Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001126
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Departm'ent-of )~s.tic:e: Inspe(:t.or Gen'eral-Qu~s,tionn~ire'Rega·r.din·g . . petain:ee's D.OIMPlG INVES.TIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE ONLY BYINDIYlDUAL FBI RE'SPONJjE~TS t)"p: NOT F6~WARD olt: Dt~EMI~ATE . . . FO~ RE.V,IEW M~O' LISE . QUESTIONNAIRE ID: te'st-O.000112.6 .As o.t ~~~ I~st time tJ:1js:q~~lr(;>nn~ir~w~~ ~a\(~~r~~n1e re:quire,d f.iel~·s' ",av~. r:IC;)t. ~een ·cQ~pl~te'd •. Plea·s' your resp·oris~. ., .~ ~ .-...... .... :~ \~~:~ : . ~ '.~ A., P~r$Q.n;J1 :9. ,: . .. :: . . .. ~..r., ..~.~ ; : -,:, ..... ::. . ' . InfprlTlation Please pr.ovide·the following' iriformation: 1, f.i(st t)arll~: 2. Mid.~le lnltipf: ~ &: 7.6 PER AC?REEMf=f:lT 6 &'ZC PER A.GREENIENT 6 ~. 7.C PER AGREEMENT :3: Last name" 4.. Ente~d bIi Duty Date (E,OD): .~; turLen.t "Dl'i(ls.lO,nlfield Of.tice: 6&;1C '~~'7C .6! <:urre(lt Jpb title: .Y. Direct"d ial office:telephohe number: 8, FBI :Ceil fjhQrie r'll,lmbet: 9! FBI ppger. {1un")her~ B~st cQotact nUl:nb~r tor yotJ~ :to.. B, Background of SpeCiffc $pe<::ta.l AY,ent 6 &10. PER AGREEMENT ~ ~.7C PE.RAGREEMEftJT '6 "*,.:?e PER AGREEMENT 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT D~plo,yn'lents 0" Assig'nments 20.01, did yeu. se"r've,a~ a member of the U.S. Military, or as an, ally othE7r·gov.ernment agency., at Guantanamo Bay" :Cubai Iraqi 'Afg'~<;lnlstqJT;"or"in .~fe~S"cpntfOlied ,~y ~l1e l)"Ei~ Mil itq ry ora lJ"S. intelljgeOGe S,erv!c~ If! :q~n[1ectjqrJ"witt'l the 9 I~bal W?lron- !erro'l:1 @·yes 0 No .12. Eriter"the humber .of.times you were-deployed 6t-as'sighed to,<eac'h ofthe..f6l1owing Ideations ·(Gu.?ll1ti=lnamo Bay,. qU.b<;\~ iraq ~l\fghcH1!st<;lW :a.! In. :Clny. ?lreqS C:;O[1t~o!l~d py ~he' u.;s. M}il.t?lf'i 'dr..~ u,$: ·.iJ1t~lI!ge(lc.e seryice)'~ 1 F~r eacJ:1 deploYmer:'lt or ,assigl:lrlJent -c:C>lpplete1:he follow~n'g ~ection .•. J.;L At ahy. time a'ft~r'September 1'1( t?mploy.~e,or .contractor or-the FBI.or l.bc;a'tion· (seled one) , ,- .. , @~~~~~~~~.2....~}ii Deplo}ll1'l,ent or assignmen.t. began on:or DeploYJ'!lent or" assignment ended' on 04/15/20.03 '0.6/03/20'03' about or:about. 1:2a: What was ,the ueheral and i>titpo~e'oly'o·ur:assignmen..t,ah.d :a¢tiyities? IntervieWing detainees In response to leads.~generated hom FBI tield .offices t2Q,.P."l~ase pr9,v:i,de.the!1arni;ls Qfth~ . speclfjc c~mps, ·~s~s.".orfaGlIitl~s wh~r~ ypu wQrke~. :~amp b~I!;a, ,Guantana'mo ~Yi Cyb~t . . " . . 1'2c; Note: If infurtnl:ltiori a"bout a specific ·d3mp,. case,. or fa~ility. is.classified -above SECRET, ·pleasel:heck. here. 0, iridlJd.e. in 'yQur answer that y-ou' haVe."ia'di:litiO"naJ 'information 'Cla~$rffed at:ro\te 'SE~RET/.'·' a.~4,. if you k~Q.w, id~ntify 'th~~la!?sific~ti9n revel~ ~icket, 'comp:artm.ent, prog.r9m,.;9r'.oth~r f1esig'n~tlotl ~haqlpplJes ~~'~~e InformatIon, Do. nqt:lnclude:the'<;lddltl<;>nal{:!as~[fled inform!3tion: 1'1 Y0l!r que.stiOhr'laire: respofrses. OIGpe.rsorinel .wlth .the: ne~essary :Clearance will Go.n,taC!: YO.u'to receive it, OIGQ-004862 ,n. ~!~~. )J~a~~ Id~D~& ~~y ~~~~,~ii~ Q~sltlo!Cajjh~ ~~,=ij,§f~i~~~n=n~[~ =~~o!ri y~u=~Ies~y i~pit~~: .~~.QQg= ~o~r ~~~2~~~} ~ ~~~l®~~n!:~, I toIama' l Position . ~U_P.~!::vJ~0I¥. §~~lal tl-9~n_t Dlq .you jointly in,t~tyiew or i.nt~rro.gatt;~I)Y' dt;t~inee with. non-FEn p.~rsonn~11 . 0~ O~ .. With what. kinds of l1'o·n-FBI. person nel aid 'you wotk.lei rjtly? b6 b7C _ :i2~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ".. .... _ .... ~ _ .... _ _. .... ,... _ _ """'r _ _ - - _ _ ...... _ ..... - , ...... ...... -... _ _ • .0" CITf .: li1'Other u.s: Military ': 0l!..s.. inte(Jjgenc~ ag,enc;y.' : 0 F.or.~lg·i:J r.nilliaty Rr .intelli!:1en«:::e agency ': P 'Q.~her . ., ....... _ .. _ ...... _ ......... ~ ..... ~. _ _ ......... I _ •- - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - -.- - _ -.. _ ....... _ ......... - ........ lo- ....... _ ... -..- .. _..,. _ ...... _ _ ., ~ -r'''' ........ - _ ......... " " - . - _ .......... "" - ., ""l" • - - -. - .... - -'- - - - ~ - - - - ............. - ......... - - -. - - - - - -,,- - -~- - - -. - -,... - ~- - -"- - ! '-12f. Did you jointly plan any ,d!=tainee ihterVieW Or interro.gation :strcitegv" obj~tiY,es,. or tCictics Wlfh non- .' ~FBI"persorrriel.? . " . ,: . (!) Yes 0 No : .