BACA Letter Re Approval of Agreement Between LASD and Amer-I-Can Foundation, July 29, 2008
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QInuntl! nf 1lins i\ng£les ~heriff511eparlment 1l=Ieartquarler5 470.0 ]Ramona l6I.oulenarb- ..:ffiontere1! 'ark, <!Ialifomia !l1754-Z1li!l LEROY D. SAC A, SHERIFF" July 29,2008 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: APPROVE AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO TO AGREEMENT NUMBER 27101 WITH THE AMER-I-CAN FOUNDATION TO PROVIDE DISTURBANCE MEDIATION TRAINING SERVICES (ALL DISTRICTS) (3 VOTES) SUBJECT Approve an Amendment to extend the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department's (Department) Agreement with the Amer-I-Can Foundation. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD: Approve and instruct the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign and execute the attached Amendment Number Two (Amendment Two) to Agreement Number 27101 (Agreement) with the Amer-I-Can Foundation (Amer-I-Can) to extend the Agreement term for one year following the current expiration date of August 20, 2008. PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION The purpose of this recommended action is to allow Amer-I-Can to continue to provide recurring disturbance mediation training classes in the County jails under Agreement Number 27101, which began August 21,2006. The Department is responsible for ensuring the safety of each inmate who enters the jail system. The transient nature of inmates in the jail system necessitates the existence of an aggressive disturbance mediation training program. Amer-I-Can has been successful in implementing and maintaining the current training program. Inmates !71 7radtfion oj cService The Honorable Board of Supervisors July 29, 2008 Page 2 are constantly entering and exiting the jail system, which creates a burden on Department staff to maintain security to resident inmates and staff. Amendment Two will enable Amer-I-Can to continue providing recurring disturbance mediation training classes to male inmates housed primarily at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF). Amer-I-Can's goal is to assist the Department in reducing racial and gang-motivated jail violence. The program is structured to demonstrate to the Department that inmates attending such classes will be less likely to become involved in racially or gang-related jail violence. Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals Amendment Two supports the County's Strategic Goals for Service Excellence. Specifically, the proposed Amendment allows Amer-I-Can to continue to provide disturbance mediation training to male inmates. FISCAL IMPACT/FINANCING This contract is funded by the Inmate Welfare Fund. The maximum annual contract sum is not to exceed $300,000 for each twelve (12) month period effective August 21,2006. The total maximum contract sum is $1.5 million. FACTS AND PROVISIONS/LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Department has jail facilities located throughout Los Angeles County. On average, the Department houses 18,300 male inmates on a daily basis, 4,200 of whom are housed at NCCF. The average length of stay for inmates in the County jail system is 45 days. Approximately 150,000 male inmates enter and leave the correctional system on an annual basis. During incarceration, educational classes, alcohol and drug prevention programs, life skills programs, and other services are offered to provide inmates an opportunity to rehabilitate and/or gain awareness towards living a better life. Under Amendment Two, training classes will continue to be administered in a classroom setting to adult male inmates housed primarily at NCCF or any other County jail facility at the discretion of the Sheriff. The Honorable Board of Supervisors July 29, 2008 Page 3 On February 21, 2006, your Board instructed the Department to return to the Board for annual contract renewals. Your Board also instructed the Auditor-Controller in conjunction with the Sheriff to undertake the monitoring of this contract through its first year of implementation. A complete audit report from the Auditor-Controller was sent to your Board on July 3, 2007, in which the Auditor reported that there exists no deficiencies in the Department's administration of the Agreement and that Amer-I-Can has fully complied with its obligations to provide the services outlined in the Statement of Work. The Department's administration and monitoring efforts of this Agreement continue without interruption. A Department audit of the contract, completed on June 4, 2008, revealed that Amer-I-Can is in compliance with all contract work and administrative req uirements. This Agreement is in compliance with all Board, Chief Executive Office, and County Counsel requirements and has been approved as to form by County Counsel. The Department is requesting that your Board execute Amendment Two. CONTRACTING PROCESS On February 21,2006, the Department requested authorization from your Board to enter into an Agreement with Amer-I-Can. The contract was executed on August 21, 2006. IMPACT ON CURRE_NT SERVICES (OR PROJECTS) There will be no negative impact on current Department operations and services. CONCLUSION Upon approval by your Board, please return two (2) adopted copies of this action to the Department's Contracts Unit. Sincerely, \\ '---/;/ .---/(' \)(LQQ "~L-O-LEROY D. BACA SHERIFF AMENDMENT No.2 to AGREEMENT No. 27101 BY AND BETWEEN THE AMER·I·CAN FOUNDATION AND THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF DISTURBANCE MEDIATION TRAINING SERVICES This Amendment Number 2 ("Amendment") is entered into by and between the County of Los Angeles (hereinafter "COUNTY") and the Amer-I-Can Foundation (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR"). effective August 21, 2008. based on the following recitals: A. WHEREAS the Agreement currently expires on August 20, 2008; and B. WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors is authorized to execute contract amendments and extensions to this Agreement; and C. WHEREAS. COUNTY AND CONTRACTOR desire to exercise the second annual extension option and extend this Agreement beyond the current expiration date of August 20, 2008, for one (1) year. NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the foregoing recitals. all of which are incorporated as part of this AGREEMENT, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR hereby further agree as follows: I. The AGREEMENT shall be extended for an additional period of one (1) year, through and including August 20. 2009. Except as expressly provided in this Amendment Number 2. and all other fUlly executed Amendments and Change Notices. all other provisions and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall remain the same and in full force and effect. CONTRACTOR and the person executing the Amendment on behalf of CONTRACTOR hereby represent and warrant that the person executing this Amendment Number 2 for CONTRACTOR is an authorized agent who has actual authority to bind CONTRACTOR to each and every item. condition. and obligation of the AGREEMENT and that all requirements of CONTRACTOR have been fulfilled to provide such actual authority. 50 JULY 29, 2008 AMENDMENT No.2 to AGREEMENT No. 27101 BY AND BElWEEN THE AMER~-CAN FOUNDATION AND THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF DISTURBANCE MEDIATION TRAINING SERVICES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has caused this AMENDMENT Number 2 to be executed on its behalf by its duly authorized officers. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By I hereby certify that pursu~nt to Section 25103 of the Govemment Code. de~very of this document has been rnaae. ATIEST: SACHI A. HAMAl Executive Officer Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors SACHI A. HAMAl Executive Officer Board of Supervisors Clerk of By-..2::¥~:===:::::_ By Deputy The Amer~-Can Foundation a .~ .'z':-~h.~-<1-~~!C::=' Contractor Signed: Printed: ~ Hie: APPROVED AS TO FORM: RAYMOND G. FORTNER, JR. County Counsel Byif~ Principal Deputy County Counsel 50 JULY 29, 2008 C',baltrro.,., ADOPTED SOARD OF SUPERVISQfl~ CQlJNTV OF LOS >"I"-'~-