Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001179
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Department:qf J~s,tic.e In~pecJ:orGeneralQues,tionnair~R~9ar,Qin'g Det~in~~s O:OJ.-:OIG .INVESTIGATIVE QUESTION NAIrtE FOr{ ItEYIEV'fANDUSE dNLY BYINO"IVJOUAL FBI ~E'SPONDENTS .. . .. . tlP NpT FORWARD OR DI.S,SEMINATE . . . QUESTIONNAIRE IP: test-O.O,O.0117·9: ,p's af th~ la.sttim~th~s"qu~Jronn~ire:w~~ ~a\(~~i s()me re·quire.d liel~s: hav~.I:t~~ ~e!'!n·f;9~pletetl. 'pI ~as~: r;evi~w'your resJ)'()ris¢s. A,. P¢r~Qn~ I Infprmation Please provide: the folloWing' iliformation: 1. fl(st nam¢ Mid'qle In!t!~I: '3: Last name:, 4•. Entered on Q(jty:' Date (E.OO): 5;, turr:ent Di~jsfo, 6ffi~e: 6., Gltrf~nt jpb title; . .7. D.irect:dial office,telephone' number: ,8. FBI tejl phone' fiurtlljer: ' '2. IS &: 7¢, PER AlGREEM[:N.T '6 & 'i.e.PER AGREEJfI1ENT 6 &-7.C PER AGREEMENT. ~ &1C ~ & .,q Ihtell!,genc,e :Anq.Iy~~· 6 & 7C,PERAGREEMEt:Jt P~. 7(; PERAG~EME.ivt 6 *~!C"pERAG~E.fV!ENT 6 It 7.c PERAGREEiviENi 90 FM pager nUln'!?er: rD.. B~$t czQntact number for yow . B. Background of spe"dffc D.e'ployme'nts or Assignments any 11,2'0,01, u.s. as tiille aft~r\September aid you 's~iVe'a~:a meiiiljer of.flie MilitarYror an employ~e ,or contractor orthe. FBLorany oth~r government agency;, at ,Guantanamo Bay;,. 'Cuba; 'Iraq; 11. At . Afghc;mi~tC!n; 'or'in ,areas,'controll~ J~Y We ~.$ .. MiJitqry. Qr a. Uo,S. in~elligeJ)~~ 5ep,fi~e irrcQrme.c~ion'with t.he' .gl9pClI ~Clr 9n ~¢rrot? @Yes 0 No 12. Enter the humber ,of. times y.ou were,dep)oyed 'or-assig tied to-.each of the f611owin!lloGations (;,l:lanta,namQBaYi,C~~bq? l,lSlq; ,Amhanl$ten;. 'o,.( In:cHlY; areas c;on~rql!ed pythe u.s. MiHt~,ryoJ:'.<:l U.$, i.ntelli~~n.Qe service)':2 . For'ea'ch dep'loyment dr assig~m~nt~o'l)1plete:th!a following section~ Lata'tion Ti;eled one'" Deploym,entor'asslgnment began on.or DeploVIl1ertt or; assignment ended on ... , . . \! iA¥;lii;t;;in~ . . . . . . , 'j. about. '06/19/2002:. l:2a'., What ,was J!ie Qeneral hature ~rnd purP.o~e: ofyO'tJr a~signmEmt ~nd :ac;:1:ivities:?interrogator for the:US'Arrny 121?•. j:fl~,se',namr=s of'th~ !?pe<;:lfic campsr bases, odaGJliti~s when;~ yo.L! ~Qfked. K~ncfgb<:lt, A~ at th~,ahcir Airp9.rt' . ." , .,. ....... ,_~,";"''''~~A 112/19/20.01 or a.bout. • • >- t'Zc: Note': If inmrmatiiJrt about a spetific..calilp", base~,orfacillty'js.dassjfied abov.e SECRETr 'p}eas.e.i:heek here. D~ iJidlJd,e. in 'your'ansyirer' that .you. hilye 'lia:dditi6h~i 'irifoi1natipn:619s$ifiedairo've )~E~REf/, ClIJ!".. if you kDOW,lid~D~ify:the'cJq~sificati9n levelr ticket, to.rnp:?rtment, pr<?~mll'lJ,:~r'o~h~r desigmnioD .~hC}t.<;l'ppli~s. ~9~he. ID(ormationo D~ JJ6t.jpd\Jde'the:~QditI9npl.c1~s$(tiep i,nf9rm?~i9(l: in ,y()ur . q:uestIPno~'iir~ f¢,Sponses. .'OIG pe,r'spnnel ,with the. nete~ary 'c1ea(~lnce will ~dn):aCl: ;y9.U tp r¢:celve it; OIGQ-005096 I-I . ------- -- --- ------- -- --- --- -- -- : :-- ---- - ---- ----- - -- - - ----..,-.- - --- - --. ~~~.,PJ~a~,ld~;;'~fY!:~¥, ~~~~,~~~e~lt~oll~~tJt!~~fIt~,_J:l1~,f~!.~~r~Q.rI_n~U_O_~t!b.!Jly~uAJ~es!I't!:~Brt~~· ,~ ~~~®~tO~r9~~~~~~~2I~~~[9~~n~~ Name .:. ~L~ Position . :f2e. Diq you jointly' frite.JYie:w !~ J:. _ ~ or in~e..rro.9,at~ !3'1Y d~t?!ll)ee with lJoJ)-F~,I p_e~son'1eJ? y~s 0 '0 No ~-~-------~-----_._----------------~-----------~--~----~-------'--------_ . . With What kinds of n'on-fBI p.¢rsoilnet ajq 'yoLi work jointly? . : D' CITf : fi1 ,Other U,S, Military' : tJ U.:5.., intelligence agenq: : D 'F,ot¢lg:n'militaty Qr ,n~.elliger1¢e a.!:l,eIJCY :0 ..... ~ -oth~r; •• _ _ •• _ ,,' __ ~ __ , !' _ .. , _"_' .. ,... ~ ..' _ -. _. a _ _ _ ~ _ _ "". ,... _ _ .. : iif: QiiyiU-jdintlyp~ii7a~ySi~tal;'~~iriieroTe~or.-I;;tetto:~atibhStFcltegy:obJ'ectiy,e;,:Or tidid; with n;;--~~ ':FBI,p,etsonnel?· , ~ " ; : -j " (j No· (!) Yes '". ,~W~h Wb~t- k[~~-if»~;;:Fai p~;~~;eT:d i~ -y~:~'i~~)~i;tfy?' -------- ~'- -- ------- --- -- --- ---.: .: 0 'GITF' , .: .0 ·Q1her~UtS. Military .: rl : D .,u.s'" ihtelligence agenq-, :, D F,oreig n mlll~ary or intelligencs,.agsn0' ': D ·Q.the,r . .' . :- ...... ..... '_ 1*"""" '-. . ._ ... __ 'l'- _.,... _ ,.. ~ _.-. ""';: _ _ ' _ , . . . .... " .... - __ ... _:000 ... _ ..'"" -. .... _ ... vith-npij=ftfl,-p~rs9iineli - ~: :·~i~g..W~r~:YbU.~;;;r.-(ith~~,is~i~vQIVed )0 ~etai~e; rnter; ~~, fnte-riog;lic;.nS-.. . , ( ! ) y~~ ,0 lila • ~P.)e~?€'d,e.serip:e: I ~rn C!n,Ar,ITlY r~s~ryl~t ~n,d wa;; depl9YeP <;IS !3 milil:ary (Tl,~rnbe~. All ~f my'iflt~n:q~~ti.o'n9 : :were.done wIth npll-FBl per.s.onnet My 'deployment. was: prior to. my .E1mplQ,yment with ,the FBl, lo5a',"'" - - ..... --_ .... -- .......... - ..... - -.-- - - _ .... - _ ..... - - _.- - - - ,- - - - - ..;.:.' LoC(l.tiJ>11,ne) ~- - - - - - - -.- - -.-- - - - - _ ......... - ~::~~ym~nt:or:~6;!iignll1~n~ b~gan o,n·or· -4-' ... - - : - - - - - _ ..... - .~~.~~~,on~ ~r'i1Ssjgnmlln1: ~1!i1~,on ~ii§~! 