Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002170
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D~partment'of JJ,Js.tiG.e ·In~pecJ:or .Gen:er·cd Qu~s.tionnaire R~9ar.din9 [)eta'in,ees DOJ.-OlG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR:.R:E,VIEWAND' USE ONLY BY I NDIVIDUAL FBI RESPONDENTS . .... .. D'O NOT FPItWARD:OR DI~SEMI~ATE . . QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-O,O.OO.217:0 .As·af ~h~ la,st.time ~a~~d, some re:quire.d 'fields: hav~ .nC?t; ~e~n ~omplet~d. Pleas~',re:View your-responses. provide: the foJlowin~ information: 1, Fir,st tjCirri~' 2 .. Mi\iple Inlt.l~J: 6& 7CPERA<?REEJV1~NT 3: Last name:: 4. Eriter:e'd Otl.D:uty Date' (EOD): .:;: Gurr¢i:lt DL,?lslo.niField Offit;;e: '6.; Current job tit)~: J; Direct 'd fal bfflce·lelephbne. number: 8:. FBI eel[ ph~ne' ,humoer: 9. f~t p~ljer 'I)Um11e'r~ to'.. Best 'eQotact nur:n~erfor'You,-:: Ii &·'7C.PERAGREEMENT 6& 7.C PER AGREEMENT ~ &,'7C '~ if.,.7.C $SA 6 &7(; PER. A~REEMENT ~ 8;'7C peR,J,H~REEMENT '6 ~,7C. PERAGREEMENT' 6 & 'Ie PER-AGREEMENt' B. Backg'rOtind Of S'pecifiC'nts'ot Assignments any a t!ie u.s. or 11. At time after':Sep'tenilier 1'1, 2001,. did you sef'v.e·"as member.of Military f as an 'employee.or contractor of the FBLor,any other gpvernment agenq~, at Guantanamo Bay;..: Cuba; 'Iraq; , Af9'D;;l,l)!n; ,'or in apea$':C9ntroll~ ~y·t~e l).~\ Mlljt9ry Qra U~~~ in!elligen~~5~rvjs:e in"G~'·Wit~~he :gj9bal ~,9.r 01) .t~trot1 @Yes 0 No '12. t=nt¢r the nurnb~J :6f time:sy.ou.w~r.e,dMIQY~~ or:~s~i,gned to eac\lnf.t!l"eJoiloWing lQ'GaHons lGuantanamo Bay, Cuba;, lraq,;:,Afghanisfan; ,or in :aoy. areas controlled by the. U~S: Mjlitari;t ,oi a ·,U.S. int~!Iige.l1c~ s~rvrf.eI: i, . For. ,each: deployment or assi~;nment .complete thefollowi~g,sectiOh. location , rsehi!i:t one) ...' ,\; :ii:i:iqf -.. '. ~.' , . D!lp.,rqym¢.nt ~r':a,.sigri·rPerit-lieg~n piJ·pr-~ep-ID.v.m.ent or :~s51gnij1enten.d~~Qn. abou.t or. abou1;; 09/11/20;03; , 11/09)20.03: ~ 2a. ,iNb,al w~s .the. Qeli~~l!il fiatti r~ ~ iiI;! p:urp·o~¢. Qf your 'assig nm¢rit ahct ap;ivit iE;l$? lnteriJieW,s:aild inVestig.ations: 12b. Please IJrovide:the"n~mes dfthe_?peclfk,camps, bases!, or facilities wh~re you worked. ~~r.aib" .CAlmp A~~raf (Baq,ul;>a)', .G:arrm: r;:;ropp.~, C,arnp Slayer, 9mp Yicto!y & BIAp , 121:;. NQ~: I.f itlfp'rm9',fion'c;r!:>out a:sp'!=,cific:camp, Qa$e,. or'f;;!~i1itY-i~ c1a:s~jfjed 'abi;>y~ SECRET, plea~ ch~etk; herE: 0, 'il\c1ude in YOllr 'answer tfiat yOll' ha\(e "adc;lib9.nalin(Qrmation das~ified 'al1ove 'SECRET,'·t and,. if you know( iCl,entifY 'the.c1assification, level, tiCket, ,co'mparfrher'it, prog or-.other desi9f!~tt0n,plles ~9' t~e!n~o(ll)atiQn~ pq n9t. !n.cludethe~agdltlon?lcrassffied lnfprfTlatfqn In your Al?u ram,.. OIGQ-005514 questionnaire re:sponse$, bIG personnel with the: necessary clearance WiIl.<:ontact $Iou to rec~jve it, N,arne Position .§~~S~Jj~.§·~~_k~!:;12~; ' ' -__. q'!-§~I:J_~_~9.!!l~'!ll.-d~E Qid -Y-Q:u jpintly inteJvieW'pt interrogate any detCliri~e witl1 non-F~I per$'9nne.l? . $~ > O~ , W.itl1 what kinds of rJ0n.-FaI pe[sqnQel.dlp 'Y91,J ~oJkjointly? : D'~trF : ~"QtherU:S. Military inj:elligente. aGency :: 0 foreign military or rnt~lII~enc.e a«;feocy : 0 Other _: 0: U:.S_ ". " - ... - .... _'-:- - - - - - - - - - ... - ..~ - - ...: - - ~-- - - - - - - - -'- - ... - - - - '*' - - .......... - - - - -- - ' . '_'" -_ "'-. '_'0- $' Yes -0 No _ . _ _, _ , - . . _ . _ . _ ............... _ . _ - . , . . _ _ .'w/_....... - . _ :: ..... ' ... .........._. __._.. _._... _.. . .: .. With what kinds of noh-FBI personnel did -you workjoinlly? : 0 CITf' . ': 0' '_Other U.S. Military .: 0' -ll.;S; iotell!g~nce agene;y ,: 0 .For~lgn mlllt.a-rYQr lnteJ)lgenc~ ?\genc:::y : D~O.t!:lef . : .: .• : " ~.... _ '~ ....... ... ~ _ ..L __ .... __ . - _'_ _ " ~ ... ... :lig, ~wer,~~dli :e~et6"ih~rW,[~ In~blveti In detal~~e.lrite~iewsor .: . J ~ _:_ ........ - '. . 0 Ye~ 0 'No : ~FeI persol1n¢1? ....... _ _ .... .;. - ~- - pian an¥deralnee l'nte;:Vle~-:Q'r-:-i~ter~o~ati0n""st'~tegy;'obj;;cti~~_ or tactiCs-~jth n~;~':' :~i2E Dld'You-jOi~tIY '. -. ... - ~ - - ,.- .. - _ .... - N "'" - ~ - ~ ~ - .- __ " intirrb~atiQn-s~vJith.. ~ . ~ - _.". .: nb-n:FBTpersonneli-: . :please. describ¢;CIA & u.s. Army MilitarY Intellig,ence ·-------~----~-------------r-·---------·--~---~~~----- ------.-.--~--------- A. Trairtin'g Prior toOvers-eas Deploymerit 'Qr .Assigrftnent 1:3--. Did' :yOU receive any traiflingl'instruction~.Qr ,guidam::e specifically. hi preparation for any of your 'Qy¢g;~a~ dep!9YJ:T1ents or ?:$~{g!1mentsl @'i"e~ ~pt8-ecall i3.~. Wh~pr6v:iq~d th{s trt:ilning J in~n)q:i9ni Qf gUiQan5=eH1Xl~ wh¢(E; diQ,VOI,! reGeive it? qRG.;~D.!