!y,observ.ed this·,conduct. 0 L'observed. delalnee(s) In . a· cond itlphlhat led m.e to be\Jeve :that thiS conduct Co' 0 Detaihee(s) ·told me that this conduCt had .occurrEd. d. 0 others who ob.served :this conduct aescrib.ed ina the. e. 0 1. have relevant information das'sified above.'!SEGRET"·. b. had ·b.CCurr:ed. f. I~r [never'observed this:conduct nor heard about it from 'someone, who' did. - a. 0 I persjjnally dbserVea this ,coMuc.t. ti. 0 Ibtiserved,detaftie'e'(s). in a.cpJ1dition t,hat lea me' to. believe t1i;:ittfliS condud had od:l1:r'red.. c; o m~tainee(s) told liI~ tnat this.cond'u.ct had .od:urr.ed. d. 0' Others Who observed this cehd lIct described it to me. 0 r nave relevant ir:ifoiTnation classified ab6ye "SECRET". ,e: f. a r ne.ver'observed thls"eonduct nor' heard about It'fromsomeone:wlio did. OIGQ-005055 52. Othenellglous or<se~u,al ha~assmel1tor humJI!atlon of a detaine$, a.1 0 ,1. PefS0i'lallyobserved this conouct. .. J 0 Lbbserv'ed'detalnee(s} lri'a condition that led me to, believe that thlscbn.du,et had occllrred, t. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. - :--.,- c-----' ._--, --"'-~-"--'-"-""----------d. 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. ' b, e, Ci f. 0 1 never observed I have relevant I"nformation classifIed 'abov.e, '!SECREf't. "6'~. "C;>ther t.rea~ment this,con#uct ngr'heard ab.Ol,tt it 'f,rom sam.enne who qid. qf a~ d~~ihe~ that in ygur opinio!1 Y'CiS L!npr9(e~5ipnall nats!;l :or:99gressi\Y¢,j 'coertive, 'cib,usive, or .unlawful a'. o 't petSo'nally··observed thls.condlict. 0 I :observed' detainee(s) in 'a condition that led me to believe thatlhis eonduGt llaiLoc€urred. c. ! 0 jDetainee(s) tcild me that this: cond uct had :occurr:ed. b. e. o p~her:s ~~o o~served '~~is co.n:duc:t des~ribe9 [t to me" o !I haVe Tel,~varit informatl.~.m. c,assifi~d ~bov~: liS ECRJ:f'! . f. 0 I d:: l1ey.efo.p~r"e:d this"<;ont!l,Jtt .nor h~rd :aboul· it frQlTI"sorn~o,n~'WhodJd. ]lil~ltl'lli::~ ~@j.@jjlfi,~ , '7" ,... :.."-: P~.: i, 64. Oid :you ··obser-y,e ,anY irtipE:tsQn~~icm ,of fBI poersonnel oyanyone during' an ·inl.ervi!=W .qr -interrC1gati6n ,of: ,adet'ainee? . Q Y¢s; 0 No :~~~: Old ;:'In)'" d¢~ili¢e. Qr.Q~h~r ,lJ¢twn te)i yb!J tharh~ i;>r'$he 'tiad w.itJiess~~ the 'inip~r:SQ'fla~lqhp{ f~~ pers,o'nnel In connection with detainee intervie.w or iiiterrogation? 'Q:Yes 0· No~66'.,Are ;Y9u aware of:any Upham') :orl'$tag~~·dE?t~il)e~. in~ervieW5\9r jn~e.rro.g~tI9q? c~>nc;lu<;ted f9r MelJ1b~r? 'Qf th~'l);S, Cpngress'9r their staff?' 'a: .$7. T.O' Y0!Jr kJlowledg~~Qi9 ~ny military Dr ·in1e..l\itlerjc;e personnel e.v~r peQY or delay FBI.acce,'ss to. a detainee the FBlwantE;ja t~ q,u~tlon beca,use th.e de.t~fne~ had ,~~tain¢!:l tnj~rles :~fter h¢ iNa'S <;a'pt\Jteq?' pYe~s' ·~f.'