Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001938
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Department-of J~stic.e Inspec~o.r General Questi,onnaire Re9..;;fr.din~ Detain~es; D.OJ,-:OlG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FORJtEVIEWAND USE dNLY BYINDIVIDUAL FBI ItE'SPONI>ENTS . " QP NOT FP~WA~O OR Dt$EMI~ATE . , QUESTIONNAIRE 10: test-O.O_0019'3$' As of ~l1e la~Uime this·qu~.~j'oiln~ire.was sa~~dr s~me r~quire.d (ields: hav,e n9t ~e~n c9mpletel;1. Please review'your resp'oris_¢s. ~m.~', ". < - ~ '. '~', . ' • ;, provide the following information ~ 1. F-it:st liam¢: 4. Enter..e'd bh DotY Date' (EOD): ,~&,7(; PERAC?REEIYlf=tJT Ii & 7C PER AGREEMENT 6 & 1.C PERAGREEMENT 6. & 7C ':J; Cur.r.ent 'Olyislcmlffeld Office: ~ ~.7C :2. MI<;lgle !nlt!~r: 3': Last name:, ' A~sist?lnt Direc~9.~ 6. & rc.PERAGREEMENT. 6! Curret:lt job ti.t1e: -7. Direct,dial office "telephone nU'mber: 8" .FBI ,<:~Ii 'phqne ,hlJmb~r: . 9. f'~.t p<;lger nutnber:' 19.· r:3e?~ cqntact nur:nber for you:.: ~ iI.. 76 fER.AGRJ;EMENT f; "($.,70 PE.RAGf(E.EMEN,T, '6 & TC PER AGREEMENT B·o B'ackground of Specific D,e-ployn'iehts Or Assigtmtents 11. At any tiri)e a'fte"rlSep'tember ill 20.01, aid you s'!=fVe as a member of the u.s. Military r. or as an e;mployee or c:::ontractor of the fBI,or.any dtherg.overnment agencYr at Guantanamo Bav.".ClJba; Iraqi : Afghi;; 'or irrareCls;'qmtrolled Q'f the W:S:. M.ilitqlY qr a V.S. i!1!!=II!ge,Il~~; 5~r~tce !rrC~,nr:r~c~i0IJwith)he: 'gI9ba! V){~r on t!=rrol? @ Yes 0 No ~;2. E'nr!=r the ,number bf tir'n.e,s, you, W,~r.e.,d~pJQy.~d or:cjs$i,g n'ed t6'l;lach' -Of theJoJloWing lo:l;;aU,olis .(Guantanaino Bay, 'Cuba~lraq>;,Af9hanistan; or in -any areas controlled b{the.U..s. Military ·01' a US. intelligence seriic.e~~1. . . For.each deployment ofassifjnl11ent .complE!te'the followiT!9 section.,io,n rsel~ct,' one) , DeptoYm.~.nt,or a5signnierit'b!,!g~n ~i! or De~liiiri1.ent$lr:a,s~ignment,en>dei! on. ( ' ..... , II~~9t " - abo.o.t. ' ,- or abqu~, . 11/13/20.03' 12a. W'ha't wa_s the gen:e(a:l.nat~,r~~n>d p:t,lrp'Q!i~Qf YQur'assiglilJlenJ ~hcta!=J:iv(ti~s? FBI On ,SCene C6hilrrander/B~QhdadQperations C,enter 09/11/20'03' lib. Please provide..the'names ,of the:specific,camps, bases/ or facilities where you worked. T!1rpqghout \he Ira,qi Th~atre})T 6,peratio[Js but ml;1stly Baghd?l~ 'Wh~re Ol!r main poc;lywa.s establish~~L Agent$ under ,my ',$Li p~rvi~i9il int~rView,t;i:I detarne~s ~J pet~ntion vefl~es, throug nb,ut '~r,aq ,b,ut roaQstly j'n tl)¢' Ba:,ghdpd alid r"'I!J~uJ area? " < 12c. Nofe: If information about a;specifit camp" base, or facility is classified above SECRET, please:check here 0~inClude in yaur-answer that you hci\te."additional information.c1assified above OIGQ-005393 'SEtREJ,'" and, if you knc;>w, Identify the c1assificatiol) .fe"el, ticket! compartment, pn;mram,' or other d,esignation thcit,appJie"$ to'theinformation. Do not inelupe the ad,d,itfonal cJ<1ssified information in,your qliestionnaire resp.ons,es; DIG personoelwith the necessary ,clearance will contact you to receive it. Nam'e, Position ,Larl}' Mefford AD em ;12e., Did you joihtly interview, or interrogate detainee with non-FBI personnel?,\j ' Oy" t:\N ',es ~ 0 ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------. .any • ~,2f~ D1p~~ujgj~tly ~~~~i3~Y' ti~tSJ1n~~ i~t~Jitie~-'{;r"7i~i~~r~g;tio~ ~strate9Y: ;pj;rli~e;, :FE~I per~nn~l? I I ""ar t;~i;;- ~ith '~~--~' • • ~ Ye? Q No ';'Wi1:h ~h~t- kinds' of no~-'FBr per~,~';el' did Y9~ ~o~k j"'al,nfly,1' : 0 CITF ,: gr 'Other LJ.~. MJlitary ;. 0' u.s. inteiligen·ce. agency .: 0' Foreign military o'r iriteiligent~ ag~ncY :: tJ Otoer . . ' .:.. - - - __ - - - - - - __ - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - _'_ - - - - - - __ - - - - - - - _,_ - - 0_,- _, ,_, , _ .12g. Were,y:ou ever otherWise ihvolved in det2iinee.Jnterviews,or interrogations with nbn-:FBI personnel? ~. ~. - -'- -- - - - - .... - -.--.-.- -.- - - - - - ~'--- B~ - -Ofu - - - - - - -.-..-.-- -.-.- - - - - -- - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - _...... - -- . '. " -;,f'." ';.. " lA-. Train'jng' Prior to 'Oversea's D_eplpyment ()r Assignment n. Did you receive any,training, instruction, 'or:guidanee specifically, in preparation for any of your '9versea.s d~ploymel")tQ qr,assjgnme,ntsy' 0Y~s ON'Q ODq r~ot RecaJJ ljq. Who: provic;I.~c! 'tQjs ~f?lif.lingr iJ:lstrudion;:or g,uid~T'!c~ralJ,cllJVn!='red,ip Y9,I,I 'c~q~ive i~1 S.C Frank Battle"and Unit.Chiei FOordinated .a :day of briefings at:Q.uantico 13b. O'e'sGribelhe s'ubjem on which 'you reeelVed this·tr:ainin9,. iristructiQh .or gliidance. mls,!1iQo _d~,scrip.ti6ri·" Cult!1.ra] i.$};ues, k~ing ~9Mj~.iQllS, h¢a.lth .<fild ~f.¢W"I~5Lie$, pl'oc.!edu res:'and lYrotbebls. .0Ves· . . ONo b6 b7C '. '0Do Not Recall 15. In t>r.eparcilion' Jor any 6fYQurovers~~s.d, .pSsigl:lIti~hrsrdid :you ieceivea.ny training, , irisfrlIction,.or 'guidance .concerning the' st1mdard 5, Of condild a'pp Ikable to'lhe treatment, interview, or fnterrog.ationof detainees by non-FBI personnel? O¥es €INo :009 Not. R.