Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001654
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D~par~ment'of JJJ~ti~_e In!!tpector Gener·al Ques.tionnaire R~.9ar.~in9: O' o.Ol-(jI:G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOF{ R:EVIEW AND USE ONLY BYINoivIDUAL FBI F{ESP.ONOENTS QP NOT FORWARD OR: Di$EMiI'!lATE . QU,ESTIONfoJIAIRE 10: test-OO.001.654 ./Jj.,s of lh~ last time this', Ql;l'3Suonn;aire. V'(flIS: sa\(~d; ~9me I;'e:quire,d 't,ields:, "'aVI'!:P9t. ~een ~rJ:Ip!ete'd, Pleas~'l:eview-your resporises. -.I- . ..,., '.". _ : .' ". ~ .. -;..c·-··_;;'. -'it&',:~::.-:':l, .. A. ' , .' PerSQnal Infprmation Please provloe·the'foJlowihg infOrmation: 1, FI(st ~JTle. 2., r"1ic,f~le 1!1!ti~: ,3: last name:. 4.> E-hter:ed bn D'ut'i' Date .(EOD): ·5:· CUr:rent 'Dlvisi~n/Field bff~; ·6~. Current job ,title~ 7., Direct:'dial bffice:lelephone number: 8. fBI .cell phone' htelrtil:i¢r: 9.; FI~J pcmer ,mitnb,er:' 10., ,Best cqntact rJumb~r for 01.1': (1 ~.7¢ PE~ AGREEMf=NT '6 & 'rc PER AGREEMENT 6 & 1.C PER AGREEMENT ~&7C ~&7C .s.~lal Age~t '6 '&, 7C, PER A'C;;REEMENT ~ ~',7CPER.AGREEMENT .~ ~.rb: RE~AG~EIl1EN'r 6'& 7C PER,~GREEIViENt B. Ba'ckgroLind of Specific O"eployments ck ,As'si'gilments J.:1. At any tline a'fte'i:lSeptember 11.( .2'0.01,. did Y0U_ sei'Ve,.'a's a fuertil:ier of the U, S. Military, or as ali: -employee-er contrac.tor of the FBI.or,a~y other g.overnment agenc')t, at.:Guantanamo Sayt. 'OJbaj Iraq; Afg'n9tll.Starr; 'Or'in ,a.reqs:ron!roll~ Q'{'~,h~,L!:S:. M)ljtqry Qf a U.~. in(elJ!g~~~ryj!=e inx:QnOE;t;tiQn,wit~ the 'g19l;ldl war,on !!Uror? @·yes (j No Y~'. !:nter t,he numb,e~ jjf~i~~.Sy~~, w~.~,.d.~pi~Y~6.r.cH;~~ned t~.~ch of t.hejQiIOWi.~$.1~GaU~H1s. . , (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.;. Iraqi,Afghamstan, .or m.any areas controlJed bythe.U.S'. 'MJlitary-of aHS. il1t~!i~rn:~ serV~q.:):1, For -each deploy,meht or asslgnrrieni:,complete1he folloWln.9. sectloh. Locatio" (si!ll!!ct one);ii-'.ii~)ipnnieiit·l!eg~n ,un_or Dep-lojif!.ent pr,lill''-ign'ment.IIIJ,i1ec!. 0,", r . . ' ,.~'-:-.~ • < .. ..... ....., ..."... ~, • abo.u.t ol:ab.oat, ~ L9u~~~~r.?ifI~~~~Yi 0:J/llJ2003: 09/02/2..0.03' ·l~a. When wa.s the 'Qen~r:al p:urp'6~ Qf y'"ssigr\.in~lit' ~ll~ ,a~iVit~? Jnterview, of detainees l1b. Please provide the' names of the.specific.camps, bases~· or facilities where you worked. NqvaIB~~ , ·'Camp Delta '12c, ~9~: if infprmaiiorr:alit:out a. ~p~ifii: camp, base, odadUty i~;c1a:$.:sjfied:ab·pv~ SE,eRET, plea!;e·th~el;.;he're 0, 'ins:;lude' in y.0~.r -ans~er that ~u have ~adf:JltJo[lai informatipo'l;ta~slfj~ 'al:!ove 'SECRET,'~' and, if y.ou· know, identi(y'the:c1assification lev.eJ, ticket, iefnpartmeJit, prD:9ram, or,other OIGQ-005175 d'~ignatian that applies to'the informat(on., Do not include the additiQni=l( clas,s'ified information: in 'your questionnaire r~spon'~1 QI~ p~rsonnel with the n¢cessar-y !=learah~e will c,ontaq; you to receive it. .Name -~~-cl .12~. L- . ' Position ~Lp~!J1~!Y~e~tla.! ~g'~nl ' , .' Did you jointly Interview or Interrogate.:any d.etalne,e with non-FEll personnel? , . ' , 0 Yes :Q No , ':-wltil WI1~t kl~~s-C;-(n6,n:F~I 0 G1TF , you ~0;kJpl'11JY7 --- - -- -----.-- ---- ----'- - --- - ---:, p¢i~nn:el,dl.d '~ 'I, ': 0 Qtb~r·U.S. Milit~ry : q u.s, rn'telli~enEe ag,ertCy' : 0 Foreign military or ilitelligence agenqr . , : o.,oth~r :. ::": ::...:.: .:::: ~ ::. :..:. : :: .:.:.: : :.:::.: : .: : : .: : :: ":.: : 2 :::.:. :.::...: :':.: : :.:: : ::: :: : : : : ::.:::::: :: : i: '}2f. Dlq yc;>u jC3i,ntlV p'f~n: ~ny d et~.ifl~e jnt~fVi~VI( ,or (rit,e~rog,ation pl;rat~ y, obrectiV~r, ,or t,g,ct~cs Wit~ non:- :, =FEWper~nneI7 - , 0' -. - ,0 ..' No ':='w~ii wh~t kl~ds'~f-n~;~FBi'p~~~~nei'dld y~~ ~Q;kj~i'ntlyi ': 0'CITF . ~ _., -, -: 0 OJ:he(lU.~,r-ljlitary ~ 0 u:s. intelltgei1~e' <;lgency ~ :~ D Foreig:n. JiiJlitq)yor ihtelligence;a\}ency D Otne'r . " ._~ ., ~--? __ .~ ~-- . . M_~ ~ ,:i2~, -W~r~,Y6~ ~~;r-6th~rW~~ l;v~fv~ in-<I~~ih~~.. irit;rV~Jy~ ,6~ ihterF;g~~bn~-\~~lh- h~h:FBI -p~rs~~neli'-: ,:' , 0 Yes '0 N . o ' ';: --_._--------------~-------------------~----~-------------~---------~--, '.'" ",',. ",: ," ' , ,c, :,;t ",: " lA- Train'ing Prjor'to OV,erseas O:~PIPy'ment or.:As,~ignmen~ 13. Did'you receive any training" Jnstructiol1, or. 