03/00/200s 12/00/2.0:03' 12a. WHat 'Was th'e ,general ncitt1"re and purpose' of ydlir'aSsignment and ~activities?' Debrlefer. I worked In the Green Zone.ln Baghdad" Iraq and Interviewed walk.-ins who ~0lunteered Info, N.Q oe~C!il1~s'·w~r,e In\!Qlv~ i!, my .D!=QT!, 12b. Please p'rovide:th:e narri·es dfthe,-'sp'ecitlc:caiirps, bases, or 1aciHties where yb.u worked. ~ Wprked ~t th:e'<;;oaWoh prbViSi.6na'1)~uthQri.ty '(CPA)~ b.ut ~y HQ'wa~"Gamp $!ayer '(B'il,9,hifad Internatio'nal.Alrpmt) tne IraqiSurv.ey timu'p (ISB) headquarters building. nfaveled to camp:Slayer about onGe,a- we~l<:. izt'. 'hi~~e: If Infdrma~,bJ1 <jbgut ~ :5p,edfl~'~fTlP.i J>a'ss, or faClIlty'is '¢.ICissj(ie~ abpv,l;! :S,ECRETjpl.e;;~he~k h~r~ Dr :1r:lG1ucj.e.ln YO\lr answer ~h?ll Y!1lf ha,!~:llaMitlon~I'infQrma!I{:m'c;Iq$~ffi~~ ~QP,v~ 'at OIGQ-005097 'SEtRff,'" and, if yq.U know, IdentifY th"e'c1ass.ifi.cation leyel, ticket; cOlTlpartment, prog ram,. or other d,esi~mati6n that ,app:lie~ to·ttl~finfQrmation.,00 not indup~ the,-ad.d,itional Classified information in "your questionnair.e tesponses. 01G 'personnel with the necessary ,c1earahce wjll contact you to receive ",-, it. ~--------~--------~-------~-----'----'-------~------------------------~ ~~<!. !=IE;a~~ ld!~tifJ~~.'t. ~~~~.~~.'! ~Si~O.!J-a.!J~~ t;!!!'~~_~h~!~!..E~r~f!.~~:t.?_~h_6.!1l ~~u~r!i~~r~ !~~~~~. ;G!!/1'¥J-:)'.9_U[ .Q~£12Yrn~j:.9! 2§.sl9.ri.-,"I!~h!.~ Name Position - - - -- N/A .... - -~.- - -.- - ~-.- - ~.'- -.- - - -- - -.- -.- -(lJ/A. - -- -- i12~.Did YQU jointly intE;!!yi~WPf interrqgate Clny ~etalnee With n9n- F~i perspnn:eJ? -- - - -- - - - - - - _.- - - - - --- j ~ 6~ e~ { ~i2f~ DiiYQ-U-j6iniW Plaha-~9 4~t~ih~~ irit~rV'feW:: bfi~~r~b~~io~ ~~~~;~~iV~ 6r' ia-cti~s-~iili h~h- -: - ) -- - -- ,IFBI personnel? I . O~ ) . ', I , ~~ ;f.2g.J,vere you ever-otherwlse j~~Tv~ lri- det,ain~e,:fflterYlews.·Q~·fnterr09aii;n~s~vJlth'~ 0 e Yes No no-o~fBI-p~rsonnerr . ' I -:. ~ :r,,-'- - -'- - -'-.- -'- - - - - _.- - _.- - - - - -- - - - -''"-'- -- - - -'- - _.- - _.- - _.- -'-'-- _.- --'- - -,- - -,- -,...- - _.- - : W . 13:~ DidYQu rece'ive qhY ttainiiJ!}, iostru.ctiprr, Qr'gQipai1Ce ov:er.SeCi$ ,d.eployitlehts or assig,liments?' .. 13.a. WJ:io specifiqalfy in'PTep;:3r;;l!ion far i3nY'o1YPl;Ir . . dNo '006 N9tRecall. add Where did 'yoti it? the ~c;ond q¢p.l9Ym~mJ~· np~ fOf ~h~ n(st d¢ploym¢rit. pr.oVided this, nalning.,. instrumib'n, ,or' gurd~'lricer 0s AriilY pt FT. Dlx, NJ for 1~p.. Pescri~e 'thEl s~bject' qn"\:,/hiG.!:rypp reqeJved :thls t~iningJ instr.U.!Ztion Pf gUi~'?lnce. Common 'Soldier Tasksffirst aid, NBC training t , etc), interrogation training, avoiding arnDus,hesr. 19,ndll1lnes,:e~s:. OYe~ 15: In. prepa~tior!, f?( any'of y~ur overs~~ ~eploym.enfs or a.!?~,igrllT.Jen):s;dfi~ Y9l:l. ~eceive-:a,ny frainin,g; . instructioJ:l,'Qr guiQ<;Ioce :Con~eming th'e',st<;l!fQi:lrds;cfcqn,quct qpplicable ~9, , J.ntery!ewr or ii1terro~9tlon.9f,~~ta:ine'e'Sby non--F,aI 'personnel? 0yes ONt>, 00.0 NQt,Recpil 15a, Who' proVidect thistraining;t insti'(ICtion/'6t'guid~iicE~,'and Wh~r~ 'did you rec~iye it? !JS Army Ntb~:a~ FT. D!~, N)~, I p,roV.lded SOril~' qf ~h:e t~lnl!1g to 'Cit,her sl>ldler.,~, .1,5b., eri¢1y d~r!Qe tl)~ $llbstan,c;:e:of th.e i,flstructioQ, or gu,h;\a.l')cepro~r9ed to'you. S,s's.of handling 'detainees (Search r Silel'lcerSegregate, Safegua'rd, Speed to fhe rear);. Review of interrogation skills; l,5e. Was'any:-pfthe. tr,aining l i1istJi.Jction( ,or .guidphce p(6Y,ided in writing?' OIGQ-005098 bves eNo 0 Do' Not Recall if". In preparation for any ofyour:o.vers~S'dep.loyinents or asslgnments,.dld you receive any ,training, instruction, or guidance concerning what 'you were supposed 'to do if you obsel¥ed ,or heard abou't the treatmen.t, 'i'1~ervlew, or int~rrogation:ofdeta'inees by fBI pe~onneJr whic,h you be i.nQPp,roprial~i lJnpr<:;ifessi()lial" ~erciye, <abu.sive, or ,unlawft.J.1? 'aYes 0Np 000 N.ot Retail 17dn preparation' for anY'of your'overseas dep[Qyments,.or assignments, did yem receiv.e.any training,. instru<;tiqn, or g\,l Ida n?= com;ell)in,g w.h 9t you we.ce';slJPpDsed tq ,dq \r:}lqu .qbs~r:yed 9r .abolff . 'the treattnent,iriteNiew" or ihter(ogation of .detaInees; bY nail-FBI p~rsonn¢l, which ydl! beli~V~d., to'be. inappropriate, 'unprOfessional, .coerdve, c3busiv.e, Qr u,rilawflil?' . d,No OOb' Not Recall 17a. Who prov.ided this training" Instru.ction, or'g,uidanc~; :and w,here did you re(!eive It?' US 'Aliny NCo.s':at ,Ff: Dixr NJ 17i:t BtleflY:destribe the s!Jh5~ar:ice:9f :tti'~ .trairiinfL.1n$tr'uctibil~ or' gl,J'itla.rice proviCied to· yoo. AU cletaitiee$'-aJe,'tt> Jte saJ~uj:\):~~ :?\nd ~r:eqtecj hum~nly, . 17c. WasanY'of the·training'-.instructk>nr..or guidance pro.vided in'writing?' aVes Nt> .Q Do' Not '~e~ail o ~8·. fi>udng 'any :ohiQur Q,?~rseqs'depIQY!Tl~nts 6r i3ssig (lmen~$f. pld YQ~ re¢ive Q.I)Y tr~linil.lgi 'instru<tiO!i, or:'guld'.anc;e:ttii'1Cernln'g th~'standard$ df.corict'u~::fa'Ijplicable to the tteatrnE:mt, jntepjiew~ err interro~.ation Of detainees' by FBI person'nel? . . 