-UI qD,9IPJ t1I\T; M!U41ry eRG, MedJ()al ,.' QU§ll1ti~o,~ ft\ BlissJTX 13b. D:eseribe the sUbject on-whlc'h you receiVed this training, instruction or gU-idcH'l<::e. lh-CQuntry Brief?" Ic;aI traln1i19L ,C:;T 'awateri~5s, PhYSical s:~~uri~JF6r(;e PrQtettlCfn" CI awar~n~~, military presenc¢ iil::'countr¥'-&;tnecHcal 'proces.sirl,9 . , -PNo. ,ODe:> r'neo OIGQ-005515 eYes ONo 0.00 Not Recall 14a, Who provided this training/, instruetionr,or guidance/ and where did you receive it1 9nly what lrecelved In t~e' FBI New Agents course/ QuantlCo, VA; fBI Interviewllnterrogation Course; Quantico r VA;. FBI Advanced Interview/Interrogation COJjrse for CT, San Antonio, TX ' 14b. Btieflydescribe the substance of the :training/, ihstr~crt:ion~ or gUidanr:e pmvldedto. you,. . _, ~,S. COristitu.tio~r. U.S. Law" U.S. Case',Law, Federal !;?,L(les,of Criminal Pr.oced'ur,es 14~. Was,anY of the training/ 'ihst~ction, or guidance provJd.ed in writing? ONo '0 tio, Not Recall :0,Yes Q-D6 Not RecalT OYes 16~ In preparation for any of your ,0verseas deploymentsor'assignments,.,did you receive:any training, in~ru~lo!1, Qr 91J.ic;lCf.nce cgf)~ernrng whiilt 'yoll Vo(ere:;~l.JPP'q~d to. dq 'if yqu ,9l1~~rve,d 9f h€?rd aboL!t t~ treatment, 'iritery~w,.Qr fnt~rrqgation of detCilne,es' ~y FBI'pers'dnnel/ which yqu belie.Ve<; be lr')appr6p'rlale,: unprof.¢ssidnai r CQe(clv,e".abusive, qr unlawfu'I?, '0Yes, :ONo: Ono Not Recall 16a, Wtjo' provided this trainrrt.9, in~tructionr'o[, guid,arite/"c:Hfd 'where dit! you receive it? p,n!y What I r.eceiyed rn t;he; f~I l)IeWAg~ntsj p:>ur$ef. QU,antlcp, 'VA ' l/?b. Bri~f1n!escrip'~ t~e ~ubstanc;e.9f th~ tralnil1gj 'instruciiol')~, qr gUid~Jl~~prqv}d,~ t9yq~,. Ethics;. U.S. Constitution, U.S. Lawr U.S. Case'law, Federal Rules of Criminal pr<?~ed.l! res 16c. Was anY0f the. training; 'instruction,.or -guidanGe prOVided in:writing? 'eYes ONo' ,0 Do. No.1 Re~all iV'. Iil preparatioA for any oLyour ,overseas d.eployments. or assignmelits""dicf you receive,any training, : I!,r$trU~ioni 'Qr'.glJld~n~ conc;emrngv,jl1~t yq~ ,vv~re?!:Jppqs:t;!.4 XQ, ~O )fyo\J PQserv~d 'I;Jr',heard abol.Jt the treatrri~Jit,"ilit¢rYlew" Qf iii.terrQg'atkm of Q~t9iri~es,~ non-Fal pers~ml¢l, which YOl,llielieved' to b~: ifia'pproptiate! qnpr9fes~ibnal,::coer<;lVe~ abusi\(e'/ PI:" l:J1ilawf,ul? ' . . (!)No Q D.O Not Retail lB. Training D~rin9.'Q,,~rse,as D~plpy.~~ntsQr Assi,gnments 18.. During imy ofYdur OYerseas,deploymeht,s at assignments, ~fId you re.ceiVe: any· t'ra'Inlng, instructidn, OJ 9 uidarice ,con.cerhing the:starid~kds of conaud 'appJicable to: the treatment, interview; ',or .. Interrogation. of detainees by FBI personnel? you 19'. D.Urjn~ 'any ~of yoUr: oVerseas',deployments or assi,~nme'flts, did re'ceive a'ny trcilrilng" instrUctlo.Ii,l (>r'guidance.concerhihgthe~standards of.conduct applita'ble to, the treatment, ,ihterview,.,or interrog~~,ion 'c;>f .det~ill~~~ ~y ~~n.,FBI personn,el?, . OIGQ-005516 Qyes .000 Not F{ecall eNo 20. During any: pf you r'. oyerseas:deployments or assignments, did you 'receive any'tralnlng, InStruction, or'guiaance.concerning what you were supposed to' do If you observed or heard about the treatment, Interview" ,or in~errogatiot)'ofde~ainees by FBI p~rsonnel, which y'QU, believed to- be itiejpprop(iafe, Uhprof~si(ji)al, coercive . . J ~bus.ive,.or unlawful?· 'Qyes 000 Not Recall 0No '1·1. During any. of your overseas deployments or- assignments" did you receiv~ an'rtrainihg~ instruetion~ qrguid,?l1Ce conc~rnlng What Y9U w~re·:~u.ppqsec! to do If you '<jbserved or.h.e~r~:?~outthe~ 1:reatment,. intervi.ew, .6r' inxerrogatibrf6f:d.etalhees DV non-F"BI personnel, Which' y:ou oelieved to De iiiapproprfat~, unpror¢ssio,iial, .co~rtfver ·abt:i.sivel..6(uhl~wful? ' .Ie. Adequacy Of,Trainin g. 2..2. In your 'opipion,'d i~ you rece,ive ,E.peguate, training; instn,lGtion·,. orgui~ance relatin,g, to st(mc;lqrd~ of PJn'duet by FBr.~nc( non-F'!}I Pers~mnel rE'llatlf]g tQ fr'eatm,E!ntl ihtelVley.J, or interrogC;ltlon.of .d~l$inees priOr to Ybu'r depJQyni~nt ori3s:Signrh~rit.? 2·3:..Iri y'Qur:0p.inion, .d id you r:ecei:ve ·aaequate, tr'aiflhlg, rr\structio,n,:or.~uida[lce rel!=ltin.,q to ;stahdards: :of eonduet by FBI'and non:..FBI personnel relatl'ng to:treatment/lntervlewt or rnterrogatlonof :d:~tainees dudng youJ d~ploY'me!;Jt9r:Q~s\gn,l1J~n.t? .~ ..... ""'~ _ ... ...t __ ... _ .. _ .. _., ... __ .., ...... _ ... . - , . . _ ... _ .-' • _ -.._ ................. .- _ ' . _ ... _ .. _ .... _ ........ _ _ ....... __ .. __ " Zila. Plea's'e descril:1e' th~,:ways'irt w.hicrryou believe.the training, irtstruction.Qr';giJid'ance Was rnade'quate~ . ' " . It'did !J(if:.deHn~ate t~ec!.v\lj?J11 and mJut?!h or command 1:,0 report jn:cide[1cel?~.ans:t tl1ere'w?ls;no '" .~9rnpr~!l~I)}J'il~,,~I~S?.Q!l.L?\(E.!Jfpt<::¢.£Tl~!,r~J~,~; <?f :¢)),ga~e~IJ),~n! .iJl.. ~'~~! zqne~ ~ ~ .. _, __. , _,~ ~ .0 _ . , __ ~ • , 24· l~ Y<?Uf 'Opjl)iOJ1/'d!~, Y-?lJ fl?G~J~~ :a~q~ql,J?te: i !f!str~S:~!9ni"or 9uIg?!nc:~ ,conG~rl'!ing ~h.~~ Yl?,u', iN¢(~ sU'ppd,s.e{ll;o:9Q ify6u:Qbs.