Ariz Doc Operating Per Capita Cost Report Fy2009
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ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Charles L. Ryan, Director FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report Cost Identification and Comparison of State and Private Contract Beds Prepared By: Bureau of Planning, Budget and Research Date Prepared: February 11, 2010 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (ADC) FY 2009 PRISON FACILITIES PRIVATE CONTRACT PRISONS STATE PRISON COMPLEXES ASPC-Douglas ASPC-Eyman ASPC-Florence ASPC-Lewis ASPC-Perryville ASPC-Phoenix ASPC-Safford ASPC-Tucson ASPC-Winslow ASPC-Yuma In-State Contract Prisons Out-of-State Contract Prisons/Provisional Beds CACF (Florence) [GEO] Florence West RTC [GEO] Florence West DWI [GEO] Phoenix West DWI [GEO] Marana [MTC] Kingman [MTC] Navajo County Jail Huerfano (Walsenburg, CO) [CCA] Diamondback (Watonga, OK) [CCA] Great Plains (Hinton, OK) [Cornell] TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I State and Private Contract Prison Cost Comparison 1 This section provides cost comparisons between state operated prison complexes and contracted prison beds for minimum and medium custody inmates. Comparison Scenario's of State and Contract Prisons………………………………………………………………………………… 2 State and Contract Prison Cost Comparison - Minimum Custody……………………………………………………………………… 3 State and Contract Prison Cost Comparison - Medium Custody……………………………………………………………………… 5 Section II Inmate Management Functions This section identifies inmate management functions that are provided by and paid for by the state but are not provided by the private contractors. This inequity increases the state per capita cost which in comparison, artificially lowers the private bed cost. 7 This section also identifies medical and other contractual criteria used by private contractors in accepting inmates. Inmate Management Functions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Contract Medical, Mental Health and Dental Criteria for Inmate Acceptance………………………………………………………… 13 Contract Inmate Other Exclusions/Placement Criteria……………………………………………………………………………………15 Section III Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Per Capita Costs 17 This section provides the methodology, summaries and detailed expenditure information used in the development of the FY 2009 Per Capita cost calculations. Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Indirect Cost Allocation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Expenditure Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Adjustments for Cost Comparison………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 State Prison Expenditures by Prison Unit………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 State Prison Minimum Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………… 25 State Prison Medium Custody Unit Expenditures…………………………………………………………………………………………26 State Prison Close Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………………27 State Prison Maximum Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………… 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section IV Historical Costs 29 This section provides the history of reported costs for state, contract, jail and community supervision offender management. State Prisons and Out-of-State Contract Prison Beds……………………………………………………………………………………30 In-State Contract Prison Beds and County Jails Pending Intake to State Custody……………………………………………………31 Adult Parole and Home Arrest………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32 Community Supervision and Lease Purchase Payments……………………………………………………………………………… 33 State Prisons by Custody Level…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 SECTION I Section I State and Private Contract Prison Cost Comparison This section provides cost comparisons between state operated prison complexes and contracted prison beds for minimum and medium custody inmates. Comparison Scenario's of State and Contract Prisons………………………………………………………………………………… 2 State and Contract Prison Cost Comparison - Minimum Custody……………………………………………………………………… 3 State and Contract Prison Cost Comparison - Medium Custody……………………………………………………………………… 5 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 1 COST COMPARISON SCENARIO'S OF STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON BEDS The following four scenarios have been developed to provide options for better cost comparisons between state prisons and privately operated contract prison beds. Per Capita Cost - Scenario I This scenario uses the total FY 2009 13th month expenditures and the administrative adjustment expenditures as reported in the State of Arizona Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) through October 29, 2009, to establish baseline costs prior to adjustments for cost and functions comparisons. Per Capita Cost - Scenario II Inmate health care costs are identified and excluded due to the limitations imposed by the private contractors concerning inmates physical and mental health per "Contract Criteria" detailed in Section II of this report. This adjustment is needed because unlike the private contractors, the ADC is required to provide medical and mental health services to inmates regardless of the severity of their condition(s). This scenario carries forward the Scenario I Total Per Capita expenses and deducts the medical expense factor of $11.93 per inmate per day for state prisons. (Section III identifies the methodology and data used to calculate this factor which was developed by dividing the total expense for inmate health care by the Average Daily Population (ADP) and then by 365 days). The factor includes state inmate related health care expenses plus those paid on behalf of inmates in private contract beds whose medical costs exceed contractual caps or the inmate is returned to state prisons due to an increase of their medical scores that exceeds contractual exclusions as identified in Section II. The medical expense factor for in-state contract prisons is a weighted average developed using the individual contract fee schedules. Since the contractual inmate cost per day does not identify the medical component of the per diem rate for inmates housed in Oklahoma, these contracts are not included in the cost comparison. Inmates housed in Colorado are not considered in the comparison because the facility was open for less than three months during FY 2009. Per Capita Cost - Scenario III This scenario carries forward the calculations provided in Scenario II and includes, where identifiable, an additional expenditure adjustment for functions provided by state prisons that are not provided by contract prisons. Six functions with identified costs which have been excluded are: inmate discharge payments, inmate transportation, kennels - security dogs, reception other, wildland fire crews and WIPP. The "Function Comparison" list detailed in Section II of this report identifies many activities for which the associated costs were not able to be identified or excluded. Per Capita Cost - Scenario IV Scenario IV carries forward the calculations provided in Scenario III. For a better comparison, depreciation of state prison buildings are added as an expense to the daily prison bed costs since contract bed providers include the costs of financing and depreciation in their daily per diem rates. (Source of depreciation is the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) DAFR9350 report for FY 2009) ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 2 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON COST COMPARISON DAILY PER CAPITA COST SCENARIOS MINIMUM CUSTODY Description Per Capita Cost - Scenario I 13th Month Total Expenditures Administrative Adjustments Scenario I Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario II Scenario I Total Per Capita Less Medical Expense Factor Scenario II Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario III Scenario I Total Per Capita Scenario II Medical Expense Factor Adjustments for Functions Provided by State not Contract Prisons Scenario III Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario IV Scenario I Total Per Capita Scenario II Medical Expense Factor Scenario III Adjustments for Functions Provided by State not Contract Prisons Depreciation - State Operated Prison Beds Scenario IV Total Per Capita ADP MINIMUM CUSTODY STATE BEDS DAILY PER TOTAL COSTS CAPITA COST $ 8,896 190,819,584 115,644 190,935,228 8,896 190,935,228 (38,747,451) 152,187,777 58.80 (11.93) 46.87 190,935,228 (38,747,451) 58.80 (11.93) (967,544) 151,220,233 (0.30) 46.57 190,935,228 (38,747,451) 58.80 (11.93) (967,544) 779,290 151,999,523 (0.30) 0.24 46.81 (1) 8,896 8,896 $ $ $ 58.77 0.04 58.80 MINIMUM CUSTODY IN-STATE CONTRACT BEDS DAILY PER ADP TOTAL COSTS CAPITA COST $ 3,115 59,854,756 2,426,496 62,281,252 3,115 62,281,252 (8,682,544) 53,598,708 54.78 (7.64) 47.14 62,281,252 (8,682,544) 54.78 (7.64) 53,598,708 47.14 62,281,252 (8,682,544) 54.78 (7.64) 3,115 $ 53,598,708 $ $ 52.64 2.13 54.78 47.14 (1) As of 10/29/09 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 3 COST COMPARISON SCENARIO'S OF STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON BEDS The following four scenarios have been developed to provide options for better cost comparisons between state prisons and privately operated contract prison beds. Per Capita Cost - Scenario I This scenario uses the total FY 2009 13th month expenditures and the administrative adjustment expenditures as reported in the State of Arizona Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) through October 29, 2009, to establish baseline costs prior to adjustments for cost and functions comparisons. Per Capita Cost - Scenario II Inmate health care costs are identified and excluded due to the limitations imposed by the private contractors concerning inmates physical and mental health per "Contract Criteria" detailed in Section II of this report. This adjustment is needed because unlike the private contractors, the ADC is required to provide medical and mental health services to inmates regardless of the severity of their condition(s). This scenario carries forward the Scenario I Total Per Capita expenses and deducts the medical expense factor of $11.93 per inmate per day for state prisons. (Section III identifies the methodology and data used to calculate this factor which was developed by dividing the total expense for inmate health care by the Average Daily Population (ADP) and then by 365 days). The factor includes state inmate related health care expenses plus those paid on behalf of inmates in private contract beds whose medical costs exceed contractual caps or the inmate is returned to state prisons due to an increase of their medical scores that exceeds contractual exclusions as identified in Section II. The medical expense factor for in-state contract prisons is a weighted average developed using the individual contract fee schedules. Since the contractual inmate cost per day does not identify the medical component of the per diem rate for inmates housed in Oklahoma, these contracts are not included in the cost comparison. Inmates housed in Colorado are not considered in the comparison because the facility was open for less than three months during FY 2009. Per Capita Cost - Scenario III This scenario carries forward the calculations provided in Scenario II and includes, where identifiable, an additional expenditure adjustment for functions provided by state prisons that are not provided by contract prisons. Six functions with identified costs which have been excluded are: inmate discharge payments, inmate transportation, kennels - security dogs, reception other, wildland fire crews and WIPP. The "Function Comparison" list detailed in Section II of this report identifies many activities for which the associated costs were not able to be identified or excluded. Per Capita Cost - Scenario IV Scenario IV carries forward the calculations provided in Scenario III. For a better comparison, depreciation of state prison buildings are added as an expense to the daily prison bed costs since contract bed providers include the costs of financing and depreciation in their daily per diem rates. (Source of depreciation is the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) DAFR9350 report for FY 2009) ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 4 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON COST COMPARISON DAILY PER CAPITA COST SCENARIOS MEDIUM CUSTODY Description Per Capita Cost - Scenario I 13th Month Total Expenditures Administrative Adjustments Scenario I Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario II Scenario I Total Per Capita Less Medical Expense Factor Scenario II Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario III Scenario I Total Per Capita Scenario II Medical Expense Factor Adjustments for Functions Provided by State not Contract Prisons Scenario III Total Per Capita Per Capita Cost - Scenario IV Scenario I Total Per Capita Scenario II Medical Expense Factor Scenario III Adjustments for Functions Provided by State not Contract Prisons Depreciation - State Operated Prison Beds Scenario IV Total Per Capita ADP MEDIUM CUSTODY STATE BEDS DAILY PER TOTAL COSTS CAPITA COST $ (1) 11,297 11,297 11,297 11,297 $ 249,347,332 146,856 249,494,188 $ 60.47 0.04 60.51 249,494,188 (49,205,256) 200,288,931.31 60.51 (11.93) 48.57 249,494,188 (49,205,256.24) 60.51 (11.93) (2,846,902) 197,442,029 (0.69) 47.88 249,494,188 (49,205,256) 60.51 (11.93) (2,846,902) 989,617 197,442,029 (0.69) 0.24 47.88 $ MEDIUM CUSTODY IN-STATE CONTRACT BEDS DAILY PER ADP TOTAL COSTS CAPITA COST $ 1,181 1,181 1,181 $ 27,382,471 27,382,471 $ 63.52 63.52 27,382,471 (3,291,841) 24,090,629.89 63.52 (7.64) 55.89 27,382,471 (3,291,840.73) 63.52 (7.64) 24,090,630 55.89 27,382,471 (3,291,841) 63.52 (7.64) 24,090,630 $ 55.89 (1) As of 10/29/09 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 6 SECTION II Section II Inmate Management Functions This section identifies inmate management functions that are provided by and paid for by the state but are not provided by the private contractors. This inequity increases the state per capita cost which in comparison, artificially lowers the private bed cost. This section also identifies medical and other contractual criteria used by private contractors in accepting inmates. - Functions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Acceptance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 8 13 15 7 INMATE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS The following two pages contain a comprehensive list of functions required to run a prison system. Each listed function has a "yes" or "no" to indicate whether it is provided by the state and/or contract bed providers. - Six functions have identified costs that have been included in the cost adjustments for comparison between state and contract minimum and medium custody inmates in Section I. - The costs associated with the remaining functions were not able to be identified separately. This results in these costs being included in the overall expense of inmate management for both state and private contract bed providers as applicable. However, as noted, the state pays for and provides a majority of the inmate management functions which the private contract vendors do not. As a result, the "real" costs for private contract beds are understated in comparison to the reported costs for state beds. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 8 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INMATE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON FUNCTION COMPARISON INMATE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Functions with identified costs used for adjustments for cost comparison: - Inmate Discharge Payments - Intra-Prison Transportation - Medical, Dental and Mental Health Treatment - Reception and Classification - Kennels - Security Dogs - Work Incentive Pay Programs Functions with unidentified costs: - Background Checks on all ADC and Private Prisons Staff, Vendors, Contractors and Visitors - Close and Maximum Custody Inmates - Community Supervision - Constituent Services/Inmate Family and Friends - Coordination with County Attorneys under Arizona's Sexually Violent Persons Statutes - Criminal Aliens Processing with ICE - Death Row - Detention Determinations - Discharge Processing, Payments and Home Release Programs - Discipline Determinations - "Do Not House With" Determinations - Earned Incentive Program - Education Programs - Emergency Escorted Visits - Fugitive Apprehension - Hard Labor and Programming Requirements Compliance - Inmate Property and Store - Inmate Records, including Health Records ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report STATE PRISONS IS THE FUNCTION PROVIDED BY: IN-STATE OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACT CONTRACT PRISONS Diamondback Great Plains PRISONS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes (1) (2) No No Yes No No No (1) (2) (3) No No Yes No No No (1) (2) (3) 9 