'Quidarice specifically in ,preparation for aii.y,of your oy~r.seas d€pI9y.rnen!~~r~?~,ignmetJts?' Dves 0No '14. In preparation ,for a'fty,;of:yoiir dep'loyrnents,or assigo'me:nts"did yeli' receive anytiaihing,instruction, or;guidance concerning the standards'ofconduct applicable to the.treatment" i,ntervieWJ or'.int~rr0gat[(;>n Qf,~etC;l.ins:'e,~ by fBI p~r~onne,i . OYes OIGQ-005176 b6 b7C 15. In' p,reparationfor any'ofyour overseas deployments:or assignments, did you receive any· training, Instruction, orguldana: con!=e,mlng the.itapd~n;ls 9.fqmcl!.Jc~ applkable to'!he trecltm~l1t, .in.tervieW, 9r iriterr.ogation of,detciine¢s by nO,n-FBI p-~rs.onnel? nDQ.r~ot Retail 0No preparation for any of your: overseas ~ep!oyment~, or qs~jgnD1ents, did you, ~eceive'arJY !ra!ning j Ihstructlon, qr gUldqn'ce concerning what yOk! were ~upppsed io dq if you obselyed 6r hecrrQ a'pqOt th.e''t[eatrri~nt, 'irttenf{ew" ci liii¢rro'gatiQn.Qf de.taJne,es bY personnel" whi~h yo-u De iriappropr:fatej: u'nJn'of¢$sitinal,coerciver clousivet.0runlaWful? i6, In F:al bNo :0Do Not.RecaU 17,. If, p-reparcltip)'l fqr ~mY'Q(~o,lJr 9ve'rs,eas th:~pioYr'n'eiixs or ~~s,lgnmelit~t.aid rec~Ne'aflY trainin'g, : inst'r:uctio.h, 6,rgujd.cfnce concerning ,what You W,er.e.siJpposed to do ifYQU obserVed or' heard :ab'o,ut ' the·treatr'ni:mtt fntefview,. or ihterrQgatioh~.ofdetafneesby non-F.BI person nel t. which you' 'believed 'to be in.a'ppropriat~,ul1prof~~!?i.oJ.l:aI,coercivela.busiye" ul)la1ll!fur?' or . ; B~ Training During Overseas'.tieploym'ents Or Assignments 18. During any 0f Y0ur overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any1:raining~ instruction;, 9f ,g Uidan~~ 'C9I1C~rnin_g !h~'$t~lnda.rds of ,~(j£1du$'f ,applicSlQle, ~o ~hE? tre\ interviewr,.:or Interrb9ationQf~et~iri~e?~v FBI ~rsQnnel? <vNo or 19~ DWing ~my ofY0W oxrersea,s'deplGlyrpents a$~i,gnmeJ1tsr. d,ltl YQU req::iv~ any t!Oillil'}gi j'lJstqJGtiQllf ·qr ,~fu:i(;I.~nGe·t.Qn'c!=rning the standard~ qf cQnd,uct applicaQI~ ,to th:e-tre~trne~t, '.in'tj:lrvi.ew, Qr ' Interrdg'atiQn of d,etaine!=s· by n'(m-FBI persQhnel? Q·PQ Not RecaJ! ib. DurjrJg ;:lny o,fYc;>,I,JToversea.!?'Qe!?Il;>'ym~,nl? or ~'sslg,nment,?i d!~yqL! T~'ceiye ?lnY'f@lfJlng) in$1:ruct,~nt <Wguidarice concerning W,b.atVb,u Wer.e. :$,I1Pp.o$e$;l tg, dq W~Qu 'Q~~rv.ed '¢r he~r.q .about th~ , treaXment t interview, 'or jnteri.ogatlpn. bfp.~tpine'es by FaI persQtiilel, whlch yeW lfe.Heved tci b,~ rhappropdale! unpr:o'fessioi1al~ cOercivet , abl.fiiive, or unlaWful? ' eNo . ~bno Not Recall 21. O\,Jtln-g ;:lny 'Qf YQur Q'.{~r~a:s~de.PJQYments. ,Qr a$sigrjrneril~~ ttiq -YQl,I r¢¢~ive ,any iri$.titfction~· oqjufdanc;e:concernlrlg 'What you were ,stJ ppdsed'-!o, db if you ,ob'sewed or' heardal:iout'the: . treatment{ interview,. or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel,l whkh you believed to be ir!approprra~~-{ pnproT~$~lon?l~:co!?raive, '~!5u,$iVj:l,'9r:Ufll~Wful? ' 0100-005177 aDo Not OYes Ie. Adequacy <if Training ftecall ·--·--i2,ln-Y6.~~~pi~ibrt,·_dfd: YOU t~~ivi~d~qJ~j~ t~iihirii,,:·i~~tr.ucti~~;~~~j"Uid~~te:;e~~i~g -t~ ~i~f~'d~rd's .oJ CondUct by FBI:ahd non-FBI'persdnne]'relatlng to treatment/ intervieW,. or Interrogation of detainees prior to y.our deployment'or assignment?' • @yfS Q No rec~iye adequat~. tr-alf}ing;ruq:ion,.9r·;guidan~~ rel~~i\lg !0 standards :bf coJ)duct .\1Y ,FBI 'and non-FBI 'p'er~q'l'1nel J~la~ing', 19' t.reat.li1~nt/ iil.t~rview, t?r ibt.errog?ltion 'of durihg your deplt1ymel1tdr:assjgl1men,t? ;Z3:rn your opln)()nj drd Y9U j . $, y~ Q 'N.o 24. In yQiJro'pinion, did ydu receiv.e 'Cide'qi.Jat~ tra'ining, instructi~:in,. orJlu idcfnce ~onterr(i n9 ;IN hat y.d~ supposed do if-y,ou' observed or heard .about the tfeatrnent,. interijrew~ or:il1terr6g,ition' :bf detainees, by. FBI 'Of non-FBI ·personn.el, that yo~ believed y.rcls inapproprlatei unprofessional, toerdv~~ -abUSIve, or unlaWful? ' were 'to 25,:cpptiplialj In 'What Wqy~: ¢al) the 'FBI irflprq,/¢ ~rainin'g aSSi~nl1'lents? . po thi~ 's,!1pje,tl; f~r future. depI6ym~~t's or L9! Plea~e-prov.I~:e any addit!0'na.llnf9Fnlat!on'~QnGer~fngtr~ining for"oversecls deplOYments or qssignrn~f1ts qf FBI p~r.son!1el.Y()U b~!l~ve is r~JeY(lI)t. ' I,ntrodljction to Part III; In this 'sec,tjoni w.e·'ar~ s~ekjll9. inforrnatlOf\ regarding a wide ra09~' of . .i.n~$rview or InterrP9,ation' ,tecbniqu.e·~ ~M' oth~r..,type;s ¢hfetainee, tre;:tth1eiit -alle~red to h~V~ 9'G<::U rr~t! '. YPlJ ~houl!1 riQt:assum~, just b.J:dll)s~ we:pr~.a~kiiig '!,:!p.cil.)t ~ pai:1;i\:.W,lar J::echnjq'ue,qr prci¢tic~, that"We::ha\ie. ;cpnclu.ded thatitin tact-occurred. We reC6g~nize that.Sbme oJ tliese fechljfq't:les··6r pra~iceS''l:fta?