Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001556
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Depar:tment'of JJ..IS~th::e In~p:ec~or ~uestionnaire Re9.arping Detain~es D03,-OI:<3 INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR R:eVIEW AND USE dN.l:'r BYI.NDIYIDUAL FBI ItE$PONDENT~ DQ Nor FP~WARO'PRD~s.sEMI~ATE ~u ESTION NAIRE 10: test-O.O,O 0 lS!'H)' .As·of ~l1~ l~sUime this' questionnaire, w~s ~a\(~~i 5;ome require,d fields: hav!3 rtQt I,leen c9mplet~d. Plea's,a,.r,e,View Y9urresponses., P~r~on~IInfprma~ion Please provide·thefolloWin~' information: 1. First hame' '2. MidQle Inll!9J: 3: Last name: 4. Entered bn Qut,y Date ,CEOD) : ~: Current Dt",islqn!Field O,ffice: 6;· ~urrent jpb .title'; J. Direct.dial offiCe telephone n\.fmber: 8. FBI :c~n phqne' nUIil'o¢r: 9~ F~I p,;Iger numlJet: 'to. ,Best contact nur:n!?er for yo\.l~ 11., At 6 &,7CPERAGREEMENT 6 &'iC,PERAGREEMENT 6& rc PER AGREEMENT ~&.1C ~ If< 7P $pecial Agellt 6 & 70, PER. AGREEMENT !i ~ 76 Pl5R,J.\'GREEIVlEfoiT 6 <t 7e PER AGFE~III!ENT 0& .Ie PERAGREEMENT. any time a'f\:erSeplember 11{2'OOl{ did you 'serve asa member oUne u.s. Milit;,lIY{ or as an employ~e,or contractor of the FBI or any other government agency;, at Guantanamo Bay" Cuba; Iraqj ; Afg·h<;lni.stcm; 'of,in aregs'cOl1trolled by·tl1e l).EL Mjlitqry. ora U.. S. intelligenGeservice irrcqnnectjonwith the' .gl9l;>al W~r on ,!err.ot? . @·¥es 0 No 1,2. Enter the number of time's you, Wer.e, depioyed o.r:~s$ig ned to each of the, following IO'catlons.. ,(Guantanamo Bay~ Cuba;~ ]raq;,Afghal1istan~ or irt;any areas controlled by:the U.S'. 'fY1i1itary or a us. intelligel1c::e serVfc::~) :4' For ,each deployment oj-assignment ,complete the followi~9.seCtion. Location (select on~) Deploymeri: 9r·a5.,si.gnnieritlieQ~n.qh~r' Deplp.ym~nt 91' as$igm;,, . " ~"" ... . abou.t ,,"~'"'' '",,~, ol"about, ~ ;{\ffJa,h!~lcfh; 02/~W0'2 0.1/2002 Qf 12a. wha't was ,tne :~en,eral Datlir~ a.nq p:urp'6!:le Your assignment clod :a?:t:iVi.tiE;!s? SSE's, Forc~ Prqte<;1:ion 12b. Please provide. the' names of the..speCific,camps, bases( or facilities where you worked. Kand.ahar ii~.· Nqt~: if infj)rmi3iion: Qout Ci :.c:?p~cif1cc9mp·, bas¢,,, IX faciiitY'ls .c1assifj~d9bpy~ SE~REr, pleascLch'eck her~' 0, ,ihclude in yo~r :answer that you have "'additi9!1al 'information clps$ifi~aqoYe 'SECREf,w zuid, if you know, id,entify the,c1assificatlon level, ticket, ,compartment/: prog rani, or,other desigllation thaliapplies ~C? t~e informatlCln . .Da n9t include the ,addItIonal classified inf()rmatrqn 1n :your .a OIGQ-004716 ques.tionnaire re:sponses:. bIG personnel with the Name L '__. . I., ~12~ . ." __,_._. '_'. _,~13:-(~9 . '-: .. _.. _.__ ..'.. _.. __ .. _.. _.. __'_'.' • of !lon-Fin p.~rS()n.nel d.1~ 'Y9U w<?rkjoi.n~!y?' 0Q.~her U.S. Military ~0 u:.s.. i~elligerrc~ ag,ency ;: 0 :: 0 F.orelgn mJlltary Other . ' Position Qid YQ.\J jOintly' in.tervieW of iot¢rr'<;jgate a'ny det,airie~ wi,th n,on-FBI per'$'9rl(lel? . $ 'ie.s 0 N~ " Wit!} 'vYt:t~t kin.ds : 0 eITF : neressary clearance Will c9ntad you to re<:~ive it. .... _ . _ \00' j-.,. - - -,- - pr Iht!=lIlgenc.e.ageocY ". ... -~ _ .:.. .'-, • .. ....... ..:. ...... _ ... _ ~', .. __ ... ' _ '"",.. _." ' _ ""'j. ............ _ .. _ - .. ..... - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - -.- - -.- - - -'- - -'-'- - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - -.,. -.- - - - - -: - - - ~ __ ,... _) : - _.- - -, i1'2[ Old you jointly plan ·any. detainee Interview or Interrogation' strategy~, objectives,. or tactics with- non- , . .:FJ~I personh.e·l? ,!,_.__ .- ;-"- __ '__ -_ . .. --"""t _ _' _ - _ - -- "- __. . : O~ 8~ • .J._._.;- - - -:-- - -'--::-"~-- - --""":~- - - -"-- - - --: __,_ - - - - - - - -!. in,odlitelTogatiotJ·s With non-fBI j:ier.sonnel?: - _-';-~ ~l~g. Wer,e'ypu. ~vero,therwi5e i.nvolV'e~ -, - - _ _.. 9_~e..s_. _ 5~ ~q,. ._. .__ ._ ~: ! ·r:-';'-"'l-'\I'-;f'-::"'--lii""": ""'~<,-.~-"-1-. -.-..-'-.---:.--:.' -.----:---:---::-----:-,'\.-,-.-----:-•......,--:--...,.,: :-:----:--:------..,' 13, Qld. yqU .re.ce,lve a,ny trainll1'Qr Jnstru~tlol:)! .or :gt)id·al.Tc~ 'spedfK:a'jjy 'In p..r:eparat)Qn' (or Fl,ny~.of ;'f.b,u.r ,oyerseas:d.eploy'ments. or assig'oments?