Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002355
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Depar~ment'of,tic.e In~pector Generaf Qu~stionnaire Re9.~r.di~9 Detain~es D,OJ-OI:G INVESTIGATIV.E QUESTIONNAIRE d.~LY BYINDIVlDUAL FBI RI:SPOND'ENTS . DP NOT F9RWARD:OR Di:~EMI~ATE ' FOR R:E.V1EW A~D USE .., QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-O,000:2355, ·As·at ~h~.IClst ~ime,~j'C?nnaire. PJ¢as\~;r:eview was ~a,!e~i ~ome require_d'fiel~s:~C!v~1,19t. tleet') cQmph~ted. your responses. ":.lJ.. ,:~. i1.. " .,.. ~ .,"':,;;; .... ' .... . .,. ..... ." . P~rson~1 Infprmation Please proviae' the foll6Wing' inlorh'!atii)n: 1. First name 2.' MiQ9.Je Inlf,la.l: 3~ Last name: 4.. Entered btl Jluty'- Date' (EOD): '5. Curr.ent DIVlsJqnfField Office: .6. Current job ,ti.tle: 7. DirecLdial officetelephone nU'mber: 8. FBI :c~n phQrj~' .huml:5er: ,.9: f{31 Pi:~ger t:1utDjiet~ io-. Be?~ CQntaet nlll':nberfOfY0l!: .~ &,7(;; PER A~REEMfEN.r Ii &:r.C PER AGREEMENT 6 &·l,C PERAGREEMENT !1. &' 7C ~ i& 7C Specilal Ag,ent 6 &'7CPERAGREEME~T . ~ &,,7(; PER/:\.GRi=EJvJE.NT '6 &.7C PE,RAGREEMfENT 6& TCPERAGREEMENT. '1L At any time aftehSeptembe-r U( 20M, did Y0U serve as'a member' of-tlie U.S. Military! or as an employee ,or contractor olthe.FBl.or any other g,overnment agency:i' at Guantanamo Bay(- 'Cuba; Iraq; , ;L\fg'n9.ntstan; 'or in ~reas cqntrolled by ~he LJ.9·. M'i1itqry or a I),S. infellig'e,n~e service irFco.nJJec~!on:with the. ~gl.9bal waf on t~lTor,? ' 0· Yes 0 No 12. Enter the numbe,r .61' time.s you. Wer$,depkwed o.r :~ssig ned to each of th'e foilowing [o·catlpns. ,or: in any areas controlled by the. u.s. 'Military or a U.S. i.ntell!g~nce serilc¢),i'1· .(~uahtimamo Bay~ Cuba~ lraq;-..Afghanistan; For.each· deployment or assignment ,complete the following section, ' r,'" ') . Dep,loym~_n1: of'~5sig'nnierit'~egill'" ~iJ or Depl~.Yri1.erit ~r i1,55!9nr.nent,!l on. Loca t Ion \.select ~ne . ~IlQU.t or. abpuj:. ~F~~' O~folj2ao4 Q7/2004 12.a. Wh~t was t/:1egen'e~al nat\ire: ~nq pl,lfp'c5~~. Qf YQUrasSigrirn.erit ~'hd ,aq,ivi,tiias? 1 was assig riM to the' Baghdad Operations' Centef ·in: the BIAP: I workeCi with -varioos rri i1itarY and Other US .governmental agencies concerning terrorism financing, the Influx,of foreign 'fIghters: their stash' hous~s bomb ma!<ing hquses ~nd ,cl?s.h ,h<?uses; th~ rrgqi pgfic::e majoq::rir:ne.s'l,Ipit'col')cerni.ngI,JS !<idoap, vl<;;tirtis an:d HVO -!ZeLQ ih~eiV!¢Ws. l:2b. Please, pr6\iideth_e- names 6fthe. sp~cifjc camlisr basesr or facilities wher~ YOIJ workeQ. ,camp 'Slayer, tamp Victory" ISG" BIA:P-r C~A) Abu Gtiarlb, and other·basesr camps and installatiens da~~ifi~, at (llevel hig.he.r thg.n'the S'!='CRI:T i~y~.I.. . OIGQ-004751 i2l:'. Note~ If informafl!Jn abQut a speclfic'camp, base, Qrfacility JS <;Iassifled above SECRET, please,l:he¢~ here 0, inclucle in your answer ~hat y'pu nave "additional inform.ation clq~sified above 'SECRET,·n ,aM, if :you know, Jd,ehtify the:classifiGatioii level, licket, :Compartmerit,prog'ram, or,other desIgnatIon that applies to, the-Information. Do not Include'the addltlonal:c1asslfled Information 1n your ~!J~stionh~ir~resp·on?e~,., bi<;; personnel,w.ith ,the necessary .c1~ar<;mce will ~oht~cf you to re<::eive it. Name. I., ' ' L -1'2~. b6 PosItion . , '-.----__,__, Q~P_u~:9!!.§5Ellle_SO_rl!"!.!'~tP~~ b7C _ Did Y94Jointly' intervi~w..9r in~~J:rogate,~any:'d,etqine~With tl,on'-,F~I lJef~.nr1~I? $~ O~ , ._-----~-----------------------------------------~._-~-----------------_._~. ':' Witl1 what kinds of n0n-FBI person,nel did you work jointly? ~ 0'ClTF : 0 :O~h~r U.:S. MJliti::l,ry ; 0 0.5·. inteJOgen:c~ ageJit}/ : !a'Foreign military or iliteliigeJ1c~ageh·cy Other' , " :0 : US: milit,i;l,lY'cQn!rac!ors;- Ii.ngui~ts _-__ • ---.., _- '_, _ _ '~-w,.... ... .,.. _ _ - '''- _ _ ,~_ .... ~ _~ ""M!-...., _. _ _~ ._ -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - _.... _.... _._~ .... - ..... _- -'- - - _...:. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ""l._' _ _ _ •• - - -- :-,-! .o12f. Did yolijointly 'pJa'n any,detainee inte'l'view .ot interro~.ati6ri ,StrateQYc' o,bjectivesr or tactics With, oon,:FBI personnel? .0 Yes ' ,0 No, ',: With -What kiM's 'Of n'oh-FBI p.erson hel did 'You work j6i1itl'i?' : 0 CITF ' " ..... ': 0 .,. '"# ... <,.,0,,.., ' ....., ... \ . , ." ," _ ., " _ .... ,.. • .- ",. _'", ... _" ..... , _ .... " _ ....... ,... ......., ... VA • '" " • ,' .... -"., ... JI _ . . . . ., , ' ¥ .... ..> .. , ••• 'Other U.S. Military : 0' u.s, intelligence ag'ency, : ~ F.9re!g n military qr i)ltel!igen'c~:-<:l,g;enc;y - 0 Other ; us rrfilit~rY:GOritractdrs, linguists '- :-~--------------~----------~.-._----------------------~-'-------------~-. :-:- ~ __ ..J _ _ .... ~12g, Were:you ...._._.".... ~-.. .... ~ _ _ •_ _ , .......... _ , _ ~ __ ever o~h'erWiS:e ]pvolved in ;cletqineejnt¢tvie,w's -. ........ a No 0.Yes _;_ ~ ,..... _ - . _ ..... noU-:FBl personnel? t9 fh~ fatt,tnaqhe il]t¢fView~'r long built history and rapport With 1he tletalnee. I had a separate IIstj~froup,l;f questions that the ·;intervlewer would 'ask~h my behalf; - ....... ......,_'-,"- _ . _ . _ ..,; _._ - -;._ - _'- - - - - _, 1$. Dfd you :' -, ".,_._ _ ...... __ , (ece'ive cmy training, ,inshuc(ictn, ov.e-rsea,s ,deploy-ment:; o-r assignments?, ~ - .' ~PI¢~~e"desqiJ),e: D_i,Jr!rig~ome Ilitervie,w? Witn :HVD l' was ,an ob'se~~r"d'(J_e ~had a _ dr'ilit~rr9gatibn's, with - ' ._;~'_' , '- 0 or!1uidahc~ $~ec:lfk:911y in p'reiJorntiqtHor any (if ypur (VNo OIGQ-004752 14. In' preparation' for any of you r overseas deployments :or assignments, did you receive any training, Inst:ruq:lon, or gurdance~ncernlngthe,standard s 9f con,dllc~ applicable to ~he,tr~tm~nti intervIew,. qr ih.ter(d~atj9n Qf,detaihe¢s by FBI p'erSonner?' " 0Yes ONo GOo NQt Recall 14a. Who provided thiS' trailiing,.lnstruCtipn, or gUidance, and where did yo~ rec'eiv~ it? QJJg.l)titp . . l.IJb.Briefly·describe the substance-of the traini'1g,. instruction..: or gUidance provid'ecf hr you. As.-;ailagent with' the, FB-l.r as with,a ny. other :F.ederat LEA, I :cim ·held to .the codes and c::onducts that 1 would no"rmally be held to while-In the US'. Regardless, the guidance. wa$ t.9' re",lfirm. ~h~ above. 14<:. Was,:any'of the. trairiing r instruction" guidance proVided In"Writlh9? or OVes QNQ '~P..o Not ~ecalf .@YesONo .0Do 'Not RecaH provided this training? instructionr,or ,quidance/.and where did you receive it? QuanticO . .1Sb.. ·arl~f1y·.descrlbe \he,subs,~alice pi' ~he,tra)nlng,.lns.J:r!J9:iQnr or g,ulpanc~_·p:rpvll1.~fp yall,. A!?an"?Ige'nt With, the.J33~, as with -any oth~r Fe'de'r91' LEA, I'9m b:ild ~o the c.odes 'arid q:H'ldu~,ts'thi3t lW.quJ~ nbrmaHv be'lj,eld tq whiie ih tbe, US. R~~fat~l$s~, the:guiJlanc~ was to rJ=Clfflrtn the.aiY.ove. i5~. Was>(j'DY of the trainirig;ihstnJ~i9n, ot 'gl..!idance prQviqed."in wri~lng? , aVes dN~ :0 Not Recall ' 15~. Who Db. 1.f5.. In pn~paratiorrr(jr anY'pJ .YOIJr 9v.ers~s deployments or; as?jgnm~nts,:did you rec~ivefl(lY training, in"strudio'n, p·r'.g.i.J.idan~ con~erhi!lg what :you wete.$upp:osed'to: do -ifydu .o,lise.iYe.a '01' :9bo'u"t the treatrrfent, IntervieW, or rntertbgatior;'Qf detdinees ~y FBI perSot1hel,,\iJhlch you 'believed to be inapprop.riat~i unprqfessional; .co~rciye;.~busiv:el·orun1a.v4'u11 'OV:es ONa 17. In pcepi=lra'ti0n' for' any ofyouf o,Verseas ,dep.loyments or assiQhrTients(,did. you reteiye ilnytraioirig, . instructionr or:guidance concerning what you were-supposed to do if you observed 'or heard about .' th.e t~atment, 'IntervieW; or interrQ.g~ri:ion qf d.etainees hy non'-F131 p~rsonn~I, which, Y¢l,J qeli¢'Ye~ tQ·)J'e'inappr9priats, unprofessJphal, 'cperclve, ~QuSivE;!, pr unlawflJl?' ·ONQ la. Tr~in ing, During, Overseas .Dep.lo.yment$ -Of .Assignm!i!ilts i~. £!>L!ring clOY .Qf your Rverse?s d~prQymt:'!!1ts PI' clssignrri~nts, ~n~ YQU re¢~ive qtly'trqining, J1wt:n..lctibh, QLg ujdan~e ,cOi'fce:njlng the stand ards of t6ril;lu.ct :applkal:He to: the tr~atrTl~lit/intenJiew1 or iiiterrb~fatioh,6fifet'aih'ees by FBI personnel? . :Qyes 0No .000 Not Recall OIGQ-004753 .19, During any of your o~erseas deployments or assignments" did you receive any. trainin9~ instruction" 9rguldance'concerning th~ ~qmdar9sb'f conduct; applicable ~o ~,he,'treatm~ntl Interv!ew, or rnterrpgatiOn:of detai,ri~es by liQn-FBI p,ersohnel? ONa '0Yes UOQNdt Recall iQa. W'ho provided this: trahiing,. i~struction; or'guidance? US mili,tar.y " 19b.Briefly'describe the substance of the traink)9,' instruction,. or gUidance provide<fto- you, prior to any inteiviews;at Abu Gharib" fbllpwjilg, the alleged 'a buSe. 'The Interroga'tors Informed us that all:of the Interviews' would be'subject to video monltGlrlng ! recording pnd s~id that .w~'Were to be he,lg to th~ ~tpnd9rd~'orlnterviews111 the 19<:, Was,:any'oftbe training', instruction, guidanc::e Ifr6vidi:d Tn writing,? us: or QVes $NQ Q DQ No~ Rec,all 20, During any 'of youroverseas:depfoyments or assignments" did,you receive any training~ 'instruction" 'or"guldance,c9n~ernin9 Wh;:lt Y.9U were,$Uppqsed, to do if Y~Q'observ~:o dr'l1ear,d a~.oqt ~h~' 'treatment, interview"or 'inteUdgat'iQn of'petain:ees by F,Bl perSQnn~lj whiCh y,ou ~eHe:v~~ to. .be Hlappr6pifat¢,,coerciv~~'abusi\l~f.: <!if' uhlaWf~ I? Qoo .Not Recall :2.,].; R!J(lng ,~ny of YOlW o.vers~a~ depioym~l)ts or asslg,nmel)~s','d{q you receive, any."V~,rnJ.ngz In,st'ru'ctlo'l, do 'if you </bser.Ved or'Matd 'about'the treatment, interview, or iliteJro,gatiOri bfa,eh~inees by non-FBI personnel, which yoU belieVed to be inappropriate}- unpr0fessional~ abusive,.or unfaWful? orgUid~il!=e concernlng what :OYies you w~r:e sUi>p:os~,a to (!)No .000 Not Recall 2,i.i'1 'y'o\:lr'opfriio,n,:~iCr yClU r~eiye :a~~qt!~te tra'loing r ihs(n.i~i~n"Q·r gUf~9nce rdating t.~ ,~t~:nCli3rd's, :of conduct by FBI and noh:-FBI p,ersb'nnelJelating to treatment!, ihterView" or, interrogation of detainees priM te 'lourdeploynient .or assi9,h'ment?' ,. 