Arizona Naphcare Proposal, Oct. 2022
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Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Attachment I Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services l645WJefferson Street Phoenix. AZ 85007 Offer and Acceptance Form Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare SUBMISSION OF OFFER: Undersigned hereby offers and agrees to provide Inmate Correctional Healthcare Service in compliance with the Solicitation indicated above and our Offer indicated by the latest dated version below: 2/11/2022 Initial Offer: Date Signature Date Revised Offers: j.....j!e - Date Sigptuye__ Date Signature : Signature Best and Final Offer: Naphuare, Inc. Signature of person authorized to sign Offer Offeror company name 2Oc Celumbiana Road, Suite 4000 Bradford NcLane, cso Printed name and title Address Bizminghar., Bradford Mclane. Al 35216 cEo City I State I Z1P Contact name and title 58— 12 34 64 Federal tax identifier (EIN or SSN) Contact Email Address 205—536—8532 Contact phone number CERTiFICATiON: By signature in the above, Offeror certifies that it: I. viii not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in violation of Federal Executive Order 1246, [Arizona] State Executive Order 2009-9 or A.R.S. § 41-1461 through 1465: has not given, offered to give, nor intends to give at any time hereafter any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, 2. special discount, trip, favor, or service to a public servant In connection with the submitted offer. Failure to provide a valid signature affirming the stipulations required by this clause will result in rejection of the Offer. Signing the Offer with a false statement will void the Offer, any resulting contract, and may be subject to legal penalties under law: complies with A,R.S. § 41-3532 when offering electronics or information technology products. services, or maintenance: and 3. is not debarred from, or otherv.ise prohibited from participating in any contract awarded by federal, state, or local government. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER: State hereby accepts the initial Offer, Revised Offer, or Best and Final Offer identified by the latest date and number at the top of this form (the Accepted Offer). Offeror is now bound (as Contractor) to carry out the Work under the attached Contract, of which the Accepted Offer forms a part. Contractor is cautioned not to commence any billable work or to provide any material or perform any service under the Contract until Contractor receives the applicable Order or written notice to proceed from the Procurement Officer. RR’s Contract Nuper CT?)O(oO5O 2 igotlaitaticn A€/a Chief Procureme7bfficer signature_J Atta::lirien1 I O1r. ar:d Acc’1taIL.’ ADCRR Tiacking No. 22-036-32 Contract Effective Date: I No. apr’00 9 Done] M. Pickering, Chief Procurement Officer Award Date Chief Procurement Officer Name Title Solicitntinr.. Arner.dmant No. 18 5 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, Alabama 35216 205.536.8400 800.834.2420 April 22, 2022 Denel M. Pickering Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) 1645 W. Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Re: RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Request for Best and Final Offers Dear Ms. Pickering – Thank you and the members of the ADCRR evaluation committee for the opportunity on April 8, 2022 to discuss NaphCare’s services and our proposal to provide proactive, preventive healthcare for the ADCRR. We appreciate your time and consideration, and we respectfully submit the attached as our Best and Final Offer (BAFO). NaphCare’s BAFO contains revised pricing and staffing based on the clarifications provided during oral presentation and in your April 15, 2022 and subsequent correspondence. Based on the additional information provided, we have given considerable thought to how we can best meet the needs of ADCRR and also offer a more competitive price, and we have revised our proposal accordingly. Additionally, NaphCare has confirmed our understanding of and agreement to the sections detailed in the Discussion Follow Up for Confirmation. Following the discussion on April 8, the NaphCare team is even more enthusiastic about a potential partnership with you. And, we’re confident that NaphCare can make a positive impact on the ADCRR healthcare program. Should you need any further information, please contact me at 205.536.8532 or Sincerely, Bradford T. McLane CEO NaphCare, Inc. 1| Page na ph ca r e .co m NaphCare Best and Final Offer Staffing Modifications Our original staffing matrix was informed in part by the current uncertainty regarding the ongoing legal proceedings and the potential for court mandates that could drive a need for increased staffing. Upon further reflection, however, we have submitted a revised staffing proposal of a total of 1,106.2 Full Time Equivalent Employees (FTEs), or a reduction of 109 FTEs as compared to NaphCare’s original proposal. Our revised staffing proposal contains all of the positions outlined in the RFP required staffing matrix, as well as the 37.00 positions we believe are required pursuant to the RFP narrative descriptions. In addition to the required positions, we have retained 16.45 of the additional positions originally proposed by NaphCare, as we believe these carefully selected roles will greatly enhance the delivery of care at ADCRR. Charts reflecting the RFP narrative requirements and the NaphCare enhancements are found below. Added Per RFP Narrative Service Requirements POSITION Additional Intake RN Family Clinical Liasons Infection Control/Educational Nurse Medical Records Supervisor Women's Health OB/GYN Women's Health NP Physical Therapy Tech Pharmacists SITE Perryville Phoenix Regional Office 1 per site Regional Office Perryville Perryville Florence Lewis Regional office FTEs POSITION 1.000 Optometrist 1.000 4.000 SITE Eyman Perryville Tuscon Eyman 10.000 Perryville 1.000 Tucson Winslow Yuma Florence Safford Winslow 1.000 1.000 1.500 2.100 2.100 2.100 37.000 Physical Therapist 1.000 0.200 1.000 1.000 1.000 RN 2.000 Total FTEs 2| Page FTEs 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ADDED PER NAPHCARE FOR ENHANCED CARE Position LPN/MA Medical Director MH Midlevel Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Asst/PCT STATCARE Medical Provider STATCARE Psych Provider Total FTEs Sites Douglas Phoenix Safford Winslow Perryville Eyman Florence Douglas Douglas Phoenix Tucson Regional Regional FTEs 0.200 1.200 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.200 0.450 0.200 8.000 4.000 16.450 Reasons 12 hr shifts 12 hr shifts 12 hr shifts 12 hr shifts FT- for recruitment Recruitment and patient care Recruitment and patient care Recruitment and patient care 12 hr shifts 12 hr shifts 12 hr shifts Enhanced patient care & QA Enhanced patient care & QA We are confident that we will be able provide a robust level of services that will meet all applicable standards and requirements with this staffing based on the planned overall reduction in the patient population served and efficiencies that are inherent in our Proactive Care Model and information technology. With this staffing, pricing and model, we are confident we can deliver an outstanding healthcare program that will meet or exceed any applicable standards as well as any legal requirements that could materialize in the future. However, to the extent that ADCRR wishes to add additional staffing in order to increase services or meet any applicable legal mandates in the future, NaphCare has provided information that ADCRR can utilize to see the pricing implications of the addition of staffing resources. Our staffing plan is further predicated on the expectation that NaphCare would start up services at all facilities on October 1, 2022, and redeploy existing staffing at the Florence facility to other facilities as appropriate with the planned closure of that facility. Cost Proposal Modifications We acknowledge and understand the invoicing parameters as laid out in the Best and Final Offer letter. Our BAFO pricing is based on changes identified by the Department in the letter 3| Page requesting our Best and Final Offer. We were able to reduce our overall price while still including additional money for the staffing bonus plan, which could be used for bonuses, incentives, recruiting/retention efforts including visiting and working with local colleges. Our reduced price is based on a lower ADP of 25,000 coupled with an overall reduction in staffing. Most of our variable costs (i.e. supplies, laboratory, and radiology expenses), which are tied to population level, have naturally decreased by lowering the population. Please note that our discounted total fixed per inmate per day rate at an ADP of 27,000 is $29.141. We are confident our price will be competitive given the level of service and unique added value we offer that will allow the ADCRR to meet applicable standards and requirements as well as any potential legal requirements. Please find attached NaphCare’s revised Attachment 8 Fee Schedule and Attachment 9 Budget Narrative. Confirmation of RFP Requirements NaphCare has read, understands and shall comply with sections detailed in the Discussion Follow Up for Confirmation, specifically: • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that they will not utilize LISACs for provision of mental healthcare. This was removed in Amendment 9 NaphCare understands and confirms that LISACs will not be used to provide mental healthcare. • NaphCare will confirm in its BAFO that BHTs will not be respond to mental health crisis and will use clinicians at the required level of licensure (Psych RN and/or Psych Associate) NaphCare confirms that BHTs will not be used to respond to mental health crisis and that we will use clinicians at the required level of licensure (Psych RN and/or Psych Associate). We have provided additional clarification to our RFP response below. Crisis Response & Intervention When in crisis – due to active suicidal ideation, acute psychiatric symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, delusions), or other condition creating risk for imminent harm to self or others – an individual’s ability to think and behave rationally is overridden by a heightened state of emotions. In these moments, the individual’s ability to anticipate 4| Page consequences of his/her behavior, accurately perceive their surroundings, or clearly communicate with others may be impaired. Therefore, the careful coordination of a crisis response team can safely contain the situation to prevent escalation and harm. Through collaboration of specially trained professionals, NaphCare’s approach to crisis intervention aims to use behavioral health strategies as the first response to resolve situations involving emotionally distraught, high‐risk individuals and minimize/reduce risk of harm to the individual and others. As an alternative to use of force, our crisis team members – which consists of masters and doctoral level trained clinicians – use proven de‐escalation strategies to listen empathically and validate the individual’s experience without judgment or dismissiveness. • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that the initial mental health assessment will be completed and finalized within 2 days of arrival to an ADCRR facility by a Mental Health professional NaphCare understands and confirms that the initial mental health assessment will be completed and finalized within two (2) days of arrival to an ADCRR facility by a Mental Health professional. NaphCare’s mental health screening complies with NCCHC and ACA standards and proactively identifies and prioritizes residents in need of mental health services. • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that all psychological autopsies will be completed and sent to the MSCMB team within 30 days of event NaphCare confirms that all psychological autopsies will be completed and sent to the MSCMB team within 30 days of event. We perform a systems‐based “Root Cause Analysis” review, through which a thorough analysis attempts to identify fundamental problems that led to the immediate issue. Our goal for critical incident analysis is to solve problems before they escalate and prevent future problems through promotion of a risk avoidance attitude among the healthcare staff. In the event of a death, the first responsibility of site staff is to cooperate with and notify appropriate authorities, including ADCRR command staff and the medical examiner or coroner. NaphCare site leadership and corporate staff will also be notified. Involved staff 5| Page will complete incident reports, and the site Medical Director will prepare a case summary and analysis of the care, with any recommendations for improvement. In the event of a suicide, the mental health director will prepare a psychological autopsy. • Section 1.13.13 NaphCare will confirm that in their BAFO that Eyman Facility will have a minimum of one on-site psychiatrist. NaphCare confirms that the Eyman Facility will have a minimum of one on-site psychiatrist. This position was included in NaphCare’s staffing plan but inadvertently left off the proposed organizational chart, which has been amended as follows: • Section NaphCare will confirm that the Regional Mental Health Director will be a Licensed Psychologist with an unrestricted license in AZ. NaphCare confirms that that Regional Mental Health Director will be a Licensed Psychologist with an unrestricted license in AZ. • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that paid time off. (sick/vacation/personal) and off site training/CME hours shall not be included as hours worked. NaphCare confirms that paid time off (sick/vacation/personal) and off-site training/CME hours shall not be included as hours worked. 6| Page • Section 1.23.22 NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that private prisons will have full access to EMR. NaphCare confirms and understands that private prisons will have full access to TechCare EHR. NaphCare will provide read-only access to private prisons at the start of contracted services. NaphCare will then provide full implementation and use of the EHR within private prisons within six (6) to nine (9) months of the contract start date. • NaphCare has also reviewed Section and the correction provided by the ADCRR on April 19, 2022. NaphCare has read, understands and shall comply with the requirement stating that “All covered inpatient Medicaid services should be directly billed to AHCCCS by the provider of those services and AHCCCS should reimburse the service provider for those services.” NaphCare will assist providers in billing directly to AHCCCS all covered inpatient Medicaid services. We also understand that there shall not be any off-set to our total amount paid for any inmate healthcare claims paid by AHCCCS. 7| Page Staffing Matrix 8| Page Title Additional Intake RN (Varying Schedule) Administrative Assistant Assistant DON Assistant FHA Associate Medical Director Associate Regional MH Director Associate VP Operations/COO Behavioral Health Technician Business Analyst/HRBP Clinical Coordinator Clinical Director (PhD) Dental Assistant Dental Director Dentist Director of Operations DON Education Coordinator/Trainer EMT Facility Health Admin Family Clinical Liasons Healthcare Delivery Facilitator Infection Control/Educational Nurse Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lab Technician Lead Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lead Outpatient UM Reviewer/UM Manager Lead Psychology Associate/Mental Health Lead LISAC Clinician LPN/MA MAT LPN MAT Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Director Medical Records Clerk Medical Records Supervisor Mental Health Clerk Mental Health Director Mental Health Midlevel Mental Health RN Mental Health RN - Charge Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Assistant/PCT OBGYN Occupational Therapist Office Manager/HRBP Optometrist Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Technician Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychology Associate (Clinician) Recruiter Regional Behavioral Health Technician Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director Regional Clinical Pharmacist Regional Dental Director Regional Director CQI/CQI Director Regional Director of Nursing Regional Grievance Coordinator Regional Infection Control Nurse Regional Lead Psychology Associate Regional Psychiatric Director Release/Discharge Planner RN Scheduler Service Desk Analyst/Provider Servicees/Claims Manager Speech Therapist Staff Physician StatCare Provider StatCare Psych Provider Telehealth Coordinator Training & Development Manager Utilization Review RN VP of Operations/Chief Executive Officer Women's Health Midlevel X-Ray Technician RFP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Total FTE 34.00 9| Page Regional Added 8.000 4.000 12.00 Total 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 RFP 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.500 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 46.00 34.75 Douglas Added 0.200 0.500 0.200 0.90 Total 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 4.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 RFP 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 1.500 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 2.000 0.000 5.500 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 13.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 20.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 35.65 135.50 Eyman Added 0.500 Total 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 1.500 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 5.500 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 13.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 20.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.50 136.00 Title Additional Intake RN (Varying Schedule) Administrative Assistant Assistant DON Assistant FHA Associate Medical Director Associate Regional MH Director Associate VP Operations/COO Behavioral Health Technician Business Analyst/HRBP Clinical Coordinator Clinical Director (PhD) Dental Assistant Dental Director Dentist Director of Operations DON Education Coordinator/Trainer EMT Facility Health Admin Family Clinical Liasons Healthcare Delivery Facilitator Infection Control/Educational Nurse Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lab Technician Lead Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lead Outpatient UM Reviewer/UM Manager Lead Psychology Associate/Mental Health Lead LISAC Clinician LPN/MA MAT LPN MAT Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Director Medical Records Clerk Medical Records Supervisor Mental Health Clerk Mental Health Director Mental Health Midlevel Mental Health RN Mental Health RN - Charge Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Assistant/PCT OBGYN Occupational Therapist Office Manager/HRBP Optometrist Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Technician Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychology Associate (Clinician) Recruiter Regional Behavioral Health Technician Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director Regional Clinical Pharmacist Regional Dental Director Regional Director CQI/CQI Director Regional Director of Nursing Regional Grievance Coordinator Regional Infection Control Nurse Regional Lead Psychology Associate Regional Psychiatric Director Release/Discharge Planner RN Scheduler Service Desk Analyst/Provider Servicees/Claims Manager Speech Therapist Staff Physician StatCare Provider StatCare Psych Provider Telehealth Coordinator Training & Development Manager Utilization Review RN VP of Operations/Chief Executive Officer Women's Health Midlevel X-Ray Technician RFP 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 5.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 1.000 0.000 6.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 38.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Total FTE 156.10 10| Page Florence Added 0.500 Total 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 5.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 38.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 RFP 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 34.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 2.000 0.000 6.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 12.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 30.000 1.500 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.50 156.60 152.00 Lewis Added 0.00 Total 0.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 34.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 2.000 0.000 6.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 12.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 30.000 1.500 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 RFP 1.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.800 4.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 5.200 0.000 5.000 14.000 0.200 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 30.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.500 152.00 141.90 Perryville Added 0.200 0.20 Total 1.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 24.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 5.200 0.000 5.000 14.000 0.200 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 30.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.500 142.10 Title Additional Intake RN (Varying Schedule) Administrative Assistant Assistant DON Assistant FHA Associate Medical Director Associate Regional MH Director Associate VP Operations/COO Behavioral Health Technician Business Analyst/HRBP Clinical Coordinator Clinical Director (PhD) Dental Assistant Dental Director Dentist Director of Operations DON Education Coordinator/Trainer EMT Facility Health Admin Family Clinical Liasons Healthcare Delivery Facilitator Infection Control/Educational Nurse Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lab Technician Lead Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lead Outpatient UM Reviewer/UM Manager Lead Psychology Associate/Mental Health Lead LISAC Clinician LPN/MA MAT LPN MAT Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Director Medical Records Clerk Medical Records Supervisor Mental Health Clerk Mental Health Director Mental Health Midlevel Mental Health RN Mental Health RN - Charge Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Assistant/PCT OBGYN Occupational Therapist Office Manager/HRBP Optometrist Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Technician Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychology Associate (Clinician) Recruiter Regional Behavioral Health Technician Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director Regional Clinical Pharmacist Regional Dental Director Regional Director CQI/CQI Director Regional Director of Nursing Regional Grievance Coordinator Regional Infection Control Nurse Regional Lead Psychology Associate Regional Psychiatric Director Release/Discharge Planner RN Scheduler Service Desk Analyst/Provider Servicees/Claims Manager Speech Therapist Staff Physician StatCare Provider StatCare Psych Provider Telehealth Coordinator Training & Development Manager Utilization Review RN VP of Operations/Chief Executive Officer Women's Health Midlevel X-Ray Technician RFP 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 3.500 15.800 1.000 4.000 5.750 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Total FTE 90.05 11| Page Phoenix Added 1.200 0.450 1.65 Total 1.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 3.500 15.800 1.000 4.000 6.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 RFP 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.100 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 91.70 37.85 Safford Added 0.300 0.30 Total 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.100 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 RFP 0.000 2.000 8.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 2.000 0.000 8.000 19.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 36.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 38.15 183.50 Tucson Added 0.200 0.20 Total 0.000 2.000 8.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.500 2.000 0.000 8.000 19.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 36.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 183.70 12| Page Title Additional Intake RN (Varying Schedule) Administrative Assistant Assistant DON Assistant FHA Associate Medical Director Associate Regional MH Director Associate VP Operations/COO Behavioral Health Technician Business Analyst/HRBP Clinical Coordinator Clinical Director (PhD) Dental Assistant Dental Director Dentist Director of Operations DON Education Coordinator/Trainer EMT Facility Health Admin Family Clinical Liasons Healthcare Delivery Facilitator Infection Control/Educational Nurse Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lab Technician Lead Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lead Outpatient UM Reviewer/UM Manager Lead Psychology Associate/Mental Health Lead LISAC Clinician LPN/MA MAT LPN MAT Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Director Medical Records Clerk Medical Records Supervisor Mental Health Clerk Mental Health Director Mental Health Midlevel Mental Health RN Mental Health RN - Charge Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Assistant/PCT OBGYN Occupational Therapist Office Manager/HRBP Optometrist Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Technician Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychology Associate (Clinician) Recruiter Regional Behavioral Health Technician Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director Regional Clinical Pharmacist Regional Dental Director Regional Director CQI/CQI Director Regional Director of Nursing Regional Grievance Coordinator Regional Infection Control Nurse Regional Lead Psychology Associate Regional Psychiatric Director Release/Discharge Planner RN Scheduler Service Desk Analyst/Provider Servicees/Claims Manager Speech Therapist Staff Physician StatCare Provider StatCare Psych Provider Telehealth Coordinator Training & Development Manager Utilization Review RN VP of Operations/Chief Executive Officer Women's Health Midlevel X-Ray Technician RFP 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.100 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 Total FTE 35.10 Winslow Added 0.200 0.20 Total 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.100 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 RFP 0.000 2.000 5.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 6.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.500 0.000 1.000 1.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 14.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 35.30 89.00 Yuma Added 0.00 Total 0.000 2.000 5.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 6.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.500 0.000 1.000 1.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 14.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 89.00 13| Page Title Additional Intake RN (Varying Schedule) Administrative Assistant Assistant DON Assistant FHA Associate Medical Director Associate Regional MH Director Associate VP Operations/COO Behavioral Health Technician Business Analyst/HRBP Clinical Coordinator Clinical Director (PhD) Dental Assistant Dental Director Dentist Director of Operations DON Education Coordinator/Trainer EMT Facility Health Admin Family Clinical Liasons Healthcare Delivery Facilitator Infection Control/Educational Nurse Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lab Technician Lead Inventory Coordinator/Pharm Tech Lead Outpatient UM Reviewer/UM Manager Lead Psychology Associate/Mental Health Lead LISAC Clinician LPN/MA MAT LPN MAT Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Director Medical Records Clerk Medical Records Supervisor Mental Health Clerk Mental Health Director Mental Health Midlevel Mental Health RN Mental Health RN - Charge Midlevel Practitioner Nursing Assistant/PCT OBGYN Occupational Therapist Office Manager/HRBP Optometrist Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Technician Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychology Associate (Clinician) Recruiter Regional Behavioral Health Technician Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director Regional Clinical Pharmacist Regional Dental Director Regional Director CQI/CQI Director Regional Director of Nursing Regional Grievance Coordinator Regional Infection Control Nurse Regional Lead Psychology Associate Regional Psychiatric Director Release/Discharge Planner RN Scheduler Service Desk Analyst/Provider Servicees/Claims Manager Speech Therapist Staff Physician StatCare Provider StatCare Psych Provider Telehealth Coordinator Training & Development Manager Utilization Review RN VP of Operations/Chief Executive Officer Women's Health Midlevel X-Ray Technician RFP 2.000 16.000 45.000 6.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 29.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 43.000 10.000 19.000 1.000 10.000 1.000 0.000 10.000 4.000 10.000 10.000 21.000 5.500 10.000 1.000 6.000 0.000 185.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.800 31.000 11.000 6.000 1.000 24.000 29.000 1.000 43.000 98.750 0.200 0.000 1.000 3.000 5.500 2.000 7.000 20.000 80.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 8.000 206.300 9.000 1.000 0.000 10.200 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 7.500 Position Total Added 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.900 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.850 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total 2.000 16.000 45.000 6.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 29.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 43.000 10.000 19.000 1.000 10.000 1.000 0.000 10.000 4.000 10.000 10.000 21.000 5.500 10.000 1.000 6.000 0.000 186.900 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.000 31.000 11.000 6.000 1.000 25.000 29.000 1.000 43.500 99.600 0.200 0.000 1.000 3.000 5.500 2.000 7.000 20.000 80.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 8.000 206.300 9.000 1.000 0.000 10.200 8.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 7.500 Total FTE 1089.75 16.45 1106.20 Attachment 8 Fee Schedule 14| Page Soliciation Amendment No 9 BPM003905 ATTACHMENT 8 ‐ PIPD FEE SCHEDULE PIPD Fee Schedule - 25,000 inmates Breakdown of relative daily costs included in the rate: No. Title Medical 1 Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 1.1 Base Wages $8.249 1.2 Overtime $0.296 2 Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) 2.1 Employee medical plan $0.907 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan $0.000 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability $0.033 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) $0.115 2.5 Payroll taxes $0.668 2.6 Other $0.943 3 Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing $3.791 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing $0.000 4 Travel - In State 4.1 Travel - In State $0.000 5 Travel - Out of State 5.1 Out of State $0.000 6 Other Operating Expenses 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals $0.264 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis B, C, and HIV $0.892 6.3 Hepatitis B pharmaceuticals $0.001 6.4 Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals $0.658 6.5 HIV pharmaceuticals $0.702 7 Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment $0.000 $0.000 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction 8 Non-Capital Equipment $0.000 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment $0.000 9 Insurance 9.1 Commercial General Liability $0.000 9.2 Business Automobile Liability $0.000 9.3 Umbrella Liability $0.000 9.4 Professional Liability $0.000 10 Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing $0.000 10.2 Training $0.000 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals $0.000 10.4 Telecommunication and storage $0.000 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees $0.000 10.6 Maintenance and support $0.000 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination $0.000 11 Other 11.1 Claims $0.000 11.2 In-State Administration $0.000 11.3 Out-of-State Administration $0.000 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration $0.000 11.5 Profit $0.000 $0.000 Total fixed per inmate per day rate 15| Page $17.519 Dental Per Inmate per Day (PIPD) Cost Pharmacy Mental Health Administration Total $1.039 $0.036 $0.248 $0.009 $3.171 $0.111 $0.616 $0.000 $13.323 $0.452 $0.096 $0.000 $0.004 $0.015 $0.071 $0.087 $0.053 $0.000 $0.002 $0.003 $0.020 $0.021 $0.280 $0.000 $0.011 $0.045 $0.246 $0.265 $0.118 $0.000 $0.004 $0.009 $0.053 $0.052 $1.454 $0.000 $0.054 $0.187 $1.058 $1.368 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.026 $3.791 $0.026 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.066 $0.066 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.052 $0.052 $0.027 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.722 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.313 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.291 $1.927 $0.001 $0.658 $0.702 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.053 $0.000 $0.000 $0.031 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $1.308 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.373 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.095 $0.217 $0.645 $1.423 $1.095 $0.000 $0.053 $0.000 $0.000 $0.031 $0.000 $1.308 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.373 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.095 $0.217 $0.645 $1.423 $1.095 $0.000 $1.375 $0.356 $4.851 $6.549 $30.650 Attachment 9 Budget Narrative 16| Page SOLICITATION NO. BPM003905 ATTACHMENT 9 Please refer to Section 1.23 for instructions. Budget Narrative No. 1 Title Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 1.1 Base Wages 1.2 Overtime 2 2.1 Employee medical plan Cost of employer provided health care plan. 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan Included in Section 2.1. Cost of employer provided life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment plans. Cost of company match for employee 401K contributions. Employer match of Social Security and Medicare, Federal and State Unemployment, Worker's Compensation Cost of paid time off and bonuses/incentives. 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) 2.5 Payroll taxes 2.6 Other Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing 4 Travel - In State 5 Travel - Out of State 4.1 Travel - In State 5.1 Out of State 6 Cost of off-site inpatient stays, outpatients visits, emergency room visits, laboratory services, EKG, mammography, optometry, ambulance, dialysis radiology services. Utilized stats provided in previous solicitation and historical experience. Cost of officer time to transport patients not treated in secure unit based on Soliciation Section Cost of travel in the state by Arizona office personnel. Cost of travel by those based outside of Arizona. Other Operating Expenses 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis B, C and HIV 6.3 Hepatitis B pharmaceuticals 7 Cost of salaries for direct labor personnel based on Solicitation Amendment No. 12, Exhibit 24, Minimum Required Staffing Plan. Cost of overtime. Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability 3 Detailed Narrative Explanation Cost of medical supplies, dental supplies and waste disposal. Increased cost due to pandemic. Cost of pharmaceuticals (based on data provided in Solicitation Amendment No 10, Answer No 36). Cost of Hepatitis B pharmaceuticals. 6.4 Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals Cost of Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals. 6.5 HIV pharmaceuticals Cost of HIV pharmaceuticals. Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment Cost of computers, office furniture, telemedicine equipment, and medical equipment where cost is in excess of $500. 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction 8 Non-Capital Equipment 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment 9 10 Cost of computers, office furniture, telemedicine equipment, and medical equipment where cost is in excess of $500. Leased equipment (copiers). Insurance 9.1 Commercial General Liability Cost of insurance provided. 9.2 Business Automobile Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. 9.3 Umbrella Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. 9.4 Professional Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.2 Training Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.4 Telecommunication and storage Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees License fee of EHR. 10.6 Maintenance and support Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination Cost included in sections above. 17| Page 11 Other 11.1 Claims Cost of claims adjudication and processing personnel. 11.2 In-State Administration Cost of Arizona state office including rent and utilities. Cost of contract start up, payroll processing, performance bond, legal/professional fees. Cost of corporate staff support including human resources, recruiting, accounting, operations. Margin before taxes. 11.3 Out-of-State Administration 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration 11.5 Profit 18| Page Five Year Proforma 19| Page REDACTED: Confidential Information Page 20 Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry 160! WEST JEFFERSON PHOENIX. ARIZONA 85007 (602) 542-5497 DOUGLAS A. DUCEY GOVERNOR DAVID SHINN DIRECTOR April 15, 2022 NaphCare. Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham. AL 35216 Attention: Bradford McLane, CEO Re: Request for Proposal (RFP) No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Request for Best and Final Offers Dear Mr. McLane: In accordance with A.R.S. 41-2501 Arizona Procurement Rules, R2-7-C315, Offer Revisions and Best and Final Offers, the ArizoIa Department of Corrections. Rchahilitation & Reentry is requesting your Best and Final Offers (BAFO) for the referenced RFP. Discussions for RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare has concluded. NaphCare now has the opportunity to submit a BAFO. The BAFO shall be inclusive of all costs required for the provision of services to include any modifications as a result of the clarifications and the discussions held on April 8, 2022. The BAFO is an opportunity to make any final revisions to your offer. If you choose to make a revision, you must submit a copy with the track changes or use some other method to indicate a change has been made to any previous submissions in addition to the clean final document. This will allow’ the department to clearly see any modifications. The following areas identified below are being recapped based on items that were discussed on April 8, 2022. Listed below are the changes identified by the Department. NaphCare should consider these in their BAFO. • ASPC Florence Closure approximately mid November 2022. One unit (South Unit) will remain open thru approximately December 2023. • Overall State Prison Population Reduction of 2706 inmates moving to Private Prison — Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Mail Code 55302, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 542-1172 RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Page 2 of4 Beds — Estimated Completion November 2022 • ASPC- Florence Dialysis move approximately late April 2022 from Central Unit to ASPC-Eyman Cook Unit. • ASPC Florence IPC move approximately mid-late April 2022 from Central Unit to the Baker Unit at ASPC-Phoenix. • Section 1.6.13 thru Expansion of Infirmary beds is no longer a requirement. • Section 1.12 — o — Pharmacy Services, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and HIV The Department qualifies for a reduced cost of pharmaceuticals through its participation in the 34DB Program. The Department intends to continue the 340B Program for purchase of Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and HIV pharmaceuticals. The following information is being provided in relation the three identified conditions: • Hepatitis C Estimate to treat 100 patients per month • Hepatitis B Currently active 20 patients • HIV Currently active 227 patients — — — o All costs related to this section are the responsibility of the Contractor including dispensing fees. • Staff Encentive Bonus Payout As a result of the Department’s curLent Contract No. ADOC18-2 16360 which allows incentive hiring bonuses in accordance with Contract Amendment No, 12 due to the staffing shortages, should the Contractor under this subsequent contract hire existing staff from Contract No. ADOC18-216360 who are receiving the hiring bonus, the Department will agree to pay the balance of the bonus through its completion. • Section Special Terms and Conditions, Contractors Pollution Liability— The Depattment is lowering the pollution liability requirement from S1OM to $5M. — Changes in the ADP The original ADP number identified in the RFP was 27,437 which was the ADP at the time of the creation of the RFP, The current ADP is 26,160. Based on our discussions regarding the changes identified at ASPC-Florence; i.e. the IPC move, dialysis move, and the population movement of 2706 inmates to a private prison, — Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Mail Code 55302, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 542-1172 RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Cotrectional Healthcare Page 3 of 4 NaphCare should use 25,000 ADP in their calculations on the fee schedule and budget narrative as well as any other revisions they deem necessary in their BAFO. Futhermore; o For the purposes of the RFP, NaphCare should consider in their BAFO an ADP of 25,000 to be a fixed lower parameter, not to be adjusted downward below 25,000 by the Department. o If the ADP increases to 27,000 or more and is sustained for 3 consecutive months the contractor will he paid at a newly established ADP base of 27,000. o If a 27,000 ADP should return to 25,000 or below and is sustained for 3 consecutive months the contractor will be paid at the reestablished base of 25,000. o The ADP used for calculation will be the ADP published on the last day of each month by the Department. Discussion Follow Up for Confirmation • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that they will not utilize LISACs for provision of mental healthcare. This was removed in Amendment 9 • NaphCare will confirm in its BAFO that BHTs will not be respond to mental health crisis and will use clinicians at the required level of licensure (Psych RN and/or Psych Associate) • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that the initial mental health assessment will be completed and finalized within 2 days of arrival to an ADCRR facility by a Mental Health professional • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that all psychological autopsies will be completed and sent to the MSCMB team within 30 days of event • Section 1.13.13 NaphCare will confirm that in their BAFO that Eyman Facility will have a minimum of one on-site psychiatrist. • Section Naphcare will confirm that the Regional Mental Health Director will be a Licensed Psychologist with an unrestricted license in AZ. Procurement Services, 1645W. Jefferson, Mail Code 55302, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 542-1172 RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Page 4 of4 • Section NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that paid time off. (sick/vacation/personal) and off site training/CME hours shall not be included as hours worked. • Section 1.23.22 NaphCare will confirm in their BAFO that private prisons will have full access to EMR. The following new Attachments from Section 1.24 Fee Schedule, are being included for the purpose of the BAFO based on the changes noted by the Department herein: o Attachment 8 Fee Schedule BAFO, o Attachment 9 Budget Narrative BAFO Please provide your BAFO no later than 3:00 P.M. MST, April 22, 2022 through the State’s Electronic e-Procureinent System, Arizona Procurement Portal (APP). If a written BAFO is not submitted, the Department shall accept the immediate previous written offer as your BAFO. If you have any questions, please contact Kristine Yaw, Deputy Chief Procurement Officer or Denel Pickering, Chief Procurement Officer at 602-542-1172. Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections. Rehabilitation & Reentry DP/ky cc: ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Mail Code 55302, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 542-1172 ATTACHMENT 8 - PIPD FEE SCHEDULE - BAFO BPM003905 PIPD Fee Schedule Per Inmate per Day (PIPD) Cost Breakdown of relative daily costs included in the rate: No. Title 1 Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 2 3 4 Medical $ $ $ 1.2 Overtime $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.1 Employee medical plan $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.5 Payroll taxes $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.6 Other $ $ $ $ $ $ 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing $ $ $ $ $ $ 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals $ $ $ $ $ $ 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis B, C, and HIV $ $ $ $ $ $ 6.3 Hepatitis B Pharmaceuticals $ $ $ $ $ $ 6.4 Hepatitis C Pharmaceuticals $ $ $ $ $ $ 6.5 HIV Pharmaceuticals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9.1 Commercial General Liability $ $ $ $ $ $ 9.2 Business Automobile Liability $ $ $ $ $ $ 9.3 Umbrella Liability $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.2 Training $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.4 Telecommunication and storage $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.6 Maintenance and support $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.1 Claims $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.2 In-State Administration $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.3 Out-of-State Administration $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.5 Profit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care Travel - In State Travel - Out of State Other Operating Expenses 8 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction - (Deleted) Non-Capital Equipment 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment 11 Total $ Capital Equipment 10 Administration $ 7 9 Mental Health $ 5.1 Out of State 6 Pharmacy 1.1 Base Wages 4.1 Travel - In State 5 Dental Insurance 9.4 Professional Liability Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing Other Total fixed per inmate per day rate Budget Narrative - BAFO BPM003905 ATTACHMENT 9 Please refer to Section 1.24 for instructions. Budget Narrative No. Title Detailed Narrative Explanation 1 Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 1.1 Base Wages 1.2 Overtime 2 Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) 2.1 Employee medical plan 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) 2.5 Payroll taxes 2.6 Other 3 Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing 4 Travel - In State 4.1 Travel - In State 5 Travel - Out of State 5.1 Out of State 6 Other Operating Expenses 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis B, C, and HIV 6.3 Hepatitis B pharmaceuticals 6.4 Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals 6.5 HIV pharmaceuticals 7 8 Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction (Deleted) Non-Capital Equipment 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment 9 Insurance 10 9.1 Commercial General Liability 9.2 Business Automobile Liability 9.3 Umbrella Liability 9.4 Professional Liability Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing 10.2 Training 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals 10.4 Telecommunication and storage 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees 10.6 Maintenance and support 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination 11 Other 11.1 Claims 11.2 In-State Administration 11.3 Out-of-State Administration 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration 11.5 Profit 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, Alabama 35216 205.536.8400 800.834.2420 March 23, 2022 Denel M. Pickering Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) 1645 W. Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Submitted via email Re: RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Request for Clarifications – NaphCare Clarifications Dear Ms. Pickering – Thank you for the opportunity to provide clarification of NaphCare’s response to the RFP for Inmate Correctional Healthcare for the ADCRR. Below and attached is the requested information. 1. Scope of Work, Page 36, 1.4 Financial Responsibility, Section 1.4.1 In response to this request, please find attached NaphCare’s Audited Financial Statements for years 20162020. NaphCare’s Audited Financial Statement for 2021 is not yet available but will be finalized soon. NaphCare will be pleased to also provide the final 2021 Audited Financial Statement if that would be of assistance in evaluating NaphCare’s proposal. 2. Scope of Work, Page 36, 1.4 Financial Responsibility, Section 1.4.2 In response this request, please find attached NaphCare’s pro forma income statements for the corporate entity and five-year ADCRR contract. NaphCare’s overall corporate income and expense projections reflect a scenario where NaphCare is awarded the contract with ADCRR with a start date of October 1, 2022, and includes other projected growth over the five year period. NaphCare’s pro forma for the five-year period of the contract with ADCRR includes a five-percent (5%) per year cost of living adjustment. If selected as the prevailing party in the RFP process, NaphCare would like the opportunity to negotiate mutually acceptable terms regarding contractual cost of living adjustments that factor in economic and market changes including labor market conditions and inflation. These factors could inform an actual annual cost of living adjustment that could be lower or higher than the current five-percent per year projection. Given current economic and labor market volatility, it is difficult to project a set cost of living adjustment over a five-year period for this contract. 3. Scope of Work, Page 62 1.8.9 Responsibility for Coordination of Care, Section Telemedicine Services, and NaphCare is pleased to provide the additional information requested regarding telemedicine services. na ph ca r e .co m • Section Telemedicine Services, Using TechCare EHR and trained providers and specialists, NaphCare has successfully introduced effective telehealth and telemedicine services within many correctional facilities. Based on this experience, we have identified the following barriers that could have an impact on maximizing appropriate utilization of telemedicine services for the ADCRR facilities. However, we are confident in our capacity to partner with ADCRR to overcome any potential barriers and deploy robust telemedicine services in your facilities. o Designating spaces that not only provide the appropriate connectivity but also ensure privacy for the patient – Designated telemedicine locations are often within the medical units where other patients and staff may be within sight or sound of the telemedicine encounter. Also, the space must be conducive to patient privacy while still allowing quick responsiveness by security in the event the patient becomes combative or attempts to assault other patients or staff. NaphCare Solution: The best solutions usually entail creating a space where the officer may be positioned to see the patient during the telemedicine encounter, but not be able to hear what is being said. In that manner, the officer can respond to an emergency if a patient becomes destructively agitated or attempts to assault health staff that are presenting the patient for the encounter. Another approach is to ensure that health staff have a “panic button” to summon security staff into the room and that the patient does not have the capability to block staff from reaching the button during the encounter. o Providing care that is equivalent to the care that would be provided through a face-to-face encounter – Patient encounters that require a provider to touch the patient – for example, manipulating a joint or extremity – are less effective when rendered by telehealth. NaphCare Solution: The best approach to this barrier is to communicate with specialty providers initially and on an ongoing basis to ensure they are able to evaluate patients effectively through a virtual encounter. This allows us to consider whether enhanced technology, including additional or updated peripherals, can improve the specialty encounter. Also, any provider of telehealth services must constantly address whether the preparation for an encounter is adequate for each specialty provider’s needs. Although the advent of electronic health records affords a remote provider easy access to a patient’s complete health history and progress, it is important to create a personalized summary for the specialist that addresses the specific provider’s practice methods and needs. TechCare EHR was designed to anticipate and guide a provider in an efficient manner to address this need. o Limitations to care for those patients who are higher custody or otherwise subject to stricter requirements when escorting patients to a telemedicine visit – It can be challenging to provide telemedicine visits to those whose custody status limits movement within the facility. This could also apply to patients with physical impairments that would preclude their ability to transfer to the telemedicine area. NaphCare Solution: To address this limitation, we work closely with facility staff on an ongoing basis to determine the trends in volume and type of services rendered in these settings to determine where it would be logical to create more satellite treatment areas in facilities. This helps to reduce the burden on custody staff in moving residents from secured units and improves the quality and efficiency of patient encounters. 