· ' .eVes .0N'<> O'Do Not,ReGall 13a. Who 'pipifjded this training r InstrLiction, or g,uidance/" and where did you receive it? HRT l$.b, I}escri~e th~ supj-ed 'on whiC;,h:'yoo re~eiY~p thi.s trainlngi instructiqlJ 9f gu·i9?l(100.. We. war-ked on our··standard Unconventional Law Enforcement Training. ay~s 15" In preparation Tor any of your ov.erseas cfep!oyments'Or assgnments, did you receive any training·, In~ruc::tl<?n/-or:gld rc.'an~ 'cot\cem1ng .t~e· st~n~a.rd ~ OrC0n_~uct 'qppll~a,9I:e·t0 'th~ .trea~~en~l irtterviewt. or d-etain¢,es ~y tion'-FaX p~r~onn~l? :OYes' 0'No 16. rn preparation for any-.of y.0ur 'overseas deployments,;or assignments, di'd Y0U receive,any tra!r;ting, Instn,l~.lonror-'guJc!;;;lnce q:m~emlng W~9t ,YQI:! we,~e' ~UPP9~d ,~o dq If yol,l. ~bs~pV.~.d 9[ .h~fd .C\)bdpt- the 'treatm~nt,' interView,l., or interrogation- Of detainees: by FBI p.fa'rsonn¢l./:'Wh ich yo.u· b.elie.v.e.d ,tp, OIGQ-004717 b6 b7C be in.appropria~e~ unprofession'ali coerciyej.:abl.jsive,or unlawfu!? :OYes '0No OOC? Not ReGaU 17.. In preparation for any'of your .overseas deployments a'r assignments, did Y.o'li. receive any traiiiin,g; l!1struction l (;)f'guidance concerning what you were' supposed' Ifyauobserved ;or'heard about' intervieW, or Inlerrogptlol1 gf l>y n,on-FBl p~~onn~lr which Y(JJJ beli~v~," t6 b,e. jiiapprbp'riaJ~r_l.1npr()JessloriC!lr CCier<;iye, :abusiv(:r pr unlaWful7 . ' , t.he tr~~tm~nt, 0NQ IB~' TrCfi)1ing D~:ril1g, Overs~as p'eploY,men~s6rASsign~en~s I HL Dl!flng:any .qf Y9ur,d~p'loYrn~nts or3lss~gliment~i i:lig YQu req~ive any-tJ?lln'ing, i,nst:rJ.lction~~ or 'Quidance,..¢oncerning the-standards of.conduct :applicable to the, tr:eatrr.Jentr intel¥jew~ or interro,gation .of de'ta'inees by FBI pei:sahnel7 . :@Yes ONo 18'a. Who: pr,Qvided this training, instruction,. oqjuid2ince? Fal ' • ;00'<> Not Recall i~l?; Brl~f1y d\=Sbrib.~ th:e sl,l,bs,t;;lnce pf th~ .train'lng, Jnstru~i(;mf or glJld?lnq:q~rQvIged ~o,:you, J. Wot:lI~ condu~ 'an,Interview o,verseas ~he .sarn~ as ,I'wot,lld ,st~te sid e. ,Uk. Was,;an}'; bfthe:trail1ing r i1'1striJction, of gUidance prOVided in'-writihg? OYes, :0 ~I\lP' Do-.rij9~ R~r:;~i11 any <:Elf your overSeas'deplbyments Of assignments, dltl you 'receive any training, instiuctlon" or9Ujd~nce<C9n.cemil')g~,~,e'~talldar~'s at cond,uq; ~l?pliG(;lbl¢ to ~he tre;:ltrnent, .interviewj,or ihterrQ~at.ion .of 'Qetafne.¢s' by, J1~ri-FBl' p~rs~)Jin~17 19. DiJrlhg 20. Du ring ,anY·.of your overseasdeployrnents or asslg nments, dit! you receive any, trainlngj i'hStructlon, or'g,u,id?loce 'c; Wh(;lt'Yol,l were; sup,po~,ed to,qo'if You obserxr.ed':or' heart!:about the" , ti'!:~trtr¢nt",lriter'Yi~w~ or i!1tetr9g~tiQn'o.f~eta)n¢¢$by .FBI,p.eNro,nriel, which you bMe.v¢ptg b~ ltiapproprlate,ulip.tofessional, .co.ercive,. abusNe" or unlawfUl? . ., • ' S '>~ ONo :0Yes 'ODb Not Re~all .:20a. Who provided this traIning" Instrucrldn, or:gufdance7 ,FBr '" . 2Q.Q, Brjefly-d'escrfbe tt'i~ substance.QftlJe training; ins.tl1Jetion, .or gU:idan!=~ P[PVId.ed to: you. As,an FBI aQent I would report it just the same if'.! witnessed ,anything inappropriate:or pl:1usll,(~, or ur:d?lwfill i!,rthe U.,,~. ' . 2'Oc. Was'any of th,e tralnlng,.instructlon, or gUidance provided In wrltlng1 QYe-s '~No 0 OQ: Not Recall 21. During .any. of your overseas deployments or assignmehts, did you receive any training i instruction, ,or 9 uid?l)lce:conc~rl)lng 'What 'You were; su p.PQsed to- qo' if you 'observed or heard 'abo.u~ the: , OIGQ-004718 treqtment/ int~rviewi 0f il"Jterrogqt~on of detainees by non-FBI personnel/ which, Y9U believed to be inapproprlat~~ ,ut1prpfesslonal, q:>erclye"ab'uslve, or _unl~wfu,l? '000 Npt Ret'~". :QyeS Ie. Adequaey of Training. . -. .. ~. -,. . 22. Jriyolfr opinioll/llid you receive ;aoeq'uate' training, instruction,. or,guidance 'felatiti~l to ·standards: .of conduct by 'FBI and non-FBI perS0nnel relating to'treatment, Interview, or InterrOgation-of' ·'iQr ~o'Y9ur deploy-ment'or as.signment? 0Yes 0, No 23','t'! YOUY'opiniqnj did. YQl,/ r~~iye:a:~Elql,J?te !raining,. irl.~trUQ:lo.n, pr 9l..lid.ance r~(a~in.g to $tan<;lflr.g~ of conduct by fBHmd noh-FBI personnel relating to- tr'eatrile'ht, iht~r.view,,'Qr interrogation. of detainees .duri'!1g your deployrhent'or:asslghrhent?' . ' , ,eyeS 0 No 24-, In ·youropfnlon, did' you recel\{e adequate·tralnlng.(,lnstructlon, or;guldance concerning what you were supp'oseq to·d.a it y,ol( 8bs~JveQor heard, about the treat.I1)~.nt/. il)tervi~w, <1[' In.terrogatiqn of detaioees, by FBI .Qr non-FBI 'per'§Qnn-eI, that ¥Qu :believe9 WC!.S in<;lpp'rop'riat~; u.nprof~siQ.nal, :coercive', a'lJu$ive~ or-un'lawful? . 