23'.1n your'oplnlon" ;dld' you recelv'e adequate training?, instruction, or guidance relating to standards -qf ,lr{FB~Land n9n~.FE}1 p~sqonei r~lating, to 'treatment, rnt~nli~W" or interr<;>'gpti<;j.n.Qf :det<;lln~'€S during Y()l,Ir<;f¢pJ~yment Qr ~~S(fr[1rhef)n 24.1n your,opinion,did you receiv:e adequate training; instruction, or guidance concernjng what you w,ei-e l:jllPPQ?~ t? .go, WY9ll. oQ~e,rve9, 9r h~ClrQ; qbQ!lt the tr~atrn,~n'; r!1tE:fVJ~WJ-</r ]n~errt>g9tiop· of :detaln¢es, by FBI or nqli-,FBI p'erspnnel, '1'Qu be,lIe,yed WCiS jna'pproprlate~ r;Jnprpfe'5~JQn~l, :cQetGiye, :9,biJsiVe, ~r unlawful? , OIGQ-004754 o Yes 0 No :2-5. (Optional) In what Ways can the FBlimpr..ove training 'on this subject for futufl;: deployments'or . ,'irfients? The FBI, -<lS With: other .federal LEA's deployed to Iraq have·.extensive training in'ititerview/interr:ogation 'd ur'ing b.asicrtraining and iii so bseqtient.schobls. while on the job, AgentS should know the difference l,1etween ,rig,ht and wrong, w~atto do' if .th!=y observe; thJs:and who to report it tq if observed. The t~in.ihg Was firfe: . \0. comments . 2:6, Please provide:any add itionaJ informafio'nconcerning 'training for ,overseas dep Idyments. or as!iign!Jll;:nts of FBJ p~rsl?DDel yol,l pelJl?ve,is reley~nt. . Introduction 1:0 Part III: In: tflis·section( :we ·aYe 'seeking infoAniltion reg.ardirig a·Widi~· tange of "n.f~rview9r lriterrogatJqn tec::hnfqJ.les aod ·o.t!Jer types' of,detalnee'tre~~m!'!rit~lIeged W', h,ave ~occurred, You' ~hoJ)I~ n.Q.tQ~~(Hl1~, jltst ~Q~t;l.u.~e.We;aY¢ pS, ~l:1Qlit a pi;trtltlll?lf ft;:t;bnlqqe:bf prP¢ti.i:e, ~hC;l.t we hQv"e' .G6'nclu~~, that ir in fq,~t o.c.curr~d. W~ r~cO.g.nize :that, $ome; 9f' th(a$,e 't~GbfJ'lqu¢~ t>t p~q:I¢,l=s may· en: 'Uni~S be necesscir~ for safetY and'y' in a detention 'setting, In 'add.itio,ri, we te'coghiie ttiat;so'ri'ie"of the'se ,technfquesor practfceS' may have been' authorized for use by military: or other g.overnment personnel. Wi~h re$'p'~Gt ~o ea(:;n Il:I~nlifl~ techlijque, ,prpctice,:6r j:yP'~ ofc~noi,J.<:t.d~cr'ip.e:d 'li¢,lp,w,we:a're $€.ekiilg infQiTn~ti6h ·a bOut;it:;' occutrence during :o'j':. in ,co.n'neCtion with, the ·iiltJ'iivi.ew. or :iriterr:Qgatibn of .a detaine·er._o'r'during the detentionpf'a detainee beyond what is,needed for safety and.securify, .In ~hat 'co'nte~t, if'Je ask you to tell us ,w~ether 'On,e or m9re of the'foOowl'rm :statements 'are true: ' wl!J ~. I p!=rso.nally,ob~rve" th1S CQt1PUCt, 2:, I,ops'erVed .C1etaitiee(s).in a .cbJi.a,itibn that lea n'le:to belieVe thaUhis' conduct, bi:jd occurred, '3', Detaineets) to.ld me. that'this, ,cond ud had occurr.ed. '4, b.thers,!,,~o 'W~c,onduct:9.eSCirlbed S. rh~vg rel~vpnt. infbrfTlatiQn clqsSifiEfc! \'lPOv~'''SEC~ETl'" 9: :( r1~ver oQs~rv~ this ~Qr'1.dJ.lct pjJr /1~<;lfd $Dp"l,Ititfr¢m:s.o.m~newho'dia. .. - - ,2:7, DepriVit..g a detaihee of fObd or water 0 I per;S9n'aIlY'observeg t.h(s'cQnl:\u~t. ' b.,. D r ~b;~Necj .detcHne.e($): in;a c.ond tttOh tha~ J~ rnl;!' ~o ~,elje'Ve {:: 0 told m~ that thiS' c<;lnduc_t hqd oC,!:urreQ.. d',. D Others: whQ QDsel:ved thiS, c.Qrid,Uct l:(es~rjbed it tq me, ~. that ~his' cond,u,tt hqd oq::utred, e, o II have re'l.e.vaht informatiQn ~1i3ssifi¢d aboV.e: n:SEGRET'''. f. thls,cont:luct nor heard abbu~ It from sQmeone whQ-dld. IiI...I bevel'... observed . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . , .. .... .., OIGQ-004755 28. D.eprivh1g aiJetaineeof clo.thiffg 0 I persol)ally observeg this:c,?nd'uct. b, 0 I opse{y~ c!~taineels) it) a'eonditJ9f1 t~at led me to'belieye tfH~f~hi.s wndug: lJad.oa;urred. c, o 'D1;!faineE:{sj to~ m~ that thi;; q)oqUft h~ o'cdlrred. ~' @ Other.s who observe.d 'thl~ ~pn~lJ.c~ desqlbeil It- t9· me.· a', , e. Ii'! 1'M'Il:e feleVilnt lnformation" :Cla~-Sif~ above, "stOREr'. f. 0 In"ever ob~rv.e:~· ttiis:cQndue.t n9r1J~rd ·ab90.tit from ,some(me:Wh9 dtd. g. Please provide ,the approximate tifne fTam'e"dLintig which this' OOildlll,;:t.oCcurrea. From 051:2"004. ta 08/2.0'04. ~D'O Not R~q:lJf h. The .detaine¢(s) treated in thiS way were io"tat~ at the time jn: 1, 'D <:IiJantananig. 2@Iiaq 3 D Afghanistan .4 b otb~r LQcatl9n 50 Do.NQ.t &e<all t..'1q~l)t!fy t/1e·:g~ain~(~) by n~rne and m.!rDber; Uolqro~n' ).,ldentlfy"the· pefsol'l{~) wHp:tf.eated ,the. detalrtee(s.) In this mclhner, JnCludlng. th~r. name(s) and 'government agency.{ies): 'Uofg1qwn r:nil~r.y p~t"sonn~ .k.Please J(lentify.any,·other FBI personnel or non-F~I personnel ,who observed detalnee(s) treated' in .tl1i~. mapner, includhJg tt'!eir nafr]fi!;(~) ;;md ~gency(le.