~ca\1 OIGQ-005394 16. In preparation-for any of your over!3eas deployments or assignments! did you receive any training, instruq:lon, or'guTdan~ concerning wha~ you were suppo~ to de;> If'YPl.,1,ob~rv~d 'or heardabo~t -the treatment, 'interview, or in'\-errQgatjonof:detain"ees by FBI personnel" whi~h YQU b:eJiev~ JQ lfe Inapproprrale~, UIip'rdfes~ioli~I" c,oer.¢lve! abO'slve, or urllaiNful.?- 'OYes eNo "000 NofRec'ali 1Z,1n: prepa~tlql1 fqr <rny bf.yourove:r~ea's deployments or,asslgnme'nts, did you recelVe:any tr;3ln!n~r in·str.uctil:inr.9r-9W id'cmce ~onceming What ypu were sLJPPQ'sed to do if YQU 'obserye~d :or h~a(d ~ab]J,ut tl)etr:eatnient, 'intervieWr or interrogation of detainees bY hoil~FBI pe'rsonhel, whie;h yow peli~ved to. be. ina pproJJriate( unprIDfessiDnal~ coemivB, Clbusive~, or unlawful?' .0.00 Not,Recall B. Training, O'uring Over,seas. Deployments or Assignments 18'. Duri'ng :any :of yoiJr.overseas de'ployments or assig nments r d iCl you receive any training, instruction,' Or9uidance:-C;:0fl~~milJgtN~ standar~ts 9f'~QI}~4ct appltGa.ble t~the tr~~I11~~t, !nte~i~i oJ intern~Qatipn ,of dei:aint=.e's by FBI- ~r:~pnnei1 X!lY~ 'QNo 00<;>. i'.'Jqt~e~aJl is,a, W~h9 provld~d thi~ tr?iO)ng;-lnstruGtlpn; 9.f'.guid.a.m::e1 ~nneit recall but.someone in OGC was, CDnsult~d re"use. of adviEe of rignts'form for ov,ers~s,q,-!stg~i.alrnt~rViewsilJ ca5~?,~hStt hap ,the PQ~sibliity of th,e tar,get being ~ubJect~ tQ us pn::ls.e.clJtlpn. ' , lal:>, i3ri~Y'd !=!SGfiQ~ the sli,bstanc~ Qf th~',trai(iing, Jnstruc~i(;>n, or gliid~ncf=: P.fovi~ed to. Y9lh ,VVs: were adv(ser) tGrcon,sider'tlstng C:ln ~rater..fitorial advlce~'of ,rights fQ!JTI. 18c. Was any 0.fthe,"trainin9.( instruction! 'of gUid'ance provided in"w'riting1 OYes 'eND, 'Q rilo' N~t R~c;:~11 19~ Dliringany :of your o.verseas, deployments or assig nmeiits, did you receive any trainiJlg , rnstruC:tiori~" oTYl!i~ance cOflcerllilJg tlJe'stand,qf~s of condu.~.':appli~ab!e t~ the trecjtrnentj int~rvlew; qr in!errqgation or by non-Fal' p~~onri~l? ' -ayes '20. During any ,of-y0unwerseas deployments or assignments, ditl you receive any'training" instruction, 'g['g~i!=lan~econ<,;ernin,9wh~t ypu were'~JH~PQs_ed ,tod.o if ,you obs~rved'Qr /1e~rd ,a~Q.u~:th~· ' tr~a~mentr jn~erJii=wi or Interro.g~tign'9.f ~et.aln~es by FBI per~nn¢I, whic,h Y9l,! ~~lie.V~d 'tq ,be, in'approp[iat~f/ unpJ"ofessional" c6.erciv~,. abusjV.~f' or ufllaWt'u[J OYes ~No: ' Qop Not Recall ..i L p\JrJng 'pny -or YQtl.r overseas, g~p'IQYrnent~ or a?s.ignment~7,d'ip yQl! rec~lve ~.ny t.rqining i, in.sffl.lctIQn/ ,orguid,pnc,e con~~rriing What Y9U Were~s\1i)p.oS~ ~¢ ,de if YQ.u obse,r\ieR 'Qrh$r.d ab~!Jt the: treatment" intetview~ or interrogation' ,of.detainees by lion-FBI p~rsonnel, WhIch YoU beljeved to be inappropriate, unprofessional; coercive; ,abusive); .or unlawful? OIGQ-005395 OVes bDo Not Rec9" 0No IGo A:d~:quacy of Tr~ining 22. Iii' ' opiniOli, ·dld· yoU (eceiv~ :adeQl,la~e trcHnlrig,. in~~r.uctic)fiT or guid.anc.e r~Ta~'ing to s.ta.nd.ards oJ CondUct by FBI:atfd non~FBr persdnnel relating to'treatmemtr interview1 or lrite'rrogatl6n of detainees prior to your deployment or assignment? . 0yes 23/1.0 Y0uropinf<;m, did y'ou 0 No rec~iveadequate training[ in.struqiorVDr .9l!idan~e rel~~ing.So staop'arqs ·0.f con.duct hy.. FBI'and non-FI;\I 'p'ersQnnel -relating to trea~men~r interview; or iriterrogfltion of :qetqlre~sd.udng your dep1oymelit.dr.assignmE=nV 0·Y~ Q No 24-. In your op i nion( i:I id you rec;;eiv.e :ade'q l,.lat~ fra ining I iDstruGtiQn T' or guidanae .conc;;erni ilg what you were supposed to .do if you ob'served 0'r Heard c:io6ut lhe treatrri.erit~ interview, or·ihlerr69,atiOri .of ~.etalneesr by: FBl-or I}o.n-FB~ per:sonnel, tbat you b~lIeyed was Inapproprlate.r uoprofesslonal; ;cQerciYe. ·abusIve, or unlawful? . ~ ... _ ........ .. ·0 Yes '0 No ....... '" ... ,. ." __ '_.,> .. '.. . _ ... _ '" ....... -. . . _ ..... _ ..... ... .,., . . _ ... ~ ., .... __ ... ,* ... h .. ,.. "" ......... _ .. _ ........ __ .. _ ' 'was .2i4a. Please describe the ways;ih which you believe lhe :hainin.g> instnlCtlon,or'gl1idarice inadequate: . . . . I/w~;wa~jwer~ not. fami!iarizeo with .rnill~rY pr OGA p,ro,t.QcQls)parplJ1~ter-5; If! othefWQrds itW.otilc;l hay¢; b~.n helpFUl to I{now tile' Qth:~r~gMCi~.5'rules:and pr9G~i:I9r~s,® W~ GQUld hay~ l:j~en: ~bje 10 . identify'what conduct eroS-sea tbe.lltre, We khew our own proceC1ures:atld adhered'em.atJd assumed they were the sameas-the pmd.edures.we:wQuld use in the.US .. AS bsC I reminded the staff _9f"~h)~~~p~t~!i~I!.~~ i!Jterxal~.: Y1..e.. ~i':9P'1Y ]\~fL:n~ !~a!T!e_ ~f.S~f~~~Eg~ !o!~<!lhe! .9!J~~c~~~. : 25. (OptionaI1:In what ways can the FI3I Improve training on this subject for future deployments 'or ~ss.ignments? Fat A. fuJi 'pQd ~horqugh ses.sfqfl ~W Irferview pro~ocoi~ for the persqm.lel ~l,lring Q.ver~~~ qepI0ymen~~r and :additionaf trainirt:g ~on o,ther ~gency.protocois. trainIng!'eratintlVVith the :military in~a . . rtliliti:li"y/war- zolie 'efivirbriment. I.. 100 .Commeot~ 26. PI~se. provide9ny ad(Htf(;ma'llnform~tio.nq:>ncerning tGljning fQr o.ver~~~ p.E=pIQY\llerits~or a$s:ig r'lm~ri~s' of F~l p¢rsbr\MI yqu h~li~ve is r~levailt, ~:~."'