25', (Optional) 'In what 'assig nments? ways. cali the FBLiinpr9v,e, trainlrig. Qn this sUbJect fer future tlepldymentsor Mal5.esur~. agents .unc).~rstaJld that their ~9I)dllct.C!:?·~ge,nts~doo,~not. chang'e aU Pe~use ~hey are jn. a' .for~ign qm.ntty., .Our ;rule? 9(imervl~w·and :!n,t.e~r9ga~lon d.Q n9~ eV!3,P9~t~ ,on~;we le?'V~ the U.S. -' '10. Comments 26. Please provii:le any additi6nal'informati6nconcernihg training for-overseas deployments or assig nments of FBI. personnel you Delieve Is relevant. . fBI m\3.m:1Q.ern~n.t !,le~g~:to il1suretpe ag~n,ts Q.vers~as:;;lQd 'w.or~ing with t,he m1/it!3.[Y are lJlature'" ~peri~nce9 ag.ents~ Wh-en the- FBl asked Jor· "qlurit.e:ers'" and :when 1"10 Qne ,raised ha'nd thg F~~ lI woliId send l~ most junior p-e'rson~ ortbctt. is' Who' w!iS: vbJunt~ring,. ~ntrod4cj;i,(m ~o P~"'H:~I: ~rnh.i~ ~ectioni .'tIe. C!re ·§~ki!Jg iIJT9rmCitign regardipg .9 W.icj e: r.a.ngE'r qf ·inteNl.e"Y ,or interroqatl5:>:ift.¢c.h.tJlque,s' al)d o~h~r ,types of ~!=,t;alne~:treatment. Cilleg:ed t.Q h'qvg !?cc!Jrr~, You should no,!:assume,. just QeCause\.ve are ,asking ab6,u't a 'particular te.chnique,.Qr ·prifcti.ce( that we have .conclud.ed'that it in fact ocdJrred. We recog nize .that.some of these techniques.of practices: meW at tlmes b~ ne€es,SC!ry for safety ~n~ security fn a uetention setti'ng, In'9d(f~lo.n,:we r.ecognjz~ that sOJTle'of'the~e OIGQ-004719 techniques 'or pra.ctices may .have been ~uthorlzed for use by military or other: governmel;1t personl)e!. With respect to. -each id-e'ntjf[ed techn iq iJe, practice, or typ.e .of CQrid.uct .des:Cr:ibed b'elovi~, w.e are :seeking infoiTi1atioh ,.about its .occlTrrenee during oJ-'in .connection with the intervieW or interrogation of a detaineer "Or during. the'detention ,ora detainee beyond what is-needed for safety arid security. In that :c9nt~xt,. we will ~~k Y9l:l 'tQ tel! G.!? wheth~r {jne or m9r~ 9fth.~folIqwiog ·st.t:lt~ment? Are true: 1. r:.~rsqli~IIY'o.~serv~.9 ·thi~ cQhpuct. :1:. !-obserVed detalnee(s) in a :tond ition tbat led, me believe that this: Gohduc.t' had .bc.turred. 3. Detainee(s) told methaUhisconduci had :occurred. ,4.· Q~tT§rsw.ho qb'~rv~d ·t~'r~rcQncf1J~~:d~sGriQe!l. JtJp' !TIe;, S. I h,aYe: r~l~vcfr).t in.f.C1r:(nptiQIi c1a$stfi.eq ;:ibqVe:":SECR..ET··. , 0-, I.'r:i~Ver!d this .<;onctl,lqt: nor .he;:'ird ~bolJt' inror'n ,soJl:ieijne.-who. di(L 'to '27--. Depriving .a detaJnee oHood or water ,a. 0 r p~r.sQnal.l'i! Q.p,!>erved .thIs cpn~u~t, D. 0 c. 0 l.b/:i~etved de~a(ne¢($) in :q:,cQnditiQrl th.q,t !e~ me.~~:) b'¢li~ye thcjtttii$~ ¢91id.u~~ h~d .Q.Gc.iJrre.d. D~t~.ihe:e(s) tola rile'that this.¢:Ondu~t had Q¢¢iJrrei!. if. 0 OtherS wh.o obSewed '.this c.bnau.ct destribed ina me: e. 0 I haVe h~lev.aht itifo'htJation t1cis,sified aboye' ",S'ECRET". f. g L never 6Dse~ed this ·conauctli.6r,heard;a bout it ·from,sOmeone.Who did, 28, Depriving..a detainee of clothing e. 0 ~ p~(~nally QPse~li!d this ~onduct: 0. (\1bSE!rved d~~aihe~~) !n.~ ct)~~}tt,::,:!: th~t le~ me to 6'el!eve that tHis C9iiilutt hap .occ.urrea. 0{s) toid me that this,'eQ!iduct na'd occlJrr¢d. 0 Otbers Who ,bbs~rv¢d this conductdescr.tb$tl It to me~ 0 I bave relevant inforni'ation das:sified 'abov.e: "SE.CREr"", f. 0' a'l b. ¢: d, 29. a:. ~. C', I ilever,ol:fserVed this'C6riduCt noy heard abptJt itfr.OrThsOri'tep'newno did. D~prlvlng'a ·detalnee of·sleep,. or Interrupting steep by frequent cell relocatlons;or:other methods 0 r p~rsonal~y.observea this wmfuct: 0 r op'?erved d.etain~~(s) in a-conditiQn tha~ I~ TT)~' to ~eIJey¢' D. Detainee(~). ti:>lct 1Ti~.tbat lhl!?'cQodott bad .ol=-:curretf. - th?l:t thl? cond,u,ct h~:d ·ac~.urred. - OIGQ-004720 , ' - e. o tQthers who observed this conduct descrlbeil It to me. o II have relevant information classified above' "SECRET". f. 0' !rn~ver.o:bs~rv~dthi~'c<?nauct nQr heard d. 30, Bea~jng a. D b. D gbout it from someon~ wh<?,diq. a' d~tainee II personallY dbservei:l this :coiitluct. Ibbserved detairiee(sJ in -a,cond.ition tliat led rile to believe tnat this conduct had ,oGcu'rr:ed. e. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this cohdlrct had ,occurred. d., D bthers who ebserved this c0nductdescribed it to me., 0 t. 0' e. I ha~e relevant Information classffied abov.e ,\I.S.EGRET·~. I,never observecj tnJs'coOduct'n9rhegrd;abt>ut,itf.rom sorne~>ne w~o did. :'31. Using pr~vent breathing RY a 'detain~'q~ ~o ,cr~t~ 't!le sef)~t.ion qf'drowning a. b 0 D e. o befaihee(s) toW me that this cond:Uct had .occLirted. ,d. e. -f. 0 D I personalty.obseWed this ,co'hduct. f L' ' ddt 'C J If)'a ' con 'd itFon thOat led .me t0 be,eve, 11' th'atthl,ScOll'(jUCth ad e,Gcurr.e -'0 bserve e aInee-s " Otners who obserVed :this conduCt described it to me. 1- have relevant Information' classified ,above ·!S:EGRET,",. ~< L never observed this conduct nor heard 'about i,t from:someone who'did. :.32~ Usingha,nds,. r@:pe, 'Qr,anyt,hJng ,e's~ to GhoJ<~ or str~l'1gle a dJ~~iJ1ee, D I peYs6nalJy, obseNed this ,t6nauc,t. b. D I.ob's,eryeddetainee(s) in 'a 'coriditi6.ri that led me to belieye Uiannis conduct had Q¢GUrre'd. c; 0 Detalnee(s) told me thatth!!;:cond'uct had .o,cton:ed. d. 0 OtherS who ob,sehted this candId described it to me; ,e'; 0 r ha,ie'relevant- i.nformarion' classified abbye "SECRET". a. f. 0' r never observed thls.iconduot nor heard about it 'from someone who did. , OIGQ-004721 ~~3', Threatening other a~lpn to taus~ physical paio t InjQry, disfigurement; qrdeath a. 0 I. pers6nally obserVea this ~onClu'i:t. b. 0 I observed detalnee(s') In d cond ition that led me to. believe that this conduct had occlfrred. t. - d. e. f. 0 0 I have relevant Information classified above. "SECRET'\ 0 I never observeq this 'condud,: nor' heard 'a bout' it 'from'someonj:l \/'{ho qid. sign)flcant death b. c. d~ eJ f. .---_.~-_._~- Others who observed this conduct descri'bed it to' me. ·34. ' tre:atmen.t qr action ~ustng a'. . o lDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. f-.-:-i--------..- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - paih or ihjljry, Qf causing .~Isfig.qrement·or persO'naJly' oDServed mrs,conduct. o II'observed detainee(s) in·a.condition-thatled me to beliave that this aondud:. had.ocCjJrred. o \Detainee(s) told me thaUhis: conduct- had :occurred. o lo~J:t'ers wf10 obsel'v~d t,hfs conduc:;t de$crtbe<l ,t to me.;, 0.11 haveTefevarit information dasslfied above:"·SECRET'! .. . rEf II never ob,served th'is·'~ndgtt.nor near~ it from 5PmeP:tJe'wl\o, D' 'I persoiialfy o.bserved this conduct. b. 0 I observeddetalnee(s) In a'condltlonthat led me to believe that this conduct c. 0' petainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. d.. 0 Others wno ob$e~ved this comh.l~t de$cribeCl It to lTIe. ei o iI, ~ave releyant fnfoqn?~l(mclasSjfi~~pove"SJ:GI<ET" . .!.! 0 iI nayer obs.erve,~r thIS rC~)ldI..lGt·'19r.hea rp 'aI?Q!Jt it ,frC?P1 sOrn~one:who J" ................. "14::~-'''-- a', had occurred. g. Please pr:ovic:Le .the 9.pprpXimat¢ tlhle 1Tam~'(Juring Whj¢h ~hiS con<;llfl;j o!='c;:u'rred: From .08/2.00.S to' 10j20()3: Ono Not. Recall h. The petai.nE?e{51.t~eated In ~t)is w.ay were 1q:c;:ate9 at t.h~ iime l.n: 1 0 Guan~ani;lmo zli:f Iraq OIGQ-004722 3 D'Afghanis~C;)n 4 0 Othet Lbcation 5 [j Do.'Not Recall L Please id!=ntify ·the detain~.(s} by. name ~Iid num ber: Can. . j. identify the person.cs) y,rho treated. th~ d~!a!Dee(s) in this lTIanner; includ!rm t~eir naitl,~(s) ang :gove·rnrr:i~r.Jt.:agen·cy(le~): Miiitary'Sp.edal forces. k. p'leq~ itl,en.tify arw bther' FBl p~rso.p:ne! pr np,n-F~I personnel'wh9 9~set"'!ed l;I~tain~~'Es) treated iii this: mi:mne'r, their name{s) :and agericv(ies): . Can nqt r~a\1 . . I.. rbi~ .cond!1ct ,occurred in qmn~etion With: i 0 'One d~tajn~e 2.0 :Se\7,~ral detain'el=$ (~-41 . ~ 0" Man'Y. detaihe~"(mpr~than '4)4: 0 Do Not Recall' . Appar~n.t!y d1J.ring.lh~arre:st of· .I:l~ ~~s pla~eq. qri th~ floor Of 9 trl,JcK.; that th~ $.9.I~i~rs ·did 'ript kilowwas hoU:'ihd ~he d!=tain~e suffereq 'several'burris. 0 I p'~rspnariy ob~nled thIs condl!ct. b.. 0 ,r .obserVed detainee(s} in a·c0.f1d iti6rithat led .me to believe that'this. co'tiduet had 6.ccu·rr.ea, -a. <t. d, o iDetainee(s)told me thcitthis cohduct had occurred. O· Others, who observed this c<:mdllct described It to me. e. OiL have relevant information classified :above. IfSEtRET'''. f: 01r never'observed thfs,1conduet nor'heard 37. aboutit from someone. who did. Requiring ~ detainee-to m9!o~~rni or J:8?tralnlng a d~t(;1irT~'in~ a-stressful or painful positiol1 . ,a. 0 r p~I7Sbnaiiy o'bserved' this ·c6riduqt. b. 0 Ibbserved} In a.eond ition'that led me- to beUeve thanhls conduct had ,o.Gcurr.ed. c; :Detainee(s) told me that this cot'th.i.ct. had .occurred. o 'd: 0- others· whoobseNed this GGlndVct described I(to me. , . OIGQ-004723 ... ·.. e. 0 f. I~r I have relevant InformatIon classified above··\S.ECRET". r never observed this;conduet nor heard about. it from someone who' did. .3~L forcin'g a d~tainee to eerform·demanqing"Pc.;h.:.J.Y'-Z?;;;:iF:.:;;a.:....1ex=e~'rc.:;;i;;;;...' a. D _ I p¢rsOhaTly obs¢hTed this,col1ouct. .b. 0 r .bbset¥etl..delainee.