=-W~h, wb~t- ki~d"i Q{n~n.f.Bi p~;~rrrl€ll'~ ~ y~~ WQ;:~.)~ ?---- ----- -------- - ~ - -- ----- ---'.' ntiy ~ P'~ITF: ~: ' 0' .other U.. S. . Miiltary ': D. U.S:. Ihtelllgence'6g'enCy :0 ;0 ·f.Greig,n military or Other- ~----~----~--~~._---~------_.~~----~--~_._-~~-------~--.~---~--~~---~~-.--~~ Hig., Wereyo4 e~er-Qthe.rWise l~vQiVea 11:J- det~ioee:rntirVr~.w,~,or . 0 Yes :0 No '.;._._ _ ""': . . __ . __ .... . ._"_1-!. __ ._~ __ ~ rnter~og~ti~n-s;vlfiJ- QQ~:fBI -~~~~neIf ._.__•_ _ - • -:, - - _ .... __ .... - _ _ : .~, 1_', .. \ , ~. .:~~. Training Prio.r to Overseas DEployment.oJ' Assignment' ~3 .. D!d Y0~ reseiye a.!1Y'~~rni~g, Jl').svuc~fo.n, 'or guidancE} specjflc~lly !n preparatl~n fGr allY 'l?f Y'9l,l[ o.y~r$ea!l <I,~p'IQ.Ym~nts Qf a'ssignr.nents,?- E)·yes ON6 abo NofRecali 13·a. Who ·PJo.Vid.~.Q thi~ t@ilijng'r inStrudlorl.J ,or gUiih=!ilc~, .and 'Wl'i~re :C1id'ypu r~ceive I(?" trtF; ·A.I~>:;a"'idria "Irg ill ic) " 13b. Describe the su'bJect on whiCh'you receIved thls·tralnlng( instruction 'or guidartce. Hist'oricai 'oacl<'grciunCl of Afghanistan t cultufi;ll i:nfonilati6-n, overy'jew of :GTMO OIGQ-004863 experienc~ OYes 00b Not. Recall is. In preparqtion for' any of YQ~r'd.eplpyrryents 'Of ~,~!;ilgnm~nts,Aid instr~cti,o.n, br~9U idc;i,nq: jX)l'iceIT) iog YQV r¢!=eiv,e'pny trqinipg, ".the st~ ndard s· ~f cqnd uct appli.t?l bJetb ~Ii~ V,eaJflient, interview',o't jritert.o..gation.of detainees by: non-FBI pe[fsonnel? . '0'00 Not'Recall 16,. tn pr~p~i'?ttIQn for ~ny':of 'IQur ,over~~s: dep(6Ylil'Em!;s!:.or ,as~'ignni~.l1t;S, 'tlid YQ.u, re¢elv,e :any trqininy, in'struetiQl1" or,gUidance conc,eniil1.9 ·wtjat you Wet8-'~uppoS€d to. do if'y6u :obsetvet' or:heata 'abbut : the treatment, Interview, or lilterroQ'atlon',c:if detafnees, bY. FBI petson'neJ, 'which you belieVed to' be il")~ppropr1at~i unprQfes~ionfll; co~rciv'ej ,a,b,u,$ive( or !Jnlgwfu!7 ' ores : Gop Not R~t,all 17. In prepi')rciti6ii. for .a'ny,Of)'oLir ,oVersea's deplo,friients'or assighf1i~nts, ,did you receive'clriy..trainiri,9, : InstructionI' or ,gu Idance concerning what wereISupposed' to. do If, you obser:ved .or 'heard about ! '~~'treatment~ int¢rvi~w" (>r intenoga,t!9n 9f ~¢taji1ee$. W p~r~onn~,i,:~h.ich .Yo.o b'el.i~ved: lp be Jnapp.r(Jptlatelunpr9f~$IOnqITC9~r.91.veJ ,a\)usJve~ or unlawf.~I?, OPq NQt'~ec,all ~~. O~rln:g anI(. of YQur qVl:!r:s"eCis..d~pl~1Jm~~~s.or ~s$lg',hm~n!~, j:llp ''YQu req~I'l¢ ,any't@.ln']ng, i'n_~,tpct:loo/ or guiaancect>ncernin.g the standards cif.cDndup:.apI>.licable to the,tr.eatment, ii:lt~rrogatio'n .of 'detainees by, FB.I personnel? .@¥eS OM) , it'1~erJi~i, ot' , ,O:Do Ncit Recall .la'a. Who. pio\f.ided this traihin'g, iristruotior1( or-:g,uidahq:~? Dls<;ussions'with C.II::\~,-NCA.VC. personnel ,la.b..Bri~f1y d~~rI.QE;! tti~ sl,Ip's!;al')c¢' ~nh~ srairi'ing, ,inStr.U~i9n~ p:t g'!Jjdan:¢~;p,r9Yld¢d t'Q 'fou. PI~cu's'si0rS with, N,CAVC p'er~~:>nnel~eg'ard!ng the FBI'~ :Vlewpdlnt t,hat C! success'ful ' i,nterview Jc::cnDjque was "to build long fer.m r~latjpnshjp's of tnJs.t with the:'(te~inees; ~sJng a, ",respet.tfl,ll" iappJ9a'ch·to ob.t,a'in :iflfonilqtl~rt, l$'p, Wps,aoy :Qf'i.he tralni,ng, lnstructil;m, qr gulq?lQ<;e Rrovlded In'wfltfng? :eyes :ON0 '0 Do Not 1? Elu r,jng ,pny of yq\Jr p'Y'er$e',as, qep!qYm,?n,~s or ~s§Ig I)me'1t~i .1:\ I,d yo", re~eJ'le any t~I'1I:ng J I n~,t'r:u:cti<i1t1, or .guiCfance con~ernin,g the standards of conduct:apP.liCabfe to ttie tr.eatment, lh~~n1iew., or int~rr:o~fation 6fdelainees,by non-FBI perSonnel? ~N6 ·00'0' Nat Recall OIGQ-004864 or guidance'c0Qc:;ernlng what YQU V'lere Sljpposed to do if youobseryed or h.eard.a.bout the treatment" Int,e"rView, or Jnterrogat!tm' pf-qet,i?inees by FBI personnel, v.r1i1cfl' YO\J Q.ell,eyed t.q ,be ina,ppropr.iate~ ,lmprofes' II, cb.erciv~, abusiveI" or u olamol? ~No 000 Nat.Recall :,2:t. [)ur)ng q:ny orYQllr ov~r$ea~ depLoym.ent~or <;ls~ignmems',.d'i9 Y9J;! r~ce.ive any training, llistructiQn, 9f gl,lia~h~¢ concerning whi;3t'lou were SUpP,qsed t9 :,10 if you>6b,S¢rY¢d q(hea:r9 aQ~ut.the. treatment, interViewr or iriter'rbgati6n of detainees by non-FBI per:sonnel, which,You believed to be iriappropriate~,linprofessi6nal, <::aetclver abusive" or unlaWful? Ie. ~dequC'JOY of Training 22..1n YO!Jr'opinipn~ tlid, YQu" re~eive~dequ,at~n~afnrrig, i'nstructii~.n,~Qr:guiClance relaiing~ {Q-~tandards :of ~O'nduct by FBj'ahd 'non.,FBI personnel r~lating t6 treatment/ ,inteIVieWl 'or interrC:>'gati,6n of 'detainees pi"ior to ybur:deployment:or assignment? . eyes 0 No instruction,·~r.guidance'staildards: ,of amdyct by FBI and non-FBI per,sqnnel relaUng t~)', ~reatment, 'ih~eJ.View." Of IDten:og,~tlon':of d,etQloees gurin9 'yQlJr c;l~pJq)!n\ent Qn:ls$i~.rini~nt:? 