-at.tir'i1es be necessary for,safely. and se::u rity; in 'a 'detention ·setting. In:adCljtion, ,we recoQ.nize that ..some of these teihniqu~dr.pra~tic~. meW hqY~ .be~n al.Jtn,Q.rjzeq fqr' use; PY military ·g.rofher gbvenntient p~rs9nJ]el. :With :epch Idi=htified techrjiq ue, pr~:eti~r or-type :cifco.iid.u·c.t.d.esGr'ibed below" we are s.e~kin9 iriformation ..abo.ut. its. occ'u rte rice 'during 'or in connection with the interv.iew or interrogation of a de~~ine~r·9.r dL!ri~g the 'detert,tion 'c;)fa:detqinee beyonc! what 'is ,need~c;I for safety and. security; In that c.on.t~xkw~.v.{i1.1 a~~ you tg ,t~1I Us. Wh~_tD~r '6n~ u.r more Qf'tn~. fpllgwing :~at~metlt.5 ,ar~ true:, tb OIGQ-005178 i. fobser;yed'detainee(s) in a ,condition :that led me to 'believe that thIs conduct had oCCI,lrred. 3. - b.e~in~(s) tol(f.l1J~ that ~hlS !=dnd.Lict I:lgd l;ltqlr~d. . . ' ,. . _. '4. Others:\,Jbb b05erW-d thi£ oonductde.s"CrJb.ed it to me. 5, thalle.r.elevant,infor·matIon·dass1fied aboye ·'lSECREP.· 6. r never observed this conduct nor heard, about it-from .someone who did. 27. Depriving a detaii1~ Qt"fo.otl 'o:r water a. D r per50nally' o.bse'rv'ed this.cci'i'lducl:. b. D I.obSe~d ,detalneec$) lri':a.OOrKIitIQrl that led me to believe that-this oonduct had .ocCorr'ed~ D Detainee(s) told me that this. conduct. had :oCOJrred. d. D ·b,fhers. who observed this conduct de?cribed It to me. e. D . t).aV~ re.leyaJ1t Infof!l1a~.~n «;:!ass\fi~ ~~ove '\$!=CRET~~. I. Ia I. n:evero,bse,l"!en th,is '"ond,4c~ nor hea:r~ .abol,lt it 'from.SOlJle.9n~·"V~c:r qjd.. c. a. o iI persohally,observ.ed this .coildu.ct. b. o II'obServed detainee(s) in a'coflilitioh that led ·me to believe that-this conduct had .ocCurred. t. D Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. o pthers who observed this conduct described It'1o me. d. e. D f: Ii'! have relevant informatiOn dassified above '!SECRET"·. r. ne\J.'er o.b.serv~d· tI)i~·c;onq.l,lq ':lorhear~ ·ab.o!Jt It .~~ sOQ1~on~·wh.o ~ld, ':.2'9.'. bepriving q :detaln~ Qf:sle:eg. or interr:upting sree;p by 'fre(Juent cell r~lQc"atlpns, or'9,t,her me~h.Qds, o a. 11- pel:Sdnally observed this .cohdl1~t. Ii. O· iI bbserv.ect.detaine.efs) i(.. ~,c;:pr'1ditipii tl,lat Jed me to belielle-that this condud.had i>cltuFred. c. D. d. D Detalnee(s) told me that this cOr1dlict· had ,00000rr.ed. • others who observed thiS conduct·descrlbed It to me. e, o ~.ha'il.e rele:vant information classified abov.e ffS'ECRErl. [. 0' II: I)ever'o:~s~rved. this ~nd.l,l~ n9rh.6?lf.d ·~~9.4ti~ .rr.~ $C!rT'!~9:n~ Who d!Q, '·36. Beating' ~detainee OIGQ-005179 a. D 1. personaIlY'ob~erved this condul:t. b. 0 t -observep cletain,ee(s) f!1·a:cc;md11;Jon tJ1at led rr~ to l?~lieve th?t tl)is J;:ql1'duc;t b;:ld Om;.\1rred•. c. 0 D~tqinee(s)-tdlp me that this c;onduct had ·o~curred. g, D Others- whO. pbs,er.v.ed this $:P.n~I)J~t de~.crib~d it tp me, e. 0 r hav~ r'.elevafit in'fqrm.atioh'C1<fs~ifi~ f. 0. 'a~ove "SECRET", [ n!=\(er 9b~~rvf=d ~hls cqnduct npr:h~rc! ab9lJ.t1t frqm.sPll:i~!:lIi~ whO' c;Ii9. '31. ·Using' water to prevent breathing by-a :deraiilee at to create 'the s,eoSation of drowning 0 r, personal.IY· o.bse,rveQ. thj,~ co.lJduct. fj' 0 I 'o.bse(Ve~· (I~.tail)¢el s) 10 ~a'-c9n9 irion t.hat led me. t9 Qeliev~ thi~·jn,his. cgnduct· had '9~cU rrep" ·c.: 0 ()etajne~(&.) tql( tha.t th!s: conduct h?d 'q·~urr~. d, D Others' ~h9 qb:!ieiy}:Q thi~ l=Qndlict d.esl;:ribep it to' rn~ e~ 0' r tl'av¢ reieyant ~Ie;t$sif/ -al:idY.'e. "S.ECRET"'. f. 0 r' n~yer 6i;>served ttiis.,cQni:l uC,t n'or 'heard ,a bb4t it from, sdm~o'ne: whQ. did. a.· ,', a 32. U.sing hands, rdp'e"or 'anytfllng 'else: to 'choke or strangle :detairiee: (;l~. b', 0 l' persona((V'0'oserved this ~oncJuct. 0 I opse:rved· detaineeIs). in :acpn<:1 ition that I~d me tQ' bel th?lJ 'thIS' co np-!