0yes ODo Not Recall '19~ During priy 6f YQIJ.r Qvers~as de.pIoymelits: pr assig nmer:\t'$', did YQ!J re~.i:Y~ .any'tr:a'iriingl instr:u!:libtl~.' ,or guidci'rice"COl'1ceYning the··standards bf'tbhd uCi ,:ap plicabJe to. the,treatrnent,:interview; or . interrogation 'of detainees by non-FBI personnel? ,000 riJot Recall .20,. DiJr'iM ,any 'of Your bverseas:deployjilents, o-r assigmnehts, ditl, 'Io.n receiVe. an'ltrciinin~rl iristrllction,: ef-guidarice.cdncerning·what you w.ere:Slipposed te du if you .ebserved or'heard -aboUfthe .. treatment f • interview,. or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnelJ which· you believed to be ' inClPpropriate,t,lQprofessfgnaJ i cQ€rcivE&, aJ:>lJsiye~ orunlawfuH ' . yo.u ~2.L Duri~g any :of ydu(,overseas:dep]oyrnents or assignments, did receive a~y·-training.J iilstru,ctiori~ orguida,nce conGem~ng W~9.t you ~ere sopposed to ~e'jf ,yoo ·ob.§erv.ed m !le?lrd~Q<?ut ~he' , t~atmenti' interview, or interrogatiQnpfdetainees by non-F~I p~rsonnel; Which ypu beJiev€p t9 OIGQ-005099 · be inappropriate, unprofessional, coerciye,:abu.sive, or unlawfu)? OYes Ie. ;A:de:quacy pf Training 22.1n Your.~tJirii6n, .dld you OO\? Not Recall eNo receiYe ,adequ-ate trail.'ilng, Instruction, or gUlda'nce r~Iiitlng to stahctards. .of Conduct, by.FBLahd non-FBI persdnnel relating to. treatment, interview, or interrogation,.of 'detalnees prior to your deployment 'or assIgnment?' " '(j 'Yes > 0, No ?2~.· P1e~~~ d~-rlb~,:ttie\N:~ys~lrl Wl'jj't~\t:o~ 'ti~I~Y~ th~·.tr~lhi,h~;j~;trQttl~~·~r·~~ld~,1~~··:W~$" . , ..... , . inadequate, . Before reading about detainee. activ'itiesin the media,.. I felt tnat'! and all uS ·;A.rm't Interrogators. had a' ~I~ar,giof w!Jat I:; approprlate condl,lc;;t with:,the trea~m!=Dt of d~@in~es. I [lever ,t:ame dose, t~ b'r~king any df th~ legal morai laws in the 'c9n~t~ct qf myfriterrogatio.t)~· nqr 9JcI. I te,li ,~nY9ne:I sup¢rvised Ad'r,did. I'bb,s.erv'eanyone·; h'bwever~ I would, have, liked, to have seen.. (in hindsight} mote or :_. ~g!:l,Ld~!!se.:. C!.nil}t<!.f,!i~g~,!O~.~v.:.e.'X0J1~dli~i;.n-,,, [~~ J'l.!'ieJ!I~f~ ~~~u,!: ..a!?'~~~'"'''' _,__.~ .__ ; 2,3. I,n ¥out'B~hlio.ri,~.d i~. yb,ll reteive:-ad~,~Oa~e ~raj,ilJ.nQ., i~strlJ~tio.n!,or·~ui~a'~ce reiati~9 to'$.tandatds: :ol eonduGt by FBI,and non"'FBI 'persQflnel,,relatlng to,tr.eatment( :lntelVlew,- or'lnterrogatlon '.of 'qetail)ee~ 'Cfl,lring your c!eploYl1Jent~oP~sslgt1JT1e.nt'? ' ' (j' 0' No 2-3a. prea,se"describ~·thewa'ys.-irj which :you believe the tr~inin,g,.. ins,truttidn'or:g.u.ida'nce ihaBequate: ' 'See #.2'2' abov.e.. ~_' ~~_J . ~_. ~ ~ was , ~ " ~ . , ~ 24.-In your'opihitihi 'd id you, I:eceive ,ade'quilte training, iilstruction,.,o't.g,uidabGe cohcerrlihg what y,ou ~ere s\-!p'p'c;>se~~, to .<!.b if Y9u, 9b,s~rveq ~r hearg -a!Jbu,t tf1e tr~ahnent, [nt~ryiew:r 'G(i~~~~rogattl?n of :detaiQe'es, ~y ~Fa~ :or nQI1:-FBI persQnnel; that you pelieyed was inqppropr;qte;- UlJprofess;onal;c~erciyg, _QblJ'~Ne, pr !JnlaWful? ,~'yes' Q NO, 2.5'. (pp.tlOri~i) In what ways ca:n th~ FEU .improve· training ,on this. ,subje:ct for future; depi,6'yments'Qr 'assignments? . I can not speak forthe'FBI because Lwas not,an FBI.employee:nor ,did I recelv:e any training 'from the FBJ atthe''time. '10. Com'tnents 26. -prQl1ide,;:lIW atlditional information con'Cetning traiJiing for-overseas .deploymentS'Dr assfg)imerifs of FBI. personnel yoiJ ,believe is r.elevant. . OIGQ-005100 In~rc;>:dl(cti9i1 to PaJ"t,UI: tn' ,tliis S.eclIO)i, We'prre :s,eeking jntoriiJ~ti~rj .regarding ~ Wiqe; f'al1g"e ot In~eNl~w :cfr ·Iht'erroga.tlcm 1e.chnlq4es aM qthe.t .ty p'e.s: Qf d.~t.alhee. ttE:!~tni~lit ,alle:ged ~6 h~Y,e pcc!-Il'red., YoO shod Id not.assame, jU 51:: becaUse'We ,are'asking. a b01it a pa rticular leeh nictue.:6r practice, that we· have 'c(:>nGlu~'~' that it in fcl<::t Qc:€urf~d.~ W~ recog.olz~ thatspme of these 'techniques or PI"?l~l~es.lTlay' at bet n~ce$ary for .safety '!=!r:i~ sa;urtty- ill a d~t~tI,t.i91J ~¢~tiJlg ~ I!I add iti.9IT, w~ r~<;'Qg I) ~e' ,tt)at ,.sQl!Je pf! t~rmiqu~'s or practic.~ rTipy..h~:Ve :b~~ri c(LJ.thQriZed fQ(·us¢. by mili~ary··!:!r" other ,g~v.emnient 'p'er.s·Qlin~J. With respect to each identified techniCl.ue~ pracl:icecor ty.p·e ofcondud described beloV'{,; we 'are ~eeking loIortrJa.tiqn ap.oqt It,§ qq;urrellc~'4~ring 9,r i.n(:onn~~~i,~n with. tl'!e int~lVi~w or interrog~tioJ1'9'f~ :d¢~aihe,~(o:r durifig'the.deteJitipi'i,:o,f a·.qetairi~ee beyond ,what 's"nee'CI.edfQr saf¢.tY. ahd's~,tutiW, Jtj ~hat 'con'text" wf5 will a~K )'9.0 to Jell us .w.he.tli~r,Or' mQre of th~, foll<)wii19,StatElmeilts ar¢ tr!J~ i 1. I personally observed 'this conduot. 2'.. lobsery~ 'd~tainee($) tn a 'G0nditi~n,\ba~,I~ me;tp believe·,t1;la~ .ttlfs'<;:ondud· had 9(lcur~d, '3; ~e~.alhli~¢(~) t~ld :me: t1J;9t ~.his· corf~IJ~' hC!9. Q~~,u·r(e,d. '4, Qth~"'~ who obs:~tve.d. tli'l$'i;:.ond.a~t:~$,trJ.betl.l,1; to, m~. 