2-3, In your opinion, did you receive adequate training't eyes b No 24.:rn: ,pprniOn, tlld. yQlJ (et~:!ive a(je.q~aJ:¢, {relil')ing" i'nstruqibfi,. 'or'glJitl~ nC,e ;COJi~e'rnlr'ig Wi'iat )lQu were supposed tb.ilci if you dbservedbr heard about.the treatment, interview-, or interrogation Of 'detainees, by FBI or non-FBI personnel, that you believed was inappropriater unpmressionalj ~oerciver. abusive/. or unJ<;lWfyI? eyes O. No ~? . . (optioneD'.Ii) .what w-qYf> can the'F~~ jrr!pr9v~ train,ing 'Oil thi.~$LJbj~ct Tor nJt.~re, q~ploym.ents or' H'$s'ig rim~li.ts? ' 10. Com01ent~· . 2'6\ Please provide any additional information conceming training for overseas dep/0yments or assignrtJents of fBr person.nel youbeljeve is relevant. Introduction to Part III: In this 'section,. we..are ,seeking lnfonnatlon regarding a wide range. of -il')tervtew'or .interrog~tidn :t~c'miql(~ :qn~t Q~her- type,s: pf'g,etafr,Tee, tr~atrT)ent ,alleg~ t9 nay~ 9Gtl! rr~. OIGQ-004865 Y9Y should ,not assume, jus~ ~because we. areasking, a'bout a partlettlar technique'or pr:act'icef. that we ~?lye cQ!1c1tl,d eel that it in fact o<,;:curred. We recbg:nlze th~Uiome pf th~se 'Wchniqyes 'or p.~ctice~ may at tImes b.el'lec.e,sSary fo.r safety ,and s~urity ifl,a.a,etentio.n setting. In,'additrooJ' w.e rec.6~:nize ,tbat-some"bf th-e'se l :techniques,or praCtiCeS may have been' authorized for use by 'rriilitarY. or ,other government personnel. With r~~peg: tl? 'e~~h .ifl:entlfle~ t~~hn iq U~i pra'9:,icec '9'r- tyPe of'q'Od l!~n:j.~qiJ)ecj bel'Ow i we :pr~ 's~e~ing' inf~iTh~tiQn'lahQlit it$' Q.ctiJrr'er1e,e '~urin!J 'Qr i,n ~coririe~tion wi,tii th~ i,r'1tervieV'i or ir'lt,errogatipri of a -detiiineer:or durin(j the ,deteritionof'E. de.taih~ beyond whi:Jt is,'needed for s'afetY and'security; In that .c:ohtext( iN.e w.i11 ask ·you to .tell us whetHer .one .01' more of the'following, statements 'are true:: . 1., I: p'~r~naIlY'opserved ,2. Fh!~ ~onduGt, , I oQ~,etYe~ d~t,ai.h.e;e(~1)'in' q :tpnpitioJ.1 tf.1.qt I¢~ , ' <, me:tQ b~li~Y~ that thi?, cpnd1JQ; hqo, Qc.cyrt:'!&!. 3; toJa me' that ~his cQndu:et.h;;l9 ,<ic1;.urr~d". '4. Others who obsenied this condud"described me: 5'. hayerelevant Information classified. above "SECRET" . $. I'n~yeCdb,~~rv~ th'!S,'cqnducf nOf h~9rcf abq'!.!t l~ (r0tTI '.som~n:e:whoAI~. r: ~27. Deprivit...~ a detaine'e ofTootl of water Cl; ~'~ <;:':' 0 I, pJ;:rsonaHy observ~d th(s:co~duct. 0 r :obserye,O det91I')e~(s) il'1 cl'c;;t?nd Itiol] t~at, !~ m~ -1:0' believ:e .t~at·th!s con.dlu:t had 'Ocqmed, 0 ,De~ain~~(!;;) tqld me ~rc;lt thr~. ~onpuGt had 'q,<:l;:9rr~. cL o lathers wnp observ~ :thls ~o'nc!qct'(Ie~c;rl~~ it to, rn~: e. 0 t' have releyant infQrroat,iori ~I;;l.?sjfi~d Clb'9ye, '~SECREr'''' f: 0 I never o.b~rve'(J thi~',cQndL!~t nor:h~r~ 'ab'ou,t I~ from sorrrebne.wh~tdfd. :.28. Deprlvin'ga det!3ine~ of ,c;ldthin'g a. fp. 9 D D, 1, personallyobser:ved this conduct. II' observed ~e.tarr,!-ee{s) 111 'cr~().nc!iti9n 1::na,t led .rn.~ tQ beJjev!=. ~hal, thi~, <':QI'Jduet h,j:lg nq::~rred. o ~Detainee,(s}tQld rn~ tn~t thiS <;:.onduCt had {)c;:cwr~. q. 0 Otl1ers who observecllhi~ !=l?ndl,Jct des!3ril:Jed '~to m~." ~; 0 J f. 0' It. n1?"et Qbserve9 t,his C9f)"9~ci: hav~ relevant'lnform~.tion'~la$sifjed, ab:oVe !'$'EC~'f.; nbr heard 'qbouj, it fr9IT),sdri1.egn'e:who '29, Depriv.inq,a d,etainee, of sleep,. 'Or interrupting o [j '¢I1Q. I sleep by frecj'uent.ceii .relocations DJ ,other meth'bds II personally observed thls.:conduct. OIGQ-004866 , b. 0 " I observed 'detalnee(s) In a ,cond Itlon that led me to beIleve thaUnls conduct had 'occurred. c.' D Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. d. 0 q~hers whl? observed this conduct'descriqed it to m~; 0 to 0' e. ,a. D . . ~ have re\ev~nt Information c;la,ssifi,ed qbpV~ ",~Ec'::REr' • I neverobserve~ thfs'CQoduGt nor hear:d 'about it 'froll') someone. whp did. I personally ohserv,ed this;c6ndtJet. b., D Lobser.ved ~etainee(sJ in a'cond ition that led me to believe 'that this conduct had ;occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me