Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001400
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Depar~ment'Qf J,u~ti~,e Inspector ,Gen;erCJI Qu~s,ti,cmnaire Re9ar,din'~ Det~in¢es o'ol-blG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIdNNAIRE FOa: .REVlEW AND USI; ONLY BYIf\lDIVIDUA.L FBI R~SPONDENTS, .',. , ~O NOT,' FOItWARD:OR DI,~E'MI~ATE ' qUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-OO.001400· ,As of ~h~ l!'l,st time this q~~,tionn~ir~w~~ ~,!e~r ~ome re,quire.d f.ields; hav~ ,-'u;>t ~e~n ~C?mplete"~. Pleas~.J:~:VieW your resp~olises'. , ' .. ~: .A. P¢r$Qn~1 Infprmation ~lea~e i:irovide~ thefoIl0wii1~1 jn"formatibn: 1.; Fi~st harri¢, ,~. !I'1ld~le lI)!ti?l: 3; last name:. 4. E·rite~d bl'lDuty Delte (E0D): :;: t~rrehf nlYislQniFi~ld Office: '6~ Current job ti.t!e; 71., Dite~t:dial office.'tefephone nUmber:. ,It. FBI :<;ell phone nl.lrnl:ier: .9. f~I to'. p,ag-et (IulT)'~'er; 6 <r-;7Q PER JJ.$REEM#=N.T . '6 & 'Ie PER AGREEMENT 6 & 7,0 PER AGREEMENT 6&.7C ~~,,7C. $ped,a.! Ag,ert 6 & 1C PER AGREEMENT,~~,1C. PER,AGSE;EME,NT ' 6 ~,..7(j,PERAGREEMENt 6 ~ 7,0 PERAGREE/V1ENT !3eSt cQptact nUITlQ~r for·' ou~~ B. Backg'round of S'pediftC D':eplo,ymertts or :As'"sig'imfents 1:1. At ariy. time aftet:September 11., :lO,01, (lid 'You serve:,as a member of tHe U. S. Militar'y f or' a's fin. 'employ~e:or eontractor of the, FBI.or any other'government agency;, ,at Guantanamo Ba.Y'~, 'CiJba; Iraq; Afg~~1I)i2tan; "ori~ ar~CJ5 con~rolled by ~tJ~ ~ ..!:!;. Mll!~ry or a l;J.,S. i~~,el!ig~n~e,s~r;vice irrcorJ.n~etjql) witp'.the ,gl.9bal Y'(~T on' X~(ror1 @,Yes 0 No 12. 'Enter the 'nu rnber .6Himes 'y.6u ",rete.deployed or ~ssig ned to',each of .the;f6I1owing loeati0.ns (G.u~n~a,nal)1o Bay, <;:uba~ J:,faQr Af9hC!nl.~~Q'i Win .qnY, qreas <;on~r,~ll~d py ~re u.:s. M.Ili.t~ry or ~ '1:'•.5, intellig,~nce servi~,e)':l , Fbr'E~ach' deployment ~r asslg~m~ntco~ple~e,th~f~llow,~g sec~ion. '-';,a"t"lo'n .(' I '.::.: ....: Deployme!lt'Qr asslgnmen~ began on:or D'eploY11lentQJ: assignment ended.on' L J"'" , ~~lr • 58 l!"~ O~BJ about or abo:ut.' 05/09/20Q4 '07j17/20n4 1'2~. What was the ge'hE! nature and purpose;o'f YC'\lt'a's5ifJllnien~ affd .ai;':tiy.ltie~? Interrogator and Evidence Response Team' operations. , i-2~~,Ple,as~ prQvi,de'~,he Qfth~ §p'e~,ific c;amp's, bas~s;orfaGilfti~s wh~r~ Y9U wqrke.rJ. .Ad,d itiqhClI itlf() i"rt;l.ati,<:>n' c19s~iffe~ ~bpve: 'SECf{l=T'. , Spectfi¢.,classifi~tj9n· u!1 kno~n. 1'2c. Note: If infurrmitTOIi -about a .s'p~ific,tamp" bas~, orfatility'js:cla'ssified cibbv.e; SECRET, 'ple~se i:he.cik here 0~ iJidLJde. in 'your'answer tHat you ha:ve ;i~dtlition~I'ini6rmation 'o[a$,sffie.l:l above '~Et:R!=T/" and]· if y.ou kf}ow,id~ntip/the'da~sification.!eveJ, ticke~, compprtlTl,~nt, ,program,:or"9t he,r desig:nqtlon ~h~t 9P'plles ~9 ~he, Information. Dq n9t. In,e1ude tb~'?lj:ldl~lonal d,a~slfled Inf<;>rro?!tic;m [n YQur questfotuiaire, respoIfses. bI~ 'persPri~el With ,tlie. ne~ess~:lry C1ec'lI:an<:e will C0n.tac!: yb.u"to receiv~ it. OIGQ-005003 ·-. .~---------------------------~~-~------------------------------------- ~~<!. _PJ~a~~ Id~!:)~.ifJ L ~'l !l~I]~,~!}~ E~slt.!.0l1_a~J~~ !!iIl~,_t,!t~,f~!~~~n_n.§lLto_~l!Q.!T!.'Y~u_,C!i~~C!I'l £~:9rt~~: ,;~~r}'rig=~o~r~~~IQ~0}~n}2r~~girri~L I Nam~ __ 'Position _. I 5 SSA b6 b7C _ :12e. Dicj you jointly' interyiew or !nterro9at~ any det?rl)~e wIth non:-fBI personnel?' ~ ~~ O~ --~---~--~~-----_._---------------------------------~-_._-----------------~ '~ With what kinds of hon-FBI p~rsOt'1I1el did 'you ~'19tk jointly? < - D CITF 0" : 0' ,Other U.S'. Military ~ 0' U.,5: iritellJgence agency. :0 .Fo(~igTrmiHtar.{pr intelligence a,!:jenay : Q Q~h~( ....... -. ... '-'~' - " - ' - .... ~- - -- ... - .. ,.. - .. - , - .. - - -. - -- - - - '1 ... - - - ':' --~- .. - - - :iczf Dii'v:a""u-jblntly pi~~ ~a~y ~~aj[;~~ihiervlew-:ori;;t~'ri_o,~atiOO ':FBI 'j'),ersonnel?' ' @~ . ,. - .... '" - _. - - .,.. _ ....... - ... -.. .. - . " ... no .,.... ... ,.. ... - - - -. $t;a~gV: objectives;'-ot ta-ctits- With nb~--.' , :: , O~ . ., :--------------~--------------------~------~------------------------.--Wrth wHat kind$ qf nqn-H31 persqnn.el :die! YQY work.JQintry? " : O'CI1F' ' " 0 Qth¢r U.S. ,Military : Jill u.S': intelligence agenCy. : 0 foreign military or intelligence,agency ': 0 Q!her .:- -- _ _ ......_ .... ..-t _ ...... .... _ .. ...... -. _ .... ..... .... ...... _ . _ "'"'" _ _ . _ ",", ... .... _ . _ .... <- '" :12q.-:-W~(~:Y;~~yer-oth~rWTs~i~v-;iV~i~ dJain~~ilite""rYf~,w;'Qrinf;r;:Pg~ti0~-'lVifh-OOQ~ffiI-~~;~~Ii-~; , 0 No .-.. --'- -- - -.- - - - - - -.- -- - -,- - - - -- -,- -0- --Yes"'::.-- -.-_.--:- ----- ,. -,-, ..........,- -.--~-- -- - -- - ..... - - --- - - :' -," 1-', 13. Did' you receN,eariy training, iristructiOn',:o'r 'g,Uidance -specific,allY in, preparation for anyofyouF ov.ersi:!as d,epI6'in'i,ehts or assignments? " @Yes ONo QDo N,ot,Recall 13a. Who. providei:l this' training,. instrticl:fonl' of:g,uidancer.and :iNhE'ii'e did 'You .receive rq Differ~h.t jJnits 'from FBI C6Ql1t¢rterrorism' aha HRT at the FBI 'Academy:, 'i3.b. E>escrib,e ,th-e sU(:>je<;,tpn Which yo,u receiVed thi~'trairiing, irlstru~iori or 9,lfi~cm~·. Cultural ;;1wareness (Iraq), general knowledge.of Islam, Id'efltIticatibn of terrorcell.s alld' OIGQ-005004 indivfduals, amoushtactic:s'and surviVal. and overall instruction on d'ealing witli the cljmat~, p~ple,~nd cU5.tom5."ofIraq, 14. In preparation for any:ofyour ,overseas deployments:or asslgnments,'dld YQU receLve any training, . in~ryction,' or'gu Tdance ,con~eming the ,stan9ard s of conduct apD licable·to th~ .treatm~l1t; Int!