Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001833
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D~par~ment'of J.~stic.e Insp'ectpr General Deta'inees D,OJ.-OIG INVEST,IGATIVE QUESTIONNAIItE FO.itR:E,V1EWAND USE ONLY BYINDIVI[)UAL FBI RE'SP.ON[jENTS . ,.. 'P'P NOT F!2)RJN.ARQ:OR Dts.SEM·I~A,TE ' qUESTIONNAIRE ID.: test-O,OO.Ol$33: ·As·af,tlJ,e tlm~ this'q~~lronh;ah:~ was ~a\(~~r some re:qui.rep f.ields· hav~ 1)9~ ~een ~9mpletea. P)eas'!':u-;evievir your responses. .. Please provide' the fo1l6win~' information: 1. first nam¢' 2., Mlcjqle Inifl?f: 3~ Last name~ 4., Eliter',ed ph Duty Date (eoo): S.:. Current Dl~isIQn/Fiel.d· bffil;:e: ,6. CUI:TeDt jpb ti,tl.e,: ' 7., Direct-dial office,.lelephonenUmber: 8. FBI :cell phC?ne' nlJrriOer: 9. ,F'B.! p,qger.nutn'trer~ 10.· Be~t cQI)'taet nur:n~~r for'yo,l!~, B. Ba'ckground of Specific D.eployme'nts r. '_ ••' ,6 &'79 PER JU$RE,EIVlFittr 6 & ,'7CPERAGREEMENT 6 & 'I.e PER AGREEMENT 6,&, 7C ~ ~. 7C Spe<ilpl Ag,ent 6 & 7C,PER,AGREEflIIENT ~ &;,7¢ PERJJGRt=EfY/ENT 6 &.~C.PFRAG~i:IV!FNT: 6 &,le PERA,GREEMENT. or Assignn'i'ents 11. At any time a'f!:~r}Sep:tehib,erH( 2001, did '{btl 'se'fve ;:IS Ei-,rnember of ,me.u. S. Militi:u'y r '01' as a'n employee ,or contractor of the FBI or any other .government agency.r at Guantanamo Bay, 'Cuba,; Iraq; Afg'hanlst?\lT;orin areqs:cqn~rollep Q'{ tJre I).S', MHitqry Qr a U"S. rntellig~l}ce s~rv.Lce irr:<:QO(Jectiol):with ~he gl,9bal Wqron J~rr(jr? @Yes 0 No rz,. !=nrer the number ,6f tirne:.s 'YPU, we(e".d~pJQy:ed ,0.1' 'as:;ig ned to each of the foifoWillg 19talfolis(Guantanamo Bay, 'Cuba p Iraq;.A{ghanistan; .dr in any areas contr611edbythe U.S. Military or' a U.S. intelligence se.rVr~,e}:l " . For.each deployment or assignment complete 'the following section. Local:ion' 'select one) "DepJQym~ntcir'iI~,si9'nme'rit'~egim'~il.~r .J)eplpYt:!li!n(or i155ign·r:ruliJ:t, on. , , . , " , ... . , !N9~nis.tah·: abo,lI,t, or: about O,5f28/20:0~: 0.8/07/2003 12a. What was ,ttie:g en.era', rtcit!l r¢ c;i,n.d. p.urpose:, qf yourassJg r)m~rit and 8i:tivitjes:7 To liaiso,h with military' tc) ~uppp'it FBI 'mission;. interview and interrogate aetainees/ and support evidenee .collection. .. 121;>;, Pleas~ Wovi,~,e: the, nal'D'!i=5 'oHhe·specificrc.amps/ bases; or fadlfties yvhere yo\.! w9rk~p .. Bag,ram Air Fleld r KhandaharAir Ffeld. Npt~: Ir'informatIon cibout'a:spe.dfic:campf.. bas~rorfaqiJiW is,dassified abpve SECRET/ prease,¢heck here,D', indud~ in your-answer that you' have.'\3ddjtionai information {::Ia,ssifj~ a.b'qv!3 12e. OIGQ-004790 'SECRET:"' ahd, if yo.u know, IdentifY the classification leyel, ticket; compartment, program,-or other d.esignatfd.n that app.lie$ to'th~·infQrmation. Do not in~lud~ tbe ad.d)tional c.l<!ssified information in .your q.uestionnair.e res·ponses. GIG personlJelwith the necessarY ·.cIearanGe.will 'contact you to r.eceive it. Name L J~, .__-_- Po~twri . , .-:~i!P~~~.!J-':'Bl~'(.L b6 b7C "- . .:12e. Did y6u,joih.tly' ili'ter.view. pr Interrogate pny detainee .with nOh:-FEU j:>ersorinel?- ':-With What kl~ds-,6ln~~:Fai o Yes ~~rstirtn~ei ' . Q No did yo~ wo;kibi~tiy? - -. - - - -. -' - . 0 ' -- - • - - ' ••• ~ ~ •• - - •••• : 0 CITF ; 0 Otber'U.5. Military .' : tJ HS:. Intelligence agency : tl r'9relg n. milftary or fr:Jt~l!lgE:!nc;e'agef)cy 9~hef' ,: 0 oc.- _ .- '04 .., _ I>~ ~# ...... .- _ ........ __ w ............ _ _ '" N . , .... ,.. __ • __ - ... _ ~ ...... - _' -' _ .- ~ _ - - - .., ~i2f~ D~-y(jujQintly'pIar;;-qrry~~i:~Tneein~~rVf~W;;r-jrtt~rrpgatr9n~i..a.tegy: qi;j~I\r~~'~ti~i~-with' :FB.I personnel? ~ :.-._ ,... ~ "- _~ ._ __ .~ _ u _ ~_ 0fu •• _ : Wit~ what kln~~of 09.t1-:-FBI per$Oil.JJel d jd 7''' _ ,.. _ O~ _ ,.. 10' "._ '~ __ •• _ , __ _ - _ ••• __ .... _ . ' no;;--:; ., _ , -,,:-, yo.\) ~brk jolntly~ : OeITF :0 :0 ~0 ~ Olh~r·U.:S, Miiitary. W. $'. lotel.llg¢nte: ag,ency,' Fbtl3igh.military or 'iriteiligence agency 0 Other ~:: : __ :~ _::..:: ::.,_.: ~_.:.:_: ::::::'-:: :.~ .:..:~ ~':"'':':.:'':::..:::.:;;.',: ::..: ::_: ~ :~::: ~:::.:.:..:~ :.:: ::'" ,~qg:. W~re.y(;>u eyer otherv.{is~ il1\iolvec! Ingetain~e.ll1t.erv~ewsor Int<?rro'ga:t(ons WJtn ~on-:~,Br p~rs~)nJ;1el? 0. Yes 0 No ,:: . ---------~-----------~------.------.----~---------~-.-~---~_._-~----~----' .' • ... 'r.:. :" ~ 1 A., Traln'jog Prior to,Ov.erseas Deployment or Assignment 13, Did: YQ~ res;eive a,ny'trainjng, 'rnstruc~i9n; or .guig,anCi=e sPE?CifiqqJ.Iy '.!n'prepg~ti9.n for ?lny of your: Qveq;~sd~Rloym~f1ts ~r ~ss{gnmel1ts? .