Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001225
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Department'of Jus.tic.e Inspec~or Gen·eral·Ques.tipnnaire Regarding Detain~es D.OJ-bI.G INVESTIG'ATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE Fd~.R:EV1EWAN[)USE dNlY BYINDIV1DUAL FBI RE'SP'ONDENTS NOT FORl/VARD'OR DIs.sEMI~ATE . . .. . . qo: QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-O.O.O.012:25. .As oJ ~he last time t~is qu~tionl1~ir~w¥l~ ~av~~r ~ome require.d fields: hav~ not..been ~ompleted. PJeas'~ review your A. re.sponses. P~r$o.nal Inf9rma~ion Please pr6vide:th.e following information: 1. nam¢. 2. Middle In/Hal: 3: Last name:' 4. Ente~d' on .Duty" Date (EOD): ~. Cun:eot DiY.lslqn/Field bffi~e: 6.. CUJrent jpb title: 7. Directdial office.telephone number: 8, fBI (;~II phone' riumb~r: .9. fBi pager nutT:ib'er~ fO.·Best contact number for you: 'f ~ "', , f) &.7C PER AGFEEMENT Ii 8. 're PER AGREEMENT 6 & 7,C PER AGREEMENT 6 &,7C t ~ .7e UnJt; Chief"SupeJVi~.ry'S:p.edal Agent 6 &,7qPERAGREEMENT ~ ~ 7(; P!=RJ:I..Gf<EEMENT· 6 & '7C PER AGREEMENt '6 I:t Ie PERA,GREEMENT B·. B'ackgrOlJnd of Specific D,e-plo¥me'nts or Assig'tmtents 1,1.. At any time afler:5eplemoer 11t Z001, djd ydu· member of.the U.S. Military, or' as Ei'n 'employee;or contractor otthe FBI:or any oth~r g,ovemment agency, at Guantanamo Bay~. 'Cuba; lraq~ AfghanJstCjrr; 'or'in areqs'wntrolleci qy the\.l.S. MJlitCl:rY qf a l).S. in~e!l\· s~rvI~.e i.r.r'Cqnnectt9n:with the gi~bal )ll{9r o.n .terror!. @·yes 0 No 12'. Ellter the numbeJ:of tlm.e.s you. wete..depioy,ed .or':assign,ed to each of the· following lo.tati.ons>. :(Guailtanaino Bay, 'Cuba;, .Iraq}A~ghanistan; or in any areas contrblled by the U.s:. lYIilifary or a U.S. int~lI.igenc~ serVJ~i};l· ... F.or.each· deployment · C. I .) Loca t IQn se.~~tone :i:iGant~'HaiTio :i3:b'V, .... ' •.•••• ,. • >'. '",' • ~. ~ , or assignment .complete the following section. . Deployment or Bssiifnnierit Iiegim' o'h.or .alio.iit" '. .... 09/01/200.3, . . . . DepIDyment ~1"as5i!:iririlljnt ended on, or abp~t"" . 11/11/2003; ' • 12a. Wt).cft w~.s .tlie Qen,er:al r)at~ r~ i:jnq p:urp'Ci,se tif<;1.aqjv!ti~s? lriterviewer:of D.etqinees, itb. Please. provide. the, names of the'specific cam PS, basesi or facilities where you worked. ·C;;~plltanamo;,De.taine~ f'ri~oQ _ .' " ..' _.' 12c. N9.~: If ihfp·rmi3Jipn·a.pput c:L~p'e.cific.canip:, base,. Qr'facility is c1C\s~jfied :ab:pv~ SECRET, plea'se ch:etk her~ 0, 'incluoe in yO[Jr :answer .that you hav.e ,ll qdditJQ.nal·information dp~sjf1~a.QoYe 'SECREr,.'!·· arid, if you know., id.entifY'the.c1assificatlon level, ticket, ;comparfrhent, prOgram, ..o r other desjgfla~ion th.?lt.appll~s.t~t~e information. Ocr n9t Inctude.the ·addlttofjal·c!asslfied fnformatfqn In .your OIGQ-005373 questionn?lire Je,sponse~. bIG, pers(Jnnel with ,the neces~ary clearance Will c9ntact you to re~ive It. I Name, PosltloQ 1 ~ _lJ.~i~ ~t.!i~f__ -: "' ;12e. Y9,U jpintly int¢r\iieW pI" int~rrd~'late any detpirit;e witli hO(l-fE\I pf(:!rsohnel? , _ . __ _._ , __ __ __ _,.... __ '_'y ,. Q NQ c!) Yes . W.itt): what kinds b6 '_ '_'_' , .. •• ~ _ _., 4 -_ ""'-_ ..,. ... of !Jon-FEn personnel d:i9 YQtJ wo.rkjoint!y?' :, ,gf GUF :~ 0' O.ther U.:S. Military :0 IrS, ir.rteliigen,ce. ag,eticy ': 0 F;ore:lg'n tilJiltary, C5r Intelll!;!enc,e age(1cy :0 Other ,: - - or -- - '-- - -- - .. - - - . - - -- -- - '" - - - ., - - - - - - -- - - - .. - - - - -- -, -- - - -- - - . - - - . . - . - -- - ;:1if: DW-'yo'Ujointly plan'-any. detalnee interVle~- 0r-:-iht~rro9atiOn ob1ecti~,es~ tactiCs-wrt~ n;;n~-;' ~ :Fm personn.el:? • ,:W~h wh~t ki~ds~;f-n-;n~FBLP-er~;n""ej"did :0 ~: 0 @~ Strategy; "') D~ -Y-;U~~;kj~;'ntlv? c --- -~,-- --- ------ - -- --- --- ----'-:: CrTF' " ~Other ..lJ.S. MUitanr 1>. : [:f.v.'$; int!=lflgenf=? ag'enc:y, ~ 0 'ForMjn mlllJary Qr In1elllgenCf; ~g,ency :. 0 :O,th~r \, ' ,,! ~-------~----._---------~----------~------~--.--------~-------~---~_.~ ~-------.-----------------~-----------------------------------------~--! ,:.1Z9. We:r,e you ~er oth~.rwl?e Involvell Ind e,all1ee Intervlew,S or lnt~rrb.gatlons with ,non-FBI ; , 0 Ye'f> 0, No p~rSOnn~'I7" ------------~-~---~-~---------~-----_._~-----------------~----------~-- .... - ,. , •• '" •••••_~.~ t : ,' : • , n. Dld y.ou receIVe any tr.altlln~~ lilstt,uotfon;·Q'f.guidanGe sp!=<iificall,y [r(preparation . , overseas ,d'ep'\o.ymehts 6r assig ninenls? for any-of your. ,. ,0Yes. DNo ' :0'00 Not Recall ,13a, Who proVided this tralnln.9f Instruction,. or:g,uldancej and where did you recehte it? U.S, Military'at Ft. Belvoirr VA i3b. Descriiie .th~ 'su bj~'tt. on which you recelveif .this. training, i nstructioFl or gll id ante.