-ltl Qi3P qCClJrred < <;i U De~ainee(~) tpld rn~ that ~~,is' GQnd U'f:t h9do'q;'9r~ep '. d!. D ,pthers' Who 'pb$erve,'d '\hls. C'Qndq~t,d~~~Tlbed It ,tQ me. e;, D haVe.relevarii: i[if0rrtia~ron- G1as'sified ;3b~v~ I(SEC~ET"; II' f 0 I n~\(¢r ¢bserv.ed this cQriduct npr h~rd 'abput' it frp!'n"s6me'Qne Who, did. 33. Threatening .other action to;cause Ph.\isical pail1r lrijury, tilsflguremeri't" br death: a. 0 1- perso!1~lly observed this 'c.onC!u~t. b: 0 T>:o~seryed d.~t~I,nee(s) In "a 'co'nd itl9rTthat lee! me, ,~o' b~lIev~ .thpt, ~. D DetC;line~(s) ~.9.1d rn:~ thC;lt this conduct bad Qq:wrec!. d. 0 Othel? w.ho 'ob~rveq this cOl}duc;:t c(e~!:rib~9 ,- ....... .. .. .. -.0.0 ••._- ." .. .. .. -~.~ .... -_.- .. . ... ... \t .to.. me; . -- .~ -.. . tnls con,d.u~ hi;ld'Occurred, .~ ._ .. ...... .. -.-- ... .. .."._.- . OIGQ-005180 e. f. 0 IiI' -I have relevant Information classified above' '!SECRET" • " I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone, who' did. ,3'4., Qth~r' treatment or a~i()n,tal,Js!og Sig nifi~nt , , , =r I p,tw,sical pgin or il)jury, or fausing disfig ur~ment 'or' death 0 I personally observed thlsi:onduct. 'c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduCt had occurred. d. o IQt,hers' wl]o obseryeq t,his cond uc~; described it to l]l~ a. cr, 'e., f~ 'a', b. o !robserved detainee(s) in a cond ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had Dccurred. 0 t, have re1e'l?nt inrormatidl}. c1as~i.fie9 'CJbove: "S,EG.REP", iii I nev~n)bserve,(r ~his eonduct'nor ,heard i<=lQdut i~ from,-SQJi1eon~wh.o did'. o !I peFoonally o'oserved this (;ol1duct. o jI··obserVed detainee(s) in :a,cond lfion that. led me'to. believe that this conduet had ·occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this qmduct had occurred. c, d. '0 Others. who 'obser-ved this C0nduct,described it to me. e1 o sI h,ave retevarit Inforrnatiqn dasslfied :abgve' 1'\SECRETI 1 •• r: o iI never'o,b~erved this"condu5':t'nQr:heard ~bout.itJrom-sorne()ne who dJd. a. 0 r personal!)' obserVed this :conalr~t. b. 0 I,observed ,detalheets) in:a ,eond itiQrt thaL led me: to believe thaHliis conduct' liad ,occlirred. c; O. Detainee.(s):fold me th'at this Gondui::t liad .oGcurred. d. :e., 0 o t· 0' bthers wh0 -observed this cond,uct described it. to me. r have relevant information classified above. '\SEGRET"', 4 - <. '" • ..... • "'~' '. .. ",. .... ..', I: nev.erol>5e~ed t~J?,;G'onductm?r'h~xg ,abo~t-It .ftO!TI some.on~wf}o dlq. OIGQ-005181 '37. Requiring 'adetc3ii]ee to maintain, or'restrcJining a detainee jh~, a ,stressful ,ot 'pafnful'positfon ~ a. 0 I personally' observed this.,conduct. 0 L0bserved detainee(s) In a ,cond ition that led me to believe that this cond!Jct had occurred. c, 0 D'e~ainee(-s) tl?ld miF that ttJis conduc~ had 'occurred. d, 0 Ot~ers'whQ ob.serv~q thi~ cqnduct'des<::ribed j~ t9 m~.~ e. 0 L hav~ relevant lnfQrmatio'n cla!?sifle.ct ,~I?'ove "SEC,RET", r: 0 I never observep this conduct nQr'hE;Xjrd abollt itTrom sqrneone' who' did. b, ,a. 0 I b; o II observed detainee(s:) in a condition that led me to believe that this'conduct had;occurred. perSonally observed t~fs .conduct. c. D IDetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurr:ed: d, 0 Qtbers who observed this p:mpu~tdescriQed it to, me. ~. 0 r !l9V~ .re[~vqnt 1.t;lr.orm~tiQ.n ,Gla'$sifted. A~.ove ",S ECRET'I.; l: 0',it neverQb~rv~9 thls:t(?f1du~t !l()r',heard about it from sqrl:Je'on~wh:o:dld, '3,g. llsing 'ele:c.trical sh6,ck 6Ii a detainee a: q I persO'nally observed this"conduct. b', q I ob'se'rved detaiheets) in a canaitlo,A that led 'me to, believe that this cdnduct had ,occurred. c. d, o ;Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. o 'others' Who obserye~ this cbnd U.ct described It Jo me; .-e., D. I. ~av-e relevant inform,9tion classi.(jed (j.!:l9ve "'S'~C.RE:t'\ t: 0 L neyer;oP?erye~ Jhrs'Gon~:l.lJct Jl9r hear:9 ;,~ Q9!Jt it :fro!TIsgm.