.I9 . OIGQ-005056 'IOU ·e.ver 'end your p:a~icip~tiQn In .or o1?serva~j(m :of a detalrtee Inte.rvie~ b:e~lfs~ 'Qf the if:m~rv~w Qi"' il)t~rr9g9tiQri m.ethods. o.eing .!ised? ,68'. nld o Yes 0 No O~ ~~ or interrogqtio.n ~Q; \IIl~r¢ yop ever .t61c1.tlla~,Bn9th~r FBr .~n;ploY¢~.J;~nd~. his o.t ti$r pc(rticipaJidn In .qr·O:~$'~rv~tiPri i;lf"a detainee intenliew :or ·interrogation. beCause :of the i'nteiView; o:rJnterr.Oga'tion methods being used?- . 11); D\ir:ilig phY of:Y'9ur b.y'erse:aEi:C1E;pI6ymE!ht~ Q( 9$s!gnineh!s" i1(~ YQ4 rep-ort. ~n'y ~6nc~ro.s r~gi::irding ail'y'detainee interview br.'iriterrdgatiCHi practices, .or 6thertypes of-defainee trecftni'ent,. to an'FBI su'pervis.or1 ' o Yes. ,@ No. 71. DlJrjng :any ,of your p)7erse'?l.s c;:IepJoyme:nts Qf a'Ssjgnmerit~r:did V9U r~p:ori pOV c'on~ermn~garcl irtg ,a'iJ5ndetciinee'interv.iew Of interrogation .praQtices~6r tither Wpes:'6f d~.tainee tteaTnient :YQU' obserVed' o'r heai:d .a·oout] ;to a n~i1.;,F~I. supervis.or 01'- other nQn-F~I:persohnel? ' . .; . 0. y-es: ''0 No. 7;L J:I~ve:YPlJ :e\f~r bl;~n: o,~q~r.etl t>r:d.i~~eQ m;lHo' ,reR9rt, 9r'qJ~tQQr9.g~<;I In' ~.ny· W?ly".fr.orn ,regortingjt ,op~rv:a!IOrt.~,p.t all~ggltiQIi:~ r~Jf:lte~ t9 !ter?l'inee .trea~ment or i.nt~ry!¢w;pr inl~r(Qg~ti9.ri~~ttiQti~p( practice's? ' " 0; Yes 73...;·Yo.l:l'experienced .0 NO ~ n,y .~g:yal.·ned fetC'llia.tton: for re.por't!ng 'Q!:>s~rVqt!ons or qll~gations o.f.d·~tain~~.treatm~ritQf tnterYiew :Qr in~~rrog.~tlon' actIon$. Oy~~ @ N~' or Piclc.tice~?' 7.4. (b'ptional)'· Please provld e any:addltional comments regarding .the reportlngQT concerns' related to: intenli~w. pr inte~rqg.atiQn tec;:l:miqul:\~; det~.ntiqn p!:actk~.s,·or"Qth~r·ge.taln~.!~Jr~ptm~t!t;. ~~;;i;'l~'tOC~@i~ .? 0'·.·.,;,'·;·.:·<>.( .. \;~.;~<.~ .:;.::t:f. . ZS,:< Wereyou deQrLef~~l..o,ther·than the statltlar~, g.ebrl~f1n FD-;77Z, cp.t)cerrirng .yo".lrover$€a~' . as~jfl timerit(5) 'or ·dep loYm~rit(sJ.afte.r you :completed the tiep ioyment{$) brassIg rit.n'Emt(s)? :0' Y,es @. No. I 26. Additional Comtnents!and Recbmmendations~ Oqviou~Iy,1 in- q c1Qsed :~flv.ironmel1t such' a!? GTMbi the~~ '~ere :ai~y'~ ~u~o~s ~b<;~t' Ii ~~'~~al'd~tai'n~e ' tre~ttnent. by yario.u!? 'Q~gan'izatiQnsi However, non~' Qf ~h'ese rumo,rs '~ver leveled at .the ,FBI, nor dic;l I per.~9I1all'1f 9ti~erve; ar]y' aetNltl~ which] felt wOLi(Li npt hav~ beerr~p'prbp·rlat:e·In<a U:·$·..aU[~aC1 bf Pfisor:ls detention ·fa.bili~Y.. . Thank .yo·.u''for Ybur'c'ooperation in co"mpl.etih.g this~ qi:Jestibnliai're· . ' OIGQ-005057