-. . . ~a~ic infOOTlation -01) M!Jslitn '~uJlure an.d 'working WIth da~~a~:s otil!zed <;It ,GTM,Q,. ,G)yes ON.o 00.0 Not Rec~1J 14a. who proVided this' tRliliing,. in-structipn, or·guid.anc~. ,and 'wh,E![e diif 'You receive it? OIGQ-005374 b7C I14p, :e I b6 b7C rj(;~f1y describe the su bstance, of the tr9in;..:.;in:..;.;;l,,/;....;,;,;;=..;=.;; During the, initiaLm'eet:and .greet with U· he advised interviewers the detafnees would be treated as the FBI po cy r u res or any ,other InterViewee. If we 9bserYeq ·aM ,DU,t 'Qnhe Qrd'in?lry Qr"abu,sNe behaYlor toward a det~inee, we sh9,u Id leav,e-,and' report ihfdrfn'ation t.o'him, (This:all ocq.lrr:ed While.depJoy~.) 14c. Was any ofthe t~lni!1g, instr.ucti~Q, or 9lJJqao(:;e Rrov.ldedil) writing:? 'OVes @.No '0 D6 Npt Recall OYes 16. In preparation 'for any ofyour overseas deployments or assignments, did you recelve any' training, Jns((u~ionroqJu~gan~ concernIng wha~ you wer~ sl,lppose~ to do ft;you observed or ,heard, ;ab.out you b~Ji'¢vecl to b.e inappropriate; unprQ'fessionaJ, c;oercivej a(jU,Sive, 'of unlawful? the:t~91ment, ihteriieVYj or iriterrqgalion of l:Ietajri~eS:by ,FBI pe~onn~,.which C!)No QDo Net Recall prepa.r:ati9fl fQr ?I1Y of'Y.OW ovet>;~~~ dep!C?yrnen~,sor .as.~ignrp~,n~~f did yeu r:~c~iy~:any tra.ining, , ihStr,u'ctipn,. or giJidam:e ~oiicemjng what ypu, vi,er,e stHip,Q'sed IQ Clo .if-you qbsehled '6r lie:arCi :about: the trea~rtierit;:interviewi or interrogation',of detainees by non-FBI Pe[sO:ririel, which you belie.ved to"be' ihappropriate( unprofessional, ,coercive, :clbu~ive, (ir unlawful? 17, In .0 0.0 Not Recall 'lEt 'Tralniilg; During 'Oy'er~eas Deployments or Assig'nmen,ts lB', D.uring,any :of yoiIroverseas'deployments o'r assIgnments, dio you receive any training','instruction,: or guidance-concerning the. standards of-conduct -applicable to,the:treatment, .ihterviewr or Interrqgation qf t=B~ pe,rs,qnnel? ' :0'(€$ . ONo . , :060. ~p.t Req'l(l 18", Who proVided this training ;1 Jn~m.l(:tIQn.r: qr gO.ldan~e? b6 b7C l8b. Briefly :describ~ thesubstanc'e of:the trainin ,,,instructioil, or gUidance: provided to, you" D·uri~g. the initial meet'and,greet'with U e :a'dvised ititerViewers the aetairrees woLild be treated' a~>'tbe' FBI po itY- req ulreS" or:ariY other it1.tervieV!~. If. we observ.ed 'any:l:lUt of the ordinary or,abush/e behavior toward a detainee, we. sheu Id ,leave·<;Indr~pprt irifQrrnati91l I')lrp; lac. Was, any 'of the:training, instruction, ,or guidance provided in-,writing} to aYes .0N~ ·0 'Do: N,ot Retail 1.~, Duripg.any.,ef your overseas:depJoyments or assignments, did you receive any training,~ instruction" qr 'g uld,?lng~:C(:mq;~:rn In,g lbe"st~rn:far~l:s prcondu~ '~ppllc~bl~' to: th~.:tIeatrnentt lnterv!~Wr 'or InterrpgatlQn of detain'e~s by no.n-·FE~i P:ersohn'~I? ON6 . .0tlo Not OIGQ-005375 '20. Durln.Q any 'of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training~ instruction. oi-guldance conc~rning whi:lt Y9u were supposed to ~o if .you ohser:ve,d or heard .a~ounh~: -tt~atme.nt, int.ervi~w~, or interrog ation of.d e~aine¢s by' FBI perso.nnel) which you belleV~ ,to be ihcippr6p.riat~, ,unp'rof~slonai, ,cbercil,fe~ abusi'le~. ef unlawful? Qoo NotRecall 0No' :;21. DiJ,rlng any ,of Y9.ur Q\?~r$ea.s.c.Jeploym~nts or ass.lg hmen~s~ $:I id -yqu receive any't@ll1ing, Instr,UGtloli, or guklah~~ cQn<::erriln,g what you w~re' SUP·P.Qsed to db .if you Qp.s·erVep qr Mar.d abQ.utthe treatnient( intel'vreW~ or interrogation ofdetitioees by no:f'i--FBI personnel! Which yoJi believed to be inappropriatel unprofessional! coercive! :abusive~ or'unfawful1 ' ,GYE;!> DDo·Not.Rec~lI ONe .21a. Who' provided thi.s training.. I n s t r u q : i o l 1 " o r ' 9 g l d a n c e ' ? b 6 I I . .b7C :21,b, Briefly:,deScribe ~he s,uus.tance·Qf the tr.aining, Ins.tru.ct:idn', or gUidance' pr:ovlded .to. You. S~~9PoV~. " '21c. Was:anyof the trainingJ ·instruction,.OT'gtiidance provided in writing~ QYes ·0 0N,0 Do' Not Reqiii Ie.' Adeq~aGY .of Tr:,ai'ning , •• _ ... • _,. __ • • v-v .... • 22.In 'l.Q:U('opil;1lon, did YQ.~ r~eive .adequph~: trai.l1iI19, !nstru<;tion,o'r gUi.d~'nce relj;lting to;~aridqrds 'pf qJp'!JU(!~ ~y ,FBJ ,an.d I)Qil-FBI p~CSQnnel·r~IC\~il1g, t9 t.r:ep'ti11~nt,'ll:lteiVIeWI, or i.nte~ro~.atIQnof ;detainees p'rhr .yi:lJJr·.dep.ioynient pI' ,assi~.n'riie·nt? to O:Ye~ 0' No -~~2a: Ple;s'e~~G-;ib~·the:·w~is-i.nwhich~yQ~'-b~fieY'ethe bii:ninQ:i~lstr~ct~n:-or gUid;r1c~-;~-;-------'-, ir:i~d'¢g!Jqte: .. _ . . What Iit.tle; iltl'ori1ialion' feteiv~d'" was npt c6i1sist~nt p't ~aIioa((Uzed, ..... _ ,.. __ .... _ "" __ "" -' -.,... ... ' >'<. _ ,.... ..... _ ~ _ ' ..", _ ..... • ..., _._ ... _ '-"'-' ~ • .., ... _ .., _ >- A. _ '- ...._ •. 23..I1:! yourojJinion, did Y,Qu receive:qde,quate trailiin,gr ft1structi~ni' ol,gultlariPe relatiiJg to sta'ndards' ,of conduct by fBI :'and hon-FBI persCihn:el.relatitig' to treatment/ interview~.or interr..o!j·ati6il'Qf detainees ,during your deployment o(asslgnment7 Qygs " .0 No . '2~~,- pi~.9-se d~cr'I~~, th~~ W~y's~in ~~hjch -Y.Q~:ij~lj;V~ t~~ h~ln'ing: jn~ir~c;i:OD: ~r 9.4jd~i.