~OJ1e:Vib,o <;lid. 40'. Ttij'~tenjng a. 0 tl), , use',eJeq:rical;:kon i3 'de~ajnee I personal(Y observed tfiis ,conduct. obse'rved detainee(~} ina.condition that led 'me to believe thanhis conduct had ,occurred. b·, 0 I c, d. o {Others who observed this conduct described it to' me. d . IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. OIGQ-OOS182 , e. f: 0 0 I have relevant Information' classified above "SECRET". I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from'someone who'did. 41 . .IntentlonClll'l delaying ot 9:enying det~inee medicClI C?re a. 0 I p-ersdna(ly ob~Ned this;~onClucJ. b. 0 I .bDS~rYed de'tainee(s) in 'a,coild itioffthat led, 'me'.to believe tbanhis coriduct had ,o:ccurrep. t. 0 d. 0' Detainee(s) told me that this, conduct had ,O,cturrel:l. others: who observed this c0hdirctd,eS{;ribed it to me. e. q f. o ,I never'observed thls,;conduot nor heard about It from someone who did. -42. 1. hav~ relevant information ,classified above. 1'SECRET". Hop,dllig Qr plindTol~iiig adetaineeiother than during tri3nspqrt9~iO,n ,a. o ~. pe,tsoni:ii'Iy, observed this conduct. b. G ' I,obserVed defainee(s) Irl-c) ,condition that led me to believe that this C9'n'auCt , bad .p,Ctcurred., P- o .Detal.nee{s) told me that tlirs ~ond:u.<::t had ,Q,ccurred. d. 0 OtherS' who obserited tHis I!o'hduct aest::ribed if to ma. e. 0 I have rele.vant irifofmatiorr tllassifjed abo've '~S'ECRET·r.. f. 0' I never obs,ervedthi's;conduct nor heard about' it from someone who'did ..,bjeetinp.a defa.inee tQ;eXtr,eni~I'y coid or hot room ternpe@tures TOr e~~nqed periods 0 b. 0 c. 0 d. 0 .a. e~ f. r personally observed thl$ :cOl1.duct. I observ.ed detainee(S} in ,a tbhd'ition that ied me: to beiieveJha't this cbr'lduct ilad ,o,ccurred. I Detaine~,(.s) told 'tne th~t this conduct hadoccU'rred. OtherS' who obsefired .thIs dmd uct descrIbe(! It to. me. o II have relevant information- classified a bove "SECRET". ~ lr ne,i'er observed this 'condUct nor:heard :a bout it from someone who did. OIGQ-005183 44. Subjecting a det(HnJ~e to loud music a. 0 I personally observed this~conduct. b, 0 I::observed detalnee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred. c. d( e. r: 0 Oetainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had 'OC::curred. 0 (~lt~ers wJ'lQ observ~ to,is «;:qnductdesqi~ed i.~ t~ m~; 0 L hav~ releVdnt information dd?sified pl;rove "SECRET". 0 I nev~r observ~d tois ·!Jctnor heard about it from sqmeqne'who did. 'a-. 0 I'persanally observed tliis.conduct. b. 0 I observed detainee(s) in ·a·cood ition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had .occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ;Occurred~ d. 0' btlTers who observed this conduct described it to. me.. e. 0 I h~v.e re!~V(:lnt i.t;IT9rm?ltioll cJ~s,~lfi~a~.ove n·S:~tRET'!, T. 0 I ne\l~r·o.b?~rve:d'col}c!q~t.r:lOr .11¢ar~ about l,~ frolT) SQrn~bn~ ~hp;dld. , g. PI~~s~. ' . • __ • A ~ , . ' •• PJQvfd,¢ the ~PP'r'o:Ximate tim.e frame .dUl:i'n:~ , iIJis col1d'u~t owutreg. .. From .08/2.1]03: to 0.9/2003· . ODD Nol' Recall n. The s:lerafnee(sj ~r:.ea.t~d. In 'this ,w.ay IQ~·a.teg at th~ tim~ ]n ~ i IfH?uclnt~n'am9 20 Iraq 3 0 .A~Q tianistcfn 4 0 Other Location .5 0 Do. Not Recall t Please,Tdenfify the.detaiilee(s) 5y name and··; Unkno~~ . tP,!ea~e i.d~enti!y t,h~, per~r\ts) w~'~ t~aj:ed .the, detaine,e(.sJ in thi'!:?' manner, lnduding tneir name(s) a'nd government Unknown ' agen~Y(les): _. k. PleaSe iderjtify~·anY. 'othe'r FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who ooserVetl detainee(s)' treatea . ~~hlS'manner 'relUdlng thefr name(s) and agenCY{leS):. .. , b6 b7C i. Th,is ,cQndljct ()ccl,lrre~ ftl' ~()hli¢ctjo:n Witli: 1 Qne.detain~ .20 Severi:lJ detairiees. (2-4) a OIGQ-005184 30 Many det.ain.ees- (tTrore than 4) 4·0 06 Not Recall ' ll). (QP.t(onalj PI~se:d,escOQe',the re(e\laht cJrcunist'ances: in more d,etail: 46. IsoJating ,a detain~ l~r an eXt:eiiCled 'P-E~l'iod D 1- personallY opservec! ~his c<?nd'uct. 12" D ~opserv,e.q c;I,~ta,n¢~(sl in ,a c9npjtiqtl tb~t 169 m.e to p'~liev~ t~~t tpif,? C:;Qnduct Qi3d '9~G1!lTeq. c. D IP~taine~(s)·t9.l~ m~ ~hpt tt!ls c9!Jd~ct Ijad 'oc;~\Jrred. d; D Others Who. pbsel'vep ·this. cqndu.ctdes.crJbed it to' me. ~! D I hav~ rele.v?:nt Ir'jforma~!o,t( da~~ifJed abpye. n$E,CRET". f. 0. r n:ever o:b:setVl;!~fth!s conduct npr.h¢ar~ <;to·ot).u'tfrorrl' sort)e~:in:e who: ~.t(t a. :47-. ,Using .ouet tape'to . restrain, gag,~..:-!:..;;.;.;.;.;;.;..:..::..::.==::.-_-----_---:.-----of 'punish a detainee a. '0'1i" p;~;n~iY'~o1J~~iit~i;';;~,u~t~ ,.•----~-~b. D. r0bsgr;ve~' det,i;lit)ee(~) in a'qmditiol1 t.nat, led .m~ t~ peJieve tngHhis q)JlduG~' had 'occIJrred. c.' D ~etarne'~(s} tQld ~~ t!lgf thjs,~(;mdu.c,t tlad ,?c~u r~~~:r" g, 0 oth~rs; whl? ()bseJY~d 'thl$, 9'pn~.uct d.