thaUhisconduct had .occurred. D O~he~ who 'Observe<:l'~, GO,nduct'de~cri~ed it to me., D I, ha'y"~ relexant fnform:at[0 n' Gla~~rD~cj ~!?ov~ I!S,~tg:ET'\ f. D I never:ob.s~rve:d, this~cOf.!duct nqr h~rd !9,QouJI~Jrom:~m~on~'w!1oqld,. d. e. ~i.lJ$ing 'yvater Jl:! ~reverit oreathing byq 'detail'lee,pr tel <;:re,ate :the ,sen:satiori of ,drown'iilg 'a. D I personally: obsenied, this .cohaLid, b. c. d. e. f, D I obServed detaifJee(s) ina·.Gondition that led me to' believe that this eQndiJCt heid :0ccurred. o petainee(s). told me thatthis, conduct had :occurred. o IOthers who observed this mnduct described it to me: D II have relevant information classified . . ' . above ",S'ECREf"'. . 0 , I nev'ero;bsE?!"e(rthi~ condl;lct nor hear.d.~~o(Jt It fro'11,~Ill~0'le:who qid. [ : 3~~ Usi,ng, 'hands, r~pe, ,or.anything el&e. tQ <;;hoke C)r strangle a ,d~tajn~~ 'a. D I persOnally observed this cQnduct. b'. o lIooserved detainee(s} in a conaition that led me to believe thatthls condilct had ,occiJ'ri'ed. C. D !Detaihee{s) tolCl me tha1: this conoo(t hac occurr.ed. d. D Others. who observed ,this Gonduct;d'escrlbeCl It to me. i?~ 0, L hc!V.e releYant Inror!'J.latign f. 0' c1as~;m~ apov~ I~SEGRETJ". r De\f<?r'o,~served t.hi? ''Conduct nQf'hecj,rd ,~bout i~ rrol\l wn<? ~i<!. OIGQ-004867 3.3. Thr¢at'¢n]ng ,other action to~cause phy's.ical pain, injUry, .disfigurement, or:death a, 0 b. c. q; 0 G I personally observ~d this ,tqnduc~. Lobse(ved de!qinee'{s) in :a'cQnd jti9n that !ecLme to believe .that'thi,s cO!ld~q: bi;ld ,o'cc;,utreil.. o~taineEf(sJ tol9 me that this conduct ha9 ,occorred.· o lOthers' who observed :thls, ~pn~uct,d,es«;:rIJjed e. 0 It to me, I haVe .relevant informatioh' t1as'sified 'abOVe, '~SECRET'I. f. 0 1: ne'lt,er ob.s~rV,e9' tois,conduct n9rh~r~ :abgl),t it frprn $Pll)epn~. who' dJd. ;'3,4. :Other'trealment or aGtidn 03usilig sign.ificant p,Ny-sical pain or'i"ljUfy, or causin,S death a; o b" II per~n~ny:; qbserVed this ~qnpu,ct. D. !t C?~?~Jv~,d g~talne~(s)- in (a cqOditipri th~t, l¢dm~ t9 c: o disfjgur.erherit or' ' Qeli¢v$ th~t thi~ ~6hdpGt h?i,d oc;~,urred~, iD'et-alnee(s) taid me thanlils'con'duC~ hq'd 'o'ccqrred. d. o [o.thers: wl'iq ,blisenied this: cpMuct. tfescr'ihed ittbme. e. o f. 0' II never ab'ser\ied II have re'levant ihJQrmatiQn' :classified .aboV¢, '(SECRET"'. this,con'duCt nor hea(d a'bout it fi"cim sbrrie'o'rie.:whO did. I I '35. P'Jadi1g a defcline'e,on a hoI: surface' or~ burning il:detaihee ~'. b': Ii, pe.r; IlC)lIy ops,ervE!c,t.. this 'cQil,(Iud. o it' obsel:'ied ..detait)ee(S) In P ;'q:md ifion that led m.e' to beHev~ :that 'thi~. ~ondutt had ol;curred. ! o S0 c: o ;O¢,tai nee,(s) told me that thJs: C9tld.uct l1a'q OCCU rrecl, If. D !Qthers' \fIfh'q oQseiV~d thi!:!: cqn:d,l,Icj: d'es:cribed It ~O, m~ e. o II have reie.v:ant information' classified abov.e "SECRET". f; 0lr iiev:er oD~erved _,--_...l this'c..~nduct nor heard ,ab'oOl it from someone/who'ditl. l 3:6. .usiiig shackles or :Qtfterr'estraintS in a prolonged manner OIGQ-004868 , ,. I personally observed thIs"conduct. e. 0 0 0 0 0 f: I~r r n~~r p,bs~rved this nor 'heel rd '0 ~out it from.,sqme,on~who di(l. a~ b, c. 1;1. Lobserved detainee(s) in a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. De~ajnee(s) to\.d me that this condyct ~ad ;occ;:ufred~ qther;; Whp 'ob~,ryed this c;:o'nd.uCt ~f~~ri~ed 11; to me: I haye reievant i[lT(jrma~io(l dassifiep a,l?'ove, "SECRET"', -- '~7. Requlrlng.,a.detalnee; to rtia'intaln~ or restraining a detalnee-lil, a stressful or palnfuipoSltlPh' a. q L personally ,observed this conduct. 0' ~ :observei:ldetalnee(s) In:8 condition that led me to that ,this Gonduct had <::. 0 De~~it1ee(s) ~old 1J1.~ that this col)du~t h~d 'occurred~ cL 0 otlJer:;; Wh9 0!Jserye.d~his c('md,u~t d'e~crtbed it tp J1le.; e,.' 0 I, h~ve :rel~vant Informa:tlb,n.l;las,s.Jf1e!j ~ PQve ".~ EC~Eru .' f. 0 I neVerQ.Q~,e·rv,ec! this)Gondu~t nor"h~r~j'abom' it frOm 50rne~neWh() did. b; . b. D I pers6riafly o.bserved, this,eoildiJd. [j I 'observed detainee(s) in 'a 'cond ition that led 'c 0 ,d, o lOthers Who observe,d this C9nduGt-pescribed it to m~, ' a' oc€urred. me to believ.e that thi's conduct had 'occurred. Detainee(s) tOld me that this: conduct had ,occurred, e', 0 I h~ve rel~v.ant lnf()J~ma,t:,1<;>f1 f,i ~' c.lassifi~c:j above '~S:ECREf"'. 1. n~v.~r'(jQsE;![\I!;g ~hi<s-,<;:qnC;!L!