=rvl~w,..or Interrog~tt9n Qf9~talne~ by FBI personn~l? (~)'y'es O N 9 0 0 O : Nqt Recall 14a, .itvh6 prov!t1eq ttJi$ traitiin'g, !li~tt:4c,t\Qn" Qr gUlg,af1~e, .ant! 'Where qid you re,ceive, it? 'Mes$~ge C~.r:n(11) from.the Qlre~orIn C;:1}1C;ago~ l'tb. Brlefly·descrlbe the substanceof'the traln'lng(.lnstructlon" or guidance. prOl/ld'ed to, you. Baslcall'linterrugate as rwould dn an FBI (LISe including rib. threatS, promises, physical hci rni threat 'Of a;ni:l ,repi:l"rt al1Y abuse 'if it occu fred. '. 14<:. Was,any bfthe. training/ instruetibb, or guidahce pr6.Yid·~ in writing? " 0Y~~ 'ONo ,0 po'Not Recall' or 15. Iii preparation for any··of your ·ov.erseas dep.loyments or 'assigriments"did you receive:illlY tfainingJ Instruction, or guidance concerning the,standards:of'conduct'appllcable to the: treatment,. interview; or i!1te~rQg9t.i0(l pf d.etai.nees .by non-f,B'! per~onn~l:?' :Oy~ 'eNo: . : 00.0 N,Qt.Retalf 16. In preparation for arwof your overseas deployments6r assignments, aid y6u receive,z1I1Y traHling, Instruction, or.guldance concerning what you were.supposed to'do If you :observed .or heard about . ,the- h:eaiment, intervieW; or (nterrcigation'bf d~tCjinees by FBI personneJ:,. w.hi~h; 'lOll beJiev~ to b:e Jnapprpp.ri~t¢, ,unprofes,sjpnal, c'qerclV'e( .ab.usi~e, Qf.l:mia~ul? ,@Yes" ,ONa . 000 Nt)t:Recai'1 l6a. Who provided !this. traioing J , insUuGtion./' or ,guidance.l' and where pid'You receive it.? fv1.ess~g'~ (e-:mai!j fq>.m: the" 6if~et9f:in Ghicagp; " 16b. Briefly describe the 'substance ofthe .trainlng~, Instruction( or gUidance provided to you. Told to rep'tjrt it. 16c. Wa-sany of the'training, instruction, or gUidahce Rro.vjd~ lriwriting? ONo :0 Do Not Recall . , 0,Ves. it. In preparqtlQn 'for c;my of your: o~erseas ~:eploYments or q~~ignm~nts,"~id YOJ.l recelye any tr::qining, instruction!, pr gUJda'n,ce con~emitig What y.ou wer:e.:~l.fpP'Qs€c! to dp if you :Obsef'Ve~ ·of h'ear,d -abdO.r the treatrrlent,.interviewl' or interroga.tion·cif detajnee~ QY: non-FBI personnel,. w.hich you ,¢-v'ed. to be inappropriate; unp'rofessional,-.coercive~ abusive, 'or unlawful? ' . ,O.Q~ NoJ Reqt!1 18. Dur:lng any .on/our overseas deployments or assrg nments, did you receive a'ny ti'a'ililng J fhst'ructlbn, or g uidance'con~rning th.e standqrds of conduct ,applicable to' the ~reatment, interView~ or OIGQ-005005 interrogation '9f det?inee? by FBI. personn,ef'? :$Yes. 'ONo' lSi' Who proVid, 'this traiQing, !nstru~ti.9l')., 'Qf guid,anC¢'? '00'0 Npt:'Recal.l .b6 b7C ·l.ab. Brh~f1y d.escribe tne substan~eoftHe .train ing} ihstrilCtio.n, Qr gUidan¢~ proVided to you,. Bl;l~i!:a'lIy iriterr6.9a~~ a;:>, I Woul(j on an FaI ~s¢.Which itlcJlJdetl no thr~at?, p'r:qml?e's} phy;iical'har.m or the· threat 'of. The goal was lo·obta·iri information/ihtelligence'and . teport jUo the ap'propriate entities. :l8c, Was::Clny' .of th~ trailiing( instr:u¢tipn~ Of .guitl~n(:~ pr6Vid~ in Writing? 'by~~ .~No· () [>0' Not Rf:';cajl lQ. D\lring Finy of y~)Ur 9\(:er~ea'5#ep.lQ.yri1l;:nt$~r assigl)r.n.ehts~dip '1du ret!=lv~ any'valnlng, ir\$trt!i:tlon,' Of:g ufdanee.c'Qncerrling 'the standar:ds 'c)f:coiiCiiJct applioable to' the. treatment, interview, or Interro.gatlori ,of detainees by. non-FBI. personnel? . .' :(!)YesONo -Ob.e:> Not'Recall 19a. Who pro.v.lded this training; instruction, or'guidance? U.S, Military Officers·arid NCO'.sWnose tlames·] -cannot reccm. . 1Qp. ~rieflY'~~rib,¢ ~h.~' 5u.~sJ:i'ihce;Qf.tli~trpinirig, in.stru~rOTi, 9.1" g:!JlqclO!=a pr.q.vJ.~~ td Y~lJ, In.t~.rro.g?lte,d'e~lne~s to, optpin ilJformatlonlintelligenc.e'Witho:ut'~!Jfeq~.s, pmmises;. p!Jy?icg( harm: <;>r the: threat qf, 19<;., ¥/Cls -any·.ofihe tfai.ning,'jn5~ruction, 9r proVi~edin Y'lrl~ihg? o.Yes ·eN.a Q. Do Not Recaj\ j-j ;.. lCI. During a'ny,ofyour overseas. deployments or assignments, did you receive any·tralnll'lg, Instruction, or .guid,al1ee,con.c.erning 'f'Jh?l~ you, were s.lJPPQ$ed; to' qQ if you 'observ~q :or'!:tear(j ·abb.~:t th~ tre.atment,.lntervlew, 9r IhteVogation:p,f:det2iil1ees oy FBX'jJerso.nnel.,.,Whlc.h YQU belie'i~d.:to lie. ina·ppropriate., uflp.rqfessionalrco.ercive, abusi\ler:tir utilawfuJ? ·eyes· "20'a. Whopfovided this training, instruction, . I 1 '. ONa or' guidance? 000 NOt:Rectl.ll b6 b7C . '20b. BrieflY :d ¢S<;ribe the su b~tance'of the ~r;:i'irri.n.gj .i nstJ'.l.lctioO" o,rg LJ idCj nee; proyid ed to' yow i ~~rt~ . '20e. Was::Ci'rly of the. trai.ning, instruction, 'of. -glijda'n.ce ·prd.vid.ed in wi'itiil~? Oy~ . ONo0 Do Not RecalJ, .. i f,.' ,.21. Our1n9 any QfY9JJr.QV~r~ea's depJoy,ments or 13sslgnrnents, 'did you re.ceive. ~nY'~~alnlng, instru!=tioIT,' .o(gufda'nee:cohcerriing WhatYolJ were"sup.pdsed to, db if you 'observetl.or he2ihlatiout t1fe' treatment, interview, or interr.ogation·ofdetainees by non-FBI personnelI' whlch':you believed to he .inapproprIate, Q.nprofessiqnpl,. co~rd'lre~.ap.u~lve, prunlpwful?' OIGQ-005006 @Yes ONo ,000 ~ot Rec~1I 21a. Who, provided this traiqlng, instructionr or'guidance? U.S. MIlItary Officers and NCO~swhoseharnes:I.cannot recall. 210. Bfiefly describe toe sub~ti:lriceof the ;training" 'instruction" or 9).Jidani:e, provid.ed to yoo. , Repqrt it t9 fhe CO 'Of the person in charge fir his absel")!