~·scrib~d It tl:tl'D.~.· e', D have tele\(ari~, informatiolt dassiffed above "·$ECRfP". .~ ~-~-- II f- IEf iI. rie\,;'et obs~rVM' tni?, c6n~uc,~ ripr'h~td :a,bo~,t i~ .frbin"SO,rTr~M~ who' 91:<1. ·48. .using rapid ,r.esjJonse .teams pod/or forced El~1I eXtractions' .a. b. '<;;., ~" ~. f. D r personal,ly 0bs~rved, 'hts 'conduct. . D Lobserv.ep detaint::eJs) in'9 c;;ond itipl) that led me to Q~ne.v:e. that th,i~. c0~ndu.ct had occurred., D De~a'inee(s) tol~ ~e ~hat Jhis. cond uct nad ·Q'q:urr~. D Others wt'\l;i obser,vedtlJi~ l:;onduct <;!,escrtbed I.t to'me., D l' have relevant IJ;1form?ltion 'Classified a!;Jove J~,S.Et~'!·. 0" i never ~bs~rv.e~ thIS cooctu¢,t nor hearq 'pQQl!t: it frplJ1 some.Ql1e Wh9 {li,d. , I' OIGQ-005185 49. Using a nillltary w9.rklng dog pn .or o-e'gr' -a "deta,lnee other than during detalne!= trclrlSpbrt.atlQn a. b. D D c. o ,.d. e. f. I. persdnally 6bserVea this condu·tt. j I. observed detalriee(s) Ih a. cond itidn that led me to. b.elJeve thanbls cond utt had OCcU Fred.- Detainee(s) told me thatthis conduct had ,occurred. f---,,- '-~----"''''-''''-'~---'-- - - - - - - . -...- ...- - . - - - . - - - . - ---"-'-'--~~"-- D p.thers who observed this conduct described it to' me. D r. have relevant Information classified above. ~~SECRET"" 0' I ne.ver observe'cJ thiS. com;luct nor he:ard 'abQut it from someone. who did. ,50. Threatenin9 .t9 \Jse.mili~ary \"':o.r~ihg :pog~ 00'.01' il~rfi,detajnee a. D lr p'ersanaIIy obserVed this..conduct. b, D lr;observed ~etaiileer5J ii1'a,~o"'d ition'thi3t lea me to. balieVe thaUhistoodlict had ·o,ccurteCl•. c. D.loetalnee{s) 'told me ,that this tond uct had ,ocdJ rred. 'd, o latbers. who ebserv'ed this. cmnduct desGrihed it to, me. e. D :I have rele.vant information' Glassiffed abov.e -,[SECRET",. f. Itt!!. observed' thIs .cond uct nor 'heard a bout. It from ,someone who, did. a, D II perscinaliy ob.~tVed thist;ontlU,c,t. aGondltiorHhat lea me to' believe thafthis' conduCt. hcido.ccuited. b. D jl:obser,ved deYalflee(s) in c. D !Oetainee(s) told me-that thiscoriduct h'ad:occui:red. I d. [j lathers who obserVed 'this condubtdescribed it to me.. ,e. tI haVe reJeva'nt information classified bove '~S'ECREr" . o f: a Itt II never observed this:conduct nor'heard about it from someone who' did, 52. Threatening t9 .use.spide~,Wo.rpion"s., .snake~i or:othe~ animals on a 'ge!:i:iinee D f> D .. c; D ,a', II per$<inaUy' oli~,iVea:' this cotldO¢t. II ol:5setv~d defainee(s) iii a cand ition that h~d me: to beiieve thaUhis tdn.duct had :octurred. !Oetainee(s) tQld me th:at this conduct had ·occurred. OIGQ-005186 - e, 0 0 f. 0 d, Others who observed thIs moduct described It to me. I have relevant information classified above "SECRET". r n~er opserv~ this'CQ04uc~ nor heard qbout It from S<;lmeon~ who qid. -53. Disrespectful statemeril;s, h:andling, orpcti(;ln~ invplvirm ~hf'!: Kpra'n 0 b. 0 a', I personally.obserVed tliis ·cbrKh.1ct. 16bservec! detainee(s) in a.cor!d.iti6n that led me to belieVe ttlanhis eonduct. had-oC!curr:ed. t .. 0 Detaihee(s) told me that this cohduct had :occurred. d. 0 bthers WflO observed this' conduct described It to' me. e. 0 L halJe relevant Information dassffled -above \'·SECREr'.. I, 0 I, l;Iev.erub~erve'q thfs 'cond.uc;:.t n9r h~.t:d abo\,lt it fro!TI sorne9pewDo dlq. .g. Ple.ase p'rqyl~~ -the ~pprpxlrt')~~e llm.~:~me··~uJlng. W~.I<::,~~hl.§ con~.!.l~t oQ:~rred •. f'Qm .O'IJ-~o031p Qil/iQQ3 ' OD:d Not RebOil hI Toe;: dcl;;tinee($l trea~~ in thi~ Way. were, f~t~ Cltfhe time 'ill! ,~ 0' ,~u~ntanamo ?"Dll'!;!.q 3. 0 .Afg hanlsta'n ~ 0 'Other Loeatiotl '50 Do Not Recall . i, .Please·identifY the,detainee(s) by name arid ri:umber: #682 j. PI,eas~:ide!1tilyihe;per?Qn{.s). wt10 !~l?ated. ~,hEl: detalli~~(s) in 'this l1lanhe~, including .their riame(s) al1d #.68"2 ·daimec[the Critiductei! was.·oomniiffed in .tro'nl of:anotlie'r i:tetainee. k. Plea'S€: IdentifY. ~my "dtb~l" fBI lJersonnel tlr lion-Far p.ersonnel 'Who otlSerY.ed detalne'El:(~} treat~d hi !~is.maliner! iflcludjil~ theJr i:'iam.e(~) 'and ';3;gene;ynes): . rl/A I, rhis,:q)n(Juq ocqJr:r.l?C1 in 'l;O.nn:eetlQ.n Wl!:h: 1;0 on~ c!et~lne.e ~ 3 0 a :s.ever'~J det.aln.