5. I have relevant inIDrm'ation classified, abl:>v.'e~ 'ISECRET~·~ 6:; r:never~.ooserved,thls conduct nor heard about It fr:om.s,omeon~ w.ho·dld. . , _____.. . . _h.. . __ . _---.. _...... . -. a. D f personal!y . observ.ed this:condtld. b. 0 :{ obser:Ved defainee(s) in ,ai:orid.itieh fhat' led me to believe thaftliis <::ondu'i::t had .6cet:ii'i'edl ' v ... _~ ........ _ _ _ .~ _ _ .. '." c. [j Detalnee(s.) -told me that this cenduct nad ,OG:CUfred. d. ~': 0 .others who .cibserv:ed this cenduct:described it to me. 0 r-: ~.ave r~!~,{?lDt !hf9rf,Clati.orr !;1~ssiJil=d. <;lJ?Q.y~ Jl'$f:;QR:~'\ . 'f. 0 . I nev~r'().bs.erve:~ ~hts'~90rdu,c~ nqr h~rd 'ap'ollt:it Trp~ som.ebtle W~,9 9)l:l. a. 0 I. persOnally .obselli,ed thls·.COhClutt. b, 0 I observed,deU'iinee'(s) In .a·'.GQDdition that led me to· believe that --this eoridud had occurred. G. d i[)etainee(s) told me that this: conduct·. had :o~curred. d. 0 Others wh'o 'observed this conduct descrIbed It to me. 0 I hav.ereleyant !l1formath';>n c1assifi~d above·I'SECREf"·, f.. 0 t. I)evero.bsellied this <::onpuc~ n9r h~~d abo!.:!t,!t frpf!1 So.rne~n. e:~!lo gid.. e, OIGQ-0051 01 ;29. D.eprlving·p de!cilnee: of SIe~Pf <;:If interr:u ptllJg sieep by frequent cell reloc;;"a~jons. orotner m~~hqds a. 0 I, persdnally obserVed this :conch.itt. b, c. d. e. T- 0 I..observed detalliee(S) In'a cond iti6n that led m~ to. believe that this conduct had ,occurred. this conduct had ,occurred. 0 Detainee(s~ told ine that----_ ............ Itf Others who observed this conduct described it to me. 0 I have relevant Information classified above. "SECRET"'. O I neverobserveej thIS. conduct nor heard ab.out it from someon~ vvho did. ' ._--~ ~--_._. g. Please prqvide the {lpprpxlmqte fime fn;tme d.LJring. "'{hleh t~i5 '~(mdu~t ·()~c.urred. . F~om (MfD!YY'N format.or r:'f!'tVYY)t9(fvJ/I)./YYYY·form:a~ or M/YYYY) 0Do .Not Re'cpll tt, The detaj.l1ee(~} tr~:tecl 'in ;~tJjs 1IV~'1 VVer~ IqEai:~ 9t'tf,le ,time jl1l 1 0 GI;I9nt~n.amo '~ O.!r.;ltr 3. 0' ~fghanistan ,4 0 Otiier Location 5 0 Do 'Not Recall i. Please:identity' the::pefainee( 5) b~y .name i3tid, num ber:' '1 don!t:know, the:.detainee bY'name humber', I never saw' nor·dirededa·nY..detainee·to be :d.~prlyecf of's.le~P'r;wa.s sQJTletllT!e~'roi:ed In th;~ Intl;rregC!t.!(;m·.tol).~rol.EIe..m!i!'.'l,t;tha~c~ria.\1'1 d¢.ialn~e$ vy~t-e·:ge~J\V,~a ()r~leep"w.iJb full' a:RPrQy~l c;lhd ~npWI:ect:g~'Qf tile. '201nd cO'n:uoand:"lt· 'Was; 1il\(Under~atidlng ;at the time :t:hann(s was,an 'apprDVed I:do not. knoW long " the.pepriVation lasted of bbw maoy it nappen. . -and .t1I. 'j. -Pleqs~ id:entify the. person(s)who,tr~ated the. peta'inee65,) in noW' this' mqnneri incl.u.c{jng ~heir ni;lmeC~) ,anq g<ivern'tT(en~ .a~eh¢y(i~$l:. , , TheTa~k Fbrceo I,worked fi:>i' wa;s th~ 202nd MV5.13th MI Bn .Iocate,d,at . Fr. G,ord.onr~e-orgia. :I don't kno.w the names.of interrogator:s nor MPs ,W.hb,.sleep depriveO detaine€$r but it was done WI~.h the fi,tll approval and, knqw.l~dge of the 202n~ MI C?n.q ~he Mp 'c9rTIrr;tand t~,at wa'~ re~ponslble 'fQr·,glJ,ardjog .the detainee.s. I'did np,t belie'Je this to be. an 'inapproprjate t~.chnique ~.t the'time ,~i\ien ttfe:w.ayit Was rQ~.tlrieIY·an·d dpn~9rp.V,0lJld haye.r:epj;irt~ h- I<, PleaS¢ identify a:ny other Far personnel Qr npn-FBI 'perso.nnel who: ob~rVed d¢tciiiiee[s) ~r~ted . iljthis mCjnriefr in~luding their ilP'rn~(s) anti agency(ies): All members orTF 202 Mrknew about it. I-don'1 ktiow if the. FBlelement tlie're knew:aboul it .or not. 1 worked sepzlrately frbm tliem.. I. T.hiS cohdtlGtocciIrred ill coiineCtion' With: ·One·detainee 2: 0 ~Several detainees {2-4J g:0 Many qetainees {mor.e th;:tIT 414-'0 q'o' ~ot ij.ecall to. !"fl. '(9Ptronal) PI~se descrlbeth€:relevant circumst~[1ces ipmore detail: 0100-005102 30. Beating a detainee ~. ~: D ~. personally'qpserve<,t this.conduct. D I obs~~e~ detainee,(s) IOia,cpoQit'ion th.<;It I~ me ~o ~eHeve ~hi;lt:thiscon~:l!.J(;:t Q,<)q :oq:;urrej:L ·c: o ID'etai,n¢e(snpld rile that J:.his:tolid.l,lc.t ba(\ ,occ,urr.eci. d. 0 Others: jNh'q opserved :this cpi1dutt:l;le$cribi=d it- to. tn'e. ~. D I h!3ve releVant Informatlonclas:Slfl~ above "S:ECREf"-, - f. 0 I neverobservetl this conduct nor heard ab.ciut it from sdmeone:who, did. .,Usilig' water t'o prevent brealhing by 'a :detafnee,or: to create the sensation of :drownlhg D r per.sqnally 09,~rv~~f thi~,cdm;f!1G.t. in a,cohd D r ()bserv,ed d~t~Hne~ts) . . Itiori th?lt led m~ ~9 Qelie\;¢ thgt .this ,cqnd!Jc~ had ,occ;;urred. C:, D o.~talnee(s)'tol~ me ,this, cO,nguC:t hap :o¢,c(Jrr~, d~ D Others' who obseryed :thi~ t,qnd'uct: d'~~c.d(jeq it tame. e.. D I haVe r¢.leVant. il)fbrrti~tiof! J;:ias,iifJ¢d ?lQoye. "SEPRI~T't'. 0 l hev'eroiis(:!rv~d: ttiisr!=bJ)Ctu~t not heard ,:about it from sdmei:ine who' dId. 9' b•. , f: ~32.U.sing hands, 'ro'pe, ,o(anything -else to-~chbke or strangle a detainee' D I R~rson''q.b$~rve~ tni$,c,onl;l,i.!tt. I?', D t.. o~?e.rv~~ "det~rn¢~ts) in a cO'ncl1ti<'J!