(s): in 'a condition that led me'to· belieye thanhis co-nduGt t. o 'Detainee(s}told me that·nd·utt had .o.cC:urted. d, 0' Others: who observed this conduct described it tame, e. 0 0 I have relevant lnT0rmation classified above ·~SECREf". f. .. hatt ,occurred. I never'observed thls:conduQt nor heard about It from someone who did. ,39., l),sing e'e~trlq;l.l.shQck'o,n a pefail1ee -,a.b. D l!Ye.YsOnai\Y·~bservec{ t~i5 conduct. o IL..ol:iserVed:det,ainee(s) in :acond itioh that led 'me t6 believe .tnaftllis Cb.ndu¢t hat! ,:o<l'CUrrea.. 0 D~tajnee(s') told me that thiS- cond'u.ct had6.ccurred, d. D. lothers who observed tliis cmndLid described it to me.· Ie. 0 I have n~leyillit information elas:sified a'b.ov.e S'ECRET" . f, Itt I observed this"conduct nor,heard about it from 'someone who. did, 'C', II 40. Th~eatening tb use electrical shQ~k"on a qetainee ·a. o II p~r.sonalty bbse'l1t~d this :CQndu,¢L b. 0 I.obseNeci .detaihee(s) ih ,a.·tbrid itibn that ied me: to b"eiieVe that thi~ coriduct' had .occurtetl. c: 0 .d, 0 Detaine,e.(s) told 'me tliat this tonduct tiado.ccurred. Others: whb 'obsef,ved thIS conduet deScribed It to me, e. o II haVe relevant information classified aboMe "SECRET'" . f. 0 r nev'er obserVed this condOct nor,heard :about:itfrom .someone who dUI. • OIGQ-004724 41. InteH'ltionaily ders'yin!) Of denying ,detcUnee medical ,care a~ b', c. 0 I personally observed this_conduct. o ILobserved detainee(s) In a .cond ition that led me to belie\le that· thIs conduct had ,occurred. o !Detainee(s} that this conduct had ·occurrec;l. 4.: 0 OttJers wtw .o~se!y~q t,bis co,o4LJ<::t'descriRep i~ t,9 !11,~; , 0 I. hav~ rele,vant ir(fqrmatjon classifiep ,al,19ve '·S,EC.l~ET"'. t 0 I nev~r,observep thJs'>conduct nor'he.qrd a!J8!Jt it from 'sqmeqne'who djd. e. 42. J-)bm.iihg OJ b'llr:l<;IfQlciiiig :a. 0 I personally a .d¢t?l}ne~_Q(lierthari d.uring tran!>p'oqatiph o,bserved thTs,conduct. 0 1 observed detalnee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthls Gonduct had .occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this' conduct had .occurred: d, 0 Others' who observed this clOmd uct described it to me.. ~. D. II have.reley~nt il)f9rrn!"l~iQn das!?ifi.ed.g~,oye '~SECRET'!. b. ... f: ~ ' _. .' ' . iI l1ev~r"b,b~erv~d , I.',~ thi~ic9nc!\.!cql0r ' .....-:.._.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hgardabQullj: frol)1 somebne'w.h.9' 91d. 43,. 'S,u bjectlng a ,d,etaine.e to extremely cold or hOt mpm :ternper:atu re.s-fo.t exten'aed perlQds a. o !I. p'ersonally o:bserved this:condud. ,b'. D' c; D. rDetainee(s) d, 0 Others wh'o obseryed thls con~u:ct'd~,sCrllJed it to m,~. 0 I hav.e r~levan~ informqtion c!assi,fJesJ ~bove "SECRET"'. 0 l, l1ev~r'bP?,erVeq tl1i:s ~9n~L!<:;t 'flpr ,nearp -"1 q~)U~ iHrorn ,~lT1eofl~: ~ho <;lid .. 'e, f. , Iobse'rVed de"taihee(s) in ac;:ond itio.ri that led me to, believe that 'thfs conduct had .occurred: told me that this conduct had occurred. 44, Su!?jec::.tilig $ p!,!,t! tc;> ,a', b. c, d. I lQ.l,I~ music P !I personally observed tnis cotldutt. o II observ.ed detainee(s;) in 'a ,conditioh that fed me to believe that this conduct had occurred. o !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. o lathers. who observed this condwct described it to' me. OIGQ-004725 e. 0 I ha\le relevant Information' classified above ·~SECRET". f. I~f I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from-someone who did. ,45. S!Jpj~ing a detaine~ to bright flashingJ!g!..:.:h;.;,ts:-·.;;.qr:.....d.:::..Cl;;:.;r..c..:k::.:.n·e.;:;;.ss:.=-. a. J1". c'. d. e. t. _ ? detain~ Tor an ~xtel)qed period 0' r personally observed this totlduct. ~- -- II ooserVed detainee(s)' in 'a .cond ition that led me to believe .tbat this co.nautt had ·o.licur-reCf. . b. D d. ,- 0 I p'¢rsonaily 6bs~rved this ;¢ontluct. 