$j: I, This~GQI;l(Ng .tltg.)rred lotol"!n:e~IQn W~h~ 1'0 One de~~[n~ 20 .Sev.eral de,~aln~ (2-4) ~' 0 Ma·tiy ~.etaJnees tmore: t~an ~1 4" 0 Do Not ReGal[ m. (OplJoria'l) 2~'. Please d.estrib.e the-relevant <" in more:detail: Depriving a detainee of sleep, or interrupting sleep by, frequent eel[ relocations;or.other methods OIGQ-004756 a. D I personaIlY'Q»servecj thl$ -cpnOuc;t. 0 c. 0 b.. t observed detain,ee(S) in :aq>!1.9ltion that led m~ to bi?ileye th?t this <;qrlpuqt ha,d ()c:;curreq. DetaineetS)·tol~ ,m~ that t,hls con9u~t had 'occ;urred, tJ. 0' jOthe(S' whQ observed lhis, PUI1c!,l1c;t des.c:rfbed It tg tn~ e. M, I helve relev~nt ihfQr'hi,atiotf J:IQs:sifi¢.d ab.ove '~S'EG~". , . f. 0,11, n~ver 9b~~rv,ed this conduct npr'h~rd abg9,t it 'irom:s9TTie~n~WhO' Ql,d. g. Please p'r'ovide ;the approximate tiiTl'e frame, during which this' cofldactocdlrred. From '0512004 to, 08/2004 000 ,NQt B:e~li, h. Thedetalnee'(s) treated, hi this wa,Y- were'lo,¢ated at th~ time I,n,: 1 D 'Gua,ntalia'rhb' . ' 20: Iraq ':j ,0 AfglJani~~~n 4- 0 ,<)tt)er LQ~.ti9n 5D DQ 1'!6t Re~J1 i., Please,ideo~ifY'the;d~taln~(s) t,ly nqme and, nUl"0ber: UnknQ~\1 ' j. Please identify: the pi::rson[s) who treated name(s) and 'go:vernment:agencY.(ies): Un!<;n:qwn Tr1i{i,ta,r,y' pef~'pnne! the detainee(s) in this manher,; including their k. Please iaentify,any'other FBI persormel or non-FBI personnel who'observed iII thJ~, manlJer:;: in~l.lJding 'tlleir nam~(~)and agencY,(ies) ~ ' detainee(~) treated r:.,1nr~~(;~nducJocqll"red fn<;ooJJ:etfion WJ1;h: 0 Qne: detajlJ~e 2. 'SeVeral det9in:ees: (2-4) 3,b Ma'ny, ,detainees. (rh6r,e than 4 J A 0 DQ' N.ot Recall 1 a 30. Beating a cJetCllnee p'. b', c. o II p:et,soJi?llly ppseNe4 this"conduc.t. o li.ql?~r:ve-(:I ~~talh~'e($J In ~a cond itloi1~h'a~ !~d r:rt~ to beilev.~ ,~ha,t ~h[S' Cgrrquct had :Q'Gi:;urr::ep. o IDetainee{s) told 'me ttiatthis:G.oridu·ct Md :o,ccurred. - ... OIGQ-004757 ... , d. D Others who observed this conduct descrfbed It to me. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SECREt"·. f. 0 r !1~v.erobserved thf~ 'c<;md uct nor heard C1bout itfrom s9me(jn~. wh9 djq. e. 31. Wsfng water a. 0 tq prevent I:jreathing QY a de1:9ln~:or to ~reate ;tn~ s~nSCition qf'drowning I personaUy'.doseived this :coriduct. 0 I oBserved detainee(s} in 'a·cbrid.ition that led. me tb. beUeve thatthis iondu.Ct had ,occi.Jited. c. G Detaihee(s) told me that this conduCt had ,occurred. d. 0 Others who observed -this c~nduct described it to me. b. e. D I have relevant Information' classified -above 'ISECREf'!,. t, iii I qever 'opserved this 'condu~t n9r heg~d 'abo~t it from sorn~~me IA'~(J diq., 0 I pergpr1al!y.6bserved thiS .conduct. b. 0 I,;observed.detainee(s) IIi acond itl6h that led me, to beUeve~t,batthis conduct had .occur:rea. e. 0 Detaihee(sJ told me that lhis conduCt had ,acc'urred. d. 0 Othe'rs who observed -this EohduCt d'escribed it to me. a. e. D 1: have relev.ant information' classified -above f. Itf I '1SECRIT'. never observed this.:conduet nor'heard aboutft from 'someone who'did. 0 r persOnally bi>serV:~d this ,t6nduc.t. b,. 0 LbbSerVea, detalriee(5J. hi' a eolid itiorHh'at lea ,me to, believe tfjat'this con'd uct: hJ3.d ·0celfr'r.ed. c. 0 Oetalnee(s) told me tHat this conduct had -Occurte!L .d. 0 others who observed this c::ond uct described it to me; k. 0 I' haVe "televant information' dassified~Doye "SECREt,... a. f. ~ I never'observed this:conduet nor heard about it from someone who: did. OIGQ-004758 '~, Othert.reatmeli~ or a~tIQn. qausJhg significant. plwsltal pj3in or ihj4ry, Qf causing ~iIsfig.urem·ent 9J death a. 0 I personally'observed thls.conduct. b'. 0 I.-observed detainee(s) in ·a·condition that led me to' believe 'that this conduct had ,occurred. e. 0 De~ainee(s) totd me th~t t~is c~ntIuct had ,n~c~rred,. 4: 0 O~her~,. who QbseryE¥1 tqis conduct~e!?criped [t to: me, 0 I have relevant inforrw~ti9ndas~ified a.l1Ove "$..ECRET'!.. f: 0 r n~Ver 9.l?"$erved this "t6n94~t I)~r l1~rd 'abo4t it frQm_:!?qme~:>,newh~)' did. e.: 35.. 'Placing a "detainee Qn' a hot .s.urfa·te~ pr bJ,.Il'nfng :'a detainee o II' perSonally 0bserved tnfs cond·uC't• .a:. 0 I 'observed detainee(s) In·a condition'that led me to believe that this uonduct had .oceurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct. had ~occurred. ~~ 0 O~~ers who obseryeq '~hTs c0rrdQct d.es9ri.b~ !t to m.e.:, . e._ 0 ~;.,hi;l~e.· r~~'!.~ iofQrmat!~n. c!ct~sm=c! ~b.ove; :!?~ETi!_._ •. #='~"=~ -<~"'= .~ f; 0 I l1~yer'ob,serve'4 this :<;001;1 !let .09.f heard :a bOln' it 'frqtrr,solTjeOne'1J¥l1q .d id. b.. ~. a" b', c; 0 I personally observed this conduct. 0 I observed detalnee(s} In a'condltlon that led me to believe that this conduct D \Detainee(s) told me fhaUhis conduct had ,o,ccurred. had "Occurred. co.nduct~escribe.d It· t.o ~e.;. relevant !nrorn1!3.tIC?n:'c1assifi~Bpove ",S E:G R,ET" . 4. h110thers Who observe.d this ~'. 0 I, ~.Clo~~ f O. ..... nev.~r observe,d thf$ 'co~i:1 UGt 'nqr ,hea r.d 'a ~qut it JrQm ~111~oJ:)e who did. g. PleC;ls~ proVide .fhe ~pproxima~~ time 'frame .(Jl,Irlng which this cond~l.!t~ qci;:l,Irred. . DDo Not Recall From .05/2.004 to 08/:2004 h. The :detarn(;e(.$)treC!~ed 'In .~tJis wav Wer~ lo;;:atep at t.h~ time 'I,n: 1, 0 G.uantanClmo 20.lraq OIGQ-004759 D Afghanistan 3 4 0 Other Location 5 [j Do: Not Recall i. Plea~e id~ntify the detain~e.