¥,!hat lecj me, ~9' QelJe.v.eJhe~ q. D O~_t,<.lln~(5) tQlp ml;! that t,hls qm9JI,~~ bad o'(:t;l,lrretl. :~I. D Others Whp 'obsenled 'this c:qMuct deStribl;d it to, tn~, (;1. .~. f. 33. [j ~his cq[c!uc:;t lJad 'qccurr~f! ... r ~'a\(~ r~l~va'nt j'n[9rmation' cl<rs~ifie:et ~1i6Ve U'$EC~'i. [~l ,1' never obserVed this 'cQ;dutt :nor'heard ,abdul'it 'from S<!me'6neWhO, did. ThJ~atetiirig ,other .action'- to cause' pnysical pail), injury, d isfigurement" or 1leath. OIGQ-005103 .. .. , .. ., , a. 0 I personally observed this. conduct. b, 0 I observed detainee(s) in a'cond ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had occurred. g, o iDetainee(s} toI,d me that ~hi? condyct haq ·occyr.re9. o Iqth~~ Who 'QQ'~r:v~q this copdl!~~·(;fe$~ribe~ It ~i;) me~ e. 0 I f: 0 r n~v~r o,b.served this :t~n:dul;:t nor J:n=prd 'ab.Put it from:Sol1')eQne'wn9 did. c. hav.e relevant jn'fo,rmatiqlJ c1ass~ie~ p!Jove, "~.ECREfJ!_. _. .3:4.. 'Oih~r tr¢atm.l=nt or a,etlan causing significant 'phYSICPI pain or Injury r . ~~fu " .- ,or ~au.slng ,dlsflgurem.ent or a: 0 I, p~r~n~I!Y'0b~rvec;l, ~his cODduct: ~'" 0 I, ol?'serv~g'c;letaJnee,(s) in 9"<;'<,;>09 ition that led me, t9 Qelieve tQnplIet hqd ·9Gc(Jr(~d. 0 t1, 0 e. 0 f. 0 '<,:, [}etaine~(s) told me that thiS; ~ond,l,l¢,t hfld 'm;<,;urreq. bt~ef;;' lfI.fb~qbseQl~ thi~ cqn~uct d,es<3rib~ it tQ' m~ c1as.sifie:d ab,oye, "S,ECRET1". th'i!? ,cdnau¢t nor' h~.rd :ab~Jlt' itfrb!Ti s6m·~one.Wh\) d l~. I'have relevant Information. I ri!=ver obSef\(ed 35'. Placing' a detainee,b,n a hot sunace or Durning a~'aetainee' •a~ 0,1r: personaUy obs~rve,d thl~·c;onduct. Ir. OJ ·observed detain~efs) III ;a'condltioH t.!lat led m~ to pelieVe thaJ this con~u'ct- hap occl;lrre.d. (;; 0 D~hc!i nee($) tol~ 1Ji~ ~n~t Jbjs cgnd u·~t h1ild o'~G\l rre,q. d',. 0 gtberS,' \l\!ho nb?~rvg~ ~hl~ qQnd!-(~t.d~~,~'I;lbed It to me. eo· G I have.rele.yarit in'fo.rma·tion' 'l;Ii3sSifled !3 b.Qve' i~S E¢RET';; t 0 i' n~v¢r dp-serv.ed'!~t np( h~rd~bQ.ulit from sdn:tepi1~'who, ~ld. 36. Using shackles or tither' restrdlnts,ln- a prolonged ,rnanliex ~a;~ 0 r perso.n~Hy·~Dserved· this ~qndu~t. fb: 0 Lob,served deta:lnee(s) I,n a -c;qnd itloll ~hat leg J:I1e to' bellev., cOJ1.d,u~ had :ocOJrr~d .. k: Detaine~($) tplQ rn~ tnat tbis q:mq,uct' had ~~curreq. id.. ,._. 0 D.,. "-~ l;)therp who o.l;l~er{~~ :this com;l!l¢t d.~~.~ibe9 it to fT)~: . . .. . . -.- .. .. ... .- -. - .. - .. ..... ~. • • ¥ ••• , . _. ... ..... .. .., .. .. ... .. . . OIGQ-005104 u, " e. D r have relevant Information classified above '~SECRET". f. 0' r,observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. .. ,3]:. Requiring q deta'i1:ree, t9 m~in~ain? 9r r€Jstraining a detaine~, in~ ? $tr~~sfu,1 or painful '" pOSit'I~>n ,a. D r p~.rsOlialIy ob~rVea this coMuct. b.. D r ;obserVed de'taineefsJ iii a -eond ition that led me .to believe tbanhis' c6riduGt had ,oc:cLir-tea. c; D Detainee(s) told me ttiat this cbild'uct had ,occurred. d. 0 otherS who obServed 'this cohd uct described it to- me. eo, q I nav.e relevant Information' classified above' "-SECRET". f. 0 r: never'observed thls.conduct nor heard ab'out It from someone who did. ,3$. forei,ng a 'd~tainee.. to perfo.rm"pemafld iog physical e~ercise r pe(sOnaIlY'bb:S~rVed thiston,duct. 0- r observ.ed ',detainee(s) iri:9 ,GOod itio'n that led 'me to believe tbanhis co,nduct bad ',occufr.eo., 0 told me that this \20hd:u:ct had ,6CCt)rr:~. I ,a. D ,b. 'c.' d. D e. Others' who conserved :tliis a:iriductoescribed if to' me" o jI have relevant infofmation elassifjed a'bov.e '~S'ECRET'!., f. ! [~f r never observed thiS-conduct nor heard aboutit from someone who did. 89,. thing el~ctricarshock.on'~ dete;tfnee 'a. b. D I. p~r.sonallydbsery~d o II observ.ed ,detai~ee.(s) in "a conti ition that led me. to believe that this conduct had occurred. t. 0 d, this conduct. DetaiJie~,(s) told 'me that this G:oilduct had occuri',€d. D Others' Who observed .this condUct dest;rlbed It to me: e. n I have relevant information classified aboVe. '!SECRET f: 0 JI ,. T neVer observed this:cohdLic~ nor,hea.rd :aobtit it fr6rh·sonie0ne,~vhoClia. OIGQ-005105 40. Threatening to .use electticcH sh'6ck,.on a ,detainee D I personally observed this..conduct. b, D' Lobserved detainee{s) In 'a'cpnditioll that led me to believe that this conduct c. D .(jetain~(s) told me that t'hiscondt,Jct had ·oc::curre9. g~ D Others wjl,Q obseryeq t, cO)1dl,Jctdescribed it t~ 111~; e. D ~,hav~ releYan~ rnrormati~:m clds~ifTe<l ~~ov~ ·'·~,EC,RET". t 0 I nev~r p.b~er.ve9 thiswnduct norh.eard apout it frOrTJ ,sqmeqne'wh.o did. a~ 'a. 0 b. 0 , c. d I perronally observed this.conduet. I observed detafnee(s) in 'a ,condition that led me to believe thaUhls conduct had ,occurred. Detalnee(s) to'ld me that this cond uct had ;occurred'. .d.- 0 tH!:rers' who '0bserveq this con:du~t,describ~J!! l I never~oPs~rv~9 tnfseol)c!uct ,nor h~r~ 'ab9!J~ l,t 'frorrr sorn~Ql1e Who, did. ,-- ~. 0 10 had ,occurred. .. I h;:lye rl:I~'??l'nt i.Qf9rm?l~iQn ~Iassifi~ ,a Qove ",$!