~c~w~s ----....... ~ _ inadequafe: Se'eabove -< __ ~. __ r __ ... _ ... __ .. __ r' _ ... "" ...... _ . . . __ .... _ .. ~ _ .... __ .... ..... __ ..... _ ......... __ .. .... • 24. In your:opinlo);, did' yo.u receive -a,de'quate traIning, Irfstri.!ctlOllr br gUldan~e .concernlng what you ·were,{fto.:,dQ· if yqlf observed or Heard' ab0ut the tteatmerit~ intetvi~w" '0'1' interrogatiQri of :detalnees! by. FBI or non":FBi personnel(that~ou believed was inapproprlate,.'unpr0fessfcinal! Gqertiy~, abU~!vei 0f u,fJlawful? . . OIGQ-005376 bYe;; 0 No ·_-----~-----------------------------~---_._---~-~------~---------------~ 24a. Please describe the ways in WhIch YOll believe the tr.alrilo9" instruction inadeq,uate: __".... __' ,..t._-_......... __ ~a~~ 100 __ . . _ - _ -'" _ _ ~ _ _ .... _ -. ""'" - ... . .... 01' ,... guidance Was __ - l- _ ~ ,... - . -. ........ -.. _ '-.- .. 25. (Optional). In what ways can the FBI improve training 'on this subject for future deployments or . <l~signments? IlJ,~!Jre tr~ining is:prov.ided t!1at is con~istent Clnd standardiz~d 'forthose being deploy~. Civil Rights 'investig-;;i~ipl1'~;-tr,jjliing might li.~ .col1s1t\ered. L~C31 training. 10. 'CommenJ:s 2'6. Please provide·.~my ·ad.dIti.onaI informatIon con<::ernlng training for overseas deployments'or assl'g nments 'of FEU per;sorm~1 you rele,v~rit.· . . . Introduction to Part III:, In thiS section, We'are ~eeklng .information r:egard,ing a wicJ-e.range:of . ltlH~rview br itl.t.ertogiitfcio· t~~hniqlJe5, .ang Q!hJ~r tYp~~. <;ifp,etardee' ttE1<;ltm.,ent t~ 1i9¥:E;l PG~urr~. ''(Q1I !?ho!Jld .nota!:is.urtfe,. j~~t bec'qu:se We.-are.askirig ;abol)t a ppr>~jtular t.echniql.l~:Qr practi~e, tl:ip~·We. h!:i\le :~hclui:letl that it: hi' fa.ct 6~d.iffe.d:. w.e req)g'ni~e that some of tb¢s~'t~¢hijiq'y'es·.6r .p~'¢tice·s-·iliay f,:lt ,time.s be necessary for, safety and security' In 'C1 dete~tlon setting. In ad~JtrQn( we recognize that:some ofthese t~chniq!l~.(:i~ pra<;;ti(':~ may have .b~en aJ,Jthprizeg fpr' use P'i' ,rni!it?Wf 9.1' 9ther g9\f~rnm~nt p<;r.sonnel. With r¢~r,tect to .¢ach 'jde~tified t¢chnique, practice, or typ.e .of coodu.ct d~.ctibe.d 'b:-eloWi we 'are ,seeking 'irif0'lJl'lafi6n about its' occurrence during or .in coril1ecti.on with, the interview or interrogation, of .a d~ta.inee;. "or 4urjng·the:,,-et.~ntio.n ,ot'a .<:Je'tain-ee beyond wh~t i.s:neec;l~!=,'(~r s!'lf~tv and security: Inth?l~ 'cpnt~t, We. Will fl'sK ~oy tQ telll,ls ~iJeth~r 'one 9r m.9r~ of. the f9119w)ng ptt:!ter:n~.nt? .are true: ~, I persQnaJly .qbS¢rV¢d this :~oliP:tl,ct. ;2, IoBsel"led :detainee(s) rn a :condltlo·ri,thafled. me.tb 'belleve.that:this cbnduct had ,occurted. 3-, Detafnee(s) told me that this' conduct had ·occwred ... lI:, 9the,r$ wh.a o.bse"'~c;If thls/~9nd.!J~~descrJp'~d l,t t9 rn~. ~, I. h'av~ r~le,(anr infprmatl9ri da~sifi~d q bbV.~ '''.SElZRET''. &. I heyer,6.bseiV~d this conduct nor heard abQut'it; from :someone;wM did. 27.• Depdvll1g ·a··deta·ine<:t of food or water ~. Q. c. d. e. o II Ob~ll!~d this,cQn,duct. o II ~'~.tatr:ie:e.csl In :a~c;:p.nd itlQrt that ied me ~b b~He\'~ thaj: thi~ condlg;t ha,d ot~rred. o betainee(s) told iT.1~ Wat tliis' toiidtiCt had :6G.cort~. o lathers' who :abseNed this cand u.ct 'descrlbed it to'trie. o !r have relevant information classified .above "SECRET". OIGQ-005377 [fJ]:fli never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 2.8. ~ detainee, of clothing 0 I personally observed this condott. b. 0 r bb~tv~d detainee(s) in a cohd'ition that led me' to b-eli~ve that this cor't~uct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this cohch.ict Iiad .occurred. d. 0 OtherS' who Qbseroed this conduct described it to me. e. D I have relevant information classified above "SECRET",. f. ~ I never.observed this'c0ndud nor heard 'about-it from.someone,who did. a. 19, Deprivh19 ,a detainee: of'sle.epi o.r interrupting 'sheep' by freql,lent cell relo,eat-ions or' other methods <!I'. ~. D I' p:er.sQh'all'tob~erv.ep thi:S:C,dnduct. D I ,~bs.eNed t1,etai~,e,e:(~) In:a ::cohditian :hat I~d me.. ~d beUev.e that ,this cd rid tl ct had C. 0 Petamee(s) told me that thiS conduct had ;occurreCl. d. g OtberS who 'oJjser:ve'd this tond'uct destrlbed It to. me. e'. f. .bt~u , ned"j , D I have 'releYalit inf6'rmation Classified aboYe '~SECRET". 0 I never observed thiS 'conduct nor heara "ab'd'ut it ,from ,sOmeone who, did; 'g.