(s) Qy'nartle i;!f]d number: Db not recall ' . j, please identjfy,the pe!,son(s)'~h,ot~ea~e~ th~ d~!<;l!f)ee(s} in thjs.l1Janner; Inch;.Icfing t~'eIr na.r:n.e(s) an~ g~'1ertrt:r:i~l;Jt:dg~ncy,(ie:s).: . unknown military ,petsQbnel K, .pleq:se i!len~lfy. <wy. other rnr P~erSQnnel or r1Qn-FI?I petsonnelw'h,o pbser'l{ed c;letainee.t-s) tr'¢a):ed iii this' manner.t _ iricludii'ig their name(s) .and agelil3Y(ie's), , , l. Tliis coMu'ct:OC~Uffedin l, 0 Goiihecti~in with:' Oile$ 2,0 a9 ' 4 '0 Several detainees (2-4) Ma,ny detAil"]e,~(TT}or~ than 4} D!,'Not ~er::all ' ,m. (b"ptionalj 'Please desGrlbe·the relevant cIrcumstances in more detail: $i~ Reqlliril1g:a ,del:cjrne~;tg main~inJ 'Or'air1ing a .detainee jn, 9. ',shessful t;lI p?iiiiful po,sitlon' 0 b. 0 c 0 <#. I persanaUy' observed tfiis :coiiduct. l' observ.ed .detaiiiee"(.s) in a .cond itioi:l·that led me: to. believe that this' condud had'"occurred. Detainee(s}tQld me.thatthis conduct had,occurr~. o pthers. who observed this conduetidescribed It to. me. ~ o II' n~ve releyan~ 1r:l~9rm~ti9T] i~' t: 0' 38. dClssJ,fleQ "9~QY~ ",S~CREr"'. I ~.ever 0'~seryed tl.l(? G0n9.uc~ nor'.heqr.q ·C!bo~t. it :tram !?orfl.eofl~·\"{1}9 ,C!j~. For.cing:.a detailie¢ to (1enon:n demancflng 'Physrcal exer.clse a. 0 I persdi'ially".ob'serv,ed this·.condu~t. b. 0 I.0bserv.etl detainee(s) Iii a'~0nd ition that led me to, believe 'thaI: this oonduet had .occurred. e. o !Detainee(s) tolo me tha't this cond uCt bad occu r'red. d. 0 Others- who observed this conduct descrlbeCl ft to me. OIGQ-004760 [fJ Itf II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from 'someone who did. 39,. l}s(ng electrical ~hQck on a ~etainee 0 r p~rs::mally observed this ,conti oct. b. 0 r bbsetv.ed detaine,e(S) il)'?\ condition that led me' t9 b~li~ve thi=lt this: ~bn.du~t had occulTed. c. 0 Detainee,(s) told me that ttii!n:onduc,t, had ,o,ccu'r'(ea, ,d. 0 OUiers' wh-o .observed tms condutt de'scribed it to me. a', 0- r have releyant information dassified abolie '!BECREf". Itf observed this~conduct nor heard about it from someone, who did. e. f: '40. Thr.eatenfng to use 'electrical shock on a detainee o it p:erSQnaIlY;Qb~e-rv~~ a~ ~his'c~nj:lLfCt. b. 0 r '6hsetv.e'd,d,etain~e(s) in :a.cbnditlori that led 'me. to' believe that this conduct hadoccll'rred. 0 Detaine~(s}toJd me that this~6nduc,t haq .occurred. 0 Others' wh,a o,bserved this contfuct described it tome. .e. 0 r have relev.ant ibf6rmation, classified clboy.e '~SECRET" . f' 0 r never obsellled. th IS 'co hd uet nor"heard aIjcillt it from, sOmeone Who. aid. 6. d. " ,41. Int~ntiona!ly delaying 'Qr ,denyIng :de!ain~e' medi~a:1 ~re: ~I 0 fr pE;r.s9Yially"QPservep tflfsC9nd,u,ct. " " . ' " !b. ro II. btfseNe.d ,detairiee(S) In a 'cond ition th~t led nie t9 beLieVe that,thls, ~on.duct had octurred. Ie. o IDetai'liee(5), told me that this c.bnd,liet ha'd :bCCU n:¢d. ~d. I it! 0 0 :- Others: Whb 'Ob.serve"d ,this' coria crtt desCtiDea I ha\le'i'elevant Informatlo.n classified above it to'me. ' '~.sECRET". ' Lf; L0' r never obserVed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. .......... A .. _ _ i _ _ Ai ~... _".~. . . . . . . . . . . ,. .._e.- ......_. ,....",. _~. __... . . .- __ .-,......,~ . _ .._, .._-. ___............. _ .. , v _ _ ........... _ _ -....-. .............. _~ ........, • _.-. ,- 42. Ho,oding or· a detainee'other than during transportation OIGQ-004761 " , , , a. D I personally observed thls..conduct.. b. c. d. e. D I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred. D Detainee(s) told me that ~his(';ondl,let ~ad! D qtbers Who 'ob'~erved this cond4ct'9:es~ribec! It to me: D hav.e relevant information dassifie~ ahove HSECRET\ mr nE~\fer ob,served: thisconpu~t nc>r hepr~ :ab9lJt it from;~rneone::w~h9did,. f 43. subjecting a d¢talnee to ~Xtrem~fy told or hQt r~om tempJ~rature~ for extended p~rlotls a. D I. personally observed this conduct. b. D. Lobserved detainee(s) In 'a c@ndltlon that led me to that.this Gonduct had .occurred. ~; D, DetSlI.l1ee(S) tqld l'Jle th~~ this cond(Jct hpd !OC<;Ul:r~. g~ D Others wh9 0~ser..v~d thiS col1<:!4G,t d'E}~crib~ jt to !'De., e.: 0 I h'ilv~ Tel~va:nt InfQrmCl:t19n <;las.sJfl,~ i! b9v~ "S'ECREf'j., f. 0" I n~ver obp,erved this 'conduct nor heard ;?lbp.ut it frpll1. $ome9.l1~'o/ho ,44. ,sqbjtiting -a ,deta'il1¢e t6 ' . a' lb. 'C: do, e'. D I personally o.bserVed 'fhis.eondud. D l'observed I:letainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ·occurred. o jDetainee(s)'lold me that thiscondl:JCt had ,occurred. D Others. who observ~d this conduct-'descriqed it t,o me; 0 I have re'(evant information classi.ffedabove ",SEGRET'!. ~ L n!=ver:o'.lJs,ervE;!'d th!.s 'sgnp!Jp,t 'nqr ,hea r~ 'abqut, it ;frpIT) .som~0'1e A. f: (Qu,d niLi!:!ie •• ... , ... "... . . . . . . . " , ~ , ~'. .. who did.. ~5. SuqjecJiilg' a detcfine'e.tb pright f1ast'iin.g lights br Q~Hkn'ess a. 0 I personally observ:ed tliis:condlid. bo 0 0 Q., 0 <:;. 