=e. ' 2ic. Was<Clny 'of the training, instruction, 'or guJdaf1c~ provi~,ed in writlng? . OYes QNd l~ Db Not R~calt CI <-; .Ie. Adeq~acy of Training " , ,zz.J,n :yourqplniQI1; ~li'd, y~u receiveaq~qu~te- tr~inilJg~ instrucii9n~orguidance, r~l~ting tostancfar!is ' of coffduct,by FBLand Mri-FBI perso'rin~1 rel~iil1g to'treatrri~nt, :jntervi~W, ~r int¢rr.d~ation o,f 'deta'inees prjQr to yiJuf;deploymentor asslg'nment?' ' 23:. In 'your opinion, -did you receive ,adequate training, instruction, or.guidance -relating' to-standards: , of ~nduct by 'FBI aric;! nO'l':f~I p~~Qr:mel relatrng io ~reatmeoi-, 'i,n~e,(Vie"V,: or Iflterrog atlof\"of :Qet~jnee:s du.tin'g, yti,ur pepJoYm.~nt orassignment?' o Yes " 24. Xn your:opinioDr. did , 0 N.o yoLt req~iY~ '~~,e_quate· tra,inirig" im;tru¢tI<~,ndX .guidc!O~e ,~Qn.£ernjng whaJ yq!J were supposed W aiJ if:ybu.obsefvffl or heard ab'oilt the treatri:Jl:~'nt~, interview, or iitterrdgation of . ,detainees, by 'FBI 'or non-FBI personnel,. that you :belfeved was 'inappropriate, Unprbff!s'sional, coercive, ,i!bu,siv~" 'Qr un{a¢Ul? ' o YeS d No :2::>.{6pti~mql) 10 what ways can the 'F~J improve-training on aS$lg ilm~n~s? thi? §ubj~ct for fut,ur~ fleploYm.ents or 10. CommentS 26. Please provide',any- ,add itional information ,conGerning training' fot overseas ,deploymentS of asslgn!Uej1ts of FBl personnel YO!J b\2lieye is relevant. ;Introduction to Part' III: In thls-sectlon, ,w.e are seeking Infe>rmatlon r'ega'r.dlng .a wide., of int~rvieW OJ interrogatlontedll1iques 'and 9ther typ~ of d~tallJee treat,m~t1t alleged t9 hav~ -Occurred.. Ycn,! sh9J)1~ ,n9~ as'sume, j4S! b~u.~ we, ar!2'asklng abQ!Jt: 9 par:tlt~lar teet1O'ique pr:c;lctic~,that, We ha~e concluded tnat b:: in' @c,t.o~c,urted'. We r~Cig'niz~ th!:'lt SOme pf the'se t~thnlqLJes ',or practkes' m'a"y at times be, necessa r'y for,safety and ' secu rity ill a .d etentitfn 'setti n9. Hr'.add.ttib IT!, we fecog'ilize 'tliat:s.ome ofthese br OIGQ-005007 techniques :or pract!c~ may ,have been authorized JQruse by mHitary orother government personnel. With respect'tb 'each idehtitH~d' te.chniqUe, pta:ctid~r'Qr tYPJ~ of c.b.ncLuct.des:ctihed below" we'cin~ seeking information ,about its ,ol:clJrrence during 6.. ,conneCtion with the interview or interrogation of detainee{ .or during. the'detention.ofa detainee' beyond what is'.needed for safety and security: In thC'lt :t'Qnt~xt; w~ will CJ'!1k Y9u t9 t~1I u,s :wbeth~r on~ or mRr~ of th~ following stat~m~Jlt~ :are tru~: a in 1. :2" r peI'SQrlaIlY'QR~rJ~!i this cQn9uct. r obseRied'detalnee(s) Ina .cOlid ition that' led me to believe thatthls. tond uet had, ~6cc(Jr'red. ,3,. Detainee{s) told methatthis':'COnduct had ,occurred" O~,hl?rs'VJho qb~rv~d 't~r~ C9nc;(l,l~t'd~sc.rlb.el1 It to me; hp,Ye; r~le"Cfnt. in(btrnptiQI'i dp~!S:ifj~d pbqXfe;"SECR,ET'"'; . .Q., I.n~ver.o,b~e'rv.ed thi,s <;onq~qt nor he'ard,'ut i~ .fi-orh ,sQmeone,Whoqi,d. A,.. ,~. l , ' 2.7:, , Depriving p detaJnee oHood or Wpter D l' p~rmrially oJ:1~eTVed th(s,cplidui=t, b,., D I bp~tVed -detatite¢($) in:q 'cQnd,itiQrithat Ie<! 'me, to. thanhi~ ¢6i'id,uq ha:c;1 o,ccurre,d. q. D D~.t<;1,in!=:e(s) t,old. lil~ that thiS. c.onqutt had Qc~urre!Cf. cf. D OtherS who ohSewed ·this t.dn'duct.ctestribed it to me. e'. D I haVe relev.ant Information classified Jcibov.e' "SECRET". ,a.. f. mI: never observ.ed this corfduet 'nc)'r heard :abdut it from'sOmeone who did . .2~.Depriving .a ,d17~ain~ ~)f cl0thing .a', .0 r: pe(sonally dbserv¢d thi,s .c~ndutt. 6. D I obse~ed ,detairtee(s). it. :a, cond itibr1 that led in€; to c. D Detainee(s) tb.ld heliey.e that.thi~' c6nduct ha,d "octurteC:i, me that this cohduct tiild ,occurred. d. [J other's whoobserited this condlict describ.ed it to me. e: 0 I have relevant iilfofmati6n classified above' "SECRET",. f: 0' I never observed tnis:ronduct nor'heard-about it from' someone who' d'id. a. 0' r personally,observed this;cbnduct. b. D Lobserved ,detainee(s) In .a.condition that led me to believe that this conduct had .oC'cu'rred. C', D Defaihee(s) told rile that this cond'utt had .occurr.ed. d. 0 0 Others who observed thiS conduct describeCl it to me: e. I have relevant information classified -above: "SECRET". OIGQ-005008 ~I 0 II never observed this conduct nor heard about it from 'Someone who did, J g, PleC!s~ p.rovid~ th~ apP~oX:imate time 'frame 'dur'l,ng. Whic,h t,his,c<?nduat ,occurred.. Fn~m"9,5f.17J2004to q7!1.7[2064 DD9 Not Recall h,.T~e:det?ine.e(s) treated j,n--tt)is way wer~ IQcated at tj1e time In: 1. 0 Guantanamo 2'0:i~q 3, 0 p'-fghanist~ln 4o Other Location 50 DO.. Not Recall j;, PI8ClS~, id¢ntlfy'the, 9~tain~f~), by nam¢ and, numb.~r.: ,Do,Not Recall j, fll~a:se i~ef)tffy the, p,~rs:on( sJ:Who. treate-p the detainee(p) in thi~ mC\n ne~i inducting tbe'ir ni:\tnets):and gO'Vl'!rrimel)t , ,Myself k. Please ide'ntlfy a·ilY:ot.ff~r' FBI: liersoliJiel or non-FBI p:er~6,h'nel 'Wlio:o~$r:v¢~ i1~t~irige(~); tf.eate~ ,In .thls. rticmher, Including their nEune(s) ,and. C\Qenc'((JEfs): , ~~e seqtioo (m) I: Thi?'conducl:oeqJrrer:\ in conn.e;cti/;>n with:· 1 0 ,QIl¢ 9,etp fnee 2 0 30 40 $~yera'i detainees (~-4.) Ma detainees .(more. than Do. Not Recall . ny, 4J DUE? ~Q t~e fag mY-self ~lnl:l my fellow ag~ntS:,workeg, 12 \l9ur-s~iftsr :sp,~lflcally midl1ignq() 09,9n (my $h iftj an'~ nQ'on to mJdhig ht, it. Was. standa'r'O operating P'roc.ed,lJre: to Wa~e, ,aetainees: for petiods; Of interrogation. As: a resu Itr 5~v'era I'deta inees we're. de)Jrived of sleep, but that was: because the 'facility operated ,around 'thecl0ck. . 