~ni~ W h'ear~:~boiJt t.h~ treatment, intervit=yv;, d('ilit~rrogq~iQtl of ,detaiheeSi' bV 'FBI ,or noli:..FBI pets6linell'tha~ YQU 'belieVed ~as ihappr~prjate" anpro~'ssional" coercive, abusive~ or' unlawful?' . . ' . • '- '"':',-.-- '- '7' ~ ... ~- -- -.>- - , - - - .... - ' - ......... _,lPoO - ... _ .... ...., _',.... _ .... w. _ _ ~ __ -.."" _ ,.,... ~- _ ~_..,... ...... ,.... _ '1-'"' .... _ ~ ~ ~ ...... _ _ ...... _ _ )000 """ - - """I - ..... '" ~4q, PI~a,s~ d~r:rlb~thewpy~in1IVhich -Y.Q!l b'elieYe th:etr~lningr in.struction'()'f gUld~t)ce W"!$ inade'quat~, .Artlculat~ tbe:,chail'1. of ,command for tep.ortllig perceived ~.!~~;..~P'p!y:.tg_clvJl!9!1J,!~.~.~f~~c~':!l~~.t.: .~_, 0< 25,. (Optional), Iii ,what ways cad the' fBI <:lssig ~m~nts?; emphasize • , '. • ~~ ~ impl'ov.e trafnin~ oh:thissubjed fbf future dep.!o.yme'nts"or . OIGQ-005517 Prp,vide c1as~es on the U,S, Military Law of War, U.eMJ, treatment of Enemy.Prisoners,of War and ,the ~eneY~ Ccinvent[bn', CQmp~re flng e<;>ntrast 9n' hoW they {flffl;!r or f;lr¢ alike ftQm; U.S, LaW. Provide, cas.e, , .discussion·,on 'possible'scenarios and work them to:a legal con.C1usion, Jo. Comments 26. F'Jea$e 'pr9Vjge any .apd.itional'lnfo(m~tiQncQn~ernif]g tr~inin:g,for-ovexs~sdep'loymeflts or ~,ssigJi'ment~ of FBI. p.ersQnnel ;y,q.u hE1l1eve IS relevant! ' RiJies' of Engp:gementas·they aplilY tQ . . '. a iawenf6rcemen~offlc,~r Iii a- war,zone; r;,e:.emphas,ize U,S. Law :and, the Federal Rules of .criminal Pmcedures.' L ~ p~r:~nqIJY(jbs.e:rv¢~ .this,;c9,nc;l!:!t~. , . ' 2. rbQ?eWed qetfl'ljlee(~j' In~ ;q;>!itlltign ~h~t.l¢cf rn.~ 1:0 bl=Jf~Ve. ~hqt this;cphtfuc,t h:q~.,9,c~Qrr~. .3: D,etaineetsJ .told me tliatthis.. c6hdutt had oCcurred. '4. Others who observed'this::conduct:described itto me. 5', i'ba.v.e relevant in.formatLoo· classified ab0ye' lIS EtR'EP• 6. (ri~y~njD.~~rv~ thl~ '~qOd.l,igi nR~ h~?ii-C:I ~polJ.t':~orneqn:e .who djd,. - , 2:7. Depriilinga-;detainee 6fiood.or' 9~, b. D. r' 9J)s5~rved water tb,s:c;~nC!u~~, o ·I·op~rved·detaine¢.ts): fa'~ t~>n(nti(m thCjt!e9 me, to peH~y~ ~hqt this ~Qql,l(:t n.a,d .Qc'c1,Jrr~d .. c, 0 Qe,tainee(s) ,tol~ m~ .t)1at ·thls 'c9nd [f~t ha:d 'o(;q:!.rred .. eJ; 0 Qtbers'\iVh'o .ob?~ryt;~ .(hls ~qnd!l~td~~~ribeg it tg me; 'e. 0 I'liave relevant infQrmation·tias'Sifi~d ,above "SECRET". I f. 0 I ne\{~r 9,b~erved this. conduct nor 'h~r_d ,aboLJl it from someone who. dJq. '2&. Depiiviriy:a .detainee of .cIQthirfg OIGQ-005518 ... , a.. b. c 0 0 0 Q, 0 I personallY'Qbser'{ed this c;onctu~t. robserved.d,etainee(s} in a c~>nd.iti()n th. at led 'me to belIeve th~t t(li~ <;:ol)'duct had occurred. Detainee{s)'told me '. that this con9q~t had oc;:c;urred. Others' whq 6bserv.ed this O:OJi9.UC:;toe$cJibed it tq me, e. o tt h~ve rel~va'nt infQrmatiotl' cl;;fssifi~d abov~ "SECJ~ET"'. f. 0 I observe4 thl~ conduct np r h!?Clrd. a lf91,1.t I~ "from SPrT1ep)1e who'l;l j~. '.29. Depriviog a detainee of sleep, or hiterr' irjg sleep by frequent cell relo'Cation:sor other methods , 0 I, personallY' <;l.b~rve(;r ~.h!s,co.ndll ct. b', . '. 0 I Q,l;>'serveq detainee(sl in'a q>n9 itiQlI t J:t?it led me t9 ~eliev~ th;iN.hi$, C9rJdu~t- had f,' 0 D¢~ajne~_(~) told me ttl'?! thIs. q) ndl1¢r hpd :Q"l;:C\.lrr~. :0. 0' Others' \NhR .qb:~ty~d ,tl1i~ con9uCt d,~sc: rib¢.<! it tQ' rn~ e' ., 0 I hav..e reiev:ant fnforilJ~tfo.n dai'si'fied~. b.d.'1e: ",SECREP". t: 0 (ri~ver ob~eryed this'c:;ontluct ripr'h!'!Clr'd :a bout it 'frQm ,, wflq did. a. ~. Please proYid.e .the approximate tinie : d urlnlJ" which this: contlutt :occurr-eit rrom.:fOj,zOb3' to Itl/20n3' h. the d¢t~inee(s) treated 1 0 'Guahtaliamb QGc~r;r'eq •. ODD ti!l:;>:t ReGa!! iii this way w,ei:¢:joc.Qted at the time ih: : 20.I@q , 3 0 Afg hanistan 4 0 Qtber Lo~:tiQn ~ 0 bp Ngt R~~II ( i~. PJ~~e tde!ltiiyt!l,e'qet~m~(~).~y. !1.!?W Do nqt know... . !1!J mb,eF .J. ,Please identify· the persOn (5). whQ lreate(J tha detalnee~sJ ,n?lr:ne(s) .and ·government.:agencV(ieS): U.S. MIJltC!ry -nal')1€' and lJl'1lb ~nJ<n1?lft!~f, In this mariher,.lnciudir(Q then· " k, PI~ase identify any;other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who.observ.ed ~s{iS manner, incljd1ttg th~ir nam~(s) .'anq.pgE;n.c'l(.i~s) , detainee(~) :treated b6 b7C -- y_ •• •• w •• _ •• _ _.._._ .. _.. _- ~ .. ., ...... . ._~_:~_~~v.~r~1 d.etajn~ ~~-4J ~ I. Thi5'-cbhduct pccurred'in connectipn ,W'ith: i 0 -One detainee. •• _. • _ • • • • • • •w . . . . . _ . -. . _• • • • • • • _ .... _ ww ._ • • ____ •• OIGQ-005519 3.@ Many- detainees (fTIor¢, than '4) 4 Q Do Not Retail m. (Optional) Please:des'Grtbe ih¢' relevant c.i(<;:umst'ances in more detail: InCident ~rr.este9 purp'ort~'(lly 'occWred jn Mosul, in Which .suspected Ansar AI-Isl~m m~,mbers were prQtesslng pf thes~ prisori~rs; I was told toat :sl.e~p' f?y the U.S. miUtary:, D'Ui'iri'g d~prlyatl(jn methods wer~,us~. SQ. ~eatlng a'. 