Attorney General Holder Memo Re Federal Prison Industries 2010
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®If;" of Ibe i!lttornep <!lieneral Wasbmgton, P ,([. 20530 October 1 4, 2010 MEMORAND Ul'o.l FOR HEADS OF DEPARTMENT CO:-'IPO:-;'ENTS FROM: SUBJECT: TIIEAlTOR.t"EYGENERAL ' " • .)~ " ' - ; ..... Federal Prison Industries The purpose oflhis memorandum is to express my strong support for the Federal Prison Industries program (FP! or trade name Ul\'ICOR). an important Justice Department program. I ask you \0 support this critical program by encouraging your stafTlo purchase FPl products and services to the greatest extent practicable in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR),I Through the outstanding work oflhc investigating and prosecuting components of the Departmem. we yield thousands of successful cases each year. rcsulling in continued gTO\\1h of the federal prison population. OUT responsibility 10 society docs not end .... hen the prison gates dose. however. For the more than 37.500 people who work in our fedeml prisons around the country. that is when the work begins. All of us in the Department of Justice are comm ined to supporting prison programs. for we all have a stake in the outcome. We must help offenders change the course of their lives such that they leal'e prison with a commitment to becoming ]a,,abiding. tax-paying members of our community. and with knowledge and skills that will support that objC\:tile. The bonom line is that Federal ?rison Industries is an integral part of our efforts to keep Americans safe. As an initial malter, FPI is a critical component of the Department's reentry efforts. FPI provides job skills training to inmates confined in our fedcral prisons around the country through the production of market -quality goods and services _ Research has demonstmtcd that inmates who participate in FPI are 24 percentles> likely to commit crimes and 14 percent more likely to be employed after release, when compared to similar inmates without FPI e.~perience _ Additionally. FPI is vital to the safety and sC\:urity of federal prisons: by keeping a large number of inmates constructil'ely occupied. FPI reduces inmate idleness and the violence and disruption that often accompanies such inactivity. FPI helps make prisons safer for both staff and inmates, Finally. beyond helping the Department with reentry and prison management. FP! supports the Department's efforts by purchasing 54 percent of its raw materials from businesses o\\T1ed by women. minorities. and those who are disadvantaged. ISU 18 U.S.c. § 4 121 eI seq.; Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 8.6. MtomOffindum for Heads ofDepartmtont Components Page 2 FPI relies on agencies and departments in the federal government to buy their products. thereby allowing this wholly-<Jwned government corporation to operate in a self-sustaining manner. In recent months, as a result of a drop in sales \0 federal agcncies. FPI has been fOKed \0 close factories. displacing hundreds of civilian workers. and reducing the impact of one of the Department's most important correctional programs. We need your help 10 pren'nt an} further erosion orthe program. J am asking, ~;~~~~: h~~ review F?l's extell5i\,e catalog which is available 0 tonsure that your procurement to il allachcd summary sheet highlights the "arious product lines Industries. Thank you "ery much for )our support and services. I in order to possible. The through Federal Prison