~t 'nqr .ht¥irp 'Cjbqu! it, Jrpm ~om~one wpp did. a. 0 r personal [X observed this ,corldLlct. , 0 [obserVed de'tainee(s) ina .conditlon 'that 1M me fe). believe .thanlii's condUct c, 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. !;l. 0 O~hers whQ ob'seryed this e::~nductde~cribep It to l1I,e, ~~ 0 t- ~av~ re!evant !I)formatipn c1assifieg a~ov~, '!S~EtR.I;T"', D~. had ·occurred', OIGQ-004869 [iJ [~:f ir never ~bserved this -conduct nor heard about It from 'some~~e who did. :40. Th(eatening to us~ electrical ~ho'ck.olJ a qetClinee a. 0 I personally-observed thiS .conduct. p. 0 o I observ_~ddetaine.e(s), in a cond itiQn th'~t lett me to belie,ve that this conJluct ha~ ·occur(ed. -c. lDetaine~.(s) told 'me that ttiis conduct ,had :occurred. d. 0 0tbers: who obse.hied this conduct described ina me. e. 0 I have relevaht information classified aboye, "SECREr". t: 10' Lnever observed'this'conduct nor heard about it from ,someone,who did. '4i.ln:t~I}~iqnal!y delayi~g 'or-:delwing de~ainee'medical care: 0 i· p:erS9Jicllly'.observ.~d r obserVed o ~r. h. o thl~ ·cood,liet. aet~in~,e.csJ in :a',cbiid itibn that led m~ to' beUeve th~t thi's- cdn'duct hali .occurred. Detainee(s} told me that thisconquct had .occurred. 0. ' 0 Others' Wh'o obserVed this' tond'Uct d~strlbe(l It to me. e. 0 I have 'relevant information classified abmie "SEtREP'. f. 0 I neverobserved,this,~c0nduet nor"tleard abcfut it fmm someone 'who did. d. ·a. i-- - b. c. d. e. f. o ft p~r.sPri·ali'y,6b:serve.d thiS cOn'duct. o Ii o(jserv:e,d.d~tal,ne,e(s) (n'a condition that I~d me' to b'~Ueve thatth'ts to:nduct' had ~ot(:urred, o ;Detaihee.(s) told me that thiS: c.ond uct had 'o.ccurr.ed. o !Others: Who 'ob~rved thi$ condQct·d'esctl5ea it (0' me. o II have :relevant Infotm'atlo,n classified <lboVe ",SECRET". 0'..l.. II neVer 0bserved this 'conduct nor'heard -aboiJtit froni sorfieone,who did. ".,... "' " . . ".. ..... .·0 ..' .." __ • _ .. , .....' . . . . .'..... ___ '''' .._.." •. " ____ , •• ~" '-' ..... - ,.... ,,,....... - ..... ~ 43. su'pjec;ting a detainee· to extr:erpely; cold or hot rGom temeeratures for extendedper.iods OIGQ-004870 '" ... ... .. a; 0 I personally observed thls"conduct. b. 0 I observed detainee(s} in a'cond ition that led me to belleve that this conduct had occurred. (:. 0 Detainee(s) told rne that this eondl;lct ~ad 'o'cc;:ur,red., ~. o lb~he~ Who ob"ser:ve.d thls condqct d:e~qlbed It to me; e. 0 1 hav.e relevant inro.rmatio_1.l classified ~:l.~ove, "SEC.!~ETJI. f. 0 rn,e,ver ~Qseryed thi~ t~n9u~t nor hean:l 'ClQ,OlJt it from,somepne wJlo did. - ,44. Subjecting a detainee to (oJ.jd must,e a~ 0 L personal{y observed this 'conduct. 0 Irnbserved detainee(s) In-acondition tl:1at led me to belle)/e that this G~>nduct had:occurred. e,' 0, IDet~i.t1ee(sj"tqld m~ that this conduct hpd '9ccurred~ Jd, .. 0 Others ., . 'this ~~lld,~~tdes~r.!I:r~ it to tyIe.. , . who" observ~d e., 0 r hqlYe re.l§v3,rit 1,0fQn:natl9n GIa-s,s.lfled '~P9VE} ·:S-EC~Er1!' .. t 0" iI n~v~rop~,erv~.d . b, , ,4S. a'. lb. c. d, e'., If. ' ,D. e,. , o II personally obser\ied this eonduet. 0 I 'observed detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to believe that thiS. Gonduct had 'OcGurred. o ~Detainee(5) to'id me that this conduct had :occurred. o !bthers who observed this cood uct described it to me. o i~,h~ye:rel~v.ant in o II n~ver'·observ~g this'cqnquct·.l1or.hear.d 'C;ll) JrolT] ~qmeqne who did,. a<;lih~e fi 0 r personaHy bbse rved this col1dliet. o 'robsei'::Ved' detain'ee(~) in ,a l:o'tid iUan that led ine to believe that"tliis ~onduct' had ,occurred. 0 d. 0 c. ' SUbj~ting':a,detain¢~ to prl.9'htfla~hing li~hts ,cjr:darkn~s'S 46. JSbiatin11 lao , " Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. O~hers whQ vbse rv~d this conducti:lescr.i~ed it t9 Q1e:, o tr~aVe relevant 11:1fQrmation classified C!QQve 'I-5.ECB-ET!". OIGQ-004871 [fJ ltf !rnever observed~hls conduct nor heard about it from someo~e~ho'dld. 47. lJsing' duct tape. to restlQin, ,g~gi cor pu nish i;l' c!etqin~e a. 0 r p~r.Sonally observed this conduct. b. 0 r bbse:rv~ ·detain~e(s). ih a tond ition th¢lt led me: to believe that this ~bnQuct had pc¢urted. c. 0 Detaing~,{s) told 'hie that this cond uct nad :occurred. d. 0 Others who ,obseiired this cond uct described it to me. e. D r ha\:re relevant information classified above "·SECREr Il • t: ~ r. nev,er observed this :cond uct nor' heard 'a boutft (rom ,someone who did. '48'~ Using rapid response team$ Clndlor forced cell extractions' a-. D I' p:e;rSQtfail'l,obrerv~~this :c~nduct. b. ;-.