0 r pe'rS0hal~y o,bserVed this.conduct. b. c. 0: LobserVed detainee(s) In a'.Gondition'that led me to b.elleve thaUhls tondutt had'.occli'rred. 0' Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. d. 0 a di:ltdih~e Others, who observed thiS conduct described it to me; e.. 0 I have relevant !nrorfTl?ltlc;m f. ..g. 0 da~rfled ab0ve I!~ECRET". r'nevero.bserved thts~t:onduct norheard:aboutit from someone:who did. . , , ' . " " " ~roVfd$.the <;lpproxim:ate ,time fta.mequtir1.9 whic.h ±his~cob<1u<;:~ Qc~urred. Fr.dni"10i200;3 to 1,1}20QS' 000 Not. Recall : h. The Jlei:aine!=(~.)-tri:!C!tec,l .in ,this w.ay wen: lp:c<~t~9 at .the time \0: ;t; 0 ,GUg~~~.~,mo .2 Iil.Ira.~, '3D ·4 0 5.0 Afgli~:lI'listan Other Location Do N9.t· Recpll i.. Please iaeJiti . the',detainee 5 b:. name and number': b6 b7C PI~ase idenmy the:persori(s) 'Who treated tt!e: detainee{~J In 1!)is, manner, In:dudinQ their riame(s) and .government agerity'(ies}: 1,) DO: .not know. - de',a ih.~~ 'C0ll Id .not:)d,en,tjfy;, "2.} Iraq r ~?tiO~~ I Polis.~ - ,~~cIi p~rS01')~ ynknown .J. k. 'Please, identifY any',other FBI. personnel or non-FBI.personnel who, observed d~tainee(s) treated ~ thrs maone~r rn<;IUdilnQ. their !1alTle(s) and ag~[lGy(ies):, ," . ,.~------------.------.-_, b6 b7C L This':conduct oc:Curr.ed' iii ,conneCtion witH: 1 0 One detainee20 Several detaiilees(2-4) j b Many detainees '~ore than 4} OIGQ-005520 , 4 0 DO Not Re9311 n;t. (Optional) Please <Iescri!>,e the Yelevant<:;$- fn mor.e detail: . 1) Detarneewas held at Abu Ghraib;. Z). Detainee was' interviewed at an Iraqi National Police: $tation :in ~aghR?d ' . 31. Usin~ water to prevent breathing by a ,detainee 'or to: create the sensation of drowning ,a. D b,. 0 r ()b:$~rve,d-detaine~(;?) ¢. o ,betafne~{S'j: told me that ~hjs ¢9ridutt. naq 'oeet! rt¢P. I personally: qbserved tliis tondud. in ,a-'ephd itiQIi'tnat led me. t,O b'eli~ve that tllis eon~duct hi'lQ o<:~urr¢d. d. 0 e>§ wh'o -observed this cand lid &esti'ib,ed it to, me. , e. D f. r have r~ieyah.t information: '¢Ias,sifiecf al:iQVe "SECREfi ,. o jI ne\ier.ob'ser'vea this ,cani! uct 'nqr' heard ab¢ut: It froni ,S0meorie:who did. . ; "32. ,Using hands, rope/or-anything else toehoke or strangle a detainee' ;<;1. 0 l' per50naily- o,bserv~,d this t;ondoet, b. D !'Qb$'~rYed' det~in~¢(s) o in 'il ,C9nd itlPri that l~(i 'me to b,eliey~tna:t,lhiscQO~\Ieth?l.P ,09CUI:T¢d. €. 'b-.etalne~(s) t919 'me lhat ~h'is ¢prYd\ic,t hp'd Q,ccUrreci. d. 0 Others' "'Itio pbserv!=.d ,thi~ c,qn,d.l:":;t ~~c,r.ibei:f it t.Cl. tn!=. ; e: D I have re.levant j'nforrhation das,sified 'aboVe' iiSECRET"'. f. 0' I never observed this'conduct nor heard about it frQm,s<iineo'JieWho dio. , '33. T.hreatening ,other action todlUse physiCal paih,_ ihjUry, disfiguremerit/ or· a,'O I Rer$Onally' Q,b.~ryed t,hl~ :G0n~uc~. Q,. !I observ~ddetaine~(s)~in a 'tond ifiprl that led m~to oelieve thanhi~' tonliuct had o¢cu'rreB. I o c. 0 D-etajn~(s:) told m'e ~hat thi$ tboolic,t hac! 'occurred~ d. D bth¢.r5' W'tiQ posehi,ed tlti$' '!:-oi'fduct tl,escrilfed tt .tQ tne. ~, D r h~v~ relevant in'formatiQii' classified above. ".s:~CREfi". f. 0 r ne'i[er obs~rv~d thi~:c6n-ouct Mr' heard ',a bout. it from sorjte'Qn~Whp dId. f OIGQ-005521 ------------------- .J 34. ' treatment death 0 b. 0 c, 0 a', or a¢tjCm' ~using ~ignifteant p'hy~ical pain . br injury,,:or cau's;ng disfigurerti!2Ji:J; <;>.r I personall.y observed this:conduct. I:observ:ed deta~nta~(s) in '<:!'cQnQ itlon that led flJe to believ~ th<:lt this G:onpu.ct had ,(lqcurred. D~t~il1tae(s) ~olq fTl~ thgt ,this, tgnduc.t had :Qccurr.e<;L 'q., o lothers. wl1b 9bserv~ this; '!:QndlJct 9.esc;rl.bed It to m~ ~. 0 I h~ve relevan~ (Q.forma~iorl .cI<;!ssified above: '::S"EC:RET"·. f: l~l ri1e\;(eroQM~rve~ this cQnp.l!<;t nbr HearQ'aQQuJ itfrdm;$QIliE;3Qoe'Whp di~. 3'5. pia~lng' a detaInee pn d 0 a; bot $urtat~ or burnlii-g a d~tainee L personally observed this 'conduct. b: 0 r ubserve~ deta'('!tae(s) In. ,c)'condltlon th~t led rnl? tq beneve th~t this C;0ndL!.<;t.' had 9ccurred. e. 0: betainee(sHoJd me that, ~~ Others, who Dp'?erv~q t(ll'!?, corr~vct ~.~s~ri.Qed iJ; ,to: !'!le.- 0 'e. 0 f: 0 til is cQnduct had. qq::urred. . , I ~Clv~ re(evant.JnfOrI)l9t[on c1ass.lfied abov~ "$~CR~·i. I n'ev.erobs~rved thi$ tond,!.)ct norh~r.:d 'abouii't frQm'SQlJleO'rie:wn<tdili g. pl~a'~~ ptdvlde thi; i=\'pprb'XilT,late tJme 'fraine~duriflg Whl~h lhl$:con'li,utl'oec(lrred, From, 09.12.Q:03 to, 10/20:03; , ODo Not ReCclIl ," h, thi:C(etaih'ee(s) t.reated:in thIs way were !or;:atep Fit th'e ~jm~ in: ~ 1 DGualltanam~' ' . 2 It:1 .tra.q :3 d Afghanistan '4 0 Other L'Ocation aD od Ngt R~II I j. 'please jdentifytbe;detainee(s) by name an,!' number.: IBlacklist nUfTlber 2'17. j. preas€. identi,fy t'he 'perp6n(s~ whotteated the'detainee(s) in this-m'anner, in:c.ludin~th.eir name('s) and goVernment.agentY,(Ies}: U,·S.: iVI).Jita.t:Y':- .d€!