• P!ea.s,e provide 'the apprgxi!l1.ate time 'frarrre,durlt;lg: wl:1.1cn thrs.cgnd:ucto~Gurred. f~9rn ,097'01/2003 to"il/11j2~Q? D£)o NQ~ Recall h. The detainee(~1 treated in this way, were located at the time in: i'~ Guantanamo ~ j ,4 5 Olrqq q ·Af9 t@nista,1J 0 'Ot.h~r Locatioh 0 Do Not Recall I. Pleas,e identify the de.tpinee(.s} bY. mim'e ani! number: Un,known J. '~le9se iq,elltlfy the person(s) w~o ;treated thE? ~eta!ne:e(s) in thiS maoner, inG!udJng their ,nal)'le(:S.) and ,gov~rl')m~nt a'gen~Y(ie?); UnKhoWIi. Th~ military',ad\rised' that uncoope'l'atiye'detainees ,couiQ b~ p'laced ih tbe)ifreQuent flyer pr6g ram" -which was ttie.frequentinovementte depi'iVe,C:lf sleep' etc.. I rioted .on thEi J b2 OIGQ-005378 rf'fovement database when :scheduling detainees, for interviews, some, detainee numbers were being moved frequently...after I learned of the FFP. k. PI~se Identify any'other FBI personnel or :n6n-FBI personh'el who obser.ved detalnee(s) treated iri this ma'nner, including their narrie'(s) and agency{ies)': ' , , IJnknown I. This conduct octurr:ed in ,Connection witH: 0 0lle detainee 2 (!) Several petaln~ (2-4) 30 Many detainees {iTlor~ 'thein 4} 4- '0, Do Not Recall ' 1 in. (.Optional) Please'describethe,r'ele'yant Circ'urnstances, in mor.e:detail: Nolie. 0 b'. 0 I p'er.s6nally.Observ.ed c; 0 d, d, e. 0 Deta'i'hee(s)"told me that,this' c0J1duct had ,occurted. a. thjs,:COhdU<~t. Lobsetved detaThee(s} in a:co'nditiO'ri'that led 'me to. believe lhatthis condi.Jdch2id occurred., Others who observed this tond uct',d'escribed it to me. I hav.e rele.vant Information classified "SECRET'''. fl:l(,pservecf this'C9J.ld!:l,ct n9r',~~r9 about:i~ from 89m-eone v.l,ho·dld. fo 0 a; 0 r, personally observed. this ,cQoduct. Do 0 I L.6bserved· detalnee(s) In '~ht9nd itlen' that le"d 'me' to. b,elJeve that this ctinduct had occurred. c. 0 D:etainee(s) told .me that this, conduct had o,ccurred. d. 0 OtherS who obserVed this G0'i1d uct d'escfibed it to 'm.e; e. f. 0 0' 1. have relevant information classified -above !',SECREP,. I I never observed this conduct nor'heard about it from someone who did. 01GQ-005379 a; 0 I personally observed thls"conduct. r I observed detainee(s} In a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. 0 c. 0 De~ainee{s) told me t~at thi~ conduct baq 'OCCUITe9. d. 0 bthe~ Who 'Ob'serv~ this c;pndUct' Qe,s~rlbed It to me. e. 0 I have refevantinformatiol) c1a'ssifie9 above,IlSECRET". I . ...... .... ....,...---_ ...... ... t: 10 I nev~r obs'erved this,ton.dl,l~t nor heard a~()ut it from someone Who did. b. .,------._-~ ...- _-_ ~---- --~--~-~------~._-- ----~ I '33. Thr.eatenlng ,other action to cause phy~IcaI pain r Injury~:d Isflgurementror ,d~ath ,a. q ~,personally observed this conduct. 0 I 'observed deta'inee(s) In 'a'c<1lnd itlon that led me to belleY'e that this <mnduct had occurred. G'. 0 ()et~inee(sj to.ld rn~ thC)~ thl? conduct h?d 'Occurred, ~" 0 OtlJerp vth9 opser::.v~d -t.l1fp <;orrd,u~t !:res~rO;!ep it to me., e... 0 I have ,r.elev,a:rit Infqrm,atIQn<:19s~.lfle~ ~~<?ve II,S ECRET'! .; f. 0 I ntlver oppehle9 this T<;Qlidutt ,nor- h~rdabout it from ~!;lm~~m~\\'hb did. b. 34. Q~her-tr~a~m:~n~ ¢r actiPri,:.cau~jng,,Sjgnif(~i'It physka! pain Qr,jn)\lry t pt tau~iflg di·sf)gl1r:ertier'i~.9r' , death 0 b. 0 a: ~' personafjy observed tht~ c:;onduct.. I o\J~erved detainee{s.) In ,a'q:>ncliti<;m that ied me to' believe that this condud had 9cturr~d. c; o tC)'etaine¢.(?) told m~th.9nbJs ~()ndu~t h~d'o·q:urre.Q. d, D pthel:$' Vl{ho nb~~rv~9 'this cQndjJJ:t des.c;:'rlb~d It to m~ e; ECRET" C1 r ha\re relevant information' classified.above: . .If,S . , ~ l f; 1£]" I n'!=v¢r 9bser\i:ed' thl$-.cpndl!~t n9t'h~td :~:ID6jJ~ it frQrri'sorne'::Qne:Wlio: pJd. 35. Placing a detainee ,on a hot 'surface or burning ia 'detalne~ a; Ib: c;:.. d., ... D I 0 0 personally observed thi~ 'so.nduc;t. I:ob.sery:ed detah)ee(s) In a 'condltjontl)at led m~ to had :occt:.lrre.d. Detaine~(s) (()Idrne thCj1: thiS cPtlquc,t -qccprreq. Qb~rveg :this CO!1g uq: d~s.tribe~ D. .t;)~/1~~.. W.hQ . ... . . .. .. .. -.. -. ~- ~ , - .. , it to 1T)e'. .-_.. .- - ~ .... __ . OIGQ-005380 0 I f: 0 I e. I have relevant Information classified above '\5 ECRET" . I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 36', Using shacklE;s Qn)th~r restralnts in a pr9lotl9~d m?;.-.n;.;.;n..:.e,,-r ~ 0 I ob~r\fe(l this .tonDuct. b. 0 r observed detainee(s). in.a cond itior'i that led me'to believe thatltiis c6hauct c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this. cond'uel: had':urred. 'd. 0 Others WhQ obserVed this condilct des{':rlbed it to'me. e. 0 r hav.e releyant information classified above' "SECRET" , ~ _ a. f. 0 had Qc.G:urred. I never observed this :conduct nor heard 'about it from someone. who did. 37•. Requiring :adetainee~tQ m9iritain, .or restra'ir,inQ a det~inee in~ a stressful or painful pO$iti911 0 L pe.r~h~IIY ob~erVe(f tfiis,·cbndoct. r'--............. -.a.b. :--0 I.observ;ed detainee(s) Ina CORd itioh that led me to believe that this conduct .had ·o.ccufreCl. c; o .d. 0 'D'etal.n.~(s) told rile that thrscond.u.ct. had .o.ccilrred. bthers, who -obserVed :ttl is' cdild Lid·o escribed if to me;, .e. 0 t have relevaht information Classified abo'v.e '~S·ECRET'! . f. 0' I never observed this;conduct nor heard about'it-fromsomeone who'did. 38. Fordng a'd~t?li.riee ;-- p. to perform :den;tandlng physical exercis.e D) per.sona)\y ob'se'rved this .conduct. 