0 r Dosetileddelaitlee(s) in ,a :cond i1;ion t.hat led toe ,to· believe that-this colitluct. haa 'p.ccdr:retl. 0 -Detainee(s) told ,hie that this cond'uct had .6.cciJrred. D Others whoobSetvetl this c0rid i.Jd described it to me. 0 I. have relevant lnTormatron classified above !~SECRET·'.0. I never observed thIs:conduct nor' heard about it from someone-who dId. ~~6. 1~()19ting ,a. . o 'Detai.nee,(s') told me that this hado.c~utred_ d. D Others who observed tHis Gs'rid'U'ct described if to me. e. 0 ~ have relevant informatiOIT tlassified aboVe "S'ECRIT'·, f. 0 I never observed this-conduct nor heard ab.outit from'someone who did. , . g. Plea~e provide the apP~oXimClte time. trame' quring which this c~>nduct·occu~red, Frdrrdh/i09? tQ, Q2nho2 009 Not Recali h. The.detqinee(s:} treated jn;this way· were lo'catedat the time in: :1 0 G~antan~~o . . - . " - ...... ".-. . . . .. itJ:iraq" ' .. 3,0' Afghanistan 0 Other Location '4 50 DQ.Not Recall i. PleaS¢.id¢:,ntify th~ 4~taih·e"¢t$). oy 'na"me and. tiutn b.~r.:. UnknoW,li 'j.~leas~: id~ntjfv tne. perSOI1(S) "whQ treatep. the tfetajllee(~) in 'this mC!nn~!'f induc!.ing tjleir naine(s) and g~)ve.rn'ni~nt i;lgen~Y'DesI: I,Js..Mann~s OIGQ-004726 k. Please identifyany,other FBI personnel or libn-FBI personnel wh6.observ.ed detainee(s) treated in this manner~ including their name(s) and agencYIies) ~ , JJnkl)9W,n I. This',cQntluct occ.urr:ed in ~conri~ctio,l1 ,WitH: 1:0 'One d,etqih~ 2 3 a :Se.vera.l detalnees,(2-4} 0 -4.0 m. Many 'd eta lne:es {rnOre'ttfan, 4). Do Not Recall (Pptipnal) Please ~escr:ibe,'the):elevantdr,Quinstahces iii mpre detpil, They:were in a POW .camp, and the,Ma.rines WQuld is,6.!ataPQWs;who'Y(!ere' prbpi~ pristirrers, jO$t like 'we putprisanersin the,US iii isol~ltiorr if tRey are calising' i:jr:o(jlerri5'~ T saw- n6 issue with tliis. 47. ,Using duct tci'jj¢ t6 r~strain"gag:, or punish: a a~tainee: a'. 0 I personally' observed this'conduct. b; 0 lobserved 'detainee(s-) in 'a ,condition that led 0.. d,. e., f. me to believe that-this conduct had ,ocG:urred.1 0 O:etainee(s). ~old TT\~ thattrtis conduc~ hfld 'qccurred,. who observed this concfuct'cfescribed it to, .me., 0 bthers . . . 0 I bave,relevant i(lfbrnrati,Q'n ~Ia:ss)fied a,boy~ '~?ECR.Er'!., 0' f never Qbs~rve.~· ttiis conduct nor h~ r:d '9b'QUt It fn;:>I11' $d,meQ!1e, WhO.' 'Q ld. , ", ·48,. l1~lng r<;ipt~ re,sl10n'~~ teatrrs ~ndlor fort~d~ 'l:ell eXtractiqns, ,a. o II jiersOnaHy,o.bserved this,conduct. b" o Ir:observed detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to belieYe that this conduct had .occurred. c. 0 DetailJee(s) told me that-this conduct had occurred. -d, 0 Others. vv~,o o~serveQ ,corrduczt d~cri!J.ed it: ~o, me, e. 0 I hcWe rdevant inrormati9n c!assj.fiecJ _a~9v~ '~SEq~Et'!;. f, 1£1 ~,!1eVer'bp?erv~~' this '~Q,n~u,~t'nor heard i:l'bQut it from s~;>rm~Qne Whq' did. OIGQ-004727 "' " b. 0 I observed detalnee(s) In a',t::ondltlon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. D' Detainee(s) to"ld d. e.. 0 0 t·, 0' I n:~ver'obs.erve~ this<cpoqud n9r .heardabQut it from SOn1eollewhp d,id. me that this conduct had ·occurred. O!hers wbo observed thl? con,duct de$criqed it to I hav~ reJeva,nt Infprmatlpn c1assifi~d Rb'oV~ ".SECRET". SO. 'Thr~atenjo~ to use Jii'llitClry working 0 0 a. b·, m~: , dbg",-S,:.,.;.o..;.;·il,-,'o;..;.r-,"·n.;.; 'ea;.; ·.:,..r.;;:.a·-",:d;.;;e..;.;.ta.;..::inc:..:·e:::.:~,-- _ I persona\[y. observed this .condLict. ['Observed detainee(sl in a cond ttion that led me to' believe that this conduct had Xlccurrecl. D Detalnee(s)·tald me that this conduct had .olScurr:ed. d. 0 O~hers Wh9 observed '~Ns condu!=;t~e'icribed it t9 !Ve. c. I. hav:e,releYC'!rlt rnT9rm:at!on c1a!:i~ifie~ al?t;)v~ 1!S:EC~IT\ e! 0 l 0' I nl?yer·,ob.~erve:d thl:s '.co'oQu(:t l19r heg r~ ~ClR.OlJt-lt from .~rn~or)e' who did. a. 0,11 p.ersbnal\v··observed tflis ,coilautt. o II obserVed deti:lineels} iri.a~condition that led me fo Jjelieve that this conduct 'had:oecurred. o lDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. b. c, d. o 'e. it lO.thers who observed this cEmduct described it to me: o II, have relevant infbrm?tkm c1assrfied <;l!;Jove' "SEC~ET"· •. 1. .J...1_0'--:..!I_n_e:..;.v_e_ro:...:b_s_e_rv.... .e;..;. cJ_t_h..;.Js;...c....o_O...d..:..l;Ic_t_n...,:9_r_·h_ea..;.r_d_'.....8 !;J; ;. .O. .,:LJ_t. ;.lt. ;.f;. .or_m_ so_.m_e...o_ne.;.;.._W.....h_O_d_id_·_· L.._' a. b'. 