~ainee.:C()l,JlcI Identify .not, exact b6 perSl;H)S k. Please.ldentlty,any,o"the'r FBI' p,ersonri'el or lion-FBI :personnel wht!l observed detainee~s) treated in this '!1ann7~ including theil name(s) andagepcy(ies):· . ~u~l'\(lsory t..q b7C J OIGQ-005522 I. Thi~ conduCt .occurred in connection with; 1 0 One detciihee 2 0 'SeVeral detainees (2-'4) 30 Many detainees. (more than 4 '0 Do· Npt Re'9=l!1 41 m. (.Optional) Please des~ribe the relevant circumstances'in more detail: During transport to:<3"n undisclosed location, detainee was placed face·down fully.c1othed .on the bed ,of a military Humvee vehicle. transit, the bed of the: Humvee became .extremely hot ~~l:!ltlllg in t.h~ ~e~I'l~' beIng b\lrn.~q ove.r ~b% Qf hl~ b9dy'and T~sulting In '11J1,rnepfatet ho',spitalizatioh. The d.et9inee Je.veal~ during interview ,that he,ai,a n..~t ',believe·this to .P.e Int~ntloJial. . .36. ,0~(ng shackles l)r'olherre:stra.lnts·ln a p'rQlon'g~ lnann~r a. b. c; q I personally o:osei"\Led tliis .c0ndiJet, o !L:observed E1etafnee(slln a~coRd itlon that led me to' believe that .this conduct 'had :occurred. o !Detainee(s) told me that thisconduct.l1ad :occurred. d. 0 Otl)e~ Whp ogserve:q\l1i~ COlle/uti" ~e~~rn:!e<! it tp m.e... relevant Inrormatlon' claSSified above ·~SECRET"·. 0 t have .. . '. " '. "f: 0 t neveriq.b~~r\ll~'d, th.f.S:C::Ofl.ducf"IiQr heor,d '~~Ql!.t it from sqlfl~O[l~, who did:- e. :a'. b. , " '. ,'. ,~( o .h personally· obserVed tl1ls ·conduct. '" ," " . q !r.obse·rVed detainee(s} in ia c6hditioii that led me to believe thatlhis c;:ohduct had octurred. o )Oetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. d. o lathers. whQ observed ,this c(,mduct d'escribed it to. me. o l~' ~~v.e relev~.n~ infQr~~tiQIJ gl~l" ~Q<?ve '!$"~.R!il"''''., r: o II never'obs¢rve:~ thJ$'cQn~tn~t.nor he<::lidapout' It from ,sorneQne;w~o'did, c, ~! a. 0 I personal~y observed this ,co.ndLitt. b. 0 Lobserled detaine,e(s) in a c6.ridition that led me'to believe that-this conduCt had .OeCU'Fred., OIGQ-005523 0 d. 0 e. 0 'f. 0 c. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occu rred. Others. who observed this cenduct descr ibed it to me; rhave relevant: informC!t!on c1~s~if[!=~ C!~ ave. liS ECREr~'. I never observe.Q thistonqu'ct nor heard 'about it from'sqmebne'who did. 39. Using, ele~triqi.l ~h.Qck_On a petainee 0 r perSonally 6bser'v.ed this ,conduct. b. 0 Lobse'Ned detaine.e(s) iri a c6.nditior'rfh at led me to believe that this conduct had ,cecu'rred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduCt had ',QCCU rred. d. 0 Others' who obsenled this eonduct d'escri'beCl It to m~. ~, D, r hav~ 'releyant jnl:orm~ti9!1. c;:lassifie<;l9 b'O'1e "SECRET"', f. 0' r, n.~y'er'0.J:?sfilrve~. t,hf? 'ColJquct nor hear, a. 40': Threatening to use·elett'ric.QI shpckoJi a~,tainee ,a; D 1 peisonall'l.ob'servea thls"co.liduct. 0 I observed r;letah:ll~~ets:) iIi 'a:,condifion th'at led me to belieye thatlhis Gonducr had .occurred.. C;. 0 Detainee(s) told me thcitlhis coooud had ,occli'it-ed. d. 0 Others who observed this cend lJct"desGri'bea it to me. .b', e. o II have relevant information' classified a f. 0 r nevero:bserveQ thi.s!CQlJdt,lct'no(h~r d C).b(;lUt iff(om.,someon~who q\d,. ,4L Intentlqn'aI1y-delayiJ:\:g 'OrdenVlng dEit~'inee, . 0 b. 0 a. e. I,obs.erved 'detalliee(s} In :a .tond Itll:5h that led me- to believe thanhls condUct had ,'()Gturred. o fDetainee(s) tcild me that this condLlct.had ,6ccu rred. 0 e. 0 t. -0 d' I pet56'nally:oDserVea this'hau.:t. Others, who oO.senle'd this, GohduGt desc rihed L have relevant Information' classified , if to me. abov.e IlSECRET"" I, never0~served thJs c::ol"!du~t !1(:>r heqrd abol;lt it from someon~w~o ~i~. OIGQ-005524 42. Hooding or biindfoldlng aCletainee.other than during Vanspo,rtatibn a. 0" I personally·o:bserved this:conduct. 0. b. I,obserVed detalnee{s} In,'a,conditlon that led me to believe that,thls conduct had occurred. o 'Oetainee(s)told'me that this: conduct had.occurred. c, d. 0 'Others who observed this cond uct described it to me. e, o .r have releyant; rnfonn~tion ~Iassitreg~~ov~ "$ECR!=T'\ t D. 1, nev,erobseryecj thIs C::0fJd,4~~ rrs>r n~rd oabot.rt it frr;>m 'som,~pn~w~o diq. '. g., P.1~~se, provid¢ Jh'~ q.ppr<;lximc}~e. tim¢ frC!:rne du(ing \'{hlch this"q:md.!:l~t. 9ccurr~. , 11(2.003, to, 1,1/20,03 000 Not Recall 'b. Th~e .de~ain~e~(s) tr~atec;l 'In ,this w'?JY Iq,(:ateq 'at the tllJl~·.In: :1 0 ~lJ~ntanam9 i 1~l"Ira'<1 '3.D ,Afghanistan ,:q. 0 Other I:.oc'atio'n 5 b Do;N6t'ReG:l1I i. PI~se,jdehti "the:,detairiees b:" nartle ~tid number:: :j. please id'entifY the" persorH:s) wh~ treated: theJ:letalnee(s) ifltfils' mariher; In'c!udimrth'eir ii~m'e(s) arid gO\:Ternmeht-.ageh~Y(le~).: Iraqi Ncitidna[PoJi<>e - .exaGt persons u'nKnoWii ' b6 'k. Please' identity: any :otber FBI personnel or noii:'FBI p~rsP'nhel'wtjo o~seNed deta,ftf$e@ treatet;! in this, riianner"" their n;;ime{sJ and agenG'j(ies): . S~ - I' b7C ' , , i" rtil$'Gq!1Q~a; 'o~<;!:Irr¢~ 'n<;Ol1neai.o.n witli: 1. '$ 'c::m~ c,I~t~jn¢¢ :a.o Sev.eral d~iaili~es· (~~) . ~·O Many.detairiees (more tlia'n 4)' '4.0 Oe Not ReCall m. (Oplloo,:;lI) Please dE$<:rlb.e the r~ie;ant clr.cumsta'f1:ce$ In mQr.e;d~tall:. 