2|Page o Identifying specialists or providers who are willing to provide telemedicine services on a schedule that does not conflict with security operations. NaphCare Solution: NaphCare is sensitive to the ongoing schedule at a prison site that includes counts, food service schedules, visitation, group and individual programming, and other important activities. We strive to create schedules for telehealth that do not disrupt these activities when at all possible. o Limitations to the provider’s ability to access patient care records to include history, examinations, and diagnostic results. NaphCare Solution: NaphCare is in a unique position to address this limitation with our corrections-specific EHR, TechCare. As stated previously, we anticipate the need for the specialty provider to have the right information for a successful encounter and the need to consider security and sometimes limited connectivity in a correctional facility. Anticipating these factors has been integral to our development of TechCare as an effective solution. o Lack of a structured manner to ensure care orders and recommendations are documented and shared with the onsite staff who will follow through on the plan of care. NaphCare Solution: NaphCare, through TechCare, has created multiple triggers and relational data exchanges to ensure that orders and recommendations created by a specialty provider are conveyed efficiently to the staff who must execute them. o Having adequate custody staff to escort patients to the appointments and monitor patients during the visits. NaphCare Solution: To support the ADCRR with this challenge, we are accustomed to working with Wardens and custody leadership to schedule and “batch” patients in a manner that creates the least burden possible on custody staff when rendering services. o Having adequate medical staff to assist with telemedicine visits – Staff members need to be available to assist with any technical issues as well as assist the provider with ensuring ordered care is made available to the patient. NaphCare Solution: We have created a staffing plan for this proposal that is robust and considers the need for good patient presentation for telehealth encounters. We also place a great deal of energy into sourcing and recruiting staff to keep our positions filled. We will ensure that staff involved in the telehealth process are trained properly to enhance the efficiency of telehealth visits and are able to retrieve patient data that is requested, but not anticipated, that the provider may need. o Limited patient cooperation or participation – Some patients may not feel comfortable with care provided virtually or may feel they are being denied comparable care. This is often exacerbated when the patient has a mental health issue that increases paranoia or anxiety. NaphCare Solution: Our staff are trained to take into consideration patient characteristics and care needs when determining if a virtual care visit is appropriate. Each patient is informed of the telemedicine concept and any questions or concerns the patient has prior to scheduling the appointment are addressed. Only patients that agree/consent to telemedicine services will be seen virtually. Additionally, we address any generalized anxieties or doubts from patients 3|Page regarding virtual encounters through patient education prior to the encounter. When a patient has behavioral health issues that exacerbate anxiety, we review and communicate with behavioral health staff to ensure the telemedicine staff is aware of those needs. • Section Telemedicine Services, Please find attached a specifications overview for the telemedicine equipment that NaphCare intends to use at ADCRR facilities. 4. Scope of Work, Page 107 Pharmacy Services As requested, please find attached NaphCare’s proposed policy for Pharmacy Services specific to nonformulary medications. 5. Scope of Work, Page 112 1.13.6 Mental Health Services Subsection Addiction Treatment As requested, NaphCare is pleased to clarify that we understand that the requirement for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Opioid Treatment Services was removed in Amendment 21. We provided an overview of our capabilities to inform any possible future decision by ADCRR to pursue MAT/Opioid treatment programming; however, we did not include these services in our scope of services or cost proposal. Once again we appreciate your consideration of NaphCare’s proposal. We remain enthusiastic about the opportunity to partner with ADCRR to bring a higher level of care to the residents in your facilities. Sincerely, Bradford T. McLane CEO NaphCare, Inc. 4|Page Audited Financial Statements CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED: Confidential Information Telemedicine Equipment Specifications Secure Technology for Telemedicine NaphCare sources, installs and maintains all onsite telemedicine equipment. Onsite telemedicine units are modular in design and completely implemented and supported by NaphCare’s IT team. Audio and video are clear and consistent, using the latest high‐definition equipment available. NaphCare utilizes advanced video conferencing technologies in conjunction with TechCare EHR to streamline telemedicine/telehealth encounters. Using video conferencing equipment, providers can remotely examine a patient while viewing the patient’s complete health record in TechCare in real-time. The proposed video conferencing system meets all HIPAA requirements, is highly portable and requires only basic internet access. Telemedicine Equipment LTI Rugged Mobile Unit Quantity for ADCRR: 4 1|Page Specifications Additional Detail Two size options to best fit your specific needs Transmission Speed: • Optimal performance is achieved with a minimum of 50Mpbs connection speed although the unit has the ability to connect at up to Gigabit speeds. As a mobile unit, it will perform at much lower bandwidth speeds via WiFi or 4/5g Cell to enable functionality within limited IT resources areas that may exist in the prison environment. Features: • IP67-rated rugged case • Integrated I/O panel - Power on/off - Four USB 3.0 ports - Audio in and out ports - RJ45 Ethernet port • Integrated speakerphone • Integrated high-definition web camera on manually articulating arm • Rugged fold-out keyboard with negative and positive tilt adjustment options • AC Power cord • Integrated Battery and battery status indicator • Tilt adjustment for tablet computing device to accommodate multiple viewing angles. Support for Microsoft Surface Pro or Getac F110 Tablet • Support for optional Cradlepoint LTE modem • Custom foam insert to support multiple peripheral devices, including: - Multipurpose exam camera with removable lenses - General exam cameras - Otoscopes Age: NEW Resolution: • Image resolution is a minimum of 1280 x 720 and the unit will automatically scale up to 1920 x 1080 when network connectivity performance allows. Audio Quality: • Audio quality is a minimum 320kbps and the unit will automatically scale up to 1,000+kbps when network connectivity performance allows. Data Security: • The unit creates end-to-end encryption between endpoints using SSL/TLS. Data stored on the device is encrypted at rest using AES 256. Storage Capacity: • The unit maintains 256+GB of internal storage - Stethoscope - Ear bud Headphones - Ultrasound probe - ECG with leads LTI Hi Care-E Lite Telehealth Cart Quantity for ADCRR: 3 General • Base: 19”W x 20”D • Work Surface: 17”W x 14.3”D • PC Compartment: 17.1”W x 3.2”H x 12.5”D • Keyboard Tray: 18.2”W x 1.6”H x 7.5”D • Keyboard Tilt: Negative 15° / Positive 6° Clinical • Raised-Edge Work Surface • 5” Dual Wheel Casters w/ Two Locking Casters • Anti-Microbial Agents in Touch Surfaces Ergonomics • Ergonomic, Soft Touch Fixed Push Handles • Rubberized Footrest • Negative/Positive Tilt (-15/+6) Slide-Out Keyboard Tray w/Integrated Wrist Rest • One Touch Powered Work Surface Height Adjustment • VESA Mount has Tilt, Swivel, and Rotation Adjustment • Ergonomically Position Storage Module • Centralized Control Pane • 270° Wrap Around Handle • Motorized work surface height adjustment: 32.5” sitting to 47.6” standing • Large raised edge work surface (17”W x 14.3”D) with translucent protective cover 2|Page Age: NEW Transmission Speed: • Optimal performance is achieved with a minimum of 50Mpbs connection speed although the unit has the ability to connect at up to Gigabit speeds. Resolution: • Image resolution is a minimum of 1280 x 720 and the unit will automatically scale up to 1920 x 1080 when network connectivity performance allows. Audio Quality: • Audio quality is a minimum 320kbps and the unit will automatically scale up to 1,000+kbps when network connectivity performance allows. Data Security: • The unit creates end-to-end encryption between endpoints using SSL/TLS. Data stored on the device is encrypted at rest using AES 256. Storage Capacity: • The unit maintains 256+GB of internal storage. Technical • Shipped Fully Assembled • Tool-Less Battery Access and Replacement • Easily Replaceable Power Module • AC Power Distribution w/ 6 AC Receptacles • Easily Accessible Keyboard and Mouse Connections • Large Number of Storage Options Available (Electronic Locking Storage is not Supported) • Keyed PC Compartment • 8’ Hospital-Grade Power Cord w/ Extraction Ring and Integrated Handle Hook • Thermally Controlled Variable Speed PC Compartment Cooling Fan • UL and CE Certified • (4) high speed USB 3.0 capable ports, (1) CAT5/6 RJ45 port, (1) HMDI video • port, (1) 3.5mm audio jack, (1) spare port for future expansion. • Jabra 410 Speakerphone • Lumens PTZ Camera • 24" Monitor 3|Page Non-formulary Medications Proposed Policy Health Care Policy & Procedure J/P-D-02 Medication Services – Non-Formulary Medications Section D: Ancillary Health Care Services Effective Date: 9/12/2014 Policy Revised: 03-21-2022 NCCHC Standard: Medication Services (J/P-D-02) NCCHC Opioid Standard: Medication Services (O-D-02) ACA Standard: Pharmaceuticals (4-ALDF-4C-38) Purpose To establish guidelines ensuring the appropriate dispensation of non-formulary prescribed medication to patients. Policy NaphCare advanced clinical providers will receive orientation and training relating to non-formulary medication ordering, dispensation and documentation. Procedure 1) The advanced clinical provider will receive non-formulary training during orientation prior to prescribing any medications. 2) The Health Services Administrator, with the assistance of corporate clinical provider supervisors, is responsible for all non-formulary medication training. 3) All advanced clinical providers prescribing non-formulary medication must use the following procedures: a) Complete a non-formulary medication request that also includes documentation, if any, of the current, non-formulary medication prescription from the patient’s community provider; b) Non-formulary medication requests must be completed in TechCare; c) Answer any question(s) posed by the corporate office pertaining to the non-formulary medication request as soon as possible, including why a formulary medication is not an appropriate alternative; and d) Prescribe a formulary substitution to continue treatment until the non-formulary medication request is resolved or, if deemed appropriate and if verified on intake, the non-formulary medication may be continued until the non-formulary medication request has been resolved. 4) Upon receipt of the non-formulary medication request, the corporate pharmacy will acknowledge receipt to the provider and/or Health Services Administrator, give preliminary approval or denial, and/or relay the medication request to the Corporate Medical Directors and/or Chief Medical Officer for further review. Corporate pharmacy staff will provide a timely response to the advanced clinical provider or Health Services Administrator, including substitution recommendations, if applicable. 5) Non-formulary medication prescription requests may be denied under the following circumstances: a) If the drug has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the indication for which it is being prescribed; b) If the patient has not taken the previously prescribed non-formulary medication as prescribed; c) If proper procedures pertaining to the prescribing of the medication(s), including psychotropics, have not been followed; d) If a clinically reasonable substitution of a formulary medication can be made; or e) If a patient has recently ingested alcohol or illicit drugs which may alter the intended therapeutic action of the non-formulary medication. 6) Medications that will become non‐formulary will be maintained until a provider assesses the patient. If the provider determines the medication is clinically indicated and beneficial for the patient, it will be continued. If an alternative, formulary medication is determined to more beneficial to the patient, then they will be safely transitioned to the new medication by onsite healthcare staff. Figure: TechCare’s non-formulary request form, which must be completed in order to prescribe a non-formulary medication. Relevant Forms None References Medication Administration (J-D-02). National Commission on Correctional Health Care: Standards for Health Services in Jails, 2018. Medication Administration (P-D-02). National Commission on Correctional Health Care: Standards for Health Services in Prisons, 2018. National Commission on Correctional Health Care: Standards for Opioid Treatment Programs in Correctional Facilities, 2016. Pharmaceuticals (4-ALDF-4C-38). American Correctional Association: Performance Based Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities, Fourth Addition, 2004. American Correctional Association: Standards Supplement, 2016. Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry 1601 WEST JEFFERSON PHOENIX. ARIZONA 85007 (602) 542-497 www. azcorrcction s go v DOUGLAS A. DUCEY GOVERNOR DAVID SI-fINN DIRECTOR March 17, 2022 NaphCare, Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road Suite 4000 Birmingham, AL 35216 Attention: Bradford McLane, CEO Re: Request for Proposal (RFP) No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Health Services Request for Clarifications Mr. McLane: The Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry (Department) is in the process of evaluating the proposal submitted in response to the above referenced RFP by NaphCare, Inc. (NaphCare) Special Terms and Conditions Section 2.9.6 of the RFP required Offerors to acknowledge for each section that “the Offeror has read, understands, and will comply with, as applicable, each Section and Subsection”. Your proposal response stated compliance with this requirement. However, there are several sections of your Offer for which you have provided additional information and/or explanation that conflicts with or contradicts the RFP requirements. Therefore, the Department is requesting your clarification on the following sections: 1. Scope of Work, Page 36, 1.4 Financial Responsibility, Section 1.4.1 NaphCar&s proposal included Audited Financial Statements only for four (4) years between 2017 and 2020. Please submit the Audited Financial Statements for the last five (5) years as required by the RFP. 2. Scope of Work, Page 36, 1.4 Financial Responsibility, Section 1.4.2 NaphCare failed to submit a separate five year pro forma income statement for the corporate entity for the five years of the contract. Please submit a separate five year pro forma income statement for the corporate entity for the five years of the contract, as required by the RFP. RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare NaphCare Clarifications Page 2 of 1. 3. Scope of Work, Page 62 1.8.9 Responsibility for Coordination of Care, Section Telemedicine Services, and NaphCare’s proposal does not provide detailed and sufficient information regarding telemedicine services. Please provide detailed and sufficient description as required by the referenced sections of the RFP, such as: list barriers to implementing and expanding telemedicine services within any of the ASPCs and a detailed description of your equipment including the age, transmission speed, resolution, audio quality, data security and storage capacity. 4. Scope of Work, Page 107 Pharmacy Services NaphCare’s proposal identified guidelines but it does not include a proposed policy. Please submit your proposed policy that ensures that clinically appropriate transitions exist, and that the transition plan does not affect continuity of care. 5. Scope of Work, Page 112 1.13.6 Mental Health Services Subsection Addiction Treatment NaphCare’s proposal includes Medically Assisted (MAT) and Opioid Treatment Services. Please clarify and confirm your understanding that these services have been removed from the RFP. The Department is requesting that NaphCare respond with their clarification response no later than 3:00 PM MST on March 23, 2022, or earlier at your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Csaki, Sr. Procurement Specialist at (602)364-3793 or at or me at (602)542-1172. Denel M. Picker Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry DP lee cc: ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 2 Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 February 17, 2022 | 3:00 PM MST i am, Alabama aphCare February 16, 2022 Kristine Yaw Deputy Chief Procurement Officer Procurement Services State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry (ADCRR) 1645 W. Jefferson Street Phoenis, AZ 85007 Re: Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare To the ADCRR Evaluation Committee: NaphCare s pleased to respond to ADCRR Solicitation No. BPMO003905 for Inmate Correctional Healthcare. For more than 30 years, NaphCare has been devoted to partnering with federal, state and local government agencies to provide proactive, preventive healthcare and innovative technology solutions for incarcerated populations. We welcome the opportunity to bring our partnership, expertise and innovative solutions to the ADCRR. ‘We have followed the proceedings regarding the Jensen v. Shinn litigation, and we are confident that we can partner with the ADCRR to achieve 100% compliance with the performance measures. contained in the prior consent decree, as well as address any new court-mandated requirements moving forward. We have outlined in this proposal how NaphCare's innovative solutions will help to improve your success rate in achieving those and any future measures. With NaphCare, you'll see innovation in every aspect of our care delivery — all aimed at improving. patient outcomes and preparing residents for a safe and healthy return to the community to reduce recidivism. Quality Patient Care: Preventive Health & Wellness NaphCare’s Proactive Care Model emphasizes the proper identification of medical, mental health and substance use issues in order to intervene early and establish individualized treatment plans for timely and appropriate care. We apply this model upon reception into the system. Each patient's total health is reviewed by a clinician atour first encounter and integrated medical and mental health treatment is initiated to minimize adverse outcomes. We couple our Proactive Care Model with a long-term health and wellness focus. For ADCRR residents, NaphCare will implement our targeted MyCare Wellness Program that emphasizes the importance of treatment compliance and preventive healthcare through patient education to give patients more autonomy in their personal care. MyCare equips individuals ‘with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy life choices, which in turn, can reduce emergent healthcare needs while incarcerated and decrease rates of recidivism and relapse after release. rage QaphCare Transparency and Compliance with TechCare EH Our corrections-specific EHR and medical management system, TechCare, is designed specifically to provide efficiency, accountability, transparency and consistency in correctional systems. Because TechCare is a NaphCare product, we are able to customize the system for the specific performance measures required by ADCRR and providerea time reports to ADCRR and Court Moritas, proving ‘compliance and quality of care provided. NaphCare has successfully partnered with clients to comply. with and overcome consent decrees and litigation, including collaborating with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (AZ) in overcoming a 40-year consent decree. Partnering with NaphCare means a guaranteed level of continuity of care — more than 72% of ‘commitments to the ADCRR are from Maricopa and Pima Counties with existing health records within our EHR, TechCare. STATCare 24/7 Telehealth Team STATCare is NaphCare’s exclusive, innovative approach to providing 24/7 access to providers via telehealth. For ADCRR, a dedicated STATCare team of 12 providers —eight (8) medical and four (4) psychiatric — will be based in our Arizona office to provide an added layer of quality assurance and clinical support to site teams throughout the state. With access to patient records in real-time via TechCare, TATCare providers will be availabe for patient encounters, as wel as peer-to-peer consults and 24/7 on-call services, ensuring a prescriber is available around-the-clock. Our STATCare team is. always on-call with an immediate response guaranteed. NaphCare: A Partner You Can Trust At NaphCare, we consider our clients to be partners. Through collaborative partnership, mutual trust and transparency, we are best able to ensure the success of our programs ~ meaning the success of our partners. As a family-owned company, NaphCare has never sought the support of outside investors —allowing us to maintain our focus on serving the interests of our patients and or private equity clients, While other companies engage i frequent mergers and acquisitions, we remain under consistent leadership with an unwavering mission. of choice in achieving yourstrategic goals We welcome the opportunity to become ADCRR' partner now and into the future. Should you need any further information regarding our proposal, please contact me at 205.536.8532 or, or Robert Bradford, Senior Vice President of Operations, at 205.406.2247 or Sincerely, =f Bradford Mctane Chief Executive Officer Naphcare, Inc. Bon Tab Offer and Acceptance Page Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 3 Offer and Acceptance Page Provide a signed copy of the Offer and Acceptance Page. Proposals submitted without a signed copy of this document may be considered nonresponsive. See Attachment 1, Offer and Acceptance. NaphCare has included the required signed copy of the Offer and Acceptance Page as well as signed Acknowledgements of receipt of Amendments 1‐21 following this page. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 4 > ©) ©) i: Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 1 Offer and Acceptance Form Stato otzona Department Gorotons, Rehabilitation &Reentry recusmar Tosske ots Soviss Steet Solicitation No. BPHM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare SUBMISSION OF OFFER: Undersigned heraby ofes and agrees to provide nate Correctional Heatihcare Service In complance wi the Solctaton ndicated above and aut Ofer dated byth aes ted version below: inSf) Initial Offer: ow |ISM sae vnc: om | Syme one sens om | Soman ome | see Bostand Final Ofer: om | Swan ters compyrome Satesofpron arzad tosOr. 2050 cotmpians Tons suite $000 srastors tame, cao Hams todara and srastors means, ca f— Civ st 27 Coractranomah sasssees Srastorsscianatmpheare.con_ 205-536-952 Fedo dette EMor SSN) Conta EatAtos Catena GERTINCATION:B spas th shove, Ctr cots po lt scree aga ny alot esa Ti lerfor aloe in tou Extn Ore 1240, tos Se 2 ha en. fe oeSn or og try ra hea ry csrSamant sporty Ae acy, a, GA Be ea peo oh. aban eh wa rn i Coc Ho ASL ino Os. Sin Gt wn 9 Starr io Sr sao essingcoactos an go eo 5. Compt oh ARS. 13532 wha fiscion forma bog HAs, aries, Banc rd ot are fom acters pate Fm sting n ny cana varie y adr ss, cl gre ACCEPTANCEtoOFts OFFER: Sat horbyce acestSr, h ntl Of,roRoa Off o Sst and0a Fil Of arf byie et de re fo (ra fr rand 0 Cavaco ck ik rd acne Eraotot pm wh teoy Accu Ofer tre port.1Comacl cone4os caiman aywe Shahoe net tt vs ny Sea Gone ator esa SPA so Sod on Pn: ADCRR's Contract Number Crt rosea Ofc Snes Atachment 1. Off adAcceptance Form ADCRR Tracking No 2203.32 Tone Contract Efectve Date: DenelM. Pickrin, Chie Procurement Officer CretprmseatOr ae D Soctaton Anendnent No 18 5 Solicitation Amendment = innie ‘The Solicitation Due Date is November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (msT). BO I PT na, S r Di i we LL Es AT fects 6 Bad Solicitation Amendment COW ATA Jr Sm at ProcaixAZISOOT ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitations hereby amended a follows: ‘The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). Amend to Delete Section 1.1.19 beng deleted. All questions shoul besubmitted d through the APP Discusion forum ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REVAININTHEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “Thi Solicitation Amendment is hereby ‘understanding of this Amendment. =H Je Signature Brator wetane, ceo executed this 21" dayof September, 2021. 12/6/2021 Dae Typed Name and Title / NameofCompmy bs . Donel Mi. Sckernd 7ChefProcure Officer . 7 Bae ¢OF ht Solicitation Amendment 'ADCRR Tracking No. 22.036.32 iL Ph Rehubilaion, and Rent 1645 West Jefferson Street REA Phosni, AZ 35007 ASIGNED COPY OF This AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITHYOUR OFFER The solciaton ishereby amended as follows: ‘The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). Amend to Change Notice Page on Solicitation Amendment No 1. From In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 41.2534, Competitive Sealed proposals for the materials or services specified, will be received by the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) trough the State's e-Procurement System, Arizona Procurement Portal (APP) a tps go uni the “Bid/Offer Du Date” indicated in “Th State's e-Procurement System orth Solittion No. shown a the 0p of this page. Proposals must be inthe ADCRRs possession online no fate than that deadline. For Pr. Ofer Confrence pleas see ection 2.5, GAP Analysis Meeting, please see section 1.17 and or On-Site Inspections, lease sea section 2.7. 1 n accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 41-2534, Competitive Sealed proposal for the materials orservices specied, wil be received by the Arizona Departmen ofCorrections,t Rehabilitation and Reentry (AOCRA) trough the State's eProcurement System, Arizona Procurement Portal (APP) st htps// gov uni the “Bid Offer Du Date” indicated in“The State's eProcurement System for th Solicitation No, shown a the 0p of this page. Proposals must ben the ADCRRs possession online no ater than tha deadline. orPr.OfferConference please se scton 2.6, GAP Analysis Meeting, please se section 1.1.7 and for OnSite Inspections, please se section 27. Amend to Change Pharmacy Services Section 1.12 Solicitation Amendment No 1 as follows: Section 1.12.7 Ee) All audits shall be retained and forwarded tothe ADCAR Pharmacy Director upon request. Allaudits containing discrepancies shall be satisfactory retiie with the appropriate supporting documentation. Discrepancies are defined as those findings in violation of (1.14.1). 0 All audit shall be retsned and forwardedto the ADCAR Pharmacy Director upon request. All audits containing discrepancies shal be saistactori rectified withthe appropiate supporting documentation. Discrepancies ar defined 25 those findings n violation of (1.12.1). : 8 Br N@) Solicitation Amendment BA v ep on 1645 West Jefferson Street Epa Section 1.12.11 From The Contractor shall provide an Arizona registered pharmacs s) toconduct onaregular basis the onsite required audits ofthis contract aswel as th required MSTM onsite audits. The required onsite quarterly audits (aswell s al other required on ste audits) of each Complex health unit and quality improvement reviews will be madi avalabletothe Department andshalbeconsistent with accreditation requirements established by NCCHC/ACA standards. The ‘Quarterlyaudit shallbe combined with the Auttool reference in These audits shall be available on or before the P&T committee meeting and upon request Itis ls required fora audits tobe revieweda al site and regional Quality Improvement meetings with signatures ofthe appropriate parties necessary o correct enifed discrepancies. (Contractor Regional Pharmacist, Appropriate Site Leadership, Regional Quality personnel a well s Directors of Operations.) To ‘audits ofthis contract as wel asthe required MSTM onsite audit. The required onsite quarterly audits (aswells other required onsite audit) of each Complex health unt an quality improvement reviewwillbemadeavailable altothe Department and shall be consistent with accreditation requirements established by NCCHC/ACA standards. Quarterly audit hall be combined with the Audit tool referenced in Exhibit 17. These audits shall be avaibleTheon or before the P&T committee meeting and upon request Its alo required for al audits to be reviewed at allie regional Quality Improvement meetings with signatures ofthe appropriateparties necessary to corect identifiedand discrepancies. (Contractor Regional Pharmacist, Appropriate Site Leadership, Regional Quality personnela well as Directors of Operations.) Section 1.12.17 From The Contractor shall provid amonitoring e system for ordering, receiving and maintaining an inventory of pharmaceuticals in a safe, secure and organized fashion, in accordance with (1.14.1) at each Arizona State Prison Complex. TheContractor shal also developa monitoring system addressing the reason for reverse distribution ofa medication ie. discontinued, expired, duplicate prescription, adulterated, misbranded, and refused). To The Contractor shal provide a moritoring systemforordering receiving and maintaining an inventory of pharmaceuticals in asaf, secure and organized fashion in accordance with 1.12.1) at each Arizona State Prison ‘Complex. The Contractor shall also velo @moritoring p system addressing th reasonfo reverse distribution ofa medication ‘The Contractor shall provide an Arizona registered pharmacist (s) to conduct on a regular basis the onsite required (i.e. discontinued, expired, duplicate prescription, adulterated, misbranded, and refused). Section 1.12.21 From All packaging and storage of pharmaceuticals and medications under thdiect control of the Contractor shall meet ll of the labeling requirements and all requirements, as well as those requirements listed under (1.14.1). To All packagingand storage of pharmaceuticals andmedications under th direct control ofthe Contractor shall meet all ‘of the labeling requirements and all requirements, as well as those requirements listed under (1.12.1). 2 9 Bd S@% Solicitation Amendment v op 1645 West Jefferson Ser Section 1.12.22 From ‘The Contractor shall ensure that all pharmaceuticals and pharmacy inventory is accounted for and actively/accurately managed (refer to (1.14.1) for criteria for management of medications) at each complex health unit, remote healthcare site and pharmacy at all imes. The Contractor shall monitoranacontinuous basi all drugs for outdate, appropriate dating and abeling, mult-dose vias, disposal of expired or partially used drugs and tems obtained from the pharmacy found in an inmate's possession. The Contractor shall ensure documentation and tracking of all medication errors due to nursing delivery/administraton or pharmacy dispensing errors. Perpetual inventory medicationrelated logs shall be maintained on each yard. Daily medication delivery manifests shll be kept in binders located in the medication fo0ms on each yard, to be reviewed and initialed dilby an LPN or RN. To “The Contractor shall ensure that all pharmaceuticals and pharmacy inventory is accountedforand activey/accurately managed (refer to (1.12.1) for criteria for managementof medications) at each complex health unit, emote healthcare site and pharmacy at al times, The Contractor shall monitor ona continuous bass all dugs fo outdates, appropriate dating and labeling, multidose vals, disposal of expired or partially used drugs and tems obtained from he pharmacy found in an inmate's possession. The Contractor shal ensure documentation and trackingof al medication ertors due to nursing delivery/administration or pharmacy dispensing errors. Perpetual inventory medicationrelated logs shall be maintained on each yard. Daily medication delivery manifests shll be kept in binders located n the medication To0ms on each yard, tobe reviewed and nad dallybyan LPN or RN. Section FROM Ensure medications are not expired, adulterated, or misabeled. Ensure thatall medications are secured. Ensure compliance is maintained 2s per the criteria in 1.16.1) 0 Ensure medications are not expire, adulterated, ormislabeled. Ensure thatal medications are secured. Ensure compliance is maintained as per the criteria in (1.12.1). p 10 Bd Solicitation Amendment oh3 | Sociion No: BPMOG330S Ro “ADCRR Tracking No: 220%632 PO hilton, wdRec ProcinAZ3300) Amend to Delete Tableof Contents Page 2Solicitation Amendmen1t Amend to Add TableofContents Amendment No3 ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “This Solicitation Amendiment hereby understandingofthis Amendment. exceuted this 23 dayofSeptember, 021. Fr mom El Signature Date 7 sractord Hotane, cto Typed Name and Tle / } Nophcare, Tne. ameofCompany — Dene Fickaring elProsurement 9iTicer . 11 px rm Solicitation Amendment So a 3 [Soimior-ororsns NoTe TT] hem eon ma EOL [Stemiti Greomimines a oo epee BT | CoGe Toy is SIGNEDCOPYOFTH AMENDMENTMUST BERETURNEDWIT YOUROFFER ‘The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). Question a beensubmited athe Departmentriehe ling spans EO —— 1 id or Rdioy, Don nd seescn eid ret orsris? Answers Scion 11.10 squires 3 comprensive propos forthe provision ofelhcar sic Compre hath eis ude pcsof hel coe, to spec Genes. Secon 1.1 ruesheConetproidecomprehensiveheathsnesverge et os2 Comin ors dr wk thons on ALLOTHERPROVISIONS OFTHESOLICITATIONSHALL REMAIY INTHEIR ENTIRETY Offerorhereskmoviees ecsiptand This Slction Amendment rey understandingof this Amendment. executed this 24" dayof September, 2021. Zen Se Be en TypeName a Til ree NameofCompany Delt, piecing piste © Denel M. Pickering Chief Procurement Officer . 12 Bed Solicitation Amendment pe Co) > [Solcimion No. BMO0305 Retabiliniandon Reniy Boa Prac AZ83001 y ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitations hereby amended a follows: The Solicitation Due Date shal remain November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). Amend to Change Solicitation Amendment No 1. Mental Health Services section 113.41 From Psychology Associate levldincans shall have an active LAC, LP, LMFT, LCSW, LMSW license. Any masters vel or doctoral level cinician withou acurrentlicense t must work under th supervisionof a censed clinician and abtain an appropriate license within eighteen (16) month. Clricians holding a LASAC/LISAC license shall work under the supervision ofan independent licensed cinicia. 0 Psychology Assodate evel cincans shall hav an activ LAC, LPC LMFT, LESW, LMSW license, Any master vel or doctoral eve clinician withou acurrent t license mst ork und th supervision er ofa icensed clinician and obtain an appropriate license within eighteen (18) months. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THESOLICITATION SHALL REMAININTHEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “ThsSolicitation Amendment is hereby understanding of this Amendment. ‘executed this 5* dayofOctober, 2021. Eff,yosaom Sigmature Dae Sradtord ctane, ceo Typed Name and Tite Napicare, Inc. NameofCompany _ re Dead. Picketog JeBrocuament ricer ! 13 Bed OF 19) oA Solicitation Amendment PO. Lo1645 Wes Jefferson Set Pass, AZ 5007 ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitations hereby amended 3 allows: The Solicitation Due Date shal remain November 15,2021at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MT). “The following question was received on October 5, 2021 1. Custom Ray has installed in 13sfo State fAZ Health Unis - Medical XRay Eguipment Fully Dal in each Healt Unit readyfo use by he next Healt Cre Provider- lease contact Tonya Wires ensure thet the bid state that ther i existing Dita XRay Equipment in lace an ready 1 06. our company wilng to work with any Health Cre Provider that you choseiia XAay Equipment in piace wil work withany ype of EMR &Pacs Solon with LOCAL support from a dedicated Arizona Imaging Company. Plea contact Tonya Wietzema or directly 602-439-3100 wwcustoma y com Thankyou Answer: The Offeorschlce for Subcontractors to ull contract oigatonss made independently ofthe Department. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and This Solicitation Amendments hereby understanding of this Amendment. executed this dayofOctober, 2031. orem Sigmar Dae sradtord weiane, co or Typed Name and Tie sapncace, inc. ~ : NameofCompany ore M. Pidernd 7 Ciel Prossamgh Office ' 14 rrmen Siar ofAronaOO Pcoh Solicitation Amendment ADCRR Tracking No: 2036.32 Rhian srivny 1645 West efeson Sire Phos. AZ85007 ASIGNED COPY OF THISAMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation i hereby amended as follows: The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). In accordance with Scope of Work, Section 1.1.7, the October 19, 2021 at 9 am MST (Arizona time) Gap Analysis meeting is hereby cancelled. The Gap Analysis meeting will be rescheduled at a later date prior to closing of the RFP via amendment. Once rescheduled, offerors wishing to attend the meeting shall contact KristineYaw (] ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OFTHE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “This Solicitation Amendment is hereby understanding ofthis Amendment. executed this 14th dayofOctober, 2021. <= x2/6/20m Sigrare Date ’ bragtord etane, cso Typed Name and Title Naphcare, tne NemeofCompany SA ~ DEI. Pickering7 Chet : . Officer 15 Solicitation Amendment ie ADCRR Toacking No; 2203632 | Rebabiliaion. nd Recny 643ME Wes Jierson Sue Solicitation Tle: Inmate Cortona Reivers A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitationis hereby amendeda follows: The Slitaton DueDateibeing extend to November 30, 2021at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). ASolicitation Amendme toanswervendor nt questions will follow. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OFTHE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “This Solicitation Amendment shereby understanding ofthisAmendment. execute his 20d dayofNovember, 2021. £2 . eran Signaure Dae sradtord vetane, ceo Typed Name andTile vaphcare, toc _ Name of Company denelM. Pickering Pe tort "hief Procurer Officer 16 4 Solicitation Amendment rr CEP [oliwionNo. sevonsns 'ADCRR Tracking No. 2203632 Rehabilitation, and Reentry Be8,[Soliton Te: net CorresionlHeatthare 1645Pb West eferson Set Dot November, 2021_| Contac Officer: Kring Yaw 'ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENTMUST BE RETURNEDWITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation is hereby amended as follows: “The Slicittion Due Date shal remain November 30, 2021at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREMENTS THAT WILL FORMALLY CHANGE THE SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SHOWN AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS AMENDMENT. Amend to Delete Solicitation Amendment No 1 - Attachment 88. Amend to Change Solicitation Amendment No 1.-Attachment 8A from Attachment 8A To: Attachment8 Amend to Change Solicitation Amendment No 1 - Special Terms and Conditions (Section 2.9) from 28.18 Fee Schedule: Offerorshall complete the Fee Schedule (Atachment 8A IPD Fee Schedule; 88 Total Annual Contract Fee Schedule) and submitwith theroffer in APP. 0 29.18 Fee Schedule: Offeror shall complete the Fee Schedule Attachment8 PIPD Fee Schedule)and submit with their offer in APP. Amend to Change — Reference to Questions 54 & 55 Solicitation Amendment No 1.- FEE SCHEDULE (Section 1.26) FROM 124 FEESCHEDULE 1.20.1 Offeror shall complete Attachment, Fee Schedule for both Options; and include t nthe Offer. 1.24.11 the APP system, please fil inthe Pr Inmate per Day Costunderthe tems tab, The detailed pricing shall be lsted in Atachment 8, Fee Schedule 1.20.12 Fee Schedule, Attachment , Option 1: Reference the Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.7.5 1.20.13 Fee Schedule, Attachment 8, Option 2: Reference theSolicitationSpecial Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.7.6 Page or16 17 nd > QP3 Ca Solicitation Amendment Depo cparinent of Comations, a 1645 Wes Jelferson Set Phoenix, AZ 85007 1.24.14 Both Optionsof the Fee Schedule shall be submitted, or the Offeror may be deemed as nonresponsive. 0 124 FE scHEDULE 124.1 Offeror shall complete Attachment &, Fee Schedule; and include t nthe Offer 1.24.1. 1 n the APP system, pleas il nthe er Inmate pr Day Cost under the tems tab, The detailed pricing shal be sed in Attachment 3, Fee Schedule. Amend to Change — Reference to Question 38 Solicitation Amendment No 1 -Pharmacy Services (Section 1.12) From 1.12.6 The Contractor shal purchase, stock, an manage medications, includingprescription medications, compound intravenous solutions, and over the counter medications, both formulary and norformulary. ‘Manage? refers to assurance ofalsafety and security ofmedications, aswell as compliancewith (1.14.1). wo 11216 The Contractor shall purchase, stock and manage medications, including prescription medications, compound intravenous solutions, andover the counter medications, both formulary and non-formulary. “Manage” refers to assurance ofal safety and security of medications, 25 well as compliance with (1.12.1), Amend to Change ‘Solicitation Amendment No 1- Mental Health Services (Section 1.13) from 113.41 Psychology Associatelevelclinicians shall have an active LAC, LPC, LIFT, LCSW, LMSW license. Any master's level or doctoral evel clinician without a current license must ork under the supervision of a censed clinician and obtain an appropriate license within eighteen (18) months. Clinicians holding aLASAC/LISAC Hcense shall work under the supervision of an independently icensed clinician. 0 113.41 Psychology Associate level cinicians shall have an active LAC, LPC, LIFT, LCSW, LMSW or ISAC license. Any master’ levelo doctoral eve clncan withouta current license must work under the supervision ofa licensed clinicianand obtain an appropriate license within eighteen (18) months. Clinicians holdinga USAC license shall provide services nly to individuals with co-occurring mental liness andsubstanceabuse. dingnoses. Amend to Change Solicitation Amendment No 1.- Staffing (Section 1.17) From 1179 Additions! staffing recommendations 11791 Ten pharmacy technicians 117.92 Three fulltime pharmacists one of whom wil serve a th regional pharmacist. 117.93 Aminimum of eight release/cscharge planners and 1 additional release/discharge planner supervisor. 1179.4 Expanded registered nursingFTE within the intake are. Page20r16 18 > Solicitation Amendment " Siltol Asien wo a Amend to Change — Reference to Question 44 ‘Solicitation Amendment No 1 - Staffing (Section 1.17) iin wo Amend to Delete — Reference to Question 75 2 Staffing Plans identified as Amendment 5 Proposal ~ Revised Staffing Comparison: 7/1/21 Contract (pages 9-15); Contract Amendment 5 (pages 16-22) sar 19 pd p< oF Solicitation Amendment a i ies Amend to Delete Staffing Offset Allowance (pages 23-24) Amend to Add — Reference to Question 4 Amend to Add — Reference to Question 51 Questions have been submitted and the Department provides thefollowing The following questions were received on October 7, 2021. 20 Dsed oF © R= — Amendment Solicitation eof Aon a cparimentof Cometon, iit 1645 Wes Jerson Sek Phos, AZ$5007 5. 18:32 (pg. 54)-TheRFP provides “the Contctor shal submit o provider networkpla to the MSCMBwithin to andotherhealth providers twenty-one (21)calendar daysofcontract awarddatedetailing hospitals, clinical be utiized to provide ccs to health services for Department inmates. The MSCMB must approve the network and credentials (censure and/or accreditation)for providers prior to Contractor perationa effective dote.” Pleaseconfirm thetimeline between contract award and operational effective date. Answer #5: Section 1.1.18 sates tha the gol for fll service delivery at ach Arizona State Prison Complex shall be mo later than ninety (50) calendar days from the contract award date. 6. 1812.17 (pg. 62) - The RFP rauires submissionof credentialing an to include employees, subcontractors, and network. Please provide the Department's minimum expectations for the scope of credentialing to be conducted ith offsite network providers. Answer #6: Section 1.3.2 describes the requirements of the submited network plan; Section 1.85 describes the requirementsfor networkproviders. 7. 18.12.17 (pg. 62) - Does the Department expect primary source verification of off-site network provider credentials? 7: Section 1.85 describes the requirements for network providers Answer 8.1.93 (pg. 65)- lease confirm routine labs, ays, and cervical cancer screenings can be done within 72 hours if patents come to intake on Fridays. Medications would be reviewed and prescribed per2 day ule. Answer #8: Section 1.9.3 states that all intake screening services and acthtes shall be completed by the end ofthe second full day of inmate arrival. 9. 1.98 (pe. 66) lease provide the numberoftransfers between each complex for eachof th last 3years: Answer #9: 2019:30658 2020: 16285 2021: 15,809 copy of anyplies and 10. 110 (pg. 69) - lease provide the current COVID and flu testingplan along with procedures. a. Please confirmifanyrapid testing isbeingdone oreither. dothey belong tothe vendor or ADCRR? b. Are Abbott ID Machinespresent? If yes, 1s Antigentesting and/or Antibody testing being done? If yes, who's financially responsive, the orADCRR? vendor 4. there arerequired timelines for testing please provide. e. Please provide thefollowing utilization information for COVID testing to include the number tested, number positives, numberasymptomatic, tc. a gov/stes/defaultfes/documents/PDF/tech_manals/adrrAnswer #10: See ADCRR website-hitps/coreetions healhservicestechnicalmanual_100421pe Medical Services Technical Manual, Chapter 2, Section 5.1 a) ves PageSof16 21 a Solicitation Amendment CO: p> | Solicitation No.:BPM003905 R74, ADCRRTracking No.: 22-036-32 rs Rehabilitation, and Reentry [socmion Tile: Inna Corson ctr Nye SoctaionAmendment No.9| Du: November 92071] Cont Offcr KiseYow 6) Alequipmentis owned by ADCRR Ye, th contracted healtcarevendors nancial responsible for testing @) See the Medical Secs Technical Manual @) See ADCRR webste - COVID-18 Oashboord 11,110.31 (pg. 69)- lease confi teleheakth can be used a needed fo ensure timely acces and maintaining Quality 2 an acnct for onsite medical providers but not 10 replace onsite medial providers where cre needs tobe delivered facefo fce. Answer #11: Ves, a contained in Section 1.8.9, Telemedicine Service, the Department encourages he utizaton and expansion of telemedicineservices. 12,110.40. (pg. 69) - lease confirm on-ite specialty cinkcs mayb supplemented by specialty elehealthcincs 35 nesded 0 ensure acces and quaycare Answer #12: Yes, a contained in Section 1.8.9, Telemedicine Services, the Department encourages he uization and expansion oftelemedicinesecs 13. 1104.54 - lease provid the curent faites providing diayss services and the current st and age of equipment includingwater purcation facie, NT — 1645 WestJeffersonStreet Answer #13: ASPCTucson andASP Florence. Equipments provided bya subcontractor, 14,110.05. - Please provide the number of facies curently housing pregnant and high risk pregnant patents. Ave there stempts to house high sk patients at ane facility? Answer #14; Alfemale inmates ar housed at ASPCPerle 15. 1104.5 (pg. 70)- lease dent the following with regard tothe current onsite speciale bing provided: = Locationofthe specialty dine (which aity) 5. Frequency andduration < Provider name G. Provider contac information Answer #15: _ Dilys: ASPCflorence, ASPCTucson; Audiology: all complexes; Optometry: all comes; Physical Therapy: ASPCEyman, ASPCLewis, ASPCPeryle, ASPCTucson, ASPCama; OBIGMN: ASPCPermle. A comprehensive st ofnames is ot avaiable. 16. 11045 (pg, 70) - Please provide the frequency with which the requested onsite specially services are provided hours week, hourfmonth, etc) for ach of the followingspecies a. Vision o- Audiology . Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy a. Dios . Obstetrics andGynecology f. Terminally Il © Infectious Diseases Fagan 22 na <0 $ > at Solicitation Amendment perio, Coban 1645 Wes Jasona Sk AZ85007 Phocis, Answer #16: Provisionof services varies and is based on institutional need. 17. (ps. 72) - Does the Dept. currently provide methadone within ts facies for addictive pregnant females? so, please provide the facies. Answer #17: Yes, ASPC-Pernyille 18. (pg. 73) - leaseprovid the number ofallDMEpurchasesbymonth oreach ofthepast twoyears. Answer 18: This information snot maintained by the Medica Services Contract Monitoring Bureau 19. 1.10.53 (pg. 76) - lease provide the number of HepatisC patients per yearby units in 2019,2020, and 2021 Vio, Answer #19: Total numbers of patients per year— 2019:77,723 2020:77,104 2021:48,669 20. 1.10.53 (pg.76) lease provide the number ofHIV patients peryearby unit sn 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD, Answer #20: Tota numbers of patients per yar 2019:2284 2020:2937 20211716 21. (pg. 78) - What is the definition of a qualified health professional? Please confirm a trained bachelors level mental health clinician would qualify. Answer #21: Definitions are provided in Secton 1.2.1. 22. 1.10.7 (pg.79)-Pleaseconfirm whether nursescheduled ifs are curently 8houror12 hour hits. Answer #22: Current shits ae scheduled 8 or 12 hours based on institutional need. 23.1107 (pg. 79) -Are there specahy nurse positions ike chronic cae or each site? Answer #23: 1.10.5requires the contractor to develop and implement a chronic care program. 1.10.56 addresses the use of a Registered Narse within the contractors chronic care program. 24. 1.10.3 pg. 81) - Please confirm emergency medicine trined providers substitute forthe “Cardiologist aver read with immediate responses” unless such a need and response s required for qually care by the emergencymedicine provider. Answer #24: A board-certified physician in emergency medicine, internal medicine, or family medicine may be tosubstitute for EXGoverreads. permitted 25. 1.10.15(ps 4)- Please provide offi uization statisticsfor the folowing: Page Tar16 23 ~~ COP ! BRE Solicitation Amendment Rr RAs Sn 1645 Wes Jersonwiser Phos, AZ 85007 « Specialty « P/OP professional + Place of Service Code « Admission/Discharge Dates + Service incurred dates * Claim types (UB/HCFA) + DRG/Rev/CPT codes/Modif orfofdays + Hofunits Answer #25: This information s maintained by the current vendor. 26. 110.15 (5 84) - lease provide the total cost of off-site treatment per year by unit or eachof th following: 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #26: This information not maintainedbytheMacical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau 27. 110.15 (pg84) - lease provide the total cost of inpatient stays per year by unit for eachof the folowing: 2019, 2020, and 2021 TO. Answer #27: This informations not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 28. 1.10.17 (pg. 8)- For stable patients that require emergenc careevaluationy off sie, what is he availabilty for tothe £0? COTransport Answer 28: ADCRR Operations staf is available at ll times for non-emergent transport of inmates tan emergency forfurtherevaluation. departm ent 29. 