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INMATE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS STATE AND CONTRACT PRISON FUNCTION COMPARISON INMATE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS (Continued) - Inmate Trust Accounts Interstate Compact Investigations Mail Inspection Minors Protective Segregation Determinations Reclassification and Movement Religious Services Restitution Return of Eligible Foreign Born Inmates to Home Country Revocation Hearings Sex Offender Notification and DNA Testing Sex Offender Treatment Programs Special Education Services up to age 22 Substance Abuse Programs Time Computation/Release Dates and Credits Calculations Transportation of Inmates to Court Appearances Victim Services Visitation and Visitor Background Checks Volunteer Services Warrants and Due Process Hearings for Executive Clemency Work Programs STATE PRISONS IS THE FUNCTION PROVIDED BY: IN-STATE OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACT CONTRACT PRISONS Diamondback Great Plains PRISONS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes/No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes (4) Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes (1) Medical, dental and mental health treatment is provided but to a healthier inmate population based upon contractual criteria resulting in lower overall medical costs. (See Section II for criteria detail). (2) Detention determinations are made in consultation with and approval by ADC contract monitor staff. (3) Contract prisons do not run the Earned Incentive Program to the same extent as state prisons. (4) Sex offender treatment provided by CACF only. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 11 CRITERIA USED BY IN-STATE AND OUT-OF-STATE PRISON CONTRACTORS IN PROVIDING MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND DENTAL TREATMENT SERVICES MEDICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH SCORES DEFINITIONS Exclusion criteria for medical, mental health and dental services are identified for each contract vendor on the following page. Medical and mental health scores are defined as: Medical (M) M-5 Severely limited physical capacity and stamina; requires assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs); requires housing in inpatient or assisted living area. M-4 Limited physical capacity and stamina; severe physical illness or chronic condition. M-3 Restricted physical capacity; requires special housing or reasonable accommodations. M-2 Sustained physical capacity consistent with age; stable physical illness or chronic condition; no special requirements. M-1 Maximum sustained physical capacity consistent with age; no special requirements. Mental Health (MH) MH-5 Acute Need - Requires placement in a licensed behavioral health treatment facility to receive intensive psychological and psychiatric services. Offender has a recognized need for psychiatric monitoring. Offender has a recognized acute need for mental health treatment and supervision. MH-4 High Need - Offender requires specialized placements in a mental health program which provides a highly structured setting and/or has intensive psychological and psychiatric staffing and services. Offender has a recognized need for psychiatric monitoring. Offender has a recognized need for intensive mental health treatment and/or supervision. MH-3 Moderate to High Need - Offender requires placement that has regular, full-time psychological and psychiatric staffing and services. Offender has a recognized need, or, there exists current need for MH treatment and/or supervision. or: Moderate Need - Offender requires placement that has regular, full-time psychological and psychiatric staffing and services. Offender has a recognized need, or, there exists a routine need for MH treatment and/or supervision. MH-2 Low Need - Offender does not require placement in a facility that has regular, full-time psychological and psychiatric staffing and services on site. Offender has a history of mental health problems or treatment, but has no current recognized need for psychotropic medication, MH-1 No Need - Offender does not require placement in a facility that has regular, full-time psychological and psychiatric staffing and services on site. Offender has no known history of mental health problems or treatment. Offender has no recognized need for psychotropic medication, psychiatric monitoring, or psychological counseling or therapy. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 12 CONTRACT CRITERIA CRITERIA USED BY IN-STATE AND OUT-OF-STATE PRISON CONTRACTORS IN PROVIDING MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND DENTAL TREATMENT SERVICES Description Inmate Capacity Health Services Provider CACF (Florence) 1,200 PNA Location Florence, AZ M-4 Medical (M) Score Mental Health (MH) Score Nursing Hours Medical Staffing On-site Dental MH-3 24/7 Physician & Mid-Level Provider Full Mental Health Staffing Psychologist Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI) Stable only Psychiatry Yes 3 beds Medical Observation Beds ADC Formulary Hospital Primary MIHS or SMH Hospital Secondary Lab X-ray Pharmacy Services Insulin Dependent Diabetics ADA High Cost Accreditation Unit Dose Medications Chronic Conditions Corridor Facility Status Diamondback Florence West (Watonga, OK) DUI Florence West RTC Great Plains (Hinton, OK) Huerfano (Walsenburg, CO) Kingman Marana 2,162 CCA 500 PNA 250 PNA 2,000 Cornell 752 CCA 1,506 PNA 506 MTC 48 County 500 PNA Watonga, OK M-3 Florence, AZ M-4 Florence, AZ M-3 Hinton, OK M-3 Walsenburg, CO M-3 Kingman, AZ M-3 Holbrook, AZ M-3 Phoenix, AZ M-4 MH-3 24/7 Physician & Physician & Mid- Mid-Level Provider Level Provider MH-3 24/7 Physician & Mid-Level Provider MH-3 24/7 Physician & Mid-Level Provider MH-3 24/7 MH-2 24/7 MH-3 24/7 Physician & MidLevel Provider MH-3 24/7 Physician & Mid-Level Provider Marana, AZ M-3 MH-2 (MH-3 w/approval) 24/7 Physician & MidLevel Provider Stable only Yes None PNA MH-3 24/7 Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist ASPCWinslow Extractions only Crisis intervention None Yes 4 beds CCA Watonga Memorial Hospital Stable only Yes None ADC None Yes None ADC None Yes 7 beds ADC Stable only Yes 5 beds ADC Stable only Yes None ADC None No 3 beds Non-ADC Parkview Hospital None Yes 3 beds CCA Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center Kingman Regional SMH MIHS or SMH MIHS or SMH Physician As above Contract On-site CorrectRx On referral Contract On-site Diamond As above Contract On-site CorrectRx As above Contract On-site CorrectRx On referral Contract On-site CorrectRx On referral Contract On-site Diamond MIHS Contract On-site CorrectRx SMH Contract On-site CorrectRx Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Full No cap NCCHC Yes No wheelchairs $15,000 cap ACA Yes Population cap of 10% but no insulin (IDDM) No Full No cap None Yes Full No cap None Yes No No wheelchairs No cap None Yes No wheelchairs No cap ACA Yes Full No cap NCCHC Yes None Yes All but no insulin (IDDM) No All but no insulin (IDDM) No All No All Yes Navajo County Jail Phoenix West All Yes Winslow, AZ hospital Flagstaff, AZ hospital ASPC-W ASPC-W ASPC-W (1) (1) Full Psychologist MIHS MIHS Contract On-site CorrectRx Full $10,000 cap ACA Yes No No wheelchairs ADC full pay None Yes Yes Full $10,000 cap ACA Yes All Yes None No All Yes (2) (1) When M and MH scores are exceeded, ADC pays for services until medical stability is achieved and the inmates are returned to ADC. (2) In contracts where "No cap" is identified but medical costs become excessive, ADC accepts the return of inmates on a case by case basis. Rev. 07/2009 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 13 OTHER EXCLUSIONS / PLACEMENT CRITERIA BEYOND MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND DENTAL EXCLUSIONS The following two pages identify the criteria used by the private contract vendors in the acceptance of ADC inmates. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 14 OTHER EXCLUSIONS / PLACEMENT CRITERIA BEYOND MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND DENTAL EXCLUSIONS Diamondback (Watonga, OK) [CCA] - Same criteria as Great Plains, but must be Foreign (Mexican) Nationals only Florence West DWI [GEO] - No offender with a higher than minimum custody level Florence West RTC [GEO] - The last custody level and internal risk score assigned to the offender prior to the most recent release must be no higher than minimum - No offenders who are returned to custody with new conviction(s), or active warrants or an active detainer for tried/untried felonies Great Plains (Hinton, OK) [Cornell] - No Murder 1 convictions - No offender with a disciplinary violation or court conviction of escape from a secure perimeter - No sex offenders - No "Do Not House With" offenders - No offenders in need of Special Education (SPED) - No offenders with a pattern of violence which is described as multiple disciplinary or court convictions for fighting within a ten year period - Certain offenders suspected of STG affiliation - No offender with a disciplinary conviction for rioting, staff assault or assault on another offender (with or without weapon) Kingman [MTC] - No offender with a higher than minimum custody level - Substance Abuse score or one or more and/or and AZSAHI score of two or three - Mexican nationals ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 15 OTHER EXCLUSIONS / PLACEMENT CRITERIA BEYOND MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND DENTAL EXCLUSIONS Marana [MTC] - No offender with a higher than minimum custody level - No alcohol/drug abuse treatment scores lower than A/D-2 - No offenders who have a history of, or current convictions for, felony Class 2 or 3 property offenses with specific exclusions - No offenders with a history of felony convictions for violent offenses involving threat of violence or actual violence - No offenders with a history of sex offense arrests or convictions, or child related offenses (unless a conviction for child neglect as a result of the offenders substance abuse problem - No offenders with more than five years remaining prior to the earliest possible release date - No offenders with pending disciplinary actions or history of validated Security Threat Group (STG) involvement Navajo County Jail - Minimum or medium custody only - Offenders within one year of release whenever possible - No more than five years to serve Phoenix West DWI [GEO] - No offender with a higher than minimum custody level - No offenders with sex offense status code of A, B, C or D ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 16 SECTION III Section III FY 2009 Per Capita Costs This section provides the methodology, summaries and detailed expenditure information used in the development of the FY 2009 Per Capita cost calculations. Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Indirect Cost Allocation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Expenditure Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Adjustments for Cost Comparison………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 State Prison Expenditures by Prison Unit………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 State Prison Minimum Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………… 25 State Prison Medium Custody Unit Expenditures…………………………………………………………………………………………26 State Prison Close Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………………27 State Prison Maximum Custody Unit Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………………… 28 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 17 METHODOLOGY UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA: This "Operating Per Capita Cost Report" provides the average daily cost incurred by the ADC to incarcerate inmates within the state operated prisons, and in- and out-of-state contract prison beds, and to monitor parolees through community supervision. The report includes all ADC costs, not just housing related costs. The report provides information on the Average Daily Population (ADP) of all inmates sentenced to the ADC housed within the state and contract prison beds and parolees in community supervision. The ADP is developed using both inside and outside inmate counts obtained from the ADC's daily "Institutional Capacity & Committed Population" reports. The ADP for FY 2009 has been developed based on 365 days. The FY 2009 began on July 1, 2008 and ended on June 30, 2009. Financial information contained in this report was obtained from the ADC's expenditure data as reported in the State of Arizona Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) for 13th month expenditures (the state's accounting system's technical end of the FY) and the administrative adjustment expenditures through October 29, 2009. Actual direct and allocated expenses are identified for all state prison units, contract prison bed units and community supervision. Expenditures that are not assigned directly to prison units through the USAS, such as operations support, are analyzed and allocated to prison units as either direct or indirect expenditures. The allocation methodology is outlined on the following page. Expenses for facilities that were open for only a portion of the fiscal year, one-time expenses, non-prison related expenses and highly specialized functions are identified separately. The following six expenditures have been excluded from allocation to state prisons, contract prison beds and community supervision. - - Lease purchase payments for 1,000 prison beds ($3,189,200.00) and Apache County ($1,041,049.96) One-time costs for capital equipment ($1,474,092.77) and an accounting adjustment for prior year expenses ($103,239.28) Arizona State Prison Complex (ASPC) Phoenix ($36,891,059.36) expenses include specialized mental health units (Aspen, Flamenco and BWard), and Inmate Worker, Globe and the Alhambra Reception units. These costs could not be accurately separated due to the accounting structure in place at that time. ASPC-Tucson Saint Mary's Unit ($2,124,294.09) which is a secured hospital unit in a public hospital ASPC-Tucson Echo Unit ($1,801,790.95) which closed in August 2008 Payments for private contract prison beds in Colorado which opened in April 2009 ($3,029,551.07) ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 18 METHODOLOGY (Continued) "UNADJUSTED" AND "ADJUSTED" PER CAPITA COST IDENTIFICATION This Operating Per Capita Cost Report now includes additional calculations for a more accurate cost comparison between state operated and instate contract prison beds than has been provided in previous reports. The following pages provide costs at an "Unadjusted Daily Per Capita" and an "Adjusted Daily Per Capita" at summary prison and detail prison unit levels. - UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA: The "Unadjusted Daily Per Capita" is based on 13th month actual expenditures plus administrative adjustments as of October 29, 2009, with standard reductions as identified on the previous page in this section. - ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA: Inmate health care costs are not included due to the limitations imposed by the private contractors concerning inmates physical and mental health per "Contract Criteria" previously detailed in Section II. This adjustment is needed because unlike the private contractors, the ADC is required to provide medical and mental health services to inmates regardless of the severity of their condition(s). Where identifiable an additional expenditure adjustment is made for functions provided by state prisons that are not provided by contract prisons. Six functions with identified costs which have been excluded are: inmate discharge payments, inmate transportation, kennels security dogs, reception other, wildland fire crews and WIPP. The "Function Comparison" list previously detailed in Section II of this report identifies many activities for which the associated costs were not able to be identified or excluded. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 19 23B APPROPRIATED FUNDS INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION OPERATIONS SUPPORT EXPENSES ALLOCATED TO: COST ALLOCATION METHOD STATE PRISONS COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CONTRACT PRISON BEDS Office of the Director ADP Yes Yes Yes Inspector General ADP Yes Yes Yes Health Services Oversight ADP Yes No Yes Volunteer and Religious Services Oversight ADP Yes No No Radio Communications ADP Yes No No Offender Operations Oversight ADP Yes Yes Yes Contract Prison Monitoring ADP No No Yes County Jails (pending intake) ADP Yes Yes Yes Program Services Oversight ADP Yes No No Vehicles Yes Yes Yes Engineering and Facilities ADP Yes No No Human Services FTE Yes Yes Yes Other Administrative Services ADP Yes Yes Yes Planning, Budget and Research ADP Yes Yes Yes Staff Training FTE Yes Yes Yes Correctional Officer Training ADP Yes No No INDIRECT OPERATIONS SUPPORT EXPENSES Support Services: Vehicle Fleet FTE = Full Time Equivalent Position ADP = Average Daily Population ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 20 24B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ANNUAL PER CAPITA OPERATIONS STATE PRISONS ASPC-Douglas ASPC-Eyman ASPC-Florence ASPC-Lewis ASPC-Perryville ASPC-Safford ASPC-Tucson ASPC-Winslow ASPC-Yuma TOTAL STATE PRISONS CONTRACT PRISONS & JAILS IN-STATE CONTRACTS: CACF Florence West Kingman Marana Phoenix West TOTAL IN-STATE CONTRACTS OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACTS: Diamondback Great Plains TOTAL OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACTS CONTRACT JAIL BEDS: Navajo County Jail TOTAL CONTRACT JAIL BEDS TOTAL CONTRACT PRISONS & JAILS COMMUNITY SUPERVISION TOTAL COMMUNITY SUPERVISION EXCLUDED: Accounting Adjustments Lease Purchase Payments One-Time Costs Partial Year and Specialized Units: ASPC-Phoenix ASPC-Tucson St. Mary's Unit ASPC-Tucson Echo Unit Out-of-State Contract - Huerfano TOTAL EXCLUDED GRAND TOTAL (1) (2) (3) (4) Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT 2,465 4,902 4,022 5,240 3,754 1,844 3,892 1,801 2,446 30,366 $ 44,075,170 105,671,179 75,552,207 96,154,970 60,156,635 29,451,800 86,241,380 36,160,495 43,394,515 576,858,350 Med Min Min Min Min 1,181 717 1,462 456 480 4,296 Med Med Min All COMPLEX DIRECT $ TOTAL DIRECT 8,961,512 12,047,184 17,041,121 15,330,433 15,795,776 5,754,616 15,966,959 7,244,246 10,768,105 108,909,951 $ 53,036,681 117,718,362 92,593,328 111,485,403 75,952,410 35,206,416 102,208,339 43,404,741 54,162,620 685,768,301 26,089,133 12,592,607 29,897,537 8,139,190 7,883,029 84,601,497 398,560 312,699 629,334 248,628 215,811 1,805,032 2,157 1,657 3,814 47,304,599 33,737,937 81,042,536 43 43 8,153 6,761 6,761 TOTAL INDIRECT $ TOTAL EXPENSE DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 2,771,017 5,557,060 4,522,780 5,829,988 4,154,446 2,039,915 4,553,558 2,062,766 2,763,902 34,255,433 55,807,698 123,275,423 97,116,109 117,315,391 80,106,857 37,246,331 106,761,896 45,467,507 56,926,522 720,023,734 $ 21,515.90 24,014.35 23,021.71 21,275.84 20,232.39 19,092.42 26,261.14 24,100.36 22,143.34 22,583.43 $ 1,124.14 1,133.63 1,124.51 1,112.59 1,106.67 1,106.24 1,169.98 1,145.34 1,129.97 1,128.09 $ 22,640.04 25,147.99 24,146.22 22,388.43 21,339.07 20,198.66 27,431.11 25,245.70 23,273.31 23,711.51 26,487,693 12,905,306 30,526,872 8,387,817 8,098,841 86,406,529 894,778 543,728 1,108,007 346,262 364,420 3,257,194 27,382,471 13,449,034 31,634,879 8,734,079 8,463,260 89,663,723 22,428.19 17,999.03 20,880.21 18,394.34 16,872.59 20,113.25 757.64 758.34 757.87 759.35 759.21 758.19 281,153 201,939 483,092 47,585,752 33,939,877 81,525,628 1,633,510 1,255,223 2,888,733 49,219,261 35,195,100 84,414,361 22,061.08 20,482.73 21,375.36 790,264 790,264 166,434,297 18,369 18,369 2,306,493 808,633 808,633 168,740,789 32,533 32,533 6,178,459 841,165 841,165 174,919,249 15,500,437 15,500,437 39,506 39,506 15,539,944 15,539,944 4,158,014 4,158,014 19,697,958 19,697,958 ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ 62.03 $ 68.90 66.15 61.34 58.46 55.34 75.15 69.17 63.76 64.96 (1) 51.42 56.18 53.96 49.01 44.51 44.23 59.57 57.42 52.38 52.30 23,185.83 18,757.37 21,638.08 19,153.68 17,631.79 20,871.44 63.52 51.39 59.28 52.48 48.31 57.18 (1) $ 54.92 43.26 53.23 49.84 41.73 49.55 757.31 757.53 757.40 22,818.39 21,240.25 22,132.76 62.52 58.19 60.64 (1) 18,805.41 18,805.41 20,696.77 756.57 756.57 757.81 19,561.98 19,561.98 21,454.59 53.59 (1) 53.59 58.78 (1) 2,298.47 2,298.47 615.00 615.00 2,913.47 2,913.47 7.98 7.98 37,529.34 147,790.58 77,385.38 24,466.54 1,303.35 3,944.71 953.35 779.72 38,832.69 151,735.29 78,338.74 25,246.26 106.39 415.71 214.63 69.17 4,230,250 1,577,332 950 14 23 120 1,107 30,715,615 2,011,633 1,685,506 2,924,996 37,337,750 4,937,258 57,435 94,358 10,989 5,100,039 35,652,872 2,069,068 1,779,864 2,935,985 42,437,789 1,238,187 55,226 21,927 93,566 1,408,906 46,387 $ 796,130,834 $ 116,355,989 $ 912,486,823 $ 46,000,813 36,891,059 2,124,294 1,801,791 3,029,551 49,654,277 $ (2) (3) (4) (4) 964,295,218 The State prisons include all custody levels of inmates while contract prison beds include only minimum and/or medium custody levels. State prison costs also include expenses not incurred by contract prisons. Specialized units including Inmate Reception and Classification, Testing and High Level Mental Health Treatment Secured hospital unit located at Saint Mary's Hospital in Tucson Partial year unit ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 21 25B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS ADJUSTMENTS FOR COST COMPARISON ANNUAL PER CAPITA OPERATIONS Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT COMPLEX DIRECT TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT TOTAL EXPENSE DIRECT All 30,366 576,858,350 108,909,951 685,768,301 34,255,433 720,023,734 22,583.43 Adjustments for Cost Comparison to Contract Prisons Inmate Health Care Subtotal 30,366 30,366 (126,239,696) 450,618,653 108,909,951 (126,239,696) 559,528,604 (6,022,569) 28,232,864 (132,262,265) 587,761,468 (4,157.27) 18,426.15 Inmate Discharge Payments Inmate Transportation Kennels - Security Dogs Reception Other (not ASPC-Phoenix) Wildland Fire Crews WIPP Subtotal Adjusted Total State Prisons 30,366 30,366 30,366 30,366 30,366 30,366 30,366 30,366 (227,326) (1,636,377) (188,043) (258,889) (64,197) (5,672,813) (8,047,645) 442,571,008 108,909,951 (227,326) (1,636,377) (188,043) (258,889) (64,197) (5,672,813) (8,047,645) 551,480,959 28,232,864 (227,326) (1,636,377) (188,043) (258,889) (64,197) (5,672,813) (8,047,645) 579,713,823 TOTAL IN-STATE CONTRACTS (Unadjusted) 4,296 84,601,497 1,805,032 86,406,529 3,257,194 Adjustments for Cost Comparison to State Prisons Inmate Health Care Adjusted Total In-State Contracts Min/Med 4,296 4,296 (11,974,384) 72,627,112 1,805,032 (11,974,384) 74,432,144 3,257,194 TOTAL STATE PRISONS (Unadjusted) All INDIRECT 1,128.09 TOTAL DAILY PER CAPITA 23,711.51 64.96 (1) (198.33) 929.75 (4,355.60) 19,355.91 (11.93) (2) 53.03 (7.49) (53.89) (6.19) (8.53) (2.11) (186.81) (265.02) 18,161.13 929.75 (7.49) (53.89) (6.19) (8.53) (2.11) (186.81) (265.02) 19,090.89 (0.02) (0.15) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) (0.51) (0.73) 52.30 89,663,723 20,113.25 758.19 20,871.44 57.18 (11,974,384) 77,689,338 (2,787.33) 17,325.92 758.19 (2,787.33) 18,084.11 (7.64) (9) 49.55 (1) (1) The state prisons include all custody levels of inmates while contract prison beds include only minimum and/or medium custody levels. (2) Inmate health services are disproportionately borne by the ADC due to private prison contract criteria based on medical and mental health scores, or American Disability Act (ADA) categories of inmates and, in some contracts, high cost medical caps. (3) Inmate(s) discharge processing and payments are performed and paid for by ADC. Processing costs were not able to be identified and were not able to be deducted. However discharge payments made to inmates were identified and deducted. (4) ADC provides inmate transportation for all inmates housed in state prisons and in-state contract prisons via major transportation hubs located at the Phoenix, Florence, Tucson and Lewis prison complexes. (5) Security dogs and staff time are provided by ADC for both state operated and in- and out-of-state contract prisons contraband inspections. (6) Reception costs are provided at ASPC-Tucson and ASPC-Perryville separately from the major reception center at ASPC-Phoenix. Costs are deducted for ASPC-Tucson reception for inmates returning from private prison facilities and for inmates assigned to death row. ASPC-Perryville processes reception for female inmates, however these costs could not be identified and were not deducted. (7) As a cost saving feature for Arizona, Wildland Fire Crews are provided by state prisons, but are not provided by contract prisons. (8) The Work Incentive Pay Plan (WIPP) payments are provided by ADC to state prison facilities and in- and out-of-state contract prison beds. (9) Costs are derived from contract fee schedules where available. Out-of-state contract prisons in Oklahoma did not provide fee schedules and are excluded from this calculation. ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 22 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) 26B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS STATE PRISON EXPENDITURES BY PRISON UNIT ANNUAL PER CAPITA COMPLEX / UNIT Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT $ COMPLEX DIRECT TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT TOTAL EXPENSE DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 5,490,218 14,664,104 5,387,412 24,057,681 6,208,282 55,807,698 $ 22,837.24 18,437.22 23,350.96 23,104.08 21,626.91 21,515.90 $ 1,137.51 1,088.88 1,137.28 1,147.62 1,114.06 1,124.14 $ 23,974.75 19,526.10 24,488.24 24,251.69 22,740.96 22,640.04 UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA ASPC-DOUGLAS Eggers Gila Maricopa Mohave Papago Total Min Min Min Med Min 229 751 220 992 273 2,465 ASPC-EYMAN Browning Cook Meadows Rynning SMU I Total Max Med Med Close Max 758 1,185 1,193 858 908 4,902 20,242,297 21,096,083 22,540,397 18,749,263 23,043,139 105,671,179 1,862,932 2,912,181 2,931,862 2,108,636 2,231,572 12,047,184 22,105,229 24,008,264 25,472,259 20,857,899 25,274,711 117,718,362 902,278 1,290,828 1,312,828 979,225 1,071,901 5,557,060 23,007,507 25,299,092 26,785,087 21,837,124 26,346,612 123,275,423 29,162.57 20,260.14 21,351.43 24,309.91 27,835.58 24,014.35 1,190.34 1,089.31 1,100.44 1,141.29 1,180.51 1,133.63 30,352.91 21,349.44 22,451.88 25,451.19 29,016.09 25,147.99 83.16 58.49 61.51 69.73 79.50 68.90 70.76 45.42 48.74 56.91 67.13 56.18 ASPC-FLORENCE Central East North Picacho South Total Max Med Min Min Med 1,148 717 1,110 216 831 4,022 26,661,802 11,446,944 17,775,726 5,032,275 14,635,460 75,552,207 4,863,722 3,038,111 4,703,351 915,247 3,520,691 17,041,121 31,525,524 14,485,054 22,479,077 5,947,522 18,156,151 92,593,328 1,350,166 780,549 1,216,723 253,142 922,201 4,522,780 32,875,690 15,265,603 23,695,800 6,200,663 19,078,352 97,116,109 27,461.26 20,202.31 20,251.42 27,534.82 21,848.56 23,021.71 1,176.10 1,088.63 1,096.15 1,171.95 1,109.75 1,124.51 28,637.36 21,290.94 21,347.57 28,706.78 22,958.31 24,146.22 78.46 58.33 58.49 78.65 62.90 66.15 66.40 46.01 46.26 66.13 50.76 53.96 ASPC-LEWIS Bachman / Sunrise Barchey Buckley Morey Rast Stiner Total Min Med Close Close Close Med 902 1,088 819 910 345 1,176 5,240 14,713,110 17,592,276 16,580,747 18,254,091 9,457,955 19,556,792 96,154,970 2,638,941 3,183,113 2,396,112 2,662,346 1,009,351 3,440,571 15,330,433 17,352,051 20,775,389 18,976,858 20,916,437 10,467,306 22,997,363 111,485,403 983,008 1,181,631 927,935 1,029,107 423,582 1,284,725 5,829,988 18,335,059 21,957,020 19,904,793 21,945,544 10,890,888 24,282,088 117,315,391 19,237.31 19,095.03 23,170.77 22,985.10 30,340.02 19,555.58 21,275.84 1,089.81 1,086.06 1,133.01 1,130.89 1,227.77 1,092.45 1,112.59 20,327.12 20,181.08 24,303.78 24,115.98 31,567.79 20,648.03 22,388.43 55.69 55.29 66.59 66.07 86.49 56.57 61.34 43.41 42.88 54.33 53.75 73.75 44.33 49.01 ASPC-PERRYVILLE Lumley Piestewa SACRC San Pedro Santa Cruz Santa Maria Santa Rosa Total Max Min Min Min Med Min Min 822 243 271 499 956 584 379 3,754 14,594,125 4,281,774 5,024,990 7,906,966 13,055,963 9,598,781 5,694,036 $ 60,156,635 3,458,621 1,022,508 1,140,328 2,099,719 4,022,435 2,457,387 1,594,777 $ 15,795,776 18,052,746 5,304,282 6,165,318 10,006,685 17,078,398 12,056,168 7,288,813 $ 75,952,410 928,908 274,815 307,625 548,795 1,030,683 648,217 415,402 4,154,446 18,981,654 5,579,097 6,472,943 10,555,480 18,109,081 12,704,385 7,704,215 $ 80,106,857 21,961.98 21,828.32 22,750.25 20,053.48 17,864.43 20,644.12 19,231.70 $ 20,232.39 1,130.06 1,130.93 1,135.15 1,099.79 1,078.12 1,109.96 1,096.05 $ 1,106.67 23,092.04 22,959.25 23,885.40 21,153.27 18,942.55 21,754.08 20,327.75 $ 21,339.07 63.27 62.90 65.44 57.95 51.90 59.60 55.69 58.46 49.10 48.81 51.10 43.86 38.34 45.83 41.51 44.51 4,395,637 11,110,968 4,335,899 19,322,874 4,909,791 44,075,170 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ 834,092 2,735,383 801,311 3,596,372 994,354 8,961,512 $ 5,229,728 13,846,352 5,137,210 22,919,246 5,904,145 53,036,681 $ $ 260,490 817,752 250,202 1,138,435 304,137 2,771,017 $ $ $ 65.68 53.50 67.09 66.44 62.30 62.03 $ 54.99 42.92 56.18 55.84 51.88 51.42 23 27B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS STATE PRISON EXPENDITURES BY PRISON UNIT ANNUAL PER CAPITA Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT ASPC-SAFFORD Fort Grant Graham Tonto Total Min Min Med 899 612 333 1,844 $ 12,784,194 8,765,740 7,901,865 29,451,800 ASPC-TUCSON Catalina Cimarron Complex Detention Manzanita Minors Rincon Santa Rita Winchester Total Min Close Max Close Close Close Med Med 319 734 85 406 151 549 858 790 3,892 ASPC-WINSLOW Apache Coronado Kaibab Total Min Min Close ASPC-YUMA Cheyenne Cocopah Dakota Total Med Min Close COMPLEX / UNIT Grand Total COMPLEX DIRECT $ TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 976,441 664,935 398,540 2,039,915 $ 16,566,166 11,340,558 9,339,606 37,246,331 $ 17,341.19 17,443.83 26,850.05 19,092.42 $ 1,086.14 1,086.50 1,196.82 1,106.24 $ 18,427.33 18,530.32 28,046.87 20,198.66 UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ $ 15,589,726 10,675,623 8,941,066 35,206,416 5,871,087 16,131,430 1,098,828 10,677,476 5,754,631 16,162,978 15,238,239 15,306,712 86,241,380 1,308,700 3,011,240 348,713 1,665,618 619,479 2,252,277 3,519,951 3,240,981 15,966,959 7,179,787 19,142,670 1,447,541 12,343,094 6,374,109 18,415,255 18,758,190 18,547,692 102,208,339 356,891 859,574 87,772 496,590 208,671 697,273 955,897 890,890 4,553,558 7,536,678 20,002,244 1,535,313 12,839,684 6,582,781 19,112,527 19,714,087 19,438,582 106,761,896 22,507.17 26,079.93 17,029.89 30,401.71 42,212.64 33,543.27 21,862.69 23,478.09 26,261.14 1,118.78 1,171.08 1,032.61 1,223.13 1,381.93 1,270.08 1,114.10 1,127.71 1,169.98 23,625.95 27,251.01 18,062.50 31,624.84 43,594.57 34,813.35 22,976.79 24,605.80 27,431.11 64.73 74.66 49.49 86.64 119.44 95.38 62.95 67.41 75.15 48.63 59.19 34.78 70.77 103.48 79.66 47.57 51.95 59.57 397 582 822 1,801 8,918,217 9,517,488 17,724,790 36,160,495 1,321,105 2,454,888 3,468,252 7,244,246 10,239,322 11,972,376 21,193,042 43,404,741 465,384 643,568 953,814 2,062,766 10,704,706 12,615,945 22,146,856 45,467,507 25,791.74 20,571.09 25,782.29 24,100.36 1,172.25 1,105.79 1,160.36 1,145.34 26,964.00 21,676.88 26,942.65 25,245.70 73.87 59.39 73.82 69.17 62.15 47.65 62.05 57.42 1,178 410 858 2,446 20,005,560 6,910,895 16,478,060 43,394,515 5,185,948 1,804,956 3,777,201 10,768,105 25,191,507 8,715,851 20,255,261 54,162,620 1,322,984 457,666 983,252 2,763,902 26,514,491 9,173,517 21,238,514 56,926,522 21,384.98 21,258.17 23,607.53 22,143.34 1,123.08 1,116.26 1,145.98 1,129.97 22,508.06 22,374.43 24,753.51 23,273.31 61.67 61.30 67.82 63.76 50.43 49.46 56.44 52.38 30,366 $ 576,858,350 $ 108,909,951 $ 685,768,301 $ 34,255,433 $ 720,023,734 $ 22,583.43 $ 1,128.09 $ 23,711.51 $ 50.49 50.77 76.84 55.34 ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA 2,805,531 1,909,883 1,039,201 5,754,616 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ TOTAL EXPENSE 64.96 $ $ 39.61 39.64 65.14 44.23 52.30 24 28B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS MINIMUM CUSTODY PRISON UNITS ANNUAL PER CAPITA COMPLEX DIRECT TOTAL DIRECT Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT ASPC-DOUGLAS Eggers Gila Maricopa Papago Total Min Min Min Min 229 751 220 273 1,473 $ ASPC-FLORENCE North Picacho Total Min Min 1,110 216 1,326 17,741,672 5,025,648 22,767,320 4,703,351 915,247 5,618,598 22,445,023 5,940,895 28,385,918 ASPC-LEWIS Bachman / Sunrise Total Min 902 902 14,685,437 14,685,437 2,638,941 2,638,941 ASPC-PERRYVILLE Piestewa SACRC San Pedro Santa Maria Santa Rosa Total Min Min Min Min Min 243 271 499 584 379 1,976 4,274,319 5,016,676 7,891,657 9,580,865 5,682,409 32,445,925 ASPC-SAFFORD Fort Grant Graham Total Min Min 899 612 1,511 ASPC-TUCSON Catalina Total Min ASPC-WINSLOW Apache Coronado Total ASPC-YUMA Cocopah Total COMPLEX / UNIT Grand Total TOTAL INDIRECT TOTAL EXPENSE UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 5,490,218 14,664,104 5,387,412 6,208,282 31,750,016 $ 22,806.56 18,406.54 23,320.28 21,596.23 20,415.64 $ 1,137.51 1,088.88 1,137.28 1,114.06 1,108.34 $ 23,944.07 19,495.42 24,457.56 22,710.28 21,523.98 1,216,723 253,142 1,469,865 23,695,800 6,200,663 29,896,463 20,220.74 27,504.14 21,407.18 1,096.15 1,171.95 1,108.50 21,316.89 28,676.10 22,515.67 58.49 78.65 61.77 46.26 66.13 49.50 17,324,378 17,324,378 983,008 983,008 18,335,059 18,335,059 19,206.63 19,206.63 1,089.81 1,089.81 20,296.44 20,296.44 55.69 55.69 43.41 43.41 1,022,508 1,140,328 2,099,719 2,457,387 1,594,777 8,314,719 5,296,827 6,157,004 9,991,376 12,038,251 7,277,186 40,760,644 274,815 307,625 548,795 648,217 415,402 2,194,855 5,579,097 6,472,943 10,555,480 12,704,385 7,704,215 43,016,120 21,797.64 22,719.57 20,022.80 20,613.44 19,201.02 20,627.86 1,130.93 1,135.15 1,099.79 1,109.96 1,096.05 1,110.76 22,928.57 23,854.72 21,122.59 21,723.40 20,297.07 21,738.61 62.90 65.44 57.95 59.60 55.69 59.64 48.81 51.10 43.86 45.83 