43..SUbj.e!:ting a qetainee to.eXtr!=mely tola .01' hot room tern pera.tu res .fOT .extended perIods OIGQ-005525 ,. d, b, c. 'd. D D D 'D D e. _._. -- f: I~r " II personally observed thls.,conduct. II observed detainee(s} in a 'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred, [De~ainee(s) to!d me that this cond1,lct ~ad 'OC~1,lIT~. , !ptl:ler.s- y..rhoob$erv~d this condl!ct. c;l'~s~ribed It to me', t have refevant inro.rmation c1assifiep ab'ove. ",S'~CRcrJ'. ----,------------II' n~v~r observ.ed this ,cqnd4ct nor heard 'abput it from,sorrieon~who, did. ,._- -44. Subjecting a 'detainee to loud music d !r personal!y observed this conduct. a. b, <':.' d; '.=. D I 'observed detalnee(s} in 'a,c0ndltlon that led me. to believe that thisc.::onduct had occurred. D, Detglnee(s} told me. th~t this condw;:t ,h~d qccurred. -§-jottrer? wh90lJ~er.V~q t~is C0,!lt!u~t,cr~$.~fib~ i~ ~9 rpe., D iI, hc;}ve:rel~va'tit !l)f~rmatI9,n ~icrs.sJfle9' Cll?9ve, "SECRET'l. f. 0 I n~ve(o~~enle(j this'C;Qnd,uct nor h~rd qbQ,ut it from:sbm~!mewhbdid. e., " a'. 0 b. D I 'observed 'detainee(s) In a'condition that led me to believe that thi,s conduct had:ocGurred. D jDetainee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had .occurr.erl. D lathers who Qbser:Y~d this 6ondu,Gt descflped it ~o me. ·c.1 d.1 I perSan'any, observed fhis condlict. 4~L Isolating a' detainee 'a. D (qr ali,eXtended perio~ II personally ,observed this.;cofldllct. D Ir-obse-t:Ved' de'tainee(s) iri.a.coliditfoh'fhcif led me fo;believ'e thafthis conduCt' had ,occurred. D !oetainee{s}told me that this conduct had occurred. d', D, lOthe~ whQ -ogsetY~d t.his clDn~uct'~e~cri~ei:I it t,o me. b, c; ~: o II, ~av:e rel,evant 1,I)TQrmati(;>n' classifieq a~ov~ '!,SECRI;T'·. OIGQ-OOS526 [!.I [if II nev:er observed this,conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did. '47. Using duct tape to restlC:lin,.gQg',.or punish a. D 1 per.stmal\y bbse'ryetl a detainee this .conduct. b. D 1'obser,o:ed detainee(s) in. a cohd itibn that led me to belieye .that this: conduct ha~ :occurred. c. D Detaine~(s}told me that thjs conduct had ,oceurr:ed. d. D Others who obsenred this eDnd uc'::t described it to me. e. D' ~ have releyaht information dassified a bmie "SECRET",. l~f L never.observed this:conduct nor hea rd about it from- someone who d td. f. '4tL U9lng r9pjd re!?ponse tea\TlS al1~/0r 'forced ~ellexj:ractions' . a- D l' p~rS0naily:ob~e'rv.e>d~hisJ:qnp.v~t. , .Q. o ['"observed Qetaine,e(s) in ~(f.cbi1djtibn d. 0 t hat led me to beiiey,e thaUhi's condlict had pc.currecL . c. o io~~'~e~(s)'t~id ,me' t~at this ~ondut,t ha'd ,occu rred . .e:. f. othe,rS' Wh.p 'obserVed t.h,is Gon'd:uct' describcil It to me. o It have relevant ibfifirmation c1assifie'd afJo~ve "SECRET"', 0' :1 never observed. this"conduct nOr'hea rei :aoeut it frorri"someone who did.' . 49. usin~re\ military working .dog Qwor: J;1,eqT' a detainee 9tl1e( than dl!FiOQ qetalnee transpqr'tatiQI1, a. o II per.s6riali-Y.... 6.I;J;Serve.d· this.corid,u.ct. fl'. c. o tl II observ:ed.d.etalnee{s)'ln 'a conditi(m-t hat led. me' to believe that thiS' woduct had occurred. jDetainee(s) told me that this:c,onduc,t had 'b,ttun:erl. d. D IOtherS' who :ol5.s"er'ved :this c6ncfuct des'dj[j~d it to me. - e'. o II halie relevant Information t1asslfied aboVe "·SECRET". 0' l1 never this:condud nor_vv.,· _......obserVed. .,- ....... ........- ..... --------- hea rd abo'ut it from soiTieone:',who did. .f; _ ..J.." _-l., .. , ,. ." ........... ·5Q. ThreCltening to use mllltary working dQgs;on or' near a detainei-"J OIGQ-OOS527 '. a: 0 I personally observed thls,.conduct. I observed detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ·occurred. c. 0 0 ~. q qtbers whooD~eryE~d this<;rfbed It to me. e. o i~ hav.e relevant information c1a5sjfie~ .al1ove "SECRET"'. _._------------------_.- b. f. D~tainee(s) told me trat this cpndt,lct ~ad ·OCCUlTe9.. o I'n.e,ver9bserved' this t6n9~<;t ncsr h~rd'aQout it from'~meon~'\fI,Ihodid. 5-1. Usjrig. spiders, ,scorpions, .snakes, or other a'nlmals on or near aaetcilnee, a., 0 L personall,yobserved this Gonduet. b. q I'observed detaln~e(s) Ina condltlon'that led me. to that thlsl10nduct hcid occurred. e. 0 Detail)ee(s1 tqld me that this ~ol1dw;:t hpd (jccur:red.~ 0 Otl}el}? wh,9 o_b~ef.Ve,c! t,hls <;o.nq u~.t c!~9rLb'ed I~ to fDe. 0 r h;:we rel~varit IlJfo~a~rQ.IJ, c1cl:ssJfl~ 'Cj~~lVe. ";SECRET'!. f. 0 r n~ver:op~enle'cI this r<;Q"dL!Gt ,n~)'r I)eprd 'al:!9!:lt it frorn:$Qm~bt1e'W\ <1': 'e.. ,a'. b. c. Q. e': 0 0 I personalty observed thiseendiid. I observed ·detainee(sY in 'a cend ition that led me to bellev.e that this Gonduct had "ocGurred. o IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had:occurred. o lO~her:s who observe-d tllis (;:O'lJdu5=Nfesqibed i1;: to me: o II ha\ferelevant !nTorm~ti<?,n c1assifi!