1105.1 (pg. 91)- Does the ADCRR have any personel that assist with discharge planning and re-entry activities? Answer #29: No. 30. (pg. 92) - Please provide the number of inmates per year by unit who received discharge medications in 2013, 2020, and 2021YTD. Answer #30: 2019:(3 &4"qtr): 11,829 2020: 24,889 2021:19,069 31. 1.12 (pg. 97) - Please provide for calendar year 2019, 2020 and 2021 YTD each of the following regarding pharmacy utilization: + Number ofinmates + Number ofprescriptions + Costbile othe ADCRRforthefollowingdiseasestates: © Dialysis billed indialysis unit) o Hv o Hav Page $or16 24 ed i Solicitation Amendment sr ore 1645 West Jefferson Street { Lam! Rd ere A, OE — 25 ed Solicitation Amendment C ). i 1645West Jeflerson Street however, section 1.14.1 is about utilization management. Please clarify. personalized technology for support of in-cell behavioral health programming or other health care programs. 43. 1.15.5 (pg. 123) - Regarding limiting payment to no more than the AHCCCS FFS payment schedule, please 150g 15 ee peg ross ve pe fo tof os es 09/2019 -08/2020: 1117 09/2020 -08/2021: 1209 45. 1.17.8 (pg. 130) - The RFP states “Section - state recommendations on minimum staffing 26 ned Solicitation Amendment Don asin, Rindy for this position for 45 days. Please confirm the payback would be $45/hr. x 10 = $450.00. hous 30-300 rs © botye125) plus Oty Dh ore oye) isd 49. 1.20.1 (pg-139) - Please provide the audit tool the Department will use for Mental Health Services. 50. 1.20.1 (pg.139) - Regarding the 112 performance measures. Please clarify whether each facility is measured 52. 1.21 (pg. 141) - Please provide the monetary sanctions per month by facility for 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. 27 CO) | Solicitation Amendment DepartmentofCorrections, 685 Wetseimon sree (pg. 159) - This subsection states offerors should reference the Solicitation Special Terms and inspections. Please clarify. A — 57. 2.18 (pg. 168) - Please provide an example of how the fee schedule is scored. For example, the lowest offeror plan by unit within each complex. 60. General - Please provide the listing of on-site services being performed by facility, including provider/vendor 28 pra Solicitation Amendment .Rn 1 enol prothos cen tpt ging te hour over ah pom A —————————— documents/reports ~ Corrections At AGlance report. 29 > Solicitation Amendment Department ofCotetions, Fen Ag TTS prt) su ng Sm sapassur contracts since 2011 or since 2016 (the lastfiveyears)? 30 ne Solicitation Amendment 'ADCRR Tracking No: 2036.32 $O)! >| Solicitation No. BPMO03905 JT and Recniey Relabiliotion, 1645 West ers Ses [Solicitation Ti: Inmate Corotona eatare en Date November 9,2021_| Contra Ofer: Katine Yaw Answer #75: The relevant correct Staff Plan s identified as Exhibit 8Solciation Amendment No. 1. Please see Amend oDelete at the beginning ofthis amendmentfo th deletion of the two exta staffing plans. 76. RFP Section Transfers- RFP Section Transfers, This section requires the Contractor to transfer any inmate patient wh is currently inpatient at hospital without a secure ward to.a hospital with a secure ward within 48 hours of the non-secure hospitals determination that the patient is stable enough to do so. Since al inpatient lms are paid using DRG methodology whether by AHCCCS directlyor the Contractor, this would entail two payments for what amounts to one hospital sta. Can we assume Bidders should bul this into their pricing proposal? Answer #76: The R6P is fora Per Inmate Per Day price, inclusiveofthe above 77. RFP Section 18.1 - RFP Section 18.11, under Telemedicine service, is almost identical o requirements in RFP Section 1.128, regarding Pharmacy Services. This requirement may be misplaced. id the Department intendfothis tobeaddressed in Section 18.117 Answer #77: Section 15.11 i located under Responsiiity for Coordination of are. Telemedicine ences is Section 139 78. Section 1.11 - Section 1.11 Dental Services- Canthe Department clarify what anticipated or expected changes willoccr inthe Dental ServicesTechnical Mana during the contract period following contract award? Answer #78: Unknown at this time. 79. Service Technical Manuals - Service Technical Manuals-For al Service Technical Manuals (i. mental health services, medical services manual, diet reference, etc.) Can the Department clarify what anticipated or expected changes will occur in thesemanualsduring the contract period following contract award? atthistime. Answer #75: Unknown 80. Co-Pays -Co-Pays-Does the Department plan to reinstate andcharge co-pays in tis new contract? Answer #80:Tobe determined. 81. 1.126 In Section 112.6, the RF requests weekly auditsofat least 10% of individual yard population. Please clarify f this is 10% of the entir yard population, 10% of those patients prescribed medications, or 10% of prescribed medications? Answer #81: This section references “criteria nthe above paragraph’, section 1.12.5. 82. 112.5 112.6 -RFP sections 1.12.5 and 1.126 cover daly audits of select medication orders, These sections appear to be asking for the same audits to be duplicated. Please clarify the required frequency and level of each audit todifferentiate. Answer #82: Section 1.12. requires dally audits of llofthe select medications; Section 1.126 requires weekly audits of 10%ofthe individual yard population meetin th criteria from Section 1.125, EY Page 150116 31 Solicitation Amendment Ie [Soto mess >[ousovers01[Commie I Please add the Digital XRay Equipment at each site to the inventory for the bid - the inventory list does not LR ALLEV0 TES0LICTATIONSLL EA INTHEI ENTS Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and understanding of this Amendment. i Bradford McLane, CEO Typed Name and Title saphcars, inc. “This Solicitation Amendment is hereby executed this 9th dayof November, 2021. 3% } ~~ { tent 4 32 Solicitation Amendment nn rm Rn iy mnny es ‘The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 30, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CANS, AON RETINYESH LGRHAGETESOLAN ST os Amend to Change — Reference Question 30 Solicitation Amendment No 1 - Special Terms and Conditions (Section 2.9.1) (1500) additional pages to the RFP, single sided, 12 point font type. ToBt conttnomiomn, gamatiotute wrenim eggs Question 30 ee er ree cion 1517) on Amend to Change — Reference 29.1.7 Offerors shall have at least a minimumof three (3) years of experience providing the following 029.1.7 Offerors shall have at least a minimum of three (3) years of experience providing the following. services: (Attachment 7) services: (Attachment 10) 80 and 81 ee noequestion Question 80.and 81 Amend to Delete — Reference Amend to Add - Reference Question 80 and 81 33 Solicitation Amendment Cm Bey Amend to Change - Reference Question 45 Solicitation Amendment No 1 Scope ofWork (1.1.17) rom ms © FR A FER ‘committed population information may be found at under Reports & Statistics or Soesens Amend to Add - Reference Question 5 Amend to Add - Reference Question 32 & 64 Amend to Add - Reference Question 41 Exhibit 23 CGAR Compliance Report 7/2020 - 7/2021 Amend to Add - Reference Question 39 & 48 Questions have been submitted and the Department provides the following responses. The following questions were received on October 8, 2021 BO EErT ee Salnaraaes oy ah maton bow, et cdr to es vies ee — 34 Solicitation Amendment en Smi ta 1615 Wet ffason Se Phocr AZ85007 s, vendor tht dispenses medication in blse (both sock anpatient specific mst individually bel each bubble of the biter card with a medicationcards s strength, manufacturer, NDC number, lo umber and expiration date.” However, not every pharmacy iname, reir s stock and patient specific medications identified above. The labeling requirements spplcable onyt0to label those epacksger registration. Wil the ADCRR agree and acknowiedge that bidders are no requiredwhoohold label ther medications 5 eniied above inorder to servi theADCRR? ce Answer #2: DCRR requires tht the Contractor and any subcontractors will comply with andb in good standing with al tae and federal rules and regulations, NCCHC/ACA Standard, et. a5 provided in Section 1.12 concerning the pract ice ofpharm acy 3. 1.12 Pharmacy (Page 97) - Pease provide the number (and percentage) of inmates on prescription medications per month forthe last threeyears Arswerd3: 2019:864875 200:970081 2021:605556 4. 112.38 Pharmacy Page 107) Which drug categories i he 3408 program is being utze for? Answer #8: HBV, HOV, HV 5. 112 Pharmacy (Page 139) -Please show the compliance trends as they are related to medication related for al unable to filter out medication related) pharmacy CGAR scores for the past five years. Answer #5: Pleas see Exhibit 20, Amend toAdd athe beginning ofthis amendment 6. General - lease provide the offsets paid by the current Contractor for the past 3 yearsfor CGAR related performancemeasures. Answer#6: The current Contractor has held the position fo 2 years; th performance sanction amount for that time period s4081,500. 7.1.12 Pharmacy (Page 37) Please provide thetotal numberof prescriptions writen in the st 12months Arswerw7: 927,285 8. 1.12 Pharmacy (Page 97) - lease provide th total number of patients peryear who have received acto drugs for thelst 24 months, Awerg: 7patients 9.1.12 Pharmacy (Page 57) -What I the total monthly spend on oncology medications or thelat years? Answer#9: This information i not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 10. 1.12 Pharmacy (Page 97) - Whats the total spend per month on pharmaceutical for the lastthreeyears? Answer #10; This information isnot maintainedby the Medica Services Contract Monitoring Bure. Page dof 14 35 — Solicitation Amendment StetofCormetions, of Arion Departmen 1645 West Jeeson Suet: Phocaix, AZ85007 11.1.2 Pharmacy (Page 97) What percentage of medications is ild from stock medication? Answer#11: This information i not maintainedby the Medical Services Contract Moritoring Bureau. 12. 1.12 Pharmacy (Page 97) - Please provide the number and percentage of inmates on Hepatitis C medication in the last 12 months. Also, how many patients tested positive for HCV in the [ast year, whether treated or untreated? Answer #12: HCV medications: 1485 HCV + n the lst 12 months: 1871 13. 1.12.15 Pharmacy (Page 97) Does each Complex and satelite site have its own DEA number? Answer 13: Ko. 14. 1.12.15 Pharmacy (Page 97) - Does each Complex and stele it hold a State issued pharmacy ens or Sate issued Control Substance license? Answer 24: No. 15. 1.12.3 Pharmacy- s there an EMR system currently in use? Ifso: Who's the EMR vendor? Wilthat EMR remain after the current pharmacy provider leaves? Would the ADCAR ike to continue using that EVR? Answer #15: Yes, OMI. Marauis. Please see REP Section 1.23.1 for EMR related requirements. 16. 1.12.17 Pharmacy - Outside of the EMR's receiving process, do any of the ADCRR facilities use any special devices or system to receive medication boxes? Answer#16: Notat tis time. 17. 1.24 Fee Schedule - Paragraph 1.20.12 states: “Reference the Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.7.5 Paragraph 2.1.5 is related to the on-site inspections. Please clarify or provide the information associated wth the ee schedule. Answer #17: Please see Solicitation Amendment No. 9, Answer toquestion #54 and #55. 18. 1.24 Fee Schedule - Paragraph 1.20.13 states: “Reference the Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.76." The RFP does not contain a section numbered 2.7.6 Please clarify or provide the information associated withthefeeschedule. Answer #18: lease see Solicitation Amendment No.9, Answer to question #54 and #55, 19. 1.17 GAP Analysis Will vendors be allowed to ask questions during the scheduled GAP Analysis Meeting on Octaber19, 2021 or willall questions need tobe submitted in writing? Page dof 14 36 n Amendment Solicitation wT I Selondo a S o o nomen es eycmTlr ,she ndete en rata cre Taree ee Se 1 nps nesae bytne ikftieit 14mo of 22.175 over Ageematsh - ese nfs which snes heSri cuesrt, vendors newark ve bg r lr ret tag A ShA Eo a. aeterex Please indicateforeach site/complex the specialties being provided by the current vendor for or ra—— serri e Sut ltrs ANE aean a ADC 1 HTH, srr sof ers 328g ot wl Hr, lotionsotenre etesontkotSen tani ottadbye McSes Cntr WontaiogBren. a)This information isnotmaintai bytheMedic al Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. ned ©) See Exhibit 5. =. force sccm plese intea the cure portentcrhenatides bg ou ld fate b. (0B/GYN, and any other onsite specialty clinics. For each medical category, please indicate the last 24 months of utilization, and please additionally srt 37 Co tation Amendment Solici resera re er ery a [Soinrn 10 ow vere30[e e rr o] b. Frew ml cote, ls dct the st 34 mont of lt, an pve sy Avr25: Tis formato otmata by he edaences Conc Monk ess 30. 2.9 Format of Proposal Submittal (Page 164) - The RFP requirements include requests for financial‘statements , resumes, job descriptions, medication formulary, and sample reports. Combined these documentscould include a substantial number of pages. Would the ADCRR consider adding another Tab for these required documents that ora eter 38 Solicitation Amendment es Riniy a a Ten pn WoiliniBly a F A are pT Denso Answer # 35: Florence, Lewis, Perryville, and Tucson complexes medical care is being provided (i.e., onsite, via telehealth, etc.), the current medications being utilized and the gS Sore ae ost ait meprepnee! 0 esis ogo 39 ro tation Amendment Solici Solaion No: BPMO030S ! Swarr Dr Reta sndResnay aion , 1645Wesbili t efr on Sue Prosi AZ 35007 38. 1.17.65 Employee Drug Testing (Page 128)- Upon transition ofthe Contract, wil curent staff who tansiton to anewvendor be requiredto be drug ested s fa now employee? Answer #38: Yes. 29. 117.1 Staffing Offsets (Page 131) - Starting with July 2020, lease provide applicable monthly reports that reflect vacant positions, filed and unfiled ates, payback required, and penalies imposed. Answer #39: Please see Exhibit 22, Amend to Add at the begining of this amendment Offsets: FY20.21: 400003 FY21-22:1,090,354 40. 1:17.12 Staff Recruting (Page 132)- lease provide recruiting reports receivedbyADGRR since 07/01/2020. Answer #40; This information is not maintained by th Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 41.120Contract Performance Offsets (Page 139) Please providemonthly CGAR Compliance Report bycompls, ex nd uly2020. overal sin ce Answer at: Please see Exhibit 23, Amend to Add at the begining of this amendment. 42.1.20 Contract Performance Offsets (Page 139) - lease provide monthly summaries of sanction imposed for falled CGAR measures overall and for falled CGAR measures that ested in extending he tiation, ance ly 200 Answer#42: 2021: 1746500 F21:22:2,335000 43. Attachment 8A - Cost Forms - On Atachment 8A PIPD Fee Schedule, there ar two diferent ADP totals at the bottom, lease confirm tha that the sentence "Marginal ate per innate above and below 35,77 (bate Rate) iscomet Answer #43: See Atachment 8. Atachment 8A ws amended; see Amend to Change at the begining of Soiation Amendment No. 44. Attachme 9Budget nt Narrative - Cost Forms - I pat RFPs there beena portion of the Budget Narrath that Viss the number of FEs and average pay rate broken outby the has eauired for this RFP 1 0,wil a standard form be provided? tafing postions an by category. Wil that be Answer 4: Pleas see Attachment, thiss the only Budget Narrative. 45. Attachme 8A. ADPnt lease confirm the ADP for pric is26,642. ing Answer #45: _ Please use ADP 27,437 for pricing. Aso Attachment 8A was amended, see Amend to Change at the beginning ofSolicitation Amendment No.9. 46. General Please provide the contract financial statements forthepast twelve months. Answer #46; This information was deemed confidential under Contract No, CTAOA135. Pagesor 14 40 Solicitation Amendment Depa Ca Er in 1645 WeaJers Sve on Phocr AZ85007 is, [SolutionAmesimentNo 0 |DtNoverber.2021 |Cont OfferKimeYow] 47. Exhibit 8 - lease confirm tha the minimum required stafing is in Exhibit. Answer 47: Exhibit8 requires a minimum staffing plan 1052.75 FTE positon. The Contracted Vendor s expected t0proide staffing at each comple to ensure th delivery ofofhealth care to eet contractual obligations 48. General Please provide st of open vacanciesb positon and by sit. Answer148: Please see Exhibit 22, Amen to Add atthe begining of this amendment. Vacancies are not tracked by sit. 45. Genera - lease very the required raining and orientation hours needed for staf Answer#49: See Sections 117.121 through 1.17.12. for staf ainng requirements. 50. Genera Please provide lstofcurrent on-site and off-site specais providing eatment to patients. Answer #50: This information i not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 51. Genera «For the purpose of accurately pricing the offsite, on-site and pharmacy, please provid the Health Services Reports orth folowing: ulyear 2015, fullyear 2020, year to de 2021. Answer#51: This information i not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monioring Bureau. 52. Genera the Healt Services Reports are not availabe, please provide th folowing static orofste and ansitefo the periods o:fullyear 2015, fl year2020, year-to-date 2021. a. Segregatio bedcountsn total capacity and average beds 5. Medical Infirmary bed counts (ota capacity and average filed) beds fled) €. MH housing unit bed counts (totalcapacity and average beds filled) 4. Intakes Bookings e. Hea & Physicals lth (H&Ps) MedicaProvider ickcall 6 Nursi Sickcall ng h. Psychiatry providerevaluation i. MHStaff individual evaluations J. MHgroups(includingtype) inpatient Admissions 1. Inpatient Admisnotcovere sionsd by Medicaid m. Inpatient Days n. Inpatient Days not coveredby Medicaid 0. ERvi(notad sit s mitted) 5. Hofambulance runs a. Ofte surgeries ". Hospital observation stays 5. Offsite specialty medical appointments (provide by specialty type) + Oral surgeries Page 9r14 41 — ation Amendment Solicit Staessen Yo: 10 si T n Kc Rein,ns or z. Routine x-rays offsite oe dd. OB/GYN visits all offsite and specialty claims, including the billing provider name, date of service, type of service provided (ED, 58. General - Will medical supplies on site as of the date of transition remain for use by the incoming medical 42 Solicitation Amendment Departmentof Corrections, Rn Ri NGGey [stotonAmsdenNo:10 owe:evn 01 Common] 60 GenelPes provi city orhrc category heya ning 01,2020, 28 of a. Patients receiving medications for HCV 1053/1923/1045 b. Patients receiving medications for HIV 1635/766/1292 ©. Patientsreceiving medications for psychotropic N/A d. Patients receiving medications for cancer N/A f. Average# of patients on medications 864,875/970,091/605,556 #of prescriptions reviewed N/A 8. h. i. #ofpatient specific medication orders N/A #of stock medication orders N/A So ER a 43 z Solicitation Amendment ACHR Tigo I, | Sony Reon pnSey ny Ts S.A AeST ido gegennergy SR a rss Sh rts rem mr 9.117 opArte are cnet Gots do tan be be wit ei and i ASPC-Yuma: 14; 3 do not lock (storedin a secured room), 1 needs replaced The following questions were received on October 11, 2021 44 Solicitation Amendment Wl sofCora od Rey Ren. ADCRR Treking No 2563 Socimion No: BPMO00S Solciaion Tie Tame orcs Hess rom AEST Dat: November92081 |Comat Offer:Kise Yaw + Howmany stationsatexchurit + How many patientat each unit © ow many featments per month for the las 2years at each unit + Who owns the equipment a each unit ils machine, chairs, water systems + Wha thecurent dialysis provider + Whois thecurrent Nephrobgist Answer #75; ASPC Florence 5chairs ASPCTucson 7chars Variable ofpatients 2019:273. 2020: 416. 2021:295 Variable fof restments based o patient ned Currentlysubcontracted toChardonnay Curtentnephroloist r.Masood 72. General - Wht covered entity does ADCRR partnerwithto obtain 3408 drug discounts? Answer #72: ADCRRisthecoveredentityfor 3408medications 73. General - What type of medications does ADCAR of its pharmacy vendor buy under the 3408 program? (eg. HIV, HCV, medications?) Answer #735 HBV, HCV, HV 74. GeneralDoesth xray vendor employal the ay technicians tha perform ay services ntheADCRR ses? Answer 78; No 75. General- How many CTand MRI cans wre performed i the as thre fiscal years? Canisbereported as he totaforthe system, aswell 3 b ite? Answer #75: Information snot maintained by Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 76. General Howar screening mammogaphies currently provided? If there i vendor thatcomesanit, can you identify that vendor? Answer#76: Mobile mammography 77. Genera Wha entity provides the Sexual Offender Treatment programming orADCRR? Answer #77: Avizona DepartmentofCorrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry 78. General a Whatcommunity hospital urrentyhos secur unitsfor ADGRR inmates? 5. Howmanybeds are neach? Answer#78: . orence Anthem Hospital 1600s Page dart 45 — Solicitation Amendment “Solicution Nox BPM003905 . ep andReentry Rehabilitation, Conner ffe is Yor i: TE RR kongrest oorey understandingof this Amendment, RA ATER Amis sli 2021. executedthis9" dayofNovember, Te 46 Solicitation Amendment ts Ran mR 1645 Wes tenon Sel Phocai, AZESOOT ASIGNED COPY OF THISAMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitations hereby amendedasfollows: The Solicitation Due Date shall remain November 30, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). Currently ther sno restriction onthedue date to submit questions. The Department may determine aduedateto submit questionsata aterime. Questions received afer October 18, 2021 will be answered i the next amendment. CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREMENTS THAT WILL FORMALLY CHANGETHE SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS WILLBE SHOWN AT THE BEGINNING OFTHISAMENDMENT. Amend to Change — Reference Question 2 Solicitation Amendment No 1 -Scope of Work (Section 1.8) From 1813 Mortal Review. Upon the death ofaninmate the Contactor shall complete an administrative review, clinical marta review, and, f death wasbysuicide,3 psychological autopsy. ThContractor shall comply with all gars of Department Order 1105 Inmate Mortlty/Morbidity Review, DepartmentOrder608 Criminal Investigations, the MST, MHTM, and NCCHC andACA Standards. The nial mortality review shall be completed within ten (10) working days ofevery inmate desth. 2.7.13. The fina mortality review will entity an efer any noted deficiencies and recommendationsto appropriatemanagers and supervisors, including the ite CQ) commit. 0 L813 Mortalty Review. Upon the death of an inmate, the Contractor shall complete an administrative review, liical mortality review, and, f death was by suicide,a psychological autopsy. Th Contractor shall comply with all partsofDepartment Order 1108 Inmate Mortaly/Morbidty Review, Department Order 608 Criminal Investigations, the MSTA, MHTM, and NCCHC andACAStandards. The inital mortalty review shall becomplete within ten (10) workin days of every inmate death, The final mortality review ill dentiy and ef any noteddeficienciesand recommendations to appropriate managers and supervisors, including the it CQ commitee. Page of 47 Solicitation Amendment Te om nr es an Cea: The following questions were received on October 18, 2021 2. Section 1.8.13 Mortality review includes two subsections, and Can the Department clarify if mortality review shall be completed within ten (10) working days of every inmate death. Department Order AI 1 AE ‘Committee (CMRC) within seven business days of an inmate's death to complete the mortality review. Can the os trimester shall be completed with seven (7) business days ofthe dateofdeath or event. 3. 1 API IR IR AN or RFP Section 1.13.63 requests a comprehensive OTP be developed and implemented within ninety (90) AADCRR confirm if they are seeking a licensed OTP or just the provision of OUD approved medication(s) for qualifying patients? 6. Section requires peer review results to be submitted to the MSCMB by the 5” of every month; tobesubmitted tothe MSCMB annually bythe 5°of the month following completion of the peer review? 48 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No: BPMO03905 : pr Rehabiliuion, and Recnry 1645 Wes efron Suck Pros AZB07 Answer #6: Annual peer reviews shall be completed on or before the yearly snavrsary date within the month of the yearly aniversary date of each employee. Each manth the completed annual per reviews hall be submitted to the MSCMB by the 5* of the following month. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offerorhereby acknowledgesrecipt and understandingofthis Amendment. T= in Tae Due scastord vetane, ceo Typed Name snd Tite saphcaro, tne. NaneofCompany “ThisSolicitationAmendmentis hereby executed this 15th dayof November, 2021. ~ DereiM. pekerngfl Chet Page 3003 . Gifiee 49 Pod Solicitation Amendment Amend to Delete — Reference Amend to Add — Reference i Questions 14-15 Questions 14-15 Amend to Change — Reference Questions 14-15 ow wo The following question was received on October 19, 2021 ‘mortality review shall be completed within ten (10) working days of every inmate death. Department Order 50 > Solicitation Amendment Department of Corrections, CEP[sormion ro orm ADCRR TockingNo: 7705657 | Retain. snd eens Swe roan 1643Wes 8.[socmion Tue: inmate Corton Tvs ee Dut: Novenier 17,201 | Conroe Offer. Krsna Answer #2: Please use ADP 27,437 for pricing. Aso Attachment 84 was amended, sce Amend toChangeat the begining of Solctation Amendment No 5. 5. Atachment 85: Please confirm our understanding tht th Total annual Contract cost fo 26642 shoud be calculatebyusingthe Base POPD rates show on Attachment 8, esthe marina ate per inmate rat below 33,777 showna he bottom of the schedule? Awe #3: Attachment 83 as deleted; please see Amen to Delete at the begining of Solicaton Amendment No.5 4. Please clanfy what ar th two pricing Options referenced n paragraph 1.24 of the RFP Does this reer to the two diferent population levels (33,77 and 28, 642), or does this refer to the option for expanded infirmary beds? Avs #5: Section 1.24 was amended; less see Amend to Change t th begining of solitation amenciment no. o 5. lease confirm how the reference 0 the Sfctaion Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraphs 27.5 and 2.7.5, applies toth Fee Schedule? Answer #5: Section 1.2 was amended; ples see Amend to Change at the beginning fslctation smendiment nos 6. Section 1.10.25 states that “The Contactor shall collect inmate blood or bil ld samples necessary for laboratory testing a required by cour order. Such samples shall be obtained and submited or designated agency in accordance with all Grectves and time rams set by the cout order1 +the court Can the Department criy wha volume of court orders fo inmate blood or bol ud samplesfo hs purpose have been received annually for the past fe years? Answer #5: Tis informations not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau 7. Section 1.10.65. regarding Inmate Education,00 910, and Inmate Special Education, 0 20is subsection of 1106 Segregated mates. Will the Department laryif this subsection is intended to speak only to Segregated patent? Answer 7: Yes, th subsection refers o Segregated Inmates. 5. Throughout the RFP proces and as n current contractpractice, we appreate that the Department generates updates rom ime to ime otechicl manual, 005, 0s, and therwritten documents relevant 1 ne of comprehensive healihcre snes. Of note, he ost recent update tothe Medial Sonics Technicaldfvery Manual STH) dated October 4, 2021, which occrred uring he curent RFP process; however the AP was not smendecito reflect th changes. Since th RFP requires writen responses based on the requirements of he MST, would the Department update th RFP toreflect the most recent eviions the MSTM? Farner, can the Department clr the procesbywhichthe Contractor wil be informed of ay pending evsions 0 technical manuals and polis a5 well as th timeframe or required compliance with any new requirements 50 that bidders can actor afin, operational adiustments, and ost assumptions no thei propos Page2or10 51 ne TT, Solicitation Amendment Aon rpmarions, op cor GG @% Solicitation No.: BPM003905 AADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Rehabilitation, and Reentry ®) ? 1645Peg West eieson Stet BLA | Sotction Til: tamate Coronal etre SolicitationAmendment No: 12| Date: Nove 17, 2021| Contact ffir: Kristine ave Answer #8: Notifications are sent via email othe Contractor. 5. Does ADCRR intend to continue with ts established Covered Entity statuswiththeAZ Department ofHealth to purchase HIV and HepatitisC medications via is drug wholesale account ith a Contracted Dispensing Pharmacy? I the answer is no, does ADCRR want bidders to propose models where the awarded contractor would supply 3408 medications via some alternative in which the contractors responsible for the logistics and 3408medications? cost of Answer 9: Yes, t thi time ADCRR intends to continue with ts established Covered Entity status 10.Section 29.1,Formatof Proposal Submission. The procurementwebsite provi adocumentted ded “BMP00390RFP 5, Solicitation Attachments” i PDF. This document contained Attachments 1.7, and then Attachment 10,Additional Materials Form. However, there is no mentionofAttachment 10in the REP file self orwithinSection2.9.1, Formatof Proposal Submission. a. Please clarify, is Attachment 10. required document and tab with proposal submission? b._1fs0,is the intention for bidders to place any appendices and documents that support our technical response within Attachment 107 For example, Section 1.4 3sks for sample reports and bidders should piace those in Attachment/Tab 10. Answer #10: The document ied “BMP003905_RFP Solicitation Attachments" in APP should not be us. Please efer to Solicitation Amendment No. 1as this should be the only document used by vendors in responding to the RFP. Also, Section 29.1 was amended; please see Amend to Change at thebeginningofsolcittion amendment no. 10. Attachment 10 Additional Materials Form from “BMPO03905_RFP Solicitation Attachments" is not relevant o required. forExperience and References. Attachment 10 added by Solicitation Amendment No. 101s a new Attachment “11. RFP Section 2.9.5. Are bidders permitted o include separate proposal responseappendices and attachments that are meanta supportive examples? Answer: #11 Ves The following question was received on October 20, 2021 12. Please specify which units within th various complexes have IPC beds and the number of beds within each of theseunt. IPC 57 Answer#12: Florenc e pC-13 Lewis PC15, Perryvill e Tucson IPC 66 Page 3or10 52 > r Amendment Solicitation on oe, oo DepSoca ndRey Rein, ADCRR Tracking No: 707637] vo: irons CEP) [socmon Vets Wes seinen LissSwe 2 [Sotto Tic tmnt Constr ttre Conta Offcer Kn Yow Soto Amend No: 12 15. Which unit do not require 24/7 coverageand sect th required hours of coverage fr those requiring ss than 20/7 cover? Answer V13: Section 17.2.1 sat that nrsing staf shall be avalable onsite ty four (24) hourspe dy, seven 17) dys per week. The Contracted Vendor expected 1 provid staffing at each comple ui 0 ensre th deery of helth care to meet contractual obgatios. 14. Exhibit 8, Minimum Recuied Staffing lan, hows 10 FTE or the Florence complex. Please conf that you donot require a stafin panfo Florenceassigned facies. Ar #14; Please see new Exhibit 2, Amend to Addat th beginning ofthis amendment. 15. 1fyou anticipate any of theFlorence unit to remain open pon contract nation, lee spec the units and provide minimum stfing requirements or each. Answer 15: lease see new Exit 2, Amend 0 Add tthe bginningof his amendment 16 leas provide a stain schedule showing tf FTE alocation by unit rather than complex Answer #16: _ Exhibit § requires a minimum stafing plan of 1052.75 TE positions. The Contracted Vendors expected 10 provid staffing a each complex nit to ensure the delivery of healt ar to meet contractual ablations. 17. lass providea copyof the mst recent health services contract, Avsweri7: The current ADCRR Inmate Comectomal Heathcare contacts avlable at btoe/a0n a1. gouloage aspalen/ contact manage publCISE13t 15. During the tours, the DOC dicted tha some units are not staffed 24/7 but didn't clearly indicate which anes or the number of hours theyareto be covered (12 hrs, 167). Please clarify. Answer #18: Section state that nursing staff shall be available on-site twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The Contracted Vendors expected to provide stafingat ach comple uni to ensure th delvery of health care ta meet contractual ablations. 15, What covered entity does ADCRR partner witht obtain 408 rug discounts? Answer #15: ADCRR i the covered entry 20. Whattypeof medication does ADCRR ats pharmacy vendor buy under the 3408 program? eg, HIV, HCY, medications?) Answer 20: HO, HCV, HV 21. Docs the xray vendor employ il the xray technicians tha perform ry series inthe ADCRR sts? Answerit; to, ar10 Page 53 ad >A GE) ©) EN Solicitation Amendment Dp ere eso A [Simon srvnis ADCRR Tracking No: 22036:32 Rebabiliaion, and Reciy 1685Wes Jlison [Solicitation Te: mae Cormtional Heathers ASuet SolitonAmendment No: 12| Date November 17.2021|Contract Office: Kine Yaw 22. HowmanyCTand MRI scans were performed inthe lst three fiscal years? Can thi be reported as the total for the system, as wells by ste? Answer #22: This information i not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 23. Howarescreening mammographies currently provided? If thereis avendor that comes onsite, can you identify that vendor? Answer #23: Thi information not maintainedby the Medical Services Contract Moritoring Bureau. 24. What entity provides the Sexual Offender Treatment programming for ADCRR? Answer 26: ADCRR 25. What community hospitals currently host secure units forADCRR inmates? Howmanybeds ar in each? Answer #25: Florence Anthem Hospital 16 beds 26. Most ofthe xa rooms had both ised and portable (rol around) devices inside, Ave the fixed xray devices operable? Answer 26: Yes 27. Please provide facility locationof nfirmaries and the number ofbeds in each. Answer#27: FlorenceIC57 Lewis pC 13 Perryville 1PC-15 Tucson PC 66 28. Please provide average numberofoffenders housed within Arizona under interstate compact agreements and average number ofArizona offenders housedwithinother sates. Answer #28: For the past year the average number ofother state's inmates housedinAZwas 60; the average number of AZ inmates housed outof state was 5. 29. Can we obtain a copy of the current AZ DOC Health Services Contract? Answer #29: The curent ADCRR Inmate Corectional Healtware contract is avalable at: ttos://appatsoulpage aspxlen/ctrcontract manage public/s6134 30. Re 1.17.94 expanded registred nursing FTEs within the intake area. lease speciy which units ae considered intake areas. Page Sarto 54 Dsed 9 Answer #30: rvtion Amendment Solicita - Steor Aon Dan e pa rcions, 1645 WesJeeson Stret ASPC-Phoenix (male), ASPC-Perryville (female), ASPC-Lewis (minors) 31. Pleasedefine the term ‘corridor faclty’ and indicate which facilties/units meet this definition. Answer #31: AnyStatecomplex except ASPC-Douglas, ASPC:Safford,ASPC-Winslow 32. Re: Exhi 8minimum bit staffing recommendations. Please confirm the expectation sto staf with a minimum of 2.0 FTE Faclty Health Administrators. Answer #32: Section 1.6.2requires the Contractto or designatea FacilHealthAdministrator (FHA) to be assigned to and physically located at each State complex. 33. Regarding RFP Section, which instructs: "reference form shal be completed BY [emphasis added) eachofthe Offeror references. ". However, Attachment 7 appears to be form seeking basic contact information and contract scope for Offeror references from which the Evaluation Committee woukl conduct ts reference checks forthe Offeror. Therefore, idthe Department intend for the form to be"..completed FOR each ofthe Offeror’ references..”, meaning the Offeror fil ut th form, which would be more efficient, consiandaccurate stent,? so, please confirm that it wouldbe acceptable for Offrors to com thereferenceform? plete Answer #33: No. The requirement is for each of the Offerors references to complete the reference form. The completed reference form shall be submitted in the Offerors proposal response. Please see Amend to Delete Attachment 7 at the beginningofsolicitation amendment no. 10. Als, see Amend to Add Attachment 10 Experience and References at the beginninofg solicitation amendment no. 10, 34. Please provide updated financial information provided in thepreviousRFP process. Specifically updated data fromthefollowingreports: + Utilization data (ER visits/1000 inmates/year, ambulance visits/1000/year, outpatient surgeries/1000/year, hospital admissions/1000/year, hospital days/1000/year, averagelengthof stay, readmission rate. (Previously Exhibit 30.) + Claim Report AHCCCS Claim Detail (Previously Exhibit 11.) + Medicaid Summary (Previously Exhibit 33.) + Staffing Vacancies Report (Previously Exhibit 32.) + Pharmacy Services Data (Previously Exhibit 40 + Pharmacy Utilization Dat Pricing (PreviouslyExhibit 374) Answer #34: Information is not maintained by Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bure 35. Does the estimated inmate average daily population of 28,642 referred to on Attachment 8 and include inmates housed in private prisons and prisons in other states? Answer #35: No, it does not. 36. At which ASPC site is Physical or Occupational Therapy provided on site currently? Answer #36: ASPC-Eyman, ASPC-Lewis, ASPC-Perryville,ASPCTucson, ASPC-Yuma Page or10 55 ped 4 Ca Solicitation Amendment P> | Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRRTracking No.: 22-036-32 DepaContos Rehabilitation, and Reentry os Wesehmon forMidis nvllees rates s those ad 0community hospitals and rider 37. Ae theANCES ratesthe same s in Arnona? Jars? ahi reported by hospital BASP te of onan? 35. When wil queston answers be posted and based on hat timeline would th DOC consider extending the Seeds toons ore Taint Answer 35: The slcton due dat is December 7, 2021 40. lease provide the of rays performed and readby a radilogist over the past2 years,byyear,bysite. 1, Which ators ton have fey alpen avd stu hl snes? 42. Please provid the#ofultrasounds e performedoverthe past 2years, byyear,by site. + Wonsels thre acurent ltrasoundcine schedule a exch locations Answer842: Thisinformationis not malntine bytheMedica Services Contract Monitoring Bureau, 43, What was the value ofCTScans performed ver the ast 2years, b year,by ie. Were they perormed onseor ff? Who was thevendor? by te.Were thy erfrmed oaor 40. Wit was thevolumeof Misperformed aver th a 2 eas, byyar, afer Whowes th vendor? AnswerB44; Ths informations otmaintainedby the Medlcl SecsContract Monitoring Bureau 45. What was the volume of Fluoroscopy exams performed over the past 2years, byyear,bysite. Were they aneoof? pertorme d Whe was tevendor? Answer 45: This formation is ot alntanedbythe MeticalSenices Contract Manitoring Bureau by location ay systems doyou need 45 Howmany~Dighal Dental — 56 d CO > Depron, Relabilition,and Recniry ai EE 5. Howmanyotthaimology consisweeperformedveth pat 2eas,b cto, Wher thyperfor 57. Howmany oxygen cylindersbysize are currently in use at each location. 57 CEA ne Solicitation Amendment [Solicitation No. 5rv003905 'ADCRR Tracking No. 22.036.32 Rehabliaiion, andReeniry 1645Wo [Solicitation ie mate Corotiona Reshare PhatKlason AZ 33007Sue Dat: November 17,2020 Answer #57: This information i not maintainedby the Medical Services Contract Moritoring Bureau 58. How many Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech therapy consults were completed overthe ast 2 Years? Where they completed onsiteoroffsite? Answer #58: This informations not maintained by the Medica Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 59. Howmany audiology exams where completeduringthe last 2 years, by location? Where they done onsite or offsite? Answer #59: Thi information i not maintainedby theMedicalServices Contract Monitoring Bureau 60. Does anyof the current facies have exiting audiology equipment or hearing booths? Answer #60: No. 61. How many sets of hearin aids were provided to inmatesover the past 2 years? Answer #61; This information snot maintained by the Medica Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 62. What percentage of inmate medications are issued3s KOP? Answer #62: This information is not maintainedby the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau 63. Are there any medications tht ae not alow tobe ssue KOP? Answer #63: Yes, there are. 64. Who are the current ab provider(s? Answer #64: Thi information is not maintainedbythe Medica Services Contract Monitoring Bureau RY } En 65. Who are the current radiology provider(s)? a xrays b. Ultrasounds e Crsans a wis e. Mammograms Answer #65: This informations not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. Page9orio 58 ° Amendment Solicitation . Swot Aon Em Rehabilitation, and Reentry wea eon eisProc, AZ 5007Spec ‘Solicitation No.: BPM003905 (Thispagewasleft blankintentionally) ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and understandingofthis Amendment. =f Sigmar ‘This Solicitation Amendment is hereby executed this 17th dayof November, 2021. ws6r20z1 Dre Bradford McLane, CEO Typed Name and Tide vapscare, tac. NomeotCompany ~ ( Devei. Peri) Fue 00r10 7, A cnet Co Officer 59 pa ©! 3 [ Solicitation No: ©); Solicitation Amendment 5PM003905 'ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 en Rehabilitation, and Reeniry i Tres Smet Th Soctaion DueDate shal erie Oecember7 07 30080 AaTis (VST CANE, ACTIN, GR EET REQUEST TET AL FORMALLYCHANGETHE SOUGTHION mn: Rise Seas The following question was received on October 21, 2021 1. Seton L11.151.12- Aegring Section 1.1.13, wil the coat bt rue gureol ew dg pre nev i eens Ny —— evecare wes asregtons woorsz sgpathomingin facilities/units are used as intake facilities for men, women, juveniles, and any other populations that may ASPC-Perryville (females) ASPC-Lewis (minors) 5. Section 11363 Section L136 stats “OiTseProgam, Thefarsoll deoand Er ment ro——————— implement within ninety (90) days a comprehensive Opioid Treatment Program for inmates with Opioid Use Disorder that includes identification of patients who will be released from custody within six (6) months.” 4 SoTL IBA SLJoLg orate,Gythe pet psa aly a a Snei le Sa Be —— A A ANY TS AR SB Egon Wa 60 dl Solicitation Amendment > (2) 1p | Soliciation No: BPMO03905 ADCRRTracking No. 22-036-32 XA | Solicitation Ti: Inmate Correctional Healthcare po . Rehabilitation, andReentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Fiore Solcation Amendment No: 13 | Dat: November 19,2071|Conrat Oficr Kise Yaw 5. Section 1.22.32 Section 1.22.32 ~ lease provide information on any specific Windows version, or other workstation requirements, in order to access theADCRR's information network via a LAN to LAN VPN Answer5 Any curent Microsoft Windows version tht is stl undersupport specifically including security updates. Contractor devices re segregated from ADCRR data production networksby VLAN and VAT. 6. Section 1.23.1. Please provide is of the specific privat prison complexes and or aces where vendors will need to provide acces to our proposed EMR solution. ArizonaCorrectional Answer #5 ASP-Cent ral Facilty Florence West ASP-Kingman AsP-Marana ASP-Phoenix West ASP-Red RockCorrectional Center 7. Section 1.23.1a.” Will the provision of the EMR solutions at private prisons/faciiies include providing al ‘computers and other computer andITequipment, or will the privateprison/facility vendors be thirown? responsible forproviding 5. Can the Department provide the names of the current private pisos pharmacy provider, laboratory provide, ay provider, and any other clic service providers tht il terface with our proposed EMR solution? Answer#7 a) See Section 1.23.1 identifies “at all tate operated complexes”. 1) Nota this time, varied by private facity. 8. Section - Please provide the number ofannual nter-facilty and or inter-ASPCcomplex transfer forthe pasttwoyears. annually Answerd8 2019: 30,658 2020: 16,285 2021: 15,809 9. Section 1.1.14 -Will he awarded contractor be responsible or the ambulance transportofan inmate requiringa higher level of car at another private prison location upon discharge from the hospital? Answer #9 The Contractor i responsible for costs associated with the provision ofcaeto inmates housed in sate-operated complexes. 10. Section 1.1.14. The RFP states, “nthe event thatthe inmate's medical condition requireshebesent oa faciity therthan an ASPC, sucha 3 hospitalo long-term care facily, the Vendor shal take over the care ofthe inmate uponsuch movement * Willthe awarded contractor be responsible upon admission to the facilty and not during an inpatient stay when the inmate meets ther “CAP? Answer #10 The Contractor becomes responsibeforinmates upon their transfer nto astate-operated complex. Page208 61 TT Solicitation Amendment | GE) 1p | Solcimion no: bramossos 'ADCRR Tracking No 2203632 B78 i orvarios, Azo rp Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street | Solcmion Tite: tamatc Coretionl Healthars ‘Phocais AZ 35007 Solcation Amendment No- 13 | Dat: Noveber 19, 2021| Conract Ofer sine Yaw. 11. General -Does the ADCRR anticipate closing the Florence prison? If o,s therea timeframe? Also, if not fully closed, vill any units stay open? Answer H11 Yes. Final closure date to be determined 12. Exhibit 10-CGAR Sanctions -The exhibit forthe CGAR sanctions (Exhibit 10)indicates that substantially compliant measures that DO NOT extend the Stipulation Agreement are penalized at $500 each, and that substantially noncompliant measures that DO extend the agreement incursanctions on the higher sanction scale (82,500 $20,000). The exhiit does not mae clear the practice of applying both the $500 sanction on 0pofthehigher level sanctions for the substantially noncompliant measures tha result n extending the agreement. Please clarify how the CGAR sanctions will be imposed, and if the practice of applying the $500 sanction foevery noncompliant measure and then applyingit again on top of thehigher sanction scale for substantial noncompliant measures wil continue? Answer #12 For clarificationofthe Contract Performance Offsets please see Section 1.20.2. 13. Florence Facilty-When) the Florence faciity closes will the ADCRR adjust the court stipulated requirements for the medical and dental staffing requirements accordingly? Answer #13 Changes to Court stipulated requirements for staffing would require the Court's approval 14. Euibit 10 CGAR Sanctions- lease clarify if sanctions willbe imposed on the vendor n instances where a service could not occur due to ADCRR security staffing shortages? Answer #14. Sanctions may be adjusted with discussion of mitigating circumstances. 15. Exhibit 10- CGAR Sanctions - lease clarify if sanctions wilbe imposedfo service disruptions tht ead to noncompliancecausedby a stateof emergency; natural disaster, or other unforeseen events that are dearly outofthe vendor's control? Answer #15 Sanctions may be adjusted with discussion of mitigating circumstances. 16. Secton 1.13 This section includes the stated requirement that: “Inmates experiencing healthcare ormental emergencies may request and sha receive emergency care by an on-site medica provide r health provider twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven days perweek.” Please clarify if the ADCRR's to after hours, ‘expectation is for these medical and mental health providers to be on site 24/7,orspecific be “available” to respond to emergencies site via an on-call protocol? Answer #16 Please see Section 17. Section, Medical Provider- Medica Provider.I relation to the previous question, lease caify which professional disciplines meet the definition of “medical provider". The RFP definition includes the statement: “Any healthcare practitioner who has been duly empowered by the Sate of Arizona n the relevant professional discipline.” Is tis statement applicable onlyto thdiscipines listed precedingthe statement i. “Physician, Dentist,NursePractitioner, Physicians Assistant”) or re there additonal disciplines tha can meet the definition of “Medical Provider”? 150, give examplesof ther disciplines, if Page 38 62 ed Solicitation Amendment ora, armen of Contos, (=) TP | Solicitation No. BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Rehabilitation, and Reentry ©: 1645 Wesa eferson 224 [Solicitation Tit: tnmate Corotonal eater seySes Solicitation Amendment No: 13| Date: November 19,2021| Contact Ofer Kiso Yaw any, that meet the definition of “provider” s trelates tobeingable toprovideon-site “emergency care” in response to emergencies a describe n Section 1.1.3. Answer #17 Applicable tothe ised disciplines in Section 1.2155. 18. Section 1.131 staffing for the satelite units Globe, Ft. Grant, and Apache included inthe current Staffing mats for Florence, Safford and Winslow? Answer #18 See New Exit 24 Stafing Plan, Amend to Add at th beginning of Solictaion Amendment No.1. 19. Section 1.15 ~The ules of th diferent documents referenced in this section do not hays align with one another. Does the ADCRR have anorder-f-precedience applicabe to these various rles and Standards? Answer #19 The order of precedence that ensures timely, appropriate, comprehensive delivery of health care to ADCRR' incarcerated population. 20. Section 1.16 - Will the future performance aucits be based of the methodology nthemonitoringguide, MISTM, Department orders, or contract? Ioffal fou, will the Department take steps o revise to ensure the parameters set forth in these resources align for auditing purposes? Answer 120 As stated in Section 1.16, compliance with the Stipulation, a5 well a with all provisions of the Contract, is expected. 21. Section 1.16 The RFP sates that the awardedcontractorwil be responsible or". provions which govern..ll judicially imposed sanctions and other Court-ordered expenses.” lease clarifya methodology forcalculatingexpectedexpensesfor accurate budgeting ofthis requirement. Answer #21 As stated in Section 1.16, The nature and extent of the outcome i uncertain. 22. Section 1.2.27 - This section requires tha periodontal carebe provided, howeverit doesn't appear tht is a dental hygienist inthe staffing mate. Are periodontal services required nthe RFP equalent towhat AHCCCS reimburses inthe community? Answer#22 AHCCCS does not coverperiodontal treatment i the community. 23. Section 1.64.2. - Tis section describes an assessment of monetarysanctions with falre to achieve INCCHC and ACA standards.If presently known, please define the amountof themonetarysanctions referencedin thissection, Answer #23 Noneatthis time. 24. Section lease providea tof ospitls nthe sate known to the Department to have locked unis Answer #24 Florence Anthem Hospital Pagedors 63 EE Amendment Solicitation Ste ofAron OTet and Reentry Rehabilitation, ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 COD p> | Solicitation No.: BPM003905 WestJeeson 1645 Dhocni, AZ 85007Sect ERT, [Soliciaton Tile: mate Cortona Healtheare 19, 2021 |Contra Officr Kristine Yaw Solicitation Amendment No. 13| Dute: November ne < 25. 1.10.4:5.7 - This section includes the statement: “A communiqué advising tha test results were negative may also be sent if signed bya provider”. Willthis process be considered compliant? Answer #25 There is no enough informationforADCRR to provide answer. 26. Section 1.13.2, Mental Health Services ~ a. What are the minimumstaffinglevels forthe ASPC Phoenix licensed psychiatric inpatient hospital, ASPC Perryville licensed psychiatric inpatient hospital, residential rcatment programs, Behavioral Management Units, and outpatient treatment programs? b. How many ASPC Phoenix and Perryville inpatient psychiatric beds does ADCRR plan to maintain? Does ADCRR plan to keep ASPCPhoenix and Perryville inpatient units s licensed Arizona DepartmentofHealthService faciltes? anyresidential treatment program space,services, and/or d. Does ADCRR have plans to expand resources? e. Does ADCRR have plans to provide any additional behavioral management unitspace and/or resources? f. Does ADCAR have plans to relocate anyof the current residential treatment programs or behavioral management unit programs within the first yearofthe contract? ofSolicitation Amendment Answer #26 3) See New Exhibit 24StaffingPlan, Amend to Adda the beginning No. 12. inuse b)thosecurrently ayes ¢) Expansion is possibilty, in collaboration vith the Contracted Vendor e)not at tis time, f) relocation is possibilty 27. Section 1.13.3- What types of nursinglicensure ae required to be dedicated to the Mental Health Program? Specifically, psychiatric inpatient units an residential treatment programs. a cna ben Pa Answer #27 See New Exhibit 24 Staffing Plan, Amend to Add at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No.12. 