." , ..•• . ":;'~fH~~@§'~~~:_'::' ,.~''" ',.'_~.' .~·'~·~,,~,l. ,.,',·<'<.';A'. .... /:::·.:.,.~~·,:, or .Il1fro.4uc.tjon to .part III; In: th'i~ s~tlon;; we .are:seel<ing. lrformatlon regarqing a wJ9~· range int~iijreVl! :OJ interrb(iciJkin techniQu¢~ and other Wp~ of deta'inee tr.eatment :alleg.ed to hav..e occu rted. You should .Mt ClS'surrl'er just b~use.weare .asking about a pi'lrticiIlar teclinique or practice, that we, have ·conclud.ed that it in ·fact occurred. We recog'liize that.some of these techniques.or practices meW at times OIGQ-005396 b~ necessqry for safeW and. security In a·detention settfng. to' adc{"itioJ!r. .we re€ognize that some of these lechnlqlJ.el?, ,q'~ pr;;iCtice?,: may' :haye be~n authprlzeP for u~e' I:>Y milit~r{ qr other government pers9nnel., - .. " . '" Witli respect to .eacn R1entified technique" practice"or. type ,of, conduct-described belo.W, we are seeking information about its occurrence during or in connection'with the interview'or interrogation of a detaineer.,or d4ring the ~ete!ltion:of'a'p~t~inee'b~Y9nd wh~t is,n'e,~d~d for s~f~ty anc;i se:c;:urity: In' that ',C.Qrit~t, We. wiIJ I3sk you to tell !-IS wh~ther ojie or' mQr~ j:lfthe foll(jwin~ ;Statenteiit.~ are tn,le: 1. I personally observeD this ,contluct. 2~ I'observecf,detainee(s) in a condition that led'me to believe that ,this. conduct had 'occurred. ~.. Ell=t?lin~{$.) tqlq m~, that thls:'con~ucthCld 0,q::urr!=9. 4. Qthers'whb' observed; this condU'Gtdescribed it to me. .5, r.'hav~ r~l~va:ni irtfPrtn~,tiPn dassiffed ~bove;I;$E.CRET";, :6. I never obsewed this condUct nor Iieardabout 'it from someone:-wlio did. . . --. :2}; D¢privIOf]:p ,d~t~rr\~ bf'fqotl or wati=r 0 I perSonal!y obse'l'\Ied this ·cbnau.ct. b. 0 I bbs,etv'ed .t1etCjJnee(s) In 'a.cond iti0hthat led lTie' to, belleVe thanhls conduct. had .occurrea., c. 0 Detai,l'lee(s) told me that this cond utt had 0'GCUtr.ed. a. d. e. f. o. Others, who oliserVed this cCindud described it to tne., .0 II- hav.e relevant information classified above, 'fSEtRET\ 0 ['never'observed this 'conduct n<!r heard about'it from someone who did. a. o ,I per.sol'1al!y' (jb~l'\I~d' this ~oii(luct. I ., tb. 0 I observi='d,oetaii1e~(s). in'.a cqhditjon that led me to b~iil~ye J:hauhl$ cohQUl:t Md ·o¢curt~d. Ie. 0 Detaln~(s) told 'me that this' tond u'ct had ,occurred. .. ...._...--. ... . .. ... --.........--.'d. 0' Others wboobsefvedthis conduct aescribed it to: me: -_ _ .---.~---------- e. d r have relev'a'n't information Glassifiea above. ~lgECREf'!. f. ~ 1. never observed' this '<!onduct nor heard 'about it from .someone who did. ''2.9. Deprrvi(lg~"detainee of.sleeprJlr il]t~rrupting $J~.¢P b'}' frequ>~nt:celJ 'relocations or Qtb~r m~tn.ods 0 r persoriaJiy 6b.~rv~d niis ;cQriai.J.c~. b. 0 r'ol:5sef'£~d detaine¢(s) in';:I ,cotid.itibn that led a, .- me; to b~}j~ve ~hqt thiS condupt .hap 'o,ccurr~d., OIGQ-005397 , c. D !Oetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. d. 0!Others who observed this conduct described it to me~ e. 'f. II' have relevant information ~I~ssifi~ agove "SEGR,E)I'" o !I never ob~rve,d ttiis'Cof)~u~t,norheard about it frQm~~rnebne·wh().~id. D g. Please provid'¢ the ~pproxirn~te tim,e fraine guring wl)ich thfs cQridlj~~ o'q:;u'rreP. Fmm 09/11/20.03 to 11/13120,03. 000 Not. Recall h\1.he detclinee"(s-) tr,eat~ In thi,S WaY were Iq¢at¢~ at the tiiTl~:in: 1 Ll Guantanamo 20J~q 30 Afgfianistan '4 0 Other Location 5,0 1;>0 Not Recall I. Please Identify ttie, b,y~narh'e.Clnd, number: 'general description of use of this technique. but not specific to an ind ividual detainee. 'j. 'Please identify the, p¢'rsqots) Wh'0 tr'eaj:ed, tf\l~.p,ej:a.inee(~) in thi~' rna,rYner, i1idudin'g thelr name( s) a'nd ,goverririJenta{:iehcy(ies): 'GIAjMilitary:Intelligence '" ~. Please identify' any' other FBI personnel ejr l1on-FBI personnel who observed deta'iriee(?) treated in this manner, Including their name(s) and aQem:y'(ies): ' unknQwri ' 'I, This;/:;qnQ\Jci: .oc<::urre¢l iiJt:;:~m.h~p:ibn w.itH: ':I, ,0 ·Ql1e <;fetain¢:e 20 Se;v¢ p~tairi~ (2-4) 3. 0 Many"detainees .(m'dte than 4J' 4 '0, Do Not Reca II m. (Qpti,onaJ) Please:descr'lb.e the'releV8'nt c;:1r.cumstanc;:es In'mored~tall:, In di?cu,ssing interv-ievi.'of:de~a:ine'¢S."ii1 gen~.rciI terms with both MI and, f;.IA persohnel the technique of "sleep mari'ag.ement:' was meritlonea frequently, 'I"can't-retall specific IndlvidUals<dr names. 30.. Beating a' ,detainee a~ 0 r per.50nally observ~d ~hls cqnduct., b. 0 c. 0 I 'O~?eJVep deti;line~'(s) fn .a·cor(c@onth?lt!ed me t9 ~~ney~ th~t tbis c;on:quet ha,d ,ocqJrr~d .. d. 0 Others: who observed thi,s. cj:md!)ct d~scribed it to me: Qetainee(s}tqld m~.thpt,th!s condl,lct Mp I occ;:~rr~. I OIGQ-005398 .. e. f. 0 I have relevant Information classified above '!SECRET". 