@,v'es 'ON9 'QDQ NQt'Rec'aIL 13,,;1. who p'n;~lii~eq t~I$' tralr'ii,ng, m$tI1jq:IQn,. or gtiI9aii~e, ,aJ:itl >wh~re itfd VOl,! Ie,t.eilj~ it?' ~~ver,a.1 F~t per~bnn~I.' 13b. D.escribe the SUbJect on which you received this-trafnlng,( instruction or gUidance. I inquired with ,a 'number of FBI persbnnelowho had p.r:eYiously del1]Q}(ed, reg'arding . equipment and' personal preparations for my depJoyment. . . , OIGQ-004791 'bYes G>No :0Do Not Recall 15,. In pJ:epar:ati6rt-{or:: aii'{ of ;y.6uhjvefs,eas deployments pr ,assIghtne,rits,.diet you' receive '~riy training, , ihstrudion! orgllidimce ,coneer'nirl9. the;standard,s of conduet applicable to the'treatment, Intervlewr'or,lnterrog.atlon of detainees by non-FBI personnel? ,. Opo '~ot Reca.1I 16~ In, pr.eparatlbh. for. aIiY'.o.f your overseas deplPyinerits,pr asslgrUTil'!ritS,.;dld yo.u, r~tellla.~lIW tralnlD9, iristr'ucti0h,or.'g:Uidcfnee co'ncem ing what :y"ou were~s'U pp'osed to d0 ff youo,bserved :or' hea td 'a bout the tre~trn.en~,lh~,?fVIew, ll']ter,r09?t1on .'of. det(3J'nees I?Y FBI p~onl')~r w.hic" you .beUeYe9 to b,le il'ra'pprop:rj13t~.,. unp.rPfe~sj(j'nal, tgerd.\)ei,abusive, or u'nlawfuJ1 or OYes, ODo r~~~Ret,ali 17', In preparation for any'af Y0ur overseas deployments 'or assiQ..nments" dicf .yeu receiv.e any' :training",: in'S1;ructli:m,:o~ '9,t;ITda'nCE1 conc!=!l1}lng Wha,! 'Vou WE1r~S\lPP9SE;ld to' ,9,9 ,Jf yOLl 'obsew~~ '~f hea'rd "a~ou,t , the treatment, "irj~erv iew", or interrogatipn' qf:detain'ees bY npo-FBI. personnel" 'which' you b:elieved: to,.b~e iriapp,ropiiate,. l-inptofession:a'Ir.'.a:i,erGi:v.eJ ,.abusiVer. or: ulilawful? ' ~ OVes :0'00 Ndt:Recall s. Tr:aining, Durin9 Oy~rseas,DepI9yme,...t$ or A:ssignmen~s 1,8.. DUI'inlj any ,'of your bV~(Seas,;~~plQymeljt.s of c;i:ss,ignm,e,n.ts, .did you ~(;eive any tr.alriing', ihs~n.ictiO:Ii,: Qr '9,uidoimce'concefhing tl'ie'standards cif.t::ond'uct 'applicable·tQ. the. trea'trriehr, interviewi,o'r " in~errqgation of detainees by FBI personnel? . 19', Du ring a'ny'Of ¥auhever.sei::is.deplayments ot essig iiments, tI id you rec::eiv(~ any' train inQA instrocti0ri, ,of'guidance ciencerning th"e.ista[ld'ards l:lf.conduct,applieable tcr.the:"trei;ltitlent, .Int:eiViewr oJ i,nterroga~ion 9f d:etqin~~ ~y, t:l0I1"FSI p~rsonf.lel? 'GDo Not. Re<;,aJ( '20. DiJrinyany bfy6ur pverseas ch~pl6yments or assignrr{ents, did y,ou receive ariy:training, iilstrucU6fi,: 'or:g.uldance:concernlng what you w.ere:suPPosed to,do'if youobser:ved or heard aboutthe, rn~¢lV'i~w, 9r rnterrogati~Jl of de,t~il')e~ ~y FB'! p~r.sonpel, Which Y.911 p,eljeveq te 'Qe rh'a'pprg'P.rlat~~ I,Inl>r(jf~5llbnal, ;coerclv~" abusive, brlinlawf.lIl'r o.PQ NQt Rej:all 1,1. During ?lny of¥our'oyerse~,s·~epI9~ent$ <?f a~lgnm~n~~;. d,id y~u recelye any"tlC!!nlng,llnstructI9nr' whClt you. we~ ~uPP'o~~ to <10 if ,you observed CIt heql"~ -a.b'olJt'tbe: ' • ,tr"eatment, rnte'rv.leW~:Ot lnJerrog9tiori of'detC{lfrees by IW'n~FBI pe,rsoiiriei,. WhJedr Y-oo l1'eli~"-~d ~b Qr~uidcm~e'con~erning OIGQ-004792 be il').pppropriate. ull.professiol'!al, coefcive;.abu,sive, or ,-,nlawful? Ie. :Qyes ODq: N'ot Recall. j\dequacy ,Of Tr-a'ining your~opinldh/.dld y.olJ retel\feiltlequate tralr11f19.., insrructl6.hp or flU1da"nee rel~unfro$tarilatdi .oJ cqnduet by,FBI.and (lon-FBI personnel relating to treatment! interview, or interr09.atf6:rl.of detainees prior to your deployment'or assIgnment? O'Yes 22,a. 0 No prea'Se:a~"lb¢:t~~ ~YS::lhWt'iI!:h-\10~ ~b:elle-v:e '~h~:t~I~1i19; .lh;tr9ctldt..~r·.guldari~·Vo!Cl$ ~. - ~. hJaaequare: .T!1~~~.~_s;.T1o_tl}'!i'lif}g__ .~_." .• _ •.. •.. _.... ~ ~_. ' __ .. __ ~ •. _.•. __ •.. " ._._, ",' . , 23:.111 :your'~pjnio"ri, :did you receive adequate' training, instruction" .or.gUidance relating to standartls: 'Of condl;lct by. FBI and non-flU personnel relatin9. to treatment, intelView" or interrogation of ·<,!"9UJing your depJoym~ht oJ a;;signmenp -,b Yeo:; .(!). No ,23a. Pleasedeseritie·theNJays' in which you believe.the ttainin$lr instru.ctiot'i-or,giJidance was Inadequace: nQ .trc;tjning I "'..T~er~, " - '.wa's ..... '. .... ~ -- -" ~ -. - ." "' ... -, . ~ .,. _.... - . ~ _. . .. - ... . ~ ~ '.' , .. '". - .. - ~ ... ~ , 24.-In your oplnlon~ did' you recellte adequate traiiling, instruction, of:guidance concerning what .you wer~ supposeg ~9 di:?" If you:obselY~ or be13;rd !31J9..ut ~he trea~m~ntf lntervlew.t·Qr"ln~rrogat!9n 'of d~tbh)~;. ~y fal Qr nPh-FB! p'·e(~.n~J,_ th.~( y.o.u b.~neveQ t'(~lS h1;~JfWopricltei u..nprp.te_~~Hpr1a1.. . ,coe:rcIVEl,GousIVe, bt unlaM\J17. - Q"'"" ~ l;) ~~ ~ Z4a. P.1~~.~ed~rlbe ..t.@ w!3ys'l~ Wl1lch yo~, bellev~ the tr,alnl'19, Instr:l;lctioo~~r'gul~'a:nce wa~ lnadeqpa{e: . ,~I.n~r~(W;~~'..~~Jrai~irq ... _" __ _ ,, ," ., _. ~,." .... , ,_ .. ~_ ~ ~ __ .. .