-, 0 I' oi:>serv.ed Cletain!=:~.(s) in :a,coiid itibri tha~ led me to believe that this ,cdhduct had occurrect.,' , -0. 0 d. 0 ,e. 0 f. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this~ondu,ct had occurred. Oth¢rS> Who 'obserVed thiS' tond'uct des'cr.lbe<1 It to me; I have relevant i[\f0ri'hal:io~ classified aboYe '~SECRETII.. I never- obsetv.ed, this,cotiduct nor'heard 'aoi:i'ut it ttom<someone iNho:did. 49. Using a ,mlJltary. W0f,king .dog of,Jor pear a detainee. other; tran during de~~lneet,ra.nsporf~~lon -~ o !I p~r.S9t'ialiy'.6b~ervep this,'c\jn'qu,ct. Jb'. o It obse:lVe.d,d~t(Hne,e:(sJ In 'a.C9lidition that led. me to' believe tnaUhls t.on:duct had pccurred. c: o !Detainee(s) told me that thisc,onduct had :o:ccurred. ,d. e. o :Others: WhO 'ob,s-efVe"d this eoridllct desdiDed it to me. o II have .relevi:irit Information das'sified 'aboye, ·~SEC'RET·'. I!:..~ J!:, ~~y'eL()~,~e~~d ~hi? (c?nd,~c~.~~r~ h.~.E~,~~,~~~t.i~.!r?~ .. ~.rT1~O~~ ""~?_ d,i~: ' ,58, Threatening to use, mUitary worktng, d~>.;:s;,.,;~o~,I)....o;;:.:r..:n~ea=-r.:::a~d:.:e:.::ta::.:i:.;.ne.::;;e=-- .... ' r "• . . • k'" ..... ... .. n __ _ OIGQ-004872 , 0 0 0 a~ 'b. c. I personally'observed thls"conduct. Lobserved detainee(s) in a 'condition that led me to believe thaHhis conduct had occurred. D~~ainee(s} told me that ~his c0!1d ll d ~ad 'occulTed. o ;qthef? who.ob~er:v~d this conduCt <Je!;~ribed It to me~ o (hav.e relevant information c19ssified p1)ove, "SECRET". 'd. e. f: 011' n~~r ~bserved, this :cqnr.!uft nor h~rd 'a~()llt it frolTJ:sqm~oneWho pid. Usjn~l 51. , spldi=rsr.scorplonsr,snakesr oro,ther anllTials on or -- n~ar 13,detalne~ a. 0 L personally ,observed this,€onduct. 0 e.. 0 qs 0 e., 0 b. lobserved'detalnee(s) In·a mndltlon that led me to believe that,thls c::onduet haCIoccurred. Del:~inee(sj told h~d '~ccurr~! Otl}et.? wI1\> -o)Jsej've.d -this, C::01l~ 1J.~j;'Qescr'bed it t~ 11le.; I have:relevarlt Information classified "SECREf'I. .. . . '.. ". .... . ... -above '." . , n~verqppervecl, this 'C;Qr)c!,uJ;t nor h~rd ,about it from: sorn~9ne'Who dip. o II f. me that t,his. ~o!]duct ~ ..~ ~ ~ ~" ~2, Thteatening tQ ,use s'pider:s, ttprpJ,q!i',s, ,sriakes, or ,otner anima'is. on ,a d!etamee o ~1 perSonally observed this eonduct. a'. 1 b. d,II,observed deta'inee(s) in a'condition that led me. to believe that tris conduct had 'occurred. c. 0 iDetainee(s) told me that this c0nduct had :occurred. d; e', f, o lbthers who observ~dtris candl,l,cHlescriqed it to me,' o II ~;3v.e relevantinformatf<?f1 slassifi~d 'above "~ECREf'I'. o iT. n~verob.5!=rv~d thi,S 'conq~qt 'nQf .hea rd 'abqut it In;lm ,~orneOlle whp dJd. 5,3. D.1srespectful '$tat~nierits, ha.ndliri'g, or'acti6ns' inv9lviil,~ th:e, Kon;m a. 0 I personally observed this .corid IJd. b', o iI obserVed delainee(~) in a ,cand ition that led me fo, Believe thaunrs conduct had ,occurred. O. !oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. !Em"hers wha obseflled this ""ndnctdeseribed it 10 me, ~. 0 It have r~l~vant fnfo~m~tio~' ci~'ss'ifi~d ~.~ove ....SEC~Ef,". c, OIGQ-004873 [D 0'\1 'never'observ~d this cond'uct nor heard about it from :someone Wh~ did. 54. ShaVing a detainee's' fuci~1 or. qther hair,to em~a'r;ra$ ot:: humiligte, a 4~ta-inee, a. 0 I per.sonaHy' obSe"rveti this conduct. O. 0 I oQs~rv.ed ,det~inee(i). in a,cond ition, th~t led me: to b~lieye c. 0 Detainei¢.(s.) told 'me tnat tnis conduct h'ad -occurred. ,d. 0 Othei'S' who obseiired thIS cbnd uct described it to me. e. 0 r have releyant information classified aboVe, "SECRET'l. f: Itt tha~ this Gon.duct' ha,d ,oc¢urred. 1. never ebserved' this ,conduet nor heard 'aboutit from ,someene. who did. ,55.· PlaCing a woman's'c!oth1ng ·o-n 'a 'detain~,~ a. o iI- p:ersQflall'Y.:O:bserv,e~ thrs~·c.~nduct. ~. iU!'observed,detaine,e(s), iii :a:cOhditiOri that led me td believe that, this conduct had ',occLirretl., I- o. d. o !Detainee(s) told me that this c.onduct had .occurred. o lotherS' wh,o obserVed this c.olid Ltct des~r,lbed It to me'. e. 0 -I have 'relevant ['nfermation classified alJo:v.e IS-ECREf". 