~: (2-4) ManY d,etaJRee$ (fTl:bre; tH.ari 4) if'0 Do' Not Recall m. (Optional) Please,deSCrib.e.lhe relevant ciocu't'ristances: in mor.e detaii: OIGQ-005187 #68i claJrne<! the oon4uct was coml1)ltted cmd tiffered.lt_as a' reason,for l1ot:coopera~lng. In t.he intervievt· pr9ce~s. 54. Shaylng a'detaln~'s, f~<;Ii31 qr hair to embarrass' or humU/ate a d~amee a. .. b. c. d. pe·rS.6tlaily,observed thfs.'conduct 0- . I-_."-"._-.. _-- - -,.- _.._-_........•. "--._'" .. _- . -_. __ . ... _...•... •..• -._-0 r b,bserv_ed-aetainee;Cs) ih 'a cbhditiOri that led me to that this' C9nduet ha.d .o¢¢Urted. 0 Detcilnee(s) told me: d1qt tlil~ torii:lutt ha_d J$ecurrat 0 Others: who .obseiired this oond uct described it to hie. e. d l haVe relevant information Glassified abolie '·(SECRET". "" r never observed thiscohduat norheard :abOUt it froTTi.oomeone\Ytio did. ,- ~._--- f. ---~_ . 5S PlaCing a woman's t$lothing on a'detainee a. b. o 11' perS9tl"ally:dbse-rv:e~ .thi~kccmj::h,lct. o ILo:b:5e('led J::I¢tciitie¢,(sl in ;a~c~md.itjQn;th:at I~ ,m§ to bE!tle,,¢ thaJ:.Jh'is wriduq fiEld occurred. c. 0 Detaili¥(sJ told me Uia1: thls,cp!iduct hlid '.occurred. d. 0 others' Whb observed this conduct d~crlbe(:l It to me. .e; f. 0 "" .have relevant ItlfOrttlation t1assified above ·~ECRET~. I never«observed. this'conduct nbr"'heard 'aoout it from sOmeone who dRI, 56. Touchlng.a d'etalnee or.aGtJng ,tQwaIP.a qet:~lrn~ In a ~ua' ,manner a. 0 r per.s!5tlalj}(olf'serve.lfthis C6ridl/ct. b. [j j:'VbSe.rverl'd!=t~rr\ee~)'ill :a:condltip", tha..t I~ me, to belle.¥~ tlia.tthl~ ~h"ClU!=t bal'qcaJrrep. c. !Detai'nee(s) toid me that thiS: conduct heid'o_cciJtr.ed. o to me:. d. 0 Others, jNhoo 6bserV~ this c:o"tld u"¢t d~ttlb.ed jt e. 0 I haVe 'relevant Inforulatlon t1tisslfied aboVe "SECRET~. f. I never observed this.,condUct not hea'rd abdut "" rt from soni~oneWho tlid. :ffl, Hold Ing detainee(s) who were not offidalty acknowledged or reqistered as such by the ·agency. detaIning the person. OIGQ-D05188 G a. o fhis conduGt. II ~bserved d~tain,ee(s} in a con<;H~iQn that jep'm~ to b~neve th~ll: t'~i5' corrdV(t I personally' qbser\(e,d b. c. 0 Derciinee(s) tol~ m:~ that thiS' qonduct had oc~urred. (f. 0 Qthers whq ob$~rv~d. 'i,nis (::o;:idV<;;t d~c:ribed It to me. e. 0 [ hav¢ releva'nt infqrm,atioii t1assifieq aQOVe. liSECREr". f· 0 'I n~\!er qb~~r\(,e~ ~h.l~ :cqli~uct npr:h~rd 'ab91J.tlt 'from S0JT1e9n~ whq' ~ld. ha!1 Gcc;urred. 'S&. Sending a detainee to aliother Country fOf mor.eia,ggr.essiVe iriterrogatiod a., 0 I. personal!y' o,bserveg ttlis CO!1duct. I?, ~,. o L 9,b'Serveq;c;l,e}ain~e{~11n ',a'cqn9 ition tlJ?lt.led .me t<;> Q~neve thF;1t' I;:Q.QOv(:t had Q<:;qJrr.~~., o fDe~ine~(S),tQI<;(,me tnqt this:~~l1c!U¢,t' h~d 'qc;ciJ,rrei<:l. ' '(1'. 0 e: o !I hav:e rel~va.nt intorrti~tlo,n .c1;3"s.$iffE4 -ab,dY~ "S.ECl~ETI'. 6ther.s· w,b9 ,Qb'sety~d thi~ !=QQ~:It.,(c;~¢rib~d ittQ'm~; f: 0 I ii$ver QDse/lted this,,<;q,nCluct rr<>:r h~~d :abbl,lt itfrqrri"s<im:eone Who did. '.-59'. Threatening to send 'a d,etainee tb, aho.tlYer country. for' detention'or m(fre,ag'~iressiv.e, interrogation e; o Ir personaf,ly o'b~~lVed ,his ~ondlJ.ct. o II ,obse,rve!1 d~tain~e(s:) ill ,aT!Jnc;l itionthat ied me to' believe that: this COD~utt l:ti3d occurre~L o !D~~ain~(s) tqld ro~ ~h9~ Jnls'c::pndv(:~ ~?ld ~c<:lIn:~. o !qthers ~bo "<;ib$e~V.!?9 '~hls c(mcl.u:~t,de$J;:rl,bed it to me; o !1 haVe relevant. liJfotrtlatloD' tlasslfi~tl ~ b9ye .is'EC'REJ"'' f: 0,lI observed Jhfs,cQnduct npr heard Ji'bo,u~ 9~' b'. ~; 4" it from sdrriepne, who, :cl)d. ',60. Threatening to take actloh;·ag'ainst,a detainee's, family 0 0 ·a'. b~ I p'erson,ally <;>bserv~d, thi!1 ~o.nduct. I,oob,seryed det,~lnee(s) In 'a 'lZond ltlorqhat led me tc! b~lIev.:e,th,at,tris cori,du-q n<¥l 'Oc.curr~d. o !Det~ine~(~) (o.ld roe th~t this condll'ct had qc<;:prrec!. 9,. d.: .. " 0 Of!leffi.. who QP~efVeq 'this cdnd\1cld.e§<:Jfbe9 i,~ to .. .. , . . . . ow •••••• ~.w. ..... . ... ' .. .. , ~ me: . -. -.. .. -. .. .... .- ..... .. ... - .... -.- .. OIGQ-005189 " e. f. 0 0 , , ' , , I ha\Je relevant'lnformatlon classified above ·!SECRET". I never observed this :conduct nor 'heard 'a bout It from someone who did. •6;L,qther-treatment or'actlon,causing se\ler~ emqtional ,qr . psyclrologl~1 'tralJ,mCl. to a detain~e . . ; , 9. D I p~"rS6liafIy obs~tV~d tliis¢(>nduc~. 