~ _ ~ R ...... ~ .M __ ~ • __ __ .. - , _ _ .... ' _ _ . _ " _ " _ _ . . . ¥ _,_, • __ ', ¥ •• _. 1S.;(OptI6n~9"In Wha.t way~ ~n th~ FBi:·imi1r(lv.~ tr~inihg"'9nlhl.s ~~Ubject Jor fu~trr~ !1ep19ym~n"ts;or :assiQnrrientS? " Provide. frank, direct llifQr.mi;ltlQn regardfng the 'laws of timed conflict; iind the:treatmeht jjetaineeS and' - . pfisbnei':s. 10", tom'ments 2.6, Please pr'oyld,¢1:lt'iy atldltlgric\1 'lilfCil'rriifltiQil' c<?n<ernll'j'g ttalnlr1g assignments Of FBI personnel you ls" l'eJe'larit. !c:w ove.r$.~:S ~Q~p:foyh'le!lts (;)r" 'ThQU9Jt ther~ was no' training. ii;!" the'"rilatter$_,disC,us~i:1 abOve, I pOliti't, hOi' expect,·lhat l'wQUId .need tct rely. on"any. -training to distinguish wrong :orconversery~ that'any,lack of training wowld prevent me fr0l"fl ~olng the rig h~ thing If clrU-!mst.~ncesdem~ndeq It: OIGQ-004793 InJrq~uc.tioli tQ P~i1:,III~ In: ~his.'S~c,tio,li, we,Qre:se¢'~jn,~ il,iform,ati(:i.t1 Je~~i"~ing ~Wid~ra,nQe. Qt, Irtler'vleW .or frtt'errog,'es and otl'i~:t ,types: Qf d,~tafnee. treiitment ~Il~ged to h~v.e .oc;c~rr.ed., You should not-assume, )ustbecaose:weare:asking,zlbOllt a par'tidjladet:hiliqlie~or practice, that we: hiwe 'cqnGll!d'e9 tha,t It in, fa<;t QCGurred~ w.~ recog.f)iz~ thc;lt:~me ofthese't'ecfmiHues or pra~ke~,may, at tf.m,es be; nece~ry for ,$af~ty j:j r:1~' s~uri~y in a d~tl:if1,tiQrrSe~tijig'. Irt a'dd'itf,9l1r we rel;09D ize J~"i3't ~spme ,or th:es:e techn'iqu($ or practic.~ mpy' nave Jie~~n c1i:1thbrr:l:ecl fQr' us~ RY milit<;ll'y or oth~r,gp', . J . . . With respect to each identified rechniq ue, practicer:or typ'e of cond U 01; described belo~, we'are seeking lntormaliqn ap9.l!~' I~~ qtfur.r~nql?·.q~rlqg 9,r in ~onn~'~fiqn' with '~he int~rvi~W or i~terr.ogatjOr... of ~ , :Clel!3l'inee,.'QJ: CI,urin~rthe d¢tenti:qii :Qf a' ~etain:~e beyond wh~t js, !'ieeCl.ed 't'o.r saf¢.tY: and ~~e,c,urity. In ~ha·t c,ontex~,. wf! Will ask: )10.U ·to Jell .u~ wtj~tli~r Qn~ or lTlore of th.?JollQWii:l9, .$!:atenients ;ar~ true}' 1. I personally observed 'this ·conduct. :2~ I qb~e!yed detainee(s) In? 'con,dj.~iontrat led ,3.. '4, 5. 6\ ' me; to'pel[eve tha~ ,~his <::onduct, ~~d Q(,:curreq.., " 't~ld ,n:;~, th:a). tbfs. c\)n'C\!J~ hal:! ,~t5=l:Irr~d, Others who o'bserv~d ittls- c.Qnd,Uct des.crlbed .It to' me, I have r.elevanf information classified' abl<>v.e, -'SECRET~,: I never .ebserv.ea this cond uct nor heard 'about it from .someone·who' did. 2.7" 'Depriv[ri:g ifdetaine¢, Qff(@:l :Qr. wat,er a. -- ... o [I personally. o'bse'rved tliis:condLid. _~ h. 0 r obsei:v.ed delainee{sl iii ,a~corfd itioh {hat led me .to, believe thatlhis conduct had .occurred. C'. d. Detalnee(s.) told me that this. conduct had otcurred. , , d, 0 Qthers who .observed .this con~uct d'escribed It to me. e~ o II, ~ave r~,~vaJ:!t lnI9PJ1.atipll c;la' C1I;lOV<;·J~S~Q~~!', T: 011 nev~r obser:vE!d thls:<;:qndu,Gf n9f.hear.!r?ibo\1t:it from~qniet>1i6-whb 9id. 2.6. Deprivi'ng c.(deta'jn~e' df $:IQthing :a. D II. persdnally,ob's'er'J,ed this cbn-clu:et. b. ·c. o ~.bbsefVed detain~e'(s): lo·a.cond ition that led me ,t6, believe that 'this' conduCt had occurred~ o [Detainee(s) told me that this: conduct had :occun:ed. d. o 'e, o II have re1e'lant !nfurmatl(;m das~lff~d above '!SECREr'\ f. 0'lr, nev.~rop~erye~ this 'qop'duc~·nor h~xd,abr::ll~t.!t frprp $0111~~fle'whp (Others who observed this conduct described It to me. qi9. OIGQ-004794 29. p.eprlvlng;a tfe~alnee'of ,slee;p, OJ In~rn.Jpt[l)g $Ieep b9 fr.equ,ent c,eJI re[p,o;:'qdons 'or,ot,l:ler mej:h.<¥ls a, 0 I, persar'lallY,observei:l this Xl6lii:lu'~t. b, 0 I obserVed detahiee(S). [n a.cOnditlO'n that lea me to b.elieve thatlb[s tondurt bad ocdliTed., c. 0 Detain~ee(s.) told ,ine"fhat this conduct had ,cn:::cu!ied. o IQthers who observed this conduct described It to me. - d, 0 I have relevant Information classified ",bov.e ~'SEtRET~. t, 0 LlJever'observed this'mn,dus;:t n9rhB::l~,a,bp4t it from'som,eone'w:ho di~. e, ,g. P1eaf?e- prqYid~ the' ,?IPprpKfma'~e' ~fme fr~meguring whit,h 1his:¢,nj:lucJ Oa;l,Jrr~. FT:'9m Q.7/20,0.3 tp Q8/ZQQ3 00'0 ,Not Re'ca[[ , 1;1', Th,e i1~'ine~(~) fre<;l~~ 'In ,t~!s !N9,y, w~re Iq!Zi3,teP Rtt/;1e tim~ irp ,i 0 GI,I~ntal¥lm~ iO.l,.-q ':a Iff J!,fgflaflistan 4 0 other Location 50 Do'Not Recall 'i. Pleas.e,:identity tHe:dEit'air'iee(s) QY 'rIa'me and nUmber: r dp not. recall. i' PJ~s~' id~J\tifY'.tli~' person,('s}-who t[eqt~ tne' ctetainee(~) hcime(s) dn'd 9QVE!rnrtJeritatiency,(ies).: US"An:t,.y MPs, Mmtary IAtel1igence, i'inCi myself. in thi~ man~¢r-; their ' k. P'Ie<:lse id~nJjfY,any'.pth~r FBI 'pe'rsannel or t1On~FBI p.ersonnel who'bpser:ve'd de~inee(s) .tr.eatetl ,in this manner", intludili~ftheir name(s) arid a,genc'y!ies): nq;qflJers I., This COI)l;Jud: lX:<;urre~ 10 CPlln,e!