=C~ET'!';, ·4i.. Hoa,dfng or bJlndfQlding '9 .d",etalhe,e.other j:h'ari :d,udng tr.ansp'p'rtatkm a. q r personal!y.obse'rVed this ,cotlduet. 'b. O~ !r,obse'rved qetai'nee(s) in :a'conditiQh that led me to believe that this cohd,liat h~d .occurred. c. '-- o !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. 'd. 0 Others: who otrserved 'this cqnd uG,rd~scrlbed It to m,e. e., 0 f; 0 I,haye relevant in!orm~tion c1as~ift~ ~bove "S:ECR!=1"'. ''1~y~r:oJ??ef'leq tl)fsJ~Ql)qu~f flPf hE¥lrQ ,;3 b9.LJ t , i~ from SQfT]eqfl~Wh.9(M~ 43. SU,!;>jec.ting a d~taine~ ro ,ex.tremely told pI' bot rooni .temperatures fot I=~~,nded Ij'~dd.ds a. 0, I per5O'n'al(y' 6'bserved this cor'lduet. b. 0 I observed detainee(s) in a .condition that led :me to believe thaUhis conduct had ,occurred. 0 ·Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. [j Others. who observed this conduct described It to me. c, OIGQ-005106 ,. , . .. , , e. 0 L have rele~ant Information classified above ·\SECRET". t 0 I never observed this ,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ;4'4. S!J~j'ectirg a detainee to .loud music a. D I P'!~rscinal1y:obs~rV~d this,tonauct. Do 0 I bIJserVed,delaiilee(.s} ina·coilditior'i'that led 'me ,to believe thatltlis conduct had o:Ccuited. C'. 0 Detainee(s) told me tHat tbis cond'uet hadod':orred. ,d. 0 eo 0 I. have relevant information classified a'bove' 'is ECRET" . f. 0' I never'observed thls,:'condud nor 'heard about it from someone. who' aid. ,q. 0 I: perSonblly'obserVed this bmduct. 0 c; '0 d. 0 e. 0 b. Others~ who observed this Goridilct described it to'me. I observed detaine,e(s) In 'atf:ohd itio'n that leq me, to believe that this co.ndu.ct bad ·o(>curred. Detalne:e(sJ told ,me that tlils·<':ondll,ct had .occOrred. Others who obserVed tl1is cOnduct oeScribed it to me. I have releva'lit information' classified ilbov.e J~SECRET'!. f'. l~r I never. observed this:conduct nor heard about' it from 'someone who did. <46. isole:tting'a detainee for ,a n; extended, period 0 L per.son~lIY' observed this :conduct. b. 0 .I bhserv.¢d .detaii1e~(s) in.a 'condition that Led me. to bt:::lieye .that this C;bndw:;t lYado.ccurtetl. " p. c: o !Detaihe~,(sJtold the tliat this db'ndud had :oc;;cufred. d. 0 OtherS: wbb observed thls conduct described it to, me. .e~ f; 0 I have relevant ihformation dassified ab6~e "SECRET''' . 0 ~ never observed this'conduct nor 'heard 'p Dblif itfrbm ,someone, Wh0. did. ------------------- OIGQ-005107 I J 47. J,Jsing :duct-tape to restraJil( gag, 6r punish a detairiee a, 0 I personally observ.ed this ,lwnduct. 0 Lnbserved detalnee(s) In a-conditloll that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred., t;:. 0 De,tainee(s) told-me that this cond uct had 'O[,Curre:;l. 4, 0 Others whQ ~~sel'Veq t.his cO,nquct d'e~cribed i,t t9 m~ e. 0 r. ha\Je reJeva'fjt Informatjon' c1assifie.d ,al1ove "$E¢RET". f: 0 I never obse_rve~ thiswndud.flQr heard about it from someqne who did. b', a. 0 personally obse'tv:ed this,conduct. b. 0 I obselVed 'detainee(s) in a coooitiorr that led me. to believe that this <:onduct had .occurred. c. d iDetalnee(s) to'id me that this conduct hadoccurr.ed. 4, o tOtl:ref$ wh.o observeq this ~n:duc~des:,cribed it to 1Jl~.. e. 0 f. 0 h;;:liye re~vqnt lo.f9rm~j:iQfJ ~Iassified. .ab,O\Ie "S.ECRET". !.I)ev§lr o.b~rJE!_d' thl~!<'.QI)~uct'!:'9r h,~rd ,~bQu~ IJ f'"?rf1 SQmeQne ~.h.9' 919. ·49. Us!n!) -a a. o II persmialfy observed thls"conduct. b: 0 c. 0 d, I observed detalhee[s) In a-conl:lltlOi"l ~hat led me to. believe thatlhls oondi'id hai::l.occiirretl, Detainee(s) told me that.this conduct had ·occurred. o 'Others'wh'!' observ~ .thjs €Onduc,;rdescrlbed It to me.. e, 0 f. military wQrk,il1g dog Qll:Or near: ,a .ttcl:aln~ bth'er tHan during deta'lne'.e tr:ah'sp1>,rtattoil· I have relevant "SECREj""', . ' . InformatIOn . . , . . dasslfied , . , , above .' - 0 L n~ey_er~9P~M!,q this £Q1).qt,l,d 119f .h,ear~ .?I~9ut· it frq~ SQIJ1!:io.n.e; W.l)o sd, 'ltit¢ateilJng t9 .use r'r.-llitary wci.rkiog ~o,gs on'or"n"ear a detah:l'e,e a. b. c d. 0 0 0 . I. pefsanal\Y. observed tfils conduct. I observed,detainee{s) in a~conditioh that Jed me to beliel)e thar.lhis cOnduct had .ocCUrred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred. [j others who observed this conduct described it to' me. OIGQ-005108 , e. 0 I have relevant Information classified above' ·!SECRET". f. 0' I never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. ;51. ysing 0 b. 0 6. 0 a. spider~r ,scprpidnS-i sn~kes"dr'6ther anim~ls:on or near a d~tain-e-e. I perS6nafIy' ob~iVea thi,s cQi1auct. I bD~ervep,de'(ainee(s) in :a,conaltion t.hat led me to· belieVe thatlliis. conduct had ,d:c'GlJrred. ~ I Detai nee(5) told' me that this, cobd'uct had ,occurred. d. 0 Others' who observed 'this c(';Induct described it to me. e. 0 1. have relevant information classified above !fSECRET'I. f. ~, I never observed thls:conduot nor 'heard 'about it 'from someone who' did. ,pz, Threatening 'to,e' spi.ders, sCGlrpiQns, ,sna,!