0 ,c. r·obse'r'ted de'tafn~e(s) in ,a .tond itlon'that led me to. believ~' thanhls conduct' had :6ccOrred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. others W~0 Dbserye;d t.~is' t;Ond.uc;t ~ e~c;rib~ It to rn,e. r bav~ relevant !nformatjon c1assifj~~ aQ<?v.e "S:EC~'\ OIGQ-004762 I I [!J [~f II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. ,46. Isofating 0 b. 0 c; 0 d. 0 e. 0 a. f: 0 c( detainee I perSonally ] for all extended -period observed this ~oJidoct. I obs~rv,,~d ,detaihee(s). in a cand'iUan that led me to that this: ci;fnduct ha.d dcturred. Detaine~,(s}toRI me that tliis'condlic~had ;occurred. mhef"5' who ,observed thls cond uct described it to hie. I have relevant information classified above "'SECRETl'" Lnever observed this'conduct nor heard abQut it from.someone.who did. :47:, Using dueUape to [estraln"gag:1 or pu nish a .d~tainee a:.' D I' p~erSQh'anY:'O:bserveq~hjs:cQnduc.t, b. 0 r ohse'rV,ed d,etaineJ:~(s) in :a~cotid ition that led me. to befjev~ that thiS' c,d'nduct' had :occur're'tL c. 0 Defaine~(s}told me that this, conduCt had ,occurred. d. 0 Others' who observed this condU,ct d!3s'Crlbed 'It to Ole. .e: 0 I have 'relevant information classified ab0ye "SECRET": f. !if I never' obset\led. this ,d>hduct n0r heard 'a bdut it'fr0m,someone who: aid. '4$,,, Ws!ng rapi<1 respon!?e team!? a,nd/or for~d eel! extract'!ot:1s I .: . 0 r p~r:sOr'laIiY'Qh~erve.d this cbn'duct, b.. 0 I ob'served d~taine.e(sJ In 'C3 'Cdnd ition that led me to believe that this to'nducr had pccurred. ! G. -0 Detaihee(s) told me that thiS: conduct had :occutr.ed. d, 0 ·Others: who :oo.sef\teo this i::6tid'uct des'c'tiOed it to' hi,e. e', 0 I haVe relevant In'forniatlbn tl~ssified above ':SECRET"'. a. If: 0' I neVer observed this :condlict nor heard about it from someone'• who did. , ,_ ........, •.• ___ .. , ___ . . . . . . . . . .____ ......... ' ... _"", __, _., • ..l .. _. " .... "~"A ~_ . . _ . ¥., ..,,,,,,,,...---- -;. 49. Using a military working dQ{} on or near 'atietaineM>ther tban during ,'detainee tral'1spprtation OIGQ-004763 r' I I . r I . , d~ , o II. personally observed thls,conduct. 0 c. 0 d. 0 ~. 0 b. I observed ·detainee(s) in a'.cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred. Detainee(s) told m.~ thi?- cqnc!gd t)aq 'OCCl,lf,Te9 •. bth¢1? VIlhq 'ob'sery~d this cO'n<:I1fC~ 9,es~.ribed It .~() me: I hav.e relevant inrorma~ion c1assifiepal1ove, ":S·EC~REfJj. .- f: 0 r n~v~r o,Qseryed. this ,tt>nd4~.t nor he,ard 'a [tout it from:sQmeon~ Whq !lid. ,50. Threatening to us~' mllltary w~rklng 90gs on or near a. detainee, a. q I. personally observed this conduGt. b. 0, I'observed detainee(s) In 'a'conditlon that led me to belleYe that this conauct haa :eceurred. €: o IDet~inee(sj tqld lJIe that this cond uct hpd :(jccurred~ <L 0 O\l1e q; wh9 'o!Jse,ry~C! this <;:0'1d,u~t <fe~cr!Qed it to me:. 0 I hi;lV~ :r~I~yalit Infqn:na:tll;jn c1c!,ss,ifleg Cj ~9Ve. "SEC~ET'!. e. f. 0" I n~ver ob?'s'<;onduc~ ncil" nepr~ :a.b9ulit . from: sQme9.11~·who did. , : ~1. Us1n9 'spltl~fs, .s(:orpibii's, :Snakes, 'pr other animal? on' .or Iie~:ir ~ .detalnee· a'. 0 r personaHY'obseNed b. o h:observed ·detdinee(s) in a conti ition'that led me. to believe that· this conduct had 'occurred. G. 0 d. this.eonduet. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. o !Others who observed (his conduct,descri~ed it to me; o II have relevant inform?ti9D ,c:lassi:fiec:j Bbove "S·EC.~Ef'!;~ e. f. 0 ~ n~ven::>J:>s,e~e«;l thiS 'cQnpjJ~t 'nor .h~r;q ~about. it ;'fn;up s9rneone, ~ho. di9.. 52. 'Thr¢at~nirig tQ use ~pider~, SCOflJiorl$; snClkes,_ or oth¢r animais' on 'a d~talne'~ a. 0 I persanaHy observed this,condud. b. 0 r observ.ed d~'tainee(s). ii:\.a ;eonditioh'thaf led me' to. believe tMtlhis conduCt had occurred. ·c, ,Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. d. 0 O~hers who ·o~serve.d t.f!i5 t;:t:l.n(l uc:t de~cri~ed it to r:ne.. o ~i 0 t ~ave relevant l'lJformation c1assifi~c; "S:ECREr'\ OIGQ-004764 If] I~f II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from 'someone who did. ,.53. .r)i~respectful stateme'nts; 'handling; Or:clcjit)li~ inv9lving the' Koran 0 1. per.sonal!y obserVed thiS. ,corldi:ict. b. 0 r ob-sehted ·detciinee(s} in'a c<)fjd itiQn that led tn~Uo believe that this conpu(::t hadoc¢urrect. ,c. 0 Detain~e.[s) 'told :tn.e that this tbnd"t.ic( had ,o.d::urred. d. 0 OtherS' who .Qbserved tills cond uctdescribed iUo me. e. 0- r have relevant information classified above "SECRET",. a~ f. 10 1. never observed this:cenduct nor heard abGut it from ,someone, who did. .54. Sh?lxing.a detain!==e"s, facial or other hairh~ er.n,bar.r~ss()r.humiliate,a detainee a-. o ~. 0 , II' p~erSQha.lly,obre-tv~q ~his,:C(:m~UC.t. II 6bse'r-ved t1.etaine.e(s) in:a ~corid ition that led 'me to believ.e that this conduct had o'ccurretL 'Z. 0 ~tajnee(s) told me that this cd!1duCt had ,occurred. d. o lathers' who obsenie'd this epnd u.ct described It to tne. ·e. D. ~ have 'relevarit information classified aboYe "S-I!CREr". 