=tJQn .w.!th: t,~ 'brt~ det?lln~ 2 a 'S~veral d¢ta:lnees, (2-4) 3. Q M;;mY. d,etail'\eei; (ni'ore than 4J 4, d ·DQ Not Recall My~[f anQ th!= MI>lnterfogar,or ,ag're~ 'on' a pjan·~o.deprlVe,a' 'detaio~ Cjf ~I.¢,ep .a~er h¢ ~pp'pej:f tJe'ing .cooper,ativ'e. I understOod this.teChnique,tQ be an:acceptable measure,and.,ille MI, . filte:r'rogator cbnQJrred, 'ao. BeatrJi9 a d.etalnee 0100-004795 a. D [ personaIlY'o.b$el"\le~ thtscond!J~t. b. D ~ ob"serveq ctetaioel'!tsl in -a-cpn9)ti"qn that ied 'I!l~ to ~eliev~ that· t(li~ con:duc.t ha<l O'C~<;urre~. c. D b~~C;'lin~e'(s)"tol~ m:¢ that thl~ I;"P.n9u.ct hC;'ld 'o~<;;urreP, ~'. 0 Otb~rS' Wh99bs~ryM lhj~. ~p_nd tiet <{e$.c·rlbj=d j't to me. e. D ,i tlpve 1'$I~Ya!1t infqrmatioh' i:I~s-sifi!=d aboi/~.'iSEGREf'I. f. 1tI l, n:ever 9b:S~.rY.e~ ~his-coni:lucJ n~)r·h~rcraD9lJ.tit 'from s,Ol11epne whp- c;i1,d. oy a:de.tainee ot to create the sen·sa'tion. tif drowning '3.1. wateno prevent breathing a. D r, per?OnalJY e,b~rye~ this :conquct. 9-,- 0 1. oJ1servec;j"-det.ainee(s110:a '<;:pn~UtJon·that led. m~ tc;l' Qeliev.e thi;lH.hJs c~mdl1ct c~ D D~taine~(s.) tq.lp me t!'tqt thXs,G9nd:u~t. h?d 'q·C;<;:\lrt~. ·ti. 0 .ptheJ;S· who .qb'setyer;f thi~ ~,qnduct d.~sGrib~d it tQ' rnEJ. ~'. D I l.1a'l.e re~vant inrorma.tlon!=la's~ified 8 QdVe "$,i:CRETIj', f: 1tI (n~ver oO'served. thi~·eqni:luc.t nbrh~rd :abQu~ it frQm-s6m:e~me.Wh~ did. had QGcurrecj. I a 3-2. Using'.hands, rope, ,or ·anything 'else' to :choke or strangJe :detainee '<:l~ D r: personafly observed t~rs .conquct. b: q I obs"erveq detainee,fs) In ,a'·co.nd itiorl,that !ed m~ c; o :Oefa.inel;($) told !Jl.~ thqt this: <:;.ondu!=t had:o~~9m~~:1. d. D 9tbers ~hoob?eJ1i'g'c;.l'~~IS CQndgct des,c;:rlbe"d It ~Q me, e;' n Ii" haVe relevant ii:lforlitatfon"<;:las~ified cibblJ~: "s'Ecm": f.' ~ ir h'ever pbs¢Ned' thlsc9lidu¢t npr.h¢ar~ .~:ibo.l!t it from sQniepne Who, dId. 33', Th reatening ,other "action to .ca!Jse physical I;);: D .[, per.seP?lIy observ~d b, 0 D c;:;. d.. w ••• to- believe tha,t thrs conpu·ct. ~~.d ·occurred. pa in, Injury', tllsflguremerit, or death ~hi~ ·~~ndu~~. r:'ol;>served qeta'lnee{s): In. 'acC?nd itio!,. that led me Detaine~(~) t.old +() belleve ,~h~.nhis co.n_du~· h9.d 'ocetlrr.ed. me t!l<;lt-thrs cond,uct had -qce.urreq.. w,ho op§erveq tl}is com) uet d,es~ribe9 it to IT)e: D Otheri" . , .. _. u • , ••• , 'u ,,~." .. ' -~._. - ., .... _." .... . ." .. .. _ ...... ... ...... OIGQ-004796 --e. t , " 0 0 r, never observed " I have relevant Information classified 'above ·!SECRET". this:conduct nor heard aboutit from-Someone who'did. ;~.• Q,the!r tre';:itment pr a9:iOI} Q3!Jsing ?ignifi~nt p.hysi<;:alpain or' ir]ury, or ~at,l:Sing di5figur~m~nlor death 0 r personally observed this "Gonduct. 0 I.observed detainee(s) in 'a'cond itiem that led me to' believe that this conduct had occurred. :C. 0 Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. tI. 0 Qthers who ol?serveq .this condu~t d'escribed it to f:!1.e; 'e., 0 I, hav.ereleyant inrormation, c1a~sifie.<i AP~:lVe: '!S~GRETJI.. l 0 t never .obserV~p this GQfld~~t nQr ,heqr;d '8 boutit Trom ,sqmeone,-wh.o dJd. a. b. 'a. b, c 0 I perSonally' o'bserved this conduct. o iI'observed detainee(~) In 8'..condlt!oh,that led meto belie,ve that thisE:onduct had,occurred. o .1Detainee(s}told me that this conduct. had occurred. d. 0 (;)thers who observed this mnduct described it to me. e. 0 f have classified -above '~SEbR:Ef''''' . - relevant. Information ., ... ... , " , ~ " " " f. o ,J never ob.~erved this '~onq u\=t 'nqr.heard 'a bout it .from ,someone' who: did. a. o !r perSonalli, 6b'S~rV.¢d this .condu~t. ci~ o !r;obserVed detaineeIs) ina,c::onditiQr1 fha't led me to. believe thaHhisdmduct had,.occurred. o !Detainee(s):tofd me that tbis conduct had .occurr.ed. d. o.!O.thers who 'observed this c(,mduct describea it to me. 'e. o n· ~av~ .relev~rjt inf,<;>rlT!?tip!l cl~s?iJieq ~bove: U'$)=-CRE]"I". t· 0'Ir,'o:bseroed ''Cond~c! 'nor hea.rg :about it from someone wl}o: ~Id. D. OIGQ-004797 37. Requiring il.detailiee, to mai'ntain, a'. D I D c. D d.!, D ~. D r: 0 b, or restraining a ~etainee jn" a,stress/ill ,or \?ainJuJ position personally observed this..conduct. I:observed detalnee(s) in a-.cond itlon that led me to believe that this conduct, had occurred., Detainee(s) told me that tris conduc~ had ·occurrel;l. O,ttJers wf10 ob.serveq t~is condu<;td'esGrib~ !~ t~ m~ . 