1! 0 LQbsened detaJhe~(s) in.a cbhd'itibn that led me: to believe that this· c;bI1duct had occ!Jrrea. c: 0 Detaihe~.(s) told 'me th~t this' cond u'ct had occurred. :d. 0 Others· Whb .obsehled thiS conduct-described it to me. I e: 0 r have relevant information dassified aboVe "SECRETJ' • l b, f. 0 r never ob"served tfiis 'cohdIld hor' heard 'a bOI:Jt it from someone who did. OIGQ-005381 39, .electrical shock on a :d.etaihee Usin~ a. 0 I personally observed this.conduct. b. c. o lI.observed detainee(s) In a 'condition that to believe thatthls conduct had :ocGurred: o IOetainee(s) told me that t~is conduct had m::~urred. 0 e. 0 1'. 0 dr Othel? wh9 observetj tbis cqnduct desc::riQe.P It to me.. I have releva,it inrormatidn classifie.d !3l1ove "SECRET". I neverobserve,d this'cond!Jct n()r'heard ab()u.t it fromsomeqne who did. a; 0 I personally observed thfs.conduct. b; 0 I observed detaihee(s) ina eond ition that led me. to. belieye that this conduct had 'occurred. c. D Detalnee(s) told me that this· cond uct had :occu rred~ d. 0 ~i T: I QtlIers: who observed this !=on:du~t:descrip~ it .to. me.. o ir h?\ve refeYcmt i.qf9rnr?l~i()h ~Ias,.~ifl~, :Cj~.9ve "$E.CREf'!., o fI never obserye'd tl1Js·wrid l;J(;t n~r ,h~rd ·Ct bpu't It from sbrn~i:>ne. \'Jho dId. .41. 'Irit:entibnaily ·de.layll1'g Oideny'irjg ;det8inee. medical l:are. a~ q I' per$pnally o.bserved thls:C0Iiduct. b': O' Lobse'Jved ddafnee(s) in .a:conoitiQn that led me' to, believe thcilnhis Conduct had .occ(i'rred. c. o .0 .d' ·e.· !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others w~'o obsetv~d this €Dnd lJc.t described It t,o me, . o ir ~ave relevant· ioform,qtion c!assi.fie9 ~9ye. "S-ECRE,J":. n. nev,~r:o p?e"ried this 'c;pnqqct ·.~9f hearq:a ~9ut it .from. "YO<? 9i~. f: lEI . . " . . . . 42. Hope! ing 9f bJind,fciid lng' a :cietai nee tIther than quring '-~r;3 nspqrtation a. 0. I personal\y' observed, tfiis conduCt. b. 0 c\ o !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 I'observed detaine.e(S;) in Reo'ndition that led ine to believe thatthis conduct had DC!cun:ed. Others who observed this conduct described It to me. OIGQ:-005382 i'9':O".,....~~~~~~~~~='"~~~~~~....,- 0 f. IiI e. . I have relevant Information classified above '!SECRET". I never 0bserved this:conduct nor heard about it from' someone-who did. 4.3, S\.IbjE!p:ing a de,ta"inee to -extr.emely cold or a. 0 b. 0 hot Jaom temperatures ror extend~ periQds persOnally obseNed this.conduct. bl:1serVed t1e"(ainee(s} iii .aconditiori tnat led me to believe thanhis. contluGt hac o:C:Clir:red. Detainee(s) told :me this tonduct had .oceurr:ed. c. 0 d. 0 Others who obseived this ooridl1ct deScribed it to me. e. 0 I. hav.e relevant Information dasSffled above "SECRET". f. 0, I never observed thls.;conduct nor "heard about It from someone who did. 44. 'Subjecting a detainee to laud music .a. 0 r pe"rSdnally observetl=-:t~h.:::·is,,.c:::'' ;:.":::0,,", "','"c-:===c-:'c-::-:c-:-:-:::-:-:=:-==c-:c-:c-:c-::-c-1 b. 0 I..observed d~lainee(s} in:a.c6nditicln tHat led "me to believe that this cohauct had·6ric{Ji'retL Co 0 .Detal.n~(s') d. 0 Others'who'Obsei'ved thiS co"ndtict (IeSGribed it to me. e. 0 't have releVant information' ~Iassified ahove PSECRff'. 0 f. toJd me thanHls rooduCt had ,oCcurred. I nev,er·observed .this.conduct nor hear(l ab0utit from -someone who did. g. F!leal'ie pt9vide.the apprOXimate time·fr~e·.durlng whij:h this Q?ndlJct.occurred. rrom (M/QJYYYy formal, or M/Y"{Y'O tq :(l1!D/'IYY'( forrilat.Qr M/YWNJ. ~D'O Nett. Re¢ali h~ The' detaln~~Jsl tre.atEi~ i~ thi~ w.~Y: ~~r~ !o}::j:!~ed ?it tpe tiqre !n.: 1.0 GUi'mtaNl1Jo ZtJ iraq 3.0 Afghahistc!n '4 0 !5 0 Other Location DQ Not Recall I. flle.ase"ltl.ej1.tify the p~ra.lli~(s) U\, l1a"m.e and. t\urobe,f.:, Unknown i: PI~s~ ig:entjrv tti~ per,son(srwhotr~~t~-p: the det;,linee(s) il) 'tl:ii~ mCl,nner;. IlJcludJng ~heir nqh)ets). and "goVei'r)ment ~en:cy:(ies): Unknown' , OIGQ-C05383 J' -------_. k. Please identify any o,ther FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detainee(s) treatetl in this manner, including their' name(s) and agency(ies): . Can't recall helme,Cl,t i3g~f1t but,was ,some.tlmE1:ln October 2QQ3 d,~rlng ,an aft~rSVlsit ~o 1he' P.rls~.>n I. T!:iiscbnduet occ.un:ed in connection witH: ;1..0 'One d,etalhee 2'0 Several detainees. (2-4)' 0 Many:detalnees (rrtbre than 4') 3 40 m. Do Not Recall (-Op~i0nal) Pl~se describe the..r elevant citcumstantes in m.ore d,et~il: ,AgentS went to prisori -after 5 to, an ihterrbgatio.n trailer and loud music'was playing, and' strobe: . lights wete flashing.. Agents l e f t . ' ·a. D I personally' observed b. ,D, this,'conduct. r. observed detainee(s) In 'a eondltioIT that led me to believe that this Gonduct had :oce::urred. c~ D !pet-alnee(s) told IT!e tha~ tllis, condu~t h?clQq:urr~ .. d, ItT Qtl:rers who observed thi? conduddescribed jt, to, me., e.. 1 D II have ,relevant inforn:ratiq,n c1a~sjfied a.b,ove '~S:E~REr'!., f. D r n~ver Qbs~rve~' this c<;m?!uct hOr' h~r:.d 'P'bql,ll it from sql1'J~,one'Whb..'