=q ' "SECRgf"'. f, o l~. n~ve..o~?efv~4thi~ q;niquGt '119,f ,hec1rp 'qbqut it JroIT1 sqm~ol1e who did. a. b. o II persOnally, observ,ed this,:coliduct. o ~robserYed delaineets) in ,a .condition that led me' to, believe .that·this coJidi.Jcf had ,occurred. ,c. 0 Detalnee(s:) told me that this conduct nad .occurred. l!. 0 e. 0 Others who -obseryed, t,~is ~onqu~t de!!cri~ed !t to me. r ~a\fe rel.eva.nt JlJf0rmati9n' c1assifiec1 a!?o,v~ "SECRET"·. OIGQ-005528 ~l [~f II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. 54. ShaVing q dcetainee's' f.ac1al or other Mirto embarra~.orhUni,i1iat~ a qet'a'inee 0 I perSonally observed this ,conduct. b. 0 I o~seiyed detaine~(s). ill ,a condition that led me'to beliexe that this conduct c. 0 Detainee.(s)tola me that this conduct had ,o,ccurr:ed. .d. 0 OtherS who obseiired thIS c'bnd act described it to me. e. 0 t haVe relevant information 'classified aboVe "SECRET". f: Itf' r never observed this'conduct nor heard about. it from someone who did. lao ha~ octurred. 55, PI?!dhg a woman's'dothing on a,:detainee. b. D I ob.serv,ed detain·e.e(s) ili;a- :corid ition-. that led me tei believ.e ._ _ " _ .. _ •.. _ w_, ~ tnaUhis c.dnd.ll'ct, had ,o'ccurr.e1:l., . . ' ~ _ c. 0 [)etaine~(s}told me that this iohd'ul:t hat! occurrea. d. 0 OtherS' who observed this to,n-d'uctd~sCJ;ibed It t6 me. .e~ 0 f; 0" I never obserued. this ,conduct nor heard ~aDout it from"someone Who: did. I. have 'relevant ihf0rmation classified aboVe "-SECRET",. a. 0 r p~r:S9naliy..Q.ifserve.d: HilS ~Onauct. h. D r ouseNedd¢talriee:(i) hi'd cond Itlon th9 t I~d me to b~Uev~ that this' ~onduct' ha,d :ot,curred. c. D Detaihee(s). told m~ th~t this- cond llj:t i-fad 'O~turr.ed. d. 0 Qt!i.ern: who 'ob.served this' c6rid llctd'esctiDect itl6 me. e. 0 I havefelevant lnforhiatlbii classified above ·~S'ECRE[". _.f; 0 '-' I neVerobsef'ied this,conduct nor heard about it from someone-who did. ..-0,;, ............... _ ......... , _.......,. ...... - -. ,/'.,..." - - _... ...... ..--...- .. - - -....,... -.....,. -,"'""'- ......... _,.A""",,,,,,,,,; ......... ',1' .... "'~.> ~ -~. ~ ~~-- . ..-... ......... - ............ ,57. Hold Ing ;det~in~(s) Wh() 'y.Jere ,not officially':'acknowred,g~d or Feg:js~ered as such by t! detaining the person; OIGQ-005529 a. 0 I personaIly-qbs,erve,9"this b. ,0 I ob-served c. o <;onr:l.!-l~t. detain~e(s) fn a cQh9.itiqn that led me to bel!ey~ th?!i~ c;or:t'du<>,t had oCGyrreq. lDt;!tainee(S) tdlp .m~ tha~ t,hls conduct had .occ;urrer.:L 0 Others whQ ob~fY¢d ,this: ~:On~h;I<:;t des,c'ribed it tq me. 0 r i1av~ 1'~1~\laht infqrmatioh' tlcfssifi¢d aQove "SECRET". f. 0 r,n:ever Qb~erved this conduct npr h~rd. ab9lJ.t it from:sPl'l1epne who' Qi.d. ~, e. .g. Please provide ,the i:1pprdxiri'late time frame during which this conduct.occurred. From lOjtbo3 to. 11/200:3· DDo Nq~, ~~~n h. The detalriee(s) .treatetl 1n .tlli,s way w,ere [oeated 'at th'S time 1 0 'Guaritah-amp 2'0' Iraq 3D Afgbanis,tan 4 0 Q,tljer LQccl.~i9n § 0 DO. ('fot R~fl II' please:'ldeotlN tbe;detrne~(s) I;>y. nCjme and !lumber: j. P,lease identify the perSbhfsfwho .treated the detainee:Cs) iii this manner,. frkludlng their name(s) and 'g0yernment agenG'f,{ies1: . b6 b . ~ b 7 C ~. Please· ii:lentify~-any'other FB'l personnel or non-FBI 'personnel who observed detaineefs) treated ill t,his manner;: (ricllJd!'1g t-heir naITl~,(s) '?\'n.d :ag~ncy(i~,s): S5'~ I I. This ,conduct occurr:ea in tonhectiO'Ji -with: 1 0 'On'e,detajnee ,Z 6 Bev.eral detainees (2'--4') ;3 Q Many .detqin~~ (mor~ ti)a.rr 1J 4. 0 Dp 1'I.9t R~!AII m. (<optional) Filease describe;the. relevant circumstances- in m0re~detalh captllred inl\lorttiern Iraq 'ana trah'sporteo to Abu ,Gh'raib' ..58. Senti iog ~a detairiee to anoth'er i:6,u-ntry for mo rMl9.9"",'re"",'s"",s.;".;fv. ; e. .;i,;, ;:nt,;,.;:e:.,;.;.tr; . ;'.o...9:.,;.;.cit.:.:,io.:.:;· :1'1...;..' ---'- _ [a] 0 It per~nally o,ps~rve.d this <;Qnduct. OIGQ-005530 ·. .. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred, d. 0 Others, who observed this cond uct described it to me. e. o i~' ~ave relevant \nformati<;>n c1?lssifleq C!~ove "$i:CRj:T'!·. r: o I nev?r obs~rve<;l thls'condu~t,nor neard 'about it from sqrneone:Who did. SQ. Thre.a.teni,ng a. 0 'tQ send q: ctetai.n~~ tb anQJl1er <;:6untry for !ietenti.6n or more aggres.sjye:i,ht~rrogati9n ~ persOnally observ.ed this .cQndu·ct. b. D Lobselv.ed detainee(s) in a conCl itionthat. led me'to belieye that this' conduct had .oGcurred'. ·c. LI Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. 0 Others: who'obsenred this conduct descrihed It to me:. 'e: D I, have rele:.,:ant inform?lti<;>n das~rfi~<;I above "'SECRET"', f. 0 I: 9§!'i'.