'f. ~ r never- obsetv.ed, thisc(lftdud nbr'fleard about,it from'someone who did. 56. Touc;:hir9:a d,etq),nee or~~q!1g towan] a qe~~rn~e Ip,a s~ual JJ19nner .a: I), I C. d, e. f; o if pers6naliy o];j'serve:g' this condqct., , .' , o !r-obserV,e~ d~talnee:Cs) In;a condltldnthat led, me to believe that.thl.s~or(du~t had occurr.ed., o jDetaihee(s) told me th,at thisC6nd,Uc,thad :o.ccurr:e(j. 0' lather'S' Who 'observed 'this coiiduct destr'ibed it t.o iii,e. o II have.relevaht It'-formation classified Clbove, '~S'ECREf". o lr neVer observed this,coi'lduct heard 'about it from someone:who ald. "._ . . _T._. . . ... ........... -- nor ., -. _ . ... ,,-.. .. ',' .,..4.,..,.., , . " " , ~ ~ .. ' ~ " , "" ".~' ", -", -, ~ ...... , ',,,, ." ...., , - ~- ,.... ........... . __.- ,- 9,. Please proVide the approXimate time rrame:during which thrs conduct 'occurred. from Q~f151?003. t<? 06(O,3j2qo3 ODo NQt Re~q'lI . - OIGQ-004874 h. The,detainee(s) treated in this way were. located at the time in: 1.0 Guantanamo 2 '0 Iraq tJ Afghanistan 3 4 0 Qttt~r [o~tion, ~ 0 Ocr N9,t R~II ,i.: please :identify th'e,detain~(s) by lJam,e an~ number: Unknown: Nq on~ aclu~lIy de$dr,ibed viewil)g this pehayi,or tq m~, ,h9w~ver, I 'am l.isting it b~ause' it waS:rumored to. bJ:: occurring, but no spetific.,d,eti!iriees>identitieS'VVete,giv~ri> Wh~n the iflti=r'preterswere asked about 'it, to include militarY interpreters, they, r'Hused to- diScuss, ·it. Ple:a,~e id~ntify th~' per~on{~) whp \r~ate~1 the detainee[s) in this l:rrqnl;le~" including their 'j. nabi~('s), ahQ ,gove,rnmeJiJ'agent;Y{I!=!s): . military - branch unkn'own .k, PleaS;e' identify',ahy'ptlier F~J pe(~t?i1l)~ror hQI1-F6~p'~rs,9nn'e!'wh9 <;>1,>.5erv:ed det~i.nee(~) tr~ted ,in Uris. manner, including thefr nahie(s} and ~gehcy'(ies): I. This·eoriduGt ,occurr.ed iii .cor'inectioh'With:' l' 0 One~ oet~inee ' 20 'Several detainees (Z-4J 3 .4 0 0 Many :dt¥,air,tees JlT!0re; tbqn 4'1 DQ Not Re~1I m. (Optional)"Please describe· the. relevant circumstanGes in more,detail: It was: rumored that milita~ females would be naked 1h front .of the detainees ·and place. their br.e,asts in de~.a!nees fac::e~. Aljege~IYJ this ~~ha~l0f hap pened lry tlTe rn id<;lle ot ttJ~, nig,~.t fr th,e militarY imehli~w .trail~rs' 57. Holqingc!.etainee(s)·whowere not oi'ficiallv qGknowledged or regi~tered as such bythe':a-gency ' 'd~jainlng. th~ p'er~n. !I personally' observed this :Conduct. o ILobserved detainee{s) in a .condition that led me to believe thatlhis condllct Iiad occurred. ,a. D b. €'. td. o [Detainee(s) told me tha't this· conduct had .occurred. D . IOthers whQ 'observed this Gonduct descrihea It to me. e. o II have relevant information' classified abo\(e ~IS.EGRET'~. f. lit lr.nev,erobserved thiS Gon,d,l.lct norlJeqr~ 'a.bol/tit frD'\l.someone."Y.f}q did. 5.8. Sending a:.deta'jn~ t9 i;:lm,>thet country for mOTe.q@~r_es-,s-,iv;.;;;.~;...i.;.;ri.;.;te;.;.r.;..;ro~g:.;;.;a.;;.;ti-,on __" _ OIGQ-004875 a. 0 [ per$Onally'Qbserved ihi,$ 'GOnd!J~t. 0 t observe.d d~tainee(S) !n ~ c~nd ition that jed, JTl~ to ~el\eve ,that tills c;oryduc,t C". 0 Detainee(5)'tbl~ m~ that thi~ condl,l,ct had oCl:;urraf. g, 0 ptb¢rs' whp 9bs,eryed this, P:OJ1~,u~t pes.c:rfbed it tq me. e. 0 r hav~ releY~rit ilifQriflatioh' dasslfi¢d 'aQ,6\1~, "S EC.Rf.f". f. ~ I n~ver ob~erveq thi.s ,conduct npr h~r£1.,ab~u,t I~ from:sonjepJle who' ~ld. b. b~9 occ1,lrred. 59. 'Threatening to s,end a tletainee to- another ,country for detention. otmore a'gg'reSslve' interrbgation a. 0 r. per$OnalJy o.bsel,'Ve<! lhi.s:c;ol)d4ct, ,Q',: D LO,bserve.c!·d.e.t~ine'e(~:) in 'a'c,(;>n9itkm"~,ha~ 1e.9, me t9 c, ~L ~: Q~lIev~ th 9n.hjs, cond,uct- ha~ 9a<:;(Jrr~p .. 0 betajnee($)'tqld me tPClt this: c(;md,4Ct hpd 'Q:c;:<;urre.q. D pthers'IA[b9 ,qb'sety~9 thl~ ~qn~rUGt t1~(::rib~ it t91T\~. D r have reJevant jnform~tron s:la5,~ifl~ ab,dVe: ..S.ECRET..·. f. 0' I' ii~verQP;Ser',.{edthi~,c(mdu~t nor h~td.abbut idrdm'sdtir~onaWh~did. 60. Thre'ate'tlirig to take -adiofragajnsta detainee's fa'rnily b', 0 l' p~rS0nafly"O'ps~r:v~d't~r~ concfuct., 0 r bbserved detainee(s) io .a'cpnc;l itio['it~at ~; o fb'e~i;l,in~(s') told me. thClt ttii~: ~ond u~t h~'d O-~~'9 rre£l· a', d.e: t: ied me to' ~elieye th?3t, thi~ COhpu'ct hap QCGurred.. D Others who observeCl'thls cbnductdes.Crfbed ft~o me. 0 i' have relevant lofbrmatfc>n' ciassifi~ ab<;>y.e. "S,EC'RET", 0 r n~\(~r obs'erv.ed this-.cgJid u¢t nprh~ ref ;:lbp.!.Jl it frqm someone who. did. , "y' '" ~" " , • '.,"'" • , '.