41.51 45.59 12,756,614 8,746,964 21,503,578 2,805,531 1,909,883 4,715,415 15,562,145 10,656,848 26,218,993 976,441 664,935 1,641,376 16,566,166 11,340,558 27,906,724 17,310.51 17,413.15 17,352.08 1,086.14 1,086.50 1,086.28 18,396.65 18,499.64 18,438.36 50.49 50.77 50.60 39.61 39.64 39.62 319 319 5,861,301 5,861,301 1,308,700 1,308,700 7,170,000 7,170,000 356,891 356,891 7,536,678 7,536,678 22,476.49 22,476.49 1,118.78 1,118.78 23,595.27 23,595.27 64.73 64.73 48.63 48.63 Min Min 397 582 979 8,906,037 9,499,633 18,405,670 1,321,105 2,454,888 3,775,994 10,227,143 11,954,521 22,181,664 465,384 643,568 1,108,952 10,704,706 12,615,945 23,320,651 25,761.06 20,540.41 22,657.47 1,172.25 1,105.79 1,132.74 26,933.32 21,646.20 23,790.21 73.87 59.39 65.26 62.15 47.65 53.53 Min 410 410 6,898,316 6,898,316 1,804,956 1,804,956 8,703,272 8,703,272 457,666 457,666 9,173,517 9,173,517 21,227.49 21,227.49 1,116.26 1,116.26 22,343.75 22,343.75 61.30 61.30 49.46 49.46 8,896 $ 147,274,651 $ 33,542,462 $ 180,817,113 9,845,195 $ 190,935,228 $ 20,325.66 $ 1,106.70 $ 21,432.36 4,388,611 11,087,928 4,329,150 4,901,416 24,707,105 $ ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 834,092 2,735,383 801,311 994,354 5,365,139 $ 5,222,703 13,823,312 5,130,461 5,895,770 30,072,245 $ $ 260,490 817,752 250,202 304,137 1,632,582 $ $ $ 65.68 53.50 67.09 62.30 59.05 58.80 $ $ 54.99 42.92 56.18 51.88 48.44 46.57 25 29B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS MEDIUM CUSTODY PRISON UNITS ANNUAL PER CAPITA COMPLEX / UNIT Custody ADP COMPLEX DIRECT UNIT DIRECT ASPC-DOUGLAS Mohave Total Med 992 992 $ 19,292,440 19,292,440 ASPC-EYMAN Cook Meadows Total Med Med 1,185 1,193 2,378 ASPC-FLORENCE East South Total Med Med ASPC-LEWIS Barchey Stiner Total TOTAL INDIRECT DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 1,138,435 1,138,435 $ 24,027,247 24,027,247 $ 23,073.40 23,073.40 $ 1,147.62 1,147.62 $ 24,221.02 24,221.02 UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ 21,059,728 22,503,797 43,563,524 2,912,181 2,931,862 5,844,043 23,971,909 25,435,659 49,407,568 1,290,828 1,312,828 2,603,656 25,262,737 26,748,487 52,011,224 20,229.46 21,320.75 20,776.94 1,089.31 1,100.44 1,094.89 21,318.77 22,421.20 21,871.84 58.41 61.43 59.92 45.42 48.74 47.09 717 831 1,548 11,424,947 14,609,966 26,034,912 3,038,111 3,520,691 6,558,801 14,463,057 18,130,656 32,593,714 780,549 922,201 1,702,750 15,243,606 19,052,857 34,296,463 20,171.63 21,817.88 21,055.37 1,088.63 1,109.75 1,099.97 21,260.26 22,927.63 22,155.34 58.25 62.82 60.70 46.01 50.76 48.56 Med Med 1,088 1,176 2,264 17,558,897 19,520,713 37,079,610 3,183,113 3,440,571 6,623,683 20,742,010 22,961,284 43,703,293 1,181,631 1,284,725 2,466,357 21,923,641 24,246,009 46,169,650 19,064.35 19,524.90 19,303.57 1,086.06 1,092.45 1,089.38 20,150.41 20,617.35 20,392.95 55.21 56.49 55.87 42.88 44.33 43.64 ASPC-PERRYVILLE Santa Cruz Total Med 956 956 13,026,633 13,026,633 4,022,435 4,022,435 17,049,069 17,049,069 1,030,683 1,030,683 18,079,752 18,079,752 17,833.75 17,833.75 1,078.12 1,078.12 18,911.87 18,911.87 51.81 51.81 38.34 38.34 ASPC-SAFFORD Tonto Total Med 333 333 7,891,649 7,891,649 1,039,201 1,039,201 8,930,850 8,930,850 398,540 398,540 9,329,390 9,329,390 26,819.37 26,819.37 1,196.82 1,196.82 28,016.19 28,016.19 76.76 76.76 65.14 65.14 ASPC-TUCSON Santa Rita Winchester Total Med Med 858 790 1,648 15,211,916 15,282,475 30,494,391 3,519,951 3,240,981 6,760,932 18,731,867 18,523,456 37,255,323 955,897 890,890 1,846,787 19,687,765 19,414,346 39,102,110 21,832.01 23,447.41 22,606.39 1,114.10 1,127.71 1,120.62 22,946.11 24,575.12 23,727.01 62.87 67.33 65.01 47.57 51.95 49.67 ASPC-YUMA Cheyenne Total Med 1,178 1,178 19,969,420 19,969,420 5,185,948 5,185,948 25,155,367 25,155,367 1,322,984 1,322,984 26,478,351 26,478,351 21,354.30 21,354.30 1,123.08 1,123.08 22,477.38 22,477.38 61.58 61.58 50.43 50.43 11,297 $ 197,352,579 $ 39,631,417 $ 236,983,996 $ 12,510,191 $ 249,494,188 $ 20,977.60 $ 1,107.39 $ 22,084.99 $ 66.36 66.36 ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ 22,888,812 22,888,812 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ TOTAL EXPENSE 3,596,372 3,596,372 Grand Total $ TOTAL DIRECT 60.51 $ $ 55.84 55.84 47.88 26 30B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS CLOSE CUSTODY PRISON UNITS ANNUAL PER CAPITA COMPLEX / UNIT Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT ASPC-EYMAN Rynning Total Close 858 858 $ 18,722,940 18,722,940 ASPC-LEWIS Buckley Morey Rast Total Close Close Close 819 910 345 2,074 ASPC-TUCSON Cimarron Manzanita Minors Rincon Total Close Close Close Close ASPC-WINSLOW Kaibab Total ASPC-YUMA Dakota Total Grand Total COMPLEX DIRECT $ TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 979,225 979,225 $ 21,810,802 21,810,802 $ 24,279.23 24,279.23 $ 1,141.29 1,141.29 $ 25,420.51 25,420.51 UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ 20,831,576 20,831,576 16,555,620 18,226,173 9,447,370 44,229,164 2,396,112 2,662,346 1,009,351 6,067,809 18,951,732 20,888,519 10,456,721 50,296,973 927,935 1,029,107 423,582 2,380,623 19,879,667 21,917,626 10,880,303 52,677,596 23,140.09 22,954.42 30,309.34 24,251.19 1,133.01 1,130.89 1,227.77 1,147.84 24,273.10 24,085.30 31,537.11 25,399.03 66.50 65.99 86.40 69.59 54.33 53.75 73.75 57.30 734 406 151 549 1,840 16,108,911 10,665,020 5,749,998 16,146,135 48,670,065 3,011,240 1,665,618 619,479 2,252,277 7,548,614 19,120,151 12,330,638 6,369,477 18,398,412 56,218,678 859,574 496,590 208,671 697,273 2,262,107 19,979,725 12,827,228 6,578,148 19,095,684 58,480,786 26,049.25 30,371.03 42,181.97 33,512.59 30,553.63 1,171.08 1,223.13 1,381.93 1,270.08 1,229.41 27,220.33 31,594.16 43,563.90 34,782.67 31,783.04 74.58 86.56 119.35 95.29 87.08 59.19 70.77 103.48 79.66 71.49 Close 822 822 17,699,572 17,699,572 3,468,252 3,468,252 21,167,824 21,167,824 953,814 953,814 22,121,637 22,121,637 25,751.61 25,751.61 1,160.36 1,160.36 26,911.97 26,911.97 73.73 73.73 62.05 62.05 Close 858 858 16,451,737 16,451,737 3,777,201 3,777,201 20,228,939 20,228,939 983,252 983,252 21,212,191 21,212,191 23,576.85 23,576.85 1,145.98 1,145.98 24,722.83 24,722.83 67.73 67.73 56.44 56.44 6,452 $ 145,773,477 $ 22,970,512 $ 168,743,989 7,559,022 $ 176,303,012 $ 26,153.75 $ 1,171.58 $ 27,325.33 $ $ $ 69.65 69.65 ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA 2,108,636 2,108,636 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ TOTAL EXPENSE 74.86 $ $ 56.91 56.91 61.79 27 31B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS APPROPRIATED FUNDS MAXIMUM CUSTODY PRISON UNITS ANNUAL PER CAPITA Custody ADP UNIT DIRECT ASPC-EYMAN Browning SMU I Total Max Max 758 908 1,666 $ 20,219,042 23,015,282 43,234,324 ASPC-FLORENCE Central Total Max 1,148 1,148 ASPC-PERRYVILLE Lumley Total Max ASPC-TUCSON Complex Detention Total Max COMPLEX / UNIT Grand Total COMPLEX DIRECT $ TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL 902,278 1,071,901 1,974,179 $ 22,984,252 26,318,755 49,303,007 $ 29,131.89 27,804.91 28,408.66 $ 1,190.34 1,180.51 1,184.98 $ 30,322.23 28,985.41 29,593.64 UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA $ 22,081,974 25,246,854 47,328,828 26,626,583 26,626,583 4,863,722 4,863,722 31,490,305 31,490,305 1,350,166 1,350,166 32,840,471 32,840,471 27,430.58 27,430.58 1,176.10 1,176.10 28,606.68 28,606.68 78.37 78.37 66.40 66.40 822 822 14,568,907 14,568,907 3,458,621 3,458,621 18,027,528 18,027,528 928,908 928,908 18,956,436 18,956,436 21,931.30 21,931.30 1,130.06 1,130.06 23,061.36 23,061.36 63.18 63.18 49.10 49.10 85 85 1,096,220 1,096,220 348,713 348,713 1,444,933 1,444,933 87,772 87,772 1,532,705 1,532,705 16,999.21 16,999.21 1,032.61 1,032.61 18,031.82 18,031.82 49.40 49.40 34.78 34.78 3,721 $ 85,526,033 $ 12,765,560 $ 98,291,594 4,341,025 $ 102,632,619 $ 26,415.37 $ 1,166.63 $ 27,582.00 $ $ $ 83.07 79.41 81.08 ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA 1,862,932 2,231,572 4,094,504 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ TOTAL EXPENSE 75.57 $ $ 70.76 67.13 68.78 62.92 28 32B SECTION IV Section IV Historical Costs This section provides the history of reported costs for state, contract, jail and community supervision offender management. State Prisons and Out-of-State Contract Prison Beds……………………………………………………………………………………30 In-State Contract Prison Beds and County Jails Pending Intake to State Custody……………………………………………………31 Adult Parole and Home Arrest………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32 Community Supervision and Lease Purchase Payments……………………………………………………………………………… 33 State Prisons by Custody