30, !l~~tln~g~ detainee ----,--------_ ..,-------- ----- :a: 0 I J5\3r'?pn~ny oJ?serv~4 thi~ ~OI1!iuct. -----'----...,.---,-------:-------'----,-----,----,-,-{ 'Q', D I ~b.serv.etl d~talnee.ts) It:! d .cQnd ItiQn- that i~ 'me to' 6-elleve tha:t.thl~ corr~uct ha:d',c5Q:;u'rred. t: 0 betaine.e(sj-t,bld me ~hat this' c,oIid u~t ha,ao,ccurre{ d. 0 IOthers- who observed this tond.uct d,estr,ibed it to, me. , e', D r have releVant Il'iformatlpn 'cIa:;s,lfied Clbbv¢ ·'.5.ECRET". f. 0 I never dbservea this' conduCt Jior,heard,about it.fmrTI,sbmeorie:wno did. OIGQ-005009 31. JJsing a; D b~ <;:.. (J. e. f. wat~no pr~yeot breathibg p.y a ,detain~ pr tp, cr:eat~ the sensation of ,drowning II personally observed this,conduct. D II,obseryed detatn.e~(~). in a'condjt\on th?lt !~ 111e: to' beliey~ th!'lt this' con,duct hac! 'Occurred. D !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct hpd 'occurr~. o IOthers who Qbserv~ this C;ongJ;Jct <;I,estr.ib~ [t tQ, me:, D' II have reJevant information' ;Cl<:lssifi~d ab'oye ",SECRET",; 0' ir n~ver Qbs~rve9. this condU<;:,t nor heard ~bou~'It from:.someone,whp: 91d, ,52:. Using hal1ds, 'rope, or anything, else to'chokeor strang Ie a ,detainee D t perp0na,lIy'ol:!~rveJ;1. thr~ 'COn!;l.uct. Q" D t obser;yeg '<;I,e.i,aln~e.cs). io :a:qmp itiof) t,hat,l~JTle tQ beli,eve lni;lt,lbfs conduct b,ad 'Qccurretf c. D Detainee{s) tpIQ fTfe ti1at pQnduc,t o'ad Qccurre::j. d, D "Qthets yithq :ob'seryed this J:o[J~Llct,d,~s'c;:ribe9 ,t'tl? me; e. D t have relevCfnt hiformatio,n ,tla$~iffe.d <;lbo,v~ "~'$ECRET'\ f: ItT I neV¢r'9QServed this <cQ r'ld uct no(h¢arQ :ab~q~t:it froJTi: someptJ$; whq, di4. a', i. . . ... "33', Tnreatening other action to"cause physical pain,. il)jUry'i ,d isf!gurement, ordeath ~. D !I per~nal!y opserv~~ this '~on!JuCt. ir9b5~rved,e,let.ain·e~(s)' in :a:condltion that led ln~ 'b. o c: [j !Detain~e(s.) toRi me thanhi$.' ~Qndu~t. h~:a ,Occ,urred. D IOth,~rs who observed thi!?, c;:o~ndLictd,e!>crjbe~ it to. m~., '" Q. fO Qelieygth9(t,his tond,uct nad 'occurred; e:,. D II have rele,v'ant information' 'tlassJfi~d above "SE,CRET'''. f. 0' !I,oDserVeo 34~q~her treatment death this ,conduct nor hear,d ;abbutitfrom someone"wno aid. or !'l'ct!9,o t:qusJ':Ig, signifi~~n.t" phYsical p~ln, or injur'fi.or causing disfigl!r~ment,o,r , , D II personally observed this conduct. D I obserVed ,detarnee(~) in a~c6ncrjtion lhat led me to beiieve that::-t:his conduct had oc.ciirred. t. D Detainee(s}toltlme that this condUct !lao <>ccurred. a, b, OIGQ-005010 e. f. , " " 0 I have relevant Information' classified 'above '~SECRET". 0 r never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did, 35, rlacing a d,etainee,Ciil a hot 'surface or Durning ;~r detainee ,a', o ir perS0rial(y observed this conduct. , b. [j r'observed detainee(s} in a eond ition that led me to believ.e that this conduct had 'occurred. 0' 1Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. d. 0 bthers who observed this condu,ct pescri~ed it to me; e'. 0: I have rel~vC!r:it inf9r~,ati(;>n classif~e_(1 ab~>ve "S,ECRET". c. f. 0 I n~\Jer:obs~rv~d thi,s '«;:o!1dJJ~t npr'hearq ap9ut It from. ~91n.eQne,#ho did: 36. Usih'g 'shackl~s ,or 'other re,straints iri crPJofon'ged :!1ianner a: 0 I personally'observed this.conduct. b~ 0, I,01;>.~rved cjeta.i.n~e(~} in a;cc;>nd itlo,n ~n~t led me to' b~lieve thgt :this cOrJ,duGt had :occu.rr~d .. c.' o iDetainee(s) told me that this Gondu~t had 'o'ccurred. . "0= 0 9ther~ who oqserv~d t~ls c.QnductQ~,s~.ribed It to me: e: D II nave'releyant fnfQrmatk)i) tl~s,sified above, "SE:CRErJ'. f. D, !1' n£?\ier,obs~rv~~f this q'{Ip Lid n(jr hExir'q 'a ~put it (rpm, S9riwon~ ~vho, :~nd , d .. i g. Please pr6vld~ the app'ro5Cima,te time iTa·me~durlng,wb'i<:h ,this' l:Qn'tluct Qt::d1rred. From 05/17/2004 to,07[17/2Q04 , 'ODo Not Recall h. The :d~~ainee(sJ,treated Jh this way were locatep;at tbe time It): i 0 qli~nt~narh'9, ZlffJrciq: 0 Afghanistan 4 q Other Loc;:atlon ? '0 1;>0 Not RecaU ":3 ' i., Please:identify the-detainee(s) by 'name and number: po np~ reca!.1. ' j. Jiiei;lse: l,dehtify the p'erponfs) who treated th~ detalnee(s)' In thiS. mann~r';"lncLuding their 'name(s) aildgovertimenteagenGv{ies): ,', D<? ~ot reCC1l1. k. Please. identify any other FEn personnel or 'rion-FBI personnel who observed detainee(s)' treated in this mann~r, il)cluding their !1arn~(s),and <;lgency( OIGQ-OOSOll See section (m). I. This conduct occurred in connection with: 1 -0 'One detainee 2 ~$ever.~1 detaine,e,s (2--4} 3 ~ M<,wy 'd,eta'in~~ [m~r~: than '4) 4.0 po Not Reca(1 ' 0 m. (QptJpna'.lJ PI~~¢ des<::,rib'e ttTe',r~levant Circumstance's ill more-detail: It was standard qperating proe~dure to' handcuff and bHlJdfold the ,detainees' for 12: to L4 hours up:on ar.rival fqf saf~tyb;~~l1ritypurposes. p~p',el)djlJ~ ~n th.eA~t.aine~~?' dertie~nl?rr-a"detaf'le~ 'would r!:rTiained handCLiffed for safety reasOns d,uTing :21 pe'riod o'f interr6gi:Ribn. , '37. R-equ'iring .a.detainee,t6nia'ihtain r or r~strainihg a t1etainee.ji1~. a stt¢$sfui Of painfll'l 'j:'iositiph' ) 0' a~ 0 c. 0 b. ~f eo' f. L personally observed this 'conduct. Lobserved'detainee(s) in '8 cIDnd ition-that led me to belieye that this c::onduct had 'occurred. De.t~i!1~(s) told me. thqtthi~~o~uc~ !l~d 'o~curred. o IOtheI:S who observed :thls c0nductdescribed it to me" , '., " "(1" "l' " : " ., >. . . . . ' • •" 0 I have reiE}valit i.lJf0rma~i9n C,lassjfie~ ~!J<?v~, ",~'ECREf·I. 0 r n~v,~r qb~~rv~d this 'c;orjdl,J<;t n91 h.!