1, have.relevant . .fnl'ormaticin . . .classified . . above uS.'ECj:{Ef'I. ~ 1 nev~r ops,erve.Q thjs '~Qnc!u~t nqr-h€?lrd ,about it from someql1~·wh.o did. D D I. perSonally observ.ed this.c6'ndact. b. c. d Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had :occun:ec!: ~. Qthe~ who obs~eq .~his ct:m.duGtde,scribed e" D 0 t It.. from' who ,,'d'id. ~ I never . ., Observed . , . , ' , ~hls :colid . .ucLnor . . . . hl:!ard , . . a.baut ' . s'Orrleon'e; ' 'a. I.:obser:ved detainee(s) in 'a cond ition that led me to belieye that this conduct had 'Occurred. it. to.lJ1e. ---_._.--- ..- - I h:av.e..rel~~(m't i.lJfprmatiorr <;la~!?Ifi.~, ,above n:$ECRET'I .. ~. ~ '39. lts.'1rtg .eie~trical :shQ,ck on"a cletafnee la', D' perSonally obserVed thls~€onduct. b', [J I :0bse'rved detainee(s} in a c0rltlltiqn that led me' to, believe tlia~ 'this Gondlid had .occifrred. c. 0 Detainee(s) t01d me that this conduct had 'occurred, d. 0 qthers whq o~seiYed thIs co,ndUGt" de.sqlbed It' ,~9 me.. :e. 0 t ~C!y-e relevan,t informat!,?n c1assifie.~ -a!?ove "S-ECRst.... t: 0 40~ Wh.o cj ip, Threate'oing to use,eleet:riq11 'shod::'on' a 'detainee D, b. D c, D 'a'. ,d. ~.I'\~V~r ·o.Q,sE;Jrvec! this '<:;Qn,eJ u_<;f n9r',~ear9 ~a-b9ut it Jrq!y! ',$9m~0!1~ d 1 p'ersonal!y' observed this i;Qndud. lobser.ved ,defaillee(~) in a~c::o:nditioh that led me to, believe thaUhis conduct had.occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others. who observed this conduct described it to me. OIGQ-004798 .~. . -' .. , . .. e. 0 I have relevant Information classified above f: 0 I never observed this.conduct nor'heard abQut it from' someone who did. ·~SECRET". 41. Intentio.nally delaying 'q~ .denylng!-"-~e_t... C!,..... in_e.,.;.e-,,-m;..:e_d~ic_a.,.;.l-,-ca...r_e _ 0 I pe:rsonaiIy ob~rv.ed this :condl!ct. b~ 0 I.observed delaineefsJ in a-eonditiofi t,hat led me to believe thanhis co-nduct ha.d occ;"urrep. 6. 0 -Deti3ioee(s) told me tliat thiS: conduct trad .o.cclJrred. d. 0 Others' who observed this condiIct described it to me. e. 0 1. have relevant inrarmation classified above: !\SECREfi '. t ItJ L ne.ver'observed this conduct nor 'heard about It 'from 'someone who did. a. :42. Ho!'>d1119 or blindfol~hig a thaI) during tri=rn:;portalio.n b. 0 I p~tSbrially obserVed this ,conduct. ..0 I observed, detainee(s) in ·a.cond iti6ri th'at led :me to believe thanhis co.nduct bad ,octurretl. .c. o ID'etainee(sJ told d. 0 0 0' Others' ,whoobser'ved this c!!induct described it to me, ,a. e, f. me that this conduct. tia.d6cclfrred . I have 'relevant informatioir ~Iassified a'bove ~SECREf". I never ·obs.erued thisaond uct nor hea I'd ab€lut' it ,from someone who did. 43. Subj~ting a detain'ee tb:extrerri~I.Y cbid or hotn;Jomteowerptures TOr extel')deQ periods 0 b. 0 a. C. d. r p'~r.sonaHy (jbs~rv~d thls:cond'uct, obse'N.ecf detainee(s) ill.a 'condition that led me: to b~li~ve that. this. C;bnduct o petaine~(s}t6Id 'me that this condu'ct had occur!'.€<!. o lathers' wM observed thls c0nd uct described It to me. ,e. 0 I have relevant inforniation classified aboVe "SECRETP • f; ~ r ne,j'er observed tfiis'conauCt np(heard al:i6rit. it from ,someone wlio did .. had .oc.curteci. I OIGQ-004799 44. Subjl:!ctlng a detainee, to loud music a. D I personally ebserved this. conduct. b, 0 Lobserved detalnee(s) In a;condition that led me to believe that thIs conduct, had .occurr.ed .. c. 0 O'eJainee(s) tol~ 'r;ne that this conduct had 'oc::curred. d: D Ot.hers wflo o~serv~ tbis cqnd u~t ~e~cribe9 !~ t.9 m~.. e. D 1. haVe relevant rnrormati<m cla$~ified ,<:iI;fOVe "$:EC.RET", T. 0 r never o-p~~rved thls'conduct f1Qrhe2!rd about It from SC!meon~ who did. a. D I peroor'Jally.observed this.conduct. b: D }I observed detaihee(s) in a conditi0n that G. Ci led me to belleye that·.this Gonduct had.occurred. Detalnee('s) told me that this conduct had ;oc<:urr.ed: d, 0 Qther.s who observed this p:md w;.tdes.crihed it to. me., ... ---~. 0 I h'9ye .relevant I.lJfprm?ltiqlT Qas~rrle9. ,a.~.ove ".sEt~ET'!. r. 0 I --- ----- n~v~r o.b~rv~:~ ±hls·;Coriquct nor h~r~ :ab.o.ut It .~rom soroeone:W.ho,d!p. ·46. fs61ating a detaln'ee fQr:an:ex.terided p.erlo,d a. Q II personally observed thlstohduct. ' b'. .d ~ ;obse'rVed delainee(s) in a- conCl ition that: led me t6- believe that this rondud had .occurred.. c. D loetainee'('s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d, o lQtDers who a.bserved tJ'Jls €ondu.ct described It to. me, o !I hav.~ releva!'lt- inforrn.qtfqn :abc;>ye "S.ECRE;r'\ :e-.. f: ~ !~. n.ev~r;oP'?erve,~ this '~~9ttgt .n9r h~r~ .C!P,9':1~'!~ from '59,I1)~~f1~ who <;ti~. 47. USiog qu!