~'Iq. 'g', Plecise provjqe,the' apprQximate tjme 'frar:ne·.qurlng w,bichthis ~orlth.!¢t: oc<;urred. format or MfYYYY) to (M/DlYYYYfor'mat orM/'f'fW} 00'0 Not Recall From (MjDjYYVY . . h. Th~ d~ta{n~e('s) m=al.ed In thi~ w.ay were.lo¢at$.:l,~t the J:Jrii¢ In': 1 Ii:i Guantc!l1am~ 2D.Irp<1 3 0 Afghanisfan ·4 0 ,Other LOGation 50 Do'Not Recq.1I i. PleaseJdentlfy thedetalnee(s) by name and number: u.nkno'lfnj_ Please id'entify the per:;on(s) who treated' the detainee.(s) in this manner" induding their narri~(s) ana goVerhment a'g'ency:Ciesl: ' , Unknown k. Please idemtify' anY' othe'r FBI personiiel or' non-FBI personnel whQ ,observeB detaiiiee(s} treatea In thIs manner, Including their name(:s) .and 'agency(les): ' Can't ree;all ,name'pJ-agetJt'bu,t ' du rinq ,an 'after 5 pm, visit tQ, the, pris.Qn. OIGQ-005384 I. Thi~conduct:bccurred in connection with: 1. 0 ,One detainee -' 2.0 SeVeral detainees (2.-4) 3'0 Many. detalnees'(~ore' than 41 4 ,0 Dp 'I':/ot p,~n m. tC5Ptional) Please describe·the relevantcircumstance5 in more detail: Agents went to the prison after Spm. to an fnterrogation tr-ailer and loud music was, playing arid strobe lights were flashing. Agents,left. " . ~46. Isolating a deta'inee for an 'extended period 0 a~ I per.sona'IY'qbser:ve~ t.his,cO'rlaUQt. b. 0' t 'O!J~rv:ed detainee(?} in '~'cpl:1dition·tha.t led me to believ,e tl1?t;~bis <;:9rJdl,f~t had occ;u,rre-g. c. 0 D~t~lne~(s) taJ~ r:n'~ that thl~ G'on9u.~t h9~ ,oC;C;l;lrred. d. 0 Others; who obs,erv,¢d this, €~na,lJ9t t(esC'!:ibed it to me. $. 0 I hfiv¢ (el~vant infQrm,atloh' C!c;f~s1fi~:d .~Q.9Ve "SECRET"'. f.j 0 I neVer ob?¢rvea ihis'iconduct n'or hear.d ·about It 'from somepn'ew'!:lti did. g. Please pro.vide,the approximate time ftame.'dur.irig which this"coildutt-occurrea. Ob.q Nq~ f}ecall . From 10/2003' .10.10/20:03: h. The ,detame~(s) .treated in 'this wa'i Were lo.cated 1 0'Gua'ntanamd at the, 2'0 Iraq 3 ,0 ,Afghani~~alJ 4- 0 ,other L'Dcatipn 50 Do Not R!=!call i. PI~~e.'id~ntr{y·t~e''getajn~(s)by n~me and l1umber: Det~rnee frQn:t,Au~tr:alia .cInd 'G.r:e~t Britain . 'j. Please identify the person (s), who treated .the'detainee(s) in thiS marmer, including their name(s) and ,government agenGYTiesl: . unknown k. Please, identify any'other FBI personnel or non:.FBI ,personnel who"observed detainee(s} treated in '!.h:ls manner" In~ludil1g ttJeir npm~(sj ,and ,a.g'enc.y(ie'?): FBI ag,ents assigned :toGTMO TDY ill Octo.ber ,20.03. I. This·c6ndup: :otturrea in connection -with:' 0 2. 0 1 One: detainee Sev,era[ detainees (2:-4) OIGQ-005385 3 0 Many detain¢es (inore than 4) 4.0 Do Not Reeqll rn. (O'PJipnal) Please: destrib.e'the· relevant cjrcurrtstances. in more detail: 'These c;I~taineE!? w~re In a separate camp' from the m?lln prlson~amp. T~~~ wer~ In thelr'own inl;lividu~1 huJ guardeg by ,military. 'The fSI attempted to obtafo' inforrtf~tio/J from Jea(is' seht to the ,priscO' or ,show these detain~~ who Were se~re'g~~ed. 47. Using :~t1cnape to restrain, gag,',or punish' a de~air'jee, a'. 0 I persohaJly obserVed this conduct. b. D. Lobserveddetainee(s) In a'<::ond Ition that led me to. believe that'thls GOnd:Uct had .occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this-conduct had :occurred. !d. [j IOthers who observed this condl:Jct described it to me. e,- 0 I hay.e InroFIl)?ltlon claSSified ci~ove "·S~CRET" . f. 0 a. o II persOnalJy,observed this .conduct. b. q c. q d. 0 e. 0 f. rnever-observed this'condu,ct nor heard about it from SGmeonewho di,d. Itt -, I·obserVed detalnee\5} in ·a..(wnditlohtliat lea 'ine' to believe thatthis conduGt had -ocdlrred. Deta'inee(sj ',told me that ,this: conduCt had,'occurred . Others who 'observed this conduct described it to me. 1. have relevant information classified -above "S'ECRET"'. I never'Q'b?erve(nhl~ cOl:1d~ct npr heard 'C)b,out It from sor:neone Who gld. 1(9. Using: a military. WprJ<ing ,gog pn.w ~ detain~'Qther tha-n: pLJring det.aine~:trarJspprta.tiQn. lao 0 b. 0. d. e. r: I persdlially·obse'rV.ed this .conduct. 0 I observed detainee(s) in a corid iti6h that led me to belieVe thatthis conduct had ·occufrea. 0 Detaihee(s) told me that this cohdLict had ,oe::clitred. 0 Others; who observed this condUct described it to me. 0 I have relevant information classified abov.e "SECRET'I. 0 r neverobseryed thIS condUct nor heard ,abbl!t it from somMne'''Yho did. OIGQ-005386 -------------------------------- , .J .50. Thr~tenjng to use mHitary WQrking'dogs'on or:neaf a deta-inee a, D II personally observed this:conduct. 