0 r never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who' did. ·31- Using waterto a. b. 0 I e.. p~rs6nalJy ob~rv.ed thist'ondu~t. . o !IolJselYetl defainee(s) in a,condition' t.hat led 'me'tO- believe thatlnis conauct bad occlirrea. c'. 0 ·d. pr~v~nt breathing by a qe~ir:r~ or to create 'the s~nparion ,of-qrowning 0' 0 Detainee(s) told me that this. c6nd'utt had ,ocCurred. Others- who observed this (;ond ilct described it to me. 1, have relevarit information classified -above: !~SECRET"'. f. ~, I never'observed thls;conduct norheard alJOut it from 'someone.who did. a'. 0 D, c, 0 I:' pe(sonallY o.liserved this conauc.t. , ~ -~ r'oDserved ·detciinee(s)· hi'a cond ition that led m,e to b.elieve tl:iafthis ~onduct had ,o(icurrefl.· o ,Detalnee(s) .told me that tHIS- eond u.ct had :6ccu rred. I d. 0 OtherS' who :observed. tHis co'rid (Jct described it to me. e. o II have releVant ir:iformatibrr tlassified a'bove "SECRET'!.'. f: I~r I never observed this-conduct nor heard about'it from 'someone Who did. 3,3'. ThreatenIng other aq:ion'to"cause: phYSIcal' pain;, injurY" .drsfigurement~ qrdeath, .a. o II pgrsonaUy ab~r:ved this ,conduct. b. o II bbserv.ed,detaihee{s) itLa cbnd'itibrHhat led me to oelieve thauhrs' conduct bad .occurred. C'. ' d. .e. f: o o o !Det~in~(s} told lne that .this Gorid'uc[ had :occurred. !Othet'S' who 'observed to1s cond Uet descrlbetl it to. me. haVe relevant i'nfofmation classified above. "SECREf". o II never- observed this'conduct nor'heard :aoout it from som'eol'Je. who aid. II OIGQ-005399 34. Othe:rtJealment of a\:tibb causing significant physical pe:jjn or injury, ,6rcausing,dis.figurement or :death o a, b. 0 r observed detqin~e(s) in a cQ[1ditign ~hat led me to belieye thgt tl:1is ~onduct c. 0 pet~inee(s) tqld fTIe that this c.onduct had qc<:urreq, d. 0 Others who .observ~d this CPtlduct aescrlbed It ~o me. t;. 0 I have relevant jn~drmatjoh'da!?"'Sified abov,e "SECRET". f. IEf r; n~",-er 9b~,rve~ thj~ condu.¢t npr h~r<:\ 'abflu~:!t from ,sotn¢,l>.ne wnq' did. '3~. Rla,clng a detalnee'po I p,ersonqlly o.bserved tl)is 'conduct. b', c.· p Det~.inee(s}to~d me that ttlisC9n9W;:,t ha,droc;curred. {!; 0 Qthers Wbp, 9bsel'Yed thi$ GRn~Jlct d.e.s:tri~~d it ~l;>: m~. I:ops~rv~d-de~9in~'ets) In ,a'<;:~n9Ition-1i.hap led m~ to' b~lIeve; tn~t tnls cOrJPuct had 'g~cL!rred., .. 0, ~' D f. hadocqfrced" a hot 'surfac~ or burolng ,a detainee' 0 0 a. I l~ perSCInallyobserv~d this cqnd'uct. t h~\fe re:l~vant lQ.form~tlon 'd,C'i$sifled ClQoYe' "'S,ECRET n " 1: 6,bsen[ed this:conCi.uc,t npr h~r.d abQ.L!t, it from sqttreone: who' did. .9.. pieasa pr:QVlde ,the a'pproxiinate time fram~ during WhIch ;thlsJ::ondutt,bccurred. DpQ NQ~ Reca,ll From 09/1.1/2:003 t6:U/13j2003< The .detainee(~J tr~teci 1 0 '~LJatitanam6 ,h. io :this iN.ay wet~ Idtatea ,at tfi'e time 11):' 20' Iraq _ 3D Afghanistan 0 .Othe'i location ..... 4 ~ '.; 0 , ~ p~ N~t R~g311 i. Plea~e fd!=ntii'y the:det?lin~(s) QY n.alTl,~ ana;' . !J,n kn9W!1 j. ,Please identify :the \:>~'f~6ri{s)whb treated the detalnee(s) in this: man Het, illcluding their name( s), and .government age'ncy{Ies.).: ' . . c1a~i!it.;d . . k. Please Identify, any:other· FBI personnel or non-FBI' personnel who. observed detaIAee(~) treated 'In .fhj~ (nClnner;, in(;luai.og fheir m;lm.e(s) and agen~y(ies); UriktioWn I. Thl&'cbhduct .occurred IIi ,connection with:, :)., 0 -Orie detalhe~ OIGQ-005400 2 0. S,everal detain~ (2-4) 3 Q Many, d.etaine'es (more than 4) 4 0 DQ Not Recall ill. (op.ii9n~i) Please,d~rib,e the rel,eyant,<!mstances, in mqr,e tiet;;!!I: Det~iriee'-Wa.s pla~ed 9,h:~ hq6~Of a V~hlC;:,I\9' an9 ,tli?nspqrted, engine. This info, was.relay,ed to me H~ by a prior QS'C:and SA from re1;¢lve:d .severe' blJ rns; frqm the tne CTD fly tecfm. ~36, thing shqckl¢sor QtlJer r.estrCllnts in a prolonged tnanner , a: D r: personal.!y,obser:ved thls,cotJduct. b, 0 I observeddetciinee(s.) in a ,contl.itio,h. fhat led me t6 believe thafthis conduct bad .occurred, c. D 0 e:. 0 f. 0 d. Detainee(s),told me that this conduct had 'occurred. Others who observed thIs cenduet descrfbed It to me, r: ~av.e relevant fnf,Qrmation. c!assifjed a~ove "SECRET"', r~~v.~r obs~rved:thj~'-<':<?(lqqc! !19r'h~,rd a.bout !tfrolT),sQrneon~'wno ~iQ. 2i7:. ReqlJirirt~:a ,detq'inee:tQ r::nainfCiiil, pr .re,stralriing a :detain,ee in, a, D b, 0 c. 0 ~ persanaUy' obserVed ,shes~ful.Qr p?llflful pqSiHoO this.'coridutt. ~. observed defaiiiee(s:} in ~~cond iOon that led' me tet belie'iie that' this eomlt..iCt had "occurred. , Detainee(s) told Jnethat thiS corid'i'cthad ,occurred. d:, q e. D ~ave relevant information classified a'bove '\$EtRET". others who observed -this conduct described it to me. f. 0. r Ilevero,bser\,(ed thIS cOl)d~G~ 3'8, <;I Fotdng' ;(;l,det;:ilrie¢ to p-erfqrm ' n9r h~rd,abo~t ,t{rom'sql11e~ll~'wbodjd. c,Iemc,ll)dJng...2::..:.h:Lys:;,,:..!c.:..:a::.:,l-=ex:o..:.e.=(I-=c.:;:ls-=e _ a. D fr pei:scinally' .obserVed this ,conduct. 0 e. 0 b.. 