=9 I'd ;a'bQllt it from ~ome{:>:n~Who clid. P.'lease; proVide 'the ?fl'prox1mate tJme frame'duifn~, whit,n thIs. con'dLl~ro_c<;urred. from 05/17j'l004 to 0.7{17j2004' tJD'o Not Recall ,'g,. h. The:detaili~e(.s) i 0 ~Guantqilan1o treated iIi 't.his vv?-y wer:e.ldcateP tit ' the tjm'e 1i1~ 2 Hl:Iroq 3 ,Afghanistan p ,4 0 Other Location 5 d DoNat' R~II i. 'PJease.ldentifY the:,detainee(s} by 0<;> net. reG:jH. name and number: j, 'Please idi='ntif.{ ,th'¢, person(s) wno ,treate~f th~ detain'ee:($,), in '(hiS: manner" il'lclud.fng their nam,e(s) arid ,90ver.nment a~ehty'(iesJ: D.o not recall. k PleaSe identify- a IiY'.6t her FBI personnel or i:lon:-FBI personr'reJ 'who ,observed i:lefairiee(~) tr.eated in this: mannerJ indud'ing their name(s) and agency{ies) ~ . ' 09 not J<now.. L This"conduct .otq.JrI:ed in (:onnec.tJem With: One detainee 10 OIGQ-OOS012 2 -0 $,evera'i detain'res: .(24) 3, Q Many d,etalnees (more than 41 4 0 DQ' Not Recall .6n o,c.cel"SIOI1 sOme Qfthe J1l1Iltc,!"ry InWlT.qgatQFS WQul.d ~ulre:a l;I~~.qllJ~ to s~and l;Iq(Jng,~ 'per!o;tf Of the interrogafion. Tbls-ac1idn onli·laSted fO.r '110. more .than '(j- half hOur'and :then the detainee WQuid be allowed ,to:si( down'on a·.chatr. ~g. 'foidn9 a"detciinee to'pelforfn demanding physical eXercise , a. 0 I ~ .. 0 0 d. 0 e: 0 f. Ii'! ~; D:e.r~n~IIy'Qb~rv~d this <;onquct. ['observeq·detaln'ee(s) In ;;r~!?rdit,IQn, th!3~ led me iQ' !?elleve ~~?!t-thrs Cbllquct· t:lad'OGqJtT~. Q~t~i.n~(s) tqld J1l~ t'hCj;t .thls co.ndu~,t ha'f:! ,oa::urr~L dtners: wh"p pbserv~ .thiS, mlid,u.c~ d.~~rlbed It ~ci. me: ~ave relevant ihfQrmatloiJ' da~sltted aQ'pve. 'iSE.C8ET-'l. neveroJiserved' thli,.,oon/Jut! norh!-'9rd ,abpurlt from ,sci.meone:who dId. .39', Using -e:lectril::al,a detainee ".b', 00 Rt=rson9ll,t Qbserve.1=! .ihis 'CQf!!=IUj;t. I tf¢ta'lrte¢{.s) fJi :a'cond itfoh that led me. io belie"le. that·thiS. cqn"duct had .o.ceUrr¢p. D~tajne.e(s) tcM m''at thiS,:cond.l,lQ: had Qccurr~. Others' whe:) observed this t6n~uct d~ql~ It to: me. 0' <1. Ii'! e, o !I have re:'ie:vant iiifo.rm"atioh das.sified abbv'e:' "SECRET"'. f. 0'1 never·observed thls-:c6ilOudilbF heard about It fii:>lli·someone who. did. c, 9.. Please p'r.lJviae the approximate time rrame..durin!,J"which thls.,oondtlct oceurred. From o6/tip"4 tQ O?/20P4 n. The detaii'iee(sJ "trealed·ln thfs: way were located CIt the tliTre in: 1 C1 ~uaiitanamb 2 lEI lJaq ~ 0 Amhanfst?ln DDQ N'QJ $:~IT 4 0 O~hef tocatlon 5 0 Do Not Recall i~ P.le,ase·iperitify Po n'ot r&all. th:e ~etajnt=e(5) ~y 'name ar(~' 1JL!ITj~er: OIGQ-005013 j. Please identify the person(s}who treated the detalnee(s) in this manner, including,their name(s) and gov~rnment agen.r:y(le~): . [)o-OQt know. j(. P"tease Identify ~ny,otheT FeI perSQrmel or no~;'F:BI personl1eJ wh,<;ro,bsel,'Ved detairtee(s:) tr~ted in th)~mai1ne(i inCluding their flamets)~m~ agencY,(ieS):' 0,0. not know. I. "his,conduct .occurred In connection With: 1 0 One detainee 20 'several detainees (2-4) 3 9 Many d.el:i;lil;1~~, {fTl9re; ~han '41. .40 Do Not 'Recall fheard thatone,detainee that arrl~.ed from-the MSS had stated he.was subjected to.eleetrlcal As,s~1"on pS :it wqsAisdQ~eq" the: GO b~g,an qn, in~~tiqatLQflllsing milit;:HY personnel.. I ,11~ver' heprd what th~. r~Ults., investig!'l~iQn were, ,4'Q. rhr,eate.nirrg m;e.ele'ctrlc,al.sIiQck.::on' a :detainee .siwek. to this .conduct. r .obserVed ,detaine,e"(s)' in 'a r:o,hd ition- that led ,me to believe thaUhis conduGt .had .occurred. b. 0 a. D I perser'ially o.bse"r:v.ea -c. ~ d. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this Gonduct. had ;occurred. o 'Others who observed this conduct.describea f1: to me. e, 0 I hpv.e r~le'1§ln~ !nforma~ion '~~a~s!fie.9 '?l~ove "S~C~J": t. IiI ,4.1. a. I • neverobserved thIs conduct norheard abootit'from someone:who' did . , • -,. "1'. , '" "" ,. •• •••• '. • Int~nti6nallY .d.eI~'Ying ~ 9.r ,denying ~ . detain~e, ~ . med.iCCiI ,t • •• .' • :tar~e o II. personally observed this/conduct. 0 I observed · in a .'cqn~ it,i90 ~ hgt I~ 'me. t9 bejiev.e th1=l.t th!s c0I1d.uc~: h~d 'oGGurr~d. 0 D'etalnee(~) told me tl1a¢ tl1iS; qond,u<;t hC!d :OGsurred .. d. 0 Ot,trers who .o!;1'~erv~d :this cpndl1ct.p~cribe~ it ~o me: e. 0 r 11i;l\l,e reJev.gnt ifl'fQrm?)tion c1assjf.i~ ,apove "'SEC.REf'), f. 0' r h~y~r o1?S:erved, this 1=9ndtj~t n<>r heaT.9 .a bo,Ut it fr9m ~m~(m~ Who 9i~, b~ €. ,,4>2. Hooding or blihdfoldihg a:detainee.dther .than duririg transportation OIGQ-005014 .. , a~ j It!f II personally observed thls.,conduct. b. o II observed detainee(s) in c. 0 d. o '1Oth~r,; Who 'oq~ery~d thiS t:onc;l4:c~·c;le~\=r(ped. It tome'. De,tainee(s)'told ,3 cond ition that led me to believe that this cond.uct had occurred. me fhat this-conduct hac! 'O'CCI;II:re<;l. 0 I hav.e relevant inrormation classified ,above. u:SJ;CRET f: 0 r n~v~r observed this C¢n9L!c.t nor h~rd 'aQol!t it (rom:~.meon~who dic;l. JI e. , • 0' ·g. Pl~a:s~. ptQ.vrd'~ :the a.p'proxirriate time fr~lne during whi~h :this. j:;on~u~~ .q'cc;urr!=d. Front 05/17/2004 to.07/17/2Q04 . DDo Not Recall b. The :delalneeCs1.treated in this Way'a.ted :at tile tim'e .in: ,i 0 ,~.l1.antanam(j 2: 0' Ir~fq ·a 0 Afghanistan .40 .Other Location ·? 0 1;>0 ~ot R!=call ,i., Please:identify,the·detainee(s) by, name anti number: Do npt recalt- ' j. P[e~se id:en.tify the 'perSO.ri(s)'whP treated 'riame(s) and ,govehlinent:a~ehGynes:):~ Myself and others who I do, not recall. thia det~:line'e.