=t ~p~ to rel?trclin, ·gag., or punisH <::r:detq'ine~ .a. D: II personal (y' o'bserved this ,contilld• b. 0 r observed.detalnee(s;) in a..cohditionthat led c, 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct: had occurred. d, 0 others. who observed thIS conduct described it to' me. me te_believ.e that-this conduct had .Clcc'urred. OIGQ-004800 e. f. 0 I have relevant Information- classified above 'lSECREf". 0 I never observed this'conduct nor heard about it frornsomeone who' did 48. ,Using rapid respans~Jeams a{ld/or romed eel! .e_xtr.aet:fons a. 0 I p~rsOnaTly ob~l"'ie"d this milc!l.ict. 0 I bb'se'rved,de(alne.efs} in a.condition that led me to belleye thann[s cOnduct had occurretl. C. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this.conduCt Md _octurrErl. d. 0 Other's who observed fhis a::IhdiJct d,e5eribed it tame. e. 0 1 hav.e relevant lnrormatron classified above llSECRET"._ b. f. I<{ r ne.ver observed thls,conduct nor heard about It from someone who did . :M. -l!shJg a"military w.orklng dog (lour near ~ detainee.other th~n durlng <tetaln~e'transporfatlon. ,a. It! b. 0 0 d. 0 . e. 0 f, 0 ¢. ; rper~nalry'observed this:Con.du.,t. I observed detainee(s) [n 'a ,cbnd ition- th'at led me tb believe tlianl:iis co:n-cuct bad octurred. me that this; ooIldu.ct had :6cdm:ed. o.fbers whD observed :thls: csndlJd deSt;ribed It to- me. Detalnee.(s) told I hi;ll1e relevant iriformatiOil' l±Iassified ilbove "SECR.Er'-. r never-observ.ed this_conduct nor heard about' It from 'someone who did . .g. P1e;ase, prgvid.e th~ app~oximate tiine frame.durlng whic,h thIs oondu.ct:occurred. From P7.l2Q03 to' Q8/:2"(f03' OD,d f\lQt Retail -~, rhe det~jD.€l,~:(s-l treat~ 11) ~hjs w~y w:~r~ lo:ca~ed ~t th~ tIrJT~ io.: 1; 0 :Guantaoamo .. ~b·i ~· .. ¥ a 0 Afgn.anistan '4'0 -Other Locatio,n 50 Do Not Recall I., PI6?ise:ide.htify th~·d~tain·~(~) ,r.dQ 'not recall. liy-name and, (iut';- J. -P1~s~ il;f'entifY th'~ ,persol1(?)'wh9 'treat¢!:f ri"-line{s). an'd :go\l~rnm'ent i:lg~n!:y{jes); US,Anny' M Ps ' the. d.e~ine~~) in 1h,i,s m~nm:~rr lnt;flJ4,injJ ~he'ir ' . OIGQ-004801 k. Please ioeritify,any,othe'r FBI persOnnel or noh:-FBI personnel who. observed detainee(s) treated in this mariner, including their name(s) and agenC)i(ies): . ' l.(Jq ,11.9t rec?!f1 Whq wa~ pr~nt. I~ Tbis,conduc;t p!=c.urreO in ~Qniiect,i9.n with: 1 \!) 'One dej:qih~ • 2 :Several detainees. (2-4) 3 ,0 McihY :detainaes (niorei:han. 4) 4 b Do Not Recall ' a m. (.oPtional) PleaSe desc'ribe the,relexiant CirqJmstarrtes in m.o~re d.etciil: ,AMP'dog' MIas JISed to gain' cohttoi .of a .defainee whp. resiJ;ted cbmpiia'nce. The barking dog' .was br;6Uglifinto,e16se,-prdxlmity.,of the·detainee for' a few moments, less .than -a 'rfiirilite~ which caused . the:.detalnee. to ,stop resisting the. M I ' s . ' . ,50'. Threatening to use military working 'dogs.on or riear a detainee a! O. ~. p,e~so~cil,1y 0b~lV~q this :condu~t 0 1 LOp's~rv~q'de,tpin~'et~) in Cl;q>nditiol1 tha~ led lT1~ t9'Qelie~eth~tthi? cc;>[rc.!lf(;~,l1ad -.' . " -c. 0 Get;:'llnee(s.) told roe '~hai .this. cQnQlict h.c:\'P Qc~utr~:f .. g, 0 Others w.ho "9bs~ty~d thi~ cpndutt d_~,s·ttibed itWm,~. ~. 0 I' hd'!.e releyant Information' ~ia~sified ,abov,e. "~~GREf"·. f. !rl 1 iiev~t-6b5erv.e,d this,co,ndut.t nQr h~fd ·abp.ut it from saITl'eqneWIiQ dlq. b', o~c;:urr:ep. ,5:1 .. .u:sln~t s'pl~-,er's, scorplorisj s'nakesr a,nother Clnlmals dn or near a d.etcHriee 0 r personany'·~~selVe.q (his :cq!Jduct. '0'" 0 I .bpserve:d '~et~ili'ee(~} 111 cf:CPhd ttiQrl th~t: le,d a., me tp' 1?~lleY~ Jharthfs c;:.ondutt. ha9 (llZGlJtred .. _~~~~ine~~~:.~~Ld ms: that ,this conduct ~ad o:et::urre;:I~._ _. .. o Others' \'Vh9 'Qbserv~~ thi~' !=Qn9!lct d.esGribed It to m~, e. 0 r haXle relevant l'nform'ation dassifl~d aboVe' "·S:ECREr". f. 0 t n!=\(er o!>pe~ed' this·conduct nor h~fd 'C;ibblJ, 'frcirr1 S<jrneone'whQ: dip,. .C: - -~-----_ .d, .... _.--- ..._-- ,52, Tfir:eatenirig to 'use spider',S, sci;lrpions,snciKeS".Or &ther .animals' on'a det~linee [aTO]r. perso,!1~UY'Qbserved thIs ,conduct. OIGQ-004802 b. 0 L observed detainee(s) In a'.cond Itlon that led me to' believe that.thls conduct had occurred. c. !Detainee(s)·told me that thiS' conduct had :occurred. o d. 0 ·O~hers. who observed this con.d u!=t descri_~ed It to m~ e. 0 [ hav~ relevant lnfprn:tatlon c1asslf~ qbo~ "s~tRET". i- Ii'! [ n.ever-ob.s;erve.d ttiiS·q:HXJuct nqr h~r.d about i~ frolll som~on~w!"Jp did. ,5:1. Dlsr.e.spectful s.taternen~t han~mngl "Qr:adidn"s: jr'tVPly'i!'lg the Koran' a. 0 [ personally, observed this coildlitt. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In a"condition that led me to believe that this amduct had -.occurred•. .co 0 Detalnee(s.) told me that this conduct had oca.Ir[eC! . d, D. O~he~ who oI;lserv~ t~i.s oonq uci described it to me. e. 0 I, hay'~ .re~vaf!t 1n.