&1, '.ollier'tre'atment 01' aCtiontausrrig' 'severe emotional or l1$ychbl99ical trauma to a'tletalnee. 0 r, per.son? observed thi~"c.qnduct. b, 0 I;,observed ~etqlnee(s} jn ·a ..conditlon1~c)t lee{ me to' b~lIeve·that' 0 Detaine~(5,),l me tn~t ,this c.ondU'c,t hpd ~~c~rreq. d,. 0 Other,:> whp 'ot>~rveq :this cO!1Q uct it to. m~; . .. .. .. .. . a. this coo.d,u(j; h'ad ·9c;CO!'Te.d. ;~, y, • • • • • " •• v •• '" . , " ......... .. -.. -..... OIGQ-004876 ·, e. f. i,62. 0 0 • , " 1 ... I have relevant Information classified above' ~!SECRET". I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone, who did. Oth~r relig iOll$ or'se?Cual haras$ment ,or humiliation,of 13 detain~ ,a. 0 I p~rsonally dbs~N~d thistonduct. 0 Ii)Ds,erv.ect,de~ainee(sJina,condition that led 'me ,to believe that'this co'MuGt l1ao occurred. C. 0 Detainee(s) told 'me tHat this, tond'ud trad ,ckcurred. d. 0 others who obsehled this tondilct d,escribed it tame. e. 0 I, have relevant information classified above, !'SECREf". f. 0 I never observed this :comluet nor heard about It from someone who did, ,b,. ~p. q'ther treatrn~nt cif?( q~t:9ilJ~~ -th?lt'in"yo~r op)nipn 'c~rci\le', abusive, or .unlaWfkll was, !J,nprof~~~iO'l;gll,,!.mduly h<;lr~h'9r .qgg~~,sM~, 0 I peroonally o'bseived this Gonduct. b. 0 I observed 'detaineets) In a'.,cond Itlon that led me to that this, conduct had ,occurred. Co 0 Detainee(s} told me that this condud had occurred. d. 0 ,Others, who observed this: c0nduct·described me. f'e~ 0 I: have reJeva.nt Inf0rrr:t~tiQn c1assJfi~s1 :al?~ve "~SEtREr\ a'. 'f: 01 never.obs~nled this'condu9t nQr,heard',abotit it'fromsomeQnewhodid. o Yes: o No ',65. Did, a finleta inee, or 'Q1h¢t person .tell 'ipu -thQt he: or ~ne had ~itnes~ea tti~ lrnP:etSQn'~tlOJi ,pf FBI persOhh.el hi connection with'a detainee: interview or interrogation? ' 0 Np. :6~~, Are you aware of any. II s!lam'!',or;llst?lged.lI detainee: interv!eyts, or iQterrqgatioJ"!sco.n,d ucte<,f 'of th~' V.S. Congr~$s,.Qf their . ;;tam Q~ for Mem bers @~ OIGQ-004877 67. Tq Y9ur knowl~g~, d it! ant military or :Intelligence 'per~Qnriel ever ,deny Qr d.elayFBI 'a<;:c~$' ~6 a 'detalhee,tbe fBI Wanted to qU'estlon .because the detainee had sustained Il'ijurles after- he was captured? OYes ,~No "l'-.-~~',~t.~'~lf@_~~ __ D":'1-' ~: ".-, "', ·~~@in~·ft~.~-,:,""''-:'''- 6ft Did Y9LJ ,ever en~ YP9r P?!l1ic;!p.atjon 1I]:or ob~erila~lon-.of ~{'(;llilJC!ln~ Interyl~w. 9r int~rrogCl!lon b"eca:UsE;of-tne ihtervieW Q( interrQg'ation metfi¢qs,I:5,ein~ J,l~d?, Q,{~~ -' $'l\Jb' 6'9, Were you ever told ttiat:'.aODther FBI emplby,ee ended his OJ her participation iii .0r'oDseM!atiOn bf/, a detainee. j'nterview 'or- interrogation because 'ofthe interview' or fnterrogatroA methods, being used1 , :Q ¥es0' No' . 70; D:urihg ',a'nY of y6lJr b\i.erseas;(fe'ployment,s ()r assjg n'menfs, ~lJd 'Y0,u t¢pott any coji¢e:rn.s..regard,ihg, an.yd.etafnee"nferview or int'er'ro5]c1tion piactites~.or- ,other typ-es 'of ,detainee treahrientl to. an' FBI ,superv~sor? 6 Yes; 0 No.; 7l~ OWing p-ny .~f yapI'$eCls 'qiapJoym~:nt~ Qr ;:j:~sJgt\rn~n~~~, dig YQU r¢P:9!t :;lnYCQn<:~rn.:s regarq Ing 'any detainee intei'Yievli'.or interrogation praCtices-or' ofl1er~fy"pes- of detainee-treatment you . :observed or heard about~ ,to_a non-FBI' supervisor or otlier non-FBI perso.nnel? ' Yes' 0 No" ?~. H~ve yg,u ~,!er Qeen brgered or {:/!r~ct~d n9,t ~q r~pori:r:oqn~C;Qurag~p iq i3ny'~ay', frorn n~p.9rt(rJg', ob~,rvations 'or afl~~fatiQriS riiated, to p¢ta'in'e,e treaJmeht Qt' interview or'ation _a¢{iQrJ~ or o practices? . bYes' (!) N0~ '1.S~ l:!Clve YPU 'ef(pel;i~h~eQ :apy :agual or thr~~terlE;d ret~liatJon:fQr reporting Qbs~nfqtiQ,n~or all~gatiQJ);; of petain~~ tr~tfnerjt Qr i.ri.te.r,yi~W -qr lr'lter~9ggtll?rj ~ciiori}~ N prp<;tic;.es;? , .Q Y.e:$; 0 No, 74,., ((>ption,al) Plea_se proyi'de ~tJy:~dc!itlonal ~olJlme.nts reg:a,rding the .r.ep~r~Jn.g:Ofc0~cerns'rela~e9 t<;> ir:ileryielll( or inte~rogatiQh techniquesJ tJ~t~n~i90 '~r~Q:i~es,or'Qther d,e,tain~~, tr:e9tment. . . W~~",,~'-" 7..~. W~Te ,0 you :d.¢bri¢feq, oJher'than ttle ,st~,i1d~HI ~~l:)rJ~f in 'assi~inmelit(s) "":' ".i,:~·--:·:,,:::;:·":.:,I FD~7.7:2r C!:,gncern'lng' your ovetsea:S '.or dep loymeiit(~). after'you t::oiiJ pleted the deploymentJs J- or 'assi~ nment(sp Q'Ves 0 No 76" -Additional Comments and Recommendations-:, OIGQ-004878 Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire OIGQ-004879