'd. Lobserv~d de'tainee(s) In a cOl1d.1tlCiri that led m~ to believe t.hat,thls conduct had .Qccurrep. I Detaihee(s}fold me that this conduct nad occuri:erl. o jOtherS wh6 ebserved 'thiS conauCt i1es-cribed if to me. OIGQ-005401 . - .. ., [1 [~f 11 never observed this conduct nor heard about' it from someone who did. ; I ! I 39·. llsing electric;:af shock.on·a de~ainee .a. 0 I per.sonally observed this conduct. 0 I bbse'rV,e9 detair'u;~e(s) ifl a cond ition th'at led m¢' to beli~ve that this con.duet ha.d occurred. c; 0 Detainee.(s) told -me that this conduct had ,occuYred. , .d. 0 OtbetS' who .observed this tbna ud described it to me. I e. 0 r have relevant information Classified aboVe '.'SECREf", f: ~. I never observed this'conduct nor heard abQut. it 'from.someone who did. b. ; :4.0•. Thr.eatening to use electrica.! shock on a detqinee , a. 0 I" p:ersOfia.LI'l;ob$'erv~c;I this,:CQn.t1.uct. b. 0 l' ohserv-ed a.etain·e.e(s)'. in :a '.cotid.ition that I~ ni~ to' beli¢ve that' this cpnduct had occurrett ...... -b. 0 Detainee(s) told .hie that this conduct had .ckcurred. d, 0 .e. 0 f. oth.ers' W.h.b observed thiS' tend uct d.esctibed It to tn~ I have'h~levant infarniation dassifiea aboye '~S·ECRETi\ . ; 0. II never·o.bserved. this.condud nor heard 'a bout. it frbm.·sorrieone who did. -41. i:nten~!Qn~JIYgelaylr!9 'or .de.nylngg!=tain.~e·rnecfi~a'i r;;:are 0 r p~rsOr'iaIlY·6Qserve,cr ~hj's con'du.ct. b,: 0 I ol1s~rv.e:d. detalne.e(s): jn ia 'c'On_d ition that led me to believe that this conduct ~adoc(:urred. c. 0 De.taihee(s) toid me this. cond u'cJ; d. 0 OJhern: who bb.sehteili ,this c6rid'ud d:es~riD¢d it to' me. e. 0 [ have releva'r'tt Information 'Classified above· ·~.sECRET". I neVer' observed' this'conduct nor heard it from sorneohe:who ._J"'_ did. ......... ,.... _.... -- .. f. ....... _......... _.... ....... ........ ........... --aboi.Jt .. -- 0' _. .......... ...- .. a', ~~ ._ _~ ~-- --~----""',," _ ...... """'-'>6 .."." 42. H0.0ding or blindfQ'lding a.detainee other tha.n during traris~ortation OIGQ-005402 ._- b. 0 0 ·c. o 'D~~ajnee(s) told me that thi~ condl,let ~ad 'occurn~;L 'a~ I I personally'observed thls,conduct. I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred. 0 bih~rs: who 'observ~d this c.ond1!cr~escribec! It to me~ e. 0 have reievant information classified above "SECRET". . ... __ .-:..-....... -._- -------------_. - --- ,..-..:......_--_. f. 0' T:never observed. thi~H:Qn.duct nor heard ab9~t it from sojrieone'wh9 pid. ~. .L. ' 43, SUbjecting -_ -~- . a toeKtrem~iy cold 'or hOt room temp.erature.s for extended Rerlads a. 0 I personallY observed this conduct. b. 0 I'observed'detainee(s) In'a condition that led me to that this Gonduct hail.occurred, . 0 Det~i.!lee(s) ~olcj rn~·that this. ~ofldu~t h;3d 'occurred... g! 0 9tIJer:? Wn9 -ot1~ef:'l~q t,his, c0rrc!qGtq~$.crib·e9 jt to roe.,; e.. 0 ~ h;:lve :rel~varit I.lJfOTn:rc~:t19,n <;la~?Jfl~ 9~9ve ",~·EC~ET·! .. f. 0 I n~ver·ob$erv; thi$'conou~t nor h~.rd 'abptlt it frorn. s9me9t1e'who did; Eo'. 'a', ~ ~ personally observed lhis eoMiJd. b. 0 I ·observed detainee(s) in a .condition that led me to believ.e thatthis conduct had ·occurred. c, 0 Detainee(s) told me that thisconduct'had :occurred. i:. o IOthers who oQserved this conduct-l:l.~ser!ped it ~o me. e', 0 I have relev.ant !nrorm~~for ql,?~sifl~~ 'above "-Si:dJ{ET": f·lD I" n~yeroQserv~:9 this conc:iu~t 'nor ,hear!J 'a/;lgut it :fro!J1 ~omeol1e wt'Jo did. PI~:<;lse pltjy·id~:the QpproXim:~t~ ~im~ {tame 'Quring W.hi~.h ttii~t c(m~!-n;:~ ~t~urred, Fr:On1 .09/1112.003. to. 11/1312003 . DDo Nol Recall h. The qetafn~e($) treqteQ in '~l)ls w.ay w,ere' Jqc~te9 ~t ~h.e tim~ in! 1 0' Guan~anC;)mp g.. i0 Iraq 3. 0 IA~gnanista'n 4 0 'Other Location 5 0 Do Not R~call OIGQ-005403 i. Please identify the detainee(s) by' name and number: ' Unknown P'I~~e fd~ntlfY' the person ($) 'who treated the detaine'e(s) in this manner, incluglng their ndme(s) ana goverrim¢nt agencY(i~s): ,Unknown r"lilitary per-soMeL k. ,PI¢a5e idehtify any other FEn persoiinel or non-FBI personnel wh.Q ob~rved detainee(s) treated' in this manner, iiiClliding their nEmie{s) ,and agency(ies) ~ HRT person nel" a~sig ne~ to,the FBI MosuI Oper?ltions' Center in J. I b6 I Mb'~YJ. b7C r. Th-is'conduct Qccurred in connection with: 1,0 'One. detajne,e 2 0 :Several detainees (2~) ,3 ~0 Many detairiees '4 b DO Not Recal[ m. {Dptional} (mere than 4) Please' describe 'the,,relevant circumstances in mp're"(jefail;; 'During la.r.g~ rouhdup aPIO or'mote"suspected ilisurg,ehts, and fO,r.eign fighters ,tlie ~etainees Were held ,placed' in:a ,larg:e holding :area and (o'ud rock. riliJsl<:i:was played 'thro~g HoUl the processing of 'ttt~:det9rl,lees~th~,musiD was flot ex~essJve since ali tbqse present ":V~re; subject~ t9' i,~, inducHng FEU p.~r.spl1,n~1. '45. ' a d~ta.inee tq bright flashing Iig,hts ,onla~kn~ss a; 0 t p~rsQnally opserved' ~his conduct. b, 0 I ob'se,rved detainee(s) in Xl condition that led me to bem~ve thet this cO'riduct ha.d 'oc~urr~d. c. b d. o ~otherS' whb Qbsented 'this cond act desc[ibed it to me. g. 0 I hc'jye relevant informatibn :Classified ab.ove '~SECREf". 