28. Section 1.13.3 - How many psychiatric nurses are required to be dedicated to the Mental Health Program per ASPC? a. Licensed inpatient psychiatric hospital (Phoenix and Perryville)? b. Residential Treatment programs? C. BehavioralManagement Units? d. Outpatientpsychiatric/Mental health services? Answer #28 See New Exhibit 24 Staffing Plan, Amend to Addathe beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 12. Pagesors 64 Tarn Amendment Solicitation Sate ofArona Ae a3 P> |Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRRTrackingNo.: 22-036-32 Rehabilitation, and Reentry $ 1645 West Jefferson a, [[Soiction Tite: inmateCorectional Heathers Phos, A7 85007Sst Soliciation Amendment No: 13| Date: November 19, 2021 | Contact Officer isting Yaw a CG ofmental health 29. Section 1.13.41 -Can the awarded Contractor utilize SACS to assist with the provision evaluationsassessments and discharge planningwithin the development and implementation ofa comprehensive Opioid Treatment Program for inmates with Opioid Use Disorder? Special, mental health evaluations/assessments and discharge planning? Answer #29 Yes, that would bean appropriateutiization of LISACS. leasesee Amend to Change for this section at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 5 30. Section 1.13.41 -Please cary the credentialing requirements of staf which wil provide substance. abuse counseling services Answer #30 Please see Department Order 917, Addiction Treatment Services 31. Section 1.136-Addiction Treatment Services~ a." Does ADCRR havea timeframe for ATS program implementation? b. What format will ADCRR Addiction Treatment Staff use to request the mental health diagnosis for inmatesenrolled ithe program? Will the ADCRR Addiction Treatment staff participate with dual diagnosis patients multidisciplinary treatment team meetings? 4. Willthe ADCRR Addiction Treatment staf offer services to all ADCRR faciles? Answer #31 2) The Addiction Treatment Services program is administered by ADCRR. toestablish a process b) Section 1.13.6. requires the Contractor See Department Order 817, Addiction Treatment Services d) See Department Order 917, Addiction Treatment Services 32. Section 1.13.63-Addiction Treatment Services— 2. Will the vendororADCRR be responsible for creating the polices and protocols for the Opioid Treatment Program,owil itbe acollaborative process? b. Does ADCRR havea preference for what MAT medications willbe authorized for use? C. Willthe Opioid Treatment Program nee to include detox services? 4. What ADCRR complex locations will provide OTP services? Answer #32 a) Section 1.13.63 requires the Contractor to develop and implement within ninety (90) days OT. acomprehensive b) No. ©)No. d) Please see Department Order 917, Addiction Treatment Services; hitos:// gov/stes/defaut fies/polcies/900/0917 052721pdf 33. Section 1.13.75 Atwhich ADCRR complexes would the vendor beresponsible for providing outpatient peychotherapy groups? Answer #33 Eyman,Florence-Globe,Winslow, Lewis, Perryvile, Douglas, Tucson, Safford, and Yuma if there are SWI patients in administrative, disciplinary segregation, or maximum custodyunits at these locations Page Gof 65 Ter Site ofArizonn Departmentof Corrections, Solicitation Amendment >A ind Recriry Relabilition, 'ADCRR Tracking No: 22:03632 [Solcimiono owns CEP Jefferson West 1645 ]pr Solicitation Tile: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Phocni, AZ 83007Street Solicitation Amendment No: 13| Date: November 19, 2021 | Contract Officer Kristine Yaw 34. Section - Section indicates “STATwork and “critcal level” abnormal values with results available within 4 hours ater the specimen is obtained.” Are bidders correct in assuming that the & hours does NOT include transport time for specimens, but is basedon the timeframe for turnaround of ofspecimens? results based upon the time of receipt Answer #34 The assumption is incorrect. The 4 hour time frame stats with the time of the specimen collection 35. Section The RFP States, “Interfacilty transfers requiring transportation above and beyond ‘what security can provide is at the costof the contractor (i. stretcher van, ambulance)”. Will the: areunavailable contractor be responsibleforthese costs when services typically providedby the ADCRR on short supply (e.g,security staff vacancies, van in disrepair, multiple wheelchair runs but only one van, etc)? Answer #35 The Contractor is responsible for offsite transportation costs when vehiclesother than ADCRR transportation vehicles are utilized. ADCRROperations staff s availabe atalltimes for non-emergent transport of inmates toan emergency department for further evaluation. 36. Section 1.10.45 -This section indicates requirements for on-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy. However, the RFP required staffing matrix does not include positions foroccupational and speech therapy. Should bidders propose positions for these services? If so, does the Department have a ofpositions and faciity locationsforthese positions? preference for numbers Answer #36 Section requires the Contractor toprovide therapy services to all inmates requiring such services byproviderorder. Onsite services, to the extent possible, shal be arranged. Onsite services may be completed with utilization of specialy services, i. audiology, optometry, dialysis, radiology, etc. 37. Section -Section indicates requirement for OT and speech therapy, which are services not presently required or provided. Does the Department require these services and ‘accompanying staff be added under the new contract? Answer #37 Section requires the Contractor to provide therapy services to all inmates requiring such services byproviderorder. On-site services, to theextentpossible, shal be arranged. Onsite services. may becompleted with utilization of specialty services, i.e. audiology, optometry, dialysis, radiology, etc. 38. RFP Section states that “the Contractor shall ensure al Medicaid eligible healthcareclaimsare billed by the healthcare servicesproviderdirectly to AHCCCS for payment and the Contractor is not responsible for Medicaid eligible servicesor the payment for those services and such services are beoff-set monthly by the specifically excluded from the Contract.” Yet “the Contractor's involce shall total amount paid by AHCCCS for any inmate healthcare claims.” This statement seems to be contradicting. Please clarify which claims, if any, the Contractor is responsible for paying under the contract. Please specify locations of hospice and long-term care units is currently provided and frequency optometrist is Please specify locations where onsite optometry onsite at each Page Tors 66 Solicitation Amendment ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN i Rr THEIR ENTIRETY inte) CRYnll oars Oley re TR, Eons i Set sts 67 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation is hereby amended as follows: The Solicitation Due Date shall remain December 7, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREMENTS THAT WILL FORMALLY CHANGE THE SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SHOWN AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS AMENDMENT. Amend to Add – Reference Question 12 & 13 Exhibit 25 Complex Vehicle Inventory Amend to Add – Reference Question 14 Exhibit 26 Medical, Dental & PT Equipment Inventory The following questions were received on October 22, 2021 1. Section 1.1 (pg. 4) and Section 1.1.16 (pg. 8) - The RFP Section 1.1 states the vendor will provide services at a fixed price and Section 1.1.16 states the proposal shall be full risk based on a fixed per inmate per day rate as submitted in the Fee Schedule; however, the Fee Schedules only allow for one-year of pricing to be submitted. Additionally, the Special Terms and Conditions Section 2.26 states that the state may reject any request for inflationary increases and that any request for increase must be submitted “at least 365 days prior to year the change takes effect.” Is it the intent of this contract that year 1 and 2 pricing should be the same fixed price? Answer #1 Yes, the intent is that year 1 and 2 pricing will be the same fixed price. 2. 1.1.14 (pg. 7) - Please provide for the past three years the number of inmates who have been moved from a private prison because they required a higher level of care than available at the private prison or because they exceeded the cap at that facility. Answer #2 This information is not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau (MSCMB). 3. (pg. 8) - Please provide for the past three years the number of Arizona inmates housed within prisons in other states, and the annual cost of extraordinary medical, dental, pharmacy and mental health expenses for such inmates. Answer #3 Over the past year the average number of AZ inmates housed in other states averaged 59. Financial information is not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau. 4. (pg. 8) - Please provide the number of other state inmates housed within Arizona State Prison Complexes for the last three years. Answer #4 60. Over the past year the average number of inmates housed in AZ under Interstate Compact Corrections is Page 1 of 21 68 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 5. (pg. 19) - What is the process for decertifying SMI status? Answer #5 Please see the Mental Health Technical Manual, Chapter 3, Section 6.0; 6. (pg. 19) - What is the process for communicating between the RBHAs and ADC regarding SMI status and changes? Answer #6 See the Mental Health Technical Manual, Chapter 3, Section 14.0; 7. (pg. 30) - The RFP states the contractor must provide “letters of agreement, contracts or other forms of commitment which demonstrates that all requirements pertaining to the Contractor shall be satisfied by all subcontractors.” Please confirm offerors can submit non-binding letters of agreement with the proposal to satisfy this requirement. Answer #7 Vendors are required to adhere to Section 8. (pg. 30) - The RFP requires each subcontractor to submit a written commitment to accept all contract provisions. Please confirm the following language can be used in the subcontractor’s contracts: a. “Vendor understands and agrees that this Statement of Work is subject to Contract No. XX (the “Contract”) between [Insert bidder name] and the State of Arizona for the provision of Inmate Correctional Healthcare service, Vendor agrees to comply with any and all terms and conditions of the Contract applicable to Subcontractor’s provision of services, and such terms and conditions into this Statement of Work. Answer #8 The subcontractor’s written commitment requirements are provided in Sections through 9. (pg. 31) - We understand that information we mark as confidential should be treated as such by the State if it meets the definition of a “trade secret” as outlined in A.A.C. R2-7-101(52). The RFP also indicates that the Chief Procurement Officer will make the determination as to whether information meets this requirement. Section of the RFP requests extensive information on current and former contracts that includes compilations of information that derives independent economic value by not being known by other persons, and is subject to significant efforts to maintain its secrecy. Can the ADCRR provide guidance as to such materials would likely be protected from disclosure if properly identified as confidential in accordance with Solicitation Amendment No.1 Attachment 4? Answer #9 Offerors are to complete the Amendment No. 1 Attachment 4 Confidential Information form and return it with their Offer along with the appropriate supporting information to assist the State in making its determination as to whether any of the materials submitted as part of your Offer should be designated confidential. Page 2 of 21 69 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 10. (pg. 31) - Our organization provides services to state Departments of Correction as well as to hundreds of county jails throughout the US. Many of the jails we currently serve or have served in the past are small, and dissimilar in most ways to the ADCRR. Would ADCRR be open to us limiting information to current and past contracts for state DOCs and county jails of at least 1,000 providing comparable services to ADCRR? Answer #10 The requirements are as written in Section 11. 1.5.14 (pg. 43) - The RFP states vendor must provide their own vehicles. Please confirm this requirement applies only to vehicles required to provide healthcare services for which Vendor is responsible under the contract and not all vehicles that service the Department. Answer #11 Please see Section 12. 1.5.14 (pg. 43) - Please provide the number of vehicles between each complex. Answer #12 Please see Exhibit 25, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 13. 1.5.14 (pg. 43) - Please provide the make and model of vehicles currently in use for each facility. Answer #13 Please see Exhibit 25, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 14. 1.6.12 (pp. 49) - Based on the stringent inventory requirements please provide a recent inventory of all medical and dental supplies and equipment. Answer #14 Please see Exhibit 26, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 15. (pg. 50) - The RFP requires 30-day on hand supplies for all medical supplies. With the current supply chain due to Covid, how is the Department and/or the Current vendor managing this requirement today? Answer #15 This information is not maintained by the MSCMB. 16. 1.8.12 (pg. 61) - The RFP states records shall be made available to the MSCMB for review on a monthly basis. Please confirm these are records not protected by Patient Safety Organization privileges. Answer #16 The section refers to QM/QA CQI monthly meetings. The meeting records (minutes) shall be made available to the MSCMB for review on a monthly basis. 17. 1.9.1 (pg. 65) - Please confirm intake screening and assessment can be done by a telehealth RN with a trained facilitator. Answer #17 Intake screenings and assessments require an in-person face to face encounter. 18. (pg. 65) - Please confirm physical exams can be performed by a telehealth prescribing provider for patients with minimal medical problems and triaged to a face-to-face evaluation by end of Day 2 if condition requires. Page 3 of 21 70 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #18 Intake screenings and assessments require an in-person face to face encounter. 19. (pg. 65) - Please confirm the mental health screening intake can be performed by a telehealth licensed mental health clinician, and if a condition requires a face-to-face evaluation, a visit would be completed by end of Day 2. Answer #19 Intake screenings and assessments require an in-person face to face encounter. 20. 1.9.5 (pg. 66) - The RFP states that the Contractor will be responsible for the cost of intake labs completed by a private prison for an inmate transferred to the private prison if the Contractor had not completed the labs before the transfer takes place. Who is responsible for payment if the private prison repeats labs the Vendor already performed? Answer #20 The section states that the Vendor is responsible for all costs associated with intake labs and/or procedures. If an inmate is transferred to a private prison without intake labs and/or procedures completed the costs to the private prison shall be reimbursed by the Vendor. 21. 1.9.7 (pg. 66) - Please confirm Contractor can assign medical and mental health scores using our tool, which weighs somatic health, mental health, and social determinants of health and assigns a score accordingly. Answer #21 Medical and Mental Health scores must be assigned using the criteria set forth in the MSTM and MHTM. See the MSTM and MHTM for criteria in assigning a score to each inmate; 22. (pg. 67) - Please confirm the health services screening can be performed by telehealth and triaged to a face-to-face screening if indicated. Answer #22 Intake screenings and assessments require an in-person face to face encounter. 23. 1.10 (pg. 69) - Has the use of any common Medicaid (or similar) risk adjustment model been applied to the Arizona prison population? If so, please provide the model used and the average case-mix score outputs. Answer #23 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 24. 1.10. (pg. 69) - Please provide a stratified view of total patient population according to Medical Score (e.g., average census for each level 1-5) and Mental Health Score for each of the following: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 YTD. Answer #24 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 71 Page 4 of 21 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 25. (pg. 69) - What is considered “equipment” for specialty on-site care? Please confirm if there is a capital cost ceiling. Answer #25 The section refers to the provision of telehealth specialty care and any equipment needed in order for the Contractor to deliver telehealth specialty care. 26. (pg. 70) - Please provide the current availability for off-site specialists. Is it feasible to get urgent referrals seen within 30 days and routine referrals seen within 60 days? Answer #26 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. Yes, referrals may be completed within allowed time frames. 27. (pg. 70) - How are CO shortages addressed for patients that need to have routine/urgent off-site care? Answer #27 ADCRR Operations staff is available at all times for non-emergent transport of inmates to an emergency department for further evaluation. 28. (pg. 70) - How is the urgent 30-day requirement met if the specialty care is unavailable assuming patient’s condition is stable and allows for a longer period for follow up? Answer #28 Determination of the status of a consult is at the discretion of the Contractor’s health practitioner. 29. (pg. 70) - Please define routine vs. urgent specialty consultation. Answer #29 Routine consults shall be completed within 60 days of initiation; Urgent consults shall be completed within 30 days of initiation. Determining the status of a consult is at the discretion of the Contractor’s health practitioner. 30. (pg. 70) -The RFP states “prior authorization requests for referral to outside consultations, appointments, or in-patient care shall be in compliance with Department policies and the Contractor’s approved utilization review processes. a. Who defines prior authorization policies for outside consultations, appointment, and in-patient care? b. What are the current prior authorization policies for outside consultations, appointments, and inpatient care? Answer #30 Please see Section 1.14 Utilization Management 31. (pg. 70) - Please confirm vision services can be performed via telehealth as indicated by patient condition to allow a quality exam. Answer #31 See section regarding the provision of telehealth specialty care when feasible. 32. (pg. 70) - Is there an ability logistically and/or physically to accommodate expanded outpatient surgical procedures, radiology, and/or oncology services at any of the physical prison locations? Page 5 of 21 72 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #32 The Department will entertain a proposal for expanded on-site specialty services. 33. (pg. 70) - Please provide the amounts and range of services paid for healthcare services to off-site providers not shown in the claims detail, through other means such as invoices. Examples may include oncology treatment, dialysis, or other specialty care. Answer #33 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 34. (pg. 71) - Will the current vendor be leaving behind the existing PT/OT equipment? Answer #34 Yes. The equipment becomes property of ADCRR. 35. (pg. 71) - Please provide the number of ADL beds a. What kind of beds are currently utilized? b. What is the availability of space for elderly inmates (both male and female)? Answer #35 This section refers to provision of OT/PT services. 36. (pg. 71) - The RFP provides: “If three (3) or more female inmates require hemodialysis, onsite dialysis, the Contractor shall be financially responsible for lease or purchase, installation, and maintenance of a full service dialysis unit at the female complex. Please provide the number of females currently requiring dialysis. Answer #36 None. 37. (pg. 73) - The RFP states “the Contractor may recommend through the Department a request to the Board of Executive Clemency for commutation of sentence for a terminally ill or otherwise medically infirmed inmate who does not represent a threat to public safety as a result of his or her medical condition. a. How likely is Executive Clemency approval for the low community risk or medically frail (requiring near or total dependent care)? b. Please provide the number of Executive Clemency approvals for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #37 a) Unable to determine, a number of variables are considered in the approval process. b) 2018 – N/A 2019 – 6 2020 – 8 2021 – 2 38. (pg. 74) - Regarding Infectious Diseases, the RFP states “inmates requesting diagnostic laboratory testing to determine if they are infected with HIV, AIDS, or Hepatitis shall be immediately tested.” a. Please provide the current number of positive Hep C patients. b. What is the Department’s expectation for treatment of Hep C? c. What is the mechanism by which the Department decides which patients receive Hep C treatment? d. What does the decision tree look like? Page 6 of 21 73 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw e. Do patients have to test at a certain level? f. Is there a backlog for Hep C patient treatment? g. Are there time frames the Contractor needs to abide by in treating patients eligible for Hep C treatment under Department policy? h. Is there a settlement agreement mandating treatment of Hep C? If so, are there funds earmarked for pharmacy/lab costs? Answer #38 a) The prevalence of chronic hepatitis C in the ADCRR facilities is consistent with national averages within incarcerated settings. b) – e) Please see the Medical Services Technical Manual Appendix C, Section 2.0; f) There are patients who are identified as candidates for treatment and will receive treatment in the near future. g) Please see the Medical Services Technical Manual Appendix C, Section 2.0; h) No. Please see Section 1.9 Health Assessments/Intake Process 39. (pg.76) - Please confirm routine medical visits supplemented with RN care can be assisted by telehealth as long as access and quality are maintained. Answer #39 Please see Section 1.8.9 Telemedicine Services 40. (pg. 79) - Are CTs and MRIs performed on-site? If yes, please provide utilization for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD by facility. Answer #40 Not at this time. 41. (pg. 79) - Are Ultrasounds performed on-site? If yes, please provide utilization for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD by facility. Answer #41 Yes. This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 42. 1.10.12 (pg. 82) - Please provide annual volumes of both 15- and 30-Day in-patient readmissions. Answer #42 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 43. 1.10.12 (pg. 82) - Please provide the annual volume and percentage of total in-patient admissions resulting in a complication or major complication. Answer #43 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 44. 1.10.15 (pg. 84) - Please provide claims detail illustrating off-site utilization statistics for the following (but not limited to) beginning with 2018 service dates: 74 Page 7 of 21 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Specialty IP/OP professional Place of Service Code Admission/Discharge Dates Service incurred dates Claim types (UB/HCFA) DRG/Rev/CPT codes/Modifiers Billed Charges, Discount, Paid Amounts # of units or # of days Current network par status Ambulance Trips Answer #44 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 45. 1.10.15 (pg. 84) - Please provide the total cost of off-site treatment per year by unit for each of the following: 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021YTD. Answer #45 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 46. 1.10.15 (pg. 84) - Please provide the total cost of inpatient stays per year by unit for each of the following: 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021YTD. Answer #46 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 47. 1.10.17 (pg. 85) - Please provide off-site emergency services statistics: Volumes for each level 1-5 emergency services IP admission rate Volume of critical care service visits Answer #47 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 48. 1.10.17 (pg. 85) - How many transport teams does each facility have? Answer #48 ASPC-Douglas – 3 ASPC-Eyman/ASPC-Florence: 18 ASPC-Lewis: 12 ASPC-Perryville: 7 ASPC-Phoenix: 4 ASPC-Safford: 3 ASPC-Tucson: 15 ASPC-Winslow: 3 ASPC-Yuma: 6 Page 8 of 21 75 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 49. 1.10.17 (pg. 85) - How many transport teams are assigned to medical runs? Both emergent and scheduled off-site specialty runs? Answer #49 Section 1.10.17 refers to Off-Site Emergency Services. ADCRR Operations staff is available at all times for non-emergent transport of inmates to an emergency department for further evaluation. 50. 1.10.17 (pg. 85) - Does each facility have at least 1 wheelchair van? Answer #50 ASPC-Douglas, ASPC-Safford, and ASPC-Winslow complexes do not have ADA vans. 51. 1.10.17 (pg. 85) - Are transport teams available on holidays? Answer #51 ADCRR Operations staff is available at all times for non-emergent transport of inmates to an emergency department for further evaluation. 52. 1.10.22 (pg. 87) - Please confirm Contractor is responsible for storage of all paper medical records. a. If so, what is stored on paper? b. Please provide the incumbent vendor for paper storage. c. Please provide utilization for the past 24 months Answer 52 Please see the Medical Services Technical Manual, Chapter 8, Section 3.0; 53. 1.10.24 (pg. 90) - Please fully define the medical linens program. a. Provide a full listing of all current beds, sizes, and linen requirements. b. Who is the current linen vendor? c. Is there a separate vendor for the laundry? Answer #53 a) 230 hospital beds; sheets, gowns, chucks, towels, washcloths, etc. b) This information is not maintained by MSCMB. c) Unknown 54. (pg. 92) - Please provide the number of inmates per year by unit who received discharge medications in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021YTD. Answer #54 2018: N/A 2019: (3rd & 4th qtr): 11,829 2020: 24,889 2021: 19,069 55. 1.11.5 (pg. 95) - Please provide the current provider for dentures. Answer #55 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 56. 1.11.5 (pg. 95) - Please provide 24 months of history of dentures purchases. Answer #56 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. Page 9 of 21 76 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 57. 1.11.13 (pg. 96) - Contractor is responsible to purchase a digital Xray machine for each dental suite. Please confirm and provide details of a make and model, or specifications that you consider comparable to your requirements? Answer #57 1. Planmeca Pano machines 2. Planmeca ProX intraoral xray units 3. Planmeca ProSensor HD (sensors) 4. Romexis software 58. 1.12 (pg. 97) - Please provide for calendar year 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 YTD each of the following regarding pharmacy utilization Number of inmates Number of prescriptions Amount spent and cost billed to the ADCRR for the following disease states: Dialysis (billed in dialysis unit) HIV HCV Multiple Sclerosis inmates Hemophiliacs Patients treated with injectable biologics Oncology inmates Other Answer #58 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 59. 1.12 (pg. 97) - Please confirm the number of inmates on medications for each of the following in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD: Psychotropics Biological Oral Oncology Hemophilia HIV HCV Answer #59 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 60. (pg.102) - Please provide the name of the inmate store contractor. Answer #60 Keefe Commissary Network LLC 77 Page 10 of 21 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 61. (pg.102) - Please confirm the medical contractor is not responsible for the cost of OTC medications for resale. Answer #61 OTC medications provided by Contractor health staff during a routine or emergent encounter but not properly billed to the inmate by Contractor health staff may be the responsibility of the Contractor. 62. (pg.102) - Please clarify in what situations/cases the inmate store contractor is responsible for the cost of OTC medications versus when the medical contractor is responsible for the cost of OTC medications. Answer #62 OTC medications provided by Contractor health staff during a routine or emergent encounter but not properly billed to the inmate by Contractor health staff may be the responsibility of the Contractor. 63. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Please provide a listing of the mental health programs and/or groups currently being offered to patients. Answer #63 See the Mental Health Services Technical Manual; 64. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Who determines who is approved for housing on the mental health units? Answer #64 See the Mental Health Technical Manual; 65. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Please confirm inmates can currently access mental health programming (or other resources) via tablets. a. If so, will the tablets remain property of the Department after contract transition for use by the new Contractor? b. Is the new Contractor able to add programming and resources to these existing tablets? Answer #65 Most inmates have access to a tablet. a) Tablets are Department property b) In collaboration with the Department 66. 1.13 (pg. 111) - What is the process for allowing and documenting refusals for mental health and psychiatric appointments? Answer #66 The mental health staff may obtain a refusal after a face-to-face encounter with the patient when the patient either refuses the encounter in totality or refuses to continue the session in accordance with the Court’s 10” or 30” encounter durations. 67. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Do psychiatric visits count as mental health contacts? Answer #67 If the requirements of the encounter are met. Page 11 of 21 78 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 68. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Do mental health group encounters count as mental health contacts? Answer #68 In most instances they do not. 69. 1.13 (pg. 111) - Does ADCRR currently provide reentry services? If so, please describe which elements of reentry services are provided by the ADCRR versus those provided by the contractor. Answer #69 Please see ADCRR website - Department Order 1006; 70. 1.13.2 (pg. 111) - The RFP states “In order to allow for optimal access to care, weekend and evening clinic hours should be offered.” Please provide a list of the facilities currently offering weekend and evening clinic hours. Answer #70 Mental Health services are required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. MH clinicians shall be available by telephone after regular business hours, weekends, and on holidays. ASPC-Douglas: On-call ASPC-Eyman: prn & on-call ASPC-Florence: prn & on-call ASPC-Lewis: 0600-1630, prn & on-call ASPC-Perryville: 0800-1200, prn & on-call ASPC-Phoenix: 0830-1900 & 0900-1730, prn & on-call ASPC-Safford: On-call ASPC-Tucson: 0800-1800, prn & on-call ASPC-Winslow: On-call ASPC-Yuma: prn & on-call 71. (pg. 113) - During the site tours, it was stated medically assisted treatment was provided through the Inmate Programs and Re-Entry Division. Please confirm the Opioid Treatment Program service provision a part of the Medical Division not the Inmate Programs and Re-entry Division a. If the Opioid Treatment Program is part of the Medical Division, is the Contractor expected to provide substance abuse counseling and co-occurring disorders treatment for patients receiving medication assisted treatment? b. Who is currently providing the substance abuse counseling and co-occurring disorders treatment for patients receiving medication assisted treatment? Answer #71 a) The RFP requires that a comprehensive OTP shall be developed and implemented; the Offeror will determine “comprehensive” in their proposal. b) ADCRR 72. 1.13.7 (pg. 113) - During the site tours, it was reported that constant, 10-minute, and 30-minute watches are used. a. Please clarify when a 30-minute watch would be used. b. What property is allowed while on 30-minute watch? Page 12 of 21 79 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #72 See the Medical Services Technical Manual, Chapter 7, Section 1.6; 73. 1.13.7 (pg. 113) - Please clarify who is allowed to step down and remove someone from suicide watch or mental health watch. Answer #73 See the Medical Services Technical Manual, Chapter 7, Section 1.6; 74. 1.13.10 (pg. 114) - Please provide the on-site community provider facilities currently used/approved by the MSCMB for mental health services not available within the Arizona State Prison Complex services. Answer #74 None. 75. 1.13.10 (pg. 114) - Please provide the off-site community provider facilities currently used/approved by the MSCMB for mental health services not available within the Arizona State Prison Complex services. Answer #75 None. 76. (pg. 121) - The section states that Contractor’s monthly invoices will be offset by any payments made by AHCCCS for such claims. a. Why, or under what circumstances, would the Contractor offset monthly invoices by any payments made by AHCCCS to providers, given that Medicaid eligible claims should be billed directly to the AHCCCS by the healthcare services provider and that Contractor will not be responsible for payment of Medicaid eligible claims as Medicaid eligible claims are specifically excluded from the Contract. b. Is the intent of ADRR that the Contractor should include in its pricing all inpatient costs and then reimburse ADCRR for costs billed directly by healthcare services providers? Answer #76 The section refers to healthcare service provider claims, including non-Medicaid eligible claims. 77. (pg. 121) - Provide utilization history, amount billed, and amount paid from 1/1/18-9/30/21 by event for Medicaid eligible patients (amounts covered by AHCCCS). Answer #77 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 78. (pg. 128) - Please provide the cost ADCRR will charge the vendor for required fingerprinting services. Answer #78 There is no fingerprinting service cost if completed at an ADCRR state complex. Costs are borne by the Contractor if a third-party vendor is used to complete the fingerprinting services. 79. - The RFP states that “Contractor shall not move an employee from a filled position into a vacant position more than twice per year.” Employees with the same licensure (e.g., RN) often are cross-trained to fill Page 13 of 21 80 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw multiple roles (e.g., intake or sick-call). Would this provision prevent assigning nurses to different roles on a regular basis as needed for optimal patient care? Answer #79 The section references transferring an individual from a filled FTE position to an unfilled FTE position, not the role being performed. 80. and (pg. 132) - The RFP provides a payback % for unfilled hours by the number of days vacant by title. If, for example, a Nursing Position is vacant at one facility within a complex for 10 hours, would additional hours at another facility in the same complex for the same position offset the penalty? Answer #80 No. 81. and (pg. 132) - If, in a specific month, 100% of the required staffing hours are filled for any given position, please confirm the vendor would not be required to provide a credit to ADC, even if some of the hours are filled by agency/PRN/overtime. Answer #81 Staffing offset allocations will be applied to the vacant hours of each contracted position below the 100% threshold. 82. (pg. 132) - If a vendor is filling 100% of the required staffing hours, even if some of the hours are filled by agency/PRN/overtime, for greater than 30 days, please confirm the vendor would not be required to provide a credit to ADC. Answer #82 Staffing offset allocations will be applied to the vacant hours of each contracted position below the 100% threshold. 83. - When was this penalty structure implemented, and how long has it been in place with the 150% payback percentage? Answer #83 This is a new requirement within this RFP. 84. (pg. 132) - Please provide the staffing vacancy pay backs by month by facility for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD, stratified by employee position type (e.g. nursing). Answer #84 2018 – N/A FY19-20: 7,315,016 FY20-21: 4,080,003 FY21-22: 1,090,554 85. 1.21.1 (pg. 141) - The RFP states: “The Department may impose monetary sanctions, suspend, and refuse to renew, or terminate this contract as authorized under the terms of this contract. Will the Department provide the Contractor with a reciprocal indemnity under this section? Answer #85 No, the Department will not provide reciprocal indemnity. 86. Fee Schedule (Att. 8A-8B): - The annual amount on 8B states the total annual contract cost will be the PIPD cost * 365 days * 28,642 inmates; however, the PIPD schedule (8A) requests a marginal per diem rate above or below 33,777 and refers to the 33,777 as the base rate. It is understood that the FY21 projected ADP is 28,642; Page 14 of 21 81 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw however, is the intent that the vendor will likely only be paid for a population projection of 28,642 at a per diem based on the base ADP of 33,777, or was this number carried forward from the prior RFP in error? Answer #86 See Attachment 8. Attachment 8A was amended; see Amend to Change at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 9. Also, Attachment 8B was deleted; please see Amend to Delete at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 9. 87. Fee Schedule (Att. 8A-8B): - Please confirm the ADP vendors should use in calculating the contract price and to complete Attachments 8A and 8B is 28,642. Answer #87 Please use ADP 27,437 for pricing. Also Attachment 8A was amended, see Amend to Change at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 9. 88. Exhibit 10 - Please identify which performance/outcome measures would extend the term of the stipulation agreement. Answer #88 a) Any individual performance measure that applies to a specific complex found to be below the 85% compliance threshold for six (6) months out of a twenty-four (24) month rolling time frame. OR b) Any individual performance measure that applies to a specific complex found to be below the 85% compliance threshold for three (3) or more consecutive months within the last eighteen (18) month period. 89. Exhibit 10 - Does the column to the right of the one that identifies the complex refer to the outcome measure number in Exhibit C? Answer #89 Question is not clear and cannot not be answered. 90. Exhibit 10 - In the example provided, where there is non-compliance, does the value highlighted in yellow or red indicate how many times the outcome measure was non-compliant in a 24-month rolling period? Answer #90 Yes. 91. Exhibit 10 - Please identify which performance/outcome measures have reached compliance to date. Answer #91 Please see Exhibit 19, Amend to Add at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 9. 92. Exhibit 10 - Please provide the total amount of staffing sanctions paid by the vendor in FY 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD, Answer #92 Exhibit 10 refers to Performance Measure sanctions. Staffing sanctions: FY19-20: 7,315,016 FY20-21: 4,080,003 FY21-22: 1,090,554 Page 15 of 21 82 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 93. Exhibit 11 - With respect to the $100,000 per occurrence monetary sanction related to an act of deliberate indifference that disregards a known and excessive risk to an inmate’s health or safety or violates an inmate’s civil rights, please describe the series of events that would result in payment of such liquidated damages. Answer #93 This will be determined based on the occurrence. 94. Exhibit 11 - Would settlement of an inmate’s claim of deliberate indifference involving indemnity payments to plaintiff result in payment of such liquidated damages, absent a court finding of deliberate indifference? Answer #94 Section 1.1.16 - A resultant contract from this RFP shall be full risk to the awarded contractor. Section specifically speaks to a finding of deliberate indifference. The awarded contractor is responsible for payment of damages. 95. Exhibit 11 - With regard to the monetary sanction for a court finding of an act of deliberate indifference toward an inmate, is the “amount of judgment levied against the State of Arizona” limited to the amount for which the awarded vendor would be responsible, or is the awarded vendor expected to indemnify the State of Arizona for related acts not caused by the vendor? Answer #95 Section 1.1.16 - A resultant contract from this RFP shall be full risk to the awarded contractor. The awarded contractor is responsible for payment of damages. Mitigation of damages would be considered in cases where more than one party bears responsibility for damages. 96. Exhibit 11 - For the monetary sanction for failure to provide comprehensive healthcare services coverage twentyfour (24) hours per day, seven days per week at each Arizona State Prison Complex, is an “occurrence” defined as each month by complex? Answer #96 An occurrence is based on the area of non-compliance. Non-compliance may occur daily, monthly, and/or quarterly. 97. Exhibit 11 - For those areas of non-compliance where the Contractor is unable to bring its performance back into compliance at a future date, is an “occurrence” defined as each month by complex? Is the monetary sanction limited to 25 months of non-compliance ($250,000 per finding of non-compliance)? Answer #97 An occurrence is based on the area of non-compliance. Non-compliance may occur daily, monthly, and/or quarterly. 98. General - Please provide projected ADP for the initial 5-year term of the contract which would result from this RFP. Answer #98 See ADCRR website. 99. General - Will the Contractor be responsible for Medical Gas? If so, please provide the current provider and utilization by facility for FY 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #99 Yes. 2018: N/A 2019-current: 7647.43 Page 16 of 21 83 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 100. General - Will the Contractor be responsible for shredding services? If so, please provide the current provider and utilization by facility for FY 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #100 No. Utilization information is not maintained by MSCMB. 101. General - Will the Contractor be responsible for biomedical services? If so, please provide the current provider and utilization by facility for FY 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #101 Please see Section Utilization information is not maintained by MSCMB. 102. General - At APSC Tucson, please confirm all meds and medical supplies go to the hub before being transported out to each unit. Answer #102 This cannot be confirmed. 103. General - Provide utilization history, amount billed, and amount paid from 1/1/18-9/30/21 by event including DRG or CPT code, date of service, and provider name. Answer #103 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 104. General - Provide inmate medical transport utilization, amount billed, and amount paid from 1/1/18-9/30/21 in the following categories: air ambulance, ground emergency, ground non-emergency. Answer #104 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 105. General - Provide long term acute care or skilled nursing facility utilization/days, amount billed, and amount paid from 1/1/18-9/30/21 in the following categories: LOA/Therapeutic LOA/Nursing Home Subacute Care Level I Subacute Care Level II Subacute Care Level III Answer #105 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 106. General - Provide dental utilization history, amount billed, and amount paid by D-code from 1/1/18-9/30/21. Answer #106 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 107. General - At sites that do not house MH3 or higher patients, what is the process for managing a patient who requires suicide watch, who self-harms, or requires a higher level of care? a. Do these sites maintain suicide smocks/blankets? b. Is there a suicide-resistant certified holding cell? Page 17 of 21 84 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #107 Inmates are transferred to a complex appropriate for the level of care needed. a) No. b) Yes. 108. General - Please provide a demographic breakdown of patient population stratified by age, gender, and race for each of the following: 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #108 Please see ADCRR website – Corrections At A Glance report; 109. General - Are there any physical locations where air-conditioning or other adequate climate controls are unavailable to a material portion of the population Answer #109 No. 110. General - During the site-tours, staff noted the Florence Complex will close by end of 2021. a. Please confirm when the Florence Complex will close. b. Where will the patients be moved? c. Will they be moved to private facilities? d. Where will the IPC move? Answer #110 a) To be determined b) Alternative complexes c) Possibly d) To be determined 111. General - During the site tours, it was mentioned only Manzanita and Rincon are operated 24 hours currently. Will that expectation remain under a new contract or will the new Contractor be required to staff all housing units 24/7? Answer #111 Section state that nursing staff shall be available on-site twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The Contracted Vendor is expected to provide staffing at each complex unit to ensure the delivery of health care to meet contractual obligations. 112. General - The RFP caps reimbursement to providers of offsite care at Medicaid rates. Please provide the following: a. The percentage of offsite specialty care goes through ER instead of being scheduled at doctors’ offices b. The percentage of active providers (to whom offsite claims have been paid) who allow patients to be scheduled for routine or preventative care c. A list of providers (if any) in the state that have refused to treat DOC inmates due to the cap Answer #112 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 113. General - Are there any Arizona state laws that require providers to care for inmates? Page 18 of 21 85 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #113 This question calls for a legal opinion. ADCRR will not answer and recommends consult your legal counsel for the answer to this question. 114. General - Is there any mechanism available to allow Contractors to pay the provider a premium above the Medicaid rates to get them to participate in our network? Answer #114 Section 1.15.5 requires the Offeror to acknowledge that they shall not exceed the fee-for-services rates as set by AHCCCS for subcontracted healthcare services. 115. General - What is the average age of the inmate population? Answer #115 Please see ADCRR website – Inmate Population Fact Sheet; 116. General - Please provide a list of the clinics offered and their frequency by complex. Answer #116 There is not enough information for ADCRR to provide an answer, therefore no answer is provided. 117. General - Please provide the equipment inventory for all medical and dental equipment, including the age and condition of the equipment. Answer #117 Please see Exhibit 26, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 118. General - Please provide the current incumbent vendor and utilization by facility for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD for the following services: Labs Biohazard Optometry Ophthalmology Audiology Medical orthotics Medical linens and laundry vendor Onsite dialysis Dental prosthetics Radiology Medical supplies Dental supplies Language interpretation Copy machines Office supplies Postage machines DME vendors and any other rental equipment (e.g., wound vacs, etc.) Covid Testing – PCR and Antibody testing PPE (N95s, Earloops, Gowns, face shields, etc.) Answer #118 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. Page 19 of 21 86 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 14 Date: November 23, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 119. General - Would the Department please provide bidders with an opportunity to ask additional questions to obtain clarifications to answers provided in the first round of questions? Answer #119 Yes. 120. General - Please confirm the number of inmates released in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #120 See ADCRR website – Corrections At A Glance report; 121. General - Please provide the average number of inmates transferred from private prisons to state facilities each year for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #121 This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 122. General - Please provide the average number of inmates receiving dialysis treatment in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. Answer #122 2018 – N/A 2019: 273 2020: 416 2021: 295 123. General - During the site-tours it was stated that currently the ADCRR sex offender treatment is provided through “Inmate Programs and Re-entry,” a separate program from the medical division. Please confirm the Contractor will not be required to provide sex offender treatment. a. If the Contractor is required to provide sex offender treatment, please provide which ASPC locations currently provide sex offender treatment. b. Please provide the staffing matrix for the current provider of sex offender treatment, including any vacancies. c. Please provide the number of inmates on average receiving sex offender treatment in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 YTD. d. Please provide demographic information for the inmates receiving sex offender treatment (age, gender, etc.). Answer #123 Please see ADCRR website - Department Order 923. 124. General - During the site-tours it was stated that current the ADCRR substance abuse treatment is provided through “Inmate Programs and Re-entry,” which is separate from the Medical Division and which does not adhere to the Mental Health Technical Manual guidelines, but rather to another set of policies. Please confirm the Contactor will not be required to provide substance abuse treatment. a. If the agency requires Contractor to provide substance abuse treatment, please provide a listing of the ASPC locations currently providing substance abuse treatment b. Please provide the staffing matrix for the current provider of substance abuse treatment, including any vacancies. Page 20 of 21 87 ped 1) (©) Ek Solicitation Amendment Tr on Realms Reng 1665 WestJeffoderson See Phoeix, AZEST [Staion Anendnen No 14 |Du November 25,2001 | GomaOfeer Kisevow | . Please provide the number ofinmates on average receiving substance abuse treatment i 2018, 2015, 2020, 3nd 2021 70. d. Please provide demographic information for the inmates receving substance buse treatment (age, gender, etc). Answer #124See ADCRR website- Department Order 917. tos correctionsan gov/sites/defaulflesolcies/900/0917 052723 pf ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and understandingofthis Amendment. “This Solicitation Amendment is hereby ‘executed this 23rd day of November, 2021. Tk NE Signature = Date / Typed Name and Title NameofCompany — DenTh Pickering Page or21 Focus Qf 88 SoliTTcitation Amendment Seo Arion a Mt noon ATT Solicitation Tile: Inte Coen Heater ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation is hereby amended as follows: The Solicitation Due Date is being extended to December 29, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time(MsT) . Norther questions wil be acceptedbythe Departmentafter December 15, 2021 at 5:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). “The Gap Analysis will be rescheduled in forthcoming amendment. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE SOLICITATION SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and “This Solicitation Amen t i hereby understandingofthis Amendmen t. exccuted tis 29th dayofdmen November, 2021, =f Signaure 120m Dac TypedNameandTle Nameof Company ~~ / - , ~ Denel M. Pickering | 7ChiefProc, Page art u Officer 89 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation is hereby amended as follows: The Solicitation Due Date shall remain December 29, 2021 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREMENTS THAT WILL FORMALLY CHANGE THE SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SHOWN AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS AMENDMENT. Amend to Add – Reference Question 11 Exhibit 27 - Accreditation Audit Report By ASPC Amend to Delete – Reference Questions 28, 98, 149-150, 156-157 Solicitation Amendment No. 1 – Exhibit 13 EMR Requirements (contents Exhibit 21A & 21B) Amend to Add – Reference Question 28, 98, 149-150, 156-157 Exhibit 28 – EMR Requirements Amend to Add – Reference Question 38 Exhibit 29 – Daily Backlog Amend to Delete – Reference Question 135 Solicitation Amendment No. 1 – Scope of Work (Section Questions have been submitted and the Department provides the following responses The following questions were received on October 22, 2021 1. Section 1.1.14 – Please clarify if these requirements are all inclusive to all private prisons or specific to only certain prisons. If certain prisons only, please clarify which ones. Answer #1: The requirement is inclusive of all private prison facilities within Arizona. 