Level…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 29 3B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HISTORICAL PER CAPITA COSTS ANNUAL PER CAPITA FISCAL YEARS STATE PRISONS 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACTS 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ADP DIRECT EXPENSE INDIRECT EXPENSE $ 8,270 9,508 10,705 11,801 12,887 13,912 14,970 16,293 17,737 19,542 20,742 21,588 22,593 24,029 24,614 25,261 26,624 27,699 28,329 27,913 28,379 30,265 $ 122,091,519 135,972,811 145,294,570 166,801,463 188,142,068 209,289,800 221,487,100 235,494,990 258,324,735 291,444,157 316,905,667 347,394,714 381,168,456 421,711,766 462,635,062 490,308,321 472,484,418 501,893,542 540,525,120 548,301,413 592,102,941 640,698,320 30,366 685,768,301 34,255,433 $ 128,157,970 155,176,915 168,248,732 190,868,980 208,035,916 228,954,145 239,207,839 256,984,919 284,119,011 319,460,438 346,328,347 380,528,041 414,385,215 463,178,134 509,485,363 539,491,324 519,309,315 542,173,029 582,564,159 593,012,948 639,513,534 689,870,974 720,023,734 1,085 2,115 2,456 1,856 14,592,450 31,428,668 41,947,853 32,733,439 720,452 2,161,876 1,350,535 1,969,316 15,312,902 33,590,544 43,298,388 34,702,755 3,814 $ 81,525,628 2,888,733 $ 84,414,361 $ 6,066,451 19,204,104 22,954,162 24,067,517 19,893,848 19,664,345 17,720,739 21,489,929 25,794,276 28,016,281 29,422,680 33,133,327 33,216,759 41,466,368 46,850,301 49,183,003 46,824,897 40,279,487 42,039,039 44,711,535 47,410,593 49,172,654 TOTAL EXPENSE DIRECT $ $ 14,763 14,301 13,573 14,135 14,599 15,044 14,795 14,454 14,564 14,914 15,278 16,092 16,871 17,550 18,796 19,410 17,747 18,120 19,080 19,643 20,864 21,170 INDIRECT $ 734 2,020 2,144 2,039 1,544 1,413 1,184 1,319 1,454 1,434 1,419 1,535 1,470 1,726 1,903 1,947 1,759 1,454 1,484 1,602 1,671 1,625 $ 15,497 16,321 15,717 16,174 16,143 16,457 15,979 15,773 16,018 16,347 16,697 17,627 18,341 19,276 20,699 21,357 19,505 19,574 20,564 21,245 22,535 22,794 22,583 1,128 23,712 13,449 14,860 17,080 17,637 664 1,022 550 1,061 14,113 15,882 17,630 18,698 21,375 $ 757 DAILY PER CAPITA TOTAL $ 22,133 $ $ 42.46 44.72 42.94 44.31 44.23 45.09 43.66 43.21 43.89 44.79 45.62 48.29 50.25 52.81 56.55 58.51 53.44 53.63 56.19 58.21 61.74 62.45 64.96 38.56 43.51 48.30 51.23 60.64 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Revised ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 30 34B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HISTORICAL PER CAPITA COSTS ANNUAL PER CAPITA FISCAL YEARS IN-STATE CONTRACTS 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 DIRECT EXPENSE ADP 273 511 864 1,264 1,532 1,405 1,413 1,442 1,947 1,688 1,684 2,758 3,692 4,339 $ 4,243,400 7,747,700 12,567,727 17,959,417 22,105,465 20,630,196 20,965,078 20,589,893 28,838,146 27,039,809 29,119,710 51,473,245 67,541,074 INDIRECT EXPENSE $ 87,215,161 COUNTY JAILS (PENDING INTAKE TO STATE CUSTODY) 1990 179 2,604,200 1991 76 1,228,600 1992 84 1,417,800 1993 125 2,028,400 1994 158 1,717,600 1995 126 1,312,100 1996 235 2,238,384 1997 156 1,714,553 1998 202 2,313,408 1999 172 1,636,034 2000 106 1,201,017 2001 155 1,555,959 2002 209 2,066,903 2003 235 3,315,554 2004 158 2,016,725 2005 73 1,331,646 2006 63 756,985 2007 68 878,303 2008 2009 76 $ 450,486 $ 479,584 665,330 596,744 1,329,789 1,692,560 1,666,670 1,758,737 1,348,407 1,422,504 1,120,851 2,664,356 2,238,885 4,843,628 TOTAL EXPENSE $ 90,504,888 20,100 758 20,858 4,355 2,539 2,594 - 2,604,200 1,228,600 1,417,800 2,028,400 1,717,600 1,312,100 2,238,384 1,714,553 2,313,408 1,636,034 1,201,017 1,555,959 2,066,903 3,315,554 2,016,725 1,336,001 759,524 880,897 14,549 16,166 16,879 16,227 10,871 10,413 9,525 10,991 11,453 9,512 11,330 10,038 9,889 14,109 12,764 18,242 12,016 12,890 - 14,549 16,166 16,879 16,227 10,871 10,413 9,525 10,991 11,453 9,512 11,330 10,038 9,889 14,109 12,764 18,301 12,056 12,928 39.86 44.29 46.12 44.46 29.78 28.53 26.02 30.11 31.38 26.06 30.96 27.50 27.09 38.65 34.87 50.14 33.03 35.42 $ 15,544 15,162 14,546 14,208 14,429 14,683 14,837 14,279 14,812 16,019 17,292 18,663 18,293 5,935 $ 1,757 1,302 691 1,052 1,105 1,186 1,245 935 731 664 1,582 812 1,312 DAILY PER CAPITA TOTAL 3,289,727 450,486 $ INDIRECT 47.40 44.98 41.74 41.81 42.56 43.36 44.06 41.68 42.58 45.58 51.71 53.36 53.71 57.15 $ 4,722,984 8,413,030 13,164,471 19,289,206 23,798,025 22,296,866 22,723,815 21,938,300 30,260,650 28,160,660 31,784,066 53,712,130 72,384,702 DIRECT $ 60 40 38 $ - $ 17,300 16,464 15,237 15,260 15,534 15,870 16,082 15,214 15,542 16,683 18,874 19,475 19,605 5,935 $ $ (1) (2) 16.26 (1) Revised (2) Includes Navajo County Jail Beds ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 31 35B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HISTORICAL PER CAPITA COSTS ANNUAL PER CAPITA FISCAL YEARS DIRECT EXPENSE ADP ADULT PAROLE 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 3,623 2,841 2,757 2,826 3,162 3,845 4,230 4,975 5,009 5,009 4,982 4,056 3,873 3,699 3,727 HOME ARREST 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 24 58 97 295 275 290 298 240 183 113 86 49 $ $ ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 3,528,373 3,215,463 3,536,443 3,631,000 4,909,284 3,772,500 3,394,800 3,677,740 3,968,400 3,954,200 4,484,152 5,629,181 6,551,209 6,262,674 6,861,015 517,100 198,900 750,900 902,200 1,289,976 1,186,600 1,340,900 1,330,984 1,159,189 999,244 938,864 792,842 INDIRECT EXPENSE $ $ 138,170 810,554 683,977 1,008,307 955,621 888,660 735,743 828,941 1,031,833 970,240 991,255 1,018,127 1,335,760 1,552,956 2,584,032 98,092 48,867 174,193 104,655 196,686 188,882 186,828 168,897 142,695 89,917 163,324 253,844 TOTAL EXPENSE $ $ 3,666,543 4,026,017 4,220,420 4,639,307 5,864,905 4,661,160 4,130,543 4,506,681 5,000,233 4,924,440 5,475,407 6,647,308 7,886,969 7,815,630 9,445,047 615,192 247,767 925,093 1,006,855 1,486,662 1,375,482 1,527,728 1,499,881 1,301,884 1,089,161 1,102,188 1,046,686 DIRECT $ $ 974 1,132 1,283 1,285 1,553 981 803 739 792 789 900 1,388 1,692 1,693 1,841 21,546 3,429 7,741 3,058 4,691 4,092 4,500 5,546 6,334 8,843 10,917 16,180 INDIRECT $ $ 38 285 248 357 302 231 174 167 206 194 199 251 345 420 693 4,087 843 1,796 355 715 651 627 704 780 796 1,899 5,180 DAILY PER CAPITA TOTAL $ $ 1,012 1,417 1,531 1,642 1,855 1,212 976 906 998 983 1,099 1,639 2,036 2,113 2,534 25,633 4,272 9,537 3,413 5,406 4,743 5,127 6,250 7,114 9,639 12,816 21,361 $ $ 2.77 3.89 4.18 4.50 5.08 3.32 2.67 2.48 2.73 2.69 3.00 4.49 5.58 5.79 6.92 70.23 11.70 26.13 9.33 14.81 12.99 14.05 17.08 19.49 26.41 35.11 58.36 32 36B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HISTORICAL PER CAPITA COSTS ANNUAL PER CAPITA FISCAL YEARS COMMUNITY SUPERVISION 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 LEASE PURCHASE PAYMENTS 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 DIRECT EXPENSE ADP 3,633 3,535 4,295 5,671 6,127 6,573 6,675 $ 6,761 15,539,944 4,158,014 - 786,600 13,755,900 25,385,998 17,483,874 25,502,763 13,495,911 1,074,074 1,053,481 1,043,700 1,058,971 1,043,873 560,332 1,032,168 3,979,560 1,834 3,463 11,754 - 786,600 13,755,900 25,385,998 17,483,874 25,502,763 13,495,911 1,074,074 1,053,481 1,043,700 1,058,971 1,043,873 562,166 1,035,631 3,991,314 $ 4,230,250 4,230,250 $ $ 3,127,278 2,705,396 2,896,720 3,358,366 4,171,417 3,978,628 5,801,297 TOTAL EXPENSE $ 10,139,450 9,334,121 11,540,603 12,006,850 12,784,246 15,190,671 22,404,018 19,697,958 $ 7,012,172 6,628,725 8,643,883 8,648,484 8,612,829 11,212,043 16,602,721 INDIRECT EXPENSE DIRECT $ $ INDIRECT 1,930 1,875 2,013 1,525 1,406 1,706 2,487 $ 2,298 $ DAILY PER CAPITA TOTAL 861 765 674 592 681 605 869 $ 615 $ 2,791 2,640 2,687 2,117 2,087 2,311 3,356 $ 2,913 $ 7.65 7.23 7.36 5.78 5.72 6.33 9.20 7.98 (1) (1) (1) Revised ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report 33 37B ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HISTORICAL PER CAPITA COSTS STATE PRISONS BY CUSTODY LEVEL ANNUAL PER CAPITA LEVEL / FISCAL YEAR ADP TOTAL DIRECT TOTAL INDIRECT TOTAL EXPENSE DIRECT 9,845,195 $ 190,935,228 $ 20,325.66 INDIRECT TOTAL UNADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA ADJUSTED DAILY PER CAPITA MINIMUM CUSTODY 2009 8,896 $ 180,817,113 $ 11,297 236,983,996 12,510,191 249,494,188 6,452 168,743,989 7,559,022 3,721 $ 98,291,594 4,341,025 $ 1,106.70 $ 21,432.36 $ 58.80 $ 46.57 20,977.60 1,107.39 22,084.99 60.51 47.88 176,303,012 26,153.75 1,171.58 27,325.33 74.86 61.79 $ 102,632,619 $ 26,415.37 1,166.63 $ 27,582.00 MEDIUM CUSTODY 2009 CLOSE CUSTODY 2009 MAXIMUM CUSTODY 2009 ADC FY 2009 Operating Per Capita Cost Report $ $ $ 75.57 $ 62.92 34