0 'r observed detqineets) in .a-c~>ndifjonthat ieq me to' belIeye that thi~ conduct trad occurred. c; D_ Qe~alnea(s) tol~ me that this. Gond lJ~t ha9 .o<;cQrred. d. D Others who bb?erv~d thl$, cpn~1,lct d~ciibed it to'me: e. 0 r' haV,e relevant informatioh' das!5ified abov..e, "SECRET' . b. f. 0 r n:e\(er 9b~erved 51. .JJ~irig .s'piders, ttjis.cQnduc.t ri9r'h~(d ab9tJ,t it from ,Someone,who scc5rpiQns~ sri'akes",·Qt·otb~r <!k1. Is' on of near adeta.inee. a, D I p.erso~C!tty 0,bst;!rveg thts:cond,u\=t. lb. 0 ~.:o!Jserv~d det~in~ets} in Cl.'<;:phdit,ion ~hat led me ~o !?el!eve lh'ilt t.O!? COIJ9UGt tra9 ·Q~~LJr(ed. D IDe(a,illee.(s) t91~ Il)~ that this c.ondUc.t hp~ :o,<;curr,eCI, D qtheffi w.bpQb$,eryep this G9n~ u<;~~t~sqih~a jt to. m~ e' .. 0.11' hi?Y~ relevan~ iD(orrnqtion ~lassifiE;d .CJ~nve ":sEC.RET"·. f. M ~: ri~v..¢t:Qp.serv.ed this:~¢.ndut.t riQf heard ~a·bo.ut It frQtn-som¢one WhQ dJe!. c,. Q., 52. Threatetirrig to ·ti·se. splders,.Sco:rpions, ;sriakes, or other anImals bIi :a.d.etalhee a,.. 0 D. D c- D Q. I e; -:- f. r persona,llY' o:b5erve.~ this ·conduct-. II obs~rv~d det~ll')~e.<s): In ·a,:cdnd1tlor)'th~t led me- to' believe t~,atthls qon~u.ct h;:ld ·occurred. IQe.ta.inet=~s) tolg m~ tha,t this' cond:uc,t !:lap oq::urr~L 0 !qtpers whp ob$er:v~d .this con~uct d,es,criQeQ i,t t9' me"; 0 t· ha-ve releya~t IlJformation"l;:la-ssifled abbv.~·'·'·S·EtREf"'. 0 l' never· itiis·conduc,t nof h~rd <:ibQll~'it frdrri'sOltfeone.wh6.· did. 53. DisrespectfUl statem.eht.s, h'andling, 'or-actions involving' the K'oran o 0 II personally observed this,conduct. OIGQ-005387 b. o II observed detalnee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that 'thiS conduct hadoccurred,l 0 d., 0 e. 0 f. 0' c. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. Others, \JYho observed t~is conduct descrilJed it to me: I h~ve rel~vant inf.ormatlon classified qbov~ "SECRET". ~'ob5~rv~,d this 'cQnq U,Gt ,nor h~ r.d 'a bQut it froT'r1 sorrteone. who dJd. 54. Shavihg.a detainee'dacial'Qr other ,hair Jd emljarra~,6rhumiliate.:.;;;a;..:;.d;;.;e""t.:;;;ai;.;.;r1;.;;;.ee"'- _ a. 0 I personally, observed this ,cotldtkt. 0 c: 0 q D. b, 0 I;observed detainee(s), In a'condition-that led me to believe 'that this conduct had ;occurred. Detainee(s.) told, me that this conduct had occurred. O~hers whp 'Obser,v~d this c(i:mdut;td'esqiqed it to m,e, 55. Plar;ing a womah'S: clpthino on :adetairiee r perSonally" Cfbserved, til is ,conduct. a. 0, b,o 0 I ,obserVed defainee'(s} in a",cdhdition that led me fo' beifieve tnat this ~,'Ond(kt harl '6eCUrred: c, 0 Detainee(s)'told me that this' conduct had ;occurred. , d. e. I 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. 0 r hav:e relevant, inform?ltion classified above '\SECRE;T"'. slt Touching :a actihgtoWarg a qetainee 'HI 'a: sexual manner ------------ a. b:, 0 0' I perSonally observed this condUCt. Lobserved detciinee(s} in a 1S0l'!d ition that led me to, believe thilt· this conduct had QCcu'frect. G, 0 Detaihee(s)told me tnat this condaGt bad ,occurred. doD bthers who ,observed this conduct described it to me. 0 I ~qve r~leYa.l)t !nrorrn?ti~n, c1assifl~ :above "SKRET f. 0 t I)ev~r obs~rved'this'Conduct nor heqrd 'about i~ from''vVho die:!, 'e', J ", ---.."..--...,.....----:-~-~ OIGQ-005388 .57. Holdin.g ,detainee(s) who wer.e i1o.t,officiaIlY'acRnowl.etIged or registered a,s By'the agency -detaining the person. ' a'; D r p.ersooally observed this conduct. b. 0 I Qb:ser:V~d d¢tC!iri~e:(SJ in}j Cond iUon that !~d m,e to beliey¢.th~ttni~cQrYql,Jct tia:d pci::urred. c. 0 it 0 'Detalnee(s) tpld me that lhi~: condul:t had p,(curretl. Others who obse'ryed thi!>- cQnd uct,de,scrib,ed it to, me. e o ,r hav.e rel~v.ant information tlasSifi~ci a,bove ·~SECREf"'. f: 0 " I ne\ierdbserved thIs conduct nor heard from ,someone who did. .58. ;Sending ,a detainee to another country. for more aggressive a': bi c; interro~.;;;;.;n-,-- _ 0 I p,er~ri(:diy·o.frseIYe'd this ,~of!~utt. 0 OC ()Q~l'\'e,d ·Q~~lne.~(s)' 100ia ,c(mdjti~ri that; l¢d m~ to, ~elie~e th~t this ~Qnd.u.c~ h!=l,d o~~urred. o petain¢e(s)'told me that thr$'conduct had o'c;curred. d. 0 others: WhQ 'observed tfiis: cbnd utt desc'ribed it!om'e. e· D I have rdevaiit itlf0rmation dassified .above "SECRET'·, f. o 11 never obserVeCl this 'c6r'iClu~t 'nor ,heam -about it 'from somebne:whb did. 59.. Threatening 'to ,send a detainee ~'·ID b; 0 I to another country for. detention.or moreagjJI-es'slve interrogation I. per:sonaliy C?Pserv,e9 ~hls 'cont;luci. ,I' observed.deh~ii1~etS) In a c,o:od it!on that led m.e to believe thE!t this: condl.ld bad pc9urred.. €:' Doe,tai.n!3e{~) tbld me that~his.'q)O:duct haq·occ,urr:e,cJ. ttl D Others wh-p pbsel1f~d thi~' ~dri.d,lJt.t des.'Cf.,il:red l~ to, me: e·ID r have rel'e,v.ant iJ'i'formation .classified abov.e ".sECREf;~. f·10 I heVerODS<;lrved thi~.'GQlidu~.t rior'ti\:iarp 'ab'OUt'it fr:orh someone whcnjiQ. ',6D" Threatel)ing to .take acticirl'aga'ihst a detainee"!; fainily OIGQ-005389 a~ b. c. d. e. t: o !r personally observed thls.conduct. 