(s) in thiS: mar'il1Elr~ ih' their ' . ·k. PleaseJderitify any:'other Fal'person'nel or noh-FB! -persormel whO.ooserv.ed detairiee'~s) treated !n this'manner, including their name(s) .and a,gency('ies): ~~e. ~ectI9J'j (rn). . . I. This:.condl,lct 'octurr~ itl connection wi,th': f ,0 Qne,detalnE;e 20 ;Several detainees (24} '30 Many' det-alnees !mbre than 4) 4, Q Qo ~qt ~~II ,ni, (Optional) Please describe the:relevanl: circiumstances in rnore,detail:: For security/safety reaSdI'ls; d,etaihees. reiriain'eii blindfold~ go.ggl¢S for 12 td. 24 hours afterthey,afl'ived, Oh Spine occasions, for·safetY reasons,..a:detc:iinee would terria'in blindfcild'ed using "goggles:duriT'!fj the int~rr~g?~it;lfl. Dn mne'occasion, <:l detainee rais~ h!s legs tq !< :Aft~r h~ Was:tplp 19 calm.. d,0wn, the goggr~s w~re. pla,Geg b9,c;k <:>n, him in ()rdt::rt() };irptect, r;hY?'eIfanQ, th"e .Interpreter. ·43'. Su.bjectlng ai;!eta.inee to '~Xtr.emely 'C.oid or n6t"robrtl .tertlp.e'rawres fot eXtended 'periods .~L personally obse~~d .fhis~ondu~t. , , OIGQ-005015 , " ,- ~ b. 0 I observed detalhee(s) In a ,cond Itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred. d. e. f. 0 0 0 O~hers,who ~. ~., d" eo, 0 0 0 0 0 , I hav~ re~vant Inrormatlon dassified abov~ ",$ECRET~., I n~v,epo'bs.erve,d this 'cpnduct nor hearp 'abqut it from sqrneolle. who did. '421. :Subjecting a, obser-ved t~i~ con.duct'descri~ed it to m~. a detainee,to loud, mlisic I personaUy observed this cql)d'uct. I,ob~erved ~etgil)~~(?): in a'c<ilncfjtion ~hqt led (lle't<;>' believe th?lt 'tni~ <;:ond~.<;;t nqq:oc~urred. Oetalnee(s) tqld me that thi~'conduct haQ :qccurred. Oth~rs' Who observed this conduct d,e~<::.ribed it, to' me. I have releyant i[l~orro,atiOiJ: classified ~bove l~S~C'B.!=T"·. l M ~ n~~~,er 9~SE?rved. ~hls"tond4tt nur I)e.c;lrd apPl.!J It from'~rne9n~:W.hO~plq. :,45. Subjecting a detaine,e, to bright flashing lights ,oJ d,arkness a', 0 b'" 0 c;"., I pe~$Ona(ly'q,b,~rvfi!ct t,hl?-«;;<?,n~,u.~t. ~-~-~~-' tOD~(:frved detainee't~)' in ,atqllcfitiph that led me' to belje~e tha.nhi$' cotiqutt haq bi;:~rr.ed. o ,petai,nee;(s) tplp 'r:n'$ that:thi~ 99J19U,C,!: had o<;:¢ d, 0, Oth¢rs: Wh'q '~bserved, tlli!? cond1,ltt desc:rib~a It,tq me,_ ~. D I ha\(e releva'rit jlifor'm~tlorr tl~~-Sifieciabove, li~'l:C'liET'J', f. 0' I never ob$~rv~d this,conductno:rhe,a~d ,about'it from s6jn,epne wtio, did. 46. Isolating a detainee for an'extended period 'a-. ,b., 'I£f o II 9b~~rVed 'detail)e~(~)' in :a !c~nd itipli'thqt l~~nie ttl' bellevethat tHis ~6iYdl,ltt had ,otcl,Irr:ed. c. 0 ,d. e'. f. g. I per.sori9I1Y'Qbservecqhls ~Ol')pu<:t. 0 0 < I}etaln¢e(s) -toid me that ,tbis. tibridutt hat! ,6c~.urred. Othe'r§ who .6bserveCI tliis c,dJiauctdescrm,ed it to,me: I haVe relevant lJi'formatlb,n classified ab.ove' "SECRET". n r. never obserVed thi!Htonauct nor-heard 'about it from,someone,who did. Please pr.oVlde:the approximate time frame during which thrs oonduct',occiiri':ed. OIGQ-005016 From 05/1,7/2004 to 07/17/2004 000 Not Recall h. The petatnE.le(?) ,tr~ted in this Y:{ay were Ip;c;:atep at th.e tim:e In: ·1 q !?uan~nqmo 20'Jraq 3 ,Afghanistan .<t: Other Location 5,0 bo Not Recall o o f. Please fdentifythe. detainee(s} by name .and number: Do not recall . . j. PI!=ase,il;lenWvthe p~rson(s) Who .,treated .thE! Oe;!.tainee(s) in thi~ fjlqnh~rr incll!ding their name(s) and llQvernmennjgebty..cies): Do, not recall ' , k..Plea~ identify'any other FBI. personnel oi not'l-FBI 'personnel Wno;Qb'served detainee£(s) W~ated In .thls manner, Including theIr name(s) and agency(les): ' '~¢e. Se~jon' ,( m)' I. ThiS CQlictuct ¢cturr:~d in 'to.nriectiQ.rr with: i O'Qne cteta1riee . ,2.0 ·Seve.. .ar detainee.s. (2-4) 3 <!5. Many: detainees '(more than 4,} ;,4 d Do Not Recall .m. (Optional) Please descl'fbe the releVant cirGurrlstances' irl'more'detail: It'Was. stahdard 'ope,rating 'pr'o~,ed:ure tb;segregat~ Qeti;lin'ee.s from ;orie :ano.:th~r. The,det~inee,s~.did not.'sharea room With one another. The detal'nees were in sepci'rate,cells during thelr'entire 47'. Usfng duct tape. to. restrain/.ga~_u_h·_ls_h_a_d_e...,.;·ta_i_h_ee_. 0 I per$0n~IIY'ob,serveq this 'con.diiet. Q',. 0 I .opservec! &~t~irjee(~) In ~> ctsnd itfb.ri th?lJ.I~ me, £0' p'~lleve th~.rthl$, cph~:Luc~ C. 0 lO~t~in¢~(5)-told me ~h~t thiS cQnc!.J.I~~ ha'p. ·.Qcc,urtei;l. stay. _ a. me, d, D. OtherS:w.h'o o~~e~¢d .t~is cQo:duct-oe~crip~ i~ ~9; ~. 0 (have relevant infQrhi,atio.n' ~Ia.ssifjed ~hov,e. 'i'SECRET"', f. hap Qcc!Jrr~q .. I o II observed this;co/id.uct nor heard ,about it frpm someone, who did. -48. :Using rapid response teams ·and/or forced cell ,extractions '9. 0 II personally,o,bsel"'led this cQndu<;:t. b'. 0 iI 9bs,¢r'ved detairi~~!s) in -q q:mdltlQf'!' tnat leq:me to b.eliev,e that thJs ~brtdl,lct haq (jc~urred .. OIGQ-005017 -------------------------- c. o r~~talnee(S) told me that this conduct had .occurred. d. C1 - .. Others who observed this cenduct described it to. me. e. 0 r ~ave r~lev?l.nt inforrn~t!on d~s?jfi~~ ij9<;>ve I~:SECRFT~'. 'f. 0' I nev~r observed t~i~'eori~u~t ,nor I)~rd :~boubt frQ.m- someone'who. did. - :4,9'. Using:a military w.or.kilig ,dog on.or near'a detailleeother than duringd~taine.e tra'nsportation 0' ,personally observed this 'conduct, b, 0 I·observed detQin~e,<5} in ·a.'Con9ition that led {TIe to' believe thanhis cenduGl: had ·OGcurred. 