(or!TI.a~!on c1a.~_!:!jfi~ 511?9VE;! "'S~C~fl:"'~ I .Ii'! ~ n~v~r-9.!>,serv~:d ~hts-C9.ndu.C): nQr .h~rd -a.~9.l!t It ill?m ~meon~ who ~Id• -a. D b. o II obserVed -detaineeIs): in :a',co'hditiori'that led me:- to oolieve that this oonduct had.ocoorred, II per.s:ohal!y~ obServ.ed. this .conduct. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct· had :o·ccurr:ed. d. 0 :Others who observed this conduCt·uescrfbed it to me e. D ~. hav:e relevantlnform~tiQn dassTfi~ above "SEegEr'''. f: t~r~,l;Iever.o~se.lV~d ~hl~ conducrnor heard ~bout.i.t from ~m~on~.:w~9. qi~. . '.s~. P~ting.~ w.Qrnan's-c!olhing o.n·"a aetainee a. 0 b, 0 [ persanal!y observed this conduct. I:observed tJetalnee(s). in a'conditlon that led rile to believe that"lhis oonduct had .occurred·, e, o iDefalnee(s)-"fold me tllat this conduU had _occiurrea. d. d e, 0 f: Ii'! 1others- who observed this C0nduct described Itto me. I. ~.a:v,e relevant '[ntor~atio'n, d.a~si.ff~c;I above. "SEGREP". -I) o~_~rv~ ~hi? 'lZ:Q~duq: nor h€C!.rd ·abpu~, i~ frolTl !?Omeo,nE:,-who diQ, OIGQ-004803 56. Touttiin'g a detainee or acting toward a detainee in"a sexual "manner a, 0 [ b. 0 c. 0 4. 0 e. 0 ~ lEI per~nal!y oDservec;l this cqnduct. ~:ob~{Yed ~e!~inee6;) !o,a<c9~iijon tna.t l¢d me to'b~!ieye that thi.~ ~ndl,l<;t hi;1d d~<;ulTed .. De.tainee'(sj told rn~ that this coonduct hap .Ocl:(Jfrffl. Qiners: who l:)b~rv.ed t.hlS epOO1,lct described It t(y me. ha\!:e relevant iftformatioh' :da-S'sifi~ above "SECRET"', 'n~er ob~rve:sf nor'h~r4 it frPm-.soril¢Pn~.who dId. _'57. H6ld,in,g' de.fainee(s) wtid were: not offidalJy'~ckf\oW1ed~ed o( registered as SUGh ti'!the.a~ericy detaining the person; . a': o ,[ Rer~n;;dly o.~served this·.gpJ1~uct. ~. Q J~ 9b.$t:!:Jve~. ,t;I$talne~(s)' In:a <lgndltipri th;::it l$:l me. to, ~.elJev~ thpt:thiS: ooI)dPJ:t. M.d QC<:ur~ed. c-. D JO'eta!nee{s). tOld me .that thiS' carid utt Mel 'O"d:urrerl. a. 0 Others: w:hQ tibserv.ed this CONduct oeser/bed it to- me. 0 I have (elev:ant thJ'Qrmation' da's'sified ~:Ibp.v.e.. "'S;EC.RETiJ,. ". 0 f. I never.ol5serVed this·ooii'duClnor-,hear.ilabout it from sbmeone,who dltl. 5ft'Sending a detainee tEl another' rountry for more aggresSilfe'inferregalion ".b, c: D II: per.sonaJly'9Qserve~. thiS amd,uG.t, D ,~r-obserVed·.detainee(s) in'a .c.ondltion that led. rne to believe .that:thls. - , -, . . . conduct had 'occurred. . D ib.e.tainee(~) told m.e that tt!i~: qjiiduct J:l~iQ :occurr~, d. 0 , ~ '. this con~ut:t d'~crlb-eQ It ~o me:. .have reievant information 'dassified ab'o,ve "SECRET". , Ot.he;'~ ~h'o o~~n'!=d e. 0 i. lEI. I<l this:05n(luc.t nQr'lieara ab:ciu,t" it from someon.e whO . . .5.9, -ThreatenIng to send.a detaInee to anQther.-countiy for. detention or more aggressive fnterrogatioh OIGQ-004804 a. Ii'! I personally observed thls.conduct 0 c. 0 d. 0 b. e- O f, I observed detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had oCOJrred. D'e~ainee(s) told me t!lat thi~ conqt;lct ~aq ·OCQ,lrret;l. 9th~ry;. WhQ "ot~'serv~ tl1ls cpndl..!ct" f;f~J:Jlbed It to me. h,av.e relevant info,rmatiqn, dassifieQ' p!;1ove: "SECRET"', 0 r n.ev~r ob~rved: thiscC9~uc;t nor tfeard'a~out it (rom~SOtr)¢.on~·whoold. g." Pfe~se. prnvrde.Jhe. appro;xhria.te tirp~ frame:during. ~_frip, :this ~ontlu"!::t·d~rr~. Fr-OIJ't07:/:20"D3 to.08/2Q03 . 00.0 Not Recall h. Th~ :d~.tainee:(s) .treated 10 t1jls: way>:cated '_a~ tne .time jn: 1 0 $uantaham'd 2 0 I",q ·~ 0' Afghanistan 4 '0 other Location 5 tl !?O' f:lot. Recall i., Please:identify the,detainee(s) by name ana numl1er: · Ld!J fIOt-l'"e9.!lI. ~ j.'e identify the l>er?6Ii(S) who treated the t1etaine:ecs) Ih lhis.m~nn'er, including their name(s)' and ,g.Qverninent.agencvlieS}: us Army Military Interrogators ani::l myself. IG. Please. ii:lerit:rry anY.··other FEn personnel or ridn:-FBI 'persolirielwhc),ol)serued detalliee(s) "treated in this manner:, including their name(s) .and agency{ies): ntlt kn.OW. . r- eto I. Thls',:'ohdlfct ocO;I'r,e.d il) 'oonn~cti6h 1 6ne'detalri~ a .with: · 20 :Several detainees (2-4)' 30 Many' detainees Imbre than 4J .4 Do.~ot Rec<:l!l . q m. (Optional) Plea·se.describe"ttie:relevaht Circumstances iii more'aetail: It wilsre!iular pi'i'idice.t6:teILa detainee tlJ<:it iii moper:cition cou.ld result iii them being sent to Guantanamo, 'Cuba. . .. '60. Thrl$teriirig ·to.take actibn.a~fajnst-a detainee's fa-mllY @Ell Rersonal.!y ob~lVe~ this cOnduct. I OIGQ-004805 . .. 0 d. 0 e. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that thIs conduct had -occurred. 