~r9,.l>servecj t.hi~ £()(J,duct,l1or h~rd abput. it 'frCJm, SCilrrrecme wf}o di~: d. 0 b. D a~ c.' L! I personally ,ob's~rved this :condOct. f,obserVed deta'inee(s) in (l·.conaitioh that lett me to believe that this Gonduct had ~0ccurred .. Detainee(.s) told me that lhis condUct had :0.ccur:red', d. [j lathers who observed 'this conduct·desGrib,eCl it to. me. D L have refe:vant Information classified above "SECRET'I', f. 0' iI never'Q'b?E:rve~ thiS 'coo(iuct n()r heard '<:;lbout it from sorneon~·who.Q\d.., ie~ a. D r. personaLly'observed this·:tohcI'Ui:::t. D r obServed detalnee(s)' III 'a,co)id itidh'that led me to, QeUeve that'tliis conduct had oC'curred. t; D' ;Detainee(s)'told mefnat this cooouct had.occurred. , d', D lothers- who observed this conduct d'e's~rjfjed it to me. e. [j ·r have relevant Information' c1assffied above \\SECRET'\ f, lrl I nev,er0l;Jserved thls,:condu<;:t.norhegrd-abOl{t it from someone'1I\!~0 did, b:. OIGQ-005531 '6Z.0th~( religious,or ,~)(uai har.assment or humiliation of a detajn~ a. o II personaHy observed this;conddct. 0 c. GJ d. o b. e. I,observed detalnee{s) In acohditlon that led me to believe thanhls conduct had occurred. Detainee(s)'told me that this condud had :occurred. lathers wlio observed this conduct described ft to me. o !f have relevant information classltied above "·SECRET'.... of • • • '. • './ 1'. , ; f. 0. II, nellerebserved thIs cOl}d,uct rr9f !l~rd a bq¢ it from .sorpeofl~ wh.o dld. 9'3. Other trea~m!3nt QfCl d'etarne~ :that in yqtfr opinion was unpr9fessiPn~lt undqly:har:sh or aggJessiYl:!t (:6'erqlve; Bb\lsive, .or l)r'ilawful' . , D D. 0 a. c·;, ~ L personally observed this ·conduct. I ·observ.ed det.ainee(s)" In ,a'com,lith;>D thClt led 'm~ to belleve t!Ja~ this c:;onduct h;;ld 0ccurred,. D. petainee(s):t~l.d me that this, CQ!1cju!=t' h!=1c1 occurred.. , <L 0 Q~hers who observeq this conduct described it to'me., ~,. 0 I have·rele.vant lnforn:gltlon classVied ~bov~ "'$ EeREr" . f. 0" t never oQserved n'(:>r'hearo ·about j't from someone'whQ did.. mtjj!fjj'21!jlnjj§tfj:@!i§;}!§fiitTIDUjlt~ Djd yo.l,I, observe any Jmp~rsoh'atjQtI :detainee?' '~4. :a ,,'\/)., ";:,,<:"':j':' :;',; .'>: >:;;>:..J of ,FBt person'n,el by anyone d~ring an '0 'Yes. ,nte,rvi~jN or interrOQation .of '$ No :65. Oid any d.~taiheJ~: or other p.erson teU you that, 'lie 'Or s,he had Witn~$S'~d. personnel connection With'a detainee iritervieiN or i1iterrogatioh? In tne imp~r.:Sona~ioh of FBI . O~ 0~ 66. A.r~ yoy' Clware ()f ?lnv- ",$t)am". qr ·stag~4~ d~t,aJnee'i,ntenliew$:or' int~.rr9g<;l.tlQI1~ ~on~u:c~ed JorM,ertlt?er:s of- the·W:S. t9n~ ress Qt ,their staff? 'G)-No 6i. Tp'YQur I<no",,!Jf;dge, dldgny m/llt!3ry:gr In.telligellce pers.Qnriel eVt;r deny or d~lay FBI g,ccess t9''a 'q¢tait\¢e ~h~ 'FBI \l'{ant~ .to. qu.estl6ri bec~u~¢'th.e A~tcHnee h;3d ,$U,stairied injufie~ $ft~r h¢' 'Wa~ tcip~wr,ed? ~NQ OVes' OIGQ-005532 ~8·. Dld ·you 'ever :enQ y,our P;;l~lclpatlon Inor o.!?servatipn :ot p, deta'I!1:ee Intervi~~ or in~~rrogatlon ~e~'us~ -o.fthe' ii,*~rview ot inferr,gg-atiQO m.ethrn.:ls b~ing .!J~d? a.Yes '69~ W~re YPU ~vertold ,tliatenoth~r 0 No FBI ,enipll?Y~~ ~nd.ed. his oj Ii~r pa.rtiCipa.tiOn in or QQs~rV~tion'i:lf,. ~ detalnee interv.ieiJlr~or interr.ogation because:of the fnteiview:or fnterr:ogati0n methods being used?' ~ No . . 79~ ~l'ny p('YQur oy:erseas, d~pl~ymetit$ or' ~sslg Iihlen!s" dtd yg,urep'ort flI1Y:~9·n·t;;e.rn.$ regarq Ing any'detciinee:int~rview .or' interrdgatioli prcfctices, .Of- other-tYpes of detainee treatment-,. to. an"FBI :su'pervis,or"? . 0, Yes '$ No. ' 71. DgrJng 'anY.9f'y~,ur 9.'ilerSeo.s ~epJQYme'n~ PC a55ilgnment~r itip Y9U rep.ort ~ny, c()nc~rn$..r~~ardirrg ;any ;detcHilee interview· or interrogation practices: or other ty'pes~pf detainee freatment ,you o.bserved or hea'r:d·aboUl1. .to,a npn-FB~: supervisor or other' riQn-FBI,:p~r.sOnn.el? 'Yes' ,@ No, 72.. lji:\ve':YQu '~v~f tJ:~~[r Qrd ~red or.i1 ireq:~q !l9t: to" r~Rprt, qf'(;l i~LQ.Qfag~g ifl' i:\,ny' WctY'¥rorn r~P,9r.trng]. ·qb'~iVatiqn.~. Qr all~g~ti9.n:~ t¢J~ted 'tQ. A~~aine¢ tf:e'a~ment 9r i.riteryi~W, or inl~r(9gEl~(9.ri,~<;tiqn~pt pt-ac,t Ices? . ' Q:y~.s ,0 No 73f H.a,!e:y~u 'experi~nced .any, ·a.ctuC\l or tJ:1re~ten.ed retaJ.i.~tiorr for reportil,lgobs~ntat!ons Of' CjIJ~gati9n.s o.f:~:I'etain~~,.treatm~nt pr i.ntetyiew l),f interrog~ti91i-acti9t1S or prac,tiC;¢!?f' Q'Y~~ :0 N9' o ?4. (Optional)' Please provld'e any additional comments.regar.dlng the reporting ·o.f concerns' related to. intervf~w· pr ll')!~rrog.?lt)qn'~e.c;hn.lqu~i'~~t~n.tio.l'] pr:act!c~~, 'or',(;)d:ler ,~,et~line.~ tr~(:ltmel1t, ~.·~~:"·cO -, . . . " '. , , ' -, " ,,' - '. ' . Z:~. We,r¢ Y(jutl~J:j,nef~d( Pthet ~I).~l:! th~.~tahdar~t Qet,iri~nrf FI?,-7.7-i, cQ.i}G~rn'jhg yp!.... r:()versea~: 'assi9 rime6t(5) ',or:dep loYrrieiit(s). after you i:om,pleted. th.e tie1J1oVrrierit( s) or ass i~ riITlent( S)1 :0, Yes; @ No. .7,6.. Additional Co.mments:ana Rec6mmendatidns-: yo.u for yO.ur .co·op'eratibil itl·c'ompl.e,tiJig, tHfs,:Clue'stionnair'e' OIGQ-005533