0, 0 p:et-qirree(s) ~oJc! m~ th,at this cenduct hp99ccurr~., a. ~I o ,q,thers whp 'observed :this ~on.c!uct d~s~riQed I~ tp r;n~•. ~I have ,relevant infbrm.ati~ns:~assified qbove "SECRET"!'; . f. 0' II i1ev~r Qbs-erveg this condUi;:t ilpr heqrd ·ab:qut it frQm·~(jmec)n:ew.hb ·gid. . e.. - , .50.. Threatening to u'se'.nillltary working dogs 6n or near a detalliee: -a. o tI persona1(y'0'Dserved this tonquct. ,....~ Q. O,!I o!Jserveg d~tainee,(s),ln :<;l·qmdlt.i~n t~~t Jed m~ to'~~ileve tha~ fhl; co~puct' ~ad c. r qCG!Jrred.1 o ;Detaln~e(s) tplct me that thIS (ondu~t had ,occutre<:l... I t ! - o ~Ptl:l'?~ who 'Ob?8ry¢<l·thi~..~'9,,d~sl;:ri,l:ied it ~a m~:, ~'. Ei' nave relev.a.nt infQrmatl6rr qasslfi¢d ~bove. "SECRET", jel, I f, 0'lr'never bb~rv~~r this. c6ndu~t ·nor. heard :ab(lU~' it fr:9tn ',soni'eohe:whi:> dJd. 51. Using,2pider§ sGorpions', sila~ or other animals,on Of near a detainee. Jf+rD k personally' QbseNed thi; '¢Qndu·ct. . ~ 0 k"p"'TVe~ ~~tai~.); In '. ',cOnd "I,on that r~ mito ""liew tho,t tills t<>n~Ptt had <J(;curretl. t: ffi-toerai n¢e~~.)~~!,d ,rn~ .th;3~l~i$·,cC)rld (J~.t h:~ ~. e. f. :~<;;:~ rre4. ,.' D. whQ ·observed thiS, .conduct. described It to me. . o !I hay:e r~l$vant iri(ormatioi:l t1assifiedaoove "SECRET", o hi1e\l~r.ob·5ery'e.d this, conduct nor heard ~,abo.ot It from someone Who: did. l ' . . ~l, Threatening to use spfder$, scerpjons, .snakes, or'Elthen:lnlmals on ·.a' detainee OIGQ-005018 --------------------------- ,. I personally observed thls..conduct. ·c. 0 D 0 d. P b~he~ who 'observed this corrdilct g~~qfbed It to me. e. .D 'I hav.e relevant information classified .above "B~C,RETJI . ....-.-1--_-----_....:...- a~ b. f. ~. Lobserved detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that,this conduct- had occurred. D~tainee(s) told me that t~is-(';Q!19uct had _ 0 t' n~v:~r 9bseryed. this ci)n.dud nor he?lrd 'abput it fr9m ~meonewhQ did. .5-3. DlsrespectfiJl statements, harrdllrigr,or,actldns Inwlvlng the Kbran a, 0 I p~ p 9" D g, 0 .e: 0 f- IB - .. .- personally·observed this . .. 'conduct .- . ~c'obs~rved de~C}lrree(~) In :a'condltj0t1~hC'!t Detainee(s) tQld -m~ II?d rn~ ~o· pel!eye that thiS nao·occurred. _. condu'ct , . " ~. '", that this. t:ond uct had 'Qccurre.cL Others Who tibse(v~~ thi~ cpflQlJct de$'¢ribeO itWme~ I naye r~lev~mt Informarlorr cIC\?sifl~d C\P'Oye' "{iEC·RET'..,. ,ri$ver 6bsei"'ied this_:c6ntlu~t nor'heal':d )aDou~ it frqin'S6meoli'e :WhQ,drq. - ._--,.. - -- --- -'- -.- .... , .. - - - ' -, -- . . -~_ _- - ~- -~- ~ _-_.---~ ' - .. _--_._-,.- .54. Shaving .a- detainee's facial or other hair to embarrass''Or humiliate a detainee ·a. D 1. per:~nai{V'9bsetv~Q this conduct. I?: o Ir ob~~rv.ep !;retain'e~(?)- il1:a qmd'ition t~~t I~ mg ro peUev¢ .t,h~t" '~hi!:!: ¢9ndw:;;t ha'd .o.c¢urre,d:. t:· D. be.tal n~e( s) t~ld me that ,tlll~ C9rid.uct I)att 'oc~).lrri;!d. ~. D Others: Who ~bl:1serv~d 'tllis. conduct described itJo. me. ~. D I h~ve r~leya:nt information ·tlas,sified above· "S.ECREr r; o l 6.bserv~d this 'conduct nor heard abou.! It from .sdrrfeon ll ~55, • WhO did. PJa.cihg awoman's'c!othing on,a:detainee, ...a- D II p'~r$9nall5' o.b~rv¢d' ~hrs,.c(5nPUC.~. D.. O. !Lob~selXed d~tairiee(s):IJi:a conditlornhat l~d rrl~ to b'eiiey~ ~h'at tbis cQ ndu ct. Ii act ·o:ccurr.ed. c. D (Oe~ain.!=e(s) told me tMnhis- conduct had :o¢c'urre9.. d, o IOth~rs; Whb obserited .this corid"uct d~s'cribe(l It to me. ,e. 0 L haVe ,relevant it.lfOi'mation Classified aooVe. '~SECRET". f. 0 I never observed, this ·ronduct nof heard abi:luf it from sanieon e 'who.di!L .. , .. - . . . OIGQ-005019 .56. TouChing a:d,etain~ or· acting towar:d a detajrf¢e in a pex\Jal manner a. 0 I personally obselVea this conduct. b, 0 I;!ollse,ryed qe~aj.nee(s1 in ~.:~ondit!on' th?lt Jed rl)~ to be!iev~ that ~his cort:duj:l: had 'occurred. c. 0 O'etainee(s) told me that t~is conduc~ had ·Ot;CUrT~. e. 0 Others who QI1.serv~ tois cpnduct gesc:rjbed it -to.lJi~ 0 I ha-.:e re.leyant fnformatlon ;<;:Ia$sifi~ al;roye "SECRET"~ f. 0' r never obs~:IVe9 this conduct n"Or IJeard ;;lboutlt from:someql1e. whQ' did. ~. Sl~ J:Ioldiilg.«e.tainee.(s) ~h'6 'were not offjqailV''acRndw.ledged or registered as ,stl~h by'.-the-agenqi de~'hlng' the· p·erson. . 0 b.. 0 0 ~. 0 e· 0 9, " f. 0' , , p~r?9!laJJy'QP~r:veg thJs-(;o.n~u.~t, '9,b~(Ve.q·~~t-aln~e.(s) 1n oA.·C9(ld~lp.n that-led D~taitl~(s) told me, ~9'1l~IIeYe: ~~t:thl~ cqn~U(;.t 'me th~dhis tondJiq: had o~urFeJ:I. h~,,?c:qJrre9,· Qthers, Wbp 'Q~.sery~ thiS, j:Qr'i"~L!tt>~ribgd it tQ m,~.. rha:v~ rele,vant Information .tIassitied ab'ov~, "$lCRET'~. never dbservea thls__c6lidutt nQr he'a"rd',abduflt frpm Sor'neohewhO did, $a. Sehd ihg'a d'etain~ to another ,cOuntry. "fat mofe,a9..9"t.e",s"s"fv",e"i"""","",rr",b"g·,,ati,,·b","", .. a. b. c o !~ R~rse!1al!Y dbserved this cql)du.q. o !IQPS~.~~~ det~l.n~~.<-s) If! ?l:€!?n~~J9nt~C!t led .'!le'tl? ~eliey~ !h~,t:'tb!.?.cor}l:fuct Qad'9'GqIrr~c:1. o lDe.t~inee(s) ~C!lq 'TIe; th;;>t thi? C900UC,t ba,d 'q:c!'Urred. do' 0 IOthers. whQ observed ,thJs: C01l~p~t e. f. _ 0 0 iOome. ~'l1a'J.e relevant Illforh)atioi'\ :da~'Sified a'boye, "'SECREr'. . -. , . . . '., . I'n~er i:!b:;l'!rv¢~:f n~r h~rd 'a!:l9(Jlft frQm:sorrf~n~wli9 dJd. " .59. Thtcilteriirig tb 'send a tletainee to for detel1tiQh.or more;ag'gtesslVe interrogation a, 0 I. ~r-sonally o.b~T'\(eQ, tJ:1js co[}duc;t. b', 0 Lo,f;l'sef'(eP d~.t.~ilJe~s) in ',n;:o/oo itjQrl~b?lt· fed me ~o ~eli~v~lha:t'thi~ c,o:n.dtlQ: ~a.d O<E<;urr~ .. OIGQ-005020 , c. d. ~. l ., D Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. 0 others who observed this conduct described it to me; D ~: h~ve relevant, informCltion <;I~?sifi~ ~I?Qv~, "·SECRJ:T'!'