0 0 I p'ersonally observed this conduct. I observed detainee(s) in ac6ndition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had ,oceu'rred~ .d·, o pefainee(s) tali:! me tnat fhis conduct had .OC€urted, o \O'thers- who 'observed .thiS conduct described It to me. 'e: 0 c; f~ 0' I, hav,e releYa'1t lntorm?ltion c1assifi~ !3bove "·S~GRET'i,. t oever o.pseJved th(s 'Conduct nor negrdabou~ it Who did,. OIGQ-004728 1- 53. Disre~pec.tful stat~ments, h~Hidlirigr:or'actio'Ds: involving the Koran a. D I b. D Iobse('{ed d.e!<;lin'e~ts) jn a'cQncHtjon t!:lClt I~ .rne to' b~lleye that t bi~ <;onduQ: bad :occurred. co D '[)etaine~(sj tolq me that this Gonpuct had oc:curr~. 4. 0 perS9nally observed ~his:cqnd~ct. . :Qthers who observ.~d tl:ll~ cpnd\lGt desc;:r:lbeQ It ~Q'I1J~.. e. D. i have relevant Information' :da'$"!iified .~h6Ve. I$:ECREr". hp did. ,5:4. Shaving a detajnee'~ facial ,or other hair to embarrass.or humiliate a detainee -- lLop'ser:vE;d d,e~lnee(~) IlJa'l;onditiol1-that led Tfl~ t9'p'e!!ev~ tl1<;{t this p;l[ldu!;:~ hac! 'qm;:urr.e~. b\ D c!' D 1petainee(s}tplg : me that ,this cpnducJ hq,d:oc;:c·urreq. : f'. 0' II, il~v.ler QDserv.e:d 55. Placing a.. D b', D D c. tnis;conautt ii,or ht'-atd ~abp.ut it froin Sdm:eone. 'vi: hQ did. aWoman's .cIothlhg .on a,detalnee: I personally o,pserveq ~nis :colJ.duct. II obs~rveq det9'rn~·e(s).lna'cond)tI<;>n thqt led m~ to belle\f~ trat· t\1ls conduct nad occurred~ lDetaln~<;(s) to.ld m~ that .tbis cO\Jd!lct had o'<;:~l!rre(L f" 0';1 never observed· ttiis~coriduct npr h~rd <;lbol)!:"ft 'from. SQmeon¢. w, ho'dld . .5'6. Touching 'Ci detainE;e,Q'r.C:icting toward EI d \1 a 9.etaiilee in a personally observed this. conduct. I OIGQ-004729 b. c. d. 8.. D .. .. I observed detalnee(s) In 'a cond itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had·occurred. o 'Oetainee(s)told me that this conduct had ;occurred. 0 OtheJ?· W~0 observed t~is conduct descriqed it to m~. 0 I hav~ relevant Information i:/assifi.ed q'bov~, "S.ECRET". t ItI I n!·observ~.(J thfs'cgnduGLnqr h~~d ·abo.ut i~ from ~Qmeolle:who d,id; .5.7. Holding 'cretairiee:(~) ~hQ ·.w¢re. hqt, 6.ffl~i~llY.':a~knowl~g ed 'Of regist~-red ;:1'5; ~!-l~h 'detaining the. perSon. . 0 b~ 0 <;;. 0 d. 0 ¢~ 0 f, 0 a. I p~rsonally obs~rved this cql]~uct. I.. o~~ryed detainee(s) in a,"(wnd itioD' t~9t I~ 111e. to b!='ieve betaine~(s) t,Qll;! tile tha.f.thfs ~onc!l!c.t b?lQ Q~q.Jrree!. OV the ag~ffcy . . th.~t.'thls conduq l1<?d m::a,Jrred. !;Jthef$'who 'opserveq this cPllduc;:tdes.~ribe9 it to m~~ r: ha'ite releYaot informatjon .!=lassjfj~<:I ciboy~ "$:!=CRET"'. I n'~\[er ob's'erve~ thjs..cQ.ndl!~t nor:he,aT~:a b:o,u,t· idrpm sdrneOPe Whq d.lcl.. " a; o ;r, personally observed this.conduct. b, D. to~s.erVed: det~i,n~~(s) 1!1 a 'G;(;md ition that; /eQ me, to b,elJev,e thi;l! ~nis coQduct .had 'OGc;:ur[ed .. c;;. p Detainee(s) told me thC!nhis:~onduc~had :occurred. 0 other,S' wh.o ob'!?erv~q thi~ ~Ql1d uc.t 9.~$!SJij;leq it to, m~., e. 0 I ha~e relevan~ rnf.orma.tlpn:CI~$slfieda'I;>'Ol,fe. u-$EC\?'ET"', f. 0' II' neVer qbserve<;f this C(;lflrtuct nor heard 'ab.b.uf ft frpm -sd.hieqne who .;Jiq. 'd, ,5,9. Threate'liiilg 'to se'nd a another c:()ulit!Y' fd'r (jete-ntion or more ag]re,ss.lvEi ihterr:o,gati6n 0 I. personally observed this ·conduct. b. 0 LobSEl(ved d~~aln~e(!»' in ~:c(:>ndition tha~ !~~ 1Jl!? ~o' ~elieve t~i?t:this ~, 0 Oetalnee(s) told me; t!}at tnls' cond uct ttad .occurred:: d. 0 Ot.heli>, whp .ol;J~erv¢d this..cOndUct describeq it: tome. e.• 0 t hqV~ rel~vant il;1f9r~~tiqn ~!a;s~ifi.ed ~~oV~. "'?,Et~Et!,: .. .. ... .. .. ... a. . , , , -,. , 0-'" . . . . . w •• -- . conduct. h:ad~c~,urreq: . ... .. .. , . .... OIGQ-004730 ~l I~f II never observed this conduct nor heard about It frumsomeone who did. 60. Threatening to take i;l'ction aga:inst a detainee's family a. 0 I per.sonaHy ob'serifed this .condoct. b. 0 I 9.bseN,ed:detain~e.(s) in a tond itjQn that led me' t9 that this COOQuct had .0c¢Uri'ed. .c. 0 Detaine~[s) told me that this coilquct had ;occurred . d. 0 Others' whb nbseiired this cOnduct described it to me. ~. G iI have rele\'ant information classified above,'~:SECRETJ!. If: ~ 1. observed this 'condud nor heard a boutit from ,someone; who did. '61. Oth~rtr.eatmentor action causingseyere emot,ional or psychI;Jlogkal trauma. to a pe~ainee ej'; o 'qierSOirallY ,Qb$erv.e9 ~his.;c.