<~s, or other anlm~ls: on'a. detC\inee a. 0 r persOnallY observed tllis :cotldu,ct. . 0 I. oDs,erved 'detain~e(s) in :a·.cond ition that led me to believe that'this condu,ct bad ,o:acurred. c. 0 D'E~taln~.(s'J told me that this tond:u,ct had :6~curred. 'd. 0 Gihers who ,ol:iserited tfiis Gondu"ct oescdbed it to me: b. ,e. o II have releyant iriformati0J1 dassffied a'bov.e "SECRET!!:. f. 0 I neverobserv.ed this.,conduct nor heard about it from 'Someone who did. ,53. .Oisr.esP'eCtful stateme'nts" r,o(:clctibbs: ItlvQlving, the Ko.ran .a. p b. 0 I observ.ed .detaihee(s} in,.a cond ition that led c; 0 Detai ile~,(s) 'told 'me that thiS' c'ond lict had :o,celiffeCI. l' pe.r.sona.l1y 6.bserv.E!d this :~6ndu¢tr me: to believe that this. conduct had .occurrea. I 0 Otbe'l's' who observed thiS cohduct described It to, me. 0 I have relevant information Classified above' "SECRET". f: 0 r neVer observ.ed this'conduct nor-heard :pDo.dfitfrom,someone who did. d. e. OIGQ-005109 ,54. Shavins :a detainee's facial or other hairtd embarrass. or humiliate a detainee 0 0 c 0 d,t 0 e, 0 T. 0 ~ a~ I personally observed this.,conduct. b, Lubserved detainee(s) In a~coFld ition that led me to lJelleve that this conduct had .occurred. Cie~ai!1ee(s) told me that t~is' c(mdw;:~ '()ccurred, it to m~; Q.thers V\!/1Q o!;?ser:v~ t.bis conductdescribed L hav~ relev.ant inrormatio'n qassifie,d ,al1oye "$.EG~'!. I never ob~rve9 thls'conc!ucLnqr'heard abo[,lt itfrom ~omeqn~ who did. 0 I persOnally'observed this ,conduct. b", 0 I observed detainee(s} in 'a cond ition that led me to believe that this GOnduct had occurred. c. 0' ,Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. d. 0 l:?tl:Ter:s who observed ~his Cfll1d,UGt;d'escrib.ed it to. j1le., 'ct. ------,---- - e. 0 r hgv,e:relevq-nt i.t1f9rm~~io'n c;:Ji;lssifi,ed .;;lb.9ve "SECFiET'!.\ t: 0 I never'opserv-e-~' thIs.'con9uct,nortr~rd~bout: i,t frorn s:ome~ne'~hp, did. 56. 'Toucnlnl,l 'a, detair'i~e. or acting a. towqr.d a <i'etafn'ee ih',a' ~Xu.aJ .- manner o iI personally observed thlsiiohdl:lct. 0,11 ,obserVed ,detalnee(s)' in a .c6OO itloh that led me to, believe' that thfs conduct- had ,acclJ'r'red. c, D,10 etainee(s) tOld me thatthis conduct had occurred. d. 0 others' who obselYet! ,t.hls €ODd u:ct'de.scrlbed It' t,O m~,. :e., 0 ~, hcwe relevant: ioforma~f90, clal?sified ~b9ve "-5i;CREt"" f: 0 I. never;observed thfS"Gonaud -noe-heard 'about it from ,semeQ,ne:'who did. b~ . :-"" •• ", .. ~. • ...; . . "' ...... "'. • ,.. • •• ., . ',' •• ,:[1. Holding dret:grri~(:s) whp ~e.r~ not qfftdany-:ac;kfloW'lec,fg,red d¢tai'ning the, p e r s O n . ' a~ .b. c, 0 I personally observed this..conduct. 0, L'o~served etet~ln~~(s} in 'a:condj~rqIJ that led !TIe to 0 Cietainee(s) tol,d me thClt this conduct had 'occurred.. -, ~ •• • ~ " '" • 0" ~ or regjs,tered as ~l,Ich QY ~h.e'ag!=fiCY - bel.iev~ that'this q:)Qd,u,ct had ·o"curTed., .. , OIGQ-005110 , d. e. f. , , " " ·58', ~~nding 0 b. 0 t. 0 d, 0 a. I <;l .. detain~ tQ en9t,her coun~ry for mor,e':aggr~ssive'interrpg~tion perS0nally:ob~rved this ·COnDUCt. I observed detainee(s) iii a:cond ition that led. me to believe that this conduct. had ,oGcul'r:ed. 'Detciinee(s) told me that this' conduct hadocciJrred. others wh'Q,observed this conduct, described it to me. D. I have relevant Information' c1assffied above !'SECRET't. 0 0 [ personally.observ.ed this ',conduct. I:observ,ed c. o !Defaihee(s) told me that this' GoonduCt nao ,aecOrtec/. ,d. 0 Others who :o6served :fhis conduct descrlb,ed it to. me. ,e. d I have relevant information classified 'above "'S'ECRET". ,e. " 0 Others who observed thIs conduct'descrfbed It to me.. 0 r have relevant information classified above' II·SECRET",. 0' r ~~verobs~rved this'c<;>nduct nor heard ~bout it from some0n~ wh<;>: ~id,. f; ~ I nev.erobserv~d thls'Cbf)du<;t n<;>rheqr<:l:ab0l!t it trom.'Someon~who did, a., b. detaine~(sJ Iii' B:cond,itlon that led m¢ 10 belieVe thaUhls. con.dUct had b~cu(r:ed. I f. [tJ I never observed this)conduct nor heard 'aboutit from 'someone who did. a. 0 b', t~ d. i~·. l!: I I persOnally, obseNed this,condu.ct. o II, bbser'iectdetiHriee(s}. in,a cond itior....that lea me fo believe thantiis conduct hi:ld ,oGcorrea. 0 Detalriee(s) told me that this conduct had .o,ccurrea. 0 Olherswho observed this t~nduct described it to me. 0 r haVe 'releva)it informa'tion Classified aBov.e "SECRET". ~ I, never·observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. OIGQ-005111 61.. Oth~r treatmelit or actiQn causJng sev,ere emotIonal Qr' pSy'chologl~1 traurog to a detainee, D I, persol'lally obseNeCl this d5nCluct. lb. D Lobserved detalriee(s:) In 'a tond itkjn that led me' to, believe that this conduct had ,occurred. c. D IDetainee(S) told me that this conduct had ,occurra:!. i--- --_. ~--------------~-_ .. ,a. _- d. [j Others who observed this conduct described it to me. e. 0 I hav.e relevant Information dasslfled ,above. ·'SECRET":. ( 0 _._-------- I never observed th!s'.cont;luct·n~rhegJ:d C!b9trt it from someonew~o did. ,62. 