2. What is the ADCRR’s targeted award date for the contract? Answer #2: 3. Upon completion of the evaluation. What is the ADCRR’s targeted start date for the contract? Answer #3: Upon expiration of existing contract, September 2022 and transition period after award. 90 Page 1 of 35 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 4. Please provide a copy of the current ADCRR’s health services contract, including any exhibits, attachments and amendments. Answer #4: The current ADCRR Inmate Correctional Healthcare contract is available at: 5. Please provide (by year) the amounts of any staffing paybacks/credits the ADCRR has assessed against the incumbent vendor over the term of the current contract. Answer #5: FY19-20: 7,315,016 FY20-21: 4,080,003 FY21-22: 1,090,554 6. Please provide (by year) the amounts and reasons for any non-staffing penalties/ liquidated damages the ADCRR has assessed against the incumbent vendor over the term of the current contract. Answer #6: Performance Measure sanctions FY2020: 2,335,000 FY2021: 1,746,500 7. Are any of the ADCRR facilities currently subject to any court orders or legal directives (other than the Parsons vs. Ryan)? If “yes,” please provide copies of the order/directive. Answer #7: Not at this time. 8. With regard to lawsuits (frivolous or otherwise) pertaining to inmate health care: a. How many have been filed against the ADCRR and/or the incumbent health care provider in the last three years? b. How many have been settled in that timeframe? Answer #8: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 9. Please provide a five-year population projection regarding the size of the inmate population. Answer #9: Please see ADCRR website. 10. Is the ADCRR aware of any upcoming legislation or government policy that could result in a drop in its inmate population (e.g., compassionate release, population reduction measures, etc.)? If yes, please describe and provide a timeframe for the legislation/policy implementation. Answer #10: Not at this time 11. Are any of the ADCRR facilities currently accredited, e.g., by the American Correctional Association (ACA), National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Joint Commission, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), etc.? If “yes,” please provide the following information. a. Name of the entity that awarded the accreditation b. Most recent accreditation date for the facility c. Copy of most recent accreditation audit report for the facility? Page 2 of 35 91 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #11: a – b. Please see Exhibit 21 NCCHC Accreditation Listing, Amend to Add at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 10. c. Please see Exhibit 27, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 12. With regard to the minimum required staffing plan at the ADCRR facilities: a. Please provide the current health care vendor’s breakdown for staff by shifts, and day of the week. b. Additionally, please confirm whether the actual staffing your current health care vendor is providing, for instance, any positions and/or hours being worked over and above or below what contract requirements. Answer #12: a) This information is not maintained by the Medical Services Contract Monitoring Bureau (MSCMB). b) Please see Exhibit 22 Current position report, Amend to Add at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 10. 13. For each ADCRR facility, please provide a listing of any current health service vacancies, by position. Answer #13: Please see Exhibit 22 Current Position Report, Amend to Add at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 10. 14. Please confirm that if the awarded vendor retains existing health care staff who are already credentialed, those incumbent staff will not need to go through the credentialing all over again with the new vendor. Answer #14: This is not confirmed. 15. Are any members of the current health service workforce unionized? If yes, please provide the following. a. A copy of each union contract b. Complete contact information for a designated contact person at each union c. The number of union grievances that resulted in arbitration cases over the last 12 months Answer #15: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 16. Please provide the salaries/wages your incumbent health service vendor is paying to its staff at the ADCRR facilities. a. How recent is this data? b. What is the source of this data (e.g., State/County records, data from the incumbent vendor, etc.)? Answer #16: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 17. Please confirm that labor hours in the following categories will count toward any “hours provided” requirements of the contract. a. Time spent by health care staff in any 0n-site training, such as orientation and in-service, b. Overtime hours c. Agency hours Answer #17: a) No. b) Yes. Page 3 of 35 92 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw c) Yes. 18. What is the current average time for ADCRR to complete a pre-employment background check (§ Answer 18: The average processing time for the last month was two (2) days. 19. Is there a process for expediting the background checks for key positions such as Medical Directors, Nursing, Management, etc.? Answer #19: Yes, if the processing time were to exceed the current time frame. 20. Please clarify how “current competitive market wages” are defined by ADOC; for example, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 25th, 50th, 75th, or 90th percentile. Answer #20: Salaries comparable to other employers in the market. A competitive wage is equal to or above the standard offered by companies in the same industry and/or geographical area. 21. What is the role, education, and licensing requirement of the Regional Behavioral Health Tech found in Amendment 5? Answer #21: The role of the Behavioral Health Tech would be at the discretion of the Contractor. Behavioral Health Techs are not licensed in Arizona. Exhibit 8 (original staffing plan) was deleted and replaced with Exhibit 24. 22. Does the ADCRR maintain any full-time information technology (IT) staff at any of its facilities? If not, please describe any ADCRR IT resources that would be able to assist with hardware/software tasks that need to be performed hands-on, in person at a facility. Answer #22: Yes. 23. Please confirm the name and version of the offender management system software currently in use by ADCRR. Does the ADCRR have any plans to change to a different system within the next few years? Answer #23: Arizona Correctional Information System, no change expected to occur. 24. With regard to vendor personnel in the health care unit having Internet access: a. Do vendor staff access the Internet through (i) a ADCRR network or (ii) the vendor’s network? b. Please describe how this currently happens, i.e., what type of hardware, wiring, and connectivity is in place. c. Who (ADCRR or vendor) is financially responsible for this hardware, wiring, and connectivity? d. Who (ADCRR or vendor) will be financially responsible for any necessary upgrades or expansions for this hardware, wiring, and connectivity? Answer #24: a) Traffic would be routed through VRFs on ADCRR infrastructure. The vendor would then access the internet through their own circuit. 93 Page 4 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw b) The vendor will utilize ADCRR infrastructure on a separate VLAN. ADCRR infrastructure is wired only. Traffic is routed by VRF to a circuit located at Lumen’s datacenter in Iron Mountain Phoenix. c) ADCRR is responsible for the existing hardware wiring and connectivity. d) Further expansion or upgrades to the infrastructure is the responsibility of the vendor. 25. With regard to health care staff accessing the ADCRR network, please provide the following information. a. Currently, are the computers used by health care staff on (a) the ADCRR network or (b) a private network supplied by the health care vendor? b. Will this scenario continue under the new contract? c. Will the ADCRR permit the incoming health care vendor to utilize existing network infrastructure at the facilities, e.g., wiring, switches, etc.? d. Who is financially responsible for network upgrades, additions, or expansions necessary to support the ADCRR inmate health care program? Answer #25: a) A vendor supplied network b) Yes c) Yes, the existing health system d) The contractor is responsible for their network. 26. With regard to timeclocks or other timekeeping devices, please provide the following information. a. The number of timeclocks in place at each ADCRR facility b. Where in the buildings they are located (for example, in the lobbies, at the security sally ports, in the medical units, etc.) c. Will the ADCRR allow the incoming Contractor connect its timeclocks to the ADCRR network? Answer #26: a) This information is not maintained by MSCMB b) This information is not maintained by MSCMB, varied by physical plant logistics c) No. 27. In regards to ADCRR’s current electronic health record (EHR), that we understand is Marquis software, please provide the following information: a. What version of the EHR that is in place? b. Is the existing EHR agreement/licensure/ownership in (a) the ADCRR’s name or (b) the incumbent health care vendor’s name? c. Can the incoming vendor take over the existing EHR agreement/licensure? d. Where and by what company/agency is the EHR currently hosted? e. Who is financially responsible for the cost of hosting the EHR? f. Will this arrangement continue under the new contract? g. Will the ADCRR allow authorized providers and other staff not located onsite at the ADCRR facilities to have remote access to the EMR? h. Please confirm interfaces that are currently in place with the existing EHR, for example, the Offender Management System, the current pharmacy subcontractor, the current lab services contractor, etc.? Answer #27: a) version 5 94 Page 5 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw b) the incumbent vendor c) Yes d) Marquis hosts their own e) The vendor f) Yes g) Yes h) Arizona Correctional Information System, Pharmacy, and Lab services 28. Since we have confirmed the current EHR can perform the required tasks found in Exhibit 21B, please explain why the functionality has not been implemented and/or utilized. Answer #28: Exhibit 13 contained information listed for Exhibits 21A & 21B that should not have been attached to RFP. Please refer to Exhibit 28, Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment for any information in relation to the EHR. 29. Please confirm the ADCRR will accept a pilot/beta test of the EHR at a limited number of selected facilities within 30 days with a full implementation occurring within 90 days. Answer #29: This is not confirmed. The requirement is for the proposed EMR to be implemented within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the contract. 30. If a new EHR system is proposed, will the incumbent vendor have access to the current software in read only state? If so, for how long? Answer #30: See section 1.22.11 requires the Offeror to submit a plan for Data Conversion, to include milestones outlining the progress of implementation. The current EMR will be maintained until a new EMR is fully implemented, tested, and approved. (See Sections and 31. Does the ADCRR currently utilize telehealth? If so, please provide the following information. a. In addition to equipment describe in Exhibit 4, Capital Inventory Listing, describe any other equipment that will remain in place for the new vendor to use b. Description of the telehealth connectivity (network) that will remain in place for the new vendor to use c. The type of telehealth clinic (e.g., telepsychiatry, telecardiology, etc.) d. How often each telehealth clinic is currently conducted (e.g., weekly, monthly, as-needed, etc.) e. The length of each telehealth clinic currently conducted (e.g., day, half-day, etc.) f. The average number of patients in each telehealth clinic g. The name and contact information for the tele-provider who conducts each telehealth clinic Answer #31: Telehealth encounters are utilized by the current Vendor. a) None. b - g) This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 32. Does the ADCRR supply telephone lines and instruments to the current vendor or does the current vendor supply these? How many telephone lines and instruments are utilized by the vendor at each site? 95 Page 6 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Answer #32: Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw See Section, an adequate number of telephones/lines are at each complex. 33. What pharmacy subcontractor does your current health care vendor use for pharmacy services, e.g., Diamond, Correct Rx, Boswell, etc.? Answer #32: Diamond Pharmacy 34. A Pharmacy Director (also referred to as Regional Clinical Pharmacy Director on Exhibit 8/Amendment 1) is required as minimum staffing. The additional staffing recommendation asks for three full time pharmacist one of whom will serve as the regional pharmacist. Is it the intention of ADCRR to have two “regional” pharmacy directors and two pharmacists? Answer #33: One Regional Pharmacy Director and two (2) staff pharmacists. 35. Please provide the ADCRR’s definition of “contraband date” for KOP medications (§ 1.12.20). Answer #35 Please see MSTM, Chapter 4, Section 1.1, paragraph 8.0. 36. What laboratory subcontractor does your current health care vendor use for lab services, e.g., LabCorp, Garcia, BioReference, etc.? Answer #36: Garcia Laboratories 37. For each ADCRR facility, which hospital(s) is used most frequently? Answer #37: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 38. Please identify the number, type, and timeframes of any backlogs (chronic care clinics, offsite referrals, dental encounters, etc.) that currently exist at the ADCRR facilities. Answer #38: Please see Exhibit 29 at Amend to Add at the beginning of this amendment. 39. Please provide the following information about any medical or other special needs units (infirmary, geriatric, skilled nursing, hospice, etc.) at the ADCRR facilities. a. Type of each unit b. Location of each unit c. Capacity of each unit d. Average occupancy of each unit e. Staffing for each unit f. Type of services/acuity able to be handled in each unit Answer #39: ASPC-Florence: IPC 57 beds ASPC-Lewis: IPC 13 beds ASPC-Perryville: IPC and SNU 15 beds each Page 7 of 35 96 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw ASPC-Tucson: IPC and SNU 66 and 46 beds 40. With regard to medication administration. a. Who administers the medications (RNs, LPNs, or other position)? b. Is the current process: (a) med carts go to the housing units or (b) patients come to the medical unit? c. How often does med pass occur each day? d. On average, (a) how many FTEs and (b) how long does it take to perform a med pass? Answer #40: a) licensed nursing staff b) both c) 2-3 med passes occur each day; varies by unit and complex d) This information is not maintained; dependent on a number of variables 41. Please provide copies of the following documents. a. The drug formulary currently in use b. The most recent pharmacy report c. The lab test formulary currently in use Answer #41: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 42. On average, how many ADCRR inmates per month receive these types of prescription drugs? a. Psychotropic medications b. Hepatitis C medications c. HIV/AIDS medications d. Medications to treat bleeding disorders (e.g., hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease, etc.) Answer #42: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 43. For each of the past 36 months, please provide statistical data for each of the following categories. a. Number of (offsite) inpatient hospital admissions b. Number of (offsite) inpatient hospital days c. Number of outpatient surgeries d. Number of outpatient referrals e. Number of trips to the emergency department (ED) f. Number of ED referrals resulting in hospitalization g. Number of ground ambulance transports h. Number of air ambulance transports i. Number of dialysis treatments Answer #43: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 44. For each of the past 3 years, please provide total spend amounts for the following categories. a. Offsite services b. Pharmaceutical expenditures c. Laboratory services d. Offsite diagnostic (x-ray) services Page 8 of 35 97 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Answer #44: Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 45. Will the vendor be financially responsible for any of the following services under the new contract and what was the three-year cost previously? a. Care for newborn babies after the actual delivery b. Abortions that are not clinically necessary c. Cosmetic surgery that is not clinically necessary d. Gender reassignment (sex change) surgery and any follow-up treatment or related cosmetic procedures e. Contraception, including vasectomy, tubal ligation, or reversal of such f. Experimental care g. Elective care, i.e., care which if not provided would not (in the opinion of the Medical Director) cause the patient’s health to deteriorate or cause the patient definite and/or irreparable physical harm h. Autopsies i. Organ, tissue, or other transplant surgery and related costs, including, but not limited to labs, testing, pharmaceuticals, pre- or post-op follow-up care, or ongoing care relating to the transplant j. Factor and other medications for the treatment of bleeding disorders Answer #45: a)-i) Not at this time. j) Yes. 46. Please provide information on any current use of inmate tablets in the mental health program and the extent of the topics offered and accessed by inmates (§ Answer #46: Most inmates have access to a tablet. 47. Is sex offender treatment included in the scope of mental health services? If not, what entity provides SOETP treatment? Answer #47: Please see ADCRR website - Department Order 923; 48. Regarding § Opioid Treatment Program: a. Please provide data on the number of inmates, by facility, identified with OUD, who qualify for this program within the last years’ time. b. Is this a new program that is to commence within 90 days of contract award? c. Please provide program information on the current MAT program, treatments available, and the Contractor’s role and responsibilities for fulfillment. Answer #48: a) No data available. b) Yes. c) No data available. 49. Regarding inmates requiring off-site mental health services for mental health services not available within the Arizona State Prison Complex services): Page 9 of 35 98 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw a. Please provide data on the number of for the last two years’ time b. List the name of the off-site community provider facilities and specialty clinics approved by the MSCMB. c. Provide data on costs related to providing such services over the past two years. (§ 1.13.10) Answer #49: None. 50. Regarding 1.13.11 Psychological Evaluations and Referrals: a. How many inmates are currently under the scope of the Department Order 910 Inmate Education and the Department Order 920 Inmate Special Education? b. What type of educational assessments and IEP development are currently offered? c. Will the offering requirements for the new vendor change from current evaluations and referrals? Answer #50: a) DO 910: 24,132 DO 920: 50 b) See ADCRR website – Department Order 910; c) See ADCRR website – Department Order 920; 51. Please identify the relative weight the ADCRR will assign to each evaluation criteria listed in section 2.18. Answer #51: This information is not available; however, the evaluation factors are listed in their relative order of importance. 52. Please provide the formula (or other methodology) the ADCRR will use to evaluate and score vendors’ submitted prices. Answer #52: This information is not available; however, the evaluation factors are listed in their relative order of importance. 53. Conflicting language, data, and specs are often found among the various documents that make up a solicitation. For this RFP, please confirm the latest dated document always holds precedence, so bidders know which information to use in case we identify contradictory or inconsistent data among the original RFP files, addenda, and/or responses to questions. Answer #53: The latest dated document always holds precedence. 54. If the Parsons bench trial commencing in November results in legal direction that materially changes the cost of operating the ADCRR contract, please confirm that the Department will address these cost increases in a contract amendment that increases reimbursement to the selected vendor. (§ 1.1.6) Answer #54: Any material changes to the contract will require an amendment. 55. With regard to ADCRR inmates housed at prisons in other states, please provide the following information: Page 10 of 35 99 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw a. Current process flow and timeframes for the incumbent vendor paying for extraordinary services rendered to these inmates b. Dollar amount invoiced to/paid by the incumbent vendor in each of the past three years for extraordinary services for these inmates (§ Answer #55: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 56. With regard to other states’ inmates housed at ADCRR facilities, please provide the following information: a. Current process flow and timeframes for the incumbent vendor receiving payment from other state for extraordinary services rendered to these inmates b. Dollar amount paid (billed to other states) by the incumbent vendor in each of the past three years for extraordinary services provided to these inmates (§ Answer #56: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 57. Please confirm that when "the number of inmates covered under this contract...increase[s] and decrease[s] over time" and the vendor makes "necessary adjustments required by [these] population changes,” that the ADCRR will cover any additional operating costs resulting from the changes through the execution of a mutually agreeable contract amendment. (§ 1.1.17) Answer #57: Please see Section and 58. With regard to the contract’s per diem payment model, please provide the following information. (§ 1.1.17) a. Will the ADCRR establish a “floor” ADP for the contract, i.e., a minimum population level for which the vendor will be paid even if the actual ADP drops below this level. 1. If not, please clarify what happens in a situation where the ADCRR inmate population permanently/semipermanently decreases to the extent that all of the FTEs in the contract-mandated staffing plan are no longer necessary (i.e., the vendor is paying salaries for staff that the vendor is unable to cover the fixed costs required to operate the contract (i.e., the vendor’s revenue has been reduced such that it is less than the costs to pay staff salaries and benefits). 2. In the situation described above, would the ADCRR either ((a) re-negotiate the Contracted per diem rate; or (b) waive the contract’s minimum FTE levels to avoid forcing the Contractor to pay for staff that are no longer needed? Answer #58: Material Changes to the contract may constitute re-negotiation to the contract. 59. Please elaborate and give examples of what types of “additional costs” the ADCRR is describing in this section. ( Answer #59: Travel expenses, lodging, meals, etc. Page 11 of 35 100 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 60. In this specification, §, please clarify the timeframe for which bidders must provide information, as the first part of the spec states “since 2011” but the second part states “for the most recent 5 years,” i.e., since 2016. Answer 60: The referenced section is regarding provision of ADCRR and its designees access to the Contractor’s service locations, facilities, or installations….for the purpose of examination, auditing, or investigating. Section requires the provision of all contracts within the past ten (10) years including any which are no longer active and/or operated under prior ownership or management. Of those provided contracts, Section requests information for the most recent five (5) years. 61. Please confirm that the access to service locations required in this section applies only to locations pertaining to the ADCRR contract, as no vendor can provide the Department with access to the facilities it operates for other clients. (§ Answer #61: Section 1.4.4, Financial Management, specifically states “…with applicable laws… expenses associated with this contract.” 62. This RFP specification—§—requires the bidder to submit examples of actual client reports AND to identify the client. This violates the confidentiality mandates of most correctional health care contracts. Please clarify what the ADCRR wants bidders to do if bidders’ existing clients will not allow their proprietary operational reports and data to be shared for the purposes of responding to an RFP. Answer #62: reports. The Offeror shall meet the requirement. Section is requesting examples of the actual client 63. This RFP specification—§—requires the bidder to submit examples of actual client reports AND to identify the client. This violates the confidentiality mandates of most correctional health care contracts. Please clarify what the ADCRR wants bidders to do if bidders’ existing clients will not allow their proprietary operational reports and data to be shared for the purposes of responding to an RFP. Answer #63: reports. The Offeror shall meet the requirement. Section is requesting example of the actual client 64. Please confirm that the ADCRR will reimburse the vendor for all services it is required to provide to individual inmates up to 90 days after termination of the contract. ( Answer #64: This is not confirmed. Section refers to continuation of services on a month to month extension of the term of the contract. 65. Is the ADCRR requiring this Medical Records Director to be physically located within the State of Arizona? ( Answer #65: Yes. 66. Please confirm that flash drives are an acceptable substitute for meeting the terms of this specification: § Answer 66: Flash drives are not an acceptable substitute for meeting the terms of the specification. Page 12 of 35 101 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 67. This specification, §, references secure units. Please provide the following information about each of these units. a. Location of the secure unit b. Capacity of the unit c. Average occupancy of the unit Answer #67: a) Florence Anthem Hospital b) 16 beds c) 2 68. This specification, §, requires the vendor to be financially responsible for the costs associated with using ACDRR Correctional Officers. Please provide the following information on this topic. a. Number of times the incumbent vendor had to pay for ADCRR CO costs in each of the past three years b. The aggregate dollar amount the incumbent vendor paid for ADCRR CO costs in each of the past three years c. The rate which the ADCRR will charge the incoming vendor for CO coverage under the new contract Answer #68: None at this time. 69. Please confirm that if these adjustments to service delivery result in increases to the vendor’s operating costs, the ADCRR will address these cost increases through a mutually acceptable contract amendment. (§ Answer #69: Please refer to Uniform Terms and Conditions, Section 5 Contract Changes. 70. The first sentence of this specification, § 1.6.13, uses the word “shall,” making the spec mandatory. However, the first subsection ( implies that the decision to include infirmary expansion is optional, at the respondent’s discretion. Please clarify whether infirmary expansion is mandatory or not. Answer #70: Section 1.6.13 requires the Offeror to include an Option for increasing on-site infirmary beds and other sheltered housing units. 71. At which locations does the ADCRR prefer additional infirmary and/or sheltered housing beds to be established? (§ 1.6.13) Answer #71: Location is dependent on institutional need. 72. With regard to the minimum timeframes outlines in this specification, § and, please provide the following information. a. In each of the past three years, on how many occasions has the timeframe for routine specialty care appointments exceeded the mandated 60 days? b. In each of the past three years, on how many occasions has the timeframe for urgent care appointments exceeded the mandated 30 days? c. Please describe the current process/protocol for ensuring that contracted hospitals and providers agree to see ADCRR patients within the timeframes mandated in the RFP Page 13 of 35 102 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Answer #72: Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 73. Please complete the following grid of information for each of the onsite specialty clinics required by the RFP, § Vision/Optometr y Audiology Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy OB/GYN Terminal Illness HIV/HCV/TB Any other clinics Answer #73: Is clinic currently in place? At which ADCRR locations? Clinic frequency ? Contact info for current clinic provider? Vision, Audiology, Terminal Illness, HIV/HCV/TB: available at all complexes OB/GYN: ASPC-Perryville PT: ASPC-Florence, ASPC-Lewis, ASPC-Perryville, ASPC-Tucson OT/ST: not available on-site at this time 74. With regard to dialysis services, please provide the following information. (§ a. Are all of the dialysis machines at Central Unit and Rincon Medical in service for providing treatment? b. Do any other ADCRR locations currently have onsite dialysis? Is so, i. How many machines are located in each dialysis unit? ii. Who owns these machines and other equipment? iii. Will the machines/equipment be available for the use of the incoming vendor? Answer #74: a) Dialysis services are currently available at ASPC-Florence (5 chairs) and ASPC-Tucson (7 chairs) b) No 75. What database is currently in use as the chronic conditions/disease management registry for the ADCRR inmate population? (§ Answer #75: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 76. Please provide historical annual expenditures for the provision and maintenance (laundering) of medical linens for each of the past three years. (§ 1.10.24) Answer #76: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 77. Please provide the following information regarding the 340B program referenced in this section: a. Through what FQHC (or other 340B qualified entity) is the existing 340B program operated? b. What diseases/conditions does the program cover, e.g., HIV, Hepatitis C, cancer, etc.? Page 14 of 35 103 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw c. Do the FQHC (or other 340B qualified entity)-employed providers who write the 340B prescriptions see ADCRR patients (a) face-to-face or (b) via telehealth? d. What pharmacy fills the prescriptions written by the 340B-qualified providers? e. For each of the drug classes covered by the existing 340B program, what average discount is the ADCRR (and/or its vendor) currently obtaining Answer #77: a) ADCRR b) HBV, HCV, HIV c) both d) The contracted vendor pharmacy e) N/A 78. Please provide the following information about the ADCRR’s inpatient and residential mental health units. (§ 1.13.2) a. Location of each unit b. Capacity of each unit c. Average occupancy of each unit d. Staffing for each unit e. Type of services/Acuity able to be handled in each unit Answer #78: a)-c) COUNT FOR MENTAL HEALTH UNITS 10/28/2021 UNIT Eyman - Browning BMU (A79) Perryville-Lumley MH (B58) Perryville- Bld 45 Central MH (B69) PerryvilleTreatment MH Ward (B70) Phoenix - Ida Ward (B08) Phoenix John (B43) Phoenix King (B44) Phoenix George (B71) Phoenix Aspen (B22) Tucson - Rincon MH (C34) CAP COUNT Residential 30 11 Residential 36 18 Residential 12 12 In-patient 16 6 In-patient 25 19 In-patient 30 8 In-patient 35 10 In-patient 20 8 Residential 150 127 Residential 256 181 Page 15 of 35 104 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Tucson - Rincon MH Program II (C53) Residential TOTAL: 152 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 85 485 Lewis – IPC 13 beds, 12 filled 4B 20 beds, 12 filled d) Eyman BMU: 1 PA (and a back up PA) and 2 BHTs Perryville: Complex Ward Inpatient – 1 PA & 1 BHT Complex Residential Treatment – PA 1 & .5 BHT (BHT Keebler split time) Lumley Mental Health Unit – PA 1 & .5 BHT (BHT Keebler split time) Tucson Two PA’s for Rincon MHU; one psychologist for Kasson. I have two techs and two providers (one each a program) Lewis: (special programs) 1 for IPC 1 for 4B - Barchey transitional program Phoenix: Inpatient: 6 Clinicians 3 BHTs Residential: 3 Clinicians 1 BHT e) Please see MHTM; 79. For the “ADCRR Addiction Treatment staff” referenced in this section, please provide the following information. (§ 1.13.6) a. What is the role of these clinicians? b. What level of licensure and/or certification do these clinicians hold? c. How many are assigned to each ADCRR facility? d. Please define how (under the new contract) the scope of responsibility for addiction treatment services will be divided between ADCRR Addiction Treatment staff and the new incoming health care vendor. Answer #79: See ADCRR website – Department Order 917; Page 16 of 35 105 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 80. For section, please clarify this specification’s reference to “the Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.7.5,” as this is simply a list of the site tour dates. Answer #80: Please see Amend to Change at the beginning of solicitation amendment no. 9. 81. For section, please clarify this specification’s reference to “the Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 2.7.6,” as no such paragraph exists in the Special Terms & Conditions part of the RFP document. Answer #81: Please see Amend to Change at the beginning of solicitation amendment no. 9. 82. With regard to the format of bidders’ proposal submissions (§ 2.9.1), please provide the following information. a. After reviewing the solicitation in APP, we do not see that the ADCRR has provided any “questionnaires” or other documents for bidders to complete for the technical proposal. IS this accurate? If not, please provide direction on where in APP bidders can find the questionnaires (or other documents) to be competed for the correctional health care RFP. b. We understand that the ADCRR wishes bidders to upload each of the documents/forms listed in RFP Sections through as a separate tab (file) of the proposal. Is this accurate? c. Please clarify what the ADCRR means by “Title each attachment with the applicable Tab number,” i.e., does the ADCRR wish bidders to name these tabs (a) after their RFP Section numbers (,,, etc.) or (b) by their RFP Attachment numbers (RFP Attachment 1, RFP Attachment 2, RFP Attachment 3, etc.)? Answer #82: Section 2.9.1 was amended; please see Amend to Change at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 10. 83. The instructions in section 2.9.1 state that “Responses are limited to fifteen hundred (1500) additional pages to the RFP.” Please clarify by answering the following questions. a. The statement implies that bidders must return a copy of the RFP with its proposal. Is this accurate? b. If yes, in what order among the tabs would the ADCRR like the copy positioned? c. If yes, does the 1,500-page limit include the RFP itself? Answer #83: Section 2.9.1 was amended; please see Amend to Change at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 10. 84. We see that the ADCRR posted an Excel price sheet in APP for bidders to complete, with the Order Quantity filled in as “10” and the Units as “days.” Please provide the following information about this document. a. Does the ADCRR wish bidders to complete this Excel spreadsheet in addition to RFP Attachments 8A, 8B, and 9? b. Please explain what the pre-filled Order Quantity of “10” represents in the spreadsheet, as it appears as though the price submitted on this spreadsheet will be for 10 days. c. Please explain what bidders are to place in the “Delivery Date” and “Delivery Date1” columns. Answer #84: a. Exhibit 8 was amended; please see Solicitation Amendment No. 9 at the beginning of the amendment. Offerors shall complete and submit Exhibits 8 and 9 with their offer. 106 Page 17 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw b. The pre-filled Order “10” is an automatic number generated in APP when creating the line item for price. The Offerors shall provide pricing Per Inmate Per Day (PIPD) as identified in c. The “Delivery Date” and “Delivery Date1” columns are not required fields. 85. For the RFP Exhibit 8, there is a 24-page document contains three sets of staffing plans for the ADCRR facilities: the first on pages 1 through 8, the second (dated 7/1/21) on pages 9 through 15; and the third (also dated 7/1/21) on pages 16 through 24. Please provide the following information about these staffing plans. a. Why are there three sets of required minimum staffing plans included in the RFP, as opposed to a single set? b. Is it correct that set #2 on pages 9-15 and set #3 on pages 16-24 are both dated 7/1/21? c. What is the date for set #1 on pages 1-8? d. Which of the three sets does the ADCRR wish bidders to utilize as the official required minimum staffing for the RFP? Answer #85: Exhibit 8 was deleted and new Exhibit 24 Staffing Plan was added, please see changes at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment no. 12. 86. Section 1.17.8; this specification refers to “[RFP] Sections, - state recommendations on minimum staffing based on current opportunities.” However, we cannot locate any such numbered sections in the RFP. Please provide the ADCRR’s recommendations on minimum staffing based on current opportunities. Answer #86: no. 9. Section 1.17.8 was amended; please see Amend to Change at the beginning of solicitation amendment 87. With regard to ADCRR inmates’ eligibility for Medicaid coverage, please provide the following information. (§ 1.14.4) a. Please confirm that hospitals submit claims directly to AHCCCS for eligible inmates’ inpatient stays. b. What percentage of ADCRR inmate inpatient claims are Medicaid-eligible? c. Of these Medicaid-eligible inpatient claims, have any been denied? If yes, what percent? d. For inmates admitted to inpatient status at a community hospital, who is responsible for enrolling the inmate in AHCCCS and obtaining an inmate’s AHCCCS number? Answer #87: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 88. Does the ADCRR have any plans to change the mission, size, or scope of any of its facilities within the term of the contract other than ASPC-Florence? (See next question specifically regarding ASPC-Florence) If so, please provide details (including timeframe) on the planned change. Answer #88: Movement of the ASPC-Florence IPC to ASPC-Phoenix. Time frame is unknown at this time. 89. At the site tours, the ADCRR indicated they will be closing ASPC-Florence over the next few years. Please answer the following questions on this topic. a. Please provide a timeline and process flow for the closure of ASPC-Florence. b. Please indicate whether the ADCRR plans to (a) reduce its inmate population, thereby negating the need for ASPC-Florence or (b) maintain its inmate population and transfer the population currently housed at Florence to other ADCRR facilities. Page 18 of 35 107 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw c. If the answer to the preceding question is (b), which facility(s) will receive the Florence inmates? d. Will the inmate transfers (a) be staggered over time, thus requiring Florence to be staffed on an ongoing basis throughout the facility’s closure process? Or (b) done all at once, enabling the vendor to remove all of its Florence health care staff at the same time? e. Does the ADCRR want bidders to include a full complement of health care staff for ASPC-Florence in their price proposals? f. Please confirm that once the closure of ASPC-Florence is completed, the ADCRR will negotiate a mutually acceptable contract amendment with the health care vendor to adjust staffing and other changes to the operating cost of the contract. Answer #89: a) To be determined. b) Inmates will be transferred to other institutions. c) To be determined. d) Inmate transfers are proposed to be staggered at this time. 90. This RFP specification—2.40.2—requires the health care contractor to be financially responsible for “any and all costs and attorneys’ fees associated with defending any claims of noncompliance.” Please provide the following information on this topic. a. Please confirm that this excludes costs and attorney fees resulting from: i. non-compliance caused by actions of the ADCRR or individuals acting on the ADCRR’s behalf and ii. ii. non-compliance caused by any other events or activities outside of the health care vendor’s control. b. Please confirm that the ADCRR will not require the new health care vendor to be financially responsible in any way for fines/penalties levied against the State Agency by the court system as part of the ongoing Parsons litigation. Answer #90: This is not confirmed. 91. This RFP specification requires the health care contractor to be financially responsible for “all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by Plaintiffs’ counsel as a result of court intervention.” Please provide the following information on this topic. a. Does the ADCRR expect the incoming health care vendor to be appended as a named party in the Parsons litigation? b. The new health care vendor will be entering a situation fraught with pre-existing issues that date back many years. Please discuss the ADCRR’s rationale for requiring the newly arrived health care vendor to pay for legal costs relating to litigation that (a) the new vendor is trying to remedy and (b) the new vendor had no role in creating. Answer #91: a) No, the contracted healthcare vendors have not previously been named in the litigation. b) The incoming health care vendor is expected to resolve any issues and provide healthcare to meet Performance Measure standards at an 85% threshold. 108 Page 19 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 92. RFP Page 1, Solicitation Due Date, Would the Department consider extending the proposal due date for a minimum of 3 weeks to allow bidders to evaluate answers to questions once they are released by the State and complete the Gap Analysis (as the Department is rescheduling the informational call)? Answer #92: The solicitation due date has been extended to December 29, 2021 in Solicitation Amendment No. 15. 93. RFP Page 154, 1.23.3 specifies that Contractors need to provide 24/7 support in a form and format provided by MSCMB. Please provide the form and format requested. Answer #93: The training and support form and format proposed by the Vendor may be submitted to the MSCMB for review and approval. 94. RFP Page 153, What tablet or Kiosk vendor is currently in place that an EHR needs to interface with for HNR Requests? Does an HNR Interface exists today with the current EHR Vendor? Answer #94: JPay is the current tablet vendor. An interface does not exist at this time. 95. RFP Page 153, Please identify the specific appointments the State would like to have automated. Answer #95: Any and all health care related appointments. 96. RFP Page 158, 1.23.22 Please confirm that once implemented, private prisons will cease to use their current EHR and move to the ADCRR approved platform. Answer #96: to the EMR. That is not confirmed. The section requires the Contractor to allow private prison facilities full access 97. RFP Page 101, 1.12.20 Please define “contraband” date. Is that the date the meds were given to patient? Answer #97: See MSTM, Chapter 4, Section 1.1, paragraph 8.0 98. Exhibit 13 “Ability to import/export information from partner systems, hospitals, and specialty office consultations” is stated. What specific information is the State looking to have imported and exported? Is this outside of the HIE requirement? Answer #98: Medical records/information related to the health care of an individual inmate. Please refer to Amend to Delete Exhibit 13 at the beginning of this amendment. Please refer to Amend to Add Exhibit 28 at the beginning of this amendment. 99. General, Please provide an inventory of all scanners. Answer #99: 100. Please see Solicitation Amendment No. 1 Exhibit 4. General, Please provide an inventory of all signature pads. 109 Page 20 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #100: Please see Solicitation Amendment No. 1 Exhibit 4. 101. General, Please provide name and version of current JMS software. Answer #101: This question is not clear and cannot be answered. 102. General, What vendors currently interface with EHR / EMR (Lab, Pharmacy, JMS, etc.)? Answer #102: Lab and Pharmacy 103. General, Are the network drops in the medical area to be assumed by the incoming Contractor? Answer #103: Yes. 104. General, Does Wireless exist everywhere that medical services are provided including the housing units? If Wi-Fi exists but not in all areas needed, can vendor expand? Answer #104: Yes 105. General, If the ADCRR is providing network, will the vendor be allowed to install a VPN tunnel between the vendor’s network and the ADCRR network for use by medical staff for administrative and medical applications? Answer #105: ADCRR is not providing the network. 106. RFP Page 164, 2.9 Format of Proposal Submission, The amendments state that “a signed copy of this amendment must be returned with your offer”. In addition to being acknowledged on the procurement website, which section/Tab of the proposal response should include the signed amendments? Will the amendments be counted toward the response page limit? Answer #106: Section 2.9.1 was amended; please see Amend to Change, at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 9. 107. RFP Page 164, 2.9 Format of Proposal Submission and Solicitation Attachments, Attachment 10 Additional Materials Form was included in the Solicitation Attachments with the release of the RFP; however, there is no further reference to this attachment in the RFP. Assuming it is to be included in the RFP response: 1. Is it an additional section/Tab? 2. What documents should be included in that section/Tab? Those that are required by the RFP (formulary, resumes, reports etc.)? Do the required materials contribute to the page limitation? Can the vendor submit additional materials that are not required? Answer #107: Please refer to answer #10 on Solicitation Amendment No. 12. 108. General, During site tours, it was discussed that the Baker Unit at Phoenix was being converted to an inpatient infirmary. Please provide the following: 1. The number of beds planned Page 21 of 35 110 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 2. The anticipated completion date 3. The planned date to close the infirmary at Florence 4. Will the infirmary beds at Lewis be closed once the new infirmary is opened 5. Is there a date scheduled for the closure of the Lewis infirmary? Will the Lewis infirmary be repurposed for other needs, such as a Skilled nursing Unit? If so, please advise and the number of beds anticipated for that purpose. Answer #108: To be determined. 109. General – ASPC Florence, It is our understanding one or more yards at Florence have closed. Please provide which yards have closed and which yards currently remain open, as well as the dedicated mission, security level and population for each yard that remains open. In addition, please provide an estimated schedule on the closing of the remaining yards and any corelated population projects for Florence. Answer #109: ASPC-Florence open units: Central - Close 700 on 10/21/21 East – Medium 666 on 10/21/21 Globe – Minimum 223 on 10/21/21 IPC – Maximum 48 on 10/21/21 South – Medium 863 on 10/21/21 Population is variable; see ADCRR’s website 110. General – ASPC Florence, Currently, Globe is considered a satellite facility attached to Florence. Will Globe be closed or will it remain open when Florence is closed? Answer #110: All units contained within ASPC-Florence complex will be closed. 111. General – ADCRR, Does the ADCRR currently have population projections for the state managed complexes? If so, please provide. Answer #111: See ADCRR website – Corrections At A Glance; 112. General – ADCRR, It is our understanding that the current vendor has access to additional state appropriated funds to incentivize staff retention. Please advise as to how those funds are currently being accessed and what specific criteria has been agreed upon to award those funds. Additionally, please indicate the amount of funds that have been awarded to date to staff of the current vendor under this provision. Answer #112: Please refer to the current contract amendment no. 6 which is available in APP regarding the information requested. 113. RFP Page 5, 1.1.7 GAP Analysis, Regarding the GAP Analysis: 1. Please confirm the GAP Analysis is to be provided with the proposal submittal. 2. Does the ADCRR have a specific format they would like vendors to use? 3. Will the analysis count toward the proposal page number limitation? Page 22 of 35 111 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #113: Information regarding the GAP Analysis will be issued in a future solicitation amendment. 114. RFP Page 69, 1.10.4 Specialty Care, Please provide Department Order 1101 and/or identify the specialty clinics required, by complex. Answer #114: See ADCRR website – Department Order 1101 115. RFP Page 130, 1.17.8 and 1.17.9 Staffing, In Section 1.17.8, Exhibit 8 regarding minimum staffing is referenced. In the following Section, 1.17.9, additional staffing recommendations were stated. Were all positions recommended in Section 1.17.9 in addition to the minimum staffing provided in Exhibit 8? Answer #115: 1.17.8 refers to Minimum Staffing position requirements; 1.17.9 is additional recommended positions. The additional positions may or may not be included in Exhibit 8. Also, Exhibit 8 was deleted and new Exhibit 24 was added, please see changes at the beginning of Solicitation Amendment No. 12. 116. Exhibit C, Performance Measures, Other than Performance Measures 1, 2, 3 and 4, are there any additional Performance Measures, Court Orders, Stipulations or other documents related to the Parsons case that specifically address staffing requirements? If so, please provide. Answer #116: Not at this time. 117. RFP Page 182, Professional Liability, Will the State of Arizona accept an Each Claim Professional Liability Limit that is less than $10,000,000, such as $1,000,000 Each Claim or $2,000,000 Each Claim? Answer #117: This requirement shall remain as written. 118. RFP Page 182,, Will the State of Arizona accept a deductible or retention higher than $50,000? If so, what is the maximum acceptable deductible or retention? Answer #118: This requirement shall remain as written. 119. RFP Page 182,, Will the State of Arizona accept a policy where costs and expenses are included in the Limits of Liability? Answer #119: This requirement shall remain as written. 120. General, We understand the Parsons v Shinn trial will begin on November 1, 2021 and end on November 19, 2021. It would appear unlikely that the status quo will remain in effect and that changes in the scope of this contract will likely occur. Please advise how ADCRR intends to address the Judge's ruling within the scope of this procurement. Is it the intent of ADCRR to proceed with the procurement and address any potential changes in scope with the selected vendor or will all potential vendors have the opportunity to modify their respective responses and address any scope modifications that may result from the trial's outcome? If the contract has Page 23 of 35 112 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw already been entered into, will the awarded vendor have an opportunity to negotiate amendments to the contract if the trail results in material changes to the requirements contained in the Stipulation? Answer #120: Please see Section 1.1.6 121. Section 1.12.3 – This RFP section indicates that the EHR must contain a perpetual inventory on all non-patient specific medications as well as all patient specific/non- patient specific controlled substances. For clarity, would this result in a perpetual inventory being maintained for all medications? Or is the perpetual inventory function not wanted/required for patient specific medications that are not controlled? Answer #121: The section requires perpetual inventory for: a) non-patient specific medications b) all controlled substances c) all Gabapentin prescriptions 122. Section 1.12.3 – This RFP section indicated that the EHR's perpetual inventory system will include all requirements in the MSTM. The MSTM contains requirements that are easy to perform on paper, but very difficult to meet within an EHR, for example: MSTM 1.6 reads, "Any recording error in the records will be lined through (with one horizontal line), annotated with "error", and initialed by the person who made the error. The accurate entry will be recorded below the error entry. Errors will not be "blacked out" or written over." Is the Department open to revising the MSTM to better define how to best address these types of procedures to bring them more in line with EHR electronic inventory tracking? Answer #122: Private prisons currently utilize paper records. Revisions to current policy and procedure may occur to encourage best practices. 