0 I neVerobseived thls whdlict nor heard:pbo:utlt from someone,wtio did. f. I De.t:ainee(s),told me that thiS. cond Qct had ,occurrei:l. 16. 'Isolating a detain~ To~,ari extended period' a. 0, t p~r$ptl~IIy'-Glb,~~IIL~r:I' :this·l:9-.n.dlie,t. 0" D I:~,bser'Yed detalrie~(s). !h:a .cqnd it)Qn1;\1at I~ tTf¢ to b'elie'i.~ th~t tHh~ GqJi.quq: ,hal:! ,oc~urr~d, 0 Detaine~(5) 'told riie il:iat this' Good U:ct 'ha,d ~6tq.IJ:rf:il'. d 0 Others' who 61J'served thj~ condLJct d,~crib~ it t9. rri,e<o .. e. 0 I: ha'\ie relevarit i,ilformation Classified .aboVe "SECRE~I". c. OIGQ-005404 f. 0 I never observed this conduct nor heard about It from 'someone who did. g, PI~Clse p.royid~ th~ apprQ}<im<;lte tfme frame dl,lrln9. vthiC;11 this'c(;m9l1d:occurred,. !1l1~riii63 Doo Not .From' 09/11j200j to h, The .deta.lne¢(sJ treated 1, [j Guantanamo mtt)is way were: IQcated at the time in: R"""Ji . ;; 0 rreq . 3. 0 ~f9hanis~9.n 11- 0 50 Other Location 00 Not Recall I.;iCle}ltliyttw!,~d¢taii1~(~"). b;¥ nam~ 'cl'nd, nu I'D b~r;' This was i:lisCllssed in geoeral. temis by ~fA a'rid iiersonoel, On iiidividuall--,major Ansar.Islam leader refated·to FBI SAs that he was subjected to, Isofati&ii: m . 16 17< ..JF 'j, .PI¢ase. idenJ;ify the p,ers6r'f(s)"wh"Q' .treated' tfll::UI ncin'te(s)·and government ai;J'e'ocy(les): ClAfMiIi"tary Inlell!genre . Ie. Please identIfY· ar'iy'6t~r. FBl persbnnel or bon:'FBI persorilJ'el :wh6,.obSetved detaflJeers) tr~'ted in this maMer:, includin~ their name{s) anti agen I li:l"n(i.~n IA frqm .eTD ,sent sp.ecificall.y1~~J~~ In in~erv;ewhi9 .thls ~¢t.~jhe~ after he was m",de- avail.abl~ by ~he. c.IA. I. Tllis,.c6nduct occurred in toime¢tiiin with: 1,0 One detairi~ 2 0. 'SeVeral detainees. (2.~J :3'0 Many detainees (more than 414 Q po ~9t ~~11 16 17< ril. to:p.-il6nal) p[ease·descnOe t1ie'f.!alevarit drcUITistantes in more detail: ~e (Jeseribel:l isblatiOI"l·.arid sleep,dep'rivatloh tiy his previolls Ourhig FBriiJteFViews:Wjt~ .hamCilers, 47~U.slngrli.iGt D ~', D <. D d, D e. D a: f. b6 b7< tape to resttcUn"gag, o'r punish a .detainee [per~r:taUY ~lJs~rve~ ~hj~ c;~ndud. I. o.b$e:rveq d.el~ine.~~{s) In a'€9Mitlonthat led me t9' t;lellev~ th~t·tbJs con9uct t)~'oc:qJrre'~., Oetailiee:(sj told. m'e thqt .thls cooP !Jet ha.d ·,occurred. tptners' WI.1Q dQserv~ '~his'. C9nd~~t desp-l bed It to m~. I have -relevant lnformatlorr ~asslfl¢d ,aIr"' 1<'1 I , , , n~er ~bsery,ej:f thIs :O:Hid!Jd npr h~rd abpO.t,itfrom sprrt~(me. Wh9. dl.d. .. ,. , OIGQ-OOS40S -45. Using rapid respo.nse teil'ms.and/or Fori;ed .cell extractions· a, 0 r. persenally observed this .cqnduct. b. 0 r""Ob~{ved. detClinee{s) in a'cond'itiQn that iecl me to bel.ieve that thi.s <;:ond,!JQ: n~ c, 0 D~taInee{sJ tolP m~ that this conduct hap oc;etJrretJ. 4. 0 Others who obseWed thl~, ¢pnpuct descrll:ied It 19" me:.. e 0 .have relevant InformatlotfclasSlfled ·~lbov.e. "S.E.CRET". f. 0' n'ev,er ob.s¢'rv.E(d' this. cOnduct npr h~rd. abol,i,t it frpm .59mepn~,.wh9' Q.rd. O<lcurred. 49. ,Using" 'a.-military worklng.dOg:on or neat a d.etalnee·;otber than (luring detainee transpbitation a. 0 I!1~I.Jy"@p~~c;1 U,lls:COflduct. b. 0 I.:o.bsel:V~ QeJ~lil'}~e{s). in a'c.o~ ilion ~hat led Tp~..t9· b~liev~ thqlt t,l1is C;:9nPUq: .!lad 'QCi:ameq" 0 4. 0 Deta,i.nee.(s) tQl~ 'rne thqt t-ttis t9bc!.uct h~~ 'Ot;:CUfrfii. C, OtherS W~'9 "Qbsery~ thi~ €pn~uc;:!.d#crl~ it .to me,. e. D. J. ha~e releVan.t. ilJ(orm~Jion dassirred :above ".s:ECJ~ET'''' I. Il'! t neY¢r 6bsente'd this tQntlul=t flo.r h.ea'fd :.about it frQm.SQmeon.e wnQ oW,. sa. TI:'Ireaterfrng to use rflllltalJ (\totklng dog's:on or liear a detaln~ a, 0 I Rer:;enally."o:~serve~ ~his "C;qnl~uc::t. b. 0 c: (j'lnEj!'e:(s) In ~'cOndltIQI11ha.t Qet<;lineets)' tql~ JTI~ ~,hat .this, cot)d.uct Ila.d Oq:ufI:e;i, g. 0 qth~rs whp 9P$e~ ,~t1is, qm.~Mct.d~criQeq ~. e. O. [htl~e relevant IlJformat!on <;;1~sSlfled 'abq'Je "'SECREl'. I. Il'! i n~~r o,b~erved'thi.s·CCi_nduc;t n:or h~rd <;lOO,U.t. it' frbrrl"SQmeon!a whd did. le;d me" to" believe tj:lat. ~hls h,?d occurred~. t<r me; ,$1. Using "Spiders, sti:5rjifQns', .snakes, or o.tner animals on br near a C1etaiilee, 'gD]r personalty observed this·conduct. OIGQ-005406 b. c. o II·observed detalnee(s) In a cand itlon that led me to believe that.thls conduct had "Occurred. o 'Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. 0 O~hers who observed t~is c9n~uct'descriqed it: to m~, e', 0 I hav~ relevant Ihfdrmatiof\ classified Clb"oVE;. "$E~RET" . f. 0" I observed ~his 'cqnquGtnQr:: h~rp ·abqu.t it from someone. who did. d. 52. Tht¢atenih~ to use·, .scoq:Jions, :snakes, cir·oth!'!( animals' on a deta'ine~: a. 0 I pers6nally, observed thisJ:ondud. b. q Iiobserved detainee(s} in a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had ·:occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. -q . . D. Others.' wh9 observ~d t~j.s c;:omj uct ~escribed It t9 m~; e. 0 I. hav.eJel~vantrn~ormation~Ias.~ifJe.g a~ove '''S~CR~''. 'f. 0 I !1~ver <,?b~~rv~.C\ th(s ',(;0!1~uc,t ngr ,hea 1'9 ;apo!J.J It ,fn?m :~ITl~qfJe.. who ~ Id,. ·,c. ,53. Qisrespectful starem~nts, hp nd'ling, ,Cir':actiQl')s·jrtvolving the [{bran a. 0 , r persohally' observed. this .conduet. b. o c, 0 d. e. f. 54.. 