1 never' observ.ed. this 'conduct nor 'heard abo'ut. it from: someone who did. o II 55. P1adlJg a wo,rnan's G,fQtl1!ng 0.0 Sl detC?jne~, ~]r i>er.s9naliY,6p~~rve~r tlils,t6.nd.O.ct. .- lIj]!Jr bbse:r'ir~d de:talne,e.(~) In ,a c-o""'n":""(j'j-t-io-n-t-h-at'-,I-e:-d-m:-e-'-to-,-be-I.-Ie-OY-e-th-a-'t-t-h-'s-t-o-n.-du-et--,tiad-"-o-c-tu-r-re-ct-l,. c- c: 0 ~Detaj'nee(s) told me that this·cmxluCt had 'Q,Ccurr.ed. e: 0 11 have 'releva'nt loforriJatlon tlasslfled ab6~e ":SECRET" . ..56. TO!Jchinga detainee or a.ctjn~ toward a detainee 'in ,a' sexual manner OIGQ-004765 . . a, 0 I personally observed thls.conduct. b. 0 I-observed ·detainee(sJ in a 'condition that led me to" believe that this conduct had,occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) toJd we that thi~ cQndl,let ~ad 'ocqlrred. d. 0 bth~~ who 'ob'se~ "this 9Jtld.uci:,c;f:~qrped I~ to me, e. 0 r hav,e IOTOrroatioo dassifiep' f1Jl0ve. -relevant _. . - "SECRET.... . f. 0 rney~r obs'etve9 this ~nd4.d nor heard 'aQ.out it (rom s,,,-.:h9 .did. -- .51. Hold.lng detaln~(~) Who were, not offld:allY''Cll:knowledged ,or registered a:>- sut:.h by the'agency ,detaining the. person. . . q. 0 r, p!=!l?Ol1aIJYQb~lYeQ. this co~Quct. b. 0 I 'ofJserv~ · in:a 'C9~ i~.ion: that· led. me; tg: l?ellev!,! thi;l't'tbis, a;mduc~ had ()~taj.n~(~J tQI~ Jne t~aJ thrs:cp11dlJC,," 'Q'Q:urred.. ~, 0 "1:1. 0 Oth,ers- W.h9 qbse-.y~ thl~ ~ndu9t d~:l:rib¢d it tq m.e.. e; 0 -ha\l,e rereyan~ informa~jo.n c1Q$~ifled ab.CiYe. "5.ECfiET-". f. 0 Qc~r.r~. never oDSe~ed fhl$'c6,ntlut.t "for h!'2r.d :abbqt it from'·soliJ:e(:me. whQ did. 58. ;Se"f'lding'a detaioeeto another cO.untry fof rl'lOr'e.a9gr.essiY..e iriterr6!iatioh a. 0 r.per.~naJ.lY o·os.erved thl~.conduqt b; 0 I o.bse.rved ~etainee.(5) in ,a·cpnditi.oll that ied me lq b~llE;ve thqt"this condl,lct bail oq:urred._ <;:; 0 [l~~_;;lJ.nee(s) to.19 rn~ th~t-tt'lls. <::9nQuct ~?d O"C:(::,lJl:r:~, d, 0 gt!lers '('(no :ob~erq"e"d ·t.hl? ($:~Tlbed i~ i9 m~ e. 0 r have relevari~ lo(o.rrtJiltlon c1as"5ifjetl.a~bve, "SECRE:T~, f; 0 t. h~V~~ 9b~r\(ed this qjrtdtg:t opt 'hear~~bctu! it lT9ni"sQnJ¢9h~.WhO did. .59. Thr.eatenlrig to send a detainee' to another country for detention or more aggressIVe"1I1t'errbgatlOr'l . a. 0 r persop?l11y o.bserved ~tiis "~!1d.uq. b. 0 r;701?.seryed qet~l,f!e"e(s) In a:~qndltlpnth~ led J!le W bgllev.~.~h~~;thls coQduq <;. 0 Detaln~(~) !'Tle thqt this C9~uct b?ld "Qq:.urr~. d. 0 O~hers w~o o!;l~rveQ this CQ'rIdy(;:t · it; ,to me". . . -- -- had :occurred. .- ,. OIGQ-004766 . e. D [ ha\le relevant Information classified above '~SECRET~. f. 0 [ never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone whO' did. ;60•. Threatening to a. D ti.. I ta~e action's family pe:rsbr'lally:ob~rVed this-eonduc;t o II.obser.ved.delail'lee{s) in a conditiol'l th"at.led me-,to· believe.thanhis conduct hati·o.cdJitetl. c. D d. D e. D f, 0 'petainee(s)- told :me that thl~ condi..lct had .o.cCurte:d. lathers-who observed this l::dnduet d.escribed it to me. I, have relevant inlbrmation dassified aboye ~SEGRETil•. nBler"observed thls:conduct norhearLl aboutlt from someone who did. S-1..Q"thedreatrnent or actipn "tqusjng emotioflal or. psyehoJogical trauma to a d~tailJee .a. D I"perSonally observ'etl ttiis.tondU.ct. b. D I obserV:~.detainee(s) lr'i:a coRditio"n that led me to. belieVe that this. conduct c. D :Oetalnee.(s] told Itl~ thaftlils eO,ridU,ct had :O.ccurrea. d. D. 01her:swho "Observed this cendud deScribed if to me:· e. D r have·relevant information dassified above n,SECRET''.. f• 0 hai:l9C'c4i"re;i:l. I neYer'observed this>conduct nor heard about it from 'someone:who did, ..62.', Other ~eligiciU:S"or sexual harassment or nlJrnifiation ora detajnee: a. D II l1erSonally bbserved this .co:r'tdUf;t. b. D Ir oiiserv.:ecl ,detilihee{s). in .a 'cond ition that led me: to b~lieye .that. this GO'nduct (5: D Detaiile.(s) told :me tff.:jt this tbriduct liad .ottuned. d. D Others who observed thls conduct described It to aie, e. D II have relevant Information classified above. '·'SECREP'. f had .occurr.ed, o If never observed this'cohduct nor·heard :atioDt it nom SomeOne whb did. OIGQ-004767 6~. Qther'tJeatmelit of a ljetain~e ,that in -you"r bp.ihibn Was linprp.fes~ionai, unduly hats/:l or a~g.resslVel .coercive, abusive, .or uhlawflil Cl, o II: personany'observe~ b. 0 c. cl. thIs cqnd·uct. I:ob?€rved detainee($') if.1 a'colldition'thC'!t jed.m~ to- b~iieye that tpi~ C;9!lduq: had '-oGcurred .. o IOetain~(sJ tQlc! l1le thi3t this cooduct nad :oq:lJrred, o iOtl1ers who obsel"y~d 'ihl$' ~ond'\J:ct d~sc[lb~ It to' me. 0 f. 0 ~. I hpve releva'nt- jl1fcirmatiotl'$"sifte,rj ab.o~e "SECRET". r n· 9b~iv..ed this,.c6n.d1.!~t ripr 'h~r<t 'ab"Ql,)t ft from .sol1l~ne.wn9"dJd. _l§ji~_@l_": 'II , . J .. : . • . 