0 t. D d,. D e. D f. 0 ,b'. I'bb'servetJ de'tcHnee(s). in 'a condition that led me to, believe thanhis Others: who observed this conduCt deScribed it to'me. I. have relevant information classified above' '~SECRET'J. L ne.ver'observed this :eDnd uat norhea r.d about it from 'someone. who did. Of a <;fetainee: a. D r p~tsonaJly'observed t'tiis.con(foct. D (ic,curted. Detainee(s) told me that this, cond'ud had ,o.ctiJrred. $2>Other-religiot!~'or'sexuql ) <;>r humiliC)tion b. co"ritflJG~ had - I.observed.'det.ainee(s) in ;a:cond ition that leq me to believe that this conduct bad ,occurred., o. o !lJetatnea(sJ told me that 'this ¢ondU~t had 6,CCCIfI:e£l. 0 others W.h0 obsenred .tnis tdrid [jetaescribed it to' me e. 0 1. have releYant information elassified cl'bdve "S'ECRET"~ ,d: " f. I~r I never.observed this~condud nor heard aboutlit from 'someone who did. >,63•.Qther tteatfTIent of a. d~taine~ ttti'ltin YOl,lr op'inion was unpro(ession9h undlliy ha[~h or agg,[e'sSive/ tperCiv6, cibusive, or unlaWfUl a. D 1 p.ersonallY obserVed this,~co'ndLi~t. 0 t,observed detaineeIS) in 'a eo.nditi0rl that led me tb, b.elieve that:tFils eonduct had ,OCC(irred.! D Detainee(s) told me that this cioi=Jdutt had ,oGcurred. d. D others who observed this c(,mduct described It to me. e. 0 1- have releyant f!1fonTl~ti9f1'~Ja??itreqC1po'1e "'~!=G~'\ 'b" c t. 0 I n.ev.er0.J>s~r'i{ed thJs:G<?!J(;IyqF!0r h~t~ ;a bOl;lt,lt from som.:~qQew~o' d'ld. OIGQ-005190 ·mrs ~~~@F~~, :64. Did you' ¢bserve any inip'ersonatiOI1 Qf FBI personnel by anyone during an interview or :a ,detainee?' :P'Yes . mNo ,6~. Di.d any detaine.e. Qr6ther p.ersoh tell you that he. or she had Witnessed, the impersonation :perSon riel in connedlo'n With a detainee intervieWer interrogation? ~, iriterro~ation bf. of FBI 0 No g~; Ar~ 'Y9tl ~w,an~·t>f:a!1Y' l~shgm:"·'or'~~tfl9¢.d· de~qine:e iQ~,'qr int~rro:g'Cjtiqns ~On9l!~~~ f~r Mem· gfthe·U.5,. 'CQllgre:ss·or'their staff?' : Q. 'Ye~ , ~ N~, 6i.... TO'v(>:ur krlowlf;tIge",dlcj' <;loY' rTl}litc)ry Q( jn:tt;!lIig'~t1G~p'~r~~lnriel'eYE:!r:deflYor c;I~ray F'B:r.Cj.<;:cE?S~ to,o . ~de1:ciin¢e tile FBI waf1t~ to. questlonlje~aus~ the p~~inee, ba.d ,sus.~~jrie(f jJijuries'C!fter he 'was <;,a~tyred7 . OY~s 0No .?8: D,id.J'0u :ever .'e9~ your pa~icil21;'!ti9.n ip. q~ 9'~,~~rvation:-9f p'd~t~!Q~~ int.ervie~,or ih,t.errogafion !Je~us~ of ~llen.nt~rvl~w'9riot~rrQgqtI9nm~~tJ9ds pelng ~~d1 o. Y't;!s '0 No, 69.. Were you e.ver-toJd '.that:anoth'er F.BI eniploY~e. ended ~js'ot her parti.cipation jnw qbserv:atlon of,~.a detainee i ilteNi~w, Qt'intErr.n::i.gatib,r) b¥e¢a,i:Jse' Q.f tJie:j ril~.rv.1ew ,p,r.'int~rtQg a'tioo'methpC! ~ bejrfg 'lised? O· Y¢s· :0' N.o, ' . 70.• puring anY'Qf'Stb}Jr tlepJoytne:ht~ 'or q'ssjgnm.Mt$;' dld 'YOU, rep:drt any cP11'c~rns rellardfng P.l<icJrc;¢s, ,OJ :Q'the,nn~es. oJ det~ln~ ,treatm~nt" ~p: .an: F~~ supervisor? . ' ' 'O¥es 0 NQ 71. D':I~Jng'aJ1Y <;>f 12I:Jr~¥~r~eEs pel>lpYl"Q.e.nts. or ~'$,s.lg,nmeri~;.t:!id yq!J r~'pC}rt ~ny,t.0,:!~rfls·r~ga.r~!ng ~l1y):Ieta.ln,~~ In~ervlew·pj Interrp~a~61'.l .a:ny. ',q ¢~ inee, InterVi~w ..¢r 'iiit~tr.9g'atjdri PJ~J+!C5!s.: pt b~h!,!r typ'~' pt.d~ta'in~jtr~ptm¢nt .y.Q!l observed or bear.d .abdijt) tca non-.F.BI. $upel:Visor,or either non-FBI p~~Annel? Oy~s( TL H~v~' you 'e'V~(~e~n observ.a·~iO.lJS R~ctiC~s? o No, ordere~ ~n:Frect~d .n9.t ~9 r.eport t <;>r ~nsc9Y~Cl9ed i,n: ?tn,Y'way fr<;>m -reporting} 'Or allega.tions ~clainee .tre~.tmen~ or int~rYiew. or rnterrogation a~tio)ls. ,Qr o Yes ,0No d' 'y'~?> '~. filo' . 70. Have you ,experienced any 'actual ,or threatened' retaliatIon for reportIng observatIons-or,a lIeg?ltlons 'Ofdet.ain~ tre~tme.nt pr h:it~rview 'gr int~rrQgatiorr a'<;tiQn~ Qr ~rg¢ti~l;S? OIGQ-005191 74. (Optional) Please provide any-additiOnal comments regar.ding the reporting of concerns related to In~ervlew,or lnte(rog'.a~lqrr~eqrnr.qu~rde:~entl9.n pR!'!:Ice;s, or .qthE;!r deta'lne!;! tr~tmel)!¥' i@W\'!ilJ8 ~ l.','OO> 0 D• a 75. W~(e you. debriefed, oth~ tha,n ,the s.tand.ard dehriefin FD-772~ l:;Qocerniog .yp'ur·oye,~as 'assignment(s) 'or'dep:loym.eflt(s) ?lfte{you ,corrrpleted the deplQvmentCM or asSigl'i'rtlerit{~)? O,yes. <:) No .76. "Additional Comments-and ,Rerommetllf.atIMS: OIGQ-005192