'I.obserVed detainee'(s} in ,a'condition that led me to: Delieve that ,t'his €0hdtid had occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this· conduct- had ·occurred.· 0 Others, who observed this conduct described It to me. 0 r: hav.e relevant;, !nfQrmati()n c1assifi.~d qbove '\S-ECRET'''. 0 J;"n~,!er o,bserveq this 'COndyc~n9r h~rd ab.p~t it .fromsomeol)~:wh~oeM. c"d¢tainee's f!:icial pr other bair tQ. emqarfa,5~'or humlliate' a .d~i:.('linee; a. 0 r. persOnally oll.served, this.con·duct. 0 0 Detaiilee(s) foUf me that this condbet haa.ocGurr.ed'. d. o Imhers who observed ,this conduct descrfbed it to me. t:: D. I, hqv.e r~levant intormati()n dassifi~c;I aIJove "SECRET"', f. 0 I, n~v.efo,bs~rved thi;; wndu~t'nor !leard crbqut- it fron:)' someone who diq, b:. e: Lobseived detaiilee(s) in a eDna ition that led me'to, believe that this c00dilct had .occurred. OIGQ-005407 55'..Placing a WQnia.n's:.cIothing oil a·detainee a. b. c. 4, 0 [ personany observed ~his t:qnduct. 0 r obsem~d de!qinee(s) in a'cQnd i\:iqn that led .me to be!1~ye that thi~ condl,Jc;t \' ,oc<;urred. 0 D~taine~{s) tol~ m¢ that this· condu~t hap .occurrl;!d. o 'Others' whQ observed this ~pnpuct described It to' me. e. 0 I' have relevalit Iliformatioh' dassifieJ:labov.e. "SECRET". f. ~ r ne~er bb.5~rved· thi!? conduct fJpr-'hf=a'r~ :abdll.t it frPm sorilebn~ whq 56. Toucning 'c3 detainee: or aCting :toward a'detaitlee in-~ s~ual ~fd. manner ~:. th!.s:conduc::t. 0 I personClJ!Y"oJ?setved '. . D t.oQserveet det~'in~'e(s} in .cn;on9 itJon·that leq lTJe t9 ~~lieYe th~It'thi~ cOfJdl1<;:~ .!lad ·oe<;:urr~p .. c:· D. .~', D Others whQ 9b.setY~d t.his eAne;! Llc.t .d:es·~db~d .it t~. ro~r D f rele'@nt 1t:t(orl1Jiition '(;Ias~ifi~d :c,~o~e'"'SECJ¢T'\ .a'! ~. Oet,aJnee.(s) t9J~ ·me ~/1at thi? j:qnd:uc.t hqd :o.c;.<;un:tiI. f. ~ ( nev~r;6pserV,ed thiscc6.nduct J''(Qr'h~rd .abb.ut it lrotn's~rTreQneWI:fQ ella.. 5:7 •.H61d Ing detainee(~)' ~: 0 or reg Istered as such b'y'the. a-ge-ricy ' . . Who ,were nQt officially acknowleclg ed :detarning the· person. I. p~r;sonallY' op.?E=tv.ed. ~his.:conQuc,t. o 11' obse(Ved .detain·~~(s)- in a;C.bndfiiQn that led me to believ,e that this: conduct had occulTed. D. jpetairiee(s) tbld in¢ that thj~' c.9rid.uc~ 1]13'~ .occl,lrre{i ~ ¢~ d. 0' Others: Who observed thj~ con.dut:;t,des:cr:lb-e.a It ~O. r.n 8', b" e, tl r hav.e teie;.v~nt f; 0 iilformatipn:tlassified.:abo'ie: "SECRET". I heverob~~'rve.d thi~"d)hauct nQr heari:! alrout it'fr:om someone.. who did. .g. Please provide .the approximate time frame durillg. which this. c011dl1etoccu·rred. From 09/11/100~ to. 1'1(1'3/20'03: DD.o .NOt R~cal! h. Tl:ie detaH:iee{s) treateCl ill this way Were Jodltea at the time iii: OIGQ-005408 1 P ·Guantanamo. 2: 0' IRlq :3 [j Afghanistan '4 D 'Other Location 5 0 QO ~ot p.eeall i. Please identify the. detainee(s) by nam'e 'and nurrtber: l:Ink.nowl) .j. ,PI~se: i.i:f'entify th~ pei;;on(s). whQ .tr¢"ated the detainee!(~). in this· nian~rf iiidu'ding their:' name(s). and gov~r.l1merit aQ'enp,y{ies): ' unknown ,K:. Please id,efllify'any'other: FBl'persormel -Or non-FBI 'p·~t'sorJrfel'wh0'.observ.eddetainee(s) ;treatea In thIs manner:, fneludlng theIr name(s) and il.9.ency(ies):, ' UilKno-Wn t This concfuct occu.rred' in ~,onn~ctl(;>n w~h: 10 ,One . z a 'Several detainees ~2'-4). :3 0'tairiees (mete-than 4.) :4. 0 00' Not lSee;a1l iii. (O'pti6ital) Please' 'describe the,relevant cifaurl'lstantes ih mo.&e;d.etail:· ,a. b. c. d'. D ~ pers::lIia\ly~obse'i'ved thfs,contluct. D' ~,\obs'er·ved ,i:letainee(s} in ,a ,-cenci ition that led me. to belle:ve ttiat:this <::onduct had'u·rrel:l'. D Detalnee(s) told me that this ,conduct had occurred. D btl:rer,;'who oqserved t.his cl:ll1.dl,lGtd~.s~ril:re~ jt to, me. e.. . 0 r have r~levall.t rnform9tion c.l~ss_iJ(ep ?ib9Ve' l\qECRET~I .• ll~ I, nev~r Q'b~€'rv~d: t.!,!is'c<:>l) h~r~ qbqut It from som~ol']~wh.o did. ,SQ. T.hJ:eat~ning to ~nd a detain'ee to a. q r perSon-ally observed. this conduct. D 'c. 0 _r ..... b. another country for detention PI' more ag'gre:s~ive:·ihl~rrogatiolJ detaJnee(s) in a'cond ition that led 'me to. believe that 'this Gm-nduct. had .00;curred. Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. ... - , . -'.- ,- - . . ... -, , .. OIGQ-005409 d. e. f. I 0 Others who observed this conduct descrrbed It to me. 0 I have relevant information classified -above "SECRET". o !t" never obs~rv~d this'conduct nor heard ~bout it from someon.~ wht? ~'id.. 60, Threatening 19 take act!Q.\l ~gainst d detaine!3's family 0 I perS0nalJY obserVed this,conClLict. b. 0 I observed detainee(s) iii a ,cond ition that led me' tb believe that this cbru:juCt. had ·occurred. c, o Detainee(s) tbld me that this conduct had :occurred. :a. d" e. o lOthers who observed :this cond uet described it to' me. 0 I have relevant Information classified above !~S.ECRET"·. f, 0 T, ob~el'\(e'cj this :colJdu~~ nor,h~~d 'aboyt it from :some~ne·wIJ9 diQ. &LOtnertreqtr:]1ent or !