123. 1.23.1 – Will the provision of the EHR solutions at private prisons/facilities include providing all computers and other computer and IT equipment used to access the EHR, or will the private prison/facility vendors be responsible for providing their own? Answer #123: Private prison facilities will be responsible for their equipment. 124. – Shall the Contractor, or third party, provide a statement that the EHR proposed is health vendor agnostic? (Meaning that the proposed EHR shall work with any health service vendor utilized by the ADCRR)? This is beneficial to the State in order to maintain continuity of care should the State elect to contract with a new health services vendor in the future. Answer #124: This is not a requirement of the RFP. 125. - Will the Department indicate which treatments are performed during Medication Administration? Answer #125: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 113 Page 24 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 126. Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw 1.23.3 - Please provide the form(s) and format(s) of training and documentation, if any, that may be required of the vendor in order to be compliant with 1.23.3 Answer #126: The training and support form and format proposed by the Vendor may be submitted to the MSCMB for review and approval. 127. 1.23.8 - Does the data mining referenced in 1.22.8 to create all reports as directed in the Parson v. Shinn litigation also need to comply with reporting requirements of, which details that reporting must be within the application without reliance on an outside tool such as Crystal Reports or SQL Server Reporting Services? Answer #127: Yes. 128. Please provide the name of the HIE that the EHR will need to interface with. Answer #128: Determined by the Contractor 129. - Please provide the name of the HNR vendor/system with elaboration on the data points/functionality requested with this interface. Answer #129: JPay is the HNR vendor 130. - In the event bidders propose an EHR that differs from the current incumbent EHR, a data migration process would be required where the vendor would provide the Agency/incumbent EHR vendor with file format preferences. Please confirm the Agency/incumbent EHR vendor will be required to send files in the manner preferred by the new EHR vendor to ensure an accurate migration of data. Please also provide, if able, the file formats that eOMIS can produce for use during the migration process. Answer #130: requirements. 131. The incumbent health care vendor is contractually obligated to comply with data transfer 1.23.2 Will the private prison facilities be required to adopt/install the EHR and document patient care in the EHR? Answer #131: Yes, at a future date. 132. General - EHR Requirements, The EHR requirements in the RFP appear very specific towards a particular system perhaps. Is the ADCRR aware of or have a preference for any EHR(s) that meet the requirements detailed in the RFP? If so, please list them. Answer #132: No, the proposed system must meet the EHR requirements as provided in the RFP. 133. Sanctions During COVID, please confirm that the ADCRR did not waive any of the staffing penalties or sanctions. Page 25 of 35 114 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #133: This is not confirmed. 134. Performance Bond, The RFP references two Performance Bonds, one for $50,000 and one for 25% of annual payments. Please confirm, are there two separate Performance Bonds required for this contract? Answer #134: Please see Special Terms and Conditions, Section 2.31 Performance/Payment Bonds. Section 2.31.4 refers to liabilities. 135. Cloud-based Solution, Item on page 148 states “Full functionality in Offline/Disconnected Mode (complete patient record and all application functionality operational without network connection)” However, item on page 148 states “Cloud-based is preferred (Remote Desktop Protocol or Citrix type connections are not acceptable). Model current network build or upgrade to services that allow for evolution to future technologies and services. These requirements appear to be mutually exclusive. • Can you please clarify what is meant by a cloud-based system with full offline application functionality? • Is AZDOC only considering an on-site cloud-hosted solution? • If not, how can these requirements be satisfied at the same time? Answer #135: It should be noted the vendor is using section number from the original RFP that has since been changed by Solicitation Amendment No. 1. a. Please see Amend to Delete Section at the beginning of this amendment. b. Refer to section cloud based is preferred. c. They cannot be as they are mutually exclusive. 136. Data Dictionary, Item on page 152 states “ A data dictionary, which is a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of a database and the relationship between its elements, used to control access to and manipulation of the database.” • Is this requirement applicable to SaaS systems where AZDOC would not have direct access to the underlying database system? Answer #136: Yes, this is applicable to SaaS systems. 137. Section 1.11.5 Dentures/Prosthetics, Section 1.11.5 Dentures/Prosthetics says, “Dental prostheses shall be provided based on the specific needs of the inmate and as defined in the DSTM.” Will the ADCRR consider adding the following verbiage: “Dental prostheses shall be provided as medically necessary based on the specific needs and length of time remaining in the ADC of the inmate as defined in the DSTM. Unless determined medically necessary by a dentist, inmates shall be considered for dental prostheses 24 months after intake.” Answer #137: No, the verbiage will not be added. 115 Page 26 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 138. Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw This section requires full-mouth X-ray services and necessary bite wings on periapical radiographs. Would the ADCRR consider permitting panoramic x-rays to fulfill this requirement? Answer #138: The requirement is for full-mouth xray services and necessary bite-wings on periapical radiographs. 139. says, “The Contractor shall provide the same comprehensive dental care as community standards.” A. Please define the term “Community Standards” B. Will the ADCRR consider the following verbiage: “The Contractor shall provide comprehensive routine dental care as defined in the DSTM.” Answer #139: a) See b) No, the verbiage will not be added. 140. Section – Please clarify the expectations of mental health staff after the referral is provided. Answer #140: Clarification of reference required. Section is regarding development and provision of an EMR and eMAR training plan. 141. Section - Is the awarded Contractor responsible to pay for transportation and the expense of security for all medical appointments? Answer #141: The Contractor shall be responsible for health services provided off-site. 142. Exhibit 4, Inventory Listing. Is the medical vendor expected to provide fuel and re-fuel the Gator vehicles? Answer #142: Yes. 143. Exhibit 4 contains Gator Utility Vehicles in the Inventory Listing. Please clarify how many Gators are assigned to each complexes for medical use? Answer #143: Please see Exhibit 25 added by Solicitation Amendment No. 14. 144. Exhibit 4 Inventory Listing. Are the Gators that the ADCRR provide considered vehicles? Answer #144: Yes. 145. General Question, Please confirm the vendor has the sole responsibility for making reports to professional licensure boards. Answer #145: This is not confirmed. 146. Guidelines for Treatment, Our company follows and draws from treatment recommendations, including but not limited to, the following expert medical organizations and resources to establish evidence based standards of care for our clinical guidelines: Page 27 of 35 116 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 American Academy of Family Physicians American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases American Cancer Society American College of Cardiology American Diabetes Association American Psychiatric Association American Dental Association American Heart Association American Society of Internal Medicine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV Medicine Association Infectious Diseases Society of America National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Health U.S. Preventive Services Task Force World Health Organization World Professional Association for Transgender Health State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Will the Department identify what expert medical organizations and resources are used to establish evidence based standards of care for the MSTM and the frequency of which these are reviewed and updated? Answer #146: See MSTM, Appendix E, Section 4 147. – This section says, “The Contractor shall develop safe staffing patterns in accordance with the "American Nurses Association Principles on Safe Staffing", including, but not limited to the specific needs of each medical unit, patient acuity, the experience level of nurses, and the availability of resources, such as technology and training for the nursing staff.” Please clarify and define the meaning of “Safe Staffing.” Answer #147: Matching registered nurse expertise with the needs of the recipients of nursing care services in the context of the practice setting and situation. Appropriate nurse staffing should be based on allocating the appropriate number of competent staff to deliver safe, quality care; taking into account the patient’s degree of functional ability, stability, and acuity as well as the environmental setting. 148. 1.16.2 – This section requires one business day for requests for information on any medical grievance. Would the Department consider 72-hours, which is in line with the current program? Page 28 of 35 117 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #148: The requirement is one (1) business day. 149. Exhibit 13: For reporting, please clarify the intention and utilization of the word "Discreet" in this instance (e.g., does the Department mean "separate tabs"?)? Answer #149: Please refer to Amend to Delete Exhibit 13 including Exhibit 21A & 21B at the beginning of this amendment. Please refer to Amend to Add Exhibit 28 at the beginning of this amendment. The sentence should be “Defined tabs…)”. 150. Exhibit 13: Please confirm that these requirements are for the Appointments Section of the EHR. Answer #150: Please refer to Amend to Delete Exhibit 13 including Exhibit 21A & 21B at the beginning of this amendment. Please refer to Amend to Add Exhibit 28 at the beginning of this amendment. 151. 1.23.1 – Please provide a list of all private prisons operated in the State where vendors will need to provide access to the vendor's proposed EMR solution and indicate the health services contractor for each, respectively. Answer #151: ASP-Central Arizona Correctional Facility, Geo Group ASP-Florence West, Geo Group ASP-Kingman, Geo Group ASP-Marana, MTC ASP-Phoenix West, Geo Group ASP-Red Rock Correctional Center, Core Civic 152. 1.23.1 – Please provide the names of the current private prison’s pharmacy vendors, laboratory vendors, x-ray vendors, and any other clinical services vendors that will interface with the proposed EHR solution? Answer #152: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 153. Section 1.1.9 – Given that the Department Orders (“DO”) cited in this section are known to change and be revised routinely, including changes that have occurred after the release of the RFP, will the Department continuously update the website referenced in this section to ensure vendors are responding to the latest versions of the DOs and other directives? Answer #153: ADCRR’s website is routinely updated to reflect changes. 154. Section 1.1.14 – Some of the requirements in this section appear to be new requirements. Please provide any available reports that show ED visits and inpatient days by type related to inmates housed in private prisons over a recent 12-24 month period. Answer #154: This information is not maintained by MSCMB. 155. RFP Section - “Full offline” functionality of an EHR has substantial cost and bandwidth implications and risk. Working in an offline mode means that data is not synchronizing at the time of care. This issue is minimized for set-schedule occurrences such as offline eMAR functionality, wherein all providers know what care will Page 29 of 35 118 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw occur. However, documentation that does not sync with the overall inmate health record presents care risks and other clinicians not seeing or referencing their colleagues’ contributions in a timely manner. An offline EHR cannot guarantee that the most up-to-date version of an inmate’s record is always available. With this, our questions regarding are below: a. Is the intent of for the EHR to be configured so that all PHI and PII data exists on all computers so that in the event of an Internet or power outage, the vendor’s documentation and data retrieval would be unaffected? This would result in patient data being stored independently on all computers with databases that would contain different data until such time as the internet connection is restored. b. Has the department considered having an EHR that has limited, intentional ability to document in an offline capacity? c. If Yes to Question B, are there specific functions/abilities that the Department requires the ability to document in a disconnected state? d. Would the Department allow vendors to offer more than one possible EHR solution and pricing so that the Department can collaborate/participate with the vendor on selecting the best EHR solution for the Department? Answer #155: a) Correct. b) No, real-time access and documentation availability is expected at all times c) N/A d) No, the Offeror is required to present the best EMR available that fits their operational expertise and strengths. 156. Exhibit 13: Since the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has mandated that all entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) must all transition to a new set of codes for electronic health care transactions (ICD-10CM) on October 1, 2015. Please confirm if the EHR must include the replaced International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9CM), given that ICD-9CM's content is no longer clinically accurate and contains numerous limitations, per the CDC. Answer #156: Please refer to Amend to Delete Exhibit 13 including Exhibit 21A & 21B at the beginning of this amendment. Please refer to Amend to Add Exhibit 28 at the beginning of this amendment. Yes, the EHR must contain most recent, updated codes. 157. Exhibit 21: Question 1: Please list all potential hospitals and the EHR systems that are used in the hospitals that the vendor will be required to establish an interface to meet this requirement, if known. Question 2: Would the Department please clarify the intention and utilization of the word “Discreet” in this exhibit. Question 3: Please confirm scope of this requirement to have one-click access from any screen in the EHR. There are numerous screens in the EHR that are not specific to any patient and would not be able to determine which lab results should be shown. Question 4: Also, please confirm if this requirement applies to screens within specific modules, like Medical, Dental, Scheduling, Consults, etc. 119 Page 30 of 35 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #157: 1. Please refer to Amend to Delete Exhibit 13 including Exhibit 21A & 21B at the beginning of this amendment. Please refer to Amend to Add Exhibit 28 at the beginning of this amendment. The information is not known. 2. Please see Exhibit 28; Error in wording. 3. Please see Exhibit 28; The requirements listed under the Scheduling and Appointments headers are applicable to individual medical records. 4. Please see Exhibit 28; Yes, it does. The following questions were received on November 16, 2021. 158. Attachment 10 Experience and References - Attachment 10 Experience and References indicates “It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from the contracting office for each of the references held”. Is ADCRR’s intent for the offeror to send the form to their respective reference, have them complete it and send back to the offeror to include in the offeror’s response? Or does ADCRR want the reference contact to complete it and send it directly to the ADCRR? If so, where should it be sent? Answer #158: Yes, the offeror shall send the form to their respective reference, have them complete it and send back to the offeror to include in the offeror’s response. 159. ADCRR RFP for Inmate Correctional Healthcare (BPM003905) Timeline Question - With the Q&A still in process, Thanksgiving Holidays being next week (causing office closures), and the submission date immediately after, would the State consider an extension to allow vendors time to tailor our responses to the Answers provided to questions submitted after Oct. 18 but before the original question deadline of October 22? The majority of our questions were submitted on October 20th and 21st and we are concerned about having the time to appropriately apply knowledge gained from the answers that will be supplied with the Holiday cutting working time short. Answer #159: The solicitation due date has been extended to December 29, 2021 in Solicitation Amendment No. 15. The following questions were received on November 17, 2021. 160. RFP Section, Does the Department expect behavioral health services beyond a mental health evaluation as part of an OTP?? Answer #160: A mental health evaluation is required to be included in the development and implementation of an OTP. If additional mental health services are needed by an individual patient, the Department expects that the needed services will be provided. 161. RFP Section, Does the Department anticipate that MOUD will be stocked on site, potentially requiring a license for methadone at each facility with an OTP? Answer #161: No. 162. RFP Section, Please confirm what facilities OTP services will be offered from. Page 31 of 35 120 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw Answer #162: Each complex that allows inmates to participate in group activities. 163. RFP Section, Please confirm that the request for the collection of blood and body fluids for forensic purposes will only be done under court order. Answer #613: Section is specific to court-ordered collection of blood and/or body fluids. 164. RFP Section In order to achieve NCCHC Standards P-G-04 Therapeutic Relationship; Forensic Information, and Disciplinary Actions, and Y-I-03, Forensic Information, will the Department support the use of a third party for the collection of blood or body fluid samples for the purposes of forensic use. Answer #164: The use of a 3rd party for collection of samples is supported. 165. Section 1.8.13 Mortality Review - While we appreciate that the Department responded to a question regarding Section 1.8.13 Mortality review including an Amend to Change, the Amend to Change only revised the numbering of the two subsections, but the wording remained the same: “the initial mortality review shall be completed within ten (10) working days of every inmate death.” The Department referred to this Amendment then responded “an initial mortality review of every inmate death, fetal death, or fetal sentinel event beyond the first be completed with seven (7) business days of the date of the death or event.” Can the Department please clarify if the initial mortality review is required to be completed within ten (10) working days of every inmate death consistent with the RFP requirement and CGAR performance measure 30, or is the Department requiring the initial mortality review to be completed within seven (7) business days of the date of the death or event consistent with DO 1105 most current language? Answer #165: Department Order 1105 and the Medical Services Technical Manual require the initial mortality review to be completed within seven (7) business days of the death. Department policy supersedes the CGAR measures and/or the RFP. 166. RFP Section, Please confirm that only patients within six months of release are intended for participation in the OTP? Answer #166: 1.13.63 states that the OTP includes identification of patients who will be released from custody within six (6) months. 167. RFP Section, Will the Department clarify if MOUD treatment will be considered throughout the course of incarceration for patients with a OUD diagnosis, in line with evidence-based practice? Answer #167: The Offeror shall develop and implement an OTP, the health services vendor shall determine the need for a patient’s MOUD treatment during their incarceration period. 168. RFP Section indicates all clinically relevant abnormal laboratory results shall be addressed by the medical provider immediately (same day) upon receipt. However, abnormal results are not considered critical values. Laboratory values outside of reference values are considered abnormal, but abnormal and critical are not Page 32 of 35 121 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw interchangeable terms, including under laboratory provider definitions. Critical results are life-threatening and require immediate notification of the physician or mid-level provider (ordering provider). Please clarify that the Department defines clinically relevant abnormal laboratory results requiring the medical provider to address same day or immediately as lab values considered critical or panic level. Answer #168: Abnormal results considered clinically relevant vary depending on several factors. The ordering practitioner is responsible for review and determination of the actions needed based on the reported results and the patient’s clinical status/medical needs. 169. RFP Section states a medical provider shall review and sign all laboratory results within 48 hours after receipt of test results to assess the follow-up care indicated and to screen for discrepancies between. Currently, the Department requires sign off of any and all laboratory results within five calendar days. a. Please clarify that the Department will accept notification of a medical provider by clinical personnel for any critical laboratory results, immediately or same day, with the medical provider addressing the results immediately or same day, then sign-off to occur by the provider during the next 5 calendar days or during their return to work a regularly scheduled shift. b. Please clarify that for all laboratory results, medical providers have clinical autonomy to address, review and sign off on laboratory results according to medical immediacy and necessity within 5 calendar days of receipt, including abnormal lab results addressed according to the needs of the individual patient’s case. Answer #169: a) & b) Clinically relevant abnormal results shall be addressed by the practitioner immediately (same day). The MSTM requires that, within five (5) days of receipt, all lab and radiology reports are to be reviewed, acted upon when abnormal results are reported, and signed off with the practitioner noting the date of review. The following questions were received on November 19, 2021. 170. Amendment 9 - - Amendment 9, states: “ A minimum of 10 LISAC clinicians, one at each prison complex” which was an addition of these positions to the staffing plan. The new staffing plan, Exhibit 24, included with Amendment 12 does not have them listed. Also, in paragraph, there are Ten pharmacy technicians. These are not included in the new staffing plan with Amendment 12 either. Can the ADCRR confirm if these are required positions or recommended positions? Answer #170: 1.17.9, along with the subsections listed, are Additional Staffing Recommendations 171. Regarding RFP Section a. Will the OTP be a therapeutic community with a designated housing unit? b. If yes to question a, what will the unit capacity be? c. Will the Department be providing program space to provide OTP patients with psychoeducation and case management services? Page 33 of 35 122 Solicitation Amendment Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 Solicitation Title: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Solicitation Amendment No.: 16 Date: December 8, 2021 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry 1645 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract Officer: Kristine Yaw d. Will OTP patient education be implemented by healthcare staff or by ADCRR Addiction Treatment Staff? e. Is the Department prepared to support dedicated OTP staffing, to include providers, nursing, behavioral health and/or addiction treatment staff that are not currently allocated in the staffing matrix? f. How long does the Department anticipate providing MAT/MOUD treatment prior to a patient's release (i.e., induction immediately prior to release or a series of months prior to release)? g. How does the Department intend to manage patient requests for MOUD treatment for non-eligible individuals; via ADCRR Staff or the Healthcare Staff? h. Is the Department willing to delay the start-up of the OTP beyond 90 days to collaborate in the design and implementation of an OTP? i. Does the Department anticipate having an independent medication administration line for MAT/MOUD patients and will there be an ADCRR security observation post administration? Answer #171: a) No b) N/A c) Current program space may be utilized d) Both health care staff and ADCRR addiction treatment staff e) No f) See section g) Health care staff h) No i) No, health services staff are responsible for the administration of medications 172. Amendment 9, Sections and Section 1.17.9 - In Amendment 9, Sections and Section 1.17.9, the ADCRR added the requirement for a minimum of 10 LISAC staff, one for each of the 10 ASPCs, to serve individuals with co-occurring mental illness and SUD diagnoses. a. Please provide current data on the number of individuals at each of the 10 complexes who meet criteria for co-occurring treatment services b. Does the Department have a preferred or expected clinician to patient staffing ratio for co-occurring treatment services? c. Describe the type of co-occurring services these individuals currently receive and where these services are provided d. Describe the type of co-occurring services the Department would like the 10 LISACs to provide e. What type of office and treatment space is available at each ASPC to accommodate the LISACS additional services? f. Does the Department have an expected treatment duration for individuals who meet criteria? g. Can the Department confirm that they will continue to provide staff for SUD treatment programming at each ASPC? h. To what extent does the Department anticipate the LISAC clinical staff working with the Department’s SUD program staff? i. Does the Department plan to house individuals who receive co-occurring treatment services in a separate housing unit/area from the general population and or separate from SUD housing units/areas? Page 34 of 35 123 Solicitation Amendment ‘Solicitation No.: BPM003905 ADCRR Tracking No.: 22-036-32 E05 Rehabilitation, and Reentry Cr Aw 173, hert ek edbs esc herman rt nb to ws, 8) The Department intends to continue with Department Order 917 ~AddictionTreatmen sett otc, terpenes i tServices ALOTHER PROVISIONS OFTHESOLICITATIO SLN, BEMATS THEIR TREY O tb ros cia isStaitn on Amen h Amstdmentshpesey, E 2 a Name of Company - Denel M. Pickering sas ef Procurgp@avbificer 124 Solicitation Amendment PI hesalctaton'ssy mended los The Solicitation Due Date is being extended to January 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CE Amend to Change performance measure. The meeting will occur on October 19, 2021 at 9 am MST (Arizona time). Offerors © 1.17 The Offeror shall conduct a Gap Analysis and submit with the proposal response, identifying all areas that are not currently meeting 100% compliance, and defined by each performance measure being at least 85% utilizing innovative solutions in accordance with specifications and requirements, in all analyzed areas and a Amend to Delete — Reference Amend to Add — Reference Question 8 Question 8 QuestionshavebeensubmittedandtheDepartmentprovidesthefollowingresponses The following questions were received on November 23, 2021. oto 125 nd OF ©)! eo Solicitation Amendment by! > Sor So, Renin ey 645 West efeson eySees Answor#1; Vendor should submit a formal public records request at isi corrections a oulpublc: isuocsonts The following questions were received on November 24, 2021. 2. General Question - ADCRR RFP for Inmate Correctional Healthar (8PMO03905) Timeline Question With the QBA Will ADCRR consider agrein to reimburse vendor for startup costs tha canna be recovered over the pled fever ntl termofthe contract fHouse il 2006P atid and the tte asumes responsibilty for healthcare inane 20237 Answer 12: ADCRR doa not agree to ths Should the House Bl pas, the vendor may seek any remedies in Sccordance wit the applicable requrements nthe contact The following questions were received on December 2, 2021. 3 Section kk CllRegardingSection1.7.2. aroundsickca a. Please clarify, is an LPN conducting sick call? b. Please clarify, is an LPN conducting triage? Answer #3: a) Section states that Sick call shall be performeddailybyan RN. b) Section states that an LPN or RN may shall triage HNRs within 24 hours of receipt [by health services]. 4 Section 1.03 take Screening Process- REP Section 1.9.3 requires the Contractor to complet ll crenin services by the end ofthe second fll day of inmate arta. With th curen unavldabe turmaround time or diagnostics and diagnostic resultswil th Deparment accept completion within 48.72 hours? Answer 84: No, the Department wil no extend the required time famefo completion of screening sees. The Colleton of ab, dagnosics and other sted seeming series shall be completed by th end ofthe second ll day orth inmate's aval. The following questions were received on December 3, 2021. 5. RFP Section 19.7 requires fll mouth xray series for intake screening seves, The cure process allows panoramic tay and periapical radiographs ance th patent ries thi home ality. Completing full mouth Tay senices at take may pu the vendor outofcompliancefor ntake required timelines Will the ADCRR accept panoramic xrays at intake and periapical radiographs once the patient ares to their Rome Fact, a5 mre wih he curren proces? Amswer 15: No, ADCRR willot acept ss thnthe RFP requirement of fll mouth xa and necessary bitewigs on periapical radiographs uring Intake screening service. [ee 126 dl OF — Amendment Solicitation —— De re Rniio b) The matter should be addressed by the Contractor in their agreements with the hospitals. The following questions were received on December 8, 2021. b) Onsite PTwill continue to be providedat the listed complexes. The following questions were received on December 9, 2021. 8. Urgent Question regarding New Reference Form (Amendment #10) - The instructions on the new reference form References submitted from other than the contracting office will not be accepted.” At first, we thought the term aa J 127 rg Amendment Solicitation > EX @F ? ofAron DP, Ampia 1645 West Jefferson Street Phocei, AZ $5007 b. The Contractor must provide 24/7 staffing for the ASPC overall, with onsite staff stationed at oneUnit in the ASPCcoveringmultiple other Units in the same ASPC as needed, thereby ensuring the timely and appropriate delivery of health care. Answer#5: Neither 3) norb) i correct, The Department's expectation itha cinial staf (t include2 minimum of one AN) ill be avaiable 24 hours per da, 7 days per week at each of the ASPC complexes to ensure timely and appropriate delivery of health care. For ASPC complexes with PC housing, an RN i in addition to those staffed n the IPC. 10. With regard tothe 80 Pychology Associates (5 1.17.96) and the 10 USAC clinicians 5 1.17.97) added as result of RFP Amendment #9, please clarify if (a) the 80 Psychology Associates includes the 10 LISAC clinicians; or (b) the 10 USAC ciniians ae in addition to the 80 Psychology Associates Answer #10: RFP Section 1.17.9 i specific to Additional Staffing recommendations. Sections 1.17.96 and 117.9 are Separate recommended positions. 11. After examining both the Exhibit 22 Curent Positon Report provided in RF? Amendment No. 10 and new minimum. required Exhiit 24 Staffing Plan provided in RFP Amendment No. 12, we see that the incumbent Contractor is providing more than 26 FTEs in excess of the RFP-mandated minimum staffing levels (see tabe below). Please provide the following information on this topic. Tobie excess” FTEs Above RFP MinimumStaffingPlan [ Clinical Coordinator [ EducationCoordinator Inventory Coordinator | 050 | 100 | | [020 | Menta Health Midlevel WP/PA] Provider] |020 Regional Cinical Pharmacy Director | [MedicalDirector Medical Records Clerk ET a. Atwhich ASPCS are each of these additonal FTEs located? b. Please confirm that these “excess” FTE are not part of the AFP-mandated minimum staffing plan and therefore Offrors do not have to include them in ourproposal pricing. Answer #11: 3)This information is not maintained by the MSCME. b) The RFP minimum staffing requirement is 1052.75 FTEs The term “excess” implies an amount over and above the required number of FTEs. Offeror proposals are required to meet the minimum staffing plan requirement 25 well 25 to employ sufficient staffing an utilize appropriate resources to achieve contractual compliance. Page dof9 128 (0) JE 20778 — Amendment Solicitation 'ADCRR Tracking No: 72076: [Solicitation Tile: Inmate Correctional Healthcare SeatAon RL Relation andRen Phocnix, AZ $5007 SolitationAmendment No: 17| Dut: Desemver 17.2021 |Contract Officer Ks Va 12. Section 1.10.15 Offsite Transportation Regarding RFP Section 1.10.15 Offsite Transportation. I order to quantiy the cost of security and transportation for offsite medical transports, plese provide the followin: The annual number of pre-scheduled offsite transports for inmates requiring hospitalization, routine or prescheduled care a healthcare institutions, off-site community provider facies, inter-{acilty medical transports andspecialty clinics. a. The annual number of pre-scheduledafte transports or inmates requiring hospitalzaton, routine or rescheduled care at healthcare institutions, off-site community provider faite, inter-fcilty medica transports andspect cnics. 5. The numberofsecurity offices that willbe assigned o such off-site transports The average hourly cost that the will be charged to the medica contractor forth security officer escorts. 4. The amount that will be charged to the medical contractor for use of State vehicles for non-emergent medica transport Answer #12: 3) - d) are not applicable. RFP Section 1.10.15 states that the Contractor i responsible forcostsof offsite medicallynecessaryservices and shal coordinate transportation teams with the Department. Interfacity transfers that require transportation above and beyond what the Department can provide (emergency, specialized transport, etc.) is at the cost of the Contractor. 13. Follow up on Amendment 16, QA #162 - We appreciate the Departments response to Amendment 16, question #162, stating that OTP services may be offered at “Each complex that allows inmate to participate in group activites.” We are aware that behavioral health group treatment is being delivered at Florence, Eyman, Phoenix, Perryville, Lews, Yuma, and Tucson, 5. Will the ADGRR confirm that OTP services will be restricted to these sites that support behavioral health sroup treatment services? b. 1 the Department intent s to align with program services groups delivered and ot behavioral health sroup services, please providea is of al facies tha alowfo “inmates to participate in group activities that would be approvedfo the implementtion of OTP services. Answer #13: 3) The statement is not confirmed; OTP services may be offered at ach complex that allows inmates to participate in group acti. b) All ASPC complexes alowfo inmate group activities 16. RFP Section 1.1548.1 states that hospitals will submit claims directlytoAHCCCS for eligible inmates inpatient stays. Please confirm the State will subsequently reimburse AHCCCS by deducting this claims cost rom the contractor's ‘monthly invoice. Answer #16: The statement is not confirmed. PageSof9 129 el Solicitation Amendment (=) 3p | Solicitation No: BPMO03905 "ADCRRTrackingNo:22-036-32 rt and Reentry Rehabilitation, Westefron Set 1685PME [Sotictation Tle: Inmate Coronal Healthcare 17,2021_| Conret Officer: Kitin Yaw Solicitation Amendment No. 17| Date: December 15. RFP Section 1.15.4 8.1 sates that hospitals will submit claims directly to AHCCCS for eligible inmate’ inpatient stays and the State will subsequently reimburse AHCCCS by deducting the claims cost from the contractor's monthly invoice. This would mean the contractor s ultimately responsible for the cost of al inpatient stays, regardiess Medicaidstatus. Pleaseconfirm this understanding. Answer #15: The statement is not confirmed. Medicaid eligible health care services are specifically excluded from the Contract. 16. REP Section 1.15.4..1: I the Contractor responsible fo cost of inpatient stays by the State deducting the claims cost from the contractor's monthly invoice? If s, lease confirm bidders should include these costs in their price proposal. Answer #16: Medicaid eligible healthcareservices ar specifically excluded from the Contract The following questions were received on December 10, 2021. 17. RFP BPMO0390S Infirmary Expansion - In reference to th response to question #70 of Solicitation Amendment 16, weareassuming that ADCRR s seeking the following information rom Offeror n their proposals + Additional staffing to operate addtional IPC beds and sheltered housing beds + The equipment required (primarily OME) to operate additonal 1PC and sheltered housing beds + The costofthse tems re to be included in our proposed pricing, Answer #17: Section 1.6.13 requires the Offeror to include an Option for increasing on-site infirmary beds and other sheltered housing units. The Option should include al coss associated with an increased number of infirmary and othershehered housing units 18. Senate Bil 1354 Hospital Services- The RFP does not reference th recent passage of Senate Bill 354, which was signed into law in April, 2021,or clarify the impact of this new legislation on the cost of inmate healthcare. This bill revises the Arizona statute pertining to the rate structure for inpatient and outpatient hospital services and includes th following language: “FOR INPATIENT AND OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL SERVICES THAT ARE PROVIDED IN A FULLY LOCKED UNIT SETTING, THE DEPARTMENT MAY ESTABLISH AN ALTERNATIVE REIMBURSEMENT RATE THAT DOES NOT EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY PERCENT OF THE CURRENT MEDICARE RATE." Should bidders factortheimpactofthis new statutory language nto their pricing assumptions? Answer #18: ids should be submitted based on the most current information avaiable. The revised language is specific only to tization of full secured, locked hospital wings or wards. 19. Arizona RFP BPMOD3905 Gap Analysis and Timeline Question -We would ike to know if the State would consider extending the due date of this RF. The Gap Analysis meting has no been scheduled yet and withthe impending Christmas holidays causing office closures we are concerned tha there vil not be a sufcient amount of time to formalate and provide the required Gap Analysis Plan in our response based on that meeting content once t is Page ors $ ©), 24, 130 Seer Tw G2): 1B| Slicition No: BPMO03903 'ADCRR Tracking No. 2036-32 Rehabilitation,andReentry tsMa Wes ssn Sve ENA, solcaion Te Tome Comectonl Fears Sacwion Amendment Nor 17 | Ds: December 17,2021 | Cort Oe Kein Yaw rescheduled. We are aso concerned about having the needed time to make adjustments to aur response based on answers to questions beng submited upunt Dec. 15h. Please advise Answer #18; The solcation due date is Janary 18, 2022, 20. Format of Electronic Submission - In REP Secton 2.9, Forma of Proposal Submission, the RFP instructs bidders to break thei responses up nto subsections 2.91.1 29.110. Does the Deparment prefera separate document for each of hose subsections o onecombined documentcontainingALsubsections? Answer 120; Please refer to Soltation Amendment No. 10, Amend o Chane, Section 21 which state, “Propasals hall follow the same genera forma. The proposal numbering sequence must be n accordance with the solctation ocument and entiable t cach section wi the proposal” 21. Format of Electronic Submision - Answer #1, from Amendment 12 clarified that bidders are permited to include proposal response appendices and attachments that are meant as supportive examples. Throughout the RFP, certain sections require large document eg. sample reports, gation istry tc) to fli a response. This would be ineruptiveof the valuation eam reading he document. With tis: potential a. Ave these large documents permited to be included together in a separate area of bidder's proposals? byes, are bidders permitted use these documents to ull requirements of a particular section? For example, RFP Section 1.8.12 asks for sample reports. Th actual sample reports themselves Would be included in an “appendices” rea of the proposal. The section response would dearly reference where the appendices were located and labeled according. Answerit; aves ove The following questions were received on December 13, 2021. 22. Amendment 16 Clarification - Please lary i the ADCRR tends to delete the EMR requirement in Section 123.15, 2 noted in the beginningof RFP Amendment #16 (Amend to Delete- Reference QA135), or maintain this requirement suggested in ADCRR answers A and for question $155 in Amendment 15, Answer i2z; Section 123.215 is deleted 23. How is the ADCAR currently having each ASPCfacilty connect to th internet: a) Routeal ie traffic to the Lumen ats center i ron Mountain and then access the interne, orb) Have each te acess th internetdirectlywithout coin to through datacenter rst? Answer 23: Option Alscorrect 24, We understand the ADCRR willupply the curent PCsto the incoming vendor and wold ie to know the followin, Wilthe Ps nee tobe reinaged fst o they can connect tthe incoming vendor's network? f they do need reimaged, who wouk the ADCRR plan have complete this task? PageTof a Sr Solicitation Amendment 131 el —— Amendment Solicitation tofAaora a and Reeniry Relubiliton, ADCRR Tracking No: 22036: pp| Soiciaton vo. rvio01905 i 1645 West eterson Set "728 | Solicitation Tite: Inmate Correctional Healthcare Phoenix, AZ $5007 Solciaion Amendment No: 17|Date: December 17,2021_| Contract Officer: Kitine Yaw Answer #24: ADCRR does not have login information forthe vendor PCs. ts the incoming vendor's responsibilty to reimage the PCs. RFP Section 1.22.1 state tha the Contractor shall provide al computer hardware for the EMR. necessary to conduct health services operations. ako states tha the Contractor s responsible for the servicing, maintenance, and replacement ofthe hardware during the term of the contract 25. REP Page 152 & 88, Sections 1.23& ~Healthcare Records. In Section the RFP stats that the contractor shall be responsible for all costs of implementing and maintaining the EM, including hardvare, Software, peripherals and network connectivity throughout all ADCRR state operated complexes and private prison facies. However, the response to 1.23.1 ays, "Private prison facilis wilberesponsible theirequipment’. Please confi that no computers, printers, scanners, network or any peripheral equipment will need to be provided for private prisons. Since they are currently on a paper based process their current deployment of computers would likely be insufficient or the use ofaelectronic health record system. Answer #25: REP Section 1.23.1 sates that the Contractor shall maintain an EMR at alStateoperated complexes The Contractor shal provide access to the EM system to all private prison complexes. The Contracted vendor will not beresponsible for provision ofequipment tothe private prison facile. 26. REP Page 158, Section 1.23.22 - Please confirm tha the contractor will be obligated to pay lcensing fees to use the EHR proposed for the private prisons. Ifthe contractor is not responsible to payfo the licensing for the private prisons, please confirm if ADCRR wil pay the licensing fees for full access to the EHR proposed of f the private prisons will pay. Answer #26: REP Secton 1.23.1 states that the Contractor shall maintain an EMR a allStateoperated complexes. ‘The Contractor shallprovideaccesstotheEMRsystemtoallprivateprisoncomplexes. 27. RFP Page 47, Section (Exhibit 4) - Please confirm if all existing capital equipment listed in Exhibit 4 will be availble to the incomingvendor on dayoneof the contract If all existing capital equipment in Exhibit4 snot availble to the incoming vendor on day one, please providea Specific st of capt equipment that is avaabl to th incoming vendor on day one. Answer #27: The equipment ised in xhiit4 is Departmentowned and wil beavilable for use. 28. REP Page 48, Section 16.112 - Please provide st of tems currently under ease agreements or contracts that the contractor shall be responsible for obtaining/replacing that are being used or operated by the department. Answer #28: This information is not maintained by the MSCMB. The Department does not use or operate medical equipment in the provision ofheathservices 29. RFP Page 48, Section 16.112 Please provide costs associated with eased/contracted serviceso tems, to include nor-hard-wired call ystems in IPC, This aso includes communications and information technologiesforthe delivery of clinical care (telemedicine), xray and e-health and telehealth services (besides thefsoftelemedicine equipment in Exhibit 5 thats expected to be removed by the curent vendor) Answer #28: Ths information isnot maintained by the MSC. Page Bof9 132 Solicitation Amendment ar: Tr oe | Sy Reiterodbc ny template are the only required cost forms. In past proposals, other forms were required such as the Attachment 88 A oOAA Contract Fee Schedule, Attachment 9 Budget Narrative, and Budget Narrative Staff (see attached examples). Please Se 31. RFP Page 47, Section (Exhibit 4) - Since all equipment will be available listed in Exhibit 4, is there an Arizona Em rrr se ee Spurs es To inatnbrentribost wang FSR SSS be te 5. Gg Gg 4890 G3 Al ESOT OBE Ag Ogg a oe ‘equipment. Will the private prisons also be responsible for their network / internet to access the cloud based EHR to a _— Cn SENTST aoe ESTAS aT ‘understanding ofthisAmendment. ee if [E—— FR ‘executed this 17th dayofDecember, 2021. 5 “ TT Fy — J. rit F eo nacsrs 133 __ n Amendment Solicitatio Rocig EEE rE A a Srey Ree scconor aT CETOR este emt oe ‘The Solicitation Due Date shall remain January 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). ton SE s i Amst ‘Solicitation Amendment No. 18 BPM003905 should be the only document used by vendors in responding to SALKPA LTAPROVS08S0 TH11CTAT OS NTH temo arees Tisamm Oeystm =ES on es Lr I ( a “shade 134 on n Amendment Solicitatio Solcuion No: BPMO0350S 'ADCRRTracking No: 2203632 Sta ofArizona on Relabiltion nd Reentry 1645 West eferson Sueet ER ASIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER The solicitation s hereby amended as follows: TheSolicitation DueDateisbeingextendedtoFebruary17,2022at 3:00 PM ArizonaTime(MST). The January 5,2022 Gap Analysis meeting i hereby cancelled. The Departmentmayreschedule ata ater te. E vi Offerorhereby acknowledges receipt and understanofthis ding Amendment. % SOLICITA “ThisSolicitation Amendmentshereby executedthis 4thdayofJanuary, 2022. [D e 7 Date Signaure 7 ‘Nameof Company 3 ( Typed Name and Tile © Page 10r1 M Pickering re 135 i Amendment Solicitation SieofArona pepe EER Rn es 1645 West eferson lnSreet: [StmionAvene vo20[oeseen. Rasen] Gime 'ASIGNED COPYOFTHIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER “The solicitation s hereby amended as follows: “The Solicitation Due Date shal remain February 17, 2022at a 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MST). CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREWENTS THAT WILL FORMALLY CHANGE THE SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SHOWNATTHE BEGINNING OFTHISAMENDMENT. Amend to Delete Solicitation Amendment No. 18 ~Exhibit 11 Monetary Sanctions Amend to Add Exhibit 20 ~ Monetary Sanctions In accordance with section 1.1.7 and solicitation amendment no. 19, the Gap Analysis will not be done prior to the closing ofthis RFP. The Gap Analysis will be handled by the awarded contractor. vi F Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt and understandingofthis Amendment. < Signature Date Typed Name and Title NameofCompany I N SHALL REMAIN IN TH} This Solicitation Amendment s hereby ‘executed this Ist dayof February, 2022. n C Del M_ Pickering? Page 1011 74 Chet Procussmeny Officer 136 — n Amendment Solicitatio Stat of Arizona cn Rnwin 1645 West Jeers Sucet Phocaix, AZ85007 ASIGNED COPYOFTHIS AMENDMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR OFFER “The Solicitation Due Date shall remain February 17, 2022at at 3:00 PM Arizona Time (MIST). The solicitation is hereby amended as follows: ‘CHANGES, ADDITIONS, OR DELETIONS IN REQUIREMENTS THAT WILLFORMALLY CHANGETHE SOLICITATION "REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SHOWN AT THE BEGINNING OFTHIS AMENDMENT. Amend to Correct Solicitation Amendment No. 20 EXfibit 20 —Monetary Sanctions was inadvertently ssued with an incorrect Exhibit number in Amendment No. 20. The a integral tothis Amendment No. 21 and become correct Exhibit No. 30s being attached s part of the solicitation. Amend To Change Solicitation Amendment No. 18, Special Terms and Conditions, Section 2.18 EVALUATION CRITERIA, Paragraph 2.18.1 From: 218.1 In accordance with the Arizona Procurement Code ARS. § 41-2534, awards shall be made to the responsible Offeror whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous (0 the State based upon the evaluation criteria listed below. The evaluation factors are listed in their relative order of importance. Method of Approach / Offeror's Ability to Meet the Requirements of the 218.11 Contract 21812 Fee Schedule 21813 Qualifications and Experience of Offeror's Personnel and Organization 21814 Capacity of Offeror To: 2.182 In accordance with the Arizona Procurement Code ARS. § 41-2534, awards shall be ‘made 10 the responsible Offeror whose proposali determined in writing (0 be the most advantageousto the State based upon the evaluation criteria listed below. The evaluation factors are listed in their relative order of importance. Scope of Work, inclusive of Fee Schedule 21821 Special Terms and Conditions 21822 Uniform Terms and Conditions 21823 Page tor2 137 — Amendment Solicitation So oe re iniy Snones ae es Amend To Change A From: Solicitation Amendment No. 18, Scope of Work, Section 1.13 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, Subsection Psychology Associate level clinicians shall have an active LAC, LPC, LMFT, LCSW, LMSW license. Any master’s level or doctoral level clinician without a current license ‘must work under the supervision of a licensed clinician and obtain an appropriate license within eighteen (18) months. Clinicians holding a LISAC license shall provide a rit: diagnoses. To: FL RN WA EE ‘must work under the supervision of a licensed clinician and obtain an appropriate a Psychology Associate level clinicians shall have an active LAC, LPC, LMFT, LCSW, Amend To Delete Solicitation Amendment No. 18, Scope of Work, Section 1.17.9 Additional Staffing Recommendations, Subsection “A minimum of 10 LISAC clinicians one at each prison complex Amend To Delete Solicitation Amendment No. 18, Scope of Work, Section 1.13 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, Subsection 1.13.6. Addiction Treatment Service, Paragraph 1.13.63 Opioid Treatment Program Remove 1.13.63 in its entirety, inclusive of any reference made to the Opioid Treatment Program developing tort FO TARY er TRLTAF™ understanding of this Amendment. T= 7H ( —— ‘executed this 7th dayof February, 2022. wan a<2Su Foam mT ofCompany Name io Deniii Pickering77Chet Procursagh Officer 138 Boycott of Israel Disclosure Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 139 Boycott of Israel Disclosure Provide a signed copy of the Boycott of Israel Disclosure. See Attachment 2, Boycott of Israel Disclosure NaphCare has provide the required signed copy of the Boycott of Israel Disclosure following this page. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 140 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 2: i Boycott of Israel Disclosure SolicitationNo. olcitation No. BPM003905 BPMO03S( 4 Pp ©) x Inmate Correctional Healthcare oto otprama omparimenf Carotene, ehabiltaton Reentry hakiliation §&Roun Jeferson Set 1645W Phoen.AZ 5007 that if any of the following apply to this Solicitation, Contract, or Contractor, then th Offeror shall Pleasethenote“ExemptSolicitation, Select Contract, or Contractor” option below: «The Solicitation or Contract has an estimated value of less than $100,000; ++ Contractor sole proprietorship Contractor ihasa fewer than ten (10) employees; OR + Contractor is a non-proft organization Pursuant to ARS. §35-353.01, pubic ents are prohibited from enaring inlo contracts ‘Unless the coniract includes a win certification tat the company s not curently engage in, and agrees for thedurationofthe coniact not engage in. a boycott ofgoods or services from Israel” Under ARS. § 35-363 1. "Boycott means engaging in a refusal to deal terminating business activies or performing other actions that are intended 10 imi commercial relations wih enifies doing business in srael or in terores controled by Israel, f those. actions aro taken either (2) Based in part on the fact that the entity docs business in Israeloin terrores controled by Israel. 6) Ina manner tha discriminates on the bass of ationaity, national origino region and that is not basedon a valid business reason means an organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited parnership, limited 2. “Company” liabity partnership, lied laity company or other ent or business association, including a whol owned subsidiary, majoiy-owned subsidiary, parent company or affate, thal engages in forproft actity and that has ten or morefull me employees. 5. "Public entity” means tis State,a poiical subdivision of tis Sate or an agency, board, commission or department of thi State ora pliica subdivision ofthis State. The certification below does not include boycotts prohibited by 50 United States Code Section 4842 or a regulation issued pursuant to that section. See AR.S. § 35-383.03. In Compliance with ARS. § 35-393 of seq.alofferors must select one of the following: the a The Company submiting tisOferdoesnot paricipat in, and agrees not to participate i during the term of wil contract, a boyeot of Israel in accordance wih ARS. § 35-393 of seq. | understand that my eit response becomea public record i accordancewith AAC. R2-7.C317. The Company submiling thisOffrdoes participate i aboyeot of srae as described in ARS. § 35-353ofs0q Exompt Solicitation, Contract, or Contractor. Indicate whichof the folowing statements applies o this Conlract + "Solitationor Contract has an estimatedvalueof ess than $100,000; + Contractor isa ole proprietorship = Contractorhasfewerthan ten (10) employes; andlor «Contractorisa nonprofit organization. =2) 1 ELE seastora wetane Columbiana toad, suite 1900 2090 mT ee meww Chief Bascative offices (c50) sszse n bimisaan mm BE tachment 2. Boyeatof rol Dislos ADGA Taking No 2203632 Soletaton Amendment No. 18 141 Rules for Non-Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons Form Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 142 Rules for Non‐Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons Form Provide a signed copy of Rules for Non‐Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons Form. See Attachment 3, Rules for Non‐Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons. NaphCare has provided the required signed copy of Rules for Non‐Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons Form following this page. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 143 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 ’ State of Arizona 4 Atachimenty, = Dapariment of Corectons, (©) Rules for Non-Employeos of ADG in Arizona| “Riuliuion? Few State Prisons Form Procurement Services. h),. 1645WJofrson v Solicitation No. BPM003905 Pho.AZ 65007Sect Inmate Correctional Healthcare POLICY STATEMENT: While the insiiuton recognizes the need of non-staf personnel to have in their possession certain personal tems, limits are necessary for the security and safe operation of the institution PROCEDURES 1. All persons entering the institution are subject to search prior o entry and while on the grounds of the institution. All non-staff personnel vil, at all times, remain i their authorized area under the direction ofthe project coordinator. 2. Persons are allowed the materials necessary for the performance of thei duties. 3. All non-staff personnel may have in thei possession the following A. A wallet with normal contents, e.g. 1) photos and personal papers. 2) currency not to exceed $40.00 (Forty Dollars). Excess wil be reported to the shift Commander prior to entry. 3) no credit cards or checkbooks are allowed. 8. Handkerchief and comb. G. Tobacco products and smoking apparatus for normal dally use. D. Keys as necessary (auto and home). E. Fingernail clipper. F. Confectionary ems (gum, candy, etc.) G. Watch and rings. 4. All persons are prohibited from introducing medication drugs into the institution grounds unless such a medication has been properly prescribed by a licensed physician and is in the original prescription container. A. Medications of a stimulate nature, i.e., Dexedrine, Preludins, Tenuate or any other appetite Suppressant or any hypnoic-type drug, are specifically prohibited on institution property. Persons who are taking this type of medication prior to coming to the institution wil report this fact to the Shift Commander, prior to reporting to thei authorized area. 8. Persons taking medications of the tranquilizer class, ie., Valium, Librium, Miltown or any of the anti-depressant class, i.e., Sinequan, Triavil, Elavil or any mood modifying drug of any type; Pain medications ie., Percodan, Percocet, hydrocodone (Vicodin), Tylenol with codeine, propoxphene, etc., wil report his fact to the Shift Commander prior to going to their authorized area. Possession of these typesofdrugs on prison grounds will be limited to that amount necessary during one eight hour shif. tachment 3. Rules or Now Employ OCR Ticking Ho 2209632 Solciaion Amendment No. 18 144 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 ae ¢ ©) x 5 Atschment 3; i i |Rules for Non-Employees of ADC in Arizona State Prisons Form Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services Inmate Correctional Healthcare for or on behalf of the prison, or receive, directly or indirectly, compensation for his contractor, or employee or agent of a contractor, shall not be permitted to act or serve 145 Designation of Confidential, Trade Secret & Proprietary Information Form Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 146 Designation of Confidential, Trade Secret & Proprietary Information Form Offerors shall include the Designation of Confidential, Trade Secret & Proprietary Information form and any confidential documents (Attachment 4). NaphCare has included the required Designation of Confidential, Trade Secret & Proprietary Information form along with all documentation we are considering Confidential following this page. Confidentiality Statement Attached hereto, along with Attachment 4, is material marked “CONFIDENTIAL” which NaphCare, Inc. asserts is a trade secret as defined by A.A.C. R2‐7‐101(50) which states as follows: “Trade secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, device, compilation, program, method, technique, or process, that is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy and that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, as a result of not being generally known to and not being readily ascertainable by legal means. NaphCare, Inc. is a private corporation. The attached is financial, operations, contract and litigation information that NaphCare takes steps to keep secret and which derives independent economic value. The information contained herein is not generally known by others outside of NaphCare, Inc. and not readily ascertainable by others outside of the corporation, and is therefore deemed confidential and a trade secret. Confidential Documents Contained in this Section: NaphCare’s Audited Financial Statements NaphCare’s 5 Year Proforma Statement NaphCare’s 2021 Formulary NaphCare’s Contract History NaphCare’s Litigation History Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 147 > (©) )! > pe g Solicitation Amendment No. 18 camot a Attachment 4: Department ofConectons, Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare 1645 WJflerson Soot SW ofan ie Confidential Information FoSSiuaton Ratniey roman &Services Al maerias submited as part ofa response to a solctaion are subject to Arizona public records aw and wil be disclosed if there is an appropriate public records request at the ime of or aftr the award of the contract. Recognizing there may be materials include in a solctaton response that are proprietary ora ade secre, @ process is set out 1 AAC. R2-7-103 (copy attached) that will allow qualiing materials to bo designated as confidential and excluded from disciosure. For purposes of tis process the definition of trade secret” il be the same as tha set out in AAC. R2-7-101(52). Complete this form and returnit with your Offer along with the appropriate supporting information o assis! the State in making its delormination as. to whether any of the materials submited as. par of your Offer should be designated confidential because the materia is proprietaryo a rade secret and therefore not subject 0 disclosure. STATEWILL NOT CONSIDER ANY NATERIALINYOUR OFFER‘CONFIDENTIAL UNLESS DESIGNATED ON THIS FORM. Chock one of th following -f nether s checked, Sato will assume that as equivalent fo “DOES NOT": [1] | is response DOES NOT contain proprietary or trade scr information. | understand that my entire | | response will become public record in accordance with A.A.C. R2-7-C317. | To response DOES contin rate sere inormatn because tain formato tht |. 15.2 formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process, AND | 2. Derives independent economic value, actualo potential, rom not beng generally known to, and not being readly ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can ablain | economic value from ts disclosure or se: AND | 3. 1s the subjecto efforts bymyself or my organization tht are reasonableunderthe | circumstances to mainain fs secrecy. NOTE: Failure to attach an explanation may rosul in a doterminatin that the information does not meet the statutory rade secret definition. All information that does not meet the definition of trade secret as dofined by AAC. R2-7101(52) will become publi in accordance with A.C. R2-7-C317. State may make fs own determination on materials in accordance with AAC. R27-103. f State agreos with Offeror’ designation of trade secret or confidentially and the determination is challenged, the undersigned heraby agrees to cooperate and support the defense of the datermination wit all intersted partes, including legal counsalor other necessary assistance. By submiting ths respons, Offeror agrees that th entire Offer, including confidential, rade secret and proprietary information may be shared vith an evaluation commitiee and technical advisors during the evaluation process. Offeror agrees to indemnify and hold State, s agents and employees, harmiess from anyclaimsorcauses ofaction relating 0 State's withholding of information based upon rallance on the above representations, including tho payment of all costs and attorney foos incurred by State in dofending such an action. = J) OfeorGompamyName |SoweolAwomearesen FETE TRE Bina w sais Cnet Executive oticer (cao) Tie z Sw. a tachment4: Conidontl infomation ADCRR Tracking No. 2036.32 Solciaion Amendment No. 18 148 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 coop Comections, Doparimontof Attachment 4 Supplement: 4 ReShiis £Retry Confidential Information Designation @F NT Solicitation No. BPM003305 1645 W Joerson Set Froon A2 5007 Inmate Correctional Healthcare AAC. R2-7-103 [Confidential Information] as was current al ime of Solicitation issuance A. other Ifaperson wants information, 0 assert that parsonshalinclude a persons offer, specification,orprotest a rade secret orthis proprietary wit he submission conains a statement supporing Gssorton A person shal cloar designalo any rad socrot andotherproprietary moat 5sng the {orm “Confentl Conlrac arms and conalons,under pricing.and formation Genralyavalabio he is Section. public are nf considered confident niormaton 8. Untila final determination is made under subsection (C), an agency chiefprocurement offce shall not disclose information designated as confidential under subsection (4) oxcept o thoso ndldals doomed by an agency chifprocurement ficoo have a egtimate stato nar . Upon receipt ofa submission, an agency chiefprocurementoffcarshall make oneofthe folowing writen determinations: 1. The designated information i confidential and the agencychiefprocurement ffcer hall not lisclos the information except fo hose individuals deer by tho agencychief procurement oficr to have a egtmate stato interest: 2. The designated information is rot confidential or 3 Additonal information s required before a ialconfidentiality determination can be made. . fan agencychiefprocurementoficordetermines that information submited i not confdonia, a person who made the submission shall bonoifed in wring. The nofco shall includo a ma paid for Toquosting a reviewof to datorminaion by ho state procurement acminsrator. E. An agencychiefprocurementoficermay release information designated as confidential under subsection 4): 1. Aroquestfor review is not received by the state procurement administrator within th time or period specified inthe noice; 2. Tho stato procurement administrator, afterrviow, makes a wit determination that tho designated information fs ot confidential, Atichment 4 Supplement Gondentl formation Oesnatan FOR REFERENCE ONLY AOGRR Tracking No. 2203632 Sokctaion Amendment No. 18 149 REDACTED: Attachment 4, Confidential Information Pages 150 - 237 Deviations and Exceptions Form Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 238 Deviations and Exceptions Form Offerors shall include the Deviations and Exceptions Form (Attachment 5). Deviations and exceptions may cause your offer to be non‐responsive. Deviations and exceptions noted elsewhere in the offer and not specified on this form shall be considered void and not part of your offer including any exception to the scope of work language. NaphCare has included the required Deviations and Exceptions Form following this page. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 239 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, Alabama 35216 205.536.8400 800.834.2420 March 16, 2022 Denel M. Pickering Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) 1645 W. Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Submitted via email Re: RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Section 5 ( Attachment 5 – Conformance Statements, Deviations and Exceptions Ms. Pickering – NaphCare has received and reviewed the ADCRR’s Determinations related to exceptions taken to the requirements of RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare. We acknowledge and agree to the Determinations as stated in the ADCRR’s letter. We respectfully withdraw and rescind the exceptions as stated in Section 5 ( Attachment 5 – Conformance Statements, Deviations and Exceptions of NaphCare’s proposal. Further, we understand and will comply with all requirements set forth in the RFP, specifically: Special Terms and Conditions, Section 2.41 Insurance Requirements Subsection and o NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. Scope of Work, Section 1.12.2 Pharmacy Services o NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. Please note that this does not change any other section of NaphCare’s proposal for services, including staffing and cost. We greatly appreciate your consideration of our proposal and the opportunity to potentially partner with ADCRR. Please let me know if you need any additional information to support the evaluation process. Sincerely, Brad McLane CEO NaphCare, Inc. na ph car e .co m Arizona Department of Corrections fre Rehabilitation & Reentry dE) Na 1601 WEST JEFFERSON / DovgLASA pcs tet PHOENIX, ARIZONA3507 (602) 542-5497 a———_ Ep March 14, 2022 NaphCare, Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, AL 35216 Attention: Bradford McLane, CEO Re: Request for Proposal (RFP) No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Sections. ( Attachment 5 - Conformance Statements, Deviations and Exceptions Mr. McLane: The Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry (Department) is in the process of evaluating your proposal submitted in response to the above referenced RFP. You submitted Attachment 5, Conformance Statements as part of your proposal response, noted that exceptions are taken and included a list of Deviations and Exceptions taken by NaphCare, Inc. (NaphCare). The Department listed the service requirements in the RFP as it is deemed necessary and applicable in a future contract to ensure appropriate and satisfactory service delivery to the inmate population. Your suggested proposal language takes exceptions and requests changes to certain sections of the RFP requirements listed in the solicitation, specifically in the area of the Scopeof Work and the Special Terms and Conditions. Attachment 5 Conformance Statements, Deviations and Exceptions of your proposali attached to this letter for reference and our response will address each of your exceptions in the order shown in the attachment. The Department, as identified below, is making determinations to each of your exceptions taken on Attachment 5 - Conformance Statements. Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, Mail Code 55302 Fax: 602-542-1172 RFP No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare: NaphCare Deviations and Exceptions Page20f3 It should also be noted that in addition, and in accordance with Special Terms and Conditions, Section, any other deviations and exceptions noted elsewhere in the offer and not specified on the Form (Attachment 5) shall be considered void and not part of your offer including any exceptions 10 the scope of work language. Please confirm and acknowledge your understandingof this and that you will comply with all requirements set forth in the RFP. Listed below are your exceptions and the determinations made by the Department. Exception No | Special Terms and Conditions, Section 2.41 Insurance Requirements Subsection and You stated in your proposal response as quoted: “...these coverages are outside of correctional healthcare industry standards as well as the scope of work being asked for in this RFP, and procurement of such insurance coverage would be both unnecessary and extremely costly.” This exception cannot be accepted as this would change the requirement of the RFP and the requirement shall remain as written by ADCRR. Therefore, in order for the Department o move forward with your proposal evaluation, the exception must be rescinded and the RFP requirement acknowledged and agreed to. Exception No 2 Scope of Work, Section 1.12.2 Pharmacy Services In your proposal response you described your current practice and stated as quoted: *... NaphCare will continue to follow the current practice of prioritization and budget treatment dollars at the current yearly level of treatment. Should any legal requirement governing the treatment of Hepatitis C come into effect as a result of a statutory or regulatory changes, court decision, court order, or otherwise, which should cause or contribute to an increase in costs in excess of NaphCare’s budget for Hepatitis C treatment, NaphCare will either bill the additional actual medication costs over budget to the Arizona Department of Corrections or the parties will negotiate in good faith to revise compensation terms and treatment protocols accordingly.” This exception cannot be accepted as this would change the requirement of the RFP and the requirement shall remain as written by ADCRR. Therefore, in order for the Department to move forward with your proposal evaluation, the exception must be rescinded and the RFP requirement acknowledged and agreed to. Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, Mail Code 55302 602-542-1172 REP No. BPMO003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare NaphCare Deviations and Exceptions Page 30f3 ‘The Department is requesting that NaphCare respond with their written acknowledgement and agreement to all original RFP requirements no later than 3:00 pm MST on March 21, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Csaki, Sr. Procurement Specialist at (602) 364-3793 or at ecsaki@azadc. gov or me at (602)542-1172. Sincerely, Sa Denel M. Pickering Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Atiachment: RFP Attachment 5: Conformance Statements DP ec cc: ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 Procurement Services, 1645 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, Mail Code 55302 602-542-1172 > CEP re Solicitation Amendment No.1. Attachment 5: Conformance Statements Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Sitofprzona DoparimantofGomosions, Relabiltaton §Reenry 1845W Jfrson Street Prous 2 $3007 DEVIATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS Gilrrs shall cates andl xcapion Bhan a provion or spect i i sleiain dosent. Cnaloas ofasesionabe and excapionsmaycaus you ae12 non espera.and Dovakors and excepions rte sewhere indovatons you or,an novpaced an osoh il 50Conserv nt pas ofyour or Excaptons Crack Ov No ercepions. Toe Undergrad rey admonides Tats 2 no evatiamioxcoplons 08 saiciaton [[Gooptonsareren | Doscrbo exceptions akan by sectors (aac adaons page 1 70eded 1 aphCoce world Tite vo take oFancobtion o te. healthoars, following Sodbatcy insurance Shasieeds requirements because hese coresates 258 ouCoLdn corEevtioms at VELL ar rpg Payrgivig Lager g ike ere hE BoA nee aly Tt ane Foran SEES 2L61.11.0¢ Teevtment, Storage of Dispos of Maardeus Wastes: Contractor shad furnish an Drsianen cureifioncy feos th. snioneiad disses £aciivy evtamiinins tha the faciLity epererer aeimains cvrrem Fovlveion Total HoiLICy sutures In the ascun SF sot Jess han T10:000:000 es sccssence / annua agienate, and ei1s cover sudo and Gadd poLlusion tosses Ariving fren tha Fetiiier ateociated vith work ecioraed under his spoon For potiution losses arising from the insured facility, coverage shal apply €o sudden nd stained peliution conbsions inion the discourse, Sispareel, release of ercee of make, vapors soot fom acid: alain tore chnicaits Liquide of Soeen, waste mariste of other retest, comamioutis ox polivtanes ute of spon 14nd iha staetpre oF ary watarEEUEES OF Body of evter mien reset in boty Topuy ot Foperty tomate 2. The sta of a prison system as approsinately 8,000 individuals with Hepatitis C. Tow iorse aitorie of ecient ra eels In sake nivetion keh Lion uo STARCH anbfasttions of To wetee x yous Fintobue biewd taut decarires + Fibaoets sco Tor 4th patient, Tose MephGare wits contin to flow che I stares FITS ure peasisised far srosaart cteantis. st she Sorrems yesely dove of doliats practice of peioririeation and pease restart treme revtnen rons an Teil veteement. soveaion oe scostmems of Nepreieis ¢ come ino effect LL emit of a Therion or fequiviory change, Sout vision. Souee aster, ox othemeite, whch nous cave Comeibata <a an neresse i couts Im. sneers of NaphCaza’a budget or MPRAC Enis erevcoents vapors e111 eLthe BULL the adetienal sctal sadicurion Corts ove bods 5 he Deparment of Gottections oF the Pareles wii mepetiave th 00d faith so sevive Seieons mention vere wh ema Sasoante seomcoab Company ame tachment, Conformance Simants ADR Tracking No 2203632 Sanat of PorsonAdoredo San Soctaton Amendment. 18 240 Identification of Subcontractors Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 241 Identification of Subcontractors Offer shall complete Identification of Subcontractors (Attachment 6) and submit with their offer in APP. NaphCare has included the required Identification of Subcontractors (Attachment 6) following this page along with the required Letters of Intent and Certificates of Insurance for each subcontractor as required by the RFP. We have included Letters of Intent and Certificates of Insurance for the following subcontractors: Your Hearing Network: Audiology Dental Health Management Solutions: Offsite Dental Diamond Pharmacy: Non‐340B Pharmaceutical Distribution CompuMed: EKG services BioReference Laboratories: Lab services Trident USA: Radiology services Syed K. Masood, MD: Nephrologist Institutional Eye Care: Vision services not provided by NaphCare Staff Optometrist Mobile On‐site Mammography: Mammograms MedPro: Hazardous Waste disposal Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 242 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 a 4 Attachment 6: Proposed Subcontractors Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare otAzone apieimenterGrecian, Fakabiaton Rear 1645 WJefferson Street. CRE tors cpg lf cre yas LT mtany ho oe rt ——— 1 Nor flr etsponeat nyprions rw. ALE Fm ES mre pissing ema e tySg re Sonaagslyey Yo gnSHCoa. wa be a Sama a gra Ss BR | listedbelow: [6 YES, theOfferorwillusethe Subcontractors 2 | Name compres Tn re 5 ame inion pre Fsetoat | e/a services |e | 5 | Name [seat I 243 hearing ::- network:=: LETTER OF INTENT / NaphCare &Arizona DOC RFP MEDICAL SERVICES Legal Name: Your Hearing Network 580 Howard Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873 Your Hearing Network has been providing on site audiology testing and hearing aid services at the Federal, State and Local level for 7 years. We have provided these services for the past 3 years at the following location for the Arizona DOC: Douglas, Eyman, Florence, Lewis, Perle, Phoenix, Safford, Tucson, Winslow, Yuma. We are capable of providing services a any acilty within the state upon request My department is solely dedicated to providing audiology and hearing aid services within correctional facies across the nation. Our parent company is Demant Group Services who own multiple audiology, medical, equipment and technology companies worldwide. Our services include on site audiology screening and testing and dispensing hearing aids, providing complete maintenance, upkeep and repairs on a continuous basis. We have not previously worked vith NaphCare in the past but have numerous contracts ith third party providers and also state direct agreements. A sample of our insurance certificates is attached, and a direct name specific COI will be issued on request afte contract award. We agree to abide by all applicable requirements and provisions that are included within a contract that we become party to. ask NpZomn Mark Nystrom /Director nstitutional Contracts 10-272) oe 244 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C. No. Ext): PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc. Morristown NJ Office 44 Whippany Road, Suite 220 Morristown NJ 07960 USA FAX (800) 363-0105 (A/C. No.): (866) 283-7122 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: Your Hearing Network 580 Howard Ave, 5th floor Somerset NJ 08873 USA Holder Identifier : DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 05/26/2020 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE NAIC # Pacific Indemnity Co 20346 INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570081873146 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested CLAIMS-MADE X POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY NUMBER 99486110 POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS 05/31/2020 05/31/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY LOC JECT $3,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE $3,000,000 $3,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $3,000,000 OTHER: BODILY INJURY ( Per person) ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE DED RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER / EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? PER STATUTE Y/N E&O-PL-Primary OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT N/A E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below A Certificate No : COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 570081873146 ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 99486110 Healthcare Prof. Liab. 05/31/2020 05/31/2021 Aggregate Deductible Each Occurrence $3,000,000 $10,000 $3,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Proof of Insurance. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Your Hearing Network 580 Howard Ave., 5th Floor Somerset NJ 08873 USA ACORD 25 (2016/03) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 245 7777777707070700077763616065553330762406775236756407643315542637030072451755277200230774151520276421107204342220521111070251236662047730776205135423457607162011750236732077727252025773110777777707000707007 6666666606060600062606466204446200600222626024022006222204260042020062220062402602000622200424024020006200004060062202062002242622402000600000604226200206220226242262202066646062240664440666666606000606006 INSR LTR A X & ; Dental Health Management Solutions November 12,2021 Ms. Deidre Williams, MBA Director, UM Administration & Network Development NaphCare, Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, Alabama 35216 Re: Letter ofIntenyArizona DepartmentofCorrections Rehabilitation & Reentry Dear Ms. Williams: ‘Thank you for consideration ofthe opportunity 10 potentially partner with NaphCare, Inc. in providing dental care solutions to the inmates incarcerated throughout the Arizona Department ofCorrections Rehabilitation and Reentry. Dental Health Management Solutions, Inc. (“DHMS") has been providing dental services since 003 including, but not limited to, servicing prison systems since 2010. Additionally, our sister companies, AnyPlace MD and AnyPlace Audiology have been providing medical and hearing services since 2007 and 2017, respectively. In response to your email dated November 10, 2021 wherein you requested some additional, specific information regarding DHMS, please consider the following information and responses as the DHMS LetterofInent to partner with NaphCare, Inc. inthe event Napheare, Inc. is awarded the comprehensive medical services contract for the Arizona Department of Corrections. LETT OFINTE NT ER IL Entity Information Dental Health Management Solutions, Inc. 2001 Windy Terrace, Suite F Cedar Park, Texas 78613 (512) 989-6990 DHMS has been in continuous operation since 2003 and has specifically serviced prison systems since 2010. DHMS has provided more than 1,000,000 servicemen and women with dental services since 2004 at over 150 different locations serving in the United States Army Reserve, Texas Army 246 National Guard, United States Marine Corps Forces Reserve, United States Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and the United States Navy Reserve. ‘Currently, DHMS provides dental services at four (4) prison facilites in Hawaii and one (1) facility in Brunswick County,NorthCarolinawith additional opportunities pending. DHMS doesnotcurrentlyprovide anyservicestoanyof the ASPC locationsidentifiedbelow;however, DHMSiscapable ofservicingallofthe following locations, asidentifiedinyouremail: 1. ASPC-Douglas 9. ASPC-Safford 2. ASPC-DouglasPapagoUsit 10. ASPC-Safford/Fort Grant Satellite 3. ASPC-Eyman 11. ASPC-Tucson 4. ASPC-Florence 12. ASPC-Winslow 5. ASPC-Florence/Globe Satellite 13. ASPC - Winslow/Apache Satellite 6. ASPC-Lewis 14. ASPC-Yuma 7. ASPC-Pemyville 15. Maricopa ReentryCenter(MRC) 8. I. ASPC-Phoenix 16. PimeReentryCenter(PRC) Description ofOrganization A. Dignity ~DHMShasbeen performingdentalservicesforalmost twodecades,and ‘we pride ourselves in the professionalism and experienceofour dental teams providing dignified, safedentalexaminationsand treatmentforbothadultand juvenilepopulations. B. RiskMinimization —TheDHMSportabledentalcaremodelallowsus10service correctionalfacilitiesofallsizesandminimize thepotentialrisksinherentincorrectionaldentistry services. Bringing dental services inside the facilites allows DHMS to provide comprehensive andsecure examsandtreatmenttotheinternedpopulations. C. Quality ~ DHMS’ experience and practice ensures our dentistry services always meetorexceedthestandardsestablishedbytheNationalCommissiononCorrectionalHealthCare. Asfurtherevidenceofthequalityofcareprovidedby DHMS,notasingleclaimhasbeen filed against it since inception. IL Services Provided ‘The DHMS portable dental care model provides services within the facilities allowing the institutions to reallocate time, energy and resources. Additionally, the in-fucility services allows institutions toavoidtherisk andexpenseof transportinginmatesoutsidethefacilitytoobtainthe required services. DHMS provides all equipment, experiencedstaffand required documentation. Our service capabilities include the following: «Diagnostics «Preventive Care «Case Management «Clinical Hygiene « Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy 247 * Restorative «Endodontic «Removable Prosthodontics «Extractions Cases involving complicated oral surgery and complex endodontic cases are referred to network dentists in the surrounding area. IV. Experience with NaphCare, Inc. DHMS does not have any previous working experience with NaphCare, Inc. V. Insurance 'DHMS has a Commercial General Liability insurance policy with limitsof$1,000,000.00 per occurrence and a $3,000,000.00 aggregate. A copyofthe CertificateofLiability Insurance is attached. VI. Compliance DHMS agrees to abide by all applicable requirements and provisions that may relatc or become part of any contract arising from the Arizona Department of Corrections Request for Proposal, as well as any regulations that may be promulgated by the Arizona State Board ofDental Examiners or codified in the Dental Practice Act, Arizona Revised Statutes §§32-1201.01, et seq. ‘Additional information regarding Dental Health Management Solutions, Inc. may be found on our website hiips:/ Should you need any information not contained hereinorhave questions regarding same, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward partnering with NaphCare, Inc. Sincerely, ‘ D. Shane Stevens Chief Executive Officer Dental Health Management Solutions, Inc. ce: Mr. Walter Brunson Via Email Ms. Amber Jimerson Via Email stalingeoordinator?@usdentalsolutions com 248 a Fi mo CERTIFICATE OFLIABILITY INSURANCE TS FOLDER GERTFICDATEBY THE UPON THE TAMEND, Wo RIGHTS AND CONFERS GLY EXTEND BORA ATE WATIER0%OFNEGATIV 2 ATIELY SUED CERTIE TS E POUIIES AFFORDE COVERAG THE ELY ALTER OR ATE AFFRSA NOT BOSS CERTIE CONSTITUTE A CONTRACY BETWEEN THE SUNG NSURERS) AUTHORIZED NOT OLDER ATE OFUCER MOURAG his CERTIC SELOW . E DOES ATE AND HECERMPG OR PROD REPRESENT:NTATVE AL WEURED ALanion arsedon provilot.s A beSrot us avs ASOITON plese WSURED, 5 AOOION sn Rol ih5crits THPORTA odoran a oq may anBobos Doky, ts of an tam bh sutfc WANED, SCUSROGATION 1hsco t fc eo fo fhonrsomani esnktatsth1hSats 7 uman | nuancs Group ssn NTT es r [Bo (ES Walist i on SR n e asc psm sor Ho ARSE PR 00 me nn ss|| Te mr Lo —svar| [om ColiCantyComey | ania | ST snAmanGaia Companyoes Ed | 2005 | min,ContrasComtyCompan ManagesmenSlatons, neUC ena Heats ie amo Roce ] p e fame Ads, sing Roo Afra e 1 fam onTones Th? 7] loswane— hb J RESON USER: CERIFICATE NINBER.Tors Coverages ? ox cn SOSA WA 18 wh REE 1METERS CEA Pe =SAREE16AL FERN EASESDEsomies i rome ce EA Com GFSotFOCAL,LTSSom At A EENEBLE5%PADSAME. | lsroom ore an o s(X] [Teac EEE Toon | comm cooom ET | [snoteem Jess i ons [som] [mas on — [a [momers-comoria sexs 1| ror LJ: (oe Mona i a| [rom [X] rare. [oma mils] Cage Clos ) [Em af toe 1 + [ [1] 1 ——| mae s—— lomm llSr = es oa ] cer hTs [ [o pe 1 Maro]Tamm | Fm TE] Ee EE, rme n fo [eco e [4 a EEE 0 [exosme.on orssso t| om | svarTs1m00 [k one EE Imm ACORD’ CERTIGATE HOLDER ForRoleenco ony coro2 ota ceo Co #l, Liye RR3575AGORD CORPORATION. AIFGHE ose TheACORDnameandogo aeregisardmarks ofACORD 249 <DIA OND> PHARMACY SERVICES —— Bre i a. 88 nd SER op ub, — = 3 ee P a SE Role © a) it Pend 2 =od = November 17,2021 NaphCare Ms. Darrelle Knight 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Bimingham, AL 35216 Dear Ms. Knight: Diamond Pharmacy Services understands that NaphCare is submitting a response for Inmate Correctional Healthcare for the Arizona DepartmentofCorrections. This Letter of Intent serves as a confirmationof our ‘mutual intent regarding the provision of medical and pharmacy services to the Arizona DOC. Diamond is a second-generation family owned business and the nation’s largest correctional pharmacy provider. We are currently serving the medication dispensing and pharmacy program management needs of nearly 700,000 inmate lives in ove 1,700 coretional cles in 48 state. Wecurently provide medication dispensing and pharmacy program management services to the Arizona DOC; and, we have been the 15-year pharmacy provider to the largest county jail system in the state — Maricopa County CHS. Diamond's 51 yearsofexperience providing institutional care, and 38 yearsof correctional experience makes us highly qualified to meet the needsofour clientele. We currently service over 250,000 inmate lives in 16 statewide departmentsof corrections nationwide with requirements very similar to thatofthe Arizona DOC. Diamond has worked with NaphCare over the years and across a varietyofcorrectional facilities. Diamond commits to adhere to our established systemofaccounting and financial controls adequate to permit the effective administration ofthe contract. Diamond would be honored to work with NaphCare and continue to service the Arizona DOC should they be awarded tis contract Sincerely, : i » ZY NP SY Mark J. Zilner, R.Ph. President and Chief Executive Officer Diamond Drugs Inc., dba Diamond Pharmacy Services 645 Kolter Drive Indiana, PA 15701 Office: 800.882.6337 ext. 1003 Fax: 877.234.7050 men Py Sees 5 Kee Di i PA SOTO OST TIT 250 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C. No. Ext): PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Pittsburgh PA Office EQT Plaza ~ Suite 2700 625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15222-3110 USA FAX (800) 363-0105 (A/C. No.): (866) 283-7122 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED NAIC # INSURER B: The Phoenix Insurance Company Farmington Casualty Company 25623 41483 INSURER C: Columbia Casualty Company 31127 INSURER D: Continental Casualty Company 20443 INSURER A: Diamond Drugs, Inc 645 Kolter Drive Indiana PA 15701 USA Holder Identifier : DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 11/18/2021 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE INSURER E: INSURER F: CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570089284695 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested X POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS 09/19/2021 09/19/2022 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY LOC JECT $50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE $1,000,000 $3,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $3,000,000 OTHER: A X HIRED AUTOS ONLY X (Ea accident) DED BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) HMC2087520426 OCCUR X 09/19/2021 09/19/2022 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 $10,000,000 AGGREGATE CLAIMS-MADE RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER / EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? 09/19/2021 09/19/2022 X UB0S6866972114G SIR applies per policy terms & conditions Y/N N N/A (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below C $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY ( Per person) SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB B 09/19/2021 09/19/2022 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY C 810-0S606143-21-14-G AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 570089284695 CLAIMS-MADE POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY NUMBER HMA2087520412 Certificate No : ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY HMA2087520412 E&O-PL-Primary PER STATUTE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 09/19/2021 09/19/2022 Each Claim Aggregate DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Named insured amended to include d/b/a Diamond Pharmacy Services with the exception of the Auto Policy. Certificate holder as well as State of Arizona, and its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, universities, officers, officials, agents, and employees as additional insured by written agreement on all applicable policies, waiver of subrogation also applies where applicable. Coverage is written on a primary and non-contribuatory basis. This certificate is in reference to Agreement 20-042-25 Contract # CTR051044. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry 1645 W. Jefferson St Phoenix AZ 85007 USA ACORD 25 (2016/03) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 251 7777777707070700077761616045571110767535236026445007763114740624133071663746056233110740604133276112207172337573036661072730146620777020710411357637453007725020541157702076727242035772000777777707000707007 7777777707070700073525677115456000766055506126112007562676307533540074637322421264510746336331603355507026627703163111075222766164335110702333624306201107023337242172110077756163351765540777777707000707007 INSR LTR C X November 1,2021 Mr. Richard Apollo Vice Presidentof Ancillary Services NaphCare Inc. Re: Letter of Intentfor Correctional ECG Services and Equipment - Arizona DepartmentofCorrections Rehabilitation & Reentry Dear Mr. Apollo, “This Letter of Intent (“LOI”) shall set forth certain understandings between CompuMed, Inc. (“CompuMed”) and Napheare Inc. (NaphCare) with respect to the execution ofa participating provider agreemento letter of agreement (“Provider Agreement’) for the provisionofservices in conjunction with the Request for Proposal for Correctional Healthcare Services or the Arizona DepartmentofCorrections Rehabilitation & Reentry. 1. The parties shall negotiate in good faith and make their best efforts to arrive at a Provider Agreement Any binding agreement between parties shall arise only as a resultofthe execution and delivery by the partis ofa definitive Provider Agreement. Neither party hereto shall bring any claim against he otherparty based upon this LOIorasa result ofany failure by the partisto agree onor enter into the Provider Agreemen, 2. “This letter shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the lawsof the Stateof Arizona. 3. CompuMed is the current providerofthe Correctional ECG services for the Arizona Deparment of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry and has been preforming these services for about 20years. 4. Please et us know what corporate information you need from CompuMedto complete the Provider Agreement. “This Letter is solely for benefit ofthe parties hereto and shal not be construed ogive rise to or create any superseded ins entirety by the provisionsofthe Provider Agreement upon the execution and delivery there. Sincerely, Laura Carroll cro CompuMed, Inc. By NaphCare: wy UL] vi neil Services Ties VPoF Ancillary pried ames _RCHARD APOLLO 1-1-2020 252 COMPINC-14 KDIEHL DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 11/1/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Kris Diehl NAME: PHONE FAX (A/C, No, Ext): (509) 319-2908 (A/C, No): E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER Hub International Northwest LLC PO Box 3144 Spokane, WA 99220 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A : Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 INSURER B : The Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut 25682 INSURED CompuMed, Inc. 5777 W. Century Boulevard Suite 360 Los Angeles, CA 90045 INSURER C : Aspen Specialty Insurance 10717 INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR A ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE X POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE X ZLP51M70555 OCCUR 10/31/2021 10/31/2022 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY LOC JECT LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ OTHER: B $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X $ 1,000,000 300,000 10,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY BA3L081217 X 10/31/2021 10/31/2022 SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED A RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below A General Liability C Medical Professional $ X Y/N UB2J15568921I6G 3/1/2021 3/1/2022 N/A PER STATUTE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT ZPP21N82231 MM0P7M21 10/31/2021 10/31/2022 Products - Aggregate 11/1/2021 11/1/2022 see below $ 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) ***THIS CERTIFICATE MAY NOT BE ALTERED OR CHANGED IN ANY WAY*** Medical Professional Liability - $1,000,000 Per Claim / $3,000,000 Policy Aggregate Limit subject to $100,000 Deductible CERTIFICATE HOLDER Evidence of Insurance CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 253 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD AZ DOC LOI REQUIREMENTS Your Legal name: BioReference Laboratories Inc., Your full address: 481 Edward H. Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Include the years of experience: 40 years of laboratory experience Indicate if you are currently providing services at any of the facilities No Are you able to service all facilities? Yes/No Yes, BioReference can provide laboratory service to all the Arizona DOC facilities Description of your organization BioReference is the largest full‐service specialty laboratory in the United States that gives healthcare providers the information to make confident healthcare decisions. With a focus on correctional health, genetics, oncology, urology, and women’s health, we offer comprehensive test solutions and unparalleled expertise based on a 40‐year legacy of proven science Current laboratory service for MD, FL, AL, MO, KS, WY, ID, MN DOC facilities, and over 200 jail facilities across the United States including PIMA County Jail in Tucson, AZ A description of the activities that will be performed or provided *Provide all necessary supplies to collect, prepare and pack specimens, except multiuse items *Our logistics team will pick up specimens from each facility and transport them to the laboratory. *Routine samples results will be available within 24hrs of specimen arriving at our testing laboratory. *Authorized personal will have unique credentials to access our secure web portal. Key features of the web portal include generating requisitions, view/print results, custom chronic care, and utilization reports *Critical Lab results are notified via phone and fax to the ordering facility *Ability to interface with TechCare or any EMR/EHR Whether you have a previous working experience with NaphCare BioReference is the laboratory of choice with Naphcare for over 10 years at more than 50 facilities. 254 481 Edward H Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 l T 800-229-5227 l F 201-345-7048 l Confirmation that they have read, understand and agree to abide by all applicable requirements and provisions that shall be a part of this contact BioReference has read, understood, and agree to abide by all applicable requirements and provisions that shall be part of this contract A written commitment to adhere to an established system of accounting and financial controls adequate to permit the effective administration of the contract BioReference will adhere to an established system of accounting, and financial controls adequate to permit the effective administration of the contract You must also submit proof of insurance to NaphCare. This document will be submitted with your LOI and “such Insurance shall include the State of Arizona, and its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, universities, officers, officials, agents, and employee as additional insureds and waiver of subrogation with respect to all applicable polices.” Copy Attached If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me directly Sujaya Swaroop Sr. Director, Corrections Division Cell: 201‐218‐6530 255 481 Edward H Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 l T 800-229-5227 l F 201-345-7048 l Client#: 111016 ACORD OPKOHEA1 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE TM 10/22/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Jo Cordone NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): 561-900-9119 E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc. 3945 W. Atlantic Ave Delray Beach, FL 33445 561 278-0448 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc. OPKO Health, Inc. 4400 Biscayne Blvd, 10th FL Miami, FL 33137 COVERAGES FAX (A/C, No): INSURER A : Columbia Casualty INSURER B : ACE American Insurance Company NAIC # 31127 22667 INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X CLAIMS-MADE X ADDL SUBR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER HMA2097417495 POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) 03/27/2021 03/27/2022 OCCUR X DED $250,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY JECT LOC LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 1,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 3,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 3,000,000 $ OTHER: B ISAH25553238 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY $ 1,000,000 07/27/2021 07/27/2022 SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ A X UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB B X HMC2097421336 OCCUR 03/27/2021 03/27/2022 CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below A Professional Liab (Claims Made) EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 $ WLRC67813157 07/27/2021 07/27/2022 X PER STATUTE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT OTHER $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 HMA2097417495 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 03/27/2021 03/27/2022 $1,000,000 Each Claim $3,000,000 Aggregate $250,000 Deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc. 481 Edward H. Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION NaphCare, Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road, Suite 4000 Birmingham, AL 35216 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) 1 of 1 #S2916395/M2839398 © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 256 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 80RS 10/22/2021 Richard Apollo Vice President of Ancillary Services NaphCare, Inc. 2090 Columbiana Road Vestavia, AL 35216 Dear Richard: It is our understanding NaphCare is submitting a bid to provide comprehensive healthcare services, as the medical services provider, to the inmates residing within the Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry. TridentCare is excited to once again partner with NaphCare for the provision of onsite imaging services including x-ray and ultrasound should you be awarded this contract. TridentCare is currently providing onsite x-ray and ultrasound services to all locations included in this RFP. TridentCare is the leading national provider of mobile diagnostic services to correctional facilities and systems of all sizes, creating customized schedules and work plans to meet the individual needs of each site. TridentCare has more that 30 years of experience providing onsite diagnostic testing in the correctional setting. We look forward to the opportunity to grow our partnership with NaphCare. We agree to abide by all applicable requirements and provisions that become part of any contract arising from this RFP. Sincerely, Greg Ward RT(R)(ARRT) Vice President, Correctional Markets 615-714-4561 930 Ridgebrook Road Sparks, MD 21152 (800) 786-8015 257 —~ AcorD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE... [ ER avonE TH CERTFICA SSUED AS A IVELY WATTEROFOFNEGATNE FORMATI OWLY EXTEND AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICD ATE HOLDER. Ti TE 8NOT ONAMEND, CERTIFIC DOES AFFIRMAT OR ALTER THE COVERAG AFFORDE 8Y THE POLICIES ATE LY E SELow. PR This CERTIIGA OFERMSURANG NOT HOLDER. CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING WSURENS) AUTHORED TEEN E DORS ATE RE ORPRODUC ANDTECERTFIC ES TA TI VE holder 1hemsand 3» ADDITIONAL con SURED. ofthe pe] rthvADDITION aA boe773 .TIONnecoricts AL WSUREDpro via rson 1WPORTANT SUBROGA 15 WANED, abit Doky. cra poles my qs an ancosamo ser t. n hie Cr onsntSorAstot e ornoof sch norman t #RO0UGER Lockton Companies ar ~ — em —— I en: ResNE.Si e 250 = TT . prsrrenty Bree lr] [ E EE ies emo A Tae EIESS ms EE en opeo LLC nmens. ZurichAmTnaranesCompa | T6535 ica ny 1475385 930 Ridgobrook Road |wsunen c:Coverys SpecialtyInsurance Company 15686 | Sous Genco D252 mens. Arp anhnr Company’ | fold? Coverac CERTIFIC G90 FEVEIO NNER Sous 000000 es ITE les ATE NUMBER. NABOVE 0 SET OF UAC CATES FEL ov FET REE TO To Ea Suk S007 ED E Cire? SROCVONED OTeh LLEt Ao LOE FOL TE et E CER TEe a 4802 GA MA SEATAN TE MALE APLanDeD BY ME SOLES REA 1 SARE 70 AL ELBE contro crSAMOS, Lis mm VESEENRESUS BAS Cs 1 SORTTOK TER. Jl veeo msumance [iia roucy uses ©[Tem comm | | war ]cumsance[x]occ X |Ded eSioio00 pi — or rom rower 8 [Jue | | po S E Tore x wv Oo 1 oe. gg | | | [He HE 1 wm | Joon Tw| ww cee |x| cee] | | yepmnSe aene 8, ||NW RESI ats ES Pures | XRT wa an Ten | wes RoRoo ok tg crs Coe rons nt3 00K VE MC CERTIFICATE HOLDER 16790590 Bron SORT | BSCE ars. Tove: Ga |£L000000 [3200,000 futonsmomsm [50 | 00 || [ms spun + 1.0000 0 Coe star 3.000000 | moi co re 1 [+03.000000 Tr Tr ET 00 | 00LsmayPee 5 XXXXXXK fo ovese +300000 | 0% ur 0000m [ R E | 0 | + 000000 Toma (ova ommecamas 1+15000000 [ PST) Tr ren [XR TR] TRH | TAA [oo cuscoonr [+ 1000000 | |xpeer 1.0000 a he Cam Tarn man o Ho 1SKsy Rrish t esopir " of SOO pa iit ALVA poder CANCEL ATION Ses Amen ET rn he oer IT, £ 7. fo flC7 Acorn2s antens To 3 AGOHD CORPORATION. Agsrevered. TheACORD nam and logoarsregistered marks of ACORD 258 Aachen Code:DS75317 Master ID; 475385, ett ID: 16790590 Company Named nsured Listing on Organizational chart: Trident Topco LLC- added by Ri Trident Intermediate Hodco UC Trident Holdco LC MX Holdings, LC Mx USA, LC NewScher UC Main treet Clinical aboratory LC Metrosta ClicalLaboratoryAust, LLC Trident Clnial Services Holdings, LLC TridentusA Mobile Cinial Service, LLC TridentUsh Fo Cae Services LLC Diagnostic abs Holdings, LLC Kan-0L, LC MOKMOLHoldings, LUC Community Mobile Diagnostics, LLC Community bile Uirasound, LC TridentUSA Mable Infusion Services, LLC Symphony Diagnostic Services No. 1, LC American Disgostics Services, LLC US. Lab & Radiology, LLC Rely Raiolgy Holdings, LC MO Manager, Lic Alternate Names: Trident Ush Foot Care Services LLC Symphony Diagnostic Services No 1 LLC dba MobllexUsA UMD Manager, LL dba Rely Racioioy TridentUSA Mobile Cinical Services LLC Trident Mable Clinical Services, LLC Kan0K, LC dba Diagnostic Laboratories Diagnostic Laboratories &Radiology Wi Holdings, nc. MUSA, in. Reono Bertagnol MD, a Medical Group Reano Bertagnoll a Medical Group DBA Rely Radiology Reono Sertagnol, a Medical Group Legacy and/or OutdatedCompanies: SchryverMiecical Salesand MarketingLC Trident Clnical Services Holdin, In. Trident Mable Hearing Services, LLC Qualty Mobile X Ray Services, Inc Main treet linia aborstory inc OnSite Imaging Solutions, ne. MetrostatCinical Laboratory- Austin nc. CommunityPortable Ray, Luc MobileMedical Optometry MA PC Mobile Medical Dental VIA PC Mobile Medical Audiology MA LLC Mobile Medical Group MA PC American Diagnostics Services, nc US. Lab& Radilogy, Inc FCPAC Holdings, UC Fe PioneerHoldingCompany LIC FC PAC Holdings, LC Formax Health Holdings, LLC Compassus Management Holdings New Trident Holdcorp, nc. Trident USA Health Services, LLC and ts subsidiaries Advanced Radiology Services, ne. Cogent Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc FT Health Holdings, LLC Mobile Medical Group then 2nd Ni shows Trident Mobile cinical TheBucci Group, td. Mobile Medical Racography & EG, inc Trident Holding Company, LLC Rely: Coverages included for the rference provider ony for acs while working within thf course and Scope of duties forthe Insured. 259 tachmentCode:DS70249 Master ID: 1475385,Certificate 1D: 16790590 LOCKTON' Evidence of Coverage To whom it may concern: In our continuing effort to provide timely certificate delivery, Lockton Companies s transitioning to paperless delivery of Certificates of Insurance. To ensure electronic delivery for future renewals of this certificate, we need your email address. Please contact us via the method listed below, referencing Certificate ID 16790590. Email: + - Please include the above Certificate ID number and “Email Address for €-Deliver” in the subject line. In the event your mailing address has changed, will change in the future, or you no longer require this certificate, please let us know using the method above. The above inbox is for automating electronic deliver of certificates only. Please do NOT send future certificate requests to this inbox. Thankyou for your cooperation and willingness in reducing our environmental footprint. Lockton Companies Lockton Companies 3280 Peachtree Road NE, Ste. 250 Atlanta, GA 30305 260 Nov 18,2021 S. K. Masood, MD, MRCP, FACP Cera Nephrlozy BosrdBose Ceri oer Modine Ms Amber Leckenby, Executive Vice President/ Chief Operations Officer - Dialysis, Napheare Inc, 2090 Columbiana Rd, Ste 4000, Birmingham, AL 35216 Dear Ms Leckenby, Re: Letter of Interest for Nephrology Provider @ AZ DOC Per ourdiscussion 3 days or so ago, | am writing this letter as my Intent/Interest to continue my association as Nephrology Provider with AZ Dept of Corrections. | have been in this position for over a dozen years with various Health Care Companies who have served AZDOC over the years. 1 have provided cost effective and excellent services to AZDOC over the years , which is evidence in my retentionfor so fong. As you may know, otherwise there is a huge turnover of Providers at AZDOC for variety of reasons. Per your instructions, | am mentioningcertain specifics as below: 1) Legal Name: SK Masood MD PA 2) Address: 215 5. Power Road, Ste 104, Mesa, AZ 85206 3) Email: SK 4) Cell: 480-748-7005 5) 1am an Adult Board Certified Nephrologist in Clinical Practice since 1998. 6) I provide Nephrology services to ALL AZ State Prisons 7) have not worked for Naphcare Inc before. 8) ALL usual rules and regulations will be followed as is being done currently for years. 9) ALL contractual agreements will be followed and complied with Federal and State Laws. 10) Medical Liability Insurance Certificate will be attached with this LO. 100k forward to continuing my association with AZDOC via Naphcare Inc and assure of continuing excellent cost effective services. Respectfully Submitted, = SK Masood, MD 261 . 2602 Thomas Re Phocaix AZ 85016-8202 602.956 5276 PAX602.468.1710 “ll Free 1.800.352.0402 Certificate of Insurance Trsorance Company Date: 107972021 Producer: Mutual Insurance Compas ofArizona MICA Direct 2602EastThomas Road 12602 EToomasRd Phoenix,AZ85016 Procnix,AZ 85016 Taored Syed K Masood MD 215'SPowerRd Ste 108 Mesa A7 8520, Policy Number: MICADI829 Bestive Betei 2 ar ine Erpiradon Date: EE inestsen topit Pty ceed. Policy Form: Medical Professional Liability Reporting Policy Reporing FormofClims-Made LimitsofMedical Profesional Liability Coverage: Each Occurrence: $1,000,000 Anousl Aggregate: 53000000 Retroactive Date: 12012005 [Notice [THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS AMATTER INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON |THE RECIPIENT OF THIS CERTIFICATE. THISOF CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE [COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY LISTED. [This to cenify the Mutual Insurance Company ofArizona ("MICA") has issued the policyofinsurance listed above tthe insured raedfor the plicy period indicated. Notwithstandinganyrequirement, termorcondition ofany contractor othr document wilh respect to which tis cetfcatemaybe ised or may perian the insurance afforded by th policy described here is subject 1 ll ems, exclusions, and condiionsof the policy. Aggregate limits shown may have bee reduced by paid ims [MICA will not provide any noticeto the recpieaof his cereate in th event the pliey described herein is modified or terminated priorto the expiration dite. iL To 1071972021 1:40:29 PM. Arona Time 262 INSTITUTIONAL EYE CARE... ® Sharing your VisionforExcellenceinOnSite HealthCaresince 1983 cet 2,2620 coins site00 eter fen zona 0G Ths carepandene Ltrond ofreo ens coming sons Ee Cre Lc (0) he oe el Patent mane oes or roe BeatonE000eesve oh oo eteert IC he rps ons ie sve sreier ccna fis he cour, ren wokinve n ofn3 Ses in oivioein yen le 050 th Rt vr rcs ss te cocina Feta, Smet vsNh is ir Sede DOCees co,rein ho ured ohh deren rots ron tn ie recs is shone oui In Aon, EC revs sveherhe oie a eess es agement sis 0 he ns Do. higheet BOE 8 Vie ek corey rovingbheves the ZDOC, Gsopal rd vate provide rteesr coon ova el rape os hd io reo oe st rd i Re or par, RE tie sn dy 1 ne Aenetars roses ilvonos meta xedsoundFOR and AGre rsvsoof ty ands.srOurce apc We arent vanessia samtmanga eo ato pe win doe. Rees amy sone Iaro steed snofdenied pms wiloo ele, toms rs vil met nbs creatce. eee td wi es eonor deepet Selo ee meek poston, ene otherodbe enalpec tr pes IC ned tics vil priderlscet th os clrrybes mrss cnc, nd we rrtomsone 2 00Eye Wooo roving ost met as bokmansmensrc despotooh hms Denefone Sosy, ems Fie Er —— Sn wesna Crom Pn sec fates) 263 INSTEYE-01 DLEMAY DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/8/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): (570) 523-3295 E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER Meixell-Diehl Agency P.O. Box 626 Lewisburg, PA 17837 FAX (A/C, No): (570) INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A : PENN INSURED 524-7003 NAIC # NATIONAL 14990 INSURER B : INSTITUTIONAL EYE CARE LLC 27499 RIVERVIEW CENTER BLVD SUITE 429 BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34134 INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR A ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE X POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE X 525 0045135 OCCUR 4/29/2021 4/29/2022 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROPOLICY LOC JECT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY $ $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ UMBRELLA LIAB X DED X RETENTION $ OCCUR 3810103410 CLAIMS-MADE 4/29/2021 4/29/2022 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ Aggregate 10,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 1,000,000 5,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ X EXCESS LIAB A $ MED EXP (Any one person) Prof Liab OTHER: ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) Y/N 0000403545 29 1/1/2021 1/1/2022 N/A PER STATUTE $ OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 5,000,000 5,000,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION For Informational Purposes Only SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 264 BY 5 SimonMed" Mobile Onsite Mammography Imaging Sc Timor Bly” eee: pecomeTr CR ——— November 5, 2021 ob ard Senior Vice President Prison Operations NaphCare, Inc. . 2090 Columbiana Rd, #4000 Birmingham, AL 35216 RE: Letter of Intent/ Mobile On-site Mammography by Simonhed Dear Bob: This Letterof Intentshall serve to communicate the wilingness of Mable On-site Mammography by Simoniied 10 partner with NaphCare and make Onsite Mobile Screening Mammography services available to NaphCare for the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) should NaphCare be awarded the contract to administer and manage the healthcare needs or residents in thei care and custody going forward. Mobile On-site Mammography by Simoni is committed to improving the health ofour patients through collaborative and innovative clifical approaches focused on quality, costeffective care. We welcome the opportunity to work with NaphCare to offer services for the residents in the custody ofthe early detection Mobile Onsite Mammography, Breast Cancer Screenings. y— Best regards, Catherine E. Midgette Executive Vice President Mobile On-site Mammography by SimonMed 480.967.3767 Catherine. . ' 6900 €. Camelback Road, Suite 700 | Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | P 480-967-3767 or 800.285.0272 | F 480-961-3787 265 MP | MedPro Disposal ‘provisions that shall be a part of this contract:Confirmed established accounting system. fl — owwena peel 266 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 11/29/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Certificates NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): 8473076100 E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER The Plexus Groupe LLC 21805 W. Field Pkwy, Suite 300 Deer Park IL 60010 FAX (A/C, No): NAIC # INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER B : Clear Spring Property and Casualty Company A- Excellent VIII Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company A Excellent XV INSURER C : The First Liberty Insurance Corp INSURER A : MEDPWAS-01 INSURED MedPro Waste Disposal, LLC 1751 W. Diehl Rd Ste 400 Naperville IL 60563 A Excellent XV 15563 25445 33588 INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1349897144 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR B ADDL SUBR INSD WVD Y Y TYPE OF INSURANCE X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE X POLICY NUMBER IEPICB96T9001 POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROPOLICY X JECT LOC LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 1,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 25,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ OTHER: C B UMBRELLA LIAB X B Y AS2-Z91-471806-011 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY A Y AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X $ 500,000 SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY X EXCESS LIAB Professional Including Pollution Y IEELCASB96TX001 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below $ 1,000,000 $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ Y OCCUR COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ Comp/Coll Deductible $ 1,000/$1,000 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 10,000,000 $ Y Y/N N CS-WK-000010686-0 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 X PER STATUTE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT N/A $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT Y Y IEPICB96T9001 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 Each Accident/Aggrega Contractors Pollution Deductible $ 1,000,000 $5MM/$5MM $5MM/$5MM $10,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) RE: Request for Proposal Solicitation No. BPM003905 NaphCare, Inc., the State of Arizona, and its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, universities, officers, officials, agents, and employees are named as additional insureds under the General Liability, Automobile Liability, Excess liability and Professional including Pollution Liability as required by written contract upon successful award of contract. Waiver of subrogation is granted in favor of the additional insureds as required by written contract. The Excess Liability is excess of General Liability, Automobile Liability, Workers' Compensation, and Pollution Liability. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. NaphCare, Inc. ACORD 25 (2016/03) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 267 d. An organization other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company, you are an insured. Your executive officers and directors are insureds, but only with respect to their duties as your officers or directors. Your stockholders are also insureds, but only with respect to their liability as stockholders. e. A trust, you are an insured. Your trustees are also insureds, but only with respect to their duties as trustees. 2. Any subsidiary, associated, affiliated, allied or limited liability company or corporation, including subsidiaries thereof, of which you have more than 50% ownership interest at the effective date of the policy period qualify as a Named Insured. 3. Any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company, and over which you maintain ownership or majority interest, will qualify as a Named Insured if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the 180th day after you acquire or form the organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier; b. Coverage under this policy does not apply to bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization; c. Coverage under this policy does not apply to personal and advertising injury arising out of an offense committed before you acquired or formed the organization; and d. Coverage under this policy does not apply to damages arising out of any act, error or omission or professional incident that took place before you acquired or formed the organization. 4. Each of the following is also an insured: a. Your volunteer workers only while performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or your employees, other than either your executive officers (if you are an organization other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company) or your managers (if you are a limited liability company), but only for acts within the scope of their employment by you or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, none of these employees or volunteer workers are insureds for: (1) Bodily injury or personal and advertising injury: (a) To you, to your partners or members (if you are a partnership or joint venture) or to your members (if you are a limited liability company); (b) For which there is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury described in Paragraphs (1)(a) above; or (c) Arising out of the providing or failure to provide professional health care services except incidental health care services provided by any physician, dentist, nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic who is employed by you to provide such services and provided you are not engaged in the business of providing such services. (2) Property damage or environmental damage to property owned, occupied or used by, rented to, in the care, custody or control of, or over which physical control is being exercised for any purpose by you, any of your employees, volunteer workers, any partner or member (if you are a partnership or joint venture), or any member (if you are a limited liability company). b. Any person (other than your employee), or any organization while acting as your real estate manager. c. Any person or organization having proper temporary custody of your property if you die, but only with respect to liability arising out of the maintenance or use of that property and until your legal representative has been appointed. d. Your legal representative if you die, but only with respect to duties as such. That representative will have all your rights and duties under this policy. e. Any person or organization you agree to include as an insured in a written contract, written agreement or permit, but only with respect to bodily injury, property damage, environmental damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of your operations, your work, equipment or premises leased or rented by you, or your products which are distributed or sold in the regular course of a vendor’s business, however: IE.COV.EPIC.001 (05/13) Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Offices, Inc. with its permission. Page 27 of 44 268 a. We have the right to: (1) Make inspections and surveys at any time; (2) Give you reports on the conditions we find; and (3) Recommend changes. b. We are not obligated to make any inspections, surveys, reports or recommendations and any such actions we do undertake relate only to insurability and the premiums to be charged. We do not make safety inspections. We do not undertake to perform the duty of any person or organization to provide for the health or safety of workers or the public. And we do not warrant that conditions: (1) Are safe or healthful; or (2) Comply with laws, regulations, codes or standards. This applies not only to us, but also to any rating, advisory, rate service or similar organization which makes insurance inspections, surveys, reports or recommendations. 15. Legal Action Against Us No person or organization has a right under this policy: a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us into a suit asking for damages from an insured; or b. To sue us on this policy unless all of its terms have been fully complied with. A person or organization may sue us to recover on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against an insured; but we will not be liable for damages that are not payable under the terms of this policy or that are in excess of the applicable limit of insurance. An agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. 16. Multiple Coverage Sections No claim or suit, or part thereof, for which we have accepted coverage or coverage has been held to apply under one or more Coverages in this policy shall be covered under any other Coverages in this policy. 17. Other Insurance If other valid and collectible insurance is available to the insured for a loss we cover under this policy, our obligations are limited as follows: a. Primary Insurance This insurance is primary except when Paragraph b. below applies. If this insurance is primary, our obligations are not affected unless any of the other insurance is also primary. Then, we will share with all that other insurance by the method described in Paragraph c. below. However, regardless of whether b. below applies, in the event that a written contract or agreement or permit requires this insurance to be primary for any person or organization you agreed to insure and such person or organization is an insured under this policy, we will not seek contributions from any such other insurance issued to such person or organization b. Excess Insurance (1) This insurance is excess over: (a) Any of the other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis: (i) That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Risk, Installation Risk or similar coverage for your work; (ii) That is Fire insurance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (iii) That is insurance purchased by you to cover your liability as a tenant for property damage to premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; or IE.COV.EPIC.001 (05/13) Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Offices, Inc. with its permission. Page 34 of 44 269 21. Service of Suit Subject to SECTION IV – CONDITIONS, Condition 5. Choice of Forum, it is agreed that in the event of failure of us to pay any amount claimed to be due hereunder, we, at the request of the insured, will submit to the jurisdiction of a court of competent jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in this condition constitutes or should be understood to constitute a waiver of our rights to commence an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court, or to seek a transfer of a case to another court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of any state in the United States. It is further agreed that service of process in such suit may be made upon us and that in any suit instituted against us upon this contract, we will abide by the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in the event of any appeal. Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory, or district of the United States which makes provision therefore, we hereby designate the Superintendent, Commissioner, Director of Insurance, or other officer specified for that purpose in the statute, or his or her successor or successors in office as its true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the insured or any beneficiary hereunder arising out of this contract of insurance, and hereby designates the above named counsel as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true copy thereof. 22. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us If the insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment we have made under this policy, those rights are transferred to us. At our request, the insured will bring suit or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. However, if the insured has waived rights of recovery against any person or organization prior to a loss, we waive any right of recovery we may have under this policy against such person or organization. 23. Transfer of Your Rights and Duties Under This Policy Your rights and duties under this policy may not be transferred without our written consent except in the case of death of an individual named insured. If you die, your rights and duties will be transferred to your legal representative but only while acting within the scope of duties as your legal representative. Until your legal representative is appointed, anyone having proper temporary custody of your property will have your rights and duties but only with respect to that property. 24. When We Do Not Renew If we decide not to renew, we will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured shown in the Declarations written notice of the nonrenewal not less than ninety (90) days before the expiration date. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. SECTION V – DEFINITIONS 1. Administration means: a. Providing information to employees, including their dependents and beneficiaries, with respect to eligibility for or the scope of employee benefit programs; b. Handling records in connection with the employee benefit program; or c. Effecting, continuing or terminating any employee's participation in any benefit included in the employee benefit program. However, administration does not include handling payroll deductions. 2. Advertisement means a notice that is broadcast or published to the general public or specific market segments about your goods, products or services for the purpose of attracting customers or supporters. For the purposes of this definition: a. Notices that are published include material placed on the Internet or on similar electronic means of communication; and b. Regarding websites, only that part of a website that is about your goods, products or services for the purposes of attracting customers or supporters is considered an advertisement. 3. Auto means: IE.COV.EPIC.001 (05/13) Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Offices, Inc. with its permission. Page 36 of 44 270 IRONSHORE SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY 175 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116 Toll Free: (877) IRON411 Endorsement # 7 Policy Number: IEELCASB96TX001 Insured Name: MedPro Waste Disposal, LLC Effective Date of Endorsement: June 01, 2021 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCESS LIABILITY SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE CONTROLLING UNDERLYING INSURANCE Coverage: GENERAL LIABILITY AND POLLUTION LIABILITY; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INSURANCE COVERAGE PACKAGE (EPIC Pac) Policy Number: IEPICB96T9001 Insurer: Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company (ISIC) Policy Period: From: 06/01/2021 To: 06/01/2022 Limits of Insurance: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit-COVERAGE PART I: Coverage A,B,C $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit-COVERAGE PART I: Coverage D,E,F $1,000,000 Contractors Pollution Liability Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit: Any one Person or Organization $1,000,000 Employee Benefits Administration Liability Limit: Each Employee $1,000,000 Site Pollution Liability Limit $1,000,000 Professional Liability $2,000,000 Products Complete $2,000,000 General Aggregate Coverage: EMPLOYERS LIABILITY Policy Number: CS-WK-000010686-0 Insurer: Clear Spring Property & Casualty Policy Period: From: 06/01/2021 To: 06/01/2022 Limits of Insurance: $1,000,000 Bodily Injury By Accident (Each Accident) $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease (Policy Limit) $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease (Each Employee) IE.PN.EXCESS.001 (04/09) Page 1 of 2 271 Minimum of Three (3) Years of Experience Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 272 Minimum of Three (3) Years of Experience Offerors shall have at least a minimum of three (3) years of experience providing the following services: (Attachment 11). NaphCare has provided the required Attachment 11 Experience and References Forms for the following client sites following this page: Comprehensive Healthcare Services Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Nevada Fulton County, Georgia Federal Bureau of Prisons TechCare Montana Department of Corrections New Hampshire Department of Corrections Maricopa County Correctional Health Services, Arizona The Maricopa County reference policy is to only provide relevant contract information of a general nature without commenting specifically on the performance of the vendor. Medical services and mental health services as defined in this Request for Proposal to a total daily population of at least 25,000 correctional health care patients nationally. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. NaphCare provides proactive healthcare services, including medical and mental health care to 28,121 patients in comprehensive healthcare client sites daily nationwide. Management and delivery of offsite network health services to a total daily population of at least 25,000 correctional health care patients nationally. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. NaphCare provides Management and delivery of offsite network health services to a total daily population of 95,121 patient nationwide. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 273 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Entity Contact Name Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Chad Chronister Phone Number Email Address Number of Inmate’s served 813-247-8009 3,100 Address 1201 Orient Rd City/State Tampa, Florida Contract Start Date Contract Term 2014-Present 10/1/2014 Zip 33619 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. Yes; the original contract term was fulfilled in its entirety, and a renewal contract was signed on May 30, 2019, for a new seven (7) year term. The current contract term ends 09/30/2026. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. NaphCare provides medical services to inmates incarcerated at both of our detention facilities. In addition, NaphCare provides special medical services including: radiology, laboratory, optometry, dental, mental health, and off-site medical billing/management. We operate two detention facilities, with maximum, minimum, and confinement housing. The total average daily population (ADP) for both detention facilities is 3,100. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes, an implementation chart was provided, and all timeframes were met. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 274 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Yes, NaphCare has provided sufficient staffing throughout the contract period. There has been a slight shortage of medical staff due to the COVID pandemic; however, there have been no adverse impacts on medical services provided by NaphCare. Workforce shortages have been experienced nationwide in the medical field and NaphCare has managed these staffing issues well throughout the pandemic. 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Y/N NaphCare has always provided reliable and comprehensive medical care to our inmate population. They are responsive to our diverse needs and adapt very well to changes. During our partnership with NaphCare, we were certified by the NCCHC for Mental Health Treatment, Opioid Treatment Program, and Medical Care. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 275 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Entity Contact Name Contract Start Date Contract Term Washoe County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Darin Balaam 6/1/2015 2015-Present Phone Number Email Address Number of Inmate’s served 775-328-3010 1,200 Address City/State Zip 911 Parr Blvd. Reno, Nevada 89512 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. Yes, NaphCare has continued to be a comprehensive, trustworthy and innovative partner. Upon receiving the initial contract, NaphCare was able to complete the transition from an outgoing contractor who's services were terminated by Washoe County. The transition was completed in 30 days. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. The Washoe County Detention Facility was opened in 1988 as one of the first direct supervision facilities. The current facility includes 17 housing units which holds a maximum of 1326 inmates. As the only regional detention center, the facility houses minimum to maximum security inmates and includes two mental health units, a medical unit and a secondary medical unit in area control 4. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes, NaphCare has completed all audits with minimal area's of improvement, has been accredited through NCCHC and assisted Washoe County in also becoming a certified and accredited Opioids Treatment Program through NCCHC. In the upcoming contract, we will be working towards the NCCHC Mental Health accreditation. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 276 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Yes, NaphCare understand the importance of staffing and adhering to the contracted 50 FTE staffing requirements. As with many other communities, Northern Nevada has experience a shortage of LCSW and nursing staff. Through many challenging times, NaphCare has ensured a robust per diem staff to ensure all shifts are staffed while working diligently to fill all FTE positions. NaphCare has provided service above and beyond what is expected through a contracted vendor and works hard to foster a professional, collaborative relationship. 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 Y/N 277 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Entity Contact Name Fulton County Alton L. Adams, COO Phone Number Email Address Number of Inmate’s served 3,000 (404) 612-7393 Contract Start Date Contract Term 1/1/2018Present 1/1/2018 Address City/State Zip 901 Rice Street Atlanta, GA 30318 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. NaphCare fulfilled the original contract term of one year starting 1/1/2018 and has been approved for three one-year extensions since that time. NaphCare helped us to secure NCCHC accrediation for the first time and worked with us on expansion of our mental health and medical programs to meet the changing needs of our population, showing flexibility and commitment to patient care. NaphCare was/is key to they effort to manage COVID'S impact on the jail population. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. NaphCare provides comprehensive correctional healthcare and mental health services for our two correctional facilities. NaphCare has proven to be a very good partner, working with us to develop a Women's Mental Health Stabilization Unit for female inmates experiencing mental health crises. This work was instrumental in assisting Fulton County to resolve litigation brought by the Georgia Advocacy Organization. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Upon award, NaphCare worked with us to design an implementation schedule that accounted for all aspects of the transition of healthcare services while also meeting our needed timeline to start services. NaphCare fully transitioned our correctional healthcare services within a 30-day transition timeline, meeting every scheduled implementation milestone and keeping in constant communication with us to ensure our satisfaction with the services being implemented. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 278 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 While staffing has been extremely challenging during the current labor shortage, NaphCare has a strong recruit for employee recruitment and retention and has been extremely effective in meeting our staffing needs. 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Y/N NaphCare has been a dedicated partner to Fulton County from day one, providing exceptional healthcare services and working with us to grow our programs to meet the needs of our inmate population. We have been very satisfied with their services. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 279 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Federal Bureau of Prisons Phone Number 602-506-1070 Address 234 N. Central Ave, Suite 5000 Entity Contact Name Teresa Kennon, Section Chief Contract Start Date 5+5 12/2003 Number of Inmate’s served Email Address City/State Phoenix, AZ Contract Term 5,000+ Zip 85004 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. The Maricopa County reference policy is to only provide relevant contract information of a general nature without commenting specifically on the performance of the vendor. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. Provides Maricopa County Correctional Health Services (CHS) with an integrated Electronic Health Record Management System: EMR. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes, milestones were provided. The Maricopa County reference policy is to only provide relevant contract information of a general nature without commenting specifically on the performance of the vendor. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 280 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 N/A - TechCare EHR Software Contract Only 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 Y/N 281 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Entity Contact Name Contract Start Date Contract Term Montana Department of Corrections Connie Winner, Administrator March 30, 2021 5+1,1,1,1,1 Phone Number Email Address Number of Inmate’s served 406-444-6580 4,500+ Address City/State Zip 5 S. Last Chance Gulch Helena, MT 59620 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. No. The MT Dept. of Corrections is still in the start-up phase of our EHR. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. Contract is to provide an integrated state-wide electronic health record for 4 main facilities which house all security levels consisting of 4500+ offenders. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes. At this time, testing, subject matter training, on-site end user training, Go Live and on-site support has occurred in a timely manner. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 282 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Yes. Contractor always had sufficient staff to answer questions, come on-site for training, and brought in a team for Go Live week. 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Y/N Great company to work with and staff have found EHR easy to learn. Company is very responsive and their staff is always very professional and knowledgeable. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 283 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Entity Contact Name Contract Start Date Contract Term New Hampshire Department of Corrections Helen Hanks 1/14/2016 2016-Present Phone Number Email Address Number of Inmate’s served 3,200 603-271-5603 Address City/State Zip 105 Pleasant Street, PO Box 1806 Concord, New Hampshire 03302 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. Yes and we continue with great support and resource at this time. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. Electronic Health Record used across 3 prisons, 1 Transitional Work Center, 1 psychiatric facility, and 3 THU. All custody levels and disciplines including dental. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes and Yes. The direct training resources were critical to a successful roll out. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 284 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Yes. 100% 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 Y/N 285 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare Offerors shall provide at least three (3) client references within the last five (5) years for contracts they held that replicate or mirror the requirements of this RFP. It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the references from each entity. References should be submitted with the Offerors proposal response. Company Name Maricopa County Correctional Health Services Phone Number 602-506-1070 Address 234 N. Central Ave, Suite 5000 Entity Contact Name Cody Johnson Contract Start Date May 1, 2012 Phoenix, AZ 5+5 Number of Inmate’s served Email Address City/State Contract Term 5,000+ Zip 85004 Answers should be specific to the vendor’s performance and ability to comply with the contract requirements. 1. Did the Contractor fulfill the total contract term? If no, please identify why. The Maricopa County reference policy is to only provide relevant contract information of a general nature without commenting specifically on the performance of the vendor. 2. Please provide a brief description of the scope of services for the above referenced Contract(s) including the type, size and security level of the populations served. Provides Maricopa County Correctional Health Services (CHS) with an integrated Electronic Health Record Management System: EMR. 3. Did the Contractor provide a milestone chart? Did the Contractor meet the time frames in the milestone chart? If no please provide information on what areas did not meet. Yes, milestones were provided. The Maricopa County reference policy is to only provide relevant contract information of a general nature without commenting specifically on the performance of the vendor. 4. Was the Contractor able to provide sufficient staffing? If no please explain Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 286 Solicitation Amendment No. 18 Attachment 11: Experience and References Solicitation No. BPM003905 Inmate Correctional Healthcare State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry Procurement Services 1645 W Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 N/A - TechCare EHR Software Contract Only 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 signifying the highest score, please rate the following questions: 5.1. Rate ability to meet contracted task 1 2 3 4 5 5.2. Quality of service. 1 2 3 4 5 5.3. Experience, qualifications of staff. 1 2 3 4 5 5.4. Ability to meet stated time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 5.5. Adhere to time frame for startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.6. Fully staffed at startup. 1 2 3 4 5 5.7. Rate cooperation level when implementing changes. 1 2 3 4 5 5.8. Did the Contractor’s ability to resolve any and all deficiencies during the term of this contract meet your company’s satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5 5.9. Have you had a Corrective Action? How satisfied were you with the response and implementation? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall satisfaction on performance. 1 2 3 4 5 5.10. Y/N Attachment 11: Experience and References ADCRR Tracking No. 22-036-32 287 Fee Schedule Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 288 Fee Schedule Offeror shall complete the Fee Schedule (Attachment 8 PIPD Fee Schedule) and submit with their offer in APP. NaphCare has included the Fee Schedule (Attachment 8 PIPD Fee Schedule) following this section per RFP requirements. 1.24 FEE SCHEDULE 1.24.1 Offeror shall complete Attachment 8, Fee Schedule; and include it in the Offer. In the APP system, please fill in the Per Inmate per Day Cost under the Items tab. The detailed pricing shall be listed in Attachment 8, Fee Schedule. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. 1.24.2 The Department shall not compensate the Contractor for mileage or for per diem rates and lodging expenses associated with any travel. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. 1.24.3 If proposing to increase on‐site infirmary beds, clearly identify the amount required to fund capital construction on line 7.5 on Attachment 8, Fee Schedule and note any reduction due to savings for having additional on‐site facility capacity on line 3.1.1 on Attachment 8, Fee Schedule. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. 1.24.4 Offerors are required to provide a fixed per inmate per day rate that shall cover provision of ALL required services as pertains to the entire inmate population. The identified rate must include amortized costs as identified and requested herein. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. Attachment 8, Fee Schedule, and Attachment 9, Budget Narrative shall be included in the offer. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. Attachment 8 Fee Schedule follows this section per RFP requirements. Attachment 9 Budget Narrative is located under Tab per RFP requirements. 1.24.5 Each expense item’s daily cost, per inmate, per day, must be within the per inmate per day rate. If an expense item on the Fee Schedule is not applicable, put N/A in the space provided under “Daily Cost”. All expenses must be identified within the structure of this Fee Schedule. Complete the Budget Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 289 Narrative for each expense item to provide supporting detail. The Budget Narrative shall mirror the Fee Schedule. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. 1.24.6 Budget Narrative Instructions. Offerors are to provide written narratives for each cost item on the Fee Schedule. Offerors may computerize the Budget Narrative forms; however, format and content must remain unchanged. Be descriptive and provide the Department with enough detail to explain how the cost of the expense category was calculated. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. 1.24.7 Contract Payment Terms. Offerors shall indicate the prompt payment terms that they will offer to the State (for example: 2/10 Net 30; 2/15 Net 30, etc.) At a minimum, Offeror’s payment terms shall comply with the requirements of A.R.S. Titles 35 and 41, Net 30 days. NaphCare has read, understands, and shall comply with Sections and Subsections identified herein. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 290 Soliciation Amendment No 9 BPM003905 ATTACHMENT 8 ‐ PIPD FEE SCHEDULE PIPD Fee Schedule Breakdown of relative daily costs included in the rate: No. Title Medical 1 Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 1.1 Base Wages $8.530 1.2 Overtime $0.000 2 Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) 2.1 Employee medical plan $0.939 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan $0.000 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability $0.037 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) $0.122 2.5 Payroll taxes $0.691 2.6 Other $0.698 3 Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing $3.608 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing $0.000 4 Travel - In State 4.1 Travel - In State $0.000 5 Travel - Out of State 5.1 Out of State $0.000 6 Other Operating Expenses 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals $0.264 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis C $1.649 6.3 Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals $0.509 7 Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment $0.000 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction $0.000 8 Non-Capital Equipment 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment $0.000 9 Insurance 9.1 Commercial General Liability $0.000 9.2 Business Automobile Liability $0.000 9.3 Umbrella Liability $0.000 9.4 Professional Liability $0.000 10 Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing $0.000 10.2 Training $0.000 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals $0.000 10.4 Telecommunication and storage $0.000 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees $0.000 10.6 Maintenance and support $0.000 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination $0.000 11 Other 11.1 Claims $0.000 11.2 In-State Administration $0.000 11.3 Out-of-State Administration $0.000 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration $0.000 11.5 Profit $0.000 $0.000 Total fixed per inmate per day rate $17.047 Dental Per Inmate per Day (PIPD) Cost Pharmacy Mental Health Administration Total $0.946 $0.000 $0.239 $0.000 $2.936 $0.000 $0.562 $0.000 $13.213 $0.000 $0.087 $0.000 $0.003 $0.014 $0.064 $0.079 $0.052 $0.000 $0.002 $0.003 $0.021 $0.020 $0.263 $0.000 $0.011 $0.042 $0.230 $0.245 $0.108 $0.000 $0.004 $0.008 $0.048 $0.047 $1.448 $0.000 $0.056 $0.189 $1.054 $1.090 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.024 $3.608 $0.024 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.060 $0.060 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.048 $0.048 $0.025 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.658 $0.000 $0.000 $0.285 $0.000 $0.289 $2.592 $0.509 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.048 $0.000 $0.048 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.028 $0.028 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $1.192 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $1.192 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.340 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.340 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.087 $0.198 $0.588 $1.296 $0.998 $0.000 $0.087 $0.198 $0.588 $1.296 $0.998 $0.000 $1.219 $0.337 $4.384 $5.967 $28.953 Estimated Inmate Average Daily Population (ADP): FY 2021 = 27,437 291 Budget Narrative Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry INMATE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE Solicitation No. BPM003905 292 Budget Narrative Offeror shall complete the Budget Narrative (Attachment 9) and submit with their offer in APP. NaphCare has included the required Budget Narrative (Attachment 9) following this page per RFP requirements. Solicitation No. BPM003905 State of Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry 293 SOLICITATION NO. BPM003905 ATTACHMENT 9 Please refer to Section 1.23 for instructions. Budget Narrative No. 1 2 Title Employee Personal Services - Direct Care 1.1 Base Wages Cost of salaries for direct labor personnel based on Solicitation Amendment No. 12, Exhibit 24, Minimum Required Staffing Plan. 1.2 Overtime No overtime budgeted. Employer Related Expenditures for Employees - Direct Care (employer paid) 2.1 Employee medical plan Cost of employer provided health care plan. 2.2 Employee dental and vision plan Included in Section 2.1. Cost of employer provided life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment plans. Cost of company match for employee 401K contributions. Employer match of Social Security and Medicare, Federal and State Unemployment, Worker's Compensation Cost of paid time off. 2.3 Employee life insurance and disability 2.4 Employee retirement (example: 401K) 2.5 Payroll taxes 2.6 Other 3 4 Professional and Outside Services - Direct Care 3.1 Professional and Outside Services - Non Staffing Cost of off-site inpatient stays, outpatients visits, emergency room visits, laboratory services, EKG, mammography, optometry, ambulance, dialysis radiology services. Utilized stats provided in previous solicitation and historical experience. 3.2 Professional and Outside Services - Staffing Cost of officer time to transport patients not treated in secure unit based on Soliciation Section Travel - In State 4.1 Travel - In State 5 Travel - Out of State 6 Other Operating Expenses 5.1 Out of State 7 8 10 Cost of travel in the state by Arizona office personnel. Cost of travel by those based outside of Arizona. 6.1 Other Operating Expenses excluding Pharmaceuticals Cost of medical supplies, dental supplies and waste disposal. Increased cost due to pandemic. 6.2 Pharmaceuticals, excluding Hepatitis C Cost of pharmaceuticals including HIV (based on data provided in Solicitation Amendment No 10, Answer No 36). 6.3 Hepatitis C pharmaceuticals $5.1 million cap. Capital Equipment 7.1 Capital Equipment Cost of computers, office furniture, telemedicine equipment, and medical equipment where cost is in excess of $500. 7.2 Building Improvement/Construction No capital improvements budgeted. Non-Capital Equipment 8.1 Non-Capital Equipment 9 Detailed Narrative Explanation Cost of computers, office furniture, telemedicine equipment, and medical equipment where cost is in excess of $500. Leased equipment (copiers). Insurance 9.1 Commercial General Liability Cost of insurance provided. 9.2 Business Automobile Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. 9.3 Umbrella Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. 9.4 Professional Liability Cost included in 9.1 above. Electronic Health Records 10.1 Staffing Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.2 Training Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.3 Hardware, software and peripherals Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.4 Telecommunication and storage Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 10.5 Licensing, user agreements and other associated fees License fee of EHR. 10.6 Maintenance and support Included in Licensing fee, Section 10.5. 294 11 10.7 EHR transition and Contract termination Cost included in sections above. 11.1 Claims Cost of claims adjudication and processing personnel. 11.2 In-State Administration Cost of Arizona state office including rent and utilities. Cost of contract start up, payroll processing, performance bond, legal/professional fees. Cost of corporate staff support including human resources, recruiting, accounting, operations. Margin before taxes. Other 11.3 Out-of-State Administration 11.4 Corporate Overhead and Administration 11.5 Profit 295