0 0 0 I observed detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that this con!iuct had occurred. D~~ainee(s) told f"!le that this conqyct ~ad :oecurred. bth¢~ who observ~d this cond uct <;j'esl:.ribed It to me: o II have refevant in'formation c1assifie9 ~l1ove, "SECRET",. ._------- ---~---------------- o rn.~v~r ob,served this cQndu~t nor he,ard 'about it from, someone-who 4id,. -~-- 6.1. Other treatm,ent br action causing .sever~ emotional-or psychologica'i tr:auma .W a detainee a. 0 L personafly observed thIs Gonduct. 0 I'observeddetalnee(s) In a cCilndition that led me to believe that this condu'ct had.occurred. G. o iDetainee(sj told m~ ~hat this Gondu~t hpd nccIJIT~~ C!! 0 b't,l}el"§' wtW 'Obsef.V~d ~his ~Qnd.u~;t <:!,e~?fJbed it to me.: b. e.. 0 I hav~.rel§va:nt IOTlxmatl9n :~Ic.lS,~)fIeq ~b~)VE~, ".~!=C~ET'! .. t. 0 I never Qb$erved this,'c;ondl,lct.nor h~rd :aQqj:l~dt from som!=9ne Who <:lid. a'. 0 I b.. 0' I?observed;detainee(s) in.a cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. 'c. ,d. 0 persOnally'o.bserved fhis,eondud. b~her,s who oQ'Se~ve.d t/1is Gonductode~crJbed it to m,e. o iL~?'iI~rele~ant [nfOfl"(l?ltio!,l' classified -above ll.S~tR:cr'!'. f. ItI ~I n~v,eFobs~rv!=:~' thi.s 'cClnquct 'J1or ,hear!J 'C)bput, it. :from .$qm!=o'1e WhO'd id. e'. 'O::}~ OJ:h~.rtreatment t[f ~ de!:c;lines: Jbat in Y9i.1r'Qr{iniQrl wps unprQf~s~iori91, IJn~lJly. h?lr:sh or .aggres.$h(~" c<::oerCive, abusive, ~or unlawful " a. . o !~. pe.rso.n~lIy o.b?E!rved this c.onquc~. b: o IVoQseryed detaln'ee(s) 111 'a -condition'that leq l11e '!O" be\le.veJh~tthJs cOl1dud had uCGQrred. ~. o d. _.. o IOtners who'o~~,rve'cl 't~isGQnduct'd.e,$~ribe9 it to m~~ . _.w .. ...... . - .- - . lDetaine~(~) tqld 'rn~ ···w tnqt this cOlJduct bpd Qccl.m:ec!. . . ~ - - . . , . .. . o. OIGQ-005390 e.· f: 0 0 · , . I have relevant Information' classified above' ·!SECRET". I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.- -mJJY4-,~~@j~~ 94. Dii;J YlJu :a getaihee? Qq~rve.-any impersonatlqn,of FE}I personn~1 a Y~s, -ij by,anyol1edwing an int,erview,or in!errqgation of '0 No '65•. Diet any detainee:pr othSlr ~rS9n tell YQu that he}>r she had Vo.{itness-ed t,ne imp~r:spna~lon per'$bnnel in cQl1neq:jcjrrwith a' deJClin~ intefYiew or interrogation? Q'Yes, @'No Qf F!3I '66. Are you aware of any, "sham'" or·~staged· detainee; interviews or Interrogations conducted forMem bers :qfthe;u. S. CO,ng.ress-or their staff? " '(es, @No' 67. To· your knowledge; did any' military'or intelligence personnel ever deny or delay PBI access to a 4~tainee the FBI wa,ilt'ed to question ~e,!=au'sethe,Q~tain!=e had,sJ.J.stained jrij.l,lrlesaffer he WqS <;Slptur!3d? OY~s @Np QYes '~"No, 69~ We.r¢yo,l! eYed9ietthat;anotherFBl'~mp'loyeel~nde:d h'ls'qr h:~r'participation inor,observa~iot1 of" a 9$.t.;if!1.~~int~,hiiew..Qr iri,t¢iTQ,gatigJ1 b:¢i;;a)J$:.e"pnn.eiiit,e,r'Vi~W int~rr.Qgatj9J.i m~thQ9~ b~~il),g 1-!~et:l? 0: ·v.::e~: .$' i'J,o ' o.r 70: Dl,Iring ;Clny :ofY~l1r,oXlerseas depl~Ymel)~s 0~ 'C,lssig nr)1ents( qld yo~ re~brt any concerns rega n;1 tn~. annletaln~,lntervlew or !nt~rrQg';;ttion PT~eti<;e?~oJ:'.ot.bertyp~Qr4et,aine~ tr,e;;ttroen1, ~() ~n FB,I SUP:~t-vISOj'? . Q Y~_s: ~, N.o; 71. During,any.·ofy.our o),lerseas deployments or assignments.-i did you r.eport any 'COncerns' regarding, '<;lny 'dete!in~ Interview ,or Interrqg<?tio/J p~~I~.e5 or (J~her WP~5 of'9.eraln~e:treatrrrent Y9U gb:>.erv¢j1 9.'1- h~ardi;ib.6ut, lQ;:i n9n~FB,t ~lIp..~tyi~~r Qr ~~h~r riQri-FB~ P~l's.9,ilQ~,I'? Q Yes, '~, tio 72: HaV,e you :ever been ordered Or directed. nona reportl.or'discouraged in any W.ay from 'repoiting" Qb$erv!=ition~ .or a:lleg,ations related, ~0 qetainee t~atmerit or interv!ewor il)terrogaJlon adions or t> r9.ct ic;es? OIGQ-005391 7~. Have yaL! .experi~nced any actui;ll or threatened retaliati<m for reporting ob;>~rvati()n.s orallegatiol1s ,qf d~t~inee treatment :Qr Int~:ry.leW. Qr interrog.~tlpn aetlQn,~ Q.Ye~. qr pra<:tlces7 0 No' 74-, (O'ptional)' Pl~s..e provIde any ad,qitJanC!1 comments teg,afding tl!e rep<?.r.~jl}g of c~l'Jcernsrelate~ t9 interview qr ifltetrgQC\tipo t~c~nlq"u~si Pl9cti~~, or bJh~r d~rain~etr~<:l~ment.I I:l'~Cf~d .;:lg,!=!nts ~'pvls:!'Ph~y we~ de[lf~ :aq~!?~ to de.taln~.s. b:e[:,9Y$e ,the ~~c.:es$,-was being ;<Qntrpll~,d. by , ageridesor'military interrogator'S'; . ~~'~:~~.; 0," .',- , 75. We"re y.ou debriefed, other" than the standard d~b.riefin fD-;7-72,.coh'oernlrig y.ou·r overseas . . ~,sslgnmerit(s) ~r'qeploY!TIen~(sJ after you cO!Jlp.leted ~I:!e ~eploymen~(sl orassfgnrnen~(~J? 0 Qyes No 16; -AMitional ComfTIents:alld Recommend'attons: . . _-...... - - -.- -"r d;O/i't r.eeall the FD-722.... dr .whetherI -ad!Jalfy wa~ debriefea With: it ~ -.~ .- ; -.,-- .~.- - - _...... ~ .. -.. ~ OIGQ-005392