=!(;tiPI1' cau~ID9 ~v~re, emotI9n.q'19r P~Yt:119Io9rCiII'ha , - a. 0 b.. o c. 0 , - I p'etsol1i=llly.observed this ,conduct. !1.0bsi:rVed, deta[nee~s) Iii :a'cond Itloh that led me to belieVe that this condUct had occurr.etl.1 Detainee(s) told me that this-conduct had oceuri:ed. ,d. o !Otllers who ohserved :this eoridud aescr'lb,ed it to me. e. 0 I If. 0 have relevant information' classified above "SECRET". I, never observed this conduct nor heard about it frorn-'someone who' did. ',6,2, 9lh~r r~!igh>L!s' Q'r>5(:!;J:(!Jqr.h~[i;l~SlJle:nt or hqmi(@tiOJl·O(p OE:ltp:ineEj. ~a, o II persOnally obserVed tilIs,conduct. ,e; o iI bbserVea delainee"(s). iii a COr1pjtil;')h'matled me.t0 believe,tl:iat'this conduct haC! ·6.<ttlJftea. o '0etalnee(s) tdld me thatthis: COr1cf'u.ct had .o.ccurr.ed: o lathers who -observed this cohduct described it to' me, o ir have'relevant information' classified aooye ..SECRET.... f. 0 b. O. d. [' never observed thls:conduot nor heard about it 'from someone who. did. OIGQ-00541 0 63", Oth~r treatment of a: detaine"e that In yo.ur pplnlon was unprpfes?ion~J, undUly harsh or aggressive, :cbetciv;e, 'abusive, ,orUrilciwful 'a: b, 0 0 I personally'observed this condu.ct. Lobserved detainee(s) ina'condition that led me to believe that this c0nduct had ,occurred. ~, o 'De,tainee(s) told rn~ that this- ce>!lduct had ·occurred. ~. e, 0 Others wpo opserved t"hls cond u~t de~cr'I~ed ~t to'l)1e. 0 I have relevant inforrnati9'n .classified ab:ove "'SECRET'l, f: [tl' I n~ver ol:!sE;!rved this 'tqn9l\et ndr h~rd 'agout itfrom:,s.o,niebJle whp' die!. _1jlfYM:~@j~~ ,.>:"f, ',:--:: .. : ,.' ~: .64.. DiCl ,:Y.,o,u ,observe a'ny imp.etspriatT9n of FBl personn~1 by' aiiyon¢,duri'rig :<;i,n lnteNi¢W or 'interrO'g'9tloJi 'of ~a,det;;llnee7' ' :0 Yes, ,(!j No ;65. Old. ~n.y·d,etalne~,or 6th~r ,~rsori ;tell you 'that 'hE~ or sh:e had witnessed ,the Imlle,r,50natlon of FBI, :persomi'el In Gon'nectlon' wjth ~a: det-ain¢e intervjew til.lnterrogatio'ri? . , .. ,66'" :Are you. awc¥re '0 Yes 0 N~ , of 'arw "sh;;llJl:' or "s~ag~,"'(fet~1n~~ !nt,ervi,~W?"9~.Interrog'~ti.Q'r::!§~,()fid\let~ f9f .M~!TI bers, J;lfthe'U;S,;',Co:ng i'\:lss- 9rt,heir s t a f f ? ' o Yes' , '0'Nti ~7:, To, your knpwle9g e~" Qid'a ny rril.lita ry. or int~lllgens::e personn~1 ~veJ ,qenv' or'gelay :F.Bi 'acc~~s, to,'a. . :detcllr.i¢e ,th~ FBI wanteq t~ q:!Je5,tlon Jjecgu~e the de~.~lne·e,haCi su.$tqlned InJUrle's after he wa.s tap,tur,e:d? OYes' 0No a.Yes 0 . NQ ,6~, W¢re YaY <?yer tQId th"aJ ariW1!=f FBl :empJoY~~ end~ hi~ or her parti<;ipa~iprt iri oJ pb'serva,tion bf~ a defalriee interview or friterr.6gation lJetaose rifthe.:interview'orinterrogafi6b methods Being used?: , QYes 0 No, 7Q~ During'a,ny of YQ.ur p'Verse.1;'l? ~epJoym.en~s. pr assigriment~,. pid ,y~u r~p,Qrt <my' COricern~ reg~rding 'cfny;detainee int.ervieW·,or interrogation p_ractice~, or other-ty.pes,6f detaihee: tr~tnie.ntr an' FBI, to. OIGQ-005411 supervisor? DVes, 0 No 71. During _anY 'of your o:v~t$e~s,'d~ploYri1~ntsor a:ssig~nri1!2nts~ pid 'loll n:port ,any' con~er.l1,S regard irig any,deta'inee interview _or interrogation practices or other ty"pes'of!Ietailiee treatment-yQu observed or heard about, to a non-FBI supervisor or other non-FBI perso.nnel? . o:y~s (V-No' T1.~ ii'av~:'Y~u \~\ier Q'een ~rOElre9 qf tlii:ected t;lQ.t'to reRort, 'oqfisqj_4r~ed in. ~ny W<iY fg)rtl rep'orting r QD~rV~tion,s or~IJ~[,fatibns related, fo a.etain~·e treatment or il1tel"li¢w' or interrogation :ac,tior'l.s' or' -.. -;:;l p.ra~tlces. , • o Yes @'N'O 7:;", i-1 gve:yol:l ~periE:~nc~ .?fny actUgL or threaten~d retaliaU9n: fr;>r re'por:ting pt,Js~rv.:l~ic:m5:oralleg?tic;ms 9f·,d~ta.:jn~~, tr~<ll:fn~,rjt :!=ir J.rtt,ervievv. Qr !fit~.r.rQgati9n ·,a.c;tigf1,~ fir pr~:lt!i!;,esl o Yes' .. 0 No ' ' 74. (9.P~!91"!~1~ PJe,~~; p-rbvide ,C!r!Yad,qt~iQJ1a.t <;;<?mment.~'J:egc;lrdrng .t~~ r~PQrtJrm :pf ~qri~!2rns: r~!qted t9'>( 9r iotet-rpgi3tiqrJ: t¢~h~liqu~sr ae;eritJoii pr.;(, r;>pPt\'fet t1¢fci'lrre¢ W~.c1tment. . . .. :~ 0. '_ .... i , 75. W¢t;eyou. de,[)rief¢d r.. other''than :the ~tahtfard d~bri~fjn FD-n.2, ~o~~r.ning you r '6V¢.r~a~ assl~nment(s) or .dep.loymei'it(s.) afteryoucomplefed the deployment(s) or,ass!g'riment(s)7 0'YesO No: 75a,., who debriefed you! S~ 'Ffi"fnk BaUle.'ano 6thei's 7.5b.. When- and' whe're:dld th~f.ieb.ti~fjng{s)'.Qi:X:!Jr.? ~ppr~)},{ ~,mQntb ,after when Jwas'?~ke~_ tq p.r9yide InsighJs:'tQJ'fu~ur.egepI.9yrnelJts ],5 Were you as~ed about detainee..detention or interview or interrogation' practices.during the .' c, (!.ebrr~fil1g(sn ' ' bYes @Nb 75d., Wh'at ,other Su.,bjects.Were cov,ereCl du r.inSLYour' debriefiiig ~s).? mission de,strip~,on/prqp.o:s:e~ J:han.g$ W mlssio,ni:ass~S'siTiel'lt of n)'!s.~ion·success/b~tpractjt¢S. 7:pe. Was <ilny ~oclJfTl~nt p'repar~d tq me_mQrla'llz~~tb'e"liebrl§fl,ng.1. ' , 0 ~eS 0 N:6 ODo NOt' Know' i~,; Ac;lditiqhal 'tion'e CQmm€nts'.quct R!=!;Qrnmeodadpns: Thank-you 'for your::cdoperatiort .in tomplet'ih,g this, tjUestion'naire, OIGQ-005412