'f: 0 I never obs~.rve,9 thl~ c, 6f. r hav~ JeleVcimt inform~t!on c1?ssif[~ C! gave: "B.ECREP'·. <?;Q.n'c!u~t.nor h~.rd about'it frQm'sQmeQne;Whp.dld. ttetitm~l)t Qr cjcfiprj <;:Q:!Jsing seY:er~ erbo~jQnQl . 0 b. 0 :c. 0 a. , d. Others. wl10 observed this cond uct described it to, me; or p~ychQlqgtl;;al bc:lI,jm·fi. to ~ .detctlnee· I perSOnally obserVed this"cfonddct. Lobserved,detaine.e(s) in a co.ndltionthat led me to believe that this' conduct had .oecu'rred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. P. <Others. who obselWed this cQnduct described It to me. e, 0 I hq,v.e releyant intorm.?l~i9!1:cJassr(i~ '9bove II,SEGRET"·. f. 0 r;n~v:~ro'l>serve~ thr~ cqn.du<:t n,or h§Xl,[d ab9u~,it frol'fl s0r.rr~oI1~.~~o dj9. 62: Olher .relig·ipf.!sbr :sexuaJ h,qtq$~meph)t humiUa(ion of Cl det(;li.n~· a. 0 r. persOnalty· observed this .c.o.odu.ct. 0 . r;observed detalnee(s) in a·.cond itioh that led 'me to. believe thi3t:'this ci:ondud:: had .occurred, b'. c. d, o ,Detai'nee(s)-told :me that this conduct had :occurred'. e, 0 Others· who observed this condblct·described it to. me. 0 L have relevant information classified abov.e "SECRET"', f. lair never q~bserve4 thts 'COOP uct npr heqrd gbc:Jut it from SOlT]eone who (.I id. . .63. Qth~r tre,atm~nt pf a' detainee thi3~ In vpur qp.inlpri WaS unprQ(e~?ibnal, urrduly harsh (.ir .agg.res:sl~er 'coerCive r ;:lhus.ive, .or unlaWf..ul cr. 0 I persbnal!y observed. this conduct. b. c;:" D. I.:observed detainee(.s) in 'a'cond itionthat led me to 0 De~ain~{s-J tC?Jd m.e ~h~t t~is~0r!d.uct h~d ,q<;qJrreg.~ q: 0 OWers who -observeq t~ls believe that this conduct had .occurred. eo.n.d uct d~cribed !t to. me. 0 L haVe .rel~vant i./Jfqrrnati<?'n .dassifiet:t~bove '($ECRET\ f: 0 "I neV~r"o9s.el"{e,d this:con9!JQt n91' J:lec!,~d a.l)out it frpm'~rn,eonewh.o <;lid. .... _.... .. .. . .. -- ..... .. .. . . ... . .. e: '. . ~ . ... . ~ • ••• -_0 • .. OIGQ-004806 _@i~~@1~~ .M. Did ¥o,u obserVe any imp~rsoriation Qf FBI personnel by. ahy,9.~ durlng a detainee? aVes an II interView,or'ifiteYro.gation of 0No l,65. Qill any' detaJheeor;6ther ,person' tell Yo'ti that'he.o~ she had wifhessed the ihl,personati0'h of FBI personnel In' c0nnection with a detcirnee intel7\'lew. or Interrogation? . 'Yes; 0' N~' :66.. Are YQu aware pf any' "stram"'or·.·s~a:ged" .Qe.tain,ee. iritervj~ws. or Int,errogatlql1s con'dueted for Memb~r:~ Qf the.U:S. Congress :or'thefr sta'ffr . Yes 0 NQ , a o ·:67. To'yo.yr K:nowledge,:diq :any military 'Qr Iht~.lIlg-ente p¢Jsl;m'nel-eVer .depy, or.peiay ,FBnI'CCl:!ss. tp'a ·detainee.the FBI want.ed to 'queStion becaUse the ,detainee· had su'slairied ,injuries .after tie· ,was captured?·· eNO . • ~ •• J t .... :68:. Q!q ·Y0I,I.~)f~r end ~9.\1r palt\c;:ipatlon ir ~or qb..$~M!th;>n.ofC!:d~tailJe.~·ln~ervi~YI' or interr09gtian p.e9ay.~e:()rth.~ In~~rVi~.W Qr·,'nterrog'Cltibn meth~~:!r~hi'g ,l,i~d? . Q've.~ '$I\j~ .6Q. W,ete'¥ou 'e~et to,1d that·a.rrother FBI ~r:ripJoyee ended.nls.or h,er pci.rtleipatlon ,iI"I pr ob'serv.a,tlori of,:a detalnee Interviewer 'interrogation because fhe:interview"or'fnteFrQgati0n method's. befng used?' 0. Yes' (!) No of ;;Iny 9f YQur oV~r$eas d~plqYiJlI~.ljt$ or qp$ig-nrti.e.nts, rlld you, r~p.o'tt alJY c.on·cetns r~garding any..detairiee.jriter-vfew/or interro.9~tidn p'ractices, .or o.thertyp'6s ,of detainee "trea.triie'rit,.. to. an FBI 7D... Quring 's~pe!",!!sor?" O. Yes. '0 No 71,. D\J ling .any .of YOU r oi(erseCi~ d~ploymettt~ or ~~'slg ni'nentst . .alp V~U. r~ifdrt ~ny ·cont.~rn.s r¢gar9 itig ·any detainee. intervie,W'or':irite'frQgati6li pfactite~ or othe:r types: of oetall' tr¢atrri'ei:l.t 'you observed or heard about" to a non-FBI supervisor.or other non-FBI personnel? . . 0Ves 0 No. 72. Have you 'eVer be~n Qtd~red, qr direq:~d' not·to report, .or disC9ur1=l9,e.d In any' way-from repQrting t ,Q.D.s~l'.lations .pt' all~g.a:tioh~ t¢l~ted (6 C1.e.(ain¢¢ tr¢atnWnt. or\!iew ot int~rr6g~ti6ri 'actiohs 6f practices? .0 Yes (9 No 7~~ HeWeyou ·exp~.rjencffl '~ny,?!q:\,Iql or thr~~ten~d le!9.liaJi(j11 f<;>r re'PQr'ting ob·s'e.rYa,tiQ!J~·O~ ?JI~9ti<;ms 9t r;let~lrie!3.t[eattn¢iitor lriteiillew .qr IriJ:~JrogaMn a·etibr'i!:! ~r Rrpt~it¢s.? OIGQ-004807 DYes. <:5. No, pre~s.e· pJovid,e any. a'ddjtlQ.nal t.ornm~t'its· r'eg:'ar..dii1g. to.e reporting, of t6nc.erJis, t~lat~d to. interview, or interr0ffatioh techniques;. detention practices" .or'.other:detainee.treatmerit . 74. (-Optional) ~~~~.. '~-,":.~ "ts..were·.you debrlefed r otherthan the standard debrfenn I. FD-7.1~~.~~:mGernlnQ:yeur .o~er~a5 p~~lgnrnelJt(s) Qr c!.~ploY!11e.nt(s) Cj~~r-YQu <;Qmpl~t~d. ~~ ~~I?f()yrp~nt(~) or'c;lS~!9:nm~!1~(~):?' Q.Ye$ 0 Nq 0100-004808