'O:ther religiou,s"or sexu:af bart3ssmerit qr humiliation'of a detain~ a. b'.' i::'. 0 I personally observed this.,conduCt. 0 ~,oDser'vea. defaiflee'(sJ in 'a'~0nd itiori'that lea ine to, DeUeVe thanhi,5 <tqriduct na'd ,o.G:cur:r~d. 0 , Detal'riee.(s),told me that thls conduct nad ,occurroo. ld. q otbers who observed .this conduCt descdbed It to me. e. d 0 I have relevant Information' classified abov.e '\SECRET'\ f.'observed'thls:Gonduct nor heard about Itfrom.someone who,dld. 'G$'. 'Q.t~et tre qtlJle.!1t o'fa 9:e~gi!1'¢e' that in 'Y'0!-tr ol:finiol1 WP:~ u,nprpfe~sJolJ~l, I,Jn~,!1ly Dprsh or·aggx~..siv~, :~oerciYe, .abusiye·, ,or unla.Wft,ll 0 I personallY observed ·this ,condUCt. b. 0 I observed detalnee{s) In ,a:GoFldltlon that led a'. c. - rpe to believe that this conduct had :occurred. o ,Detainee(s) told me thatlhis conduCt had ;occurra:!. 9thers '~vho observ~d this cq.lJ.dLJc;;tgesqibeil i~ t9 me: I e; D have relevant Information' classified above ·~SECRET". d. D • f ;.., • , • • •• , • • • " ~.< ~ • • •• ~ 1 nev~r·obsefVeq INs CQnd!.lGt'ngr h~r,d~pqut If j, - . it fn;>m,SQry;eoq'ewho, d,id, . 0 . 0 :0 , . : . : . ' .'" ':>'.,. 0,' (lit:, Qid o/quo.bservE} any 'Imp'ersona~l<?n'of FI?I personnel bY'atl'Yo~.d~rlng Cjn Intenilew or'Jhte~rqga,tloDQt- ,!') . d ¢ t a i r i e e . ? · , ,0 Yes, . 0 No - OIGQ-005112 6~. Did 5=!fly det?line~ oroth~r person J~II you thE;lt he orshe hi;1d witne,ss,eo 'th~ irtlp~rSQnatiori of F,al persoMel'ln connection with a, detiHn~' interview or interrogation? ' Q Yes <9 No'6'6., Are ¥ou C!,of 'any i':sham" or "'stage<!" ,d~,tainee, intervit;.:ws' PI' interrpgati0'1s conducte<;l f9r Mem b~rs 'Qfth.e ~. S. Cong r~ss pr ,their s~aff?Q "-e$; '~. No, ~i:? To YOI,JJ krlOwr~ge;4id any military or intelligenc~ personl)el~vElrde'!y o~ d!3'ay FBi -acce,ss-to·a , 'C!eta,irieeJbe F(:H waiit~ Jd questio'J1 betause:tlie getainee"had ~~'stairfed inj!,Jrie$ 'after he wa's cap~~[eq?' ,QYes0 No - • " .... ~. . . ." " "I " • .\:tvi6>~: 1" ...~:.~~ • . • '"': > ~ •• _.~ • •::... ~ I' • ,ea. bid you .ev.erend ¥our participation' in or observation ,of a detainee: interview: or interrogation p,e@~~~ pf the~ inr~rv.i.~w'-qr interrc;m9tlgn 'IJ1~th9d~. ~:¢i og '.!J§¢Qr o Yes. '@No; ,6,9)NE?r~ YQ.!.l ~V¢n9)q th'i;1vanQth¢f FBI ;erop'19.y.~e ~nde\:l hl~ or 'Mr p.ariL~lp~tiQ'rtiri qr p.h.$erv~ti9h 9f,;g .detainee ihter\tiewor rriterro~iatiQn because of the:interview·orinterrogatio'ri -methods- being :lisecrr Q Yes 0 No ' 19. During :~(IY'9f YQu/' Qy~r;~Cl? dl?p I9Yllle!1ts PI' !:l~ig,nmel1i~;, P'9 'y'O,lr,rep'Ort anf,'qmc:ems re~~rd'in9 ,ai'ly;deta'inee~,inteNiew- or inte,rrollatiqn pratt!ces c' pI'·¢rtyp~~,,~ tJea_trti~t" t'Q all" FEU ,s,upetvisor?' . O'-Yes, 0 No, 71. D4, .any'qf YOhlr-9.v:.e~sep.s q~pI9Y,ment~ q,r g,~slgnrnentsi. did YPI;!, ~~pprt pI)Y<;9ns:e.rns,regprding , .i:!'ny ~deta.ir1e~;'iiiterview Q~ ihterrog-qti9o pfCH~tic:e~ 'Qt qtne'r typ.e's"Qf ,d~t;:iinee'n¢h't ).'9\.J 6p~.rY~·d or' hei3rd about, lo·a non-FBI'. supeiviso"r or other no'n-F,B.! p:ersonnel? , 0 Ye,s 0 ~Jo' . '7.:'L., J:la'ileyoy :eyer peery ord ¢r:ed ~r .dIrected nott9' rep,ort;, Q[,disc<?u.r~g.ed, i,n: ~n,y. ""lay frolTl r~portibg~ -'Q,bsentcjtiQrts pr ~lr~g~!i9i1~ rel~t$d 'tq de~qjne~ t,r.ei'ltmenJ Qi" itiferyieW gr int~rrqg9'~iQna(:ti9!1~,<if Plaq;ices? ' ,, 0' "l~~, ,~, &0, 73. Have, you ~ex:perienced ,any 'actual or threatened r.etaliation for reporti'ng observations or cilregations Qf:d~tain.~'lr:ea~mentor 1I1t~rvl!=~ or l!1t~rrogatl~nactlonsor Pr?ctlces?; O.Yes ~ No; ·7.4~ {Optional) Please pro:l,Me any additlooal comments ,reg'ardIng, ,the ii~p_oitinQ .of concerns, related rtJtervi~Y'I or inJe['rog!3ti9n techoiques~. d~t~nt!91), practic~,s, ~or:<?t~er pet~·(ihe.~ .trea.~menpfI had to, Wltn.~s·s pI' heqrd ofany abu5!=~ of detqin¢.e$, -l wguld ~a,ve rt=PQJ:t,eJf. 'It. Re;gar.qlng' qu~stlqn #29,~. beJiecv.e tha~ ~Hi~ w~,?',?Iljth'Qriz~,q "fn~ 1¢g'~I,I:i~ the tlm'~, Qr:I WOj.!Is,l h9':Y'¢ r~p.~rt¢.d it., 1 n.§v~ n9 ~9ubt that tlie detainees: at Kandahar"Afgh'anlstan received ;91'ea1 care.-- eXcellent medical cars, food y access to prayer'and religious material-:- and recreational activities. Additionally., Tam fairly certain OIGQ-005113 thCj~ overall they received more sleep tnan'l did. It .w:as illY -se.n~e that those If{no w~re deprived .of sle¢p.. w.-~re. depriVed fQr (inly a's.hort perJql! ~nlme 111 .~m approRrlaj:e ph~ contn;>l mJ;mrter. ~:\'!& ~_'. DI 7~, ' :debriefe'd, oth~rthan ttje.stantlard C1ebl'ie,(ln nQ~ . I Fb.. .:ti2, c:"Qnceniing your ov.erseas: t3ssignment(!?) .or,d~iilo"ymeilt(s). alter you completed ttie deplo'yment(s) or assi.9·nrii'ent(s)? OYes e No 76. AddItional COmments and RecommendatiOns: ~ w~~!10t"'911 ~I'empI9y~~;at l!l~ trm~i th.~r€!forei. I 4r~ n.Qt d9·tt)~ l'.~tan~~r~ ~ebrie~ in FD-77'2'!; lba..nk yOl,.! for Y0Ur co.op(::!ratron rn c.ornpleting. thIs: qu.e,s.ttonnaire· , ',,' " OIGQ-005114