. 0' t nev~r'·Ql>s~.rve;d,·cOri~4ct<nol' h~eard elbo!)! it from'someqne:who did, 'p.O. Threa.tening to.taRe ~ctjQn agq.ins~ a d,etaioee'$ family a. D I perSonallY observed this ,conduet. b. n Iobserveddetainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that'this conduct had ,occu'rred. c. C! Detainee(s) to'id me that this conduct had ;occurred. d. D o.thers who Dbsel1fed this conduct described It to me. e. 0 I, ha~.e relevant InforQl~tion .c1assiff~ C1bove "SEGR!=fI" f. 0' I, nev:er 9.l>ser'\!e'd ttl!!> eondqct nor h,ea rd .aQ,(;ll.\tit fr9!Tl' so!J.1eqne· who , ~ i~·, pl.\=r .tre~troelJt or action (;Cluslng severe emotional 'dt P'SXch~il0Q.kal~rauma. t9 a 'pe=~ailie:e, a, b', 0 0 fabserved deta'inee{s) c. C! llJetafnee(s}told me tnatlhis conattd: had occlirred, d. o {Others: who observed 'th'is cond uct descrfbed it to me. I, personally ,observe.d thiS cPridLict. in 'a..cond'itioh that led me to. believe that',l:his Gohducr had .occurr.ed. e. D !I have relevant information classified Clbove "SECRETi ':. f. o l1 never ob$ervecf this"conduct n9r h~rd gb.oljt'it from som.eon~:who (;fid., ~l D b.. €: h: persOnaLly.obserVed this 'condu'tt o II oBserved detcilriee(s) Ir'l'd,corid.ition that led me- to, DelleVe thanhls conduct had -Occurred. o !Detainee(s) told me that this cond ilct. had occurred. .d·, D IOthers, whb .ob.serVed this cona Iict describ~ it: to me. e. D, !I have relevant Information classified a·bov.e. '!SECRET'!, f, 0' II,l) c;>bserved·conduct nor heqrd abo!!t it from sorn~pne,who diq. OIGQ-005021 -17"",- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . }. '6J,. 'Other treatment of a de~ain~~ tha~ in yOJJr op'jniOI1 was unpr9fesslo'nC;ll, un~dlily harsh Or'qggressive, Cb~rcive, abusive, or :unlawful . D I personally observed this conduct. Q•. 0 f-observ.ed qetatne~(s). in Cil.'co!1ditionth~t led 11)~ 1q believ~ thgt thi$ co.nd.u.ct had oCq.Jrre~. <;:; 0 ·D~~ginee(s) tQI~ .rn~ t.nqt .this. c9n<:lu,C.t had '9,cqJrr~. ' 1 '. o ,others whO. observ~c! this t~ndl1ct c;I.ese:;rl,bed It to me. e. 0 t na,?e releVant in.forl1)qtiori .c1assified 'qb'(jve~ 1~:$ EC,REf"·. a, m r neVer 9Qseryecf this tgl,l,d.ud nor heard 'a bqut' it from··sQnieone whp- diq. f: _Wlt:5B.~.@l_. : (~ '.' :. tl 64. Did you' obse{\ie .ahV impersonation Qf FBl person'lrel by·:atfyone, all ihter'liiew,or'iliteri'JJgati6ri $')( !a,oetainee:? . Yes @' No o '65. Did i;lri,y detaInee 6rother p.ersoii tell you that he or she had witnessed the ImpersonatlQI).of FBI persOnnel In con'nec1ioh with a detai'rlee intervie.W 'or infer'rogation? , 'dYes' 0 No, ~66.}\r;~'y'o\J:,aware·oT:arw 1>.shar:n':-9r "staged" ~~Jainee' int~rvi~w~. qr: interrog'~~ioJ:)s 'cond~eted fOf M~!J1pers pfth¢.H.S-. Gcfi'lgress'qr tl]eir sta.ff?' . "{e~ ,0 No o :.67'. to'yqur knowJedge; did :anY r:nflitary Of intelligence personnel :~Ver deny OJ qelay FBI f!~.ce~s tQa. tletainee:the FBI wanted ,t6;qae:stion because the'detEiine~ h?lct ,sustained injuries after h$ .was G'apt'ureo? . OVe? (!) No . .6~,. Did, Y9uevec .eflq your partj~lp'atto.n'I!1.orobsery~tion:ofa;qetainee: jntervl~W Qr ~f1terrogation . b~cal!S:e p1' the ir'jt:enli¢.w 0.1"' interrogCltio.f.l methods b~i,ng 'u~g? . dYes- 0 N.o 6.9.~ Were you ever"told ,that :anotlier FBI.eMployee ,ended. Iiis '6(h'er particiMtioO" in .or .pbserv.i:jtibn of".~' detainee Interview. or Interr.og.atloh. because .ofthe. Interview· or'lnterr.ogatlon methods. being used?, Yes 0 No: o 70.. Quring ~liy,.Qf yO!,lf 9v.erseas qepJoyrTie.n~ pi" a.s~jgn'm·~nts.-, dig YQU T~pptt any 'cQnc~rn~ regarding OIGQ-005022 r--------------------------, ! any .d"e~.inee In~eryie'tl9r i.nterrogatioo: prae,tkes/'or'o~l1er !ypes of detaInee t(eatment, to aJ:! FBI s\JP¢r\(is:or7" Q. Ye.~ <?J No 71. Dutlo,!) :any. of your overseas deployments or assighments, did you rel?6rt"any,-.c6fi:.enls regarding any:detainee·lntervlew·or interrogation p.ractlces or other.types of detainee. treatment you 'OP.i>?rv~ or Ii~rq ~pouti !.Q·a. non~F.BI s)Jperyls'or Qr otll~ non-FBt>nI:Il~11 d: Yes. .0 No. 72:. HAve:"you ¢:let b.~.eri prde_t~ 6r,tfir,¢cted n:ot't6 (I:!P.drt, _Qr.dlsco·.urng~ In ~ny w.ay frortl rep·ortlng(. .6.bservations.or allegations related to detafnee:treatrilent or inten;tiew or interrogatioh actions. practlees7. DYes' or 0 No 3 HCJye'Y9!,l_,., .... ex" " 1 9f . 'h ">d'tal' ,", p'Qrr~p.Q ... rI'"1J199.S~ ~ ... r\I~Ll.nS;Qn! '''0' It~?L1Qn$ " ... 7". .. _p~.r.Le.need _. a~Y'?lq.l.!a. _. ~len. (~. JfUQ.n tif detainee treatment or Interview or· Interr.ogatlon- actions dt: jiradlces7: 0y..0 No 74. (Q-p'-!:iqMI); P!¢a~ p"rQvig-~a'ny ~ppi~iO}gil ~mrTlent:s;.regfl("~1ng lttfJ. rep.ortlng-:91 .¢.ofi~~tri~~teI9JeQ ,tp. 'ntenJ~-l:ir int~rrCigatr6n .t~biql1.e:s~ d"eten~rQh"prad:li:¢s~ .or",oth_e'r·d.eta:ir1i:f~ tr~tri'leJl.t., ===1 j!ijW]~~'J'mm~:~-~,'~~~13~~~: ~.~.~..~;~D~.~~D~~~D~,@i~~=====' =,.=. . 7.5. Were·you. d~brlefed~ other .l!icm ·the.standar.d «;lebrlef {n fO-7.1.2, C::i:lr1Cernlng yeur'overSea's. assignmerit(s}·or depklyment'(s} after you completed the :deplo.yment{s} or.assig·nment(~p: OY....i1)'No 7.6., Al;h;liti9n~1 C9mrtlents'C)(iR RettQm!11e!lda~!gl1~: tne. U.S. 't-1mtary- p:etsonneLand mY 'fell9w -agents assigned tb'wQrk-~lth them _d~ -an' o,utstan.ding 'aha,extremely" prof!$sloi'ial,Job. It Was: a pleaSure: toser-Ve:Wlth .tlle·m:aoo represent the Bureciu In Iraq. -.Overall, Thank!")"6.u·fdr your ,co"operation in cortfpletiiig ttiis~'questiori-naii"e OIGQ,005023