<m.dUc.t. q. -- -0 c. 0 d. .e. f. I observed detajn¢.e,(s) in:"8 .c6hditibl1 that led me. to beiiev.e that thrs cO'nduct Detaine~(s) told had .occurreei.. me that this conduct ha'd .occurred. n Others'Who obser.i.led this conduct described It to' me. o II have relevant ioformation classified aboYe "SECRET" . o ~ never obseived this .conduct nor heard :abdUt it from<someone who ,did. .62'. ,Other relig iou s 'or sexua I hq ra.!?smeqt or /lum IIfatiol') of'a 'qe,talne,e ,-e-il ~ 0 I p.""nally oo:seN«d'lhis con,duCl. ' , b. D ~ observ:e,d detairiee(~) In·~ 'Condition that led me to beUev:e tbat, this condu~t' had ,oi:!::urred., i c.l 0 !.d.1 0 jDetciinee(s) told me that this condu~t had ;o.ccurr.ed.. !o.ther'S who 'ob,served -this' c6'n<fuCt,d'es'cribe'd it to' me. k o II haile'relevant Information tlassified abQVe "SECRET". tf, 0' II never obserVed' this .conduct nor hea rd about it from someone'1Jvho did. _". _ _•....1:_....... __ ... _._, .. '0' " . " _ ...." . . . ., •• _ . . " •• _ . , ... _" _ _ _ _._. . ~" . . . . . . 63. Other tr.eatme.nt of.~· detainee tha~ 'in yo~r op1rion was:un.pf9fessionC)!( (coercive~ abusive/or unlawft,J1 __ ,,_~.,., , . .~ .J un~uly .harsh or-ag,gressiveJ OIGQ-004731 a. o tr personally Q,b~erved thi,s conduct. b. 0 r -observed detalnee(s) in aq>ndU;i()n that led ,me to ~el!eve th?!t this c;:ontluc;t had 'occurred., c;. 0 Dei:<;lin~:(s}t(j'~ me that :t,hl~ r;on-O,lJct had :o'c;g1rre~f. ~. 0 Oth~rs' whq bb.s~rv.ed thJ~ ~:oJiq,!JGt de~.s:::rrbed It't9 me. e. 0 I hav¢ reIeva'rit infQrm,ation' t1<;f~sifi~ci above. "SEC,RET". f. 0 qb?'erved thIs conduct n9rh~rq ali9Y,t it 'from'sorT1etm~whO' <;ltd. 1 _MA'~.~@j~~,· 64. Old ')!ou.6bS¢r\fe ar.fy Impersonation .of FBI pers'6r\ftel by anyone..durIng an lh.ter'View.onhterrogatlorl qf adetain'ee? '0 Yes ·0 No -'65. Did any detainee or other person tell you thatlie.or she had witrl'essed the impersOhation of FBI , personnel 'In connectIon 'with ,a detaInee inter:V,iew or interwg,ation?' . .0 Yes, i:!> N~. 6(;;. ,Are .vOll aWare of<any".sham"' :9r'"~taged n detalilee, itlter'v.J¢ws or lntetr:oyations ,c~nQutt~ for Member's ofthe:U:S..Congri:;ss ot their s~aff? . O~ 0~ . . ,67., Tb Y~)U'r ktiQWI!=rlge,.(jiCj :any mJnt~ry or 'il)telligel!C:~ 'p'ersbri'ri'~l'everJ:le'ny or· delay FBr;ac~e$s to a detainee,-tt)e FBI wanted to qu.e:sti6.n betaus~·the·detailiee had sU'Stained inju riesafter he .was captured?'' '(9 No . 68. E>i9"; end yp.ur p,articipation .in Of obserYC!.tiQn,of9:de~(n~~ int~rVi~W or interri;Jgatign 1:>~.9fius~ :qfth~ i.nt~rvi¢W <;if irit~rr9fr~~iqn rri~th(jd~. O:~ih~ ll.~d? Q. Ye$, ''@ N.o in orobservation of, a detainee inter.view. or interr:og,ation beeaus.e of the interv.iew ,or interro,gation methods' beihg used1 O'Yes, 0 No 69'. Were you ever told thc3t.arlother.FBI errrployee.ehded his,oi her partll2ipatiorr 70. D.urihg .iln\, of your dv.~rseas,deployme'ntSor assigri'rneritsr did you rep.ort any cohceril.s reg,ardjrfg anyd.etainee'inferviewor interrogation practices; .or .othe'r types ,of detainee treatmerit~. to an FBI supervisor? . Yes" .0' No: 71. DUrin~ a'ny ,ofy()~t 9yerseas. (H~pJoYfn.ent.s: pr a'$sjg rrrii~nt~, did you rep,ort any co)lc~fn's regard lng ex OIGQ-004732 any ,<te~ain_ee in~ervie'(oJ,()r in~errogation prac:!:ices or otber types "<;If qetainee tr~t.met:lt you .Q~S¢rve~ I?r h_~rd ~,bp,uts ~o a' n~h-FBI- ~(JP"~rvl~oT.or pth~ ",~,I1-FB,i p,ers.onn~J1 . -0. Ye;s. 0 N9 . 72. Hav'e'y.6iJ:ev,er l)een' ordirected report, Qr,dlscouraged in any way from reporting, observatiens or allegations: related fo detainee treatm~nt or interview or interro.gation a€tions orpr~ctlc~_~"l a,Yes- 0 No 73:. H.ave. you .¢Xpe"rien~d .:any ~e.t!Jal or thfe,at~ned retilla.tlQo' for ,of detainee.treatment or interView 'or interrogatlon actions ():Yes (.!5. N'Q rep:qrtiiig 'Qbserva.tions Qr -all~atlons or practices.?' 74. (QRtlqndl) PI~?ls.e· j:lrov!d!= .any .<:i'ddl.U~:!:n'?i1 ~r.)'Iiii!;!ri~S r~~r.dlti~ ~i:i~ r~porWJ9. pf -q;nc.~rn~.t:elat~ ~Q interview; or friterrogation teehriiques". detention practices; .of6thef detainee .treatment. .' . ~ ~ 1:5', Wer.e you debriefed r 'Other·than the ,Standard debriefin FD-?72,' conGerning, Yol:lr-everseas a.s~ig!1lT!en~(s) ·or·.d~ployment(s). after yOl! 'cC?fl1 pleted th~ d eployment(s) or assig nm.ent(s}? 6:Y~s' 0 N9' 'Thank Y9.u fQrY'Qur coop,eratiQn in ~ompletiri/g thi$' questionnaire OIGQ-004733