64. Did you,obseiVe any. imperS6iiation of FBI pers.onoel bVany:6ne .during ali interview or interr6ga.tion ·of :a·delalh,ee? " :0 Yes. ,c;!:l N.o ;:my detalne~ o'r'other person tell you ,that he prsbe had. witi:'lessed, the Jrnper.sdnatloh ,of FBI personnel"in connection' with a detainee interv.iew. or interrogation'? 65. Did , '6.9' }\h::1 yo~ aw~re. of any "..!lham;' Qr ·staged~ .:bffhe·~..LS. Cong,ress.ortheir staff! O. Yes- .0 No, . 9.~tai.he~ fnt,ervi¢ws: or-"interr'99~tiQns ~9M!..Itt.e<:I tor M.em ber;s o-Yes G). No' ,67. Tb yo.ur Kh6wf~~re, .dld ,-any- mi'litary'Or lnteillgence 'per~onll~l e1J~r :d,eny or ddav fBJ :acces.$ to a d~tainee.the FBI Mfnt-ed to qu·estio.h because the:detairie.e· ha'd sustained injuries after he .Was captUred? Oves' (!) Nd . · .........,.., '. . .- . . . ' .. ;G~·. l!2id :Y9ufilve.r ~nQ y'0~lt· P!'!rticip'~~ipn iff ,or ob~erva.\io.rT 91 ~ d!?;t~lrJeg. r.ntervl~_w ~.r Interrp9?ltion Q~~JJ$e.of th~ ih~erview' 01' iilter'rgg'qt [on methods. b'eji;ig, .tiS¢d?, .~ '0 .r:~J 'fe$' .No' ., GSa. Briefly'desGribethe interview or interrogation methods. being used, and when· and. Wh~r~ 'this'9~curr~i inc!I, th~ n?im~s elf ~I ang/or non-F[?-I per.~onnel 1riYQivM. O:S/lOQ4 ~Q ,oai20P4 ,use"of )fi9eo' recQr~ ing Ir~q - Qlasslfle:l ~PQve ~ec;;re~ Other Personnel Involved Ot~~r milit~r.t·interviewer~,..~9ntra<;tOt:$ '11]9. !Non-FBrPerson; [jngi.ll~? OIGQ-004768 69, WeI-l<:YoJ,i ev~t:toJd'tbat ,anolhe:t FBlemploye.e 'ended his Of hetpartici~atioIl:morobservation.of; a 4etaine~fut~rvi~w or fu~err<igatiQh :besa,.\l~e;~fihe jnterv.iew -qr PiJ~~og~#.(jp., ir) p~ing l!$e'<f? y.~s ~'~o . o '70. Du.r,ing any. 'Qfyour 9v~rsea~,cjepl~y~en~sor a$s(g nmen!~i.' ~nc;! you. rep.ort any,con,cems regan:j 11:)9 a'IJY:d.etah~' ii)t~rvLet,(9r jnterr6Q:9.ti.9Jl p.l.P,dtce$, Q( ,plber tyP~$ 'Qf d,e,tain~~ tr.~~trnent" t~ an FBI ~uBetviS(fr? . , Q'Ye$: @ N.o Vl, Durin,g any. of y'0uroverseas deployments or assignments" aid you report any;concerns regarding, a,J;ly~~tqin~ interview in.terrggatiqn lm:i<;l;jces' qr 9,~IJer ~y.p~~,qf'cj¢~~II1~~.r:~9.trn~nt YW QbS~IY~d qr h~rd Cl~~l!t~ ~9 a n,on-F~l ~4P.!'!ryls'~r or p,~hE:!r Iinn.,FB,t p~r:sPrirrel? Or , Q' Ye'?~ ~'I\l(j ,. 72... Ha\,-eyou ~ev,er Been ordered or directed notto report, ,or,discouraged 'irf a'ny,wa'Y,'frbtTl repoitin~h o,b?ervqt\9n!;i'Or alfegatIqns relatep to detaine~ trea,tment or interview or interrogationadions.or jJ@~ic~?- qJY~~ ,0 f\l~' for rep.orting 'Qbs~i'V,a,tiQn,s:or ,alle9atiOiiS oh:letainee treatment or interview. or interrogation'actrons .or practices1 eYes' '0 No, '73~ Have, you ,ex'petienceoany ~ctual. or threatehed retalicilipn 74.. (Opt;cwal) pi~'ase: pro\tlde: any,adtllt\onal c,Q('(unent$' regarding th'e reportlr'igof c'oncerns. related ,to interView/or interr6g~tiPn.techniques, defe'ntion ,ph3ctices( .orZo'therdetainee treatment.. ,I l-:~'~~_· 75', Were'you debrfefed r 0the~,.tha,n lhe<standard ~ebrien~ FD-712~.c<?naernlng'your~o,ver~as as~ig,nment(s) or'deployment(s} aft~r'you ~ompl~ted the ,d~ploymt:;:nt(s) qr a,s,?ignmen,t($')? O'y~s ~'Nq, , 79. Additional Comments a'nd R¢cdn:imendaiibr'ls,: ,_ 1 feel the FBI,'alO'ng wlthAgerits from the UrHtea States:Customs'~-SerV1te'(ri0w ICE;uhd'er DHS') and other Federal US 'Governmental Law Enforcement Agencies acted in a professional manfler and an knew that they were subjecttq th~ safn~ l~ws,~o9 ,cqcjes·,of GonO,u'c;t that lhe'1'1'm~ in -the,L)s, FQUqwiog' t~e, Abl) :G,~qriQ ~'cahd.~I( eV~'IYQ1:l~ has ~~QJl)e pltrc! .~Qgl)izaCitQf ~my Interv:LeYi/j(ll:errqgafionte~hl)iqu~ thSlt i,$ :US~d(JNhicli is good In cases,that lIwolve physl~1 pnd.mentell-abuse',and lo,rture, (;;h I Qid I)'ot'see]. On the fiip, sjde, :tfiis has been taken to an extreme and has be<s6me.'a detraction' becaUse the m.ilitary :cj'nd othEJr'Gov~ 'agencies ~re barred from doil)g things that vye ,<la' to 0!1f'Own sQldiers'~,unngarwsl;RE ~ exer~ise; puring my time' ill Iraq, I was assigned to'som.e highly classified Lfnits}'dutf~s; and installations' ,aM d,uril:i'g :ali of jt I h~V~ nqt q¢~nanythlh:g 'that I fe~1 W6,l,ild ~a,mount td tlie FBI opf;!r'Iing ~iiy'typ,e oftiYII '.rights.:case, if it were to: happen in the United States. furthermore, :the use 6f deception 'ana, mfsleadiJig statements durIng interviews'are used dally by law enforcementagencies tnrou,ghout the US. Whqt m'riny ihd ivid!Jc)l$ WhQ hpv~ 'np~ b!=¢n' (I) the, plqtes ~n~ PO$itiqnswe h~:V¢()dQ Ml u n~~r:$ta nd is that the d¢talnees that the FBI ~(ld others are interVlew.lng ,ar.e highly ,trcjln~d Itl the US~ oftOQ:hter 'int~rt0gati0n, deception and mIsinformation. All Agents that.'ar,e:jn Iraq should already know, that (hiring there'time there tha~ they eannot do,anyth(ng thatwecan'~ ~nd would tl't:do i,n the us. n~f the FBI c;md other LEA's Iraq acted' professionally' and 'fu lIy, within' th~:constltuHon 9l the Uri,ited :St~te,s, within theIr 'In OIGQ-004769 glv~n age!.l'=I!,!~ PQ!!cles and within the Geneva tpnv~!1tIOfT cOIlcernlro the ryles of war~ Thgnk y~:ru fQrYOl.jr-CQOper.-9tfon' in ·GPmpl~ting· thls;.ques:tionnpire OIGQ-004770